#and you saying this to a group that is mostly black ppl like are you being serious i cannot stand white ppl sometimes
robotpussy · 11 months
i will never ever fucking forget when i went to a BLM protest and as i was walking back one of the white ppl that joined my group started saying "idk why ppl say acab, not all police are bad. my uncle is a police officer and he would never be racist or hurt anybody". i just asked her "why did you come to this if this is what you believe?" and she said "I'm protesting the bad apples, my uncle isn't included" i wanted to beat her up then and there so fucking much
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marcos--budt · 1 year
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gold-rhine · 1 year
anyway, 4.1. SPOILERS, but lets talk about a dragon in the room. a popular consensus i've seen a lot says that traveler's powers are mini-versions of archons of element's region. like anemo's tornado is similar to venti's storm black hole bc it sucks ppl in, for geo you bring the rock down from the skies, kinda like zhongli's meteorite.
but this kinda starts falling apart at electro, bc electro travelers abilities don't look like raiden's. but you can still make a case that part of raiden's kit is energy restoration for other party members and electro traveler has it too, so its eeeeh a stretch but ok. tho energy restoration is just overall electro mechanic but ok ok
where it completely falls apart is dendro. dendro travelers kit is nothing like nahida. dendro traveler has shotgun blast on E and like mushroom spores growing out of the ground on burst, dendro application on limited static spot, while nahida has her radish death mark for all she can get in her selfie. they are not similar neither in function or visuals. you know who does grow grow mushroom spore thingies in set area during fights tho? Apep. Dendro dragon.
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hydro is the strongest case, because we now have a confirmed playable hydro dragon and there is no denying that hydro traveler is a bargain bin neuvillette, the pew-pew water pistol is too unique and similar to his hydro beam. i've seen some leaks of furina kit, i'm not going to spoil anything, but it's nothing close.
and if we look at other elements from this angle, you know who has an actual tornado just like traveler? dvalin. And who both throws rocks from above like geo traveler E AND grows spikes from the ground, like traveler burst? Azhdaha. we never met electro dragon, so we can't compare there, but the pattern i think is obvious. traveler powers mimic not the powers of an archon, but dragons of the element. archon powers just sometimes happen to share similarities, but mostly based on element's theme, like most of anemo shares the grouping trend.
i think traveler is a dragon, who traveled for so long and teyvat changed so much that their memories erased. their backstory is that their kingdom was destroyed by the invaders and they traveled the galaxy with their sibling for thousand of years, which tracks with how teyvat is initially was inhabited by dragons and then first throne invaded, destroyed them and humans ruled. traveler is a descender, but also somehow their sibling is part of this world, according to nahida. abyss sibing talks about "restoring homeland", and ppl take it to mean khaenriah, but we know for sure they're not from khaenriah originally. traveler can manipulate elements without a vision, like dragons do, and from neuvi we now know that "archon's authority" is based on power that was taken from sovereign dragons, which means when traveler resonates with archon statues, they resonate with vestiges of dragon powers. wake up sheeple, travelers are princess and princess of the defeated king of the dragons
EDIT post Act 5 AQ: now that it was revealed that gnosis are made out of remnants of third descender, it means that traveler is probs not actually a dragon, because apparently all Descenders have natural ability to absorb elemental powers. Which is interesting, bc like why?? Or maybe not all descenders, bc primordial one is descender too. If any descender could absorb dragon powers, then why gnosis is made out of specifically third descender? is it just bc they had his corpse sdfghj?? anyway, interesting.
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1eos · 1 year
since I've not seen usamerican used to be antiblack (at least as far as I'm aware!) I'm wondering if there's any way to spot it. or I guess wondering how to tell the difference between people using it "normally" and people using it to target black Americans. I'm VERY ready to believe people are doing that, I just have very little exposure to the term and I'm not from the States so I'm mostly trying to make sure it's something I can keep an eye out for and call out/block users if I encounter it
that's a good question. i wish i could find a post to illustrate it in action but usually usamerican is being used as a front for antiblackness when the person in question is complaining abt the visibility of issues. for example. let's say there's an awful tragedy involving police killing someone in france. well the person will say something like 'god ik usamericans won't reblog this bc they only care abt THEIR issues. they don't support anyone else theyre so selfish and oppress all of us' and its like ok. we're talking abt police brutality. which group of americans in the us are affected by that? black americans. so implying that black ppl only care abt themselves while conflating black americans being victims of imperialism (being killed in the streets) with being oppressors just bc they were forcibly brought into a imperialist nation
basically when you see someone complain abt usamericans in a sociopolitical context give it a once over that theyre not trying to blame black americans and other racial minorities in america for things they are victims of themselves. if its a funny post abt how usamericans will drive 4 hrs and think thats nothing? no problem. saying usamericans need to shut up and stop whining abt how bad their country is bc they ruined other places is a cause for concern bc the ppl who are complaining in america.....are victims OF america as well (and in terms of blackness would have a lesser quality of life ANYWHERE bc of, you know, antiblackness)
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s-dei · 1 month
I wonder, how in your opinion did Illidan's and Khadgar's relationship started?
Hi anon!!! Thank you for askin, it will be fun to dive into my mind of 5 years ago and recall all the stuff :'D (It can go out of control…)
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(IT DID went out of control, so I'm throwin it under the cut 😂) There may be typos or mistakes, haven't checked and lazy.
I think I should start with character's reasons to be interested in eachother. Like, beside from "we happened to be in the same place doing the same thing (fighting Legion)", a more specific moments from the both sides.
Khadgar's side: 1) He was glad to get one more ally who is really passionate to fight Legion. Of course, Legion was everyone's business at a moment, and there were a lot of powerful allies. And Illidan is well - pretty controversial person. But at this moment Khadgar was really exhausted, and still was questioning a lot his Guardian role (even if it was only nominal), and Illidan was realy personal with Legion. So he was mostly glad someone else wanted to take the main role (while there also were moments of regret xD)
2) That's a curious magic nerd Khadgar. And an ancient demon-elf. Of course he wants to ask something, even if he knows even more ancient creatures. While not using it himself, he would enjoy to listen about dark ways of magic or something.
3) Illidari. He was unsure at first, but in the end enjoyed 'babysitting' them. Even when Illidan is back, he still cares about them and asks if they need something, or just comes to chit-chat. He is also curious to know especially about the bond of Illidari and their Master, from the both sides.
Illidan's side: 1) That's a magic nerd Illidan (in other ways, but still here we are). And a human mage wielding a great power AND having mark of Sargeras left on his aura. Of course Illidan is curious about it. And he wants it - in a greedy demonic way he holds back, so he is just going with decent conversation.
2) Khadgar is an ally you better to team up with. Of course Illidan Stormrage is mighty and powerful, but he still lives in society 😂 Azeroth changed a lot since he went to Outland, the ruling power is different now. Illidan came back to life, but he's still a war criminal, and many ppl want him dead or in prison again. Of cooourse they need him to fight Legion, but if the war is over succesfully, who will speak for him and Illidari? Oh, maybe it will be Khadgar, who is suddenly non-hostile (while he have all the rights to be after Outland?) Let's keep it as an option. Illidari say too that he's really cool ally.
3) Some really far-fetched stuff, but Illidan pays attention to details. Back in the WotA he was trained by Rhonin and fought along Kur'talos Ravencrest, and so he makes a remark about Khadgar and his raven form. Even if Illidan chooses his way himself (tm), sometimes he still thinks about the promised Fate of his, and wonders if it is in a things repeating. (That's just me bringin all the lore bits to one pile, I love it. Khadgar also was in a Black Temple. Mind it)
Both sides: sharing the feeling of a "missed time". One literally spent hella majority of his life in isolation, and the other turned into oldman in his 17 (or 19? damn i always confuse those numbers). I think it works kinda equal for them, and they went "oooh, you understand?"
Sooo in my vision, Khadgar already had some opinion about Illidan and things to ask him, and Illidan was fine with speaking to him aside from Illidari to know more about events happened in the world. I think before Brokenshore campaign started, they had a few personal and group meetings, and found out that they share something in common while having different tempers.
When the campaign began, things went… complicated xD They started to find out their differences, and always were loud discussing it and their disagreement. Sometimes they started with disagreement and finished with agreement, keeping it with a passive agression :Д Were they mad? They had fun! Mostly. I think both enjoyed a 'look i'm having a dispute with this important dude'
But besides from discussing strategy and other serious stuff, they still had a moments of discussions of magic and past events (unless they were too personal). Khadgar shared stuff with him, from food and drinks to artifacts and books, and enjoyed watching how Illidan interacts with it. Sometimes amazed. And often endeared. There was actions from Illidan's side as well, but he mostly did it via Illidari (not like he was ashamed, just really busy). And they mostly said "yeeeeah this is from Lord Illidan!"
Eventually Khadgar fell in love and WAS TERRIFIED. He spent a lot of time figuring out what he really feels. When he came to conclusion, he thought a lot if he should confess, coz it's fkin Illidan Stormrage. It felt so crazy, but Khadgar decided that his life is going crazy for a while, and he decided to try. I can see Khadgar as a person who isn't going love crazy right away. He feels something buzzing, a certain kind of interest, but it's not a "omg this is the one and only person in my life" untill they go mutual. He, of course, will be sad if Illidan rejects him, and it will take some time to recover, but he isn't going to keep it forever.
And so he decided to confess. He purposely have chosen a short peacefull moment before some big battle in case if the things go awkward or even bad, so they both have an excuse to leave.
Now coming back to Illidan and what he felt. Ngl he's a complicated char if you want to go thoughtful with him. But I think during this time he became a little sympathetic with Khadgar. Found him special in one ways and annoying in others, but def considered him and ally and maybe even a friend, while he wasn't going to admit it outloud.
Still, the confession made him baffled (even if he suspected it a bit). If it was someone else, he would just say "lol no" and leaved. But he was really curious about Khadgar's reasons and what the actual fuck. He couldn't say he felt something even similar to love, but also didn't went with just a "no". He said that Khadgar is probably mistaken, or just don't realize that he isn't the type to build a 'true lovestory' with and live happily ever after. He is a demon and his passion is already going on hating Legion, so don't you expect a romantic fairytale. Khadgar said that he pretty aware of all of this, he isn't going to fix Illidan, or cure his scars, or bring him into typical lovey-dovey routine. "How about we just find our own way?"
You see, Illidan says "yes" in any case, but I can see it going in different ways: - First is a direct "yes", but not in a "i want to be with you" way. It's a "You know what, I will be with you, and I'm curious how you gonna handle it". Being baffled at first, he is now going into offence and declares "If you want a challenge, I'm giving it to you". Not love - a challenge. The challenge isn't about Illidan being a demon/ancient/edgy person. It's about the fact Illidan knows zero shit about romance and he's goin to explore it and experiment af (of course he didn't said it literally, but he implied). He is going to be unbearable. And he enjoys how Khadgar reacts - confused and happy and non-believing and terrified. He's goin to love it. - Second is Illidan taking a time to think, and they talk once more after the battle was over. This conversation is more calm, more intimate and Illidan lets Khadgar close to try and see how he feels about it. They speak about some personal stuff, and while Illidan didn't said it directly, he implied he don't mind to try (yet warns that it still won't be a lovey-dovey stuff). (ngl, their moment of confession is so hard, I tried to write it 5 times with different words, so I will never come to a single solution)
Illidan promised no lovey-dovey, but he found out he enjoys it actually 😌👌
I think I have some more stuff to say, but this post already went WILD. IDK, feel free to ask more direct questions or somethin :)
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phightinghottakes · 2 months
I might have ranted about this before but I can't find my old anon tag nor my old posts so. 🐊 anon from now on for whatever else I need to rant abt on here.
this is all mostly me ranting about forced inclusivity and queer stuff (coming from a poly, pan person) so if you need to skip over this, you've been warned
Firstly, I absolutely despise Vinedeeri. It feels like it only exists because "uhh woman and woman haha they're the few woman characters in the game lets ship them because yuri" SHUT UP!! Ships used to have an interesting dynamic, they used to have substance and angst and fluff in every fandom I was in, all the ships I used to see were because they were so interesting and created so many different scenarios.
Instead, what I see most of in the phighting community and similar fandoms is "toxic yuri/yaoi!" "I love my yaoi" "gay ppl" and whatnot. Can people not ship things that aren't queer anymore? Can people not ship things for a dynamic instead of for sexuality?
It genuinely baffles me that Trafficdeeri is considered a rarepair. Don't they literally have interactions in canon?? Isn't Lightblox like an adopted daughter to Traffic?? And yet most of the fandom prefers "haha yuri woman x woman" over good content for a wholesome narrative on found family and adoption and whatnot.
Also I prefer Hyperzuka over Hypertana. I've had several people look at me weird for this one and I genuinely still feel a bit uncomfortable saying I ship the two because of that because it was the kind of reaction being a proshipper gives you, but as far as I'm aware they're fine to ship? Feel free to correct me on if there's anything I'm missing, but I just find the kind of "alcoholic mess x previous alcoholic mess" dynamic more compelling than "alcoholic mess with issues x alcoholic mess with issues" regardless of whether it's being interpreted as platonic or romantic.
Also also, I don't like Scythe being made POC. I find making a character black for inclusivity kind of silly, but even moreso insulting when it's, oh, you know, one of the only characters with a different skintone?? What, is being tan not "inclusive" enough? Did it not appeal to the fandom enough? Was having a character that was tan in a way that'd fit the canon not good enough? I dislike race swapping in general, but it's just. So much more irritating when it's taking away the only tan character the game had. ffs real inclusivity should live up to it's name, it should be inclusive not "appealing to the minority" it should be inclusive for everyone. The minority that needs it, the minority that's harassed, the minority that barely speaks up about it. Not just one group. Please. God. also she's a serial killer that's kind of an issue too liike. out of all the characters you had to pick 1: the serial killer and 2: the only playable character with a different skintone
I would also like to say I absolutely hate she/her subspace. I genuinely do not get why someone would look at an insane scientist that'd probably laugh at torturing people and go "Aww, she's so quirky" or whatever. It genuinely confuses me beyond belief how she/her subspace is such a widely accepted headcanon. What part of probably-capitalist mad scientist that invented hundreds of machines made for war and ruthless killing says "girlypop twink" to you??
And lastly, this game has boring characters when it tries to make them interesting, ironically enough. Some of the most interesting characters to me (outside of subspace) are Vine Staff and Shuriken just because of how many different angles you could take with the core of their character and how... Fundamentally simple they are. They're siblings, they have a clear theme, they're kind of angst-free characters outside of Vine's curse, and they have a strong bond. It's not a lot, but it's all that you need for a lot of interesting content. On the contrary, take Broker and Scythe- two relatively safe picks to hate on. They're part of a cult, Scythe is a serial killer, Broker has some sorts of phone imagery as far as I'm aware, and the cult has something something eyes something I genuinely can't remember. It's kind of more? It's meant to be more, at least. And yet I can't figure out anything interesting about this other than Broker's theme with phones that's kind of neat but the lore does nothing with that. And the eye stuff.. well, yeah, it has potential but it's just so, so underdeveloped. In trying to make the cult so much more it's ended up with so many concepts and so few that are actually solid, in comparison to characters that are simpler. Hell, look at Boombox! He's also a pretty simple character, but he's easy to enjoy too. And there's also the whole thing with him being able to tell something's up with Subspace. Maybe I just read into details a lot, but oh well.
In case you couldn't tell, I like healthy characters who's strength is small fun facts and details.
-Sincerely, 🐊 Anon.
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A racist is saying that black women commit homicide at a higher rate than white men. I find no evidence of that. I found that white men do make up a larger percentage of the prison population and it’s possible that white men are in there for more extreme crimes than black women. I also found this https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-6.xls
Though it doesn’t break down the race of female offenders it’s very low and I’m assuming that most female offenders with a black victim is black and vice versa for white ppl. I know black ppl are more likely to be caught for crimes because of racial biases and poverty, but even if you break down the “50%” stat that racist love to pull out, it’s more like 46% of black men commit those crimes it’s not an equal gender ratio… Black women actually don’t commit as much violent crime. Not even the same as white men. Just wondering if you have any analysis on crime with race and sex.
You are correct! There is no evidence that black women commit more crime than white men! (There is, in fact, significant evidence for the opposite claim.)
I'm going to spend the rest of this post talking about violent crime specifically, mostly because that's what you asked about, but also because crime statistics on property crime get questionable, especially in the content of race. (For the curious, most crime statistics report on "street crime" which includes all the things people usually think of (assault, rape, theft, burglary, etc.) but not white collar crime (embezzlement, fraud, etc.). Since more white collar than street crime is committed by white men, this distorts the racial statistics for property crime [1]. In fact, the demographics of white collar crime are the "opposite" of street crime in many respects including race, age, and economic status [1]. It's one of the bigger issues with institutional crime statistics: the people in power have chosen to exclude from primary analyses the crimes that are primarily committed by people in power.)
There is also limited data on this topic. (This is an excellent example of where implementing intersectionality would be very helpful/important.) Having said that, there are a few sources that can give us a fairly clear picture!
The link you provided is a good place to start! It's looking at the FBI's supplementary data on homicides for 2019. However, homicide is somewhat unique for crime statisticians in that you don't need to be concerned with under-reporting by victims, but you also cannot rely on victim report surveys to "fill in" missing data (i.e., if the offender is not caught then there is no way to know the demographics of that offender). This is a problem, since solve rates are uneven based on victim and likely offender demographics [2].
Thankfully, there are ways to account for this missing data. One such study implementing these methods [2] looked at the FBI's supplementary homicide data for 1976-2017 (many years worth of the data you linked to).
They found that women were the offenders in 8.8% of all homicides. Black women were the offenders in 43.9% of all female-offender homicides, making them the offender in 3.86% of all homicides.
Men accounted for 91.2% of all homicides. White men were the offenders in 40.8% of all male-offender homicides, making them the offender in 37.21% of all homicides.
This indicates that white men accounted for almost 10 times as many homicides as black women.
If you adjust for population size, given the estimate that, during this time period, black women make up 7.1% of the population and white men make up 39.6%, you have an offender-to-population ratio of 0.54 for black women and 0.94 for white men. This means the population adjusted rate is still 1.75 times higher for white men.
An additional analysis of the same source data, by different statisticians, for the years 1980-2008 confirms these results [3].
They broke each sex-race group down into age categories, and within each age group, white male homicide offending rates (i.e., already adjusted for population size) is at least twice the black female homicide offending rates.
Unfortunately, they do not provide a single summary statistic for white male vs black female homicide offending rates, but we can estimate one by assuming the proportion of male/female offenders is the same across races. (Assuming the proportion of white/black offenders is the same across sexes yields the same results.) Based on this method we get an homicide offender-to-population ratio of 1.0 for white men and 0.85 for black women, again indicating a lower rate of offending for black women.
But the assumption that the proportion of male/female offenders is the same across races is not necessarily accurate. Adjusting the proportion of offenders for each race within each sex according to the data from [2], yields a similar (slightly larger) difference between white men and black women. These results suggest white men have a 17-26% higher rate of homicide offenders than black women.
In addition to all of that, substantial research has indicated that when women do kill their intimate partners (which accounts for more than a quarter of homicides by women [2]) they are doing so in self-defense (i.e., killing their abuser to stop the abuse) [7].
Beyond homicide, this pattern is also true for other violent crimes. There's even less data on this for other violent crimes, but:
The one source I found that broke the groups into both race and sex generally found white men offend at least twice as often as black women [4]. Unfortunately, this is data from 1973-1977, and I can't find any more recent studies that break out the demographics this way.
Using the method described in the last section, however, we can estimate the percentage of all violent crimes by white men and black women [5]. Based on that estimation method we get an violent offender-to-population ratio of 1.4 for white men and 0.57 for black women, again indicating a lower rate of offending for black women. Specifically, the population adjusted rate for white men is almost 2.5 times higher than black women.
The one caveat to this data is that juvenile white boys and juvenile black girls may have similar crime rates [4, 6]. This wouldn't change the overall rates by much, since juvenile offenders as whole (all sexes and races) account for only about 10% of all violent incidents/offenders [5]. But this can't be confirmed without an analysis of more recent and comprehensive (youth survey) data. (And I cannot find such an analysis). For what it's worth, [3] showed the homicide offender rate for juvenile white boys is twice that of juvenile black girls, and [6] indicates that the majority of violent crimes juvenile girls are charged with is simple assault, so even if the overall violent offending rate is the same for this specific age group an analysis of what violent crimes are being committed still indicates that boys are committing more severe crimes than girls.
Other notes:
"I found that white men do make up a larger percentage of the prison population and it’s possible that white men are in there for more extreme crimes than black women."
That's correct! As of 2022, there were over 23 times as many white men as black women in prison [8]. In fact, there were 4 times as many white men as all women in prison. If you adjust for population, the white male imprisonment rate was over 5 times the black female imprisonment rate.
Unfortunately, the data about the prisoners "most serious offense" was not broken out by both sex and race, but in general men are more likely than women to be in prison for a violent crime. (A greater proportion of female than male prisoners' "most serious offense" are drug or property crimes.)
"I know black ppl are more likely to be caught for crimes because of racial biases and poverty, but even if you break down the “50%” stat that racist love to pull out"
I don't know what 50% statistic you're referring to! But you are correct that various institutional factors (racism, economic status and classism, de facto segregation, exposure to violence as a child, etc.) all contribute to the disproportionate amount of crime committed by Black Americans. This topic can (and has) filled multiple books.
TL;DR: white men definitely commit more crime than black women, in both absolute and relative terms.
References below the cut:
Slyke, S. V., Benson, M. L., & Cullen, F. T. (2016). The oxford handbook of white-collar crime. Oxford University Press.
Fridel, E. E., & Fox, J. A. (2019). Gender differences in patterns and trends in u. S. Homicide, 1976–2017. Violence and Gender, 6(1), 27–36. https://doi.org/10.1089/vio.2019.0005
Alexia Cooper & Erica L. Smith. (2011). Homicide trends in the united states, 1980-2008 (236018; BJS Special Reports). Bureau of Justice Statistics. https://www.ojp.gov/library/publications/homicide-trends-united-states-1980-2008
Hindelang, M. J. (1981). Variations in sex-race-age-specific incidence rates of offending. American Sociological Review, 46(4), 461. https://doi.org/10.2307/2095265
Alexandra Thompson & Susannah N. Tapp. (2023). Criminal victimization, 2022 (307089; Criminal Victimization). Bureau of Justice Statistics. https://bjs.ojp.gov/library/publications/criminal-victimization-2022
Charles Puzzanchera, Sarah Hockenberry, & Melissa Sickmund. (2022). Youth and the juvenile justice system: 2022 national report (305721). Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. https://ojjdp.ojp.gov/library/publications/youth-and-juvenile-justice-system-2022-national-report
Serran, G., & Firestone, P. (2004). Intimate partner homicide: A review of the male proprietariness and the self-defense theories. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 9(1), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1359-1789(02)00107-6
E. Ann Carson & Rich Kluckow. (2023). Prisoners in 2022 – statistical tables (307149; Prisoners). Bureau of Justice Statistics. https://bjs.ojp.gov/library/publications/prisoners-2022-statistical-tables
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chiiyuuvv · 10 months
Let's kick it! What you.. wanna say? Don't be tricky!! I'm on the ground, I'm on the ground now
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(ive always liked this part bc its sung by riize but reminds me of xikers)
yazmin | call me yuvie | she / her | of age | black | hunter | the rest of xikers (ot10) | anton & shotaro | ot7 atp lmao | love for kirby and tetris | purple, red, and grey | according to others I'm really cute | intp | aries | birthday two days before xikers debut | share same mbti as junghoon, same zodiac sign and mbti as anton | your delulu fairy godmother 🤭 | always here to talk ♡ | xikers and riize is the only ppl I stan, but i do know / unstanned lots of other groups | yelody (bang yedam stan) | im not taking you seriously if you have anon on | kpopie for 3 years ♡ | Welcome my yuvie lights
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@chiiyuvvreblogs is my reblogs page! Contains mostly riize bc there isnt much xikers :((
(^^ little soft thoughts and such not actual request)
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Now playing do 4 me by epex..
ANONS: 🌵 , 🍪
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ca-suffit · 2 months
Hello! I've been following your account for a minute and now I can't help but notice the racism that plagues the fandom. Wow! (I just saw a post people saying that Louis has "two baby daddys". You really can't make this up *face palm*. As a poc who's always learning about racism and anti-blackness, the conversations that you're having are very enlightening. Seeing that you're been attacked for pointing out the obvious, I wanted to thank you for what you're doing.
Do you have any recommendations for the fans that are learning about racism and what we can do to engage in these conversations respectfully from a place of curiosity and understanding?
hi and thank u!<3
(also I'm guessing u meant claudia there and not louis)
I'm not sure if u mean racism in the fandom or in general? for either one tho, it's mostly about acknowledging it's real in the first place. a lot of the issue anywhere, fandom or society, is that ppl pretend there's not a problem.
a lot of what anyone can do to start (and it's good to keep doing this forever too, never stop) is to research things urself. every group has its own struggles, so it helps to have awareness of differences in all the ways racism affects ppl in their specific ways. be aware of where ur own group lies in this, what privileges or not that u have compared to others, especially before engaging one to one. there's so many books, documentaries, youtube videos, tiktoks, social media accounts. any medium u like will have someone on there talking about it. don't use just one source, absorb it all and make notes of what ur hearing about the most between them all. searching tags here for any topic and "racism" or "antiblackness" or w/e will bring up posts of some kind. browse the "fandom racism" tag by itself. this fandom is not unique in having racism present in it but it is a little unique in the way it abuses ppl about it, which comes directly from anne rice's influence.
for most one on one conversations with anyone about racism, especially with any person of color, make sure it's a conversation being offered in the first place. some ppl don't want that type of engagement. also try not to cushion what ur saying in rly apologetic language ("I'm so sry to bother u, I'm still learning, I hope this is ok..."). that comes across as centering the focus on urself and fragile emotions instead of the topic at hand. be respectful but also get to the point of what ur asking. getting consent *before* asking stuff will usually take care of any issues in the first place too, negating the need for all the flowery language otherwise.
ppl can use this account to ask stuff too, since it's all mostly anon and a group effort. the whole point of this account is to talk about racism, so the door is already open and it can further open for whoever else wants to comment in whatever way. not many individual fans otherwise here, especially black fans, are gonna want to talk about this anymore bcuz it's literally been 2 years of abuse that everyone has mostly ignored happening. there's still posts u can find and read but I'd research what any accounts look like now and how open anyone is to talking about stuff before assuming everyone wants to talk about this, even if ur desire is to "help." it's been fucking bad here for a long time and ppl are burned out.
idk if that's the stuff u meant by what u asked. u can clarify or ask follow up questions if u want.
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callico-awts · 1 year
More of my wilting tulips (omari au) art and also adding a pinch of lore(???) but most of em are HIKI shhshhs
Also btw I didn't proof read any of this- lots of grammar incorrections and misspells
Anyways, enjoy the crumbs!! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
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•basically what they're rw self has in their room • some mixtape, sketchbook and comfortable beanbag(?)
• I was thinking, instead of a black light bulb. What about a night light(?) Idk this is still to change ig
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• from what I recall, I said that Hiki doesn't feel emotions but I did change em
• Me: Gloomy sad mari lmao- HIKI: */stabs me with a cutter
• maybe very sad and emo, a opposite to Mari's happy social butterfly self but then again it's still subject to change-
•HIKI does feel emotions but mostly negative ones. the most are sad and maybe anger(?). They have trouble of being reserved and it sorta don't end well if they're neutral state disperse.
•HS peeps see HIKI as this 'bright' person but in truth, They're a tired and gloomy teenager just helping ppl around HS for tokens(that's the currency of this HS)..
•They're not DPS material cuz HIKI is sorta like a sub-dps and maybe a support(?),Just boosting the groups damage and abilities, healer.. In fact, you could say they're a bit weak.. Due to them having back pain or body aches for no reason..
But they could get a bit stronger when they feel a certain emotion.. you can guess it-
That's right! By being sa-
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•The main plot doesn't revolve around finding their friend, more likely due to abnormal frequent storms going on in HS.
•Creatures(?) in HS are complaining about and finding it a bit odd because it doesn't rain at all in HS(?), That's where the friend group along with HIKI step in, They want to investigate about the storm and what's causing it. Since the HS in my au always has bright and sunset atmosphere(?) ig.
• there's parts of HS that looks empty like a literal white void
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-White tulips-
•The friend groups personality are slightly different to their rw selves..(I haven't wrote a comparison I'm sorry-)
But the most noticeable one is Sunny's. In HS, I mean he's still introverted and blunt but then he seems to smile alot which is ofc in his rw self and its sorta just a mask to what HS sunny truly is...(ohhh mysterious-)
And sometimes HS sunny says something that is ooc and also same with the friend group but mostly are from basil then shet happens-
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*Me rambling about the chara designs again..
• Once again, something(teru omori) and HIKI designs are supposed to replicate the look of a teru teru bozu.. teru omori are the obvious ones, since y'know there's rain going on there..
• The friend groups design are still unchanged.. but I will revamp em if i want to-
•HS sunny has like a major change of design (in my prev post lmao) He has like that school uniform look cuz that's what his sister sees him wearing. His old uniform (rw self)
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That's all- Thanks for scrolling through!!
Haven't post lots of omori, sorry bout that I'm sorta chilling with another fandom again..
*/Doesn't post for a long time again(1000)
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mark-on-you · 6 months
there is a lot of heel turn 1 content on this blog and I feel like you are eager for someone to ask you what it means to you. so I will ask: what is it that you like about this song so very much? - @cryptic-symbols
Thank you so much for the ask!! I am, without a doubt, a "Beat The Champ" fan. I've been a fan of that album long before the wrestling-itis got a hold of me (and man, it's got me good). Heel Turn 2 is absolutely a stand out from the album, and while it is the more complete of the two, I love the unpolished Heel Turn 1 just as much.
As much as I do really want to talk about Heel Turn 1, I'm not exactly sure what to say about it. So, rambling will ensue.
The ushers and the guys who chuck the popcorn/They feel the rush of stillness in the air
Again, I adore the contrast of the mundane with the transcendent. Beat The Champ is mostly about guys trying to make a few bucks, to stay alive, and intersecting with greatness in the process. The change that is going to occur, the emotional shift, is so powerful that it can be felt from multiple feet away. But that doesn't negate the day to day grind, nor does such a seismic shift stop you from having to pay rent.
Starting on the periphery and then diving into the center of the ring is a really compelling aspect too. It feels like this emotional shift is a black hole, one that we can only comprehend by understanding everything it sucks into itself.
I'm not going to break it down line but line but I just love the phrasing of
I prop myself bolt upright on one hand
There's such a suddenness to the motion, but also a strength and surety. Not only is the change drastic, it's immediately both strong and sure. But also, it's only "on one hand", it's unbalanced, from one extreme to the other. So much is conveyed in so few words it rocks.
Work hard to be a hero all my life/ Always try to turn the other cheek
This line bring me back to one of my favorite goats motifs: being good and paying for it. "I am young and I am good", "try your whole life to be righteous and be good/wind up on your own floor choking on blood", etc. Tragic heroes just really do it for me idk what to tell you.
And, again to bring back the power of the mundane, all the examples of "goodness" are really basic, but in that way more "pure". It's so wholesome, the kind of thing that speaks directly to the morality of a child (but not in a bad way). It also speaks to the child's sense of justice that most people still carry with them.
Plus, it really emphasizes that good is a thing you do, not a thing you are. Which is, a very helpful phrase (that I am stealing from a 100 other ppl), when it comes to not thinking of yourself as evil. But also, when good is a thing you can do, evil becomes a thing you can do. And as such, it becomes REALLY easy to do. But once you turn that way, once you start down a path of destruction, it's going to be a lot harder to pull yourself out of it.
There's a real contrast here between the suddenness of the heel turn, and the imagined eventually face turn which means the long, ugly road of redemption.
I watch my guardian angel leave the building/ I am my only friend /One thing about the good guys that I've noticed /They always beg for mercy in the end
now that! is some just good song writing!!
I love so much about this. The idea of being past mercy, but also instead of turning your back on your better angels, they are simultaneously turning their back on you. It both gives a reason/a justifiable aspect to the turn (that goodness has turned its back on you) while also carrying intense bitterness and resentment for others. Being "right" but acting "wrong".
Further, the contrast of "only friend" to "good guys" re-enforces the idea that heels are alone while babyfaces are in amiable groups. (While this is not true, the feelings that define heel and babyface stables tend to follow a pretty basic evil/good split.)
And, of course, that final separation from the good guys. The realization that you were once of their kind, that good was once a thing you were, but is now just a thing you did. And to do evil can transform into the self perception of being evil.
The answer to this last line, the assumed ending where the main character does something vile and violent is missing from the song itself, but the song doesn't exist without that ending implication. Even if it wasn't called "heel turn 1", you'd know that the singer has come to some dark conclusion.
Anyway, these are only half-formed thoughts, because while I do love talking about my interests this blog is, at base, about me screaming incoherently.
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inchidentally · 7 months
About him doing activities mostly with names like Max, Carlos, Daniel.
It seems to me that Norris himself does not have a very active life, so it is very normal for him to want to hang out with people who are more active than himself. The best thing for someone who needs to be held by the hand to take action is people who will hold their hand and give them different experiences. That's why it's normal for him to hang out with others rather than Oscar.
oh I fully agree w you that all his other grid buddies like George, Alex, Daniel, Carlos and Max are very good for the Lando who likes to tag along and have other ppl do the talking and take the lead <3 Lando's charisma and vulnerability makes him a natural center of attention but he's said himself he prefers to be in groups and let other people lead. I always say that if ppl wouldn't be so stubborn in insisting that car|ando can only be an rpf ship, they'd see a little brother happily tucked in big brother's shadow and how sweet that reality is compared to any romantic/sexual fantasy.
but the thing is that (and sorry for being a broken record) we've already found out that Lando and Oscar hang out in their own way but never post about it. Oscar keeps his non-racing/training time almost completely off social media and Lando has whole friendships that barely ever even make his social media at all. Lando himself said he and Oscar are very similar in that they're just normal guys (and both self-professed introverts) who happen to be F1 drivers. even down to them laughing every time the media tries to prod a typical bromance out of them - to me they're more the 'hang out and talk/not talk/enjoy the same vibe together' friends and less of the 'let's go do an activity and post some goofs about it online later' friends. not that it's that black and white obv and friends can be both kinds, just that Lando and Oscar definitely lean more toward the former.
so I think it's much more that Lando only finds comfort going out in public in groups and with guys who have bigger more social personalities - but that when he's hanging out with quieter people like Oscar it stays low-key and doesn't get broadcast too loudly. I think Martin is a great example of both bc he's so skilled and confident at being the guy leading entire events but he also clearly loves disappearing into nature and adventure and switching off. he can equally spend tons of time with Lando traveling and not posting but then he can DJ a gig or hang out with an extrovert like Daniel or switch up friend groups entirely. I really really like Martin just from what I know of him with Lando <3
and it's why I'm a little protective of reminding ppl that yes, we do know Lando and Oscar like each other and like spending time together and no, they're never going to be The Next BromanceTM for your viewing pleasure and like. to someone who really relates to that side of Lando 's personality, I'll give up on the extra content to see how Lando lets himself be quieter and calmer in the filmed content with Oscar that we do get <3
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 3 months
As a European, I grew up with a bunch of kids shows from across Europe. It was common we got each other's shows, and also collabed on shows sometimes (especially animated shows from Europe often had collabs between like 4 different animation studios)
Anyway, I need to say... the DUTCH LIVE ACTION SHOWS that they also aired where I live were so unhinged???????
First one I remember was "dat juf, tot morgen", and was about what different kids did after school. We followed one new kid every episode. And some of these episodes were kinda freaky???? We had one about a girl who woke up in the middle of the night, and her mom was gone, so she just spent time running around desperately yelling "MAMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". Another one was someone going to visit a woman they called "apple grandma" but they entered the wrong room at the nursing home, and some guy kept chasing after them and they had to hide.
Next one I remember was called "Pluk van de Petteflet" and I think it was a movie they simply cut down to 4 episodes. It was about this little boy who was homeless without any family, and he searched for a place to stay. He found a little croft at the top of a giant apartment complex, but this mom that is all about cleanliness hates him and wants the craft as her sewing room. It was based on a book and you can really tell because everything is REALLY cartoony. What I remember the most was this horse that was 5 meters long and when suddenly a bunch of workers started dancing. Also, this random hippie that lived in a swamp and sang about "hassle berries" and how they solved everything (I think it was what caused the workers to start dancing later)
Then it was Abi, which was about this girl who lived in this apartment area, where I recall most episodes was her playing with different kids that also lived there. I mostly remember these red haired sisters who told her if she kept eating carrots she'd have red hair like them. Also their baby sibling was born red haired because their mom ate carrots, or something. There was also this groups of nuns they called "penguin women" and they believed they actually had penguin feet that they hid under their long, black shawls.
Anyway dutch ppl y'all made very trippy kids shows and I loved them
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traumxrei-archive · 1 year
【 book 6 pt. 2 thoughts ! (4) 】
woagh a whole post for JUST 6-66 ?? more likely than you think !! (also this is legit just 6-66 until the 14th node / sector 6 for each group bc. it was getting so long)
[ spoilers for 6-66 under the cut ! ]
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[ about : pome tower, START ! ]
ok i'm starting off with pomefam after playing eenie meenie miney moe bc ya boi indecisive. it's quite interesting that the door to the elevator didn't open, considering ortho said he would "play" with all of them. ok omg nvm the door opened.
the fact that ortho's quantifying everyone's resistance against their plan as a part of a game, as a part of "NRC quest", despite the fact that they will SURELY die first if the phantoms are released into the world... it's kinda morbid, bc it shows that ortho can't think that far into the future, and sees the world in an undeniable black and white. (also...what the hell is idia thinking ? trying to free og ortho ???)
o man, not star rogue again :'))) the way i died SO FAST from the bullets ough. but i think we're supposed to Not Beat It. and vil being like "the insufferable way you're speaking reminds me of idia..." and ortho's like all sunshine and rainbows because "i take after my brother, hehe~" like guys. help.
....ME WHEN I'M STRUGGLING WITH STAR ROGUE AGAIN. i swear to god i'm just bad at dodging when the boss is there T^T update: after playing this shit a fourth time, I WON !!
[ about : pomefam's heart to heart (?) ]
ok ppl might think that vil is being harsh, but literally everyone else kinda had their vice housewarden / second in command put in charge in their absence (jade, trey, kalim, ruggie...) but pome's only got rook. and even then, rook left someone else in charge in the middle of all the chaos. as a vice housewarden, rook's responsibility was towards making sure that the pomefiore students were okay + running the dorm in vil's stead until he returns.
and the way he scolds epel n yuu too, obviously he's not saying it because he wants to berate them. it's mostly because had something went wrong (and there was a HIGH chance of something going wrong) then it probably would've been epel or yuu who got hurt...
he makes a distinction between what he says as housewarden and as vil schoenheit and sniff. he was HAPPY. oughhh he was so happy to see them wtf and people say that vil hates epel and rook ?? guys where is your proof, look at how happy he is to see them !!
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guys. i'm not saying anything. but i'm also saying everything. bc A HUG AND KISS FROM VIL SCHOENHEITTTT OUGH UGH AUGH *minecraft damage noises* guyssss the hearts the hearttttttsssss the way he kissed yuuuu aaaaaa
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this line has me passing aaawwwwayyyyyyy aaaaaaaaa
(also i've noticed, vil stopped correcting epel's accent !! he swaps between the formal speech and his accent a bunch of times and vil's just chilling. probably because they don't have their deal anymore from back when sdc was a thing.)
[ about : epel's UM talk ]
i love just how proud rook and vil are of epel's achievements in STYX ^^ like, they very obviously manifested their own UMs earlier than epel, but they don't judge, and instead they're just very elated for him >:DD rook being disappointed that his eyes weren't cameras bc he wanted to show vil epel's UM awakening is such a mood jskfjkdsf
[ about : phantoms ]
lowkey, the first phantoms are tiny ? are these how normal phantoms are supposed to look ? bc all the ob gang's phantoms are HUGE and they have real bodies too, not just the blot head or whatever the glass vial part is called. (also i think the bottom phantom might be based off king midas ? crown and gold bars n all. idk about the first guy)
[ about : the underworld ]
"it's easy to get into the underworld, but once you're in, there's no getting out." does that mean that somehow og ortho got through the door of the underworld ? and bc they can't open the door, they couldn't get him out ever ? i think it's true bc og ortho says "everyone's gonna be so surprised when i make my return." meaning he's probably been waiting for a chance to escape this whole time.
[ about : grim sniff ]
I MISS GRIM....WHERE IS SON.... the way they're talking about him,,,they're all so endeared and they hope he's okay. rook reassuring yuu that grim wasn't conscious when he attacked them bc he knows grim would never attack yuu. and grim being picky about getting his nails trimmed,,,,just like a cat frrrr
[ about : rookvil first meeting lore...? ]
[ about : second trial ]
ok wait let's think calmly. how the hell did underworld ortho manage to grab someone...? all researchers are either at HQ or fleeing to the edge of the city, so how did he conveniently get someone AND manage to lock them in a phantom cage..... the charon's could've helped ig but they're all set to terminate so this is sus indeed....
I FUCKENKNEW IT !! SHE WAS A PHANTOM WHO'S ACTING ALL ALONG !! as we progress further down, we're gonna meet bigger and more dangerous phantoms, so it makes sense that some phantoms are able to mimic a human's cries for help in order to trick them. and they're growing more sentient too, she could voice her thoughts.
[ about : earth titan ]
wowowowow talk about scary looking !! tbh its interesting that there's three elements for earth, water, and fire, but no null phantom (e.g. a light or dark phantom).
[ about : thunderspear !! ]
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tbh it looks so fucken sick like i would want to have one of these irl. also i love how the code is titanomachia,,,,all the mythology parallels are NOT escaping me. titanomachia was the series of wars between the titans and the olympians, so it's fitting that they're fighting the earth titan with "jupiter's spear".
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[ about : pomefam celebration !! ]
LET'S GAURRRR THEY DID ITTT !! also not epel's stomach grumbling skull emoji,,,,,it HAS been hours since they've had food but it's so funny :')))) i hope they have a good and restful picnic after all that hard work they went through <333
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[ about : azurid tower, START ! ]
ooo it's interesting to hear that blot can interfere with using magic,,,,azul mentions that they can't use flight magic due to blot density... also i absolutely love how the beginning is legit azul just having a monologue jKSJDFKSJS my boy i love you <333 and riddle just. not listening. and going ahead....i wonder if this team is gonna be okay. they seem to be the type to disagree a lot so what would happen...?
azul: hmm, why would ortho make the elevator turn on ? what an obvious trap that even an idiot will avoid....
riddle, not an idiot: so the enemy is offering us a way into their stronghold....alright, i accept their challenge
azul: NO WAIT—
god not riddle. getting riled up enough to try and blast through the doors as if they aren't about to encounter monsters left and right after they clear the elevators :'))))) riddle i love you and all, but your foresight needs work.
[ about : will they ever stop arguing ? ]
help me please someone stop them from arguing for one second before they get blasted into pieces or something sniff :')))) bc this exchange was about to make me throw my phone sjkfjskdf like guys. there's merit in what both of you are saying, but i'm the type to be more cautious so i agree with azul on this one, riddle TT^TT
at this point both their prides are gonna get in the way of making sound judgements, riddle might run himself dry on magic, and azul's gonna have to help him out or else they both d word. they're both leaders, so obviously none of them prefer to take orders from others.
[ about : riddle got hurt ]
arghhh what kind of fanfiction trope kdrama arc are they having rn !! the arguing, and then riddle getting injured but still insisting that he did it bc he has to protect azul, and then azul getting angry bc he doesn't want to be seen as dead weight, and wants to be seen as equals....give these guys an oscar already :')))
[ about : AZUL.... ]
[ about : researcher ]
omg there's a legit researcher in here this time, and ortho used one of the armored dudes to get her down there.....interesting indeed, he's already willing to hurt innocent people who AREN'T standing in his way just to play his game.
[ about : magma titan ]
them working together to spear down the magma titan...about damn fucking time :')))))) riddle aiming while azul keeps it steady bc he's stronger !!! finallyyy !!!! teamwork !!!
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[ about : !! their celebration !! ]
THEY'RE SO HAPPY WAHHH !! riddle screaming for joy and azul joining him omg please this is the teamwork i was looking for >:DD they highfived ?? or hugged or something ?? friendship is actually friendshipping frrrr and then instantly being reminded of their image and springing apart,,,,typical of them two T^T
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[ about : leojami ]
and finally, team leojami is last. first of all, NOT LEONA YEETING ONE OF JAMIL'S HAIR ACCESSORIES DOWN TARTARUS ???? HELP MEEEE ????? JAMIL'S FACE. HE LOOKS SO NOT PLEASED. also i love how fake jamil's comeback was and how leona's outright "i don't buy that shady ass smile for a SECOND—"
and oh ?? the doors to their elevators was open ?? these two are the smart-asf duo, so the fact that they knew ortho was waiting for them doesn't surprise me. (also even with no obligation, jamil keeps trying to protect leona. like leona's more than capable but ig his past tutelege is popping out rn)
NAH. tell me why leona just threatened to rip out the shrouds' hair and ortho went "we're really REALLY looking forward to this, after all." WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN RRRAHH (and the emo music ?? hellooo ??)
[ about : video game mentality ]
yea like...this whole time, ortho's been treating this like a game. as if the world isn't actually real life. he talks about "resetting" the world by letting all the phantoms out and overrunning it with blot. but he did not ONCE talk about the amount of chaos and destruction that it would cause.
it's like...the best way i can explain is it's like playing gta and stealing cars. obviously you wouldn't do it in real life, but bc it's a game and the game is fiction, you do it anyway. and sometimes you'd make a save point, try something silly, get killed, and then respawn again at your save point. but that's obviously NOT possible in real life.
he didn't even stop once to think that these people he's calling "friends" are probably going to get killed by the phantoms if they do escape OR the fact that when they're getting injured fighting these phantoms, that they're actually getting injured. or even the fact that he himself might get killed, or that idia might get killed.
in reality, this isn't a "game" to anyone other than underworld ortho.
[ about : jamil's uneeded considerations ]
yk at this point i was expecting leona to get mad at jamil for trying to coddle him ? but he hasn't. which is interesting. bc jamil keep saying things like "get behind me" or "i'll protect you" but leona doesn't really...need it. royalty as he is, leona's probably got far better training that jamil has, so he'd be just as if not more competent in battle than jamil is. so i was expecting him to throw his weight a little bit, but he's been pretty calm and giving logical reasons as to why he shouldn't do that.
(e.g. jamil offering his jacket bc they're both weak to cold, and leona saying it'd be more troubling if jamil came down with a cold and couldn't move, rather than just leaving it at no.)
obviously jamil's trying to avoid anything happening to leona (e.g. injury) bc he would be "blamed" for it if it DID happen (i.e. it'd be his failure to protect leona) since he's the second prince and all....but holy hell man, this guy's your senior, and you read the report about him, he's hella strong, so dw abt him bestie
[ about : worried about school ]
jamil being worried because kalim and mal are the only housewardens left behind....vs leona "they can take care of themselves" kingscholar. need i remind you guys this is the guy who before he was taken away said "ruggie, savanaclaw's in your hands until i get back. don't let it fall into ruin." like. pfft. who is he trying to fool ?? (obviously jamil, he has to keep up his "idgaf" facade but it's still funny to me)
[ about : cross ?? wind ?? ]
wtf are these guys, they're analyzing WIND patterns while walking and having conversations ?? the fuck ??? and then them noticing the tiny ass crack from far away ???? ok if i had to be stuck with anyone other than pome ig my safest bet would be these guys,,,,,
[ about : leona about jamil's one-man act ]
ok here we go, they're "arguing" though it really does pale in comparison to azul and riddle's arguements... (azurid are like the loud screaming at each other type of arguers and leojami are the quiet and logical type of arguers)
leona acknowledges that jamil is strong, but he also cautions against being reckless,,,,especially because they've both overblotted before, it'd be a nightmare if they get contaminated again. and obviously, they're a team. if jamil goes down then leona's left to fight on his own, which would be a sure loss.
[ about : containment facility 1 ]
shit fuck shit shit they were so smart that they made ortho make their FIRST containment facility harder than it had to be. (also not leona...calling the shroud family dour....i'm not laughing. i'm not !!) they're legit the only group that had the whole password thing,,,i'm crying on their behalf :')))
[ about : do ur best !! ]
THAT'S SO FUCKING FUNNY. but also oh my gooooddd ortho knows JUST how to annoy each person and each group huh. making leojami go through all of that for their password to basically just be "do ur best tee hee" is just. evil.
[ about : jamil WHEEZE ]
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NOW WHY WOULD HE SAY IT LIKE THAT I LOVE THEM SO MUCH SJFKJSDKF i never knew i needed jamil and leona to interact this bad but now that i have it i'm having the time of my life. two of my faves who are just. similar in some ways but a lot different. this is giving me so much serotonin.
but jamil is right, the earlier ortho had only the purest of intentions with his every action. even when he was indirectly making fun of leona, he just meant that he thought leona would enjoy the game more bc he's a lion beastman, not bc he's a cat.
obviously us as the reader know that this isn't "just ortho" and that it's underworld ortho, who used to be a human, i'm assuming. thus why he got angry at leona calling him a robot. meanwhile, normal ortho would probably start boasting abt how he's the most advanced and capable robot bc he knows and doesn't care that he's a robot.
thus furthering my "underworld ortho is actually idia's real brother who died a bunch of years ago and got stuck in the underworld and current ortho is just an android modeled after him made by idia, but now underworld ortho somehow took control of current ortho" theory.
[ about : arguing :00 ]
ok i keep commenting about their arguing. but man it took a LOT for leona actually to get mad at jamil for something. he only really started getting mad when jamil got in the way of his "plan". which, to be very fair, he should've said something. bc jamil doesn't have beastman senses, how was HE supposed to know that leona sensed one and that he had a plan to combat it ?
also not jamil hiding his injury.....sir...... and not him NOT getting leona's words and continuing the "i will protect you" act pLEASE— tbh from leona's words it's not very clear, but he's trying to work together here. like he's trying to increase their chances of a winning fight, and yea communication is key, but jamil keeps ignoring his words in favor of "protecting" him.
[ about : containment facility 2 ]
oh god, here we go, why do we have another trial :'))) how did this get worse ?? first, using a phantom that can mimic human voices. and then putting a REAL researcher into a cage (no phantom, but with a charon armor). and now ?? tying a guy to a cage and making him almost drown in coolant ??? with the CABLE that controls the openings and closings of the facility ????
they...they really pissed ortho off huh.
[ about : stand up. ]
are you. telling me this guy was sitting the whole time or something. instead of just standing up in the water ? shakes him 1000 times....head in hands.
[ about : king's roar appreciation ]
nah are we all gonna ignore how leona was able to precisely turn ALL the ice in the air and around them into sand ??? the amount of control that would take oml, how much did he train to be able to do that ??
[ about : thunder spear timeee ]
jamil making the call not to register his handprints because he KNOWS he can't handle the magical energy rolling off the spear and choosing to rely on leona,,,,helloooo we have some developmentttt ^^ jamil's not sacrificing uselessly in this case !!
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jamil realizing that he made the right call, bc if he registered himself he'd probably need leona's help to aim/hold it up. meanwhile leona saying he can "barely hold it up" vs the others who had like. 2-3 people helping them prop it up and aim,,,,sir i think you're plenty powerful enough.
also comparing the pictures to the ones above is making me throw up, bc the others are like. holding it a meter-ish above the ground. meanwhile leona has it hoisted up high above his head with PERFECT AIM mind you.
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whew made it to recharging all the spears ^^ (technically the others minus leojami have been done for days but shhhh) see you again later ig sjkfdjskf
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Hi Pie! I saw your post on the progress pride flag and liked hearing your points, it made me think about it from a different perspective. I wrote a response to it that I wanted to put under the post itself but it got a little long, so I'm gonna drop it in here instead if that's ok. Which ik is silly to be like "Hope that's ok" as I put it into your askbox anyway lol. I'm just super interested in queer history and so I like talking about things that relate to it!
I agree with you that lumping ppl into two boxes of "oppressed" and "not oppressed" is not only ignorant of intersectionality, nuances, and different ways oppression can present itself to different marginalized identities, but in the process can be actively harmful to these conversations! And I can also see why it can look like the progress pride flag is encouraging just that kind of mindset
From my personal understanding of the creation of the progress pride flag, tho, that's not why it was created. It's not trying to become the flag of all oppressed ppl, it's still very specific to the queer community, but it's not the queer community co-opting the EM community for themselves either. And it's not even specifically bcus of how EM ppl contributed to the movement early on and into the present, even tho that is an important part of it. The reason the black and brown stripes were added is a similar reason to why the trans flag (and in some versions, the intersex flag) was added: To show that queer EM, trans, and intersex ppl are not only part of the community, but valuable to it, and that any attempts to exclude them will NOT be tolerated
Since there's a ton of racism in the white queer community, EMs and NEMs supporting them added the brown and black stripes to represent them to say "Queer EM ppl exist and to exclude them is to exclude the very ppl we claim to fight for, you cannot support queer rights if you do not include EM queer ppl too"
Similar to how one cannot be fully honest when they claim to support queer rights if they do not include trans and intersex ppl in the fight
So in other words it's not the flag for queer ppl *and* EMs, it's the flag for queer ppl and that group will always include queer EM ppl no matter what any exclusionist says. At least, that's the intent from my understanding and knowledge. Does that make more sense?
Not trying to argue against your points btw, mostly just explaining my understanding of why it was added. If you still disagree feel free to elaborate, there may be a piece I'm missing!
Also only tangentially related but ty for teaching me the term EM instead of POC thru that post, I knew POC was a bit of a contentious term for some but wasn't sure what would work better, so this totally works!
I don't even know what I'm trying to argue for anymore cause I started typing out my argument and just got confused aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I think I have internalized queerphobia to deal with
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rpsense · 28 days
having been in the tumblr rpc since i was 15 and moving to discord when tumblr really tanked, i think i can confidently say my least favorite ppl in the rpc are the ones my age (25+) who Cannot handle their characters not being the center of attention meanwhile their character is the MOST insufferable mix of contradictions. what do you mean you need everyone to like your character (to the point you always "had a massive drop in mood and need to step away" the second anyone criticizes him) but also he's the black sheep and has never felt like he belongs meanwhile he's aggressive and rude to everyone, including his own family, and by your own admission "only cares about his partner right now"???? and he's not 18 he's supposed to be in his 30s??? seek therapy or write a terrible book, i beg (and no this isn't even about ben winters lmfao)
you forgot to add that the fc is almost always some random white man who looks like he hasn't washed his hair in six months. that brand of mun is top 3 reasons i mostly avoid groups w/out diversity rules. - x
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