#this started out as a classic veggie soup
haphazardlyannotated · 10 months
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Happy Soup Day, TLT Fandom!
Thanks to @chekhovs-tantrum for coming up with this event!
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ghostfaceprincess · 14 days
Them Cooking For You For The First Time:
TW: Language.
Michael Myers:
• I mean… he really did try.
• Surprisingly decent, it’s just a little burnt.
• He decided on steak and mashed potatoes.
• Hey, he’s proud of himself. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Freddy Krueger:
• Used his glove to cut up everything; and I do mean everything. The meat, the veggies, etc.
• He decided on chicken pasta with salad as a side.
• The pasta is cooked perfectly.
• He pairs it with a nice wine. 10/10.
Jason Voorhees:
• He… tried.
• It’s supposed to be spaghetti…
• Hey, the garlic bread is good though!
• Maybe you should do all the cooking and he’ll do the dishes.
Billy Loomis:
• He surprised you! The food is so good!
• He made chicken with mac and cheese, corn bread, and green beans.
• He did not make dessert though.
• He was hoping you could be dessert. 😏
Stu Macher:
• A full meal plus dessert.
• Everything is cooked and seasoned perfectly.
• Yes, you heard me, s e a s o n e d.
Charles Lee Ray:
• He gave up before he even started.
• He ordered Chinese takeout and then plated it.
• He also paired it with beer.
• He didn’t think about dessert.
Tiffany Valentine:
• Oh, she went all out!
• She made you like four different meals and desserts to go with them.
• “I just wanted you to have options.” What a cutie!
• “The rest can just be meal prep!”
Bubba Sawyer:
• He made you the beeeeeest fucking soup you’ve ever had. Well, it’s more like a gumbo, but still.
• He made dessert as well; just classic chocolate chip cookies.
• He did ask his brothers for help.
• He smiles proudly as he presents it to you.
Thomas Hewitt:
• Did everything all on his own.
• Made ribs with fries.
• Literal 10/10.
• He knows how to add some flavor!
Art the Clown:
• Cook?
• Yeah, no. He gets take out and does not try to take credit for it.
• He does plate it very nicely though.
• Pats your head as he hands you your plate.
The Creeper:
• He let you pick what he made.
• And he did it perfectly too!
• There’s so much seasoning and flavor.
• Though, he can’t perfect all meals. Just this one and a few others.
Thanks for reading! 🦇🖤
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Don’t mess with the chef
hahaha lol based @skittlescripts’s isekai to the west au, special thanks to the works of @semisolidmind, @rennsdeaddoves, @thesexydancingcrepe, @rainyriu, @ritzhasmonkeybrain, @rinitachan, @lavenderskye29, @zamypachi and @theweepingegg
Oranges. It all started with oranges, Nikki loved the fruit too much, and while she was willing to share a few slices, she didn’t expect the damn pig to eat all of them while she was distracted from cooking lunch three days ago, of course, she was angry and why wouldn’t she be? While on the outside she may look ditzy and cheerful, Nikki swore revenge with barely contained anger on the inside and she already swore revenge in the worst way she knew how, through food.
The sun was shining brightly on a beautiful peaceful day, while the pilgrims went on their journey to the West, the only female in the group was happily skipping along and humming a little song as they traveled hoping to make time flow faster, she was buzzing with excitement it was finally her turn to cook, she can’t wait to use the potatoes and leeks she bought for a bargain from the town they passed by yesterday, she even found some herbs and mushrooms from the forest they went through this morning. 
Dark eyes sparkled in delight as she thought of recipes to use, making soup was definitely a good option, but she also wanted to make stir-fried potatoes and mushrooms, making potato gnocchi would be nice but there isn’t enough herbs to help flavour the potato, but maybe she can make some classic garlic chili oil noodles with some mushrooms, and potato and leek dumplings, though she can improvise and make Wukong help her with making some baked potato, now if only she can lure Zhu Bajie into a secluded location to butcher him into bacon, unfortunately, they're in an open field so she can’t dump the body for wild animals to eat the carcass, as much as she wanted to kill him, she doesn’t have an established alibi to make her innocent, so those plans for murder must be on hold for now.
The hours passed by quickly as the group made their camp near a pond, the dark-haired woman saw something in the trees, it was a cluster of small round yellow berries, she recognized these from a survival wilderness show she watched, it was chinaberries, she remembered they caused diarrhea and were poisonous, but not enough to kill, with a happy smile, Nikki skipped to the nearest tree and gathered the ripe fruits while the others were distracted in setting up for the night.
Sha Wujing noticed Nikki looking happy while setting up the fire to cook. “Did you decide on what to cook for tonight?” he asked quite curious, the woman seemed more cheerful than usual this evening “Yup~ I’m planning on making some garlic and mushroom noodle soup with potato and leek dumplings!” the young woman chirped as she boiled some water to soften the potatoes and leeks, after the water was finished boiling she used a portion of it and some oil to make noodles while kneading the dough she asked Sha Wujing to wash the potatoes and leeks.
Nikki then chopped the potatoes, leeks, and mushrooms and boiled them, getting a mortar and pestle, she ground some chili, garlic, and ginger into a soft paste to flavour the broth and to mix into the dumplings, once the herbs were done being mashed into a paste, Nikki added half of it to the boiling vegetables, she scooped out the cooked veggies and swapped it with the freshly made noodles and added some salt, the woman then mashed the potatoes and mixed some leftover flour and herb paste to create new dough for dumplings, she then took the leeks and mushrooms and used them as filling for the dumplings, once done she added all of the dumplings to the boiling soup to fully cook.
The rest of the pilgrims just stood by watching as Nikki cooked, it was always a treat for them to watch her use skills in the culinary arts, it was especially endearing when she looks so happy feeding them. Once the food was done cooking, she asked for their bowls and served them, Nikki discretely added the chinaberries to Zhu Bajies bowl, their yellow colouring didn’t seem out of place near the potato dumplings she made, smiling brightly as she joined the group in dinner.
It only took an hour before Zhu Bajie complained of an upset stomach while the rest of the group was warming themselves by the campfire after cleaning up from dinner and it only took 10 minutes before he panicked and scrambled to relieve himself near some bushes, every time he thought he was done and was about to sit down, he had to rush to the nearest bush, after an excruciating 20 minutes, Zhu Bajie was nauseated started to cry while holding his grumbling and upset stomach, the pig started to crawl back to the bush to vomit.
Nikki just smiled happily at the scene and Wukong noticed her gleeful expression. “What’s got you so happy about this? Did you do something?!” he questioned the cheerful woman, the rest of the group stared at the scene, and before Tripitaka can activate his spell on Wukong's fillet, Nikki answered happily, “Yup!~ that’s what he gets for eating all of my snacks three days ago, just because I didn’t get angry at you doesn’t mean I’m not plotting my revenge” Nikki’s smile became wider as she continued “At first I planned to butcher him, but the local predator species wasn’t big enough for it to be believable to make it look like an animal attack and I don’t have an established alibi but then I thought poison is the way to go, luckily I found these chinaberries~.”
The woman had a sadistic little twinkle in her eyes and giggled as Zhu Bajie crawled back to the camp, the pig looked scared at the young woman’s blissfully happy face. “Next time don’t eat all of my fruits, I might not outwardly express my anger, but I won’t hesitate to get even and then some okay?~ welp good night everyone~” and with that, the young woman gleefully skipped to her cot and happily went to sleep, the rest of the group just gaped at her. Yup don’t mess with the chef.
lol should I publish the recipe for this too?
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cooking-with-niki · 5 months
Cooking log: 01/14/24-01/20/24
Here I am! On my new blog!!! I am not really sure how to start off something like this but I will just say that I am a cooking enthusiast and also an Ensemble Stars enthusiast. I love collecting anime merch and since I have my Niki nui, I thought it would be fun to take pictures of him helping me cook!
Basically, I cook the majority of my meals at home myself and I really enjoy trying new ones, but I just wanted to talk about them and also share how I feel about them! And of course with including Niki and some of my other Enstars merch, especially Wataru 💖 I have to admit I am not the best at photography, but I tried my best to at least capture the full image of the dishes hahaha.
This blog is really just meant to be a log for myself so I can remember all the food that I have cooked week by week and hopefully share it with other people along the way. Since I am usually the only one who ends up eating them, I thought sharing them through something like a diary would make it fun for me! If you are reading this, then hello and I hope you enjoy reading my ramblings about food!
So! Here we go!
01/14/24 Meal 1: Natto and Rice
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For the first meal I am cataloguing here, this is very fitting. I eat natto pretty regularly on the weekends. I actually love natto a lot... I learned about it maybe in like 2019? And then I found a Japanese grocery store near me that sells it, so I initially bought it just out of curiosity but ended up absolutely loving it so I buy it and keep it in my freezer basically at all times. Natto on rice is the most typical way that I would eat it, but this particular time was very no frills. I usually like to add a poached egg and green onion at the minimum, but I did not have either of these at home, so stripped down natto with just soy sauce on rice it was. And clementines are something I also buy pretty regularly. I love them a lot and go through a bag of them in a week. All in all, a very tasty meal but not anything too fancy!
01/14/24 Meal 2: Instant Pot Lentil Soup
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THE SOUP! I would say that I like to make soups and stews on Sunday nights for my first meal of the week because it is easy to make a lot and prep it for the rest of the week! I chose this recipe because I had a tiny bit of lentils left over from something I had made last year and it was pretty easy to put together with the things I already had. I followed the recipe I found here on a Couple of Cooks website, but with a few modifications. They called for brown or green lentils, but they did not have any at the store I shopped at, plus the lentils I already had at home were red, so I just got more red. Additionally, they called for fresh spinach, but again they were sold out at the store so I used 2 blocks of frozen spinach. I just added it in at the end on top of the rest of the ingredients before I set it to pressure cook. I also have had a few frozen veggies in my freezer left over from last year that I blanched and froze before I left for Christmas, so I am trying to use all those up too, which is why you see the bags of frozen carrots and onions in the picture. EITHER WAY. This ended up making a lot more soup than I had initially planned for, but that was fine with me! It just meant I was running out of bowls to store it in!!!
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As for the flavor, I would say it was pretty good. There aren't really a lot spices so the ingredients speak for themselves. I don't use fennel a lot in my cooking but it really did a lot of the legwork here! And of course the paprika is a nice as well. I also really like the flavor of the Better Than Bouillon broth. It was a pretty hearty soup and I enjoyed it all through the week for lunch!
01/15/24 Meal 3: Tuna Casserole
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Tuna casserole is a pretty simple recipe that reminds me a lot of being a kid... I tend to like trying new things that I never had before, but every now and then it's nice to fall back on a classic when I can't think of anything. I also had half a bag of egg noodles and half a bag of frozen peas I needed to clear out of my pantry, so this was the first thing that came to mind. The recipe I followed is from here at Five Heart Home, which I have made before so I knew I would like it. It's a bit different than the one I grew up with, but I like it because making the sauce from scratch is very satisfying to me. The recipe says to make the sauce in a skillet, but I prefer to make it in the same pot that I boiled the noodles in because I hate making more dishes if I don't have to. For my strainer for the noodles, I actually use this rice washing bowl since I can just set it on the side of my sink and let the water drain out of there.
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Oh, I was also going to mention, when I went shopping for this week, I looked at the cans of tuna and for some reason the tuna in oil was significantly cheaper than the tuna in water. I don't know that that is an anomaly, but I tended to grow up eating the tuna in the water, so I never really had the tuna in oil. I think because it is mixed in with the sauce it doesn't really make a difference, so I was fine to use in this case, though I don't think original recipe specified anyway.
Either way, I think this recipe is a banger. The garlic powder makes it quite addictive... I had a second bowl on the night I made it, so I ended up only having 2 more portions left for the rest of week... I also think that this is one of those recipes that gets even better as leftovers, since the sauce has time to firm up in the fridge. I would definitely recommend giving it a try!
01/18/24 Meal 4: Peasant Skillet Dish
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So if you haven't noticed, I tend to just meal plan based around things I already have at home and just want to clear out the stuff I already have and not buy too much new ingredients. This was something that came up because I was actually looking for a recipe that used bacon! I bought ingredients for a dish I did not end up making this week because the soup stretched further than I thought it would and I had plans to go out on Saturday night, so the majority of the bacon I bought will be used next week instead 😊 BUT. When I was meal planning, I found this recipe here on Taste of Home, and I already had the majority of the other ingredients--but only in half of the amount. I had about 2 potatoes, 1 carrot (the rest of the bag I used to make the soup), etc. so I scaled it to make only about 2 servings' worth. I DID use 5 strips of bacon, but I just ate one of them before crumbling the rest!
I made this one in a dutch oven instead of a skillet because... my only pan is pretty small, about 7in, so I was worried that everything would fall out when stirring, so I thought the pot would be a better option. I also cut my potatoes into cubes rather than thinly sliced because I have one of those vegetable choppers that makes it so simple to chop things into bite size pieces. Plus, with the mix of baby potatoes and a regular potato, I thought it would be easier to make them more uniform if I diced them instead. I also used frozen broccoli but just steamed it in the microwave and only used half of it for this recipe and reserved the rest for another dish.
Overall, this recipe is supposed to be something to put together from things you have at home and is very rustic. It was fine and I enjoyed it for the two servings I made from it, but is not something I am super excited to make again. Definitely not bad, but not so phenomenal that I would get a craving for it. The bacon grease for cooking is pretty good, but it makes everything very one note and that note is BACON. My house also smelled like bacon for like 2 days after making this despite me having the window open while I was cooking and the over the stove fan running the whole time! Alas, I think that is just the fate of making bacon...
01/20/24 Meal 5: Natto Omelette
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You see? Natto is something I eat like ALL the time!!! This is the other most common way I have natto, which is very not traditional. I think I watched a youtube video of a person making a natto omelette a while ago when I was trying to learn more things to do with it, and ever since this has been my other favorite way to enjoy it. This is really simple, just egg, natto, and cheese, but I did also have 2 strips of bacon to get the grease for the pan. Plus, even though the smell had just finally left my house, I still wanted to eat it 😂
I had wanted to actually use up the rest of the bag of cheese I used for the tuna casserole, but there is still probably a half of a cup left, but that's fine because I have plans for it for next week. For the bacon, you can see that I have it wrapped in plastic wrap--this is how I tend to store bacon when I buy a package. It is so hard for me to use up the whole amount in a reasonable time, so I will remove all the strips from the package and store them in groups of 2 strips wrapped in plastic wrap so they don't touch, and I stick those packets in a big freezer bag laying flat. I just put the individual packets of 2 strips in the fridge the night before i plan to use them and let them defrost overnight. I think it's really convenient to be able to freeze stuff for later and have it at your disposal pretty much for enough time to be able to actually use it! Yes, I will talk about the miracle of freezers infinitely!!!
Anyway, this is of course a very tasty way to enjoy natto, but unfortunately cooking bacon always makes my fire alarm go off so I am happy that I will be rid of the rest of it soon.
1/20/24 BONUS! Pistachio Chocolate Chip Cookies
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That's right A BONUS! One of my dear friends was celebrating his birthday on Saturday and I asked what he wanted for his birthday and he said "pistachios" so I ended up baking these cookies for him. Now, something I will say is that I actually do not like pistachios, so this was indeed a labor of love for me. I waffled thinking on following recipes that used pistachio pudding mix and made very vibrantly green cookies, but I ended up following this recipe here on The Recipe Critic because I thought just a variation on chocolate chip cookies would be pretty good even for someone who doesn't like pistachios like me!
So this recipe uses 1 1/2 cups of pistachios which ended up being about 3/4 of a one pound bag of shell-on pistachios... That's right, I bought shell-on pistachios and shelled them all by hand. A LABOR OF LOVE!!! It took me about an hour to shell all those pistachios, but I did it in advance of actually baking the cookies so that I could have them ready to go and not be overwhelmed by all the steps. I would recommend buying shelled pistachios though if you want to use them in large quantities!
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For me, this was also the first time I had the chance to try the stand mixer that my parents got for me for Christmas! It is not a KitchenAid but something a bit smaller so that it can fit better in my kitchen. Although, I am still working out where I am going to store it because I have no room on my counters for anything else at the moment... ANYWAY. The stand mixer worked pretty well, although the gap between the bowl and the mixing arm made it difficult to pour in ingredients while mixing, so I had to keep turning it off and on to lift the bowl out of the base and add the ingredients back in. I think it will work pretty good otherwise but I am still not throwing out my trusty vintage egg beaters just yet!
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So, this is where the drama comes in... Because of all that shuffling back and forth to add ingredients in, it seems that I mentally swapped some of the numbers when I was measuring out my ingredients and added 2 cups of flour rather than the 1 cup called for in the recipe... My dough ended up a bit firm and I had to mix it with my hands rather than a spoon when it came time to add in the roughly chopped pistachios and chocolate chips. It was like kneading bread dough I'm afraid... I didn't question it because I had never made the recipe before and just assumed it was a thicker dough than normal! It was only after I put in the first batch into the oven that I reread the recipe and realized my mistake! So coming out of the oven...
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The cookies didn't really flatten out at all, staying very round! For the second batch, I added maybe a teaspoon of milk and flattened out the dough before putting them in the oven so that they would be more cookie-shaped.
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I thought they turned out okay, but quite dry. Definitely would be better with coffee. Either way, I gave them to my friend and explained the story, but he was very gracious and really liked them, eating 2 in front of me because he loved them so much! I am happy that it all worked out even despite my mistake. I also gave him a whole bag of pistachios with the rest of the bag that I used to make the cookies added to it so that he could enjoy even more pistachios for his birthday.
And there you have it! The catalogue of all the meals that I cooked and ate this week. I hope you enjoyed reading and hearing the ups and downs of my cooking adventures. I am looking forward to the meals I will be cooking next week~
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theselfshippingwitch · 11 months
Janine x Egon Wedding Questions
(This is for The Real Ghostbusters versions of the characters)
(also i'm gonna tag @ariel-seagull-wings bc they wanted to see my answers to this lol)
Imagine what music they would have? What food? Would it be outside? What kind of theme, if any, would they have?
I imagine Egon would want only classical music while Janine would be like PARTY!!! Lol she would still want the classic organ music as she’s walking down the aisle though, and at the reception they would have a combo, like they would start with classical and then go into more like dance music as the night went on. They would have their wedding in this amazing greenhouse venue in Brooklyn with this incredible ceiling. No theme, the venue is the centerpiece. 
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The food would also tie in to the venue as they have a lot of fresh and light fruits and veggies (and mushrooms) for the cocktail hour and an amazing seasonally-appropriate salad before the main course.
Who would they invite?
Okay so Egon was definitely having like, a whole crisis about this bc his family is pressuring him to like, invite all these important figures from the scientific community and “uphold the reputation of the Spengler family within these prestigious circles” and whatever and Egon just wanted a small wedding but the guest list just keeps getting bigger and bigger and its so hard for him to ever say no to any of his family and it was like… 
It was Janine who encouraged him to advocate for himself and stand up for what he wants out of his big day bc she was not having all those stuffy scientific types at her party absolutely not
In the end, it was a celebration with extended family and close friends and louis who always ends up at janine and egon’s wedding no matter the circumstances of the occasion for some reason
jk louis is a close friend and we love and respect him is this house
Also Ray is Egon’s best man and Janine’s sister is the Maid of Honor
What season is it? Day or night? What colors do they wear?
It is a summer day (August 2nd, 1993), bright and sunny but luckily not too hot. The only other color beyond the natural green of the surroundings is the pink of the bridesmaid’s dresses and burgundy of the groomsmen’s ties.
Is it traditional or do they do something wild?
Traditional! It’s the wedding Janine has been dreaming of since she was a little girl (along with her Jewish wedding ceremony, which she had first). 
Did they write their own vows? Who is the person marrying them?
Because this is going to be the secular wedding (even though it has a lot of things based on Christian wedding traditions ik)  they wouldn’t have any religious figure marrying them. They would just get, like, a professional wedding officiant who just fits their vibe yk? And it was important to Janine that they write their wedding vows bc… she just needs to hear it, okay? She cannot just have Egon say “yeah, mmm-hmm” to whatever the officiant says, she needs to hear Egon say how much she means to him and we’re all gonna make him do it
Are they wearing suits? Dresses? Something else entirely?
Okay here’s the fun part FINALLY
Janine’s dress: 
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Bridesmaid’s dresses:
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Egon’s suit:
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This means ray gets to wear his pea soup green suit that he already owns!!! Groomsmen’s suit:
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What does their cake look like if they have one?
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Does she throw the bouquet for someone to catch or does she pass out one flower to everyone to let everyone know they are worthy of love?
Janine definitely wants to throw her bouquet! Even though two of her bridesmaids are already married (her older sister, and her bff Violet who married Egon’s bff Ray last year)
Do they have a party afterwards? What music?
Yes!!! Yes they do!!! And the music is an eclectic mix of Egon’s classical music (with a live string quartet) and Janine’s playlist of party music with artists like Madonna and Cyndi Lauper (with a live DJ)
She also has a reception dress!:
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Is it the wedding of their dreams or does something go awry?
Janine is too rich now for something to go awry
Also! How is the kiss!? Do they smooch softly? Sweetly? Passionately? Does he dip her into a deep smooch? Is it a soft sweet peck?
The kiss we’ve all been waiting for tbh
Very sweet and romantic. She puts a hand on the back of his neck while he holds her waist. He’s been mostly expressionless through the ceremony but he smiles as he kisses her, the softie
What is their honeymoon like? Is it a stay at home one? Do they go somewhere exciting? How long is the trip? Or stay at a hotel? Or maybe a cute little cottage somewhere?
They go to Cairo, Egypt! I feel like it’s the perfect mix of what they would both want out of a honeymoon. It’s an exciting city that’s got an ancient history and culture attached to it (egon is gonna study so many hieroglyphs you don’t even KNOW)
Does she take his last name or him hers? Do they keep or hyphenate their names? Or maybe they both take on a whole new last name together!
But they would have to change the name tags on the uniforms…
How many kids do they have? What are their names?
This is where it gets sketchy cuz fankids are a whole nother thing that I haven’t thought of yet for janegon but I DO know that they have a kid about one year apart from Violet and Ray’s oldest kid and they’re both boys and they’re besties who go on adventures together (the violet/ray kid is the timid one and the janegon kid is the bold one, you get where i’m going with this)
Where do they live?
In a penthouse apartment in Manhattan, where Janine can have space to write editorial articles for the magazine she created and runs, Egon can get to Ghostbusters HQ without too much trouble (even though he’s not part of the field team anymore he works on R&D with Ray out of there almost every day).
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ophexis · 4 months
Hi! I'm alive! Let tell you about the
Elder Scrolls Cookbook!
Winner of the last poll! I know I'm under zero time constraints but sorry for taking a while lmao.
This is kind of going full circle for me, because when I joined tumblr, the very first thing I ever blogged about was my Skyrim playthroughs, not too long before I got into Saints Row and changed my life significantly. So this is kind of nostalgic for me lol. Anyway, onto the book!
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The Elder Scrolls cookbook is a CLASSIC. Like I'm pretty sure it's not at all the first "nerdy" cookbook ever made, or even the first cookbook made for a specific franchise or anything, but when this came out it was kind of a big deal, probably because Skyrim was still a big deal lmao. I remember people trading the sweetrolls recipe around.
I kinda wonder if it's one of the first cookbook that tried to stay "in-universe". Because sometimes cookbooks really don't (there are a few Star Wars kids cookbooks that come to mind). But the Elder Scrolls cookbook is in-universe and has little lore snippets in each recipe, which I'm always a fan of.
The book is themed for The Elder Scrolls setting as a whole, but you can tell it came out at the height of Skyrim's popularity lol.
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The book starts off with a chapter covering basics, from spice mixes to pie doughs to sauces, which I think is really cool. Not every cookbook has those, and they'll be used throughout the book so it's good to have a look through that chapter. Then the rest of the book is divided between sides, main meals, soups, breads, desserts and drinks. The recipes lean towards hearty recipes, perfect for surviving the harsh wilds of Tamriel.
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The Nines know my poor fifth playthrough insomniac mage who I walked manually from Whiterun to the College of Winterhold would have needed it.
The cookbook has a photo for every recipe except one of the meads for some reasons lol. But I'll let that one slide because it's "just" a drink. It's not that hard to put a photo of food on recipes but man it is not standard and I'll complain about it forever. But the Skyrim cookbook has photos, thank the Nines.
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I've cooked only one recipe from this book but what a recipe it is. Pictured above on the right, it's the orsimer venison, a sweet, slightly spicy, soy sauce meat recipe that is fuckin delicious and I've made it dozens of time (always with beef bc it's easier to find lol). On the left is the redguard rice, which is a current contender for the recipe I'll make from this for the poll (though I'm also looking at the Companion meatball recipe....which sounds funny said like that lmao). The redguard rice uses ground lamb, and I can't remember ever having lamb before! If I can find it I would definitely like to try.
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We also, of course, have the Sweetroll recipe. I haven't made it yet but I recently and FINALLY found a small-sized fluted baking pan so I really want to make them soon.
Overall this is a really solid cookbook, it looks pretty, the photos are huge, there's a little bit of lore and story on every recipe. There are more fish-based recipes than I expected, which isn't as interesting for me but it adds variety. I kinda wish there were a few more main meals in there. I'm also torn on if I'd like the book to be divided by meal types as it is currently, or if it'd be neat to have the chapters be themed around cultures for extra lore flavor, like the DND cookbook. idk!
The recipes are pretty standard and don't tend to go for funky ingredients but I think that's fine. They do tend to go for venison and lamb for meat, which I think makes sense, thinking about Skyrim! (and yes the book is still very heavily focused on Skyrim, thought there are a few recipes from elsewhere) The recipes are hearty, using cheese, meats, lots of veggies and with a significant soup chapter and also lots of desserts. You'll be well fed as you travel Tamriel! Just watch your back for them Dark Brotherhood types.
Bonus themed images bc I feel like it: Some of the few surviving screenshots I had from Oblivion, when our computer couldn't run it well so my dad modded it to run at even lower specs and I'm pretty sure it turned off all the lighting. But I had such a great time.
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My khajiit assassin at home uwu
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And my main, in casual wear for some reason. She was a heavy armor build lol. And my outlet for making drow, without access to dnd.
ANYWAY hope this was mildly entertaining! I'll try to choose a recipe for this week, but I'm being forced to go into office more often so I can't garantee a time. Currently it's between the redguard rice and the companion meatballs.
Also check out Misohungrie's several few videos of him covering the cookbook and some extra recipes! I love his videos so you should check them out.
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angchongyicritic · 7 months
Ang Chong Yi New Classics: Rediscovering Comfort Food with a Contemporary Flair
Imagine your favourite dish. It feels good in your stomach and warms you inside. Comfort food is actually a reflection of culture, memories, and how one identifies oneself. Despite that, comfort food can look to the future instead of remaining attached to the past. In fact, chefs and food bloggers have started reimagining old traditional favourites, making them contemporary by just adding new ingredients, flavours and techniques in order to make them seem both familiar and new.
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What does comfort food mean?
It is a term used to describe food that gives a feeling of well-being or happiness which may be nostalgic as well. It may easily vary depending on who you are, where you come from or what occasion it is for. Some examples include macaroni cheese, chicken soup, pizza, ice cream and chocolate cake.
Also, eating comfort foods has psychological benefits such as reduced stress levels, improved moods and stronger social ties. People at Cornell University have discovered that consuming comfort foods helps overcome loneliness or boredom, hence bringing back happy moments. Thus, it can be seen as self-care.
How are comfort food dishes being reinvented?
Some chefs as well as food bloggers are challenging this notion of simple; hearty and indulgence by giving classic comfort foods their own twist. They experiment with cuisines, ingredients and methods to create the modern types of comfort foods that appeal to people today.
For instance, Ang Chong Yi Food Blogger and Critic in Singapore has been showcasing recipes for Asian-inspired comfort food dishes on his blogs. His recipe list includes;
Bak Kut Teh Ramen: A fusion of Singaporean bak kut teh with Japanese ramen noodles topped off with anise, cinnamon and cloves to make the broth fragrant and spicy. The dish is garnished with sliced chilli, fried garlic and cilantro.
Nasi Lemak Burger: A crispy chicken patty marinated in coconut milk and spices nestled between two rice buns which is a tribute that was made to Malaysia’s national dish. The burger is served with cucumbers and some sambal – a spicy chilli sauce that brings out the flavours of the meat.
Mango Sticky Rice Cake: This cake is a combination of Thai and French flavours. It consists of layers of vanilla sponge cake, whipped cream and fresh mango slices topped with sticky rice cooked in coconut milk plus sugar. The cake is drizzled with toasted sesame seeds for extra crunchiness, while coconut sauce enhances its aroma.
Trying new classic comfort foods can be both fun and delicious as well as a way of getting to know different cultures, cuisines, and ingredients. Alternatively, you may come up with your own versions of comfort food by combining elements from various dishes or learning new ways to enjoy them. Additionally, it is possible that they will serve as a source of inspiration for you in terms of being more innovative, risk-taking and having an open mind while cooking and living life. If you want to know anything about Plant-based food, then have a look at Ang Chong Yi’s Veggie Voyage: Exploring the Plant-Based Wonders of the World.
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crapcafe · 5 months
hearing people talking about cooking is always such an interesting topic and i'm gonna take a min to ramble about it. i learned how to cook (eggs and pasta mostly) as a kid from my mom because she learned to cook at a young age as well and she would also be gone on work trips pretty often. later on in life i worked in restaurant kitchens as a kitchen manager and a line cook. i've even had the displeasure of working alongside new hire line cooks that don't fucking know how to cook but figure that they can still do the job (they could not)
some things just become intuitive so it's hard for me to remember exactly what i needed to focus on learning and what did just come naturally from the start, but a lot of it relates to just general science/chemistry knowledge. denser items will take longer to cook than less dense things (potatoes take forfuckingever but sliced button mushrooms take like a minute or two), high heat makes things cook way faster so liquids will boil off sooner, dense items will sear/burn quicker, and thin/small things will just burn. some professional cooks don't even know this based on the amount of times i've had to talk coworkers out of turning the fryer temp higher because things were taking a long time to cook (this is a great way to get a nice crispy skin on some shit that's still frozen in the middle)
there's a lot of learning how to read recipes. abbreviations (sometimes tablespoon is T or tb or TBSP or Tbs), how to adjust amounts if you need more or less of something, looking up substitutions for things (if you don't have milk but need to make a cream sauce, using applesauce instead of oil or butter or eggs in some baking recipes, etc). its definitely a skill to know how to read some recipes, and coming in with your own knowledge is great, but it's another instance of "you need to learn the rules to know how to break them." this is how you get the screenshots of ppl substituting kale in their banana cookie recipes and then wondering why they suck
thinking of foods in terms of nutritional value can also be helpful. if you have tortilla chips and salsa youre technically getting some vegetables in you. frozen and dried fruits and veggies are still fruits and veggies. rice and beans is grains and protein. miso soup with tofu and spinach is lots of protein and iron. romaine salad with balsamic vin, olive oil, feta, and tomatoes is some vitamins and fats and calcium but without grains and fiber it wont give you too much energy so have some bread or something with it. moving away from processed food will make you feel better. apple slice and peanut butter is my new depression meal bc it makes me feel more alive than shredded cheese from the bag and you can feel like a roman emperor a bit.
if you're just starting out learning how to cook: try to keep it simple with starch + veggie + protein (veggie pasta is a staple classic, roast some stuff and toss it with pasta and garlic and olive oil), find something with just a handful of ingredients that you actually want to eat. the act of cooking can be fun but not everyone thinks its fun, so at least make sure you'll want to eat the final product. if there's any sauces you really like try to keep some on hand. gochujang+soy sauce+sesame oil+sugar+broth can be really good in a stir fry, and basically all of those things will last a long time.
anyway theres a lot of text about cooking. theres a reason i stayed working in kitchens for almost 5 years despite how shit working in kitchens is. i like food and cooking. its one of the few things humans have been doing for a bajillion years and its necessary to live a healthy life and if you can find some fun and peace in the process then thats even better. theres no shame in not knowing how to cook but there is shame in refusing to try and learn imo
insert senshi page about eating well and exercising regularly to live a healthy life
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easytobevegan · 1 year
Easy Vegan Meals for Children and Picky Eaters
Got a child that you need to feed or pack lunch for and don’t have much time? Have a picky eater living with you who’s trying to go vegan? Maybe you have a combination child/picky eater (like I was) living in your household? Well, this list of food is perfect for you! While not always the healthiest, sometimes just getting someone to eat can be challenging enough, so there’s nothing wrong with some simple, somewhat unhealthy meals every now and then. Many of these dishes can easily be made healthier by adding veggies! Here’s a collection of easy meals for the difficult eaters in your life. 
Macaroni and “Cheese”: Whether it’s boxed vegan mac or homemade, macaroni and cheese is a beloved classic for people of all ages and eating habits. Some boxed and frozen vegan mac and cheese that I’ve personally tried include Sweet Earth Cauliflower Mac, Field Roast Mac N’ Chao, Daiya Cheddar Style Mac & Cheeze, and Annie’s Deluxe Rich & Creamy Shells & Vegan Cheddar. You could also make a quick batch of mac and cheese yourself by boiling your pasta noodle of choice, making a roux with all-purpose flour and vegan butter, and slowly adding in your nondairy milk and vegan cheese shreds of choice (I personally use oat milk and either Follow Your Heart or Violife). If you’re looking to make your own cheese sauce, there are plenty of vegan recipes out there, such as this one from Nora Cooks or this one from Love and Lemons. Add broccoli, cauliflower, and/or some sauteed greens (such as spinach or kale) to make this classic, homey dish a little less unhealthy. 
Tacos: Whether you use a packaged spice mix or make your own (like this one from Vegan Richa), you can’t go wrong with a simple taco. Hard shell, soft shell, lettuce wrap, taco salad - whatever you do, it’s up to you and sure to be delicious! I personally like to use black beans (and sometimes chickpeas or TVP) as my meat substitute. You could also add other veggies to the dish, such as mushrooms, carrots, zucchini, bell peppers - anything you want, really. Top with lettuce, tomato, vegan cheese, salsa, and/or pico de gallo for some added flavor and texture.
Sloppy Joes: In place of meat, use tvp, lentils or mushrooms. If you can find a canned sauce that is vegan friendly, that will work just fine for a quick meal, but homemade is best, in my humble opinion. Not sure where to start? Try this recipe from Nora Cooks!
Grilled Cheese: Get two slices of bread, a couple slices of vegan cheese, and enough vegan butter to spread on the outside of the bread. Put the cheese slices on top of the bread and then put the bread slices in a pan over medium heat until cheese is melted and bread is toasted. Add some tomato slices or fresh greens if you’re into that or serve the sandwich with some soup (I like tomato soup best). 
Pizza: Who doesn’t love a good pizza, am I right? If you’re lucky enough to live somewhere that serves good vegan pizza, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with getting it as a treat every now and then. Frozen vegan pizzas that I’ve seen in stores where I live have been limited to Daiya pizzas (which I haven’t tried, so I can’t comment on taste), but I know there are others out there. You can easily make your own pizza by buying vegan-friendly dough (either frozen, premade bread or package mix), jarred pizza sauce, vegan shredded cheese, and toppings of choice (such as spinach, mushrooms, pineapple, etc.). Looking to make a pizza from scratch? Try this one from Love and Lemons or this one from Nora Cooks. 
Spaghetti: Jarred sauce and spaghetti noodles, what could be simpler? You could also add some vegan parmesan on top, some vegan meatballs or tvp to the sauce, and/or a bunch of vegetables for added flavor and texture. Making your own sauce is really simple, too! Here’s a recipe from my mom that I use whenever I’m craving spaghetti (note that the link also has recipes for lasagna and chili) -  Spaghetti Sauce.
“Chicken” Nuggets: There are plenty of frozen vegan chicken nugget options out there now, from Morning Star to Gardein to Impossible, etc. If you want something without all the preservatives and processing that goes into making fake meat, you could try making your own. These recipes from Nora Cooks and Sweet Potato Soul look yummy! Serve them with some homemade fries, baked potatoes, or roasted vegetables for a filling and delicious meal. 
Quesadillas: Another yummy Mexican dish that you can whip up easily. You can make a simple one by purchasing tortillas and vegan cheese shreds to melt inside. You can also add whatever veggies and spices you want. If you’re looking for recipes to follow along with, these from Love and Lemons and Nora Cooks look delicious!
Baked Ziti: More pasta, yay! Warm, cheesy and saucy, what could be better than baked ziti on a chilly day? This vegan baked ziti from Nora Cooks uses ziti containing wheat and a cashew sauce, but it does have gluten free and nut free options listed! If you want to add some healthy factors to it, mix in some greens (like spinach or kale) or other vegetables (like broccoli, cauliflower or zucchini).
Peanut butter and Jelly Sandwich: Simple yet delicious! Great to take to school or work for a quick lunch. Have it with some raw veggies or fruit slices to add some more nutrition to your meal. Want to take your sandwich to the next level? Try this PBJ Coconut Bacon Sandwich from Elephantastic Vegan!
Fried Rice: Rice and vegetables - couldn’t be simpler! While you can certainly find frozen vegetable fried rice that is vegan friendly in many grocery stores, there’s just something satisfying about making it yourself. This recipe from Nora Cooks is so good! 
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deputygonebye · 1 year
Sense and Other Specific Headcanons
What does your muse smell like?
Shane smells like the black coffee he drinks, the beverage that starts every one of his mornings, hints of a richness unfound anywhere else. Combined with touches of Old Spice Cologne, warm spring water and bar soap, campfires and freshly churned dirt, natural musk, Shane's scent is all his own.
What does your muse's hands feel like?
Rough and callused. From years of dedicated work as a deputy and as a survivor of the apocalypse thereafter, Shane's hands have been through hell. Hardened around the edges, scarred from where battle had been seen and fought. Almost like sandpaper in certain spots, muscles in the hands themselves strong, soft only toward those loved most.
What does your muse usually eat in a day?
Shane's day always begins with a fresh cup of black coffee. No sugar, no cream. Just straight black, but most always accompanied by some sort of breakfast treat. Life as an officer didn't always allow for a big and hearty breakfast, life of a survivor isn't all that much different. For those quick mornings, if he can, he'll grab something small to go with his coffee. A doughnut. A piece of toast with butter. Something easy to make and quick to eat. For days when he can actually enjoy the meal, sit and feast comfortably. Shane likes to go all out. Scrambled eggs, bacon, toast with jam, hashbrowns, pancakes and/or waffles, yogurt. It's all there. Lunch is usually a bit lighter, in terms of quantity. He'll go for the simple: a sandwich with chips on the side, maybe soup. A meal far more plain but never less satisfying. Dinner's much like lunch, never as heavy as breakfast, but still able to carry its own. More often than not, Shane settles for protein orientated dinner options. Big steaks. Big burgers. Big fillets of fish. Served with a side of veggies, potatoes or mixed greens, sometimes French fries, if he has the patience for the prep, sometimes pasta, it really depends on his mood and what he's craving.
Does your muse have a good singing voice?
No. Shane can't sing to save his life, but he does try with great effort! Though he's guaranteed to be a little off-pitch and off-key, he'll sing to his favorite songs until his heart's content. For his own enjoyment and the enjoyment of friends who are forced to hear him, he's so bad, he's almost good. Belting out his favorite Elvis tunes, or singing the chorus to any Pearl Jam classic, Shane takes center stage without fear.
Does your muse have any bad habits or nervous ticks?
Yup. He definitely does! In terms of bad habits, one is the fact that he drinks when he's upset. Shane doesn't have a dependency on the bottle, but when he's overly stressed about something, utterly depressed, it's where he turns to. A bottle of beer to soothe his hurting heart, a glass of nothing but good whiskey to calm his spirits. It's not the healthiest choice - Shane isn't proud of his habit - but it is one that he makes continuously whenever he's in that certain funk. Nervous ticks are few and far between, but one that he does have would be running a hand through his hair/scalp. Whenever the feelings of anxiousness creep over, instantly, Shane's hand is in his curls, roaming through them, touching them. Even with the buzzcut, fingertips are always rubbing his head, working out the worries as best as they can.
What does your muse usually look like/wear?
Shane's look never really changes, nor does what he chooses to wear. He's sported the same look for so many years, it's almost weird to see him without it. Curls styled by moose on top of his head, a buzzcut shaven clear to the scalp, with mindful eye of the electric razor, sometimes he has a beard, sometimes not. Outside of those four styles, Shane doesn't venture to try new things. Doesn't care to. In regards to what he wears, his go-to look is a nice pair of dark blue jeans and a basic t-shirt, usually black or brown. A pair of brown boots on his feet, a thick black belt across his hips, his clothing style is definitely casual and practical. Occasionally, he'll throw on a flannel, red plaid with detailing of black or navy blue.
Is your muse affectionate? How so?
Affection for Shane is most always saved for the people he loves or cares about. Warm embraces and tender kisses. He's not very touchy-feely with those he doesn't know, unless it's someone in honest trouble or in desperate need of help. Strangers won't come to know his physical affection at all, and enemies will only be welcomed to the brutality of his fists, his guns and weaponry. Around kids, though, especially those within his own group or community, he's a total softie and turns into a real teddy bear of a man. Very gentle and very affectionate.
What position does your muse sleep in?
Shane sleeps on his belly. Done so ever since he was a little boy, when Jean would rub his back to help him fall asleep. It's hard for him to find sleep in any other position.
Can you hear your muse in the hallway from another room?
Yes. Most definitely! Either by voice or the fall of his footsteps, Shane isn't exactly a fieldmouse of a man. He's loud and obnoxious. Even when he isn't in one of his tempers, he's just a commanding person and can be heard from any nearby space. One stomp from his foot, or one joyous laugh, and anyone who knows him would recognize them as belonging to Shane.
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Tagged by: @wexarethewalkingxdead
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pootilakoothimy · 2 years
There is no denying that dumplings are a comfort dish that will always please and fill you up. Jiaozi, or filled dumplings, have been a favorite food in China for more than 1,800 years. People from all across the world may now enjoy unique dumpling variations! You can't go wrong here, whether you've always eaten Chinese dumplings or want to try something new. There are several varieties to try while looking for "Chinese dumplings near me."Do you want to learn more? then continue reading. The best 7 Chinese dumplings for biting, slurping, and chewing are listed below.
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Classic Chinese dumplings come in many different varieties, but pan-fried potstickers are one. They often have chicken, mushrooms, pork, shrimp, and ginger throughout and are formed like a crescent moon. These are created by heating a skillet with oil, adding the potstickers, and pan-frying them till golden brown all over. After that, add some water, close the cover, and steam the veggies for a short while. Once the potstickers have completed cooking, take the cover off and pan-fry them for a few minutes to make them crisp (and the water has evaporated). Although they may be eaten alone, most people like them with a dipping sauce such as soy, vinegar, or chile oil. As a result, be sure to test them.
Most likely, you imagine cooking dumplings when you think of them. Similar to potstickers, but cooked in boiling water rather than frying. They contain ingredients including pork, onion, cabbage, and ginger. After they've been cooked, you can eat them on their own, with soy sauce, or with vinegar. They taste better when combined with some noodles and added to the soup.
A xiao long bao is an illustration of a steamed circular dumpling with "soup" within. If you've ever had dim sum, you've probably heard of xiao long bao. Although other components are frequently used, minced pork is the main component! Start eating xiao long bao by placing one on your soup spoon. If you pierce it when transferring the bao from the steamer to your spoon, all of the brothy deliciousness will be lost. You may either suck the broth off the skin of the dumpling or drink it from the soup spoon after taking a little bite out of the top or side of the dumpling.
They resemble xiao long bao, which is frequently filled with ground pork, although they differ greatly from their steamed relatives. Sheng Jian bao is pan-fried to the perfect crispness rather than steamed. They also have a doughy yeast coating rather than the thinner wrappers found on the bulk of other dumplings. Making sheng Jian bao is similar to making potstickers. You basically use the same methods to correctly cook these dumplings while maintaining a crispy texture.
Wonton is one of the most well-known kinds of Asian dumplings. It's a versatile dumpling that goes well with soup noodles or by itself with some chili crisp! These are frequently wrapped in paper-thin wheat skins and filled with vegetables, meat, or seafood. It is occasionally served with green onions, Napa cabbage, or bok choy strips in a clear broth. Furthermore, fried wontons are increasingly popular in Western cuisine. They were traditionally packed with the same ingredients as cooked ones. To please the westernized palate, Americanized wontons are deep-fried and filled with cream cheese.
If you often eat dim sum, you may be familiar with this dumpling. This transparent shrimp, bamboo, and finely grated ginger-filled dumpling are enveloped in tapioca flour. While soy sauce may be used to consume har gow, some people choose to eat it without it to enjoy the fresh, light flavor of the dumpling and all of the shrimp within.
Now, har is usually served with shumai! This dumpling's distinctive quality is that it is essentially an open dumpling. The cylindrical form of the wrapper is commonly packed with ground pork, shrimp, and/or mushrooms, and occasionally a fish egg, shredded carrots, and/or peas. Shumai is often steamed but may alternatively be deep-fried.
At Roll and Bubble, you can now get the best dumpling in the UAE. You may also place orders via Talabat and Careem.
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Japanese Cookbooks for the home-foodies
Check out these titles instantly on Hoopla with your library card!
Boba: Classic, Fun, and Refreshing Bubble Teas to Make at Home by Stacey Kwong, Beyah del Mundo
Bubble tea, or boba—the addictive drink that originated in Taiwan in the 1980s—has taken the world by storm with shops popping up on every corner and lines out all their doors. In Boba Bar, the founders of the first self-serve boba bar, MILK + T, show you how to make this addictive drink in your own home, from making the tapioca pearls (the bubbles) and brewing the teas to creating simple syrups and all the delicious toppings.
Learn how to make: Tapioca pearls and how to get them to the perfect consistency Milky teas (classic milk tea, green milk tea, Thai tea, strawberry coconut milk, salted caramel milk tea) Fruity teas (pineapple + strawberry green tea, cucumber + watermelon black tea, watermelon + strawberry black tea, honey green tea) Simple syrups (brown sugar syrup, strawberry syrup, honey syrup) Toppings (fruit jellies, adzuki beans, taro, and sweet potato balls)
With 60 innovative, step-by-step recipes and mouthwatering photos, along with the Milk + T story—from food truck to three successful stores in Los Angeles, Portland, and Las Vegas—and a dash of girl power from the authors Stacey Kwong and Beyah del Mundo, Bubble Tea Party! is the ultimate boba celebration!
Simply Ramen: 70 Tempting Noodle Dishes for the Ramen-Lover in You by Amy Kimoto-Kahn
Love homemade ramen but don't want to spend ages looking for remote ingredients and preparing it? Simply Ramen brings delicious, homemade ramen to the table in an easy and accessible way, with a delicious fusion of 70 traditional and non-traditional recipes. Author Amy Kimoto-Kahn will show you how to make traditional basic ramen soup and a variety of different toppings. Enjoy steaming hot pork, chicken, or beef ramen dishes. Or branch out with seafood, vegetarian, or super spicy soups. There's even a host of recipes for cold ramen and other specialty ramen meals. Looking to please a lot of people? Amy Kimoto-Kahn will help you to "build-your-own-ramen" and show you how to start with one basic soup and then add a myriad of toppings to please a crowd. You'll even learn how to use instant ramen for delicious, but quick and easy dinners.
Sushi Modoki: The Japanese Art and Craft of Vegan Sushi by iina
Enjoy authentic, delicious, vegan sushi that tastes and looks like the real thing—with over 50 recipes to make at home Once they’ve had their fill of avocado rolls, what’s a vegan sushi-lover to do? Enter Sushi Modoki—a cookbook filled with amazing, all-vegan re-creations of classic rolls that mimic the flavor and texture of fish, with all-natural, whole ingredients. At the hands of vegan innovator iina, a cooking instructor in her native Japan, tomatoes transform into “tuna” and carrots into “salmon”—with mind-boggling results showcased in over 100 color photographs. With clear step-by-step instructions for assembling elegant plates bursting with color and crunch—plus the full range of traditional sides including salads, soups, pickled veggies, and hot and cold drinks—Sushi Modoki is the ultimate guide to becoming a vegan sushi master.
Simply Bento: A Complete Course in Preparing Beautiful Box Lunch Ideas for Healthy Portable Portions by Yuko, Noriko
Ready to make lunch quick, easy, and tasty? Japanese bento boxes are single-portion packed lunches, perfect for anyone looking to save money and eat a balanced, satisfying meal for lunch every single day. Simply Bento features 140+ healthy and delicious bento recipes—including mains and sides—that you can make every day of the week, using a combination of traditional and non-traditional ingredients. Learn about different types of bento boxes and accessories, how to assemble your box, and everyday items you will need in your pantry, as well as how to plan ahead so that your morning prep is a breeze.
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drvitaltips · 3 months
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modbout · 3 months
Busy Bees and Bloomin Budgets: Delicious and Affordable Meals for the Time-Crunched Foodie
Busy Bees and Blooming Budgets: Delicious and Affordable Meals for the Time-Crunched Foodie .Ditch the takeout menus and hello to delicious, budget-friendly meals! This guide is packed with affordable and healthy recipe ideas for busy bees, proving that eating well doesn't have to break the bank.
Listen up, busy bees! We all know the struggle – juggling work, family, and other commitments, leaving little time or energy to whip up gourmet meals. But here's the good news:
eating healthy and delicious food doesn't have to cost a fortune or take hours in the kitchen. This guide is your roadmap to affordable and healthy meals, perfect for busy bees on a budget.
First things first, let's address the elephant in the room – budgeting for groceries. Here are some tips to get you started:
Plan your meals: Planning your meals for the week helps you avoid impulse purchases at the store and ensures you have ingredients on hand for healthy meals.
Embrace the grocery list: Stick to your list and avoid getting sucked into tempting (and often expensive) impulse buys.
Shop smart: Compare prices at different stores, utilize coupons and loyalty programs, and consider buying in bulk for staples like rice and beans.
Don't forget frozen: Frozen fruits and vegetables are often just as nutritious as fresh options and can be budget-friendly.
Now, let's get cookin'! Here are some affordable and healthy meal ideas to fuel your busy days:
Overnight oats: Simply combine rolled oats, milk (dairy or plant-based), and your favorite flavorings (fruit, nuts, spices) in a jar the night before, and enjoy a grab-and-go breakfast in the morning.
Eggs: A classic for a reason! Eggs are a budget-friendly source of protein and can be prepared in endless ways – scrambled, fried, omelets, or even hard-boiled for a quick snack.
Whole-wheat toast with avocado and eggs: Add a touch of healthy fat and protein to your toast with a mashed avocado and a couple of fried eggs.
Leftovers: Leftovers are a lifesaver! Repurpose leftover dinner ingredients into a delicious and healthy lunch the next day.
Soup and salad: This classic combo is both filling and nutritious. Choose hearty, vegetable-packed soups and pair them with a simple salad tossed with a homemade vinaigrette.
Tuna salad sandwich: Opt for canned tuna packed in water and mix it with low-fat mayo, chopped celery, and red onion for a protein-packed sandwich on whole-wheat bread.
Bean burritos: Beans are a budget-friendly protein powerhouse. Make a big pot of chili beans and use them to fill tortillas with your favorite toppings like salsa, shredded cheese, and avocado.
Stir-fry: This is a quick and easy way to get your veggies in! Choose your favorite protein (chicken, tofu, shrimp) and stir-fry it with a colorful mix of vegetables and a simple sauce made with soy sauce, ginger, and garlic.
Pasta night: Skip the expensive pre-made sauces! Make a simple tomato sauce with canned tomatoes, garlic, and herbs, and pair it with whole-wheat pasta and a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese.
Bonus Tip: Don't forget about meal prep! Dedicate some time on the weekend to cook and portion out meals for the week. This will save you time and ensure you always have healthy options readily available.
Remember, eating healthy on a budget is possible. By planning your meals, shopping smart, and getting creative in the kitchen, you can fuel your busy life with delicious and nutritious food without breaking the bank. So, busy bees, get out there, explore the world of affordable and healthy meals, and bloom into the healthy, energetic individuals you are meant to be!
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eggplant-dolma · 4 months
11/100,, feb 29, 2024
No pics for this update, it was a strange day. Good tho! Mostly.
Went to chiro this morning which went well
Managed to get my recipe ideas to client and a response back so I can start working on the dev soon. Was really hoping to get at least a chapter done for my research project, but that is now a tomorrow goal </3
Then one of my friends came over for a movie night! I found cream of mushroom soup in the cupboard and added some potatoes and 1/3 of an onion from the fridge + more veggie broth for a yummy soup. I also made some bread that came out a little weird but I toasted it with cheese and it made for a great soup-dunker. We watched the princess bride (always a classic) then she left a little after 7.
It's just abt 740 now, cats are all fed, and I think im gonna go get tucked into bed 😌😴
The dishes can wait until tomorrow
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Top Places to Visit in Varsity, Calgary
Varsity is an established neighborhood in the Northwest quadrant of Calgary, Alberta. It was developed in the 1960s and early 1970s on a plateau to the north of the Bow River valley and is primarily composed of Single-detached dwellings on wide lots. The neighborhood comprises three major areas: Varsity Acres, Varsity Village, and Varsity Estates. Varsity is bounded on the north and east by Crowchild Trail, on the west by the Bow River, and on the south by 32nd Avenue NW. It borders the neighborhoods of Silver Springs and Bowness on the west side, and both Montgomery and the University of Calgary campus on the south side. Professional shared office space.
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Matador Pizza
Original founder, George Tsares, knew back in 1976, that he wanted to make a great pizza for the under-serviced community of Varsity. He knew that his ‘Greek-style’ pizza crust would be a hit, but he didn’t have a name or location for his soon to be famous pizzeria.
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Eventually his search led to our location in what is now the far end of the dining room. He walked in and was struck by the old, white stucco arches along the original walls. He said he felt like he was in a bullfighter’s ring in Spain…Ole! The name ‘Matador’ was born.
For the next 35 years, George continued to build the Matador Pizza brand which has become a staple in the Northwest and specifically in the great community of Varsity. Starting out as just a small pick-up window, the restaurant has undergone 3 separate expansions resulting in the family-style pizza & steakhouse and lounge that exists today.
Snow Palace Restaurant
Snow Palace is Calgary’s premium spot for the best-tasting Chinese cuisine. Our restaurant's classic dining area, affordable prices, and a strong focus on great service to each of our customers will leave you truly satisfied. In order to deliver fresh traditional recipes, our restaurant's talented team prepares each meal with the finest ingredients. Our menu includes a fantastic selection of mouthwatering appetizers, soups, meat dishes, seafood dishes, chop suey, hot pots, and much more. Come in and unwind with friends and family today - we guarantee you will leave truly satisfied.
For those who are joining us for dinner, we highly recommend ordering our famous Peking Duck which is served with pancakes, Chicken with Black Bean Sauce, Szechuan-style beef, or Shanghai Noodles with Shredded Pork and Veggies. If you're ordering for the family, we have a selection of full-course meals for 2-10 people. As an example, one order comes with spring rolls, wonton soup, sliced beef, ginger beef, and chicken fried rice. Whether you are a new or returning customer, Snow Palace will be sure to have something to satisfy your cravings. Join us today or save time and order online for delivery or pickup through SkipTheDishes!
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Astra Business Centre is your premier destination for top-notch coworking space Calgary. Nestled in the heart of the city, our center is designed to cater to the needs of modern professionals, entrepreneurs, and businesses seeking a dynamic and collaborative work environment. Our coworking spaces provide a vibrant and inspiring atmosphere, equipped with state-of-the-art amenities and flexible work solutions. Whether you're a startup looking for a cost-effective workspace or an established company seeking a hub for innovation, Astra Business Centre offers the ideal setting for productivity and networking. Join us in redefining the way you work, connect, and succeed in Calgary.
Astra Business Centre 638 11 Ave SW #200, Calgary, AB T2R 0E2, Canada (587) 327-7272 https://astrayyc.ca/ https://www.google.com/maps?cid=7718610025680099200
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