#this stupid ass discourse
taehyungfirst · 2 months
i don't think what tae posted was fanservice, its a sweet moment between friends and its nice of tae that he shared this with us.
However, i don't like his timing. The trip was over year ago, why post it now? Its just not very sensitive of him.
Members went to media training, they are professionals and some even admitted to keep a Low Profile to respect the comeback time of others.
Nobody wants everyone of them to be totally silent, but i think its insulting to taes intelligent to say that he didnt know that he would rile up the taekook shippers with his post.
Also its not the first time that tae failed to mention jm's cb, while beeing active and feeding the shippers.
I love tae, but i believe we should still speak up, If somebody does sth that one dislikes.
I should’ve ignored you but this discourse is pissing me off beyond remedy.
He posted that NOW because Type 1 JUST dropped and he ALWAYS posted vcuts, and since Jungkook was there WITH him, he added Jk in his posts because he was reminiscing a cute moment and -again- he was there. If he didn’t post Jk face y’all wouldn’t be here complaining about it I can assure that to you.
“It’s not the first time he failed to mention jm cb” literally this is the first time he didn’t mention Jm, he has been showing support since forever and mostly, he doesn’t OWE you anything. You don’t get to speak and to dictate about someone’s friendship because you don’t know them, and friendship isn’t measured by social media posts. Actually, you always talk about Tae posting for Jimin, but did Jimin post about Tae projects? Where is his post about Wherever u r? Where is his post about Fri(end)s? Where is his post about LWA? Have you ever seen one of tae biased people complaining about that? No, because we don’t care. And you don’t care either you’re just upset Taehyung posted a picture with Jungkook and you don’t know how to cope with that.
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nyancrimew · 7 months
we are now not going to turn this into discourse about a random singular post i retweeted from someone like six months ago again jesus christ, this is so incredibly unrelated and also i already had to talk about that in length literally a month ago while people were sending me death threats. going forward i will once again be blocking anyone bringing up stupid shit they read about me in a DELETED AND RETRACTED callout post.
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nekropsii · 4 months
RUFIOH PROPAGANDA: Literally everything he has ever done to and about Damara - cheating on her and lying to her for years, seemingly never standing up for her when Meenah was terrorizing her, still chasing her image as a sex object to this day (particularly Aradiabot, who he says acts “just like the real thing”), and calling her his “psycho ex” behind her back constantly while acting nice to her face.
KANKRI PROPAGANDA: Straight up doesn’t think Misogyny is real and denies its existence outright, calling it a meaningless pseudoscience not worth any concern, discussion, or consideration. Slutshames Porrim directly to her face.
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justrustandstardust · 5 months
so fucking tired of people getting up in arms about the satosugu “shippers”. even the whole thing about “well, it’s fine if that’s how you CHOOSE to see it” is infuriating because it’s not shipping if it’s literally just in the text itself. people aren’t “choosing to see them romantically” if they possess the one critical thought to pick up on what the text is so blatantly saying.
i'm so fucking sick of the stupid ass dudebros who deride any discourse about satosugu as "shipping". maybe, just maybe, if there are thousands of people who see something about your favourite characters that you don't, it actually might be true.
to men, who are used to dominating every discursive space, it is unthinkable that people who aren't them might understand their favs better than they do. they dismiss "shipping" and in doing so outwit the analytical skills required to reach its conclusion (which goes far beyond "shipping", a reductive term used to belittle analyses and whims of people who aren't men).
like i'm fucking sorry you must be spoonfed from the tired hand of gege himself. stsg's coding is right there in the text; in openly rejecting it, these dudebros reveal the vapid, surface-level relationship they have with jjk and media in general. people don't merely see stsg as queer/romantic, that's what they are.
it’s actually cute how these men eagerly eat up the content presented to them at face value (powerscaling) and pointedly, aggressively disregard what jjk is actually about. if they shut up for more than one fucking second, they might be able to hear the discourse going on around them and actually learn something about jjk that’s worth knowing.
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cdroloisms · 8 months
it's kind of funny i think a little bit when people frame the issues with dsmp fandom as being about high expectations when the story that was told was consistently much more complex and rich and varied than the fandom made it out to be, despite its flaws and hiccups due to the nature of its creation. like nah lets not give em too much credit now its not the creators' fault that the dsmp fandom couldnt identify the themes of the server when they were beat over the head with them
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sir-sillybunny · 2 months
transandrophbia deniers are very much a "you've entrenched yourself in so much online discourse that it's deluded your perception of an actual problem" situation lmao. like?? why the hell does it matter if trans men have their own word to describe the unique problems they face as trans men. like who fucking cares lmao. it's not a threat to trans women or transmisogny discussions to allow the word to exist. it literally doesn't matter. only people ive seen upset about it are people who seem to believe men are incapable of experiencing sexism which is a whole post for another time lol
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
god fucking bless this poor girl, I wouldn't wish the scrutiny on anyone, but if her leaking the no-fly list somehow has the ripple effect of collectively snapping thousands of queer discourse addled 14 year olds out of their bullshit i am going to laugh so hard.
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daisy-mooon · 1 month
Kpop girl group "FIFTY FIFTY", known for the song "Cupid" (yes THAT Cupid), is making a comeback with three new members. Here is what you need to know:
Last image by me, other infographics by @/FightForFifi on Twitter.
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Former Fifty Fifty Members' health issues:
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Unofficial Translation of a Post the Former Members Made About Their Health Under the Company (via @/updatesfifi on Twitter)
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Translated Doctors Notes
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ATTRAKTS Lies In the Media:
ATTRAKT's Lies in the Media About Sacrifices For Fifty Fifty:
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ATTRAKT Staff's Questionable Followings On Social Media:
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ATTRAKT's Lying In Investor Meetings:
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ATTRAKT's Financial Issues:
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ATTRAKT's Lack of Professionalism In Statements:
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ATTRAKT's Contradictory Statements:
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ATTRAKT's impersonation of Fifty Fifty in Social Media posts:
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Original Members Criminal Complaint against the CEO:
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I do not have infographics for these notes, but here are other details about this horrific company (I have already talked about these on another blog)
For 12 out of 33 months, the company gave FIFTY FIFTY zero money to pay for food. For the months that ATTRAKT did provide FIFTY FIFTY with meals, they spent $41 a month.
It took Nutrionists and Health Experts to complain before ATTRAKT allowed Fifty Fifty to eat at a nearby salad shop, but they were only allowed to spend $8.21 a day.
ATTRAKT claims they spent around $750 a month on meals, but this includes the meals of multiple other trainees as well as photographers.
In training, the dorm had 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. One of these rooms were occupied by a manger. Up to TWELVE PEOPLE shared TWO rooms. There were only two bunk beds in each room and the other trainees had to sleep in the hallway or living room. The CEO lied about giving FIFTY FIFTY a dorm in an expensive part of Seoul.
There was CCTV all around the dorms and this CCTV was personally viewable in the CEO's office.
The diet prepared by the agency only consisted of chicken and butter coffee.
When the members parents brought them food, the food was thrown out and the members were insulted.
Translated quote from a health trainer in 2021: "Lack of protein and vegetables. Please provide breakfast. Insufficient supply of nutrients, essential nutrients must be consumed. Konjac jelly should be used as a snack, not as a meal replacement."
In conclusion: BOYCOTT FIFTY FIFTY. Yes, this includes Cupid. Yes, this includes songs with the new members that ATTRAKT are trying to replace the old with. Their company is treating them like shit.
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lunaticamic · 6 months
“they clearly favour sainz” my man didn’t get the seat for 2025. why would they favour him??? “so he can go and have options for other top teams” (something i read with my fucking eyes on this hellsite) i don’t know how to explain it to you that ferrari doesn’t care😭 it’s not like they owe sainz something. he was faster and he went for the gap. y’all wouldn’t have survived f1 pre 2000
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foolbo · 6 months
ppl love to preach about how things take time and then freak the fuck out when things actually take time
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dwtdog · 5 months
god i hate wider mcytblr
they're in the tags like 'yeah mcytblr is so good except for that one guy we all hate and whose fans we brag about running off there is no drama in mcytblr 😁
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knifearo · 8 months
i'll give a fair amount of people the benefit of the doubt but those bitches making polls are not part of that. idk if it were me and i cared about aspec people at all i simply would not publish an ask bringing back discourse that is literally only going to cause issues for aspec people and make spaces less hospitable for them <3
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sokkastyles · 9 months
“Azula went insane because of her ambition and lust for power” is an extremely misogynistic take, especially since it’s completely inaccurate: Zuko lusted after the throne for nearly the entire series, while Azula hardly ever expressed any interest in it, and the main cause of Azula’s breakdown is that everyone she cared about left, abandoned, or betrayed her, mostly for reasons that were beyond her control.
Are you just having conversations with yourself in my inbox, now?
Azula didn't "go insane because of her ambition," but it was her need for power that contributed to her downfall, because she valued power and control over friendship and love and treated people cruelly because of it. This is stated multiple times in the show, and is a lesson Aang and Zuko also learn, that love and friendship and caring about others is more valuable than power.
Azula did not express an interest in gaining power because she already had it. Zuko's obsession with the throne happened when he was at his most disenfranchised, and even then, he still had to learn to care about others before he got it.
It would be misogynistic if Azula were shown being "corrupted by power" for no reason after an entire narrative where she learns to protect herself and then fights for others (stares at Game of Thrones) that isn't what happens. Azula's arc is that of a cruel, powerful child who grows up to be a cruel, powerful teenager who never saw a need to learn to care for others or tried to.
Also, I'm fucking cackling over the idea that "everyone betrayed Azula" for "reasons beyond her control." They left her exactly because she cared more about power and control than about other people.
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Also fucking cackling at the misogyny accusation since it's Azula's female friends and her mother who are the crux of her narrative climax and realization that she ended up alone because she treated them cruelly.
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butchviking · 1 year
"you can't define other people's sexualities for them! queerness breaks boundaries you can't tell a lesbian she isn't a lesbian just because she likes sleeping with men sometimes" hey what do you think about political lesbianism. answer quickly.
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cafecitoeddie · 2 months
how is it biphobic to think buck could cheat on tmmy? he’s ……. cheated before so?? being bi doesn’t absolve him of any of his past relationship mistakes nor does it make him a saint who will do no wrong ever to anyone??? it’s a scenario involving fictional characters…….. so, you’re not biphobic if you think a bisexual character would cheat.
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kylekilljoy · 4 months
My least favorite QSMP egg that isn't like because I hate the reason why the egg exists (Tallulah being lore bait for Wilbur) or because the person behind them was noticed doing microagressions (One of the Pomme admins was reported have don't micro aggressions)
is sunny. I don't like sunny, and it's for like a reeeeally dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb stupid stupid stupid salty reason? Like most stupid reason of all time
I wanted to make a qsmp egg Sona, and choose a crown from my dsmp Sona days but also irl I have headphones that double as noise canceling ones I have a 3d printed kingdom hearts crown attached to. As well as sunglasses as a more recent touch because I started wearing sunglasses even indoors especially when out in public spaces to help with light sensitivity issues.
And that's just..her accessories. She's just. My egg Sona..but like. Nothing like my egg Sona and seeing her and being like grrr but that was suppose to be MY eggsona.
Like I wanted to work on the qsmp, I thought about applying in the past but my day job and sleep schedule and generally lack of skills playing java PC Minecraft would make me a hard pick (in my personal opinion) and if I could personally choose my egg I play as...
Yeah it would have been an egg that had a crown and or sunglasses.
Of corse even in face of everything I want to still work for QSMP, I have my own passions and hopes and reasons why I still want to even if only as a said gig I do because I think I might enjoy it.
But definitely no longer as an egg because I don't think even if choose a different crown or sunglasses shape or style I'd be anything to the fans but a copycat to sunny. Even if I had my idea first.
So shout out to anyone ever who had an idea for a character or concept for a show ...only for it to be basically canon or have something like it canon or put into a media and then be weirded out and shit because your afraid people will call YOU the copycat.
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