#tiara witch’s heart
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etoileplume · 3 months ago
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hello witchs heart fandom its good to be back
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magnapina · 3 months ago
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my new best friend
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onebizarrekai · 2 months ago
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oh my god a fucked up nonbinary lesbian. I adore her
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gavinom123 · 3 months ago
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Assorted wilclu doodles
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ashemellow · 11 months ago
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cg redraw
the pic sucks and the drawing is like 2 months old but blehhh. i need to know who this other claire is omg (as a vocaloid fan i'm calling her sakura claire bc i can)
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yomipurge · 3 months ago
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finished wilardos conclusion yesterday and im a little bit obsessed w them
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noel-levine-fan · 3 months ago
minor wc spoilerssss
redraw of a meme i made many years ago... (the meme predates this blog)
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(the original, if anyone is curious)
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as you can see i changed lucy to tiara because it fit her well enough and tiara is just a more prominent character. sorry lucy.
i think there's a certain charm to the original i couldn't recapture, buut
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ace-and-the-rpg-horrors · 26 days ago
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dawndrawssome · 2 months ago
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poor Lime...
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thxrgism · 3 months ago
my opinion is that tiara gets to be a little evil. as a treat. she can put as many other demons into crystals as she likes because shes a fabulous androgynous emo girlboss. god forbid women do anything.
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felikatze · 12 days ago
i dont even know why i hate tiara this much it's like everytime she showed up onscreen i got viscerally angry
i think i'm just mad conceptually at introducing a new character and expanding the lore THIS late into the game. so i didnt particularly like her personality so i just hate her lmaooo
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writememysticfalls · 2 months ago
Nice Kitty | Kol Mikaelson
Summary: Kol stared up at you from the floor. His chest gleamed with sweat. “Nice kitty,” he whispered.
You and Kol are dirty rivals. A spell gives you total control over his body, so you decide to teach him a lesson.
Pairing:��Kol Mikaelson x witch!reader
Genre: Suggestive, Enemies to lovers
Word count: >1k
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“Morning, princess,” Kol said, sliding into the cabin’s tiny kitchen.
He rested his hands on either side of your head, caging you in.
Kol was naked - apart from a towel draped low on his hips. He shook out his brown curls, spraying you with water.
“You're in a good mood,” you said, eyes fixed on your book.
“Yep,” Kol said. “Because that nasty spell you tried on me last night didn't work.” He booped your nose. “Maybe little Y/n’s not ready for big boy magic.”
“How do you know the spell didn't work?” you said, smirking.
You reached behind your back, and pulled out a human heart - Kol’s heart.
“What have you done to me?” Kol panted, clutching his empty chest.
You smirked. “I stole your heart. I control you now.”
You lifted the heart.
“I am sick of you calling me princess… ” you said, squeezing the heart, so Kol groaned, “and little girl…” he sank down the wall “and mamacita, which is just yuck.” Kol fell to his knees.
Kol stared up at you from the floor. He was panting like a dog, mouth open, his chest gleaming with sweat. “Nice kitty,” he whispered.
You grabbed his hair in your fist.
“If you want your heart back…” you said, twisting his hair, “you'll have to beg.”
Kol narrowed his eyes. “Never. I've been tortured before, love.”
You pulled his hair harder, till his eyes welled up in pain.
“Can I-” Kol stuttered. “Please can I have my heart back?”
You giggled, releasing him.“I'm not giving you your heart back, dumbo. I’m going tell Klaus to give me the white oak stake, or I'll crush the heart and kill you.”
You booped Kol on the nose. “But I couldn't resist. You look so pretty on your knees.”
You and Kol marched through the woods, on the way to meet Klaus.
“I get it. I'm your slave,” Kol said. “But is the outfit really necessary?”
Kol was wearing a pink tutu, a pink fluffy tiara that said “FAIRY PRINCESS”, and a matching pink wand.
“No,” you said, skipping along, holding Kol’s heart. “But you look so cute!”
Kol had had enough. He reached out to snatch the heart from you.
You refused to let go. You and Kol fell to the ground. You rolled over each other in the dirt.
“Get - off!” you shrieked. Kol’s heavy body pinned you to the ground. His hot breath tickled your face.
“Vasmatos-” you tried to say, but Kol pressed his hand over your mouth, stopping you.
You and Kol both squeezed the heart at once.
And you got the weirdest feeling.
It was like being drunk on champagne. Everything turned hazy, golden. The world felt like one hilarious joke.
You suddenly felt that you didn't want to hurt Kol. You wanted to… kiss him.
Kol looked down at you like he was thinking the same thing.
Kol pulled his hand off your mouth, and flicked your plump lips with his thumb.
“That feels funny,” you giggled. “Good funny.”
“Yeah?” Kol said softly.
Kol stuck his tongue out, and licked your pink lips. You started laughing hysterically.
You pushed Kol down onto the soft forest floor, so your body was above his.
“Ha ha,” Kol said. “Upsy daisy.”
He bit the soft skin under your jaw, sending a shiver down your spine.
You noticed Kol’s heart, discarded on the floor. You had a vague feeling that the heart was important. But that felt so distant… and Kol’s mouth was so close…
You reached out, and dug you fingers into the heart.
You and Kol were struck by a vision.
A teenage Kol, stretched out on his bed, asleep. The twisted sheet left little of his sun-kissed back to the imagination.
“Taya…” Kol mumbled.
He bit down on his pillow. His breaths sped up.“Taya...”
A woman appeared at the doorway, clearing her throat.
Kol scrambled to a sitting position. The sheet slipped onto the floor.
“I’m awake,” he said thickly, his muscled arms wrapped around his knees. He blushed, and red exploded over his chest and legs.
“You're late for your morning lesson,” she said, faintly smiling. “And… I’m not ‘Taya’. I'm Miss Taya, to you.”
“Who’s Taya?” you said, walking behind Kol as he stormed through the forest. You were carrying Kol’s heart in your bag, to avoid touching it.
Kol’s face was a painful red. “You. You got inside my head!”
You said, “Technically, I got inside your heart-”
“Shut up!” he said. “Please… don't do that again.���
Kol was trembling with shame and anger. Your brown eyes had seen deeper into his soul, into his memories, than any girlfriend’s ever had. And it terrified him.
“It's not like I enjoyed that,” you said. “The freaky magic of the heart made me… like you for a second.” You shivered.
Kol realised that they had almost arrived at the Mikaelson house. His time was running out.
“Okay,” Kol said, stopping in his tracks. “You've won. You've humiliated me.” He grabbed the tutu in one hand, and danced around in a circle, waving the wand with the other. His face fell. “Just please don't give me to Klaus.”
You stared hard at Kol. “Why are you so afraid of Klaus?”
Kol scratched the back of his head. “I can't tell you. Just trust me.”
“If you want me to help you, I need the truth,” you said.
Kol looked down. “I've never told anyone this. I don't know how.”
You waited.
Finally, Kol pulled out his heart, and dug his nails in. Both you and Kol both struck by another vision.
Teenage Kol, peeking through a cottage doorway.
He was clutching a thorny rose, and his brown, muscled forearms were covered in scratches.
His eyes grew wide.
In the dark room, Taya was gripping the wall, her long hair flowing over her naked body. She was breathing hard.
A naked man grabbed her body from behind, his hands on her waist.
The man’s laughing blue eyes met Kol’s for a second.
It was Klaus.
The rose crumbled in Kol’s fist.
You gasped lightly. “That was Taya, your teacher. The one you had a crush on. Klaus was…”
“Klaus was fucking her,” Kol said darkly. He sat on the forest floor, crushing a pebble in his fist.“A few months after that, she disappeared, like all of Klaus’s girlfriends. The bastard killed her.”
You held Kol’s hand. “I'm so sorry,” you said, gazing up at him. “You loved her.”
“I think I did,” Kol said. “You know, before Taya died, I was a nice guy. Worthy of a good girl like you,” he said, smirking. “But that night, I decided to stop loving people so easily. Trusting them.” He thumped his chest. “Enter Kol Mikaelson, world-class arsehole.”
“You're not an-” you started. You smiled. “Okay, you are an asshole. But you're not… a bad person.”
Kol placed your hand on his cheek. His chestnut eyes held yours. “You're not like me, Davina. You're good; you're beautiful. And Klaus hates things which are good and beautiful. You can't make a deal with him. He’ll destroy you.”
You stepped away from him.
“I'm sorry, Kol,” you said quietly, tears welling in your eyes. “I really liked you.”
Then, your face hardened into a mask of fury.
“Klaus Mikaelson!” you yelled, running towards the Mikaelson house. “I have your little brother’s heart. Give me the white oak stake or he'll be dead by the time I count to ten…”
Kol pounded a tree trunk with his fist in anger, again and again, until the wood crumbled under his fingers.
He had trusted you. He had let you in. And you had used him.
Kol was lying in his bed in the Mikaelson house that night, when he heard a quiet “Ow.”
How was he such a trusting idiot, despite being hurt a thousand times?
He laughed, sitting up. Your head was stuck halfway inside his bedroom window.
“Help me,” you said. “My hair’s stuck.”
“Hurts, doesn't it?” Kol said, massaging his head. “Having your hair nearly yanked off.”
“Let me in,” you repeated, your voice breaking. “I'm here to rescue you. And this hurts like a bitch.”
“Who taught you that word, little girl?” Kol said in mock horror. “Wash that pretty mouth of yours out with soap.”
But he gently untangled your hair and gave you his hand to climb inside.
You sat down on the bed. Kol flung himself into an armchair in the corner of his room, his bejewelled finger tapping the arm. His head lolled back on the seat.
“Where did you get that pose from? GQ?” you said, laughing into your hand.
Kol got up and sat quietly down next to you, his ears burning. “Shouldn't you be more sorry or something?” he said. “You did try to sell my body today.”
You looked down. “I am sorry. I was going to leave you with Klaus, but then I thought about your story, and… I felt bad.”
Kol lightly brushed your hair behind your ear. “Is that the only reason you came back, then? You felt guilty?”
You met Kol’s eyes. You looked perfectly serious in the way only young people can. “No. I felt… a lot of things.” You looked down. “But I can't like you that way, Kol. When I like boys that way, people get hurt.”
“I know,” Kol said. “That tends to happen to the people I like, too.” His hand nudged yours on the bed, so your little fingers were touching. “I do have a knack for falling for the wrong people, don't I?”
You scoffed. “Are you talking about Taya right now? Because I really don't think bringing up your-”
Kol silenced you with a kiss. He was surprised at how good a kisser you were. Your body melted against his without shyness. You wrapped your arms over his shoulders, pulling him closer. For a second, he was jealous of the boys who had kissed you before him.
“You're a good kisser. Should I be worried?” Kol said. He twirled a strand of your hair around his finger, possessively.
“You're a bad kisser. Should I be worried?” you said.
“Hey!” Kol said. “I have a thousand years’ experience…princess.”
“Yeesh,” you said. “You must not have done a lot of kissing in the last thousand years.”
Kol laughed. This was probably a bad decision, but it didn't feel that way.
It felt like hope.
Let us know what you thought in the comments or on anon! 💋
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magnapina · 3 months ago
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yan-lorkai · 5 months ago
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Day ten: Matching costumes with Leona.
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The bustling store was filled with an array of costumes, from classic witches and vampires to more modern superheroes and pop culture icons. You weaved through the aisles, your eyes darting from one vibrant outfit to another, searching for the perfect matching costumes for you and Leona.
Your boyfriend followed closely behind you, humming and whistling, a small, amused smile playing on his lips as he watched your enthusiastic hunt. His hands were casually tucked into the pockets of his jeans and every so often, he'd lean in to examine a costume you'd pick up, raising an eyebrow or chuckling softly at your choices.
"How about this one?" You asked, holding up a pair of matching royal costumes and crowns. The intricate details of the outfits were impressive, but Leona just shook his head, his golden eyes twinkling with amusement.
"Nah, too predictable," He replied, his deep voice sending a pleasant shiver down your spine.
You sighed, moving to the next aisle. "Okay, Mr. Picky, what do you suggest then?"
Leona's smirk widened. "You'll see."
You rolled your eyes but continued browsing, determined to find something that would suit both of you. As you were examining a set of medieval costumes, Leona's voice came from behind you, closer than you expected.
"How about these?"
You turned to see Leona holding up a pair of costumes that immediately made your heart skip a beat. They were a perfect match: a regal lion tamer outfit for you, complete with a stylish hat and a sleek whip, and a majestic lion costume for him - well, he was already a lion so he wouldn't need one of those tiara with lion ears and tail. Plus the costume had an elegant, noble design that highlighted Leona's naturally powerful presence.
Your eyes lit up as you took in the details. "Leona, these are perfect!"
He chuckled, stepping closer and brushing a strand of hair from your face. "I thought you'd like them. Besides," He leaned in, his breath warm against your ear, "it gives me an excuse to show off a bit. And I can't wait to see you in that."
Your cheeks warmed at his words, a smile spreading across your face. "Always the charmer, huh?"
Leona grinned, his eyes locking onto yours. "Only for you." He placed the lion tamer hat on your head, adjusting it gently. "Now, let's try these on. I want to see my tamer in action."
You laughed, feeling a flutter of excitement in your chest. "Alright, but don't be surprised if I get a little too rough handling you."
Leona's smirk turned into a playful grin. "I'd like to see you try."
With that, you both made your way to your respective changing rooms, the anticipation of seeing each other in the costumes adding a thrilling edge to the moment. As you slipped into your outfit, you couldn't help but smile, feeling extremely comfortable on your costume, Leona had a good eye for clothes. Especially for you, since he was always spoiling you.
You just knew that this Halloween was going to be unforgettable with him by your side.
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gavinom123 · 3 months ago
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big big big fan of tialime big fan
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elffhuntr456 · 6 months ago
The DC x DP Justice League problem
I've noticed a pattern when it comes to DC x DP crossovers where when the Justice League has to deal with anything involving the Danny phantom world They are out matched and outclassed in every way.
I know most people in the DC x DP fandoms haven't ever picked up a comic, or watched DC media that wasn't animated (or sometimes haven't even watched Danny phantom) in their lives but at some point it gets ridiculous how incompetent the regular JL is made when it comes to combating the supernatural. 
And as an all-things DC enjoyer this hurts me.
Like Superman, multiple times in the past has gone up against ghosts, ghosts like beings, and ghostly Abilities using his powers like for example:
Superman was able to freeze Ghost Soldier, who could turn intangible, using his freeze breath.
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He could Freeze Zatanna's astral form
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He was able to decimate the Phantom Stranger's physical AND metaphysical form.
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He used his freeze breath to freeze the essence/spirit of H'el in time.
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When the Fortress Of Solitude's security program projections were turned into ghosts, he could still blast them with his heat vision.
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He withstood being stabbed through his heart and soul with magic a sword.
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He tanked silver banshees scream (which affects the spirit) head on.
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His super vision can also look past someone's body and mind to examine their soul.
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When it comes to Wonder Woman her shield, blade, braces, lasso, tiara, and entire body are all blessed with the power of the literal gods there is no way she wouldn't be able to go straight up to a ghost and punch it intangibility or not.
Her lasso can even drag a soul out of someone's body if needed.
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Same goes for Captain Marvel and his lightning.
All of Hawkman and Hawkwoman's armor (the little of it they actually wear) and weapons are made out of nth metal, which is a metal in DC that affects supernatural beings like ghost, zombies, vampire, Spirits, specters, shade's, werewolves, "the Lazarus demon" and reanimated corpses, just like any other creature no matter how strong.
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Batman and Green Arrow have an entire arsenal made out of the stuff too, just in case.
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In injustice both Green Arrow and Green Lantern have whole suits made out of it.
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And even if you don't count injustice, (which is understandable) Green lanterns can easily have their rings copy the atomic structure of any thing they need (like kryptonite for example) and since their suits are made from their rings, they would still have no problem making a suit (or really any weapon they need out of the stuff).
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Batman has a pair of gloves that John Constantine gave him specifically used to fight ghosts.
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And it's been stated that the Batcave has supernatural barriers and wards to stop ghosts and stuff from getting in. (so no just casual walking into the bat cave).
And when it comes to the whole "ghost king summoning" thing I get it it's a fun concept to play around with, but the JL and JL Dark have so many other options other than to summon what they usually believe to be an interdimensional eldritch being into their world.
like the phantom zone projector something that was able to work on Mister Mxyzptlk a full-blown reality warper from the 5th dimension.
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Or contacting the other supernatural experts that aren't just Constantine and Zatanna (which are usually the only contact for supernatural problems the JL has in most fic's for some reason).
Or batman just contacting the strongest supernatural being he knows, who without a doubt would come stop a major supernatural threat (as its usually depicted)
SPAWN. (The guys so op in supernatural power it's crazy)
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There are so many other options than summoning the ghost king.
And in a lot of fic's the supernatural members (or just any member that would could help in a given situation) are off world (for some reason?) so they can't be contacted.
That just doesn't make much sense when the JL has the technology of so many advanced civilizations and individual people (witch some are said to be among the smartest in the universe) at their disposal, they should be able to contact their people halfway across the universe.
All of this is to say that due to widespread ignorance of the world of Detective Comics and the capabilities of its hero's (and sometimes Danny Phantom) that most DC x DP situations, stories, and scenarios end up with the Justice League a collection of the earths greatest hero's, being completely and utterly helpless and incompetent against any problems coming from the world of Danny Phantom (or just the supernatural in general).
This is to no one's fault of course, believe me no one knows all of DC lore and all it's details in its entirety.
But being someone that knows a lot about DC and seeing how useless a lot of DC characters are portrayed in most situations when you know they really wouldn't be having that much of an issue handling it, creates a weird disconnect between the two fandoms where it always seems more like the Danny Phantom fandom with DC characters stapled to it.
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