#this was fun 2 play around w
pygmypouter · 1 year
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This place is a message... and part of a system of messages... pay attention to it!
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mathes0n · 6 months
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Portal 2 but as Glados learns abt her true nature she starts to look more and more like Caroline. Or something
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mokadevs · 1 year
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ahh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how shocking
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badanaday · 9 months
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About to turn into the war devil depending on what happens next ch 😭
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intertexts-moving · 1 year
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theyre still my favorites tbh
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llumimoon · 1 year
hermie F1 with spongebob :D
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OH I really loved this one <33 funky lil guy
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MAC ik ur mark winters posting rn but i finished ep 11 of s2 today and i HAVE 2 just. aghgh. virian chose to go back to prime THAT'S HIS HOME NOW....... HELLO. HI. like god yes dakota is a dense motherfucker and william gets jealous when virian even so much as looks at a girl their age but THEY ARE HIS FAMILY ;-; THEY ARE DUMBASSES AND THEY ARE STUPID AND THEY ARGUE AND FIGHT OVER WHO GETS TO DRIVE AND MAKE EACH OTHER POSSESS CHICKENS AND THEY ARE HIS FAMILY. he's been wanting to go home for ages but even his mom being back on fauna wasn't enough to keep him from going home with his best friends. hi im whiskey and im gonna be thinking about virian sol a lot <3 also i thought william's wiwi nickname was from the fandom I DID NOT KNOW DAKOTA CALLED HIM THAT CANONICALLY!!! that's adorable :3 if william wisp is wiwi..... then on fauna, WARLOCK william wisp... is wawiwi!!!!! anyway i hope ur having a great time thinking about that depressed bisexual man <3 im gonna start writing a pd fic now that i've met the greats properly and might b able 2 write them better. i love the greats i love ram so so much my beloved cowboy. grabbing him in my hands and squishing him like a stress ball
anyway oh my godddddd vyncent sol I love you. the prime defenders are his family too. prime has become just as much of a home to him as fauna . ALSO YEAH WIWI IS CANON HEHEHE. WAS RLLY EXCITED FOR U TO LEARN THAT. man I thought the dnd episodes were so cool dakota is so monk coded already and william is the world's lamest warlock they're so perfect <3
I LOVE THE GREATS A LOT TOO. im a little upset we didn't get to hear them talk more outside of vyncents head. really REALLY hoping we get to see more of them in season 3 bc that feels like such a loose thread ... man. I just think theyre cool . ram is my favorite too i think but alphonz and min are VERY close seconds :] I really like the dynamic between alphonz and william hehe
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spider-man-2o99 · 1 year
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Spider-Man 2099 v1, #24 (1995); lines by Rick Leonardi & Al Williamson, colors by Steve Buccellato  
please come back and relentlessly tear into miguel nd gabriel again xina u were so good i miss ur character every day
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pepprs · 11 months
done w drivers ed!! :”~D
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unexpectedbrickattack · 11 months
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un-pearable · 9 months
played superstars through the credits with two of my brothers and just. holy shit this game was absolutely not designed for multiplayer. despite the gratuitous marketing focusing on the multiplayer aspect it was CONSISTENTLY lagging to an insane degree and it only got worse when we went from 2 players to 3. i had a great time despite it and i think the game had a lot of potential but by the time we got to the egg fortress fight, well:
kept popping between zoomed out (multiplayer view) and zoomed in (single player view), killing whichever of the characters the camera wasn’t locked on every time it happened
jarringly swapping which character the camera was centered on, snapping into their view and causing more deaths
the ground disappearing and occasionally causing people to clip into it and die every few seconds
the uh. the spinning. happened about half the time the robot swapped between phases
ALL of these problems happened about twice as often when all three players were active, so in order to beat it two of us had to intentionally die for the fight to even be playable
i have ten more videos just like this. we spent nearly an hour here. it happened so often i gave up documenting it. it wasn’t the first major issue (the entire game crashed after beating a level, twice. at one point when we left the shop we were accidentally teleported to the overworld area for egg fortress with no floor loaded and accidentally walked off, then fell eternally) but it’s the one that really broke our spirits. how do you ship this game that you marketed as multiplayer when it’s nigh unbeatable when you actually play multiplayer
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marcmorrigan · 1 year
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bad news dude i just talked to the doctor and your babyface is incurable. yeah youre stuck like that. yeah its probably for forever sorry
OC, he/him for angelo, thnx!
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autisminfinite · 1 year
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its cut throat when i come thru
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raeforest · 3 months
i have been playing so much of the sims 2 and i am happy to inform you all that i have successfully gotten nervous subject and pascal curious to live out a happy and healthy marriage together
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byanyan · 3 months
...staring at my drafts and realizing i should perhaps consider pausing on answering ask prompts to start getting caught back up on those instead bc the number is back in the 40s & i just found a starter i completely forgot about bc it got lost on the second page :x
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liquidstar · 1 year
I'm working on my next oc set rn (as always) and this one is going to be the first, like, trinary guild to have more than 8 characters on account of twins sharing a spot lol
#they're actually replacing a different character i felt didn't really work well lol#my concern so far is to not design every single character to have a blue color scheme since they're naval themed#I'll have to like work around it for some. some blue as highlights maybe#shades of green or ourple#at least one character will have a red and orange color scheme and I don't want them to stand out too much also#I'll figure it out lol#anyway the secondary guilds have 10 characters. and the knights have 14. obvs the main one has the most at 31#i feel like you can assume theres more members of those guilds beyond what i show. theyre just not all as relevant lol#bc having 30+ for a side side guild would be sort of pointless and detract more than add#but a lot of them are big guilds so. i think you can assume theres more than 8 that just happen to pop up around the main characters lol#also anyone who wants to play with ocs like dolls could make their own characters for those side guilds and it will not mess w the story#even come up w relationships to other characters and say we just dont see them for the same reasons. not relevant to the main bunch#bc even tho i have a lot of fun w the more gimmicky side characters focusing on them too much would take away from the main guys#thats part of why they have to be gimmicky to stand out too. not as much focus to give them like detailed backstories and hypothetical arcs#so you get the gist of them based on what their Thing is and they can stand out w that#like i dont want them to be too intrusive. but i want them to have character!#not just bland extras and all. if they were i wouldnt keep drawing these sets for them#i have too much fun designing them to do that!#anyway after this current set (cobalt heart) ill only have 2 left#and one of them is actually on the smaller side! the timber scouts only have 5 characters#w similar outfits so they shouldnt take as long i think? also 4 of them are children#then is tartarus which will probably take longer but im really stoked for them#especially pluto. and deimos and phobos and juliet (dumbass duo and their fucking babysitter)#i also have some solo characters i wanna do too#i for sure have to do the royals . and some historical characters maybe#but i want atlas to be the last one i draw. my insane guy who tried to claw his own eyes out because he saw it#i wonder what the next phase will be after i finish everyone tho
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