#this is the most chaotic thing ive ever seen
gunsatthaphan · 1 month
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peaceful property - coming august 28th
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coloursflyaway · 5 months
i am rewatching dead boy detectives and i just realised that charles is so insistent on his chaotic bisexual sitting that he found a ladder to perch on like a little sparrow next to edwin's ironing board desk, instead of just getting a chair
10/10, no notes, love that beautiful little menace more than life itself
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Nimona headcanons cause I love this chaotic little family
I’ve seen a lot of people say Ambrosius is a morning person and Bal is a night owl 
And I have to respectfully disagree 
Will Bal pull some all-nighters in the lab? Absolutely 
But this man is the most early bird coded character I’ve ever seen in my entire life 
When he isn't fully invested in a project he can't stay up past 10 pm
He wakes up at 6 am refreshed and barely needs caffeine 
I’ve also seen a lot of people say he’s a dedicated coffee drinker but something about this man screams “Coffee gives me migraines” 
Ambrosius on the other hand 
That’s an insomniac if I’ve ever seen one 
He’ll get ready for bed around 9 and then stay up til 3 in the morning
Poor babe needs coffee in an IV
He used to wake up really early back in the institute cause he was forced to run a mile every minute he was late to class 
And he’s a heavy sleeper so after the wall came down and he quit being a knight he wouldn't wake up before 1 pm even with Bals help 
And Nimona is just as bad 
Most nights Ambrosius will leave the room because he moves a lot when he can’t sleep and Bal is a light sleeper 
He’ll sit in the living room watching tv while trying to sleep and most of the time Nimona will join him 
Every once and a while Bal will find them laying on top of each other on the couch and will take them back to their respective beds 
And if you’re wondering what their favorite show to watch together is it’s those house-flipping shows 
But not for the reason you think
Most people watch those shows cause they think it’s inspiring 
Ambrosius and Nimona talk about how terrible these people are at their jobs  
They’ll go on hour-long rants about how these people are stripping the houses of everything that made them a home
(Ambrosius is a sentimental bitch and would be a maximalist after leaving the institute prove me wrong)
When Nimona is bored she’ll go into the city disguised as Bal or Ambrosius 
And she’ll fool literally everyone it’s a pretty common occurrence for the boys to be at home and then they hear the other swearing like a damn sailor because there are already news articles about it
The only people she can’t fool are Bal and Ambrosius 
Bal will shut them down almost immediately 
They’ll walk over to Bal and won’t even get a word out before Bal says “Shift back Nim you’re freaking me out”
They always make a big deal out of being caught making big decorations like “I’m getting better and one day I’ll fool you” 
And he’ll hum in agreement but he knows that it doesn’t matter how good he gets or how observant he is he’ll be able to fully copy every little detail 
The details that Bal has spent the past decade and a half remembering  
You know the little things like how he can’t say Bal or Nimona’s names without smiling even when he’s pissed
Or how he scrunches his nose when he laughs 
Ambrosius always acts like Nimona tricked him
He’ll let them get comfortable in the character and then he’ll drop the bomb 
Something small and inconspicuous like “Hey Nim do you want pizza for dinner?” and they’ll excitedly proclaim “Hell yeah pizza!” 
It takes them a second to realize they’ve been played and when they do they never make a big deal about it
They normally just mumble a curse or two and walk away with their tail between their legs (literally)
The first time Nimona tried to trick Ambrosius was when he was having one of those days 
You know the days when even breathing feels like a fucking battle
This was in a really awkward period too
Like right after Nimona and Ambrosius started trusting each other but right before they really started to get to know each other 
But she knew the boys well enough to know if Bal came home to a sad Ambrosius then he’d be in a bad mood for the rest of the day 
And she knows that the only thing that can cure a mopey Ambrosius is Bal 
She walked into the room and started talking to Ambrosius and was kind of surprised and a little bit peeved about how well she was fooling him
Until he said “You can drop the act Nim I know it’s you” 
They kind of just sat in that silence for a minute until Nimona said the first thing that came to her mind 
“You want me to find my sax?” 
Bal shouldn’t have been surprised to find Nimona disguised as him serenading Ambrosius with the worst freestyle jazz he’s ever heard (which is saying something)
He didn’t even say anything he just sat down and cuddled the love of his life while watching their kid try and play the sax while breakdancing
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stjernehiimmel · 7 months
ever since writing the bf felix hcs, ive thought about doing them for all the members....... a banger idea imo
random bf skz headcanons.
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bang chan:
he's often busy, but texts you a lot during the day and night, to make sure you're okay.
whenever he's not busy, he's cooking homemade meals for you. you always tell him how he's spoiling you by doing this, to which he smiles (totally showing off those cute dimples on purpose.)
you two would definitely wear cute matching tshirts and hoodies.
you absolutely love to ruffle his hair, especially when he's got his natural curls. he doesn't get why you like his hair so much, but he thinks it feels nice when you run your fingers through it.
lee know:
soonie, doongie and dori all love you. it kinda makes your boyfriend jealous (but don't worry, it goes both ways.)
you often go visit cat cafés together and pet cute kitties, totally making minho's beloved cats jealous when you come home and they smell the stranger cats on your clothes.
sometimes he says the most random and kind of unsettling things at random times. while others would find him weird, you respond in the exact same way, totally enabling each other’s chaotic and random vibes.
the things you two talk about make no fucking sense sometimes.
he says he likes watching movies by himself, but you've definitely seen his slight smile when you say you want to join.
he'll gladly flex his muscles for you if you ask him to.
all jokes aside, you two often work out together. imagine you trying to do a pull-up and you find it difficult...
he'll come help by lifting you up by your waist 🤭
whenever you don't work out or go out to eat together, you watch either really shitty or good horror movies.
it's always a 50/50% chance if the movie is good or not. usually it's changbin choosing what you're gonna watch and he has a tendency to choose kind of cheesy and bad ones.
but in the chance that it's a good, scary one, he'll hold you close so you don't get scared.
you can definitely expect to be a model - or at least inspiration - for his paintings. he always tells you that you're beautiful and that he wants to paint something that reminds him of you.
other times you both have chaotic energy and go terrorize the public with it. like that time hyunjin wanted to record a video of you dancing the choreography to lalalala by a fountain and then you proceeded to slip and fall into the water by accident. he has never laughed that much before in his life (after making sure you were okay, of course.)
you’re both total drama queens, but that’s what makes the two of you so good and funny together.
sometimes, however, you have to remind your boyfriend to not side eye people. mostly because you’re scared he might get airfryed… again.
most of the time you two just chill and lay around, occasionally showing each other a funny tiktok you found.
and then at other times you will go buy snacks and drinks, then put on a good anime and cuddle close under a cozy blanket.
✨ just introvert things ✨
whenever you have both decided you've been inside for too long, you'll go for a long walk to get fresh air. sometimes you'll even stop by a café and get a coffee (and maybe a slice of cake you can share too!)
and then back you go to chilling 🥹
he'll definitely bake brownies and other tasty things for you.
he looks expectantly at you as you taste what he's baked for you. don't upset him 🥺
you'll often play video games together.
felix tends to be a bit of a nerd in the games you two play, but you think it's cute. especially when he's secretly built something special in minecraft for you (probably from a build he saw on youtube)
you and felix go shopping for clothes as well.
he'll wait patiently outside the changing room while you're trying on clothes. and if you're ever in doubt about something, you can ask for his opinion.
coffee dates. always.
he gets very excited about grabbing a coffee with you. often he'll have a small gift with him.
you two always take cute selfies together.
you can definitely expect him to be the one to take the best photos of you. he's talented!
he's super quick to notice when you're feeling sad or angry. and he'll do his best to cheer you up again.
you go on marvel marathons often. even though you've probably watched all the movies over 10 times.
he likes cooking, so you two do that a lot together. although, he often ends up breaking something... he's a bit clumsy.
he just (nervously) laughs about it while you're scolding him though.
you always end up forgiving him. you can't be mad at that smiley face.
you two will also just lay around and shop for clothes online, showing each other what you're planning on buying.
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twistedastrology · 5 months
🌊my take on neptune🌊
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LOOK at that gorgeous fucking planet man-
i wanna start this with a little tiny disclaimer that my take on neptune is very different from the usual and kinda flips a lot of shit on its head so my bad if this makes no sense to u but i wouldn't be uranus ruled if i didnt do shit crazy different would i 💔💔
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let's start with what I'm dismantling-
in modern astrology, neptune is often considered the higher octave of venus and is known as the planet of spirituality or higher love. ive seen a lot of ppl say that neptune is associated with hollywood, which makes no fucking sense to me but whatever yknow to each their own-
neptune is also known as the ruler of pisces, and is exalted in cancer, the sign the moon rules.
I am about to flip a Whole fuckton on its head here so strap in and give me ur brain for a second 💔💔
neptune, the god, is the roman counterpart to poseidon, and poseidon rules over the sea, storms and earthquakes- generally very chaotic stuff-
poseidon's egyptian equivalent would be Seth, or Set. Seth was the god of chaos, storms, earthquakes, generally very chaotic stuff again.
Seth was also a trickster and, in egyptian mythology, overall kind of an asshole (since he literally chopped up Osiris into like a billion pieces and then scattered him across the earth so- idk kind of a dick move ngl)
but that's what he did!! that was his thing!!! he was the god of chaos!!!! gods of chaos are gonna be kinda assholes!!!!
But what does this mean for neptune- well this means that Neptune would be Seth (and neptune is known for it's deceptive qualities)
now keep that in ur brain as i go off on another tangent that will eventually circle back around to this one-
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another proposal i have that may be shocking is that to me, Neptune is the one that rules Cancer, and the moon is the one that rules Pisces.
stay with me here hold on hear me out 💔
since ive been quite literally twisting the fuck out of astrology in my head and debunking cancer myth after cancer myth, I've come to find that cancers are a much more volatile sign than we give them credit for- or at least Can be-
they're not crybabies by any sense of the imagination, and like i said in my post abt cancers and rage, they feel anger more heavily than anything. they can also be very chaotic because they're cardinal water (think tsunamis).
now they're not all bad, dont think im tryna paint em as villains dawg i am literally a cancer rising/mars- but they have a distinct dark side to them that is Not to be fucked with.
cancers are often considered the "mothers" of the zodiac, but that has been watered down to "they're good with kids and probably want kids"- when cancers were Initially considered the mothers of the zodiac, they were talking abt cancers are the Guardians of the Zodiac.
not the galaxy-
now i will say, if a cancer has children, they will be VERY protective of them, but not in a helicopter-y way. more like in a "if you say something bad about their children or threaten to harm their children in any way, they will most likely punch you in the face and knock you out."
they wont bitch at you or be polite about it, they will probably break your face- BREAK YOUR FUCKIN FACE TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!
now, where do cancers get that rage from? who around here borders on being or Is a god of chaos in the zodiac................. seth.
neptune is a much darker, more volatile planet than we give it credit for, just like cancers can be the same- But at the same time, they can both be very pleasant entities-
cancers can easily be some of the nicest people you've ever met, they're incredibly loyal and would probably go to war for you if you meant a lot to them, and they can be VERY and often times Are creative and artistic in some way.
neptune can be a very rewarding planet to work with, it can be incredibly creative because of the depth it represents, and it can put you and guide you on your path to and through spirituality.
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neptune ruling cardinal water makes much more sense in this light than it ruling mutable water in my opinion. a planet as potentially volatile as neptune would NOT be mutable.
all of this also comes partially from my slightly different idea of what higher octaves really are- ive seen people say they're the "large scale influence" planets, but i think they're quite literally just the more powerful versions of the planets they're the higher octaves of (so they can and do affect the large scale, but that's not ALL they are).
so the moon in this case would deal with our conscious emotions, our humanity, that level of stuff- which makes more sense for pisces in my opinion- the moon would be more along the lines of the emotions we Think we should feel (mutable) and therefore do- the moon is how we may have Learned to feel, among many other things.
whereas neptune is our deep, inner self. our subconscious emotions, the feelings that penetrate our very soul. neptune is our shadow self, but it's also our higher self. just as the moon has a dark side, neptune has one too, but neptune's dark side is infinitely more painful.
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this role switch also makes much more sense at least in my chart, because when looking at the moon as being my chart ruler, my co-ascendant would be pisces, which never made any sense to me- so i chalked it up to "oh well my moon is 1° pisces so it's basically aquarius i guess" which DID make sense
but my moon is still in pisces. My neptune, however, is firmly in aquarius, which explains perfectly why i feel so much more aquarius coded than anything else.
im also like 99% outer planet ruled, mercury being the only inner planet that dominates my chart- my most active planets are mercury, saturn, uranus, neptune and pluto 😮‍💨
i wanna say that whenever i switch everything up like this, i still find value in normal astrology and often combine it with my twisted version to get the most accuracy possible- so while my neptune and uranus are in mutual reception (aquarius/pisces) but i believe that neptune rules cancer, i still feel that mutual reception but i also still feel the neptune/cancer influence, especially since my ascendant literally starts in the neptune decan of cancer.
and this makes my chart make a lot more sense in terms of neptune too-
if this makes absolutely no fucking sense at all to you then that's fine!!! this is just my personal view on neptune and i honestly still associate a lot of My View of neptune's traits with the moon, which is why i incorporate a multitude of different perspectives into how i interpret everything and it gives me accurate meanings so i see no problem with it-
once it stops being accurate, then there's a problem, but we're not there yet so it's ok 🙏🙏
ultimately u can kinda just take this as food for thought if nothing else!! and if u read this far into my yapping session, god bless fr 😮‍💨 (i am not religious. HAHAHHAA)
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silverofthunder · 5 months
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☆ downfall ☆
Papa Emeritus IV x GN Reader || 🔞
summary: ”I need more time.”
content: 2.6k words, mystery (kind of), drama, fantasy, romance, angst, hurt/comfort
♡♡ part 1 ♡♡ part 2 ♡♡ part 3 ♡♡ part 4 ♡♡ part 5 ♡♡
Finally reached this point of the story. This wasn't that easy to write but well, sometimes things go different way. I love how this story is challenging me even thought this has been pretty easy to write on most parts. Enjoy!
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It had been a while since you two had spend some time at the cemetery. Everything had started from there so it was only natural to return there. The coldness of the night was biting but you were so comfortable sitting on the large tombstone, sketching in your notebook. Copia was lying beside you, his head resting on your lap and you used his upper arm as a stand for your notebook. He wasn’t asleep, obviously, just enjoying the quietness like you.
Lately you had been having moments like this more frequently, where there was silence between you, and you had usually been writing or sketching while Copia was just close to you. It didn’t feel like you needed to talk, just sharing the space, the night was enough. You were glad that Copia didn’t need to spend all of his nights alone anymore. Of course he had his brothers but it wasn’t the same. The Emeritus brothers were quite a gang now that you had gotten to know them better and you knew how… chaotic it might get if they would spend too much time with each other.
You smiled and shook your head at the thought of the brothers arguing with each other. Especially Terzo and Copia seemed to clash the most, though it was still obvious that they cared about one another greatly. Being the eldest ones, Primo and Secondo were probably the voices of reason and did they best to keep things civil. Copia adored Primo and they seemed to have the closest brotherly bond. It was sweet, seeing the two always being so kind to each other, speaking of the other warmly.
Copia and Secondo seemed to share the most mysterious bonds you had ever seen. There was respect and all but you hadn’t seen them showing much affection towards each other. Well, it wasn’t really that odd as Secondo certainly was someone who seemed to be less open about his feelings. His stoicness was sometimes intimidating and he wasn’t really talkative in general but it didn’t mean that he didn’t care about his brothers.
”Penny for you thoughts.” Copia’s voice brought you back on earth. You chuckled quietly, slipping your notebook and pen into your coat’s pocket, threading your fingers into Copia’s hair.
”I was just thinking about you and your brothers and how things are between you.”
Copia shifted, turning his head so he could look up at you. In the dim light of your phone’s flashlight Copia seemed a bit… tired but you didn’ t think more of it and just smiled down at him.
”Well, they can be a pain in the ass but we’re as great we can be,” Copia said with a small smile on his lips.
The silence returned between you quickly as neither of you seemed to want to continue the conversation and you lifted your head to gaze into the distance. The coldness was really starting to get into you and you needed to move soon, otherwise you would freeze on the spot. A thought crossed your mind and you pondered for a moment if you dared to suggest it.
”Could we play a bit?” you eventually asked. ”I really need to move or I’ll freeze to death.”
Copia moved into a sitting position, raising his brow.
”Yeah, it’s silly but…” you paused for a moment, turning to look at Copia, ”could you maybe chase me, like you were hunting?”
Copia blinked like he was trying to figure out if he had heard right. You waited, eyes scanning Copia’s face closely. This time he had no paints on and there were indeed lines on his face, clearly a sign of tiredness. A small knot of worry formed within you but you decided to leave it be for now.
”Sure, if that’s what you want,” Copia finally responded, offering you a smile. You stood up immediately, your feet feeling a little numb so you had to rub them for a moment and do some little jumps. Copia looked at you amused, standing then up, too.
”Let’s have some fun,” you smirked and started to walk backwards, further away from Copia. Soon you turned your back on him and ran, the excitement bubbling inside you.
Copia took his time to circle you, moving fast and with elegance, before grabbing you from behind and swirling you around to steal a quick kiss from you. You laughed as he disappeared soon after and continued running.
The next moment he appeared in front of you, fangs bared and you smiled as he wrapped his arms around you, lifting you up and spinning around. When your feet met the ground again, Copia was gone in the blink of an eye, now lurking somewhere in the darkness. Watching, following your every move as your feet carried you around the cemetery.
Eventually you started to feel out of breath and you decided to head back to the tombstone. You passed a large tree and unfortunately your other leg got stuck to something and you lost your balance, falling to the ground. Cursing you moved into a sitting position, your ankle stinging and when you took a look at it, there was a big scratch marring the skin. You touched it carefully, bringing your fingers then closer to your face.
Blood. There was a tiny bit of blood on the tip of your fingers.
You barely had time to blink before Copia was there and the next thing you felt was a sharp pain, something burning you from inside out and you screamed. Tears gathered to your eyes as you realized that Copia was holding your leg, his fangs sunk into your skin, the look in his eyes predatoric as he sucked your blood. The burning pain was soon fading and you stared at Copia completely frozen.
Tears fell down to your cheeks, and at the same time you were numb but also shattering from within. You had no idea of how much time had passed but somewhere at the back of your mind you knew that this couldn’t continue. You had to make Copia stop.
”Please…” you said. ”Stop.”
Copia didn’t seem to register your words, his hold of your leg just tightening and now the dread was slowly creeping into you, for the first time in Copia’s presence. You sucked in a shaky breath.
”Stop!” you now shouted, pained, and gave a little kick to Copia with your other leg. That seemed to break him out of his trance, his eyes widening in shock as he backed away fast, going to lean against the nearest tree. You stood up fast, eyes still glued to him, seeing how he was shaking. He didn’t look at you anymore and soon he turned and disappeared into the night without a word.
You stood there staring at into nothingness for a what felt like a small eternity. It was hard to think straight but eventually your instincts told you to leave so you did go to pick up your phone and walked home as fast you could. At home you took a care of the scratch and bite marks, tears burning your eyes the whole time, heart feeling heavy in your chest.
When you finally got to the bed, you curled up under the blanket, hugging a pillow, hoping it would offer you at least a bit of comfort you so desperately needed then.
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After that night you didn’t see Copia anymore. You tried to continue your life as normally as you could, going to work and using your free time sketching and writing. You avoided moving anywhere near Hunter’s Moon or any other place where you and Copia had spend time together. It had been so hard to get your head around the fact that Copia had bitten you – it still hurt. Not physically, the marks on your ankle were already healed, but emotionally.
You had trusted Copia not to hurt you and yet he had ended up doing so. Of course you had known the risk but you still had believed it wouldn’t happen without a warning. It had been some weeks by now, yet the pain in your heart didn’t seem to lessen. You did your best to keep yourself busy but when you were home, ready to get some sleep, everything just became harder. There were nights that you had barely slept, your mind and heart trying to make a sense of it all. You were tired and yearning for some comfort. Any kind would do now if you were honest.
Copia wasn’t the only one you had not seen. You had expected that at some point one of his brothers would come to you but so far there had been no sight of them. Until one evening when you had just reached your apartment door and were fishing your keys out of your pocket.
”How have you been?” You were startled by Terzo’s voice, your heart jumping in your chest as you turned around to face him. He looked genuinely concerned and you let out a sigh.
”I’ve been better,” you answered folding your arms in front of you. ”You probably know what happened.”
Terzo nodded. ”I’m sorry.” You shrugged. ”Not your fault.”
”No, but we’re all the same, nonetheless,” Terzo said and you knew what he meant. ”Of course, none of us wanted that to happen. Not like that.”
”Well, it happened and it can’t be undone,” you said, probably sounding a bit frustrated. Terzo took a few steps closer to you, and you allowed that, though the uneasiness was prickling under your skin. Terzo probably sensed that as his brows furrowed slightly.
”You’re not the only one hurt. Copia…” Terzo started to explain, a hint of sadness in his eyes. ”He is not doing well. He has barely been feeding ever since the… accident. He has been saying that he can’t ever see you again but I think that he needs to see you.”
A thought of Copia not feeding properly made your heart hurt like someone was squeezing it tightly. However, you didn’t know if you were sure you wanted to see Copia yet. At some point you probably had to see him but now…
”I don’t think I’m ready to see him yet.”
Your words seemed to only make Terzo more sad but there was also understanding evident in his gaze.
”I know that this is the worst possible situation to you but… I’m afraid that if this goes on for too long, something bad happens. Copia is known for taking things heavily and beating himself up. If he does stop feeding…”
Terzo didn’t finish his sentence and you could guess why. You clenched your fists and jaw, willing away the horrible thought from your mind.
”I need more time,” you spoke quietly, now taking a step towards Terzo. He gave you a small smile, nodding, his shoulders slugging. It wasn’t nice to see him like that, and a moment later you opened your arms, motioning Terzo to come closer. He looked surprised, hesitant a little but then he came to you and let you close him in an embrace.
You let out a long sigh as Terzo clung to you tightly and it didn’t take long before you could feel yourself relaxing into the hug. You didn’t know which one of you needed more comfort but it didn’t matter.
”I’m so sorry,” Terzo apologized again and you just patted his back gently.
”Everything will be alright,” you said even though there really was no guarantee that would happen. Of course you hoped things could be fixed somehow. It was most likely that Copia wouldn’t come to you, so you would have to eventually go to see him.
Inhaling deep and then letting the air slowly out, you closed your eyes, tightening your hold of Terzo. Right now he was the closest that knew a fraction of the pain you were going through. After what had happened, being so close to a vampire should have felt more frightening but the earlier uneasiness had now faded, replaced by the compassion.
When Terzo finally pulled away, he smiled at you warmly, his eyes holding a glimmer of hope.
”You know that Copia is completely smitten with you?”
You shrugged, a small smile rising to your lips, not really knowing what to say to that.
”Okay, now it’s time for you to go,” you said, trying to pretend to be annoyed but you knew it was a weak attempt. Terzo grinned at you and you shook your head.
”Time,” you said, patting your chest and with a one last nod to you Terzo turned around and left, leaving you standing there with all emotions swirling inside you.
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”I went to Hunter’s Moon on Saturday.”
Olivia’s words made you almost choke on your coffee and you tried to hid it by moving your hand fast before your mouth. She gave you a confused look but a wide smile rose soon back to her lips.
”It was an interesting place,” she said, leaning back on the chair. ”Have you been there?”
You swallowed, setting your coffee mug on the table.
”Uh, yeah,” you answered.
”Who knew there are vampires walking among us? Had the pleasure to meet a few. Brothers, I guess,” she explained and seemed oddly calm. You raised your brows, your curiosity now awakened.
”Do you happen to remember their names?” you inquired and the way Olivia’s eyes seemed to brighten told you that she was glad that you had asked more.
”I think the other was Terzo. A very charming one, I must say,” Olivia grinned and you chuckled, perfectly understanding the description. ”I don’t remember if I caught the other’s name. The bartender, the bald guy, a vampire I mean.”
”Ah, he’s Secondo,” you told, smiling. ”Not as scary as he seems.”
Olivia laughed a little, quirking her brows.
”Sounds like you know them.”
You took a good sip of your coffee, using a moment to think how much you should share with Olivia. She already knew about vampires existence and it didn’t seem to faze her much so it wouldn’t probably hurt to tell her more.
”Well, I could say that I know them a little better than some others.”
Olivia hummed, seeming to sink into her own thoughts and you waited, having finished your coffee by the time she slammed her hand against the table, leaning closer to you.
”Wait… The guy you’ve been seeing. Did you meet him at the Hunter’s Moon? You said that I didn’t want to know how you two met. Are you dating a vampire?”
Shit. She figured it out quickly. Not that she was stupid but still, maybe a part of you had hoped she wouldn’t realize that. And now you were wondering if you should tell her about Copia. You still hadn’t seen him after the bite insident, so the things were still unclear between you. Just as you were about to open your mouth to answer Olivia, your boss entered the room and you knew your break was over. When you took a quick glance at the clock, you realized that you had actually spend a few extra minutes on break.
You and Olivia stood up, and you quickly went to rince your coffee mug before following Olivia to the store’s customer service side.
”Well, are you dating a vampire?” She leaned closer to you and you sighed.
”Yes,” you admitted and she let out a small, happy squeal, quietly clapping her hands. You rolled your eyes, finding her enthusiasm annoyingly amusing.
”Gosh, I have so many questions to you,” she said excitedly and you wanted to slap yourself. Of course she would have questions. Questions you weren’t sure if you wanted to answer. At least to some specific ones.
”Well, no time for them now as there seems to be customers waiting,” you stated, pointing at one customer. Olivia groaned unnecessarily dramatic and you couldn’t help but grin at her. It seemed that maybe you two might actually get along pretty well.
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taglist: @nijiru
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sea-dwelling-wizard · 6 months
my interpretation of stolas and blitz's relationship + ranting that goes nowhere
just look my way was the most beautiful mv ive ever seen. stolas 😭😭😭😭😭 bbg are you okay (he's not)
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i've read through the comments on this video and i agree with, well, all of them! one really struck me, though:
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i love this theory!
i have another one to add to this; several, actually!!
can the moon signify blitz's heavy emotional barrier? blitz is shown hiding behind the moon's outer crust in a protective position.
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what i think is that he's protecting his heart, his soul; one that has been hurt many times in the past. he's suffered through the accident that led to fizzarolli losing his arms, his horns, etc., he's been through a breakup for a relationship that meant to validate his feelings, that yes, he can love, he could have someone love him, but all that happened was a breakup and public humiliation at asmodeus's lounge. and then there's his presumably dead mother and frustrated sister.
blitz doesn't want that to happen again. he's built such an emotional wall around his heart and his body that he doesn't realize stolas loves him. he doesn't want to get hurt. he's shown tucked away into the depths of the moon, curled up.
now, stolas--
i've been thinking about him a lot. the end really got me theorizing. he falls into the water, and he reaches his hand out only to 'drown' and wake up to reality, the asmodeus crystal on his desk.
i love that segment of the song so so much!!!!!!!
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my favorite depressed owl boy hshshshshshshshhshs ily stolas <3
the moon affects the waves of the sea. it reflects its light on the water and no matter how far they go, they always go deep. the moon provides light for the creatures above and below. the sea is deep, it's alluring, and it drowns those who are too weak, cowardly, or overconfident.
stolas is drowning in it. the sea implies his deep feelings for blitz. what started as a one-night affair led to something more, and that was love. he's never been in love, and all this is new to him, but he's being acknowledged yet pushed away by blitz (see emotional barriers above). i feel like their emotions are mutual; however, neither can express it properly.
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stolas is trying so hard.
at face value, blitz seems... ignorant? cold? busy? i, on the other hand, think he's trying not to get too close. there was a theory in that episode's comment section that blitz is not too educated and is trying his best to communicate. i have mixed feelings about that one.
the lyrics signify stolas letting blitz making his own choice, whether he wants the crystals or if he wants to continue the deal. i fear blitz will have the wrong idea on seeing the crystals. hopefully they clear everything up??????????? i might be hoping too much for a show that's bound to end in tragedy 😔
one more thing!!!
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in the truth seekers episode, stolas had blitz on a leash.
could this mean that blitz thinks stolas is truly in control? that stolas decides where their relationship goes from now on?? stolas is royalty, so its natural blitz thinks so. he looks scared? hesitant? is he too hesitant... to do what? to accept stolas loves him? to accept that their relationship is bad in a way? to accept that he loves him? to accept what?!
stolas is smiling in this scene, but it was all a truth poison trip, meaning that's how blitz perceived him before. in the later episodes, i feel like this perception changed. it still hurts to see this, though.
tl;dr: the sea, or the water body seen near the end of the mv can either be stolas's deep feelings for blitz or a metaphor for his chaotic life. blitz has protective walls around his heart to protect himself from further harm. blitz feels stolas is in control of their relationship.
dear god this show is so well written- i could write more but alas i have other things to do
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istherewifiinhell · 7 months
weee grabbing from joelle cause do love question time
a) three ships
shrugs good naturedly of its tf mode time
meg.ops. please see preemptiment texts on the matter rip each other apart gay styles and hold that man who is a gun
sound.rod (still a bad name sorry) that shit was crazy. like its funny ppl can say like ohh chaotic one serious one ship but im pointing at the guy with no face and serious affect and im pointing and saying. dramatic hater. little bitch (aff). pointing at the one who blasts fire at his friends and gets blasted with like x10 more fire. and im saying. preemiment diplomatic leader of his generation. and then they fist bump and play 80s jams and save the world its the most romantic shit ive every seen in my life
hmm. hmm. yeah okay im gotta say meg.star just to SAYYY. i dont think ppl get how funny this one is. no shut up with ur wah wah angst. this is fun for them. otherwise theyd leave. maybe probably. its like loony toons tom and jerry shit ship. bd.sm isnt fixing them cause what their doing is so much funnier.
HONOURABLE menchy to arm hot shot and his 50 war time homosocial bonds boyfriends. everyone who sees that guy is like. Oh i GOTTA have some weird thing with him. but his dipshit can do attutitude cockiness and true unbreakable friendship. hes irresitiable. guy is probably the highest ranking any tf every got to be (combined army commander) and they still wont make him shotimus prime. stupid.
b) first ever ship
this is one of those memory tricks id need to ask an older brother but they dont fucking know that. uhhhhh?? gigolas? or smth? probably some shit like that watching a movie and being like. damn. cool. first fics read was probably some clamp shit.
c) last song
[blasts the dsnine theme] NAHH uhhh what was the last song in knights tale. some queen shit prob? prob some queen shit?
d) last movie
e) currently reading
justtttt finished light in gaza soooo? i have another book downloaded what is it. essays for free palestine. both from haymarket books.
f) currently watching
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[ID: TF whirl, same as my icon, flat expression]. END
guess. (actuallly its. whatever comes after this one. NOT THE final one yet. soon.)
g) currently consuming
bo'uh'le uh wah-er (bottle of water. 1L metal bottle babyyyy)
h) currently craving
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. dinner and then bed?
tagging: whoever didnt get GOT yet. idk. doooo question time i love reading words.
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jrjeremy · 11 months
what if... Gorillaz at their most worst in which phase album-wise ((from what Ive thought about!!!))
Murdoc – Wish You Wear Ear (Song Machine, Season One: Strange Timez), originally I was gonna go for Plastic Beach but that album was already the point of where the band was at their lowest.. it's a tad tricky but Song Machine had Murdoc acting up unusual from his character, youve seen that man crawl up into a ball and cry which was from the assumption of him thinking the band left him for good, to him going absurd over portals in Kong...
If all honestly Song Machine was him being at his most strangest timez (get it..? strange... timez, heehe), I would've said for him he was at the absolute worst during his childhood if only it was composed into an album, wouldn't really want that though.. Broken was already sad enough to hear coming from him :c
Noodle – Escape To Plastic Beach (Plastic Beach), phase 3 was definitely something huge for Gorillaz that I would've just about put Plastic Beach for almost everyone in the band, for the most part though, Noodle had definitely went through a tad too much during Plastic Beach... know that Noodle is pretty as chaotic as Murdoc is but in a good way unlike Murdoc
Though in Plastic Beach.. see the lore behind the whole phase is already huge enough, but as for being separated and taken away from the people you were supposed to be with, accidentally releasing a demon that you then had to hunt down by yourself, only to then having to deal with a cyborg version of yourself that tried to attack someone close that you know aka. the exact person who built that cyborg replica of you....
Easily you can get a lot of things wrong in the lore of Plastic Beach, but there's no doubt that Noodle had a pretty big experience in Plastic Beach than the rest of the phases, if none other, a really huge impact on her too!!
2-Dee – No More Unicorns Anymore (The Now Now), alright this one is definitely obvious, never have I heard 2D sound this sad in an entire album, add on with the fact that The Now Now was entirely written by him is just heartbreaking :C
To summarise, you basically had Murdoc being thrown in jail for drugs far far away from the rest of the band, and so without Murdoc, you have the first track in The Now Now, which is Humility, upon from the music video a lot of people gotten the thought that 2D was happy because Murdoc was in jail... now see, that would've been the case, if ONLY the rest of the WHOLE album hadn't had the saddest songs you've ever gotten out of Gorillaz, andd cause of that, I've gotten the thought that Humility was 2D just having some time by himself free of charge with the rest without Murdoc because he had the thinking of "He'll be back soon" only to realise that later on it'll be a lot more longer than just soon, I have no evidence of this so it's only up to my assumption, but MIGHTY is the rest of the songs just... really real sad..
((three sections of out of topic talk about the songs in The Now Now below))
One of the songs I heard before listening to the whole album was Souk Eye, and that was the end track of the album according to the listing, I thought it was already the saddest song or at least the most heart inducing song ever made from Gorillaz, and you just never really expected these songs to come out of Gorillaz... so, that was for Souk Eye, UNTIL I for once heard the rest of the album
This was a song I REALLY REALLY least expected over the name of the song itself, and IT REALLY, REALLY MAKES MY HEART JUST..... FEEL WAY TOO MUCH, that's not even the only song, in fact the rest of the album has it's songs in this really... really heavy, heartfelt, heartbreaking impact, but bet on me that Fire Flies is ultimately the song that had gotten me feeling the most from the entire album, to the point it made Souk Eye look happier than a song named FIRE FLIES...
If all, Humility really felt like a break for the least expected only to be hit right in the face right after that, from how I perceive the album along with through it's lyrics, it showcases just how 2D has been feeling through for however long he had been all while Murdoc wasn't around, and these songs just show that 2D really wasn't doing well..
From the track listing, The Now Now seemed like it was... this will sound insane but representing the five stages of grief for 2D, youve already gotten denial from the start, onto the rest which in some was pretty hard to tell that you might have to feel it through the song in order to tell it's there, for such like you could probably tell there's bargaining in Kansas, then you have anger in Sorcererz which isn't necessarily supposed to be an outrage in order to know that it's anger, and then there's some songs that sort of feel more to the type of thinking back to the past like memories, those being like Idaho and Magic City... and boy did the depression stage really kick in, Fire Flies and One Percent just really touches your heart in the worst way possible, especially with the fact it's coming from our boy 2D it makes it even more worst.....
This is why I said Souk Eye sounded a lot more happier, as to it's like the very ending which leads to the last stage of grief, didn't really know what happened after The Now Now like right after Murdoc got back to the band, but Souk Eye does still touch your heart, except it's a lot more comforting than the previous two songs you've heard, no doubt it's still really sad though.. but it's also just really warming too, the songs in the album itself really just explains how this phase was the worst for 2D to had ever been
Russel – Celebrity Take Down (Gorillaz), this one's a really tough one, again could've said for Plastic Beach as all that happened to Russ was that he tried to off himself only to mutate into a huge godzilla size of himself, though in the first album.. well before the album itself, Russel wouldnt have gotten any chances to be in the band if only he wasn't kidnapped by Murdoc himself, just as bad as how 2D joined the band
Though that might not count, in the debut studio album Russel was first introduced with a ghostly friend possessing him which lasted until or before Demon Days came in, even when it didn't really seemed that bad while Dell was around taking over Russel's mind, it was definitely the most interesting version of Russel since other than the first album, you kind of have Russel not really taking in the worst in the other phases, really didn't really got anything from Russel out of Cracker Island since he was just hypnotised by a television static for the entire album
know that I haven't covered everything that was made or confirmed by Gorillaz!!! So far I'm only giving my thoughts based on the albums I've listened to, so I may not be too keen on the entire lore of Gorillaz, neither do I know much about the books too!! c:
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quarktrinity · 6 months
quark watches star trek season 2 episode 20
Mysterious Happenings
"we are hundreds of lightyears past where any earth ship has ever explored" somehow i doubt that
woah, a planet similar to earth that experienced some sort of cataclysm? craaazyyyyy thats never happened befooooore
Psychic Man wants to be friends
their sensors are wrong all the time why do they even bother with them
Psychic Man specifically wants to be friends with kirk and spock. dude theyve already got a third but hey im sure theyre open for a fourth
thank you background music for telling me this blonde woman is hot
we are extremely lucky that Psychic Man appears to be at least not chaotic evil
Psychic Man is an orb. ok
woah, there was a war and it was bad? we dont like war???
kirk. you cant just bring up the cold war every episode. youre making the hand of the author too blatant
kirk gets possessed
yet another alien wants kirks body
this is the most erotic description of basic human anatomy ive ever heard
"your captain has an excellent body, doctor mccoy" does he now
...i think this is the episode 0 plot again. i think theyre trying to set up an adam and eve thing with kirk and sexy doctor lady. they literally already did this one
orb shelves
oh ok they need their bodies to build robots. got it
"is it you, jim?" oddly tender there, mccoy. i know what you are.
k we got kirk back
i think he might be slightly in love with this orb
extremely sudden jumpcut back to the ship. little clumsy there
"are they alright in the head, doctor?" "no comment" mccoy i love u
"a simple transference, their minds and ours" "quite simple. happens every day."
kirk is oddly excited to have an alien man inside him
kirk wants your consent before letting aliens enter you
oh this is what a kirk speech is, got it
possessed spock shut up i dont like you
why are there so many episodes where kirk gets horny because of psychic aliens
why are there so many episodes where kirk makes out with somebody because of psychic aliens
alien possessing spock is evil. pretty sure hes jealous of the first guy
noooooo spock dont commit medical malpractice
"android robots"
stupid alien love triangle motivating murder
ominous music as we see doctor lady with her hair down
possessed spock is the straightest weve ever seen him
possessed kirk makes out with possessed doctor lady and then dies
Lets Save Kirks Displaced Mind
why is that robot so slimy
not sure asking mccoy to trade one life for another is gonna work. pretty sure the hippocratic oath prevents that
i kinda love this evil psychic alien lady. shes interesting
oh ok shes not evil anymore. yay!
Psychic Man is once again in the ship, hes actually fine
kirks fine now
"spocks consciousness is gone" no its not
nurse chapel coming in clutch
rip loser
"my friend, spock" mhmm.
woahhhhh spock is actually fine???? wooooooaaaahhhhh.
they played keep away with spocks mind
"oblivion together does not frighten me, beloved" that line kinda goes hard ngl
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littlesilentrebel · 2 years
[Sea Child Thalia!AU]
Poseidon should have been suspicious when Percy finally accepted the position on his council after years of asking and never getting yes and now all of a sudden saying yes when he asks again after Thalia becomes his daughter and gets the same offer. He doesn’t know Thalia the same, but he definitely knows Percy (he knows himself well enough too)
So here he is, in the middle of their first council discussing something or another and Thalia dramatically pauses everyone in their step, turns to Poseidon, and sweetly asks him is he’s a monster fucker. Percy, somehow, has a camera. Amphitrite tries to hide her laugher, Kym doesn’t have the courtesy. Triton is red in the face- either in igdination or embarassment, Poseidon couldn’t quite tell- and the council is torn between concerning interest and wide-eyed like ‘she dared do that?!’ His guards are laughing their asses off and Poseidon can only stare.
The straw that broke the camel’s back is Percy reiterating the question. “Dad, are you a monster fucker?”
Oh, might as fucking well. He stares straight into the camera, “Yes”
this. this is beauty. this is the most beautiful thing ive even seen.
percy ends up sharing the video with annabeth, grover and his mom and they love it, everytime poseidon is at the blofis-jackson household sally finds a way to bring it up casually in conversation
anytime annabeth prays to poseidon (which is often because he’s the only god she does pray to), she mentions the video
and grover is too nice to ever bring it up
percy and thalia are still debating on wether or not they should share it to hephaestus news for all of olympus to see
just. percy and thalia (and an occasional kym) being absolutely chaotic together, but poseidon not regretting ever taking thalia in (and he never will if it makes percy happy)
also ill be sure to tag you in any of these ‘daughter of poseidon thalia’ posts i make!
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noctiilio · 2 years
hi! why do you like LLS and Gengetsu so much? ^^
Okay so! I've already answered the question about the character of gengetsu in this tumblr post and this youtube video which yeah go check them out if you want to discover her and learn more about her personality, lore, behind the scenes design choices etc!
But if i were to answer this post, without paraphrasing anything ive said about her ? I'll have to talk about myself and the person i am, not her, to answer you properly.
We're about to get sad real fast this is an extremely vulnerable moment for me but everything about what makes gengetsu special to me IS vulnerable (which is why i never talked about it before but nows the time methinks)
1 - I'm also very reclusive and a bit of a dreamer
Dreams always are fascinating to me. Ever since i was small i'd get so caught up in my imagination i'd forget about the world around me. To extreme extents, may i add. Tripping over myself or running into poles may seem like exaggeration but it's not, i legitimately got sent to the nurse's multiple times because of it. My parents would get called to the teacher's office every year without fail because "nocti isn't there in class. Her mind isn't there at all, we're concerned about how well she'll perform". I did perform good, for some magical reason! But i was barely there. My mind is also very active at night. i tend to remember most of my dreams, which are all memorable in some kind of way. I always get excited to find out what i'll get to see when i'm going to sleep. I consider this some kind of entertainment! Sometimes I'll get dreamless nights, yes, and i wake up disappointed and just hope for better programming the next time i sleep. And the secluded dream world aspect, the whole "this is my place just for me" thing she has with Mugetsu also overlaps with what makes Flandre special to me, by the way. I'm also a little bit of a shut in and i like to bury myself into a pile of stuffed animals that take three quarters of the space on my bed, i have fairy lights, i like to be comfy. it's my little safe bubble. If you've seen my plush unboxing videos, like the custom gengetsu and the clownpiece i have, you'll know what my safe haven looks like! It's nice to put myself on my bed with my cat, burrowed under blankets and stuffed animals, and let my mind peacefully wander wherever it wants to. But yeah! This makes her being a dream denizen and the close knit purpose of her dream world really cool to me!
2- I have a similar personality.
I'm a little naive, believe it or not! It's probably another reason why i don't open up like this very often. You could tell me most things and i'd probably take them at face value. I'm just a little clueless. I'm curious, I'm cheerful, a little chaotic sometimes, well, if you follow me and my content you probably are aware of all that. I'm quick to protect the ones i care about. I'm usually the one who takes care of bad eggs in my friend circles. I'm not very confrontational, but when it comes to it, i'm somehow good at it…? But did you know at the same time i'm a HUGE crybaby? … I should not tell you this. WHY am i telling you this. ever since i was small i was always prone to the Weeeeeehhhhhh it's not faiiiiiir weeeeeh. It's not a bratty "things arent going my way" kind of WEEEH it's always been a "i am being wronged and i don't have the inner cool to express it" kind of WEEEH. But it WAS excessive. All it'd take was for my childhood friend (love you bestie btw) to get tiger face paint on and tell me she was gonna eat me for me to think it was real and start wailing. You know who else breaks into a frustration tantrum when you defeat her after lotus land story? You know, the stage where she hasn't done a single thing wrong to warrant reimu and marisa's intervention? YEAH.
3 - I, too, am an older sister.
This is probably the most central aspect that draws me to her, positive sisterhood is my favorite trope because it calls back to how I once was. I am the first born of my family, and i have four younger siblings, my uncles had children of their own which amounts to four little cousins. Counting me, thats nine children. I was between the ages of 3 and 13 when they were all born. I was always quick to get attached to them, I'd always show them cool older kid stuffs like showing my megabloks dragons collection to my infant brother who could not even sit yet. I gave it my all. And that applied outside of my family too i was everyones government assigned big sister as soon as i became verbal. We have vhs footage of 5 year old me at my mom's lord of the rings stage play (2003) cheering up a crying kid from my group because she had stage fright. I ripped that digitally for preservation so maybe one day i'll show you some bits of that it was neat.
Sadly it didnt last long and ive lost contact with two siblings and three cousins, because of adults taking sides in major arguments for good. I'll never see them again. I guess if you really wanna psychanalyze me there, little Gengetsu here resonates with my memories of before bonds began to shatter, you know?
The family kinship she has with Mugetsu is everything I wished I could've strived for but due to reasons outside of my control it never came to be, so that's why she's so special. She reminds me of the little nocti who still had her heart full.
Thanks for reading! I hope you, too, have a character that's just as special to you. Tell me in the tags who's the character that resonates with you! Oh! And if you're a fan of the twins too, let's be friends, yeah?
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fecto-forgo · 5 months
I want to start watching murder drones but I’m running on little to no motivation to do anything at all. This is not a vent I am challenging you to convince the world why murder drones is the best. Feel free to ignore
oh little old me is simply no good at convincing ppl on watching things but i think the chaotic storytelling is simply v fun it doesnt stop for a second.if you think you know where its going no you dont.its just extremely amusing for me to watch it mess around n pull things you never would have guessed out of nowhere only for them to still click into place.theres a murderous prom theres robot antichrist w autism theres nightcore music theres religious imagery theres robot dinosaurs theres teenage bullying theres slasher murder.also the animation is just fun the solver abilities r literally some of the most fun attacks to watch w the glitching in n out of place (ive seen some ppl say the first episodes animation is wonky but i personally didnt mind it at all? idk my tolerance for non perfect animation is high)
also its funny n it makes me giggle lol.i love half serious half comedic shows.its also v 2000s like to me tbh if that makes sense.maybe its cuz uzis emo or bc the art style looks rly good w those coloring styles or bc the comedy reminds me of IZ sometimes
also cyns in it n cyns great i love cyn funniest girl ive ever seen.idc she has like 5 minutes of screentime all together she killed every second
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needlepokes · 2 years
#1 most heartbreaking thing i ever saw was when i went to the local diabetic charity i used to visit my nutritionist at first few weeks post diagnosis - she invited me for a support-group meeting afterwards and it overlapped with another group meeting for younger kids. a little girl asked one of us waiting in the hall what the sensor on her arm was (sensors are not widespread here at all) and she explained to her that it keeps track of blood sugar with no finger pricks - her face lit up and she showed us her fingers with the lancet marks on them and how much she hated it.
her dad came to pick her up not long after and the little girl whispered to him pointing at the sensor. the dad seemed as excited as the little girl - and asked the girl next to me if the sensor was covered by insurance (it's not) - and explained to us that he was on government insurance and that his daughter was only diagnosed for a few months and how chaotic everything seemed. i completely understood him because i was also stuck on government insurance and the level of patient education is horrendous.
I sensed like he was gearing up to ask about the sensor price and eventually when he did i felt awful answering him. minimum wage here is 260$ per month and sensors cost 94$ per month (freestyle libre 1). A pack of 50 test strips costs 7$ and that's only after months of protest.
yes, insulin is free here but poverty in diabetic care supplies still exists and is 100% caused by companies' interference. I've seen them try to lobby government officials into making certain types of fast acting insulin only exclusive to private insurance. And that's affected me first hand. Sanofi, and Novo regularly try to reduce the amounts of supplies they send to public hospitals to force diabetics' hands into buying it out-of-pocket.
and that same diabetic charity? 100% sponsored by novo, sanofi, and lily who see kids as money farming machines. It's fucked and ive completely started boycotting any events going on there.
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moonssugar · 1 year
10, 16, & 20 for the pride asks please! :)
20. Have your ocs helped you in self discovery? How?
lets start off with 20 because its defintely the funniest lmaoooo
my main character sam is transmasc (a trans boy) and my tertiary protag is a lesbian (aubry) and she discovers this as the story goes out and let me to tell you there is nothing more hilarious than 1. writing and thinking extensively about how your character is a lesbian and pouring so much into that while being in total denial about yourself and 2. discovering even more about your own inwards trans feelings by giving your transmasc oc 90% of your personality and also through metaphor and symbolism by making a lot of the story a trans analogy. but wait, the character i see the most of myself in, sam, is transmasc but aubry, the second character i see so much of myself in, is a lesbian so how can these seemingly contradictory things be true simultaneously you ask? well it turns out that im a transmasc lesbian. who couldve saw that coming, right? (me. i saw this coming). still the funniest fucking thing about me like "yeah go ahead and tell yourself a story and accidently awaken something in yourself, this will be so funny and cool" and honestly it is so cool! one of the most writing things ive ever done
10. Does your oc celebrate Pride? How?
yes they do! sam has been to a local pride parade/event at some point with his parents (who are bi4bi). he also has a trans flag hanging up in his room that dual functions as a symbol of pride and also a window curtain that turns his room pink and blue at certain times of the day (its intentional). chelsie celebrates pride as well, mostly through self expression like with her clothing and style but she loves pride events too and collecting little pride themed objects that end up in random places. i feel like chelsie's way of celebrating pride is chaotic and spontaneous which suits her. both of them have pride themed bracelets and backpack pins, you know the baby queer stuff i love (i still love the baby queer stuff idc) and sam has trans, bi and rainbow themed tie dye shirts he made and loves to wear. aubry has never seen any pride flag or been to an event and she didnt even know gay people existed as well people and not the boogyman or theoretical person she heard about in church until she realized she was gay and met other queer people (and she literally has two dads LOL). but once she does she cant get enough of rainbows and the lesbian flag which in the alternate universe world where shes from no one knows its meant to symbolize queerness. so she gets to walk around with flags and colors that no one recognizes except her and her family. its hilarious, its her own "no one knows im a lesbian" pin. they just think shes from a different country or something (where all the pretty girls are from). sam and chelsie gifted her a lesbian flag through their mail system once she returned home and she cherishes it. mostly, i'd say my characters celebrate pride through living, being who they want to be and uplifting each other amd they love their glitter, music, make up, tie dye shirts, flags and rainbows too
16. Did you ever change an oc's identity when they were already established? Why?
my character's queer identities have been pretty solid since inception and through their development, its one of the things that have changed the least about them. sam used to be some flavor of trans/nonbinary but there are other nonbinary characters in my story now and sam ids with transmasc the most instead of nonbinary. chelsie has always been transfem as far as i can remember although i mightve imagined her cis one single time and then said "nah im gonna trans your gender no way in hell youre cis" when i didnt feel connected to her characterization [transgenderfication beam]. and aubry has remained gay as hell even as she started off as a completely different person that split into two then i used one half of the personality, refurbished it by gave it some religious trauma, pining and autism to create modern aubry then used the other half for something else. everyone else's personalities have started at the surface level idea of who i think they are and deepened and complexified from there and thats even more intricate than i could describe in one sitting and not always specifically about their queer identity
oh i almost forgot! one character (benjamin, aubry's father) has a bi panic awakening after he went through life identifying as gay and instead of a guy being the source of the panic it was aubry's mother (valid, i'd panic if i saw her too). his character started off as gay but aubry didn't hatch from a magic egg or grow from a pumpkin in a patch or fall to earth like a shooting start (amos's many joke versions of the birds and bees, amos is married to benjamin and is her dad #2) so i needed an explanation for that. he also discovers he's polyamorous in the process so good for him! other characters have become noticeably less cis over time but were already kinda gender weird to begin with if i squinted hard enough. like are you really cis if im writing you? be fr
also, sam's parents in my mind
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tinyplanetss · 2 years
So i may have gotten @legend-ofzegend interested in empires via that hermit quiz post but i only watch Jimmy and Joel and that's only occasionally. send help where should they start (they got assigned oli)
hmmm well oli is a chaotic start so nice choice there @legend-ofzegend oli is easy to watch since he only has two (2) eps out lmao. ive been keeping up with joel and sausage in particular (because i was a little obsessed w empires 1 mezalean king joel before) and joel's episodes tend to be shorter and easier to digest for adhd brain + very over the top semi-in character stuff (hes so tall guys dont make fun of me im not short im 11ft i swear). sausage does quite a bit of lore stuff if ur into that and he talks to animals all the time and says many many words which is fun to listen to and his builds are so bright and colorful + his music choices are great :-) hes very chatty and gossip-y and also his dog can eat wardens apparently. those are the only two whose entire s2 ive watched (besides oli who does not post often), but i tend to also casually watch gem (super chill and sweet and calm to watch) fwhip (got into him after his drama with the sheriff aka jimmy and hes nice to listen to in a. vibrates w high strung energy eats rocks kinda way + hes the only one on jimmys side defending him which is a fun relationship) lizzie (shes a cat with dark secrets hmmm nothing suspicious here) and then occasionally ill pop over to some other channels to see what's going on based on an interesting title/thumbnail or an event in someone else's video, like pix (historian, sort of removed from lore as he preserves stuff), false (isekai-d into empires, has no memory, does steampunk stuff! also may be remembering things slowly?) and katherine (princess who's secretly a monster slayer, she just seems fun) and also jimmy (wet cat claims hes not a wet cat but joel just put his entire town in a box and jimmy fired his only line of defense so. oh dear). i believe i may be off track
anyway. personally i think starting w joel is easy bc i find his stuff super digestible. oli's a good start bc it's so short and the confusion at his insane vibes is normal. sausage kinda slowly builds up his empire and his lore so that was fun to go through slowly.
if ur interested in empires season 1 ummm i got into it via lizzie's empires musical episode (so cool of her) and got caught up in joel's entire s1 (mezalean king is so beloved to me + again joel's kinda semi mentions of lore are super digestible and his megabase is the most beautiful thing ive ever seen). so thats my recommendation! joel is an easy start for me but oli will throw u in headfirst
for the most part i tend to choose one starting person (joel) and follow plotlines from there (oh i wanna see this persons pov of an event, i wanna know what the context is for their comment here, etc) and thats how i ended up watching multiple povs
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