#this took hours to write omg free me
rewritingcanon · 4 months
what do u think of the portrayal of harry and ginny in the cursed child (i feel like it's so out of character, especially for harry) also that he works at the ministry and that ginny gave up her quidditch career (same goes for harry)
alright ive had this in my inbox for so long because i wanted to do this ask justice so i really hope that anon is still around to read this. in saying that harry was ‘out of character’ in hpcc, i assume you’re talking about how he was a bad/flawed father, as MANY fans have argued the same. so i will address that first and then i will talk about ginny and hinny’s careers.
disclaimer: when i say “you” im not talking specifically about anon but about fandom.
harry potter vs fatherhood
harry’s whole life resolved around being the chosen one and the prophesied saviour of the wizarding world. it was either being The Hero or being the unwanted, abused and scorned freak living with the dursleys. when thats your home life, then you tend to cling on to anything that is an escape from that— and in harry’s experience that was hogwarts.
if you really think about it, hogwarts was very nasty to harry as well. he was always getting picked on or bullied or in some life threatening danger that he got blamed for half of the time— but because it was better than living with the dursleys, his mind idolised it as a safe haven.
harry also reflects this idolising behaviour onto parental figures, especially paternal figures. he doesnt actually know his parents, only has an ideal of them in his head that was constructed as a coping mechanism to the abuse and neglect he went through at home. he projects The Perfect Father onto every one of his paternal figures (i think the only exception to this is arthur but i mayyy be wrong)— sirius and dumbledore are the biggest ones that come to mind, even though sirius only knew him for two years, and dumbledore would manipulate and use harry for the betterment of the world, which is unlike a parent who would put their child’s needs first (harry did not recognise these issues at length at the time as he was used to the idea of self sacrifice and probs understood that it came with the territory of being The Hero). harry even projected his father onto himself in PoA and nearly died from it.
in saying this, its reasonable to argue that there’s a disconnect with harry and the idea of what a good father actually is. this is challenged in the books itself (with SWM, harry seeing that james was not the Perfect Man he built up in his head), but this is challenged the most in the cursed child.
throughout the play, harry acts as the personified ideal he grew up with. easygoing, confident, wise— when in reality he is the opposite of those attributes and albus can see right through it (ginny says this to harry in the play, i would find the line but alas, im on the train rn). hes not easygoing or confident— he’s fearful that he doesn’t know what hes doing or how to be a father, and hes scared not knowing makes him a bad father. hes acted out in fear multiple times— the biggest moment is when he bans albus from seeing scorpius to keep him ‘safe.’ he has constant nightmares about his trauma as a child when living with the dursleys and not having the stability or love he craved. his ‘wise’ advice is not applicable to his children because he is harry potter, The Hero, and they are just normal kids. this is why albus and harry get on each others nerves so badly— because they are constantly stomping on each others sore spots by accident. albus doesn’t appreciate the facade that harry tries to uphold, and harry doesn’t understand why— because he’s projecting that ideal onto all of his kids, and if it works for james and lily (presumably), why doesn’t it work for albus? harry would’ve done anything for a father figure like himself!! there must be something wrong with albus!! (🙄)
now The Blanket SceneTM is very controversial and pissed off a lot of longtime fans into denouncing the entire play as canon. ive talked about it at length and since theres more to discuss in this post, i will shorten it down as best i can for you:
as a way of bonding, harry tries to give his precious blanket to albus. he believes albus may be more like him and may be able to understand the sacredness of the present unlike his siblings.
unknowingly, harry is still projecting his ideals onto albus. the blanket is only so extremely precious to him because it represents his parents, who he still views in an idolised light. therefore the blanket is the ideal.
albus scorns this ideal so he scorns the gift. however, because hes a confused and possibly depressed fourteen year old, he doesn’t communicate the rejection of this in a healthy way and basically insults the blanket by calling it old and mouldy and comparing it to james and lily’s presents, which outwardly could make him seem like a brat.
by attacking the blanket, he attacks harry’s parents and the ideal. and harry is very sensitive about this
albus then accidentally triggers very central fears surrounding being an orphan and being a father when he says “i wish you werent my dad”
harrys first thought is that albus wants him dead. at this point, hes stopped listening to albus trying to explain himself as he’s already triggered, so he’s acting in complete defence when he responds “sometimes i wish you werent my son”
this was said with the intention to hurt albus, it was a mindless act with one goal. saying this is out of character for harry is ridiculous, because he’s done the exact same thing in the books multiple times to the people he loves.
another important note: these characters trigger each other accidentally. the intent to connect is there, but there are deep seated issues on harry’s side that was never confronted leading to these issues. and as albus is a young angsty teen who does get bullied and is a little self-centred (again, very normal for a 14yo), he can’t really communicate these issues to harry effectively (harry being dismissive of the bullying (that he believes is normal for hogwarts students) albus goes through doesn’t help the situation either), leaving harry stumbling in the dark and further emboldening that The Perfect Father he imagined as a child may not exist.
ok that wasnt very economical but anyways! those are the issues! what happens next is harry spiralling and confirming those fears, being forced to confront them and deal with them, and then the steps toward healing his relationship with albus.
im not defending how harry treated albus (dismissing his bullying, lashing out, the enmeshment abuse) but offering insight and trying to explain that he was certainly in-character. i think people simply had an emotional reaction to seeing their loved character being very realistically flawed, and decided they didnt like it without doing much analysis as to why harry was acting the way he was. trauma is very complex, and theres no expiry date for it if you simply refuse to confront it or heal.
a lot of harry’s journey with interrogating the Perfect Father concept was to confront and acknowledge his inner child. he has to recognise his childhood for the childhood it was without the flashy titles or impressed ideals. the confrontation with dumbledore is the pinnacle of it— harry idolised dumbledore as a central father figure, and he realised when confronting the portrait that his relationship with dumbledore was much more complex and nuanced than he originally thought. suddenly dumbledore ceases to be an ideal, and harry sees him for the man that he was: conflicted, more uncertain in his own choices than he let on, heartbroken and self-sabotaging.
when harry presents himself at the end of the play to albus, he presents himself as human— an escapist, unsure in his decisions, insecure, and scared of the dark, small spaces and pigeons. and albus appreciates the flawed, real version of harry. those expectations and ideals that albus struggled to uphold in the face of harry’s projecting simply disappear, and he finally feels like he can adequately be harry’s son just by being.
another less obvious moment that shows this, is how harry and delphi mirror each other. delphi is the more extreme version of this— she is completely deluded in her worship for a father she never knew, so desperate for the love and respect shes built up in her mind that she’s dedicated her life to it and feels empty without the ideal to go off of. its why harry defends her when albus asks him why they shouldn’t just kill her— because hes the only one who understands the pain of being an orphan, living in an abusive household, dreams of ‘what ifs’ and what it can do to a person.
whats important to take away is that harry and albus love each other immensely, which is why they are able to turn over a new leaf at the end. it speaks of incredible strength on albus’ half, and i really want to stress that albus LOVES harry, because i see so much content about him straight up butchering or slandering harry when that is sooo not them!! if albus saw the way some of yall were misinterpreting his relationship with his dad he’d be livid. whether or not you would do the same in forgiving harry is irrelevant— albus has always wanted to have a good relationship with harry and the same goes both ways. people hurt each other, sometimes egregiously so, but when one promises change and is serious about it, than chances are there will be change. this is especially so in the case of family.
ginny weasley vs age
what is paradoxical is how self-centred harry is, despite also being very willing to sacrifice himself for other people. albus possesses a self-centredness similar to him. harry is so caught up in his own world and comparing it to albus’ situation, and vice versa. ginny is normally the middle man who can see both harry and albus for what they are and the individual worlds they inhabit, and tries to communicate effectively between them. the play mostly revolves around harry and albus, so what i’ll have to say for her will not be as in-depth.
short answer: ginny matured with age. she is probably the most mature character alongside draco, although draco does let his emotions get in the way at times (funnily enough i think this is why ginny and draco get along so well in the cursed child and are able to recognise each other for who they are). she was very brash and courageous and wonderfully chaotic in the books, but she was also blunt and impatient, which is not something thats presented in the cursed child. instead, she is VERY patient and communicates extremely well, being able to navigate both harry and albus without prodding their weak spots like they do to each other.
she offers her own experiences to albus as her own experiences, not projecting them onto him as an unequivocal truth. this can be seen in how she opens up to him about how she was exploited by tom riddle, and she lets albus draw his own comparisons to himself and delphi without pushing his experiences into a box.
her relationship with harry is interesting, because she is the only one who sees him for him and the only one that harry’s not bothered by when she makes honest judgments on his actions. he’s only okay with her seeing him for the flawed man he is. she doesn’t make him feel defensive, nor does she make him feel demonised for not knowing how to parent albus, or for messing up with him (though she does call him out when he is in the wrong, something her younger self would be quick to do too). one of the most heart wrenching scenes is when ginny blows up at harry and really screams at him about albus being missing and him being self-centred about it, making it out to be about himself and his issues surrounding fatherhood. despite this, harry does not get defensive— which shows that he trusts even her negative judgments of him because she knows him so well (very very similar to the library scene with scorpius screaming at albus over his self-centeredness as well btw).
she still possesses key qualities from her younger self, she’s just ironed out the rougher ones as she’s grown— she’s still impossibly brave, fiercely loyal, extremely devoted to those she loves and also very logical. you can tell harry and albus are more emotional than she is, which is part of the reason why she is able to construct her points so effectively. she puts her logical thinking to good use in emotional situations. i think people are forgetting that people aren’t typically going to be the same as who they were as teenagers.
why has ginny been able to grow so much in comparison to harry? because she’s recognised what she went through as a teenager and made peace with it. you can see it in the way she freely offers her own experiences about it. she’s been able to build on top of what she went through in a healthy way, and was able to experience real, healthy change. and she is so much wiser and kinder for it.
hinny vs their careers
first i’ll talk about harry because i think i have more stuff to go off of with him.
we’ve already established that hes The Hero first and foremost. after he fulfilled the prophecy and saved the world i dont think its such a stretch to argue that he may have needed another similar purpose to latch onto, and that being an auror granted him that. quidditch was fun for him, but it couldn’t give him the same purchase that being an auror could. heroes dont play quidditch, they save the world. the same could be said for neville and ron, who were also aurors at first. was it the healthiest road to go down for harry? i dont think so, but considering his characterisation in the cursed child, i think it works. ron ended up quitting to be a father, neville ended up quitting to focus on his real passion (herbology), and harry continued to cling onto The Hero image he’s used to presenting. yes, the ministry was impossibly corrupt and worked against him in his youth, but to harry that could’ve served as more of a reason to change the institution from the inside. this, i imagine, was most definitely the case with hermione, who was always an idealist.
that being said, i don’t think continuing being an auror is such a great idea post-hpcc. he at least needs a break in order to continue his job in a healthy manner and not misconstrue his identity with it.
in terms of ginny, i don’t believe she’d still be playing quidditch in her 40s. if you think about real athletes, very few of them continue playing professionally in their 40s (i think the average age is 34 but i may be wrong), especially after birthing three kids. we dont know much about her retirement, but there are many reasons one can assume ginny retired for, kids and/or age being the most reasonable deduction. its not so much a question of characterisation but more about the reality of having to give up your passion earlier than most if its sports.
despite retiring, its clear ginny is still very passionate about quidditch as shes still working within the field, just not playing the sport professionally anymore.
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sweetiecutie · 1 year
Pairing: dark! König x fem! Reader
Warnings: yandere behavior, obsession, stalking, gaslighting, drugging, kidnapping. This is only fiction! Never tolerate creepy behavior
A/n: so this has been sitting in my drafts for a while so I decided to finish it as a part of writing event. I’m so proud of this one, like omg, look at me being a writer😆
Your head hurt. That was the first thing you registered as you started to slowly regain consciousness. Your face scrunched up in a grimace of pain as you let out a soft groan, your throat sore, only increasing your discomfort.
You tried to raise your hands to rub on your eyes in attempt to soothe the stinginess - point word - tried. You very soon found that your movements had been restricted by something that felt very much like rope. And not only your hands - your legs were bound tightly together at your knees and ankles, not allowing you to move.
- You’re awake now? - soft voice droned on, making you tense up impossibly more. The most terrifying thing was that you knew exactly who this voice belonged to.
You squinted into direction from which the sound came, your vision still blurry and hazy from the drug. Thankfully, the room was dark, small lamp on the bedside table was the only source of soft yellow light. You could only perceive a bulky figure sitting on a chair not too far from you, piercing blue eyes gazed at you unblinking.
- König..? What’s going on? - you asked, your voice was hoarse and weak from long lack of usage.
Suddenly, memories flashed before your eyes; it was late evening - about 11 pm - as you were walking towards convenience store not so far from your apartment.
You had been in a state of constant desolation lately - days were bleak and boring, blurring into one with their unchanging routine, sending you in deeper state of depression.
Breakup with your boyfriend took a toll on you. You loved König, you really did. Considered spending your life with him, even. But the longer your relationship lasted, the more of real him you saw - controlling, obsessive, manipulative.
It all started out small - constant checking in, questions about your whereabouts and your company, him following accompanying you wherever possible. Surely, it restricted your freedom, but König didn’t mean anything bad! He was just worried for you, concerned about your safety! Is that so bad?
So you let it slip. You overlooked his more controlling tendencies, agreed to giving him passwords to all your social media even, so König could make sure that “no freaks were texting you”. It unnerved you, but he didn’t mean anything bad, did he? He was just being a good caring boyfriend!
And it was like an avalanche. Constant calls and messages, controlling what you were wearing, unwillingness to leave you alone even for a few minutes - that and many other things made a list of what your boyfriend did, only adding to your anxiety. But you tolerated it all, because you loved him. Once, digging through your phone you found something that looked very much like a tracking app. You were outraged. But when you asked König about it - rather aggressively - he just blinked at you with wide innocent blue eyes, saying that maybe you installed it on accident? You know all these bots nowadays, you can never be safe online now. But you know that he would never do something like that, right? How could you even think of something like that?! König was genuinely offended, and you naturally hastened to apologize for your unwise accusations, trying to make it up to him. Deleting this app seemed to be impossible, though, no matter how many times you tried.
Last drop was, however, when König nearly blew out your best friend’s front door, threatening them to keep away from you. “This bitch is putting some fucked up ideas about me into your head” - was his reasoning. And that was it - hell was set free. You had an ugly shouting marathon for hours to no end, with lots of tears and profanities, ending up with a harsh breakup and you blocking König everywhere, cutting him off completely.
And since then you haven’t spoken a word to him. Of course, he came to your apartment countless times, sent numerous gifts and bouquets of your favorite flowers, practically begging for forgiveness. But you knew better than that - it happened before, and even if you forgave him this time, in a few months time everything would be just as it was before.
At present, you were walking down a sidewalk, asphalt damp under your shoes from recent rain. You needed to get some groceries, since your fridge was just as empty as your stomach; and this late of an hour promised as little people around as possible, saving you from unfavorable company of men.
Just as you rounded a corner - a pair of huge strong arms - obviously male - seized your sensibly smaller body; a weird-smelling cloth was pressed tightly over your mouth and nose. In your panicked state you tried to fight back, not registering your own breathing, inhaling lungfuls of drug. Darkness filled your vision rapidly as dizziness overcame all your senses. You felt consciousness quickly slipping away from you, neon lights of convenience store shone brightly before your eyes still.
Panic seized your throat and it was becoming harder to breathe - you tugged and pulled on rough ropes around your limbs, trying to either snap them or slip out of tight confines, thrashing around the mattress relentlessly. König didn’t do anything, just watched you silently with his icy orbs from his spot, not exactly amused nor impressed by your behavior. Very soon fatigue took over your already exhausted body, you lay motionless once again, panting heavily as you glared at König’s dark form, vision still unfocused from the drug.
- Drop that. I made sure knots are tight, - he said coldly, continuing to observe you with a sharp stare of a hawk.
You just glared silently, trying to catch your breath. Your body felt heavy - extremely so, as if every limb was made out of lead and not flesh and bone; moving as much as one finger seemed harder than anything and you wondered how you managed to thrash around in the first place. Your head was aching irritably, not allowing you to think clearly - it had to be the side effect of whatever that was König made you inhale previously.
- König, do you realize what you did? - you managed to choke out, panic crashing over you in waves as realization of your current situation finally hit you. Hot tears streamed down your face as you tried to breathe evenly, but it did little to calm you down.
König just leaned in, cupping the side of your face with one of his huge hands, his thumb swiped under your eye, wiping salty tears away with calloused fingertip. You closed your eyes, averting your face from his touch. And oh, he didn’t like it.
König gripped bottom part of your face, force of his grip squeezed your cheeks together as he turned your head forcibly towards himself, making you squeal quietly as you faced him.
- You tried to leave me. And you are very dear to me. I can’t let this happen, - König explained, his voice calm, alarmingly calm. His scarred lips were pressed into a thin pale line, giving a little clue of his rage.
It was another side of him, completely different from what you used to see - a calm, ruthless and collected one; one that you could only imagine, based off some rumors you’ve heard about him and small cracks in his friendly mask König was too careless to hide from you during your relationship. You got glimpses of it a few times - when some drunk dude tried to hit on you when you and König were in the bar together, or when you mentioned how nice one of your male coworkers was. You always made one brutal mistake of brushing it all off, blaming it on König’s tiredness or fierce personality. And that’s where it led you.
- So what are you gonna do now? Keep me here forever? - you tried to scoff, but your trembling voice was way too weak to do so.
König cocked his eyebrow at your brave words, ghost of a smile played on his pursed lips. He shrugged lightly, grip of his fingers on your cheeks eased as he caressed them endearingly with rough fingertips, tickling you slightly.
- If that’s what it takes to keep you with me - then yes, - he shrugged slightly, propping his chin on his free hand, not a single emotion could be deciphered in his voice. These words made your blood turn cold.
He heaved a deep sigh at your frightened expression and trembling body, letting go of your face and reclining into his chair.
- Schatzi, you know I hate this just as much as you do. You think I’m enjoying this? - he asked, his tone was somehow sad and exhausted. But yes, you indeed thought, knew he enjoyed this. You kept silent, choking on your silent sobs, now being extremely aware of thick ropes digging painfully into your soft skin. Panic attack was full on taking over you, suffocating you with numerous sobs, body tensing and shaking incessantly, tears blurring your thus poor vision.
- Now, this all may end if you stop being a little bitch and start acting like an actual adult. We didn’t finish our conversation that last time, and you blocking me everywhere doesn’t make things any easier, - König said, his ice-blue eyes boring holes in your head. But you couldn’t comprehend the meaning behind his words, your brain short-circuited with fear and panic, turning you into a weeping shaking mess.
König heaved another sigh. He got up from his chair, taking a few steps towards your bed and dropping to his knees in front of it, so that his head was right against yours. His hand once again came to caress the side of your face affectionately, tangling into your messy hair and massaging your scalp, cooing soothingly at you.
- I know baby, I know. You need to rest. Don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe. And then, once you’re strong and rested, we’ll talk again. And we’ll sort everything out and be happy again, just like we used to be, hmm? - König murmured softly as he always did to calm you down during hard times. But it only made you weep harder.
König pressed his lips against your cold forehead, leaving a chaste kiss as he inhaled lungfuls of your scent. He then nuzzled his forehead against yours, mumbling quietly:
- You can’t imagine how much I missed you. How could you do this to me? Hurt me so much even though I only want the best for you?
He peppered your face with small kisses, whispering small nothings and caressing your shuddering back. This made you feel nauseous. Your consciousness started to slip away again, your vision darkening rapidly. And just before blacking out, you heard König’s voice, one you loved so dearly once, utter:
- You’re mine, always will be. I’ll make sure of that.
Likes, reblogs and comments are highly appreciated! Give writers some love, we live off feedback<3
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amirasainz · 5 months
Omg I've literally just read all of the works you have put up. LITERALLY LOVE ALL OF THEM. Could you write on where baby sainz has a panic attack while in the paddock because of the paparazzi and carlos gets mad and Alex, Rebecca, and Kika try to help her afterwards while the drivers take action.
Hi loves! This request was so hard to write. I hope I did good. Please send me some requests and enjoy reading. (The title got inspired by the Weeknd "Happy House". A great song) -XoXo
Happy House
Amira stood frozen in the center of the paddock, her senses assaulted by the relentless barrage of flashing cameras. The paparazzi had descended upon her like a swarm of locusts, their lenses hungry for every detail of her life. She had seen this happen to her brother, the other drivers, even the glamorous partners of the racing world. But never to her.
Her heart raced, and she fought to maintain composure. The tight circle of photographers closed in, their shouts echoing in her ears. She squinted behind her sunglasses, trying to locate a familiar face among the chaos. Her trusted members were nowhere to be seen, lost in the sea of flashing lights.
Amira’s breaths came in shallow gasps. Panic threatened to overwhelm her. She attempted to break free from the paparazzi’s grip, but their collective force held her captive. Tears welled up, blurring her vision. The questions hurled at her were like daggers, each one piercing deeper into her vulnerability.
Then, a voice cut through the chaos—a lifeline. “Hey, everybody, take at least seven huge steps away from her!” The male voice was authoritative, commanding. Amira’s blurred gaze fell upon her savior, but she couldn’t make out his features. He gently took her arm, leading her away from the suffocating crowd. Her dam broke, and tears streamed down her face, a mix of relief and exhaustion.
In that moment, the stranger became her hero, shielding her from the paparazzi storm. Amira wondered who he was, but gratitude overwhelmed any other thought. She clung to his arm, seeking solace in the unexpected sanctuary he provided. The world outside might still be chaotic, but within the circle of his protection, she found a brief respite—a chance to breathe.
“Shhhh, you’re alright, pequeño Sainz,” said the soothing voice of Sergio “Checo” Pérez. The two of them had interacted quite often already, because sometimes it was easier for Amira to speak Spanish with someone. And Checo had to listen to all the yapping from Max about her. And let it be known that Max could talk for hours about her.
He gently started to steer her away from the prying eyes of the public before he stopped them gently again. “Make sure that all these monsters are banned from the team garages ,” Checo ordered a Red Bull employee. “And someone inform her brother!”
“Vamonos,” he ordered Amira softly. They had to walk quite slowly because her legs wouldn’t stop shaking. Thankfully, after walking for about 5 minutes, Carlos ran towards them. At the sight of her big brother, she let out a big sob.
“Ohhh, Amira. Estás bien. Nadie puede hacerte daño ahora. No dejaré que nadie te toque,” Carlos whispered while he hugged her tight. Picking her up gently, he brought their little group to the Ferrari garage. At their entrance, the happy smiles from Rebecca, Kika, and Alexandra faded, replaced by concern and relief.
Carlos reluctantly released his grip on Amira, allowing her to be enveloped by the comforting embrace of the girls. Their whispered reassurances—“It’s okay, little dove,” “Deep breaths,” and “You did so well”—echoed in the air, soothing her frayed nerves. They settled her into a plush chair, each taking their place around her. Rebecca knelt in front of Amira, holding her trembling hands. Kika sat on her left, guiding her through calming breaths. Alexandra, on her right, gently stroked her hair.
As the girls tended to their princess, Carlos turned to Checo, his voice edged with urgency. “What happened?” he demanded, his eyes searching for answers. Checo’s calm demeanor contrasted with the tension radiating from Carlos. “I don’t know, mate,” Checo replied evenly. “One moment, I’m walking out from the media pen; the next, I see her surrounded by a horde of paparazzi.”
Carlos ran a hand over his face, his concern etched deep. He lowered his voice to a whisper, not wanting to alarm Amira further. “Thank you, Checo. Truly.” After a brief pause, he inquired, “Are those idiots still here?” Checo nodded in confirmation. Carlos’s resolve hardened. “Tell the others what happened. We’re meeting in ten minutes at the entrance. We’ll handle this ourselves—no FIA, no teams. And most importantly, no cameras.” The protective brother in him had awakened, ready to shield Amira from the storm that raged beyond the garage walls.
Carlos gently approached his sister, relieved that her breathing was now under control. Tears still streamed down her cheeks, but the panic had subsided. Rebecca, seeing Carlos’s arrival, made space for him. He took her place, cupping Amira’s chin with one hand. "Look at me, hermanita,” he ordered softly. When Amira finally met his gaze, he reassured her, “Those idiots will never come close to you again. I promise you on my life. Aunque sea lo último que haga en mi vida.” His vow hung in the air, a shield against the world.
After a small nod from Amira, Carlos stood up, pressing a kiss to her hair. He instructed the girls to remain where they were. Unseen by anyone else, the wags exchanged glances—hesitation and unease etched in their eyes.
At the entrance, Carlos found a gathering of drivers. Some, like Nico and Kevin, surprised him. Nico explained, “I have a wife and a baby daughter. I want to make sure that nothing like that can ever happen again.”The others murmured their agreement. Before Carlos could outline the plan, Lance interrupted. “I’m sorry, but Lewis, did you seriously bring Roscoe here? I mean no offense, but he isn’t exactly—” Before Lance could finish, Roscoe growled, catching everyone off guard.
“Boys, attention!” Carlos commanded. “Now our plan looks like this…”
And if the media asked the next day why so many drivers had cracked knuckles or bruised eyes, they’d be met with smirks. Sometimes, actions spoke louder than words.
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weneeya · 7 months
Hi! It's me again! I have this idea, use it as you will.
How about, Suguru being mad at reader for some reason, even a well deserved one, you pick it. He's so mad he won't even look at us. Then we try to convince him to forgive us in THE MOST Suguru fashion: sweet words, sweet touches, just enough to make anyone melt. And then it WORKS.
I call it, "Using my own spells against me, Potter?"
using my own tricks w/ geto m.list | rules
note. hii!! thank u for ur request, once again! I'm so happy to see that you love my work <3 feel free to request :)
Tumblr media
Suguru had never been this mad at you before, and you had to admit that you deserved it. He had been waiting for you for hours, calling you again and again, and you didn’t answer him. You simply showed up after two hours like nothing happened because you didn’t see any of his calls or messages. He got really worried, and now he was angry. In fact, he wasn’t even looking at you while you two were installed on the couch of your apartment. 
You tried everything, or at least almost everything, to ease his anger. But nothing worked. You had one last possibility, and you were obviously going to try it. You moved closer to him and he didn't react for a bit. You put your head against his shoulder, as your hand slowly moved to rest on his thigh. You started to draw small circles on it with your fingers, looking right in his direction. 
He didn’t seem to react, but his heart started to race in his chest. He wasn’t stupid, he knew what you were trying to do ; it was only legitimate, he was doing this all the time. But being tricked by your own trick is a bit frustrating. 
“Suguru, look at me,” your voice could finally be heard, soft and gentle, close to his ear. “Don’t stay mad at me, please” your fingers moved slowly to his knee, before going back up to his thigh. “I miss you, I swear I’m sorry.” 
He gulped with difficulty, closing his eyes for a second. He had to resist, he couldn’t fall just for this. But seeing you acting like this -like him-, it was way too attractive. If he didn’t love you this much already, he would have given everything to you. His gaze finally met yours, and you took it as the first step to victory. You could see in his eyes that he was losing it. 
You snuggled a bit closer to him, and your fingers reached his jaw to caress it very slowly. You had a soft smile on your lips, not leaving his gaze. He was about to give up, you had him around your finger. “Please,” you said one more time and a sigh could be heard from him. Finally, you knew it was the time. 
You let your lips meet his for a second, before you looked back at his eyes. He was looking at you, heart pounding and eyes shining. He was at your mercy, and he couldn’t fight against it anymore. He pulled you closer, hiding his face in the crook of your neck before you chuckled slightly. 
“Taken aback by your own tricks, uh?” You said and he answered by biting softly the skin of your neck. It took it personally, but it simply made you laugh again. “Don’t do this too often,” he finally answered, and you waited for him to develop his thoughts. 
“You’re too much to handle when you’re like this,” he added as he moved from his hiding place, looking straight into your eyes. He slowly rested his hand on your cheek, stroking it slightly before he put his forehead against yours, eyes closed. 
Maybe he got tricked by his own methods, but it was worth it. He couldn’t stay mad at you, and seeing you act like this simply made his heart sink a bit more than before.
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it was so fun to write omg flustered suguru is making my heart race faster than ever lmao
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junnmoon · 6 months
mlb group chat???
pov ur besties with the miraculous characters.
(maripoo=marinette ,awlyeah=alya, speakup=adrien, lukipoo=luka, ninaur=nino, and y/n)
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cunty little babies 👶
*maripoo created a chat*
*maripoo added adrien.a, alya.c, y/n, luka.c, nino.l*
maripoo: hello every nyan
maripoo: plz rename urselfs i can’t take it.
awlyeah: finally a gc
ninaur: frl
lukipoo: hey??
speakup: i didn’t name myself this.
speakup: y/n come out of hiding ik it was you.
y/n: oh..erm….haii :3
awlyeah: i was gonna say let’s get food again but mari doesn’t love us anymore so she won’t come
ninaur: tbh when we was at dennys she was throating them waffles like a mf
maripoo: CAN U QUIT IT??
y/n: mari where is adrien rn i have
to give him my notes
speakup: why are you asking her and not me
maripoo: well it’s almost 3 so he’s probably in the car right now otw to fencing practice with kagami then they go out to eat afterwards so he should be free at like 4:30ish- oh. yeah maybe ask him..
ninaur: jaw dropped
awlyeah: mari you’re terrifying.
speakup: ..i think it’s kinda comforting idk
y/n: oh yeah y’all both fucked up mentally
maripoo: ANYWAYS!! what r u going to give him y/n..
y/n: …why is ur aura threatening rn
maripoo: 😆
y/n:does anyone wanna get lunch w me😣
awlyeah: I WOULD but me and nino r going out as we speak
y/n: sighhh. wake up and break up
lukipoo: i wanna get lunch with you
y/n: YAYY
speakup:wake up and break up u said?
y/n: shut
maripoo: juleka js texted me asking if we wanna sleepover tonight😝
awlyeah: yassss
y/n: WHY is viperion so fine omg
maripoo: this is the wrong gc i’m afraid.
y/n: ….oh
lukipoo: ??
awlyeah: speak ur truth n/n
y/n: ykw i WILL cs chat noir fine as shit too
speakup: ????
y/n: FYM????
y/n: ermm ofc i do.. hes tewwww fine
maripoo: have you ever met him.
y/n: I HAVE! he took me up to a rooftop when
there was an akuma alert
speakup: what was he like
y/n: he’s so babygirl
y/n: OH I MET VIPERION TOO lord…i luv me
the emos
awlyeah: i remeber u simultaneously telling me about cat noir and viperion for 7 hours non stop
maripoo: still can’t fathom the chat noir hype
y/n: do u want me to break down 4 u damn
maripoo: yes bruh
speakup: not a fan of cat noir mari?
maripoo: not my type.
lukipoo: interesting
y/n: i luv kitty noir BUT…..viperion is my
boyfie i fear.. :/ (mad at chat for flirting
w lb on tv)
lukipoo: yeah?
awlyeah: yeah you tell him y/n !!!
ninaur: BOOOO🍅
speakup: but guys
speakup: broke boy is crazy.
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thanks for reading tbh. i’m obviously very new to this LMFAOOO but there will be a part 2 bc these r fun to write.
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lustylita · 5 months
After it all happened.
Angst/ Open ending.
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Idea is by me, but with the help of the amazing @nyx-umbrakinesis 's beautiful writing skills, I present this angsty idea!
Go give her love omg!
The extermination had ended... time had passed and the devastation left behind had been mended... mostly, the hotel had been rebuilt, Sir Pentious had been mourned and memorialised, and you... you found yourself actually beginning to be able to process what had happened.
The trauma still fresh, but day by day it's symptoms becoming more manageable. It was in this more awakened state... (as you focused more on the problems of the others around you rather than your own,) you noticed one glaringly out of sorts issue – Alastor.
He was behaving like everything was fine, like the battle had never occurred, like everyone around him hadn’t suffered either – something was off... Was it denial? You could tell something wasn’t right, his trademark smile was slightly strained, his face looking more contorted and uncomfortable than usual, and his posture constantly stiff, as though ready to fight (or flee) at a moments notice, on top of all of that he spent so much more time cooped up in his radio tower, you barely saw him as he whiled away hours upon hours away from the company others, behind the locked door of his safe space for it to be a coincidence.
You simmer on this information, and agonise for a few weeks, observing just to make sure you weren’t imagining things – even though highly unlikely – you also waited to see if he would open up to anyone, share why he’s been acting like Quasimodo in his bell tower.
However, to absolutely no-ones surprise, he did in fact not do that, (even though everyone was in the same boat, all of you suffering some form of injury or trauma).
So, with a determined air, and confident gait, you ventured up to his radio broadcast station. Footsteps echoing slightly on the wooden floorboards as you ascend the stairs, breathing labouring, legs aching from the ascent.
You knew Alastor didn’t like anyone intruding upon the sanctity of his precious room, and wouldn’t appreciate this gesture of goodwill, preferring to interact with others in the common areas when he was free, but given his new proclivity for hiding away he hadn’t really given you any other choice, since he’s never present in the public areas of the hotel anymore.
Arriving at the heavy door, teetering back and forth on your heels and toes nervously for a moment, you take a deep breath, steeling your nerves.
You reach up with a sure hand and knock loudly on his door and wait. You heard rustling of scattered papers and the clang of something sturdy being knocked over in haste, and fumbling as he clearly tried to correct the error.
In this it became evident to you that your suspicions were correct, he was indeed hiding, or withholding, something of significance, you blinked several times snapping out of your thoughts when the door squeaked as it swifly opened.
“Ah, hello little one! To what do I owe this visit!” Alastor says with an exaggerated flair, his smile tensed, and his eye twitched looking more manic than you’ve seen from your observation of him this whole week.
Before you could get any words out however, he continued as though filled with effervescent bubbles, really overemphasising every movement and word, his smile looked like a wide crack in a porcelain plate, “Do come in, my dear, my broadcast won’t begin for another hour, I have plenty of time for a special guest,” He guided you inside, a hand ghosting on the small of your back, almost forcefully,
“Come on, in, in,” his voice sounded unnerving.
You took this as the opportune moment to confront him, so after taking another nervous breath and taking note of a bead of sweat travelling down his forehead.
“Alastor, I know you don’t like divulging your feelings, and that’s all well and good... But I do feel like opening up could be cathartic for you... To put it bluntly, ever since the extermination you’ve been acting strange – more so than usual. Alastor everyone’s beginning to notice, it’s getting more and more obvious with every day that goes by. You’re withdrawn, you don’t torment Husk nearly as much as you used to, even Charlie and Niffty can’t get your attention, and you literally set Vaggie on fire last week,” You nervously twirled the ring on your index finger around and around (a nervous tick) as you watched his whole body freeze.
“I haven’t the faintest clue what you’re insinuating, my dear.” his voice sounding strained as he dismissed your theories.
Just as you’d predicted. However his nonchalant attitude about the situation was anything but, with the way he looked at you with a rigid grin, and stiff posture all but confirmed everything.
And you knew... you knew, that if you pushed slightly, put pressure on the raw emotion you would get at least some form of an answer. So without any self preservation.
“Alastor please.” Sounding exhausted, “You know I’m not ignorant, I thought it would be better if I came to you first about this, or would you rather it were Charlie who came to see you in this state? I think this solution to be the lesser of two evils, wouldn’t you agree?”
Your brow raised as you tried to rationalise with him, in contrast his brow began to furrow in irritation, his ears even pulled back, and you could swear you almost heard a growl, “I would prefer if all of you left me well enough alone. If I wanted assistance, I would ask. Quite the probing busybodies you lot are, leave me be.”
He stalked over to his desk, his boots making a dull thud, almost stomping, before huffing and taking a seat in his chair heavily, all while still regarding you intimidatingly with displeased narrowed crimson eyes, his grin still unchanged.
With an agitated huff of your own, you slowly approach Alastor again, “Us? Busybodies? Says the man who relishes every opportunity to intrude into people’s personal space, get in peoples faces for the sheer entertainment of it all. God forbid the people who have spent months with you getting to know you, enjoying your company actually care about you Alastor!”
Angrily pacing before him, your hands gesturing wildly in your temper, “so why don’t you please just enlighten me on what’s wrong, at least then I can stop Charlie from coming up here and dealing with you in this state, and then maybe I can let you go back to whatever it is you’re doing in here all day everyday, become a hermit for all I care, just tell me and then I can leave, I want to actually enjoy my afternoon.”
You knew goading him was risky, but he really knew how to push your buttons, having now paused before his chair again leaving but a few inches between you as you puff like an angered wildebeest.
You observe him, his expression darkened, but as he looked up at you, you saw it again, the same facade, cracking him again, making your heart lurch, he laughed at you condescendingly.
Rolling his eyes, Alastor looks back to you coldly, “Absolutely, nothing is wrong with me.” His voice becoming more scratchy as the radio effect worsens, suddenly he’s towering over you.
Hoping intimidation would be enough to deter you he continues, patronising you, “I’m not a weak little demon like you dear, I don’t need someone to hold my hand, or help take me for a walk, or talk about my feelings in a nice little share circle.” His grin became dangerous.
“I’m an overlord, one of the most feared in all of hell, I am quite capable of dealing with my own issues, not that I have any. I don’t need you or anyone else in this tacky hotel to think you could possibly make any impact on me when you’re all just such pathetic little failures, I can’t believe you of all demons think that I care, well allow me to disabuse you of this notion. I don’t and never will, and if yo-“
Alastor watches with manic glee as your eyes quickly harden with rage and your shoulders begin to twitch bunching up with unbridled fury, as you react faster than you can think, your arm coiling back, with full intention of giving a well deserved slap to the contentious lanky shit, however, before your hand could move barely an inch, Alastor fast as lightning grabs your wrist.
Now also enraged at your impudence, Alastor menacingly backs you up, until you find yourself pressed against the red cold glass window overlooking the exterior of the hotel, his grip on your wrist bruising and tinged with pain, as he leans down towards your ear. Uttering in a low angry growl, his breath tickling your ear.
“Would you care to try that again, dear?”
Should I continue this??
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literaryavenger · 10 months
I just saw a skating show and one of the guys looked like bucky and now I NEED a yn × figure skating partner bucky one shot. With them working on a throw and he's all mad she can't land it then gets hurt and all the angst and comforting. Omg please I'll cry I love you! ❤️
Ok, I have to admit this was my first ask and I got so excited that this got a little away from me. I'd like to say I'm sorry for not putting much technical stuff about figure skating in it but I know really nothing, I did my best researching stuff but it's still not much. I hope you're happy how it turned out, if not let me know! I really just took it and ran with it, I really hope you like it. 🥹❤️
also, sorry it took me a little but my keyboard broke and I had to wait for the new one because writing on the phone I would've made too many mistakes.
On Thin Ice - Bucky Barnes x y/n Stark
Summary: you're paired with Bucky Barnes for an important competition but your negative feelings towards each other make everything much more difficult. Figure Skating AU.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female!Stark reader
Warnings: Bucky being an ass. Reader gets hurt. Angst. Language cause why not. Minimal use of Y/N. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 6.6K
A/N: I didn't proof read it honestly, I was just excited to publish it. I'm going to double check it sometime tomorrow and edit it later! ❤️
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Being a Stark isn't always easy.
Now don’t get me wrong, it’s not like you’re superheroes or anything, but being the daughter of Tony Stark meant that you always had to be not only on your best behavior but you had to be the best in general, no matter what you were doing.
It’s always been a lot of pressure growing up, but it's something you're used to at this point.
All your life there just wasn’t room for failure.
When you were little you hated it, sometimes even hated your dad for it, but you had to give it to him that it made you detail oriented and more driven and focused than most, so with time you came to be grateful for it.
His continuous badgering you into taking various lessons as a kid is also what led you to discover your passion: figure skating.
Skating was something that just somehow came naturally to you, and the more time you spent at the ice rink the more you fell in love with it.
You loved just spending hours going and going, to the point where the world blurred around you and you almost felt like you were flying.
After seeing how happy it made you, your father eased up a bit on you, but he still expected perfection, which you always worked hard to provide.
All you’ve always wanted was to make him proud of you. Which he was and never failed to mention, but you were still terrified of disappointing him.
All the pressure your last name came with was nothing compared to the pressure you put on yourself, you were always your hardest critic.
That is, at least, until you met Bucky Barnes.
You don't know why, maybe he just hates you and likes to humiliate you, but it seems like he always has something to say about your performances.
It all started the very first day you met, you were 18 at the ice rink your father decided to buy for you on your birthday the week before.
You were shocked to say the least when he told you, but he had always been better at showing his love rather than saying it, and don’t ever let it be said that Tony Stark didn’t love his daughter to death.
It was the same place where you skated for the first time when you were merely 5 years old, which you then changed for one closer to your home, but this one held so much more sentiment for you that the extra travel time was worth it, and it was also much bigger, the place where a lot of the important competitions happened. 
The Saturday after your birthday you finally had some free time having just finished exams week and finally being done with high school once and for all, so you planned to meet up with Natasha at the newly named ‘Stark’s snowland’.
Natasha was also a figure skater and you two have known each other since you were 8 years old, participating in almost a lot your competitions together, which usually ended with the two of you in first and second place.
Then Natasha started doing more and more couples competitions with various partners, but you were still always there to cheer for each other.
When she texted she was running late, you decided to just wait for her on the ice so you went inside, put on your skates and just got lost in your head, glad that the early hour meant nobody was around yet.
Then, after having done a few easy moves and having just finished an Axel, you heard some clapping coming from the entrance of the rink.
You stopped abruptly and looked for the source of the noise when you spotted a brunette cheering on you like he was at the Olympics standing beside a blonde that looked kind of embarrassed by his friends' antics.
"Didn’t realize I had an audience." you said, while moving towards them.
"Well, you should with the way you move out there." the brunette said, shamelessly checking you out shortly before receiving a smack behind his head, courtesy of blondie.
"Sorry about him. My name’s Steve," the blonde said while you tried hard not to laugh at the look his friend was giving him. "and this jerk here is Bucky." He pointed at his friend, who seemed to suddenly remember you were there because he turned to you with a charming smile while you introduced yourself.
"Is this your first time skating here?" Bucky asked "I’m sure I would remember a pretty face like yours." he then added, making you blush.
"I usually only come here for competitions, but-" before you could finish talking you heard the door behind them open and Natasha screaming "Stark!" making the boys turn around to look at her.
"Romanoff!" you greeted her, laughing.
Bucky turned back to you, face suddenly all serious, which confused you a lot since he was all flirty smiles until two seconds before. He mumbled something about having to go and almost ran away as fast as he could.
You looked at Steve who seemed as confused as you felt, gave you an apologetic smile and went after his friend. 
You didn’t have much more time to ponder on the sudden turn of events because Natasha was in her skates on record time and raring to go.
All you know is, for the rest of the day you felt Bucky’s eyes on you but every time you turned to him he had a stoic look on his face, and every word out of his mouth towards you was criticism on whatever you were doing.
And here we are now, 6 years later and nothing has changed.
Now 24 and having graduated college, you can be found at Stark’s almost everyday while you figure out the next phase of your life.
It’s honestly not bad, your dad wanted you to intern for him at Stark Industries during college so, after you graduated, you could start working for him full time, but that’s not what you wanted.
If you’re honest with yourself you do want to take over your father’s empire one day, just not yet.
You wanted to keep doing skating competitions, therefore all the free time that you had during college was spent skating. And so, as a compromise, your dad had you teach a few kid classes during the week when one of the teachers unexpectedly quit one day, and you happily agreed.
You did this for all the duration of college, after graduating you kept doing it and, to your father’s delight, took on even more classes to keep yourself a bit more occupied.
It was at the end of one of these classes that you were suddenly approached by Barnes today, which was very rare.
Usually both of you did your best to avoid each other, even when you started being there everyday, you wouldn’t give each other even a second glance, as far as you were concerned.
You’ve liked him when you first met him, but after months of him being nothing but an ass to you, you decided to stop trying and largely ignore him unless you were in a larger group that consisted of you, him, Steve, Natasha, Sam, another friend of theirs that you quickly became friends with, and Scott, a friend you made your first week of college.
Needless to say, you were baffled to see Bucky walk up to you and not immediately insult your behavior during the lesson that just ended, like he usually does when he gifts you with his presence. Instead he said "Hey Stark, can we talk?"
"Uhm… sure. What’s up, Barnes?" you say while starting to put down the cones you'll need for your next class.
"You know the couples competition that we’re having here in a few months?" he asks, following behind you. You think he looks nervous, which you find weird as Bucky Barnes is as confident as they come.
"Yeah, what about it?" You stop what you’re doing and turn around towards him, too curious to not give him all your attention.
"Well, I wanted to sign up, but it seems like I’m missing a partner.,," he says while rubbing his neck, almost embarrassed by what he’s asking.
"Don’t you usually team up with Nat?" you ask him.
"I do, but she’s gonna be out of town that day, and all the other girls are either paired up or not interested…" he explains, still not going to the point.
"Where are you going with this, Barnes?" You ask, crossing your arms in irritation at the time he was wasting while you still have things to do before your next class.
"Are you really going to make me ask?" he almost whines and, when you merely raise your eyebrow, a clearly amused face at his almost desperation, he finally gets to the point of his interruption. "Fine. Will you be my partner?"
Although you suspected where he was going, it's still a little shocking to hear him ask. Before you answer him though, you feel the need to tell him "You know I’ve never done pairs before, right? Not even outside of competitions."
"I know, but I also know you’re a fast learner." at your confused look, he elaborates "You’ve been training here for what, six years now? I’ve seen you learn pretty advanced moves in a crazy short amount of time for last minute competitions or even just for fun. And, whether I like it or not, you’re one of the best figure skaters I’ve ever met." he finishes.
That last sentence has you scoffing at him and starting to get annoyed at him "You don’t need to lie to me just to get me to agree just because you’re desperate for a partner."
"Why would you think I’m lying?" he says while having the audacity to look confused at your anger.
"You do nothing but criticize me all the time! The real question is, why would I ever think otherwise?"
"Just because I criticize you, doesn’t mean I don’t think you’re good!" he says it like was the most obvious thing in the world. "Please Y/N, I really need a partner, and, right now, you’re my only choice. Please." he adds at the end, just for good measure.
To be fair, Bucky had never been this polite or patient with you, and has never even called you by your first name, so it was clear that this was important to him, which is probably what led you to say yes.
He seemed happy for all of two seconds before going back to being the usual jerk, which made you instantly start to regret your decision, but you figured old habits die hard, you just had to be a little patient and he would get easier to work with the more he got used to this. 
Boy, were you wrong. 
For the next three months you met with Bucky three times a week, working out your routine and training sometimes even for hours.
It wasn’t anything you hadn’t done before, but what really annoyed you to no end was finding out that Bucky’s favorite brand of training seemed to be complaining.
All he did was criticize every move you made, right or wrong, even the couples ones you were still learning.
You also found out that being so close to him for such long periods of time made you clumsier than ever, which did not at all help the situation.
All it took was for you to be near him enough to be surrounded by his cologne and suddenly you were falling more than usual, missing your cues and straight up forgetting the next steps of the routine, which only gave Bucky more fuel to add to the fire.
It also didn’t help that whenever Bucky asked you why you were so distracted you lost all your natural Stark sarcasm and could barely get out a sound, not knowing how to tell him even if you wanted to, which you definitely didn’t, that he was the problem.
But you somehow made it through it and, with a week to go before the competition, you had it down to a T.
Or almost.
"Damn it." you say, frustrated with yourself, after you almost fall again on the landing of the throw jump.
The problem with throw jumps is that Bucky has to pick you up and quite literally throw you in the air and, while he does that quite easily, being so close to him right before he throws you disorients you just enough to miss twists and fumble the landing.
A thing that you’d never tell Bucky, which at the moment is giving the most annoyed look you’ve ever seen on his stupidly pretty face.
"Seriously, Stark?!" He almost yells while skating closer to you. "Why the hell is this taking you so long to get right? You’ve done harder things than this both by yourself and with me, so what the hell is wrong with you?"
Like always, you don’t quite know how to respond to him, not even wanting to acknowledge the cause of your concentration problem.
"Let’s just try this again." You say, quieter than you normally would, and get in position.
Your back is turned to him but you can hear him sigh before you feel him move and position himself next to you. You nod at Scott who’s controlling the music, and he starts again.
Everything is going great, until, again you fumble the landing, but this time you fall on your knees. You can hear Scott shouting your name, so you hold a thumbs up to let him know you’re okay.
You can see Bucky getting closer to you with your peripheral vision, but don’t look up or even try to make a move to get up.
You can feel the tears starting to form in your eyes, not because it hurts, but because you’re so frustrated with yourself for not being able to do this.
You’re trying your hardest not to cry out of anger when you see Bucky’s hand in front of your face, a silent offer of help. The last thing you want to do right now is look at his stupid face, so you slap his hand away and get up on your own, ignoring Bucky almost altogether and putting yourself in position to start again from the top.
Bucky comes behind you, but this time you can feel him looking at you while he says, "We don’t have to go again. We can stop here for today." his voice much quieter than it's ever been before, which only fuels your anger more.
"The competition’s next week Barnes, unless you want us to make fools of ourselves, we need to do this until I get it right." You snapped, letting him see you angry for the first time since you started training.
He was a little shocked but didn’t say anything else while he got in position, signaling to Scott to start the music.
All you can think about at this point is the disappointment on your dad’s face if you don’t win the competition, or worse fall like you just did.
You’re not even focused on Bucky anymore, in fact you’re so distracted that you don’t even make it to the throw jump before you fall, except this time you can feel that something’s wrong as soon as you hit the ice.
You can feel pain shoot from your ankle through your whole body and get immediately dizzy, you could barely make out the lights on the ceiling, your eyes going in and out of focus.
You can hear yelling and, once you concentrated, you can make out Bucky's voice saying words like ‘stupid’ and ‘incompetent’, which made you wish you had just passed out so you wouldn’t have to hear him insult you.
Your mind seemed to clear a little and you realized your tears finally started falling at some point, but you didn’t have much time to ponder on that before you were being helped to your feet, Scott telling you he was taking you to the hospital and everything was going to be okay.
You realized Bucky was no longer next to you before you even realized you didn’t have skates on anymore and were barefoot, but you just assumed he was too mad at you to care about your ankle.
You’re sitting in a hospital bed with a stomp on your left foot when your dad walks in, worry all over his face.
"Hey junior, are you okay?" you roll your eyes at his nickname, surely you don’t expect Tony Stark to be any less sarcastic seeing you well enough, but you’ve begged him to drop the stupid nickname which he refuses to because ‘but you’re just like me, it's a compliment!’
"I’m okay dad, just have to wear this for a few days." you say, pointing to your foot on a pillow.
"Good. Wanna tell me what happened?" he asks, taking a seat beside your bed.
"Just landed wrong while practicing the routine with Barnes. Too distracted, kept fucking up landings." you tell him, not daring to look in his eyes.
"Pushing yourself too hard?"
He surprises you with this question, but you promptly answer it. "If I was, I would’ve been able to land all my moves correctly. If anything I’m not pushing myself hard enough."
You can’t look at his face just to see the disappointment at your failure, but when you feel his hand on yours you force yourself to look into his eyes, and, to your surprise, there's no hint of disappointment.
"You know, sweetheart, I do mean it when I say you’re just like me. And there is nothing more heartbreaking to me than looking at you and seeing the same self-destructive tendencies I have reflected on you." he wipes a tear you hadn’t realized was falling from your cheek and keeps going. "I hate that I passed that on to you. I should’ve been more careful with you. I thought that letting you know I was proud was enough, unlike my dad, but maybe I should’ve been more specific."
"What do you mean?" you ask, sniffling a bit.
"I’m not proud of you because you always come first in competitions, or because you get the highest grades. I’m proud of you because I know you always try your best and put all of yourself into everything you do. That’s what being a Stark is all about. Plus you’re my daughter so let’s be honest, I’d love you to death even if you were a high school dropout who deals fake drugs to college kids."
You laughed while drying your tears, grateful for your father’s inability to stay serious for too long.
You hug him and say "Thanks, dad. I needed that more than I thought."
You let go of him and tell him about the real reason you couldn’t concentrate: the long-haired asshole with eyes so blue you felt like you were flying in the sky while looking at them, and like you were drowning the second he opened his mouth to say shit about you.
Of course you didn’t put it on those exact terms, but your dad was pretty good at reading between the lines.
By the end he had a smirk that made you want to legally change your name and run away because you just know he’s never going to let you live this down.
"Well, sounds like he’s really something." that’s all he says, weirdly. You eye him suspiciously but he doesn’t add to his sentence.
In fact, he doesn’t say anything more about it until he’s helped you get comfortable on your bed back home.
"You know…" he starts "little boys pull little girls’ pigtails on the playground to get their attention, because they don’t know what else to do." he says.
"Yeah, boys are stupid, so what?" you deadpan and he laughs then surprisingly says "Exactly. Maybe you’re not the only one that feels something here. Maybe there’s a stupid boy that can’t take his eyes off of you, but doesn’t know how to get your attention other than criticize you." he says, clearly happy with where he ended.
"Is this your long way of saying that you think Bucky likes me the same way I like him?" You raise an eyebrow at him.
"This is my long way of saying don’t be a stubborn Stark and try actually talking to him about this. You’d be surprised how fast stupid boys grow up just to keep the girl they want. Just ask your mother." and with that he leaves with a wink, leaving you wondering how much more immature Tony Stark could’ve been to have to grow up enough to sweep Pepper Potts off her feet.
You spend the next few days as a little ball of anxiety on your bed, not being able to do much but overthink about Bucky, only getting a break when Scott came to keep you company.
The day before the competition you've enough and convince Scott to drive you to the ice rink, knowing Bucky was probably there.
When you get there you can hear music but you don’t think much of it until you get right in front of the door and realize it was the song you and Bucky chose. Frowning, you open the door and what you see makes your jaw drop.
There they are, Bucky and Natasha, doing your routine.
You don’t know when you got closer to the rink, but you cannot take your eyes off of them, that is until you hear someone beside you say "they’re good, aren’t they?"
You turn your head to see Sam and Steve, the latter looking at you in a knowing way that almost seems apologetic of Sam’s words, the effect of which Sam doesn’t seem to notice.
You always felt like Steve could see right through you when it came to Bucky, always looking at you like he knew exactly how you felt and how much his words hurt you.
Seemingly reading all the questions swimming in your mind right now, Steve offers you some answers.
"Natasha came back early from her vacation. He brought her up to speed and she agreed to help him out. They’ve been practicing non-stop everyday since the day after you got hurt." Feeling like you have enough information, you turn back to the ice. 
You watch them work in sync, almost like they're connected by wires and one can’t move without taking the other with them.
You watch as Bucky picks up Nat effortlessly and throws her like she's made of air. You watch as she moves so gracefully that it's almost surreal. You see her land every jump perfectly.
Again. And again. And again.
Every jump, every twist, every second you watch them something inside you brokes more.
You don’t know why, Natasha has been Bucky’s partner countless times before and it never mattered to you, and you’ve only skated with him for less than four months.
Maybe it was the fact that they're using the routing you and Bucky had come up with together, maybe you feel replaced.
Maybe it was the fact that you were coming here to talk to Bucky about your feelings and now you were seeing him flying around the ice rink as close with another girl as he was with you, maybe even closer.
They finish the routine and you can hear Bucky’s laughter, you can see his smile as he tells Natasha how perfect she was, how impressed he is at how fast she picked up everything, how glad he is that she showed up when she did.
Then it hits you.
Of course he’s glad she showed up. He never wanted to do this with you, you weren’t even a second choice, it took literally every other girl he knows to be unavailable for him to even think to ask you.
Why wouldn’t he be happy to have her back? He certainly never acted like this with you. He never laughed, barely even smiled...
He didn’t choose you, he got stuck with you.
Suddenly, it’s like everything he’s ever done, everything he’s ever said to you comes crashing down on you all at once.
It’s like you can actually hear your heart breaking and there’s only one thought on your mind: He likes Natasha.
It makes sense, the first day you met he seemed into you, right up until he saw her and the second he turned around he was done with you.
Maybe he started to be an ass just to make that clear, not wanting to actually say anything. After all, he always was very nice to Nat. To everyone but you really.
And it’s not like you could blame him, Natasha’s always been better than you. Growing up she was always your only competition, it’s a fortune you ended up friends really, considering how easy it could’ve been for you to hate each other.
She’s the reason you spent so much time trying to be better, and you’d like to say it was the same for her, but you doubt it very much.
She’s always been prettier, thinner, stronger, smarter, better with boys and at making friends. She was the obvious choice.
Of course she was Bucky’s choice.
You didn’t realize you were so deep in your thoughts, or that you were still staring at them, until you feel a hand on your shoulder and hear Sam’s worried voice asking if you were okay.
You look at Steve and Sam and all you want to do is get out of here. It was already a miracle you weren’t already crying.
Without saying a word you turn around and walk away as fast as you can with the damn stump on your foot. You aren’t fast enough though, because halfway to the door you hear Bucky’s voice, much too close to you to your liking, calling your name.
For a second you think you hear something seeming happiness in his voice, but quickly dismiss the idea and try to keep going, but then you feel his hand on your wrist turning you around to face him.
His face seems to instantly fall as he looks at you and all you can think about is how sick you are of being the only one that takes his smile away.
"What’s wrong?" he asks in a weirdly soft tone, but you can’t find the voice to answer him.
You two just stare at each other until you hear someone clear their throat behind Bucky, and you look over his shoulder just as Natasha starts talking.
"Hi, Stark. Heard what happened to you." she nods towards your foot "Sorry I haven’t been to visit you, we’ve been pretty busy."
You don’t look at her while you answer, turning your eyes back to Bucky, who’s still holding your wrist, while you say "I can see that. Don’t worry, Romanoff, I’m just glad Barnes finally has a partner that’s not incompetent."
All he does is stare confusedly at you, which makes you angry enough to yank your hand away from him, turn around and walk away, ignoring the calls of your name behind you.
You miss the sadness on Bucky’s face, or the way he questions Sam and Steve about everything you said and did since the second you entered.
Bucky, on the other hand, did not miss the tears starting to fall down your cheeks as you turn away.
You decide not to go to the competition the following day. It would be the first time you voluntarily miss one of Nat’s competitions, but you don’t feel like having a replay of yesterday’s show when it’s already been on replay in your mind all night.
Your absence doesn’t go unnoticed by your friends. Nat and Steve being the only ones that understand, even though they’re not very happy about it.
Another thing that doesn’t go unnoticed by the group is how much more agitated than normal Bucky seems to be.
Even during competitions, he’s usually very calm, but today the only thing that makes him stop pacing around the room is Natasha’s sharp ‘would you sit down’ that makes him sigh and sit next to her on the bleachers where they’re waiting for their turn.
He can’t seem to keep his body still as he starts to bounce his leg up and down out of nerves, and can’t seem to stop even when the redhead gets up abruptly with an exasperated ‘for the love of god’ and goes to sit further from him and near Sam, exchanging seats with Steve, who puts a hand on Bucky’s shoulder, effectively bringing out of his head and making his body still with another sigh.
"You know, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to." Steve tells his anxious friend.
"You know I have to Steve. Otherwise Fury won't let me do other couples competitions."
"I know, but the whole reason you started doing them was for the chance to pair up with Y/N, which never even happened until now." Steve points out while frowning.
"I’m not the one that chooses the pairs, Rogers, it’s always Fury. He’s the whole reason Romanoff and I worked so hard this week just so she could do this. Plus Y/N’s never been interested in these competitions so this whole idea was just stupid to begin with. Now after I finally convince her, she gets hurt and thinks I think she’s incompetent, for some reason." Bucky hasn't been able to stop thinking about what you said yesterday.
Why would you ever think he thinks you're incompetent? He knows he's been a dick to you for years, but never has he ever said you were incompetent.
It's really just constructive criticism given in a poor way. A very poor way... Yeah, he really just has himself to blame for the way you feel about him now, he knows it.
He doesn't even really have a justification for it, either. If he's being honest with himself, he's intimidated by you.
The first time he saw you he thought you were the most beautiful girl he's ever seen, you were so graceful on skates and looked like you were exactly where you belong, lost in your own little world.
Then when Natasha said your name, he realized who he was talking to: the daughter of one of the richest families in town.
He'd heard a lot about you and your family, your impressive achievements on and off the ice. He's ashamed to say he felt small all of a sudden, knowing just from hearing about you that he'd never be good enough for you.
Still, he couldn't help but be drawn to you, couldn't help but watch you as much as he could get away with, but the only way he could justify that without being seen as a creep was to criticize what you did. It made sense, right?
Bucky is pulled from his thoughts, again, by Steve’s voice.
"Well, you were basically yelling that at her when she got hurt last week." at his words Bucky's just as confused as he was yesterday when you stormed out.
"I didn’t…" then it hits him. "I wasn’t talking about her! I was talking about Scott because he wouldn’t hurry up!"
"Oh. Listen, buddy, we both know you like her. You fucked up, big time, and it’s gonna take a lot to get her to forgive you. You could start by stop being an ass to her and apologize." Bucky knows the blonde is right.
It will take a miracle just to get you to look in his direction, let alone allow him to apologize, but he has to at least try to make things right.
He stands up suddenly, startling Steve, and says, "you were there for all our rehearsals, right? You know the routine?"
Steve is confused, but answers with a slow "yeah, why?" but Bucky gives no further explanation, too busy picking up all his stuff.
When Steve puts together what his friend is hinting at, he quickly says "I didn’t mean right now!"
"No time like the present! Go change." he says, nudging Steve toward the changing rooms.
"Buck, if you go now Fury’s gonna kill you!"
"I don’t care!" he yells, basically running out the door and ignoring Natasha yelling his name, the only thing on his mind being running to you as fast as he could. 
Every thought in his head, though, is instantly forgotten as he comes to a sudden stop at the top of the stairs outside of the rink.
There, at the bottom, is you, looking just as shocked at seeing him there as he feels.
After a few moments of just looking at each other, you can’t take it anymore and decide to break the silence. "I didn’t know if I should come in. Didn’t know if Nat wanted my support after I was so rude, you know."
When he doesn’t say anything and just stares at you, you feel the need to keep going.
"What are you doing out here? Did I miss your turn? How did it go?" that seems to snap him out of it and he starts to move towards you, still not saying anything and making you even more nervous as you start regretting coming here.
When he comes face to face with you, finally, he speaks. "I was gonna come looking for you." your brows furrowed in confusion.
"I have owed you an apology for a long time now. I’m sorry for being a dick to you for all these years… it really wasn’t about you. I just felt insecure and acted out about it, and eventually I felt so used to it I couldn’t help it..."
You were shocked to say the least, this was the last thing you were expecting tonight. "You felt insecure? Why?"
"Because you’re you!" he almost yelled, gesturing to your whole body and startling you a bit. "I mean you’re a Stark, you’re kind of a legend who lives up to the legend. You’re smart and talented and confident and beautiful. I never thought I’d be good enough for you... I still don’t."
You don't know what to say, but you aren't running for the hills so Bucky keeps talking. "I’d also like to make it clear that I’ve never called you incompetent. I was talking about Lang, that idiot took ages to get his keys to drive you to the hospital. I didn’t even realize you might’ve heard me until Steve pointed it out to me just now while we were waiting our turn and I just had to find you and tell you."
Once everything he said actually registered in your brain, the words came out of your mouth before you could stop them. "Wait, you left the competition to come find me? Natasha’s gonna kill you!"
He chuckles a little while saying, "I’d be more worried about Fury."
"Fury?" You're confused again. "Why would you be worried about Fury?"
"He’s gonna be pissed that I left. He’s the whole reason Romanoff and I trained so hard to make it here, I wanted to skip it after you got hurt, but he said if I did he wouldn’t let me do any more pairs."
"I thought this competition was important to you, that’s the whole reason I said yes. And you wanted to quit it?" You're more confused than ever.
"It was important because it was my chance to finally spend time with you." he says, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I’d rather not do our routine at all if I can’t do it with you." he adds, shrugging. 
"really?" you can’t help but smile at hearing him say ‘our routine’ "But you and Nat work much better than you and I do."
"perphabs, but I still think you’re the best there is. Even when it’s with me, a person you hate." He says the last part while looking at his feet, almost afraid of saying it aloud and perfectly aware that he’s the reason why.
"I don’t hate you." you say, almost too fast.
His eyes snap back up to yours. "You don’t? I mean, I wouldn’t blame you if you did. I’d hate me if I were you."
"Sure, I don’t always love the things you say about my skills, but you’ll never criticize me more than I criticize myself. Mostly, you’re just a distraction." you say shrugging, not fully realizing what you just confessed.
"I distract you?" he says with a smug smirk that kind of makes you want to punch him, bringing his hand to your cheek.
You groan but let him keep it there, loving the feeling of his warm hand against your skin. "Don’t get cocky with me, Barnes."
He laughs, but doesn’t say anything else waiting for you to elaborate with an expectant look.
"Fine." you sigh. "Yes, you distract me. You might be a jerk, but I can’t concentrate when I’m around you. All I can think about is the sound of your voice, and the way you smell and the color of your stupid pretty eyes... I can’t help but like you, no matter how much of an asshole you are to me, for reasons I’m sure have something to do with my father."
He laughs again at your last sentence and you swear you’d never heard a better sound. "So I guess I should be thankful for you daddy issues, huh." he says making you laugh with him.
"Yeah, you very much should be." you put your arms around his neck when his hand drops from your face and his arms wrap around your waist. 
"You distract me too, you know. Everytime you’re in the room you’re all I can see..." He sighs. "I’ll never apologize enough for all the things I said to you, but let me try. Let me take you on a date, for starters."
You pretend to think about it all of two seconds before you’re nodding with a smile, so he adds, "What about right now?"
"Slow down there, Romeo, why don’t we go cheer on our friends first." you giggle at his pout while you take his hand and lead the way inside.
When you take a seat next to Sam, just in time to hear the announcement of Natasha and Steve’s names, there's no wiping the smile off of Bucky’s face. His arm goes immediately around your shoulders to bring you closer as you greet Sam that had a knowing grin of his own.
You watch your friends go through the routine perfectly, to your joy and surprise. You really are proud of them, and you make sure to tell them when they are close enough to the edge of the ice while waiting for their score.
"Maybe after we can all go out to eat something." Steve suggests, still slightly out of breath.
"I’m sorry, punk. I have a date that I’m not missing for anything in the world." Bucky answers without taking his eyes away from you, his smile seared onto his face.
Steve chuckles at how whipped his friend already seems to be, moving closer to the judges with Nat when it was time for their scores.
Second place, not bad for a last minute thing.
As you cheer for your friends while they're given their medals, Bucky leans down and whispers in your ear "we would’ve come first."
You burst laughing and Bucky known in this exact moment that he would do anything to hear that sweet sound for the rest of his life.
You look up at him and raise your voice just enough for him to hear over all the screaming, with a smile big enough to match his "We totally would’ve."
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rockstarhaechan · 6 months
get high with me | lee haechan
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pairing: bsf!haechan x bsf!fem reader
warnings: mentioning of weed, pet names, make out, both being high asf
note: i love high haechan stories omg. ( also was high while writing this )
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“you take a big puff” haechan held the joint into your face, blowing out the smoke as you grabbed it and secured it between your lips breathing in before keeping the smoke in your lungs for a few seconds.
blowing out the smoke you started coughing before haechan laughed at you a little taking the joint back into his hands. you weren’t used to smoking weed this was your first time and you did it with your best friend.
“try a second time, tell me once you’ve had enough” he stated, holding the joint for you this time. inhaling the toxic smoke this time made you fly, you felt how your body began to feel different and your breathing became more intense. your whole body relaxed.
haechan took a few more puffs before setting the joint aside, grabbing the remote and turning on the television in front of you.
“what do you wanna watch?” as he finished his sentence you just laughed and you couldn’t stop. your world was spinning, everything became pure chaos in your mind. haechan called you a few times before you realized he’s talking to you.
“doll, are you okay?” he laughed out grabbing your hand getting a little worried about your state. as his hand met yours a shiver washed over your body. this feeling was new to you, the intense feeling of haechan touching your hand, you wondered what a kiss would feel like now so you began to slowly lean in, eyes focused on his lips.
“what are you doing y/n? this isn’t-“ before he could finish your lips met his and you went flying for another round, his lips felt soft and he tasted like weed. haechan soon kissed you back, letting the high take over before he pulled you onto his lap holding your waist tightly as if he could lose you any time.
your hands got tangled up in his hair eyes unable to open. if this is what being high feels like you’d always wanted to smoke with haechan. your world stopped, everything moved in slow motion. you started to kiss haechan more intense, tongue playing with his while his hands were resting on your ass, holding you close.
“i’ve always wanted to do this” you moaned into the kiss basically letting high you confess to your best friend as your breathing became more unsteady. haechan pulled away quickly grabbing the joint and a lighter looking into your eyes as he lit up the small object between his lips. he signaled you to open your mouth as he kept the smoke in his mouth.
he kissed you passionately, smoke traveling through your lungs inhaling deeply. all you needed right now was haechan and the high you're being on. you noticed that haechan placed the joint back into it's ashtray before his attention went back to your lips, your panties were soaked by now but you were scared to cross any other boundaries.
the first is yet to come as you felt another high that's gonna hit you. moaning into the kiss once again as haechan's hands helt you even tighter being scared he is gonna lose you any moment. you felt how haechan slowly laid you down on the couch, never breaking the kiss.
you're completely free from all uni problems you've had, laughing and smiling after such a long time in pure stress. haechan adored how you could just shut off your problems and enjoy life for a moment.
hours went by and you were still high cause haechan rolled another one for the both of you. more make out sessions were included and haechan missed your lips the second you pulled away only to kiss you once again.
but you guys never went past the kissing, it did get more heated but no boundaries were crossed. haechan loved the feeling of kissing you and you loved the attention he gave you. but in the end, you enjoyed being high with haechan and it turned into a weekly routine which always ended in heated make out sessions.
401 notes · View notes
velvateen · 7 months
Hi you, I'm writing to you from Belgium! Thank you so much for your work, omg I love your writing so much!!! (you managed to make me get SICK butterflies in my stomach on your fiction "i am your singer" -smut LMAO-)
I'd like to suggest a story idea for zoro, I dreamt about him yesterday and in my dream he always found an excuse to get into the rooms I was in (very often the bathroom… While I was showering of course…) (example: it's dinner time // we're looking for you everywhere, I wanted to make sure you were okay…) Would you be willing to smut this dream into reality? 💚
(of course, it's a proposal, you're free to choose! Thank you so much for reading! 🥰)
don’t bother knocking - zoro x reader nsfw
hiiiii tysm for the request this is lowkey one of my fav pieces for this blog yet lol. enjoy!!
warnings: oral sex (m receiving), unprotected sex, fem bodied reader, no pronouns used
1.6k words
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You ran your hands through your hair, making sure all of the soap had been wrung out. Ears blocked by water, you nearly missed the squeak of the door hinge as it opened. Sticking your head out of the shower, you saw Zoro, leaning against the counter.
“Can I help you?” You drew back into the water.
“No,” he hummed, “Just wanted to let you know that dinner’s ready.”
“Alright, yeah, I’ll be out in a minute! Don’t let them all wait up for me, alright?”
He grunted in response, and it took a few more seconds for you to hear the door open and close again.
Weird. Whatever. You stepped out of the shower, spotting wet footprints across the bathmat as you dried yourself off.
Zoro’s been acting this way lately. Always seeming to be where you want to go. Always showing up where you are. You try not to read too much into stuff with Zoro, maybe it’s just his way of trying to be closer friends with you. He’s got so many lofty aspirations that it’s hard for you to justify what your heart wants and what the crew already sees unfolding: Zoro’s got a thing for you. He just doesn’t know how to show it.
You towel off your hair and make your way to the kitchen, where you take your seat next to Zoro. Luffy is lunging for everyone’s plates although they’re all almost done eating, Zoro included. You sigh as you start to eat, relishing in the taste of Sanji’s perfect meal, and you rest your head on your hand as you start to pick at the plate. Distracted by the dinner, you don’t notice how close your arm on the table has gotten to Zoro’s. The heat of the shower is radiating off of your skin and onto his, and the hair on his arms raises. He fights the blush that settles on his ears, making no effort to pull away from your touch.
He stays there long after he’s finished eating.
The knock on your door is most unexpected, at this hour. You get out of your bed, setting down the book you’d been reading, and peek through the sliver of the door. When you see who it is, you open it wider.
“Oh hey, what’s up?” Zoro avoids your gaze a bit. Not completely, just enough to notice. He shrugs.
“Was bored. Mind if I hang out with you?”
You lick your lips. Zoro notices.
“Yeah, come on in, I was just reading,” you back away from the door and fall back into place on your bed. Picking up your book, Zoro sits on the side of your bed.
“What’s this about?” You take the book from him and set it down on your nightstand.
“I don’t really know yet, just started it tonight. But the cover is pretty so that means its gotta be good,” you laugh.
“Pretty sure there’s a phrase advising directly against that way of thinking but whatever,” Zoro mutters. You lean against the headboard as you laugh.
“Right, yeah, ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’, well I happen to find that is the best method to finding anything good.”
“Is that right?” Zoro inches unperceptively closer to you, the arm bracing himself now over your legs.
“Yeah, that’s right.” Zoro licks his lips. You notice.
“What have you been doing hanging out with me so much? What’s the angle?”
“No angle.”
“No angle?”
“Maybe there’s an angle,” he smiles. His eyes dart down to your lips for a fraction of a second, but long enough to ignite a heat that’s started to burn in your stomach. Maybe, you realize, it’s been burning for a while now.
Zoro’s grown closer to you now, something you both realize. But the realization doesn’t make you pull away, not now that he’s got a hand cupping your jaw and tilting your face as if he’s practiced it a thousand times, just for this. Just for you.
You eyes close slowly as you feel the touch of warm, chapped, rough lips ghost your own. It’s as if he’s afraid to push too hard, to break a spell or scare you off, he touches you so dearly. The kiss deepens slightly, but never in a rough way, no, Zoro’s staked so much on this moment to ever make any motion that might scare you off.
You pull away, a giddy laugh making it’s way past your lips. Zoro searches your eyes for any trace of doubt or unrequited emotion, but he doesn’t find it. And he can’t help but catch that infectious laugh, that smile that cracks across your face with such abandon that it takes all of his efforts to not let it consume the entirety of his soul. It does anyway. You lean back up and let Zoro follow you down to where you sat against the headboard, and he moved to straddle you, running a hand through your hair and gently holding by the roots, committing all of these feelings to memory. He’s waited long enough to feel you, and now that he’s got you in his hands, he wants nothing more than to break down every wall you’ve built around yourself, to touch your skin, to sink into you.
He sinks his teeth, experimentally, into you. Not to damage, but to be able to look back tomorrow at breakfast and know that it wasn’t all a dream. Your fingers make his earrings clink as you run a thumb over them, tugging his ear close to your mouth.
“You wanna?” You whisper, the soft smile you’re wearing evident in your cadence.
“If you’ll let me,” he answers, trying not to give himself away. He does anyways. His hands, antsy to roam, have made their way down to your pajama pants and make a move to tug, but you pull away.
“Me first.”
You move to the floor, and Zoro’s hand flies to your nape, not wanting to lose touch with you for a second. His pants have pooled near you on the floor, and with it come his boxers. You lick your lips. And boy, does he notice.
The grip he has on your hair tightens, but is never harsh. Never with you. Even as your lips and tongue start to envelop and swirl around the tip of his dick. Never harsh. Even when his other hand clenches tightly into the mattress. Even as you take him further, noting every vein present and pulsing under your administrations. Even as he fights the urge to tell you every thought he’s ever had about you. Never harsh. Even when his hand leaves your hair to wipe tears brimming at your eyes, he does it with such tenderness that you start to question if the tears are from the gag at all.
Zoro pulls away from you, clearly a motion of great strain, and he pulls you back up to the bed, where you finally kick off those damn pajama pants. Laying down, Zoro’s eyes ask an unspoken affirmation from you, as his fingers hook around the edges of your underwear. You nod, and the haste of which he pulls them down makes you laugh. His lips are back on yours, tasting your laughter, until he pulls away to cup a hand on your cheek, slipping his thumb into your mouth, greeted by an unexpecting hum. He draws it out of your mouth with a pop, and brings it down to your center, dragging it across your folds, holding you open. You take in a sharp inhale as he rubs his thumb across your clit in circular, steady motions. He smiles, watching as you start to clench around nothing, and all for him. His lips are back on your neck, kissing further down until they ghost over your chest, pause, and continue kissing over the cloth of your shirt. Your back arches towards his warm breath, the fire in your stomach reaching a blaze. Your hands are all over his back as he continues to work you open, steadily puting more pressure on your nerves. You groan at the feeling, impatience starting to wear you down.
Zoro hears the quickening of your breath, and decides to sink a finger into you, working it around to get you adjusted. You huff in exasperation as he pulls away, only long enough to get himself settled towards you. His hand is above your head as he angles himself, dragging his dick along your folds. You groan in unison as you feel each other’s warmth, the culmination of all this waiting paying off after all these years. He sinks in, slightly, not so much to satiate you by any means, no, but it’s enough to get you adjusted.
Zoro takes a deep breath, and lets it go as he slides fully, sheathed impossibly tight within you.
You take a deep breath, and you let it go as you’re filled, depths reached.
With your affirmation, he moves, slowly at first, and then picking up the pace. But never harsh, never abrasive.
Not tonight.
There will be other nights, nights with less on the line, where Zoro will allow himself to tear into you, to deny and restrain you, but not tonight.
Tonight, Zoro focuses on loving you, which comes easily, given that it seems as he was born to do just that.
The warmth of the hot water soothes your legs as you bend down to turn the shower off. The cool air of the night hits you as you step out of the shower, not surprised to see Zoro leaning against the counter. He watches as you wrap the towel around yourself.
“Can I help you?” You muse, tucking the towel in and wrapping your arms around his shoulders. He smiles at you, resting his hands on your waist.
“Nope,” he presses a kiss onto your lips, “no angle here.”
a/n: hey everypony mwahahaha almost got carried away w this one it’s like one billion words. anyways school is still kicking my ass. sorry responding to this took so long!! hope everyone has a good day and eats good food! okay bye kitties meow
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Do you have any random headcanons about any of the Obey me characters that no one's asked the right question for you to share / don't fit with any headcanon post you've made?
misc hcs of the brothers
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includes: the brothers
wc: .7k | rated g | m.list | pt. 2
a/n: omg?? this was so fun to write i'm def going to have to do one of these for the dateables at some point. thanks for requesting!! my inbox is open to that, req, or leave feedback, so come say hi!
please reblog :))
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➳ lucifer wears makeup. after someone (mammon, most likely) not-so-kindly pointed out the bags and dark circles under his eyes, lucifer went to asmo for help and learned the basics of concealing, which eventually grew into a whole bag of products he applies most mornings, unbeknownst to everyone but asmo. he does a light coverage foundation, concealer, pencils in and shapes his eyebrows, some light contour on his nose and jawline, and some hardly-noticeable eyeliner. his whole goal is for it to look as natural as possible and he’s gotten really, really skilled over the years.
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➳ mammon not only knows how to sew, but makes many of his own clothes himself. nothing on the market was eclectic or unique enough for him so he took matters into his own hands and not has a closet full of custom-made and designed pieces. he doesn’t tend to show off his talent (for once) preferring to let others think they’re obscure designer clothes or made by difficult-to-book designers. every once in a while he can be convinced to make his brothers something, but not unless they agree to an exorbitant price.
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➳ levi is an adobe girly. not only does he use almost all of their services, but he’s really really good at them too. mammon and asmo will have him photoshop pictures for him, lucifer will go to him for help with document creation, and even belphie had him teach him the basics of premiere pro. the reason he has such high-powered computers and machinery isn’t for gaming, as most assume, but so they can handle adobe optimally without lagging or overloading. additionally, upon hearing adobe flash was being retired, levi scalped the mechanics of it and created a knockoff that functions just as well, something he shares liberally at rad.
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➳ satan has a prodigal-like talent for instruments, able to pick them up and teach himself how to play decently in very little time. he also has perfect pitch, can sightread excellently, and composes music in his free time. his favorite instruments to play are the violin, the piano, and the harp. though his not in any music-based classes (as those are all too basic for him of course) he offers help to students in the classes that are struggling with theory, composition, or playing. he’s also the reason the music wing is rumored to be haunted, as he often plays at weird hours.
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➳ asmo is the most independently wealthy of all of his brothers, thanks to all of his economic ventures. not only does he model and act, but he also has shares in many major companies in all three realms that show large profits even if they aren’t super successful when he first invests. he works with barbatos to manage his money and has several bank accounts, and though he lives lavishly, is careful not to show the extent of his wealth, leading people to believe it’s family money he’s spending. although this was done, in part, intuitively, he’s also taken several finance and business classes over the years to help him learn and improve.
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➳ beel really really enjoys all of the booktok books, and even discusses them at length with solomon and thirteen, when the two can be civil enough to speak to one another. his favorite genres is dark fantasy and belphie makes fun of beel to no end when he catches him reading. beel keeps his kindle on him at all times, and for his personal favorites, buys a hard copy and annotates it with sticky notes–the whole nine yards. for his birthday, satan gives him a book cover so that he doesn’t keep walking around with those embarrassing overs on display. beel doesn’t use it.
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➳ belphie is notorious for stealing his brothers’ clothing. for some reason, he finds them more comfortable than his own and every few weeks the others force him to empty out his drawers and give them everything back. his personal favorites to steal are beel’s shirts and asmo’s sweats, but he’s not picky. he wears them to sleep, around the house, while running errands, and would wear them to rad were there not a uniform. at the beginning, it was out of laziness; him grabbing whatever was close. but over time he developed favorites, and, well, there was no going back from that.
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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lloromanic0 · 9 months
hiiii! i love ur writing and i saw you wanted more bill girlssss so here i am! do u think you could write a bill smut in his dread era (so underrated omg) ? thx🩷🩷🩷
Love all my Bill girls.
(Thank you so much for the request & for liking my writing!! I actually really liked writing this one.)
Lil summary: needy Bill has been craving you for days.
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He’s so majestic omfg
You sat on the bed with your laptop on top of you, you had a long essay to hand in till the end of the week. Since you needed total concentration for it you told your boyfriend, Bill, you needed some alone time.You had been working on it for the past 5 hours, your sweet boyfriend would sometimes come inside the room quietly to hand you another water or bring you some snacks and you couldn’t be more grateful for him.
With all your university work, and his life as a lead singer you hadn’t been having much time for each other and that was really messing with Bill, he didn’t want to make you mad or bother you but all these nights he had to spend with a aching boner for you were driving him crazy.
After 20 minutes your boyfriend came inside the room but this time he just sat on the edge of the bed looking at you. At first you thought he just wanted to be close to you even if you weren’t doing anything together, but the way he kept looking at you felt like it was something else.
“Bill? What is it mein Fürst?“ you asked.
He looked down has he played with his fingers on his lap.
“I just…really miss you..” he replied with a sad voice, you thought he was so cute like that.
“I can take a break if you want.”
His eyes lit up, those beautiful brown eyes you adored so much.
“Come sit next to me.” He crawled on the bed and sat down. You placed your hand on his thigh.
“Tell me about what you’ve been doing lately, I’m very sorry we’re not spending a lot of time together my love.”
Bill talked about the plans he was making with the band, how the practice they he had yesterday went, how he wanted to take you to this new cafe he saw, you just loved hearing him talk about anything.
“But at night…it’s when I miss you the most Y/N…”
“Why is that Bill?” You knew exactly what he meant, you heard him at night trying to get off quietly next to you, but his little moans betrayed him.
“I miss your touch and your body on mine..” oh god how cute was he so needy for you. You rubbed his thigh moving to the inner part. His already hard cock begging for you but a hand job wouldn’t be enough to satisfy him he needed more.
“Baby…let me fuck you please..” he never asks for it you usually just take the lead and he does whatever you want, he must be really desperate.
You just smile at him and lay on the bed.
“I’m all yours Billy.”
He gets on top of you, you could see his hard cock poke through his sweatpants as he lowers them to free his aching erection. He takes your shorts off along with your panties, he felt like your pussy was calling for him, he needed to be buried deep inside of you.
Using his hands he spread your folds rubbing the tip of his cock on your clit, his whimpers filling the room as you admired your beautiful boyfriend pleasuring you.
Just the rubbing of his cock on your pussy was enough to drive him crazy but he craved the feeling of being inside your warm hole.
He slowly and gently insert himself in you, making you get used to his cock, no matter how many times you had sex with him getting used to his huge length always took a little bit of time. After rocking his hips slowly for a few minutes, he picked up his pace in desperation, leaning down to capture your lips in a deep kiss, you hugged him tight making him feel safe in your embrace, as he kept fucking you passionately. This moment being what he had wished for the most this past weeks, being inside you having your touch for him, you paying full attention to him was all he needed.
“Am I- making you feel good Y/N?” He questioned, he loved hearing you reassure him.
“So good~ you’re being so good for me Bill…mhhm keep going just like that-“ You praised him.
Your kind words were all he needed to get sent over the edge, now slapping his hips deep into you in a way to reach the orgasm he so desperately needed, his thumb now rubbing your clit to help you reach your orgasm with him.
“Cum with me mhhmn- please Y/N.”
“I’ll cum with you baby~ aahh just- keep going for me.”
His hips now getting week and his legs trembling as he kept getting closer to his release, your moans now louder and more frequent,in a few seconds you came all over his dick, coating it in your wet juices, the erotic sight made Bill cum with a few more strokes, his thick seed coating your insides as he kept slowly moving his hips riding his orgasm and also making you enjoy yours a little longer.
As he slowly pulled out,his huge load he had been keeping inside him all these days, slightly dripped out of your hole,with his finger he pushed his cum back into you making you exhale sharply.
“Thank you for this meine Liebling.“ he kissed you once more “I really missed you…”
“I missed you to meine Schatz. Ich liebe dich.“ you replied smiling at him.
“Ich liebe dich mehr…“ he shyly replied.
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mustachrryluvr · 1 year
omg imagine being in subspace and you’re just so incoherent and harry is just holding you and telling you how good you are for him and he notices how you’re trying to suck on his thumb and he just sticks it in your mouth and is like “is that what you wanted princess? you’re so good for me” like holy shit 🥺🥵#Concept
I saw some other accounts get this request, but, since I got it too, here’s my take on it!! 
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: smut, female subspace 
Harry comes home unexpectedly and is insatiable.
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It usually took a lot for you to get into subspace, but Harry got you there so fast tonight that you’re not exactly sure how or when it happened. 
Harry has been on tour lately, but you had some responsibilities to tend to back home that kept you from traveling with him for the beginning of the last leg of Love on Tour. You had just flown into London today as Harry had a show coming up in a couple of days in Coventry that you would be traveling to. You had hoped to be able to spend a travel day with him as he had planned to stop by London before the show, but he had gotten stuck in Germany for an extra day and would have to go straight to Coventry the day of the show. 
It was only about a two hour drive from London to Coventry, but you hated travelling alone. It would just be you and the driver Harry had hired for you, which technically meant you wouldn’t be alone, but you preferred it be Harry with you. But you decided you would worry about that when the time came and just spend your evening catching up on some shows you were behind on.
You had stayed in Harry’s London home many times, but this was the first time you stayed there alone. The two of you had been dating for 2 years, so it wasn’t weird that he let you be in his space alone, but it still just felt weird to be there without him. So, you made sure you had things around you that made you think of him. 
The first thing you did when you got to his house was ravage his closet for a sweatshirt that smelled like him. Then, you took a blanket and pillow from his bed and brought them down to the couch to cuddle up with while you ordered Chinese takeout from the takeaway shop the two of you always order from. 
As long as you felt his presence around you in some form, you were okay. 
While cleaning up the kitchen and putting your leftovers in the fridge, you swore you heard a door close. You paused for a minute, but didn’t hear anything else so you assumed the noise just came from the tv playing in the living room. 
However, when you back to the living room, there he was. 
“Harry?!” you said, jumping back a little, not expecting to see anyone standing in the room. 
“Wh-what are you doing here?” you continued as you walked up to him. 
Before you even made it halfway to him, he raced forward, grabbing you, and pressed his lips to yours. 
As he’s pushing you backwards towards the couch, you try to mumble against his lips to ask him what he’s doing here but it's no use. “Harr-mmmmmm”, is all you get out as he pushed his mouth deeper into you. You feel the backs of your legs hit the edge of the couch and have no choice but to sit as he lowers you down. He continues to push into you until you are laying with him on top of you with him still devouring you. 
Harry gets comfortable laying on top of you between your legs as you accept his deep kisses and wrap your legs around his waist. You feel him push his hips roughly into yours as he slightly lifts his lips off of yours. One hand is placed on your waist while he moves the other up to hold your jaw. You look at him in awe as he finally says his first words of the night.
“I missed you so much, pretty girl,” he rubs his nose against yours as he continues with his hips still rutting into you. “You’re gonna do whatever I tell you to tonight, okay? Be a prefect, good girl for me. Can’t go another minute without you.” 
You’re completely immersed in the moment at this rate, and you subconsciously decide to ask him why he’s here later. Because right now all that matters is him. 
You give him a small smile and nod at his words. “Mmmmm, already wet and excited for me, aren’t you lovie?” he asks, pleased with your reaction to his words. 
“Always for you,” you get out before he’s crashing his lips back onto yours. 
You’re not sure what has made him so insatiable in this moment. Yes, it’s been a while since the two of you have been intimate since it's been a while since you’ve seen each other, but this feverish desire to have you right now isn’t something you’ve seen from him before. Not that you’re complaining. 
Harry and you were no strangers to playing around with dom/sub dynamics, and it is obvious that Harry wants to delve deep into that world tonight as he is rutting his hips into you so aggressively at this rate that you are already being stimulated enough that you could come if he kept it up. It was only when he was in his dominant headspace that he acted rough with you. You both enjoyed it a lot, but you also were very aware of your intimate moments and didn’t want them all to be rough and dominated by one person, so you often played with different types of dynamics all the time. 
But, to be honest, “Dom Harry” was your favorite version. So, if he wanted you to be his “perfect, good girl” tonight, you best bet that’s exactly what he is going to get. 
Being what Harry needed in that moment was all that mattered to you. 
He had come on so strong and dominant right away that it pushed you into your subby headspace quickly. You weren’t near subspace yet, but you wouldn’t be surprised if you ended the night there as your need to please Harry and Harry only was already so strong. 
Without another word, Harry quickly stripped you of your sweats and underwear before doing the same to himself. 
His cock sprung up to his lower stomach, the tip an angry, fiery red as he growled at the relief he must’ve felt. You mewled and brought your eyebrows together in concern at the sight as all you wanted to do was help him rid himself of the pain he was probably feeling. 
He could read your thoughts all over your face. “Aw, don’t worry about me baby. This sweet, little cunt is gonna make me feel so much better, isn’t it?” he says while stroking himself with his attention on your soaked core. 
You moaned at his words. His filthy language always making your chest feel full in the best, most erotic way possible. “Please Harry, use me. I just want you to feel good…please, H,” you whine out to him in the most delicious way that almost has him losing all his composure right then and there. 
Without another word, Harry leans forward over you, wraps your legs around his waist, lines himself up with you, and slams himself as deep as he possibly can into you. You both let out near pornographic moans. You at the painfully, pleasurable intrusion, and him at the sudden warmth and tightness that surrounded him. 
He could’ve come right then and there, but he fought the urge by immediately pulling out and slamming right back into you.
You could barely even get any moans out as he kept his quick pace. You could only emit tiny whimpers before he was already pushing another one out of you. You had no control over your body in this moment and just decided to give it all up to him. 
“Pretty girl just gonna let me use her like a rag doll, huh? Taking me so good that you can’t even control yourself,” he pauses to groan as you involuntarily clench around him in response to his words. “God-Fuck, baby. Cunt made just for me, I swear. I don’t know if I can ever go without.” 
It was right then when he decided to switch his pace from fast and rough to slow and deep that you could feel it. You could feel yourself falling under, falling into your subspace. All you could feel was him. All you could hear was him. All you could see was him. You were absolutely consumed by him. 
It usually took a lot for you to fall into subspace, but this time you fell quick, and hard. 
You gasped airly and looked at him with big eyes and furrowed brows when he thrusted into you especially deep, hitting all your spots. 
“Yeah, baby? Right there, huh? Gah..so good for me…” he sighed out that last part as he leaned further into you, enclosing his whole body around yours. Isolating you from being able to look at anything but his face. 
“Harr…” you gasped out as you reached your arms around his back and clawed at his back, roughly grabbing at his shirt he was still wearing. 
He felt you tighten around him as he watched your jaw drop and eyes clench shut all while he felt your fingers cling to him as if he would disappear. He knew then that you were about to come (which was for the best because he really couldn’t hold out much longer). 
“Such a good girl for me, come on baby, let go. Be my good girl and let go.. y-yes that's it, pretty,” he moaned out as you let go, your mouth open in a silent moan as your whole body seized and convulsed under him in immense pleasure. 
Harry followed and released into you soon after as your release completely sent him over the edge. 
As each of you came down from your equally strong highs, you relaxed into the couch as Harry placed all his weight on you with his face resting in the crook of your neck. It made you feel safe when he did that. 
After a minute of catching your breaths, Harry was the first to speak out. “Did so well for me, pretty girl.” 
He paused for a moment, expecting to get a response from you, at least a blissed out hum. However, when he got nothing in response, he immediately was worried. 
“Lovie?” Harry lifted his head and brought one hand up to gently smooth over your jaw. He finds you looking at him in completely awe and adoration. Eyes slightly glossy as you look deep into his eyes. 
“Oh, princess. You’re deep, aren’t you?” He shifts his body weight onto his free hand placed next to his head so he can pull his weight off of you, but you immediately freak out that he’s gonna leave you. With a sad and worried look on your face, you flatten your hands on his back and hurriedly speak out, “No, no, stay. Please.” 
“Sweetheart, shhhhh,” he quietly responds as he lowers himself back down on to you. It’s now that he realizes just how deep you are. Absolutely beyond floaty. He wraps himself back around you, but still keeps one and on your jaw as his thumb slightly caresses your cheek. 
“I’m not going anywhere, baby, okay? Harry’s staying right here with you.” You sigh out at his words, closing your eyes again as you revel in the feeling of his body on yours and nuzzle your head into his hand that rests on your face. 
Harry hadn’t even noticed you getting floaty and hadn’t expected it since it usually takes a lot to get you there. He wasn’t complaining though, because he felt so much happiness knowing that you trusted him so much to allow yourself to get into this headspace with him. He knew that being in subspace was a vulnerable thing and doesn’t just happen with any partner, so he was elated to know that he felt safe with him. 
He just laid there for a moment, looking at you with adoration. Letting himself feel the pride coursing through him. Proud of you and your willingness to be vulnerable with him. “You did so good for me today, princess. Thank you for trusting me.” 
After he spoke, he took a moment and realized he was slightly worried about you, though, as you were quieter than you usually were when you were in subspace, but just tossed it up to the fact that you got very deep very quickly and your system wasn’t used to that. 
As he admired you for a moment, he noticed you nuzzle deeper into the hand he had been caressing your cheek with. For a moment you seemed to get frustrated and let out a small whine as he moved his hand along with your movements. 
“What is it baby? Hmm, what do you need from me? I’ll give you anything,” he says as he moves his thumb that had been on your cheek to your bottom lip. 
When he placed his thumb on your lip, you immediately opened your mouth with a gasp, your eyes going wide almost begging him with your eyes. 
“Oh, lovie,” Harry chuckled, catching on to what you wanted, and allowed his thumb to slip behind your lips as you hummed and gently began to suck on his finger.  “Is that what you wanted princess? You’re so good to me.” 
Harry laid with you for a while as you continued to suck on his thumb. If that was what was going to bring you comfort in this moment, then he would let you do it forever. You had never needed this type of comfort before, but he was willing to give you whatever you needed. Aftercare was very important to the both of you, and this is just what it looked like for you today. 
You must’ve dozed off a bit, because the next thing you knew, Harry was gently taking you into the bathroom where he already had a bath ready for you. 
“Hi, lovie,” he softly said to you when he saw your eyes open up. They were brighter and less glossy now, telling him that you had come back to him. 
“Hi,” you softly replied with a small, content smile on your face. 
Neither of you spoke again as he undressed you and himself before placing you in the warm bath. He got in right behind you and pulled you into his chest where you immediately relaxed. 
“You’re back with me now, right, baby?” he asked has his hands rubbed up and down your arms trying to keep you grounded with his touch after coming down from your floaty state. 
“Yeah, Harr. Felt so safe with you, had to let go,” you responded quietly as you closed your eyes and enjoyed his touch. 
“That’s okay. I always want you to feel that safe with me.” 
You sat in silence for a few minutes before Harry picked up your loofa and some soap to begin cleaning you up. As he started, you spoke up, “Why are you home anyway? I thought I was meeting you in Coventry?” You turned a little to look at him, confusion written on your features. 
He chuckled as he continued to clean you off, “Was supposed to stay in Munich an extra day for a meeting, but it was cancelled. Thought I’d just come home and surprise you.” 
“Surprise me and fucking devour me is what you did goddamn. Bout gave me whiplash with how quickly you came at me” 
Harry loudly chuckled at that, “Oh, shut it. I know you absolutely bloody loved it.” 
You giggled before you responded, “Mmmm, yeah, I definitely did. Love you, bub.” 
“Love you, baby.” 
You two sat in silence throughout the rest of your bath before you retired to bed. It wasn’t long before you were tangled together, sleeping the night away. 
— — — — 
That was something… lol haven’t written smut in a HOT minute so I'm so sorry if it’s eh…also didn’t proofread so there are probs grammatical errors but whateverrrrr 
Thank you for this request!! Feel free to send others! Please check my masterlist to see who I write for and my other works!
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privatehousesanatomy · 2 months
Can you please write being houses wife and coming home to him trying to do bath and bed time with your toddler and baby?
omg okay i actually have an oc that has two kids with house so all of my world-building is finally being put to good use!!
content includes : house being a girl dad asf
Kids were never the plan for you or House. You were content living a child-free life, and House never pictured himself being a father due to his relationship with his own father. And then came Amelia two years ago, followed by her little sister, Evelyn, only three weeks ago.
While you were incredibly apprehensive to leave Evelyn alone, even for a few hours, you knew you could trust House to take care of the girls. The way he had taken to being a father so easily after Amelia was born had suprised you a lot, but you had no doubts that he was a good father, and he insisted that he had everything under control.
So, you agreed to grab dinner with Cuddy, who was eager to get you out of the house for an evening so you didn't completely lose yourself in being a mom. Since adopting Rachel, Lisa had realized the importance in not allowing her entire personality to be overcome with being a mother.
By 8pm, you arrived home, and the second you opened the door, you could hear the sounds of water splashing and giggling coming from down the hall.
"Amelia Violette, you've got my shirt all soaked," House groaned, followed by Amelia's little giggles. "I told you no splashing, anyway. Your sister is in the tub, too."
"Sorry dada," Amelia giggled, and she pushed her little duck around in the water. Evelyn was in her bath chair with a wash cloth over her stomach, just staring at House.
As you appeared in the bathroom doorway, you had a smile on your face. "Looks like you've got bath time all under control," you say.
"Mama! Look, bubbles!" Amelia cheered, pointing at the pile of bubbles in the tub.
"I see that," you smile, and House shifted uncomfortably on the floor. "Do you want me to help?" you ask, and he shook his head.
"No, I've got it. You go relax, and I'll have the little goblins come say goodnight when we're done," he said. You nodded your head and went into the master bedroom to get changed into your comfier clothes.
When the girls were out of the tub, you heard Amelia's little feet run down the hallway into her bedroom, and you couldn't help but smile to yourself. Those little girls were your entire world - the greatest surprise you could have ever asked for.
"Amelia, put your pajamas on," House sighed.
"I need help dada," she said, holding up her shirt. It had buttons on it, and her little fingers couldn't figure out how to button it up properly.
"Bring it here then," he said, laying Evelyn on the floor for a moment in her towel before he buttoned up Amelia's shirt. She'd insisted on wearing her Strawberry Shortcake pajamas that night, as she did every other night of the week.
House then got Evelyn dressed in a onesie with strawberries on it to somewhat match Amelia before taking her into the master bedroom so that you could feed her.
"Well hi there, baby girl," you smiled as you took your newborn into your arms, and Evie let out a soft coo. "You're hungry, aren't you?"
House had a tired smile on his face. "I'm almost done with Amelia," he said, and you nodded your head.
"Take your time. I'm getting my baby snuggles," you smiled, watching as House went back to tend to your toddler.
"Alright, pumpkin. Bring me your hairbrush," he said, sitting down in the rocking chair. Amelia grabbed her hairbrush and ran over, handing it to him. House picked her up and placed her on his lap before he combed through her hair.
So much for never wanting to be a father. He'd even learned how to braid her hair a few months earlier, so he styled her wet hair into a braid to keep it from getting all tangled in her sleep.
"Pretty!" Amelia grinned as she looked at herself in the mirror, and House smiled a little.
"Very pretty. Now, go pick out a book and we'll read it before we go and say goodnight to mama, alright?"
"Yay story!" Amelia said as she ran over to her bookshelf, grabbing one of her many princess books and bringing it over.
By the time stories (yes, Amelia had conned three more stories out of House) were read and Amelia was beginning to get sleepy, he brought her into the master bedroom to say goodnight to you.
"Hi, princess," you say as Amelia ran over to the bed, climbing up and into your lap. "Did you have fun with daddy tonight?"
"Yes!" Amelia grinned, clapping her little hands. You smiled and pressed a kiss to her head.
"Oh, you smell so good. I could eat you right up," you teased, making Amelia giggle.
"No eat me, mama," she said, hiding her face. House had picked up Evelyn at this point, lifting her up to kiss her head.
"What about Evie? Should we eat baby sissy?" he teased, and Amelia shook her head.
"No!" she giggled. It was at that moment that Evie spit up all over House, and you burst out laughing.
"Well, that's what she thinks about that idea," you teased. "Evelyn Charlotte, did you puke on daddy?"
House stood there with a look of disgust on his face, holding the infant a safe distance from his body.
"I think you might have to finish bedtime...I need to shower," he groaned, looking down at his spit up covered shirt.
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luveline · 2 years
omg jade!! this just popped into my head but do u think u could write smth ab roan gettin a tinyyyy bit jealous when reader gives attention to another kid? pls feel free to ignore if u dont like it hehe j smth i thought ab! ily!!
this request is from october I'm so sorry it took this long, thank you for requesting, ily ♥︎ fem!reader
Eddie’s friend Gareth has two kids. 
Twin boys, they hang off of him one to each arm and might be the cutest kids you’ve ever seen that aren’t Roan. One is much, much cuddlier than the other, and when he climbs into your lap you really, honestly can’t say no. He’s practically a baby still, two and half years old and chatty without real words. 
When he strokes your face with your hand, you look over his little head at Eddie where he’s sitting at the same picnic table and pout at him. 
“You want one?” he asks, raising his eyebrows. 
You rub the back of the baby’s head, hand stroking over fine, sandy brown hair. “Stop it.”
It’s a very cheeky joke considering you and Eddie haven’t been together that long. And besides, you think he might have his work cut out for him with his own baby girl, he doesn’t need another right now. 
Said baby girl has taken to holding your hand basically everywhere you go. You adore Roan and if she wants to hold your hand whenever she sees you, it’s an improvement from her wanting to always be carried. She’d been holding your hand five minutes ago before she proclaimed her need to pee. 
She emerges from the house and into the garden with her little hands dripping and Eddie beckons her over. You can hear their hushed conversation as he wipes her hands dry with his t-shirt. 
“Did you flush?” he asks quietly.
“Yeah, daddy.”
“Did you wipe the right way?”
She looks a little embarrassed, and then that embarrassment gets eaten by Munson rage. “Yeah, dad.”
Eddie only laughs. “Okay, alright. Thanks, mini me. Kiss for a job well done?”
Roan gives him a quick kiss and then throws her gaze to you. You watch what looks to be excitement shrivel up and dissolve into dust, her eyes widened and then pinched with hurt. 
“What’s the matter, baby?” you ask, hand splayed over the small back of your newfound charge. 
She doesn’t talk to you. Roan turns on her heel and climbs straight into Eddie’s lap, small thighs either side of his waist and face falling into his t-shirt. He’s as confused as you are, dropping his face down closer to hers and murmuring something too quiet to hear. Her tiny black bunches bounce as she shakes her head. 
He tucks a loose curl behind her ear. “Tell me, sweetheart,” he says gently. 
Roan pushes her face deeper into his chest and sighs. 
You’re at that stage of knowing and loving Roan where all of her upsets still feel huge to you. Eddie, having experienced her change in emotion every single day of her life, is much less affected. Not any less loving, or any less caring, but he doesn’t get so stressed. He pats her little back for what’s left of his friends garden party, and you say goodbye to your clinger when it’s time for their nap. 
“Let’s go home, should we?” Eddie asks gently, forehead tapped against Roan’s. 
She grumbles irritably and Eddie picks her up, her face quickly hidden in his neck. When all the goodbyes have been exchanged you follow him back to his car, nibbling your lip intermittently. Roan isn’t prone to being quiet like this unless she’s sick or tired, and it’s hours from bedtime, so she has to be sick. 
"She's not warm," Eddie tells you. 
"Do you feel sick?" you ask her anyways, not because you don't believe Eddie's capabilities as a dad, but for your own peace of mind — you don't like worrying about Roan. It gnaws at you. 
She doesn't speak to you. In fact, she doesn't speak to you for hours. Not when you get home, not at the dinner table, and not during cartoons before bed. She doesn't hug you goodnight, and that's when Eddie gives a knowing, amused snort. 
"What?" you ask, pulling your gaze from her retreating back to him. "What's funny? Your baby doesn't like me anymore, this is the opposite of funny." 
"She's just jealous." You scoot away from him. He pulls you back in with an eye roll. "Not of me, dork. Of Henry." 
You blink. "Gareth's kid?" 
"Yes." His head lolls lazily to the side, and his smile is more a smirk than anything else. "Come on, sweet thing. Use your brain." 
You would glare at him if the cogs weren't turning in your head. "Well, what do I do?" You stand up. "I gotta say sorry." 
Eddie catches your hand. When you look at him, he shakes his head. You love and hate how smug he is as a dad, how he simultaneously knows all the answers but has to call Wayne at least once a week with some whacky question. 
"You don't have to say sorry to her for hugging another kid, just… explain that she's your favourite." 
"She is my favourite." 
"I know."
You look down the hall and then back to your boyfriend. "Will you come with me?" 
"Always." Eddie gets up, and you hold hands all the way to Roan's bedroom, though the slim hallway makes it difficult. 
He knocks on Roan's door. "Babe?"
He pushes open the door. Roan isn't sleeping, she usually doesn't until Eddie comes in to tuck her into bed and kiss her goodnight. She's sitting by the bottom of the bed with her big paper sketchbook and a crayon in hand, but she hasn't drawn anything yet. She drops the crayon and looks up at you both suspiciously. 
"Y/N wants to talk to you. Do you wanna sit in the bed together?" he asks her. 
She nods. Too soon, Eddie's pulling his hand out of yours and scooping Roan up deftly, and he climbs into her tiny princess bed with little hesitation. She looks small in his lap. 
You sit gingerly opposite. 
Eddie gives you an encouraging smile, worming his thumb into the palm of her hand. 
"Roan," you start, awkward because Eddie's listening, hesitant because you don't wanna mess this up. You decide to go for the straightforward approach. "You know you're my favourite girl, yeah?" 
She glares at you. 
Not what you'd been expecting. 
You try again. "I… I love you very much. Like, so much it squeezes out of me when you hug me, and you gotta push it all back in for me." 
An inkling of a smile appears. She loves that game, and she's stronger than she looks. It really does feel like she's squeezing all the air from your lungs sometimes. 
"And-" You continue, prompted by Eddie's voracious nodding. "And even though sometimes other boys and girls want to give me a hug, none of them ever give me hugs as good as yours. I just want you to know that your hugs are my favourite." 
Roan leans back heavy into Eddie's chest. He kisses the top of her head unthinking, lips hidden by her dark brown curls. 
Then, his lips move down to her ear, and he says, in his professional parenting voice that's all soft and warm, "I know you were unhappy when Y/N gave baby Henry a cuddle, but just 'cause she gave him a hug doesn't mean she can't give you one too. And ignoring people isn't something we like to do, is it?" 
Roan frowns at him. "But she was holding my hand first." 
"I know. You gotta share her, though. Like right now, you're in my lap, and Y/N isn't complaining. Maybe she wants to be in my lap, or maybe she wants you in hers." 
You take the queue. "I miss my goodnight hug," you say, hands moving forward. You pout at her. "Please, Roan."
You wouldn't force Roan into a hug if you didn't think she wanted one. You're right, thankfully, and Roan stands up, wobbling across the mattress in her pink pyjamas and straight into your chest. 
You curl your arms around her too tight and send Eddie your most thankful, loving look as Roan snuggles your neck. 
"Missed you, princess," you murmur, hand creeping up her back to play in the soft ends of her hair. 
You hug. Roan turns to mush, boneless, limp, every word for it, putty in your hands. Eddie had told you once that he thinks she likes your hugs because you're so soft. 
He wiggles his eyebrows. "Think about it," he whispers. "You could have two of her. Three." 
You close your eyes so you don't have to look at him, flustered but so happy you end up laughing. 
"Kiss?" you ask Roan. 
She nods. You cover her in kisses, every inch of her perfect face. 
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bemyawakening · 2 years
Omg yesss please more Alejandro! There isn't enough stories about him.
Task force 141 meeting Alejandro Vargas wife for first time.
I imagine her being a badass soldier and medic at same time. After they reclaim the base and gather up wounded she arrives and heals people and commands everybody and price or somebody asks if she is Alejandros 3rd in command or something and Alejandro is like no she is above me and introduces her as his wife and she meets the whole task force after she is done and thanks them for helping Alejandro and she scolds Alejandro because he made her worry but he only smiles and hugs her.
Thank you so much for your request agh! I absolutely love Alejandro and I was definitely not licking my screen whenever he showed up on it. Somehow, I think a bad-ass wife would suit him so well, so here you go! if it’s horrible— I’m so sorry
pairing: Alejandro Vargas x f!reader (medic and soldier reader)
word count: 1994
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Your bouncing leg was driving not only you but the two medics sitting in the same room insane. Where the fuck were they? Checking your wristwatch, you were sure you were going to have a heart attack in approximately five seconds, but you had to calm yourself – he always came back.
            The roaring vehicle from the outside alerted you and you sprang from your seat faster than lightning. You kept swearing to yourself that you’ll never ever let him get into another mission again and you’ll write him off any mission coming his way. You had the authority to do that.
            However, the distant yells fogged up her mind, letting her know that someone was badly injured—fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck… Two soldiers appeared, helping a wounded British soldier get inside of the medical room. You knew that the Special Forces from England united with the Mexican Special Forces for this mission and you did the right thing by coming to the base, in case help would be needed.
            The man was young and you immediately pointed at a free bed beside the door, watching the way the guys placed him down on the mattress. Walking closer, you pushed a little table with wheels closer to the bed, where the most important stuff was placed – you were prepared, and took a pair of fresh gloves: “Tell me.”
            Only then did you realise that one of the men standing beside you had a hairstyle of a Mohawk and it oddly suited him, but you couldn’t put attention on him for too long, since the man on the bed was clearly suffering.
            “Bullet wound. Lower thigh. Put on the tourniquet about-“ he looked at his watch, nodding, “one and a half hour ago.”
            Nodding, you cut the material of the man’s pants, not even bothered by the amount of dark blood that has drenched them. You had to deal with amputating limbs. This look like a bee sting. “Good news, soldier. You’ll live and you’ll walk.”
            “There’s nothing I want more,” the young man replied through his gritted teeth.
            Taking a needle, you took a little vial, sucking in the liquid through the needle, and flicking it to get rid of the air bubbles. While working, you informed, your voice collected and professional: “Get other wounded in here. The other medics will take care of them.”
            “Yes, ma’am,” the man with the Scottish accent and the Mohawk replied and he disappeared into the chaos, the other soldier following him.
            You’d be lying if your eyes didn’t drop on the door every five seconds. Where the fuck was he? Did something happen to him? No, you gripped yourself together. You had to tend to this soldier right now and then bring wrath once you see his face.
            “Local anaesthesia,” you informed. “Going to stop the bleeding, take the bullet out and stitch it all up.”
            The man nodded, placing his head down and embracing himself for pain. The local anaesthesia helped a lot to bring down the pain, but the discomfort of taking out the bullet was more sickening than painful.
            And you worked like a clock. The tourniquet has stopped the bleeding pretty well, meaning no major artery has been breached. Your eyes kept darting to the door, watching a few more soldiers getting taken in—no sign of him. It took some time to take out the bullet which was split into three parts—one of them nastily small. But the man was taking the pain like a champ and soon enough, you left him to rest with a set of stitches and a cold compress against his forehead.
            Taking off the bloody gloves, you sighed. The stress was making you feel tenser as you looked through the room, the other medics taking care of the other, not-so-badly wounded soldiers. A few soldiers of your own walked inside of the room and you invited them to come closer.
            “What the hell happened?”
            “They were ambushed—they successfully cleared out the base, but there were a few others hiding and it almost turned into a bloodbath,” a male, your sergeant, replied and you chewed on your bottom lip.
            “¡Buen trabajo!” You slightly tapped his shoulder, excusing him as you walked towards the main part of the base where some of them should be gathered.
            And then you saw him. With blood on his face. Fuck, he was hurt, he was hurt, he was hurt… The worry was making you feel rage. You completely ignored the other guys that were looking at you as if you were crazy, but you just made your way to him, watching the way his face lit up as he saw you.
            He knew he was in trouble. He knew how worried you always got when he didn’t come back right on time. And, he already knew what you were going to say—you were going to make him retire. But, God, did you look beautiful walking to him with that worried arch between your eyebrows? There was a bit of blood on your shirt, he knows you tended to someone and he didn’t want to bother you.
            God, he missed you so much.
            “Colonel,” your voice snapped him out of his trance, making him realise that he was in big trouble. You only called him by his rank when he was in the deep.
            “Mi amor,” he tried to soothe you down, knowing damn well what his voice and his words did to you. However this time it didn’t seem to be working.
            The worried sparkle in your eyes was making him feel guilty—he never intends to make you worry. He never intends to make you feel as if he would not come back. He’d always make his way back to you. Always.
            “¿Qué sucedió?” Your tone was rough and he deserved it, but he knew you weren’t actually mad. You were terrified for him.
            Instead of you pulling him into a hug as he has hoped for, you grasped his vest, took it off him and dropped it on the floor. You were inspecting him, seeing if there were any ripped or bloody parts in his attire, before your eyes raised to his head, at the top of his forehead, a bit to the right - there was a nasty wound that has already dried up.
            Your lips trembled.
            “You’re retiring! You better write your fucking resigning letter right now or I swear to fucking God, Alejandro, I will kick you out of the Special Forces myself!” Your voice raised and you meant every single word that has come out of your mouth. You were hitting his chest, not too hard, letting him know how much he has put you through misery.
            Alejandro couldn’t help but smile. He always found your worry sincere and heart-warming. He admired the way you didn’t care about making a scene and he knew well that you were about to drag his ass out of this base and not let him get in here anymore. You had the authority.
            “Tranquila, mi amor, tranquila,” his voice was soothing and he could see the welling tears in your eyes. He grabbed your hands that were having a brawl with his chest and softly squeezed them, pulling you closer. “I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.”
            You loathed the soft tone of his voice. You loathed how quickly it calmed you down. And you especially loathed the way you became a lump of jelly once his arms wrapped around you, pulling you into a tight hug.
            Letting yourself breathe out with more ease, you closed your eyes, giving in to his warmth. His heartbeat was slightly faster, but it announced to you that he was alive. He was here. Your Alejandro was here, with you.
            Nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck, he inhaled your scent—home. He was home. He could feel the way your body was slowly relaxing and he realised that he would actually let you drop him out of the Special Forces. The thought about waking up every morning with you by his side, without the need to worry if both of you will make it back home… Little kids running around your home, cooking together… That was his dream. You were his dream.
            Pulling away, you placed your hands on his cheeks, the worried expression on your face not fading away. You inspected the wound—perhaps a few stitches will be necessary. He couldn’t help but admire you. There was something so soothing when you looked at him with that concerned look. He knew he was in good hands. Every touch of yours was so gentle and he cherished them all.
            “Didn’t think I’d see Alejandro getting his ass threatened,” the familiar Scottish accent made you both pull away from one another, but not too far. Alejandro couldn’t keep his hands off you.
            “Hermanos, this is my wife. Responsible for my early retirement,” Alejandro slightly pointed at you with his hand as you looked at the several men standing there.
            “It’s a pleasure,” the Scottish guy replied.
            “I was told that Captain Price will be also joining this mission,” you spoke, wondering which one of them you will have to cooperate with doing the paperwork.
            “It’s me, ma’am,” one of the guys took off his cap, showing his face as he was a bit older than everyone in the room with a beard.
            “Pleasure,” you nodded, diverting your attention to Rodolfo. “The same goes for you Rodolfo—say goodbye to this base.”
            “Teniente coronel,” Rodolfo winced.
            “Hold on!” The Scottish guy gasped, extending his arms in a dramatic motion. “Lieutenant Colonel? Your wife has a higher rank than you?”
            Alejandro nodded – he never had issues with you being with a high rank. On the contrary, he found it very pleasing that calling you formally would get you melting like a piece of chocolate on a sunny day.
            “Yes,” you nodded. It was normal for you to get this kind of reaction—there weren’t many women with your rank or higher. And you were still quite young, but ambitious to get this far. “Now, I’ll get back to all of you in quite some time before I solve some issues with my Colonel.”
            Grasping his arm, you were making your way back into the medical room. Alejandro was following you like a lost puppy, watching you the way you tried to stay angry.
            “Señora,” he stopped you as soon as both of you were in a bit more hidden corridor, sneaking his hands up your waist. “I know I made you worry-”
            “Alejandro,” you warned him with your rough tone. You had to stay strong. How many times have you melted into his touch without giving him a proper scolding?
            “Mi amor,” he whispered, that innocent, but a slightly cheeky smile on his face—damn it. “I will make it up to you.”
            Rolling your eyes, you crossed your arms over your chest, but that didn’t stop him from pulling you as close as he could against him. “I’ll take that resignation letter as making up.”
            Chuckling, he placed his hands on your cheeks, feeling the warmth radiating from them. How much he loved when you looked at him with slightly flustered eyes—the things you were doing to him. Kissing his palm, you slightly shook your head: “I’m serious, Alejandro. You’re retiring on your own wish or I’ll kick you out myself. It was silly for me to keep you going on those missions. I want you in our house. I want you in the mornings. I want you beside me every night.”
            Feeling the seriousness of this situation, he was taken aback because he has wished the same things for both of you. He wanted to protect his people and he knew he wouldn’t be able to leave his job completely, but he’d try to be home more. For you.
            Pressing his lips to your forehead, he hummed against your skin, nudging his head down for his forehead to meet yours. “Fine,” he whispered. “Anything for you.”
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rhythmstars · 1 year
Hello!! Just saw that you were writing for Pavitr- and thought I could submit this idea:) soo, I was thinking an Pavitr x reader where some villian finds out that spider man is dating the reader and uses that against him by kidnapping the reader? And Pavitr is just kinda freaking out and Gwen or someone has to calm him down before they go and save reader? Just thought it was an interesting idea and it's fine if you don't want to do it:) remember to take care of yourself and all that stuff<3
A/n: omg i live for hurt comfort!! Also, thank you so much for being so sweet! take care of yourself as well, drink some water!! and thank you for requesting!! <3
i tried my best to write this, i hope you enjoy, I'm sorry for any mistakes or if it didn't turn out the way you wanted it to :)
Warnings: minor? gore, panic, crying, hurt (with comfort fellas!), Pavitr being ANGRY, and bad writing.
this is my first fic on Tumblr so pls let me know if you like it and if there are any mistakes :))
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Pavitr Prabhakar x GN! Reader
It was five hours ago when Pavitr received a text from his partner asking him if he is free for the day.
Five hours ago when he replied with a 'sorry but i have a meeting with the others today, maybe next time? will make it up to you i promise <3'
Four hours ago when he got a text from them reassuring him that it's alright and that they can always plan something for some other day, and asking him not to blame himself for this.
Three hours ago, before he got a text from them telling him that they have a sudden change in schedule and that they'll be attending their piano lessons today. A message with the last line being 'don't forget how much I love you, Pav. <3'
It was two hours ago when he got out of the meeting and tried calling his s/o to talk with them about their day and his. Two hours ago when they didn't pick up his first and his fifth call.
It was one hour ago when he asked Gwen and Hobie to help him find his s/o because he was freaking out.
And, it was exactly 30 minutes ago when Miguel called him to the office and told him that his beloved had been walking home from school when they got abducted by some unknown people. When he felt like the world has stopped.
It was exactly now that he was panicking and pacing around the room with uneven breathing.
"Pav, you need to calm down. They'll be fine." Gwen tried to reassure him because she felt like if she doesn't, then Pavitr won't ever stop. He didn't reply though, possibly not even heard what his friend had said. He kept murmuring about the possibilities he had flooding his mind.
Hobie sighed "This is no good mate. You gotta stop pacin' and think for a moment." He tried to talk to him but was met with silence once more. Frustrated with his best friend's antics, he walked towards Pavitr and puts a hand on his shoulder making him still. "Oi! can you stop pacin' around and think calmly for a moment?" he said in a sharp tone.
What he didn't expect was a distraught looking Pavitr looking at him helplessly with tears in his eyes. "Pav..." Gwen was shocked to see him like this as well. A guy like him never liked crying in front of others or talking about his problems, so seeing him like this really hurt them.
Both of them looked at him shocked to their cores. They had never seen this guy so frustrated or angry. This cool and calm guy with a never ending playful persona.
He sighed. "I'm- I'm sorry I just-" he covered his face as he sat down on the stairs. "I- I don't know what to do...i don't know what is happening to them right now or if they're alright. I have no clue where they are and what those assholes are doing to them." He took in a deep breath. "I- You don't know I just- I don't want to think about this- what if, what if they're hurt? what if they're torturing them for being with me? they'll never tell my secrets, they'll rather die and it just, it scares the shit out of me guys i don't know what is going on. what if i never get to see them again? what if they leave me? what if- what if I-" His voice broke and he choked on a sob.
Gwen and Hobie looked down in guilt. They knew that this isn't easy for Pavitr. He truly loved Y/n.
Only a minute later, Peter came running out of the building. "Hey! We found 'em!" At his words, Pavitr got up with the speed of lightning and impatiently demanded the location.
Miguel walked beside Peter, "Do not act irrationally Pavitr, this is-"
Miguel and Peter looked at him in shock. They had never seen him so angry. "The warehouse near the east coast in Mumbattan."
That's all he needed to hear before getting ready to take off. He had waited enough. One more second of delay and he'd lose himself. With impatient, trembling hands, he started using his watch for opening a portal back to his world.
To save his world.
"Pavitr!" He looked back at Miguel when he heard his voice, expecting a lecture on being rational and thinking calmly. But much to everyone's except Peter's surprise, Miguel said something nice. "Good luck."
Pavitr gave him a grateful nod and walked into the portal followed by Gwen and Hobie.
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The three of them stood on a tower standing a few meters away from the warehouse. Pavitr was growing impatient every second and both Gwen and Hobie could see it.
Gwen placed a hand on his shoulder gently speaking, "Hey, it's alright. We're here now right? They're gonna be alright." She gave him a small reassuring smile.
"Yeah mate really, let's just check before getting straight to them, eh?" Hobie gave him a grin.
Pavitr sighed and nodded. "Let's go." They swung by the warehouse and over, trying to search for men possibly on the lookout. When they found none, they landed on the roof of the warehouse. A skylight caught there attention as they walked towards it to look inside. Unfortunately for them, it was too dark.
Too dark for Pavitr's liking.
Suddenly, the door to the warehouse opened and a man dressed in a robe walked in. He had a suitcase in his hand. What the actual hell?
He placed his suitcase on a iron table nearby and walked towards....
Pavitr's eyes widened. There, in front of that man, laying on the cold hard ground, tied to a metal frame, was his beloved s/o. The light coming in from the opened door reflected their bruises and cuts. Pavitr's blood turned cold at the man's laughter.
"Look at you, young gorgeous. Not so gorgeous anymore with all those scars but-" he pulled out a pair of gloves and started putting it on. "Come on dear y/n. We both know he doesn't give a DAMN about you. Otherwise he'd be here by now."
Gwen places a hand on Pavitr's shoulder, trying to ground his racing heart. "He won't even LOOK at you with a face as bruised as this. Just, tell me already." his voice turned deadly serious as he kneeled in front of them, "how. do. i. defeat. him."
That's enough.
Pavitr broke through the glass of the skylight and landed behind the man making him turn away startled. Gwen and Hobie followed after him looking angry. But Pavitr wasn't angry, no.
He glared at the man with so much rage and hatred that even the creepy man felt a shiver run down his spine. "Hah! would you look at that!" The man clapped his hands. "so you DO care after all."
Pavitr rushed forward and punched the man straight in the jaw making him stumble. But he still laughed like a maniac. "Haha! Gosh! You have some strength in you young man!" Pavitr punched him again as Gwen rushed to y/n's side untying their hands and legs. Hobie took his chance and smashed a random discarded wine bottle he found lying somewhere on the man's arm making him yelp in agony.
"WHAT DID YOU DO!?" pavitr yelled. He held him by the collar of his shirt. "WHY DID YOU TAKE THEM!?" He punched him on the right cheek but he kept laughing. "HOW DARE YOU HURT THEM!" A punch on the left cheek and his laughing turned to choked coughs as he spat out blood on the floor. "HOW DARE YOU!" He yelled and kept punching him.
Gwen, y/n and Hobie watched him with wide eyes. They had never seen him so furious. So vengeful. Gwen looked at Hobie who stood behind Pavitr, giving a look. He nodded before walking forward and holding pavitr by his shoulders. "Hey. that's enough, mate."
But to their surprise, Pavitr pushed his hands away and kept punching the now unconscious man. Hobie frowned. "Pav. Let go man. that's enough." He didn't stop.
Y/n watched. This wasn't like him. He wasn't the sweet, charismatic boy who they knew. No, he was a furious and enraged superhuman who had forgotten about the boundaries of being the friendly neighborhood, Spider-Man.
"Pav..." They spoke weakly but loud enough for him to hear. He immediately stopped his movements and looked at them. They had tears in their eyes as They stared at him with fear. Afraid that he'll lose his humanity. He dropped his hands to the side, his blood and the man's blood mixed, dripping from his knuckles. He swiftly walked towards them and kneeled in front of them.
His eyes scanned their body lingering on every cut and bruise. Y/n slowly raised a hand to his cheek and it was enough to break him. He hid his face in the crook of their neck as the tears escaped his eyes.
Gwen and Hobie shared knowing looks and walked out with hobie carrying the unconscious man.
Pavitr hugged y/n and cried in their embrace. "Hey.... I'm okay... it's okay...Pav..." They whispered gently to him.
The hold on their body tightened as he cried. "I- i thought i- l-lost you.." Y/n felt a ache in their heart. He sounded so broken. "I was s-so scared."
It came as a surprise even to y/n. No matter how bad things got or how scared he'd get, Pavitr NEVER showed it on his face. He always kept a charming smile on his face and a few corny jokes up his sleeve to assess the situation. But seeing him break down like this only because of the fear that he'd lose them, it was overwhelming. It was heartwarming. It was endearing.
They took in a shakey breath and hugged him tighter. "Yeah...me too. But hey" they pulled a little back and looked at him in the eyes, "we're okay. you're here... I'm here...yeah?" a reassuring smile on their face, they tried their best to console his racing heart and shaking body.
"B-but y-you're hurt..." He looked down at their wounds but they held him by the chin and made him look at them.
"I'm alive." Their voice was firm and reassuring. "They....they may leave some scars but, nothing serious. I hope you don't mind a little ugliness, Spider boy." They smiled and joked but their voice held some sort of insecurity and fear in it. This didn't go unnoticed by Pavitr.
He always noticed.
He gently cupped their cheeks and looked softly at them. "You were, are, and always will be the most beautiful person to me. In every damn universe and in every damn reality. I will NEVER stop loving you y/n." His words made the tears in their eyes return as they smiled at him.
How can he be so brutally furious one moment and then so sweet and caring the other? 'This boy... he'd be the death of me.' Y/n thought as they looked at his miraculously perfect face.
Pavitr pulled them in for a kiss and they happily gave in hugging him close. When they pulled apart, Pavitr gave them a small smile.
"Now let's get you home." He gently picked them up in his arms and grinned at them.
" I'm pretty sure you missed your dashing boyfriend."
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