#this racist bastard
bixels · 5 months
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Why the hell, shit, you damned bastard son of a bitch
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violottie · 1 month
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One big, happy family/s
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this post probably exists out there somewhere but. you know the book la galatea? the one Flint leaves for Miranda in 2x3? uhh well it was written by Cervantes the man most well known for creating the patron saint of lost causes (don quixote) but that isnt even the most insane part this book was a collection of pastoral poems loosely wedged into a narrative now, what were these poems about you may ask? well, pastoral stories for those of you who do not know are about love specifically they are about overpowering love making people do insane things and many of these stories in this book end either in tragedy or very ambiguously. essentially the love was there but it didnt change the ending. now the frame these tales are set in? well, THAT is the story of two gentleman, one of noble birth named Elicio and one of low birth who is nonetheless quite well-spoken named Erastro (sound familiar?) who are both in love with the same woman (the titular galatea). they agree that their shared love will never interfere with their friendship. now if you, like me, are throwing objects at the walls at this point, wait for the best part: la galatea is UNFINISHED. Cervantes wrote only part 1 and IN DON QUIXOTE there is a scene in which part one is BURNED and a character comments that it will never be any good without a second half. which he never wrote.
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lagosbratzdoll · 1 year
I find it odd and by odd I mean racist that ever since that stupid show cast the Dragon Twins as Black girls, there's been an uptick in Jace/Sara content/shipping.
Before the dumpster fire started, reasonable people agreed that Sara Snow was not real, but now you cannot go five minutes in Jace or Baela’s tag without seeing someone wish they'd include Sara Snow in the show.
They say it'll deepen Jace’s character and make him “interesting”, whatever that means. The problem with this assertion is that Jace is already plenty interesting, he led the war councils while his mother grieved, and he recruited the blacks' most important allies. Allies who remained steadfast even after his mother's and his own demise.
Furthermore, Jace has existing relationships in his life that the show could explore to delve into his connection with bastardy. Three of whom are canonically Black, by the way.
So, the question arises: what unique perspective or insight can Sara Snow provide to Jace's struggle with his bastard status that Nettles, Addam, and Alyn cannot?
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transmechanicus · 10 days
Pox upon the person who put this stupid seminar class at 9am which means i gotta be up at 8, ughhhhhhhhhh
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blackcatandbooks · 3 months
Lord I hated this episode. Sarah Hess I'm in your walls. Get your Team Green fanfiction away from here please.
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asraindarkness · 4 months
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blissfulphilospher · 1 month
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House Targaryen of Dragonstone in 302 AC [the queen and her bastard au]
From left left to right ->
Princess Rhaena Targaryen (4), Crown Prince Aegon Targaryen (21), Lady Aeolian Dayne (21), Princess Viserra Targaryen (4) and Prince Aemon Targaryen (7)
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ben-the-hyena · 1 year
Twitter and Tumblr about completely changing Ariel's ethnia and race in the live action adaptation : "die mad, fiction is fiction, and her origins don't matter in the storyline anyway, who cares where Ariel is from as long as she sings ? Anyone arguing is a racist because life is literally black and white and so are opinions on adaptations, color washing doesn't exist you're just a bigot"
Twitter and Tumblr now that Disney casted an actress who is more native Hawaiian than they ever will be but is not "dark enough" for playing Nani therefore "not a real Hawaiian and white washing" despite she is not white
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nando161mando · 3 months
“[O]ne of Australia's most experienced, knowledgeable and accomplished journalists”, Laura Tingle, has been reprimanded for telling the truth: that “We are a racist country”.
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spiced-wine-fic · 1 month
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tiangouaway · 2 months
i feel like onmyoji fell off when it started going insane with the story's powercreep, specifically the whole ungaikyo gets shattered and orochi becomes more evil plotline. for all the fun and interesting things that happened, it ultimately turned the story into a generic avengers assemble plot that went on for way too long.
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disteal · 10 months
The mailing list. What to do with it? For the activist trying to stop the house from demolishing in west bank. I am from India. I am not connected to anything. I mean I have no resources. And I have no social standing. Would my mail help? Is it possible there can be any consequence in sending the mail? I am sorry I am asking this right now when all that is needed is to be brave. I just want to know if I will get in trouble to make sure I have appropriate safety nets.
I appreciate this so much, and I understand the limitations of having information only accesible to English readers (this absolutely needs to be a focus going forward).
However, if you have security concerns regarding sending an email to the occupying force in West Bank and do not know how to safely encrypt your emails/obscure your sending IP, please do not do it.
We have no way of knowing the extent Israel will take its suppression of pro-Palestinian voices, in and out of the region. Western (especially American) voices have a level of protection that countries closer to the conflict do not. And if you are from India I would advise extra caution.
This does not mean you are not being brave; nothing good will come of thousands of international allies ending up on some horrid IDF list. Sharing the infomation around to people who can safely send an email or make a call is enough.
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the-heaminator · 11 months
Hetaween Day 1: After dark/Cabin in the woods/Folklore sorry it's a bit late @hetaween-event. Set in the summer of 1816 during the so-called Ohio fever due to the year without a summer, creative liberties have been taken.
Hungry, hungry, hungry, they were so hungry, they should never have set out, Summer had come down, cold winds hissing, turned yellow and ran, black in the cotton, rot in the lamb, ash on the crops, ash on the ground, left Hampshire they had, left Hampshire for the promised land in the west, land that wouldn't be frozen for months on end, land that could support corn, land that could support them, them and their soon to be families, they were unmarried yet, solely because they oft could not support themselves in these times.
Summer had turned coward and ran, storms and blizzards in May and June, frosts on the apples in July, no rain for months, the seasons had been set awry, the Lord was angry with them, but they would starve there if they stayed.
West, west, west.
Alfred and Matthew, west, west, west, west away from the sea, leaving Hampshire for dead.
They should not have set away from the trail, they did it for the rest, both tall and strong, corn fed, strong even starved, gone to look for food, to look for help, whichever was better.
They were greedy, both of them, and they would be forgiven for that, they did not have much, deprivation causes greed, this is not something new, the Lord would forgive their greed.
In the snow, it should not have been saying, it only being October, yet it was, in the snow, inches deep, in the premature darkness, the sun had been blotted out early as usual, covered by clouds and ash, there was a cabin, a small one, nestled in the woods, the soft glow of firelight.
They had help, maybe even they were willing to share their food, if they were living here then they would have meat, hunters probably, they needed meat, the young ones were too tired to go on, bones aching and blood thinning.
Alfred knocked, always the more confident of the brothers, the door opened, the man who opened it was tall, unnaturally so, Alfred was tall, Matthew taller still, they looked small compared to him, perhaps they should not have knocked here.
His speech was heavily accented, he was not from around here clearly, "Yes, what is it that you wish?"
Alfred could not speak for the moment, his voice had been stolen from his body, tongue gone thick and mind like molasses, Matthew took control "Sir, I'm sorry, do you have any food, or could you help?"
He called someone called Arthur over, he was small, but greying, "Yes Ivan?"
"Need food, should we help?"
Alfred did not like that look in his eye, it was almost predatory, like the glinting of a falcon's eye.
It was probably just the fire.
Neither of them looked natural, they did not, but this fear was overshadowed by greed, there was cured meat hanging from hooks on the walls, some fresh meat too, so much of it, carcasses that looked like deer, and some that they couldn't identify.
The smaller one, Arthur, had blood on his hands, he had been cutting meat or something of that sort, he washed that off, "Yes boys, what are you doing so far out into the woods, in such dreadful weather to be that?"
Redcoat, why was he a fucking redcoat, Alfred was immediately put on guard, Arthur looked at him annoyed, "No need to look at me like that, I am not a redcoat, just English. Now boys, answer my question, what are you doing out here at this time of year and this time of night."
"Ah, you see we were travelling west, to see where there was farmland, travelin' to Ohio was was, but are starved right now, cause we ran outta food and the kids can't go on much further and we were wonderin' if you could help a bit?"
They seemed to be considering it, the tall one, Ivan, supposedly, looked at them closely "You are too thin, no food?"
"I mean, we are here because we are starving."
"No starving, no here."
What that meant was beyond them, they were a bit too sluggish to think, mm, this place smelled nice, were they burning incense or something, they felt very heavy all of a sudden, Ivan smiled, he had too many teeth, far too many, and why were his eyes purple?
They were too sluggish to think much further than that, a grip on the hand, 4 fingered, black nails, the arm was freckled and the skin was cold, Arthur.
Matthew was more forcefully restrained, by Ivan, he was larger, and the incense was not working on him as well, but in time, he grew pliant too, sat down at the table, they did not have much meat to them, they needed to be fed up a little, fresh blood, would be nice.
Cured meat, fae food, fae food had odd impacts on humans, there were always stories not to eat food offered to you by the fae for then you will never leave, it was mostly true but not in the way that was expected, their food was addictive, and fattening, in no time neither could remember their names, let alone why they were here, fattened up like pigs ready for the slaughter, and ready for the slaughter they were.
Ivan liked making the death itself quick, but what he did afterwards was foul, it was wonderful, digging around in organs to try and find the organs, their blood tasted good, it did, drained in the cold, cured, stewed, and eaten.
Arthur liked to make them suffer, they wouldn't remember it anyways, but it made him feel good, slowly bleeding them out, taking great care not to get them sick, and thus not to get them sick, Alfred made such wonderful noises, his heart still beating when Arthur took a bite
Alfred and Matthew were never seen again, they were gone, and then forgotten, they never got to the promised land, eaten and savoured, may the Lord forgive their greed.
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robotpussy · 11 months
i will never ever fucking forget when i went to a BLM protest and as i was walking back one of the white ppl that joined my group started saying "idk why ppl say acab, not all police are bad. my uncle is a police officer and he would never be racist or hurt anybody". i just asked her "why did you come to this if this is what you believe?" and she said "I'm protesting the bad apples, my uncle isn't included" i wanted to beat her up then and there so fucking much
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