#throw this sport in the bin
colton-herta · 2 years
i just woke up and saw the shitshow that is the sport of f1 and now i am going back to bed
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kylewalker-peters · 2 months
Genuinely obsessed with miss raygun. Many are calling her the inventor of breakdancing
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pucksandpower · 3 months
War Is Over
Lewis Hamilton x Rosberg!Reader
Summary: Lewis parks his car … right into his best friend-turned-nemesis’ little sister (and somehow reunites Brocedes in the process)
Warnings: descriptions of serious injury
Note: the fact that he not only won a race again but it was his home race … this calls for a Lewis Hamilton fic 🥹
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The Monaco sun glints off sleek sports cars lining the streets as Lewis navigates his Mercedes through the winding roads. He’s running late for dinner with some sponsors and the traffic is only making things worse.
Lewis mutters under his breath, “Come on, come on. Just need to park this thing ...”
He spots an open space in front of the restaurant and starts to maneuver in, glancing at his watch. The ticking seconds only increase his frustration.
“Bloody hell, why is parking always such a nightmare here?”
Lewis throws the car into reverse, not bothering to look behind him. He’s done this a thousand times before. What could possibly go wrong?
The sickening thud comes a split second before he slams on the brakes. His heart leaps into his throat as he whips around, praying he just hit a trash bin or something.
But the crumpled form on the ground is undeniably human.
“Oh God, oh God, no ...” Lewis fumbles with his seatbelt, hands shaking as he bursts out of the car. “Please be okay, please be okay ...”
He drops to his knees beside the prone figure, a young woman with long hair obscuring her face. Blood is already pooling beneath her head.
“Miss? Can you hear me?” Lewis gently brushes the hair back, and his world stops.
It’s you. Nico’s little sister. The girl he’s known since she was in pigtails, cheering from the sidelines at their early karting races.
Lewis’ jaw drops open as the full horror of what he’s done sinks in. “Y/N? Oh God, Y/N, please wake up!”
He cradles your head, heedless of the blood staining his designer shirt. Your eyes remain closed, skin alarmingly pale.
“Someone call an ambulance!” Lewis shouts, his voice cracking with panic. “Please, somebody help!”
A crowd starts to gather, murmurs of shock and recognition rippling through them. Lewis barely notices, focused solely on your still form.
“Y/N, come on, open your eyes. Please, you have to be okay,” he pleads, gently patting your cheek. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you, I swear I didn’t mean to ...”
Your eyelids flutter, a soft groan escaping your lips. Lewis nearly sobs with relief.
“That’s it, that’s it. Can you hear me? It’s Lewis. You’re going to be alright.”
Your eyes open, unfocused and confused. “Lewis? What ... what happened?”
“Don’t try to move, okay? There was an accident. Help is on the way.”
You try to sit up, wincing in pain. “My head ...”
“Shh, just stay still. I’ve got you.” Lewis supports your shoulders, keeping you from moving too much.
“Did ... did you hit me with your car?” Your voice is small, disbelieving.
Lewis swallows hard. “I’m so, so sorry. I didn’t see you, I swear. God, Y/N, I would never ...”
You manage a weak smile. “Always knew you’d be the death of me, Hamilton.”
Despite everything, Lewis can’t help but chuckle. “Don’t joke about that. You scared me half to death.”
“Sorry to ruin your evening,” you mumble, eyes starting to drift closed again.
“Hey, hey, stay with me.” Lewis gently taps your cheek. “Keep those eyes open, okay? Talk to me.”
You force your eyes open. “About what?”
“Anything. Tell me ... tell me what you’re doing in Monaco. Are you visiting Nico?”
You shake your head slightly, then wince. “No, I ... I moved here. Got a job at the yacht club.”
“Really? That’s great. When did that happen?”
“Few months ago. Needed ... needed a change of scenery.”
Lewis nods, desperately trying to keep you engaged. “I get that. Monaco’s beautiful. Although the parking situation leaves something to be desired,” he adds wryly.
You manage a weak laugh, then grimace. “Ow. Don’t make me laugh.”
“Sorry, sorry.” Lewis glances around anxiously. “Where’s that damn ambulance?”
As if on cue, sirens wail in the distance. Lewis breathes a sigh of relief.
“Help’s coming, Y/N. Just hang on a little longer, okay?”
You nod slightly, eyes becoming unfocused again. “Lewis?”
“Don’t tell Nico.”
Lewis’ heart clenches. “Y/N ...”
“Please. He’ll kill you. And then me. For being stupid enough to walk behind a car without looking.”
“This isn’t your fault,” Lewis insists. “I should have checked my mirrors. I was distracted, rushing ...”
You shake your head stubbornly. “Promise me. Don’t tell him.”
Lewis hesitates. “Y/N, I can’t just ...”
“Promise,” you repeat, gripping his arm with surprising strength.
Lewis sighs. “Okay, okay. I promise. But he’s going to find out eventually.”
“Let me handle it. When I’m not ... you know. Bleeding on the pavement.”
The ambulance pulls up, paramedics jumping out. Lewis reluctantly moves aside to let them work, hovering anxiously.
“Sir, can you tell us what happened?” One of the paramedics asks as they begin assessing your injuries.
Lewis runs a hand through his hair. “I ... I hit her with my car. I was backing up and didn’t see her. It was an accident, I swear.”
The paramedic nods, focused on taking your vitals. “Miss, can you tell me your name?”
“Y/N Rosberg,” you mumble.
The paramedic’s eyes widen slightly in recognition, but he remains professional. “Alright, Y/N. We’re going to get you to the hospital. Just try to stay still for me.”
As they prepare to move you onto a stretcher, Lewis steps forward. “Can I ride with her?”
The paramedic hesitates. “Are you family?”
“No, but I’m ... I’m responsible for this. Please, I need to make sure she’s okay.”
You reach out weakly, grasping Lewis’ hand. “Let him come. He’s ... he’s family.”
The paramedic nods. “Alright, but stay out of the way.”
As they load you into the ambulance, Lewis climbs in beside you, still holding your hand. The doors slam shut and the sirens wail as they speed towards the hospital.
“You didn’t have to do that,” Lewis says softly.
You give his hand a weak squeeze. “Couldn’t let you ... sulk all night. You’d probably ... crash into a street lamp next.”
Lewis chuckles despite himself. “There’s that Rosberg wit. You sound just like your brother sometimes.”
You grimace. “Don’t insult me when I’m down, Hamilton.”
The banter feels surreal given the circumstances, but Lewis is grateful for it. It keeps the crushing guilt at bay, if only for a moment.
“Y/N, I ...” he starts, then falters. “I don’t even know how to begin to apologize.”
You shake your head slightly. “Later. When everything ... stops spinning.”
Lewis nods, throat tight. He watches the paramedics work, feeling utterly helpless.
“Tell me something,” you murmur after a moment.
“Anything. Distract me.”
Lewis thinks for a moment. “Did I ever tell you about the time Nico and I got lost in Ibiza?”
You manage a small smile. “No. Spill.”
As Lewis launches into the story, embellishing for comedic effect, he can’t help but marvel at your resilience. Here you are, cracking jokes and asking for stories while bleeding from a head wound he caused.
The guilt threatens to overwhelm him again, but he pushes it aside. Right now, keeping you conscious and calm is what matters. There will be time for apologies and recriminations later.
As the ambulance weaves through Monaco’s narrow streets, Lewis silently vows to make this right, whatever it takes. He may have destroyed his friendship with Nico, but he won’t let you pay the price for their rivalry.
The hospital looms ahead, and Lewis squeezes your hand. “We’re almost there, Y/N. You’re going to be okay. I promise.”
You meet his eyes, a flicker of something — trust? forgiveness? — passing between you. “I know,” you whisper. “I’ve got my guardian angel, after all. Even if he is a bit rubbish at parking.”
Lewis laughs, the sound catching in his throat. As they wheel you into the emergency room, he realizes with startling clarity that nothing will ever be the same after tonight.
But looking at your brave smile as the doctors surround you, he thinks that maybe, just maybe, that might not be such a bad thing.
The steady beep of the heart monitor fills the hushed hospital room. Lewis sits hunched in an uncomfortable chair beside your bed, his eyes never leaving your sleeping form. The stark white bandage wrapped around your head is a constant reminder of his guilt.
A nurse pops her head in. “Mr. Hamilton? There’s someone here to see-”
She’s cut off as Nico barges past her, his face a mask of fury. “You son of a bitch.“
Nico’s fist is already swinging towards Lewis’ face when a doctor in a white coat steps between them. “Gentlemen! This is a hospital, not a boxing ring!”
Nico’s momentum carries him forward, nearly stumbling into the doctor. He catches himself, chest heaving as he glares daggers at Lewis.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Nico snarls.
Lewis stands, hands raised placatingly. “Nico, I can explain-”
“Explain? Explain how you nearly killed my sister?” Nico’s voice rises, causing you to stir in the bed.
The doctor clears his throat. “Mr. Rosberg, I presume? I’m Dr. Moreau. Perhaps we should step outside to discuss your sister’s condition.”
Nico hesitates, clearly torn between getting information and pummeling Lewis. Finally, he nods curtly. “Fine. But this isn’t over, Hamilton.”
As they step into the hallway, Lewis sinks back into his chair, running a hand over his face. He glances at you, relieved to see you’ve settled back into sleep.
In the corridor, Dr. Moreau speaks in low, measured tones. “Mr. Rosberg, your sister suffered a severe concussion and a fractured skull. There was some internal bleeding, but we’ve managed to stabilize that.”
Nico’s knees go weak, and he leans against the wall for support. “Oh God ...”
“She also has three broken ribs, a fractured wrist, and various cuts and bruises,” the doctor continues. “Frankly, it’s a miracle she wasn’t more seriously injured. The impact could easily have been fatal.”
Nico slides down the wall, sitting heavily on the floor. “She ... she almost died?”
Dr. Moreau nods gravely. “It was touch and go for a while. But she’s young and strong. With time and proper care, we expect her to make a full recovery.”
Nico buries his face in his hands, shoulders shaking. After a moment, he looks up, eyes red-rimmed. “Can I see her?”
“Of course. But please, try to stay calm. She needs rest.”
Nico nods, pulling himself to his feet. He takes a deep breath before re-entering the room.
Lewis stands as Nico approaches the bed. “Nico, I-”
“Save it,” Nico snaps, but there’s less venom in his voice now. He gently takes your hand, his thumb tracing circles on your palm.
Your eyes flutter open. “Nico?” You mumble groggily.
“Hey, little sis,” Nico says softly, managing a weak smile. “How are you feeling?”
“Like I got hit by a car,” you deadpan.
Lewis winces, but Nico actually chuckles. “Well, your sense of humor is intact, at least.”
You try to sit up, grimacing in pain. Lewis and Nico both move to help, then freeze, glaring at each other.
You roll your eyes. “Oh, for heaven’s sake. Both of you, help me up. And then explain why you look ready to kill each other. Again.”
With their combined efforts, they manage to prop you up against the pillows. You look expectantly between them.
Nico breaks first. “How can you even ask that? He nearly killed you!”
“It was an accident,” you insist.
“An accident?” Nico scoffs. “He hit you with his car!”
“Which I’m pretty sure he didn’t do on purpose,” you retort. “Right, Lewis?”
Lewis nods emphatically. “God, no. Y/N, I swear, I never saw you. I was distracted, rushing ... but I would never intentionally hurt you. You have to believe that.”
Nico’s jaw clenches. “Maybe not intentionally. But your carelessness nearly cost my sister her life. How am I supposed to forgive that?”
“You don’t have to forgive me,” Lewis says quietly. “I don’t know if I’ll ever forgive myself. But Y/N is the one who was hurt. Shouldn’t it be her choice?”
You nod, wincing at the movement. “Exactly. And I choose to forgive you, Lewis. It was an accident. A stupid, awful accident, but still an accident.”
Nico shakes his head in disbelief. “Y/N, you can’t be serious. You’re lying in a hospital bed because of him!”
“And he’s been by my side ever since,” you counter. “He rode in the ambulance with me, held my hand through all the tests and scans. He’s barely left this room in hours.”
Lewis looks down, uncomfortable with the praise. “It was the least I could do.”
Nico runs a hand through his hair, frustrated. “That doesn’t change what happened.”
“No, it doesn’t,” you agree. “But it shows he cares. That he’s taking responsibility.”
“I’ll pay for all her medical expenses,” Lewis adds quickly. “And anything else she needs for her recovery. It’s the least I can do.”
Nico snorts. “You think you can just throw money at this and make it go away?”
“No!” Lewis insists. “I know nothing can undo what happened. But I want to help however I can.”
You reach out, grabbing both their hands. “Listen to me, both of you. I’m tired, I’m in pain, and I don’t have the energy for your macho posturing right now.”
They both have the grace to look ashamed.
“Nico, I love you, but you need to calm down,” you continue. “Lewis made a mistake, a big one. But he’s trying to make amends. And frankly, I need both of you right now. I can’t deal with you at each other’s throats on top of everything else.”
Nico’s expression softens. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I just ... when I got that call, saying you were in the hospital ... I’ve never been so scared in my life.”
You squeeze his hand. “I know. But I’m okay. Or I will be. And having you two fighting isn’t going to help me get better any faster.”
Lewis clears his throat. “She’s right. Nico, I know you have every right to hate me right now. But can we please call a truce? For Y/N’s sake?”
Nico hesitates, clearly torn. Finally, he nods stiffly. “Fine. A truce. But only for Y/N.”
“Thank you,” you sigh, relaxing back against the pillows. “Now, can one of you please get me some water? And maybe sneak in some real food? I’m starving and the hospital jello isn’t cutting it.”
Lewis jumps up. “I’ll go. Nico, you stay with her. I’ll be right back.”
As Lewis hurries out, Nico settles into the chair beside your bed. “You sure you’re okay, little sis?”
You manage a small smile. “I’ve been better. But I’ve also been worse.”
Nico raises an eyebrow. “When have you been worse than having a cracked skull and broken ribs?”
“Remember when I was eight and fell out of that tree in the backyard?”
Nico chuckles. “God, I thought Mama was going to have a heart attack. You were so stubborn, insisting you could climb higher than me.”
“Still can,” you tease.
“Maybe hold off on the tree climbing for a while, yeah?”
You pretend to pout. “Spoilsport.”
The banter feels good, normal. For a moment, you can almost forget you’re in a hospital bed.
Nico’s expression turns serious. “Y/N, are you really okay with forgiving Lewis so easily? You don’t have to, you know. Not for my sake or anyone else’s.”
You sigh. “I know. And believe me, I’m not thrilled about the whole getting hit by a car thing. But Nico, you should have seen his face when he realized it was me. He was devastated.”
“He should be,” Nico grumbles.
“I’m not saying there won’t be consequences,” you continue. “But I don’t believe for a second he meant to hurt me. And holding onto anger isn’t going to help me heal any faster.”
Nico studies your face for a long moment. “When did you get so wise, little sister?”
You grin. “I’ve always been the smart one in the family. You were just too busy crashing karts to notice.”
Nico laughs, then sobers. “I was so scared, Y/N. When they called and said you were in the hospital ... all I could think was that I couldn’t lose you.”
You squeeze his hand. “Hey, you’re not getting rid of me that easily. It’ll take more than Lewis Hamilton’s terrible parking skills to take out a Rosberg.”
“Don’t joke about that,” Nico says, but he’s smiling.
Lewis returns then, arms laden with bags. “I wasn’t sure what you’d want, so I got a bit of everything. Sandwiches, fruit, some pasta salad ... oh, and chocolate. Lots of chocolate.”
You beam at him. “My hero.”
Nico rolls his eyes, but there’s less hostility in it now. “Is this really the time for sweets?”
Lewis grins sheepishly. “Hey, chocolate has healing properties. I read that somewhere.”
“Sounds like solid medical advice to me,” you chime in, already reaching for a candy bar.
As Lewis unpacks the food, a tentative peace settles over the room. It’s fragile, built on shared concern for you rather than any real reconciliation between the two men. But it’s a start.
You watch them, noting how they unconsciously mirror each other’s movements as they fuss over arranging the food on your tray. For all their differences, for all the bad blood between them, there’s still an underlying connection there. Years of friendship and rivalry can’t be erased so easily.
“You know,” you say around a mouthful of sandwich, “this whole arch-enemies thing you two have going on is getting a bit old.”
They both look at you, startled.
“I mean, come on,” you continue. “You were best friends for years. You’ve known each other longer than most marriages last. Is it really worth throwing all that away over some stupid trophies?”
Nico frowns. “Y/N, it’s more complicated than that-”
“Is it, though?” You interrupt. “Because from where I’m sitting — or laying, I guess — it seems pretty simple. You both love racing. You’re both insanely competitive. And yeah, sometimes that caused friction. But at the end of the day, who else understands what you have been through better than each other?”
Lewis and Nico exchange uncomfortable glances.
“I’m not saying you have to be best buddies again,” you add. “But maybe ... I don’t know. Maybe you could try not actively hating each other? For my sake, if nothing else. I’m going to need both of you while I recover and I really don’t want to deal with World War III breaking out in my hospital room.”
There’s a long moment of silence. Finally, Lewis speaks up.
“She’s right,” he says quietly. “Nico, I know things have been ... difficult between us. And I know this situation hasn’t helped. But Y/N’s important to both of us. Can we at least try to be civil? For her?”
Nico hesitates, then nods slowly. “I suppose we can try. But Lewis, I swear, if anything like this ever happens again-”
“It won’t,” Lewis says firmly. “I promise you, Nico. I’ll do whatever it takes to make this right.”
You beam at them both. “See? Was that so hard? Now, who’s going to help me eat all this food? Doctor’s orders, you know. Got to keep my strength up.”
As they both reach for the tray, playfully battling over who gets to hand you what, you can’t help but smile. It’s not perfect, not by a long shot. But it’s a beginning.
And really, you think as you watch the two most important men in your life grudgingly share a bag of crisps, sometimes beginnings are the best part of any story.
[Image: Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg exiting a hospital, walking side by side]
OMG IS THIS REAL??? Brocedes spotted together??? What year is it???
#what is happening #f1 #lewis hamilton #nico rosberg #brocedes
[reblogging f1-fanatic-2024’s post]
I’m sorry, but are we just going to ignore the fact that they’re leaving a HOSPITAL??? Is everyone okay???
#concerned #hope everyone’s alright #but also lowkey excited
Okay but why does this feel like a glitch in the matrix? Haven’t seen these two willingly in the same frame since like 2016 😭
#blast from the past #what year is it #f1 #lewis hamilton #nico rosberg
[reblogging f1-fanatic-2024’s post]
My 2014 heart is SOARING right now. Never thought I’d see the day. BRB, gonna go cry in a corner.
#i’m not crying you’re crying #brocedes #lewis hamilton #nico rosberg #f1
[Image set: Multiple angles of Lewis and Nico leaving the hospital, including one where they appear to be mid-conversation]
New Brocedes content in 2024? Maybe miracles do happen 😭
But seriously, hope everything’s okay. Weird to see them at a hospital.
#concerned but hopeful #lewis hamilton #nico rosberg #f1 #brocedes
[reblogging silverarrows4ever’s post]
Okay, but can we talk about how neither of them has aged a day??? What kind of vampire magic-
#aging like fine wine #drop the skincare routine boys #f1 #lewis hamilton #nico rosberg
Me: I’m over Brocedes, that ship has sailed
Also me seeing these pics: 🥺👉👈
#i’m weak okay #f1 #brocedes #lewis hamilton #nico rosberg
[reblogging f1-fanatic-2024’s post]
Everyone freaking out about Brocedes and I’m just wondering why they’re at a hospital??? Hope everyone’s okay!
#f1 #lewis hamilton #nico rosberg
BREAKING: Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg spotted leaving Princess Grace Hospital together. Sources say they arrived separately but left at the same time, engaging in what appeared to be civil conversation. More updates as the story develops!
#breaking news #what’s the tea #f1 #lewis hamilton #nico rosberg
[reblogging f1-drama-central’s post]
2014 me is SCREAMING right now. 2024 me is cautiously optimistic but also kind of worried because ... hospital?
#conflicted feelings #f1 #lewis hamilton #nico rosberg #brocedes
[Image: Close-up of Lewis and Nico talking, both with serious expressions]
Whatever brought them together, it looks serious. Hoping everyone’s okay. But also ... is it wrong that I’m a little excited to see them talking again?
#concerned but intrigued #brocedes #f1 #lewis hamilton #nico rosberg
[Image set: Lewis, Nico, and Y/N on Lewis’ yacht. Another photo of Lewis kissing Y/N with Nico cringing in the background]
WHAT IS HAPPENING??? Lewis and Nico on the same boat??? Lewis kissing Nico’s sister??? I need answers!!!
#what timeline is this #i’m shook #f1 #lewis hamilton #nico rosberg #y/n rosberg
[reblogging f1-gossip-central’s post]
EXCUSE ME??? Lewis and Y/N??? When did this happen??? How did I miss this??? 😱😱😱
#new ship alert #what is happening #f1 #lewis hamilton #y/n rosberg
Okay but Nico’s face in that last pic is sending me 💀💀💀 Big protective brother energy
#siblings be like #f1 #nico rosberg #lewis hamilton #y/n rosberg
[Image: Close-up of Lewis kissing Y/N]
New F1 power couple alert? 👀 But also, how is Nico okay with this?
#f1 #lewis hamilton #y/n rosberg #nico rosberg
[reblogging formulaoneobsessed’s post]
I can’t decide if this is the best or worst plot twist of the 2024 season 😂
Either way, I’m here for the drama!
#pass the popcorn #f1 #lewis hamilton #y/n rosberg #nico rosberg
[Image set: Lewis and Nico chatting on the yacht, looking relaxed]
Can we talk about how this is the most relaxed we’ve seen these two together in YEARS??? Whatever’s happening, it seems to be healing old wounds and I’m here for it 🙌
#f1 #lewis hamilton #nico rosberg #brocedes
Me: furiously rewriting all my Brocedes fics to include Y/N
The plot twist we never saw coming 😅
#f1 #lewis hamilton #nico rosberg #y/n rosberg #fanfiction problems
[reblogging f1-gossip-central’s post]
Y’all are focused on the Lewis and Y/N kiss but can we appreciate how GOOD everyone looks??? That Monaco sun is doing wonders 😍
#glow up #f1 #lewis hamilton #nico rosberg #y/n rosberg
Imagine telling someone in 2016 that in 2024, Lewis would be dating Nico’s sister and they’d all be hanging out on Lewis’ yacht. They’d think you were crazy!
#how times change #f1 #lewis hamilton #nico rosberg #y/n rosberg
[Image: Nico’s cringing face as Lewis kisses Y/N]
Tag yourself, I’m Nico 😂
#third wheel vibes #f1 #nico rosberg #lewis hamilton #y/n rosberg
[reblogging racingdaydreams’ post]
Petition for a reality show following this trio because I would watch the HECK out of that
#make it happen netflix #f1 #lewis hamilton #nico rosberg #y/n rosberg
THEORY TIME: What if the hospital visit from last week was for Y/N??? And that’s what brought Lewis and Nico back together??? 🤔
#conspiracy theory #but makes sense #f1 #lewis hamilton #nico rosberg #y/n rosberg
[Image set: Lewis and Nico laughing together on the yacht]
My Brocedes heart is THRIVING right now. Yeah, the Lewis and Y/N thing is cute, but look at these two 😭❤️
#f1 #lewis hamilton #nico rosberg #brocedes #friendship goals
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satorusugurugurl · 3 months
The Single Dad Club! (Chapter Two:Geto)
Summary: The Single Dad club consisted of Grto Suguru, Gojo Satoru and Nanami Kento! But with summer upon them, the men find themselves ladies who are willing to have them leave their self-appointed club!
Pairing: Geto Suguru x AFAB!Reader
Word Count: 4,388
Warning: smut, language, fingering, library smut, public smut, fingering, pin in V smut, unprotected sex, creampie, choking, voyeurism, exhibitionism
A/N: Here’ part two of my Single Dad Club Summer Series! Library smuuut yesss! One part left!! 💚
Part One Part Three
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Geto grimaced as he exited the car, opening the back door for his daughters. They excitedly jumped out, running towards the library where Gojo was waiting. The summer sun was scorching, beating down on Suguru as sweat beaded on his forehead. He could not wait to get inside, and it wasn’t for the sweet, cool air conditioner.
It was because of you, the stunning librarian who worked there.
You were beautiful, smiling and grinning as you read to the children. You were always calm and patient when helping people search for books with descriptions alone. The kindness and compassion in your soul was one he only thought existed in fairytales, like a maiden or a princess. That might be why he nicknamed you that.
Gojo tapped his foot impatiently as the girls hugged Tsumiki. “Could you walk any slower, Suguru? I’m melting over here!” He downed some of his cola, gasping softly as he did.
“I could stop to admire the flowers if you’d like?” Suguru’s eyes are smug as he watches his best friend groan as he throws his head back.
“Please don’t; I’ll die of heat stroke if you do.”
Suguru laughs, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Where’s Nanami?” A soured look crossed Satoru’s face.
“Already inside with his little mermaid.”
“You should be happy for him. He’s happy with her.”
“Yeah, I'm so happy that the Single Dad Club is down to two members. Does that even make us a club anymore?”
The two walked through the sliding doors and were immediately blasted with cold air. The chill against Suguru’s skin had him sigh in relief as he put all the books back into the return bin before heading through the other sliding door, where the smell of books old and new welcomed him. The silent library wasn’t bustling, which made sense since it was the summertime and many families were on vacation. The Single Dad club made it a point to stop by the library once a week to get books for the children to read so they weren’t glued to their screens.
It had nothing to do with Suguru seeing you in a pretty strawberry dress a few weeks ago when they were getting the children’s summer reading books. He didn’t use you as an excuse to come every week, building a friendship with you until he dared to ask you out. Yeah, no, totally not because of that. (It was)
Geto’s eyes roamed through the different aisles of book-filled shelves, searching for you in one of your dresses or bright colors of skirts. And he found you in no time. He was standing on one of the ladders, reaching for a book on the top shelf. Today, you were sporting a white dress with blue anchors all over it, along with a sky-blue cardigan. Your hair was styled perfectly, and your big round reading glasses were sliding down the bridge of your nose.
Suguru smiled, turning down the aisle you were working on and watching as you added the book to a large stack you were holding. It took some real skill to carry that many books so elegantly. Suguru rushed forward, gently holding the ladder as you descended the wooden steps.
With the sudden heat next to your body, you look up, meeting with dark eyes. Who is the single dad you have had your eyes on for the last few weeks? He was handsome and intellectual. If he didn’t get to ask you out, you would have to do it yourself.
“Geto.” You made sure there was a hint of flirtatious intent in your voice. “Is it Tuesday already?”
“It most definitely is my favorite day of the week.”
“Your favorite day of the week, huh?”
You stroll past him, heading towards your desk in the middle of the library. He followed close behind, the earthy smell of mint following him. You’ve tried not to come too eager; you wanted him to work for it slightly. But the fact that he was following you to your desk like a lost puppy, you know you had him wrapped around your finger.
Suguru the stack of books down to your left before sitting back in your rolling chair. “It’s the day of the week I get to see you.”
“You know I have life outside of the library.” you shuffled through some papers on your desk.
“Oh, do you?”
“I do~”
Your voice had a certain boldness as you flirted back with the man you had been wanting since he stepped inside your library weeks ago. You had never been the assertive one, but you decided when you saw his gorgeous long black hair that you would be assertive this time. If you continue to do what you want, you will be alone forever, becoming that stereotypical librarian in movies and TV shows.
“Hmm, well, I just so happen to have quite a bit of free time right now. I just got back from a major dig, and I’m waiting for clearance to start studying what we found.”
“What do you do again?”
Suguru chuckled, pulling his wallet out and handing you a card. “I’m an archaeologist at the University of Tokyo. I go on digs here, there, everywhere.” You took his card in your hand, rubbing your thumb over his name nicely printed in ink.
“So that explains all the ancient cities and dinosaur books you check out, Professor Geto.”
“Guilty as charged.”
“So, Professor, seeing we both have free time, could I ask you for dinner?”
Bold and to the point, Suguru didn’t think it would be possible to like you more than he did. But lo and behold, his heart skipped a beat at your words. You were the kind of woman to take what you wanted, even if that meant you had to be the one taking the reins for a moment.
While you seem calm and collected on the outside, on the inside, every nerve of your being was on fire and freaking out. You had just asked the hottest man you had ever seen in your entire life to dinner. This wasn't like you at all. You usually were shy and waited for someone to ask you out. But you didn't want to wait for someone else to ask Suguru out. You had to be assertive. And from how Suguru was smirking, his pierced tongue swooping at his upper lip, he must have liked your question.
“How does Saturday sound to you? My girls are going to a pizza parlor and arcade with some of my friend's kids.”
“You mean the members of your single dad club?”
“Well,” he glanced over his shoulder towards the children's section, where he spotted Nanami talking to Gojo as his new girlfriend read to the children at their feet. “We just so happened to lose one of our members just recently. So I don’t think we could qualify as a club anymore.”
“Is that so?” you glance at the group., smirking slightly. “Could he even run a club with a singular member?”
With a blink, Suguru turned to look down at you with dark bangs falling over his eyes. “Singular? There are two of us still in his club.” You run manicured nails slowly down his chest.
“Hopefully, you won’t be single much longer if our date goes well.” there you go again with your assertiveness! Making Suguru snicker with apparent amusement as he peered down at you.
“Princess, you are something else.”
Which was not a bad thing at all. It only intrigued Suguru to get to know you more personally. There was just something about you that pulled him in, and he wasn’t going to fight against it anymore. If Nanami could meet such a lovely partner and seem happier for the first time in years, he should be able to do the same.
“There is nothing wrong with being optimistic about what could happen for us in the future.” with your heart, you waved his card in front of his face. “So Saturday, you could pick me up after work. I get off at four.”
“Four sounds like a good time. I’ll pick you up here at the library. Is that okay?”
“That works out great; we can just head to a restaurant afterward.”
Suguru hadn’t been this excited in years for a date. He found himself beaming with excitement as he walked back to the group. Nanami was oblivious, paying more attention to his little girlfriend who was talking to Yuuji, but Satoru, his best friend, saw the expression on his face. It was the same giddy smile that Nanami was constantly wearing.
“No, oh god.” Satoru pushed his sunglasses up, Brushing his bangs back against his head. “Not you, too!” The pout on his face draws his girls' attention as they look between the two men.
“What happened?”
“Oh, I just got asked out on a date.”
Satoru scrunched his face in disgust while Nanako and Mimiko lit up, eyes sparkling as their heads darted towards you, and you checked out some books for a family. Their little smiles and excited glances between you and their father gave Suguru the strange indication that this was something they had been hoping for. His girls adored you, and with every passing Tuesday, he found himself adoring you more and more.
His dark eyes followed his daughters as he watched you up some of your hair behind your ear, scanning several books, ignoring the angry whispers that resonated from his best friend. Something about how now he was the only single one between the three, life wasn’t fair, yada yada. Nothing else mattered except watching you and that beautiful anchor dress going about your mundane tasks.
You were stunning, and he couldn’t wait for Saturday.
It seemed like it took forever for your highly anticipated day to come around finally. You found your eyes glued to the clock with every passing second, counting down the hours until it was four. Saturdays were reasonably busy at the library, but since it was summer, it was dead. There was no one walking the rows of bookcases. You found yourself bored, tapping your nails against the counter, waiting for someone or anything to happen.
Much to display, nothing of that sort happened; Suguru didn’t come rushing in like you had imagined countless times before. He didn’t throw all the books off your desk and take you there for your moans to bounce off the large echoing walls. Your daydreaming left you feeling horny and needy, not the way you wanted to spend your Saturday, especially when you had a date later. How were you going to be able to focus on Suguru when your panties were soaked?
“Fuuck,” you grumbled as you flipped through the returned books on your desk to distract yourself. Nothing other than fantasizing about getting railed didn't make this day faster. “Hurry up.” you scolded the clock on the wall. These next thirty minutes would be the longest thirty minutes of your existence.
Instead of standing around doing absolutely nothing, you decided to put the most recent returned books away. Heading down the aisles of bookcases, trail your fingers over the spines, looking for the missing places where the books you currently held belonged. With each step you took, you felt like eyes were on you. Watching you from a distance, taking you in, you stood on your tiptoes, sliding a book into place.
The lingering gaze didn’t leave you feeling unsettled. Instead, it had your heart palpitating, heat, pulling between your legs. If you weren’t able to smell the earthy, minty scent that followed you through the library, you might have been freaked out. But instead, you found yourself strutting forward, swaying your hips as the smell of the person following you strengthened. In a way, having him follow you like this in a public place was erotic in its way.
You had read plenty of smutty romance books; this was a trope that you liked. The hero follows the heroine. He kept a watchful eye on her. And if it was written well enough and never came off as creepy. If anything, it was almost romantic.
Unfortunately, neither of those options could describe the current emotions and sensations you were feeling.
It wasn’t a romantic gesture (yet), and being followed like this by him didn't give you the creeps. Instead, it did the opposite. You found yourself walking as seductively as you could, perking your ass up as you stood on your tiptoes, trying to draw him out from wherever he was watching you. Oh, and Suguru was watching from the other aisle, grinning as you glanced over your shoulder and in his direction. You couldn't see him but could feel him watching you closely.
“Hey~ if you're not too busy watching me, maybe you could come around here and give me a hand? I don’t have a stepladder, and I need to put this book on a shelf that's too high for me to reach.”
“Mmm, are you sure you need my help? Or do you want me to come out of my hiding place?” the walls and shelves made it almost impossible for you to pinpoint where he was hiding.
“Maybe both. But I’m more inclined to the second option.”
Suguru laughed near you, and you heard his shoes against the floor. “And what exactly do you have planned for me when I leave my hiding place?” Glancing at your watch, you confirmed that you were still on the clock for the next ten minutes.
“Oh~ I have a few ideas.”
“What ideas are those, Princess?”
“To have you put this book back on the shelf, I can't reach.”
A deep, gravelly chuckle sounds from behind you before footsteps tread over the marble flooring. With each step, you felt your knees growing weaker, your eyes darting to either end of the aisle you were in before the black shadow stretched out over the floor. Following it, you find Suguru standing before you with his hand shoved into his pockets.
He looks so handsome, hair tied up in his signature half-up, half-down style, and his bangs move as he tilts his head to the side. Suguru’s dark gray button-down shirt is tucked into his pants, his black blazer is draped over his shoulder, and his pointer finger is hooked around the collar. Dark eyes focus on the book you’re trying to put away, and he notes how you barely try to reach it.
“Oooh, so you need my help?”
“Yes, please.”
Thanks to his long legs, it doesn’t take long for Suguru to close the distance between you. You feel him get behind you, pressing his body against yours as he so gently takes the book out of your hand. But he doesn’t simply put the book where it goes and step away from you. No, he presses himself fully against your back, gently shoving you against the bookcase, breasts pressing up against the shelves as he reaches slowly up to return the book to its rightful place.
Suguru notices the hitch in your breath and how every muscle in your shoulder seems tense as he presses harder against you. You can feel everything he has to offer: his toned muscles, the sultry laugh that escapes him, and the erection that's starting to grow within the confines of his pants. It leaves a little to the imagination from the mirror size of his packing. Feeling his twitching cock against the curve of your ass had you shutting your eyes tight as you resisted the urge to rock back against, to grind against that thick, hard cock.
Even though you try to play it cool, your body fails to get the memo. Your trembling legs and flushed skin were a dead giveaway that you were insanely aroused. Suguru isn't doing much better. You can feel his hot breath fanning against the nape of your neck as he slides the book slowly into place. Even when the task is done, he doesn't move. Neither of you dare to move an inch.
“So tell me, princess, is there anything else I can help you with?” He rules his hips slowly against the fat of your ass to emphasize his question. “Or would you prefer for us to go to dinner?”
“Huh? What was that Princess? I didn’t quite catch that.” He rolls his hips harder against you, angling them an inch and teasing your clothed cunt.
Your pretty navy blue sun dress, covered in white and pink flowers, rides up. “I said ‘fuck’” Giving in to your urges, you rock back against him, drawing out a grunt from the man behind you. “As in fuck that feels good, fuck you're so hot, and fuck, I want you to fuck me.” It happens so fast that you can barely process what’s going on.
Suguru grabs your hips, pulling you back enough for your ass to stick out while you press your hands against the bookcase. You took your bottom lip between your teeth, moaning as Suguru groped your ass. Your skin is so soft and warm; feeling it against his bare hand makes his cock throb harder. The tension between you is so thick you could cut it with a knife.
All of your fantasies from the long day were finally coming true. Feeling this gorgeous man you had been pining after for months, grabbing your ass, pulling you back, and making you move the way he wanted, was all you had been wanting. You were soaking wet, so goddamn wet for this handsome man. As soft whimpers flowed through your mouth, Suguru was entranced by your skin. It's beautiful and so smooth. He admired how well your pretty little sundress complimented your skin and how stunning you looked bent over like this for him. God, he was going to fuck you so good you forgot your name.
“You're okay with this?” Suguru asked, his fingers inching towards your panties, his index finger slowly rubbing circles over the wet spot on them.
“I just asked you to fuck me~ yes, I'm okay with this.”
“Mmm, just wanna make sure baby.” Long fingers tugged your panties to the side before Suguru slowly began rubbing his thumb over your clit in slow circles.
“Ah~ yes fuck—”
His thumb slowly flicked your sensitive bundle of nerves. “We're going things a bit out of order tonight.” Fingers dipped down, collecting some of your slick arousal before returning to his gentle strokes. “But I hope you know I thoroughly plan on fucking you again after I take you out on a property date.” Your legs shook under his constant movements and dirty words. God, it was getting hard to breathe as more moans began to rise in your throat.
“I-I would be disappointed if you didn't.”
“Oh well, we can't have any of that—” his middle and index finger slid deep inside your cunt, drawing out a loud moan from you. “Can we?”
“Haaah~ fuck—!”
“Yeah, does that feel good?” Suguru watched with a seductive smile as you nodded, words failing to articulate on your tongue. “Your pussy is squeezing my fingers like it feels really good~.”
Your hands press harder against the worn spines of the books as you try to look back at Suguru, only every time you try, his fingers just so happen to brush over your g-spot. The pleasurable shocks made it impossible for you to form human words. Seeing your eyes rolling back, as your bottom lips turning a darker shade from how hard you were biting it, only made Suguru plunge his fingers in and out of you faster.
With buckling knees, you cried out softly, the growing tremors of your orgasm rocking through you. An orgasm that was going to leave you a mushy piece of jello. The pressure just kept growing and building, the lid about to pop off when Sughru quickly retracted his fingers out of your soaking cunt. Feeling the loss of his fingers was not what you had been wanting, but before you could even begin to protest, you listened to a belt being unbuckled behind you.
Without the constant salt of his fingers against your weak spot, you were finally able to glance over your shoulder at him. Suguru was a flushed mess; lips were slightly parted, and his eyes were narrowed, focusing on the small of your back before they glanced towards your gaze. He looked absolutely feral, like a starved man sitting before a feast.
You watched closely as he unfastened his pants before pulling his girthy cock out. Suguru jerked himself with a few strokes before grinding it slowly over your wet folds, the tip teasing your clit before he pulled back to press against your entrance before going back towards your clit. It was an agonizing pattern with you hissing under your breath in frustration.
“Geto, please don't tease me.”
“Oooh, but it's so fun watching you squirm.” His long dark hair fell over her shoulder as he bent down, pressing kisses against your shoulder. “Seeing you fall apart so easily makes me want to tease you even more, Princess.”
“N-No, please don't.”
“I need you, please, Geto.”
"It's Suguru." He said grabbing your hair tugging on it. "When I'm balls fuckin' deep inside your tight fucking pussy, it's Suguru." He bit down on your earlobe. "Not Geto, not Professor, Suguru."
Without having to be asked a third time, you felt him press the head of his cock past the tight ring of muscles of your entrance. His fast tip stole your breath away as your eyes widened, nails digging into the shelf before you. Suguru slowly inched himself further inside of you, inch by inch, until his raw cock was entirely inside of you.
You were moaning softly as he started thrusting into you with no warning.“Fu-Fuck! A-Ah!, I like the s-sound of that, Suguru! I like this~ fuck! I like you!”
“Mmm, I like you too." He continued to finger fuck you as he pressed his chest against your back. "You also like the thrill, huh?" He angled his hips, pushing against the head of his cock against your g-spot. "Do you like the idea of someone walking in here? Seeing the cute librarian getting fucked?” He nipped at the shell of her ear?
You cried out louder, feeling his cock pushing deeper as he tucked into you at a gentle pace. "Yes~ I love the idea of getting caught with you~"
"Me too." He released the grip on your hair freeing his hand to slap your ass. "Naughty fucking slut." He spread your cheeks, watching his cock slide in and out of your count, a ring of your combined pre-cum forming around his base. "Wanting me to fuck you before I can take you out properly."
“I-I needed you!” His cock is sliding in and out of your gummy walls, brushing over every sweet spot inside of you. He rocks into you and slams into you harder, making the bookcase you're pressing against shake in protest over the force of his thrusts. You keened, whimpering as he rammed into your cervix. "I’ve wanted this so bad, Sugu~~ fuck me; use me like a toy, please!!”
"A toy? Oh fuck no, baby, you're my Princess." His hand roughly moved your back as he wrapped his long, calloused fingers around your neck. Every nerve in your body trembled as he wrapped his hand around your throat. "You’re not a toy, and you never will be.” His fingers tightened around your throat, cutting off your air just a bit.
Your eyes rolled back, your moans becoming higher pitched as he choked you. "Oh god, yes! Suguru!! Sugu, I want to be your Princess; I promise I'll be good to you and do anything to be a good girl!!” Suguru mewled, squeezing tighter as you dropped your hand between your thighs, rubbing fast circles around your clit.
“Baby~ you’re already perfect~ god, I’m going to treat you so good~ fuck!”
"Y-Yeah! M-Me too—me too! I-I’m going to be the best partner." You cried out, turning to try and kiss him, to which he caught your lips in a heated one. "F-Fuck Sugu~ you feel s-so fucking good."
“So do you~ so wet and tight for me~ gonna make me cum~.”
“Y-Yes! Please cum~! I want to cum with you! Please~! Please~!”
Upon hearing your request, Suguru started slamming harder into you. "Alright, babe, cum with me~ cum on my cock." He growled, realizing your throat, dropping both his hands to your hips fucking into you with all his strength. "Cum for me, cum for me, Princess~!" He gritted his teeth before blowing his load, hot cum spurting inside of you.
“O-oooh fuck!” It was the feeling of his orgasm that pulled you over the edge of yours. You screamed as you came, hard gushing around him, rocking back as he panted heavily behind you.
By the time the orgasmic waves finally stopped pulsing through you both, you were both on the ground, his arms wrapped around you as he regained your breathing. He watched as the rays of sunlight highlighted your pretty features as you slowly regained your senses. Only once your breathing was regulated and your eyes were focused again did he gently cup your face, kissing you so softly that it had you melting into his body.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” Suguru whispered as he rested his chin on your head. His hands gently rubbed your back as he tried to get the feeling to return to his legs.
“Probably as long as I have.” You snuggle your face into his chest, inhaling his intoxicating scent, and he chuckles softly. “Every Tuesday, I hoped you’d ask me out.”
“Mmm, I was going to, but you beat me to it.” He kissed your forehead, smiling. “I’m glad you did.”
“I am, too.”
Suguru couldn’t help but shut his eyes, relishing the warmth of your body against his. Being with you always made his day; my Tuesdays have been his favorite days of the week. But now that you were wrapped in his arms, and we’re about to go on your actual date Suguru knew in his heart, every day he would spend with you would be his favorite day.
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe @chilichopsticks @reap3erslov3
394 notes · View notes
fairyniceyeah · 3 months
🧚🏻‍♀️Emeto cheat sheet
Causes of vomiting:
Alcohol (+Flush gene)
Allergic reaction
Cancer (+Chemotherapy)
Coffee on empty stomach
Crohn’s Disease
Cycling Vomiting Syndrome
Extortion (sports) on empty stomach       
Food intolerances       
Food poisoning (salmonella, E.Coli …)·       
Gastrointestinal Obstruction
Heat/Heat stroke   
Kidney Infection
Labyrinthitis (ear infection)
Lactose Intolerance
Medication (Antibiotics, opioids)
Ménières Disease
Motion sickness (cars, buses, boats, planes …)       
Panic Attacks  
Stomach flu
Ulcerative colitis
What happens before:
Abdominal pain
Clutching Stomach
Dry Mouth
Hand (Back of hand/Palm) to mouth
Heaviness of limbs
Nausea/Queasiness/Feeling sick
Paleness/Ashen, green or grey face
Rapid heartbeat
Reacting to stimulants (sight/smell/taste of food e.g)
Salivia builds up/Mouth waters
Shallow/Rapid breathing
Sour stomach
Stomach cramps
Throat tightening
Wanting fresh air
What happens during:
Echoing back 
Gurgling stomach
Rapid breathing
Vomit hitting water/receptacle
(No) Remnants of previous food
Color (Brown/Depends on previous food) of sick
Liquidly/Chunky/Thick sick
Vomit in corner of mouth
Vomit/Sick/Throw up splattering on floor
Previous food
Back rippling
Burning in mouth/throat/nose
Choking/Feeling like there is no air
Curling up into themselves/into caretaker
Hot vomit/bile/stomach contents
Liquidly/Chunky/Thick sick
Sticky sick on clothing
Stomach contracting/Rolling/Gurgling
Stomach contents sloshing around
Torrent/Wave/Spray/Mouthfuls of sick coming up
Vomit gushing/rushing out of mouth (+nose)/up their throat
Vomit seeping through fingers
What happens after:
Being overwhelmed
Blurry vision (from tears)
Changing clothes/Cleaning
Drinking water
Falling/Slumping forwards against toilet/bucket
Lost/Rough voice/Pain in throat
Passing out/Fainting
Resting head on toilet seat
Staying hunched over – not sure if gonna be sick again
Taking Temperature
Wiping away tears/vomit
What the caretaker can do:
Call for help (another caretaker/medical)
Hold bucket/trash bin/other receptacle
Holding back hair (strands/at the neck)/fringe
Holding sickie upright
Holding sickies hand
Make hot water bottle
Make sickie blow their nose
Make sickie drink to replenish lost fluids
Make sickie lay down (on their side/on caretaker’s lap)
Make sickie take medication/temperature
Make soup
Rubbing circles on back
Rubbing stomach
Soothe sickie (don’t hold it in, you will feel better after …)
Whispering comfort
Wiping away tears/vomit
Other related symptoms:
Abdominal pain/cramps
Headache/Dehydration headache
Inability to keep anything down
Paleness/Grey, green or ashen face
Possible scenarios:
Bathroom is occupied
Being in public/situation they can’t escape from
Caretaker finding sickie on bathroom floor
Carrying a bucket around wherever sickie goes
Clutching a bucket/bin/plastic bag/toilet so hard their knuckles turn white
Cramps so bad sickie can’t move
Curling up on bathroom floor
Eating something despite knowing they are allergic to it
Eating something without realizing they are allergic to it
Feeling sick all day without relief
Feverish and dizzy
Getting admitted to hospital
Inability to keep anything down
Movie marathon as distraction
Multiple sickies (+ not enough bathrooms)
Rubbing sick tummy
Sick during transport
Throwing up in (empty/full) trash bin
Throwing up in bag
Throwing up in bucket
Throwing up in hand
Throwing up in toilet
Throwing up on blankets
Throwing up on floor
Throwing up on something/someone
Throwing up the medication/pills
Throwing up what they just ate/drank
Unable to leave bathroom
Unable to make it to bathroom
Waking up sick in the middle of the night
If you have any more suggestions, please contact me ✌🏼
231 notes · View notes
princessleechan · 2 months
"You're the man!" Chapter 36 WRITTEN CHAPTER (18+)
⚽Chapter tags: MDNI, she’s the man au, revenge au???, cross dressing!reader, reader identifies anything but male, sports au, queer themes, university au, love-whatever the fuck kind of shape, dry humping, longing and lusting, smutish/suggestive
⚽Tag list: @90s-belladonna @the-boy-meets-evil @lirtha97 @hipsdofangirl @justineasian @kwanisms @multi-kpop-fanfics @pantumin @wooahaeproductions @mayashu @shuasdraftsalt @lone-lone-ranger @headlockimnida @horanghaezone @haolistic @porridgesblog @jeonjungkaka @luchiet @ujimatchaaa @skzdesi @cheoliehansolie @vlbii @myghobi @sisterofsomeone @joonsytip @gyublues @alltheshineofthestars-blog @randomworker @isabellah29 @savgogh @too-many-kpop-hubands @shingsoluvely @kamabokogonpachro @skittlez-area512 @seccdlurv @chisskaa @mochiteez @theyluvfrankocean @lllucere @thomawifey @middle-of-the-earth @okiedokrie-main @itsokaytobedumb00 @humankimbap @zezedoesshit @teenyfinds @jeonghansshitester @aaa-sia @heyitz00 @silvsie
It’s the second time you’ve decided to stay over at Soonyoung’s place, but things feel different than it did the first time. 
You set aside your emergency duffle—something you've made a habit of carrying ever since you started impersonating Yeonam—next to Soonyoung’s couch. Your feet touch Soonyoung’s apartment floor, and you take in the comforting scent of Soonyoung’s lived-in space.
Yep. You’re losing it. Or are just insanely horny with the right person at the right time.
"Make yourself comfortable. Don't be shy. Nothing you haven't seen before."
"Thanks." You follow him to the kitchen, the soft hum of the refrigerator filling the silence between you. He opens the fridge and pulls out a cold bottle, condensation forming on the glass as he turns back to you.
"Water?" he offers, extending the bottle toward you. As you reach out to take it, your fingers brush against his, a fleeting touch that sends a trail of electric currents through your skin, pebbling goosebumps. His touch is warm and lingering–like a gentle summer breeze on beach-kissed skin–sending delightful shivers down your spine and sending flutters to your chest.
You manage to hold his gaze, a soft smile playing on his lips as he watches your reaction. "I hope I'm not making you nervous," he says, his voice low and reassuring, "at least not in a bad way."
As you take a sip, you peer at him curiously, letting the cold water wet your lips and flood your already dry throat. "What's the good kind?"
He grins. "The kind that makes you want to share a bed with me again."
Your heart does flips, and you press your lips together, trying to hide your smile as you nod. "Then maybe you do. The good kind, not the bad kind," you clarify, your voice barely above a whisper.
"Good,” He shuts the fridge, talking a leisure step towards you. “I never want to put you in a compromising position."
"I know you wouldn't."
"Well, unless..." he trails off, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
You wait for him to finish but his eyes look away from you, subtle flush decorating his cheekbones. You lightly nudge him, eyes wide in tease. “Unless…?”
Your eyes lingered on each other, the tension thick, the already fragile ties of chastity between you tempting to snap. Soonyoung chuckled softly, deciding to restrain himself by walking away, the temptation tingling in his fingers as he clenched and unclenched them. "Nope. PG tonight. I can't have you throwing me off my literal game. Sharing a bed is as far as I'll risk it."
You roll your eyes, finishing the bottle before tossing it in the recycling bin. "Then, I'm gonna get ready for bed."
Soonyoung winces, biting his lips to suppress a tempted grin. "You say that like there's more to it."
"We'll have to see, won't we?" you reply impishly, retrieving your bag and heading to restroom.
Soonyoung can't help but trail behind you, his eyes tracing your every movement with an almost magnetic pull, captivated by each subtle gesture and shift. "I like you," he confesses, leaning casually against the bathroom door frame. His hands reach up to effortlessly embrace the door frame, a subtle display of restraint that somehow fails showcasing the veins bulging against his biceps that begs to be caressed. His grin is playful yet sincere, revealing more than just his intentions, even the ones he doesn't mean to. "But you're gonna have to keep your hands to yourself."
You scoff softly, a trace of skepticism lacing your voice. "I'm not the one you need to worry about."
Soonyoung lingers behind the closed bathroom door, his ears attuned to the sound of water flowing from the showerhead. A slow smile creeps across his face, reflecting a mix of satisfaction and anticipation. “I know,” he whispers under his breath, his fist tightening with excitement. He quickly dashes off, driven by the surge of anticipation to meticulously double-check the cleanliness of his room.
Meanwhile, you stand under the shower, letting the cool water cascade over your face. Each drop feels like a gentle relief against your burning skin, tense and taut from the thoughts racing through your head. You take a deep breath, feeling the rest of the stream rushing down your body in brisk anticipation. 
You have no idea what tonight might bring, how far things could escalate, or how much you're willing to reveal in his presence. Tonight holds the potential for change.
Tonight, you might finally tell him the honest cold truth.
You exhale deeply, letting the air rush out, cleansing every corner with the soap lathered in your hands—even those usually shielded from the sun—preparing yourself for any scenario. Soonyoung may be aiming for nothing for the evening, but that could shift in an instant, leaving both of you more drained than anticipated before the game the following day.
After finishing your shower, you step into the bedroom designated for tonight. Soonyoung is already there, lounging invitingly on what appears to be freshly changed sheets, his smile welcoming as he looks up at you. "There you are," he says warmly, patting the spot beside him. "Get comfy."
You can't help but return his smile as you approach and hop onto the mattress. The air carries a trace of his freshly applied cologne, attempting to mask but somehow enhancing his natural scent, creating an intoxicating blend. As you settle in, his arms envelop your back, guiding you snugly against him. The closeness allows you to feel the gentle rise and fall of his chest, the warmth of his body seeping into yours with barely enough distance to admire his features as he does yours.
He begins tracing the shape of your eyebrows, the bridge of your nose, and then the curve of your lips, all with his eyes. It's as if he's mesmerized by your features, finding familiarity and beauty in every line. You feel a flutter of discomfort, wondering if he's scrutinizing you too closely, afraid of being caught off guard so early in the evening. But before you can ease the tension, Soonyoung seizes it, firmly pulling you closer to him, his nose brushing against yours.
"I couldn't stop thinking about you," he confesses in a single breath. "You and your beautiful face, and long tangents.”
You let out a chortle, covering your mouth timidly as you drew closer. “I can’t help those.”
“It’s a compliment. Speak your mind all you want.”
“You have the attention span for it?” You lightly nudge. 
He tenderly knocks his forehead against yours. “You could go on about paint colors and you’d still have my attention.”
“I won’t put you through that misery.” Your hand combs through his hair, blown dry and sleek at the touch. Your fingers wander where they want to and massage into his scalp, watching his eyes delicately flutter shut as giggles leave his pretty lips.
His fingers wrap around your wrist, and the pads of his fingers caress your skin. “Don’t tease a guy.”
“I’m just playing with your hair.”
“It's not just my hair you’re playing with.” His hand slides down your back, following along the curve of your spine.
Your heart plummets, loosening the grip of your fingers before you reclaim his gaze, mischief playing a heavy hand. “Touchy, are we?”
“You started it.”
You muse back at him, melting into his touch, melting under his tender watch. “Soonyoung–”
His nose brushes against yours once more, tracing the bridge of your nose, his lips dangerously close. The single point of contact feels charged with a palpable ache, and you can't quite tell whose longing is louder. Your hands cup his cheeks, feeling the intense heat radiating from his skin against your cool palms. The only sounds now are the soft rustling of bodies against the bed, both of you struggling to get even closer, despite being already so near. “Why do I have a feeling there is a lot more to talk over DMs than in person, right now?” You hummed.
“Does that bother you?”
You shake your head, your nails lightly scraping against his skin. “I’ve got a good distraction.”
Your hips crushes against his, his presence of arousal brushing against your thigh, and you hear the sound of Soonyoung’s breath being hitched in his throat as you dig against between his legs. “Hey,” he utters breathlessly.
You let out a lethally soft moan, your flustered breath fanning Soonyoung’s face as you embrace the taut figure through his clothes, and gently grind against his arousal, feeding the voices in your head that call out to him. 
He claims your waist, gently gliding down to your hips, and rides high with you, taking every thrust and grind with stride. The bulge in his pants takes a newer, bigger life and whether you like it or not–which you definitely do–you could feel every inch, dragging you down deep and deeper to succumbing.
You levy yourself on top of him, looming over him before squeezing his torso between your thighs. His gaze flicks up to you in soft confusion, but his hands follow seamlessly, tracing over your body delicately and feeling every bump and crush of him against your body. You’re vibrating at his size, moaning from his touch, no doubt feeling your arousal soak through your clothes.
“Slow down,” he gasps, “You’re gonna kill me.”
“Is that what you want?” You drew your lips to his ear. “Really?”
He shakes his head, clawing up your body as his other hand cups between you both and feel the heat of your cunt radiating on his palm. “No. Not at all.”
Your lips would hover over one another, touching but not kissing, as if testing each other’s patience. Few words pass between you, both of you consumed by the assertive  touch of each other's movements. Soonyoung has to have everything in him not to take the plunge inside you right now but he knows what sex does and that’s warp his mind.
For a long time, he’s let sex take over his life, make it his reason to wake up, worm its way to every wrinkle of his brain, leading him to believe that it’s the solution to all his problems. And like any medicine, once you swallow a pill, you are done with that dosage. He can not let that happen to you. Not you. Never you.
But his urges are overpowering his desire for a deeper connection, one that he’d shame himself for hours later. He is nothing but weak in your presence and at the moment he craves you. “Please,” he begs helplessly.
“Please, what?”
Soonyoung fists around your clothes, bringing you closer as his thrusts grow frantic, voice brimming with plead and shame. He is overwhelmed with his lust and need, he can no longer deny himself of gratification, even if the clothes had to stay on. “Don’t stop…”
You can feel the sweat, the desperation, turmoil you’re going through. This feels good. Soonyoung feels good. You can only imagine what he’d feel like bare to his bones. How full he’s feel inside you, how slick it’d sound of him pushing in and out of you, how harsh the snaps of hips are as your skin collide. The thought alone–
“Oh my god, I’m close,” you give out. “I’m really fucking close.”
“Shit,” Soonyong replies, anguish tantalizing in his voice, “That’s so hot. I’m not even inside you yet.”
“Fuck you,” you chuckle, grinding deeper, his clothed erection practically poking hole through you. 
“I may be on the same boat,” he admits, his thrusts losing their control. “I just never thought you’d be first to say it…I could cum here right now with you on top of me.”
“I mean it.”
There is another word that needs to be said as it quickly takes a turn. He’s toppling over you. Nothing gets in your way, and Soonyoung makes it clear that it goes the same for him, that he’d show no mercy. Through the fabric of your clothes, you explode against each other. Through fits of want and greed, you embrace everything, breathing in pants and sweat like they’re life forces, until finally, a shot lands right in its goal.
Soonyoung clutches you fervently, his jaw slack as his release drowns his briefs then his sweatpants, thrusting his final jerks against you. You lay satisfied underneath him, in a daze from your own orgasm, only able to process and think about the look on his face: how perfect he truly looked above all. How natural he feels against you, you’re maybe the happiest and most relaxed you’ve been in a very long time. In that moment you realize, what more can you want?
“Fuck,” he sputters with a smile. “Now I have to change.”
He beams at you with a wicked smile before pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. “Why don’t you head to the bathroom while I freshen up the sheets again?”
“I don’t mind a little sweat and grime,” you reassure him, moving closer.
“Please do as I ask, or you’ll make me want to tire myself out even more for the big game when it’s already,” he glances at his bedside digital clock, “one in the morning. I’ll make it up to you afterward, hmm?”
You let out a defeated sigh before planting a kiss on his cheek. “Fine. I’ll clean up, and maybe I can clean up you,” you say, brushing the dark stain on his sweatpants, “after.”
“Tempting,” he hums with intrigue.
You peel away from him, lifting your shirt slightly to cool off the perspiration on your skin, revealing just enough to tease Soonyoung. The effect is immediate—he leans back, eyes lingering appreciatively on the enticing sight. “I’ll be back,” you say with a playful glance.
“And I’ll be waiting.”
Soonyoung watches you leave with a contented grin, settling into bed in a state of deep bliss, savoring each calming breath. In this peaceful moment, a chime interrupts the tranquility—a sound that demands attention and brings focus to itself. For Soonyoung, who is basking in his happiness, this chime is unexpectedly out of place. That wasn’t what his phone sounds like.
His gaze follows the chime, landing on a phone on his dresser that seems oddly out of place yet vaguely familiar. It’s the phone you inadvertently left behind when you joined him in bed, seemingly forgotten in the moment. Intrigued, Soonyoung picks it up, curiosity growing as he notices the screen cluttered with an array of messages. The names flashing across the display are unmistakably familiar, each one sparking fleeting flashes of recognition in his mind.
As Soonyoung sifts through the flood of texts new and old, a sinking realization dawns on him. What has he done?
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physalian · 4 months
Fanfiction is valid form of literature and deserves respect because:
Corporate meddling often takes long-running series and runs them into the ground to squeegee out as much money as possible, ruining characters, relationships, lore, and magic systems that fix-it fics repair
Just because it is provided for free and by unpaid writers who slave away tens of hours of their lives trying to entertain people, doesn’t make the content that can come from it any less powerful
Fanfic is the place to go for under-represented themes, tropes, and characters in the outdated or unwilling canon
Fanfic is the place to go for fixing problematic plot decisions and characterizations that did not age well
Fanfic is the place to go when the real author becomes a TERF feminazi and the poster child of “death of the author”
Many fics are longer than published works and can do that because they’re entirely digital, bound to no printing limitations, and update per-chapter, as opposed to per-novel, often written without and endpoint in mind
Fanfic is a safe space to explore identities that the canon pretends doesn’t exist, like queer characters and non-monogamous relationships, as well as (theoretically) a safe space to share and explore kinks and have your very own Gay Awakening
Fanfic is bound to no rules of the publishing industry and explores new ways of written works like chat/text fics and drabbles and unconventional forms of narrative layout
Fanfic is also not written by committe or dictated by editors and publishing houses telling you what you can and can't include in your story
Fanfic is a springboard for many original authors
It’s a celebration of canonical works and should be welcomed by all creators of those works, not panned and litigated against when, again, it’s free and earns its writers no money
Fanfic, by its repetitive and familiar nature of throwing known characters and elements into a new situation is less intimidating than an entire bookstore of uncertainty, and still encourages people to read when they otherwise might not
Fanfic’s approachability is helpful to people with neurodivergence, as comforting to fic readers as bargain bin bad movies are to everyone else, or watching reruns of the same 90s sitcom that might not be any better written
Fanfic fosters a community of like-minded people that you might not otherwise find due to geographical location, social status, economic status, or for people who are unable to enter physical public spaces due to disability or anxieties
Big books are expensive and heavy and demand investment when a bad or boring fic does not, and there’s plenty else to fill the fanfic void where a bad book just makes you feel duped for buying it
It’s no more toxic a community than any other hyper-insulated realm of fandom like professional sports, toy/comic book/action figure collecting, LARPing/D&D, or videogaming, and has this reputation because it’s predominantly enjoyed by women and young girls (the terrible scourge that we are)
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ghoststyles · 1 year
Fairway to Heaven - Part 1
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Hi!! I’m so excited to post my first-ever Harry fic! I’ve been on 1D Tumblr since the very beginning, logged off for 5 years and now I’m back 💀 So I’ve had a lot of ideas over the years that have just lived in my head. GOLFRRY + MUSTACHRRY are my weaknesses, so this is my twist on a golf/bev cart girl + agegap fic 🤩
I’d love to hear your thoughts. I have most of the story written, so I should be able to have a consistent posting schedule. Not sure the total # of parts quite yet. I’m also happy to write additional blurbs if y’all like Harry and Briar as much as I do 🥹🐥🦊 
Here is a mood board I put together. Feel free to picture Briar however you please. The mood board is just to set the vibez!
Without further ado...Enjoy!
Word count: 4.5K
Contains mature themes. Read at your own discretion. Agegaps, cursing.
Read Part 2 | Read Part 3 | Read Part 4
By the time she gets to her designated cart, she’s already fifteen minutes late; but her iced coffee is the perfect color, and her hair didn’t give her too much trouble this morning. A win is a win.
Briar Barlowe quickly dumps a bucket of ice in her cart’s side cooler as the bar back begins filling the bin with the usual suspects: Bud Light, Michelob Ultra, Fireball, Tito’s, Casamigos, Ginger ale, and, of course, grape juice. She makes sure to keep her lavender cups stocked and plenty of fun straws to make everything more fun. She even decorates her tip jars to say funny jokes.
Since starting at Wynnewood Country Club, Briar has gained a bit of notoriety among the players as the girl with a bright smile and a heavy pour. This job is exactly what she needs to fill the gap between graduating college and beginning her business degree in the fall. Good money, stress-free responsibilities, and time spent in the sunshine.
Her Uncle, Patrick Barlowe, is the golf pro at Wynnewood; a local legend who was just shy of making the PGA Tour himself. He spends his days teaching lessons, running the pro shop and serving on the Board of Directors for the club. If you’re in with Patrick, you’re in with everyone.
When he heard her worries of not finding a summer job after graduation, it was a no brainer to offer her a position as a beverage cart girl. They both gaze out over the course from a table under the gazebo on the top deck of the club’s restaurant.
“That job sounds a little sexist, Uncle Patrick,” Briar sneers. All she can picture is driving around in a little dress and a visor like Malibu Barbie, answering the male members’ every beck and call.
The club is gorgeous; first built in 1914, and the architecture reflects it. It has two golf courses, 4 tennis courts, a pool, and deluxe spa. The member fees skyrocket each year, upping the amenities and overall snootiness of the members.
“The money is good and the members are pretty harmless. From the way you’ve swindled me into throwing teddy bear tea parties, I think you’ll do just fine on the sales aspect.”
“Fine. When do I start?”
Patrick leans back in his seat, “I’ll call Dominic in the morning.”
With that, they finish their drinks and appetizers just as the sun sets.
Walking out to her car, she sees a black Range Rover pull under the carport. The boys at the valet stand are already bickering over who gets to drive this one.
Based on the surrounding town, the level of pretentiousness at the club never surprises Briar. The yearly member fee for the club can cover 2 years’ worth of her business school tuition alone. She shakes her head and jumps into her hand-me down Jeep to head back to her apartment, paying no mind to the man entering the front door of the club.
Her shift this morning started out in the frigid cold, forcing her to change outfits later in the day as the sun came out. She’s sporting her black athletic skort and a racerback tank top. She opts to leave her hair down and sport her black and white Nike trailblazers to keep the look casual.
With a few weeks’ worth of shifts under her belt, she’s learned the ways of the club and fallen into a good rhythm. On any given weekend day, she has to head to the clubhouse to restock twice before 12PM. Today is not one of those days.
As temperature warms up, the course begins to fill up. In the last hour of her shift, she’s left with only a few beers and a few shots worth of Tito’s. Her tip jar is a little emptier than usual, but the pun on her sign got a few chuckles. She sets up shop on the 17th hole and snaps a few photos of the sunset.
“I shot one under today. One under a tree, one under a bush, and one under the water.”
Briar jumps at the voice behind her. Is that an Irish accent? She leans to peer over the side of her cart. She sees a man, older than her, donning a light blue polo with dark blue pants and a white hat, reading the joke on her jar.
“Clever, isn’t it?” She smiles kindly at him.
“Hilarious. It’s like ya been watching my game today,” he laughs. He moves closer to where she’s standing.
“Can I get you anything? I’ll be honest, I’m mostly wiped out.”
He peers down at the contents of the cooler. “I’ll take that last Mich Ultra. Do you have any Casamigos left? My mate is a little picky.”
“No Casamigos,” she says with a slight frown. “I’ll try to keep my drinking to a minimum next time and save you some.”
He lets out a loud laugh and squeezes his eyes shut. “Alright, just this then. He’ll have to deal with it.”
“I can offer you some Peanut M&M’s for your troubles,” she says, pulling out her iPad to ring in the order. “Do you have an account with the club, or do you want to pay cash?”
“The account is under Niall Horan,” he says, putting a $20 bill in the jar. “Thanks for the M&M’s, darlin’.”
“I’m Briar. It was nice meeting you, Niall. Thank you!” She beams. He smiles and starts heading back to the path toward the clubhouse.
After cleaning her cart and counting her money, Briar finishes the day drinking a mojito at the bar, while Cam, her new friend at the club, is working her bar shift.
“How was it out there today, babe?” Cam asks.
“Slow at first, but it definitely picked up. I couldn’t even head back for a restock. Luckily, the members I got at the very end weren’t picky.”
“Oh! Did you see Niall?” she asks as she puts glassware in the dishwasher.
“Yeah,” Briar furrows her brows. “How did you know?”
“I used to serve him on the front course all the time. Now that I’m too old and wretched to work out on the course, he’ll visit me in here sometimes. He mentioned playing the back course with a friend today.”
Briar is always assigned to the back course. There are only minor differences in difficulty, but she finds the back course to be a little more calm and serious. They’re also a little more generous with their tips. She’s not sure if her assignment has something to do with her uncle’s knowledge of the club’s inner workings.
“He is really nice, and generous. I didn’t get to meet the friend, though. Did you?”
“Yes, he was a little more reserved. But Niall is a riot, so he makes anyone look calm. I didn’t catch his name.”
Briar hums and stirs her mojito around as she stifles a yawn. “Well, I’ve been here since 7:30 this morning, so I am ready to goooo,” she drags out her last word. She waves bye to Cam and begins the trek to the employee parking lot.
As she’s walking, she gazes up to the upper deck of the restaurant where she can just barely make out Niall standing by the railing. He’s talking animatedly and waving his beer bottle around.
A bit off to the right, peering down at her, is a tall, striking man with dark features wearing a white button down and a sport coat. The top two buttons are undone just enough to see his collarbones.
The club has a strict dress code for the restaurant. Briar often does a double take when she sees members out of their golf clothes. She wonders if he’s even allowed to show that much skin.
Shrugging it off, she continues toward her car, but not without looking back at the man. He’s still looking at her, curiously, taking a sip of his drink and turning away not long after she looks up.
She can’t help but get this strange feeling, almost as if the hairs on the back of her neck are standing straight up.
As the summer starts to heat up, so do her shifts at the course. By the end of them, Briar’s hair is sticking out sideways and her make up is smeared down her face. She bought a miniature fan that clips right to the visor of her cart to keep her cool throughout the day.
It’s just past 8:30 in the morning on Tuesday when she hears a familiar voice on the 8th hole. She squints and sees Niall, along with the dark haired man from the other night. There are a few guys she doesn’t recognize standing with them.
She maneuvers her cart through the winding path, closer to where the men are.
“There’s the beer angel!” Niall shouts. She smiles and shakes her head. He comes jogging over. “I hope you’re fully stocked this morning.”
“Yep, I am! I even have a few breakfast sandwiches, if you’re interested.”
His eyes light up as she pulls out a bacon, egg and cheese on an everything bagel from the warming drawer. Chef Lambo, the executive chef of the club, made them especially for Briar’s customers.
“Yesss. I’ll take one of those, a Mich Ultra, two Transfusions, and — H! What do you want?” He yells, partially turning to face his friend in the distance.
She faintly hears, “Casamigos!”
“And a Casamigos on the rocks, with a lime,” he finishes. It takes her only a few minutes to make the cocktails.
“Do you want these on your account?” Briar asks Niall.
He takes a huge bite of the bagel and mumbles, “No, you can put it all on my mate’s. Last name is Styles.”
Styles, or, “H” as Niall called him. The mystery man’s Last name is Styles. And, he’s a member here.
“Got it. Well, good luck today.”
“Thanks, we’ll need it. We’re trying to close a work deal with the two guys we’re playing with. Hey, don’t be afraid to swing by us multiple times. We can use all the schmoozing we can get,” he smiles.
“I think I can do that. Let me know if you need help, I’m told I’m very persuasive,” she smiles as she takes the emergency brake off of her cart. He throws another $20 in her jar and then waves, nearly dropping all of the items in his hands.
Niall returns to his group, handing out their drinks. Briar continues to watch before pulling away. H steps out from behind Niall, slightly lifting his cup — his lavender cup — towards her, as a thank you. His facial expression is stoic, watching her carefully.
She smiles to herself and drives off. The rest of the shift goes by in a blur. She swings by Niall and H’s group a few times. Each time, Niall greets her to grab more drinks and snacks.
Is that on purpose? If the drinks are on H’s account, why isn’t he coming over? She’d like to get a closer look at him. She chews on the inside of her lip and continues on with her closing duties. She loves the morning shift; in early, out early.
After parking her cart in the garage, she can see her uncle in the pro shop, glasses on the tip of his nose, peering down at something. She lightly knocks on the door and pushes it open.
“Hey, Briar bear,” he says, looking up at her. “How was your day?”
Briar sighs at her childhood nickname, plopping down on the couch by the practice putting green. Members can test out clubs before purchasing them in the pro shop, making it an optimal spot to hang out and mess around with all of the clubs.
“It was good, I just have to get used to waking up this early again. And I already know you’re going to say, ‘welcome to the real world, kid’, so just stop there,” she says sassily.
Patrick chuckles and focuses back on with his paperwork. They’re quiet for a few moments.
“What’re working on, anyway?” she asks, craning her neck to see what he’s doing.
“Just some budget sheets, and making a list of members who haven’t had a lesson from their amazing in-house golf pro,” he says, punching numbers into his phone calculator.
“They get a free lesson from you?”
“Yes, when they join. But now, to keep up member retention, we’re going to offer sessions to members who have been here for 5 years or more,” he scratches his temple. “Most of ‘em don’t need it, but I feel they always leave with a new drill to practice and some sage advice from yours truly.”
“That’s cool,” she replies absently.
“Wanna help?” Patrick asks her. She nods silently and takes a seat beside him. She sees a list of last names, first initial and  an “X” next to their name if they’ve taken a lesson.
She notices an X next to “Horan, N.” but not “Styles, H”. Interesting.
Briar continues to audit the two lists, until she hears her uncle clear his throat.
“Hey, are you going to hang here for a bit? I need to run back into the main clubhouse for a few minutes.”
Patrick runs the pro shop solo during the day, until a high school or college kid can come in in the afternoon.
“Yeah, I’ll hang here. What do I do if someone needs something?”
“Then you can entertain them with your dazzling personality until I get back,” he teases, sticking his tongue out. “Alright, I’ll be back.”
“‘kay,” she says, walking back to her original spot on the sofa, laying her head back on the edge.
Her eyes are shut, only for a minute, until a brilliant idea pops in her head. She rises off the sofa and saunters over to the computer her uncle was just working on.
The employee portal is logged in under Patrick’s account. Briar doesn’t know much about it, aside from using it to clock in and clock out. It’s still on the member screen, an area she’s 100% sure she doesn’t have access to.
She peruses the site until she finds a “Member Look-Up” tab. Briar’s intrusive thoughts win.
She slowly punches in S-T-Y-L-E-S and waits for the results to populate. 2 results found.
She clicks on the first profile. An account pulls up for a Paul Styles, and a photo of a white-haired man pops up.
Well, that’s certainly not him, Briar thinks to herself. She exits out and clicks on the next account. No profile photo opens, but the name is at the top. She bites her thumbnail in anticipation of what she’ll see.
Harry Styles. H. Niall’s mysterious friend. The tequila lover.
She starts to scroll down the page. The profile is more bare than the other man’s, but she can see the basic things about him. He’s 41, joined the club 8 years ago. He lives in another pretentious town only a few miles away.
Then, she sees a “Member Activity” tab. Out of curiosity, she clicks on it. Her eyes widen, seeing every transaction he’s ever made on his account. His “dues” each year. Holy shit.
His purchases seem pretty standard for members of Wynnewood. Mostly rounds of Casamigos on the rocks (shocking) and dinners ranging from $100-$400, with a few bills over $1,000.
He joined 8 years ago, but his transactions have only begun to pick up in the last month or so. Before, his visits were sporadic at best.
Briar can’t even fathom having that sort of money to throw away. She started working at age 14 and never stopped. The only reason she gets a taste of country club life is because of her uncle.
She closes out the portal, not wanting to risk Patrick walking in while she’s snooping around. She returns to her spot on the sofa and begins playing 1010! on her phone.
She exhales and tosses her phone to the side. As she sits up, Patrick reenters the pro shop.
“Thanks, Bri. Heading home soon?”
“Yeah, I gotta get back home for Gus,” she smiles, thinking about her dog. Her baby.
“Alright, I’ll catch you later. Say hello to my buddy for me. And give him a butt scratch — Tell him it’s from Uncle Patty.”
“Will do. See ya.”
When she’s showered and comfy at home, with Gus, her Bernese Mountain Dog, snuggled at her side, she finally feels relaxed. 
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She’s worked nearly every day since she started. But, those are the sacrifices of a summer job.
She turns on Selling Sunset on Netflix to drown out the silence of her apartment. Already bored of this season, she pulls out her phone.
One last round of stalking, then she’ll let it go. She opens Instagram and begins typing in Harry’s name in the search bar. Nothing. Hm.
She tries Niall, immediately getting a hit. She clicks on his account to find it public, full of funny and happy photos. He’s clearly from Ireland, but has lived in the United States for some time. She wonders if he went to school here, or if he just got a job here.
She scrolls down to a group photo — on the golf course, of course — of Niall, Harry, and a few other guys. They look a lot younger here. She can see the photo is from 7 years ago. Harry’s stoic face is a stark contrast to Niall’s infectious smile. She clicks on the photo to see if Harry’s profile is tagged. Nothing.
Defeated, she moves onto LinkedIn. She tries Harry’s name again. Within 10 seconds of the search engine results popping up on the screen, her eyes land on exactly what she’s looking for. He has a profile. Her heart starts beating a little faster.
Really, Briar? All this for a guy you’ve barely caught a glimpse of? She clicks on the profile and sees the most gorgeous man at the top. He looked good from afar, but this is totally different.
Sticking out to her is his chiseled jaw, pouty lips, and beautiful (green?) eyes. His hair is longer in this photo than what she’s seen him with the past 2 times at the club, but she figures this page is old.
She scrolls down to the employment history. He works for a hedge fund. No wonder he has that kind of cash laying around. He’s been at the same company for a number of years, and received his bachelor’s degree from Georgetown and his MBA from the University of Pennsylvania. Smart dude. 
She notes his MBA graduation year is 2006. She laughs, knowing she was probably still playing on a playground that year. 
She exits out of the page, proud of her findings. She decides to text Cam about Niall’s friend.
B: Hey! So I totally stalked Niall online. His friend’s name is Harry! 😆
C: So funny, how’d u do it? 😂
B: Instagram for Niall, and earlier, I used Wynnewood’s portal to look up Harry. I just went on his LinkedIn, too. Now, I know all about his work and schooling, lol.
C: Your account is private, right? 😳
C: It notifies people if you’ve looked at their profile unless you’re private…
B: What?! I didn’t know that…WTF do I do?
Briar’s stomach drops. He’s probably already gotten the notification by now. She’s mortified. She logs back on to LinkedIn and deactivates her account. Reddit says those are her best chances of counteracting the notification.
She decides to go to bed, but ends up tossing and turning until 3 AM, knowing her alarm is set for 6:30. She stares at the ceiling, pleading for Harry not to show up at the club tomorrow.
The morning comes around, and after mustering enough courage to get up and make herself presentable, she rolls into work, ready to jump on her cart and be lazy. The universe (or Uncle Patrick, probably!) has a different plan.
Since it’s a holiday weekend, Briar is working inside for a change. She feels a little out of her element. She’s worked in restaurants in the past, but it’s always a little stressful when you have know idea where anything is, or how to use the register.
Taking a moment to survey the large banquet room, she doesn’t see Niall or Harry. She begins to relax. Until, 30 minutes later, she sees both of them enter and begin talking to the hostess.
Please don’t go to my section, she thinks. She watches the girl gathers 4 menus and turns to lead the men further into the room. Briar’s worry grows more with each step the hostess takes toward her section. Fuck.
She seats them down at a 4 person table right in the middle of Briar’s section, assuming the two men from yesterday will be joining them.
She takes a few deep breaths before grabbing a water jug and two stemmed water glasses. She casually approaches the table, lightly placing the water glasses down and filling them.
Niall looks up briefly with a smile before exclaiming, “There she is! I requested you to be our server after I saw you at the coffee machine over there.”
Briar smiles before turning her attention to Harry, who hasn’t glanced up from his menu. She looks back at Niall.
“Awesome! This is going to be great,” she lies through her teeth.
While this exchange is happening, she can feel Cam’s eyes burning through the back of her head. Cam is the service bartender of the day, so she has time to people watch and laugh at Briar’s bad luck.
“Are we waiting for any more guests to join us?” Briar asks.
Niall clears his throat and says, “Yes, those two blokes from yesterday. Harry here is going to close the deal with them today.”
Harry glances up at her with a shy smile. She reciprocates, unsure if he’s aware of her cyberstalking from last night.
“Wow, well, I’ll make sure my service is extra good, then. Can I throw in some drinks while you wait?”
“I’ll have an Old Fashioned. Harry?” Niall turns to his friend.
“Casamigos on the rocks for me, please. With a lime. Thank you.”
“You got it,” she says with a tight-lipped smile. Of course that’s the very first thing he ever says to her. And he’s BRITISH?
Cam laughs as the ticket prints at the bar.
“Oh, shut up,” Briar grumbles.
The other men finally arrive, and the meal goes by at a snail’s pace. When the group is finally ready to order, Briar is already mentally checked out. Briar goes to take Harry’s order.
“What can I get for you?”
“I’ll have the chicken, please,” he says simply.
“And how would you like that cooked?” Briar asks, furiously scribbling on her note pad.
Harry’s face contorts to a perplexed look, almost as if he was about to laugh.
“Um…cooked…all the way through?” He stifles a chuckle.
Niall bursts out laughing, cluing Briar in. She realizes the others ordered porterhouse steaks, so, out of habit, she asked how they’d like them prepared.
Her eyes go wide, “Right, well, I’ll go put these in. Thanks!” She shuffles away at lightning speed.
Harry stares at her from across the room, smirking when they make eye contact. She wants to bury her head in the sand trap on the golf course.
When the meal is done, the men shake hands, and Niall and Harry look relieved. They ask for another round of drinks for the two of them and the check. Niall heads toward the restroom while Harry pays. She tries to bolt as soon as the check is dropped, but she hears Harry clear his throat.
She turns to face him.
“We’re about to go play a quick round of 9-holes to celebrate. Are you our beer angel today, or are you stuck in here?” Harry says, as he opens his wallet.
Briar feels her heart begin to race. She’s sure her face is beet red. The word angel rolls off his tongue so easily.
“Um, no, I’m um, stuck in here for the rest of the day. I’ll be back on Sunday, though,” she says quietly.
“Shame, I was starting to think you were bringing me all of my luck. I’ve been crushing these guys in our last few rounds,” he smiles, swirling the remnants of his drink around.
She bites the inside of her lip, unsure if she should still be holding eye contact. He hands her the checkbook, full of cash. She smiles, unable to speak.
“Oh, and Briar— I’m an open book. If you wanted to know more about me, you could’ve just asked,” he says with a sickeningly sweet smile.
That’s the moment Niall returns to the table, and presumably the only reason she doesn’t drop to the floor in fetal position.
“Thanks, Briar. Lunch was great. We’ll see you next time,” Niall says sweetly.
“Thanks!” she squeaks, scurrying to the back, where she nearly mows down Cam.
“Woah! What’re you doing?” Cam squeals.
“He KNOWS!” Briar wails.
“Who? Who knows — OH!” Cam shrieks. “What did he say to you?”
“He said, ‘Briar, I’m an open book. If you wanted to know more about me, you could’ve just asked.’”
Cam’s mouth drops open. “Did he say it with his sexy accent and sultry voice?”
“Shut up!”
“Fine. Well, what did he tip you?” she asks, reaching for the book in Briar’s hand.
She opens it, finding enough cash to cover the $450 tab, and an extra $300 as a tip.
“Damn! Who has that much cash at one time?” Cam laughs.
Briar flips to the back of the book, only to find a note on a small piece of paper:
I’m an Aquarius, in case you were wondering. : - )
She stares blankly at the note. When did he have time to do this? Was he going to slip this note to her regardless? A million thoughts run through her head, until she hears Cam.
“What a creepy-ass old person smiley face,” she says, shaking her head.
Briar thinks it’s the cutest thing in the world.
Finally, her shift ends and she can escape the club, just for a day. As she heads towards the women’s locker room, she’s rummaging through her bag, attempting to fish out her street clothes so she can change as quickly as possible.
As she stalks closer to the locker room, she collides head-first into a firm, wet object. She feels strong hands grasp her hips to steady her.
“What the fuck?” she says, moving the hair out of her eyes, only to be met with a strong tattooed torso, partially covered by towel tied loosely around the person’s waist.
Her next words die in her throat as she looks up.
Harry, who just left the steam room.
He smirks down at her, gently letting go of her waist. Suddenly, she feels hot, as if she were just in there with him. Briar’s fight or flight kicked-in, causing her to spin on her heels and flee in the opposite direction. 
He senses she’d run, so he gently grabs her wrist, locking her in place. She peers up at him like a deer in headlights. His other hand is firmly planted on his hip to hold up his towel, in fear of giving the whole club a show.
He tilts her chin up so she’s making direct eye contact. Her stomach drops, sending a wave of nausea through her body. She studies his face; long eye lashes, slight stubble and two dimples that form as he smirks down at her softly.
“I told you, I’m not shy.”
He releases her chin and saunters back to the mens’ locker room.
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zyonsay · 9 months
Hello! Could i ask for some super niche things about max's relationshoip w his bf? Thankl you so much :DD
Niche Relationship Hcs MV1
Fem aligned people may read but not f3tishize my work!!
Summary: The title!
Reader: Male/Genderneutral
Warnings: None
Now playing: 'Salvatore' by Lana del Rey
AN: Hey anon! Sorry for taking so long to make this... I try to do request in order they were sent in and i got really busy in the last few weeks! I hope you like it nevertheless <3
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Max’s schedule is annoyingly busy, he’d rather be with you than having to attend press conferences and PR related appointments. But, no matter how busy he gets, he will always leave you a small note on your bedside table or on the fridge door. ‘Hey baby! Hope you have a great day, can’t wait to see you in the evening!’, along with a scribbly smiley and a few hearts.
I’ve mentioned this in all the Hcs I’ve ever written about him, BUT: He’ll always be touching you in some way. They are light, innocent touches like a hand on your back while you’re walking through a crowded area or his head on your shoulder while you’re cooking him some soup while he’s sick.
THE shirt. On your very first date, Max had worn a light blue dress shirt, which accentuated the blue hues in his eyes perfectly. Sadly, at the end of the night he accidentally spilled red wine on it. The Bordeaux red liquid left terrible stains on the light fabric, the only thing he could do was throw it in the bin, but this was THE shirt he wore on his first date with you, he could never throw it away! This snowballed into a running joke and to this day, the shirt remains in a picture frame on the wall. Whenever you have guests over, they’ll ask about it and Max loves an excuse to talk about you guys’ first date.
The dutch definitely likes to spoil you, so loads of gifts come naturally when dating him. But it’s not in a show-off type of way, he doesn’t just randomly buy you a sports car or another 4’000-dollar Bengal cat. It’s smaller, more practical gifts. Your favorite perfume is empty? He picked up another bottle of it when he went grocery shopping. You lost your favorite pen? Not even a day after there’s a new pack of the same ones on your desk, doesn’t matter if you’ve already found the ‘lost’ pen, which actually just rolled under your bed. Max loves seeing that shy little grin on your face when you tell him that he didn’t need to buy it.
A sort of ritual you and Max began was playing Mario Kart. Yes, when you get bored you two play on the switch together, but it’s become a tradition to play it the night before the Quali race. It’s some good old lighthearted fun, to settle down and relax before the stressful weekend began.
Even if Max himself isn’t a great cook himself, he loves to create dishes with you. If you know a lot of things about cooking (or maybe you’re a chef), he’ll ask many questions and try to get better. Believe it or not, this man couldn’t cook an egg when you two first got together!
Max travels often, either for Races or different press conferences, there’s always something up. He likes travelling by plane, but usually he sleeps through the flight. But there’s a very specific reason for that! The dutch likes to sew, he used to watch his mother sew his karting suits together when he tore it. You on the other hand, struggled with it. You never knew how long the thread had to be, or which setting you needed to use on the sewing machine. But, Max gladly helped you and with your new set of skills you had sewn him a pillow, as a small gift. It was a tiny bit wonky, but it came from your heart and he appreciated that. Before every flight, especially when you can’t accompany him on it, he’ll spray a little bit of your perfume on the pillow. As soon as he rests his head against it while gazing at the clowds, he sinks in your sweet scent. He’ll fall asleep swiftly, with a gentle smile on his face.
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shujohajohaminnie · 11 months
Pink Princess
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Pairing: Seo Changbin x fem!reader
Genre: Smut
Word Count:2302
Summary: You and your best friend have been seeing each other a lot differently lately what happens when you’re both in a situation where you can harm your friendship? 
Afab!reader, Profanity, Public Sex, Choking, Pet names, Raw Sex. Let me know if I miss anything. 
You loved your best friend, he was the person who could cheer you up on your worst days, he was the funniest person you’ve ever met. He was your other half, but you would be lying to yourself if you said that you hadn’t found him attractive. Especially since he’s been working out, you’ve always liked bigger buffer men so seeing Seo Changbin in this new light, he was turning you on. But at this moment he was pissing you off. 
“Bin I’ve told you already no” “But Chan and Minho can’t go they’ll be busy recording then” “Then go with Han” “Did you forget his arm’s broken”. Ah yes, the clumsiest and least athletic of the group was yet again injured from a sport-related event. “You have four other members you could bug” “I don’t want them I want you” he stopped in his tracks clearing his throat. “I mean I want to go to the gym with you, come on. The workout will be good” “I already do my own workouts thank you very much”. You rolled your eyes taking the empty plate from his grasp to wash it. “Oh yeah, what” He smirked leaning against the counter next to you watching you.. “Pilates… 5 days a week”  “Really pilates… that's just a fancy word for yoga, that's not effective” “I beg to differ” “It’s the truth” “Okay well if it’s just yoga and it’s not effective then let's bet on it, tomorrow you do pilates with me if you don’t feel worked out then and only then will I go to the gym with you on Friday” “Nope” “Why”  You smirked drying your hands as you looked at him. “Scared you can’t keep up” “I can keep up” He said walking away from the kitchen, now it was you following him. You trailed behind him to his bedroom throwing yourself on the bed like you always did. “Come on Binnie… you scared” “No” “The lets do it” “Fine, but promise if I don’t like it we’re going to the gym on Friday” “Pinky Promise”. He rolled his eyes shaking his head as he took your pinky with his sealing the deal. “Deal” 
“See you tomorrow princess”  
The real reason you didn’t want to go to the gym with him was because the last time you did you could stop looking at the way his arms looked in his muscle shirt. The way his muscles looked while bringing up and down the weight. The way his hips thrust up the barbell with the fascinating amount of weights. You were squeezing your thighs together the whole time, you could barely even work out. It made your mind drift. Could he fuck you like that, how would he look on top of you. You held your vibrator on your clit at the thought of him, this felt so wrong, he was your best friend. You shouldn’t be thinking of him like this. You were snapped out of your thoughts at the sound of your doorbell ringing. SHIT. You weren’t even ready. You ran to the door letting Changbin in, completely forgetting your current outfit. You were in one of his shirts he lent you a long time ago, it fit you like a dress, a lot of his clothes fit you like that. Underneath you were wearing a black thong, it was your typical loungewear for when you were alone at home. But he didn’t know that.
“Did you forget?” He asked kicking off his shoes and closing the door. “N-no… I was just distracted” You laughed closing your bedroom door quickly before he could see your dildo and vibrator on your bed. Before he could see what you were really doing moments before he showed up. “You feeling okay” He laughed putting his hand on your forehead feeling for a fever. “Mhmm, you uh” You put your hands on his arms leading him to your couch. “You wait here and I’ll get ready fast… just give me a second”. You quickly ran to your room putting on black leggings and a matching sports bra. You put on a loose khaki shirt and quickly put on your black Converse. You ran out of your room to your bathroom to fix your hair into a ponytail and apply a little bit of makeup. “Why are you putting on makeup” Changbin laughed walking over to you. “You have the hots for the teacher or something” “We actually have the place to ourselves, The owner is a friend of mine, and I asked her if we could go in after hours, just so you could have your privacy you know”. He looked at you and smiled, he felt a slight blush start to form on his face at your consideration for him and his comfort. “Okay, I’m ready let's go!” You smiled taking his hand and leading him out of your apartment before he could ask any more questions. 
The car ride was quiet, which was pretty usual since you were best friends with the loudest person ever. What was he thinking? You hadn’t noticed but when Changbin walked into your apartment he got a clear sight of your bedroom and your bed. He noticed the bright purple dildo resting on your sheets. Were you thinking of him, and why would you do that in his shirt? Why were you putting on makeup if it was just the two of you? Did you like him too? No, you couldn’t have. 
You lead him to the front door unlocking it and turning on the light. You cringed at the harsh lighting. You never noticed how bright those lights were. When you’d came to class it was during the day and the teacher always made sure to open the blinds to let in natural light to fill the space. You quickly turned the lights back off, turning on your flashlight to look around for the control of the LED lights you knew she had. After what seemed like forever you found it. “What color should I pick” “Anything” “Well since you’re a special guest I’ll put pink” You giggled pushing the pink color, with the new lighting you saw Changbin already looking at you. You felt nervous. Why was he looking at you like that?
“Okay” You broke the silence, quickly you slipped off your shirt placing it on top of your bag in the corner. You made your way to the middle of the room. “We usually use these big heavy machines but they’re already put away and I don’t wanna haul them out myself”  “Well I could help you” “Nah it’s okay… since it’s your first pilates class we’ll ease you into it was the modified versions of the workouts we do” “Modified huh” he chuckled joining you in the middle of the room looking at your thorough the mirror. “Go queens” he laughed looking at the neon sign that was hanging on the wall behind you. “Yeah… uh it’s an all-girl pilates building so you’re really special to be having a class here” There you go again calling him special, did you mean it?
“Okay so next is gonna be money stretches” “Monkey what” “Monkey stretches usually on the machine we use I’d lay down on my back and then there’s this bar where you put your feet on and what you have to do is raise yourself kinda to raise the bar with your feet, but even I think it’s complicated and I’ve been doing this for months sooooo were going to do the easy version.” Changbin couldn’t lie, he was beat with what you were putting him through, he didn’t realize that pilates took a lot of core strength, and you were only doing the modified version. “You're going to stand on this little box but with only half your foot actually on it... You’re gonna bend over forward and then this other box is gonna be under your hands to level you with your feet. The whole purpose is that you go on your tip toes and extend... you should feel a stretch on your calf... but don't bend your knees at all”  “Yeah you’re gonna need to show me cause I don't know what the fuck you're talking about” “Ugh Binnie” you rolled your eyes demonstrating for him... he looked at you, an idea popping into his head. “I'm gonna check your form” “You’re gonna check my form puh-” You stopped feeling something against your ass... something hard. “B-Bin…” “Yes, princess?” “If you wanted to fuck me all you had to do was ask” That’s all he needed to hear. In a swift movement, he pulled down your leggings and panties, not wasting any time to ram into you. You moaned, your jaw dropping at the fullness and stretch you were feeling. You weren’t dumb, you knew he was going to be big. But you didn’t think he’d be this big. He held you by your waist, throwing his head back. This was better than his hand, this was better than his imagination this was better than his dreams. You felt perfect around him. 
You rutted against him interlocking your fingers with his as you stood up, your eyes rolling to the back of your head at the new position. “F-fuck… don’t don't move… wait” He moaned, he knew that he wasn’t going to be able to last long, not with the way you had been teasing him this entire time, doing stretches like downward dog, getting on your back and spreading your legs wide to ‘stretch’. You were in all the positions he only dreamed of putting you in. “B-Binnie… please” You whined trying to move against this hold on you. He slipped off your sports bra freeing your tits, and without warning he put a hand on your throat, his other going straight for your clit. He thrusted into you while his hold around your neck only tightened. You had mentioned to him before that you had always wanted to try choking but couldn’t find someone you trusted well enough. Granted you were both stoned as fuck and doubted that he would even remember that. “Say pink if you want me to stop” He grunted picking up speed on both your clit and his thrusts into you. The space around you filled with both of your pornographic moans and groans, grunts and whines. “B-Binnie… you fuck me so good” You mumbled against his restraints. He moaned at your praises sliding into you harder stroking that one sweet spot. “Fuck Binnie no one's ever fucked me this good” “Fuck Y/n” he moved faster tightening his hold on your waist digging his nails into your exposed skin. He wasn’t doing it intentionally, you know Changbin would never hurt you, But man did the sting feel good. You started to tighten around him, a sign that you were close, and the way you were praising him he wasn’t far off. He let go of his grasp on your neck. You took a deep breath your head spinning from the sudden access to air. His now free hand went down to your lower stomach applying the slightest pressure, driving you absolutely insane. You moaned your head rolling back as you came undone on his cock. He quickly pulled out cumming on your back and ass. He might've been in love with you, but he wanted some time with you alone before bringing any children into the world. 
You fell to your knees your hand going to your chest, helping you regulate your breathing. He sat next to you watching you intensely. You weren’t lying to him when you said he was the best sex you’ve ever had, no one has ever been able to make you feel the way your best friend just did. Best friend. Shit, this could’ve ruined your relationship, he probably doesn’t like you, and you’d have to end something that was great just because you wanted him so-. “Y/n… I uh. I like you, like a lot, and I know we’re friends but I want to be with you, like a boyfriend. I want to take you out, and not to just have sex with you, because it was great but I-” You cut him off by grabbing his face and kissing his lips. You couldn’t and wouldn’t be able to express the happiness you were feeling in words, you had to show him. “Is that a yes?” He mumbled against your lips looking at you with pleading eyes. “Yes” You laughed nodding your head with a smile. “Yes I’ll be your girlfriend” “Good because I want my girlfriend with me at the gym on Friday” “Excuse me sir but you look pretty worn out right now the deal was-” “The deal was that if the pilates-” “Sorry to break it to you hon but we’re in a pilates studio soooo” “I should do pilates with you more often then” 
You groaned turning over to avoid the sun seeping into the room through the blinds. Looking to your side you saw your handsome boyfriend sleeping peacefully. After you two went back to your apartment you both went at it like bunnies after he asked you to show him what exactly you were doing before he showed up to pick you up. You grabbed your phone off the nightstand wanting to see what time it was when you froze. “No fucking way” 
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karasuno-planet · 4 months
Telling the Karasuno boys about your bad dream 🧡🖤
Includes: Daichi, Kageyama, Hinata
genre: fluffy angst-recovery-type small oneshots—all could be taken platonically or romantically—except for Kageyama's which is explicitly romantic.
tw: mention of cheating and a sports injury/bone breaking
Sawamura Daichi:
The night before the team set out for a big away game you spent the night in an agonizing dream that left you feeling empty in the morning. When you got on the bus you beelined straight to Daichi and sat next to him. He sat up a little straighter when you sat down and looked earnestly at you, silently asking you what's wrong.
You sighed and looked back at him, "I had a bad dream last night."
"You know what, I did too."
"Yeah, vice principal's wig again..."
You laughed at his joke, a slight smile creeping up on your face that replaced the empty expression before.
You sat in comfortable silence for a second before Daichi asked, "But, seriously, do you want to talk about it?"
It spilled out of you quickly, "It was in the future, and I saw you at a supermarket. You didn't remember who I was. We hadn't spoken in years.."
As you explained, he watched you with kind eyes and wrapped an arm around you in a comforting hug.
"You know I won't ever let that happen."
"Promise. After a graduate you won't ever stop hearing from me."
"Thank god..." A smile creeped across your face as you enjoyed his certainty, motivated by his unwavering lack of doubt. If nobody else believed in you, you knew for certain that Daichi did.
A grin spread across his face, "And one more thing about your dream..."
"Did I age well?"
Tobio Kageyama:
You woke up early in the morning in a sweat, with tears forming in your eyes. You might've just had the worst dream you can remember. Before you knew it, you were calling him.
When Tobio picked up, you were greeted with a groggy voice, "Y/n? What is it?"
You rubbed your eyes to stop the tears and explained, "I just had a horrible dream."
Kageyama's mind raced, considering the many topics you could have been trapped in a nightmare about. But he never thought of what it actually was.
"You were with someone else..." You tell him.
In a moment of shock, his tired mind blurted out, "but that's ridiculous."
However true, it wasn't exactly what you needed in the moment.
"Doesn't stop me from being upset about it..."
"But I would never—" he sighs, realizing you already knew that. "I'm sorry. Just know it's not real. You're all I want." His tired voice echos through your phone speaker and puts you at ease.
"Thank you."
"Always." He blurts out before you're able to say anything else.
"Sorry, I'll let you go back to bed," You mutter, about to hang up the phone, when he quickly cut you off:
"Y/n, are you free tonight?"
Shoyo Hinata:
At a small practice match that ran absurdly overtime in your school gym, you watched play after play from the bleachers and slowly found yourself having dosed off. A ball bounced your way, hitting the bleachers and effectively jolting you awake. You gasped for air having just escaped the horrible scenario your mind had crafted, to see that the match had ended and the team was cleaning the gym.
"Sorry!!" Shoyo rushed over, collecting the ball he had accidentally flung your way when he meant to throw it in the bin with the other volleyballs. Upon seeing your frightened face, his anxious expression dropped to one of concern. "Y/n? Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I um- had a bad dream. I'm just happy you're okay."
"Happy I'm okay?" He sat next to you and took on a puzzled expression.
"I had a dream where you jumped so high to spike, but you were off balanced and- I heard a big crack when you landed-" You wince as you recall the memory of the nightmare you just had.
"Oh no! I'm okay, I'm okay, don't worry!! Look!" He flexed his legs out in front of you, rolling his ankles and pointing his feet. "All good."
You sighed with relief. "Good. Just, be careful."
"Of course, y/n! I'll stay healthy as long as you stay watching me get better every game." He beams at you, smiling with such contagious joy.
You smile back, nodding at him.
"But hey, don't fall asleep next time!!"
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littleadaline · 7 months
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Not An Ache [F.T7]
Warnings: 🤰🤰
Word count: 2.08k
A/N: yall know the resemblance between Joe and this piece of work? They’re both sloppy (sloppy Joe) 🙈🙊
“Do you see yourself with kids? I mean, unless you and Ferran haven’t brought up the subject yet.” Sara Gündogan asked you as she sipped on her coffee. You had made it a tradition to meet with her for coffee on Saturdays, taking the opportunity to catch up on each other’s lives.
“We have talked about it, and we’re both into the idea. But just can’t seem to agree on a… timeline? I mean, he’s not pressuring me or anything, but he wants to start soon and I’d rather wait a few more years. I finally got promoted at work and it feels as if everything I have dreamed of was finally given to me. I just want the opportunity to soak it all up.” You stirred your coffee, your attention diverting to the kids on the playground.
“I get it. Remember, you should never be rushed into this, the both of you should take your time into thinking about this.” She reassured you. The rest of your morning went by smoothly, with your coffee date ending before 12, leaving you plenty of time to run to the grocery store for some quick errands. As you were about to check out, a small voice in your head begged for mustard. Leaving your items with a confused cashier, you ran to get the mustard before coming back to pay for your items. Pulling into yours and Ferran’s house, you noticed his parked car in the driveway. Collecting the bags from the trunk, you waddled home. Inside, it was fairly quiet, the faint sound of the shower being heard across the open space. As usual, Ferran’s sports bag was left unattended near the entryway, tripping you as you came in.
“Puta madre.” You mumbled, massaging your knee. Mumbling under your breath, you didn’t hear Ferran come into the room.
“Lemme take care of this.” He grabbed the bag and walked into the laundry room. You collected the rest of the groceries and unloaded the bags before settling on the couch, a blanket covering you. In that short second he had come and gone, your body did a 180º. You felt chills run across your body, your legs losing strength by the second. Ferran came back into the room, dressed in a t-shirt and some shorts. While you both disagreed on the temperature of the house, it was the first time Ferran had seen you entirely engulfed by a blanket, your coat still on.
“Bebe are you cold? Are you feeling sick?” Ferran brought a hand to your forehead, feeling for fever.
Underneath the blanket, you felt like 1 million degrees, thick beads of sweat rolling from your forehead and onto your back. The air was suddenly thicker than usual, and the smell of Ferran’s body wash made you queasy. Everything felt brighter, louder; Ferran’s words stuck to your ears. Your body was going into sensory overload… Recognizing an all too familiar feeling, you pushed Ferran’s body out of the way before you ran to the bathroom. Emptying the content of your coffee date, you clutched at the trash can as you sobbed. Ferran barged right behind you, putting your hair into a bun.
“Let’s get this off.” He took off your coat, throwing it in the laundry bin. You heard the closet open and the faucet run before you felt the cold towel across your face. “Let it out my love. Breathe in.” Ferran calmed you down. He held you as you shivered, getting off the remaining vomit with the towel before throwing it into the same pile as your coat. You stayed into his arms until you calmed down. “Let’s get you into something comfortable.” Ferran took your hand.
Upstairs, he sat you on the bed as he rummaged for one of his hoodies and basketball shorts, which he knew you liked to steal whenever he was playing away. Handing you the clothes, Ferran closed the blinds, allowing for full darkness to take over the room.
“I’ll go make you some tea for your stomach.” He left you alone in the room with your racing thoughts.
A few minutes went by before you heard the familiar sound of his slides on the stairs. The door opened and Ferran came in the room with a cup of tea and anti-nausea medication.
“Medication’s for later,” He said, realizing you were staring at the little beige pill. “What did you have for brunch today?” He asked as he settled under the covers with you, his head on your chest.
“Um… A coffee with oat cream and a raspberry danish. Nothing unusual.”
“Must be a stomach bug or something. At least you’ve gotten it all out. You should just rest up. I’ll take care of supper today.” With that, Ferran left you to rest. You had finally closed your eyes when the sensory overload kicked in again.
“Ferran!” You called out for him in a shaky voice.
Upon hearing your voice, Ferran dropped the vegetables and ran upstairs, and into the room. He found you rolled up on the bed, thick beads of sweat running across your forehead.
“Hold on tight, I’m gonna pick you up.” Ferran scooped you up and brought you to the bathroom, sitting down on the floor with you. He handed you the trash can as you emptied out your stomach for a second time, rubbing your back in an attempt to comfort you. The room was silent, except for your sobs and heavy breathing. Ferran’s heart broke at the sight of you sitting down like this. You heard him get up before grabbing another towel and wetting it. He knelt in front of you, gently wiping your face. You looked at him through your eyelashes, your heart swooning at his features. His eyelashes, the shape of his lips, his bambi eyes… you loved him so much.
“Let’s get you on the couch instead. I need to be near in case this happens again.” He rubbed your cheek with his thumbs, wiping away the remaining tears. Too weak to speak, you simply nodded, holding on to his neck as he picked you up. Settled on the couch, Ferran brought you your cup of tea as well as a water bottle. He tucked you in before getting back to his cooking duties, in which he had found a new joy. Hours passed and you were still peacefully asleep on the couch, your breathing stable and regular.
Waking up from your much needed nap, you walked into the kitchen. Your body had woken up with a strong craving for mustard. Squirting the condiment onto the spoon, you sighed in delight as you ate it. In the doorway of the kitchen a perplexed Ferran was staring at you.
“Oye, what are you doing?” He took the bottle of mustard away, earning a frown from you. “You just threw up, I doubt the best thing for you to eat is mustard. Also, you hate mustard with a passion.” He questioned you.
“I had a craving. Do we have chocolate chips?” You asked him innocently.
“Yes we do, in the bottom shelf of the pantr-” Ferran interrupted himself. “Why am I telling you? You’re not supposed to eat this. Get back on the couch and eat some soup. It’s chicken and noodle.” Ferran could feel himself grow tired. You sighed as Ferran sent you back to the couch, putting away the mustard in the fridge. Sitting next to you on the couch, Ferran could feel your restlessness.
“Oye, what has gotten into you today?” He barely worded out before you straddled his lap, slowly leaving sloppy kisses on his neck. Your body was on fire and Ferran’s touch was the only way to extinguish the fire burning inside of you. Ferran slowly put you down on the couch. “Nena I’d love to take care of you in that sense, but you were sick a few hours ago. I just want you to rest.”
With that, Ferran carried you to bed after helping you with your nighttime routine. It was around 6 A.M when you woke up gasping for air, feeling as if something was preventing you from fully breathing.
“Ferran wake up. Ferran,” You shook his arm, violently pulling him out of his slumber. “I think I’m gonna throw up again.”
“Joder, mi amor, ¿qué te pasa?” He sleepily put on his shirt and led you to the bathroom. He sat you down on the floor as he went to retrieve your water bottle and a towel. You texted Sara, who had an early morning flight.
[TO: The superior Gündogan]:
Been throwing up since yesterday. I’m exhausted. Send help lol
[FROM: The superior Gündogan]:
I’m so sorry my love :( Drink lots of water and have some yogurt.
[TO: The superior Gündogan]:
Yeah, and I even bought mustard at the grocery store yesterday… and I don’t even like it. Don’t get me started on how I climbed on Ferran after supper.
[FROM: The superior Gündogan]:
You don’t think…
[TO: The superior Gündogan]:
[FROM: The superior Gündogan]:
You had been evading the possibility of being pregnant with Ferran’s child, especially considering the irony of your conversation with Sara the day before. You reached for the cupboard where you stashed the pregnancy tests, in the eventual case you and Ferran would start trying. Frantically tearing the plastic from the test, you sat down on the toilet and let your bladder go. Right at this moment, Ferran walked back in into the room.
“Que haces?” He said, taking the pregnancy test box in his hand. “Do you think you’re pregnant? I mean we haven’t done it unprotected except… fuck, your parents’ dinner back in December.” Realization hit him. “Pee faster.”
“Ferran, either get out or be quiet.” The stress took over you. You cleaned yourself up and put back the test in its packaging before washing your hands. You set your timer for 3 minutes and sat down on the floor. Ferran followed suit.
“Hey, hey, positive or not, everything is gonna be okay.” Ferran could see the tears bordering your eyes. He scooted closer, holding you in his arms. You stayed in this position until the timer ran out, a harsh alarm bringing you back to reality. “Do you want me to take a look?”
“I’ll do it,” you shakily got up. “Ferran… Can you please hold my hand?” You pleaded.
“Anytime.” Ferran gently took your hand, tracing over your palm with his thumb. You took the test out of the packaging, looking one last time at your boyfriend.
You buried your head in his chest, violently sobbing.
“We’re having a baby, amor. We’re having a baby.” You said, the last sentence coming out as a whisper.
Ferran’s heart exploded with joy upon hearing your words. He tightened his hold on you. He hadn’t thought of starting a family until he met you. He let out a tear, then two, and finally the dam broke.
“Aye mi amor. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” He said, peppering your face with kisses. You stayed in each others’ arms for a few minutes trying to come to realization with the next chapter of your lives.
“We’re having a baby.” He cooed. “I feel like telling the whole world. Screaming atop of rooftops.” Ferran chuckled as he knelt down to your abdomen. “Hola mini tiburón. I’m your dada, and your mom and I can’t wait to shower you with love.” He finished with a kiss to your bellybutton.
That night, the two of you barely slept. Ferran was already going through daycare lists, disapproving those that didn’t have any outside playgrounds. He had already sent you nursery models, stating “I’d purposefully injure myself and be out for a few weeks if it means I get to start on the nursery”. You, on the other side, hadn’t taken off your hand from your stomach. You were still processing the news, but above all, you were extremely grateful to have Ferran on your side, and as the kid’s dad.
“Good night my love. And good night, Carlota Míriam Torres.” Ferran said as he pressed a kiss to your lips and then to your stomach.
“Already got a name?” You asked him teasingly?
“You don’t understand how long I have been waiting for this day to come.” He said tearfully.
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desperate-gay · 11 months
Can you write a kyra cc sickfic about Kyra catching a stomach bug and reader + auswnt look after her, she’s at first stubborn to admit she’s ill but when she maybe throws up after eating or smth she admits defeat?
Just a request, don’t HAVE to do it. Xx
Stomach Bug
Kyra Cooney-Cross x fem!reader
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You should have made her stay home. You knew she wasn’t feeling good from the middle of the night when she was kicking and pulling up the blankets constantly from her temperature rising and falling. Then, when you woke up, you noticed how pale her usual tan skin was. She insisted that she was just fine even if you didn’t believe her, but she was stubborn as always and wanted to head to practice.
After a few minutes of bickering back and forth, you eventually gave up and got ready to head to training together. When you arrived, many of your teammates picked up on how sick Kyra looked and asked if she should head back home. Once again she continued to assure that she was okay and began to warm up.
So here you are now, practicing with several mini-games while keeping a close eye across the field at your girlfriend. You notice her stumbling a little bit and pausing to take deep breaths. Tony blows the whistle and shouts it's time for sprints, worrying you that Kyra will feel even worse if she keeps up her I’m fine front.
After 3 or 4 sprints, you see the girl run off the pitch and to the nearest garbage. You jog your way over to her and rub her back as she continues to empty her stomach into the bin.
“Hey, coach-“ You begin but Tony nods his head, knowing that both of you need to leave.
“Feel better, Kyra,” Tony says as he waves you both off.
“Yeah feel better, Cooney!”
“We love you!”
“Take care!”
Kyra smiles while nodding at the team as you guide her back into the locker room with your hand on her back. Before leaving, she rinses out her mouth at the best of her ability to get the horrid taste out while you gather up each other’s stuff.
“I can carry my stuff, y’know.” Your girlfriend says, noticing you carrying both your and hers bag on your shoulders.
“I am aware, but you’re sick and I can take care of you.”
She smiles when you peck her cheek and continues to walk to the car. Her smile soon drops at the sight of you holding the keys and heading to the driver's side.
“What are you doing?”
You turn around and look at her with a confused expression, seeing her standing still in the middle of the lot. “What do you mean what am I doing? I’m driving us home.” The small frown on her face shows you exactly what is wrong. “Kyra, you’re sick! You can live with me driving you once in your lifetime.” You laugh at her nonsense and nod your head at the car, waving for her to get in.
With a huff, she finally sits in the passenger seat with a frown still plastered on her face. “Don’t get used to this.”
“I won’t, baby. Do you need a bag or anything, or do you think you’ll be fine the rest of the way?”
“I’m okay, I think it was just a one-time thing. I just need to rest in bed for some time.”
You nod your head in understanding and start to drive home. The whole time Kyra stares at the buildings passing, pressing her head against the cold glass of the window to soothe her burning skin.
Once you pull up to your destination, you keep your kit bags in the car and quickly take the brunette into the house.
“Go lay down, pick a movie, and I’ll make some soup for you, okay?” Kyra doesn’t put up much of a fight, exhausted and slightly queasy, she heads into your shared bedroom and rips off her top so she remains in her sports bra and shorts.
Luckily for the both of you, she doesn’t get sick again, but she becomes such a baby when even slightly sick.
“Baby! Where are you? I’m supposed to have my cuddles!” She shouts into the air, not even bothering to look for you.
You shake your head with a small laugh and finish up what you’re doing. She hears a door open and sees you step out of the bathroom. “I had to pee, I told you that before I got up, dummy.”
You move the blankets and get comfortable on the bed before Kyra latches onto you, nuzzling her face into your neck.
“You’re supposed to love me, not call me a dummy.” She grumbles against your skin.
“You’re such a baby when sick, but I love you anyway, even when you’re insufferable.” She lightly smacks your leg, making you giggle and kiss her warm cheek.
“I love you too.”
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irisintheafterglow · 9 months
End Game #10 - The Epilogue
summary: after signing with the best team in the country, satoru asks you a question on new year's day. (read the rest of the volleyball captain!gojo au here!)
wc: 1.1k
cw/tags: post-highschool time skip, established relationship, mentions of alcohol and parties,
note: happy new year everyone! i hope 2024 brings you love, happiness, and success. hope you like this little epilogue <3
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated :))
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“I didn’t think it was physically possible to have this much glitter,” you huff, pulling a stray golden streamer from the top of your head and discarding it in the trash bin. The dustpan and brush take a break on the dining room table and you lean against the back of the couch, picking at a loose thread on Satoru’s old high school jersey. “Next time, we’re having the party at Suguru’s.”
“You don’t need to do all of this, babe,” your boyfriend reminds you from the kitchen, taking inventory of the catering leftovers and copious amounts of alcohol covering your marble counters. It was still early enough in the morning that girls were walking around the building’s lobby with their heels slung between their fingers. “I’ll have the cleaners come by in the morning to pick up all of that.” 
“There’s candle wax on the floor, Satoru. I don’t even know how that ended up there without setting off a fire alarm,” you point out and he nods in agreement. “I’m just glad we have hardwood. This would be a nightmare to get out of the carpet.”
“It doesn’t need to be a nightmare at all, if you just let the cleaners take care of it. But, if it makes you feel better, remember that I moved all the cleaning supplies to the cabinet in the hallway.” Colorful tubes of glass carefully clank together as he repositions them on the shelves of the wet bar, sweeping confetti and more streamers off of the marble with the back of his hand. When he’s done reorganizing the remaining bottles, he neatens the stack of square polaroids and then promptly messes them up again, spreading them across the counter like a dealer with a deck of cards. “Can you believe we had this many people over last night?”
“I’m still in disbelief that we have this place, honestly,” you admit, slinging a leg over the side of the couch and rolling over the back, landing in the living room of your shared penthouse with Satoru. It still surprised you, what Olympic gold and brand sponsorships could buy, even with the tall ceilings and stunning views of downtown Tokyo. It brought a lot of acquaintances that had the nerve to call themselves your friends, most of them whose names you couldn’t remember. The important people were still in your life, though, Suguru with his highschool ASB sweetheart and the former first years all sharing a flat. It wasn’t a bad life, to say the least. “I keep thinking I’m gonna wake up and you’ll just be a figment of my imagination.”
“Believe it or not, I have the exact same nightmare.” He flops down next to you and pulls you closer to give himself more space, absentmindedly chucking a few throw pillows to maximize the space. “All these fluffy pillows and expensive wines seem a little too good to be true sometimes.”
“You’re an Olympic athlete, sweetheart. Fluffy pillows and expensive wines are pocket change for you.”
“For us, you mean. Nothing is just for me anymore,” he corrects. Ever since he signed on with the most successful pro team in the country and you earned your degree in sports management, everything had been you and him. Though it was new territory for both of you, it still felt familiar in some ways as you served the same roles that you did during high school. When Suguru joined the team, it only became more comfortable and the light-hearted banter helped keep you grounded in such a competitive atmosphere. “Speaking of, we should consider getting married.” Your eyes fly open after fluttering shut against his chest and you sit up, stick straight. 
“What did you just say?” You look down at him in shock, only to be met with a shit-eating smirk. 
“You know exactly what I said,” he says quietly.
“You can’t joke around about those kinds of things,” you murmur as you fall back into your original position, poking a finger into his side for good measure. “It’s not nice.”
“Who said I was joking?”
“Why? Why now, of all times?” 
“You expected me to have a much larger proposal,” he muses and you feel your face become warmer. In your defense, he was always known as the flashy one, the one who brought you bouquets of flowers when you were in class or sent your study room catering to make sure you’d eaten. It wasn’t like you hadn’t thought of marrying Satoru before. You just expected a much grander gesture than mentioning it while you procrastinate cleaning up the sparkly mess in your bathtub. “Disappointed?”
“No, just…surprised,” you say slowly and he hums thoughtfully. “How long have you been thinking about this?”
“About marrying you? Since we won Nationals, obviously,” he states like it was written all over your bedroom wall in Sharpie. “But, if you’re asking about proposing while we’re lying on a glitter-covered couch at five in the morning, I thought of it just now. Call it delirium.”
“Hmm,” is all you can muster up as a response.
“Hmm.” He hums in the same tone, looking at you curiously. “So, what do you say?”
“You actually wanna marry me?” He shakes his head and rolls his eyes melodramatically in exasperation. 
“I can’t believe you just asked that,” he says under his breath, sitting up and swinging his legs over the edge of the couch. “I cannot believe that you just asked me that.” You follow his movements until you’re sitting with him, shoulder to shoulder.
“I didn’t mean to offend you, Satoru. I just…get doubtful at times.”
“Doubtful that I love you?”
“Doubtful that you’ll let me stay with you through all of this.” Your hands gesture vaguely at the high ceilings and the shining floors, out at the stretch of Tokyo’s skyline and the infinite horizon beyond it. “I’m scared you’ll find someone else to share such a lavish life with–”
“I wouldn’t ask you to marry me if I wanted to spend my life with anyone else, sweetheart. I’ve got this ring from my sock drawer to prove it.” Your jaw hits the floor and he starts laughing, your body frozen in place but screaming at you to see if he’s right as he fishes something from his pocket. “I wanna clean up glitter and bottles with you on New Year’s day for the rest of my life,” he promises, taking your hand and sliding an elegantly simple band on your left ring finger. 
“I can’t believe you propose to me in the most unassuming way possible,” you chuckle, admiring the way the morning light catches on the metal. “You didn’t even get down on one knee.”
“This is the private proposal to make sure you say yes,” he reassures you with a grin. “The public proposal will be much more extravagant.”
“Mmm, I can’t wait. Happy New Year, Satoru.”
“Happy New Year, my love.”
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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insertyourselfhere · 1 year
Body Swap Part 2
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A/N: Sorry this took so long just trying to find the direction I wanted the story to go in and I got an idea now!
Character Pairing: Gwen Stacy (Ghost Spider) x Reader
Description: It had been a few weeks now with you and Gwen swapping bodies every so often. Sometimes when you went to her world and did her Spider job there would be comparison videos about you, saying that there had to be 2 Spider’s running with the same sort of body, physique just 2 very different styles. When Gwen was in your body the humiliating videos of you sucking a lot had eventually stopped sort of, you knew it wasn’t Gwen’s fault your body is a bit more conditioned for your fighting style and not hers, she preferred to be light on her feet and was very agile, meanwhile you were the complete opposite and offered almost no flexibility at all which was a  little different from most spiders. So she had a much harder time to adjust. She spent lots of time with your Aunt when she was in your body, meanwhile you wouldn’t mean to but sometimes you would go and watch sports with her dad and bro out a little. One day she left a passive aggressive note on her mirror for you and you got a bit mad.
“Can you stop broing out with my dad” It read in giant letters on her mirror, at this point because it had been so long you had begun a routine of when you knew you were going to swap bodies and live the lives of the other person. You grabbed the sticky note and ripped it off her mirror throwing it in her bin. You knew you had to but a part of you had missed this relationship with someone.
Don’t get it wrong you loved your Aunt from the bottom of your heart and you did have some friends you could bro out with but something about not having a male figure in your life to watch sport with or to talk about people you were interested in. Sometimes you missed that bond, but ONLY sometimes, most of the time you usually ran around with your Aunt doing can drives, cooking food for the homeless, cloth drives, anything you could to help our your community back home, but to you there was something familiar about walking in to see your dad sitting on the couch, a beer in his hand watching rugby.
You walked out of the room, hair and everything done for school and you rushed down to get the bus, Gwen’s dad already gone for the day. You got into the bus and headed to school, not paying attention to what you were doing your brain still on this strange phenomenon that you were experiencing. When you got to your first class you opened Gwen’s book and saw it littered with lots of notes and thoughts.
“What’s going on?”, “Why is this happening?”, “Did some witch hex us?” You kept going around the page until you saw a note that caught your eye.
“What are we going to do Y/N?” You couldn’t tell if this note was deliberate or if she was just thinking out loud but you decided to reply anyway knowing she would see it tomorrow when you swapped back. “I don’t know but when 2 spiders get together, I’m sure we could think of something” you wrote back with a small smile on your face.
“Gwen…Can you answer this question please” Your smile dropped and you looked up, the teacher very clearly looked annoyed with you. You gave her a look and answered the question confidently without missing a beat, she gave you an even more annoyed look. “That is correct, however I feel like you should still pay attention” she went back to her whiteboard and you went back to your book, still finding small thoughts and messages.
You managed to get halfway through the day after going to a couple more classes, one that really stood out for you though was music class, only because you were supposed to be the drummer in the school band and you absolutely could not play the drums to save your life, you even practiced on Gwen’s drum kit when you could and even watched tutorials back in your own body. You managed to avoid playing whenever you had class but the note stuck in your locker said otherwise. “Drum solo due today” You were literally shaking at the idea of going to music class, you thought about skipping but if Gwen put that in your locker it must really be important. You headed towards music class slowly catching up with the rest of your class mates, the teacher brought you all in and before you could even sit down she pulled you over.
“Now Gwen before you get comfortable your going first today” Of course you were, what luck it would be for you to get dragged up first. You went to sit down behind the drum kit and grabbed the drum sticks. They gave you a guitarist to play along with.
 They started playing and you literally held your breath, you tried playing the drum kit along with the guitarist and it just wasn’t working out for you. You huffed and tried playing again to no avail, your frustration was showing and the teacher went to stop you. But once you actually focused and put your mind to it the muscle memory kicked in and you started playing, Gwen’s muscle memory of playing for so long took over your limbs and played the drums, beautifully you might add. You had an out of body experience, your mind separated from your body just for that moment. You smiled as you sat and watched her body just take over, she looked like she was in her element, like this was the person she was supposed to be. Soon the experience was coming to an end, you went back into her body and felt the ending of the piece come to the end. As the last beat of the drum hit all Gwen’s classmates stood up and gave her a standing ovation, you felt a little out of place since it wasn’t you that had done it but you gave a small smile and a wave.
The rest of your day was a little uneventful, school finished up and you had a couple of incidents as Spider-Gwen that you had managed to fix up and head on home. As you walked into the house you were greeted with her father laying on the couch drinking a beer and watching the rugby. You waved towards him and moved to Gwen’s room getting ready for the night, before you could he called out to you.
“Hey Gwen, you coming to watch?” You shook your head walking away into your room, feeling a bit guilty you closed the door and hid in Gwen’s room. You headed to her desk grabbing the journal you had bought for her ages ago so you could mark down what you had and she could keep tabs on what you did, you managed to always get a photo of the day too so she could see what you were doing and you stuck a picture of Gwen receiving her A+ for her award. You had another photo of her playing the drums during the class, you grabbed it looking at it remembering how amazing it was to see her play. Even though it literally wasn’t quite her it still made you smile, you were absolutely wrecked from the day so you managed to pass out while holding onto the photo.
You woke up the next day in your own room this time knowing you had swapped back, you stretched your body and heard something fall to the ground. To your bewilderment there was the picture of Gwen playing the drums on your bedroom floor, you scuffled down to grab it surprised to see this had some how made its way across the whatever this was.
“Y/N Are you awake?” You were too stunned to speak and you heard your Aunt knock on the door slowly before opening it, she spotted you splayed out on the floor holding onto this polaroid picture.
“Y/N are you okay?” You quickly sat up and crossed your legs. “Um, I don’t know how to explain this but I have a photo that I somehow teleported across with from Gwen’s body here right now” Your Aunt gave you a confused look and crouched down next to you as you held up the picture, your Aunt took it off you inspecting it.
“This is Gwen?” She asked a small smile went across her features “At least now I know what to picture when you guys swap, also she’s very pretty Y/N” Your face flushed turning red knowing very well how pretty she was. “Get out” You said gently pushing your aunt away from your space, she giggled and got up heading towards the kitchen.
“Breakfast is ready, and don’t forget to read your journal” You shook your head and got up, moving over to the journal on your night stand. You read its contents and was surprised nothing really happened over here, she had a rather uneventful day, mostly just helping our her Aunt with a couple of things around the house, going to football practice and taking down a petty thief as your spider. You let out a sigh of relief when you noticed less and less scars and scratches on your body every time you came back. You didn’t realise how difficult your body was to handle but then again it was your body.
You walked out into the kitchen still holding onto the photo that you had somehow managed to bring over here, you walked up to the fridge and placed it on there. Your aunt gave you a confused look and you slightly blushed.
“So you know what to picture when we swap and she’s me” You said, grabbing your bowl of cereal and eating it quickly. She shot you a look and you smashed down the rest of your cereal and headed out to your school now.
“Whats up Y/N” Your best friend as always was waiting for you at the bus stop, you did your secret handshake and proceeded to board the bus as soon as it showed up. You were lost in thought stuck thinking about Gwen’s drum performance and started looking up tutorials again.
“I’m sorry Y/N but you literally have the rhythm of a 80 year old with a hip displacement” You shot him a look and knew he was right but you wanted to try.
“Look just because I went to Prom with Trixie last year and stepped on her feet 8 times does not prove that theory” Your B/F shot you a look and you rolled your eyes looking back out the window again. School came into sight as you prepared to leave the bus you felt a Spidey Tingle.
“What was that about?” You asked looking around, there was nothing alerting you it was just going off, no real direction, no real sense it would just tingle.
“Y/N You okay buddy?” Your B/F asked, you nodded still looking off in the distance but came back and kept walking with them.
“I’ve got PE first up what have you got?” They asked you groaned realising what day it was. “Today is literally my worst day I have Maths, Science, English. Why couldn’t Gwen be the one to take over my Thursdays” You said out loud. “Who’s Gwen, is she your girlfriend?” You blushed heavily looking back at your friend who had a smirk on their face.
“I don’t know a Gwen, that’s weird why would I say Gwen, that’s such a random name to think of…”Your rambling was not helping and your best friend was cackling. “Alright super star I get it, don’t tell me about this mysterious Gwen character then” They punched your shoulder gently and walked off to their class, you were so annoyed at yourself because you knew for a fact that your best friend was going to NAG you until you died about Gwen so Gwen will find out that you mentioned her casually. “Today could not get any….NO NOOOOO I will not finish that sentence cause its always followed by something horrible” You grabbed your text books and headed to your first classes, today you were keeping a low profile unable to get your mind of 2 things that’s already happened today, 1 you bought the photo back from Gwen’s world of her playing the drums which was weird in itself and 2 although it didn’t happen today you still couldn’t get your mind off that scene. Your Spidey sense started going off again for no reason, it was really bothering you, almost like a constant ringing in your ears distracting you from focusing on class, not like you were anyway. You looked out the window and saw the grey clouds rolling in, your teachers voice drowning out as they spoke and it just went quiet.
That ringing noise came back and you were slowly starting to lose your mind. ‘GET OUT OF MY HEAD’ You yelled in your brain hoping for the noise to go away.
‘Is that anyway to say hello to the stranger you’ve been sharing your body with for the last few weeks’
Your body froze, you stood up from your desk looking to see that familiar blonde hair you got used to seeing so often. When it didn’t happen you saw your students and teachers staring at you.
“Ah I’m so sorry I just have to pee….yeah is that okay if I pee?” Your teacher didn’t say anything and just nodded their head as you ran out into the hallway.
You ran towards the bathroom, slammed open the door and looked at yourself In the mirror.
‘This is insane, I am going insane, theres no way I heard Gwen’s voice in my head. Nope. You are crazy Y/N’
‘If I interrupt and say you aren’t does that make you more crazy’
You heard that voice again, you knew for a fact you did it was like she was in front of you. You looked in the mirror and saw no one else. Nothing in your eyes, no weird senses or anything it was just you.
‘This is crazy’
‘Yep’ She replied so casually and you couldn’t help but laugh.
‘Why is this happening to us’
‘Dunno but your loud thoughts are making it very hard to concentrate’ You could only imagine how loud your brain was, so you let out a deep breath and quietened everything down.
‘Much better, Anyway I don’t know why or how this is happening but um while I have you here I wanted to thank you, for the A+ you got in music yesterday’ You smiled at her, or like in your head? It doesn’t matter, you made your way back to class.
‘I didn’t do anything, believe it or not I have 0 musical talent so it was actually all you, well your body to be honest, I just sat back and watched’ You sat back down in your classroom looking back out the window again, the teacher once again beginning their explanation of Maths and you honestly too pre-occupied with what was happening in your head.
‘Well either way I am impressed so thank you’ She said you could hear a small smile playing on her lips.
‘Well thank you for not leaving my body all bruised and scratched this time! It was refreshing’ You said laughing to yourself out loud. A few more students turned to you and you looked away trying so hard not to bring any more attention to yourself.
‘It was a hard lesson to learn but we’re getting there’ she replied, The bell rang in your world and you got up, moving towards Science.
‘Oh look I was going to tell you when we swapped bodies back but I guess I can tell you now, I um managed to take a photo from your world and bring it with me’ Gwen hummed in her head which caused your head to reverberate a little.
‘Interesting, which photo did you take’
‘I wonder if I could show you?’ you asked trying to project the image in your head.
‘I don’t think this is how that works I think we can just hear each other’ she said smiling.
‘That’s fair, okay it was a picture of you playing the drums yesterday’
‘How did that happen?’ she asked, your face flushed a little.
‘I had finished up the journal I had written for you and legit passed out as soon as I was done, I didn’t realise I was still holding onto that photo’ You lied out of your teeth not wanting to tell her you admired how naturally she played the drums.
‘You know I can hear your thoughts right..’ She said and you had just been caught.
‘Okay well you caught me, so yes either way I fell asleep with it in my hand and woke up here and it was on my floor’
‘I wonder if it happens with anything else, I might try it out with something’ she said thinking out loud
‘Let me know how it goes! I wonder if this whole talking thing is a permanent thing or a today thing’
‘I guess we will find out’
The rest of your day went by very quickly now that you had someone to complain to without getting in trouble. She would also do the same thing, sometimes it would be silent for a few minutes or so but then you would take turns breaking the silence. You were intrigued by this new ability of yours wondering if maybe it was all in your head and not the actual Gwen but with these Spidey powers you have you highly doubted that. It seemed to be some otherworldly thing like maybe there was something you both needed to do. You weren’t sure but you would try your best to figure out what this was and how to fix it.
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onsunnyside · 2 years
Here it is !! Flamingo King snippet for part 7, originally from part 6 but moved to the epilogue/bonus chapter 🦩❤️‍🔥 I’ve never loved a fic this much and am so thankful for all of your support !! I hope you all enjoy 🥰🫶
“Hey, sugar, you know you don’t gotta knock.”
“I just thought it would only be fair for tonight.” You shyly hold out a bouquet of flowers, vibrant red and yellow tulips from the best florist in the city. “These are for you. I was thinkin’ we could stop by the bakery after dinner? They brought back your favourite pie and I told them to save us a good one.”
Ari stands there for a moment, looking between you and the flowers. Then, he slaps the door, “awh shit, that was today? I thought—” he groans, “I thought it was tomorrow, Friday right?”
“Today is Friday.”
“Shit.” He curses, “The Den has been a fuckin’ zoo with all the college kids being back in town, my brain is fried and my eyes fuckin’ hurt from staring at a screen all day. Aside from bartending, Curtis has us doing all this paperwork and—” he shoulders sag, “nevermind. No need to be standing out there, come in, baby.”
The light flickers on and you can finally see him properly.
Eyeglasses are on the tip of his nose, his hair is messy and pulled out of his face with a small clip, one you recognize from your small vanity at home. His normally glowy skin is dull and tired, and dark bags make his eyes appear sunken into his face.
You’ve seen him dishevelled, but nothing this exhausted.
He’s still as pretty as ever, but just so terribly tired.
“Give me a few minutes, I’ll get ready quickly.” Then he’s off to his bedroom, abandoning his laptop and coffee table cluttered with dirty dishes, and plenty of papers.
A blanket and pillow that used to occupy his big, comfy bed are on the couch, along with a spare t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. His record player is off, no slow rock song filling his trailer like usually.
You hear several slams and bangs before peeking into his bedroom and it’s a mess, far worse than the living room. Clothes skewed over his bed, the laundry bin overflowing and more stacks of empty dishes on his nightstands, although outnumbered by takeout containers.
Ever since you met Ari, he took pride in his spotless home and kept his things organized. He was diligent with weekly cleans, and often reminded you of laundry day so you could do your chores together.
It’s been quite wild for you too from sports season and the rush of people coming in after school or work. Even Andy had to hire new staff just to keep up with the hoard of customers.
Despite being busy, you’ve still made time for each other, going out for late night ice cream, or hanging out in your trailer watching movies on the laptop that you got for a massive discount (from a particular blond cutie with a goatee). But you haven’t been over in a few days, a week at most, and you didn’t know it was this bad.
“Hold on!” he calls out, digging through his dressers as clothes fall to the floor.
“Where the fuck are my jeans?” He sweeps through the hangers again, squinting behind his glasses, “Why do I have so many flannels?”
You step behind him, wrapping your arms around his torso. Pressing your cheek against his bare back, you can feel his rigid muscles under his skin. Poor baby, he’s so overworked and drained, yet he was still trying to put you first.
“We don’t have to go tonight.”
“We do. You got all dolled up and bought me flowers. You were gonna wine and dine me, and you can’t do that if we’re stuck in this pigsty.”
You squeeze him tighter, refusing to let go. You know he could easily overpower you, throw you on the bed and continue getting ready. But instead, he just sinks into your touch, slumping over and bracing himself on the dresser.
“I’m so fuckin’ sorry, sugar.”
“Don’t be.”
He always took care of you. Making sure you ate during the day, stayed hydrated and out of the harsh sun. He wouldn’t eat until you took a first bite, and always put snacks and water in your bag before you went to work. Sometimes on his days off, he’d get into your trailer by using the key you gave him and tidy up, wanting you to come home and be able to relax.
Ari has done so much for you.
It takes a few more kisses, some affectionate squeezing and running your hands up and down his chest for him to turn around.
His eyebrows are knotted tight, and a deep solemn frown plays on his lips. You notice his beard is thicker too, a smidge longer than his usual trim.
“I’m so tired—I don’t know what the hell is happening.” He sags forward, slinging his arms over your shoulders and tugging you closer.
You turn your head, kissing his bicep. “Wanna talk about it?”
He shrugs. “It’s work, work and work. That’s all I fuckin’ do now. I love The Den and working with my friends, and it always gets busy this time of year but shit…” he huffs, squeezing his eyes shut. “It was fine before because I had nothin’ else to do but now I have you.” He leans down, pressing his forehead to yours, “You're my girl—how the hell can I give you the attention, time and love that you deserve if I can’t even remember what day it is?”
Your heart aches as you stare into his disappointed blue eyes. Framed by thick lashes, they blink so slowly and sleepily.
“I don’t—I refuse to lose you because of something stupid like this.”
“You’re not going to lose me over one missed date.” You promise, meaning every word.
He chuckles dryly and turns back around to search through the closet again. “It starts like that. Then it’s another and another, and soon we aren’t even seeing each other for days at a time and resort to texts and five minute calls.” He rambles, “And then we’re just two strangers who had something great and you’re gonna get swept off your feet by some douchebag who can’t even remember your favourite colour. While you’re off with him in a big and bright city, I’m gonna be an old man still at The Den, talking about how I lost the girl of my dreams to drunk guys who have a million better things to do—”
“—would you be quiet!”
He looks over his shoulder with wide eyes.
“We aren’t going, so put down those jeans and sit on your bed.” You cross your arms.
Ari doesn’t move, his long fingers still clutching the denim. “Uh—”
“Shush.” You snatch the jeans from his hands and toss it on the dresser, and point to the unmade bed. “Go. Now.”
“Yes ma’am.” He mutters under his breath, cautiously walking around you to his bedroom. With a heavy breath, he plops on the mattress, leaning back with his legs spread wide.
His thin shorts ride up his thick thighs, displaying the built muscle and coarse hair. Quickly glancing over his shameless bulge, you admire his cute tummy and the chain dangling between his pecs.
You step towards him, cupping his bearded face in your hands and squishing his cheeks, making his lips pucker. “You have to take a break or else you’re gonna burn out.”
His eyes close peacefully, your touch silencing all of those pesky worries and looming fears. He was normally very reflective about his thoughts, and kept those stupid, useless, noisy ones to himself.
One of your hands moves to his hair, taking out the clip and running your fingers through the dark strands. “You always take care of me. You’re always so sweet and attentive, the best daddy I could’ve ever asked for.” You say softly and lean down, gently pulling his head back to kiss his cheek, trailing closer to his pink, plump lips. “Now I wanna take care of you.”
A low groan rumbles from his chest, “yeah, baby? You gonna take care of daddy tonight?”
“Mhm.” You hum with a chaste kiss. “Work out all those knots in your back, clear your head…” Your hands fall to his shoulders, tenderly pressing into the tense muscles. “Tonight is all about you, daddy. You deserve it.”
It’s about time we get back to the hot and steamy Flamingo Trailer Park !! The posting date would be earlier but your girl has exams 🥸 I hope you’re all as excited as me 🤩 pls feel free to share your thoughts !!
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