#toh bria
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tohwitchesduels · 5 months ago
Disclaimer: This is not a popularity contest or which character you prefer, in this tournament, you decide who is stronger/better/smarter/etc. opponent.
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information for both opponents under the cut to those who don't know what they can do in their battle:
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Boscha specializes in Potions magic, but she did showcase the capacity to cast the spells of beast-keeping and illusion tracks (granted very briefly)
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Boscha is an absolutely ruthless warrior who will stop at nothing to win this competition. She does not show mercy towards her opponents. Boscha is also considered by Hexside to be the strongest as proven by her ending up being the leader of the survivors in For The Future. She's also the most popular girl in the school as the captain of the grudgby team, proving she has enough skill both physically and magic-wise, only to be rivaled by the Hexsquad. She did succeed in breaking Amity's leg though
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During this battle, Palismen are not allowed.
Boscha is really reaching new heights of fury and embarrassment with each lost battle of this tournament. At this point, Boscha is trying to rage through those battles. She really can't lose against a mean girl from a rival school. It's not just her reputation but even her pride and honor being at stake here and she does not want to be viewed as the ultimate punching bag of this tournament.
One of the tools Boscha can use independently of whether or not the other character also possesses are flying boots. She can use them for transportation and aerial attacks even when she doesn't possess a palisman during the battle and she can use them to save herself from fall damage if she ever is knocked out midair.
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Telekinesis - Boscha can move objects with ease using it, granted the objects usually were small and not the size and weight of the person so she can use them directly on her opponent, but she can pick up random stuff from the arena to use them as projectiles high speed. Boscha proved in WILW that she can throw multiple objects at once or just one object.
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Fire Ball - her trademark ability. She will usually pull out a Grudgby ball and set it on fire only to throw it at her opponents. She can use telekinesis to direct the ball at her opponents and the force the ball can hit is strong enough to create holes in the trees. It's a very strong offensive move. She can also spread the fire further.
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Fire Blast - an improved version of Fire Ball which does not require a grudgby ball to use. It was demonstrated briefly in Follies at the Coven Day Parade when she attacked Luz with it. The fire blast appears to be also bigger than the average fireball.
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Multiple Fire Balls - Boscha can throw multiple fireballs at her opponents with this ability and control the trajectory of her throws using magic. Also improved the version of her trademark fireball. Boscha can also use this ability specifically to aid her partners with fireballs to increase their offenses, however, this comes only in handy during battle royales.
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Fire Claw - as demonstrated in UW, Boscha can transform her nails into fire claws. I'm weaponizing this ability so Boscha can scratch and claw her opponents while also burning them.
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Rabid Claw - as demonstrated in UW, Boscha can transform her nails into rabid claws that she can use to attack her opponents.
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Tentacle Claw - as demonstrated in UW, Boscha is capable of transforming her nails into tentacles. I adapt this ability to let Boscha use those tentacles to grab objects and perhaps even people from long distances with them. Granted the tentacles are not particularly strong so there are limits to how much weight they can pull and how durable they are.
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Acid Throw - in FTF Boscha demonstrated she's capable of brewing an acid potion that can melt through abomination goo and possibly not only that. She will usually throw one at a time though instead of rapid firing them.
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Sleeping Potion - in FTF Boscha demonstrated knowledge in brewing sleeping potion with sleeping nettles. Boscha can pull out this potion during the battle, letting the smell spread all across the area and knocking down her opponents. Boscha is also immune to the defects of sleeping gas by having a facemask with her at all times. The only people that would be remotely immune to this potion during the tournament are Luz and Hunter as they also have knowledge of brewing this potion and have facemasks with them too.
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Ratworm Companion - in Once Upon A Swap, Boscha demonstrated racing capabilities with ratworms. I'll allow her for the purposes of this tournament to be able to summon one to aid her in transport and possibly offenses. Boscha showed to be quite quick and skilled in riding her ratworm covered in scars.
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Link to more of Boscha's capabilities here
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Bria specializes in construction magic without any signs of being interested in other tracks, especially considering she considers them "inferior".
Bria is an absolutely skilled witch who prefers brute strength and talent over anything. She isn't however easy to fool or intimidate. She's daring and adventurous along with being ambitious. She can also be two-faced and deceitful by appearing nice and fair only to drop the facade the moment she has high ground or no interest in playing nice. She may however struggle from PTSD caused by Gus, so while she's not easy to intimidate, she could potentially end up being triggered by events considered "supernatural" or near Gus, or if she feels like losing her powers.
Bria is not known to possess any palisman so anyone facing her would also not be allowed to wield a palisman to even the score.
Bria knows what is Boscha's track record in this tournament and she views her as an utter loser because of it (not that she has a better one, but Boscha is more of a sore loser in comparison). Bria will be more than proud to defeat "the best of Hexside" and prove who's the superior alpha bitch, and who's a fraudulent novice.
Bria's tool in this tournament, independent of whether or not other competitors also possess it is her sword. She can utilise it in combat or to cut through things standing in her way like bushes.
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Bria may or may not have galdorstones with her to enhance her magic.
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Rock Spike - Bria is capable of creating a rock spike that can be used for offensive purposes. It is also proven to be quite destructive as seen in TTLGR.
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Rock Pillar - Bria is capable of creating rock pillars of various lengths and sizes. She's also capable of creating pillars within the pillars she created. Said ability could be used if Bria needs a high ground, for defensive purposes to block attacks, potential transport, or even offensive purposes.
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Earth Capture - Bria is capable of encasing her opponents on Earth as she demonstrated in TTLGR when she restrained a Slitherbeast. The move could be considered a finishing blow unless Bria's opponent has enough brute force (and by that, I mean a lot, stronger than Slitherbeast) to burst through her trap. She would usually utilise said ability if she assumes her opponent can't fight back, however.
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Link to more of Bria's capabilities here
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maverick-creator · 5 days ago
You know what time is it? Oh yeah time for more redesigns
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I wanted to be a little more bold with these designs, so I took some inspiration from Uchuu Sentai Kyuuranger and went with the Coven Sigils being the base for the visor design, I also simplefied their morpher into a single sphere that they press to gain their coven Power.
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The Branded Squadron Covengers!
I really want to make a lore post of the AU, but first I would preffer to know that people wants to see it.
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jess-the-vampire · 1 year ago
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few more extra palsiman designs
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froyotron3200 · 1 year ago
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uhmm bra :3
look at her, I love her design also hi first post sup I'm Hunter or Bailey He/They/She/Wolf/Howl/?'s :333 yeah I'ma mostly post TOH content :B hehe
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feathersnflowers · 1 year ago
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Lucian, I love his grom outfit but kinda hate his casual outfit (kinda like camellia but reversed)
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ordinaryschmuck · 2 months ago
How would Boscha’s and Bria’s relationship be like
I'd imagine they'd get along perfectly. Boscha would be impressed by Bria's "Act nice so you can step all over people later" tactic while Bria would respect Boscha for having an entire school under her thumb. They'd be the most unstoppable duo if they went to the same school together...Either that or eventually try to kill each other for dominance.
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daystarvoyage · 2 months ago
Congratulations y’all killed my love for the series
So I say I’m sorry for what I said
This Will Be a Apology Video, After what i done however not all fandoms are not perfect & needs to work on, i too need to not come across vitriol or let toxic fans get the best of me.
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drachenfalter · 1 year ago
"I don't think you know what you're saying?!"
Bria transferred to Hexside, and Gus doesn't know how to deal with that - especially when she doesn't go all mean girl like he'd expect her to.
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quismihiignem · 2 years ago
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boilingislestwt · 2 years ago
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rainbowtiedx · 2 years ago
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next screenshot redraws for episodes 2-6 of season 2!
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tohwitchesduels · 3 days ago
LOSERS BATTLE OF WITCHES DUELS - Battle 63: Bria vs Edric Blight
Disclaimer: This is not a popularity contest or which character you prefer, in this tournament, you decide who is stronger/better/smarter/etc. opponent.
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information for both opponents under the cut to those who don't know what they can do in their battle:
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Bria specializes in construction magic without any signs of being interested in other tracks, especially considering she considers them "inferior".
Bria is an absolutely skilled witch who prefers brute strength and talent over anything. She isn't, however, easy to fool or intimidate. She's daring and adventurous and ambitious. She can also be two-faced and deceitful by appearing nice and fair only to drop the facade when she has the high ground or no interest in playing nice. She may, however, struggle from PTSD caused by Gus, so while she's not easy to intimidate, she could potentially end up being triggered by events considered "supernatural" or near Gus or if she feels like losing her powers.
Palismen are not allowed in this fight.
Bria is losing it as she loses her position in the rankings. She's now extra determined to preserve it, so she hopes that at least the twin brother of her previous opponents won't defeat her. She literally cannot let this happen as her pride is at stake.
Bria's tool in this tournament, independent of whether or not other competitors also possess it, is her sword. She can utilise it in combat or to cut through things standing in her way, like bushes.
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Bria may or may not have galdorstones with her to enhance her magic.
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Rock Spike - Bria can create a rock spike that can be used for offensive purposes. It is also proven to be quite destructive, as seen in TTLGR.
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Rock Pillar - Bria can create rock pillars of various lengths and sizes. She's also capable of creating pillars within the pillars she created. Said ability could be used if Bria needs a high ground, for defensive purposes to block attacks, potential transport, or even offensive purposes.
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Earth Capture - Bria can encase her opponents on Earth as she demonstrated in TTLGR when she restrained a Slitherbeast. The move could be considered a finishing blow unless Bria's opponent has enough brute force (and by that, I mean a lot, stronger than Slitherbeast) to burst through her trap. However, she will usually utilise said ability if she assumes her opponent can't fight back.
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Link to more of Bria's capabilities here
Edric Blight
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While it is confirmed that Edric possesses a palisman (either moth or butterfly, it was never specified) since we never saw it in the show and we have no idea how proficient Edric is with it, I shall not include this in the tournament, and anyone who fights him will also not have their palismen to even the chances
One of the tools Edric can use during his battles independently of whether or not his opponent also possesses any is fireworks. That's right: Edric brings fireworks to the battlefield and can use them offensively. Due to how illegal and unstable they are and how Edric landed in the healing coven multiple times due to them, they're noted to be particularly destructive and unpredictable meaning any outcome can be achieved (either they hurt only Edric, they hurt his opponent or both or neither - the rule of random applies here so do whatever you want with it).
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Edric Blight is pretty chaotic and airheaded but can also be clever and sneaky. He can focus on both offense and deception. Granted, at times, he tends to not think things through and can make rash decisions that can and will blow up in his face. He specializes in Potions, Illusion, and Beast-Keeping magic, making him a pretty strong and skilled all-rounder, even if he can be pretty impulsive.
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Restraining Magic - Edric is capable of creating a lasso made out of light that can be used to restrain his enemies. We saw it when he tried this with Slitherbeast. However, Edric can also enhance any lasso or tie to specifically bind a particular target he has in mind as of Reaching Out, meaning it can be very difficult, even for stronger opponents, to break away from his bonds.
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Explosive Potions - Edric is capable of brewing potions that explode upon shattering and thus can be used offensively but also as a distraction and defense (the best defense is offense and the best offense is defense, after all). Edric can throw multiple potions at once or in a row. He will usually have multiple at hand.
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Transformation Potion - Edric improvised and created a potion that can alter the appearance of the drinker. Edric has the recipe and antidote (plenty of ice packs) at hand to either use this potion or on himself to transform into a stronger and "draconic" version of themselves (demonstrated on Warden Wrath, though aside from his appearance and enhanced abilities, he didn't seem to display new ones). The potion allows the user to gain immense strength, sharp claws, spikes, and horns, and is much bigger in size, however, it comes at the expense of rational thinking, turning the user into a wild animal. So Edric either transforms and hopes and prays he can quiet down his instincts enough to apply ice packs on himself, or he uses it to confuse his enemies and hope they won't hurt him too much. After the potion's effects get canceled, the user gets nauseous and is incapable of further fighting. He will usually only have a few at hand, though.
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Truth Potion - Edric brewed those before battle with enough patience to not mess them up so he could use them safely. Their capacity on the battlefield usually extends to tricking the enemy into either drinking them or inhaling them and making them confess their weaknesses out loud. He will usually have a few at hand, though.
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Snow Magic - when training with Amity, he did display that he can use snow to his advantage, though he only used it to sink Amity into the ground, which would be only possible if the area's ground was always snow, but for that, I have a different spell in mind. Edric can create simple snow blasts with it or use it to immobilise his opponents by creating enough snow around them to bury them in it.
Sinking Magic - Edric is capable of making the ground sink beneath the feet of his opponents if they're distracted enough. He demonstrated it when training with Amity, and I'm making it a full-blown ability that can be hard to counter but not impossible if the opponent can dig through any surface. Be it snow or ground (though probably not metals, considering how solid and refined they are).
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Telekinesis - Edric displays an ability to move objects with ease. He can, in fact, lift his opponents and move them through great distances just fine, granted it works best on distracted opponents. He can also use this ability to throw projectiles of various sizes (though the biggest one probably won't be bigger than your average person who can be tall).
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Illusion Casting - Edric is capable of casting any illusion of any object or even a living being. Said illusions can interact with the real world just fine (so he can, for example, create ammo as Amity threw at him "Hex me" papers he created himself and knocked him out with it). His illusions normally are fragile, but with his beast magic, he can strengthen them to make it harder to dispel them.
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Illusion Clone - Edric is capable of creating a clone of anyone he desires, granted it's usually one clone at a time, as proven in EGF when he created a clone of Eda. The clone could potentially mimic the abilities of the people they took shape from, but it's more than often just an illusion. They could also take upon the personality of anyone they were cloned from.
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Trap Illusions - Edric can create illusions that can transform into barriers upon contact with them. This can restrain his opponents while still allowing Edric to be able to touch and affect them (like Venetian mirror)
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Camouflage - Now I'm not sure whether or not Edric can cast it on his own or if it requires a team effort, but in LR once Bump made a stand against the EC, all the other students would appear after the illusion of camouflage was dispelled, so I'll allow all illusion casters that were part of this to be capable to at least hide out of sight temporarily, so Edric now can use this ability to stay hidden for short time during the battle.
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Bat Companion - now Edric may not possess a palisman, but he can use his pet bat during battles, sending it out to attack his opponents or distract them with it. To what extent the bat will listen is, however, limited, though enough for the bat to not attack Edric.
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Beast Luring - this was more or less proven in Reaching Ou how easier it was to lure out beasts. Edric needed to use his beast-keeping magic so he could bring back any beast to the battlefield with his knowledge. However, said beasts will probably not listen to Edric at all.
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Link to more of Edric's capabilities here
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saysomethingabout · 1 year ago
Say something about this ship!
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howhow326 · 2 years ago
Mattholomule is Gus Shadow
Oh boy! I sure do love everything about Watching & Dreaming but I have to say my favorite part is when Gustholomule became canon and that's a thing that happened actually!!! Anyway, it's neat that most of the TOH ships have a sort of opposites attract dynamic: Lumity has the shoujo rivals trope; Huntlow is crushing-watermelon-with-thighs meme; and Gustholomule has the best dressed boy with an unwashed rat-man.
But with I told you that Gus and Mattholomule are more similar than they seem? What if I told you that the two boys are so similar to each other that they are like two halves of the same person?? What if I told you... ehh, you already read the title.
What is a Shadow?
First we need to go over what a shadow is: A shadow is: "an unconscious aspect of the personality that does not correspond with the ego ideal, leading the ego to resist and project the shadow. In short, the shadow is the self's emotional blind spot..." (Wikipedia). In other words, the Shadow is the shadowed side of one's personality, the part of themselves that they don't want others (or themselves) to see. However, ignoring the shadow dosen't make it go away, it just makes it stronger, seeping into one's everyday life as flaws and bad choices. Or in the case of Persona, giant fetish monsters (this is a joke, the persona games actually do a really good job of writing psycho-analysis even without the video game bosses). So, what does any of this have to do with Gustholomule? EVERYTHING!!! Which get's clearer in the next few paragraphs :)
Gus & Mattholomule's backstories
From TOH wiki: "Augustus Porter is the son of reporter Perry Porter, who wants his son to be a master illusionist (there's a source for this but I deleted it so Tumblr dosen't hide my post). Due to his skills in illusion magic, Augustus is one of the youngest students at Hexside School of Magic and Demonics, taking high school-level classes despite being twelve years old. However, due to his young age, Gus was often overlooked and ignored, and he was gullible to the various students that took advantage of his intelligence. The only place where he felt he mattered was the club he led, the Human Appreciation Society. Besides the other members of the H.A.S, the only other student he befriended was Willow Park, who helped him calm down from an illusionary memory with a breathing exercise he remembers to this day."
In short, Gus comes from a history of people tricking him in order to advance themselves (this is in Bold because it's gonna be super duper important for my argument later). Despite that, Gus wasn't destroyed by his backstory because he had people like Willow to help him (also important).
For Matt: "Mattholomule used to attend Glandus High, where he was friends with Bria, Gavin, and Angmar. Due to Glandus's social structure favoring the strong, Mattholomule was bullied by other students, including his three "friends" who had manipulated him. Eventually, he switched out of Glandus and started to attend Hexside, but still stuck around Bria, Gavin, and Angmar due to having nobody else to be his friend."
Just like Gus, Matt comes from a history of veing bullied and used by others. Unlike Gus, Matt didn't have anyone in his corner but himself (and Steve but like apparently adults are weirdly useless at helping their kids witch school problems which is actually extremely realistic now that I think about it).
In otherwords, Gus and Matt have nearly identical backstories, but turned out differently because only Gus had a real friend. And in my next few paragraphs, we find out that the "difference" between them is a lot smaller than it seems.
Something Ventured, Someone Framed
So if you've been paying attention, you have probably come to the conclusion that Gus is "good" person. And while that definitely isn't a bad conclusion to come to, this episode is going to hit you like a truck:
Gus: L-Luz, a-about the ban, I, uh, used my H. A. S. presidential authority to pull some strings. You've been given a full pardon!
Luz: You mean...
Gus: I got the ban lifted!
[Does a little dance when she's gone lol]
Willow: You lied to our best friend and told her you got the ban lifted. That seems like a potential problem to me.
Gus: You don't understand. The members were going mad. They were bloodthirsty. They were touching objects. I had no choice!
Note: instead of saying something like "one of the members is lying to the others" or something like that, Gus "had no choice" because... they were breaking his rule of no touching?!
Now, some people did catch on to Gus behavior and were mad at him for it. I'm not one of those people, in fact, I'm the exact opposite. This episode made me LOVE Gus' character! Before SV,SF Gus was just comic relief that was attached to Willow's hip. But now, Gus has flaws! He can exist as his own character!! He's lying to and mainipulating people like the little illusionist he is!!!
... wait a minute, "...and he was gullible to the various students that took advantage..."; "...Gus comes from a history of people tricking him in order to advance themselves."; "...ignoring the shadow dosen't make it go away, it just makes it stronger, seeping into one's everyday life as flaws and bad choices." This is Gus Shadow: a hurt child that's willing to trick people the same way that other people tricked him. Heck, there's even a name for the exact shadow that Gus possesses: The Know-It-All Trickster (I swear Im not anti gus wtf). From Artofmanliness .com (That name is so much worse than it seems), "The Know-It-All Trickster knows how to charm his way out of trouble. He’s adept at deception and manipulation and will gain the trust of those around him, only to betray it when they least expect it." While this is a lot more sinister than Gus at his worst, it dose perfectly describe what happened in SV,SF: Gus became friends with Luz recently and deceives her at a time when she would never expect it. Although, that description also sounds a lot like another character that shows up this episode (Mattholomule is inside your walls).
Of course, while Gus has flaws, he isn't the same as the people that tricked him. The older kids got their homeworks worth out of Gus and left without taking any responsibility for their actions. But Gus didn't do that, he endanged himself in order to save Luz from detention, and then he took responsibility for the mess he caused. He even saved Mattholomule from detention because "no one get's left behind"! Gus has flaws, but he was able to rise above them during his first focus episode, which is highly impressive for a twelve year old.
Through The Looking Glass Ruins
This episode's plot is interesting in that, while Gus is technically lying to people again, it wasn't even his idea! Gus was the one that didn't want to hang out with the Glandus because "he's just an illusionist" (an idea that Gus Shadow, Matt literally echos) so Luz goads him into hanging out with him in order to build back his self confidence.
Unlike SV,SF where Gus creates a lie that endangers Luz, Luz starts the lie that Gus is a "super witch" and Gus only upholds it to hang out with the Kool Kidz. Basically, Gus did nothing wrong.
Anyway, Gus gets a crush on the Boneghazi girl. Weird. I don't want to spend too much time talking about Bria because she's crazy shaped, but she is the next entry in a long line of older kids that trick Gus and ruin his self confidence. Then, the most important part of the episode happens:
Mattholomule: This is exactly how it was at Glandus. Always Bria's stooge.
Gus: Better a stooge than a clown. Bria was right, illusions are nothing but high-def party tricks.
Mattholomule: Yeah, I used to think that too. [He makes a saw of rock to cut the vines trapping Gus and The Keeper.] But then I met some dork who used his powers to save me from a man-eating detention pit. All I'm saying is, if a dumb illusion can save a jerk like me, maybe it's not as useless as you think.
Replace illusion with "Gus" and this conversation is practically the same. Gus is saying he can't help anyone and Matt is telling him "you already helped me" (the perfect start for the perfect ship).
Focusing more on Matt, this moment is a bit more than just him reaching out a hand or doing the right thing. As I said before, Matt has the same history of people using him just like Gus (it even happens in this episode). But unlike Gus, Matt didn't have anyone in his corner but himself. So instead of staying the victim, Matt became "villain". He most likely joined the H. A. S. with the intention of replacing whoever was in charge by using the same methods that Bria uses, trickery. Matt wanted to be on top of the social ladder through any means nessasary, and when his plan failed in SV,SF he went crawling back to Bria so he could gain some sense of power.
So why does Mattholomule help Gus in this episode? Simple, He's not Bria. Even when Matt tried to walk the same path as his bullies, he could never fully suppress the part of himself that had morals, that wanted to help people. And by choosing to help Gus even though the odds are stacked against them, Matt finnaly accepted that he wasn't a 100% jerk.
Plot twist: Gus is Mattholomule's Shadow. Just like how Matt represents Gus's capacity to become like the people that took advantage of him, Gus represents the part of Matt that was weak enough to be taken advantage of, a good person. There's even a word of Matt's Shadow: a Golden Shadow, the positive qualities of one self that they suppress.
Gustholomule is a deep relationship between two people who are really the same person that walked to different paths. However, it's only through meeting each other and forming a tight bond with each other that these two boys were able two accept their hidden selves and complete the process of self actualization. Truly a magnificent journey of self growth indeed.
Gustholomule is best ship fight me
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froyotron3200 · 1 year ago
i am bored and need to knw
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secretly-of-course · 2 years ago
@ Bria
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[image ID: a gif of Garnet from Steven Universe wagging her finger and singing, “But I think you’re just mad ‘cause you’re single.”]
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