#tom whitmore
secretagent528 · 10 months
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my brain has been full of them for 2 months 🫠
if you too love them, check out my recent fanfic 👀
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justicesocietyzine · 7 months
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Another meme but this time with the 07 kiddos!
Zine applications open till March 16th! Artist and writers needed!
Apply here!
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dailyjsa · 5 months
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JSA vs. Kobra #5
Writer: Eric Trautmann
Artists: Don Kramer and Neil Edwards
Inker: Michael Babinski
Colors: Art Lyon
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smallcloisville · 6 months
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Some blue screencaps I took of one of my favorite ep💙
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wwprice1 · 2 years
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Captain Marvel/Shazam by Tom Grummett, Brett Breeding, and Glenn Whitmore.
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balu8 · 1 year
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Adventures of Superman #497: Under Fire
by Jerry Ordway (W.); Tom Grummett (P.); Doug Hazlewood (I.); Albert DeGuzman (L.)
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comicbooksaregood · 4 months
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Adventures of Superman
Volume: 1
Issue: 497
Under Fire
Writers: Jerry Ordway
Pencils: Tom Grummett
Inks: Doug Hazlewood
Colours: Glenn Whitmore
Covers: : Tom Grummett
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corner-stories · 1 year
a new york state of mind
Bart Allen. Jesse Chambers. Grant Emerson. Lower Manhattan. New Beginnings. Winged Helms. 3358 words. (ao3.)
With only a duffle bag and a backpack on his person, Bart Allen tried not to look like a tourist as he navigated the streets of Lower Manhattan. 
It was overwhelming to be around so many new things. Nearly every store or cafe he saw was unfamiliar, yet intriguing, like every door could lead to something new.
It seemed that every person he walked past was just looking for a place to be. On one street corner Bart passed a woman talking on her phone in the thickest Brooklyn accent he had ever heard, and on another was a jazz band unloading an ungodly amount of instrument cases from a single yellow taxi. 
And to Bart’s surprise, he had only been in New York for a few minutes and not yet did someone act like spending three thousand dollars on rent counted as a personality trait.
The hustle and bustle of the city made both Keystone and Central look boringly tame, but in his twenty odd years of life he was used to this kind of chaos. As he walked forward he could feel a sense of anticipation building in his gut, something that would either fade away or remain with him during his tenure in the city. 
After a few moments of walking, Bart arrived at his location with his luggage in hand. In contrast to all the movies he had seen about a young person moving to New York, the anticipated place was not a theatre on Broadway, an esteemed private university, or even some shitty shoebox apartment in the East Village. 
Instead, Bart stood in front of the brownstone belonging to the Justice Society of America, a place that was several stories high and undoubtedly bigger on the inside. As the sounds of Lower Manhattan filled his ears, the feeling of anticipation in his gut got stronger and stronger. Suddenly, his grip around his duffle bag tightened. 
Before Bart’s mind could wander in a million different directions, the door of the brownstone burst open and out came one of the more… energetic supporters of his current career choice. 
Jesse Chambers was smiling from ear to ear as she skipped down the steps, then dashed over to approach the gangly, mopheaded Speedster on the street. 
“You made it!” Jesse cheered in a tone so bubbly that it caught Bart off guard. 
Who was she and what had she done with Jesse Chambers?
The blonde even hugged him, something that made Bart wonder if he had truly entered the Twilight Zone. 
“Whoa! Whoa! Nice to see you too, Jess!” he said, awkwardly hugging her back and patting her on the shoulder. 
Having a smiling Jesse hug him so hard that she lifted him off the ground was certainly a change of pace. He had heard that Jesse became as giddy as a schoolgirl when it came to matters of the Justice Society, but Bart didn’t think she got that giddy over it.
After a few seconds of utter glee, Jesse put him down and the expectant knot in Bart’s stomach had yet to go away. 
“How was the trip here? You all good? Got everything you need?” Jesse asked all at once. The fact that she wasn’t speaking at super speed was absolutely astounding. 
“Uh… yes, yes, and yes!” answered Bart, happily patting the duffle bag in his grasp. He gave her a smile and did his best to not act like he had only remembered to pack last night. “Got two weeks worth of shit all here.” 
There was a beat, then Bart refocused his gaze on the brownstone once more. Standing this close to the place reminded Bart that the choice he made was very tangible and real — no longer a mere idea he had kept in the back of his head for god knows how long. 
Bart sucked in a few uneasy breaths, then looked towards Jesse. The smile on her face had yet to fade away.
“I guess we should just head in then, huh?” he asked, realizing that he could no longer prolong the inevitable. 
Jesse gave him a nod. “You ready?”
For once in his life, Bart realized what it was like to look before one leapt. He took in one more slow breath, then said —
“...let’s fucking do this.”
Before he could take a single step, Jesse reached over and snagged both Bart’s duffle bag and backpack. 
“Too slow!” she teased, and to that Bart could only roll his eyes.
Entering the building reminded Bart of a day two years ago, a day where his choice to pursue higher education had led him far from the midwest. The halls of the brownstone were certainly less chaotic than a public university’s freshman dormitory, but they were no less capable of filling Bart with a sense of unease. 
But the good kind, the kind of discomfort associated with growth and new experiences. If he was on edge then so be it, because it signaled the start of something new. 
“I’m glad you’re doing this,” said Jesse as she led Bart through the main foyer.
In his peripherals Bart caught sight of an ominous, unfamiliar shadow on a wall. It turned out that knowing of Todd Rice’s status as the JSA’s security system did not make the eldritch blob on the wall any less startling. 
“Oh really?” replied Bart, keeping his eye on the dark splotch for a few seconds. “I couldn’t tell.”
Jesse guided Bart up a short flight of stairs. “No, I mean it — most college guys go to Daytona Beach or Cabo for spring break, but you’re here.” She turned back and gave him a grin that was just a bit softer than the ones before. “I’m proud of you.” 
Bart briefly avoided her gaze as they walked across the carpeted floor. “Well… it’s just for two weeks,” he decided to say, figuring that it was better than anything else inside of his head. “And it’s better than an unpaid internship.” 
Jesse rolled her eyes as Bart followed her. Truthfully, he was quite grateful that the JSA would compensate him for his time. The stipend may have been chump change in New York, but combined with the free accommodations and food it was absolutely plentiful.
As Jesse guided Bart through the hallways he would call home for the next two weeks, he got a glance of the world he was just dipping his toes into.
A handful of JSAers were present in the halls as the pair of Speedsters walked. Bart only knew them by their codenames and not their given ones, but hopefully he would learn them at one point.
Through a slightly ajar door he saw the ‘other other Wildcat’ unabashedly vaping in the privacy of his own room. Judging by the scent, Bart was immediately aware of what exact substance he was partaking in. Truth be told, he didn’t take the Pretty Boy Wildcat for the stoner type, but one learned something new every day. 
Also walking down the aisle was Doctor Mid-Nite in his signature costume, albeit with the cowl pulled down and a pair of dark glasses over his eyes. Unsurprisingly, the world’s greatest physician was holding two bagels and a mug of coffee in his hands. He proceeded to shuffle down the hallway with all the grace of a soggy wet owl. The Good Doctor was at least polite enough to mumble something that sounded like a greeting as he passed by the Speedsters. 
Through a doorway leading to a living area, Bart caught a glimpse of a handful of JSAers simply joking around. The one he recognized as Citizen Steel was napping on a metal sheet on the floor (for some reason) and the unholy trinity that was Stargirl, Cyclone, and Lightning were in a competition to see how many objects they could stack onto their teammate. Judging by the impressive Jenga Tower on Citizen Steel’s forehead, it was fair to say that Cyclone was in the lead.
After a few more moments of walking, Jesse finally brought Bart to a room at the end of the hall. 
She opened a door to bring him into a space only slightly bigger than his room at uni — somehow, it was just a little more welcoming. Instead of plain white, the walls were painted a dark brown. The one window was wide and the single bed in the corner was adorned with clean, freshly-pressed sheets — akin to what one would see in a hotel. There was even a desk and a fan in the corner. 
“It’s not our biggest room, but it does have a nice view,” Jesse explained as she placed Bart’s luggage on the bed. 
“It’s perfect,” the younger Speedster said, and he meant it in every way. He had only been in the room for a minute and he already decided that he would enjoy the next two weeks. 
Jesse gave him a softer smile, then went over to pull the curtains back. True to her word, the view outside was resplendent. From where they were they could see above the trees of Battery Park and all the way to the Statue of Liberty. 
It was certainly a better sight than what he had back at university, which included some trees and approximately one third of a building. 
As Bart took in the view of the partly cloudy day, Jesse pulled her phone out of her pocket and checked the screen. 
“Okay, so dinner’s served at seven-thirty, so you got some time to yourself,” she explained quickly. “Other than that, training with Wildcat starts tomorrow morning, so you should be good for today.”
Bart looked back to her and nodded his head. “Alright, thanks.” 
At this point of time he was still taking everything in, whether it be the unfamiliar scents or the sound of New York seeping in through the walls. He knew that eventually the noise of the streets would become so cordial that it could lull him to sleep, but for now he would need to get used to it. 
After stepping towards his bags on the bed, Bart began unpacking his things. Before Jesse could come over and help him, the pair of Speedsters heard a knock on the door.
Glancing over at the doorway, Bart and Jesse witnessed one of the JSAers gently pushing the door open, the one with S-Tier “himbo energy” and a pair of warm, kindly puppy-dog eyes.
“Hey, Jess?” asked Rick. With one arm he opened the door and with the other he held onto a restless toddler.
Little Johnny Tyler was rather perturbed as his father carried him into the room. His youthful face, while usually adorable, was twisted into a look of unease and wariness. Fortunately, the two-year-old was smart enough to recognize his mother standing close by and raised his arms up to reach for her. 
Fortunately, Rick was ever the doting father and carried his son over right away. 
“Hey, Bart,” said Rick to the younger Speedster, to which he received an awkward wave in return. The Man of the Hour then focused on his wife. “Sorry, Babe, he’s not going to sleep… again.”
Amused, Jesse rolled her eyes. “And in other news water makes things wet, come here.” 
Carefully, Jesse took her son from her husband. Little Johnny looked a bit more comfortable once he was in his mother’s arms, but only slightly.
“Hey, Mister Grumpy Pants, are you giving Daddy a hard time?” Jesse asked as she began bobbing up and down to comfort her son. 
Johnny babbled in response, which in Bart’s babysitting experience could either mean so much or nothing at all. As the little one began chewing on the sleeve of his Wonder Woman onesie, Jesse gave Bart an apologetic look. 
“Hey, you good here?” she asked. “Need anything else?”
Bart nodded quickly. “Don’t worry about it. Go on, take care of the little poop rocket, I’ll be fine!” 
As per usual, Jesse looked the slightest bit annoyed at Bart’s nickname for her flesh and blood, whereas Rick looked amused. 
“Okay,” Jesse said, reaching over to squeeze Bart’s shoulder. “See you at dinner.” 
With her slightly less grouchy son in her arms, Jesse exited the room. Before Rick followed, he gave Bart a polite nod and then closed the door behind him. 
Once Bart was alone there was not much to do but unpack. 
Unsurprisingly, the Speedster emptied his bag in a flash. In less than a second he placed everything where they needed to be, putting the clothes in the closet and his electronics on the desk. He even set up his gaming laptop and made sure that his mouse was properly plugged in. Afterall, he couldn’t possibly imagine two weeks without being yelled at by thirteen-year-olds in a game of Call of Duty. 
At the end of it all, Bart stood in the middle of the space and took everything in. The little room in New York instilled an unfamiliar sensation inside of him, one that left him with more questions than answers. 
Bart thought about what would happen during the next two weeks. Having spent the last two years as a full-time university student, his hero time was strictly limited to weekends and very rarely on weekdays. Even the Fastest Electrical Engineering Major Alive couldn’t be in two places at once, especially when Jesse was covering most of his tuition. 
As his train of thought began to flow, Bart also wondered just how long he could keep wearing his current colors. 
Despite managing to remain rather babyfaced in his early adulthood, Bart wasn’t sure if continuing to call himself ‘Kid Flash’ was the best idea. His growth spurt didn’t help either, as the former baby of the Flash Family had grown at least six inches during the summer between high school and university. 
On the bright side, he was close to overtaking Wally in terms of height. But on the not so bright side, it was becoming very difficult for Bart to keep imagining himself as ‘Kid Flash.’
Sometimes looking at himself reminded Bart just how much things had changed, that he was no longer the youthful boy who daydreamed during history class and always wished he could be somewhere else. 
Nowadays, he spent more time focusing on school and trying to be Bart Allen, something he had initially done on his family’s request. Unsurprisingly, he grew rather fond of modern education once he was studying something he was actually interested in. 
The next two weeks were his opportunity to put on a mask and be a speedster again. To what end he wasn’t entirely sure, but he was sure that he would find out eventually. 
With most of his things placed where they needed to be, Bart went to his duffle bag on the bed and rummaged around for anything he may have forgotten. 
Then at the bottom of his bag he found it. 
Sitting at the bottom was a helmet made of several metals. The main part of the contraption consisted of a circular dome, but on the sides were gold-colored wings welded firmly into place. 
He had made the helm a while ago with nothing particular in mind, a project that had come to fruition due to too many hours spent in the workshop of Titans Compound. He had begun tinkering with the scraps and junk he found lying around, most of it consisting of material S.T.A.R. Labs didn’t need anymore and dumped on the Titans.
Nonetheless, after playing around with the 3D-printer and a highly experimental nth metal titanium alloy someone just threw in the trash, Bart — in his own words — created a thing. 
He wasn’t entirely sure why he bothered to bring the helm with him, but there was something about the way it felt on his head that Bart couldn’t deny.
He couldn’t exactly describe it — perhaps… a fullness, a completeness, a feeling that such a winged helm on his head practically felt like a crown. Plus, busting out his half-assed Hermes cosplay was fun sometimes. 
Nonetheless, Bart hoped that Jay wouldn’t mind seeing a similar helmet across the JSA meeting table. 
Bart walked to the mirror on the room’s walls and placed his helmet on his head. It sat upon his reddish-brown curls like it was meant to be there all along. When he saw his reflection he couldn’t help but smile — perhaps he could craft himself a traveler’s cloak and caduceus to complete the look. 
As Bart removed his helmet and placed it into his closet, he heard the sound of the door creaking. When he looked over he expected to see Jesse, Jay, or maybe ever Courtney. 
But to his surprise Bart was greeted with the presence of a person he had not seen in a long long time.
Grant Emerson had a mask covering his entire face, but judging by the way he weakly crossed his arms Bart guessed that his old friend was nervous to see him. 
“Uh… hey?” The unease in Grant’s voice was unmistakable. 
Bart smiled brightly, both surprised and charmed. “Hey, it’s you!” 
Grant nodded and awkwardly cleared his throat. “Yeah, it’s me.” 
As cheery as could be, Bart walked over to his old friend. He was quick to notice that Grant was no longer a whole head taller than him, another allusion to just how much time had passed. Literally being able to look Grant eye-to-eye was certainly something Bart would need to get used to.  
“Long time no see, huh?” asked the Speedster, smiling as cheerily as ever. 
Grant nodded again, then scratched the back of his neck. “Uh… that’s one way to put it.” 
“Cool mask, Dude,” Bart was quick to say. “Makes ya look tough.” 
Grant let out what sounded like a cross between an awkward chuckle and a grunt. “That’s the idea, it gets kinda itchy though.” 
There was another beat as the two young heroes stood in the room. 
Bart could sense that Grant had many things to say, but for the life of him just couldn’t say it. He knew that his old friend had become more withdrawn over the last few years for a multitude of reasons.
But through the mask Bart could see the familiar pair of brown eyes he had spent time with on the Titans Base at Liberty Island, and once he got a good look at them suddenly many things came back to him, things he had thought to be forgotten and lost. 
At the end of the day perhaps fewer things had changed than Bart had initially thought. 
“It’s good to see you, Dude,” he soon decided to say, knowing that breaking the ice a little more could do wonders in making Grant less nervous. 
“Yeah, you too.” The walking nuclear reactor then let out another grumble, though one more akin to a verbal tic as opposed to an expression of discomfort. 
Once more, Grant reached up to scratch the back of his neck. “So uh… some of us are gonna pop in a movie before dinner, you wanna join?”
Bart shrugged. “Depends, what were you guys thinking?” 
“Well, Tommy suggested Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2, but that’s only because he’s stoned,” Grant said a little too casually. “So I’m gonna try to turn on Slumber Party Massacre when he’s not looking.” 
There was a beat, then Bart burst out laughing. He took a step forward and placed a friendly hand on Grant’s shoulder. 
“That sounds absolutely fucking sick, let’s do it.” 
From the way Grant’s mask moved, Bart could swear that his old friend was smiling. 
“Alright, cool,” said Grant casually before walking out of the room. 
Bart followed him with a grin and made sure to close the door. As he walked down the hallways he caught another glimpse of the city outside of the windows. More and more he was getting used to the sound of the street or the various buildings crowding the view of the sky. 
As every moment passed, it was getting a lot easier for Bart to embrace a New York state of mind. 
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djrenard · 6 months
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Infinity Inc.
Stargirl strikes out on her own and forms her generation’s Infinity Inc.
Stargirl, Courtney Whitmore
Doctor Midnight, Beth Chapel
Tick-Tock, Jimmy Martin
Cyclone, Maxine Hunkel
Red Arrow, Emiko Queen
Tomcat, Tom Bronson
Air Wave, Harold Jordan
Aided by Emiko Queen's family fortune they create a storefront for their team, selling their likenesses to fuel their fight against evil. They take a more public facing/engaging approach to hero work, attempting to be more transparent than previous groups. However, this comes with its own setbacks and responsibilities. Beth Chapel has returned from the dead and encourages the team to not repeat past mistakes. Tick-Tock takes personal responsibilty for the misuse of Miraclo by the US government. Cyclone goes where the wind takes her. Tom is a role model for all atypical meta-humans. Air Wave reconstitutes himself in time to help the team communicate their message to the world.
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smashpages · 1 year
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Heroes unite in this preview of ‘Betty and Veronica Jumbo Comics #134’
Check out an exclusive look at new stories by Tom DeFalco, Rex Lindsey, Ian Flynn, Ryan Jampole and more.
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nade2308 · 2 years
Posting this because it's been on mine and @thethistlegirl 's mind for the last couple of days. Boy singing is just such a delight. Plus that hug. And TC's face. Oh and "Did I know him in 'Nam?" hits differently after watching "Black Sheep Squadron, given Jeff Mackay (Mac) was in that tv show, playing Lieutenant Donald French and James Whitmore Jr. played Captain James Gutterman.
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graphicpolicy · 1 year
Preview: Betty & Veronica Digest #314
Betty & Veronica Digest #314 preview. Two brand-new stories! #comics #comicbooks
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longwuzhere · 1 year
Some cool Easter eggs I caught watching My Adventures with Superman that I want to show to people so they can be in on it with comic book readers
My episode 2 easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My episode 3 easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My episode 4 easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My episode 5 easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Episode 6 easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Episode 7 easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here and here
My Episode 8 easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Episode 9 easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Episode 10 easter eggs and refences in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman comic issue 1 post is here
My Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman comic issue 2 post is here
My Easter eggs and references for My Adventures with Superman comic issue 3 post is here
(SPOILERS if you haven't seen the show yet):
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Lois Lane has a cut out clip of Vicki Vale. Vicki Vale is a journalist in Gotham City. Her first appearance was in Batman #49 (1948) as seen in the panel here (W: Bill Finger, A: Lew Sayre and Bob Kane, I: Charles Paris, L: Ira Schnapp).
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Looks like Jimmy is a fan of Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask. Good video game taste.
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Jimmy mentions a psychic starfish and the one starfish in the DC universe who is psychic is Starro the Conqueror, who's first appearance is in Brave and the Bold 28 (1960) (the cover art here is done by Mike Sekowsky, Murphy Anderson, and Ira Schnapp) and has the power to mind control people.
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Lois, after barging into Perry White's office about a story, mentions Mt. Simonson. This is a neat name drop to Superman: The Man of Steel writer Louise Simonson, one of the nicest comic book writers you'll ever meet. She helped co-create John Henry Irons a.k.a Steel with artist of the Superman: The Man of Steel comic, Jon Bogdanove (really hope we get to see Irons in this show too).
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Jon Bogdanove also gets a name drop here as does...
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Dan Jurgen, comic book writer and artist on the Superman comic in the 90s (also one of my favorite Superman artists).
Now who are these kids that call themselves the Newskid Legion? Well, they are a VERY deep DC cut and reference to the Newsboy Legion back in the 1940s. The group was created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, LEGENDARY comic book creators.
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The page here is from Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #16 (1986) with the art by Jack Kirby and Karl Kesel. Most of the Newskid Legion is named after the Newsboy Legion members
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Gabby and Big Words here share names with their Newsboy Legion counterparts as does Flip Johnson...
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who shares names with Walter "Flip" Johnson here on the cover of Superman's Pal Jimmy Olson #137 (1971) which was done by Jack Kirby, Neal Adams, and Gaspar Saladino.
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Patty, the cartoonist of the Newskid Legion homages this panel from Adventures of Superman #500 (1993) (W: Karl Kesel, P: Tom Grummet, I: Doug Hazelwood, C: Glenn Whitmore, L: Albert DeGuzman), the first appearance of Superboy, Conner Kent/ Kon-El.
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But who is the one below that drawing? We'll his name is in Big Word's word puzzle, in the show. It's Jim Harper, the Guardian.
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Jim Harper becomes the Newsboy Legion's legal guardian despite their causing trouble for him. The page here is from Star Spangled Comics #7, the Newsboy Legion and the Guardian's first appearance, by Joe Simon, Jack Kirby, and Whitney Ellsworth. You might've seen the Guardian on the recent Young Justice cartoon.
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When Lois, Clark, and Jimmy go investigate about the smuggled robots in Metropolis, Jimmy makes a reference to super intelligent gorillas in France. This is a subtle hint at Monsieur Mallah, the Doom Patrol villain who will be in the show along with his partner, the Brain. Both made their first appearance in Doom Patrol #86 (1964) .
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The cover art here is done by Arnold Drake, Bob Brown, and Ira Schnapp.
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Later in the episode we see Clark receive his powers and he is surrounded with electricity, giving off Superman Blue vibes when in the comics, Superman gained electricity powers and became Electric Blue Superman who's first appearance was in Superman #123 (1997) (cover art by Dan Jurgens, Joe Rubenstein, Patrick Martin, and Todd Klein.
Link to Episode 2 of My Adventures with Superman Easter Eggs and references is here
Link to Episode 3 of My Adventures with Superman Easter Eggs and references is here
Link to Episode 4 of My Adventures with Superman Easter Eggs and references is here
Link to Episode 5 of My Adventures with Superman Easter Eggs and references is here
Link to Episode 6 of My Adventures with Superman Easter Eggs and references is here
Link to Episode 7 of My Adventures with Superman Easter Eggs and references is here and here
Link to Episode 8 of My Adventures with Superman Easter Eggs and references is here
Link to Episode 9 of My Adventures with Superman Easter Eggs and references is here
Link to Episode 10 of My Adventures with Superman Easter Eggs and references is here
My Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman comic issue 1 post is here
My Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman comic issue 2 post is here
My Easter eggs and references for My Adventures with Superman comic issue 3 post is here
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colinodonoghue · 5 months
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222aghoststory & colinodonoghue1: 🚨 MEET YOUR DUBLIN CAST 🚨 @shonabmx @birdspotting @colinodonoghue1 @thewhitmore will be taking #222AGhostStory to Dublin’s @3olympiatheatre this Summer, 21 June - 11 Aug. For a strictly limited run 🚨Do you dare to join us? Book your tickets now! Link in bio 👻📸 @seamusphoto
Colinodonoghue1: Woohoo!! So excited to be a part of this show!!
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[Get your tickets here!!!]
Runaway Entertainment in association with 3Olympia Theatre presents
Shona McGarty, Jay McGuiness, Colin O’Donoghue, Laura Whitmore, Announced for The Very Special, Standalone Irish Production
The smash hit play by Danny Robins Makes Irish Debut At 3Olympia Theatre This Summer For a Strictly Limited Run
Directed by Matthew Dunster & Isabel Marr
“A slick, chilling, romp of a play” The Guardian
‘A modern classic’ Sunday Times
Producer Runaway Entertainment is delighted to announce the stellar cast for the critically acclaimed, smash hit, supernatural thriller 2:22 - A Ghost Story opening at Dublin’s 3Olympia Theatre this summer for its debut Irish performances.
Shona McGarty (Eastenders) will play Jenny, Jay McGuiness (The Wanted, BIG! The Musical, Rip It Up), who is currently on the UK tour in 2:22 - A Ghost Story, will play Ben, Colin O'Donoghue (Once Upon A Time, The Tudors, The Right Stuff, The Gray House) will play Sam with Laura Whitmore (Love Island, Finding Joy, Queenie, and Jenny in 2.22: A Ghost Story in her West End debut) stepping into the role of Lauren.
The very special, standalone Irish production, produced for Dublin’s 3Olympia Theatre, will open on Thursday 20th June 2024 with performances until Sunday 11th August 2024 - for a strictly limited run only.
Full list of performances below. Age Suitability: 12+ 
Tickets priced from €26.50 including booking fee and €1.50 restoration levy on sale now with Ticketmaster Ireland
2:22 - A Ghost Story began in summer 2021 at the Noël Coward Theatre, starring Lily Allen, Julia Chan, Hadley Fraser and Jake Wood, and where it won the WhatsOnStage award for Best Play. It then transferred to the Gielgud Theatre for 10 weeks from 4 December 2021. The production there starring Stephanie Beatriz, James Buckley, Elliot Cowan and Giovanna Fletcher completed its run on 12 February 2022. For the first season at the Criterion (May - September 2022) the cast was Tom Felton, Mandip GIll, Sam Swainsbury and Beatriz Romilly. In late September Laura Whitmore, Matt Willis, Felix Scott and Tamsin Carroll took over. 
The box office record-breaking run at the Lyric starring Cheryl, Jake Wood, Scott Karim, and Louise Ford, concluded its run on 23 April. The West End season at the Apollo Theatre starred Sophia Bush, Frankie Bridge, Ricky Champ, Clifford Samuel and Jaime Winstone, and set off on its UK tour in Autumn 2023 with Joe Absolom, Charlene Boyd, Nathaniel Curtis and Louisa Lytton in the cast. Current cast on the UK tour: Vera Chok (Lauren); Jay McGuiness (Ben); George Rainsford (Sam); Fiona Wade (Jenny).
2:22 is written by award-winning writer Danny Robins, creator of the hit BBC podcast The Battersea Poltergeist, and is directed by Matthew Dunster and Isabel Marr; it’s an adrenaline-filled night where secrets emerge and ghosts may or may not appear…
Danny Robins said: ‘I'm really looking forward to seeing how Dublin audiences respond to 2:22 this summer. The tour continues to be a great success and I can't think of a better place to round off the journey in 2024 than here with a brand new cast to be announced soon!'
What do you believe? And do you dare discover the truth?
Jenny believes her new home is haunted, but her husband Sam isn’t having any of it. They argue with their first dinner guests, old friend Lauren and new partner Ben. Can the dead really walk again? Belief and scepticism clash, but something feels strange and frightening, and that something is getting closer, so they’re going to stay up... until 2:22... and then they’ll know.
2:22 - A Ghost Story features set design by Anna Fleischle, costume design by Cindy Lin, lighting design by Lucy Carter, sound by Ian Dickinson for Autograph Sound and illusions by Chris Fisher. Casting by Matilda James.
2:22 - A Ghost Story is produced by Tristan Baker and Charlie Parsons for Runaway Entertainment, Isobel David and Kater Gordon.  [source]      
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wwprice1 · 11 days
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Matrix Supergirl by Tom Grummett, Doug Hazlewood, Glenn Whitmore.
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