#Roranoa Zoro
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uncanny-deer · 2 days ago
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these are moooonths old but i drew the straw hat crew in my style plus little personal touches. with increasingly long thoughts on each on the side
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lemon-lime-behavior · 7 months ago
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For ~Complicated Medical Reasons~ i have been suffering through the worst and longest period of my life and to cope I drew my blorbito experiencing the same <3
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kaciart · 5 months ago
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Patreon | Ko-Fi
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gibbarts · 1 year ago
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"don't die on me, you still gotta find the all blue."
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starzshark · 2 months ago
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xxnotinmylobbyxx · 1 year ago
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Mihawk wanted a picture to put on his mantle and Zoro and Perona were the unwilling victims || Modern!au
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burgersteaart · 4 months ago
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trying hard not to laugh at his face
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umbrellainkart · 1 year ago
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i gave doffy too much pro wrestler swag
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cherryblossom-chopper · 1 year ago
ღ Falling Asleep on His Shoulder ღ
Dozing off with Crocodile, Killer, and Zoro
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Crocodile slides a lazy glance over your way. What kind of secretary falls asleep on their boss? He hums to himself as he watches the gentle rise and fall of your chest. Crocodile leans back against the luxury couch, resting his documents on the table beside him. Glancing back down at you, Crocodile frowns. Maybe he’s been putting too much on your plate. Moving slowly, he taps out his cigar in an ash tray before resting his eyes. Your work load can be discussed in the morning.
You always hated the crows nest, so Killer was surprised when you joined him earlier that night. Now, with the moon slowly sinking into western sky, Killer isn’t surprised to hear your soft snoring. He chuckles, as you nuzzle further into him. You’ll complain tomorrow about how you’re sore, and he’ll scold you for falling asleep in that pose. In this moment, Killer doesn’t have the heart to wake you. Maybe he’ll let you sleep on him for just a bit longer.
Zoro peaks his eyes open at the weight leaning his against him. Seeing your frame softly snoring against him makes him sigh with contentment. A small smile finds its way onto his face. You work so hard and at the very least deserve a mid-day nap in the sun; right by his side, as it should be.
————— ୨୧ —————
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usoppsstar · 6 months ago
Hi hi hi! I love Sanji and he’s just the sweetest 😭❤️ but my request is if you could do a “how the monster trio would react to having a S/O who bites her skin/nails/lips” or any other stress related things, thanks in advance if you do take me up on it, love ya! ❤️
Love u too! Thanks so much for requesting(sorry this took so long, hope you're still around)╰⁠(⁠*⁠´⁠︶⁠`⁠*⁠)⁠╯
How the straw hat boys react to your nervous habits🥟🥟🥟
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Pairings: Straw hat boys x f! Implied reader
Characters: Zoro,Sanji,Usopp,Luffy
Tw: biting nails/biting fingers/biting lips/slight mention of blood
Notes: No pronouns are used for reader; this one is short and sweet; these are proofread but there may still be mistakes🥟🥟🥟
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🥟Zoro: Biting your nails
Zoro won't lie, it kind of bugs him when you nervously bite your nails because he can't ignore it once he notices it. When he first met you he'd just look away, but the longer you both are on the crew together and the more time you spend together,  he starts to realize that you tend to do it when you're nervous
Now he can't ignore it even if he wants to, because the first thing he thinks about is why you're nervous, and how to get rid of whatever it is as soon as possible. It makes him upset, the anxious way you bite on your nails with the tips of your teeth, not because you're doing it but because something is making you do it. A strong enemy, a clouded mind, or even just Luffy doing something that is likely to get you all run out of a restaurant.
It isn't until after you both confess your feelings to one another that he has the courage to do anything about it. To quietly ask you what's on your mind when his eyes pick up on your anxious habit. He'll usually wait until you both are sitting off to the side, alone, to ask what's wrong, but if he can't do that, because you're in public or something
He'll gently take your hand in his and give it a tight squeeze, snapping you out of whatever you're thinking of and bringing you back to earth.
“If you keep doing that you won't have any nails left. Just tell me what's on your mind instead of stewing like that would ya?”
🥟Sanji: Biting your fingers
Sanji hates when you bite the sides of your fingers with a capital H, but not because he finds it gross or annoying. He just can't watch you hurt your hands like that. 
Even if you reassure him that it doesn't hurt( until you bite a little too far anyway) Sanji will still internally cringe when you do it, Especially when you accidentally hurt yourself.
You know he hates when you bite at your fingers, so you try to hide your hands from him when you can, not wanting him to see the torn skin, but Sanji hates that even more somehow. He doesn't want you to feel insecure around him at all, and especially because he knows it's not really something you can help and that it's a nervous habit that's hard to break.
To try and help, Sanji might ask chopper for bandaids to wrap around the tips of your fingers, or buy you some cute masking tape maybe, and if none of those work, he'll simply tell you to play with his hands instead
If you're lost in thought, need to concentrate, or are just feeling nervous, simply fiddle with his fingers. He might even start wearing rings(not when cooking of course) just so you can twirl and spin them, might even buy you your own rings to play with, even better if they're matching ones.
🥟Usopp: Biting your lips
Usopp never really noticed the way you bite your lips. Sure, he's seen you do it before, A lot actually, but he never really thought anything of it. Not until he heard you wince one day and turned over to see your lip bleeding a little.
Usopp is the king of nerves and anxiety, so he understands things like this better than anyone. The only reason he doesn't nip at his own lips now is because his mom used to scold him for it way back then. So he knows that that it's not always about being nervous but also just a way to help you focus
That doesn't mean he wants you gnawing on your lips though
So, being the creative and solution seeking mind that he is, he tries to come up with other things for you to use. Things you can squeeze, hard candy to suck on, maybe even something less harmful to bite( comes up with some weird stuff, like a quill with an edible feather)
He might nag you a bit when he notices you biting your lip,and yeah it gets annoying but you try not to complain because you know he's right
But since it's not an easy thing to just stop doing, and Usopp doesn't want to have to squabble with you every time you do it, he comes up with a bolder way to help you stop 
Instead, he starts to kiss your lips whenever he notices you biting at them. When you're hanging out by yourselves, maybe even in front of the crew, either way it catches you so off guard that it usually makes you forget why you were chewing on them in the first place.
🥟Luffy: Fidgeting
Luffy is a person who can never sit still for a long period of time, so he hardly notices that you can never sit in one place either.
It isn't until one day when he's stuck on deck all bandaged up after doing something dumb, and you're assigned by chopper to keep an eye on him, that he notices the way you keep fidgeting around. Playing with your fingers, looking around, changing your seating position every couple of minutes. It isn't until he's forced to sit still that he notices you don't sit still.
Unlike the other guys in this list, Luffy doesn't care if you fidget a lot. What's wrong with needing to move? He can tell that it embarrasses you slightly though. Perhaps it was because you were scolded for not being able to sit still when you were younger, but Luffy feels you should wiggle and shuffle as much as you need to, especially if it makes you feel more comfortable.
If it actually is something you want to have better control over, he'll help in little ways. Holding your hand with you're tapping your fingers, giving you a kiss during those times when you don't have anything to do, so you keep looking around(  he reassures you that his observation haki will look out for all of you) if you're obviously worrying over something, the crease in your eyebrows saying it all, he might just pick you up, place you on a lawn chair, and drape himself over you like a weighted blanket until you both eventually fall asleep.
There's times when he's completely unhelpful though, like when you can't sit still in line or in a crowd, instead of bring it to your attention, he'll wrap you in a hug from behind and rock from side to side with you, while comparing it to a little dance. Fidget, fumble, and move all you want with luffy, he doesn't mind.
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A/n: It's been forever! So happy to finally post again。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。 First off, Thank you so much for requesting and sorry it took so long! I do all these things(except buying my nails) so it was pretty easy to write about once I got to it. Anyway, I'm gonna try to knock out more of my requests! Thanks for reading!🥟🥟🥟
🥟Taggies: @triangularz ; @cookieswithay ; @bokutosbiceps ; @wrennyx ; @stuckinthewrongworld ;
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glooms333 · 1 month ago
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crawling back to you
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serpentfeverart · 1 year ago
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Luffy is so full of energy as is, I think Gear 5 would just make it ten times worse. He needs to toss something, and unfortunately for Zoro he was the closest thing within tossing range.
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coconut-cactus · 7 months ago
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Idk how to draw muscles, ok?
This took me like two days lol, and I still skimped on some stuff🤧
My rough draft for this
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zorosleftmantit101 · 2 years ago
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Why One piece men are banned on twitter.
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Luffy: blogged himself breaking and entering into government facilities.
Zoro: every single post was a workout pic and Sanji reported all of them for sexual activity.
Sanji: Texted every famous women on the app and professed his undying love...
Usopp: was teaching people how to make weapons.
Franky: violently threatened people that called him a slut for wearing his speedo.
Shanks: just posted unsolicited pictures of his dick.
Crocodile: didn't use the account for ten years so Twitter deactivated it.
Doflamingo: went into extreme detail describing every murder hes committed.
Buggy: cyberbullied everybody and anybody.
Mihawk: didnt download twitter in the first place.
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itwasagoodjoke · 1 year ago
my favorite genre of fic in the one piece fandom is specifically when zoro sees luffy as a sort of god or just as a higher or holy figure. it doesn’t matter if you ship them or not, it can be with any form of them. like wether zoro just looks at luffy and thinks about how he’s so powerful because he has such a belief in the fact that he will follow his dreams, the fact that he even has the power and will enough to follow his dreams, or if they’re having sex and zoro just looks at him and thinks about how if he isn’t a god than he could be if he wanted to
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fairyyarchive · 1 year ago
zoro nsfw hc's <3
a list of some sexy zoro headcanons/drabbles because i simply have to contains: afab reader, praise, riding, oral (m receiving), piv smut
Outside and around the rest of the crew, zoro isn't much of a talker, but when you're alone he just can’t stop telling you how pretty you are, how good you make him feel
He’s a little possessive and protectiveeee
to zoro it doesn’t matter what you’d done in your past or who else you’d been with, you were his girl - no one else could get their hands on you and he’d always be there to protect you. he loved reminding you that you were his, saying things like “there’s my pretty girl” or “all mine baby, you’re all mine”
I just know he loves watching you ride him, his pretty girl bouncing up and down on his cock, hands on your hips guiding you or behind his head with a cocky, admiring smile while he gazes at you
Oh and thighs?? Wow he will kiss and squish and massage them all he wants, probably tells you it’s sexy when they peek out under your skirts <3
He likes to end his longest days sinking into the warm, wet comfort of you, taking him in and encircling your legs around his hips. He’ll reach out for you, running his hands anywhere they can reach on your body, kissing your lips and your neck, the comfort he finds in you melting away the ache in his bones from fighting and training
And he likes to end his even longer days relaxed against his pillow, hands folded behind his head and admiring you working him with your mouth. Your lips and tongue soothing over his aching cock made him groan, tangle his hands in your hair and hold your head gently. “Feels so good baby,” “Oh just like that darlin’, please” 
part ii !
☆.。. Masterlist
☆.。. Requests open!
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