#this was a fun fandom event
haphazardlyannotated · 10 months
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Happy Soup Day, TLT Fandom!
Thanks to @chekhovs-tantrum for coming up with this event!
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birthday !!!!!!
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retellingthehobbit · 7 months
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Bilbo Baggins and Thorin Oakenshield, for @fellowshipofthefics The Hobbit event! @insidious-apple wrote a very sweet fic paired with this art, which you can find here. :'3
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royalarchivist · 8 months
Quackity: Oh, it's gonna be so cool to see how this develops. I'm excited, I'm gonna try my best. I'm not the greatest at Minecraft whatsoever, I did nerf Green Team a little bit by accident on the second day. My bad! But, you know, I'm so ready to just grind out and see what we can do, and I just–
I wish everyone saw it with the same amount of, like, kind of enthusiasm. I think all of this and all the development and all the potential arcs, that's going to fcking allow for something absolutely incredible.
And if anyone ends up clipping any of this, something I do want to say is I implore people to view everything with a lot of enthusiasm. No stress, no anxiety, just a lot of enthusiasm. Because, again, this is going to allow for a lot of cool things in the server. Not just now, but in the future, too.
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ashipiko · 6 months
<3 post sleepover mornings
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dandelionstep-moved · 1 month
genuinely not to be a dick but i kind of wonder if the QSMP would’ve gone in a different direction if quackity… had played on it more. like, i’ll give the benefit of the doubt that he wasn’t online so infrequently entirely by choice— but things like the purgatory event(lorewise), the map reset, the introduction of an economy that puts items previously gained through labor behind an immovable paywall… would these things have been approved in a world where the owner of the server was an active player? i don’t think it would’ve solved the labor issues, but there’s also room to consider that it would’ve made quackity more accessible, too, to possibly have these issues brought to him sooner if someone was brave enough. i dunno. probably not worth theorizing about at this point, but… i started doing it anyways
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bc-jpeg · 1 year
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every town needs that nerd for the balance of the universe.
p.s. and you may also need an uv flashlight.
[template by @ink-ghoul]
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raayllum · 3 months
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Do you like tragedies, and even the best (or worst) of intentions leading to ruin? Are you interested in how Aaravos may manipulate Callum next season, or how his love for this loved ones may manifest even years later post canon? Then Snake Boi Callum Week 2.0 (the hiss strikes back) is the fandom event for you!
Last autumn the fandom had an event to celebrate and explore some of Callum's most interesting traits — his obsession with magic, his deep love and protectiveness over Ezran and Rayla, his sometimes icy and explosive temper, his fear of Aaravos controlling his destiny, and just about anything else that makes Callum, well, Callum.
As such and by popular demand, we're having another one. Just like last time, all forms of creation are welcome including works that explore darker or more intense material, provided they're rated and tagged accordingly.
Just like last time the usual components of Snake Boi Callum (i.e. Ezran and Rayla alone being his inner circle) are just suggestions (you want to add Soren or Sarai, or anyone else? Go for it!) as are the prompts for the week. Like before, they take inspiration from concepts / quotes from the show itself, common turns of phrase, and quotes from the novelizations.
Sunday May 12th: Prince (feel free to take insp from Machiavelli's work by the same name!) / Pieces
Monday May 13th: Snakes / Stars
Tuesday May 14th: High Mage / But Rayla Was In Trouble ( * Rayla specific prompt but if you wanna rework it, go for it)
Wednesday May 15th: As the Ocean Is Deep
Thursday May 16th: Goeth Before the Fall
Friday May 17th: King / You Mean Everything To Me (* Ezran specific prompts but can go any direction ofc)
Saturday May 18th: Darkness / Light
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to DM or send me an ask! Tags will be "Snake Boi Callum," "Snake Boi Callum Week," and "Snake Boi Callum week 2.0".
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Celebrating Walker event
Though the end of Walker isn't exactly something we're looking forward to, I do think there is something to celebrate. Walker was a fantastic show that got four seasons and a spin-off in a very constricting entertainment climate. It brought the fandom a lot of joy and gave us a great story with a lot of new characters to fall in love with. As much as I mourn the loss of one of the best shows on the CW, I'm happy to have been here for it.
So, in honor of the greatness that came before, I'm proposing a "Celebrating Walker" event! Four weeks gushing about our favorite aspects of this show. Each week will have an overarching theme such as "Favorite Character" and each day will have a specific sub-category such as "Favorite Antagonist".
Anyone can participate in this celebration event and there's no limit to what can be submitted for the celebration. Gifsets, fanfic, meta, fanvids, photo edits, anything goes! Your only limit is your imagination. I'll be using the tag #celebrating walker but if you want to make extra sure I see your creation, feel free to tag or DM me.
Ready to celebrate? Because I am!
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Here is the schedule I've put together for the event:
Week 1 (August 5-9th): Favorite Dynamic
Day 1- Friend dynamic
Day 2- Family dynamic
Day 3- Enemy/antagonist dynamic
Day 4- Romantic dynamic
Free day- Unexplored dynamic
Week 2 (August 12-16th) : Favorite Episode
Day 1- Season 1
Day 2- Season 2
Day 3- Season 3
Day 4- Season 4
Day 5- Favorite finale
Week 3 (August 19-23): Favorite Character
Day 1- Regular cast
Day 2- Side character
Day 3- One-off character
Day 4- Villain/antagonist
Day 5- Character we should've seen more of
Week 4 (August 26-30): Favorite Plot
Day 1- Season arc
Day 2- Family plot
Day 3- Ranger plot
Day 4- Singular episode plot
Day 5- Plot that should've been explored more
You don't have to participate in every single day to be a part of the event, but you're certainly welcome to try! I know I will be :D
Now let's get to celebrating!
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Taglist below the cut (if you want to be added to the taglist, see this post)
@theladywyn, @jaredwalkertexasranger, @laf-outloud, @aborddelimpala, @mysterybeau, @sweet-sammy-kisses, @kickingitwithkirk, @rhl74, @peachparakeet, @dumb-fawkin-bitch, @loveforwomenstuff, @low-soduimfreak, @ihavepointysticks, @waywardmaslow, @arte-mishuntress, @the-slythering-raven, @deeranger, @duo-kun, @inafieldofdaisies, @not-your-housekeeper98, @nancymcl
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the-lemonaut · 4 months
Worked on it for 3 weeks so might as well share it here too
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poppyseed799 · 10 months
What are life series things that happened in the series but you never/hardly see them used in fan content, and wish they were?
I’ll go first with the two that come to my mind immediately, both having Martyn for some reason:
- 3rd Life, Scott’s final death, when Martyn and Ren were chasing him, but Martyn wasn’t red so he couldn’t hurt Scott and instead tried to slow him down so Ren could catch him. One of Martyn’s attempts to get Scott to stop running (and the last one before Ren killed Scott I think!) was yelling stuff along the lines of “come here and give me a hug! I wanna cuddle before you die!” And I’ve never been the same since but nobody has done anything with it. Mean gills fans, I’m begging you. I don’t even care WHAT you do with this. Just anything.
- Double Life, we all know the boat boys died to that portal trap. People do plenty of fan content surrounding that. But what I DON’T see a lot of is the fact that Martyn went through the same portal trap, accidentally stumbling across the mine craft equivalent of their corpses. Pretty sure he got in the same spot Joel died. So Martyn’s “allies” (exes) had to pull him out of a crime scene. I’m like. Silently losing my mind about it and I don’t see any fan content with it. Martyn being stuck with Joel’s burning body in the portal trap that smelted Etho.
EDIT: SO I DOUBLE CHECKED AND I MISREMEMBERED. THEIR STUFF WAS NOT STILL THERE, IDK WHY I THOUGHT IT WAS. Making up memories fr 😭 but it’s still the same portal so yeah 😁 EDIT 2: Martyn did say he saw the items outside the portal so actually?
Please add anything that you personally think about a lot, any minor details that you think are neat or major things that happened that you’re honestly quite offended nobody’s done anything with. Anything you can think of.
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stood-onthecliffside · 4 months
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i wanted to talk about this for a long time so naturally, i had to treat this as an academic journal (very sorry about that lol).
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ultra-raging-ghost · 8 months
I want everyone to know that this frustrated feeling you're experiencing right now as a red team viewer is EXACTLY what blue team has been experiencing ALL WEEK. Bad is FINALLY breaking tubbos gentleman's rules and having fun, something he hasn't been having for most of the fucking week
The egg defense event wasn't fun. yesterday getting 2v1'd and then 4v1'd and then murdered when he came to get his shit was (although fun for bbh) REALLY ANNOYING TO SEE. The bounty abuse yesterday WASNT FUN.
The general vibe for blue team up until today and yesterday has generally been lonely, and that's not to say the whole event was miserable but when you're fighting for a WEEK what is basically a 10v2/3 it's really hard to look at and enjoy, and that vibe would CONTINUE HAPPENING if some of the green team wasn't added to blue team.
I don't want to hear ANYONE whining about bbh's methods being BM or unfun for red team, because that's all that's been fucking happening for us for this whole event, you guys have been having fun.
That's all I'm saying on this matter I've seen TOO MANY people complaining and bbh yelling at his viewers really solidified it for me you cannot be like this
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robo-dino-puppy · 8 months
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For something a little different than my usual virtual photography, here's my project for the Horizon Creation Celebration hosted by @horizon-events!
I'm really happy with how it turned out - and I'm excited to see everyone else's creations! More info below the cut ↓
I had this leather bag that I found at a thrift store, but it had somebody else's monogram on the front that I never liked. I always planned to do something about it - and I thought adding the medallion from Rost's armor would be the perfect project. The stitching of the medallion required the most work by far, but I also added a little Nora-inspired feather-and-bluegleam charm to the strap.
I didn't buy any supplies for this - everything was sourced from things I'd already collected (...hoarded?) in hopes of using them in a project someday.* The medallion uses reclaimed leather from an old purse, some blue cord I'd saved from... somewhere, and red cord of similar provenance. A stiff piece of plastic from packaging serves as interior support, and a strong magnet is currently holding it to the bag. I may attach it permanently, but I didn't want to yet in case I decided to use the medallion somewhere else!
All the feathers were found on the ground - there's an obvious jay feather (Steller's jay's in my neck of the woods), a white feather (most likely from a gull) that I colored with alcohol ink, and what I believe is a pelican feather - you can barely see it behind the purple one. The cords holding the feathers were all from my stash as well.
The "bluegleam" is a quartz point colored with glass paint. I'd had an idea for sculpting and casting the bluegleam cluster Aloy wears on her Frozen Wilds armors, but I wasn't able to get a finished product I was happy with. I'm not giving up on it, though - hopefully I can manage it someday!
*Which, honestly, is a miracle. I finally used stuff in a project! See, keeping interesting things is more than just adding to clutter!
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entguarde · 1 year
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Unimaginable, unimaginable
[Image ID: A digital bust painting of a wood duck against a dark background. The duck depicted is a drake in breeding plumage, his head an iridescent dark green with white stripes. His neck is reddish-brown, leading to white spotting which then becomes the white feathers of his belly. His wings are tucked behind himself, and the body feathers covering his wings are golden. His beak and eye are both red.
He is shown in a warm, golden lighting with high contrast, as if he were standing near a sunset. The light reflects off his feathers slightly, giving him the appearance of glowing against the dark background. He is staring at the viewer. End description.]
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camelspit · 8 months
the keepblr fandom has been too normal recently. clenching my jaw desperately waiting too see what happens next
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