#and I loved that when others found it too tame. Of course there was monster of the week shit but it was small scale and intimate
runthepockets · 2 years
I really like that the fights in Chainsaw Man don't exist to drive the narrative as much as they are a result of it. Like in any other Shonen manga your "wise old mildly perverted sensei training naive, witless deciples with battle tactics that get wittier and more ruthless with each passing second" arc would last like 15 chapters / 17 episodes and would end with the characters coming to some life changing self realization and full control over a new power but Power and Denji taking on Kishibe lasts like 3 chapters and it's more of a goofy (but necessary) B plot that gives you a little bit of character development and guides the story to its next logical conclusion than it is any indication of character morals or motivations or an easy leeway to the next absurd power level or anything. You already get plenty of that in the other 80% of manga, which mostly consists of characters just going to movie theatres and helping each other vomit in bars and wandering aimlessly around Tokyo or Hokkaido. It's more "slice of life" than most franchises in the same genre.
Blue Exorcist was a rudimentary but very similar variation of this and I was endeared to / by it, its world, and its characters for a really long time so I'm glad the formula is catching on and being perfected in 2023.
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andieperrie18 · 10 months
Watching her fall in love
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A/n: DISCLAIMER, I just wanna clear out that I HATE Mikio, OR LOATHE him. The man died too quickly for my liking. But I am currently at an emotional but productive mode in my Mizu x Reader fanfic. I needed to vent some writing. I just needed to write somethings to hurt myself, so now I would like to share my pain. I kept this one vague but clear cause certain parts would likely be in the fanfic. So please bear with its corniness and i do hope you enjoy and share some thoughts at the comment section how to make Mikio's suffering a bit more satisfying
Pairing: Mizu x Reader
Series: Blue Eye Samurai
You know she deserves to be happy. There was no reason for her to continue her vengeance now that her mother was actually alive and now has been encouraging Mizu to leave your debt and settle down with the man her mother had found that will surely provide for her.
Not that Mizu was not cared for in your home, with a small dowry left by your deceased father and the a simple home on a piece of land from your husband who worked tirelessly to own for your future before circumstances decided to rob you of the life that you could’ve had with him let alone have a child of your own.
After coming to terms with things, you swear to never love any other man than your husband. But the tides of fate didn’t really like that.
You were on your way home when you found a wounded Mizu on your way. Lucky enough, your place was near when she came stumbling in your arms clutching her bleeding side. In your home, you treated her, fed her and provided her all the necessary things to hasten her recovery despite her constant attempts to deny any more further gestures.
Your persistence rivaled hers and she can’t really do anything than just accept it if she wants to continue her quest for revenge. But she days go by and she can finally function properly, the closer she has become to you. Of course you already knew that she was a woman, tending to her wounds did require you to have her lay bare before you while under unconsciousness. But her eyes, a part of  her body that she has come to hate as it was the most visible defect of how she is immediately considered as a monster. You were no stranger to being cast aside so you know how to provide her the right words and comfort.
From that point on, she’s been your constant company either at your small plantation or someone to share food on the dining table. With her harsh childhood and upbringing, Mizu’s cold exterior was very hard but once you do reach her,  she is as gentle as a spring water bathing you in in cold warmth under a harsh sun.
“You know that I’ll leave as soon as I reach recovery,” she said with a frown as she sat across from you from the entryway. The evening was  young but the skies were burned by a millions suns from eons away and the full moon lingering among them. You looked at her as she did as well, there was a hint of sadness in her icy blue eyes.
“I know, and I will not force you to stay, if this path is what you need to find peace at the end of your road, then do so. Just know that when you’re ready  to find your peace, my doors are open to your company,” you offered a smile, one that she did return. One that had you marveling at it all throughout the night.
You haven't come to terms with your feelings with Mizu for quite a while and believed that you really cared for platonically. She has found a great friendship with you and you to her.
As a ‘friend’, you were lucky enough to be there at the small ceremony. Mikio didn’t want anything to do with her and denied any act of consummating their union. But Mizu didn’t worry much as you have provided a great company. Cracks to your resolve showed when you had succeeded to provide Mizu an opportunity to create connection with her husband. You had encouraged her to try approaching the man and keep in mind how persistent he is with that one particular horse he has been taming for days in your observation. Soon, Mizu was having a small conversation with Mikio while you watched.
Watching Mizu’s rough demeanor crumble so easily in his presence was infuriating, an emotion you quick to shut out. Guilt tripping was made easier upon having small conversations with Mizu’s mother who Thanked you for being there for Mizu and helping her create a relationship with Mikio. 
“Now that she’s out of your hair, you can finally find a husband as well, your still you my dear,” Mizu’s mother trails, but your attention was on the couple emerging from the green hills riding a horse along the orange horizon. Your eyes on Mizu, laughing, so free. An expression you never once got from her.
The final realization of your love for her was followed by a tsunami of heartbreak as you watched her capture her husbands lips in a kiss by a big tree that you came passing by. You watch her submit to his touch, lifting her legs off the ground and press tender kisses on her neck. You hid by a tree, back against it. You stare up the orange skies as you feel every thing inside you tear itself apart.
A/n: I Just needed to feel pain.
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is-it-bussin-hannibal · 4 months
okay so,, I don't know if i have it in me to write a whole fic, but i needed to get this slightly dark Paul out of my head
Paul is married off to Feyd the second Feyd is of age (which avoids the attack on Arrakis yadayada as Feyd, alongside Paul, will inherent Arrakis, everybody wins). At first, obviously, the boys don't like each other very much, they're two teenagers, but they're also of noble birth, it's their duty, and Paul is bene gesserit, his whims have no place here. Feyd tends to ignore his husband most of the time, but he sleeps in the same bed, sometimes he'll stay in their rooms while Paul read or draws, somethings he really just stays there, quiet, sometimes he will engage in an activity of his own, they're practically parallel playing, sometimes he'll excise, and Paul will quietly join him. Paul knows he could seduce him, but there's just something about Feyd, how he avoids physical contact, how he'll move an inch away when approached, he's very mistrustful, and Paul respects that. It only infuriated him a "bit" when he found out Lady Fenring seduced his husband, and he knew why. Still, Feyd willingly spends time around him, and he doesn't do that to anyone else, and that means something.
Living in Geidi Prime proves to be a chore, it's harsh and cold and empty. Paul has observing as his form of distraction, right away he understands the power balance here, he understands why things happen the way they do, he sees the Baron for what he is, he also starts to understands Feyd the longer he stays with him. Paul never had anyone his age around, granted, but he also never had anyone match his wits, and he's delighted with how smart Feyd is. From what he learned with the bene gesserit, his husband was a animal, aggressive and not particularly intelligent, like his brother but stronger, he thought his marriage would be just taming a beast, like he was trained to do, dull and uncomfortable. But oh, what a delicious surprise!! Feyd managed to deceive the witches, made this mask of a monster, but of course, no one can get close enough to see through it. Paul does, like a bad dog, Feyd-Rautha bites when threatened. And soon Paul realizes, that everything here is a threat to Feyd, and has been since he can remember, the biggest threat? the Baron. He feels sorry for his husband, but he knows that would not please Feyd, and Feyd made the effort to be around him, because for some reason, he decided to stay with him for life and not just, kill him, and he's happy with that, so he does his best to show Feyd what a family is, because now they're family.
Paul sets for old fashioned childlike friend making instead of bene gesserit seduction. He talks to Feyd, even though Feyd does not respond, tell him things, sometimes random things, sometimes important things about himself, just to make conversation, to guide Feyd. The Na-Baron is very confused at first, but he listens, Paul urges him to speak too, he doesn't really knows what to say, but in time, he starts making comments about things here and there, like he's seen Paul do, which seems to please Paul. They create a routine. He annoys Feyd enough that the older has no option but let him do whatever he wants, and what he wants? to know Feyd, to be his friend. Feyd is not really familiar with the concept, he has his pets of course, but they're just one of the twisted mentat's failed experiments. The girls are beautiful but with the intelligence of a doberman. They were given to him as mock, but his pets suppressed expectations in his hands. Paul doesn't mind them at first, they scare him but it's nothing he can't deal with. He knows Feyd loves them, he usually doesn't show soft emotions, not here, never here, but Paul just knows, he can feel it. So he approaches the girls, he has heard all kinds of horrible things about the Na-Baron's harem of cannibals, but that's just what they are. They were born cannibals, they need human meat, Feyd is a gladiator, he keeps the girls fed, nothing else. For the world it looks sadistic and evil, adding to Feyd-Rautha's lore, from up close, it's really what Feyd can show of compassion. Gretel, Mischa and Niobe, they can't talk, but they're smart, Paul teaches them some sign language. Feyd is more than impressed, the girls usually don't let themselves be approached by strangers, but Paul won them over, especially Niobe, she's the one more taken by his little husband, follows him around and is eager to communicate, even started to sleep by his bed. Feyd asks to learn sign language too, of course, he also wants to communicate better with the girls. Paul can explode with happiness, something else to bond over!!! They're already have fighting, flying and Paul noticed the dedication Feyd has with his looks and decides to match him. It takes hard work, but Feyd starts to relax around Paul. He also understands Paul is his equal, just as intelligent, just as resilient, he can see Paul and Paul can see him. He's still hesitant, like a wild animal who was kept in a cage too long, but he's getting there and that's okay for Paul, he'll teach his husband, feelings are hard and Feyd never learned to deal with them besides bottling them up and attacking first, but now Paul is here, they are friends.
Enough spice in the food has enhanced his perception, he noted, and easily enough, he knows who he is, what he is, not just a Harkonnen by marriage but by blood. He can feel it now, in the back of his conscience, that thing that have always flown through his blood but he could never name it, hedonism. His sheltered, kinda repressed, life in Caladan makes him a little angry, all he has been denied and for what?. The Baron obviously takes a like for him, and he understands why, he also understands why Feyd seems uncomfortable, almost disgusted with it, and he too, feels a little thrown off by it, but he's bene gesserit, he uses it.
No reason to tiptoe aroud it, Paul calls him grandpa, which just makes the Baron happier with him. He stays at the Baron's side, sits with him in his floating device, talks about whatever the Baron wants, let's his thick hands linger, he gains advantages over the fat man. Soon enough, he's included in the important conversations. Even though the old man is a disgusting creature, Paul sees he's also very intelligent, and even learns a thing or two from the Baron. His grandfather is more than happy to dress him up in the most expensive fabrics, parade him around like a trophy, and Paul does the Baron's biding because yes, he's the most disgusting man in the galaxy but boy, he sure knows what he's doing, and he's got to make the most out of his situation. He knows his family would be outraged to see the Duke's son like this, in the Baron's lap, laughing, clinging to him, whispering in his ear a thing or two he noticed about the nobles around them. But Paul is not just the Duke's son, he's bene gesserit, he has the power here, he's a mentat, he's doing this for the advantages, he's Harkonnen, he's doing this because he can, because it's his birthright.
Paul noticed how Feyd would tense up in the Baron's presence, how he hated to be touched by anyone but held very still anytime it was necessary, he noticed Feyd would cover his body head to toe when he had the choice, only socially he would be showing skin, enchanting everyone around him like a good showman, and Paul knew he hated it, he knew he was doing what he was taught to do, to be a good boy and entertain. Maybe after a while he ever got a taste for that, not enough to enjoy having skin showing around the Baron, but enough to do it effortlessly.
After so much time around the Baron, Paul learned he did, in fact, have strong Harkonnen blood running through his veins. He enjoys power, he enjoys lavishness, he is very much a hedonist. The bene gesserit training served him well, but he saw through them now, he would not do their bidding, especially after learning what they did to Feyd, setting a trigger word that would render him paralyzed, "for safety" they said, it makes his blood boil. Taking away Feyd's agency, making him vulnerable, he knows those are Feyd's biggest fears, oh how he would snap those witches necks with his bare hands, maybe he will if they ever get too close to his husband. Let them think he tamed the beast, let them think of him as a beast, that keeps him safe, and Paul learned from Feyd, add fuel to the fire if it's working for you.
His training from his old masters also served him well, but now that his grandfather included him in real talks about the imperium he knows there's no such thing as morally better or whatnot, if anything, his father was not very smart, leading with his heart and training with repression. He loves his family dearly, but the world is so much bigger now, and out of everyone, is the Baron teaching him. His sees now, his mother is a Harkonnen like any other, hungry for power, he cannot see how love would blind such a powerful woman, that's why she defied the sisterhood, why she tried to make him a boy, the one. He wonders how different things would be if she had been raised by her father, maybe she would be like himself now.
Like the Baron, he thought of Feyd as "his", differently from the Baron, he would NEVER hurt him, and that's how he distance himself from that man, he can not stand the thought of Feyd being hurt, and he will do whatever it takes to protect his husband, his friend. He knows Feyd initially was angry at him for this behavior, withdrawing from him, he couldn't understand why Paul would let the Baron touch him, knowing what he knew, knowing what he did to Feyd, how could he be fine with that, was he that much like his grandfather? it was revolting to him. And at first, Feyd thought his husband was stealing his thunder, then, he thought his husband was giving himself for free. It took a while for Feyd to realized that with Paul gliding around the room in his pretty, expensive clothes the Baron chose for him, nobody, especially the Baron, minded him. He could wear the clothes he was comfortable with, no one cared, he didn't need to say a word to anyone, all eyes were on Paul, the sweet, pretty grandson of the Baron Harkonnen. He felt it, Paul was doing this for him, no one was going to touch him, no one was going to be all over him, he wasn't going to be forced to perform, the Baron would not hurt him, not under the little witch boy's spell. Paul was also safe from the people around them, Feyd was a plaything until he started to bite back, but no one would touch the Baron's arm candy, the Baron's only grandson. Feyd is as close to free as he could ever be, thanks to Paul, he almost can't keep it in his chest, the dukling likes him so much he is willingly at the Baron's side, knowing that his family will not be happy with that. No one had ever protected Feyd before, maybe his mother once, but he couldn't really remember. And like that, he trusts Paul, and maybe that's what love feels like. Paul knows what loves is, he was loved from his first breath, and when he sees it in the Na-Baron's eyes, directed at him, he feels complete.
In the early days of their marriage, when Feyd was very skittish around him, and would not touch him, Paul thought of many things, maybe the Na-Baron didn't find him attractive? or maybe he was repulsed by sex altogether, odd, considering what he learned about Geidi Prime and Harkonnen culture. Maybe he was impotent? no, the sisters would've told him that, they wouldn't jeopardize the way for an heir. That wouldn't do, they needed an heir to secure this union and Feyd unwillingness to touch him as unbecoming.
One day, during their training session, Paul was wearing a short blouse that would ride up with every move, he caught the older boy's eyes lingering on his frame, he said nothing, Feyd also said nothing. Then Paul noticed his struggle to move, the Na-Baron's pants had become tight, the duckling smiled to himself, so he was attracted to him after all, and he clearly could get it up, so what was the issue?. One day, Paul used the Voice on Feyd, they were wrestling, he thought it would be funny to get the upper hand like that, and a good way to let Feyd know of his abilities. He was wrong, Feyd moved so fast way from him, it was as if he used the Voice to tell him that and not "down". He looked terrified for a moment before he caught himself, still away from Paul as he got up. Paul felt so bad, he understood why Feyd was terrified, Feyd hated not having control over his own body, more than hate, he feared that. Paul explaind he only wanted Feyd to know he could do it, told him he would NEVER use the Voice on him again, apologized profoundly. Feyd acknowledged his explanation but was very surprised by the apology, he liked it, Paul could tell. He decided to show what a pinky promise was, and made a promise with Feyd. Feyd-Rautha was quite happy with that.
They had become more comfortable with each other over the weeks, they held hands and hug every once in a while. Paul would have vison nightmares sometimes, other times Feyd would have nightmares, after calming down they would just hug until they fell asleep again, Feyd was getting found of hugs. Paul even got a kiss! the only other time they kissed was at their wedding and Feyd did as fast as he could.
One day, while they were laying in bed, just enjoying the other's company, Feyd asked, out of nowhere, if he would use the Voice on someone else. Paul took a while to respond that yes, if he needed, he would, he saw something shine in Feyd's eyes, he couldn't tell-- "you're very powerful" Feyd said, not blinking, looking directly at him, breathing heavily, and oh, that's it, Feyd is not only attracted to him, he's also attracted to power. Paul then decided to show how much he appreciated his husband by giving him power over himself. Feyd, unlike him, was experienced, forced to perform, then acquired a taste for it, for taking back. Paul knew what he was taught as a bene gesserit and what his grandfather had shown him in filmbooks but nothing felt like giving in to Feyd, not having to be the one in control all the time, just letting go, he trusted Feyd, knew he would never hurt him, and Feyd trusted Paul to never force him to do anything. They were a united front now.
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safarigirlsp · 6 months
I was so excited to see the ask game going around. I hope it perks up around here again 💛
Do you any HCs to share for Flip, Kylo, Jacques, and Mills??
Hello!! Thank you for sending this in! Today feels like the good old days with this dumpster fire hopping and the bs flying! I love it!!
🍕What's your favorite comment you've received on a fic?
Omg @iamburdened absolutely kills me with her comments. I have re read them 100 times and I smile like a lunatic every time. She's so dark and hilarious and I love her!
Here is just one example of her awesomeness on my fic Sinners Welcome!
@vedavan leaves some of the most involved and thoughtful and incredible comments I've ever received and I am so beyond floored at the amount of thought she gives. I am so thankful for her encouragement and support!
This comment on Here There Be Monsters made me swoon
Ahhhh!! Your stories are always such a thrill, a joyride from beginning to end, and this one was no exception. I loved every word, and your gift for action scenes and gorgeous descriptions shone so brightly here. I loved all the side characters too: from the colorful ragtag assortment of pirates and whores, to Legris' trusted crew and of course the legendary Pierre; the elegantly villainous Talvington and the mysterious, bewitching Grey Lady. Even the ship herself, the Belle Dame, was a character in and of herself. And of course as always I appreciate Carroughes disgusting appearance and his inevitable demise. Your obvious love and passion for the subject matter and for the characters (no one writes a better, hotter, more delicious male MC than your Legris 🔥🔥🥵) made this such a joy to read, and I was almost sad when it ended. Action, romance, drama... your stories have it all and I'm completely addicted. Perfection! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
@reveluving inspires me to write more insanity by her support and beautiful comments on my stories!
This is so hard actually, but I have to shout out to my favorite people here and the most supportive and amazing people I know who always spur me to keep churning out my bs and do more!
You, of course! @queeniebee and all the other friends I have here who instantly come to mind when I think of support and wonderful people! @babbushka @lumberjack00fantasies Silky!! @gabesprincess @mrs-gucci @rynwritesstuff @mythrielofsolitude @reylokisses @queen-of-elves @srorgana1 @kyloremus
🍔What's a headcanon that hasn't made it into a published fic yet?
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Kylo knew you were the one when he found he could fight with you and argue without losing his temper. He has a famously hot temper. He's a notoriously violent man. But of course, he could never hurt his girl. That doesn't mean that he wouldn't lose his temper with her, or so he thought. He thought it would be a challenge, that he would feel his blood pressure rise and his teeth grind when you angered him, because naturally you're going to. It can be a little thrilling to push his buttons. But he never has lost his tempter with you, despite your best efforts. He gets hot and bothered in other ways, ways he channels to improve both your moods.
It's true what they say, that Beauty tamed the Beast.
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No one can debate that Jacques has a winning personality. He's fun, lively, exudes charm and charisma, and has no hesitation putting on a grand show for his girl. However, like so many highly charismatic people, his charm was hard-earned and developed for survival. A self-made man, he had no name or fortune and had to claw his way up the food chain until he became a man of power. He remembers going dirty and hungry and cold, sleeping on the ground, awaking to a muscles that ached from cold and a growling stomach that couldn't be sated. Charisma was another skill he learned along the way to survive. Just as necessary to gain power and fortune as being able to fight, red in tooth and claw, was the ability to mingle, to befriend, to charm to amuse. He had to make himself useful in all ways to his betters until he outstripped them all.
With you, he finds that he doesn't need to act at all and that it's all natural and second nature. It makes him swell with pride when he puts a smile on your lips. He realized you were the one when he realized that making you happy made him happier, giving you pleasure made his heart soar. He will also ensure his girl, his family, will never know the feeling going hungry or cold, nor of being shunned and kicked aside. His table will always be bountiful and his arms always warm and loving for his woman. When he smiles for you, when he laughs and entertains, its genuine and it makes him love you more.
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Flip was raised outdoors and helping on his family's ranch, breaking horses, branding calves, cutting timber, chopping ice, hauling hay. All the things his size and rambunctious temper were good for.
His upbringing made him a die hard western movie fan. Clint Eastwood is his favorite with John Wayne a close runner up and he's watched their entire filmography at least five times over with his dad. He's ensured his girl has seen all of his favorites and plenty of others too. True Grit, The Outlaw Josey Wales, El Dorado, Unforgiven, to name a few.
Westerns are his favorite movie genre. However, he is also quite a bit of an ornery jackass. As such, his favorite genre to watch with you is horror. He loves setting the stage, making sure the house is nice and dim, the temperature a little cool, a fire crackling in the fireplace. The ambience is perfect for a movie night in, and all strategically geared to make you want to get nice and close to him, against his chest and inside his arms. He will tease you mercilessly and goose you during the jumpy parts. Then he will laugh - bray- like the jackass he is. He deals with killers and criminals in real life. Horror movies don't phase him. Some big ungainly bastard with half his vision obscured by a mask, coming at him swinging a chainsaw that's telegraphed a mile away is hardly a challenge. Flip would have fun taking your average slasher out in spectacularly ballsy fashion. Flip loves horror movies and chill. He chills while you get chills.
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Mills is tenacious and hard working in all ways. He will go the extra mile and work harder and longer than anyone. Complaints aren't part of his vocabulary and he never shies from any quantity of blood, sweat, and tears it takes to see anything through once he sets his mind to it. He's determined to the point of self destruction and will push himself far past the bounds of comfort and even good sense.
The area in which he's happy to put in the effort and diligence is for his girl. Once he sets his sights on her, nothing will deter him. He will tilt windmills and make every overture, simple and grand, to win her heart. As a lovesick teenager who didn't know a damn thing about girls, this took the shape of embarrassing acts like clumsily strumming a guitar and singing off key below his intended's window at odd hours of the night until angry fathers ran him off. He considered it a badge of honor when one particularly enraged father took a shot at his feet with a .12 gauge.
Thankfully, he has learned a thing or two and now applies his tenacious enthusiasm in better ways. He will cook for you and rub your shoulders until his hands ache. He will bring you flowers and take you out for a picnic that entails a ride in his bush plane out to a mountain lake to spare you the hike. He will carry you to bed when you're tired and hold you all night. He considers it a personal failure when he doesn't make you cum before him, and is dauntless when it comes to making you moan and sigh. He is the ultimate Golden Retriever Boyfriend. He will work every day to make you smile and never let the new wear off.
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sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
Unknown Feelings
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This takes place in a sort of courting phase where the creator doesn't have any established romantic-like relationships
Warnings: general sagau, implied self-esteem issues kinda, fluff and flirting, honestly this is pretty tame
Paring: Venti/reader
It felt as if Mondstadt never changed, not really at least. Perhaps that was one of the disadvantages of building a city on an island, a finite space unable to really be expanded. As set as the stone that made its foundation.
And perhaps it was that unchangeable sense of consistency that got to you when everything else seemed so uncertain. It was always calm there, quiet, safe. Even back when this was all nothing more than a game that rang true, a place which purpose was simply to breathe, to provide rest and rejuvenation.
Maybe it was specifically for those reasons that you didn't find yourself spending a lot of time in the quiet nation, though that wasn't necessarily of your own choice. It was simply hard to justify, lounging in a city that didn't truly need your help or guidance.
Of course they wanted you there, the people, the monsters, the trees and flowers, and their Archon above all else. But when faced with Liyue's treasure hoarder infestation, Inazuma and its many threats, small peaceful Mondstadt was simply overlooked.
That didn't stop you from missing it though, from quietly longing for the day you'd get to return, if only for a short time. And that was exactly why you found yourselves at none other than the stone bridge, mere steps from the neglected land of the Anemo Archon.
You only meant to look, to simply gaze for a moment at the other side and then be on your merry way, onto where your presence was truly needed. That was until...
"Your grace!"
Oh no.
You spared a hesitant glance to your left, met with none other than the very Archon you missed seeing.
"How lucky I must be,” Venti continued, throwing you a playful smile, “to catch you alone like this."
The bard quickly and happily wrapped his arms around your arm, hugging it close. "You are alone, right? Morax isn't, uh… hiding somewhere back there... right?" The nervous laughter was hard to miss as he spared a few quick glances behind you, keeping a careful eye out for flying land-formations.
"Don't worry, you’re safe. Though that might not stay true if I don't get to where he's expecting me." You teased as the Archon pouted.
"Aww, so you didn't come for me after all? How cruel, and I was so excited to spend the day with you."
Venti had known from simply observing you that Mondstadt wasn't the final destination you had in mind, but what was he if not convincing?
"Hmm, why don't you come with me anyways your grace? I'd love nothing more than to entertain you on this beautiful day~"
You could get out of this, it wouldn't even be particularly difficult, but... did you really want to? Your thoughts drifted momentarily to how the rest of your day would unfold if you declined his gracious offer, sitting at a desk for hours on end, paperwork, distraught followers because you happened to sigh at the wrong time...
Your mind was made up before you spoke, and Venti's grin only widened.
"I... I suppose I could. But only today, and I need to be back before dark, and I'm not protecting you from whatever consequences 'Morax' deems worthy to bestow when he finds out."
His hold on your arm tightened as he pulled you along giddily, over the unmarked threshold that held so much weight.
"Completely worth it, I've missed you far too much to let an opportunity like this slip away."
It didn't seem like he would be letting go any time soon, dragging you ever onwards.
"Where to go where to go..." Venti mused, thinking it over rather intensely. "We could go to the Angels Share! I could even perform for you, it's been sooo long after all."
You laughed slightly, "Oh? And here I thought you'd wanted to horde all my attention for yourself. You know what'll happen if we go there."
You had a point. You being sighted anywhere in Mondstadt city would be cause for quite the commotion, he ponder this for a moment.
"I suppose you're right... Then maybe a private show hmm?" His tone started teasing, but dipped into something more genuine. "The audiences will come and go after all, but you'll be here to listen to my music forever, if you so choose. It’s the very least I can do."
You couldn't quite confirm or deny that statement, the topic of your mortality still being rather unknown territory, but you decided not to speak on it.
"How about we just go to Windrise, I don’t particularly feel like hiking up any cliffs today."
Venti giggled softly, "Well I could always just carry you, your grace. Wouldn't that be fun?"
It was your turn to laugh, "Good to know your sense of humor hasn't changed."
"Hey, I was serious." He whined, clinging ever tighter. "I'd do it in a heartbeat you know, I swear this on my honor as a bard, promise~ I am stronger than I look."
You could only playfully roll your eyes, marching onward to Windrise with him following pace.
It didn't take long for you both to be sitting together under the large tree, crystalflies curiously observing and him contently resting his head on your shoulder, listening to the wind.
The silence was pleasant, a nice break from the excessive amount of talking you had to bear the past few weeks. The never-ending stream of questions and pleas.
"I'm going to Inazuma soon." You finally spoke, causing Venti to glance up, his eyes shining softly from the light of the sun’s gentle rays.
"Hm, what for this time?" He asked lazily, happy to keep resting on you, trying hard to sound as if your statement wasn’t a big deal.
"'A concerning increase in elemental slime activity', as if that's anything more than another blatant excuse..." You mumbled the last part, a certain form of tiredness clinging to your words, one he picked up on immediately.
"'An increase in elemental slime activity'? Really, a second time?" Venti laughed lightly, “Just as bad at concealing her intentions as ever it seems.”
"Meanwhile I'd love nothing more than an excuse to come here and visit you more often."
It was stated with a light joking tone, but Venti took it deathly serious.
"I...” He was almost at a loss for words, “I can't begin to describe how much I enjoy hearing you say that." The genuineness dripping from his voice gave way to a more playful note as quick as it had appeared. "Don't be surprised if I call you over for the most trivial things then."
"Heaven knows the other Archon do it more than enough." You laughed lightly, before a more serious expression took over. "I can't say I mind all that much though, trivial things are easy to solve. Makes me feel more useful than I probably actually am."
It wasn't quite meant in a self-deprecating way, simply as a factual observation. There weren't a whole lot of world-threatening events happening, and it wasn't as if you even really knew you had the ability to stop them. You didn't realize quite how it came off until you saw Venti with a look of abject horror.
"Your grace, my lovely divine creator, please don't speak like that. All of Teyvat adores you, no matter what you do or don't want to handle. You've done so far beyond enough already."
You gave him a small smile, "'Adore' huh? I guess that's one way to put it. But I just..." You paused a moment, thinking over the phrasing. "I think it's more they worship the concept of me over 'adore' who I actually am. If that makes sense..."
It was a frustrating thing to try putting into words, it almost felt selfish to even talk about. Complaining about the admiration and unconditional love so freely given.
"That might be true, but I know you personally." Venti sat up straighter, making intense eye contact and grabbing your hand with his own.
"I will only ever speak to you with sincerity. So, when I tell you that I adore you so dearly... I hope you believe me."
You were taken aback slightly by how genuine he was being, how loving he was in the face of your doubt.
"And, believe me, I do. I simply adore you, your grace. I could never stop adoring you."
Your body felt warm, unintentionally flushing, breaking eye contact to look anywhere but his intense gaze. It only strengthened his resolve.
"I am more than happy to sing my praises of you." The bard practically chirped, laying back at your side and wrapping his arms around you, yet again, in a hold that could be considered more secure.
You scoffed slightly, still a bit flushed. "Surely you exaggerate, I really haven't done anything praise-worth since my 'descension'."
"Exaggerate?! Don't make light of my affection for you." He scolded, holding you tighter, sounding almost offended. "I don't need to have any accolades to speak well of you. Just to say that you exist should be praise enough, should it not?"
It was true that he envied every other that stole your attention, how he went out of his way to meet you in other nations when obviously not wanting or welcome by their respective Archons.
"I could spend all my days speaking of your grace, your brilliance, every truly divine piece of you... I couldn't express my love for you fully in a dozen lifetimes."
He paused a moment, soaking in your expression, as if it alone could sustain him, his voice taking on a sweeter tone.
"But I'll try to do so in this one."
You struggled to come up with a decent retort, stunned into some form of silence before finding your footing again. "Poetic as always I see." He really never ceased to amaze you.
"I've been lucky enough to find someone that allows me to put my words to good use. They'd simply be wasted on anyone else."
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes a little at how sickeningly sweet he was acting. Surely he was only acting like this to cheer you up, to make you feel a little less like a mere decoration… right? His grin gave nothing away.
You both sat there for a while, him telling occasional jokes, often with flirty undertones, and playing you a few songs, per your request. It was such a stark contrast from how you had previously been living day-to-day that you didn’t notice how much time seemed to be passing until the sun was almost barely visible.
You eventually gave in to your unavoidable fate, giving him a small apologetic smile as you parted ways after he walked you back to the stone gate. All the while left wondering just how sincere his words really were, and, more importantly, when you'd be able to do this again.
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fangirltothefullest · 14 days
I know it's been a while, but...I wrote a small fic for your Little Nightmares AU. I get it if you don't want to work on it anymore, I really do, but just know that you've been an inspiration to me.
The Father
(Content warnings: spiders, mention of child abuse, body horror, slight gender inequality, this is relatively tame in comparison to the other monsters)
Cyan ran, cheek stinging, tears spilling from his eyes. It wasn’t fair! None of this was fair! It wasn’t like the doll belonged to anybody, he didn’t want this kind of trouble. All he had done was pick it up, but even if he had wanted to play with it why was that so wrong? 
He wiped his eyes with the sleeves of his cardigan. Somehow, even with his aching legs, he had made it outside. The full moon was high in the sky, yet it didn’t light much of the landscape. 
Oh, what was Cyan doing, it was late, he didn’t know where that little doll was anymore. The Big Father, as he was so commonly called, had thrown it out of the window before he lifted his hand and…
Cyan burst into tears. 
The doorknob shuddered, then twisted, pushing the door open. Indigo slumped with a little huff. Thomas ran over and put his hand on Indigo’s shoulder as Red pushed the door open more. Indigo let out another sigh and put his hand on Thomas’s with an appreciative smile. Together, the three of them moved into the room, being very careful to be quiet. They found themselves on a large bookshelf
This room looked almost homey, with toys scattered about the place and a large bed, too large for any of the little ones, scattered about. The tall shelves lined the walls, full of books and stuffed toys. Slowly, quietly, Indigo walked toward the nearest book on the bottom shelf and then made an unimpressed noise. Red gasped and clapped his hands, and Thomas could see the front cover read FAIRYTALES FOR CHILDREN. 
So this was a children’s room, but there was no reason for it to be empty. Except for the monsters, of course. Red hurried over, excitedly trying to open the book, but his smile turned to a frown as he pulled but the cover did not move. Finally, he just plopped down next to it, shaking his head. Indigo levitated the book, allowing it to catch the dim light. It was solid, only one color, and very dense. Almost like it was made out of stone. 
Thomas realized it was made out of stone. But why would a stone book be in a children’s room? Red huffed and hit the side of the shelf in frustration. 
Wrong move. 
The shudder ran up the shelf, making the objects rattle. As the three of them watched, a stuffed bear on the next level wobbled back and forth, precariously tilting until it 
And landed on the ground with a loud cracking noise. It was made out of stone too! But Thomas did not have time to process this fact - another thing had gone CRACK, and this time there were sliding noises too, getting closer and closer to their location. 
Tears were still falling from his eyes, fogging up his glasses. He didn’t care anymore that it was past curfew, that if he was caught out of bed he would get another punishment, he just wanted to see the doll again! When he touched it, he felt the slightest feelings of love, of good parents and warm food, and the overwhelming feeling of loving himself, and as guilty as it looked he just wanted a little more of that warmth. 
A flash of purple. Cyan dropped to his hands and knees searching. It had to be here somewhere! He was rewarded with his hands closing around the soft fabric. Scooping it up, he fled to somewhere he knew would be empty: the nursery on the first floor. 
The three of them hid behind a particularly large piece of stone as the new figure, previously unseen made its way towards them. Like in the laboratory, a light followed the figure, but rather than harsh white, this light was a soft shade of pastel blue. Almost calming, if it wasn’t for the rest of the figure. 
A giant, just like the others, only…he didn’t seem to have a right arm! Instead, the figure was wearing a jacket around its shoulders, with the sleeves curling and writhing like snakes. The footfalls also seemed heavy, so very heavy, and the monster was moving so…stiffly, tilting left and right and yet never dragging his feet. Almost like it was walking through quicksand. 
Or its body was made out of stone…
Although they were stiff and unmoving, the monster’s clothes were also brightly painted. It wore a blue short-sleeved polo shirt (with the right sleeve broken off at the shoulder like the rest of its arm), khaki pants, and the left arm had what looked like a broken watch. Most horrifying of all, however, was its face. 
One large blue eye rolled around in its stone skull, taking up the rest of its face, neatly surrounded with shaggy brown hair. The eye dripped glowing tears, as though it was crying. 
The spotlight dragged over the pieces on the floor, thankfully never touching Thomas, Indigo, or Red. It finally stopped over the shelf where things had fallen off. The sleeves reached up and pulled things out of the way. No, it was pulling things in the way, straightening the objects, moving them into their proper places. 
Was this monster trying to clean up after them? 
Cyan cradled the doll in his hands. It was all beaten up and weathered out, but it was still here! He thought that he could sew up the gashes in its sides, maybe give it some new clothes, and perhaps give it to the youngest girl in the nursery. Yes, he could do it! He shifted the doll in his hands, and something fell out. Cyan didn’t know why there was something inside, but he supposed it made sense - dolls usually didn’t have that sort of heft. 
He crouched down, trying to find the thing that had fallen out. Fortunately, it didn’t seem to have rolled very far and was ever-so-slightly glowing in the moonlight through the window. It was a glass marble, like Cyan had seen some of the older boys have. Cyan gratefully scooped up the marble, but then noticed what it had landed near. Underneath one of the beds, a round orb rested. 
The orb was light blue stone, the same color as his eyes, and about the size of a bowling ball. Doll and marble forgotten, Cyan crawled closer to it. Despite it being stone, it looked almost foggy on the inside. Pulling down his glasses a little, he leaned steadily towards it. If he could get a closer look, maybe he would be able to see something like the oracles in his favorite stories…
Closer, closer, until he was almost touching it with his eyes…
At last, the monster finished the cleaning. If it noticed the new shards of stone on the ground, it never gave a sign. The sleeves paused, then pulled something off of the shelf. Something moving. It was a large spider! Next to him, Thomas felt one of the others stiffen - Red, perhaps - and the monster seemed to share the sentiment, recoiling away from its hoodie sleeves. 
The light from its eye brightened. Almost too bright to look at, but if Thomas squinted he could see the spider writhe, limbs contorting unusually until they stopped moving altogether. When the light died down again, he just knew that the spider had met the same fate as the other objects in the room. When the petrification finished, the sleeves opened and the spider dropped to the ground, breaking on impact like the stone bear had. The monster then pulled another stuffed animal off of the shelf, a frog this time, and moved toward one of the beds. The covers let out a grinding sound as the giant pulled them off, but placed the stone plush with an uncanny gentleness. Indigo bit his lip, Red wiped a his eyes, and Thomas realized they were all thinking the same thing:
The monster was acting like a father, and it made their chests hurt.
I hope you enjoyed it!
I LOVE it, this is such a wonderful and fascinating take on Cyan and the Father! I ate up the whole thing! Thank you!!
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ronwestbreeze · 6 months
ok so here’s some more of the au. i seem to love angst/miscommunication more so this au is pretty angst in terms of the relationship between reeds and tustey,jake and neytiri.
1. as i said before, jake, neytiri and the rest of the village believe that reeds is dead after tustey brought back a broken arrow with blood on it and a piece of reeds hair and claimed she was killed by another navi.
2. what jake, neytiri, and the village doesn’t know (minus mo’at, cause eywa definitely told her lol) is that reeds isn’t dead but instead made a kind of deal with tustey that in order to solve both the whole “needs a 4th mate” and the whole “every navi in the vincity of the village wants reeds dead” is to fake her death after mating with tustey. that way the people don’t have to risk going to war with the other tribe over the “monster” (aka reeds). this allows reeds to escape safely and for tensions with the other tribe to lessen since they will believe the monster has been “taken care of”.
3. since i love miscommunication, when reeds was asked by tustey to be their mate, she saw this as an opportunity to get her freedom. instead of just asking tustey if she can have his permission to tame an ikran and leave. she used his need to find a 4th mate like ewya said as leverage to not only get her freedom but to essentially cut off her ties with everyone, since the village only reminds her of painful memories like her mothers death and her death after getting hit with a poision arrow, and frankly her horrible treatment by tustey and jake (and neytiri a little bit) she has lost all trust of them and refuses to play “family” with them without having to worry if tustey will kill her if she “steps out of line” again. (a marriage on unstable foundation is not good) also i hc reeds as being more perceptive and kinda knows that not only do people in the village wants her gone (aka tus’tey mother and her loud ass mouth) but that other villages probably heard about her and want her gone too. so she makes a secret agreement with tustey that she will be his mate but he needs to let her take an ikran and after the mating thing is over she will leave the village the next day and respect her wish to be free. tustey stays silent for a bit and ask if she could give him a child first before she leaves. (idk if he will ask that or he will just go “fuck you i don’t want you as my mate” just for daring to abandon them right after the mating thing. but in my au tustey less hot headed in this scene)
3. jake and neytiri knows that reeds is their 4th mate and that lokota is her child but due to her wishes she asks if neytiri will lie to the village and let them believe she actually gave birth to twins (lo’ak and lokota). reeds reason is she worries that since she’s not on good terms with the village (especially tus’tey mother who voice the loudest that she should be dead) she worries that harm will come to the child if they found out lokota is not actually neytiri’s child but reeds. neytiri protest against this but both tustey and jake reason this will be best for the child. reeds also asks that no one knows she’s the forth mate until after her reputation in the village has improved and she has given birth. she also decides to stay at the human compound while pregnant so the village doesn’t see her entering and leaving the sully’s family tent.
4. of course reeds lied to jake and neytiri about staying and playing family with them since she and tustey agreed that there needs to be as few people as possible know she’s not actually dead when the time comes for her to fake her death.
ok i made that back story too long so now onto lokota!!
1. as mentioned lokota never knew about his true mom until he’s around 14 when spider said he found a notebook in norms desk that has reeds name on it. excited to read the journal from his adoptive mother he opens it and realizes after reading the first few pages that it’s actually address to her child she was pregnant with. (just imagine lo’ak, kiri, and tuk is there with him when he found it) but anyway spider says he does remember when he was younger he did remember reeds being pregnant. but of course only being 4 he doesn’t remember or even knew that reeds gave birth to the child since soon after lokota was born she left that night. norm had to tell the young spider that his mother died the morning after. also when tus’tey told the village that morning that he found reeds body during his morning hunt, neytiri went into labor due to the grief and stress of receiving the news about losing her dear friend/mate. of course this was convenient since norm told tustey that a navi baby was left at the human post last night. tustey took that chance to tell the village neytiri gave birth to twins. neytiri is distraught that her friend and her potential child has died but when tustey brought the newborn in the home and gave him to neytiri she realized quickly this was her dear friends child.
2. tustey was the one who gave lokota his name ( and i might change it to a better name that suits him) he also was given a letter by norm that reeds addressed to him reminding him of his promise to her to treat the child as his own and to give him lots of love. as well as to keep her a secret to the child until he was much older to handle the news.
3. tustey may be a horrible mate for lying to his other mates but i refuse to make him a bad father too! anyway lokota is raised with the other sully children with much love and when he gets older he begins his training with netayem. thus he becomes close with his older brother but kinda has a distance relationship with loak and kiri, especially since the village people always considered lokota the “well behaved twin” and lo’ak the “misbehaving twin” so its like a similar dynamic with lo’ak and netayem. since neytayem is toruk mokto first born and lokota is the village leader (i forgot how it’s spelled) first born. they are always compared to the other sully siblings and to each other since both are training to be leader.
4. anyway! spider finds out from norm who feeds child is and norm tells him to keep it a secret. of course spider is a blabbermouth and told loak and kiri. and then lo’ak ends up telling lokota in a heated argument that neytiri isn’t actually his mother (nice going lo’ak 🙄) as well as spider confirms that they found out from norm about who his true mom is. poor lokota must go through his own self discovery thingy about who he truely is and if he’s a monster like his mom (cause he heard a few times from his grandmother that reeds was a monster) and weather he should hate his dad for lying to him.
5. i just wanna say this all happens during the beginning of awow before the sullies go on their island vacation. but yeah lokota gets tustey and his other parents to admit that a human woman named reeds is actually his mother and was their forth mate. of course lokota never heard about reeds much other then spider talking about how much he misses her(and also he occasionally visits her grave)
6. anyways during their island adventure, jake and neytiri find out somehow that reeds isn’t actually dead and they tustey lied to them about her. but of course they don’t get to question him further about it cause now they got to go save their stupid kids from getting killed by the human warship heading right for them while they are trying to save a whale! yes neytayem dies in this. it is needed for loak and lokota to grow closer and bond as brothers again!!
7. idk what the hell happens after but when lokota turns 18 he goes on an adventure himself to find his birth mom!! yay!!
wowwww, this is such a cool au. i love your details about your oc and his relationship with tsu'tey. it's sooo interesting!
i love that he goes to find reeds once he turns 18, mama's boy tehehe
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heisenberg-simp257 · 1 year
Some aren’t, I ask weird but it’s all Donna if you want too or extended if you want (normal reader or Wendi reader, or both if you get bored 🤣 anything’s fine honestly)
Wendi reader wanting to introduce Donna to there herd (like a group of wendigo who are friendly to eachother, like a Wendi alliance but familial)
Wendi reader getting caught and trapped by the villagers
Snuggles (yes that’s it have fun)
Reader is the embodiment of a golden retriever , they want to help and make Donna feel loved and all that cute innocents, but there also an American menace, I can imagine the Italian internal war
Wendi reader meeting the other lords (curious how they’d react)
If this is ok
Okie! I hope doing one of these for now is okay! It's hard for me to do and take in a lot at once! XD If you want more afterwards, feel free to say!😁 Also, I hope headcanons are alright for the one I chose 💖
Donna's Wendigo Reader Meeting Her Fellow Lords
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-The whole range of reactions would really cross the spectrum. Some would be horrified, amazed, or angry. After all, what you are is not something that would typically be found where they live. A little freakout is understandable.
-Donna is the one calling the shots. She has to make her family understand what you are and that you aren't going to cause them any harm. However, some have their doubts.
-Moreau is excited to make a new friend.
-Heisenberg is impressed that Donna was able to "tame" you.
-Alcina finds you an abomination and wants to burn you with fire.
-Of course, you would get defensive with that last one and so would Donna. For once, Heisenberg isn't the one causing problems. Claws would come out on both sides.
-You and Moreau would chill well together so long as you fight the urge to eat him. He tries to introduce you to some movies to distract you from that fact.
-Heisenberg isn't interested in getting to know you. He just wants to study you, consent or not. The man isn't going to go as far as kidnapping you, but he has his ways to get what he wants. Donna isn't very pleased, but she's glad you aren't in harm's way.
-Oh, by the way, this entire introduction is brought over when the other lords are forced to have tea at Donna's place. It was also an accident because you appeared unannounced, and Heisenberg threw a spoon at you for scaring him.
-Things were awkward from there.
-You managed to explain what you were for the most part, leading to several questions and freaked out faces. Well, as far as you were concerned, you were a better monster than any of them were. After all, you didn't have much a choice in the matter. They did.
-Donna was proud of how you did this, and hopes her fellow lords won't tattle on her to Mother Miranda.
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steveharrington · 2 years
hi sarah! if it’s not too much trouble can you give starter horror recommendations for a guy who feels some trepidation about the genre because i think it’s like, very cool and interesting and have been thinking about writing some horror stories but i’m also the easily frightened type so i was wondering if there’s a way i can ease myself in before working up to the super duper scary stuff?
yes!!! i will try to give you some variety of subgenres/subject matter but if you have like a specific type you’re looking for i can also add more recs based on that! but just in general:
•cloverfield (2008) is one of my all time favs and i think it walks the line of being scary but not like….disturbing. it’s not shield your eyes and grit your teeth type horror, it’s more like adrenaline and putting yourselves in the protagonists shoes and wondering what you would do in their situation. it’s found footage (it may or may not give you motion sickness so if you’re sensitive to rapidly moving camera work maybe watch it on a small screen or skip it) and i get full body chills when i watch it every single time because of how real it feels. despite all that, there’s very little up close shots of the monster and pretty minimal blood/gore.
•scream (1996) due to it being satirical and self-aware, a lot of the scary tense parts are cut by comedic moments and i think that helps a lot. i honestly think the scariest part is the opening sequence, so if you get past that feeling okay you’re probably gonna be fine throughout. there’s definitely injuries and blood but nothing i’d constitute as body horror, and again the movie likes to make little wink wink jokes which makes the tone pretty tame
•the cabin in the woods (2011) basically see above it’s also very self referential and subversive and also just like if you’re interested in horror such an amazing take on the genre, but it’s a little more intense than scream with the gore in certain parts
•poltergeist (1982) is considered a family friendly horror movie and i agree with that assessment <3 the silly little 80s practical effects make it hard to get scared despite the child actors absolutely slaying, and i think as far as horror creatures (villains?) go, ghosts and poltergeists and spirits are pretty chill
•the blair witch project (1999) is very iconic and like laid the groundwork for other found footage films, and luckily it is not very scary until the last like 2 minutes <3 and when it is scary, nothing gory/graphic is shown! for me the real horror of blair witch isnt even the witch, its the thought of being lost in the woods with no way out and the movie is just so realistic that i always start to panic a little on behalf of the characters. some people think its boring though! i dont i love it <3
coherence (2013) is not very well known but its (to me) the coolest fucking movie in the world. i think it has such a brilliant and original premise, and i’d categorize it as horror even though i consulted my mom and she thinks it’s more of a thriller. either way i highly recommend and there’s no blood or gore or anything like.....in your face scary? its more like a sense of dread that builds up over the course of the movie
they live (1988) is john carpenter <3333 and it’s pretty tame compared to other john carpenter movies. it’s horror but it’s also scathing social commentary and kinda action and again it has those 80s special effects so the scary little faces are less scary and more like...party city masks. its also referenced in a surprising number of other things (free guy feat. joe keery for one) and i think its a prime example of how horror can communicate such a wide variety of themes
and you probably already know about this but in case you dont: doesthedogdie.com has a comprehensive crowd-sourced list of potential triggers for every movie. the site does a great job including phobias/triggers that aren’t necessarily common and warning you if a movie has those, so it’s a great resource if you want to avoid certain subjects all together. happy horror watching <3
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teecupangel · 1 year
Ark: Aberration Edition
Submitted by @saberamane
I’m back with the next ‘Ark Survival Evolved AC Edition’!
They have finally figured out the whole thing going on with ‘Scorched Earth’, defeat the Manticore (which Desmond is super bummed out that he couldn’t tame that thing, it was so cool), they ‘ascend’ again, and the new area they land in is horrible. But also pretty cool. Desmond loves all the bio luminescent creatures to be found on ‘Aberration’.
(Just a note, they all have a Rock Drake, so it won’t be listed with their other tames.)
Aberrant Carno
Aberrant Equus
1 Ravager (She’s more ‘pet’ than ‘tame’, she’s pretty but not ‘high level’ so she stays at base. Basically she’s an event color dino.)
Seeker (non-tameable, but it’s Desmond. He wanted the little eldritch flying creature, so he got it.)
Reaper King (Of course)
Shoulder Pet: Bulbdog (He finds it right away and needed it. It’s one of those ‘it’s so ugly it’s cute’ scenarios.)
Aberrant Otter
Aberrant Purlovia
Aberrant Pulmonoscorpius
Aberrant Parasaur
Aberrant Megalosaurus
Shoulder Pet: Shinehorn (I just enjoy the thought of Altair having an adorable little goat on his shoulder all the time.)
Aberrant Ovis
Aberrant Spino
Aberrant Paracer
Aberrant Doedicurus
Roll Rat
Aberrant Baryonyx
Shoulder Pet: Featherlight (It reminds him of Petruccio, and all the feathers he used to collect for his little brother. Needless to say, anything so much as looks at this featherlight wrong dies.)
Aberrant Megalania
Aberrant Iguanodon
Aberrant Direbear
Pack of Aberrant Raptor’s
Pack of Ravagers
Aberrant Sarco
Shoulder Pet: Glowtail (They are noted as having the quickest recharge of their light of all ‘glow pets’, which would greatly benefit Ratonhnhaké:ton as he’s typically the ‘hunter’)
Additions by teecup:
The Ark Survival Evolved AU idea (this one and this one too)
Tames for The Island Ark
Tames for the Scorched Earth Ark
At this point, they have all agreed to just let Desmond do whatever thing he does and they don’t even bat an eye anymore if Desmond returns with some kind of monster/animal that shouldn’t be tameable. At some point, it’s become a running joke about what next untameable beast Desmond would return with. Altaïr is currently winning with his suggestion of “God” and the deadpan way he stated it and the fact that they all know he’s an atheist makes it all the more funnier and it’s really hard to top that one.
(All of their Rock Drakes have the same ‘nest’ and a few months later, they learned that one of them laid an egg and they’re not entirely sure which one it is?)
His Abberant Carno is named Rex The Second because, according to him, Rex Two sounds a bit ‘sad’.
His Equus is usually used for patrols nearby.
His Ravager follows him around the base and likes to get pets but doesn’t like it when others try to pet him. He actually just followed Desmond into the base and just… never left.
His Basilisk is a jerk. He likes to burrow deep underneath the ground then pop out whenever someone passed by. Nobody gets surprised anyway since the Basilisk glows as light blue in their Eagle Vision but still… jerk move. But he mostly accompanies Desmond whenever he goes out because it’s a good companion for taming other monsters/beasts.
Altaïr had researched on the Seekers before to check if they could be tamed and, if not, what’s the best way to take them own, and that’s how he theorized that the reason why Desmond got a Seeker is because it sees Desmond as a light source. His Seeker is always energetic and acts the same way wild Seekers would act whenever they are near light sources like a Bulbdog which earns Desmond the nickname “Our very own Bulbdog”
Oh god. Oh my god. Are we saying that Desmond got impregnated by a female Reaper since that’s the only way to get a Reaper ingame? Are we going for that? Because I hella am in for that! Just imagine Altaïr checking Desmond after an encounter with a Ravager Queen that left him alive and him gravely saying, “You’re… pregnant.” and everyone just stares at Desmond and Desmond is like “It’s not like that! Oh my god, no!” In the end, Desmond ‘shoots’ out the baby Reaper and takes care of it like… I guess a child of his own (oh man, the angst that will happen when they leave this Ark and have to leave the Reaper behind, yeeesss)
Desmond likes to keep the Bulbdog with him always and its deathly afraid of the Seeker but the Seeker just ignores it and goes for Desmond every time.
Altaïr’s Otter mostly does whatever it wants but he serves mostly as Altaïr’s assistant, bringing him tools or holding things for Altaïr while he’s busy with his current project.
His Purlovia primarily just lazes around in his workshop but he always likes to burrow all over and is sorta maybe best friends with Desmond’s Basilisk? Or maybe they’re burrowing rivals, no one is really sure.
His Pulmonoscorpius usually accompanies him whenever he’s away from their base as it’s a good bodyguard and its poison can be used to weaken or tamed any beast that catches his fancy (and the poison is also used for some of his creations). He got his Pulmonoscorpius from a cave too so he uses that as a mount whenever he goes to a cave so other monsters/beasts won’t be alerted.
His Parasaur loves to gather berries. No one knows why but he just lets him do what he wants since Parasaur also warns them of any dangers near their base that he sees during his berry picking.
What his Karkinos lacks in speed, he makes up with his sheer utility. If his Otter is his assistant in the base, the Karkinos is his assistant when out in the wilds and there have been many encounters that ended in their favor thanks to him.
No, Desmond, this Megalosaurus will not be named Megalosaurus the Second. No. Megalosaurus Junior is also out of the question. Stop it.
Shinehorn is a good lightsource. That’s the reason why he’s on Altaïr’s shoulder. Yup. That’s the only reason why. No, the fact that Desmond had been the one to give it to him had nothing to do with Altaïr’s preferential treatment to the damn goat.
To continue with the whole ‘naming farm creatures’, these herd of Ovis have a Haytham, an Abbas (the one that always tries to chew Altaïr’s robes) and a Lucy (named after Lucrezia Borgia or so Desmond says)
His Spino mainly patrols all of Ezio’s other tames and he actually let Desmond name it Spino the Second.
His Paracer served as their first base actually while they were looking for a good place to ‘settle down’ as Desmond likes to call it. He’s their oldest tame and he mainly just lounges in the base as a reward for having to deal with all the shenanigans the group had to go thru while he served as their mobile base.
Doedicurus likes to roll around and, really, Ezio enjoys watching his Doedicurus roll around to beat the crap of any creature that tries any funny business.
Roll Rat was used to help build their base, mostly by rolling onto obstacles to destroy them. Now, he’s mainly used to harvest wood and mushrooms. Hell, he and Parasaur sometimes return at the same time filled with berries they have collected. Desmond called it berry-bonding.
Baryonyx is Ezio’s primary companion when he goes outside and also their main source of underwater resources.
Featherlight is nicknamed ‘asfoor’ which means little sparrow and Ezio has a soft spot for it. He once gifted Desmond one of the feather that had fallen from the Featherlight and Desmond is the only person who understands how much the little creature reminds Ezio of his family (not just Petruccio but Maria Auditore as well)
Megalania is always almost on walls or ceilings and helps by ambushing hostile creatures while they’re focused on Ratonhnhaké:ton and his ‘main force’.
Iguanodon usually helps with farming and gathering resources in the base but he’s important when Ratonhnhaké:ton leaves for long periods of time as he helps hunt food and resources they may need in the wild (like poison that Ratonhnhaké:ton can use to craft items)
Ratonhnhaké:ton refused to call his new Dire Bear Dire Bear The Second because that he felt like he was comparing it to his previous Dire Bear. He did agree to naming it Teddy Bear though. (he doesn’t know what teddybear actually means)
His main force is composed of a pack of Aberrant Raptors that all have names and Ratonhnhaké:ton can distinguish each of them with a glance. They’re very well coordinated with the ambush tactics of the Megalania and like to corral their enemies to where the Magalania is waiting to pounce them.
The pack of Ravagers is actually the children of the Ravager that followed Desmond to their base. Every time they’re in the base, they stay with their mother (which means Desmond takes care of them). They’re very energetic and the Raptors actually usually have to corral them to stay in formation.
Sarco is Ratonhnhaké:ton’s preferred mount whenever there is a need to dive somewhere.
Glowtail prefers to wrap around Ratonhnhaké:ton neck and sometimes around the crown of his head.
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kyuriin-chan · 2 years
Tyler Galpin x OC
Chapter 1
Word Count: 1.369
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POV Tyler
I sat in silence in my room. 
My thoughts were constantly buzzing around in my head and I didn't know what to do with myself.
I am a monster.
With a loud sigh, I collapsed onto my pillow and thought about everything. Only now did I really realize how much I was being manipulated.
I had lied to everything and everyone and only listened to Laurel's wishes. My wishes and interests took a backseat. And by the time everything became clear to me, it was already too late. 
I wasn't even sure why students from Nevermore stood up for me.
That was a few months ago and I'm still plagued by severe pangs of conscience. Nevermore was temporarily closed and I had to continue working in the Café under supervision.
I was glad that the school was closed for the time being. Not because the headmistress was killed by Laurel, but because I didn't have to endure the many scowls just yet.
Although my father became a little more open, I still felt his fear towards me.
Nevermore also found a new principal who was very adamant about not hiding secrets to make the school safer for her students. She dealt intensively with my case and showed a lot of sympathy, even though I had absolutely no idea why.
She told me that I would find my purpose at Nevermore and that she would help me in any way she could.
Everything confused me.
My father, then the nice headmaster and the handling of my case.
And then that funny book, which the new headmistress, Miss Galdorne, had suddenly dug up? There was a full chapter on Hydes and what made them tick.
From looks to behavior-patterns to taming.
Of course, my father immediately took advantage of this and pushed me away. 
Annoyed, I sat back up and looked over at my desk. I looked at a thick old book bound in leather. The cover read "Magical Creatures and Their Nature".
I got up and slowly reached for the book. It was difficult and actually I didn't want to find out more about this monster in me. Still, I went back to my bed, sat down, and opened the book.
Numerous creatures were listed and I searched for the letter "H". I flipped to page 234 and there was a portrait of a Hyde. I looked at the picture for a while and remembered my first transformation.
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I woke up in the woods completely confused and covered in blood. I remember telling Wednesday how much I loved to kill, but all I really wanted to do was get the upper hand and show her for once that she wasn't at right. I just couldn't think straight and was so angry, mostly at myself.
I continued to read the passage and didn't come up with anything particularly interesting.
Hydes can have a master, which isn't his real master?
I looked at the section in confusion.
"Hydes can have a master, but a normal master can be replaced by the soul mate. Hydes can also form alliances of various kinds.
A Hyde has only one true love and feels its effects at first sight.
Only true love can tame a Hyde.
However, be careful!  A Hyde is extremely possessive of his other half and would kill for her!"
I slowly lowered the book, closed it and put it on my bed next to me.
I'm supposed to find true love!?
My mind was racing again and I imagined what it would be like to find true love. I had never loved Wednesday, that was also clear to me. Still, I liked her style very much, she was different.
Actually, I didn't want to go to Nevermore. 
I didn't want to be labeled as a monster and I couldn't look the other students in the eye, especially Wednesday. Nothing justified these murders, not even manipulation. I should've been stronger, should have stuck to what's right.
I thought again about the section and what the Headmistress had told me.
She wanted to help me, but how?
My brooding was interrupted by the ringing of our house bell. I rolled my eyes when I heard my dad say, "Tyler, please answer the door, I'm busy here!".
Annoyed, I moved towards the door and opened it. It was a rainy day and I was glad I didn't have to work today. In front of me was a woman with a red umbrella.
"Hi Tyler. Do you have a minute for me?", she asked kindly and I let her in, knowing I couldn't get out of the whole thing anyway.
I led her towards the living room and she sat down on the couch after hanging up her jacket and putting her umbrella in a corner.
"How are you?", she asked, looking at me with a neutral gaze. She was quite a young headmistress, most would say.  She also stood out with her striking green eyes and red hair.
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I had to swallow hard.
"Tyler, I understand how difficult this is for you, but I don't want you to think of yourself as a monster", she said, putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Have you read the book?", she asked me and I gave her an unsure look. I cleared my throat quietly and just said, "a part...yes..."
She gave me an encouraging nod and put her hands on her lap.
"Maybe you skipped or forgot that part, but a master like you had clouds your senses. Laurel Gates had full control over you and that's why these are her crimes, not yours", she continued, staring at the little coffeetable in front of her.
I just nodded and hoped that she would finally leave me alone, but that didn't happen.
"I want to give you something", she began, rummaging in her bag. She pulled a small bottle out of it and put it on the table. Inside the bottle was a clear substance that glowed slightly.
"This is a very special serum. This is the Lunanekra-serum, which you must take before you go to bed." She looked at me and I took the bottle in my hand. I stared at the contents and then gave her a confused look.
"What's the point of that?", I asked, causing Miss Galdorne to smile.
"This will help you in your search for your partner. You will be able to anticipate impressions in the dream and hopefully be able to identify her better," she explained and continued to look at me encouragingly.
"And there's one more thing. I'm supposed to give you this from Miss Addams", she said, holding out a folded sheet of paper, which I hesitantly picked up.
POV Seraphina
I carefully read the letter that had just arrived a few minutes ago. The black ink completely caught my attention. After a few more lines, my eyes widened in astonishment and I covered my mouth with my hand.
I stared at the next few lines and looked back up at my father, who was smiling at me.
"But Dad... I don't want to leave home!", I said indignantly, looking to the side. Understanding, he sat down next to me and hugged me with one arm.
"The school will certainly do you good, my darling. You will make new friends and learn new things", he said encouragingly.
I looked up at him and had to sigh.
My parents wanted me to go to Nevermore for a long time, but I was always turned down because of their heritage.
"And what about Micah?" I asked, hoping my parents would reconsider.
"Micah will come to visit you. We have already spoken to Headmistress Galdorne and she doesn't want to break you up", my father explained and I just nodded.
"Pack your things sweetheart, I'm sure you'll like it there", my father said as he got up and put my suitcase next to me. He walked out of my room and closed the door behind him.
I looked a little annoyed at my empty suitcase. Maybe my father was right. It has always been difficult for me to make friends, I was just an outsider.
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sinigangsta-ao3 · 10 months
Hi! I’d like to begin by saying I never read these types of fics, but I gave Mother! a chance because of the prompt and absolutely devoured it. I loved the whole implicit background and their feelings. Idk how to explain I don’t usually like things with monsters.
Could you talk a bit about this fic, how you came up with it, some headcanons? And what you think maybe happened after
omg thank you so much for this ask!! It came at a good time bc, admittedly, I was considering hiding this fic a few days ago: I was very much in my head of whether or not this fic is “me” (which is a silly thing to think bc of course it is, I wrote it 😅). BUT ANYWAYS! receiving this ask prompted me to go back and reread “mother!” — and I felt really proud of it!!! lol. So I know this wasn’t your intention necessarily, but thanks for reminding me of this one.
I digress!! I’ll answer your questions below bc I (unfortunately) will share a lot lol:
Ok, so I wrote this fic for a multifandom dead dove event that was hosted on twitter: monsterfcking march lol. I don’t actually do too many events, even though I’d like to, bc they make me anxious about meeting deadlines. But this dead dove one I really like bc they’re usually prompts that make me think and write outside of my comfort zone — which I really like to do!
I was definitely still in my house of the dragon era when I wrote this, I’m sure lol. But in truth: I am a big fantasy buff. I really love stories with rich world building and magic and monstrous creatures. So I don’t ever know if I have the discipline to go and create a whole fantasy world, but I figured this one-shot would be a good way to try my hand at it.
So here are some headcanons that went into the “world building” of this one-shot (tw: mentions of incest, cannibalism, gore/vore ahead):
The Ackermans are the dominant power in this world, mainly because of their ability to bond with and control dragons (yes, they’re very much a Targaryen parallel in this one-shot’s universe).
They each have a dragon to which they’re bonded since birth. They’re given eggs as infants, and their body heat helps the eggs to hatch. As the dragons grow, the Ackermans are supposed to take care of their dragons and train them. They feed their dragons bits of their flesh and blood as they both grow to help with the bonding.
This whole bonding ritual creates a “parent”-like relationship because the Ackermans basically train their dragons to recognize them as their sole means of survival (I guess kinda like how you train a dog to recognize you as the “alpha”). There’s very much a dom-sub / extremely codependent relationship that is nurtured. An Ackerman and their dragon rely on one another for each other’s survival.
Eren is Mikasa’s dragon (obviously). He was extremely violent, and there were concerns about whether or not he could be tamed. The dragon keepers wanted to execute him when he was younger as a precaution, but Mikasa intervened.
Eren disappeared when he found out that Mikasa was betrothed to her cousin Levi. (Yes it’s because he was jealous and petty lol) Because of their bond, Mikasa feels chronic, physical pain during their separation.
The Ackermans have a history of marrying one another in order to keep their blood pure and ensure power over dragons (yet another Targaryen parallel).
Levi and Mikasa’s marriage was arranged since Mikasa was a young child. It is definitely a political move: Levi is heir to the throne, and his marriage with Mikasa is to solidify Ackerman strength and produce more heirs.
Levi and Mikasa are friendly with one another, but don’t have romantic feelings for one another. Levi is closeted and has been having a secret affair with Lord Erwin Smith, a noble who serves in his family’s court.
Mikasa is not excited about her marriage because she doesn’t like feeling like she has no control over her life and future (but she doesn’t realize that’s what’s bothering her until Eren returns).
For recent generations, the Ackermans have been overseeing a kingdom in relative peace and comfort. While they have a history of violence and conquering, they’ve become complacent and have resorted to a life of luxury and parties.
In terms of what happens next: I envisioned that Levi and Mikasa do get married — but that Mikasa uses her new position as queen to get some agency back in her life (i.e., keep Eren as a lover and do whatever the hell else she wants) and usher in a new conquering era for the Ackermans. She’s a young girl who’s been sheltered. So when she recognizes how much power she holds when she literally dominates a dragon (lol), I like to think that it gets to her head a bit. And she starts to do more than what people tell her to do. 💕💕
Okay, I’m sorry for the info dump. But thanks again for the ask!! Always happy to share my thought process when it comes to my fics hehe
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elwynten · 30 days
Chapter 4, Going to Orario
I had not planned on doing this. I've been traveling to Pern, of the 'Dragonriders of Pern' book series, and to Remnant, from the anime RWBY to Japan for 'Monster Musume, Daily Life of Monster Girls' And now I'm planning on going to 'Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon' (DanMachi) to help out Bell. That's one of the problems with being able to go to any universe you want. You read a book or watch a show, and you want to go to that universe. The real problem with going to Orario to help Bell is, I can't do too much to help him without slowing his progress down. Although I can help Welf a blacksmith/Adventurer that joins Bells adventuring party and Lili, Bells Dungeon supporter.
In this universe the old mythological gods are real. They got bored and decided to live on the planet. They agreed to not use any of their powers, what they call Arcanum, but they can give a Blessing to anyone they choose to. Receiving the blessing makes that person a member of that god's Familia. It also puts a tattoo marking on the person's back. This tattoo shows the person's Familia, their statistics or status and any skills or other abilities they may have or gain. In this setting the status and abilities are like that of an RPG. The higher the status the stronger or more dexterous, etc. they are. And if they get enough experience or what they call excelia, they can raise their level.
Orario is the only place on the planet with a Dungeon and monsters live and spawn in the dungeon. Adventurers go into the Dungeon to kill the monsters, but when they kill a monster a magic stone falls to the ground. Each magic stone is worth money, the larger and more pure the magic stone the more money they are worth. Once you get the magic stones you take them to the Guild to sell them. The guild is the only place you can sell the magic stones at, legally.
That is why Bell Cranel went to Orario, so he could find a Familia and to be an adventurer. Being an adventurer, he could go into the Dungeon and save a girl so she would fall in love with him. That's what his grandfather told him anyway.
Bell was rejected by every Familia he went to, until Hestia found him and asked if he would join her Familia. Although Hestia had a similar problem, no one wanted to be in her Familia. Every adventurer she asked refused to join her Familia until she found Bell. So, Bell is the only human in the Hestia Familia, so far.
Monsterphilia is held once a year. The Ganesha Familia captures monsters then release them in the arena. A Ganesha adventurer tries to 'tame' the monster. It draws thousands of spectators and of course there are plenty of venders set up to sell their wares.
Like I did with Monster Musume, I mixed the Manga, Anime and Light Novels. This way I can pick and choose what I want from all three sources. Like in the Manga and LN, when you kill a monster, you have to cut the magic stone out of the monster. Once the magic stone is out of the monster, the monster turns to dust and ash and sometimes you will find a drop item. A drop item, such as a claw or horn, is part of the monster that can be used to make weapons and armor. Whereas in the anime when you kill a monster it turns to dust and ashes, then the magic stone falls to the ground. Drop items can be found as well. In this case I chose for the monsters to go up in dust and ashes. That way when we're fighting, we won't have to worry about tripping over monster bodies.
When I first went to Pern, I had given all of the girls Normalization so no one would think there was anything unusual about them. Which means the girls that go to Orario have Normalization so the people will see them as normal. The only exception would be Cindy if she takes full dragon form, and even then, anyone that saw her in dragon form would probably come up with some kind of explanation or excuse for what they saw.
Finding a Familia
I Picked a time to go to Orario two days before the 'Calibration of the gods'. That way Hestia would not need to ask Hephaistos to make a knife for Bell. This will prevent her and her Familia from going two hundred million valis in debt.
The 'Calibration of the gods' is just an excuse for the 'gods' to get together and party. Sounds familiar doesn't it.
I opened a portal to just outside the rundown church Hestia and Bell live in. It is a church Hephaistos gave Hestia so she would have a place to live.
I wasn't sure if I should knock on the door or just walk in since it 'is' a church. I chose to do both. I knocked on or rather pounded on the door, then I checked to see if it was unlocked. The door was unlocked so I open it and walked in. Hestia walked out of a back room then stopped and looked at me.
"Hello." She said.
I gave her a respectful bow, then asked. "Lady Hestia, I presume?"
Still looking at me with a confused look on her face. "I'm Hestia. May I help you?"
Hestia is a 'goddess'. She is on the short side and most people would say she looks like a young girl. She is four feet seven inches tall, with long black hair that she keeps up in twin ponytails and blue eyes. The only thing keeping her from looking like a young girl is her well endued chest.
"Yes, you may, lady Hestia. My name is Eilwyn (Pronounced El-win) Tengee. I'm new to the area and I would like to go into the Dungeon. But as you know I need a patron to be able to do that. I was hoping I could join your Familia." I told Hestia
Hestia's face lit up like the sun. "You really want to be in my Familia!?" She asked excitedly, almost yelling.
I made another smaller bow. "Yes, lady Hestia. I want to be in your Familia if you would be so inclined to take me." I replied. I know I was being a little more formal than I normally would, but I thought the situation warranted it.
Hestia waved me towards the door she had come through. "This way, this way!" She told me still excited with her twin ponytails swishing back and forth.
I almost laughed at how excited she was to get a second person in her Familia. Or third person counting Hestia herself. But I held it in. I didn't want her mad at me and I also didn't want to spoil her enthusiasm and excitement.
Hestia looked at Taima. "What is that?" She asked.
I put my hand on Taima's head since she was in her wolf form. "She is my Companion. She is with me almost all the time." I told Hestia.
"Oookkaaay." Hestia replied keeping an eye on Taina.
Hestia led me to the hidden room under the church where her and Bell live.
Once in the hidden room under the church, I removed my shirt and laid down on the only bed in the room. Hestia went through the ceremony to make me one of her Familia. It's not really much of a ceremony but it does require a drop of her blood or what they call ichor. Hestia had to write her contract or blessing to me on my back. Then she placed a piece of paper or parchment on my back and waved her hand around for a moment. Then she pulled the paper off my back.
This is what Hestia had written on Bell's back for his Blessing: You are the first Familia who shares my blood. Human, of banal birth. Strengthless vessel that holds all the pillars of possibilities. The prosperous race that receives numerous blessings. The pure-breed children that God shaped with their imagination. The undefined brilliance that allowed you to become anyone you wish.
What Hestia put on my back was almost the same. The only difference was, on mine it said, 'You are my second Familia who shares my blood.'
Before we started, I had withheld some of my 'status'. Instead of having thirty 'S' or more in each ability I reduced each ability to the equivalent of fifteen levels or fifteen 'S' so I could use the rest every time I ranked up. That way I won't have to build up my stats after I rank up.
"This is your level and status for when you go into the dungeon. You won't need this when you go to the Guild Hall though. Either keep it safe so no one else sees it or tare it up" Hestia told me. At that time, she looked at the paper. "W-what, h-h-how. This isn't possible!" She exclaimed
I don't really understand the stat ranking in this universe. They start at 'I' as the lowest then work to 'A' as almost the highest then they go to 'S', 'SS' and 'SSS'. To me it would make more sense if the lowest rank was an 'A' and you work your way up the alphabet to 'Z' being the strongest or even vice versa. That being said, since I'm in this universe I have to follow its rules… to a point. I can use all of my abilities and powers in any universe I'm in. All my abilities, powers and strengths are just as strong here as any other universe I go to. That means I'm stronger and have more powers and magic than even the 'gods' that live here.
I laughed at Hestia's reaction. "Lady Hestia, it is possible." I said as I held out my hand and took the paper from her. I took hold of the paper and pulled it out of her hands. She was so shocked she didn't even notice the paper was gone.
I looked over the paper. Most of my stats had fifteen 'S' behind them. Strength, Defense, Utility, Agility and Magic are the different abilities or stats a person has. All my abilities, skills and powers were so numerous, the print was so small it was almost impossible to read, and the list of my abilities, skill and powers went on and on. Many of them are things that the people of this universe would never understand. Like my mechanical 'Extra Arms'. "I wondered if they'd believe this at the Guild Hall." I quarried, although I didn't expect an answer from Hestia and there was no way I would let the Guild know what my status was.
"If this is correct. Y-y-your st-stronger than any of the… your stronger than any of the gods." Hestia states. "H-how is th-that possible!?" She exclaimed.
I repressed another laugh. I didn't want to offend or insult Hestia. "I could tell you, but most of it, you would not understand or believe. That is not meant as an insult because most if it, 'I' don't understand. I've just learned to accept it and go with it." I told her.
Hestia shook her head as if to rid herself of a bad dream. "Why did you come to me to be part of my Familia if you are this powerful?"
"As I said before, I want to go down into the Dungeon, and to do that I need a patron. You have a small Familia. Thus, I thought I could help you out by adding to your Familia. Another reason is you seem to be a caring person. You do everything you can to help your Familia even if it puts more work onto your own shoulders." I explained to Hestia.
Although I also knew that if given a chance, Hestia would laze around eating potato puffs and reading books all day long. All she needs is a little push to get her out of herself and do other things, like help her Familia members.
"I'm guessing I don't have to tell you to keep quiet about my abilities. The other 'gods' would be out to either kill me or force me into their Familia if they knew about how strong I am." I told Hestia.
Hestia nodded her head in understanding. She had a determined look on her face. "Yes of course. I don't want to lose any of my Familia to greedy or jealous gods. But I still don't understand why you would want to be in my Familia. There are a lot of stronger Familia's that you could have joined in Orario. Although since I have already given you my Blessing, you are now part of my Familia." Hestia told me. Then she looked around the room then back at me. "Do you have a place to stay? I can't offer much."
I smiled at her. "I want to be in your Familia because you really care about those in your Familia. And I can help you with helping your, or rather our, Familia. I have two gifts for you. Well one gift for the Familia and one gift for you to give to Bell." I started.
Hestia blushed at me mentioning giving her gifts. "You don't need to give me any gifts. It is not required."
"I understand that. This is just something I want to give you to help out… 'my' Familia." I told Hestia. "Is there a door, preferably one that locks that we can use as an entryway?" I asked.
Hestia led me back upstairs and out of the hidden room. Then she pointed to the door into the back room and then to the secret door to the room under the church. Which is bookcase that pivots and opens up to the stairs leading down to the hidden room under the church. "Will either of them work?" She asked me confused.
I waggled my head from side to side. "It's not really the best, but it will work." I told her looking at the bookcase door. "We are on the correct side of the door." I told her.
Hestia had a confused but curious look on her face.
Once we were in the middle of the room, I closed the bookcase door. Once the door was closed, I created a pocket plain just behind the door. Making the door the entrance to the pocket plain. Then I walked back over to the bookcase door and opened it. It now opened onto the pocket plain with a large house in the middle. The land stretches five miles in every direction from the house, and the portal to the pocket plain is only one hundred feet from the house. The portal can be closed so no one can get in or out. But I wanted to be able to leave the portal open as much as possible. That is why I wanted a physical door to use as the door to get into and out of the pocket plain.
"The Familia's new residence. The house in not big enough for a large number of people, but that can be remedied by setting up tents around the house if more room is needed. Then the house can be used for a kitchen and bathrooms." I told Hestia. "And there is plenty of room for farming if we want or need to grow our own food."
"Y-you mean w-we have a real place to live?" Hestia asked me.
"You already have a real place to live. But the pocket plain gives us, a really nice place to live. And the second gift is the Hestia Knife. It is equal to what Hephaistos would or could make for a huge amount of money. It's alive and will take its first breath once you give it to Bell and it will grow as Bell grows. Plus, I've added four runes to it. The first rune is Bonding. The knife can be stored 'in' Bell where it can't be detected. Plus, the knife can be summoned to Bell any time he wants it. That way if he loses the knife or it is stolen, all he has to do is summon it to him. The second Rune is Air Creation and Control. He can create or use air to attack with, but he will also be able to use the air to push him and make him faster. The way Bell fights, if he uses the Air Control Rune he can move in and out of range to attack and dodge ten times faster than he can now. The third rune is Extended Range. With practice and time, a phantom blade will extend from the knife up to twenty feet away, as long as the knife is in motion. And last is a Metamorphosis rune. Which allows him to change the weapon within the range of what it is. That means since the blade is twelve inches long, it is considered a short sword so he can morph the blade up to twenty-four inches long and he can change the shape of the blade to some degree. I'll explain it all to Bell after you give it to him." I explained. "And last, the knife is infused with Ice Dust. which means it will cause extra ice damage. And there is a chance it will slow down or freeze anything it hits." I added.
The Hestia knife is an all-black knife. Black hilt, black guard and black blade, with several rows of writing along both sides of the blade and along the edge of the blade. The blade is twelve inches long. The only difference between the Hestia knife, Hestia would get from Hephaistos and the Hestia knife I gave Hestia is, this knife does not have Hephaistos's name on the scabbard and this knife is indestructible.
"It was made by Hephaistos. How could you afford something like this from her?" Hestia asked.
"No, she didn't make it, but it's like one she could make if she was asked. Plus, the four extra runes." I told her.
"That makes a little more sense. But why are you giving me these things?"
"I'm not giving you anything. I'm giving the Familia a nice place to live, until we can find a better place. As for the knife I'm giving it to you so 'you' can give it to Bell. It will help him out immensely, as long as he believes in himself, his patron and his knife." I told her. "Plus, this will save you two hundred million Valis. If Hephaistos made it, it would cost that much. This way the Familia won't go in debt." I finished and smiled.
"I can accept that. But don't you need a weapon if you're going to be an adventurer? Why would you give up such an extraordinary weapon?" Hestia asked me.
I nodded my head in agreement. "Yes, I will need a weapon, but I already have one." I told her as I moved my right hand out to my side and summoned Sasori (Scorpion), my naginata. "Using the Bonding Rune, I always have my weapon with me." I informed her. Then I returned Sasori to its storage area. "As you saw I have a lot of abilities and very high status. I don't need a knife like that. Although I did make sure Sasori was a Hestia Naginata."
"That's amazing!" Hestia told me.
Bell walked into the church at that time. "Hello goddess." Bell said to Hestia then he saw me. "And who is he?" He asked Hestia.
Bell Cranel is five feet five inches tall, with white hair and red eyes. A lot of people say he looks like a rabbit. I'm guessing they are talking about the Al-Miraj, a rabbit monster.
"He's a new member of our little Familia!" Hestia told Bell. Her excitement was back.
I stepped up. "I'm Eilwyn Tengee." I introduced myself and put my hand out.
Bell took my hand and shook it, then released my hand. "It is nice to meet you." He told me.
While Bell shook my hand, I give him the Harem ability. This way all the girls, including Hestia, that fall for Bell won't fight over him and they won't push the other girls away from Bell. It should make his life a lot easier, although they still might fight over who gets to be close to Bell at any given time. At least it won't get violent, and he won't be accused of cheating on the girls.
I nodded my head. "It is nice to meet you as well. As I was just telling lady Hestia. I have gifted my new Familia with a fairly nice place to stay until we can get something better." I told Bell.
Bell's eyes lit up. He and Hestia had been staying in the hidden basement of this run-down church for a while, and it is a place you only want to stay in as a last resort. "Really? A nice place to live!?" Bell asked excitedly. "Where is it? When can we go there?"
I chuckled at his excitement about having a good place to live. "I'm sure you won't believe it but, the new place is right through that door." I pointed to the bookcase door to the hidden room under the church.
Bell looked at me with confusion and skepticism. I wasn't really surprised because he had opened that bookcase door probably hundreds of times and he knows it leads to the hidden room under the church.
"Open it! Open it!" Hestia yelled with excitement while jumping up and down. Which wasn't really a good thing for her to do, because her ample breasts bounced up and down as well, drawing your eyes to her chest.
Still looking confused and skeptical, but because his goddess had told him to do it. Bell walked over to the bookcase door and opened it, and just stood there facing the opening to the pocket plain, not moving.
I chuckled. "Just about everyone I show that to, does the same thing." I said to no one in particular.
"Okay, let's go see our new house." I suggested, then motioned with my hand to the portal for Hestia to go ahead of me. "After you lady Hestia."
Hestia looked at me for a moment then walked over to the door. She put a hand on Bell's shoulder. "Come on Bell. Go through the door, I want to see what this house looks like." She told Bell.
That seemed to snap Bell out of his trance. He looked at Hestia then looked back at the portal and walked through. Hestia followed Bell through the portal, then Taima and I walked through last.
I motioned with my arm as I talked. "The land extends five miles in all direction out from the house. As you can see there is a creak and pond to the right of the house. The creek continues on to an ocean on over there." I said pointing on past the pond. After that we went into the house itself. "The living room is quite large as you can seed. The pantry restocks itself every day, and there is enough food to feed fifty people three meals a day. There are six bedrooms, and more can be added when and if they are needed. Each bedroom has its own bathroom. Plus, there are two hall bath houses, each with a huge traditional wooden far eastern bathtub." Leading them out the back French doors. "There is a BBQ over there and a gazebo on the far end of the patio." I say ending the tour.
Bell turned to look at me. "H-how d-did you get all this land and this huge house 'in' the church? Is it magic. Can you do magic?" He asked me.
I shrugged my shoulders and raised my hand up to shoulder height with my palms up. "It can be called magic; it could be called science. I'm not really sure what it is. All I know is I can create these Pocket Plains. And one more thing, once we are inside, the portal can be closed and no one can get in, or out. Although I hope we don't need to do that. That is why I put the portal just on the back side of the door into the hidden room. If we need to, we can put a lock on the door, and everyone can have a key to unlock and lock the door to get in and out." I added.
"Is there anything in the basement that either of you need? I can close the portal for you to get your belongings." I told Bell and Hestia.
Hestia looked around the patio then to me. "Y-yes, we both have a few things we need to get." She admitted.
"Let's get your belongings and move them into the house. Although you might want to check out which bedroom you want before you move your things in." I advised.
Bell and Hestia looked at each other then headed down the hall to check out the bedrooms. It took about half an hour for them to pick which bedroom they each wanted. All of the bedrooms are about the same, but they do have some small differences in them. As you head down the hall there are four bedrooms on the right-hand side. The left side of the hall the first room is a bedroom then the two bath houses and the last room on the left is another bedroom.
Bell took the last bedroom on the right and Hestia took the bedroom beside Bell's. No surprise there. I took the first bedroom on the left side of the hall.
I helped Bell and Hestia move their belongings from the hidden room to their new bedrooms and living room. I put the portal to the PD, Pocket Plain or Pocket Dimension, behind the bookcase door to the hidden room again.
Once everything was moved in, I motioned for Bell and Hestia to have a seat at the table on the patio. "Lady Hestia, I believe it is time for you to give Bell his gift." I told her.
Hestia sat up straighter. "Oh, yes. I forgot about that with all the moving." She told me. Then she pulled out the Hestia Knife and handed it to Bell. She explained how the knife works to Bell then checked his states, using the knife to prick her finger. They had all gone up drastically.
Level 1, Strength: G221 -> E403, Defense: H101 -> H199, Utility: G232 -> E412, Agility: F313 -> D512, Magic: I0
"Plus, there are four runes on the Hestia Knife. The first is a Bonding rune. That means by thinking it you can store the knife in your body, and no one will know where it is. Plus, if you lose the knife or it is knocked out of your hand, all you have to do is think about it being in your hand and hold your hand like the knife is in your hand and it will appear there." I explained.
"How can you store a knife in yourself?" Bell asked me.
"Good question. One that I don't have an answer for. All I know is, it works, but I'm guessing it's kind of like this pocket plain. The pocket plain is here and takes up a large space, but if you were to walk up to it from outside it's not there. It takes up no space at all. I don't know, as I said I'm guessing." I told Bell then stood up. I held my hand out by my side. Then Sasori my naginata appeared in my hand. "Like that. To store it, just hold the knife and think storage or in or something like that and will it into your body or a storage space in your body. To retrieve it hold your hand like you have the knife 'in' your hand and think, hand or out of storage, and will the knife into your hand." I explained.
"The second rune is Extended Range, which means as you swing the blade, a phantom blade will extend out from the real blade, giving you a longer range. The more you practice the farther the phantom blade will extend. With enough practice it will extend to around twenty feet from the blade." I told him. I had already set up some clay pots on the ground over ten feet from me. I swing my naginata and you could see a shadowy blade extend out from the real blade. The phantom blade shattered the clay pots. "Although anything between the real blade and the phantom blade won't be harmed. There is no blade between the real blade and the phantom blade. So, if an ally is between your knife and the target, they won't be harmed by the phantom blade. Although I wouldn't try anything like that until the phantom blade is at least ten feet out." I suggested.
Bell's eyes were as big as saucers. "It's like magic." He stated.
"More or less. The next rune is Air Creation and Control. You can create air or use the air around you to attack with, and you can use the air to push you where you want to go and you will move extremely fast. You can use the air control to dodge as well. And with how you fight, you can move in and out of range extremely fast even faster than you can now. It would be almost impossible for a monster to hit you with the extra speed from the Air Creation and Control Rune." I explained. "Plus, you can use the air to jump higher and to slow yourself down when you come down from a jump or a fall, so you won't get hurt." I added.
"The last rune is Metamorphosis. Which allows you to change the weapon within the range of what it is. That means since it is twelve inches long, it is considered a short sword so you can morph the blade up to twenty-four inches long and you can change the shape of the blade to some degree.
"And last. The blade is infused with what is called Ice Dust. That means when the blade hits it's target, the Ice Dust will cause extra ice damage, and it might slow the target down or even freeze the target for a short time." I finished.
"That's amazing. I just hope I can remember all of that." He said then gave me a strange look. "How did you know about the knife that goddess Hestia gave me?" He asked confused.
I grinned sheepishly. "Well… like I gave the house to the Hestia Familia, I gave the Hestia Knife to lady Hestia to give to you. That being said the more you believe in your knife, your goddess and the more you believe in yourself. The stronger the knife will be and the stronger you will get. Plus, with this blade once it is in your hand, you will have ten years of experience of using it. It will be like you've had the knife and used it for ten years. But I would suggest that you take any extra training that you can. Even with ten years of experience you can always use more training."
"You're kidding me, right? This is a joke, right?" He asked.
I shook my head from side to side. "No, not joking. The first time I picked up my naginata, I had never used one before. Once I held it in my hand, I received ten years of experience of using it. I've been using it for over a year now and I've practiced with it and trained with it all that time to get even better."
Bell shook his head in disbelief. "You keep adding more and more things that are hard to believe."
I chuckled. "I understand how you feel. But you have someone to explain it all to you and to help you through it all. I had it all thrust onto me with no one to explain any of it to me or to walk me through it. I had to figure everything out by myself." I told Bell.
"Wow! I didn't think of that." Bell told me.
"Well, how about something to eat. I'm sure Bell's hungry after fighting in the dungeon." I suggested.
"Food! That sounds good." Hestia quipped.
I chuckled. "I'll fix something. You can stay here, go to the living room or join me in the kitchen. I'm not that good of a cook so I expect you two to help out later on." I told them.
"I'm not very good at cooking either." Hestia admitted.
"Fortunately, a lot of the food only needs to be heated up. That makes it easier." I said then headed into the house. Taima followed after me.
Hestia and Bell walked into the kitchen as I was taking a couple of pizzas out of the freezer.
"Are you going to be an Adventurer?" Bell asked me.
I nodded my head in agreement. "That was my plan. Although I'm thinking of doing other things as well. Since lady Hestia is the goddess of flames of protection and I'm guessing by default, the hearth and home. I thought it might be a good idea to set up a shop that sells furniture and other things for the home and hearth." I looked over at Hestia. "How does that sound?" I asked her.
"That would make sense. Most Familia's do things that align with their god. But how are you going to get the money to open a shop?" Hestia asked.
I put the pizzas into the oven to cook. "That's where the adventuring comes in. I'll go down into the dungeon to make money to start the shop. And once the shop's opened you, Hestia, can work in the shop if you want to. On a side note, since I don't know how it works, I thought it would be good to give the Familia ten percent of what I get adventuring. That way the Familia will have money for things it needs." I told her.
"You want to sell furniture and household items?" Bell asked.
I chuckled. "I don't really want to sell furniture. I just thought it would be a good idea to do that. As I said, many Familia open shops aliening with what their Patron represents. Hephaistos' Familia makes weapons and armor. Miach's Familia makes healing potions and other potions. And yes, I know they also have adventurers, they do multiple things and not just go into the dungeon." I explained.
Hestia nodded her head. "Ten percent of what you get from the dungeon will help out the Familia quite a lot." Hestia admitted.
"Oh, and I have three friends that would like to be adventurers. Would you consider letting them join the Hestia Familia as well?" I asked Hestia.
Hestia's eyes lit up. "Really? You know more people that want to join my Familia?" She asked excitedly almost bouncing up and down.
I nodded my head in agreement. "Yes, they would like to join the Hestia Familia. I've known them for over two years, and they are trustworthy and dependable." I told her.
"Who are they? When do they want to join!?" Hestia asked excitedly.
"Their names are Cinnamon, but I call her Cindy, Pakima, or Kimmy for short and Iris, they will join the Familia as soon as I tell them you will take them."
A shadow of doubt crossed Hestia's face. "You want three girls to join my Familia?" She asked with a little heat in her voice, and she glances towards Bell.
I chuckled. "Hestia, they have no interest in Bell. Like I said, I've known them for over a year, and they are totally devoted to me. In fact, because they like spending most of their time with me, I'll set up a yurt in the back yard and all four of us will stay in it most of the time, when we are home." I assure Hestia.
Hestia's face went back to normal with a little excitement on it. "If you're sure they won't want my Bell, then they can join my Familia." She told me.
I nodded my head in agreement. "I'll go get them." I said and stood up. "When the timer goes off, just take the pizza out of the oven." I added and explained how to cut it. Then I headed out the door.
I went to my bedroom and ported to Pern. I told Kimmy, Cindy and Iris that Hestia wanted them to join her Familia. I had told them to watch the anime and to read the manga or the Light Novels so they would know what was happening.
"Can we bring our Companions?" Iris asked me.
"Yes, you can bring them, but when you are out in public have them stay in dog, cat or bird form. And…" I looked at Kimmy and Cindy. "You need to stay in human form. All of you can put on animal ears and tails because they have cat people, cow people, and a group of people that have dog ears and tails. We might be able to integrate your natural forms over time. But that will have to wait." I informed them.
"You said we have to keep our Companions in animal form only out in public. Does that mean when we are at home, they can be in their dragon form and Kimmy can show her wings and I can use my dragon form?" Cindy asked.
I nodded my head in understanding. "As long as you are in the house or yard. And right now, we are using one of my Pocket Dimensions to live in. So anywhere in the pocket plain you and Kimmy can go to your natural form or any part of your natural form." I told them.
"That's ok then. When are we going?" Cindy asked.
We'll leave as soon as you get your things together. And don't forget your weapons." I told them.
Iris stood up, looked at Cindy and Kimmy. "Last one ready and through the portal is a monster!" She called and ran out of the room.
Cindy and Kimmy looked at each other, and Cindy shook her head. "She's going to get us killed one of these days." She lamented. Although she was starting to use it more of a joke than really meaning it.
I chuckled. "She's just enthusiastic. Plus, even if you do get killed, you'll show up in the graveyard in front of your tomb stone, whole and healthy. So, there's no worries there." I responded and shooed the two to get what they needed.
While I was waiting for the girls to get their things together, I went to the Armory. I thought about and found four weapons like I had given Bell, the Hestia Knife. I was going to give them to each of my Team members so they would be able to level up almost as fast as Bell will level up. They all have the same ability as the Hestia Knife, but they are the same weapons the girls normally use. Their colors are the same as their Companion's Dragon's colors. They each have a Bonding rune on them as well as a Metamorphosis rune. This allows them to alter the weapon to any shape within the range of what the weapon is. You cannot make a sword into an axe. Since my weapon is a naginata I can change the length of the shaft and the shape of the blade. They also have the Extended Range rune and a Doppelganger Rune.
I didn't give Bell's knife the Doppelganger Rune because he hardly ever throws it.
Three hours later I opened a portal to the pocket plain in Orario. Cindy, Iris, Kimmy and I walked through.
"You can put your belongings in my room, until I get the yurt set up.
Once that was finished, I took the girls to see Hestia so she could give the girls her falna.
"Lady Hestia. These are my friends that want to join the Hestia Familia." I told Hestia. "This is Cinnamon." I put my hand on Cindy's shoulder. Then I moved my hand to Iris's shoulder. "This is Iris, and this," I put my hand on Pakima's shoulder. "Is Pakima." I removed my hand from Kimmy's shoulder and motion towards Hestia. "And this is lady Hestia the patron of our Familia." I introduce everyone.
Hestia was all smiles. "So, you want to join my little family? Do you already belong to a Familia?" Hestia asked the girls.
Kimmy, Cindy and Iris all looked at each other than at Hestia. "Yes, I want to join your family and I have never been in a Familia." Cindy told Hestia.
"Eilwyn said it would be good to join your Familia, so yes, I want to be a part of your family and no, I have not been in another Familia." Kimmy said.
Iris was smiling from ear to ear. "I want to be in your family. I think it is a great idea. No one has asked me to be in a Familia before now." Iris replied.
"Okay, then I'll let you join my Familia. But I will warn you that Bell is off limits. He's all mine and if you try anything with Bell, I'll make you regret it." Hestia warned them. "Eilwyn, can I use your bed so they can lay down?" She asked me.
"My beds free." I answered Hestia and lead the way to my bedroom.
"One of you lay down on the bed face down and you'll have to take your shirt off." Hestia instructed the girls.
Again, the girls looked at each other. Then Kimmy pulled her shirt off over her head, then she laid down on the bed on her stomach. She looked back over her shoulder as Hestia crawled onto the bed and straddles Kimmy's upper legs. Hestia circled her hand over Kimmy's back, she pricked one of her own fingers and let a drop of ichor fall onto Kimmy's back.
Cindy, Iris and I watch as Hestia wrote her contract on Kimmy's back. Hestia then took a piece of paper and laid it on Kimmy's back and again circled her hand over Kimmy's back. A light briefly appeared under the paper, then Hestia removed the paper and looked at it.
After reading the paper Hestia looked at me. "What is it with you and your friends? This girl's status are all five 'S'. How is she able to have such a high status?" Hestia asks me.
Stats are Strength, Endurance or Utility, Dexterity and Agility. Some people get magic spells and you can also receive Skills and Developmental Abilities.
Pakima's Stats: Strength; SSSSS(SSSSS) Endurance; SSSSS(SSSSS) Dexterity; SSSSS(SSSSS) Agility; SSSSS(SSSSS) Magic; Golemancy, Telekinesis, Pyromancy, Holy Magic (These five 'S' has been held back so they can be used later. Hestia does not know about this.)
"We've fought monsters before in other places. I guess that's why we have such high status and different skills and abilities." I tried to explain.
Hestia shook her head in wonderment. Then she crawled off of Kimmy's legs. "Okay, who's next?" She asked.
"Me, me, I'm next." Iris said, bouncing on her toes. Once Kimmy was off of the bed, Iris removed her shirt and crawled onto the bed.
Hestia went through the same prosses.
Iris's Stats Strength; SSS(SSS) Endurance; SSS(SSS) Dexterity; SSS(SSS) Agility; SSS(SSS) Magic; Geomancy, Druidic Magic (Again, these three 'S' have been held back so they can be added after she ranks up. At level 2 I'll give back her level 1 abilities from her Companion and at level 3 I'll give back the level 2 abilities from her companions, so she starts out with a 'C' in each ability. Then once she reaches Level 4, I'll give her Physical Enhancement so she will start out with S in each ability. After that I'll return an S for each ability at each level so she will start out with S in all abilities until she is level 8.)
"She's the closest to normal, but she's still way above most adventurers." Hestia stated. "The last one now."
Cindy crawled onto the bed as Iris crawled off the bed. Again, Hestia did her thing to give Cindy her falna. Cindy's stats are all 5-S's each. She is a dragon even if she is the runt of the clutch.
Cinnamon's Stats Strength; SSSSS(SSSSSSSSSS) Endurance; SSSSS(SSSSSSSSSS) Dexterity; SSSSS(SSSSSSSSSS) Agility; SSSSS(SSSSSSSSSS) Magic; Feral Arsenal, Bloodline, Shapeshifting, Umbramancy (Same as the other two girls. These ten 'S' have been saved back so they can be added as she ranks up. At level 2 I'll give her back the abilities from her Companion so she will be an 'A' or 'S' in all abilities.)
Most of our magic is listed in our status, although our magic does not require mind to use. Magic in this universe requires mind to make it work and if you use to much magic or mind, you will pass out or what they call going mind down or mind zero. With rest or potions, you can get mind back.
Hestia stared at me. "How is it possible that all of you have higher stats than virtually all 3rd to 4th level adventurers!?" She asked with some force.
"I will tell you everything, but you have to promise to never tell anyone, not even the other 'gods'. If it gets out about us, we would be targets for almost every 'god' in the city." I told Hestia.
Hestia looked from me to Cindy then Kimmy to Iris and back to me. "I don't believe I need to make a promise like that. I am a goddess you know. But since you did join my Familia, I will abide by your wishes." Hestia told me.
I nodded my head in understanding. "All four of us are from another planet. In fact, we're all from a different Universe. Cindy can shapeshift into a dragon and other animals as well. Kimmy is either a fallen angle or from a race of people with wings. Iris is a human, but she has received abilities that increase her status. And I'm human but I had an accident that should of killed me. I heard voices in my head saying 'Your wishes, your dreams, your fantasies. Whatever you wish to call them are given you.' When I woke up my Companion Taima was standing over me and now, I'm strong enough to lift over ten thousand pounds I have loads of abilities and powers that I can give to other people. And all four of us are immortal."
I kept how much I could lift or move way low because I didn't want it getting out how much I could really handle.
Hestia was looking at me with a blank stare. "A-are y-you insane? H-how could y-you be from another universe? And you're saying you're all gods? How?" Hestia stuttered out totally confused.
"I'm not a god and I've never claimed to be one, and neither are they. I'm not insane at least as far as I know." I said and chuckled. "When I received all these abilities, I also received the ability to open a portal to different universes. I can prove it if you want. I can take you to Remnant, Pern or Japan on Earth." I explained, then open a portal to Pern.
"That's OK, I'll believe you for now. Although I might want to go to one of those places later on." Hestia told me. "It is kind of hard to not believe you with your status as high as they are. I've never seen anyone with stats over three S's. And having three S's is very unusual." She added.
I nodded my head in understanding. "I'll take you to any or all of those places anytime you want." I informed Hestia and closed the portal to Pern.
"Change of subject… Since we're going to be adventurers, we, my Team and I, need to have Bell take us to the Guild Hall so we can get signed up." I informed Hestia.
"I'm sure Bell would do that for you. He's always so helpful." Hestia replied.
0 notes
yan-snowcave · 2 years
Peter x Streamer!Y/N
- You easily got him to join the stream. He of course was a bit nervous at first, he never was good at interacting with so many people. 
Of course he had done a few Q&A streams, but these were very few and far between. But the puppy eyes (+ the promise of a reward) won him over.
- Since Peter really isn't the gamer type you decided to play more chill games. Like Stardew valley, Minecraft & Kirby.
- Peter got really jealous of the bachelors/bachelorettes in Stardew valley. 
Glaring at them, holding you tightly whenever you interact with them. Growling when one of them acted a bit too friendly and that doesn't even mention when he saw the flirting mod you had installed long ago. 
- Peter's favorite and at the same time most hated bachelor is Sebastian. On one hand, you can rarely interact with him (at the start of the game) and he is rather cold/neutral towards you.
On the other he reminds Peter always of his own Emo phase. Especially with the hair, he always freezes for a few seconds when he sees him. 
- "I will kill them all, starting with Sebastian."
"Peter, no! This is a game, you can't even kill them. There isn't a mechanic for it!"
"I will find a way, darling. I don't like how they are all trying to get to you. You're mine, even in such games you're mine, only mine."
"Y'know, we can get married to each oth-"
"What are we waiting for then, darling!? Let's get married!" 
- And this is how you guys got married in the game, he is still jealous and protective whenever one of the flirting text boxes appears. 
- After that you decided to play Kirby, mostly because he couldn't get jealous in these games.
- He really liked to play as Marx, sucking enemies into his black hole body. Protecting you from danger (and getting severely damaged in the process.)
- Also the smooch mechanic to share HP items quickly turned into his favorite thing. 
- He might also have ordered a few Kirby plushies after the stream. His favorite game was Forgotten land tho, he loved the final boss.
- "I thought Kirby games were for kids, what is that!?"
"Oh yeah, Kirby games often end with like…Umm…Fighting gods or Eldritch beings since Kirby is kinda a chaos god themselves? I think?"
"Kirby is what!?" 
- Playing Minecraft with him is fun, but also very chaotic. You stopped counting how many times any of you got blown up by creepers. 
- Whenever you went into a mine, he would follow you. Protecting you from monsters, showing you where he found resources and throwing food at you.
- Whatever you build he will love it. A house? Perfect for living together, he will put his bed next to yours. 
A farm with animals and crops? So thoughtful of you to build a food source. 
A random structure? A dirt house? He will love it no matter what. 
- If you tame a blue parrot and name him Peter & another parrot (Y/N) he will love it. Don't separate them (he 100% would build them a jukebox.)
- Will scream and run in front of you whenever a Baby Zombie runs at you/Skeleton shoots at you. (He will also try to get better with a bow just to shoot at Phantom's)
- The first piece of netherite armor he creates is immediately given to you. He will grind for most of the stream just so you can have a fully enchanted, netherite suit. 
- "That's sweet and all but you're still in iron armor…Don't you need it more?"
"Nope, I am mostly strip mining in the nether. So I don't really face any dangers down there, you on the other hand? You're building up here with all of the Phantom's & Creepers swarming you darling." 
Cue to him dying from Hoglin's and angry Piglin's.
- He will start an army of cats and dogs after he learns that they keep away certain mobs/attack monsters. 
- Peter really gets into Redstone. Your house will get a whole red stone security system, automatic doors, self brewing potion stands ect. 
- Throughout the stream you guys answer questions. Some of them were weird or just jokes, but most were focused on Peter.
After explaining that he was your boyfriend (and to please stop flirting with you before Peter tries anything.)
- A lot more questions came flooding in about your relationship. Peter answered them gladly (you had to shut his mouth a few times.) He made it pretty clear that you both belonged to each other and that he would never share you. Not even in a joking manner. 
- At the end of the stream you guys went through some of your tags, looking at fanart. Some of your favorites were;
Peter looking traumatized at Sebastian.
The Kirbyfied versions of you two [You were often drawn as  Kirby & he as Marx and/or Waddle dee.] 
A picture of both of you in a box labelled "Soulmate's please do not separate!" 
And fully rendered art piece of Peter in armor with his army of dogs attacking Zombies, Skeletons & Creepers. While you were in the background mining.
- "That was a fun stream, wanna join again someday, handsome?"
"Of course, darling. Now let's get to my promised reward. I had to hold myself back whenever you were your adorable, teasing self. So don't expect me to be gentle, my love~"
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thepenultimateword · 2 years
Eyeteeth Part 3
Just pure self-indulgent fluff. I know I have requests to get to but for some reason, this is what's eating at my mind right now. (Also since parts one and two were asks this title has only ever shown up in my master list, but this is my civilian mentor x monster villain story)
Part One, Part Two
"...and now historians believe that magery might not be genetic at all. It's probably more of a rare mutation, well rarer now, they were all over the place back in the 1500s. I suppose it makes sense; I've met Hero's family, and no one else has a hint of powers, and they haven't found any mention of it in their family history. Though I do have a theory that mage genes remain dormant until something triggers them. But I would need a large study pool to even prove such a thing, even proposing the idea would be an ordeal, and I just don't have the time, what with Hero and the library and all that."
Villain hummed in acknowledgment, letting Civilian smoothly switch tracks to another train of thought. They loved listening to Civilian talk. Even if they couldn't make head or tails of most of it, the way Civilian's eyes lit up and the animated wave of their hands in the air... They let out a quiet, happy sigh and settled in deeper for the next educational lecture, this one about varying otherworldly instincts apparently.
Perhaps Civilian only liked them because they were a monster. Maybe any fiamora could have caught their eye. The thought plagued them in quiet moments and late at night, but in the end, Villain supposed they didn't care. All that mattered was Civilian was theirs. If another fiamora ever showed up and challenged them for Civilian's affection, Villain felt confident in their ability to tear them apart. Though there wasn't much likelihood of that happening, Villain had chosen this city because of its fiamoraless status. Unless someone wanted to try edging into their territory--
Oh, Civilian was staring at them. Had they asked a question? Hopefully, they didn't think Villain hadn't been paying attention. Their brilliant human got embarrassed when they thought they were being boring.
"What?" Villain said cautiously.
Civilian tilted their head to one side and then the other. "Did you do something to your hair?"
Villain touched the ends of their hair self-consciously, tamed for the first time, and slightly crunchy with product. They'd hoped Civilian would notice right away, but they'd been ready with a bookish rant as soon as they reached Villain's door, and Villain couldn't be annoyed at them for that.
"What?" Civilian blinked, clearly not expecting that answer.
"I moussed it."
"Wooow." Civilian pushed their book to the side--because of course Civilian brought books on their dates--and leaned across the kitchen table to fondle the thick locks. As soon as their hand was in their hair, they seemed to realize what they were doing and blushed furiously.
Villain plopped their face in their hand before it could fully pull away. "I know, I actually really like it. I think it brings out my curls. What do you think?"
"I'm a fan," Civilian said, shrugging helplessly. Their thumb made awkward work of caressing Villain's cheek. "I like your other hair too though."
"Because it's wild and untamed?" Villain purred, nipping playfully at the tip of Civilian's thumb.
Too much. Civilian retreated completely, melting into a bright pink puddle over the pages of their book. Perhaps if Villain was kinder they would have asked for their pardon, but their greed was as innate as their predatory instincts. They adored Civilian's flushed face.
"And your fangs?" Civilian mumbled, flipping a page as idly as they could. Did they really think they were being discreet? "Did you mousse those away too?"
"Ah, you just noticed that too?"
Civilian's shoulders hunched. "Sorry."
Villain would comfort that. They dragged one claw very gently along the line of Civilian's jaw. "You were excited about your book, and I was happy to hear about it. I knew you'd notice eventually."
Civilian nodded.
"I called in a little favor from the kid," Villain continued.
"Favor?" Civilian raised a suspicious eyebrow. Still always so tense when it came to that little rug rat. They acted like Villain wanted to eat them alive, but that had been moved off the table long ago.
"Ok. It was more of a deal. Poof away the fangs for a couple hours, and I don't do anything nefarious over prom night. Now we can finally go out to eat. Also, you can finally see what human me would look like."
They tucked one hand under their chin, careful to avoid the invisible points of their fangs, and turned their head showily to the side.
"You know I love your eyeteeth."
"I know," Villain said. "It's actually a little weird how much you like them."
"Shut up," Civilian said, but they were grinning.
Villain stood up from the table and held their clawed fingers out to Civilian, happy when the human didn't hesitate this time before taking them.
"Should we get going?"
Civilian tucked their book under their arm and squeezed their hand in confirmation.
"How do you feel about burgers? I've always wanted to go to a diner."
"Perfect," Civilian said. "Can we stop by my place on the way? I forgot that I got this new edition on fiamora, and I really wanted to fact-check a few chapters with you."
"I thought you still didn't want me to know where you live."
Several boundaries had been established when Civilian agreed to give this courting thing a shot, one of them being the complete privacy of both they and Hero's homelives.
"Well...it's been a couple months...I think it's about time I extended some trust. And it's not like you probably don't know already; I stopped using different routes a couple weeks ago."
"You're not wrong," Villain admitted sheepishly. They'd tried not to figure it out, they really had, but blinding themself from premonitions wasn't something they could do. Apparently. Never in their life had they thought about keeping these abilities and instincts under control. Never had they thought they'd have something they wanted so badly to protect.
But here they were. This amazing, accepting human with more daring than their delicate body could safely manage paired up with this terrible something that their self-preservation instincts never should have allowed anywhere near them.
"Where are your eyeteeth?" Civilian asked, squinting up at their face.
"Here and here," Villain said, touching the pad of their finger very, very lightly to each point. Even when they appeared to be touching air, it was obvious that one tooth sat drastically higher than the other. At least it was growing in at all. "Why? Are you planning our first kiss? Should I be preparing myself?"
"Shut up."
That wasn't a no.
Civilian wiped their fingers thoroughly on exactly three napkins before daring to flip the next page of their book. As interesting as this was getting, the last thing they wanted was salt and grease stains on the paper. How could they call themselves an example to the kids if they didn't treat the books right themselves? Though, maybe the most responsible action would have been not to bring an expensive book to a diner in the first place.
Whatever. They could scold themself at a later time.
"'Though often reported as solitary creatures, fiamora are actually known to be quite affectionate and forward with prospective mates.' True or false?"
Though they worded it as flirtatiously as possible, they couldn't help the blush that washed their face, nor the genuine curiosity tailing the ends of their words.
"You bet we are," Villain purred, lacing their fingers with Civilian's across the table and leaning in on their elbows like a cat ready to pounce. Their tail flicked at the ball of Civilian's ankle, but Civilian refused to give them the satisfaction of a shiver.
"'This is often displayed through actions such as curling their tails together, licking each other's fur, and fang nuzzling--a movement that consists of gently gliding the flats of their eyeteeth over the other's face.' True or false?"
"True? I've never had a mate before." Even they looked a little embarrassed now. Maybe Civilian should back off; they always let their curiosity push things too far. If someone asked them their mating habits, they wouldn't even be able to speak for the humiliation.
"Sorry, you don't have to--"
"I do always want to wrap my tail around you," Villain said, "but the hair licking thing seems weird. I'd rather kiss like in the movies."
"Fascinating," Civilian said before they could stop themself. "Social conditioning overpowering instinct. Because of integration, modern-day fiamora may be completely different than the ancients. I wonder if anyone's written a paper on that..."
Villain interrupted their thoughts by waving a fry in front of their face, holding it up to their mouth so they wouldn't have to wipe their hands again before touching the book.
Civilian accepted it gladly, but they moved on to the next paragraph quick to avoid making the simple act embarrassing.
"However, despite the depth of fiamora affection it is most common for pairs to separate after..."
A sudden thought struck Civilian like a well-aimed cannonball, knocking nearly all the air from their lungs. "You're going to leave me. True or false?"
"What are you talking about?" Villain said, bottle-green eyes widening.
The words spilled out rapid and panicked, barely thought before bursting into voice. "If fiamora are affectionate mates but still solitary creatures, that means they choose to leave each other. Is there a certain point in our relationship that I should be expecting it to end at? Because humans don't do that, Villain. We stay together. And if this is just a--" They checked the book. "--a year long commitment for you, I need to know."
They hated how clingy they sounded. Especially when they were the one always holding back and showing less than they felt. For as cool as they wanted to act, Villain should have no doubt by now at how tightly they had Civilian wrapped around their clawed little finger.
Villain scooted to the edge of their booth seat, tail wrapping firmly around their ankle now, and took both of Civilian's hands in their own, Their brilliant eyes looked directly into Civilian's spectacled ones.
"I'm staying right here."
Civilian's breath shuddered. "Are you sure?"
Villain must have known by now that Civilian worked better in terms of research than promises, because instead of treating them with another solid 'yes', they said, "You might know more about my species than I do, but as far as I know, mates don't have to separate. It's usually a territory thing. We're not the biggest sharers, and we get competitive. In the end, the best solution is usually to live apart in our own spaces. But fiamora are growly and mean, and you're soft and cute; I don't foresee any problems."
"Territory," Civilian mused. Interesting. Civilian had never heard anything about territorial rites being the crux for fiamora solitude. It just spoke for how much research was being made through observation instead of direct contact. "Is there a specific square-foot range?"
"You're over it that fast?" Villain complained, tailing uncurling in an instant and lashing the floor.
"Oh, no!" Civilian said, snapping their attention back on Villain. "It's just that I believe you. So there's no reason to stay upset. Thank you."
They wished they could work up the courage for a real kiss--that would definitely assure them--but even if it weren't for the invisible fangs, they couldn't get over the nerves that they were going to royally screw it up. They pecked Villain between the eyes instead.
Villain grinned. It was enough.
"You were really worried though, right?"
Civilian nodded.
"You really, really like me."
Civilian thought about that, surprised by the depth of its truth. "I suppose I really do."
They smiled bashfully, squeezing Villain's hand tighter and losing themself in the otherwordly depths of their gaze.
"It's so gross when grown-ups get romantic. Especially you guys."
Civilian abandoned Villain's hands in a flash, jolting back against the booth with a short gasp. The teenager standing at the head of their table only continued to stare dryly.
"Uuugh, why are you here?" Villain said.
"Excuuuuse me," Hero said, rolling their eyes. "I've had a hard night defending my city with my wizard powers, so if I want a delicious shake and burger to take off the edge, I will do so."
"Mage," Civilian coughed. "Wizards aren't real."
"Whatever." They stole a fry from their basket and slid into the booth beside Civilian. "So. Who's buying?"
"Don't you have parents?" Villain griped.
"You really think I get up to all I do, the late-night fights, and the foiling, and greater good junk, while having attentive parents?"
"Aw, is that your tragic backstory?" Villain's voice dripped with fake sympathy. "Bad parents?"
Hero blinked. "What? No. They're not bad. There are just, like, 8 of us. And I'm one of the least problematic, so if I say I'm going to the arcade, they don't bother checking up."
Civiian looked around at the diner, filled to the brim with families and joking high schoolers.
"Villain has a point," they said, even though it definitely wasn't what the fiamora had been getting at. "What are people going to think if you're seen hanging out with a pair of adults outside of school?"
"I'll say it's library club."
"Library club with a date?" Civilian said nodding meaningfully at Villain.
"Oh shut up and buy me a burger."
Villain raised out of their seat a little. "You mind your manners. The only reason you stand a half-baked chance out there is because of Civilian. Show some respect for all the time they spend helping your pathetic, ungrateful butt."
Hero wilted a little. "Sorry, Civilian. May I please have a burger?"
Civilian looked at Villain, and the fiamora sighed. "Fine. I'll buy you a burger."
"Thanks!" Hero beamed, all traces of humility gone. They didn't hesitate to steal Villain's seat as soon as they moved to the counter, as well as a handful of fries.
"So," Hero kicked back their feet and waved a fry between Villain and Civilian, "how's it going?"
Civilian glanced toward the counter at Villain's back and cleared their throat. "It's good."
"Just good?" Hero said.
"You really think I'm going to go into detail with you? We may be close, but you're still a student. It's good. That’s it."
"It's delicious," Villain purred, sliding in beside Civilian and grabbing their face in their hands. The points of their claws dug into their cheeks, careful enough not to break skin, and they dragged Civilian in close enough to lick the hair over their ear. As soon as they'd done it, they froze.
"Huh," Civilian said.
Villain blinked. "What do you know."
Hero popped another fry in their mouth. "Ew."
Villain glowered, dropping Civilian's face but hugging to their arm. "You were supposed to leave."
"I'm in high school. I see worse PDA every day in front of my locker."
“Little brat,” Villain muttered.
“Enemy dearest,” Hero countered.
Luckily, the server bringing out Hero’s burger paused the nemeses in their verbal dueling long enough to break the tension.
“And that shake?” Hero said, looking hopefully at Civilian.
“You little—“ Villain started.
“We’ll see.”
Hero’s sly smile turned down in disappointment, but they didn’t argue any further, taking a large bite out of their burger.
“There is something I wanted to talk to you about though,” Hero mumbled around their mouthful. “I was out tonight, doing my thing, when I got this really weird feeling.”
“Weird?” Civilian said. Surely they’d taught Hero to be more descriptive than that.
“Yeah, like, whenever I used my powers, the air got super heavy, like it was pressing down on me. And then that bracelet you gave me a while ago got all itchy? And I know you said not take it off when it does that, but it was reeeeally itchy, like, I wanted to rub my skin off itchy, so—“
“Wait.” Civilian leapt to their feet. “You took it off?”
Hero shrank. “Um, yes?”
Villain’s fingers fit gently in the crook of their arm. “Darling? What’s wrong?”
Civilian’s heart was pounding too hard and their fears unraveling too fast to respond.
“Do you have it with you? Can you put it back on?”
“Yeah, it’s just in my pocket.” Hero stretched out their long legs and dug into their jeans, fumbling out the rune embroidered leather band in a half-twisted crumple.
That was when the whole diner exploded.
Part Four
Master Taglist:
@moss-tombstone @crazytwentythrees @just-1-lonely-person @the-vagabond-nun @yulanlavender @willow-trees-are-beautiful @cocoasprite @insanedreamer7905 @appleejuice @psychiclibrariesquotestoad @valiantlytransparentwhispers @whovian378
Am I bad at writing endings? Yes I am. Do I use cliffhangers simply so I can make parts end? Yes I do.
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hey!! I could have a reaction on the monster trio and ace (+ the reaction of their crew, if possible..) with an admiral s/o, and they have a secret relationship (because they are a pirate and she an admiral.. ) They call and send each other letters, of course their crew knows nothing! and one day their crew finds out everything, the letters and their relationship and their teammate is against their relationship!
Okay! Hoped you Liked It Anon💙
Happy 200 Followers
OP boys with an Admiral s/o
Warning: Mention of Threat, Angst, Not Fluff
Feat: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Ace
Monkey D. Luffy
-You and Luffy had Met to an island
-Of Course at first The Atmosphere between you two wasn't that good enough. You fought each Other Until you decided to call it a draw and Leave him behind
-Luffy was the First one who fells in Love with you. And it really makes him Happy when your Paths crossed Together
-So Now You're in relationship with him.
-No one Knows your Relationship with him and no one Knows either from his side, Both of you secretly calls each other, Meet at a certain Island Pretending to Chase him up, or Exchanging some Letters with him
-Luffy Was very Happy With it and so do you until Nami Founds the letter that Luffy accidentally dropped by. Nami Read it and make her furious than ever, She confronted Luffy and let everyone knows how Their Captain was making a lovey-dovey notes with their Enemy
-The Whole Crew felt Upset About it and feel betrayed. Luffy Explained how much you meant to him and how much he loves you so Much and even if the crew doesn't accept it he will never ever let you go like that
Roranoa Zoro
-Be in Relationship with the infamous Admiral makes Zoro Happy and anxious at the same time
-He tamed you out when he actually beat you to a sword fight but at the same time he fells in love with you
-The Two of you has been Communicating for about 3 months now and no one even knows about it so Both of you needs to be careful or else both you will be in trouble for sure
-One Day When Zoro Receives your Letter he walk towards his room to read it out but when he's about to enter he accidentally drop the letter by and at his Luck Usopp pick it up and read it out
-Usopp's Eyes Widened for what He just Read. He eyed Zoro In Confusion and Then The other Crew approached out and Read what's in the letter and after that
-The Crew was very Upset at Him but not All of them because for luffy, Usopp, Chopper Robin, And Sanji It was Fine because you doesn't do anything bad
-But For Nami, and Franky It was completely Wrong, making a Love Connection towards their Enemy was gravely Wrong but Zoro Doesn't give a Damn about it and He will Continue to Love you And He doesn't care what Others Thinks about you
Sanji Vinsmoke
-Like The First Two
-Sanji Will Love you Unconditionally
-Your Love story started when Sanji Saves you from an Enemy you were facing and he was Love at First Sight when he saw you
-Will introduce himself Properly like a Gentleman he was. And when both of you got into a Relationship Sanji was Over the Moon to have you by his side well actually not with His Actual side because your relationship needs to be hidden to prevent any Conflict
-But It wasn't for too Long. Sanji's Crew Mates already finds out about your Relationship with him and some of wasn't that Happy at all especially Nami
-She can't believe something like Sanji can do such Thing
-But Some of them Doesn't care at all and Feels happy about Sanji's Commitment
-Sanji knows he needs to smooth things down to keep everything in Line
Portgast D. Ace
-The Fight Between the two of you make Ace fall for you instantly
-For Him You're one of A Kind and very Beautiful in his Eyes that no one Can replace you in his heart
-Your Marine Ship has been always crossing the paths of Whitebeard Pirates and Ace took this a Chance to Flirts with you
-And After a Long Very long Pursuing time You and Ace Eventually got into a Relationship
-You Learned you Love him More than you could ever know but This Relationship thing Needs to be hidden from Everyone
-So You Told him to keep it in secret at any Cost and Ace Agreed to it because It was what you wanted you two had been Exchanging Letters, and Calls to keep In Touch and Sometimes when Ace was in some Island you will go there and spend some time together
-Ace Kept It hidden until Some of the Crew notices About it
-They Confronted Him and Even Eyeing him as if he was Traitor. Some Of the Crew Mates were very angry when Ace Finally Admits it but Only Being stop By Pops
-Whitebeard, Marco, Thatch, and The other Commander Has Already knew about the Hidden relationship between you and Ace and they weren't upset nor angry at all
-Whitebeard Tells his Crew that They didn't liked what is happening right now then they Can jump through the Ocean and find another crew to be with
-That Words make Ace the Happiest Man alive and he needs to tell you that soon
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