Digimon: Sorato & Taiora Fanfiction
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renchan7 · 1 year ago
Wanna Read A Beautiful BonRin Oneshot?
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I love Blue Exorcist and decided to write a oneshot M/M for the first time.
🙃 Don't worry - Digimon is still my first love. Check out my Digimon masterlists HERE, HERE, and HERE.
This BonRin oneshot will make you go through a rollercoaster of emotions until you're crying happy tears at the end.
I was actually inspired to write this after listening to the song "Listen To Your Heart" by Roxette. I really felt this would fit BonRin perfectly if they were ever pushed to their limits with the right circumstances.
So I hope you enjoy!
As to if I'll ever go back to writing regularly: Life is still crazy.
All I can say is follow my page to keep updated on new fics. Believe me, it's killing me that I can't update regularly, but this small oneshot was like breathing new life again.
Title: Listen To Your Heart
Genre: Romance/Angst
Rating: T
Status: Complete (Oneshot)
Main Pairing: RinBon
Summary: I love him. I need him. Yet, the more I speak, the more I can't think straight and the wrong words escape. I need to find a way to express what I desire before I screw up this beautiful relationship we have.
Read on FFN or AO3
Click below for a preview
I pace back and forth. I need to throw something else. I can't do this. It hurts too much. I don't want to break up. I can't. I won't…
Is this worth it?
All I can do is whip around and stare down my other half, the one I want to share the rest of my life with, while Rin stands there helpless on what else he can do or say to convince me to calm down. It feels like an eternity as the seconds tick by loudly from the kitchen wall clock. I can't imagine this life without Rin. We all have to sacrifice things when it comes to work, but at the same time why can't I say I'm sorry? Why can't I ravish him with my affection until the sun rises?
The question I really want to ask get stuck in my throat as we keep the deafening staring contest going.
“Ryuji! Damn it,” Rin hisses, breaking the silence. “Why are you overreacting? I'm just as frustrated -”
He's not hearing what I'm trying to say! I really need to throw something. The closest thing next to me was a plate on a drying rack next to the sink. Perfect.
Smashing that plate to the floor never felt more empty.
“I hate this!” I scream.
I love him.
“I hate all of this!”
I love him so much and ache to be with him.
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renchan7 · 1 year ago
My loves!
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renchan7 · 2 years ago
To all my fanfiction writers and those who are afraid to start writing fanfiction: This is for you! Close your eyes and type away. It doesn't need to be perfect - nothing is the first time. Pour your soul into every word, paragraph and scene. What comes out will shine
Write what excites you!
You don't need to write your book in the order that people will read it.
Don't know the title? Doesn't matter. Have a steamy romance scene you're excited to write? Go ahead! Thought of the perfect closing line? Get it on the page!
Write what excites you. The rest will follow.
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renchan7 · 2 years ago
Hello hello :))
Hi, new friend! Happy to see I have a new follower ☺️
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renchan7 · 2 years ago
fuck it, I'm romanticizing underrated ao3 works now. 8,000 word fics with only 13 kudos, even after 5 months. multi-chaptered works with only 11 comments from the same 3 people and the author themself. incredibly specific works featuring OC's mingling with canon characters that only get 5 kudos. rare-pair fics. gift works that are literally ONLY for the receiver.
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renchan7 · 3 years ago
For all Digimon Taiora fanfic authors who wish to participate, take a look.
On Taiora week 2022
A little heads up. The week will be held from October 16th till October 23rd, just as first announced in August. However, due to some unpleasant events that took place around and in the Taiora part of the Digimon shipping fandom, the Taiora week host decided to change the prompts for the week.
The new set of prompts can be found in this post here. The post with the old/original set is deleted from the Taiora week Tumblr.
But, since a few Taiora content creators, including myself, already started creating for Taiora week before these present circumstances and have WIPs (or even already finished content) for prompts no longer part of the new set, I've talked to the Taiora week host... And everyone should feel free to follow either the original set or the new set (or combine them)!
The original set can be found in this Google Drive Document. Or via the post I reblogged back then.
For everyone feeling confused and in need of more information about the whole situation (please don't feel obliged!), more under the cut.
I don't want to waste too much words on everything that has happened this last month. It was tiring, draining me and at some point affecting my personal life and well being as well. It also feels a bit like I'm bringing up things that are long gone, but I only now am able to come to terms with it in public without speaking from solely my emotions...
For everyone who has no idea what happened and wants to know or wants my look on things, read this letter that I wrote for the Taiora Discord Server members.
I want to say one more thing before I'll lay myself low again and hopefully let all of this behind: It feels like I've been trying to help in a fight or fight a fight that was never supposed to be mine. I got involved because I felt responsible (even though I'm not), but should have been smarter and not let myself get so carried away... It happened anyway. And I'm really, really sorry for everyone who got involved as well... Truly.
I'm not looking for pity or reactions of any sort. All I want is for things to be normal and peaceful.
Ship and let ship.
Leave other's people art/writing/content alone (unless you want to -supportively- review it).
Have respect and don't lower yourself to unnecessary bad behaviour.
Let's love and enjoy Digimon together, in peace <3
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renchan7 · 3 years ago
If this isn't the truth, I wouldn't know what else is. Readers, hear us writers: We enjoy your reviews no matter what. Period. 🥰
woke up this morning to a comment on a fic saying they hoped I didn’t mind them commenting on such an old fic, and the fic isn’t even a year old, so I’m going to reiterate: I can’t speak for every single fanfic writer in the world, but I don’t know a single one myself who wouldn’t be thrilled to get comments on years-old fanfic! there is no deadline! it honestly made my day
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renchan7 · 3 years ago
🥰 I wish this was so
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“Storms are not exactly like thunder showers, huh?” Diablomon Strikes Back, Alternate Ending.
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renchan7 · 3 years ago
😂 This is great. Thanks, @noctisfishing
Hi! For the ask game!
💡✏️ 🔪
(🔪 = best friend to lovers, and then there was one bed, & love triangle)
Hi Ren!! xoxo
✏️ What is your fave fic from another writer?
Taiora Longfics for you to read!!!
@renchan7 's I Will Always Find You
@earlgreymon 's How Do You Like Your Sky Today
@dutchforstrangers 's Sway With Me
You'll love these Taiora fics! There are more great fics and more writers and I encourage you to give your favorite fanfic writers some love too ^_^
🔪 Fuck marry kill 3 tropes 
(🔪 = best friend to lovers, and then there was one bed, & love triangle)
Hmmmmmmmmmm I’m in the mood for love and fluff right now. So.
F - and then there was one bed
M - best friends to lovers
I am going back and forth between switching the first two tropes. Because BFF -> <3<3 describes my OTP which I believe I will stay with forever.
"One bed" can have so many things. Will it end well? Will it end badly? Will something happen but make things complicated?
(Never mind, I've made a final decision after typing out this ramble and you are seeing the result there)
K - love triangle. 
This was going to be in the "kill" category all along. Drama is fun but only when I feel like making it. So compared to the first two, this one gets dropped into the fiery depths of the volcano.
says this person who is still in the middle of writing through one don't hate me :x
I asked the first one in a previous response. Thank you for the ask!!
Send me some asks!
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renchan7 · 3 years ago
Hiya! 😭☀️❓ for the fanfic asks! xoxo
@sorasfishing Hi, my love xoxo! Just had to pick questions that would make me think, didn't ya? 🤪
😭 Have you ever made yourself cry writing a fic?
Yep. So far, that's only happened once. I was trying to figure out a just ending/death for my OC villian for I Will Always Find You, (psst! Check it out on FFN or AO3) but writer's block was in full motion. I was at work with a patient and out of nowhere the scene I needed played out in my mind effortlessly. A lone tear fell down my cheek because it was perfect. Thank goodness the patient didn't see me lol
☀️ Has anyone ever left you a comment that made your day? What did it say?
There have been a few that remind me why I love to write. If I had to pick only one (I'm leaving the reader anonymous), it would be:
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Thank you, reader. 🥲 Sometimes I need a reminder that people actually do enjoy my writing 🥰
❓Write an alternate summary for a published fic without using names. (Points if your followers can guess the fic.)
There are so many questions I want to ask you every day: Did you eat? Did you have a good day at work? Are you happy? Do you need a hug? But there's one question I'm too scared to ask because then you'll only think of him, not me. I'm right here, Sora. Let me in.
@sorasfishing Try to figure that one out 😇
Wanna send an ask? Join the fun and pick from the list HERE!
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renchan7 · 3 years ago
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Hi, @leo112358 ! I'm so happy you asked 😄
Here are my answers:
1) "How do you tell Sora something is her idea and get her to believe it?"
☝️🤣 My answer would be you can't, but what do I know? I'm just the writer 😇
2) Actually, I don't have a specific drink so I can write. I usually drink water and coffee. I guess I'm boring lol ☕ 💧
3) Oh my goodness, be still my heart. 😍 I will say it until the cows come home, I can never get enough of romance. The fact that I can only choose one trope is killing me though. 😍Okay here goes😍:
Love triangle
Wanna send an ask? Join the fun and pick from the list HERE!
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renchan7 · 3 years ago
I'm excited! Ask away
fanfic ask game (do it, this is an order!!)
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Hello my angels! Happy International Fanworks Day!! I just found out this is happening, so I made a quick fanfic ask game in honor lol. Reblog if you’re a fic writer and down to be asked these questions! (Especially moots, please entertain me, I’m nosy.)
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😂 What’s the funniest comment someone has left on a fic of yours?
🙅‍♀️ What is one trope you refuse to ever write?
😜 Describe a current WIP without using character names. (Points if your followers guess who the fic is for.)
🎶 What music do you listen to when you write?
👀 Do you have any words/phrases you use habitually? 
⏰ What time of day do you prefer to write?
👻 Have you written holiday-themed fics? If yes, which is your fave? If not, what’s one holiday you’d want to write for, and which character(s) would the fic be for?
🗑 What is one fic idea that you loved at first but then scrapped?
��� What’s the dumbest thing you’ve written?
😭 Have you ever made yourself cry writing a fic?
💰 What’s one trope you wouldn’t write, except for money?
🔪 Fuck marry kill 3 tropes (asker’s choice of tropes).
🏅 What is the fic you’re most proud of?
☕️ Do you drink anything when you write? Coffee, tea, alcohol, etc?
📚 What grammar mistakes do you always make?
📌 If all your fics/WIPs fell off a ship and were drowning (go with it), and you could only save one, which would it be?
✏️ What is your fave fic from another writer?
⏱ What’s the fic you spent the most time on? (Was it worth it lol)
☀️ Has anyone ever left you a comment that made your day? What did it say?
💡 What’s the weirdest thing you’ve been inspired by?
💋 Fuck marry kill 3 of your own fics (asker’s choice of fics).
❤️ Who is your favorite character to write for and why?
🤔 What’s one genre you’ve never written that you’d like to try?
🖊 What is the most recent line you’ve written?
❓Write an alternate summary for a published fic without using names. (Points if your followers can guess the fic.)
💕 What is the WIP that you are most excited about?
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renchan7 · 3 years ago
Be still my Taiora heart 😍
Taiora Sunflower Festival 🌻
Taichi, Sora, & Sunflowers ❤️
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renchan7 · 3 years ago
Same, my dude. Saaaaame. Check out my master lists on my page 😇
Real random thought but I just love the passion some people have for creating content for Taiora, Sorato, and Mimato
Like I didn't think about ANY of those three too hard because I was all about staring at Takari and thinking about them and also thinking about hugging Tai and Matt myself
Not to just be in awe, but I am in awe for real, I find it most fascinating seeing all the stuff y'all do
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renchan7 · 3 years ago
Hiya <3 R / E / N for the fic asks ^_^
I see what ya did there, @sorasfishing 🤣 Alright. On to the questions:
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
Can't say anyone has influenced me. I can say with certain that I adore @noctisfishing and @whatplanetdididial style of writing tho. ❤️
E: If you wrote a sequel to Love Is Friendship Set On Fire , what would it be about?
😏 For those of you that are wondering what that little fic is about, it's a firey Sorato oneshot. Read it on FFN or AO3.
At first I thought there was no way that this oneshot could have a sequel. It was written as a oneshot and intended to stay as a oneshot. And now here you go unintentionally giving me an idea for a sequel 🤣. Thanks a lot, @sorasfishing ❤️
For the record, this idea will have to stay on my plot bunny list until I eventually circle around to it.
I think the sequel could be about their separation 😱 If I decide to write it in sora's point of view, I'll continue to write it in the same style format.
Oooorr, I could also change it up and write it in Matt's point of view. That could be interesting seeing his thought process of how they worked things through.
Well, it looks like I got another one to write in the future lol
N: Is there a fic that you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
Yeah. Another Taiora oneshot I'm trying to finish, but have raging writer's block for it. 😩 I know what I want to happen and how it ends. I finally have a little more freedom to write too.
What's causing the tripup is that this story only works in 1st person POV in present tense. It's easy, yet hard at the same time - Yeah, a weird conundrum lol
As much as I'd like to ask someone to finish it for me (😏 wanna take a shot, @sorasfishing ? Nah j/k), I'll get through it.
Anyone else want to join in? Click the link HERE to pick from the list and send me an ask. The more, the merrier!
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renchan7 · 3 years ago
Fanfic Ask Game: K, O, and S -Rhuben
Hi, Rhuben!
Thanks for picking questions! 🙃 Let's get started:
K: What's the angstiest idea you've ever come up with?
I've been sitting on a little plot bunny, but haven't had time to develop it. I'm trying to finish a few oneshots, then that Taiora oneshot (that I posted not long ago which will turn into a long fic) first before tackling this bad boy. Here's the plot:
TK, a single father, has a son that a Digimon kidnaps. TK is desperately racing against the clock to save him and solve why this happened as said Digimon keeps making him believe the son is being tortured. The whole time TK keeps blaming himself that it's somehow his fault.
☝️ I think I'm going to keep it angst with no romance - shocker, right? Lol Then again, I'm such a sucker for romance, I don't doubt some kind will sneak in. If that happens, it won't be the main focus.
O: How do you begin a story - with the plot, or the characters?
Depends on what the story calls for. I'm mostly a pantser writer, with the tiniest bit of planning. If I stay black and white on a simple thing like plot or character, I'll get raging writer's block. So basically whatever the story gods whisper into my ear that's what I write 😇
S: Any fandom tropes you can't resist?
👀 Oh, man! Where do I begin? So many. If you're a big fan of mine, most of my work involves romance. Can't get enough of it.  I think I'll only list a few:
Friends to lovers
Boy meets girl and falls in love
Soulmates/red string of fate
Love triangle
Rags-to-riches royalty marriage
Anyone else want to join in? Click the link HERE to pick from the list and send me an ask. The more, the merrier!
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renchan7 · 3 years ago
Ask me! I'm ready to answer 😄
Fanfic Ask Meme
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