#this was very quick sorry this isn’t as good as last years 😭
swedenis-h · 2 months
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Star Wars day!!
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chrollohearttags · 3 months
french tips • sanji x black!fem reader
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your new nail tech suddenly becomes your favorite after an appointment you’ll never forget!
nail tech!sanji, modern au, him being a gentleman ofc (he’s not a perv in this, hadn't watched the live action but from clips, taz seems a lot more charming so that’s who i'm going with! 😭) massage, handjob, foot and nipple play, service dom, fingering, squirting, calls reader miss + my dear, praise kink, says good girl a couple times, sanji has a tongue ring
word count: 2.5K
whoever sent this idea, thank you for your contribution. I don’t know if you are being serious or facetious but either way, you have awoken something in me. sanji fuckers, come get y’all’s juice!!
you were a little hesitant…downright apprehensive even. You’d been coming to this shaking for years and each time, you sat in the same chair, got nearly the same services and entrusted your beauty needs to the same hands. “I’m sorry, (y/n). She’s on vacation right now and won’t be back for at least three weeks.” “I understand but I wish she would’ve told me before I booked the appointment..” you were flustered and rather frustrated to boot..you had an important event coming up and the last thing you needed was your routine disrupted. It was already enough chaos in your hectic life! But nail tech!sanji was willing to swoop in and make things easier.
“Miss, if you don’t mind..I’d be more than happy to help you today. My next appointment isn’t for a few hours so I’ve got plenty of time to get everything taken care of.”
nail tech!sanji, who’d been an esthetician and licensed massage therapist for years, had just begun working there but his work and reputation far preceded longevity at this particular shop. The man was an absolute master at his craft and his catalog spoke for itself. He had won competitions, curated some of the most beautiful designs you’ve ever seen and worked with absolute proficiency. “Is there a specific design you’re looking for?” nail tech!sanji had also mastered the art of de-escalating tense situations. When working around women and people who did not play when it came to their appearances, he knew one wrong move could result in his head or termination so he was flawless in his final product..left with no other choice, you’d accept nail tech!sanji’s generous offer. “Fine. But if you screw up one thing on these nails, I’m done with this shop for good.” but little did you know, you’d be so glad that you did take the services from him! nail tech!sanji, who’s work area was absolutely spotless, smelled of vanilla incense and looked so out together, it shocked you. “I find vanilla helps soothe the senses…makes you feel a lot more relaxed. Don’t worry, I’m going to take good care of you and if at any time, I do anything wrong, you let me know. Okay, miss?” nail tech!sanji, who looked better suited for a repair shop with his tattoos, blonde wefts and tongue ring, certainly took you by surprise. He was gentle, attentive and made certain that you were comfortable. “Can I offer you some water? Or perhaps something else to drink?” As the nail salon you frequented also doubled as a bar. “No alcohol for me today, please. I drove. I’ll just take the water..” nail tech!sanji, who noticed that you were still nervous, decided to take your hand and redirect that tension.
“So tell me about this event. I’d love to hear about it if you don’t mind.” nail tech!sanji, who was not only kind but handsome and rather charming to boot. He had a great sense of humor and was very quick witted..this man who was all but a stranger thirty minutes ago, had you laughing and fanning yourself as he dabbed balls of acrylic onto your nails and sculpted your tips to perfection. nail tech!sanji, who did thorough work whilst also listening to you attentively as you divulged about your career and how you were going to be attending a gala for the company’s sponsors. “Sounds like it’s a room full of snobs.” “You don’t know the half but hey, they keep my bills paid so I can’t complain too much, I guess.” nail tech!sanji, who was absolutely smitten by you, couldn’t stop staring from across the table as he gently kneaded lotion into your hands. His touch was so soft and inviting, making you wish he’d never pull away. It didn’t help matters that he was so damn attractive! nail tech!sanji, who made your nails look the best they ever had, was pleased to see the smile on your face after he finished!
“..only the best for a valued customer and such a beauty at that. I do aim to please.” “I’d say you exceeded that. Thank you, mr. sanji..they’re gorgeous.” “Thank you for allowing me to take care of you. I’m honored.”
nail tech!sanji, who wasn’t quite ready to part ways with the gorgeous woman he’d come to be acquainted with, decided that he would take on all of your services today. Including your pedicure and massage…nail tech!sanji, who saw that you opted for the deluxe package, whisked you away to the private room with the entire setup. Something you’d always paid for. A massage bed in the corner and the pedicure chair with a tub full of milky liquid and rose petals scattered about…soft, ambient music playing from the speakers and waves displayed on a mounted television screen crashed around. It was so peaceful and just what you needed for the long week ahead and the one you’d just gone through. nail tech!sanji, who rolled up his sleeves as he sat down to work on your feet, made you chew at your bottom lip..weirdly enticed by the sight of his veins protruding from his forearms. But that wasn’t the only reason…he’d soak your heels and work on each one as the other marinated in the softening solution. nail tech!sanji, who delicately massaged up and down those calves, couldn’t help but to chuckle when he felt you slightly tremble yet again when he began to gently knead his fingers into your pressure points, causing you to melt right there! “Looks like someone enjoyed that. You’re really tense for some reason, miss..something on your mind?” Trying to feign the embarrassment of admitting that not only were slightly turned on by how gently this man handled you but the fact that beneath that skin tight sundress, you weren’t wearing any panties, as you had just come from your wax appointment before arriving here and he was seconds from getting an eyeful! “N-no, I’m fine. Just feels really good.” “Well that’s all I want to hear.” nail tech!sanji, who was quick to sense the energy shift, went to retrieve your polish of choice after rubbing your legs down in lotion and wrapping them in warm towels.
“White toes..good choice. And a personal favorite on a lady too.” “You’re a man of good taste then. I like that.” Causing the blonde to blush a bit himself..as he could tell you weren’t exactly some scared little girl. You were a grown woman..who was strong, handled her business and always got her way. Just his type! nail tech!sanji, who set up for your final service as he allowed your toes to cure under the gel lamp, began to dim the lights and lay out all his materials. Knowing that you were watching him carefully…snaking his tongue out intermittently to reveal that steel ball stuck between it. Not to mention the silver bands wrapped around his perfectly manicured fingers.
“..can I have you remove your clothes and wrap yourself in the towel, please? I can step out for a moment and you just let me know when you’re ready..” helping you from your seat as he removed that lamp and grasped your hand..this man was the epitome of a perfect gentleman and you were becoming more and more ecstatic that you had decided to come in today. But unbeknownst, the best was yet to come..nail tech!sanji, who’d stepped back in to find you lying across the table on your stomach, a single towel covering your frame and ready for him to work his magic. nail tech!sanji, who had to all but bite his fist to restrain himself as he inched closer and prepared to make you feel the best you had in ages…warming a palmful of oil as he rubbed them together. Waiting in anticipation, you’d glance back and be greeted with a smirk. When he began to knead your muscles with those strong hands, your body would immediately melt within his grasp. So carefully working out all the sores and kinks that had mounted throughout the stressful work week. Meetings, business negotiations, dinners with your bosses…it was all taking its toll. But if anyone could put you at ease, it was nail tech!sanji..
“How are we feeling, my dear?..”
“Amazing..you’re really good at this..”
and luckily for you, this wasn’t even the beginning. Because as he kept going, (y/n) began to release soft whimpers in response to those subtle touches. Chewing at your lower lip, you’d allow your mind to escape to a place that it should not have been. Abashedly, you didn’t want to admit it but it’d been quite some time since a man had touched you, less known, made you feel this damn good! It was apparent that he was no amateur..in many ways than once. “Mmmm…like that.” The words slipped out subconsciously but it didn’t even phase nail tech!sanji, he just chuckled and kept going. Everytime he moved, he questioned and asked for your permission to place his hands lower. By the time he reached your lower back, you’d let him know it was quite alright to do as he pleased. “Please…keep going. You know what to do..” you were never a promiscuous woman by any means but you were the kind to have your way..when you wanted it. And what you wanted right now…was for him to give in to his desires and take you right there!
“In that case…flip over f’r me and I’ll give you exactly what you need.” The sexual tension that had accrued between you two was undeniable and neither of you were interested in playing coy. So with the command being whispered into your ear, causing a shudder to run down your spine, you’d follow his command and turn over to lie on your back, exposing your breasts. He couldn’t help but to subtly grunt at the sheer sight of those erect, dark hues nipples and toned tummy. The only thing making it better was the glass colored liquid pooling across it and spreading as he rubbed it in. Your brown skin glistening underneath the hue of auburn lighting.. “..there we are..much better.” nail tech!sanji took his sweet time in caressing your body. Honing in on your stiff little buds and watching you squirm. Your dark eyes glaring through him with unadulterated lust. Especially when he’d wash his hands off and proceed to go lower beneath that cloth covering your upper thighs. “You sure know how to work your hands..” “I’m only getting started, my love. Just keep your eyes on me and don’t move…” his dominance was not only attractive but captivating. You needed him more than he could imagine! So much so, you’d reach over to grasp for his clothed erection that was growing from the confines of his pants. But nail tech!sanji was quick to halt you, gently clutching your wrist.
“Aht..not yet, gorgeous. It’s my turn.” Chuckling as he commanded you to lean up so you could watch his every movement. He’d part your legs as he kept an arm cradled behind your shoulders and the other between your thighs, working those nimble fingers on your sensitive spot. “Oh my gosh..” “…mmph, you’re soaking, pretty girl.” watching you writhe and whimper as those digits circulated your clit. nail tech!sanji, who latched his lips around your nipples and suckled as he moved about, working them inside of you..whispering into your ear, marking your throat with kisses and filling your head with sweet nothings as he clutched his hand around it. “Ooh..you needed this, didn’t you?…yeah, I know. Just need someone to take care of you every once in a while.” Pegging you to a tee..so independent and headstrong that sometimes, you forgot what it felt like to be spoiled. Clutching around his knuckles, you’d grasp for his arm and hold onto it as your lips met in passionate pecks. Exchanging saliva and whimpers in the process. Tasting one another as the kisses deepened. Sensing that mounting ball of pleasure forming in your core, he’d curl his index and middle digits to work that orgasm out of you. “Good girl..there you go. Keep fucking my fingers. Just like that..get yourself off..” nail tech!sanji, who was practically yearning to bury himself inside of your pussy, could no longer fight his own urges and gave you permission to stroke his cock, shuffling his waistband around to remove it. “Mmph, damn…” “..like what you see, miss?” Knowing that you were taken aback by his size and length. A glowing red tip with precum seeping out..you’d carefully take into your grasp as you stroked that shaft. You’d pleasure each other through lilted moans and stifled cries. Practically shoving your tongue down the other’s throats as you brought each other to ecstasy. “Should I speed up? I can if you need me to..” but you’d quickly decline, finding that the pace was perfect. He was equally as needy but his resolve outweighed his pleasure at the moment and he was determined to let you get yours before his own. Which wasn’t too far away..
“You wanna come, beautiful? It’s okay, you can tell me.” “Y-yes! Please, Sanji..” and with that, he commanded your release with a sharp tug upward and a quickened flick of his wrist..you’d finally cave and release. Letting out loud whimpers, along with a stream of juices, that soaked the table and your quivering thighs. nail tech!sanji, who enjoyed the sight of watching you writhe from his volition, was quick to get a sample of the mess he contributed to. Moving down your torso with the swipe of his tongue piercing, grazing your skin; lapping up those sweet juices from your center down to your thighs..leaving a trail of kisses in his wake until he reached your calves and feet. nail tech!sanji, who’d place those freshly done toes into his mouth, sucking them momentarily as he concluded your massage.
“So..did I do a good job, my love? Satisfied with your service today?” Receiving by far the best compliment he’s ever gotten when you snatched him down and made out with him once more. Showing your gratitude. “I’ll take that as a yes..” giggling with him as the two of you came down from your climatic bliss.
y/n, who was apprehensive before coming in here, was now leaving happier than ever. And nail tech!sanji, who had never picked favorites among his clients, was now looking forward to your next appointment!
tagging: @lotus-flower-writes @spaceforher @highpri3stess @themagnificentgoat @ichigosluvrr @ladymomo
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sweetsweetjellybean · 17 days
May I ask what present day torn Eddie is doing right now? (If you can share without spoiling anything, of course)
I just miss him so much, okay? 😭🥹
Well, let’s see….
There have been lots of new songs dropping since the beginning of the summer, translating into a very busy time for Eddie. He’s taken on a couple of employees over the last few years and some interns as well. Managing people isn’t Eddie’s strong suit, so the stress of that, combined with handling demanding artists eager to cash in on the warm weather vibes and get singles out quickly, has led to many late nights in the studio. Exhausted, he drops into bed as the sun casts pinks and golds through the window, planting sloppy kisses on the cheek before his eyes close tight.
But it’s not all work. After all, that would make Eddie a very dull boy. Bands and artists have been playing shows all over the city, and the two of you have definitely been indulging. Despite his complaints of being an old man, he drags you into a bathroom at the Salt Shed, ignoring the groans of those still waiting in line.
He's quick to have you up against the wall, kissing like he's making up for every missed opportunity. He spins you around, taking both wrists and pressing your hands against the wall before grabbing at your hips, pulling them back towards him until your ass is sticking out at just the right angle. He works the buttons of your shorts open, letting them slip down your legs to the floor without care. After all these years, he knows your body just about as well as you do. He knows how to make you cum when he takes you quick and dirty.
“You like everyone out there knowing you're about to get fucked, doll?” he asks, spitting into his palm and rubbing it through your folds.
You're already panting, resisting the urge to rest your face against the bathroom wall. He circles your clit before sliding his fingers inside. “Jesus, already so wet for me.”
“Just for you, Eddie.” You bounce your ass riding his fingers. “Don’t make me wait.”
“Missed my cock that bad?” His breath is hot in your ear as the clink of his belt fills the small space. His leaking tip is teasing your entrance when your hips surge backward taking him all the way inside. Your satisfied groans harmonize as the bass pumps against the walls.
A fist banging against the door has the two of you freezing. “Hurry the fuck up in there.”
Your head turns to find Eddie's smug grin. He leans forward, capturing your giggling mouth with his. "You heard the man." His thrusts come hard and fast. Your elbows lock to brace yourself as the fire licks through you, building to an inferno.
“Yes. God. Please, Eddie,” you babble on your exhales spurring him on. Your fingers find your clit, adding to the intensity.
"That's it, doll. Christ, you're so fucking hot." The tempo of his thrusts changes again as his hips slam into your ass. His full length slides deep and wet, sending stars bursting in your vision.
“Eddie, I'm so close.” Heavy breaths increase to full moans that echo off the black painted walls.
"I'm with you. Gonna fill this pussy. Gonna keep going 'til you scream." The sharp sting of his hand coming down on your ass pushes you over the edge. Detonating, your whole body shakes. His arm snakes around your waist, supporting your weight as he holds you in place for his final thrust, his warmth flooding inside you.
Both of you have the good sense to look contrite when you exit the bathroom to find security waiting
"Not again, Ed." The brawny man crosses his arms over his chest. "Aren't you two a little old for this?"
"Sorry about that," Eddie says, reaching out for a handshake with folded bills in his palm. "I'd like to promise it won't happen again, but I can't seem to keep my hands off my wife.”
*Sorry this took so long, Anon. I, too, am very busy, but Eddie has been running rampant in my brain. A meance, as always.*
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landograndprix · 5 months
I know there have been anons that view Lando and girlie’s relationship so far as just sexual, and I will agree that their txt are normally of a spicy variety but I would like to remind those anons that Lando so far in this relationship has been all about showing up. When girlie was sick, it was Lando that dropped what he was doing to make sure that both her and Z were taken care of. If you’re just interested in sleeping with someone (especially when you’re a f1 driver who could have any girl in a Monaco club) you don’t go through that trouble. When girlie was kicked out, Lando was the one that insisted on her staying at his place. He was out of town, no chance of anything happening. He who’s a high earning young good looking bachelor was more than happy to have his living room turned into a kids playground. He even insisted on it. He’s been the 1st to make sure that girlie is okay with all the flirty/spicy txt (love a consent king) that they’ve been sending and is quick to reassure her that he’s not just with her for the sex, he’s happy to just watch her work. I don’t think people are giving him enough credit, he knows that girlie was done wrong in her past relationship. He’s not expecting her to have no baggage, he’s working within what makes her comfortable and showing that unlike Charles he’s willing to show up for her. This seems very much as an actions speak louder than words moment. Charles was good about saying the right things, and he was even around in the short term; but I think Lando is trying to show both girlie, Z and the rest of the world that he’s around for the good, the bad and the ugly. Right now it seems that girlie is skittish, trying to protect her heart after Charles broke it, maybe even in denial about already being partially in love with Lando. I know Millie made the comment about “does Lando know this isn’t a relationship?” But I’d like to counter that with does girlie know this is a relationship, and that Lando is just letting her believe otherwise. I think that when she finally goes to him, and is willing to admit how she’s feel, there’s going to be this moment of “😐babe, ik 😊” from Lando. Not in an arrogant way, but in a babe you’ve been living in denial for a little bit; but that’s fine I knew for the both of us. Can also see him having a room set up for Z at his apartment, the whole place baby proofed and ready for their visits (and their move in). Absolutely love Millie, I know she jokes about girlie being her mom, but I really think she’ll do girlie a lot of good. To have a friend that really is a ride or die, completely willing to support you, even if they don’t necessarily agree with your choices is so freeing. Bonus points if she ends up with a driver. Would love to see her with Logan. The boy has alway struck me as an introvert, and his last year on the grid I didn’t see him really interact with anyone other than Alex. I would love to get to see Lando take Oscar under his wing, and then Logan b/c of girlie. I would love to see girlie put some of those maternal instincts into Oscar and Logan. Cause can you imagine poor Logan is being pestered into a relationship with Millie and then bullied (lovingly) on international tv by girlie? Forcing him to come to McLaren family dinners. Even when he insists that’s he’s not family. Oh damn this got away from me! Sorry, just love the fic and wanted someone to geek out with. 🧡🧡🧡
Oh I love the idea of lando just going with the flow and doing things in y/n her pace because he knows life is crazy enough for her and Z already and because he just really wants to be with both of them 🥺
I love the room set up by lando on his apartment for when they come over and now I can't stop thinking about little Z meeting lando his nieces 😭
I think Logan and Millie will be a perfect match! Logan and Oscar go way back too so it's one big family in the end, just imagining them around a big table in their massive french countryside garden having a bbq on a hot summer night 😭
And God, don't apologise, I love it when you guys talk about the fic 😭
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dunnswrld · 2 years
sorry if this is demanding lol but could you develop further on hooters waitress reader and the boys? That was such a good concept and I’ve reread it like 20 times. I imagine them like arguing over who gets her number and them all following her out the back of the restaurant when she goes out to take a smoke break or something and standing around just to talk to her and fight for her attention😭or they ask her to take part in some stupid steveo bit and any other instance steveo would refuse to embarrass himself infront of a pretty girl but he’d literally do anything for your attention he doesn’t even care what he’s doing aslong as your watching him lmfao. I get it’s a little hard to develop on so no worries if you’d rather not☺️☺️
this isn’t demanding at all dw! i was planning on writing a part two for it anyway so this just gives me an exuse to do it quicker hehe also sorry if this isn’t very good i kinda rushed-
link to part one!
once you left the table to fetch the eight beers and one rootbeer almost all of the guys were babbling about you. they were treating you like you were the only girl on planet earth.
“did you see how pretty she was?”
“yeah we all have eyes ehren.”
“someones mad he’s only 20.”
“shut up!”
johnny seemed to be peaking over towards the bar to see if you would be returning anytime soon, he was hoping he could beat the guys to asking you for your number. but he knew how hard of a game that would be speaking that basically the whole table was after you.
but as he realized how hard it would be to catch you by yourself without any of his friends near the gears in his head began to turn; a competition.
a competition to see who can woo you the most into giving them your number. basically a competition where the best man wins.
johnny would then shush any conversations happening currently so he could explain his idea he thought was brilliant. once he was able to quiet down the table- which already took a lot out of him- he explained his idea for the competition.
“what if we all try and win her over yeah? like a competition? whoever gets her number first wins.”
rick and jeff were 100% on board, they came here to get footage and they would be mad if they left with nothing but a bill. but the rest of the guys were iffy- the thought of being rejected by such a pretty girl like you haunted their thoughts. johnny needed something to get the guys to say yes and fast.
“jeff will pay for our bills if ya guys do it!”
“i will?”
“yes! yes you will!”
after that everyone seemed to be on board, well, everyone but jeff but he probably deserved it.
the table was soon loud once again with bickering coming from almost every guy at the table.
“this challenge is going to be easy as pie.”
“yeah maybe if you arent 12 years old.”
“we probably aren’t the first people to ask her for her number here so we should have nothing to worry about.”
“yeah it just means she’s better at rejecting dudes.”
“am i really paying?”
“steve-o move your damn arm for for the last time! you’re blocking the shot!”
but just as quick as the table got loud it simmered down to silence when a figure appeared at the end of the table. but when the boys were able to look at the waitresses face they realized it wasn’t you- instead it was a shorter girl with bleach blonde hair pulled back into a high ponytail.
as she began to hand out the beers on the tray that rested on her left palm all the guys looked at her in silence, and not because they thought she was attractive- well she was but she wasn’t you. after looking at the girl like she had just walked off a ufo johnny finally spoke up,
“sorry if this sounds rude miss but where is our previous server?”
“oh yn? she’s taking her fifteen in the back, she’ll be back soon-“
the table didn’t even let the poor girl finish her sentence before they all were pushing and shoving to get out of the large booth they were in. all of them seemed to dash out the front doors, rick followed close behind with his camera.
the girl looked back at the table and saw the only man who stayed behind, jeff. he had a rather unhappy face plastered on his own.
“um.. do you want the bill sir?”
*large sigh* “yeah i’ll take the bill.”
johnny was the first one to swing open the front doors to the restaurant, he began to swing his head from left to right hoping he would spot you before anyone else did. when he swung his head to the left once more he saw gray smoke coming from the side of the building. his eyes lit up as he shoved out of the crowd the rest of the guys put him in and quickly jogged over to the corner to see who was behind it.
the rest of the guys followed him, some not even noticing the smoke coming from behind the wall but instead just following him because they didn’t know where to go themselves.
when the boys turned the corner they finally saw you again. you had a white puffer jacket on to protect yourself from the cold fall nights and a freshly lit cigarette between your lips. but the boys weren’t exactly quiet, their stumbling and shifting was rather loud which caused you to turn your head to them. when you recognized the boys as the table you had inside your brows furrowed.
“um you guys could’ve just left the tip on the table you know?”
“what? oh yeah- we aren’t here to give you a tip.”
“…am i not getting one..?”
“no no you are! we just came out here for something else.”
“are you guys about to kidnap me or something? cause if so this is the longest start to a kidnapping ever. aren’t you guys supposed to be quick?”
johnny seemed defeated after your words, it was almost like he was shooting himself in the foot with each sentence he said. he was just nervous- like really nervous.
if it couldn’t get more weird a guy with a camera shoved through the seven other guys with a rather annoyed expression. the man shifted his camera to his left hand and stuck out his right.
“hi im rick nice to meet you- anyway what i think he was trying to say is that we- actually not we just them- came out here to ask you for your number.”
“hey? is that a camera? are you filming?”
“yes and yes say hi to mtv- now back to the point.”
you looked over rick’s shoulder as you shook his hand, the group of seven boys all nervously standing behind him as some gave a smile or a small wave.
“all of them? well i can’t really give it to all of them, that would make me a- you know what im thinking of.”
all eight of the guys nodded at your words, now that they think about it it probably was weird for all seven of them to ask for your number like they did.
“you can pick the best looking one of us!”
all the guys groaned at johnnys words, even rick. everyone knew what johnny implied by that- he was the “it boy” of the group and maybe even the face of their tv show.
“you must get off to setting us all up for failure like that knoxville.” -bam
“seriously dude!” -steve-o
“competitions aren’t always fair boys.” -johnny
“competition? what competition?”
it fell quiet as the boys looked at you, rick holding back maybe the biggest laugh he ever has as he watched the scene unfold. there was no way you were going to take being made into a competition lightly.
“we’re having a competition to see who can get your number first.”
all the guys turned to chris in horror after he so nonchalantly told you that, even with a smile and laugh at the end.
but none of the guys were expecting the silence to be broken by your laughter, they didn’t know if you were laughing cause you were mad or causw you genuinely thought they situation was funny. so, they all nervously began laughing with you. though chris’s laugh was genuine.
“oh my god! thats the funniest thing ive ever been told!- oh no my cigarette-“
“you actually think it’s funny?” -ehren
“well yeah, ive never had people have a competition to get my number before.”
“can one of us get your number then or..?” -ryan
“sorry boys it’s against policy to give out my number to customers.”
“we didn’t even pay for our food our friend did! he’s the only customer!” -bam
“plus you’re on your break! you technically aren’t even working right now.” -dave
you laugh at the boys strong wills, they all seemed very dedicated to this which you couldn’t understand why. you worked at hooters and from your understanding not many guys would want a girl who worked at hooters.
“you all are very funny but i have to get back to work now and thanks to you guys i didn’t get to enjoy my last cigarette in my pack.”
steve-o’s eyes seemed to light up at your words about how you were fresh out of cigarettes. he dug into the pocket of his jeans and shoved past johnny to be face-to-face with you for the first time. he couldn’t help but look at you for a bit just to admire you, your cheeks were rosey from the cold night air and you really were just breathtaking to him.
“here take my pack. i’ve only smoked one stick.”
“oh no i couldnt take your basically new pack, it’s fine really.”
“no seriously dude take it, i have a spare in my hotel room.”
you smiled and took the pack of cigarettes from the boy with the buzzcut and sweet smile. you shoved the pack of cigarettes into your pocket and said your final goodbyes to the group of boys before pushing open the back door of the restaurant. all the boys watched your figure until the large door shut behind you.
“well looks like we all lost the competition.” -chris
“we lost? oh no dude i totally won.”
“what? how the hell did you win steve-o? ya barely said anything other than giving her a pack!” -johnny
“exactly dude i gave her my pack, i write my name and number on the inside in case i lose it!”
“oh you have to be shitting me- i lost because you’re a cheap cigarette smoker who is scared of losing a pack?!” -bam
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scaredycatqlt · 1 month
HII idk if your requests are still open but PLEASE can you do bojack/ mr peanutbutter dating head canons or any of your choice, the fandom needs more fanfics 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
awwWWW YEAH BABYYY. You already KNOW it’s gonna be toxic.
WARNING: Potentially triggering content. Nothing graphic, but talk of toxic/unhealthy relationships, questionable shit, BoJack being BoJack. SUPER MEGA FUCKING ANGST WARNING!!!
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BoJack X Reader! Headcanons [ROMANTIC💔]
woah boy.
where do I even start with this guy?
okay, so, first things first; bad idea. What the absolute fuck were you thinking.
You probably have a fix-it mentality don’t you?
You’re probably the first person to talk to him. He either doesn’t care about you at first, or absolutely despises you.
chances are you are/were a fan of the show. (Eughhh,,,,)
If you weren’t he’s like ‘>:0’
It’s not really explicitly labeled as a romantic relationship. You guys probably hooked up before you even knew each other.
So being in this (more so situation-ship than anything) is toxic, to say the least.
He’s got a whole bunch of problems and he doesn’t want to ruin you to. But he ends up doing just that anyways.
He guilt trips you. I don’t even need to say that.
He rants to you about silly things that don’t even matter. It’s kind of endearing (if he weren’t a total piece of shit.)
He’s actually really good at making conversation. You two always have something to talk about.
He can’t believe someone as ‘not-him’ as you would ever waste your time with him. He explicitly tells you this at one point.
The red flags are BLARING GIRL.
In your defense, you really didn’t know how awful he was. You just thought he was a deeply flawed man. And he is, but he’s also just an ass.
*a horse
The relationship doesn’t last. It never does with him. Either you decide to cut it off because it’s too toxic, or he cuts it off. Probably in some drunken stupor.
typical BoJack.
Mr. Peanut butter X Reader! [ROMANTIC]
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I’d like to start off by saying it would be much less toxic than a relationship with BoJack.
But still problematic…
Mr. Peanut butter and you knew eachother before you were dating, probably friends for a little while.
You two end up dating and the beginning of the relationship is idealistic and perfect!
But problems quickly arise.
like for example, Mr. Peanut butter is kind and friendly but he isn’t exactly considerate or caring. He may care about you, but he ignores your needs sometimes. More often by accident.
For example, if you don’t like people-you’re still not getting left out of parties. Mr PB is more sympathetic and much less empathetic.
His love language is gift giving and words of affirmation. I think this is made very clear throughout the show.
Whether you like it or not….
He’s very open with people about your two’s relationship and how he feels about you. He’s quick to praise you.
aside from some of the inconsiderate mess he is literally a golden retriever boyfriend <3
he is VERY quick to ask you to marry him. But I feel like if you told him you’d think about it or ‘no’ he’d understand. It’s a big decision HE might be ready for, but you’re not.
Scratch his ears.
I feel like you’d date him at a point in time where Diane isn’t a problem anymore. He learned after the first time…,,,
Sometimes he puts his needs infront of yours-without realizing it.
If you want to have a serious conversation-you’re going to have to initiate it. He HATES those, and prefers to pretend like it never happened.
I feel like there’s honestly a chance of a long term relationship with him! Or you two break up like, maybe a year or so into the relationship.
sorry I haven’t responded to requests in, like, over a month. I’ve been kinda busyyyyfhhjjjgjg 😭
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httpiastri · 5 months
hi!! so i’m very new to f2 (i’ve only started educating myself on it recently so that i can watch this season and know the teams + drivers), but when it comes to teams, is there a certain team that is capable of winning championships but also isn’t like, the best? like for example, one of their drivers can win the championship while the other driver may not perform as well that season.
(this is so specific i’m so sorry 😭)
dont apologize love!! it's a great question <3
you've chosen a good season to start watching, i think 2024 will be great!! with the new car, everyone will be kind of starting on the same level, and we have a lot of great drivers who will try to prove themselves this year. it's going to be wonderful 🤭
the way i see it, f2 is much more equal than f1, but it's still not completely equal. some teams just don't usually get good results, but there are several teams who are up in the fight for the titles every year. but different teams have different budgets, different levels of skill in their engineers & other staff members, and so on.
so i think i would say that the short answer is yes, some teams occasionally will win the driver's championship with one driver while the other driver finishes far from the top in the standings. i'm not sure if it's because the team has invested more money and time into only one car, because the car just fits one driver better, or because one driver is just better – i guess that differs a lot from year to year.
but i wouldn't say that there's just one team that fits into that category. in 2017-2019, the team's championship was won by another team than the team of the driver who took the driver's title. in those years, the drivers of other teams were just more consistent i guess. in 2020 and 2021, prema had two good years with two drivers who constantly were in the top of the points. in 2022, felipe drugovich was very dominant and only finished out of the points twice. and in 2023, it was a very close fight between the art gp drivers and the prema drivers, but the art gp drivers were more consistent.
i made a quick lil summary of the seasons since f2 (the version we have today) started, feel free to skip it if you want to;
2017 - charles leclerc won the driver's championship, driving for prema, but prema lost the team's championship to russian time (now virtuosi racing) as their drivers came 2nd and 4th in the championship (charles's teammate came 8th).
2018 - george russell took the win in the driver's championship, but his team, art gp, lost the team's championship to carlin (lando's team).
2019 - nyck de vries took the most points, giving art gp their second consecutive driver's title, but the team only came third in the driver's standings with 277 points, since his teammate nikita mazepin only scored 11 points all season. dams scored 418 points and their drivers came in second and fourth in the standings.
2020 - prema took the title, after having come second to last in the 2019 team's championship. mick schumacher won the driver's championship, but only 14 points ahead of virtuosi driver callum ilott. mick and robert shwartzman scored a total of 392 points for prema, while callum and teammate zhou guanyu took home 352.5 points for virtuosi.
2021 - oscar's year <3 in 2021, the team's championship wasn't really that exciting; oscar took 252.5 points, robert (who came second) took 192, for a total of 444.5 points for prema. the second best team, virtuosi, scored 288 in total.
2022 - felipe drugovich was quite dominant, scoring over 100 points more than second-place theo pourchaire (265 points vs 164). his teammate in mp motorsport, clement novalak, came in 14th with a total of 40 points – but without those 40 points, mp would've finished third in the championship instead of first. carlin and art gp were 8 and 24 points behind the team, respectively.
2023 - well, i don't wanna say too much about this season because if i start i think i might not ever finish. but i think you could say that all four drivers (theo pourchaire, frederik vesti, victor martins and ollie bearman, finishing in that order in the standings) of the top two teams (art gp and prema) all showed great pace all season. art gp took only two race wins throughout the season, whereas prema took ten. fred and ollie were extremely unlucky at times, though, and i'm not sure if it's because of the team or truly just bad luck. though, fred losing both of his rear tyres was definitely the team's fault... but other drivers had good pace too, like jack doohan and ayumu iwasa who finished 3rd and 4th, while their teammates finished 15th and 20th in the total standings.
hope this wasn't too long and i wasn't too confusing.... feel free to stop by if you have any other questions or anything love!! 💓
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syrelivesforptj · 2 years
More MLAAL shenanigans because I am bored and in a car.
[BossmanAncheol added Sangmin Gu]
Dabin: Why…
[BossmanAncheol changed Sangmin Gu’s name to Watch Yourself]
Watch Yourself: hello, Ancheol added me back in
Dabin: I see that… care to explain yourself Ancheol?
BigmanMingyu: Oooooh DAMN 😨
JJinuKim: How are all these jailed assholes getting phones? Why are we skimming past this?
BossmanAncheol: he asked me so I told him if he didn’t hit on you, he could get added back. I have eyes everywhere.
BossmanAncheol: I mean everywhere.
BigmanMingyu: Does that answer ur questions Jinu Kim? @JJinukim
JJinuKim: No all it does is take away one variable. Actually I have more questions. Like, WHAT PRISON ARE THESE GUYS IN?? ARE THERE JUST NO GUARDS??
Watch yourself: Gitae, tell Hangu I need it for just a little while. I promise I will give it back I just need to say something
Watch yourself: sorry
Rizzmaster69: as the winter breeze sat upon us, a feeling of impending doom loomed over.
Dabin: Fine. Sangmin, what did you want to say? Make it quick.
BigmanMingyu: Seulgi coming in with the Rizzed up mini text.
JJinuKim: The suspense is killing me everyone be quiet while he types.
Watch yourself: i wanted to say sorry to Dabin for bothering her all these years. It was my first crush and I didn’t know how to handle it, I breached her privacy and for that I apologise. Also, sorry Ancheol for what I said on the day I was kicked. You guys are perfect together
BossmanAncheol: thank you Sangmin, that means a lot to us.
JJinuKim: That wasn’t worth the 2 minutes I stared at chat.
Dabin: Awww… Sangmin that’s really sweet.
Dabin: Okay, I forgive you, I was also a bit weird with my crushes in Highschool, so I have no room to judge hehe.
[BossmanAncheol changed Watch yourself’s name to Brown Flag]
Brown Flag: thank you for accepting, Im really grateful
Dabin: You’re a good guy, Sangmin! You’ll meet the right girl eventually :)
Brown Flag: oh
BigmanMingyu: Jinu are u seeing what I’m seeing?
JJinuKim: Depends, do you see two oblivious idiots?
BossmanAncheol: hey you can call me an oblivious idiot but calling my wife an oblivious idiot is a big no.
JJinuKim: I was talking about You and Sangmin but okay.
Brown Flag: actually I have something else I need to say
Rizzmaster69: and thy impending doom hath fallen
PrisonBroski(2): This is Hangu, had to say that Sangmin is giggling his ass off in his room. (We have an app that lets us see eachother through our camera)
JJinuKim: Ignoring that, what did you have to say Sangmin?
BossmanAncheol: ??
Brown Flag: Dabin, will you go out with me?
Rizzmaster69: explosion
JJinuKim: I knew it was gonna happen but I still wasn’t prepared…
Brown Flag: but she said I’d find a girl eventually. She was hitting on me
PrisonBroski(2): Ban Hammer!
JJinuKim: Ban Hammer!
BigmanMingyu: Ban Hammer!!
Rizzmaster69: Ban Hammer!
Brown Flag: what
BossmanAncheol: the people have spoken, Sangmin.
BossmanAncheol: any last words?
Brown Flag: yeah, actually
BossmanAncheol: too slow!
[BossmanAncheol kicked Brown Flag from Ancheol and the rest]
0 notes
discotreque · 2 years
Disco 4.07: ...But to Connect
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Well, that was a terrible episode... JUST KIDDING LOL, I LOVED THIS ONE TOO.
Look, there’s plenty of bad-faith criticism of Discovery out there, and sadly too many good-faith bad takes, and way too much boring pissbaby whining—but there are also plenty of valid complaints to make about this show, and I’ve been making plenty of them myself, on this very blog, for three-and-a-half seasons.
The—let’s say “uneven”—quality to date isn’t exactly a surprise, given its clusterfuck of a production history; the well-documented turmoil and turnover in the writer’s room has had an obvious and undeniable impact on the quality of the narrative. (You could even say they’ve had a long road, getting from there to here.)
Everything about this show—the direction, production design, performances, editing, VFX, music—has always been better than the scripts, but it’s not like the scripts were entirely without potential. In fact, the sheer amount of unrealized potential has always been the most frustrating thing to me about Star Trek: Discovery.
Well, I guess I have to find a new most-frustrating thing (and experto credite, I will), because holy fucking shit, y’all… this is what I’ve been saying Disco could be. It’s still not flawless—and they’ve apparently ditched subtlety as thoroughly as they ditched the 23rd century—but I do. not. care. I’m getting one thousand percent more of what I want from this season than I got from the last three seasons combined, and don’t get me wrong—I liked Season 2, and I really liked Season 3—but Season 4 feels like a completely different show. A much, much, much better show.
Buckle up for mid-season spoilers:
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Sorry Michael, but my cat Nora wouldn’t fuck with that little holo-toy either—based on her reaction to laser pointers, she needs something she can sink her teeth into—literally—once she catches it. If she can’t pretend to sever its spinal cord, my picky little princess is not interested.
I guess “The Measure of a Woman” would have been too on-the-nose as a title for this episode? Jokes aside, I like how they seem to be positioning Zora as a Data-esque character: the AI who’s a sweet, well-meaning nerd, who’s also still learning organic social graces. Also, the problem with her attaining sentience isn’t that she’ll turn malicious, or pursue her own inscrutable cyber-agenda, but that she loves the crew so much she’s making irrational choices to protect them? AAAAAAAAA 😭😭😭
It figures that Dr. Kovich—who wears glasses and a tie in the 32nd century like a full-time Ren Faire weirdo—also uses a QWERTY-ass-looking keyboard on his holo-computer.
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And then he dropped his whole CV in that scene like Michelle Paradise is literally reading this blog? (Ha ha, but also… 🥺👉👈)
Cleveland Booker, I love you like only a lesbian can love a fictional man created by another lesbian, but could you please at least skim The Art of War like, once? If Species 10-C can harness the power of hypergiant stars to—I’m guessing here, based on the themes of this season—accidentally slap entire planets to pieces, there probably isn’t much you can accomplish against them with sheer brute force, my guy. I’m also thinking about the wasp nest on my garage 15 years ago that I was going to ignore until winter (out of laziness), and then one of them stung me on the ear while I was putting my bike away and those fuckers were gone by the weekend. If it’s really a five-minute solution, what’s to lose by asking “Why did you blow up my planet” real quick before trying to kick them in the nuts through subspace?
A real delight to have Phumzile Sitole back as Adira’s old boss, General Ndoye, and in a nifty little hat too! Jonathan Frakes, who directed her previous episode, said in an interview that she’d been planning to quit acting when she booked the gig, but she had such a great time on Disco that she decided to stick with it. So it’s extra wholesome to see her again! I especially loved every time someone proposed violence at the forum and the camera just cut to Ndoye silently nodding like “fuck yeah, blow stuff up.” 😂
President Rillak evaded my expectations once again when Michael suggested she had a personal stake in Earth rejoining the Federation, and instead of hiding behind a bland talking point, Rillak said quite candidly that she was both personally and politically invested. (And it turns out she’s got mommy issues too—take a drink!)
I frickin’ loved how Kovich insisted on… uh-oh, here it comes again… absolute candor when sorting out the issues between Zora and the crew. Emotional honesty: it’s not just a good idea, it’s an overarching narrative theme! (Plus: “We always mean well to ourselves, Captain. The problem is what that means for others.” Ooooof.)
I’m pretty sure that they mentioned Control more times in this episode than in the entirety of Season 3.
Gray and Adira standing up for Zora made me cry happy tears. Say what you will, but I think we’re in good hands with Gen ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha here.
The writers are lucky I don’t mind a little massive amount of didactic speechifying in my science fiction, because for real, I’ve read Peter Watts books that were less transparent about giving every single character an entire TED Talk about every relevant philosophical viewpoint on the table. (Blindsight is still my favourite vampire novel, btw.)
I’m glad nobody except Stamets in full Writer’s Devil’s Advocate mode really entertained Zora’s failsafe solution. “If you stop trusting me, just go ahead and summarily execute me” is uhhhh not really how we treat each other around here, Zora!
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Just as I was starting to get sick of Tarka’s shit, he dropped his motive for attacking the DMA—stealing its power source to leave this universe entirely and find his “““friend”””—and Jesus did I ever pivot fast from “this chaotic-neutral mad scientist isn’t quite as endearing as he thinks he is” to just, like, sobbing in my kitchen. I’d say it hit me out of nowhere, but (a) the score reminded me of Jerry Goldsmith’s Star Trek: First Contact theme, one of my favourite pieces of Star Trek music, and (b) I’ve been 1,000 miles from the love of my life for 18 months now because of this fucking pandemic. Tarka might be the most relatable character on this show for me right now. If he’s telling the truth, I hope he gets what he wants—and if he was lying to manipulate Book, I hope Grudge eats his eyeballs.
Speaking of music, I’m pretty sure the theme that played during Paul and Michael’s overlapping speeches has appeared in this season already—I remember finding it unusual to hear so much non-diagetic piano in Star Trek—and maybe even where it changes into the main Disco theme and the woodwinds come in—but combined with the dialogue (or double monologue or whatever) this time around, it really, really hit me.
I did feel like Michael (and/or Rillak?) could have leaned harder on the point that, if first contact with Species 10-C did go awry, they could immediately deploy Tarka’s destructive solution anyway. I’m sure a lot of the pro-violence faction would have agreed that approaching 10-C with a carrot and a stick that big in their back pocket would be a logical move, right? (I know, I know, that’s not what this episode is about, but it was nagging at me the entire time.)
I guess the conflict over leaving Felix at the prison the other week was foreshadowing for Michael and Book being on opposite sides of the vote here. And once again, I’m pretty firmly on one of the sides—Michael’s, this time—but I also feel like I understand the other side, and how they got to their position both intellectually and emotionally, and even though I don’t agree with those conclusions, even though they make my heart feel heavy and sad… I can’t not respect it.
Also, shoutout to the realism of finding yourself on the other side of that kind of ideological gulf from someone you love. There are no good solutions there; the best you can do, I think, is be completely honest with each other and yourselves. And the worst part about Michael and Book’s situation is that they’re already doing that, and I think it’s already done everything it can. 💔 Additional shoutout to the face journeys of both Sonequa Martin-Green and David Ajala for making me feel like my heart got kicked in the stomach.
Anyway. It cracked me up when they established Zora’s personhood by locating her inner clip show device—so we know she’s at least as sentient as Riker, that’s a start. AND SHE’S JOINING STARFLEET??? THIS IS LIT-ER-AL-LY EVERYTHING I’VE EVER WANTED, OMFGGGG 😭😭😭😭😭😭
…though I guess that means Zora doesn’t need Gray as a permanent therapist, awwww. I can’t say I didn’t see it coming, and it’s a storyline that makes sense for him and Adira, but ohhhhh, that goodbye scene was bittersweet. (I’m glad they’ve figured out a way to write queer characters off this show without killing them, lmao.) And Adira knowing, before Gray even had to break it to them, what he wanted to do, and being whole-heartedly supportive and encouraging, was just unspeakably sweet. I’m like twice Adira’s age; how are they such a role model for me?
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Another thing I wanted, never thought I’d get, and appear to be actually getting in spades? A genuine romance storyline with T’Rina and Saru! And according to his Ready Room interview, it was Doug Jones’s own idea? He picked up on some Sa’Rina ~vibes~ when he read the script—vibes that the writers apparently hadn’t put there on purpose—and mentioned them to Tara Rosling, who saw them too, and they played a little bit of tension in their Season 3 scenes… and then the writers picked it up for Season 4! I love that so, so much.
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I seriously can’t stop laughing at the parallels between Book’s decision to go off with Tarka to destroy the DMA and—spoilers for the Netflix reboot of She-Ra, I guess?—Glimmer choosing to activate the Heart of Etheria at the end of that show’s Season 4. In both cases you have a good-hearted but impulsive character who’s suffered a profound loss and feels a responsibility to stop that from happening again… and tries to do so by unleashing a horrific and destructive power that they don’t understand and can’t control, endangering everyone’s lives and alienating their loved ones. (Also, in both cases, you have me yelling at my TV at 6:30 in the morning.)
Honestly, continuing to parallel Glimmer might be the best outcome for Book: spending the first half of Season 5 in a redemption arc apologizing to Michael (and Grudge) would be better than what feels much more likely for him right now: getting swatted out of space by Species 10-C like—well, like a wasp.
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Sparkly princess feelings aside, the “installation” of the spore drive into Book’s programmable-matter interface was by far one of the coolest “oh shit, we’re in the future-future” moments that Disco 2.0 has done yet. More of that too, please. (Finally, my last @ for Book: if you don’t want people calling your ship a “floating bachelor pad,” the very least you could do is give it a NAME they could use instead.)
I wrote this about last year’s finale:
A lot of people were worried Vance was going to turn out to be evil, but I was more worried he was going to end up making a heroic sacrifice for (and/or inspired by) the Disco crew—and he sort of does, but it’s not his life he sacrifices, it’s peace with the Emerald Chain. If the only path to “survival” is as the fraudulently legitimizing façade of benevolence over a corrupt, capitalistic criminal empire, well… that’s the destruction of everything the Federation has ever stood for anyway.
And that’s, by my count, Star Trek: Discovery’s third consecutive season-ending reminder that our principles and ideals, our better natures, must inform every decision we make—every single one, in war and in peace—because a victory that costs you the ability to look at yourself in the mirror isn’t going to feel like a victory at all.
Well. Not only do they seem to be going 4-for-4 on this (profoundly important and perennially relevant) theme, this year they didn’t even wait for the season finale to have Michael Burnham make a big speech about it.
Does that put the back half of this season in uncharted thematic territory? I guess we have to wait five weeks (ughhhhh) to find out. But according to the trailer I saw after the credits, we’ll at least get to see Michael Burnham in some kind of civilian setting tossing around gambling chips like a total fucking badass… so who knows, it might even be worth the wait.
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lovlettres-moved · 4 years
HEY HEY HEY! AHhh the NEWEST HQ EP!!! I’m so happy karasuno won like I was holding breath the whole time and that moment where kagehina both blocked the ball together :0 they really said ❌no that is OUR quick not yours ❌ but like I’m also kinda sad for inarazaki boys esp for Kita because like isn’t this the last game for him as he’s in 3rd year? But also for Atsumu :( but I’m wondering who karasuno will go against next like I think it will be nekoma right ..!!! I can’t wait !!!! But I hope we see them again I love the twins a lot!!! Also hinata best boy like the smile he had on his face and how he always keeps going.. 🥺🥺 I love how in this game we saw more of the other characters (BABY NOYA IS SO SMALL I LOVE HIM 🤧) and their drive.. tanaka outdid himself in this game !!! And that moment where the ball was in the air and like everyone just breathed :0! I really want karasuno to win nationals.. they deserve it and I think maybe they could do it!!!! it’ll be so interesting seeing them go against the cat boys for real.. but who am I meant to support like... I don’t want either of them to lose 😔🙃 I also miss kiyoko where has she gone :( Ok I hope you’re doing well and having a good day .. pls look after yourself and rest as much as you can since it’s winter!! Hinata says ms lovlettres best girl.. it’s true!! ❤️💕❤️- hq anon!!!
I’m sorry I’ve sent you many asks these last few days :/// but I’m excited hhhh !!! The finale ep happened today!! And !! I’m so excited that they’ll be against nekoma .. idk what I’ll do like who do I even root for .. I know I’ll be so sad whichever of them loses :/ but it’ll be interesting since kenma really wants to win against hinata and 🥺 also I really want to see more of fukurodani and them playing like :0 bokuto seems so determined that’s my owl boy also the ending where they were just laughing and resting 🥺🥺😭 they all worked very hard im proud also kageyama has my entire heart truly he does 😔 can’t believe haikyuu gave me this serotonin boost every week wow the power they hold 😭 ok I hope you’re ok and resting during this time.. please rest as much as you can since you’re working hard.. I hope things get easier for you soon ❤️💕- haikyuu anon
okay first of all HI HAIKYUU ANON!!! i love your long asks fjjefje they always make me so happy
omg last week's episode was truly something else, the animation for the entire season was a bit disappointing but last week's and this week's somehow made up for it idk how
and yes!!!! i know kitas speech made me cry fr bc..... his approach towards life is so gentle but also firm.... i love how his character adds another layer to the entire story 🥺🥺
omg all the flashbacks of the characters, esp noya and the miya twins made me so happy... and like i said the whole inarizaki match adds something entirely new to the story like hinatas hunger to rival everything and catch up with tobio ( and vice versa) and the twins approach towards the game and how kita said they would've had fun playing against tobio and hinata bc their hunger to play matches the others.... it's all so neatly wrapped up
omg no don't apologize for the asks... sharing my love for haikyuu with someone else is such a nice feeling!!! so you can always send me asks whenever!!! 💖
omg you'll see the miya twins somewhere in the stands in the future episodes, it's not for very long but they do appear with kita
omg i think you'll adore the match between nekoma and karasuno bc it's stretched out so differently from inarizakis and nekomas dominant style of play as defence and karasunos dominant style of play as attack makes the ball stay in the air for so long....
(also a little spoiler but you said you wanted to see more fukurodani and they'll appear after nekoma, i think... my memory is failing me rn gjejjfjw)
and right!? haikyuu was a happiness boost for the last 2 months.... even though half of the episodes were gmwkfjgjekeifikwe :/ but i still had something to look forward to
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