#to being around rich people and keeping his temper in control so as not to endanger others around him
runthepockets · 2 years
I really like that the fights in Chainsaw Man don't exist to drive the narrative as much as they are a result of it. Like in any other Shonen manga your "wise old mildly perverted sensei training naive, witless deciples with battle tactics that get wittier and more ruthless with each passing second" arc would last like 15 chapters / 17 episodes and would end with the characters coming to some life changing self realization and full control over a new power but Power and Denji taking on Kishibe lasts like 3 chapters and it's more of a goofy (but necessary) B plot that gives you a little bit of character development and guides the story to its next logical conclusion than it is any indication of character morals or motivations or an easy leeway to the next absurd power level or anything. You already get plenty of that in the other 80% of manga, which mostly consists of characters just going to movie theatres and helping each other vomit in bars and wandering aimlessly around Tokyo or Hokkaido. It's more "slice of life" than most franchises in the same genre.
Blue Exorcist was a rudimentary but very similar variation of this and I was endeared to / by it, its world, and its characters for a really long time so I'm glad the formula is catching on and being perfected in 2023.
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Hey! Hope you’re having a good day! Just wanted to say I’ve become obsessed with your psychology analysis on the Vees and VoxVal. I’m curious, since the relationship is definitely toxic, how do you think the cycle of relationship abuse would work with them? (Honeymoon phase, tension, incident, ex)
Awww I'm so glad you like my silly headcanons, I fucking love writing them <3
(headcanons in question because they are relevant to this post: Vox and NPD | Valentino and BPD | random Vees headcanons)
You know, I believe their relationship is toxic because neither of them is particularly well-adjusted. However, I wouldn't apply the cycle of abuse theory to them. As far as I know, that theory is used to describe relationships that are highly unequal with clearly defined roles of abuser and victim. For instance, during the tension phase, tension grows in the abuser while the victim "walks on eggshells," trying their best to calm the abuser and constantly living in fear of an incident. I can't really imagine Vox or Valentino being that frightened of each other. Actually, that's why I think they are meant to be together - they can handle each other.
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That being said, I do believe they have some relationship issues. In episode 2, we witnessed Vox calming Valentino (by yelling at him so very toxic) when he was angry. Vox hates Valentino's unpredictability because he is a total control freak. While he finds Valentino's fiery temper extremely alluring, he also wishes Val would tone it down. He'd like to have a more reliable partner, especially because for him, falling in love was a significant and risky investment.
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On the flip side, immediately after Vox managed to calm Valentino down, Valentino essentially provoked him into a temper tantrum. Look at this shit-eating smile; he knew damn well what he was doing.
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Vox usually keeps his emotions hidden behind a polished facade, staying detached. Valentino, on the other hand, is all about intense emotions—loves passion, violence, and desperation. He digs Vox's cool business daddy vibe, but it drives him nuts when Vox gets all emotionally distant from him. Vox tries to guard himself because he knows Valentino can easily weaponize people's emotions against them, and he's lowkey scared of being vulnerable. So when he's going through some tough shit, Vox puts up this wall, becomes all distant, and then Valentino feels rejected and starts being a total jerk, pushing Vox away because he's hurting (if you've read my BPD Valentino headcanons, you get what I mean).
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So those are the main sources of tension in their relationship. Sometimes one of them snaps. In Vox's case, it means complete withdrawal from the relationship and sinking into work (since he wants a perfect relationship, he rarely even admits he's angry, he's just like "It's fine I just don't have time to see you") which obviously drives Val crazy. Because he's obsessively in love. So to fix the situation he doesn't apologize (since Vox "wasn't even angry") - he just invites himself to Vox's apartment/office and seduces him by acting nice and submissive so Vox can feel in control again.
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In Valentino's case, snapping means a violent outburst (though, I don't think he's physically abusive because he knows Vox is not afraid of him and could easily bite back or, even worse, leave him for good). These outbursts make Vox furious because he can't stop them. Then, they end up yelling a lot, throwing stuff around, and sometimes even breaking up. After that, Valentino goes on a week-long bender, just partying and hooking up with dozens of people. Vox, being obsessed, watches everything, and his jealousy always gets the best of him. He finally breaks and sends someone to bring Val back home. Or he personally intervenes, kills whoever Val is fucking, gives him a giant bouquet of roses, and goes all out to prove that he's the best guy Val could ever have. Vox is a showman, so he acts almost like a charming and obnoxiously rich mafia boss from a smutty novel, who wants nothing more than to please his princess with grand gestures.
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Oh also I think Val is very sensitive about Vox treating him "like a woman." He's actually very secure in his masculinity; he feels comfortable enough to present himself in feminine ways while still acting masculine. Like I mentioned, he's queer and he totally owns it. On the other hand, Vox still grapples with some deeply internalized heteronormative ideas, occasionally treating Valentino like his bitch. Valentino hates it because he's aware of Vox's sexist tendencies, and he refuses to allow Vox to treat him as though he's beneath him. He genuinely believes in the concept of an equal partnership in their relationship and can't stand Vox's attempts to alter the power dynamics in his favor.
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detective-piplup · 8 months
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what if.. Throws OC at you… please ignore the fact I forgot to put some cape on his arm
(more info on him under the cut)
Bryant is the oldest child of the Willis Family, the other child being his younger sister Navy Willis. Orphaned at a young age, Bryant did all he could to ensure Navy and himself stayed safe through whatever life threw at them. He ended up with a job in a factory that paid well enough to provide a roof over their head. Unfortunately, his standoffish and cranky nature contrasted with her logical one, and they mixed like oil and water.
Navy moved on to become a scientist, but ended up in an experiment that left her life in danger. Fearing that his job wouldn’t be able to provide for any medical costs, he was tempted by a simple spirit longing to be free that promised him riches enough to cure his woes. The spirit used him like a puppet, morphing his body into something unrecognisable. He has very vauge memories from his time like this, but the results of the possession still scar his body.
A young doll, called Sam Bell, ended up saving him from the control of the curse, but it had already settled on a new target. A wanderer, and Sam’s mentor, by the name of Elias Palm. Bryant was used to hand to hand combat, so agreed to help Sam and his party out on his adventure to now save Elias.
This all happened years ago, and the spirit had since been stopped and sent to rest. Navy had ended up fine, although her body was permanently changed in the aftermath of the experiment. Bryant opted to stay in the old spirit’s castle being the only one the restless demons it had pulled from the hells, ones he now shared so many features with, would listen to. The gold in the castle was enough to pay any bills, and so he got his wish.
Navy left to live with a friend she met, and Bryant was left alone by all but his people (+ a pair of anomalies), Sam, and Elias. Both of them were travellers by nature, but always made time to come and stop by and keep the loneliness from setting in. Both of them grew quite close to him, Elias especially, but Bryant said nothing to the sage as he came and left.
It all fell apart when Elias desperately asked Bryant to take care of Sam, made him swear it, before leaving into the woods and going MIA. With only Elias’ well loved staff as a clue, and a restless 12 year old kid by his side, Bryant left the comfort of his castle again to try and bring Elias back from wherever he was.
Bryant is jaded, wounded by the world. He’s bitter and cocky, emboldened by the power that still lingers in his body. But he cares endlessly for those he does let in past the thorns, and is desperate to protect what he can. Though he used to be one to throw hands first and try dialouge later, he’s since tried to force his temper down since stepping into his role. He longs for the moon at night, when he is his loneliest and most lost. He doesn’t really like the fancy clothes his position comes with, and is often seen lounging around in large blue hoodies instead.
Sam sees him as a father. He couldn’t be happier with that.
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(Sam’s drawing. He keeps it in a pocket when he can)
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bitchfitch · 1 year
I don't tend to like stories where the relationship is the main like Plot Driver™. I prefer to write things where there's always something Bigger happening that's causing the main characters problems.
And I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out what I want the Problem™ with the post apocalypse monster romance thing to be.
Like. Ok. Lino is a young scavenger who's never had a full belly in his entire life. Every day was a struggle for him to pay his dues to stay in the community he grew up in because no one survives alone in this setting, and once a person has been exiled no other community will take them in.
Life's Rough.
Vincent is the great grandson of a turbo wealthy business man and one of the last people still hiding in the bunkers. His mutations have affected his mind as much as they have his body and he struggles with extreme paranoia and delusions about 'filth'. He believes the people on the surface are vermin ruining things with their mutations, and he himself refuses to 'inflict his ugliness' on the outside world because of these beliefs.
His bunker is still in beyond good shape, but he's alone in it.
There's very few replicator type contraptions left in the world. many have been destroyed to give powerful figures more control over resources by making them scarce. Vincent has one of the most advanced replicators still kicking around and doesn't even know it's anything special. He does however realize how special Lino finds it and is more than willing to use it and the food it makes to align Lino's incentives with his own.
He destroyed Lino's leg and is convinced Lino is an actual angel from heaven here to help 'purify' the world. His evidence is Lino's 'wings' and the fact that Vincent feels so warm and nice just being in Lino's presence.
Lino has an extra set of arms, and Vincent hasn't talked to another human in several decades. he's just very lonely.
Lino needing to heal and learn how to live with only one leg, Vincent's delusions, his quest to destroy every human that looks like himself, and his overprotective/overly possessive energy with Lino are problems, but they're not Problems™.
No one would have a way to know the replicator exists. so no one would be coming for it.
Maybe Vincent is more proactive in his quest? He's killing people anytime they come too close. But no one would go close then/ no one would care because it would only be scavengers out searching that would go missing. And those people go missing constantly.
Maybe someone is looking to find Lino? Maybe the leader who wanted him to cut off his extra arms so he could look like a pre bomb human. Someone like Lino could have great value as a trophy spouse for one of the rich and powerful, especially if he let himself be dismembered into 'classicness'. A tracker he can't get out. He doesn't know if he wants someone to come looking for him or not.
the vibes aren't right. that'll be another problem but not The Problem. The Problem needs to be more contained. I don't want to split the deuteragonists up for very long.
Maybe it starts as just Lino that Vincent takes to keep alive. But Lino needs a doctor, so Vincent takes one of those and someone to hold hostage to make the doctor do as Vincent says. And someone comes looking for them. Lino convinces Vincent to let the third live too.
They build a community. Vincent is the leader. His delusions are getting worse with stress. Lino is the only one who doesn't irk him and he believes it's because Lino is more 'pure' than the others. He kills the worse offenders. There's tensions now between the new community and Lino's old one.
that'll be the Problem ™
The tensions are growing. The Leader isn't good. Vincent isn't any better but he's tempered by Lino in a the Leader isn't. Vincent still wants to wipe the old community out, along with everything else. Lino starts agreeing with him as things get further and worse. The last nail in the coffin is when anyone still in the old community who had had any tie to Lino is killed just to spite him. There's no one left to make Lino want to stop Vincent from opening the weapons vault.
Vincent never begrudged his blindness until that day. He wishes he could have seen Lino's face when he finally came to the conclusion Vincent had been right all along.
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
a very cursed request, but could I ask how the first years would feel about an s/o who's basically Alameda Slim from Home on the Range? They can control animals through yodeling, very flamboyant when performing, and is all around a rough and tumble cowboy xD
Omg! I never met another person that knew this movie, so I'm glad to see someone else. Yes of course, this would be interesting!
First Years with an s/o who is a twist version of Alameda Slim from Home on the Range
Dang idk but you guys really like getting into trouble probably 💀
Ace does find you to be really fun to be around because of the countless amounts of antics you get yourself into. But also because you manage to buy him lunch every. single. time (ur a rich kid in the school change my mind)
He's never done yodeling before? But he does find it to be kinda cool. Might ask you to teach him
Overall I don't see him finding anything you do to be concerning. If anything, you guys are a nightmare together to Riddle haha
He's a bit surprised with how flamboyant you are at first, but it's kind of nice to see you have so much confidence sometimes
He will attempt yodeling at least ONCE. But after nearly killing his vocal cords he'll never do it again 💀
You guys would be an absolute menace to anyone that tries to be mean to you guys. Like Deuce has a past of being a rough boy and you're from what would be considered "the wild west"
He might find your ability to gain so much money all the time to be surprising haha
He was a bit nervous around you at first because you had a short temper. He's a bit level-headed so he's usually the one to calm you down
Might know how to yodel but will refuse to tell you about it. He does find your ability to be very interesting
Might not like some of your more cunning tactics because he's a stickler to the rules, but sometimes he does find it fun to do pranks with you
I feel like it's an opposites attract theme between you guys, it's kinda cute honestly
You two meeting was like the worst thing to happen to Vil lol. Epel found someone who had a background similar to him, basically from the countryside and someone who wasn't afraid to be a bit more loose
You guys definitely know how to yodel. Might do it to annoy Vil late at night
Epel might invite you over to his home on the breaks and you would probably fit in right away. You're pretty good with taking care of animals on a farm, so if they happen to have any that needs care you might be called
Epel's so happy he has someone else who is like him. While he's not as short tempered you two definitely can get heated when someone bothers the two of you
Overall I feel like it's really nice for the two of you to have similar opinions and interests in things. Vil on the other hand might see all of his work to make Epel more formal shatter haha
First didn't like your yodeling because it wasn't something he was super used to. But after a while he got used to it and honestly thought it was cool
Will try to keep you from using tricks or doing pranks, however he might end up getting involved because why not
The two of you have a loud personality and to anyone that might make you guys upset they'll have to deal with a cowboy and an angry half-fae
Overall you two are a bombastic couple. You tend to make things more flamboyant while he's more on the stiff side, but it's still nice to see two people with a lot of confidence
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colorcodedbeanies · 2 years
S2E1-"Seven Thirty-Seven"
Season 2 let's fucking goooo. Said out loud "Jesse kill him" in this moment
TW: Sexual violence, addiction, police abuse, racism
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So I mentioned in the last post that Tuco very much matches a white middle class Idea of what a criminal is. Violent, unpredictable, and indulgent, with a massive temper and hang-ups about respect. At the risk of poor meow-meowing him a little I think its interesting that this is complicated in this episode. Tuco PANICS when he realizes No-Doze is seizing, enough to turn the car around and seek out the closest help he has access to. When No-Doze dies, he gets angry, striking him again. This matches what we'll learn in future episodes (and in BCS). Tuco isn't necessarily violent for the hell of it. Rather, using makes him unstable, and that instability often manifests in actions he regrets later. To be clear: Tuco has definitely killed before and likely would have again had he not encountered Hank. He's certainly not taking any steps to protect himself or the people around him. No-Doze's death is really no one's fault but his own. The Salamancas in general tend to manifest their psychological issues and insecurities into violence directed at a lot of indiscriminate bystanders. But to me, even that capacity for regret and lack of control complicates that "stone cold killer" image that Walt and Jesse have of him. Gonzo is also complicated, worrying that shoving No-Doze's corpse under a stack of a cars "[isn't] very Christian", but I'll dig more into that closer to the end.
So we've got another pairing of eroticism and criminality, but this time its manifesting as explicitly sexual violence. Walt assaults his wife. There's no other way to describe it. She is telling him to back off and until she screams "stop it" he continues to ignore her objections. To me, there's two ways to read this scene. One, Walt is unexpectedly aroused by what happened. Something about the distress of the situation, (or very possibly, being yelled at and degraded by a bigger, younger man) created a sexual reaction in him. And/or, Walt is attempting to imitate Tuco as a way to cope with the fear of that situation. Tuco beats the shit out of No-Doze, Walt attempts to act out his fear and frustration on Skyler's body (including shoving her forcefully against the fridge). Skyler even explicitly attributes it to fear, though she believes it stems from his cancer anxieties. Regardless, this isn't going to be the last time Walt attempts to imitate brown men who humiliate him/terrify him in a desperate attempt to defend his own masculinity. Bringing my inevitable cuckoldry discussion ever closer (threatening).
I think its important to give some due credit: Hank is legitimately making an empathetic attempt at helping Marie with her issues. He doesn't always say or do the right things with the situation (clearly being more comfortable tossing her at a therapist than having honest conversations with his wife). But the thing with dealing with addiction is that there's rarely a concrete right solution. He does his best (for now) to not lay blame at her feet, provides her with multiple support mechanisms, and is resolutely in her corner for dealing with this. Which would be very sweet to see if it weren't also likely some tactics he would make fun of a meth addict's family for employing. Its hard not to connect Marie's issues and Hank's work when the show takes pains to show Hank smacking a prisoner's cell bars after a frustrating interaction with her. Hank may be frequently disrespectful and callous to Marie, but he clearly views her as worth investing in, worth coaching through this, and is clearly conscious that she can't be held meaningfully accountable for what she does unless she has the proper help in place too. An attitude that does NOT apply to anyone who isn't his rich white wife.
It is notable, though, that the Schraders have clearly left this all as a secret in order to save face and keep up appearances. I went after Skyler pretty hard for how she responds to her in the moment, but I want it on record: Hank very much ambushes her with information about her kleptomania, and then immediately asks for support without a word of apology for either her distress or for keeping this from her. What Skyler says isn't kind. It isn't nice and it isn't empathetic to her sister. But she's also not wrong that she's being asked to just box up her feelings at a point when she's already under an immense amount of strain, which no one has really bothered to reach out to her for. They really are Jesse and Jake aged up, both vying to be taken seriously while also being mortally afraid of admitting to weakness in their day to day life.
Walt doesn't nail down the lie about the meth, writing off Jesse's concerns. Specifically what he says is "How much salesmanship do we really need? That degenerate snorts anything he gets his hands on." This is going to bite him in the ass next episode, but is pretty telling of how Walt views addicts. Unthinking, ravenous, almost animalistic, and importantly, with no sense of self-preservation.
Gonzo is my final note: he dies doing something innately human. He dies going back to rebury his friend, another gangster that polite society doesn't give a shit about, because its the respectful, Christian thing to do. He dies slowly and in pain, bleeding out alone. This is all extremely funny to the DEA, who pose for selfies with his corpse and cackle about the idiot criminal.
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aworldforastage · 10 months
just finished: 有名/In Name Only by 木更木更
a sweet, funny, and surprisingly vulnerable and heartfelt love story
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Synopsis [Spoiler Free]
TV actor Xu Jingzhe and film star Liang Yu are both photographed at a hotel where a drug-fueled sex party took place. As a PR move to distance themselves from the scandal, they put on the performance of a lifetime to convince the public that they have been in a steady relationship for three years with each other.
On the one hand, they know nothing about each other and are reasonably skeptical about the other person's innocence in the hotel scandal, but on the other, they grow to become genuinely fond and attracted to each other.
Liang Yu is snarky, domineering, and seems to have all the hallmarks of having been spoiled by fame, but is surprisingly and unfailingly gentle, protective, and down-to-earth to the people around him. Xu Jingzhe finds it easy to be his friend and act like this lover, and soon the both of them are wondering maybe they never want or need to call off this fake relationship.
I read the novel after listening to the first few episodes of the AD, and it really set the tone for my understanding of the novel.
There is a lot of controversy over Liang Yu's cantonese-style accent, but I think it's an absolute stroke of genius. It really impresses upon you that despite all his confidence and good qualities, Liang Yu is also a human with flaws and quirks. His friends and colleagues indulge in his little tempers and quirks because they love and respect him, and in addition to the dash of humour, it helps ground to this story about astronomically rich and famous celebrities.
I really think this is one of the better AD's I have heard recently. The performance, music, and production are totally on point, and effectively maximize the humour, sexiness, and drama in this story. Only half the episodes have released, but it's been such a joy to listen to.
Thoughts [mild spoilers ahead]
I find this story so compelling because while both characters are idealized like all danmei characters are, this is a story and relationship about people coming to terms with their flaws and imperfections. They both have genuinely unpleasant secrets they wanted to keep in that hotel, but by a stroke of luck, they found each other to get through it together.
Xu Jingzhe seems perfect in all aspects of his personal and professional life, but in reality he is intensely uptight about managing his body, career and image. The anxiety has lead to serious and long-term impairment in his sexual functioning, which in turn causes more insecurities and worries that he keeps bottled up inside.
Liang Yu is domineering and borderline controlling, but as his sister explains, he is just used to being the person in charge and protecting everyone. The model-turned-actor who leaped into the A-list on his first film role seems to have won the lottery of life, but only his closest people know that fate has already given him a nightmare origin story.
Their personalities and "flaws" work very well together. Liang Yu wants to pick out Xu Jingzhe's outfits so his lover looks perfect, and keeps tabs on him with dozens of phone calls everyday. Xu Jingzhe, however, enjoys feeling like someone is looking out and taking care of him, and it eases his anxiety. Meanwhile, Xu Jingzhe's gentle and patient approach actually reads like he is one indulging Liang Yu's impulsive tendencies.
It may seem like they are perfect for each other, but when you read this story, it becomes clear that they are actually very intentional about being good partners for each other. So despite the funny tone and (mostly) fluffy plot, it actually feels very sincere and heartfelt as a romance.
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cljordan-imperium · 1 year
7 Snippets 7 People
Thank you for the tag @oh-no-another-idea, sorry it took me a bit to get to it.
I'm going to tag - @shipping-through-eternity @saltysupercomputer @writerfae @aalinaaaaaa
“I just meant…” Phaedra couldn’t finish because she was laughing so hard.  With the way that all of the men seemed to be protective, she doubted any of the women were going to be alone much, even if it meant that some of the men would be sleeping on the couches that were in the bedrooms.  She had no doubt Deacon or Leandre would be for Yael, if not having to move another couch in so they both could. “I think we knew exactly what you meant, Princess.  And I think that we can handle bein in the bed with ya, gorgeous.”  Thinius waggled his brows as he dropped his arm around her shoulder and moved to get them out of the room before the conversation devolved more.  As much as he normally would have loved to take Phaedra to the bed, Dez was there and he was still getting a grip for how the whole situation was feeling.  
Her touch almost caused a greater ache in his chest than his realization that he had been an ass to assume and not let her finish her sentence.  If Bella had reacted with anger or hurt, he would have understood and he deserved her reproach; instead she had been understanding and was worried herself.  Adriel felt that it was he who did not deserve this female as his mate.  His anger, which was indeed legendary amongst the Heavens and Hells, was something he now feared would hurt her and potentially drive her away.  If he lost her…
“I am sorry, Bella.  I have a temper, one which I have never had reason to contain nor restrict.  I did not mean to offend or hurt you.  I promise to do better in the future.” Slowly Adriel’s eyes opened and his head rose to look at her face. “You could not disappoint me.” Softly he kissed her, keeping his eyes on hers. 
Horace’s jaw ticked and he controlled his breathing through his nose.  He wasn’t a demon, he had a problem with innocents being hurt or used, but fighting with Casperius was going to get him nowhere.  He’d have to warn Vasilus as well, otherwise there was sure to be another explosion sometime along the way, and Cormoran might not be around to defuse that one.  “Do what you want Casperius,” he leaned forward, “but when she figures out how you really are, do you think she’s going to want anything to do with you?  The drugs, the women, the booze, the death?  You’re bringing her into that?  Don’t bullshit me that she means anything more to you than a new plaything and when you’re done, you’ll do what you always do and discard her and move on.” His eyes narrowed as his head also tilted, a sarcastic smirk forming.  Horace was pushing buttons and he’d stopped giving a fuck. “Then Cormoran, Vasilus,  and I will clean it up so that she doesn’t end up Matty’s victim since you’ve already put her on his radar.  We’ve gotten good at cleaning up your messes over the years, The Source knows someone has to.”  Horace turned to head to the stairs that the other two had headed down. He was done with the conversation and had other things to attend to.  It was out of loyalty to Cormoran more than Casperius that Horace stayed at the manor and kept things in order.
Casperius’ hand shot out and grabbed Horace’s bicep, stopping him from walking off.  “How did Matty find that out?  You and Vasilus are the only ones who knew about her.”  It hadn’t occurred to him about that till Horace, himself, mentioned Matty finding her.  Cormoran wouldn’t have said anything to anyone at his estate, so it was someone on his own, and that pissed Casperius off.
“I will trust you…for now, Lucifer.” Finally she answered him, her voice smooth as velvet.  It was rich and warm, a little deep for a female, but held a sensual note that tended to draw people in.
“I promise that you will not regret it, Cassandra.”  The corners of his lips lifted, reflecting his pleasure at her answer as he slid the ring upon her finger.  Lucifer had been saving the bauble for just the right time, and just the right person.  It seemed he had found both now, and that fact additionally pleased him.  “I am no angel, like your previous companion,” his eyes crinkled at the edges in humor, “but I am no longer the male that I was in the past.  My grandchildren have shown me the ere of my ways, I can assure you.”  That they let him go down into Caligo and enjoy some of the activities there did help.
“I’m kind of possessive of my keyboard and mouse though.  Gonna have to insist on hands off.  You’re free to play with controllers to my systems, Red Hot, but not in my chair or at my controls back there.”  He raised his chin towards where his PC gaming setup was. “Back there I’m the king.  I got room for a Queen at my side though if ya wanna.”  
“And what exactly are you going to do if I try to take it over? Hmmm…?”  Del tipped her head to the side and narrowed her eyes up at him.  “Or if I just sit on you and take over?  Maybe I don’t need my own system, I’ll just take yours.”  She was still trying to come up with a good name for him.  I bugged her that he had come up with a good one for her right away and she was struggling, but she would.  His hand on her hip didn’t help, he was distracting her, most likely on purpose.
Turning to face her, his dark eyes met those captivating greens of hers, “what is wrong with me?”
Ice water replaced blood flowing through Adalicia’s veins and it froze her in her spot.  “Excuse me?”  It was out of her mouth before her brain could think better of it.  And she heard Grea clear his throat and movement behind her.
“Kel, what are you doing?” Grae’s hands landed gently on Adalicia’s hips so as not to startle her, then he stepped so his chest was pressed lightly against her back. He wanted to make sure that she knew he was there to support her.  
“Yeah, and you’ll wait here till she’s ready, boys.”  Thinius smuggly grinned as he watched the muscle in the King’s jaw tick.  Oh, he was wound tight.  Could Thinius get him to explode out here?  That would get them back to having fun a lot faster.  “Unless ya just want to leave the pretty box that I know ya brough with ya with us boys.   She might be a while.  And if you’re looking for a bride, well, you might as well head out.  She doesn’t like royal cock.”   Now he grinned, Mithos cleared his throat.  The King was getting red around the neck, and there was the ever so faint sound of grinding teeth.
Leave it to Thinius to piss off royalty before they’d even made it in to see Brie.  That was what he was out here to do, and he did it well.  Mithos always had thought it should be Dez at the door, but after a few of these visits lately, he was seeing the wisdom in picking the chaos demon to be with him here.  Besides being the joint Captain of the Queen’s Guard, he could be the most annoying asshole that Mithos had ever encountered. Thankfully he had never been on the receiving end of Thinius goading.
“If you were expecting to have your ass kissed as it was at times under the previous administration, Kellen, as you can see, the Queen bows to no one.”  Mithos smirked at the King.  They knew each other from when Lucifer reigned in Hell.  His tone was not as flippant, nor as cocky as Thinius’ but his grin was just as smug.  There was a challenge in his eyes that dared Kellen to say or do something, anything that would provoke a confrontation.
THE IMPERIUM CHRONICLES TAG LIST - @ceph-the-ghost-writer @kjscottwrites @writingpotato07 @saltysupercomputer @careful-pyromancer @late-to-the-fandom @autumnalwalker @perasperaadastrawriting @fearofahumanplanet @jessica-writes22 @dogmomwrites @mjjune @verba-writing @blind-the-winds @shipping-through-eternity @outpost51 @inkspellangel @blind-the-winds @sunset-a-story @writingmaidenwarrior @clairelsonao3
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yanjxngin · 1 year
𝙺𝚒𝚖 𝙹𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚒𝚗
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This character follows the yandere trope. If you are not comfortable with this: do not interact.
❝ You belong to me. Can't you see that? ❞
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❝ The King ❞
[1994.01.14] Suncheon-si, South Korea
Personality: Charismatic, jealous, adoring. Jongin is everything a girl wants in a man mixed with the ultimate red flags. He is very secretive about himself and tends to never tell the truth until the object of his desire is his. He's feared and has a bad temper but he would never hurt the one he loves. Everything he does is for her, only her. He is extremely obsessive and possessive.
Background: Jongin comes from a place that is hidden from the world around it. A land full of mythical creatures and ancient magic which makes it home to some of the most dangerous beings not fully known to man. Raised to be King, Jongin started his ascension to the throne when he turned 21 but when the former King died, Jongin was still unmarried and so it was declared that he would not be granted full control until his wedding day. Not wanting to marry for anything other than love, Jongin set out on a quest to find someone who matched everything he wanted but on his journey, he became more and more obsessed with his perfect woman who did not exist in his land - so he crossed the boundary to find her. He is rich and lives under the guise of a playboy billionaire, heir to a large global enterprise - this was set up by his royal advisors. Any attempt to find out any truth about Jongin has been greatly distorted, making him one of the hardest men to keep track of because his name, face and identity is constantly being changed due to the magic that courses through his veins. Magic that protects his land and his people.
Physical: Jongin has chocolate brown hair that he tends to colour often, ranging from black to blonde and nearly every colour in between. His appearance is constantly changing due to the magic he possesses. His eyes are chestnut brown but he may be seen with blue contacts in. Height is 6 ft, Jongin has a lean, muscular body that many would class as a dancer's body. He has a slightly toned set of abs, broad shoulders and strong arms. He has no scars on his body. Due to his changing appearance, he may be seen with tattoos and piercings, all different and none permanent.
Yandere: Jongin is considered an obsessive love yandere. He likes to appear normal to those around him and is very sweet, charming and gentle to all those around him but when he takes an interest - he is obsessed. Head over heels. Nobody exists to him anymore but the one he loves. He will not hurt the object of his desire but will hurt or kill anyone who tries to take her away from him. Jongin will do every and anything for his love interest, they can do no wrong but he is extremely volatile and any instance where his love isn't reciprocated can cause him to lash out.
Info: Jongin is not a magic wielder, he cannot perform spells nor can he summon anything. Magic runs through his veins but its more focused on his body and maintaining his youth, physical strength and appearance. He drives a white BMW X6 that he has affectionately named 'Daisy' after his pet horse back home. He loves dancing and often takes classes. Jongin has recently become addicted to caffeine and his favourite colour is deep red. Jongin's very smart, he doesn't show it, opting to seem goofy and funny but he is very knowledgeable. He isn't a fan of dead silence and will often play music to fill the void. This will be updated as more is discovered about him.
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Straight. Dominant, hard.
Kinks: praise/worship, bondage, knife play, primal/fear play, edging and voyuerism. Jongin will not be sexual around other people when he's in love, he prefers private. More will be added as it is discovered about him.
The pet names that he tends to use is: Goddess, my (insert here), petal.
Secret Identity
Jongin is not quick to jump into a relationship but is quick to develop interest. He wants to make sure the woman he chooses fits everything he wants or can be everything he wants. He's had previous ex-girlfriends before but all of them have since gone missing. Relationships take a long time to develop. Once Jongin has made it clear that he is interested, he will not show intimate attention to others. He will only take one partner.
Y/N + RP: Jongin will take one person in this slot that follows the plot the admin has pre-made. This plot starter is based around the story that Jongin is based off and will follow his trope.
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❝ It's hard to see the way you smile at them, the way you laugh with people that aren't me. They don't deserve you, nobody does. Only I do. Stay with me. ❞
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darkcrowprincess · 10 months
It ends with us!:
I finally finished the book!
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And the ending, what to say what to say! Atlas and Lily are together! But Lily is stuck sharing custody with Ryle the abusive asshole. So a bittersweet ending that's more sweet than anything. But still, I think Lily should have aborted the baby and cut all ties having to do with Ryle. Over all opinions of the book. It was sad. A good bittersweetness with the only good being Atlas and Lily's relationship. A safe haven amongst all the bullshit and trauma that is Ryle and Allysa. Yeah I said it. I think Allysa is a horrible friend to Lily and should have warned her about her brothers issues in the first place! But she was selfish. Very selfish. Now Lily is forever tied to this man through their baby. And there's no guarante he won't abuse his daughter in his anger. Both emotionally or physically. I hope in the sequel Lily and Atlas get full custody. Over all I'm going to state my general opinions of the characters from favorite to least.
Lily Blossom Bloom*giggles at her name*:
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A too sweet and trusting cinnamon roll of this world that must be protected at all cost. Love when she's brave and bold. But over all Lily gives me the vibes of being so sweet when she's constantly surrounded by so much trauma, sadness, and shitty men. And you can see the affects it has on her. Especially when you think about her sitting all alone on that roof in the beginning and the idea of her flower shop. But over all she is brilliant and bold. And my glad she has her successful flower shop, she has her daughter, and she has Atlas. Who is basically her soulmate no question.
Atlas Corrigan:
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First name perfectly fits him because he is exactly like the Greek myth and man is this guy carrying so much weight on his shoulders. Abusive parents. Kicked out. Homeless and suicidal as a teenager. His one saving grace was Lily, literally because if it wasn't for Lily he would have killed himself/died if he never saw her or met her. Lily really did save him. And if it wasn't for her he wouldn't be so successful in the book. Of course he worked every hard for it. But if Lily never saved him he never would have made it. Atlas spends so much of the book just loving Lily from afar and wishing he could keep her safe like she did him. I can understand why Ryle is jealous of this man(still doesn't give him any right to abuse Lily and be an obsessive creep). He's over all adorable. I love that he loves Boston and can cook and bake too. And that he dedicated everything from his restaurant and his success to Lily. He reminds of a sweet but protective wolf with a Boston accent.
Ryle Kincaid 😤😠🤢🤮: Over all an in general piece of shit loser man. Obsessive, abusive, anger issues, over all should not be allowed to be a doctor/surgeon if he has black out anger moods which he can't remember or be in control of! Just in general pyscho that should be going to thearpy and staying in one of his parents and sisters rich houses and staying away from all women. Just walking red flag from the minute you see him in the book. Only good thing about him is that he seems to be good at sex. But at what cost man? What cost? No dick is that good if you end up with a clingy abusive asshole that acts like a pycho. I still think Lily should have aborted his kid. No only on the off chance that Ryle will abuse the baby. But also what if the temper is hereditary? You want an abuser teen girl that's like her father? No Lily I don't think you do. I feel only a tiny bit of pity for him. But that's just for kid Ryle and all the trauma that little boy went through and obviously having parents that didn't send both kids to thearpy enough. But over all just piece of shit loser of a man that should not be around people especially women. What scares me is all the other women Ryle has dated. Like I feel like Lily is obviously not the first woman he has abused. I personally also think he has probably abused his sister and mother too considering their reactions to Lily and how quickly they want their relationship to work.
Allysa: A horrible friend that probably knew how abusive her brother is and just threw Lily to the wolves. Hoping she could fix her brother. You can't be a good sister and be Lily's best friend at the same time. It's just not possible when you know he's abusive. And she did, you could see tons of hints of it through out the book. Lily deserves better. I feel like Allysa should have convinced Lily or at least suggested abortion to her. But I feel like she didn't because she wanted to stay Lily's friend and have their kids be cousins. Which I think is really shitty. Her husband Marshall is way to good for her. And now he's forever trapped connected to this family just like Lily. Especially hate how spoiled she is when it comes to the money her husband make.
Jenny Bloom: A coward, a horrible mother. Wanted to punch her in the face so many times when she kept acting like everything is ok. And what she let her husband do to Lily both emotionally and physically, and for Atlas getting assaulted. I feel pity for her because she's being abused by her husband. But over all she is a coward and I wish Lily stayed hating her.
Andrew Bloom 😡😡🤬🤬🔪🔪: Another example of horrible men doing horrible things and getting away with it. Hope he's burning in hell in the it ends with us universe. He was both emotionally and physically abusive to both Jenny and Lily. Don't care what Lily says, just because he didn't hit you doesn't mean he wasn't abusive towards you emotionally and cause you damage. He's also a rapist, and he assaulted Atlas a kid! Still in high school so still a kid and should have gone to jail. And this man is in politics and was the mayor of Maine 😤😓🤬🙄. Goes to show what you can get away with when your a white man with power and fucking connections. Sorry if I was Lily or Jenny I would have either murdered this man or cut off his balls. Especially if he tried to rape my mother or almost killed my boyfriend. Or just tried to ruin his reputation. It's 2010. I would have figured out some way to ruin this man life because he deserves it. It's justice. But no he just gets to get away with it like Ryle. Hate it!!! Glad Lily never said anything good at his funeral.
Anyway. This book was good. A bittersweet book. Is it the most amazing book in the world? No. But you guys keep giving Colleen Hoover too much hate for no reason. Her books are simple quick and easy reads. Only complaint I have is I wish she'd add more detail to the worlds inside her books. The setting. Make the setting feel more like Boston and Maine you know. I feel like her books would be good for people trying to learn English since they are so easy to read. Glad I read " It ends with us." And hope the sequel is good.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year
Isolation backfire. by u/UnderArmAussie
Isolation backfire. I don't believe his story about the fight with William. I don't believe he was innocent in the altercation. It's well documented that he has an explosive temper. And I'm not biased on that, William has one too. I believe JH lost the argument, though.If he needs security, it's because he couldn't keep his mouth shut. He's his own worst enemy. I'm not sure she needs it at all. Sarcasm ahead... but who'd pay the ransom? The world would be saying it's all good guys, "Please keep her"!I have a father who cannot express emotion. To have my father leave notes on my bed, reaching out to me with thoughtful aplomb, would have left me so utterly grateful. Not Harry, though. Sometime down the line, I believe his own children will wish he managed half of what Charles did. He's an ugly man. No backbone, save the one others have been paid to provide him with. As with she, he seems to believe in his own importance simply for existing. Neither offer this world anything positive. It's all about what they can beg, borrow, steal, and grift.Her family wants to sue her for her lies. His family doesn't want his presence because he can't be trusted. A listers aren't returning their calls. They've been dropped by their business contacts. His friends have moved on. Her friends are whoever she can use this week. Next week, it'll be someone else. The Beckhams have millions. They've never been media whòres. Imagine believing so much in your own self-importance that you think they'd take time out of their day to leak something about you.They have no skill, no talent, and no worthwhile input. Just pie in the sky, ill thought through ideas they expect others to finance and graft for. For all the awards they accept, I cannot think of one thing they've achieved on their own merit. They believe being famous (or infamous) is enough. That doors will open, and money will come flooding in.She believed he would help her open those doors, and he believed she was helping him leave a concept he despised. But he opened few doors and she had an agenda. They both used the other, and both came up short.And even now, when it's abundantly clear that the interest in them is a wholly negative, slow motion train wreck, they still keep going. Good god, take the money you've made thus far, buy a remote ranch or move to Africa, and live a peaceful life. There is no comeback. Not in a positive way. No matter how many puff pieces get put out, or how many vulnerable (but rich) elderly people you exploit.Narcissists gradually isolate their victims to divide and conquer. To manipulate those around them so they have control. The irony here is that they've markled themselves. While others have grown closer, the only two people isolated are them. How it must feel to have missed the target and become a pariah. To know doing business with you is untenable. It doesn't matter how many fake awards you buy. You're untouchable.And it couldn't have happened to a nicer couple /s. post link: https://ift.tt/sqTcMk3 author: UnderArmAussie submitted: August 05, 2023 at 02:26PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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Further Umineko-ing. Again
episode 1, part 3
whenever battler is unavailable, kumasawa has taken the up the role of exposition and comic relief, which is nice. i like granny characters and id be interested to hear more from her perspective, since she is sly and nosy. being a maid really exposes you to a lot of dirty laundry.
a new plot point came up. i didnt initially take this one seriously bc of how stupid it sounds. apparently there is a SECRET FAMILY TREASURE OF GOLD hidden on the island somewhere. really not a direction i expected but suuuuure. physical 10t of gold somewhere. there is something deeply funny about the headship and possibly the pact with beatrice being tied to a little private family paperchase. fact of the matter is, kinzo is WAY too serious about being chuuni to lie about this. as unrealistic as having 10t of gold just sitting around somewhere is. its an almost cute touch that beatrice is the family's personal boogyman - an entity children get warned about so they dont stray too deep into the forest and stay out after dark. except shes real i GUESS.
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well, thats ominous.
maria once again exhibits a scary amount of sincereness towards the topic, which on its own isnt that weird, since shes nine years old. she mentions she wants to grow up to be a witch as well. another thing to put a pin into.
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(looks at krauss' hair colour) uh oh sisters
at the same time, the same discussion is happening between kinzos children. since it seems clear krauss has in the past misappropriated his fathers funds, his siblings are - loving as they are -, offering him a way out. they will not investigate further, should he meet the following conditions:
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right, hideyoshi is there too. btw.
at this point its perfect to mention that eva's va, ito miki, is doing an amazing job. every word eva says drips with poison. and hideyoshi has a way of being extremely unyielding, while keeping a kind and sincere face and voice. probably explains while george is like that
worringly, krauss just accepts it instantly but remarks hes too poor to pay the 10% in advance. everyone hated that!!!! however, krauss did his homework too. evas husband is plagued by shareholders that want to dispossess him. rudolf somehow got himself in front of court, without the knowledge of his wife nonetheless. no idea what rosas problem is, aside from the fact that her siblings talked her into the contract and she has yet to make it. as it turns out. everyone is neckdeep in trouble and NEEDS MONEY RIGHT NOW!!!! (the game spells this out in caps) except for krauss. funnily enough. he would only need instant money, should he sign the contract.
so there is no upper hand to be gained or control to be had. they are ALL cringe.
(this is where hideyoshi finally cracks. he does not lose his temper but is visibly uncomfortable.)
the contract remains unsigned. also they got spied on. it turns out kinzo also tolerates kanon around him, if its to spy on conversations his children had. needless to say he finds this hilarious and he has other worries anyway. hes trying to resurrect beatrice with black magic fuelled by the risks hes taking in life.
this truly is like world's shittiest family get together over the holidays. except way more money is one the line. but the emotional exhausting and toxicity is very true to life. rich people probably live like this. horrid.
magic in this vn is built up on risks taken and wagers made. the smaller the possibility of success, the better. which is why kinzo encourages the gold hunt in the first place. the more people look for it, the more powerful he becomes. and then he can ??!??!? resurrect beatrice. im just accepting that. necessary plot device to keep moving.
nanjo has the kindest reading on the gold paperchase: kinzo might have put it together to force his children to work together in solving it, thus mending their relationships and becoming a happy peaceful family.
yeeeeeeaaahhhh no................. at least thats not his prime motive. it could still be a side effect though.
the riddle to get there is as follows:
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so here we are. "my beloved home of old" might already be the island. or maybe its more metaphorical than that. it is currently october 4th in the game and i have read up to the afternoon. that COULD theoretically mean the a "first twilight" could happen soon. if that part of the riddle is already relevant at all. welp lets see
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mishkakagehishka · 3 years
Are orders open? If yes, can I ask Yanderes! Malleus, Riddle, Leona and Azul with a reader is dating them to annoy or annoy their parents, maybe the reader's parents are not the best parents and with that there is always a conflict between them, where the reader being a rebel and what better way would it be if the reader dated the yanderes that her parents disapprove of the relationship ((secretly the parents even though they are not good parents still care about their daughter and disapprove of the relationship because they think it's strange the way boys act close of the reader or with people around always light up red flags))
Hi, first of all, I am absolutely IN LOVE with this concept. Second of all, 🥺 orders is a cute way of calling them. As I said before, they're always "open", you'll just have to gamble on whether I get to them in two days or two weeks;;;;
Tried playing around with a different format, by adding a little ~quote~ at the end lol I hope it looks nice
Warnings: abusive and toxic relationships, gaslighting, unhealthy amounts of jealousy and possessiveness, controlling behaviour, violence and deception
I write the yandere trope as horror, not as romance. It's not meant to be romanticised, as it's just the short word for unhealthy and abusive relationships
Malleus Draconia
Malleus won't get it at first
Even if you outright tell him you're only dating him to spite your parents, he's choosing to ignore that
He believes you must love him back, if you're willing to date not only a busy prince-heir, but also a fae with quite the intimidating aura and appearance
Malleus is perfectly content with living in his make-believe world in which you love him, and don't mind his greed and possessiveness, in which you don't mind how he isolates you and makes you depend completely on him
But… the fact that your parents don't approve of him is a thorn in his side
He's a man of tradition - he wants the current queen of Briar Valley to approve of his choice, and he wants your parents to approve of yours
He already convinced his grandmother, so, all that's left is your folks
Malleus can act nice, as nice as a fae can be, with them, offering them reassurance that he would never see any harm befall you, but he skillfully avoids directly answering the questions about his own treatment of you
He will do his best to persuade them on his side, luxurious gifts from Briar Valley, trinkets and riches humans can't even imagine
Malleus will even offer to show them around the castle, so they can see where you will live, so they can see you will be happy, safe and want for nothing - if they let you marry him
Unfortunately, most of his promises and big talks only reinforce the image of him your parents disapproved of in the first place: that he's treating you as an object, a treasure to own and keep only for himself
He definitely miscalculates, so swept up in his delusions that you love him back, and doesn't consider that, if you'd date him out of spite, you'd also break up with him out of spite
But good luck breaking it off if he gets both your parents' and the queen's blessings. You didn't think you'd be able to run away or, bless your soul, hide from a fae you've given your name, did you?
"It's okay, even if your parents don't approve of me, you love me, right? That's all that matters. You love me, and you're already mine. Nothing will take you away from me."
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle understands what it's like to have parents who disapprove of everything you do, he does
So he will probably see nothing wrong with the fact that your parents think of him as terrible
"Too controlling" and "So hot-tempered", they're being too judgemental, just because they're your parents and think they know best
He would never hurt you, you know that (right?) so what does it matter that he asks you to abide by some of his very simple, tiny little rules
What does it matter if he yells at you every once in a while when you break them? Everyone does that, it's normal
Those are all the excuses he gives himself
Riddle won't try to change your parents' mind, but he will listen to you vent and rant about them, condoning and probably planting his own seeds during
Not exactly prepping you, but just giving you the idea of cutting contact
Riddle most definitely knows that, by the rules, he should seek your parents' approval, but if you go no-contact, it wouldn't be needed
It's the simplest solution
He'll use that to further isolate you, because you only need him, after all
There's no need to be nervous, as long as you listen to his every word, he can take care of you
If you tell him you're only dating him to spite your parents, he doesn't take it too well
Riddle will insist you're lying to him
Will absolutely hate being confronted with that fact. He can't decide whether he hates more that you lied about loving him, or that you merely used him to spite your parents
But Riddle believes feelings can be changed, altered and influenced
He believes that your love story can - will - become one of those stories wherein the couple was fake dating, but still ended up falling in love
He can make you love him, if he just makes it another rule
"It's an unwritten rule that you shouldn't date someone you don't love, right? So, are you lying to me, or are you admitting to breaking another rule? Even if you did break the rule, it doesn't matter. You can learn to love me, and I'll start your training immediately."
Leona Kingscholar
Leona's got quite the issue with being rejected, so he doesn't take it well in the least
Your parents disapprove of him? Who the hell do they think they are?
Saying it's worrying that your wrists and neck riddled with finger-shaped bruises and that you flinch every time he makes a sudden move, what do they know? Haven't they ever heard of couples play-fighting?
Everyone gets jealous sometimes, sure, he gets jealous often and easily, but it's normal, he insists
He cares about you so much, he "loves" you so much, of course he worries if he sees you hanging around other men
Wouldn't do much more than tsk at being told he is not good for you, but he wants to prove them wrong
He won't grab you as roughly, not in front of them at least, and he'll make sure that his "play-bites" don't leave marks
He'll play up his princely side, showing off the manners he hated being taught, and even dropping the fact that he has means of making you live in luxury, worry-free
Though he grits his teeth while saying it, the fact that he's not the heir also means that you'll have all the riches of royal life with almost none of the stressful responsibilities
If he finds out you're only dating him for spite, however… oof
He admires your feistiness and the willingness to almost literally cut your nose off to spite your face, but he's not happy about being used
Leona will stop caring about your parents at that point, realising that you'll continue to be with him for as long as they hate him, and he wants that to be as long as possible
And he's happy to play along and make your parents hate him even more
"Hu~h, your parents are so bothersome… just cut contact with them already. It'd be easier than dating a man they hate. Now come here, my marks are fading and we can't have that. After all, you want them to really hate me, right?"
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul has pretty clear feelings about this
He's just happy to be here
When you (finally) said you reciprocate his feelings he was over the moon
Despite his classy and confident businessman facade, he never really grows out of his insecurities
So he was always worried you'll think of him as some ugly useless octopus bastard, and, even if he was obsessed with you, that insecurity was the only thing that stopped him from being overly aggressive towards you during the "courting" phase
That said, he doesn't really show it unless he's going through a particularly bad episode of insecurity
Usually, he's very calculated and cunning, making sure you follow his every word, and he tries to always somehow keep you indebted to him and dependant on him
Your parents would probably notice how he's the one who insists on paying for everything when you're together, and, despite sounding like a joke, the way he smiles as he says, "Let's just say you owe me a favour now, okay?" to excuse it was worrying
He'll feel rejected if your parents disapprove of him and, if they don't make it known why they disapprove, his old insecurities might swim up to surface again
He tries to play up his suave businessman persona, attempting to make them think of him as the perfect man who would be able to take care of their child
But if he finds out that you're dating him just to spite them…
Azul wouldn't be Azul if he didn't take full advantage of that
Of course, he's disappointed. He wanted to believe that you loved him, but a part of him is happy you think of him as useful, and another part of him thinks of the possibilities
He finally has a reason, and a way, to tie you to him. He will confront you about it, and offer you a deal
Either he breaks up with you right then and there, depriving you of ammunition against your parents
Or he continues being your horrible sly boyfriend. If you act now, he'll even throw in the bonus called "I'll have the twins help"
The catch being that, if your parents ever start approving of him, you have to marry him
But that would never happen, right? He even said the twins would be helping
Well, not like he ever said whom they would be helping. Maybe read the tiny print next time
"Oh? Why are you complaining? Was this not our deal? I never told your parents anything good about myself, and it's not as if I can control the twins. But a deal is a deal, so, would you rather have a summer or a winter wedding, my love?"
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officialleehadan · 2 years
Temper Town
Hello darlings! Today's story was brought to you by L! Darling, thank you so much for all your support. I hope you love it!
Prompt: Draco loses his temper and rains some destruction. HGE – The Others
“You have made a very bad mistake, coming here.”
It wasn’t often that Draco lost his temper. He prided himself on his own self-control, particularly after he awoke as a vampire. He knew exactly how devastating he could be if he decided to employ the power stolen from his unexpected Turning.
Now, of course, he was older, wiser, and able to decide when it was time to unleash his true power.
It was a traveling band of vampires, disguised as a troupe of traveling performers. They went from town to town, feeding and murdering as they pleased. There were no laws for their kind. Nothing that could stop them from raining death wherever they went.
Their latest stop just happened to be the town Draco now called home, deep in the wilds of the same land he had been returning from when his human life was stolen from him. Now he spent his time seeking out his own kind, but he often returned to this small, unnamed town and the house he built for himself high in the mountains above. The people knew he was cursed, but they took his gold and kept their whispers to themselves.
Draco didn’t let the whispers bother him anyway. He was rarely home, and his house was protected by magic discovered on his travels.
He had a promise to keep after all. One leech would die for every one of his soldiers who died on the mountain under the fangs of his sire. That wasn’t to say that he killed very one of his own kind to cross his path. Some, like him, were seeking the ones who Turned them, hunting for revenge. Others simply wanted quiet, peaceful lives, settled with lovers and spouses who could sustain them without the need to kill. It was from them that he learned what he truly was, and how to manage the gifts that came with his cursed existence.
Draco left them to whatever peace they could find. He would not steal happiness as his happiness had been stolen.
These vampires, however, were not seeking peace.
Draco got as many of the townspeople out of danger as he could, and then, finally, let his temper free itself from his steely control.
It was time to allow himself the violence that lived at the core of his being.
It was time to have some fun.
“Little Lord thinks he can stand up to us,” one of the vampires, a man with the pale skin of the northmen, and the accent of a Gaul on his tongue. “Brave little Lord. We are your nightmares. Grab him, but leave that him for last, boys! Let him see what we do to those who speak out!”
They, Draco realized all at once, did not see that he was their kind. They did not understand the enemy they faced.
More the fools they.
There was a blur of motion to Draco’s left. To a human, it would be almost impossible to avoid. Draco simply took a step backwards as the vampire shot past him, startled to discover his prey had escaped.
“You speak of nightmares,” he said, and called on the strength of his own hidden curse. These vampires were children. Rowdy and excitable. They had no training or control. They had no mercy. They would do nicely. After all, he still had a great many vampires left to kill before his fallen soldiers were avenged. There were shouts around him when he snarled his hand in the hair of the next foolish childe to blur past him. It was another man, young and fair and snarling. Draco wrenched the boy’s head back, and drained him dry, before he dropped the corpse at his feet. Blood dripped down his lips, rich and heady. “You have found one.”
A pile of half-finished fence-posts, each about the haft of a spear, lie close to hand. Draco scooped one off the ground and stepped forward, the speed of his age and blood powering through his veins. The next childe he caught was a woman, and she howled when he rammed the long, sharpened stake through her chest and drove it into the ground. She writhed in agony and he left her there to die.
“You must not know my name,” Draco told the leader of the motley troupe. His gladius hung at his hip. He did not draw it. It was too good for these young monsters. “You will not live to whisper it in fear.”
Two more of the troupe lunged at him. He batted one aside contemptuously, and plunged his fangs into the throat of the other. Hot blood gushed over his tongue and down his throat as he slashed through the pounding artery under the skin. Before anyone could stop him, Draco dropped the dying vampire and grabbed for the other, and drained him as well.
Fed to glutting on three of his own kind, power like he had never known came to Draco, and he smiled with his fangs out, bloody and willing.
“Come, stupid childe,” he taunted the leader, who was staring at him in horror as he realized Draco’s true nature, and that Draco was his senior by many centuries. No young childe was he. He was born in the height of Rome’s power, and he had not been a child when he was Turned. “You can die facing me, or running, but you will die tonight.”
“Kill him!” the vampire shouted. There were echoing cries from all over the town. Draco smiled to himself. Good. Better they came for him than for his innocent town. He knelt and gathered up more of the sharpened fence posts. Those, he leaned against the nearby wall, easily to hand. “Tear him apart!”
Draco had counted almost a dozen vampires in the troupe when they came into town. Three were already dead at his fangs and hands.
Nine left.
The count left Draco smiling in a way that he could not explain. TO think, counting down on lives stolen away, yet again. Centuries gone, and yet he still remembered the dying cries of his soldiers as his sire picked them off, once by one.
Now it was Draco, taking his enemies apart as easily as the breaths he no longer needed to take.
The troupe vampires were fast. He would give them that. Not fast enough, of course. He impaled the next two who ran at him and left them beside their sister, who still writhed, suspended off the ground as her own weight slowly drove the stake into her heart.
“So,” Draco said, and looked around at the seven vampires who circled him, afraid and wary now that they had seen him dispatch one of their own. He gave them a grin that was mostly teeth and entirely a promise of violence. “Who wants to die next?”
HGE - The Others
Sea and Sky 
Triton's Daughter (Subscriber Only!)
Burst and Burn
Forward to Treasure
Particular Particulars
To Distant Stars
Sister Gift
Five United (Subscriber Only!)
Temper Town (New!)
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
What if Mc was a person who don't take shit from anyone, demon human or Angel, and just was this small sassy piece of dynamite? How’d everyone react?
MC who takes no shit - brothers + undateables
Satans pact and chapter 16 spoilers
So you've chosen death
This man can't even handle the smallest sign of defiance
an actual bitch boy
"You are here because you were picked to attend, you were listed to be under my care, this is MY house! You follow MY rules-"
"hold that for a second, I'm calling Dia."
He's so easy to rile up
You feed off his quick temper, he makes it too easy
But he deserves it
Too many times he thinks he can just control you and his brothers
You've cut Mammon down from the ceiling, when faced to Lucifer you just handed him the rope
"If you want someone to hang so much, do it yourself, old man, it is your fault after all - if you didn't leave your cursed valuables lying around Mammon would of never tried to steal them and get himself cursed."
He both scared of you and in awe of you
He's surprise you're still alive at this point
Of course you're alive, the great Mammon is looking after you
You have definitely called him out for being a tsundere
"So, you wanna make out or do you wanna keep yammering on?"
"I- You can't just be saying that to demons!! Why would I wanna kiss some human-"
"Kay, I'm going to go see if Levi wants to-"
Whenever he steals something from you or the others, you go on a man hunt
"Sell your own stuff! You always have something new in there! or are you that scummy and bad with money you need to steal off others ?"
Please have some mercy with him
In general, finds your sassy attitude interesting, always wonders what the new comment or roast will be
Scared and in awe but times it by 10
Is mostly terrified because you make him upset
Didn't expect to be called a guilt tripping bitch
"You're busy? I get it, I mean - why would you ever want to spend time with someone like me? I'm just some nobody, a yucky otaku who no one wants to be around-"
"I get having a low self esteem but shitting on yourself at EVERY given chance and then go on to be about how yucky and worthless you are when I just wanna spend time with someone else?! You can fuck right off!"
He thinks you're a delinquent, has gotten you a cool jacket so you can put it over your shoulders
You can pat him on the back for at least being able to stand up for himself, he's always ready to brawl and never shys away from calling his brothers out
Always lets you wear his headset and just watches as you cuss and sass any petty player
It seems you keep choosing death
You wanna get sassy and back talk the literal embodiment of wrath????!
So - do you want be buried or cremated?
You take none of his shit
He respects it just as much as he hates It
We all know he has good control over his anger but there's a limit on how much of your attitude he can stand
"You're so petty, do you have to be a smart-ass about everything?"
"that's rich coming from the guy who threatened to cut off my limbs because I wouldn't make a pact wth him."
When he doesn't respond you just nod to yourself, checking your nails
"Yeah that's what I thought."
If he needs to come up with a good come back he always asks you
Sits back and watches you argue with Lucifer
He loves it until you call him out
Didn't expect to get psychologically profiled
"At first I thought you were just a narcissist but now I see you're just a Insecure man who placed his value on his looks and how people perceive him-"
" You can't seem to handle any type of bad press about you-"
"Oh? Did you make yourself look bad then blame it on someone else because they just wanted to do what they please? Oh boo hoo!"
You could end this man's career with a single word
But, if you're 'no shit' attitude is targeted to someone else? He's all over it
Will sigh dreamily and watch you chew Someone out
Unless you get super roasty and rude - he encourages you to talk to him with an attitude
"You're so hot when you talk like that~"
Knows you aren't all sass, he definitely enjoys your more softer side
Will invite you to a sleep over so you two can gossip and rant over a bottle of wine and do a mini spar
What prompted you to be this sassy? He's baby!
I mean, he did throw a fit when you ate his custard and destroyed your room
Sure, constant hunger is painful but he can survive without one custard
Yeah- he can be up for roasting and being chased out
"You've told me you literally want to eat me! How is that comforting?! You're hunger tantrums are already bad enough but now I know I could be on the menu?"
"No thanks! Do the hokey pokey and turn your goofy ass around!"
Has a habit of being your stool, he doesn't mind really, finds it pretty adorable actually
You're so small compared to demons so when a gym jock is being rude about you or Beel
You just snap your fingers and he'll sit down, hunch over and put his hands over his head
You'll just step on his palms (you take off your shoes angrily whilst telling the jock demon to not move an inch) and just go off
He understands where alot of your cusses come from, he agrees with you and feels guilty on his behaviour
Really likes it when you stand up for him; normally no one does that because he's such a big guy
Belphie does it but things can be abit disheartening when your twin Is the only one rushing to help you
You know what? Understandable, please, fire away
Just keep making jokes and references to all the bad things he's done
He needs to be put in his place
The dude has literally killed you! If you weren't going to give him an earful when you recovered then what was the point?!
This man is one of many bastards in this school
Either watches you go off on people or sleeps mid arguement to stop hearing you call him out
"I'm innocent, I haven't done a single thing wrong in my life."
He will always respect you for looking out for his twin, when he can't do anything he always looks to you to step in
Has held things out of your reach just to watch you get mad
You've chosen a fate worse than death at the cost of sassing a pure man
He gets upset but is very understanding, it's his companions who will handle your fate
I honestly, CANNOT, think of a reason you'd want to be sassy or rude to him
If it's just in general and not meant to offend him; he thinks it's very attractive
You've got a silver tongue and able to make a comment without much thought
Very impressive
His type is Lucifer very simple
You'd call him out for letting dangerous behaviour happen at the school and putting loads of faith into Lucifer
Perhaps point out how reckless inviting humans to a demon realm - who could easily be killed if they don't have an escort with them at all times
But other than that? He's safe
He is your executioner
He can handle a jab
But he will remind you he was the one who saved you if you get too out spoken with him
that only gets him more cussed out though
"So you're aware of pretty much every event that happens, Right?"
"You could say that."
"Then shouldn't you use those abilities to then help anyone and stop all sorts of tragedies?"
"My Lord has stopped me from using my powers freely."
In general, you just make comments about how vague he is
He's too mysterious that it's just ridiculous
You want to get to know him but he just gives you that smug look and amused laughter
Can you really be blamed for being Sus of him?
He's so suspicious, for what?! For what reason?!
He doesn't like being called old? Depending how disrepectful you wanna be, you like to use the nickname "Grandpa Solo"
"I'm surprised you aren't actually some evil Wizard trying to get the brothers pacts so you can be the most powerful human alive and take over the Devildom."
"Who says I'm not?"
He's witty and smug
You're sassy and explosive
You're a duo that should be feared
The two powerful humans banding together? I'm sure there's a website on the two of you with theories of your evil plans
Finds your attitude delightful!
Didn't want his kindness to annoy you but it did, sometimes it is a crime to be Too nice
His favoured company are all sassy bastards so it only makes sense he likes you very much
"You gave them bangles that made them into SAINTS! that's fucking weird! And you had them turn into angels despite the fact they have truama from heaven!"
as mischievous as Simeon can be
His angelic nature really does pop out alot
"aren't you tired of being nice? Don't you want to go ape-shit?"
"Of course not, there's no need but thank you for worrying about me, I know I can seem force and strange to you but I really do enjoy being kind to others."
Almost fought him during the TSL event; you didn't expect him to do a 360 and become super strict
Despite your hard shell you care alot about the people you're close with and can't stand to see them upset
It appears you're trying to throw hands with a 10 year old
He does seem demonphobic
Why are you always denying your true feeling??!! Just admit you like demons!
You try not to swear and be outwardly rude Infront of him
But sometimes this little boy really tests your patience
"Okay species-ist."
Is your main response when he's being a tsundere
He's the one who's the safest from your attitude
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maddiwrites · 3 years
The Hybrid (Prologue)
Pairing: JJ x Reader
Summary: The Pogues rekindle their friendship with their old childhood best friend and JJ’s first crush, Y/N. Old feelings resurface for JJ and Y/N, possibly leading to a summer neither one of them could ever forget. Due to past trauma, Y/N is reluctant to let anyone into her heart, but JJ never backs down from a challenge, even if he knows it will come back to haunt him in the end.
Note: So happy to be back with another series!!! I honestly really missed posting. Unlike Secrets of the Shore, updates will be slower because I don’t have them all written out yet. A couple things I wanted to let you know before you read. I based Y/N’s family off of Gilmore Girls. I thought they were the perfect fit for this story and the show in general and I just love their dynamic. (Including Luke who I renamed Steve for obvious reasons). Chapter 1 will explain more obviously but I wanted to give you guys a little snippet of the characters and relationships. So let me know what y'all think!
Word Count: 3.3k
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Outer Banks. Paradise on Earth. It's the sort of place where you either have two jobs or two houses. Two tribes, one island. As you know, the Outer Banks is essentially divided into two groups. If we want to be blunt - it’s the rich and the poor. Figure Eight is home to the rich. Aka the Kooks. With houses bigger than necessary with extra rooms that go untouched, boats the size of homes on the Cut - the other side of the island. Most people who live on Figure Eight are your naturally raised assholes. People who don’t know the value of a dollar and take advantage of people who do most of their dirty work that lets them prance around the island with perfectly manicured fingernails. These hard workers are the Pogues. They live on the south side of the island where most Kooks wouldn’t be found dead. They serve fancy meals at the country club for shitty tips, mow lawns, and work their asses off at any other job for minimum wage. The drastic difference in lifestyles tend to cause many spats and arguments between the two communities. Especially between the teenagers who still don’t know how to control their raging emotions or know when to bite back their tongue. For the Kooks, every fight is a fight for dominance where as the Pogues fight for equality - to put the Kooks in their place. Many of these fights happen at summer parties where the two groups clash to find a good time with their friends filled with alcohol, drugs, and good music.
That’s where they find themselves tonight. The infamous Pogues. John B, JJ, Kie, Pope, and now Sarah Cameron. Although born a natural Kook, she’s earned her spot next to the adventurous teens and her boyfriend. Unlike her brother Rafe who basically is the leader of his notorious group. Topper and Kelce are his best friends who follow him blindly.
The Pogues watch them from their spot surrounding the keg. Kie purses her lips in distaste as the boys cat call for the ladies around them. Somehow most of them finding it flattering. Sarah sips on her beer to hide her embarrassment, often wondering how she and her brother grew up to be so different. Pope and John B stay mostly disinterested, only worried if they try to make a pass at an unwilling girl or fire a degrading comment at their short tempered friend. JJ Maybank is known around the island for his trouble making behavior. Usually if he gets in trouble for fights, no one ever asks who the other people were in the scuffle. Because if JJ Maybank is in the fight, he’s the one who started it, right? Wrong. In fact, JJ usually is never the one to start it. He’s good at keeping his head down and only speaking when spoken to when it comes to the Kooks - the only form of advice worth taking from his father. But his short temper is something the Kooks his age loved to take advantage of because they liked getting a rise out of him. It was like an adrenaline rush.
Luckily, tonight both groups were keeping their distance, either only talking to each other or random Tourons that have found their way to the party. This is usually JJ’s favorite part of a boneyard party. Finding his one fish in a sea of many that he can reel in just for the night and never have to worry about seeing them again.
He has his eyes set on a beautiful blonde making her way to the bonfire when all of a sudden Kie’s voice pulls him out of his trance.
“What’s she doing here?”
JJ follows her line of vision, spotting you walking down the wooden steps that lead to the beach, pulling your best friend behind you by his wrist. He first notices your smile and how it brightens up your entire face. Then of course his eyes scan down your slim but athletically toned body. You’re wearing a pair of jean shorts and a cropped white T shirt that says UNC across the chest. Who knew someone could look so good without even trying?
Well JJ did. He’s known it for a while.
“Careful. I think you’re drooling,” John B whispers in his best friend’s ear.
JJ pushes him away and mutters, “Shut up. No I’m not.”
But maybe he was.
Y/N Y/L/N is a unique resident of the island. Unlike majority of the island, she doesn’t fall in either Kook or Pogue category. She’s what everyone calls the Hybrid.
People who work hard for what they have but haven’t fallen to be Pogue status. Quite literally living in the middle in a place they call the Crest.
Your story is well versed among the gossipers of the island (which tends to be just about everybody).  And mainly that’s because of who your grandparents are.  Claude and Doris Y/L/N. Two of the riches people on the island, living in a three story house on the beach. Many people fear them, others envy them. Most feel both. Even Ward Cameron walks on egg shells around them, which is quite often, considering he works for Claude. They’re the kind of people who have never heard of Barefoot wine or Walmart. They keep their noses up and turn a blind eye to the suffering communities around them. Thirty four years ago, Doris gave birth to a daughter that couldn’t be more opposite than them. Lorelai Y/L/N was a wild child. A rule breaker. She snuck out at nights, dated boys her parents would never approve of, dabbled in breaking the law here and there. It didn’t matter how many times her parents disciplined her. She always managed to make her parents’ life a living hell. 
No one was surprised when word got passed around that Lorelai had gotten pregnant at eighteen. Although it was with another Kook, she brought shame upon her family name when she refused to get an abortion, even when her mom tried dragging her by her hair. 
Lorelai risked everything by running away from her parents’ home in the middle of a windy night. With only one suitcase, the baby daddy out of the picture, and less than a grand in her pocket, she managed to make a life for herself on the South side of the island. She worked two jobs, found an affordable apartment for cheap rent, and managed to save some money before her babies were born.
Yes, babies. As in more than one. Five months after running away from home, she gave birth to twin girls and they instantly became her entire life. With the help of her best friend Steve, who she met one month after being on her own, meeting him at his automotive shop when she very much literally rolled her junky car into the garage, she raised you and your sister on the Cut. The two of you are her greatest accomplishment. Every now and then, she mentally throws up a middle finger to everybody who doubted her, proud of who the two of you have become. 
Right before you turned ten, your mom took a business risk and opened her own Cafe. The Bikini Beans cafe, very popular amongst both Kooks and Pogues. The business did so well that she was able to move the three of you out of your shitty apartment into a beautiful one story home with three bedrooms in between the Cut and Figure Eight, aka the Crest, the summer going into your freshman year.
You actually used to be best friends with John B Routledge, JJ Maybank, and Pope Heyward. It was easier being friends with them than the girls, finding more joy in sports and rough housing than makeup and gossip. 
Doing the same summer that you moved, your mom pulled you out of Kildare County High and placed you in Outer Banks Private Academy. Aka Kook Academy. Around this time, your grandparents had also become more involved in your life, and you wondered if they had somehow bribed your mom into forcing you to transfer schools. You tried asking her during one of your many fights that started with you begging her to keep you at Kildare County High, but she quickly shut you down and told you to be grateful. That was ironic coming from the woman who ran away from the people giving her an expensive high school career. 
You had no choice but to do what your grandparents wanted and attend Kook Academy. Making friends was a lot harder there than it was in Kildare County High. You managed to make one friend in your freshman year. Andre Cortez. Due to an incident a couple years back, you built thick walls and Andre was the only one able to break them down. You were grateful for your friendship, but hanging out with him was nothing like hanging out with the Pogues. 
When you transferred schools, you lost touch with the Pogues slowly. Your life became busy with school and playing dress up for your grandparents and the boys were starting to work. Eventually all contact was cut and ever since, you’ve felt a void in your heart.
“Look,” You tell Andre. “I told you I would be your wing woman and I’m not backing down from what could possibly be the most important role in my life.”
You didn’t notice the Pogues or any of the stares around you. It’s true you’re not much of a party girl. I mean, you’ll go out here and there, have a drink or two, but you felt more comfortable at places where you weren’t surrounded by drunk and horny teenagers. 
“He’s probably not even here,” Andre says. He’s trying to look nonchalant but you notice the way his eyes dance from face to face of the people around him. 
“He told you he was going to be here, right?” You ask him with one brow raised. Andre nods. “Then, we’ll find him.”
Sarah and Kie never made any effort to talk to you at school, but to be fair, neither have you. You’ve heard mixed reviews, some people call them spoiled brats, ungrateful...some even go as far as calling them ‘The Cut Sluts.’ Of course you never take any of those things to heart. You can’t judge a book but it's cover. Plus, they’re friends with your old best friends. They can’t be that bad for John B and JJ and Pope to be hanging out with them, right?
“You think she'll come over here?” Kie asks. No one’s ever said it out loud, but her friends wonder if deep down, Kie was a little jealous of you. Because you were their first real girl friend. You were the first girl they ever let in and opened their heart too. That was a tough pill for Kie to swallow when she originally thought she was that girl. Of course the boys don’t like you any more than Kie and vice versa. But sometimes Kie wishes she could have grown up with the boys the same way you had. 
“Probably not. Unless she’s drinking,” Pope says and motions towards the keg they’re near. 
“I have an idea,” John B says and fills up a red solo cup. He hands it to JJ. “Why don’t you go offer her a cup.”
JJ snags the cup out of John B’s hand and glares at him. “Fuck off, dude.” 
“Do you guys ever see her around at school?” Pope asks the girls.
Sarah shrugs. “Not really. She doesn’t really get a long with my old group of friends.”
Kie rolls her eyes. “No one gets along with your old group of friends.”
Sarah playfully shoves Kie by the shoulder and they laugh. 
“I heard she turned down Raymond Easterling a couple weeks ago and he didn’t take it very well,” Pope says, remembering the words he heard from the kids in his class roaming the school hallways. 
Raymond goes to Kildcare County High with the Pogues. He’s known to be a trouble maker and a class clown. He works with JJ at the country club. The kid can make JJ laugh sometimes, but he wouldn’t necessarily say he likes him all that much. He can be an arrogant asshole with an ego bigger than it should be.
“She turns down everybody,” Sarah says. “Some people at my school call her ‘The Heart Sucker’ because she can pull people in with the snap of her fingers and break their heart just as quickly.”
Something stirred in the pit of JJ’s stomach.
“Hey! Where you going?” John B calls out to JJ who’s making his way deeper into the sea of people on the beach. 
“Taking advantage of a good boneyard party, my friend,” JJ calls back and slugs the rest of his beer. Looking left and right, he searches for the blonde he had eyes on earlier. Because right now, he needed a distraction. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
The party starts to die down a little after midnight. Some people leave to find another party, some are passed out in the back of their cars, and others had already found what they were looking for - someone to leave with. 
The boneyard party wasn’t as bad as you expected it to be. You had found a couple of kids from your school who were nice enough to make small talk with you while Andre left to find a guy named Devon, a Touron he’s been talking to who’s renting for the entire summer. 
Now you’re waiting for Andre to come back so the two of you can walk home. You find comfort under a slanted palm tree towards the back of the beach, scrolling through random apps on your phone to pass the time.
“Y/N?” You look up from you phone and smile when you see your former best friend inching closer to you, squinting in the dark to see if it’s really you. 
“Maybank? What are you still doing here?” You stand up and pat the sand off your hands on you thighs. 
Your heart skips a beat in your chest when you look at him. He’s beautiful. Lucious blonde hair, perfectly tanned skin, piercing blue eyes. You always knew JJ was going to grow up to be gorgeous. He was cute when he was younger. At least you always thought so. 
“I was just leaving, but I thought I saw you sitting here and wanted to make sure you were all right.” He knows it’s not like you to stay this late at a party, especially all by yourself. When he first saw you sitting there, he didn’t know if he should say something. Mostly due to nerves of seeing you again. But the other Pogues had already left and he didn’t trust anyone else at the party to be near you alone late at night. It didn’t matter if you were sober or not. 
“Aw. Was JJ Maybank worried about me?” You tease. Talking to him felt easy. As if you never stopped being friends. A few years ago, you and JJ had the best banter. Despite constantly bickering back and forth, John B always swore the two of you would get married one day. The two of you just always clicked like a natural connection. And even now, when only seeing each other every now and then for a few minutes at a time, it felt normal. You smirk when JJ rolls his eyes. “I’m kidding. Yeah, I’m okay. Just waiting for my friend to come back from his little rendezvous,” You say. 
JJ nods. “Did you have a good time? I feel like I never you see at these things.”
“Yeah. Parties aren’t really my thing. But Andre was nervous to meet this guy he’s been talking to for a little while so I came for moral support.”
“Looks like he didn’t need much of the support.”
You shrug. “It’s better that way, anyway. I don’t mind waiting for him. What about you?”
“What about me?” 
“Did you have a good time tonight? I hear your quite the ladies’ man at these things.”
“Come on, Sparky. You know better than to believe everything you hear.”
Your face lights up at the mention of your old nickname. You use to always be busting out the seams with energy. On days where the boys just wanted to chill and play video games, you would drag them to the park for a game of kick ball. Or when they wanted to sleep in after a long week, you showed up at 8 am to drag them out of bed to catch the morning waves. So one day JJ started calling you Sparky, and it stuck with the rest of your little gang. You always pretended to hate it, but secretly you loved it. 
“Oh I don’t believe everything I hear. I do, however, believe what I see. And your arm around that tall blonde in the little black dress looked quite convincing.”
You first saw JJ at the party when he was making his way to the pretty girl by the water. Your teeth involuntarily clenched and there was a twisted feeling in your stomach you couldn’t shake whenever you looked at them. 
In that instant, JJ felt grateful for the dark sky. He felt the rush of heat rise up his neck to his cheeks before he could stop it. He knew the motivation to see that girl was because of you. He just wished you never saw it. But he didn’t know why. 
“I walked her home. She wasn’t my type,” JJ plays it off. 
“I didn’t realize you had a type,” You giggle, but a small part felt relieved to hear this. “So what is it? Your type?”
Hybrids with a Pogue attitude, bright smile, beautiful eyes, and a mouth that could make any sailor turn around, JJ thought. 
“I don’t know. Haven’t figured it out yet.”
You roll your eyes playfully. “Well, when you figure it out let me know.”
“Why? So you can transform into my ideal girl?” He teases.
Now you’re the one thankful for the dark sky. “In your dreams, Maybank. But so far, I do have the perfect wing-woman track record, so if you needed help -”
“I don’t think I need any help in that department. Thank you very much.”
You throw your hands up in fake surrender. “Ooo. Touchy subject.”
JJ rolls his eyes at the same time your phone pings with a text message. You pull it out of your shorts pocket and open the text from Andre, telling you to leave without him because he’s gonna stay out late with Devon and won’t know what time he’s going to be done.
“Everything all right?” JJ says, watching you read the message.
You lock your phone and stuff it in your back pocket again. “Like I said. Perfect wing-woman track record.”
“That was Andre?” 
“Yeah. He’s most likely not coming home tonight.”
“Lucky bastard.”
“At least one of us is,” You joke. 
JJ’s grin slightly falters but you don’t catch it. You have no idea how much he wishes the two of you could be equally as lucky. Together. 
“Well, I should probably go,” You say and bend down to grab your flip flops.
“Let me walk you home,” JJ offers. 
“Oh no. It’s okay -”
“You’re cute. It’s wasn’t up for debate. I’m not letting you walk back by yourself.”
You scoff lightly. “I’ll be fine.”
“Just humor me.”
You roll your eyes and smirk but choose not to argue. In fact, you’re excited to spend more time with JJ. It’s been so long.
“And here I thought you might’ve grown out of your stubborn phase by now.”
You shove him playfully by the shoulder. “Shut up!”
And just like that, it felt like old times.
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