#tim 'dick grayson stan' drake
bitimdrake · 3 months
You know that popular Fanon about Jason being Tim's favorite Robin, Tim stalking Jason, and Jason being Tim's favorite? Personally, I think Dick is Tim's favorite Robin. What do you think? I don't read a lot of comics, but obviously Dick and Tim are brothers, and I wish there was more Canon. Ps. English is not my first language. I'm sorry.
Okay I wish I had the energy to give a full comics panel breakdown of this in pristine incontrovertible detail, and have been silently hoping since I got this ask that motivation would appear. But it's become clear it won't so I will instead take the easier path to say:
Tim's backstory is all about how he saw Dick's parents' die, felt incredibly concerned for Dick, and instantly developed a lifelong attachment to him. And this connection remains a foundation of his character. Dick is the person he first reaches out to when he sees Batman slipping. Dick is the person who becomes his reliable big brother. And Dick is the person he will end up consistently going to for personal advice, vigilante visits, and let's-complain-about-batman chats.
He thinks Dick is the coolest person in the world, whether that's as the kid acrobat, or Robin, or an adult vigilante, or just Oh My God It's Dick Grayson (!!!!). His biggest hero is not Batman, it's Dick Grayson. He explicitly calls Dick the best. He doesn't think he can be as good as Dick--though Dick, in turn, thinks exactly the opposite. (There is actually something interesting to be said about their relationship in how Tim does put Dick on a pedestal in a way that can be helpful, but can also lead to unfair idolization and leave Tim unable to process when Dick does truly fail.) And their relationship is really one of the cornerstones of the 90s and 2000s batfamly, before the New 52 reboot.
Also, while there is no canon about Tim stalking Batman and Robin as a kid--he makes it pretty clear he kept up with their exploits via the news, not in-person--in his first appearance he does track Dick down to New York, break into his apartment when Dick turns out to not be home, and then follow him to the circus. Which, like, damn kid that is some serious stalking. You could get a felony for that.
(Meanwhile Jason, while he was dead, Tim mostly thought of either in conjunction with Dick as a past Robin, or on his own as a cautionary tale of what not to be like. It's just nowhere near the same as how he idolizes Dick.)
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thy-valhallen · 5 months
i like the idea that it's understood in the Batfam that Bruce has a favorite but no one's really sure who it is-- all of them have their own guesses, and it's never themselves (except Steph, who's here to laugh at their theories)
Dick is convinced it's Jason because of how he saw Jason's death destroy Bruce-- like, he knows Bruce would cry for all of them, mourn and all, but... well, he's pretty convinced Jason had a spot in their dad's heart a bit bigger than they did
Jason, if asked, will swear to hell and back it's Dick-- the Golden Boy, the perfect son, the one he had to compare himself to growing up. Secretly though? he thinks it's Tim. Tim, the best detective of all of them, the steadfast kid who stepped in to fix everything without the slightest bit of thanks or appreciation, the nerd who dedicated himself to their crusade with nothing to gain from it. who wouldn't favor that kid??
Tim has known since the first picture he ever took of Batman and Robin who the favorite was, and has never wavered. Dick Grayson, his first son, the one who's pain was reflected so sharply back at him in a twisted mirror that he had to take the kid in-- Dick was the one to bring the Dark Knight to life in the daytime. Dick is his everything-- the boy he loved enough to slow in his life's work to help. Tim was certainly never worth the time, but Dick? Dick is impossible not to love, and to love Dick Grayson is to love with your whole chest
Cass bases her guess off of Bruce's body language, not Batman's, and for that, she thinks it's Duke. Duke is softer than the rest of them, less sharp edges from a childhood shaped by misery or death, and Bruce is less of a drill sergeant with him for it. after all, Duke doesn't struggle with directions like the rest of the Batfam (he so does, he's just the best at hiding it), so he gets less of the terrified, furious leader and more of the tired, worried dad
Damian has no doubt in his mind it's Cass-- at first, because she's the best fighter, and therefore most deserving. she's far more skilled after all, so in this insane family where adopted children upend the hierarchy he knows, it must be dictated by skill, no? no, actually. but then, he sees how Bruce doesn't yell at her, the implicit trust he has in his daughter. the way that they're so very in-tune with one another, it's like looking at a man and his shadow. Cass has to be the favorite, because no one else can look him in the eyes with the same sort of heartbreak he has and comfort him without a word
Duke was an only child before joining the Waynes, so it was a shock to suddenly see sibling favoritism so blatantly when Bruce so carefully and kindly talked Damian down from a rant about his classmates in the middle of patrol. no one else would've been allowed to talk about something so personal and revealing on a Gotham rooftop. it was just continually proven from there; shoulder pats and hair ruffles answered with little scowls, utterances of "son" that were lost to shuffling capes and tiny smiles tucked away in darkness
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theerurishipper · 1 month
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First <- Part 19 <- Part 20 -> Part 21
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shipsdoishipidk · 10 months
Jason: Dick isn’t really Daddy material when it comes to the bedroom but holy Lazarus he’s a really fucking good mommy. Mommy kinks with him are a one way trip to a blackout orgasm.
Tim, forever scarred and knowing he’ll never look at Dick the same way again: I never wanted to know.
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vechter · 4 months
imagining my ideal post-forever evil world where bruce is the one to inform the bats and the rest of the world that dick is dead and tim is DEVASTATED. he is immediately ready to go on an insane guilt-fuelled suicidal mission to bring dick back because he refuses to believe his first brother, the first robin, the last flying grayson is DEAD (this is the kid who believed bruce was alive based off a shitty white man portrait and pure vibes) and then there's a very public funeral where he sees bruce is not grieving the way tim knows him to, the way tim has witnessed first hand after jason AND damian- bc who is this bruce wayne who's acting sort of normal on patrol, who is very much okay existing in a world where his eldest, his beloved first-born is dead? so tim does a little bit of research (maybe he recruits kon to go bully lex luthor about the Truth of it all or maybe selina just takes pity on how pathetic n wet-cat-like tim is) and figures out dick is very much alive! and surely! it cannot be that easy??? because why would bruce and dick lie about this? so he shows up at st. hadrian's and we get some classic dick and tim shenanigans where both of them refuse to believe the other person is actually there so it's a big came of cat and mouse except they both think they're the cat and mouse simultaneously and tiger is just watching this whole thing unfold wondering why none of these superheroes can be normal for a fucking second okay- then we get a mid-fight moment where one of them is in mortal peril and they both collectively lose brain cells and any impulse control and we get a heart-wrenching reunion and dick tells him i knew you'd figure it out, bruce is an idiot for thinking he could fool you and tim, who was very much worried this is some insane cloning situation (bc lex luthor was involved so how could any of it be this simple, this easy?) launches himself at dick because of course you're alive, i couldn't possibly exist in a world where my brother is dead. anyway-
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batboopp · 4 months
the difference between Tumblr batfam fans and Tiktok batfam fans is insane bc TikTok fans will swear up and down that batman hates his “kids” and only trains with them to carry out his legacy and to get an excuse for beating the shit out of them while Tumblr fans are like “oh yeah Bruce and his kids go to the park to feed the ducks and they all have waffles on Sundays”
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robinhuntr · 4 months
Trying to explain to BatFam fans that hope and joy are good things and not every character needs to be tortured in order to be interesting:
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bruciemilf · 2 years
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Bombastic Hot Take: Yara Is a Batman fangirl (swiftie coded)
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badghostwriter · 6 months
Tim: You know that feeling where you just want to rip the skin right off your forearms with your teeth?
Damian: …unfortunately I do.
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batcavescolony · 2 years
I know the fandom trope of "Tim hates Dick for what he said in Red Robin" but like
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He probably felt hurt for a minute but the second he saw Dick again it was instant forgiveness. He is in awe of his big brother, he thinks he has it all together (even though he very much doesn't), he thinks the world of Dick. in the alt universe vampire comic Tim probably forgave Dick for crushing his scull in. Tim at his core is a Dick Grayson Stan first, human second.
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cephalog0d · 1 year
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I was rereading A Lonely Place of Dying for Reasons and I just want to point out how in the infamous Photo itty bitty Timmy is just grinning hugely at Dick while everyone else looks at the camera.
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leoruby-draws · 2 years
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Fun fact, I named this file as 'Batman loses to babies'.
This drawing was based on the famous statue in Oslo, Norway. Its pretty goofy, but I found it so funny that I had to base a drawing on it.
Well, hope you like it!
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ruestheday · 4 months
duke thomas as stan twt moments
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idk how to explain it but duke thomas feels like he’d be on stan twitter
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kimberly-spirits13 · 7 months
Hello loves I just wanted to pop on and give you an update
So my mom has cancer, I’ve mentioned it before but it’s genetic and inherited through the mother. I have to have genetic testing done to see about me having cancer and there’s a good/ slight chance that I have the cancer or will have it. There’s lots of other cancers and diseases that run in my family so this is also going to clear chances of me having those up a bit. Next Monday on the 26, I’m scheduled for an ultrasound because of my periods. There’s a chance I could have endometriosis or even cancer in my uterus, but they don’t think it’s cancer because I’ve dealt with this since I had my first period. My gynecologist said that it could range from just having thick uterine lining and imbalanced hormones to cancer so they have no idea. If I’m MIA for a bit, that’s why. I just have a lot of stress right now and even though I’m pretty secure in myself and all the possibilities because of my trust in God, I also am a bit nervous waiting for results and testing. I went with my mom to her doctor’s appointment yesterday for her scans and got sick thinking about having to deal with this and pay for treatment for the rest of my life but I know in my soul I will get through whatever happens. I love this little community and just wanted yall to know what was up
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allthegothihopgirls · 4 months
all of the robins bear the same burdens etc etc, except tim will never understand the constricting feeling of not being able to escape the mantle of the bat.
sure, he felt within himself that he had to step up as robin after jason's death, but past that? he could probably leave the business and live a normal life almost completely guilt-free. by any logic he's still the one who chooses to tie himself in with batman, not the other way around.
dick? he's the eldest, as long as he lives he'll feel a weight of responsibility for his siblings. if there was no flying grayson, there would be no robin, in his head that makes him fully accountable for anything that happens to them. he needs to stick around to glue together broken pieces, and make sure every cog rotates in sync. also.. after you've undertaken the cowl once, that's when you're stuck for life.
jason? he's the one who sees the faults in batman's system. he knows that if he steps down, or distances himself from gotham, no one will ever get the things done that no one wants to do. even when he's trying to move away from under batman's wing, he still finds himself in close proximity, as long as he's in gotham the bat will seep through his veins. no matter how many times he screws up, he's still family, it grows painful.
and damian? he's bound by blood, and the rightful + (theoretically) only real successor to the cowl. he feels responsibility over gotham, knowing that it needs a batman, and that if he doesn't step up, the system they've built will all come crashing down on itself. unlike the other kids, he has a legacy to live up to, expectations. the other kids got freedom over who they were, choosing their own vigilante identities after robin, damian has shoes to fill. the only future he can see is batman, there's no other realistic path for him.
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tinky-dinky · 4 months
Why are Dick stans so reluctant to admit that he can be a shitty person sometimes?
He was a shitty brother to Jason
He fucked Tim over
He was just as responsible for the fallout with Bruce as Bruce was
He treated both Babs and Kory like shit at times
It doesn't make him a bad person. Everyone acts shittily at times.
Acting like Dick is a perfect angel golden boy is just plain stupid.
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