CALLOUT FOR @histopia
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pegocallout · 5 years ago
on the topic of teacher porn
I would like to address one more thing, because in my document I made a POINT to try and address every claim made against me so that I could accurately depict my history online and my trauma.
Well, I left out one thing.
Around 2015-16, when I was a junior in high school, there was a teacher I liked. He was my homeroom teacher, and I met him around the time that I stopped watching, drawing and hyperfixating on Markiplier. He had been referred to teach there by one of the nuns, who has since passed away (she died my senior year.)
I adored him. I drew him lots of artwork, and, because I was a horny teenager, some of the drawings I did for myself were more spicy. I indulged in shipping him with other teachers, etc, because I was a clueless child with no grasp of the fact that real life ≠ fiction. With my YouTuber and Bandom background, I truly thought I was doing nothing wrong. Of COURSE it was wrong! And eventually, the fact I was drawing him like that got around at school, and I had to delete my blogs where I was posting the art for a very small audience, mostly there for my spicy art of Markiplier OCs.
I was friends with one person at the time, named Bailee, who I openly shared these drawings with. We even ROLEPLAYED the OCs I made based off of my teachers, mostly because I begged her and I was a stupid teenager. I own this, it was wrong, it was gross, what I coerced my friend into doing was GROSS, and this behavior could cost real educators their JOBS. 
Senior year came and went and I joined sports because of that teacher. I ran track, started getting in more shape than I’d been in years! Of COURSE there were red flags, including but not limiting to the fact that he’d married one of his former students (who was 17 at the time of meeting him and he was maybe around 21, so not THAT bad), but I ignored them because when you’re a teenager indulging in a crush or interest of any kind, that’s what you do. A lot of other students kept telling me he was creepy and to stay away from him, but I was like, ‘that’s SLANDER and BULLSHIT’, especially because when I’d apologized to him for the drawings (he knew they existed by the way), he told me he didn’t care and that I was fine. I was like “GOD, you’re the BEST”. He knew I self-harmed, and I felt like I could talk to him about ANYTHING. We spent so much time together, but none of it seemed inappropriate to me at the time.
I graduated high school and went on to attend SCAD for my degree in animation. My freshman year of college, a huge revelation came forward.
This teacher was outed as a predator who took pictures up student’s skirts, and was being thrown in jail on over 20 charges. Here are some articles about that.
I was HORRIFIED. And so betrayed. I wanted to take my drawings back. I thought, ‘someone like that doesn’t deserve to know how I felt about him’. Of course it’s too late. 
To this day, as far as I know, that teacher is still behind bars. I didn’t want to talk about this either, just like my suicide attempt. But this is apparently being used as EVIDENCE against me, along with other problematic things I did as a minor. 
I own the fact that drawing ship art and porn of irl people is weird as shit, and it’s something I did as a stupid kid. 
But my harassers are at the point where they are DEFENDING A REAL PREDATOR AND PEDOPHILE FROM ME TO SAY THAT I AM A PEDOPHILE WHEN I AM NOT. And that’s a bit too much for me to stay silent.
“I didn’t know!” is not a valid excuse. You’re using EVERY BIT of information that is resurfacing about my past to invalidate my experiences, my trauma AND my pain, which is very much real and VERY much still present, and to SILENCE me.
You are disgusting. Educate yourself before using things as evidence. Because Jesus fucking Christ, you are at the point where you are DEFENDING what you claim to HATE!
Use the Hamilton drawings, if you must. Use my old writing. Use my old Egobang art. Use whatever. I was wrong about a LOT of things that I did and said, and I know I was wrong. All I can do is admit that and apologize to the people I hurt with my actions and words.
But FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, you NEED to know about this and drop it. Because now we’ve reached a point that literal honest-to-god PREDATORS who have been PROVEN to prey on and manipulate children are being used to bolster a falsified narrative.
This shouldn’t need to be said, but PLEASE do not message anyone mentioned in these articles OR my former high school with harmful intent. 
Please share to spread awareness. This will be added to the doc, but I wanted to just make a post here that I could share around as well. Thanks.
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pegocallout · 5 years ago
oh just wanted to also thank everyone who took the time and bothered to read everything, literally every argument being brought up to try and devalue my experience was addressed within the 30+ page document. as expected, that’s why i addressed every claim made against me.
it is literally not my fault if they skimmed and missed literally 80% of what was said, or choose to pretend that They Do Not See It. i literally did all the legwork and put every ounce of information and reasoning and explanation there. it’s easily accessible to someone who takes the time or can even do a ctrl + f search. lmao.
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pegocallout · 5 years ago
just wanted to apologize to to lavenza / mishil (@soytea), as i’ve been told he’s going by now. i don’t stalk you guys’s blogs, so i had no idea and no way of knowing you changed your pronouns / names or whatever. stop making it a gender issue and using a mistake to invalidate the entire post. you all change your names and pronouns every other WEEK. i know this because i’ve SEEN it from november-now, and other people have confirmed this fact.
here is timestamped proof that at the time i had access to every last one of you guys’s rule documents and this is what mishil/lavenza’s said.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
per your want, i will update the document with he/him pronouns so that maybe you can actually focus on what’s being said. to play it safe, i called him she/they i believe, because they were BOTH valid pronouns at the time of our encounter. but i will go back and ammend every last instance of misused pronoun. i am not afraid to admit that i was wrong and fix things so that i’m not misgendering someone. i saw that all the rbs were deleted practically immediately after being made (i didn’t click soytea’s page nor did i look @ nonjust’s rb, i had to be notified by FRIENDS about what was being said now/what was wrong), so that you guys can whine in your little echo chamber. 
unlike you guys, i can admit when i made a mistake or was wrong. i don’t like any of you, and seeing your pages literally awakens trauma in me, so you’ll have to forgive me for not digging through your information. again, sorry mishil. i respect your gender and your identity. but you guys will NOT add ‘jay is a transphobe’ into the mix. you will NOT use this to devalue my experience. this is the lowest of the low and shows that you are not retaining ANYTHING and probably never will.
this is your last warning. stop reaching. this correction is truly the last thing i will say on the situation, because i never intended to misgender someone. i’m really sorry about that. but a simple mistake does render an entire argument with substantiated evidence and PROOF of you guys’ toxic behavior invalid.
anything else you say will only further prove my point. i’ll happily do this for you. follow my lead and take some fucking accountability for your actions. thanks.
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pegocallout · 5 years ago
thank you so much for the overwhelming support i’ve already received. it really means a lot. ❤ having to do this at all was horrifying. exposing people so much to my innermost psyche is humiliating. i had to resurface a LOT of trauma from my past that i was literally MISSING from my memory because it was too painful to think about to write what i did and spread awareness. because people NEED to know. i knew it’d happened, but i’d forgotten the intricacies of LIVING it. i’m sure a lot of you with trauma know exactly what i mean and what that’s like. i’ve been silenced too long. done nothing too long. been ignored too long. walked over too long. lied on too long. while i shared the slur and comment lavenza made just now, it was as evidence, and i will not engage that group any further. this is not a war. and i was being serious about the legal action thing. my safety is important and right now, it is in extreme danger. and i’ve gotten to the point where i will not tolerate it any longer. stay safe, you guys.
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pegocallout · 5 years ago
rbing this as further proof that none of these people are interested in or even capable of having an actual discussion or forming a legitimate defense for themselves. all they know how to do is call people names and send hate. thanks for showing this, lavenza. i wasn’t aware that you changed your name because i don’t stalk people i block.
callout for pego (@histopia) and his friend group
hello, my name is jay, and i refuse to remain silent on my extensive history with this group any longer.
i have documented the abuse and slander i have faced at the hands of this group since november 2019, and have compiled MANY screenshots with an extensive document so that others can see what exactly i’ve been through and how it has impacted me.
jay / @adultdefy’s experiences (with screenshots)
TW: mentions of abuse, pedophilia, suicide, self harm and other unpleasant shit
pego has:
stolen/edited the artwork of other artists WITHOUT their permission (changing joker’s skintone in the artwork they use of him)
spread misinformation and unfounded accusations of racism, pedophilia, and other HEAVY issues about other blogs just because they don’t like them, effectively silencing and driving them off the site and RPC
encouraged hate and defamation of character by manipulating and omitting information in their numerous falsified callouts
sent anon hate to people just for fun and namedropped people with the intent of sending hate their way
excessively STALKED the blogs and socials of people who have them BLOCKED and have already politely asked to be left alone
PLEASE DO NOT message pego, lavenza, or the URLs of ANY of the people involved with this situation with NEGATIVE INTENT. i do not condone ANYONE attacking or being unkind to them. pego and his group’s actions have caused their victims a lot of mental and emotional pain, and sent a LOT of hate their victims’ way, and I do not wish that on ANYONE, even them. THE PURPOSE of this post is to share my experiences, SPREAD AWARENESS, and to protect others in the rpc and inform them on exactly what this group of people are capable of. every claim made in this document is backed with SUBSTANTIAL evidence. 
pego just happens to be at the forefront of this particular instance, even though he prefers to do his manipulation behind the scenes and thinks that nobody knows the true extent of his involvement, so this callout is geared mostly toward him. their treatment of others and the way this group essentially claims ownership of the persona/SMT franchise and its characters as a whole through their actions, words, and policing of others is harmful to the community, and has impacted the mental health and emotional health of myself and other victims negatively.
even after all that has happened, i still wish pego and his group the best. i am wholly aware that pego and some of the others engaging in these harmful behaviors are minors, so i want to reiterate the point of not sending hate toward them,  and it is my hope that he and his group can learn from these toxic behaviors and improve as human beings. i urge anyone else with experiences to come forward as well. you all deserve to be heard.
i do not want pego or any of their friends to contact me any further, and i wish to remain blocked by them. you got to share your experiences, so i should be able to share mine. please just stay away from me. i will take legal action if your harassment of me continues.
you deserve to feel safe on your roleplay blogs.
but so do myself and other people. 
i hope someday that you someday understand this. thank you.
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pegocallout · 5 years ago
callout for pego (@histopia) and his friend group
hello, my name is jay, and i refuse to remain silent on my extensive history with this group any longer.
i have documented the abuse and slander i have faced at the hands of this group since november 2019, and have compiled MANY screenshots with an extensive document so that others can see what exactly i’ve been through and how it has impacted me.
jay / @adultdefy’s experiences (with screenshots)
TW: mentions of abuse, pedophilia, suicide, self harm and other unpleasant shit
pego has:
stolen/edited the artwork of other artists WITHOUT their permission (changing joker’s skintone in the artwork they use of him)
spread misinformation and unfounded accusations of racism, pedophilia, and other HEAVY issues about other blogs just because they don’t like them, effectively silencing and driving them off the site and RPC
encouraged hate and defamation of character by manipulating and omitting information in their numerous falsified callouts
sent anon hate to people just for fun and namedropped people with the intent of sending hate their way
excessively STALKED the blogs and socials of people who have them BLOCKED and have already politely asked to be left alone
PLEASE DO NOT message pego, lavenza, or the URLs of ANY of the people involved with this situation with NEGATIVE INTENT. i do not condone ANYONE attacking or being unkind to them. pego and his group’s actions have caused their victims a lot of mental and emotional pain, and sent a LOT of hate their victims' way, and I do not wish that on ANYONE, even them. THE PURPOSE of this post is to share my experiences, SPREAD AWARENESS, and to protect others in the rpc and inform them on exactly what this group of people are capable of. every claim made in this document is backed with SUBSTANTIAL evidence. 
pego just happens to be at the forefront of this particular instance, even though he prefers to do his manipulation behind the scenes and thinks that nobody knows the true extent of his involvement, so this callout is geared mostly toward him. their treatment of others and the way this group essentially claims ownership of the persona/SMT franchise and its characters as a whole through their actions, words, and policing of others is harmful to the community, and has impacted the mental health and emotional health of myself and other victims negatively.
even after all that has happened, i still wish pego and his group the best. i am wholly aware that pego and some of the others engaging in these harmful behaviors are minors, so i want to reiterate the point of not sending hate toward them,  and it is my hope that he and his group can learn from these toxic behaviors and improve as human beings. i urge anyone else with experiences to come forward as well. you all deserve to be heard.
i do not want pego or any of their friends to contact me any further, and i wish to remain blocked by them. you got to share your experiences, so i should be able to share mine. please just stay away from me. i will take legal action if your harassment of me continues.
you deserve to feel safe on your roleplay blogs.
but so do myself and other people. 
i hope someday that you someday understand this. thank you.
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