#this isn’t very good??
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skinreflectsthesun · 1 year ago
If I’m not feeling a book I refuse to finish it, it’s not going to take up anymore of my time absolutely not nope
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chloesimaginationthings · 11 months ago
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FNAF Abby and Gregory discover Michael is an artist too
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tragedykery · 2 years ago
the best characters are ones that suffer from a chronic case of Dramatic Cunt Syndrome
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seiwas · 6 months ago
cw: pro-hero bakugo, reader has boobs, kind of explicit/nsfw? idk i describe boobs, reader is smaller and shorter than bakugo, unedited sawry
bakugo's muscle tee looks as ill-fitting as it'll ever be draped over you.
there are reasons for this, perfectly founded and logical reasons for why that is—the main one being that, it's, well, his; two, maybe even three sizes larger than what it should be to fit you properly.
but, he can't stop staring, and there are reasons for that too—the main one being that, it's his, and yet, the only way he can ever imagine it now is when it's being worn by you.
your hips sway to the song you've been humming for the past five minutes. it's the same one, the chorus on a perpetual loop. he's sure it's the only part you know; you do this often enough that it's the only part he knows now, too.
the hem of his tee hits right at the top of your thighs, concealing just enough to tease, but he’s confident that if you reach up even the slightest bit for the cupboard overhead, there'll be nothing to hide.
he feels a little bit like a creep like this, watching as he stands in the middle of your shared living room, but it's impossible too look away—you've got to be doing this on purpose, right?
heat flares inside of him when you turn your body ever so slightly, the armhole of his muscle tee large enough to give him the clearest view of skin—
he gulps.
it's smooth, sloping just right; the side view of your under boob curves into its perfect shape and he can imagine it, feel—
(is this considered perving if he's been with you for years?)
the pan in front of you sizzles as you plop in god knows what. you pour in something from the side and wait, one hand propped on the hip you pop out. then, you pick up the pan, attempting to flip what's inside (probably a pancake, now that he thinks about it).
it’s hard to focus on what you’re cooking though, especially when all he sees is plump flesh jiggling, bouncing as you further agitate the pan.
he just got the pants of this suit readjusted, and now they're fucking tight.
bakugo normally runs hot; it’s kind of part of his dna. but this warmth is different, flushing him from head to toe. it creeps up the side of his neck, painting the tips of his ears a blooming red.
you turn around then, plopping the pancake on the plate atop the counter behind you.
"oh! you're done," you greet him with a smile. so. fucking. casually.
as if your tits aren't fucking peaking against the gray fabric of his tee.
as if you think he buys the fake innocence poorly concealing that sly, conniving look in your pretty eyes.
as if you aren't standing in front of him in his muscle tee, wearing nothing underneath it like you didn’t do this on purpose. like you don’t know what it fucking does to him.
his eyes squint suspiciously, deep vermillion staring straight into yours.
you tilt your head, the tips of your lashes kissing the top of your cheekbones as you blink. you reach for a bottle of honey.
“everything okay?” you ask, voice syrupy, sickeningly sweet.
your movements play in front of him languidly, the corner of your lips curling up slightly as you smirk. honey catches on your finger as you pop open the bottle cap.
he’s supposed to be out the door in five minutes if he wants to make it in time for a meeting at the agency. technically, he should already be there if he wants to keep up his track record of consistently being fifteen minutes too early.
but you start to approach him, rounding the kitchen island. there’s a narrow space between him and the slab of marble, but you slide into it like it was made for you.
he’s certain it was, from the way the tip of your nose brushes against his as you tiptoe. your tits are right fucking there, brushing against the skintight material of his suit.
there’s too much fucking fabric if you ask him, between cotton and spandex.
your grin widens, and he feels hot, the heat from his cheeks radiating.
then you whisper, still saccharine, “breakfast is ready,” before kissing him on the lips lightly. a short peck, soft in the way that promises more before you slip away, giggling in your retreat.
he huffs, watching you leave. his feet shift as he thinks.
five minutes, huh?
like hell he’s going to eat these damn pancakes for breakfast today.
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sirazaroff · 25 days ago
I just had to come in and say your Gelphie's are some of the best I've seen. I love your style, and I really love the sweetness that comes from how you draw their relationship. Thank you for the great art!
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Thank you!! I know I’m very new to this fandom but I’ll give you all the best of me, promise <3
They’re just so sweet man I dunno what to say! The layers to their onion shaped relationship, I really just wanna get into the tiniest of details, whether it’s a rewrite of canon scenes, what ifs, or lil made up moments to showcase their dynamics in.
I know they don’t make the best of choices (cough Glinda cough) but their love was the most genuine and honest parts about them. They would’ve loved just doing laundry and taxes together if given the chance 🥺
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francesderwent · 12 days ago
can’t explain why but good children’s fantasy is usually closer in essence to good adult fantasy than good YA fantasy is to good adult fantasy. the best children’s fantasy reads like the best adult fantasy, and vice versa.
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mysticruinedme · 2 months ago
I like the idea of Sonic being just as heroic as he is selfish - cuz the core motivation for half of what he does when in regards to Eggman and the world or whatever is going on at the time is cuz he himself enjoys those adventures, and not because he feels some sort of selfless obligation over his natural abilities to do anything that he does.
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swedenis-h · 10 months ago
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Star Wars day!!
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noxcheshire · 4 months ago
I think I’d be really funny, if Bruce was a reincarnated Vlad.
This is going to be based off of a prompt I saw (I will find you) where Bruce suddenly remembered his past life as Vlad.
HOWEVER, my take on that is the de-aged Ellie and Dan because the amount of ANGST and self hate that Bruce will go through thinking his past self was not only a villain, but also that sort of person?
It will eat him alive.
It will eat that man alive every time he goes to sleep and another burst of memories pass underneath his eyelids.
It burns him when he wakes up with the phantom touch of a body underneath his hands, of a boy just as young as Damian and thinner too, struggling to escape a grip of a man whose hold was too possessive, and too cruel.
It feels like acid swishing down his throat when he wakes with the taste of oily words filled with threat and something more whispered over the form of a boy. A young boy whose blue eyes blazed furiously back and yet tried to hide the quiet bursts of fear underneath.
It feels like Bruce cannot scrub the man he had been right out of him, even when his skin blisters red until it bleeds. Vladimir Masters had woken spitting and screaming, burrowed like a cold sore underneath everything that is Bruce.
Bruce hates it.
Hates the monster he had once been and still is — because despite the fact Vlad is now Bruce, living and breathing and existing here in Gotham — Vladimir Masters still exists.
He is out there right now in a little place called Amity Park, pulling weight and blood just to get what he wants.
A man who has used and abused for far too long…
Perhaps it was time to see to it, that however and whatever way that Bruce came to be, that it began with Vlad’s unfortunate circumstances back into the Ghost Zone.
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evilresidentz · 4 months ago
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A man’s friend before the crew’s captain.
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todaysbird · 2 years ago
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despite their duck-like bills and webbed feet, the duck-billed platypus (often known simply as the platypus) is not a bird, but a very unique mammal. this species, endemic to eastern australia, has a number of unique adaptations. they are one of only five species of mammal who lay eggs rather than give live birth. they forage for around 10-12 hours daily, primarily for small aquatic invertebrates like crayfish; they use electroreception to locate their prey. the species is also biofluorescent, turning bluish-green under UV light. male platypuses are also venomous; they have a spur on the back of their hind flippers that produces a venom that can be harmful to humans. females have a small spur, but are not venomous. these creatures are largely antisocial and as such produce few vocalizations, as they rarely communicate among their own species.
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phoen1xr0se · 18 days ago
I made some little Good Omens Valentines - I’m not particularly good at this stuff but tried my best!
I hope you like them 🤍🩶🖤
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And remember, if there’s someone out there you’re pining for… today’s the day to send one of these anonymously and then yeet your phone across the room 😁😈😇
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ksdesign · 15 days ago
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i’m still thinking about them
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mossgoblins · 2 months ago
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At least it tracks well with clients, so we’re looking good for next quarter lads.
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bixels · 1 year ago
(guy who sent in the original i thought you were a lesbian ask) i just wanted to say i still find you just as attractive with the knowledge that you are a man, apologies if i made you feel uncomfortable or like you're less handsome for not being a hot butch. you're still plenty hot regardless and i'm sorry for inflicting tony hawk's sapphic nightmare on you
Tony Hawk’s Sapphic Nightmare is very funny, I would photoshop something if I could right now. Thank you.
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maddymoreau · 2 years ago
Thinking about how Diavolo’s feelings transcend time and how in the Nightbringer UR+ card Demon Lord’s Castle Tour this conversation happens.
When asked, “Do you wish to see your father?”
Diavolo responds:
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“I suppose I do . . .” isn’t the typical reaction to how a child would feel about wanting to see their parent. Especially when said parent has essentially been in a coma for a year.
Along with how Diavolo describe his father.
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It makes more sense why when you learn in Lesson 56 how Diavolo was treated by him growing up.
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Diavolo can tell when others are lying but is unable to understand his father’s intentions.
Diavolo mentions that he lived a very sheltered life growing up. That from a young age his father never allowed him a chance to talk to anyone outside the castle.
His childhood friend was Mephistopheles. A demon literally RAISED to be his friend. Putting a barrier between the two because Mephistopheles would put Diavolo on a pedestal.
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The isolating childhood he experienced riddled with his strict father constantly scolding him.
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Despite everything MC is so important to him he wants to see his father again so we can meet.
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