#Ace x reader
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eand47 · 2 days ago
Half of the chapter is done, but it’s so bad that I’m rewriting the whole thing 💀 This time might take me longer to upload, so I’m sorry about that 😕 A big thank you to all of you who gave me feedback on my last post regarding the upcoming chapter <333 Knowing that you are okay with the slow burn pace between Reader and Ace, it gave me the confidence to not rush things and let it happen naturally as I originally planned to 💕 Also I removed the entire smut part as it wasn’t even between them two, it was only for one of them but we will get there someday 🤣 anyway enjoy this beautiful fanart of MY MAN ACE which heavily inspired the next chapter (the artist is @dekazeze on Twitter / X )
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ice-cream-writes-stuff · 20 hours ago
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(What if Yuu went to Royal Sword Academy for a Exchange/Transfer student program?)
Yuu sat on the plush bed, the private room given to them was rather luxurious than the room they shared in Ramshackle. Little bits of belongings still sat in their luggage, a few trinkets (Y/N) had been packed to remind Yuu of NRC during their stay.
The magicless student smiles at the thought of their dorm and friends. Sighing as they eye the special uniform the RSA students had provided them.
While the rather, “princely” students were rather kind in their greetings, Yuu still didn’t feel all too comfortable. The quiet sounds of the ocean clear their thoughts as they get up from the bed. Peaking outside from the satin curtains, the small waves crashing along the sandy shore. 
After finding out that Yuu would be going to the school alone, Headmaster Crowely graciously offered Yuu a new phone. While you kept the old one. 
“To keep in touch during the trip!” Yuu heard the Headmage state, smiling too sweetly, clearly hiding his true intentions.
Picking up their phone, Yuu skims through the messages you had sent as soon as they left.
Pictures of Grim sleeping in class, pictures of you and Grim sitting next to the first-years at lunch. Then a photo of you, unaware, talking with a nervous student as figures zoom into the scene. Too blurry to make out the familiar uniforms on their persons. 
“Grim probably took that photo…” Yuu laughs. Before a knock is heard on the door. 
Yuu heads over, not before taking a small pick of the ocean.
Opening it up, preppy voices cheer loudly. “WELCOME TO ROYAL SWORD ACADEMY! YUU!”
“I miss Yuu…” You bemoan, lightly banging your hands on your face. Groaning in annoyance as Ace side eyes you. “(Y/N), Yuu’s fine. Probably annoyed with all those high-horse RSA students though.” Deuce makes a small sound of agreement. 
Grim munches on his tuna melt, a bit quiet… Which was never a good sign.
Yuu sat with Chenya and Neige, a few other students seated with the as well during lunch. The NRC picks at the dishes served as they listen to the small discussions going about. Occasionally giving a small response when a question was asked to them personally.
“Hmm.. Yuu~! I’m curious about something, if you don’t mind me asking..~” Chehnya smiles, eyes bright like a curious cat.
“How’s (Y/N) doing? I haven’t seen’em in a bit, so I wanted to know.~” Chenya purrs out, laying a lazy hand on Yuu shoulder. Neige, overhearing, beams. White as snow skin becoming a soft pink as they lean in as well. “Oh yes! How are they? I haven’t seen them much since the masquerade event at Noble Bell College.” 
The actors red as rose lips turn into a frown, “My schedule has been so packed I haven’t had time to see them around town..” The boy wilts at the thought of missing his chance to see you as Snick offers him a sympathetic pat on the back. 
Yuu hears more chatter from a few other students popping in to add their own statements about (Y/N).
Rielle, Yuu recalled him from somewhere… Had spoken up. “I’ve seen them around the beach a few times!” 
Yuu blinks, the conversation becoming bigger than expected. But, they grin just like their fellow NRC friends. 
“Well, (Y/N) is good. I mean, they are Dorm Head of our Dorm, along with meetings with the other Dorm Leaders…  As VICE Leader, we’re with each other often.” Yuu smiles, shrugging. A certain glint in their eye. 
Neige's features become more flustered as he tries to ask another question. Before being interrupted by Yuu’s phone ringing.
“No! I wanna’ send Yuu photos of my tuna can tower!”
“Grim!” You try to grab the phone back as Jack follows after, but Grim was surprisingly quicker! Epel manages to corner the fur-ball, “Oi! Ya’cat! Give it up!”
“Epels accent is out! He’s pissed!”
Ortho readies his laser cannon, trying to get the perfect aim. "Grim, stand still please!" Grim shouts to as he tries to figure out away to avoid capture.
The first-years shout all together, happy to hear the student.
Sebek grabs Grim by the scruff of his collar, handing him over to you as everyone gathers by the lounge area. Discussing about their day as Yuu talks about their own, “I gotta go guys.. I’ll see you in a couple days!”
“Give’em hell Yuu!”
“Good luck Yuu!”
“See you soon!”
Hanging up the call, Yuu returns back to the lunch table, a satisfied expression on their face. Maybe even a bit sentimental if you looked close enough...
[To celebrate the news of Twst FINALLY GETTING THE ANIME SOON. I decided to write a small fic for yall! Enjoy! Thanks for reading! LET ME KNOW HOW I DID! IM SO HAPPY WE GETTING THE ANIME!!!]
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twistedcrumbs · 1 day ago
De quem são os melhores beijos na NRC?
Tá, mas já se perguntou quem é que beija melhor em meio aos meninos da NRC? Voltando aqui para falar o que as vozes da minha cabeça mandaram.
Contagem de palavras: 4.459
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Trey Clover
Trey é experiente e tranquilo na superfície, um vice-líder e veterano confiável assim como bastante ousado no fundo, e seus beijos refletem isso.
Ele prefere beijos lentos e envolventes. Trey frequentemente segura seu rosto gentilmente, acariciando suas bochechas com os polegares enquanto seus lábios encontram os seus.
Quando te pega nos braços e te envolve contra o peito, há um sentimento de segurança tão gostoso. Ele beija suavemente o topo da sua cabeça e as bochechas, e vai devagar, explorando cada canto antes de finalmente alcançar seus lábios.
É tudo sobre o momento e sobre vocês, ele gosta da tensão da antecipação, então nunca é só um beijo pelo beijo.
Ele é um doce, mas não se deixe enganar por sua fachada cheia de sorrisos e brincadeiras. Trey adora te envolver em seus braços, mas ele também é uma provocação constante. Ele gosta de ver você se contorcer de ansiedade antes de finalmente dar o que você quer.
Às vezes, pode ser um pouco assustador, para ser honesta, mas nunca é algo ruim. E quando os beijos finalmente vêm, são sempre incríveis. Experimente uma vez, não vai se arrepender.
Era um dia tranquilo no jardim da escola. Você estava sentada na grama, observando Trey organizar uma cesta de piquenique que ele tinha preparado só para vocês dois. Ele ajeitava os sanduíches com tanto cuidado que você não conseguia conter um sorriso.
“Você está rindo de mim?” ele perguntou, divertido.
“Não, só acho fofo o quanto você se importa com os detalhes.”
Ele se aproximou, sentando-se ao seu lado e segurando seu rosto entre as mãos. “Eu me importo porque você merece o melhor.”
O perfume das flores ao redor parecia intensificar a tranquilidade do momento. Trey segurava sua mão com firmeza, mas não de maneira sufocante. Seus olhos verdes refletiam a luz do entardecer enquanto ele observava você com um misto de admiração e algo mais profundo.
Ele se inclinou devagar, o toque de seus dedos no seu rosto tão suave quanto o roçar das pétalas ao vento. O beijo começou hesitante, como se ele quisesse prolongar aquele instante perfeito, mas logo se aprofundou. Trey beijava como quem saboreia algo raro e precioso, os lábios se movendo em um ritmo lento, caloroso e cheio de carinho, deixando claro que ele estava exatamente onde queria estar.
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Ace Trappola
Ace é travesso e meio imprevisível.
Ele gosta de surpreender você com beijos inesperados, especialmente quando você está distraída. Então é muito sobre a oportunidade que vai dar origem ao beijo.
Ace tem uma atitude meio imprudente e um tanto brincalhona, e isso se reflete nos seus beijos. Quando ele decide beijar você, ele pode ser um pouco apressado, com um beijo que começa de forma impulsiva, mas, ao perceber o quão importante o momento é, ele tenta melhorar. "Não vai fugir de mim, vai?" ele brinca, com um sorriso travesso, antes de se aproximar.
Os beijos dele são bagunçados, mas ao mesmo tempo entusiasmados com uma pitada bem acertada, ele mesmo sem saber, em meio a euforia te beijar sempre usa a quantidade de língua certa e te abraça na medida, iniciando como algo bobo ou doce, bem despretensioso e sempre acabando com você confusa e ofegante enquanto ele ri.
O beijo começa um pouco desajeitado, com ele pressionando os lábios de forma um tanto abrupta, o que pode fazer o momento parecer mais agitado do que carinhoso. Mas à medida que você o guia, ele vai ficando mais atento, e o beijo vai se tornando mais suave e controlado.
Seus lábios se movem com mais cuidado agora, e ele passa a prestar mais atenção em como você reage. Quando o beijo finalmente se desfaz, ele olha para você com um sorriso torto, tentando parecer mais confiante do que realmente se sente enquanto você ainda ainda está se recuperando da intensidade do momento.
Seus beijos em geral têm uma energia brincalhona, mas se ele está se sentindo particularmente sentimental, eles se tornam surpreendentemente ternos e sinceros.
Ace apareceu do nada, jogando-se no sofá ao seu lado. Grim cochilava de barriga para cima na poltrona naquela hora. “Ei, você sabia que eu sou o melhor namorado do mundo?” ele provocou, piscando para você.
Você riu. “Modesto como sempre.”
Ele fingiu estar ofendido, Ace tinha aquele sorriso convencido no rosto, mas, desta vez, havia algo diferente em seus olhos. Um brilho que misturava nervosismo e uma confiança despreocupada que era só dele. Ele fingia estar à vontade, mas você podia sentir que ele queria impressionar.
“Você é tão fácil de provocar,” ele disse, mas sua voz tinha um tom mais suave. De repente, antes que você pudesse completar a negativa da afirmação, ele segurou seu rosto com as duas mãos e, num movimento rápido, selou seus lábios nos seus.
O beijo era divertido e cheio de vida, começando como um desafio e se transformando em algo brando e bagunçado. Apesar da energia despreocupada, havia uma sinceridade na forma como ele se afastou apenas o suficiente para olhar em seus olhos, o sorriso agora mais terno, mas então se inclinou de repente e disse “Isso é pra provar que eu estou certo.”
Antes que você pudesse reclamar, ele bagunçou seu cabelo e deu uma risada. “Você fica muito fofa assim.”
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Leona Kingscholar
O Leona simplesmente tem aquela Big Dick Energy ™, ele obviamente vai beijar bem. Muito bem. Não espere menos. Mas não ache que é fácil beijá-lo.
Brincadeiras à parte, Leona é orgulhoso e independente, e seus sentimentos são muitas vezes difíceis de expressar. No entanto, quando ele decide beijar a pessoa que gosta, ele tenta fazer de forma única. Ele puxa você para perto de si, com aquele ar arrogante, mas a suavidade no gesto diz muito mais. "Não vá me fazer esperar, hein?" ele diz, com um olhar desafiador, mas com uma suavidade que contradiz suas palavras.
Os beijos de Leona tendem a iniciar de forma um pouco impaciente, com os lábios se tocando de forma mais abrupta do que romântica.
Porém, à medida que ele percebe sua reação e como você está absorvendo o momento, ele suaviza. Ele começa a mover os lábios com mais suavidade, ainda mantendo a sua força, mas com mais carinho, sentindo a necessidade de fazer esse momento significativo.
Apressado ou não, a verdade é que ele começa a mostrar, de forma honesta, o quanto você é importante para ele por meio de suas ações.
Junto a isso, Leona também alguém intenso e dominador, por mais que algumas vezes na superfície se demonstre desinteressado e preguiçoso, seus beijos ainda transmitem o que ele é em essência.
Assim, sempre são beijos profundos e apaixonados, muitas vezes acompanhados de um toque possessivo, como uma mão segurando firme sua cintura ou sua nuca, com os dedos entrelaçados nos seus cabelos, puxando levemente sempre que for possível.
Ele também é um adepto de mordidas, sempre terminado o beijo com uma leve beliscada das presas no seu lábio inferior. A sensação é inexplicavelmente incrível. Faça isso com ele também, Leona irá gostar.
Mas não se engane, apesar da natureza mais selvagem e intensa do seu carinho, ele prefere que o momento seja íntimo e privado, e seus beijos frequentemente carregam uma aura de desejo e carinho genuíno.
A tarde ensolarada estava quente, e você havia encontrado Leona cochilando debaixo de uma árvore na estufa. Ele abriu um olho preguiçosamente quando você se sentou ao lado dele.
“O que foi? Não consegue ficar longe de mim?” ele perguntou, com um sorriso provocador, mal abrindo os olhos para prestar total atenção em você.
Você revirou os olhos, mas antes que pudesse responder, ele te puxou para deitar ao lado dele, mantendo você firmemente em seus braços.
“Fique quieta e relaxe comigo.”
O som do vento passando pelas folhas preenchia o silêncio ao seu redor enquanto Leona mantinha você presa contra ele, a cabeça descansando em seu ombro. Ele parecia perdido em pensamentos, mas havia algo na forma como seus dedos desenhavam círculos preguiçosos em sua pele que dizia mais do que palavras.
Quando ele finalmente olhou para você, seus olhos verdes tinham uma intensidade que fazia seu coração acelerar.
Ele se inclinou lentamente, como se desse a você tempo para recuar, mas quando seus lábios se encontraram, não havia hesitação.
O beijo era possessivo e apaixonado, como se ele quisesse reivindicar aquele momento como único. Havia uma ternura escondida ali, mas também uma promessa silenciosa de que você sempre teria um lugar ao lado dele.
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Ele é um dos que me coloca em dúvida e fica com um pé dentro e um pé fora desta lista.
Ruggie Bucchi
Ruggie é prático e direto, o ambiente em que ele foi criado o obrigou a moldar sua personalidade assim. Ele muitas vezes torce a cara para uma série de coisas e não as aproveita da forma que poderia por simplesmente pré conceber que aquilo é desnecessário. O romântico está incluso na categoria, então ele tende a não dar muita atenção ao momento, e pode ser muito direto. Boca dele na sua pronto acabou e isso acaba não tornando o beijo muito interessante.
Mas também gosto de pensar que ele tem uma certa experiência que dá um molho especial aos beijos dele, então ele geralmente sabe o que está fazendo e além de saber como agradar, ele realmente gosta disso.
Os beijos dele são sempre caprichados e parecem sempre estar famintos e cheios de desejo.Afinal, vai saber quando uma outra oportunidade vai aparecer na vida, não é? Então ele faz o melhor pra aproveitar.
Ruggie sabe que não é o mais bonito, nem o mais alto, forte ou o mais rico, então, como tudo na vida dele, ele dá um jeito de compensar tudo isso da melhor forma que pode, ganhando na conversa na lábia e compensando nas ações, o que inclui no pacote beijos muito bons.
Assim, apesar da personalidade descontraída do estilo de vida rápido e direto, quando se trata de seus sentimentos por você, ele se dedica de uma maneira inesperada. Então mesmo que não seja o mais sofisticado quando se trata de beijos, ele se esforça e é sempre atencioso as suas necessidades e genuíno.
O beijo normalmente começa com um pouco de hesitação, dando espaço para você rejeitar a oferta (o que nunca acontece), talvez até um pouco descoordenado no início também, como se ele estivesse tentando se ajustar ao momento, mas depois ele relaxa e começa a corresponder à sua resposta.
Seus lábios são suaves, Ruggie se adapta e começa a ser mais carinhoso, tentando ser mais delicado e respeitoso. Ele coloca a mão nas suas costas ou na sua cintura com firmeza, sentindo-se mais confortável à medida que a conexão cresce. Quando o beijo termina, ele sorri de forma doce, esfregando a nuca nervosamente, rindo em seu ouvido.
Ele gosta de dar beijos rápidos e roubados quando está com pressa, e é isso o que ele faz em 70% do tempo. Já é de sua natureza.
Mas em momentos mais íntimos, ele deixa seu lado mais doce aparecer, com beijos suaves que mostram o quanto ele realmente se importa. Pois apesar de Ruggie normalmente ser espontâneo e brincalhão, seus beijos ainda têm uma vulnerabilidade muito genuína escondida.
Ruggie estava correndo para terminar uma série de tarefas de Leona, mas mesmo assim encontrou tempo para passar na loja do Sam e comprar um lanche para vocês dois. Ele apareceu com um sorriso malandro e uma sacola de doces.
“Olha só o que eu consegui com um pouquinho de charme.” ele brincou, entregando a sacola para você. Seus salgadinhos favoritos.
Enquanto você agradecia, ele encostou a testa na sua e deu uma risada suave. “Você merece muito mais, sabia?”
Ruggie estava rindo, o som leve e descontraído, como sempre. Mas havia algo de especial no jeito que ele olhava para você naquele momento, como se quisesse dizer algo que não sabia como colocar em palavras.
Sem aviso, ele puxou você para mais perto, sua mão se firmando contra a base de sua nuca.
Quando seus lábios se encontraram, o beijo foi desajeitado no início, mas tão cheio de emoção que você não conseguiu conter um sorriso.
Ele riu contra seus lábios antes de se afastar ligeiramente, os olhos brilhando de diversão.
“Você é a única pessoa que me faz querer tentar coisas assim,” ele murmurou, deixando um beijo suave na sua testa após roubar mais um beijo rápido, bagunçado que te deixou de pernas bambas e logo antes de sair correndo para a próxima tarefa.
Todo mundo. Mentira, vou tirar o Floyd, ele morde. Com força. Você não vai querer arriscar (ou vai?).
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Azul Ashengrotto
Os beijos dele são simplesmente bons e ponto. Ele é outro dos que está com um pé dentro da lista e um pé fora.
Apesar de saber disfarçar bem, Azul pode ser um pouco nervoso, mas quando está realmente apaixonado, seus beijos são uma experiência incrível.
Quando ele decide beijar você, ele começa com uma abordagem meticulosa, garantindo que tudo esteja perfeito. Ele segura sua mão com firmeza e olha profundamente em seus olhos, como se quisesse gravar o momento. "Espero que este seja um momento memorável," ele diz, antes de se aproximar.
O beijo é suave, mas incrivelmente carinhoso e sincero. Azul coloca uma pressão tranquila, transmitindo sua paixão e respeito. Ele se afasta um pouco, apenas para olhar nos seus olhos, e sorri de uma forma que é impossível de não perceber a sinceridade de seus sentimentos.
Azul é metódico e cheio de intenção. Seus beijos são lentos e calculados, como se ele estivesse tentando transmitir exatamente o quanto você significa para ele. Ele gosta de manter contato visual antes de beijá-la, criando uma atmosfera de antecipação.
Não tem o que questionar sobre os beijos de Azul, eles são simplesmente na medida e adequados para o momento. Carinhosos quando tem que ser, apaixonados quando convém, são em geral beijos grandiosos de uma execução quase cinematográfica.
Sempre os mesmos lábios macios e doces contra os seus com os movimentos mais suaves entre todos os outros da lista.
É bom. Ele é tão bom que chega a ser estranho pois parece que foi algo super ensaiado e isso acaba ficando estranho, é quase como se ele se esforçasse demais e por isso me deixa em dúvida.
Azul estava visivelmente nervoso, ajeitando os óculos enquanto vocês conversavam na sala do Mostro Lounge.
“Espero que este jantar tenha sido do seu agrado,” ele disse formalmente, mas havia um leve rubor em seu rosto.
Quando você agradeceu, tocando sua mão para tranquilizá-lo, ele relaxou um pouco..
A noite estava calma, e a luz suave das lâmpadas do Mostro Lounge refletia nos óculos de Azul. Ele estava visivelmente nervoso, as mãos tremendo ligeiramente enquanto ajeitava os óculos por hábito.
Mas, com um olhar determinado, ele se inclinou, segurando sua mão com firmeza enquanto seus lábios encontraram os seus em um beijo calculado, que, quando você aprofundou com paixão, se tornou mais tímido e reverente. Azul se afastou hesitante, tocando a sua bochecha com a mão enlutada. Você o olhava de perto.
Então, com uma nova determinação renovada, ele se inclinou e pressionou seus lábios nos seus. O beijo era gentil e meticuloso, como se ele estivesse se certificando de que cada movimento fosse perfeito. Havia um calor crescente em sua expressão quando ele se afastou, o rubor em suas bochechas contrastando com o brilho de um sorriso tímido.
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Jade Leech
Pra mim é um dos 3 melhores, mas minha opinião pode estar um pouco enviesada.
Jade é enigmático e intenso, mas ao mesmo tempo doce e meio bobo. Não é pra menos que os beijos dele sejam algo quase indescritível.
Mas, no geral, Jade tem um estilo sofisticado e tranquilo, e seus beijos transmitem uma qualidade quase mágica.
Quando ele decide beijar você, ele se aproxima de forma sutil, segurando sua mão de maneira respeitosa, mas firme. "Você é encantador, você sabia?" ele pergunta com um sorriso. Jade sempre fala algo que te deixa sem jeito antes. É lei. Ele gosta de te deixar sem jeito, como se estivesse saboreando o momento.
Ele pode ser um pouco rígido, quase como se estivesse analisando cada movimento. Quando ele finalmente decide beijar você, ele faz com uma precisão calma, mas é claro que não é completamente espontâneo. "Espero que este momento seja digno da sua atenção," ele diz, com um sorriso simples que não combina com o momento.
O beijo começa com uma leve pressão dos lábios, mas há algo distante e frio na maneira com que ele se aproxima, como se ele estivesse tentando calcular cada segundo do momento. Ele pressiona os lábios suavemente, mas de forma controlada, observando suas reações e ajustando conforme o que ele percebe. É profundo, mas tranquilo, transmitindo um sentimento de cuidado e admiração.
Quando o beijo termina, ele se afasta um pouco, observando seu rosto com um sorriso enigmático. "Acho que estou começando a entender como isso funciona," ele diz, com uma leve piscadela, tentando esconder sua própria insegurança atrás de um sorriso simples que não combina muito com o momento. É bem fofo. Jade costuma olhar para você com seus olhos misteriosos, sorrindo de forma terna.
Mas não se engane fácil, muitas vezes os beijos começam suaves e vão aumentando em intensidade. Ele gosta de surpreender você com a profundidade de sua paixão, deixando você sem palavras, e completamente sem ar, pois ama a expressão que você faz nessas horas e seus olhos confusos e apaixonados.
Jade tinha preparado uma trilha especial para vocês caminharem na floresta. Ele segurava sua mão delicadamente enquanto explicava as curiosidades sobre as plantas ao redor.
A trilha na floresta parecia mágica à luz do crepúsculo. Jade tinha sido atencioso o tempo todo, explicando a fauna e a flora ao redor com sua voz calma e envolvente. Mas agora ele estava parado diante de você, os olhos heterocromáticos fixos em sua expressão.
Ele segurou sua mão, seus dedos frios, mas o toque era firme e reconfortante.
“Você sabia que é a coisa mais intrigante que já encontrei?” ele perguntou, sua voz baixa e quase hipnotizante.
Antes que você pudesse responder, ele inclinou-se, sua mão subindo para descansar na curva de sua mandíbula.
O beijo era lento e profundo, cada movimento calculado e cheio de intenção com uma intensidade que fez o tempo parar. Quando ele se afastou, havia um brilho satisfeito em seu olhar.
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Jamil Viper
Jamil é reservado, mas seus beijos são cheios de sentimento.
Ele normalmente prefere beijos tranquilos e íntimos, como se o mundo ao redor desaparecesse. Afinal, ele quase não tem tempo para vocês, então quando pode te beijar, Jamil busca esquecer de todo o resto para focar apenas no momento.
Há uma gentileza em seus movimentos, mas também um desejo profundo que ele tenta controlar.
Jamil, com toda a sua formalidade e autocontrole, é o tipo de pessoa que tende a segurar seus sentimentos por um bom tempo, o que se reflete nos seus beijos. Quando ele finalmente se entrega a um beijo, pode parecer um pouco robótico ou excessivamente controlado, mas há um esforço claro para fazer o momento se sentir especial. "Não esperava que isso fosse ser... assim," ele diz, com uma leve hesitação, enquanto se afasta. É triste e meio doce.
Seu controle é bom é ruim ao mesmo tempo. Afinal, sempre existe um desejo profundo enquanto ele te beija mostrando toda sua afeição misturada a sensação do proibido que é se entregar completamente. Contudo, isso pode trazer uma carga ruim ao momento, pois ele foi condicionado a sempre se conter e por isso, inconscientemente não consegue apreciar plenamente os momentos que ele tem ao seu lado é um assunto pesaroso para ele. (Felizmente, após os acontecimentos do Overblot, as coisas começaram a melhorar gradualmente!)
O beijo normalmente começa de maneira lenta e meticulosa, mas com um toque de nervosismo. Seus lábios são suaves, mas há uma sensação de que ele está tentando controlar cada movimento para não parecer fraco ou desajeitado. Mas à medida que o beijo continua, ele começa a relaxar, e o toque se torna mais natural, mais gentil, mais atento. Quando o beijo termina, ele segura sua mão com mais firmeza e sorri com uma suavidade rara.
Jamil é apaixonado, mas também cuidadoso, então seus beijos são calorosos e cheios de carinho, sem nunca perder a essência de seu jeito tranquilo e sereno e seus lábios são quentes e suaves, transmitindo uma sensação de conforto e amor.
Quando o beijo termina, ele repousa a testa contra a sua, segurando você de forma protetora e calorosa, com um sorriso pequeno, mas muito sincero.
Jamil estava na cozinha, preparando algo para vocês dois. Você tentou ajudar, mas ele insistiu que você apenas relaxasse. O aroma das especiarias era tão reconfortante quanto o olhar atento de Jamil enquanto ele colocava o prato à sua frente. Ele parecia nervoso, mas disfarçava com sua típica expressão séria.
“Experimente,” ele disse, observando atentamente sua reação. Quando você elogiou a comida, um sorriso pequeno e genoíno apareceu em seu rosto. Ele se aproximou, segurando seu rosto com uma gentileza surpreendente.
Quando seus lábios encontraram os seus, o beijo foi delicado e apaixonado, como se ele estivesse derramando todo o sentimento que normalmente escondia. Cada movimento era uma demonstração silenciosa de carinho, uma maneira de mostrar o que as palavras não podiam expressar.
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Vil Schoenheit
Vil é elegante e meticuloso. Seus beijos são perfeitos, como se cada movimento fosse ensaiado, muito pela sua prática cinematográfica de beijos Hollywoodianos, mas ainda assim com um carinho e cuidado tão palpáveis que você sente que é genuíno.
Por ser tão meticuloso, ele faz de tudo para criar um momento perfeito.
Quando ele decide beijar você, é como se ele estivesse controlando cada aspecto do gesto, ajustando a pressão e o ritmo para algo que combine com como ele e você estão se sentindo no momento e a situação em que se encontram.
O beijo é elegante, mas cheio de emoção e significância.
Vil olha você nos olhos com um brilho ardente, transmitindo toda a paixão e admiração que ele sente. Seus lábios são extremamente suaves, mas firmes e assertivos, transmitindo uma sensação de carinho e respeito. Ele segura seu rosto de forma delicada, mas firme, para manter a conexão. Quando termina, ele afasta-se com um sorriso encantador.
Ele gosta de fazer o momento especial, talvez segurando seu rosto ou sussurrando algo doce antes de beijá-la.
É incrível e para mim, definitivamente está no Top 3 melhores da NCR.
Vil estava ajeitando uma mecha do seu cabelo com uma precisão quase artística, seus dedos deslizando pela sua pele de forma quase reverente.
“Você deve sempre estar ciente de sua beleza,” ele disse, sua voz um sussurro suave.
Depois de terminar, ele segurou sua mão entre as dele, inclinando-se para plantar um beijo suave em seus lábios. “Espero que você entenda como é especial para mim.”
Quando ele se inclinou, não foi uma surpresa, mas ainda assim seu coração disparou.
O beijo foi tão cuidadoso quanto tudo o que ele fazia, uma mistura perfeita de suavidade e intensidade.
Seus lábios pareciam falar por ele, transmitindo emoções que sua expressão controlada nem sempre revelava. Quando ele se afastou, você percebeu o pequeno sorriso satisfeito que ele não conseguiu esconder.
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Rook Hunt
Rook é teatral e romântico. Seus beijos são intensos e cheios de paixão, como se ele estivesse declarando seu amor a cada toque. Ele gosta de fazer o momento parecer mágico, talvez murmurando elogios poéticos antes de beijá-la. É incrível.
Rook é atencioso, observador e extremamente romântico, então seus beijos são intensos, cheios de carinho e poesia. Quando ele decide beijar você, ele se aproxima lentamente, segurando sua mão e olhando diretamente em seus olhos. "Você é a obra-prima mais bela que já encontrei, mon trésor." ele sempre parece saber a coisa mais certa para dizer no momento e fazer seu coração disparar em felicidade e ansiedade.
O beijo é cheio de paixão, mas também muito delicado e respeitoso.
Rook é capaz de capturar cada nuance do momento, transmitindo um carinho inestimável. Ele pressiona levemente seus lábios contra os seus e move suas mãos suavemente pelo rosto de você, quase como se estivesse tentando memorizar a sensação do contato.
É sempre uma experiência incrível.
O pôr do sol pintava o céu com cores vibrantes, e Rook parecia encantado tanto com a paisagem quanto com você. Ele segurava sua mão, os olhos verdes fixos nos seus, enquanto recitava palavras que pareciam mais poesia do que conversa então, sem aviso, colocou-se a recitar um poema sobre como você iluminava sua vida.
De repente, ele se inclinou, segurando seu rosto com uma delicadeza que contrastava com sua energia usual em busca de um beijo. Ele tocou seus lábios de uma maneira apaixonada e envolvente, como se ele quisesse capturar a essência do momento. Quando ele se afastou, havia lágrimas de emoção em seus olhos.
“Ah, mon trésor, você é verdadeiramente extraordinária.”
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Lilia é experiente, charmoso e sabe como transformar qualquer momento em algo especial. Seus beijos cumprem um bom papel ao transmitir isso.
Lilia Vanrouge
Ele provavelmente se adapta à sua energia, sabendo equilibrar intensidade e delicadeza. Sua personalidade brincalhona pode trazer um toque divertido, mas ele sabe ser incrivelmente carinhoso quando necessário.
Além disso, sua vasta experiência dá um toque a mais em todos os seus beijos.
Normalmente, os beijos de Lilia são cheios de toques leves e carinhos sutis que mostram sua experiência e habilidade em transmitir emoção. Ele também pode provocar um sorriso ou rir suavemente para aliviar qualquer tensão.
Lilia é imprevisível, mas incrivelmente terno. Seus beijos podem variar de rápidos e brincalhões a longos e cheios de emoção.
Você nunca sabe o que vai vir e a ansiedade que envolve isso é deliciosa. Ele gosta de surpreender você com beijos inesperados e sempre consegue fazer você se sentir especial.
A melodia suave que Lilia tocava na guitarra parecia preencher o ar com uma magia única. Quando o velho faz te colocou o instrumento cuidadosamente nas suas mãos, você se sentiu perdida e duvidou que fosse realmente capaz de reproduzir a melodia que ele tentava te ensinar.
Mas quando finalmente conseguiu tocar um arranjo simplificado, ele bateu palmas entusiasmadamente.
“Você é uma aprendiz talentosa!” ele disse com um sorriso radiante. Antes que você percebesse, ele se inclinou repentinamente, segurando seu queixo com leveza.
O beijo foi ao mesmo tempo brincalhão e profundamente terno, uma mistura perfeita de sua personalidade. Quando ele se afastou, havia um sorriso travesso em seus lábios.
Menção honrosa da staff:
Divus Crewel
Eu quero falar desse homem, por favor, me peçam para falar desse homem.
Apenas sim. Ele beija bem.
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livelaughloveluffy · 24 hours ago
Hi! I really enjoy your works!
Is there any way I could request a modern Ace x platonic younger sister? I guess modern or not doesn't matter too much. But basically his usually sweet, anxious younger sister hasn't been doing great with depression/anxiety, and he's noticed a little bit, silently keeping an eye on it, but doesn't think it's TOO too serious. But he's wrong because late one night he finds her hitting rock bottom. What that looks like is up to you. He gets scared, but wordlessly just kind of hugs her, holds her tight, she automatically clings to him and apolologizes, and he lets her know how much he and Sabo and Luffy and Dadan love her.
Self projecting the need for a comforting older brother figure like Ace.
Please don't write this one if you don't feel comfortable or don't want to! Have a good day 🩷
we need you here - portgas d. ace
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a/n: i'm so glad you enjoy my writing!! thank you so much for your request!! i absolutely adore ace as a big brother, hopefully this is sort of what you had in mind!!
a/n: i was listening to my yearning playlist to write this and literally a more perfect song to go with this fic started playing and now i have to share it with you guys too because it works way too well. here's the song
tw - depression/mentions of self-harm
there's some hurt and some comfort here...
some days we're better than others.. but most of the time you could barely keep your head above water. the constant onslaught battle of depression is pretty crippling, and it takes everything in you to just get through the day. not that most would be able to notice.
it's not like you were born depressed, how you long for the days were the world felt lighter, when the breeze blowing through the leaves of a tree was a wonder to revel in, rather than being so caught up in your own head, you can barely hold a conversation. while this change had come to your realization like a freight train, your brothers hadn't really picked up on it.
it's not because they didn't love you, you know they did, it's just that they were busy training to leave goa kingdom and conquer the sea. so to them, over the years you had just gotten more reserved. sure you didn't smile as much as you used to, or the way you used to, but it was hard for them to tell considering that they weren't even home for dinner half the time anyways.
ace hadn't really noticed how bad it was until dadan had approached him one day before he, sabo, and luffy were going to their hideout, resting her hand on his shoulder, leaning down to softly whisper in his ear "can you ask your sister if she wants to join you guys? i'm a bit worried about her.. she hasn't come out of her room for a couple of days... she could use some sunlight.."
the freckled boy turned to dadan with his typical wide smile "yeah! i'll go ask her!"
the voices were getting bad again. they were so loud, constantly taunting and jeering, laughing at your existence, reminding you of all you failures, faults, ugly personality traits, everything you hate about your body. it was suffocating. tears began to well up in your eyes. your skin started to itch for pain.
then a quite knock sounds against your door, then you hear ace's voice, warm and gently asking "we're going to head to our hideout, wanna going us angel?"
you muster all your strength to reply above a whisper "maybe another day, ace. i'm pretty tired."
and with that, you can barely hear the sound of his footsteps retreating before the voices are back, stronger than before.
you had no idea how long you had been crying now. your eyes were swollen and sore from all your tears, fingernails bloody from constantly digging and itching at your skin, scratching it raw in various spots on your arms.
the voices in your head felt as if they were never-ending. the brief flashes of pain eased them... for minutes maybe, but they would still come back. they always came back.
ace had just walked into the front door to dadan's eyes on him. "where is she?"
it took him a minute to realize that dadan was asking about you, "oh, she said she was tired and she didn't want to go today." and as he watched dadan's face sink, instantly filled with dread and worry, he knew he had to do something to ease her worries. "did she come out for dinner yet?" dadan lowered her head, softly shaking it side to side. "i'll go eat dinner with her in her room, okay?"
dadan could only muster a soft sigh before slowly nodding. ace had a way of making everything better somehow, she just had to trust that he would know what to do.
you couldn't stop the tears from flowing in the same way that you couldn't stop the voices you heard. and the utter frustration at your own helplessness just made you even more upset, driving you to sob even more. breathing was now a struggle, as the tears also took all the air from your lungs with them. your hands were buried into your hair, gripping it tightly, as if ripping it out would give you some sort of silence.
you didn't hear ace's knock this time. didn't hear his soft voice call your nickname "angel? can i come in?". didn't hear his footsteps as he crossed the space of your room at record speed. you didn't even notice his presence until his arms were wrapped tightly around your body. dinner plates for the two of you, forgotten on the floor in front of your opened door. you didn't even hear them shatter.
even with his strong warm arms around your body, you couldn't will yourself to stop crying. in fact, it almost made the sobs worse. your face was sticky with sweat, snot, and tears. hair sticking to your face. ace didn't seem to mind though. he pulled your face close into his bare chest, it is only then that you hear his voice whispering in your ear "i'm so sorry. i'm sorry i didn't notice. i'm sorry i haven't been home. i'm here now, angel. i'm not going anywhere without you. we need you here, angel."
the desperation in his voice finally allowed you to move your body, wrapping your arms tightly around his waist. the tears still flowed, but they had slowed just a little, enough for you to choke out "ace.. i don't... i don't know what's wrong with me.. i don't want to be like this.. i hate this.."
his soft voice and the sound of his heartbeat filled your ears "i'm here for you, always. i'm not going anywhere. i love you no matter what, and we'll get through this together. i love you so much."
your eyes were heavy now that the crying had finally stopped, and you no longer had the energy to keep them open. the only thing you could hear as the sleep finally came to claim you was ace's voice in your ear, a constant stream of whispers of "i love you, i love you, i love you so much." on repeat.
tags ♡: @3v37773 @irethepotato @dreamcastgirl99; want to join the taglist? click here!!
a/n: i lowkey had to hold back some tears writing this one 😭😭😭
a/n: enjoyed this fic? here's my masterlist!!
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wakacchi · 2 months ago
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After all the cool things they do are actually the smallest things (˶ •́◡•̀ ˶)
Read more of this stuffs at my ko-fi here!
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brairslair · 4 months ago
just thinking abt relationship dynamics with the op boys <33
EVERYONE IS 18+ (minors dni)
a/n: currently have one piece brain rot and it is consuming me so here’s this! fem!reader and very suggestive + mentions sex, but no actual smut. NOT PROOFREAD 🙏🏻
don’t forget to like, reblog, comment, and follow to support my work! it always makes me day mwah
“of course i’m serious”
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in usual luffy fashion, one of your very first interactions ends with him trying to convince you to join his pirate crew
at first you’re hesitant, rightfully so, having just met the guy
however, you’re quickly persuaded by his happy-go-lucky personality and loyalty to his crew
after finally joining the crew yourself, your relationship with luffy gradually melts from just being friendly crew mates to being so close that you would put your life on the line for him at a moment’s notice
he seems to have that effect on people
while you grow close with all of the strawhats, your relationship with luffy is different
within a few months you already feel like you’ve known him your entire life
the two of you never have a dull moment together
while you love to entertain his antics, you also know when to stay level headed and keep him grounded
and while your work ethic is always valued on the ship, luffy can always get you to relax and have a good laugh when you need a break
eventually the two of you start to literally finish each other’s sentences, and it freaks everyone else out every time
you balance each other out perfectly
the two of you can talk and laugh for hours and not get tired of each other’s company
definitely tries to teach you a little portuguese but does not have the patience
you guys have friendship bracelets and he never takes his off
over the years, your relationship begins to grow from best friends to something more
you notice the shift far before luffy does
luffy picks up on little changes, like the weird tingly feeling he gets in his stomach when he makes you laugh
he doesn’t really think much of it though and brushes it off
probably assumes he’s just hungry…
in fact, luffy probably doesn’t really comprehend his feelings until someone spells it out for him, but in his head it doesn’t really change anything
you’ve always been his go to, and that won’t change now
the shift from platonic to romantic is gradual, natural, and if you ask robin, entirely inevitable
(she predicted this from the very beginning when the crew met you in your hometown)
he’s confident and honest with you in sharing the way he feels once he comes to the realization, and you allow him the same courtesy
he doesn’t feel any reason to hide or be embarrassed about his feelings
to him, being your boyfriend just means being your best friend except better because you get to hold hands and kiss and stuff
nothing is awkward when you start dating
it just feels right
he’s always been a very touchy person, even before you started dating
now that you’re together though, he loves cuddling
sleeping just isn’t as comfy anymore if he isn’t laying on you
definitely bites you sometimes and he says it’s because you’re so awesome that he doesn’t know what else to do with himself
he holds your hand all the time and likes to swing them back and forth when you walk together
he also likes to carry you on his shoulders because it makes you laugh
he doesn’t really use pet names for you often, if at all, but he really likes it when you use them for him
will, however, give you absolutely ridiculous nicknames that he finds cute
he has obviously never had a girlfriend before you
he wasn’t really concerned with romance or sex at all actually until you
you definitely have to teach him a lot
like what you’d like to do on dates
and how to kiss
luffy didn’t really understand the appeal of kissing, but you seemed to want to do it so he figured he’d give it a try
after kissing you for the first time he can’t get enough
definitely understands now
a super messy kisser (ofc)
gets giddy when you smile or laugh into his kisses
he smiles into your kisses a lot himself because he’s just so happy to be with you
you also have to teach him about the concept of pda and public etiquette, because otherwise he just does not care and will literally start making out with you in front of the entire crew simply because he wants to kiss you
sex is of course also very new to luffy, and like kissing, he does not understand the appeal until you test the waters with him and his mind is blown
he didn’t realize it would be so fun
it’s almost always sloppy, but he’s very attentive to your requests and desires
he takes in everything you teach him and improves upon it, because he loves making you happy more than anything
kind of a little shit sometimes though because he definitely overstimulates you without even realizing it
never intentionally mean though, but can be a huge tease entirely by accident
loves giving you pretty things he finds like rocks, shells, and any cool trinkets he finds laying around
he just gets so excited to share everything with you, and you’re always the first person he wants to talk to about everything
even if it seems as simple as finding a cool rock
other than sprinkling in more couple-y things, your relationship dynamic really does remain the same as it had always been, best friends
the two of you never take life too seriously, and just allow yourselves to enjoy each other’s company
luffy may not be the most “romantic” boyfriend in a traditional sense, but he will do absolutely anything to see you happy and safe, and you the same for him
he doesn’t need to do any grand gestures to give you butterflies in your stomach
you are each other’s safe space
the two of you said the L word to each other well before you became a couple, but the first time he says it romantically is when you personally cook a three course meal and bake him his favorite sweets to celebrate his birthday
saying those words to each other feels so natural that you almost don’t realize you hadn’t been saying it this whole time until now
will willingly share his food with you if you ask, which is genuinely mind blowing to everyone including yourself
if he proposes to you it will be super out of the blue and unplanned, completely catching you off guard
the two of you could just be talking, having a normal conversation, maybe getting some work done around the ship, when all of a sudden he’s just like
“hey, do you wanna get married?”
probably heard sanji talking about weddings or something and was like, oh! we’re in love, we should get married too!
obviously you can’t legally get married being pirates trying to slip under marine radar, so luffy has franky make you both simple rings out of pieces of sea glass you picked out
the rings have each other’s initials engraved into them
after that, the two of you consider yourselves married and the rest of the crew follows suit
not much changes in your relationship other than your titles
he’ll proudly tell people you’re his wife if you do something cool in a fight or someone asks about you or something
but even without a proposal or a ring, the two of you were always going to be forever
when you first meet zoro, you see him as cocky, brazen, and extremely annoying
the two of you clash almost immediately
after luffy somehow manages to convince you to join the crew, the close proximity only makes it worse
the two of you are constantly at each other’s throats, taking any opportunity to push each other’s buttons
nami often jokes that “the two of you bicker like an old married couple”, which does not go over well with either of you
for months the two of you are rivals, making everything a competition to see who’s better than the other
however, after a while you begin to see zoro’s true colors through the cracks
his dedication to his craft, the respect he has for luffy, the kindness he tries to mask beneath a hardened exterior, and his absolute undying loyalty
it makes you begin to wonder why you began to dislike him in the first place
over time, your bickering becomes less venomous and more playful, bantering back and forth for the fun of it
you pick up new habits like sparring with zoro every day, telling him it’s because “the only way to beat your rival is to know his weaknesses”
or zoro waking you up at the crack of dawn to do laps around the deck because he heard you say you weren’t a morning person once, except he brings you coffee exactly the way you like it, every time
eventually your relationship snowballs into friendship
the two of you still bicker and banter, butting heads every once in a while
but now you also laugh at each other’s jokes
and sit together in comfortable silence just to be in each other’s presence
and eventually, you get to the point where the two of you can share your deepest, darkest secrets, fears, and desires, that nobody else is allowed to hear
he makes you feel safe, and you know you are with him
without even realizing it, your relationship starts sinking into something much deeper than friendship
whenever you’re off the ship, zoro is almost always at your side, practically attached to you, making sure you’re never in harms way
the two of you can basically read each other’s minds, seemingly able to communicate without a single word shared between you
neither of you are even conscious of your feelings for one another until nami catches the two of you sound asleep on the desk with your head resting in zoro’s lap and runs to tell usopp
when you do begin to realize how you feel, neither of you bring it up, too afraid to ruin what you already have
but you don’t need to
your bodies and minds are practically interlinked, bending at each other’s will
your relationship stays mostly the same, only gradually and organically becoming closer
running errands together on new islands, napping together more often than you do apart, sitting next to each other during meals, etc
eventually your mutual feelings become almost unbearable, and you finally cross the line between friends and lovers
you would probably have to be the one to make the first move, because not only is zoro insanely stubborm, but he’s also uncharacteristically easily flustered
your first kiss feels like pieces clicking into place, or feeling the warmth of the sun in the dead of winter
as cheesy as it sounds, it feels like home
there’s no conversation about feelings, or asking you to be his girlfriend, you just are
like all the seasons of your relationship, the shift is slow, and goes unnoticed for a while by most of your crew mates
robin, nami, and usopp are the first to notice, seeing you fall asleep against his chest instead of his lap, or seeing you whispering secret conversations up in the crows nest when you think the others are asleep
eventually everyone is made aware of your relationship when you challenge zoro to a drinking game at a party, ending with you getting drunk off your ass and kissing him before immediately passing out against his shoulder
zoro is not a fan of pda, so for the most part, your relationship remains the same around the crew and on islands
still bickering and making up stupid competitions to challenge yourselves, but now theres a softer, more intimate side to your relationship
he will occasionally do passive agressieve little things to rub your relationship in sanji’s face though if he’s flirting with you too much for his liking
like whispering something dirty in your ear to make you get all flustered, or wrapping his arm around your waist to guide you into the dining room
he partly does it to get a rise out of sanji, sure, but mostly because he loves the reaction it gets out of you
the bond you share is clearly special, and thats something that everyone can see
however, your relationship is much different when you’re alone
it’s much more domestic
you know each other like the back of your hands at this point, so sometimes theres no need for words
the silence is soothing
other times, the two of you can talk for hours
he’ll gladly listen to you ramble on about anything and everything thats on your mind if you want to
and he’ll hang onto every word
he’s also a bit more touchy and vocal in private
he’ll massage your sore muscles after a particularly tough sparring session
or rub his thumb across your hip where he holds you against his chest, mumbling compliments into your hair
he’s another man who never really thought about relationships until you came along, so he’s quite inexperienced in a lot of areas
he picks up quickly and adapts, following the signals that your body sends him and adjusting accordingly
sex with him is either extremely intimate and gentle, or he’s being a total pain in the ass and teasing the shit out of you
either way, he’s hyper aware of your every move and action
his main objective is always to please you, because he quite literally would do anything for you
in his eyes you deserve the world handed to you on a silver platter, and he wants to be the one holding the plate
neither of you need to hear the words to know that you love each other irrevocably
you can see it in every move that he makes, and he can hear it in the beating of your heart
when the words are shared it’s in the hushed privacy that only you will ever share, or after a particularly life threatening battle
zoro knows that he’s yours forever like he knows he needs oxygen to breathe, but he’s also not a sappy romantic like the cook
he would bring up the idea of marriage in casual conversation to see where your head is at
the two of you have extremely healthy communication, always 100% honest with each other
if you don’t like the idea of marriage he would drop the subject and never bring it up again, content to just be with you
but if you do like the idea of getting married, he would propose right then (very informally)
“why don’t we get married then?”
“are you serious?”
“of course i’m serious. let’s get married.”
the two of you would pick out simple wedding bands on the next island you docked at, stealing away for the day to allow yourselves to bask in your new beginning
the rest of the crew would also totally freak out at dinner when they see the sparkling new jewelry adorning your fingers
as we all know, sanji is a lover of women
he’s also a hopeless romantic
from the moment you join the crew, he’s completely head over heels
he thinks you are absolutely the most stunning woman he’s ever laid eyes on in his life
while he dotes on you, you don’t really pay him any mind at all at first
you see the way he treats other women, and you know he’s simply a flirt by nature, so why would it be any different when it’s aimed towards you?
and it first, it’s really not that much different
he just finds you mesmerizing, but it’s nothing more than an infatuation
but as some time goes by and he and the rest of crew get to know you, it turns into something more
you become friends first, quickly forming a strong bond
you keep him company while he cooks, allowing him to teach you different techniques and recipes
you listen to him talk about his dreams, and he returns the favor, judgement free
sanji quickly realizes he’s fallen for you
like for real
the feeling scares him at first, never having felt so many intense emotions about one person before
but the fear is quickly overcome by determination to devote himself to you in every way
he takes care of your every need, defends your honor when necessary, and is always there for you when you need a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on
you don’t catch onto your feelings until months after sanji pinpointed his, long after you had already plummeted far away from feelings that could be considered platonic
you make the first move, and neither of you hesitate to leap right into it
he set’s up dates for the two of you frequently
compliments you up and down, every word sincere
he gets super flustered and giddy when you compliment his cooking
never forgets an anniversary, valentines day, or your birthday, and always goes all out to make sure it’s extra special for you
sanji isn’t inexperienced per-se, but he also hasn’t been with many women
however, he has a talent for this sort of thing, and his movements are smooth and fluid, never unsure
he kisses you like a man starved, gentle at first, quickly becoming more passionate and hungry because you’re absolutely irresistible
he’s handles you the same way in the bedroom
gentle and passionate
sanji always finds a way to make sex super romantic
he likes to hold your hand, and give you kisses, and tell you how much he loves you
he has a CD burned with a bunch of super sweet love songs, and it doubles as a slow dance playlist and a sex playlist
after you become official, it’s no secret to the crew
sanji is practically shouting it from the rooftops
he’s even more over the top than before, waiting on you hand and foot
loves holding you, and intertwining your fingers when the two of you go looking for ingredients on whatever island you’re docked at
loves hugs and cuddles obviously
always holds doors open for you, pulls out your chair, offers you his coat, and kisses your hand like a proper gentleman
also uses so many pet names for you that you can’t even keep track of them all
still a massive flirt even though you’re already his, and reaffirm that truth every single day
your relationship is very flirty in general
he can dish it out way better than he can take it
he gets flustered sooooo easily when you give him a taste of his own medicine
even though he’s quite eccentric in the way he loves you, he can also be really soft when the moment’s right
the two of you can giggle about stupid hypotheticals one second and be having a deep philosophical conversation the next
sanji tells you he loves you for the first time within like the first 3 weeks of you dating
and he means it 100% too
he absolutely worships you and thinks he must have been a saint in a past life to be able to deserve you reciprocating his feelings
sanji’s known since the very beginning that he was going to marry you some day
as romantic as he is, he cooks you a wonderful meal, just for the two of you
he lights up the place with dozens of candles and rose petals scattered everywhere
and by some miracle he summons the will power to get through dinner with you, before finally beginning his long speech, pouring out all of his love for you like poetry
he kneels on one knee before you, and the ring is barley slipped onto your finger before he has your back pressed against the kitchen counter
the two of you throw a little ceremony with the crew on the next island you dock at, with vows and a dress and everything
sanji refused to let you settle for anything less than perfect, because you deserved to have a real wedding
his vows are gut wrenchingly gorgeous btw
cries when he sees you walking down the aisle
he makes sure to call you “my wife” as much as humanly possible, and kisses your ring all the time
you and usopp became friends pretty much the second you joined the crew
you both have such a similar sense of humor, and you love listening to his ridiculous stories
he lovessss gossiping with you and it’s your favorite pastime
and of course you help him craft his weapons
the two of you are basically inseperable
you do absolutely everything together
you help each other get through your day to day tasks, talking and joking your way through them
you watch him practice his aim and cheer him on
you like laying down together and looking at the shapes the clouds make
you sit next to each other at meals most of the time so that you can gossip with your eyes
but sometimes if you sit across from each other you have staring contests
you don’t know when or how it happened, but somewhere over the years you and usopp fell desperately in love with each other
everyone knows how you feel for each other, hell even you know how usopp feels about you, but he’s completely oblivious to it all
the only reason you haven’t made a move yet is because nami made a bet with you to see how long it takes him to fess up, and neither of you are allowed to “interfere”
he finally confesses to you one night after a long celebration for another strawhat victory
you always make fun of him for being such a lightweight, but tonight it really shows
completely wasted after only two shots, he finally professes his love for you
nami won the bet, but you honestly couldn’t care less
the next day he’s probably super embarrassed, but once you tell him you feel the same way he’s SO relieved
he gets flustered so easily it’s a little humorous
you barely even have to do anything to make him a blushing stuttering mess
most of the time you do it by accident
he has a staring problem because everything you do is so mesmerizing to him
you take your relationship fairly slow
he gets insanely flustered every time you hold his hand
he LOVES cuddling but he has to hide his face against you because he gets so dazed just by being so close to you
the first time you kissed him he almost passed out
he cannot believe you actually want to be with him
once he’s more comfortable with the concept that you really do want him as much as he wants you, he kisses you all the time
your cheeks, your nose, your forehead, your knuckles, and most importantly, your lips
his kisses are gentle and cautious at first, growing more confident the longer you’re together, but still always soft
the crew thinks you’re the cutest couple ever, sometimes disgustingly so
usopp is extremely inexperienced, despite the stories he tells that suggest otherwise, so you make sure to let him set the pace
when he’s ready to take the relationship a step further, he’s a bit clumsy at first, but eager to learn
talks a big game, but when it comes down to it he always “lets you” take the lead
loves bragging about you and telling people that you’re his girlfriend
he’s just so proud to be with you
literally thinks you’re the coolest person ever
you guys are still best friends even though you’re also so much more than that
you still gossip, and do your work together, and make ridiculous jokes, and are there for each other no matter what
if marriage is something you want, you would have to hint at it heavy
because he is not going to come up with the idea to propose otherwise
not because he doesn’t want to marry you, but simply because he’s never even thought about marriage like that before
it take him weeks to work up the courage to finally propose, but he would do it all “the right way” because you deserve a real proposal
takes you out on the deck to watch the sunset and then he’s down on one knee with a ring box in hand
gets teary eyed asking you to marry him, and cries happy tears with you when you say yes
you would have a simple ceremony on the ship, just vows, rings, and a kiss, and just like that, you’re husband and wife
chopper would 100% be the ring bearer and nami would be the flower girl
brags about you, and makes sure to include you in all of his stories
no matter how long you guys have been together, his wild imagination never gets old
you were on the brink of death when law found you, taking you onto the polar tang to perform a life saving operation
you could barely remember what even caused the injuries in the first place by the time you woke up, but you had never been more grateful in your entire life
you owed you’re life to him
so you insisted on joining his crew, promising to repay him for saving your life, even though he assured you it wasn’t necessary
you stayed anyways of course
your relationship started out strictly professional
he was the captain, and you were the crewmate
you were friendly with each other of course, but that was the extent of it
over time, you grew closer
you started getting tasked with him with his personal tasks while he worked, allowing the two of you to spend a lot of time in each other’s company
eventually your simple conversations became staying for hours after all the work had been completed just so that you could continue talking
you bonded over similar interests and shared knowledge, realizing you had more in common than you initially thought
after that the years seemed to fly by, blossoming friendship getting stronger until you could practically read each other’s thoughts, and then one day it all became much bigger than either of you had anticipated
you have both somehow managed to fall in love with each other, and neither of you dared to speak a word of it to anyone, even yourselves
you’re too scared of being rejected and humiliated, and law is absolutely terrified of being in love at all
he has absolutely no idea how to handle his feelings, so instead he bottles them up and stores them away in the hopes that they’ll just vanish
they don’t vanish
instead they get bigger and bigger, until it’s all consuming and he can’t think of a single thing that is not you
meanwhile, you’re trying desperately to suppress your own feeling and failing miserably
the two of dance around each other, tension so thick it radiated to everyone else on the crew
you’re interactions become shorter, both of you unable to be in the presence of the other for too long before you felt like you were going to say something stupid
eventually it all reaches a peak, and while working in his office one night he can’t fight his impulses, so before he can overthink it he finally just kisses you
his kiss is heated and filled with a million emotions he doesn’t know how to express with words
your relationship remains the same outside of your shared privacy, so most of the crew doesn’t even know you guys are together for months
if anyone does pick up on it, it’s because both of you are in considerably better moods for weeks after your first kiss
he lets you paint his nails and do his eyeliner
gets really affectionate when he’s tired
he isn’t the best communicator, but you’re patient and he tries his best
law is somewhat experienced, only having been with a few women in the past, but it’s enough for him to know what he’s doing
he has no problem taking the reigns, and easily slips any semblance of control right out of your grasp
sex is either super soft and romantic or he’s really mean, depends on his mood
loves having his hands all over you whenever he can
also gets really cocky and his smile when he’s like that is deadly
doesn’t say it often, but makes sure to show you every day how much he absolutely adores you
he’s so in love with you it drives him a little crazy sometimes, but he doesn’t say that
instead he saves his smiles only for you, kisses every inch of your skin, and holds you impossibly close to him while he whispers sweet praises and confessions in your ear
when law does say “i love you”, he makes sure you know how much he means it
he cherishes your late night conversations, whispered beneath the sheets
while the crew does know of your relationship now, you still don’t really act like a couple at all in front of anyone else aside from very subtle things
you always make law coffee in the morning and he thanks you for it with a kiss to the cheek before getting breakfast
and he whispers things to you all the time, just wanting to share things with you even if he may not want to share them with the rest of the crew
your relationahip changes slightly you become his wife
he never really liked the idea of marriage, but with you, he’s open to anything that would make you happy
if you want to get married, that’s what will happen
the rings would be extremely simple, but engraved with something incredibly sweet to remind you of how much he loves you, even if he isn’t able to tell you so as often as he thinks he should
there wouldn’t be any ceremony, just the rings, but it’s enough for you
after that he’d be a bit more affectionate with you in front of the crew, the occasional peck, and domestic touches
it’s usually subconscious and goes unnoticed unless someone points it out
he can’t help himself, you’re his wife, and he’s surprised by how much he loves the new title on you
very flirty with you from the very beginning
compliments you all the time
thinks you’re the hottest person in the world and is very vocal about it
the two of you literally just flirt with each other like 24/7 but still say “we’re just friends”
pisses everyone else off
you know ace has a history with women, so you figured it was safe to assume that you simply followed that pattern
so the two of you go on like that for months, so obviously crazy about each other that it quickly becomes annoying to everyone around you
the solution? set you up, obviously
some of your crew mates make it their mission to finally get you two together
setting up romantic settings where the two of you just happen to be alone
pairing you up on chores and tasks
they may or may not lock the two of you together in a closet for like an hour
it only takes a few weeks to finally get you to crack
ace is a cocky bastard about it, but also literally bouncing off the walls because he’s wanted you for forever
he fell first, you fell harder type shit
huge dork
can be pretty childish sometimes, but in an endearing way
but he does know how to read the room and take things seriously when necessary
never fails to make you feel better if you’ve had a rough day
loves seeing you in his clothes !!!!
literally the biggest flirt and tease ever, no matter how long you’ve been together
very touchy and just wants to be close to you
despite the fiery passion woven through his personality, he kisses you like he has all the time in the world
extremely good kisser, and enjoys pulling away to watch you chase his lips and try to catch your breath wayyyyy too much
50% slutty and 50% the most romantic man on the planet
he’ll literally be making the most obscene noises in your ear and then say something so butterfly inducing and poetic that you feel like you could cry
very experienced, and it shows in everything he does
he knows exactly how to read what you need, and just what to do to have you a complete mess by the time he’s done with you
slutty waist 🗣️🗣️
king of the knee thing
loves when you give him hickeys too so he can show off that he’s yours
also pretty open about pda
he doesn’t like make out with you in the middle of a bar or anything, but he definitely does not shy away from showing you love just because there are people around either
your relationship is surprisingly mature, and you have really good communication
definitely would carry you on his back, shoulders, bridal style, or just pick you up and spin you around cause it makes you smile
if he proposes it would be planned, but not necessarily traditional or formal
he’d plan some sort of fun activity for the day, like a picnic or something, and then you turn around and he’s kneeling on the ground in front of you
would pick the PRETTIEST ring
he’d also be smiling like crazy through the entire proposal cause he wants to marry you right this second
as soon as the ring is on your finger he’s already making stupid jokes that have you rolling your eyes
would “elope” (unofficially) on an island and then see how long it takes for everyone to notice
possibly making a bet to see who catches on first
once the rest of the crew knows, he takes everyyyy opportunity to call you his wife or by his last name, and giggles like a kid every single time
asks are open!
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0asisbliss · 7 months ago
He was so pretty. You wanted to baby him like he was tiny, but in reality he was bigger than you maybe not in size but l in power. He has the strength to crush you in the blink of an eye. But you disregarded that like it wasn’t even there and you were mesmerized not just by his actions but also his looks. God he is was such a pretty boy in and out.
Shalnark, Uvogin, KURAPIKA, Chrollo, Feitan, Phinks, Shizuku, Illumi, (HXH) Giyuu, Sanemi, Gyomei, MUZAN, (DS) GOJO, Geto, SUKUNA, CHOSO, Yuuta, Yuuji, (JJK) Lawliet, Light, Matsuda, (DN) Luffy, ACE, Law, Sanji, Shanks, (OP) Ranpo, DAZAI, Chuuya, (BSD) Aizawa, All might, Present Mic, (MHA) or any of your other favs.
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kleftiko · 2 months ago
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you’re bodies are sticky, pressed together as you lay bare. your head against his shoulder as he cradles you, staring up at the ceiling, the fingers of his right hand tracing up and down your skin.
not too long ago he was gripping handfuls of it greedily in order you get you infinitely closer to him, glutinous mouth leaving blotches of possession across it, but now he soothed it with feather light touches as you slept peacefully. the only thing on his mind is wondering why it’s so soft. how could he still feel your smooth skin under the calloused pads of his hands. how could something this soft exist in such a harsh world.
but it didn’t matter when that soft noise escapes your lips, sleep riddled body instinctively curling up against him for comfort. god, he’d let the world burn for you, if only to feel the soft touch of your bare skin against his forever.
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kageyama, IWAIZUMI, sakusa (hq) LAW, zoro, ace (op) gojo, geto, YUJI, choso (jjk) giyuu, SANEMI, iguro (kny) yami, nozel (bc) DABI, shigaraki, aizawa? (mha)
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innerfare · 1 month ago
Cuddling - Part 1
Summary: How do they cuddle you?
Characters: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Ace, Sabo, Law, Kid
Genre: Fluff
CW: None // SFW
He’s more of a koala bear than a literal koala bear. He doesn’t even realize cuddling is a thing because it’s so normal to him, like eating and breathing. You’ve literally never slept in the same bed with him without him wrapping himself around you (neither has anyone else, for that matter). He even gets a little grumpy if you’re not there for him to hold on to. 
It’s not called cuddling, that’s for sure. He might refer to holding you, but that’s about it. One of his guilty pleasures, though, is being held by you. He especially likes it when you sit behind him and wrap both your arms and legs around him, bonus points if you run your hands up and down his chest and abdomen. 
A total cuddle bug. He usually comes to bed after you (though not so late that you’re already asleep), and likes to slip between your legs while you’re sitting up against the pillows. Bonus points if you rub his back or smooth his hair. He’s also one for quick daytime snuggles, often coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around you for a long hug. 
He grabs hold of you easily, but he doesn’t let go easily. If he falls asleep, you’ll be stuck by his side until he wakes up because he holds on to you so tight. He’s clingy, but not in a little spoon kind of way, more of a ‘I’m going to put you where I want you’ kind of way. It puts him at ease to keep you so close because he feels your a little safer that way. 
He’s so sweet about it. He holds you like a baby every time you two have any privacy, encouraging you to wrap not only your arms but also your legs around him. He sort of pretends it’s to put you at ease and make you feel safe, but the weight and warmth of your body makes him feel safe and, in particular, makes him feel capable and dependable. 
If you call him the little spoon, he’ll break up with you, but he is often the little spoon. He gets annoyed when you don’t automatically wrap your arms around him in bed because he doesn’t want to embarrass himself by asking. One of his favorite things in the world is falling asleep with his head in your lap while you play with his hair. 
Not so much cuddling as it is him collapsing on top of you. If you manage to fall asleep without him on top of you, you’ll wake up either with him on top of you or to him yanking you into his arms to hold you against his chest while he’s still asleep. Treats you like his teddy bear, hangs on to you extra tight when he’s stressed. 
Hope you enjoyed it! If you want more, you can check out my masterlist here!
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portgasdbru · 3 months ago
feat: luffy, zoro, sanji, ace, sabo, law, kid x f!reader
cw: strong language, crack, suggestive content
minors and ageless blog dni
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inquisitor-runa · 3 months ago
Who fell first and who fell harder - One Piece edition
Zoro: He fell first and harder
Law: You fell first, he fell harder
Kid: He fell first and harder
Luffy: You fell first and harder
Ace: He fell first and harder
Shanks: You fell first, he fell harder
Crocodile: You fell first and harder
Mihawk: You fell first and harder
Buggy: He fell first and harder
Sanji: He fell first and harder
Sabo: He fell first, you fell harder
Marco: You fell first, he fell harder
Doflamingo: You fell first and harder
Rob Lucci: You fell first and harder
Corazon: He fell first and harder (literally and figuratively)
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otkuhotgirl · 2 months ago
─────── 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 !
# featuring one piece.
behold, my master(one)piece — got it? check out my kinktober schedule for the incoming month!
⎰ & containing PWP. NSFW at its finest. DARK CONTENT. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.
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𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟏 — breast worship | praise kink | lactation with black-leg sanji.
𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟐 — cock worship | deepthroating with roronoa zoro.
𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟑 — medical play | glove kink with trafalgar water d. law.
𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟒 — food play | overstimulation | cunnilingus with monkey d. luffy.
𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟓 — temperature play with portgas d. ace.
𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟔 — dacryphilia | orgasm denial with eustass kid.
𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟕 — lingerie | mirror sex | body worship with nico robin.
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❪ ˙˖ 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐃 𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐊 — prompts for requests!
𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟖 — threesome | sensation play with black-leg sanji & roronoa zoro!
𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟗 — tights | begging | boot worship with smoker!
𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟏𝟎 — strip-tease | lap dance with akagami no shanks!
𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟏𝟏 — choking | hate sex with trafalgar water d. law!
𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟏𝟐 — corruption | aphrodisiacs | edging with roronoa zoro!
𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟏𝟑 — zelophilia | humiliation with donquixote doflamingo!
𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟏𝟒 — breeding kink | cockwarming with eustass kid!
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𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟐𝟐 — pegging | strap-on with black-leg sanji.
𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟐𝟑 — shibari | power imbalance with donquixote doflamingo.
𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟐𝟒 — period sex | blood-play with trafalgar water d. law.
𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟐𝟓 — marking | shotgunning with sir. crocodile.
𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟐𝟔 — office sex | almost getting caught with smoker.
𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟐𝟕 — public | dry-humping | finger-sucking with flame emperor sabo.
𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟐𝟖 — sea-sex | mermaid with akagami no shanks.
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𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟐𝟗 — size kink | creampie | first time with charlotte katakuri.
𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟑𝟎 — threesome | squirting | fingering | sixty-nine with nico robin & nami.
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katskitoshi · 1 year ago
synopsis: he's gotten to the point where he thinks he knows everything about you, until you (accidentally) spring on him that you're not even a guy.
characters: riddle, trey, cater, ace, deuce, leona, ruggie, jack, azul, jade, floyd, kalim, jamil, vil, rook, epel, idia, ortho, malleus, lilia, silver, & sebek x fem! reader
includes: mutual crush relationships (everyone -ortho), cursing, mentions panties and bras, slightly suggestive in some parts.
if not for an unbirthday party where you needed an outfit that accommodated your body more, riddle rosehearts would have never noticed unless you outwardly told him. only now did he realize your more feminine features, and he turns as red as his hair. after realizing, he does treat you slightly more respectful because he was raised to treat women respectfully. besides being more respectful, flustered, and in love with you, not much changed in you two's friendship.
trey clover would have found out sooner or later even if his hand never touched your bra on accident while tying your apron. he straight up asks if you're a girl, and when you tell him you are he acts surprised and flustered. honestly, not much changes. he acts the exact same but gets slightly more protective of you.
when cater diamond found out over magicam that you were a a girl, he nearly died. he just though you were one of the guys that were more naturally feminine, only to find out you're actually a female. honestly, he's not mad. he still loves you! he'll help you keep it a secret if you wish, but if you don't want to, there probably won't be a student in the school who doesn't know you're a girl. but don't worry, he'll keep all those icky pervs away!
okay, okay. because he's a little shit, he wanted to prank you and it just happened to involve you dressing yourself. so ace trappola waited until he knew you were changing to barge into your room, only to be face to face with you in just a bra and panties. he screams, like a girl, more girly than you, and rushed out the dorm with his face red. the next day is awkward, but at least he knows his crush is a girl, and that you have a really cute body under the clothes that convinces others you're a boy.
it's just so strange, the feelings deuce spade has. he even calls his mom and tells her all about his little crush. but by the way he was describing you, ms. spade didn't think you were a guy. so deuce builds up the courage to ask you if you're actually a guy. to his surprise when you tell him you're not, he dies of embarrassment. queue delinquent deuce whenever someone makes some pervy comment (or generally speaks) to you.
honestly, leona kingscholar probably knew already. he could probably sense or smell the female hormones on your or something. i don't know, all i know is that leona knows. he doesn't really have to ask or anything. he just knows. and you think he knows because he treats you better than any other male in the school. his attitude towards you doesn't ever really change but he's definitely flirty with you.
ruggie bucchi is in the same boat is leona. they both can just tell you're not a guy. however, he fears you. male hyenas usually listen to their female counterpart, so ruggie usually just listens. however, when he realizes he has control and that you aren't a threat, he's definitely becomes more friendly around you. no matter how much he fears you, his crush never ever leaves.
i won't lie, but every person in savanaclaw probably knows you're a girl. jack howl included. he won't make it painfully obvious that he knows but he definitely lets you know subtly know he knows. he shows you great amounts of respect and sometimes can't help but feel absolutely vile for thinking of you in some... not so respectful ways.
look, you're gonna give the poor octopus a heart attack once he finds out! you're filling out a contract and you inform azul ashengrotto that you're a girl and ask for certain things to be changed. he simply dies on the spot from shock and is a blushy little octopus. he thinks of using you to convince more people to the monstro lounge, but he can't do that to his crush!
just as expected, jade leech finds out rather quickly. one walk in the forrest on a hot day and a crop top with some sweat soaking through was enough to spill the beans. of course he had his suspicions, but you confirmed them for him! he finds you somehow cuter with your secret revealed. don't worry, your secret is safe with him!
floyd leech always thought you were just so cute! so, he just has to squeeze you to show you his love, right? when he squeezed you, he felt something push against him. he realized what he felt was what all the female merfolk had. "oh, shrimpy! you have boobs!" and he enjoys squeezing your boobs more than you. it doesn't matter if they're big or small, he just can't stop squeezing them!
this shouldn't come as a surprise, but it takes kalim al-asim a long time to find out. i mean, he can quite literally see you naked and be like "wow! you're very female-bodied for a guy!" of course, he didn't find out that way, but he could have. he actually found out by spilling water on you and seeing your bra. anyways, he's surprisingly calm about it. he still treats you like a friend that he has an obvious crush on, so yeah!
jamil viper is surprisingly shocked at what he found out. a little cooking mishap caused you to take off your oversized hoodie and make jamil realize your more... feminine features on your upper body. of course, he's a lot more over protective of you, and oh! he just can't stop staring! he tries his best, but his crush is just a bit more apparent!
he had always had his suspicions. vil schoenheit always thought your more feminine appearance had been more than some accidental blessing. apparently, he was proven right when on a shopping spree he got a little look of your breasts while trying on some clothes. he'll bring you all sorts of clothes that he thinks will suit you, enjoying getting to see you try on the clothes. you can tell he knows your little secret by the more.. risky.. clothes, if you can even call them that, he requests you in.
rook hunt knew from the first second he saw you. you come into night raven and expect not to be observed by the hunter? how cute. he gets actual confirmation when he was watching you change one night. of course he looked away while you were naked (maybe not), but he saw your bra and completely knew. the next day, he obviously hugged you more to try and egg you on that he knows (and feel you), but don't worry, it doesn't take to long to find out.
okay, so epel felmier though you two were on the same boat. two really pretty men cursed by genetics somehow. but, after he takes you on a magic wheel ride and feels you against him, he realizes he is alone. he's obviously flustered but he feels more manly somehow? he protects you and comes off as manly as possible. surely other guys will see how manly he is if his crush, and the only girl on campus, sees it, right?
when idia shroud found out, he was more than surprised and honestly didn't even think he could face you ever again! with a bit of convincing from his dear little brother, he could face you again. although with pink tinted hair and a red face, he'll still see you! how did he find out exactly? well, he accidentally touched you boob when aiming to punch your shoulder after a won game.
(platonic) a simple body scan gave ortho shroud the answers he needed. ortho is the biggest idia x [name] shipper on the planet! he'll call you 'big sister', and probably lock you in a room with idia if it'll help speed up the love-i-fication process. eventually he'll break the news to his brother, but he loves playing the waiting game with him. is idia getting any closer to finding out? no- wait, yes, wait-!
malleus draconia is an intelligent man. however, to crack this mystery, he'll need every clue and sign laid before him. once he pieces the picture together, he still might need to to clarify that you are in fact a woman. and don't forget, malleus is a gentleman. he'll treat you with love and respect as he courts you, beds you, and makes you his queen.
at some age, you just realize what everyone is, y'know? lilia vanrouge just knows that you're a girl. it probably started out at a gut feeling that ended up true. and maybe he'll let you know that he knows by giving you a cutely wrapped box of matching black and pink panty and bra set! maybe with a rose and a note that says 'be my girl?'
sleepyhead silver realizes completely by accident when he just wanted to lay on your shoulder. next thing you know, you've pulled his head to your thighs and when he tries to look up, he's meet with a new type of pillow. he's conflicted between staying awake or going to sleep upon this newfound discovery. either way, don't think that his sleepiness will prevent him from wanting to be as knightly as possible for you.
sebek zigvolt accidentally unhooks your bra when trying to fix your posture. it's an awkward moment and sebek is surprisingly quiet when he asks you your gender. his loudness returns as he begins yelling about how informal he's been to you. as a servant of his dear master malleus, he promises to treat you with the utmost respect!
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wakacchi · 10 days ago
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Slowly but surely, I'm having fun drawing again (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶) Another long awaited exclusive 'Y/N You Want' content! How about reading the rest and the others at my ko-fi~
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luffyssa · 2 months ago
𝙖𝙘𝙘𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙩𝙚𝙭𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙥𝙧𝙚-𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥
starring. one piece. luffy, zoro, sanji, ace, law, shanks genre. smau, crack, fluff ask. can you please do a smau where they accidentally text about you to you when they meant if for someone else (pre relationship)? it's just so cute to see our pookies embarrassed.
use of y/n, she/her pronouns in some
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cloudzoro · 9 months ago
Getting Caught | One Piece ♡
Getting caught having sex with your man by one of his friends.
reaction/headcanon requests for jjk, one piece, haikyuu, fmab & death note (male & female characters) are OPEN!
masterlist | request rules
genre: smut (minors dni)
characters included: ace, crocodile, zoro
cw: dirty talk, pet names, threesome, size kink, public sex, voyeurism, big dick!zoro, possessive behaviour, Zoros one kinda made me 💦🤭🥵💫 while I was writing it
Ace has been visiting your home a lot recently. Since the two of you started dating, he promised not to be gone too long. When you do finally get him back, you're all over him.
He's sitting on your couch while you're on his lap. You grind down against his cock, which he had pulled out of his shorts. The brim of his hat presses against the back of the sofa and prevents him from getting comfortable, so he takes it off of himself and places it on your head. The sight of you stripped naked in just his hat has him bucking his hips up into you.
“sit on my cock, pretty girl,” he says. “Let me fuck you, baby.”
You reach down and guide his cock into your hole. He helps you sink all the way down onto him, and when he finally bottoms out, you moan in his ear. He holds you still as you clench around him. He knows if you start moving now, he'll cum almost immediately.
“Please fuck me, Ace”, you whine before kissing him. He hums into your mouth and slowly ruts upwards. As soon as he moves, the door swings open. Ace is quick enough to grab a nearby blanket and wrap it around you while pulling you to his chest, blocking any possibility of whoever just walked in seeing you naked.
You look to the doorway to see Marco standing there. He seems embarrassed and as if he's trying not to laugh.
“I was just coming by to see how your reunion is going”, he says, a smug grin plastered on his face.
“It's doing fine; now beat it!” yells Ace, throwing a pillow in his direction. Marco runs, but not before yelling through the now-closed door.
“Nice hat, y/n!”
He has you on your back, legs pushed up to your chest as he fucks you. He's so deep inside you and so big that he attacks all your senses. You couldn't focus on anything else if you tried. You can feel his palm pressing against the tiny bulge in your stomach.
“Can you feel that baby? Feel me deep in your pussy?” his voice has you clenching around him. The room smells of smoke and sex, and it makes you so dizzy that you can barely respond to him. You let out a long whine and nod. Crocodile laughs from above you. “Can I flip you over?” he asks. You whine a yes, and he flips you onto your hands and knees.
A large, heavy hand pushes you down against the sheets. He pushes back into you and the new angle makes you scream into the fabric beneath you. Every thrust sends you forward into the mattress, and Crocodile does absolutely nothing to hide your moaning.
A few minutes later, you hear a loud banging at the door, and before either of you can move, Mihawk swings the door open as if he's completely unaware of what you are doing.
Your husband pulls you upwards so your back is against his chest and wraps his big arms around you, covering your most intimate parts. There's a beat of silence before Mihawk launches into a flustered tirade.
“You two are completely inconsiderate. Do you ever fucking shut up?” While he continues ranting, Crocodile leans down to speak in your ear.
“Look at him; he wants us so bad,” he whispers. He's not wrong if the flushed skin and raging boner are anything to go by. “Do you wanna invite him in?” he asks, paying no mind to Mihawk's scolding. When you nod, your husband drops his hands away from your chest and between your legs. Mihawk goes silent now that your body is exposed to him. “She has another hole for you,” says Crocodile, pressing his fingers against your lips. You obey his silent command and open your mouth to suck on his fingers. “y'know if you want help with that,” smirks your husband, gesturing to the tent pitched in Mihawk's trousers.
Mihawk considers the offer for a minute before approaching the bed. Crocodile lets go of your body and pushes you back down as Mihawk pulls his cock free from his trousers. You lick up the underside of his cock and then take him into your mouth, relaxing into taking as much of him as you can. You can hear verbal encouragement from both men, but you're not focusing on the words at all; you're too busy being stuffed with cock.
Zoro can't keep his hands off of you, you've been at a bar for all of ten minutes and he's itching to pull into the nearest bathroom and fuck you stupid.
“Baby, come on,” Zoro says, pulling your back against his chest as you stand at the bar. “No one will even notice we're gone.”
Your boyfriend is impossible to resist and you let him drag you to the bathroom. He pins you against the wall, kissing you as he pulls his cock free. He holds his hand in front of your face, instructing you to spit in his palm. He uses your saliva to lube up his cock before lining himself up with your cunt and pushing in. You pull Zoro into another kiss, much nastier and messier than the last. His hips rock into you, cock dragging against your sensitive walls.
“Hold on to me, pretty girl”, he groans as you cling to his shoulders. He fuckss you harder, intending to make you cum as quickly as possible so he can get you home and really take his time with you. Neither of you realise that you didn't lock the door until you notice a blonde man with a familiar pair of eyebrows staring at you in shock.
“Zoro, Sanji's here,” You whine, slightly embarrassed. He knows; he heard Sanji coming in. He just doesn't care. At this point, almost nothing could stop him from making you cum.
“Let him watch. Let that shitty cook see what he'll never have” The cocky smile on his face makes your pussy drool. Zoro isn't jealous; he has no reason to be, but he has one of the nastiest possessive streaks you've ever seen in your life. “This pretty pussy is all mine, right baby?”
“uh-huh” is the only pair of syllables you can form as he fucks you so hard you fear you might crack the wall. You're not lying, though. Every part of your mind, body, and soul belongs to Zoro and vice versa. Sanji tries to focus on glaring at the swordsman, but he keeps getting distracted by your exposed skin and pretty noises.
“Cum for me” He emphasises the word ‘me’ reminding both you and Sanji that every drop of cum that leaks from your sweet pussy is his. Your body follows through on the command, shaking in his grasp as you cum. Both men stare at you in awe. Zoro cums soon after, unable to stand the way your cunt pulses around his sensitive cock any longer. “Get out of here,” Zoro growls, voice startling Sanji back to reality and he hurries off so you and Zoro can clean up in privacy.
thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed :)
comments and reblogs are massively appreciated ♡
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