#Rusty rants
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rustic-space-fiddle · 5 months ago
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so anyway this scene almost had me in a 6 car pileup on the highway (edit: literally forgot a panel)
been struggling to find the drive to draw for fun and EPIC is slowly reigniting that drive so thanks Mr jalapeño
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tranzombie · 1 year ago
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happy patrick titty pic day
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marsipain · 6 months ago
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Norwegian Mikus :)
Left is Miku as a russ and right is Miku in a bunad!
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rustic-space-fiddle · 10 months ago
Well dang O.o evidence is irrefutable
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depresso-mart1ni · 5 months ago
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spoonsbutbetter · 9 months ago
does anyone want a latin translation of the Jurgen Leitner rant
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twingeof-cosmic-angst · 1 year ago
No amount of people talking about Ian and Barbara truly prepares you for how fucking CUTE they are. Like truly the couple of all time. Just finished The Romans, and they are everything to me, your honor. Bitches in the 1960s creating a better slowburn then most TV couples today. the fridge scenes... they're so adorable...
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s3znl-gr3znl · 1 year ago
AC6 is such a wonderful emotional experience. The whole game for your first playthrough is heehee hoohoo look at all these cool characters!!! Are they all so fun and quirky and unique and interesting???
Now kill them. Do your job and pull the fuckin trigger, dog.
I vividly remember fighting back tears for the whole ending arc of Fires of Raven. I lost so many friends, some at my own hands. I didn't know. I didn't know it would come to this. Im so sorry, everyone. By the time i realized the path i was on, it was too late to save any of you.
Then you do it all again in NG+. Try to be better, make more thoughtful decisions, and fight the right people. Only to find you're still pointing your guns at the people you love.
So you go again, numb to the loss but still desperate for another way.
Only this time, you truly lose everyone. No one you care about survives the Coral Release.
But maybe it's for the best. Maybe you could push forward and build something new on the bones of everyone you sacrificed.
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tommysparker · 15 days ago
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happy leitner death day🎉
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bermudarhombus2 · 7 months ago
in the artkives, straight up "jurging it". and by "it", haha, well. let's justr say. my leitners
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rustic-space-fiddle · 11 months ago
Bruh I’m so dumb but I just realized the reason Murphy is always the one making pop-culture wisecracks is because he was trapped in the lighthouse bunker for like 3 months and had nothing to do but listen to tunes and binge old movies/books.
I was like “how tf does this man know what a hobbit is” nvm he definitely just marathoned LOTR and cried while eating stale biscuits and wearing a blanket like an elven cloak.
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tranzombie · 1 year ago
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me and my mutuals
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daughter-of-prospero · 2 years ago
Jonah Rant
Someone on Youtube reminded me that I rage-typed an essay-length tirade about Jonah Magnus and his status as a certified Bastard Man right after the finale. They asked if there was a chance they could see it, which was a good question because did I even still have it? Turns out: Yes! It’s evidently been chilling in Onedrive for ~2 years. So for those who wish, my thoughts regarding that awful little man are below.
Spoilers for The Magnus Archives.
I went into the finale fully ready to not hear from Jonah again. I thought ‘oh, cosmic horror, as important as he thinks he is, he’s inconsequential and John just zaps him with eye lasers or something’. I didn’t want it per se, but I thought it was plausible.
But no. Oh no. Jonah Magnus speaks again, and he hasn’t been around for all of season 5. We heard him on a recording and we heard him chanting in the background and also all distorted in a job interview flashback, but there has been no actual uncompelled words being spoken by Jonah Magnus in real time since 159.
Yes he wrote the incantation but, rather crucially, he did not read it.
I binged TMA right as it got up to the season 4 finale. I got through season 1 in one day, and season 2 the next, and then got through three and four in the days after that. I caught up just in time for 160 to drop.
So I, foolish, naïve baby that I was, had over a year to forget what this character actually sounded like, and just how much of a slimy, insufferable fucker Jonah Magnus is. Was. Bitch.
I’ve gone into this elsewhere so I won’t belabor it but one of the reasons I’m so viscerally miffed by him is because of every human character in this podcast, he is the only one that is never shown sympathetically. I’m not counting Nikola Orsinov, or NotThems, or other manifestations of the Entities. I mean of the human, or avatar-human characters he is the least grey. Morality in this show is complex and tough to think about in my brain and one of the great ways it does this is through having really layered characters with motivations that are, at least a little, understandable. Jude Perry was a violent, sadistic lady...she was also devoted to Agnes and in some ways I think you could argue they were each other’s only links to humanity until what’s-his-name came along. Coffee shop Himbo guy. Peter Lukas is a misanthrope to the max who will send people into a nether realm if they so much as look at him wrong – which is to say, look at him at all. He was also raised to know nothing but loneliness, and pursuing it was kind of the only way he ever got some sort of approval. Which also manifested as more distance.
We get these little nuggets of what brought a villain where they are now, and we certainly don’t have to excuse them, but we have some context. We have some understanding that there is humanity in there, and that understanding makes them all the more unsettling.
Not fuckin’ Jonah.
What do we know about him? He’s a couple centuries old. Great. He found out about the powers, was drawn to the eye, and decided to start body-hopping to cheat death. He’s been doing this for ages. He tried a ritual and it failed. He took his time then, plotting and planning, and being smug, and finally arriving at a hypothesis that had a lot of credence to it. Everything fell into place, he was right, its all or nothing with the entities but the Eye rules because it opened the door (or WHATEVER).
So his big motivator is he doesn’t want to die.
And you know what, this is super understandable. We don’t know what his childhood was like (Jesus, can you imagine him in a little powder wig, climbing a tree to get a high vantage point to spy on people and get blackmail on them?), but fear of death is almost universal.
And of all the billions of people on this planet, I cannot help but notice that we are not thwarting narcissistic necromancers every fifteen minutes. Because the world would have fucking exploded a long, long time ago if we had more Jonahs in it. i.e. the people who would make aggressive selfishness a full-time occupation.
There’s a sort of cocktail of shit that makes him a memorable baddie not the least of which is that he never even attempts to justify his abhorrent actions. He’s not lying to himself, or anyone else, he’s not serving a cult, or a bunch of worms. He’s in it for himself, and if he has to stack the corpses of every living thing on the planet to reach immortality he’ll fucking do it without hesitation. Couple that with his manipulations, his merciless psychological torture, and a low, smooth voice that is always so infuriatingly composed and you have a Hell of a villain.
(I maintain that one of the reasons he’s so effective is that he enunciates so carefully. He doesn’t run words together, or mumble, he never really raises his voice, he is always in control, and everything is a flex right down to the articulation. I feel like we associate crisp, clear speech with formality, presidential addresses, or theater, things like that. Where you know what you are going to say and so the recitation is more confident. We hear this happen in statements, to a certain extent, but there’s still a lot of emotional range. For 199 episodes we never heard Jonah lose this pointed, smarmy tone. People don’t talk so formally in life, or when they’re talking on the podcast. There is something unsettling and intimidating about hearing such clear and confident speech all the time. It sounds like he knows exactly what to say in any situation. It sounds like he is utterly confident in every word that leaves his mouth. It sounds like he’s in a scene and no one else got the script but him. Because that is kinda what’s going on. At the very least, he thinks that’s what’s going on)
When he drops from wherever he’s suspended in the panopticon, he, you know, sort of makes a noise because that’s gotta be jarring. And we for once, for once, for fucking ONCE hear him even vaguely uncertain. And stupido io, I thought he was finally brought low and we might get a tantrum or something.
But no. Jonah Magnus has a lot of lost time to make up for, it’s been 20 eps since he’s been able to serenade everyone with his unique brand of horny arrogance. This motherfucker has exactly a millisecond of confusion and grogginess before “I was having the most...wonderful dream”. You can hear him edging.
And he’s kiiiiind of surprised to see John by himself with a knife, but still, so blasé, so, ‘oh, is that all?’ He’s a liiiiitle regretful to hear it’s over, but immediately heads into waxing rhapsodic about seeing a thousand lifetimes and the rapture of infinite sight and suffering and other Hellraiser shit when John speaks for all of us and tells him to shut up. Yet another reason to respect him.
And John has a lovely little catharsis where he gets to tell this orchestrator of his despair that Jonah has failed because the Things that Jonah is so devoted to will die a slow death. How long has he been waiting to say that, do you think? I mean at this point there’s nothing that could do what he’s probably feeling justice but he says it himself he gets some satisfaction from “knowing that I’ll be leaving these things that you serve trapped and starving in their own private hell.”
And all Jonah has to say is: “That we serve.” To the bitter, bitter end he is determined to just...okay I was gonna say twist the knife but that seems a bit tasteless now...determined to cause even more hurt. He cannot resist, it’s kind of all he knows. He is at the edge of a cliff and taunting the person that’s about to push him off of it.
And if you ever need a posterchild for ‘hubris’ just pull up a sound clip of Jonah Magnus. He tries to play the old ‘alright, playtime’s over,’ card, brushing the dust and what-the-fuck-ever else off his suit and manipulate John again. He has the...not even audacity, he’s looped back around from being semi-omniscient, to being so confident in that omniscience he thinks he knows everything and therefore acts way more stupidly than someone without that surety. He is enough of a dipshit to try and say to John “we both know you don’t have it in you”.
Motherfucker, what have you been doing for this entire season? What have you been doing this entire show? You have purposefully created someone who has withstood the brunt of every entity and come out more or less intact. You purposefully guided him into honing his powers, and put him in a position where he has nothing to lose. Well, Martin, but Jonah can’t do anything about that. Not anymore. Because the one person who can protect Martin is coincidentally the same person who can, will, and reeeeeally wants to Kill Jonah.
“King of a ruined world and I shall never die” my ass. King? Really? You were a placeholder, my dude. The Eye didn’t give a fuck that you were at the top of the panopticon and it didn’t give a fuck when John pulled you out of it. You said it yourself, dipshit. You might have started the archives, but John IS the archives. He is the only person more powerful than Jonah and Jonah, of all people, should know this. Especially considering you could presumably see John cutting through the domains, dishing out biblical vengeance, on a warpath for your tower.
So of course, he decides to antagonize John even more if that is even possible by telling him they both know he can’t do it.
And John fucking punches him and it’s great. Extended sounds of brutal ass whooping, please and thank you.
And then we get one of two lines that sums up Jonah Magnus for me.
“P-please John, I don’t want to die”.
This guy. Who dedicated his several lives to ruling the world and feeding on everyone else’s pain. Who has committed atrocities that numerous to count and too horrible to name. Who is being confronted by the direct target of his machinations and who, I think it’s safe to say, hates him more than anyone or anything else in existence. Has the absolute fucking nerve to go “but I’m scared :(”
When he went ‘I don’t want to die’ I actually said to literally no one because I was alone in my room “HA, Fuck you.”
John puts it a bit more eloquently. “Neither did they”. Beautiful. And then he’s gutted like the repulsive little fish he is.
The second line that sums up this insufferable megalomaniac is a little earlier. It’s casual, neither of them makes a point of it. Maybe because it’s a little redundant. “Empathy only holds you back in the end”.
I don’t want to die, and Empathy only holds you back in the end.
I mean, that’s the thesis statement of the shit-eating essay that is Jonah Magnus.
He’s so far beyond regret, or anything that isn’t 100% self-motivated he cannot perceive that perhaps John will have maybe, I don’t know, changed a bit. Gotten used to horror. Killed. He cannot fathom anything outside the tower as more than a food source. He is so used to seeing people as pawns he dies not actually understanding why John killed him. “Good luck” are his last lines.
First of all, the direction is ‘wetly’ and on the one hand I know what that means, but on the other, I cannot think of a more fitting adjective to end on with this guy.
Second of all, the ambiguity of how sincere he is or isn’t being is enraging, and so classic and I hate him, which is to say fucking excellent job of writing and acting both.
He goes to his grave thinking John’s making a power grab. He cannot conceive of any other reason for John doing what he’s doing. They’re opposite ends of the spectrum. One who can think of no one but himself, and one who will sacrifice himself because he’s thinking of everyone else. You know how matter can’t be created or destroyed? I think guilt might be the same way. And Jonah found a handy receptacle for all the guilt he doesn’t have time for and that receptacle is named Jonathan Sims head Archivist of The Magnus Institute.
What a good villain. What an infuriatingly mellifluous bitch. The thinks he’s King of the World, he thinks he’s going to get such special treatment, he thinks consequences apply to everyone but him, he thinks this is a game he can win when he doesn’t even know what the fuck he’s playing.
As much as he looked at John and went “perfect, an insecure idiot”, the Web looked at him and went “perfect, a pompous ass”. He wanted to live forever, but now he’s dead. And he doesn’t even get to live on in memory. No one knew he was up there. No one remembered Elias, let alone Jonah. You think Georgie, Melanie, Rosie, and Basira are going to tell the world about him? What would be the point?
Congratulations, Jonah. You tried to ensure your immortality and ended up ensuring that you died both literally and figuratively. Before it got yeeted into another dimension The End must have had a fucking Field Day the second his heart stopped beating.
What a bastard. What an unfathomable bastard. Like he really thought this would all work out for him, that he was the most Important Thing in the world when, at best, at best he was a glorified fucking contact lens.
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gre4zerz · 7 months ago
Rusty-James (post-book) runs into a gang after he leaves Steve to do some thinking. The gang starts trying to tick Rusty-James off, they succeed, and the gang absolutely crushes him. Rusty-James, nearly beaten to death, finds a bottle and stabs the guy on top of him right in the stomach. That guy is now dead with a lot of witnesses.
Trying not to get caught for murdering a guy he goes to someone to help, Curly Shepard (idk why, it just makes sense to me. Curly's also like eighteen-ish around the time of Rumble Fish). Curly agrees to help Rusty-James and takes him inside since he's covered in blood.
Now Pony's there with Curly hanging out because he had nothing better to do. And Rusty-James walks in and Pony's PTSD kicks in. He can't help but make the connection between Rusty-James' situation and his and Johnny's. What makes it worse is that Rusty-James reminds him of Dallas. Just his whole demeanor screams Dallas Winston to Pony.
Pony and Curly send Rusty-James off with new clothes, a hideout, and fifty dollars... and Pony prays that things will work out this time.
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cynnaminstyx · 7 months ago
I am about to stim the fuck out about Armored Core 6 because I just finished Alea Iacta Est after 72 hours of playtime.
This game is a fucking masterpiece and I don't see nearly enough appreciation for this Gundam x Dark Souls piece of perfection. The gameplay: peak. The characters: peak. The agony of dying for an hour straight in the reactor: peak.
There is not enough love for this game from both the Devs and the wider gaming world. If you've heard of it and want a challenge: get it, it's worth however much you pay.
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marithefriendlyghost · 8 months ago
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mari draws fanart??? crazy stuff,,,,
anyway! have a pam :) (psttt go play pyre!!!)
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