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disease · 1 year ago
I love youuuu
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thethcministry · 2 years ago
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adracat · 2 years ago
GWitch: The Aspects of Anthy
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Anthy Himemiya is a divisive figure in Utena. You either love and understand her, or loathe her as much as the in-universe world does. But that's the nature of a witch and rose bride. Today I want to discuss why, in my opinion, GWitch's use and seperation of her aspects is clever. Three characters share the role; Suletta Mercury, Ericht Samaya, and Miorine Rembran
The Witch Outside Her Coffin
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Let's dissect in order. Suletta has been through the ringer this season, abandoned by everyone she loves. But it's through the unconditional love of Earth House that she recovers; scarred but healing. This aspect is liberated by love and nourished into a self-realized individual but it's not an immediate process. You can't rush recovery, even with love. It's the same for Anthy.
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By the end of Utena 39, she has exited her coffin and regained her agency. She was able to walk freely from Ohtori, leaving behind her oppressor. She wouldn't allow him control anymore. This realization was brought on by Utena's unconditional love and choice to reach for her, in spite of Anthy's earlier betrayal. Tellingly, she has resolved to find Utena after her love took her place as the bearer of swords, like Mio does for Suletta. She eventually finds her in the Utena movie.
The Witch in the Coffin
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Eri I hadn't interpreted as an Anthy until I saw that QZ was quite literally a giant techno coffin. (Dramatic much, Prospera?) Eri is Anthy's hidden self, inert in her coffin. She cannot move forward and does not wish to, relinquishing control in the hands of Prospera. That's what a coffin in Utena symbolizes; stagnancy. Aerial is trapped in servitude to her mother and complicit in these schemes. She carries Anthy's bland affect and disconcerting calm. Aerial is content to stagnate.
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To an outsider, Anthy's relationship to Akio and by relation Eri's to her mother may be incomprehensible. Why not struggle? But victims, in this instance sexual abuse and filial obligation, are not perfect. They do not operate on the same logic as the unoppressed. They may act contradictory or aid their abuser, and to an observer it seems counterintuitive. Why don't you wish to be free? But they do, only fear for themselves/others and even love for the person controlling them keep them bound. There's a significant shot of Anthy being assaulted by Akio, but she's not fighting. She accepts the advance and clings to him with the universe composed of his frame. It's not framed as romantic, it's twisted dependence. Akio is all she has after being worn away by the swords and abuse.
The Rose Bride and the Rose Gate
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The Rose Bride is a title of submission, but more importantly a willing one. Like the encoffinated witch, she cannot move forward. The swords of human hatred and her oppressor will not allow it. Miorine is currently bearing the swords for Prospera, as Prospera strides towards the Rose Gate, or the Door to Eternity. But where's Mio's fire? Her abundant defiance? The Rose Bride does not have either. Miorine is pinned in place by guilt and self-loathing. And her role is lampshaded with the media and Lauda blaming her for all that has happened. The Rose Bride bears the swords of her volition.
It's important to note that this was foreshadowed in the S2 ED with the Odin iconography. Odin didn't just sacrifice an eye, he pierced his body with Gungnir and hung himself from a tree. He's associated with the Hanged Man tarot for this reason
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Like Mio and the Rose Bride, it signifies willful surrender. The role of a martyr bearing sins for what they believe to be a greater good. It's interesting to note that new insight can be gained from this submission. Anthy is eventually freed from the swords by unconditional love. With the above parallel, Suletta will do the same for Mio. Until then, the Rose Bride is hung by swords.
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kittenorgans · 9 months ago
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tagged by @nachtwandeling 🫧 ♡
search separately on pinterest and pick first:
♡ fashion
♡ pantone
♡ mood
♡ food
tagging: @roseverie @rosehaunt @eurasianfairy @encoffin @catnip-witch @deadgeisha @sewercentipede @nellygan @rosyhunny @zombieluvrr ummm i’m not sure who else what’s to do it!!
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alphabetsoup-blogposts · 11 months ago
Ancient history...
Year-end 2013. Still one of the worst times of my life.
Did R then raise "my" point about a possible forthcoming conflict of interests? Yes. I want to be entirely honest with you. I would situate that observation, however, in the broader context of what I have called his worrying eager, over-interest in the job offer and my deliberations over it.
Did he give any actual advice on the point like "why don't you raise the point with ...?" Not that I recall, but I could be wrong. I did not at that time regard him as wholly off-putting, although the cumulative events that took place at the end of 2013 were undoubtedly the ones that got me halfway down the road.
Was I influenced by what he said? Yes and no:
Absolutely not if by that you mean to say that I took a novel point made by someone else and drove it home out of deference to the advice-giver, espousing the argument for ad hominem reasons. No. The entire character of that time was a surreal story of being offered a job by someone (F) who immediately made it clear—even before I had accepted the role—that he distrusted me and intended to do pretty much as he pleased. There was absolutely zero need for anyone to tell me that a real conflict of interests could (and would) arise.
What I do remember of my discussions with R was my repeatedly expressing reluctance, ambivalence and hesitation, leaning towards a declination despite the fact that it was obvious I needed the additional income. What I remember of his interest at the time was that he was particularly concerned with the financial aspects of the new role as a support for my continuing to... well, remain self-employed. He insisted that my role qua self-employed person would have "asset value", if not income value. At one point, before F had mentioned any salary, R asked "how much would you need to earn [to effectively subsidise remaining self-employed]?" Then, a short while later, F offered the amount I stipulated. That really gave me the heebie jeebies.
Later, at my second meeting with AV, in 2014, he (AV) began the luncheon encounter at his club (I never seemed to escape those damn clubs!) by saying abruptly "I hope you didn't negotiate your salary. I never want to hear that you negotiated your salary." I didn't (negotiate over the salary) of course—because I'm almost pathologically incapable of focusing on my own personal supply of the Lizzies—but the stipulation was extraordinarily aggressive. It left me in a state of shock. Later, I saw a pattern in all this... I don't know whether I was right to see connections between these supposedly unconnected parts of my life but... well, it remains a somewhat plausible explanation in my mind.
Then, when R insisted in 2015 that the career help he was inclined to offer was with an application to the Brotherhood, I wondered whether that was what "asset value" meant and I felt incredibly stupid and regretful. Had everything been transparent in 2013 when he first spoke of sacrifice as "asset value" it would have been the simplest thing in the world to say "Oh, I could never, ever be interested in the Brotherhood...honestly, it has something of the aura of an entombment for a would-be-contrarian like me...so, actually, there's no real 'asset value' in this after all."
But, maybe I was somewhat influenced by what he said... if by that you mean I became more confident that other authority figures would also see the potential conflict as self-evident. That gave me, perhaps, a scintilla more courage to continue talking through the situation. And so, I did not turn the opportunity down immediately but went to bat with FCUK in the hopes of restructuring the role. But it was misplaced courage and dangerously destructive in that I said to F, in effect: "If you agree to put this disagreement to FCUK and they don't see the exigency of my 'conflicts' objections, I will do the role as you envisage it." And, Dear Reader, that is the story of how I came to be encoffined.
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skullgrind · 2 months ago
NEKUS: Ready to rot? Get in this dank crypt with me and decay to this German DEATH/DOOM METAL. Wallow in the grotesque pools of rancid cave meat and beat your fists on the walls. A lucky few might find the way out like the door on this cover art by Martyrdoom.
ROTPIT: Rotting ain't so bad right? Here we have some DEATH METAL from Sweden to keep the rotten riffs rolling. Rot is more than just a "theme" it's a way of life! Soon you too can be as jolly as these rotten skull dudes on the cover by T. Kannibalet Hietomaa Art.
CONJURETH: We got more DEATH METAL up next featuring musicians from bands like ENCOFFINATION, GHOULGOTHA, DECREPITAPH and more! California style "old school" DM with blasting drums and ass ripping riffage. Rise like the stink from the crypts on this uncredited cover art and throw up the horns!
Extravagant tombs within their worsening state These curious shadows obscure the levitator Unyielding hex passed all whirlwind lucidity Creatures alone in their inept gravitation
CRYPTIC BROOD: Here we have more rotten DEATH METAL from Germany to keep your innards sliding about. We are fully immersed in the rotten realm and slopping out of our containment suits like this cover art by Slimeweaver. A quivering mass of pink and purple slime like ooze.
FESSUS: DEATH/DOOM METAL from Vienna, Austria here and it's got a plodding "old school" dread to it that will have you daydreaming about slime soaked sloppy shit in no time!
Is this the one I waited for? Whom the years condemned to misery? From the spheres of immortals to the depths below, I will honour you here, among dysentery and mould
ORTOLAN: Next it's a bit of BLACK/DEATH METAL from Richmond, Virginia off their introductory EP. Misery and depression is all the non-rotten world can offer us now.
It stirs the last of me Reminds me just how weak How strong I will never be
STAGNATER: GRINDCORE from Boston, MA that will have your rotting head split in half and looking like this drippy rotten skull cover art by Mark Blanchard and Mark Richards.
COLLAPSED SKULL: Closing out the mix this week with some HARDCORE from Pennsylvania with DYSTOPIA like collage cover by Mack Chami. One last breath before maximum rot is reached.
Get to rotting with me FRIDAY 8PM EST 
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muekura · 4 years ago
#( of having objectively horrendous taste but that isn't here or there ) / we don’t discuss hibiki’s horrible tastes, we just accept the fact that they don’t know what it means to have a reasonable fancy for someone.
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thethcministry · 1 year ago
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infiniteterritory · 4 years ago
happy birthday!!! 💙🌟
@encoffiner / ooc.
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adracat · 2 years ago
GWitch: Utena39 +The Driving Castle
Well we certainly did do Utena 39 in episode 23, just far more hastily than assumed.
After the sword Calibarn fails to reach Eri, it was Utena Mio all along who literally opens the QZ coffin with love. First the 'swords' are paused, allowing Mio and Demi Barding passage
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The hidden Anthy I never anticipated was Notrette all along. That's amazing, love being taken by surprise
Then we have Mio finding the right words to reach her encoffinated mother. Notrette 'listens' and QZ falls/the coffin opens
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My proposed scenario would've been hype, but I have faith the next episode is where the real payoff will be. Because surprise surprise, we are doing the Adolescence of Utena Driving Castle. And the solar ray is just as out of left field as the castle itself, well played team. Can honestly say it caught me unawares
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I'm uncertain how this will wrap for gwitch (considering SAL) but for Utenanthy after driving through the castle death star, it's full speed to freedom and a romantic kiss. I mean you went this far, it would be a shame not to parallel the movie ending fully
Note: Considering this is where Utena grants Anthy a vehicle for their escape, maybe there's hope after all for something similar? I might be insane and pants at predicting, but at least I can analyze GWitch's Utena usage fairly well!
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kittenorgans · 2 years ago
Rules: Tag 10 people you’d like to get to know better
Tagged by @dorohenka 💕💝
Relationship status: single
Favorite color: purple
Song stuck in my head: salvatore lana del rey
Last song listened to: salvatore orchestral cover
Last googled: purpose of a medically induced coma (lol)
Dream Trip: USA especially the south and alaska 🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅, mexico, colombia, brasil (scuba diving and sharks), peru, caribbean (people & food!!!).. also vietnam, cambodia (the tomb from tomb raider is there), morocco, tanzania (animals and mount kilimanjaro) iran 🇮🇷 when it’s safer
Anything I want now: money LMAO and a driver’s license
i tag @victoriassecretagent @desisapphic @deadgeisha @newmiu @gruncheon @dolvenchy @pivovarovah @encoffin @covenings @desaturating7 sorry if i forgot ppl
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chiheru-a · 5 years ago
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@encoffiner​ said: <3 <3
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sends all these hearts ur waaaay !! 💖💖💖
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dragynkeep · 5 years ago
hurry reply to me and block me immediately so i can't see your responses again
cry about it & seek therapy, you obviously need it. god bless ♥
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muekura · 4 years ago
unprompted.   /   @encoffiner​
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                         ❝  . . .  am i the one you desire to ask such questions of  ?  ❞
it seems something better suited for another mind, another soul.   one that is not obtuse and in-laid with incapacities and irregularities. a mind that understands  --  that can speak from a tongue made not of bronze but silver pure.  (  uzumiya hibiki is none of these things. they are of soot and tar  ;  they cling. make dirty of such fragile statements.  )
they do not know if they can speak with an answer appropriate.         but  --  a shallow flame needed to be fanned to thrive.
                  ❝  places  ...  they thrive off the haunted . the cursed .  ❞  a home is not a home till it is lived in. a child is not born till the womb is made full  --  they remember how white the walls once were, how much others had scrubbed at them, but the stains still remained.    they were not there when they were not around.     that manor was not a home, but for some, it was when an heir did not thrive within it.  ❝  the forests, the oceans  --  they are made bitter when bodies drift and lay within them, so perhaps  ---  ❞  it is the haunted who have created a place to be haunted.
    it is being as the two are.         existing as wandering reminders of the horrid, leaving a trail of what they could and have stained.    to be of cinder and silt  --  haunted and haunting.    it is, in the eyes of uzumiya hibiki, to be one and the same  ;  to correlate a message across from their eyes to his own that words do not speak, of the unfathomable depth of knowledge that wished to escape but the tongue did not wish to express. that a curse is a love and a loss  -  within the form and without, under the tatami mats where the body resides, and over the canopy where the winds thrive.
                          it is in him, and now too, it is in them.
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          ❝  ---  it is a rhetorical question .  ❞  there’s a childness in there. in the smile that vaguely sits on their lips, leaning like a crumpled tower.    a pride, in answering  -  even by their own merits.  ❝  one who walks a haunted path would know that best .  ❞  just as the one who walks beside it, shifting between its moss-coated steps.  
                                                                     ❝  isn’t that right  ?  ❞
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