#this is the kind of emotion i turn into writing. i might write? i dont know yet. we'll see. i just... man. i miss him.
pyrriax · 1 month
sorry guys i watched a video and now im thinking and. i felt an obligation to put techno back on my blog after. almost two years?
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miafeystits · 1 year
re: that last poll i reblogged, one of the reasons i find both mpreg & a/b/o fic kind of morbidly fascinating after many years in fandom (despite not liking either) is how these kinds of fic often function as a way of mapping the tropes and gender dynamics of cis/heterosexual romance onto (almost always cis) m/m stories without going so far as to gender-swap either character
like, this is pretty obvious with mpreg centered on cis men, which is often just the application of common pregnancy-related romance tropes to cis m/m couples (note: im excluding depictions of trans masc pregnancy from my discussion here because i just think its a separate convo with its own nuances, and because i think much of the fic im describing here generally draws from ideas about cis men & women without much consideration for transness). however its ESPECIALLY apparent if you look at common a/b/o tropes in m/m fic. namely, the fact that an a/b/o universe is generally a world in which irl gender essentialism and the resulting sexual power dynamics between (cis) men and (cis) women are able to be applied to relationships exclusively between cis men-- with one partner being dominant, often physically stronger and aggressive, and socially privileged for this (perceived or real) biological superiority, and the other partner (who is generally the one able to bear children) being sexually submissive, weaker, and thus socially disadvantaged or oppressed as a consequence.
furthermore, something EXTRA interesting to me is that in this type of fic these power dynamics are very frequently not just social constructs (the way they are in real life-- pls dont misunderstand me and think im saying women are inherently biologically submissive to men irl or something), but rather almost always depicted as a biological reality within the world of the story. this type of au (at least in m/m dominated circles) offers a way of exploring and depicting what are basically misogynistic tropes without ever naming it as misogyny or involving women at any point. and i'm not trying to make a moral judgement here--i just genuinely find it very interesting that one of the main ways that misogynistic sexual dynamics (and, frequently, the violence resulting from such dynamics) gets explored in fandom spaces is through the development of an alternate biological and social reality in which cis men experience a mirror of those power dynamics, often turned up to 11 via in-universe biological essentialism. it strikes me as a way to engage with irl misogyny and its role within relationships with a certain amount of emotional distance, for better or worse. on one hand, it might be used to explore this imbalance of power without ever needing to depict misogynistic violence happening to female characters, but on the other hand also often offers a way to engage with romantic tropes steeped in irl gender essentialism in a way that is justified within the fiction of the universe and therefore do not need to be considered as critically
now i dont think this alone justifies this trope's existence or popularity (i'm sure a large part of its popularity is people just thinking it's hot tbh, which is fine im not here to judge), and honestly i'm not interested in litigating the question of why people write or read this trope in the first place, but i AM continually fascinated by the degree to which heteronormativity is able to influence what are ostensibly depictions of queer relationships
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tinykonig · 2 years
Ghost x reader headcannons
im so glad you guys are enjoying these??? i love making them and its helping me procrastinate finals :) as always these are written for afab, and sometimes include references feminine terms. if you like how i write for ghost, send me a lil request and i might turn it into something :)
NSFW indicated in post 🤍
Genuinely it takes fucking forever for Ghost to admit having feelings for you. He is in denial for soooo long
What finally makes him crack is getting critically injured on a mission and all he can think about is how he should have told you
He resolves to tell you once he comes to in the hospital. He figures it would be stupid to waste any more time
You come to see him and you think he doesn’t want you there because he can’t make eye contact with you and that’s rare for him
You just kind of awkwardly apologize for coming and turn to leave and he just barks out “Wait.”
When Ghost is getting something off his chest he gets it all out. So he’s just very bluntly telling you that you were all he could think about when he thought he was going to die and he doesn’t see the point in hiding how he feels any longer
At the end of his speech he looks at you and you are getting a little emotional and this motherfucker has the audacity to be like, “… why are you crying?”
Like you just spilled your heart out to me give me a break!!!
His entire body relaxes when you tell him you feel the same way. He didn’t even realize how tense he had been
You don’t leave his side until he’s recovered and able to fully function back to normal
He doesn’t say thank you with his words but rather his actions. His eyes tell you everything anyways
Sometimes he will glance around him to make sure no one else is watching and then just lift you into the most earth shatteringly wonderful hug
Puts you down after a few seconds and returns to whatever he was doing without a word. You grew used to this eventually
So protective. Like wont even let you walk on the side of the sidewalk thats closer to the road. Puts himself between you and any dangers
You will be his passenger princess. There is no way he lets you drive sorry thats his job, he looks damn good doing it so you dont mind
(holds your hand over the center console)
Big on acts of service. Does little domestic things for you like folds your laundry while you take a nap and offers to cook dinner every other day
Stares at you when you sleep. He thinks you look so angelic and peaceful and it makes him feel all warm inside but he’s definitely scared the shit out of you a few times
Not a fan of going out a lot. He’s a homebody when he’s not in the field
The best listener!!! He will offer advice when you ask for it or will just lend you sympathy when you don’t want advice
He does have his moments where he needs his space, and if you try to push him he can get mean
After he’s recharged and feeling back to normal he is touch. starved.
Likes to spoon, likes to watch movies with you in between his legs and laying on his chest, likes standing behind you while you are doing anything and just holding your hips
He always buries his face in your neck and just breathes deep. Could drown in your scent and be happy
It takes him awhile to remove his mask freely around you because its a feeling of vulnerability that just gnaws at him
He warms up to it over time and you see his face more and more often. Loves that you act the same either way
He has dimples (fist fight me if you disagree)
He can grow a killer beard, but trims it based on your preference because he doesn’t care either way
Very thoughtful with gifts and always remembers your birthday (sometimes forgets his own)
Knows your order for every restaurant and will make sure its correct and if its not he IS letting them know. How dare they
Literally mocks whatever accent you have constantly. Playfully but he’s brutal
If you are being stubborn he is not against just picking you up and slinging you across his shoulder
Sleeps like a rock this one
Likes to watch sports on tv and catches himself cheering his team on and then gets embarrassed (its so fucking cute)
If his mask is off and he sees any exposed part of your skin- he’s biting
And then going about his business like he didn’t just bite you???? So weird
The biting happens in the bedroom too, specifically when he cums. Your neck will have teeth marks
Switch, switch, switch
His bedroom eyes are soo severe , he just gives you a single half lidded stare and your clothes are coming off
He loves to degrade you, he doesn’t talk a lot but when he does he is telling you how pathetic you look crying on his cock
Loves to be degraded too :) Whines if you call him pussy drunk (because he is)
A little rough but king of aftercare
Loves watching you come undone on his fingers. Has a thing for wearing his gloves when he fingers you
Against the wall is a specialty of Simons
Grunts a lot, growls sometimes when he is close
You go down on him and he sometimes lets go and moans
Always returns the favor
Doesn’t do quickies or risky places
Will do about anything else
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eustasskidagenda · 8 months
hello im so excited that your ask box is open and youre taking requests! i dont request things often, so this might be a but of a weird concept, and i apologize if its too detailed. however the idea literally wont leave me alone. orz;;
maybe eustass kid has a crush on a somewhat reserved reader whose slow to open up and he hasnt quite realized thats what hes feeling until they stop on an island and meet readers childhood friend. they show a whole new side of themself with said friend by laughing openly, making stupid jokes, being much more physically affectionate. basically reader acts close with an old friend and kid gets jealous about it.
i dont mind if you do a oneshot, drabble, or headcanon, im just curious about your thoughts on this :3 thank you so much and i hope you have a great day!
Hello dear anon! Sure, I'm always happy to write for my pookie. It was fun to write, and it makes me smile a bit because Kid is such a mess, I love this angry tulip. Hope it will match your expectations. ☆
☆Kid with a s/o slow to open up
CW : g/n reader, a bit of cursing but fluff overall
WC : 700
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Kid has always been loud. Whenever he's angry, he needs to shoot at someone. What can he say? His heart is filled with emotions, boiling and exploding like a thousand sparks. That's why you're a mystery. Always calm. Not letting others know what's on your mind. What makes you so quiet? He can't tell. 
Just like the moon and the sun, you are polar opposites. And yet, as the sun always chases the moon, he's always looking after you. And he's everything, but not discreet. Asking loudly for almost all of his crew what they think about you and why you are so reserved. 
Sure, he's used to introverted folks. Killer is one of them. But here's the difference: he can second-guess every word, thought, and breath of his best friend. He could probably achieve all of his sentences. And even through the mask, Kid could also guess the exact expression on Killer's face. 
Killer, who is likely aware that Kid has a small crush on you.
Kid is genuinely frustrated. Loudly frustrated, obviously. He needs to feel in control of everything and hates when he doesn’t have a full-understanding. Usually, he fails to notice reserved people because he's taking all the attention. But there's something about you: your slight smiles, the flash in your eyes, the way you're always listening to others but never talk about yourself. He can't tell why, but it keeps his mind alert. 
Perhaps you pose a bit of a challenge. Kid would never give two flying fucks about you if you were easy to see through. He's always looking after you because you're still a mystery. Sure, at the beginning, it was just to try to figure out who you really are. But now, it turned into something bigger. He hasn't noticed it yet, that’s all. Kid sucks with feelings. Feelings are actually something he hates because they make him feel weak. It puts his loved one in danger. Showing your weaknesses to enemies is a foolish move, Kid knows that perfectly.
However, everything is about to change. He decided to stop on that island for the day. For the first time, you asked to avoid robbery or harming anyone around. 
"Ugh, we're pirates, y/n" Kid doesn't want to look like a nice guy. He's a tough, rude pirate. He has a reputation to uphold. For him, the only good way to open a path is by violent means. Kindness? For what? If he's still alive today, it's because he toughened up and decided to never show mercy to anyone. 
"Fine, fine, I won't kill those people." Heavy sighs. But he wants to understand. He needs to understand. And finally, he's about to understand. 
Because suddenly, you're smiling heartily and running towards those scumbag strangers. What. The. Fuck. It's like seeing the sun after an eternity of blizzards and grey clouds. You're a bright light, a true sunshine. A burst of joy. You're joking, laughing, talking, and talking a lot. You never said more than two sentences in front of him, and now you're chatting endlessly with those strangers and hugging all of them. 
He's pissed off. Are those random people with terrible sense of style and ugly make-up better than him? The great Eustass "Captain" Kid? No way. 
"Guys, here's my captain, Kid. Kid, here are my childhood best friends."
Kid's face is a mess of angry scowls and boiling with frustration when they say hello. Why aren't you smiling as warmly when you're with him? Why is his heart pounding so hard, almost painfully in his chest? And damn, is it the cold or are his cheeks completely red? 
Poor Kid is both flushed and flustered. His first reflex is always exploding when he feels something. "Do you have a problem with me?" Barking through gritted teeth. 
He's ruining the happy-shitty mood and he doesn't care. 
So now, try to explain that you don't have a problem with him. Good luck, he's very stubborn. But once he's more or less calmed (because he's still pissed off), he still can't understand why his heart is racing at the sight of your soft, warm smile.
He wants to see that side of you more often. He wants to be part of those privileged people allowed to know the real you.
Yes, maybe he has a crush on you.
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genericpuff · 4 months
I dont think snailords is literally going to end the series in 20 episodes. I think he is plotting the rest of the season and has the option to extend it 10 or 20 episodes.
That's not what he implies in his post, though, at all. The wording is very clear:
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He's not saying "I have the ending for Death : Rescheduled planned out but I have this one mini arc I want to do before it", he's literally saying "the comic is ending whether you like it or not, but if you give me $1k I'll make sure it's 20 weeks from now instead of 10." He doesn't say he's plotting out the end which is however far from now, he just goes straight into "I'm gonna end the comic in either 10 episodes or 20". And then of course even goes to say "decide whether you want 20 more weeks with Kissae and Kreyul, or 10 more weeks to say goodbye". If he didn't want to give his readers the impression that that meant it was ending within that time range... then why phrase it like that? It doesn't help either that his phrasing is supported by his updates, where he says shit like:
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(Also I couldn't find them but there are other screenshots out there of him saying shit like "thanks for showing you love the series" in a way that's frankly rude af because it's basically like he's asking for money for his readers to 'prove' they love him and his work, and that wouldn't be the first time he's done that either.)
If he is saying what you're suggesting, then he's not being clear about it at all because the language is very seriously implying that it's going to be ending when it returns. Which I'd hope it isn't considering what other readers are pointing out that the story has basically just gotten going and I'd hate for this to turn into another Freaking Romance situation, but I don't know how else we're supposed to read "
And, as I mentioned in my post about it, why on earth even contemplate putting in this mini arc that he's asking for $1k as a deciding factor over if he doesn't even have it written? He says he's way more confident just writing the finale arc as is, so why drag it out with an arc he's not completely confident in?
And of course, there's the urgency. If Death : Rescheduled isn't entering its ending arc after it returns from midseason hiatus - if it still has potentially years of storytelling left - then why now? Why suddenly ask your readers to buy $1k worth of merch in 24 hours or less to help you make a decision... if the actual consequences of that decision won't be made apparent for ages?
And at the end of the day, even if it's a possibility he meant what you're suggesting, that doesn't make it any less scammy to hold the comic's potential ending for ransom? Speaking as a comic writer myself of the last 10+ years, getting money from the audience in this kind of way has never ever been a deciding factor in how I write my work. Sure, things like stretch goals and Patreon milestone rewards are a thing, offering bonus chapters or NSFW art or just additional goodies if you hit a financial goal or if people sign into a certain tier, all that makes sense, but if what you're offering is worded specifically to make your audience panic - not saying "hey , you guys get an extra bonus 10 episodes if I hit this goal by this date" but rather "hey, you guys won't get AS MANY episodes if you don't pay me $1k in 24 hours or less" - and ultimately gets your readers an extra 10-15 episodes of an arc you're not even confident in writing ... the fuck is that, even? Just write the story you want to write, why do you gotta make your audience freak over not getting as much comic as they might want only to twist it into "surprise, it was for charity!" in the end?
The whole thing is silly and yeah, I'm calling it for what it is - a scam - because it's not the first time Snailords has taken advantage of his audience and played on their emotions and need for short-term gratification all for his own financial benefit. It's not even the first time he's tanked his own comic from rushing the ending simply because he was done playing with it. So at this point I wouldn't be surprised if the comic does come back and proceeds to spend 10-15 episodes waffling on a directionless mini arc before rushing into a 10 episode finale.
That said, that's all my two cents on it, you don't have to agree with me. I really don't feel like I'm misinterpreting his words but maybe someone else could enlighten me if there's something I'm missing here; that said, considering even his own readers were calling him out on this and that he never actually made efforts to clarify what could be poor language, I don't think I'm an outlier and I don't think there's even any misinterpretation happening. Maybe he'll prove me wrong, but I've yet to see this guy do anything to prove that he's capable of doing the right thing. And frankly, even if what you suggested turns out to be true and the comic goes on for a long while before actually hitting that $1k-funded mini arc (and again, I kinda hope it does just so we don't end up with a repeat of what happened with Freaking Romance) it doesn't make any of this feel less gross IMO.
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the-s1lly-corner · 5 months
Getting into an argument w/ Laughing Jack
looking at it now i should have just this as one of my big group posts but those take so so long to write and i cant be bothered so uhuhuh i hope you guys dont mind the multiple (Prompt) w/ (character) posts plus those are kind of my default posts between requests SOBS
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this one is also interesting because i think jack can sometimes be a little immature and bad at compromise, so sometimes things can get a little.... erkrkrg.... on top of that, he doesnt take many things seriously so something can easily get more.. well heated because hes just cracking jokes most of the time
it wouldnt be until you actually start losing some level of control of your emotions to make him realize that youre being serious
leads to him unintentionally making you feel unheard and that hes not taking your feelings into consideration; which sometimes can genuinely be the case because as stated hes not the best with compromise, but.. i dont know
does reel back and try to apologize repeatedly to try to undo everything if theres tears, might fall into his pattern of trying to get you to smile and not leaving you alone until you do
which actually might make things worse because its a whole thing of "you just got done arguing and now hes trying to change the topic like it was nothing"
you will have to tell him to give you space, and you might have to repeat it a few times so he will actually. give you that space
tries to leave you mountains of candy as a peace offering
he sits and lets the guilt eat at him, he perhaps even fears that youre going to leave him like Isaac had, which makes him feel worse
he turns into the sad ant meme when that thought gets into his head/hj
probably slides you notes under your bedroom door to check in on you... he can enter your room easily via doing the smoke thing but he doesnt want to stress you out more.. his overthinking still gets to him enough to do the notes though
will literally do anything when you eventually exit your room, kind of accidentally ambushes you
immature and impulsive but hes willing to do better and follow boundaries because he doesnt want to lose you
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sk3tch404 · 1 year
Yandere Phantom Troupe with a s/o who gets friendly with other partners
Characters: Chrollo, Phinks, Nobunaga and Franklin
A/n: Ehhhh just a small thing. Brain fried from school and lack of proper sleep. Hope my HXH fixation stays strong for a while longer 😍 Also i think the writing is lowkey ugly but I think it's mostly the brain fog
Also wanted to do Uvogin but miss girl I really can't with ts rn... Btw I dont do Franklin I just like his character. ONE TIME THING OK 👌
Also in my ghosting era. Sorry moots I'm dying but bitch im alive but I'm dead 💔
Now what the hell do you think you're doing?
It's good to see that you're still capable of social interaction, but getting all buddy buddy with the other partners will make him extremely jealous.
His jealousy doesn't stem from his fear of them taking you away from him, it's purely because he thinks that HE should be the only one you spend your leisurely time with. Not some nobodies.
Chrollo is very straightforward and verbal in his expression of feelings. He will tell you to knock it off and stay near him for now on.
Maybe he will be more lenient when you talk to them from a distance.
Disobey and you will lose many privileges. It's not too often the troupe has meetings, so if there is a next time to prove yourself, (Assuming you've made up a lot for it and have obtained outside pleasures) you'd better either keep your head to the ground, or your eyes boring into his.
Eyes are the windows to the soul aren't they? Personally, Chrollo agrees with this sentiment. 
But if you're planning on escaping with the aid of that other partner, you better pray he takes some kind of psychological pity on you.
He WILL find out about it. Chrollo is a master manipulator and can read others out very well after some time.
Regarding that he has taken everything from you, he will know that you are keeping something from him.
It's not as if he didn't predict this, but it still dissapointed him.
Punishment is never tortuous, but it's direct and precise. Chrollo takes want he wants no matter how he gets it.
Sometimes you think of it as a blade hidden under his long sleeve. He closes in, saying things you wish not want to hear again, and strikes you in the most vital parts.
Literally does not care that much if you don't make a big deal out of it. Though, he does make sure you stay close and listens in to check you're not conspiring or anything. 
He will only get pissed if you seem really giddy after interacting with the other partner or if you keep looking around like an idiot for some kind of opportunity.
Somewhat playful about it. Phinks will tease you condescendingly, implying things you know you would be immensely punished for. 
Your terrified face and nervous defensive speech strokes his ego a lot. 
Yeah that's right, you're his. Only he works to make you that happy. Any other being trying to lure you into their untrustworthy hold will get their head spun around back and over. 
But if you're planning something against him, he will have no hesitation and will take you back home that instant.
Informs troupe members he encounters that he has personal business while dragging you out by your arm.
The boss is more understanding when it comes to partner business, so he approves of his actions.
Punishment is painful yet effective. The next time the Troupe meets up, you dare not to look at anyone else. Especially that other darling.
It seems like they were punished too.
Why the hell are you ruining everything for yourself? 
He's a very moody and emotional person. Seeing you enjoy yourself with that other person will make him extremely envious and agitated.
If you're REALLY enjoying it then things will take a turn for the worst.
Nobunaga will walk up to the two of you and intimidate the other partner. The yandere of that partner will most likely not take kindly to that, and they will start to have a verbal dispute. 
Chrollo will have to silence the two and might even toss a coin to decide what to do about the outburst.
When you two get home, you will be heavily interrogated. If you don't declare your very existence and devotion to your "relationship", then off to the lions you go.
Nobunaga always makes punishment personal; Insulting you and putting words in your mouth. Never leaves you alone and makes it a point to let you know how much you hurt him, and how bad he is going to hurt you.
But if you are simply having small talk, then Nobunaga will pull you aside and tell the yandere to keep their partner away from his lover. 
The yandere will most likely agree or wave off to his demands, and keep what's theirs to themselves.
His grip is swift and harsh. You feel like a brick in calloused hands waiting for an open opportunity.
Nobunaga doesn't think before he acts in social situations. His feelings take over and his sword swerves up and around, aimed towards person contradicting his own view.
He is greedy, not selfish. 
Safe to say that you now don't open your mouth at meetings anymore unless you're told to…
Eh as long as you're happy and not doing anything stupid.
He knows you need to talk to someone else other than himself. You are human after all.
Franklin will question you about your conversations. He secretly hopes you talked about him in a flattering light, but he knows that most likely was not a subject brought up.
Unless you want to get smart and start conspiring, you best not let him hear in on too much or find out.
Franklin is an observer and only acts when needed. His quiet and large stature is enough to intimidate most, so when he tells you he knows, confess and apologize as if you life depended on it.
He is a very patient, rational and calculating man, so he knows what you need when you need it.
It's better to stay docile rather than to mess up because you thought you could fool him. Did you think just because you found an easy way out, that you had even the slightest chance of keeping it a secret from him? Franklin of all people?
The man who is basically the troupe's second leader, the man who literally shoots nen bullets out of his hands, the man who could SNAP YOU IN HALF if he wanted to.
Punishment is not as bad as it would be if you actually did escape, but it still resulted in you being closed off to others much more than to him.
But other than that he doesn't mind you a few friends here and there. Just as long as you're loyal to him, he carries on without much issue.
Isn't the jealous type. More possessive.
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hella1975 · 9 months
hiiii haha. hello. exceptionally awkward introduction bc idrk how to start something like this so let's just jump right in. im taking a break from this account for a bit. i know i said i wanted taob out before halloween and currently im fine sticking with that deadline, but if i decide i need longer away then i will take longer away. every time ive reassured people that id never abandon a fic and updates will always come eventually i never once considered that my writing and ability to feel safe and comfortable on this site would be actively taken from me, so im not even going to apologise. i dont want this either and more importantly i dont fucking deserve it. i dont know what it is in the past year, if ive hit a certain amount of followers or 'popularity' that's made it so the natural ratio of positive to negative interactions must in turn go up, but there's been a serious uptick in weird asks for me. the annoying part is that a very small amount of them are actually objectively mean and hateful, the rest are just weird and invasive from people who seemingly dont realise that's what they're being. ive reached a point where i dont care if the intentions are good. it's not my job as a 20 year old tumblr user of all things to defend the morality of someone who couldnt even bother to come off anon. unfortunately, after blocking only one or two anons, the weird asks have decreased substantially, which says all you need to know about the fascinating and exhilarating lives led by these people, but ive also gone on to turn anon asks off entirely. this is something i actively fought against doing and had to be pushed into by my mutuals (who have been the coolest people on planet earth during this entire thing). turning off anon was a big deal to me even if it sounds silly. i felt betrayed and like id been backed into a corner because it was so vehmently something i DIDNT WANT that to feel like i had to do it anyway for my own mental health??? that sucks. so even though ive 'fixed' the problem, im still kind of reeling and uncomfortable every time i come on tumblr. i hope it's just something i need time to ease because i'll truly be devastated if this becomes 'ruined' for me. tumblr exists as the only place in the world where i am honestly every facet of myself without shame or hesitation; losing that would be insanely harmful to me. and to the people who cant appeal to the actual human behind the post, let me put that in words you can understand: we wouldn't get any more writing 😦😦😦 riots and fires and sirens, i know. so yeah. to anyone who has sent me an anon ask and you're now wondering if you were part of the problem, im firmly of the belief that you'll know if you are. when i say 'weird asks' i dont mean 'you sent me a para about your personal life just to vent or ask for advice' or 'you sent me a really deep emotional compliment about the impact me and/or my writing has had on you' - i love asks like that, so much that i put off taking a break and turning off anon solely for the joy they bring me. im sorry that it might feel like you're being punished too bc of the actions of what in reality is a HANDFUL of weird people, but this is what i feel like i have to do to feel safe and not go insane every time i log in. love you guys, hopefully ill see you soon x
#seriously another shout out to my mutuals#id particularly like to say thank you to boom who's always right there for me no matter what's happening or how insane im being#and also everyone in our little discord that wound up having to make a whole new channel for venting#bc i was there so often like 'today's weird ask isssss.... telling me about my cupsize!! rip them to shreds!!!'#hannah and theo especially being there and pushing me to finally turn off anon. war is truly over#and of course rori bc the shamelessness u show when hating on my anon asks has been genuinely really cathartic#sometimes u really do just need a rottweiler mutual to tell random people online to kill themselves 😭#okay weird oscar acceptance speechcore gratitude over. i do just rlly love my mutuals#like i went three years not telling anyone about the worse side of internet popularity for fear of looking spoiled and ungrateful#so for the first time to open up about it and be met with outrage on my behalf and people saying in fact it's MORE fucked up#than i initially realised bc ive grown desensitised to it is. yeah cathartic i guess#they are singlehandedly reassuring me of the good this cursed app still holds#so everyone thank them and send them flowers NOW#okay im done i think. see you guys soon. i truly do want to come back asap bc like i said i NEVER EVEN WANTED TO FUCKING LEAVE#SOME ASSHOLES JUST HAD TO PUT GRENADES ON WHAT I ASSUMED WERE VERY UNIVERSAL AND OBVIOUS BOUNDARIES#if you're reading this like 'ohhh fuck i defo sent something invasive lately. i thought it was a joke/we were friends'#then 1) we arent friends if you're on anon. it immediately creates a power imbalance where you know me and any necessary context#but i have no idea who you are or how much you know about me. that's already a fucked dynamic#and 2) I HOPE YOU FEEL BAD. LIKE GENUINELY I HOPE YOU FEEL AWFUL AND HAVE A GOOD LONG LOOK AT YOURSELF#okay i think that's all. ta-ra lads??? how tf do u end something like this#ive queued this to reblog a couple more times throughout the day
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ranposgirlboss · 1 year
~bsd comfort hcs~
this came about while i was cleaning dishes and scanning my check in from work LMAOAKSIUJSAHb (this is pretty much just a more elaborate ver of my other one)
can also be seen as romantic or platonic!!
charas: sigma, ranpo, poe, chuuya, and nikolai
genre: FLUFF!!!!!!! some mild hurt comfort <3
(it slowly goes more and more downhill)
LESSGOOO ₍₍ ◝( ^∀ ^ )◟ ⁾⁾
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-SIGMAA (my crush on this man grows bigger by the day), so as i mentioned last time he would know when there's something wrong pretty quickly!!
-sigma would probably play a game of cards with you to distract you for a bit tbh (he will hesitantly agree to play uno AJHNMAKBHJS HIM PKAYING UNO WOULD BE SO FUNNY but anyways.)
-may or may not try to lose on purpose in an attempt to make you happier
-seems like a speed typa guy (that card game is so fun its the best one)
-after a bit and once youve calmed down, he'll ask what happened to you
-if you to choose to explain, he would probably gossip about it with you, or tell you its ok and you're doing great <33
-if you choose not to, he totally understands! he'll just keep on playing the card game with you, or yall could go do something else!!
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-lets all be honest with ourselves
-he isnt the BEST at comfort
-however, that doesnt necessarily mean that hes BAD at it
-he will take a bit to notice, as he is pretty absorbed in cases, eating snacks, and being a dense genius that cant tell peoples emotions that well!!
-but, you can always ask him to distract you for a bit if your emotions are very big
-hes very good at distracting you
-probably will say "stop staying cooped up inside!! >:(" and just grab you and take you to some bakery to eat sweets with him, to play video games with you!!
-since he gets that youre not in the best mood, hell try his best not to steal your food. keyword: best.
-playing games with ranpo is so fun don't even
-he probably wouldnt be the best at responding well if you ranted to him, would probably say that he's sorry but that's kinda the best he can do
-if you dont wanna talk about it, perfect!! ranpo is internally scared you might lash out at him due to his lack of actual response ಥ‿ಥ
-pretty good at comfort, mostly just turns to yall hanging out tho!!
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-im never gonna stop writing for him be prepared to see him in every hcs <33
-at first he wouldnt know what to do
-i mean, hes barely even had any FRIENDS to comfort.....sooooooooooooooo
-his version of comfort is like buying a mansion if you feel sad
-i mean thats somehow the ONLY conclusion
-"you dont feel sad anymore right y/n ( ꈍᴗꈍ)"
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-he just doesnt wanna see you sad, BUT HE DOESNT KNOW HOW TO ACTUALLY COMFORT PEOPLE
-so, he will make you laugh. to distract you from the problem.
-he very well knows that this wont help in the long run, but i mean, what is he gonna do?? learn how to ACTUALLY comfort you?? why would he do that when he can be silly instead????? (same)
-if you didnt laugh at his jokes, well, then he'll shock you out of sadness.
-will literally fucking teleport your whole body some place random. (use his silly ability, idfk what its called 😭)
-like im not fucking joking
-so laugh for your own sake
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-i eat my manga chuuya'os everyday (get it??? because cheerios and chuuya, so if you combine the names you get chuuyios/chuuya'os. laugh.)
-he would probably just bluntly ask you what was wrong, and if you don't want to explain, that's alright.
-im not gonna shut up about him taking you on motorcycle rides.
-i never WILL >:(
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do-not-lick-the-walls · 4 months
Hi! i love your writing, i was wondering if you could do a beelzebub head cannon list?
love like yours | beelzebub headcanons
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a/n: ahhh hi nonnie! Thank you so much for my first request!! <3 ive never done a headcanon list before, so I hope this is good/what you meant! I went with some falling in love stuff since you didn't specify any theme or anything. Happy Valentines!
ineffable taglist: @sarcastic-sourwolf , @angelofthenight <3
• They fall without realizing it.
• Centuries of shoving down every positive emotion has them so, so horribly out of touch with their feelings. They don't believe they're actually capable of love. Or anything else that... soft.
• But you make something bubble up in their chest. A kind of fluttering that's refusing to stay down, no matter how many times they stuff it back under the bed.
• It's infuriating.
• It's fascinating.
• You're fascinating.
• Every habit, every mannerism, every little oddity of yours they discover is pinned to the map of you that keeps popping up in their head.
• They don't mean to study you so intensely, it just... keeps happening.
• How can they not?? You're just sitting there being so damn interesting, what else are they supposed to do? Confront their own feelings? Hahahahahahaha
• No.
• They're falling harder every day and desperately trying to ignore the shit out of it.
• Eventually the council gets fed up and stages an intervention. All this emotional repression is piled on so thick its becoming a workplace hazard.
• "You need to get it together, Beez. This is physically painful to watch."
• "I am not in love!"
• "Stop lying. I found this poem in your room. Its horrible."
• "Give that back!!!"
• (The poem is bad. Like really, really bad. It never sees the light of day again, for everyone's benefit.)
• Even after they're done repeatedly going through all 5 stages of grief and finally accept that they love you, it still takes a while longer for them to fess up.
• They chicken out like 4 different times before finally going for it.
• They try to be suave and cool, but you kind of turn them into a puddle of lovestruck goop.
• They dont know how to express their feelings normally, let alone while you're standing right there in front of them, and looking at them with your gorgeous eyes and smiling your little smile and oh god oh fuck---
• It comes out as mostly a string of incoherent words and noises that sound like they might be having some kind of celestial stroke.
• When its clear they're not getting the point across, they just kiss you.
• ...?
• ...!
• !!!!!
• That does the trick.
• <3
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kaeyx · 9 months
Thinking about stepping on catchuus dick while he’s in heat. Hes in heat but hes too embarrassed to communicate that! (Poor babys really good at masking his emotions and needs) The look of shock in his eyes when you push him down to the floor one day out of pure irritation. Bros like “•.•” cause he cant process that youre being rough with him. Where did his kind master go, the one who put up with him even at his worst days?!!? The only way to get him to admit hes in heat is to edge him until hes whining like a desperate whore!
• chuu has been acting up lately for no apparent reason!
•feels way to embarrassed to initiate sex
•so embarrassed that you might wake up with bruised thighs from him humping them at night!
•ever since you took him in my poor baby hasn’t been able to get himself off without some kind of physical touch from you
•even when hes dry humping you at night, its so shameful. Hes been going at it for hours only in the end to have the weakest spurt of cum spill out of his aggravated tip!
•but the night he goes too far is when hes being a little pervert and watching you shower trying desperately to get himself off
•you catch him and inquire about what he was doing
•”awh baby were you touching yourself while watching your master clean himself, y’know you can come in and ill help you”
•He scoffs “y’know you’re not even that pretty. Don’t get ahead of yourself sir, i wouldn’t be that desperate in a million years especially not for you.”
•obviously he doesn’t mean a word of this! He was just so embarrassed that you caught him that he said the first mean thing he could come up with.
•however it doesn’t matter if he didn’t mean it, you’re seeing red
•” what. the. fuck. Did you just say to me”
•chuu fucked up big time
•you get out of the shower and push him down to the ground rolling your heel against his obvious boner
•”if im so ugly then why are you acting like such a fucking whore, i might not have a dick but i know they dont get that hard for just anyone”
•he’s only used to praise from you, but he’d be lying if he said you losing your control didn’t turn him on
•”Ngh! Fuck~ master please m’sorry!” He cries out
•when you try to interrogate him about why he said those things to you he just looks away with furrowed brows and flushed cheeks. (He is quite literally tucking his tail between his legs)
•it goes on like that for at least an hour. But he does break eventually
•hes humping the ball of your foot youve so generously offered while crying out and telling you how he forgot to take his heat repressors and how he was humiliated and didnt want to let you know
•tears running down his cheeks and an embarrassing amount of precum leaking from his tip
•”shhh its okay baby thats all you had to say”
•you whisper sweet things into his ears, but the praise you’re giving him doesn’t match up with the rough manner you’re stroking his cock
•he comes. HARD.
•thick white ropes of cum spilled one after the other from his weeping head
•cums so hard it almost reaches his neck!
•hes now desperately clinging to you whimpering and whining apologies
•”s-sir m’sorry! Jus’ wanted you. Youre so pretty sir, the best master i could ask for!”
•normally hed be to embarrassed to say these things, but hed just had one of the most intense orgasms of his life
•you rub his hair cooing “shh i know baby, jus’ dont do it again”
•falls asleep purring in your arms, slinging to you like he did when you first took him in
AOUGH okay okay I'm putting this under a cut since the ask is long
Nah bc you're right, he'd be so good at hiding his heats. Or we can throw in some a/b/o and give him heat suppressants, sure! Either way you've never had to think about when heat season is coming, or you might not even know about it unless he's commented on it for whatever reason.
Also yes yes yes Chuuya snapping at someone when he's taken by surprise or feels defensive is so real to me. Crossing his arms and huffing even though his cheeks are red and you can see the outline of him in his pants, he's just going to double down and storm off. And try to finish himself off the second you're out of sight of course. Even if you'd had sex before he's suddenly initiating a lot less, not trying to coax you in for a kiss or anything at all, but always deflects when you ask him what's wrong.
Him grinding against your foot or leg is so hot too...or the heel of your boot even... clawing uselessly at the floor and bucking his hips, whining whenever you press down, dripping steadily onto his stomach. All that pent up cum shooting out far more violently than usual as he pants and moans so pretty, deep in his chest. Finally getting relief after so long of trying to rut into the space between your thighs while you slept.
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pegaace · 1 year
Analysis on Witch from Mercury, Colonialism, The Tempest, and Caliba(r)n
Okay I know this is my first post ever but I was tryna find somewhere to put my thoughts after seeing a bunch of people everywhere slander Caliban and why that is not it and how my boi is innocent, good actually. For qualifications I did an undergrad lit class that covered The Tempest like 2 years ago so that's fine right (apologies to my profs if I fuck any of this up)
Okay so for starters yes by now everyone knows WfM is The Tempest, Prospera is Prospero (or Prospera actually, there was a 2010 film adaptation that had the gender switch already), Aerial is Ariel, etc etc. So therefore Caliban has to be this villainous, "monstrous" creature right?
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Haha no sit down cos no that would be boring. (and also kinda racist as I'll explain) Notice how in the original Prospero isn't the villain of the story, not really, he's just getting revenge for being wronged years ago and trying to ship the kids together. But if recent gwitch is any indication, Prospera truly is the villain of this story, breaking hearts and stopping at nothing to destroy the Benerit group AND earth. Now I wonder which other adaptation of The Tempest has Prospero as the big bad HMMMM :thinking:
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Enter Aime Cesaire and A Tempest. Written in 1969, it deals with a lot of the more unpleasant connotations of Shakespeares play. Let me lay it all out for you. So you're saying Prospero, a white dude, comes to this island, uses his western magic to overthrow the native witch (Sycorax), wrecks the land of its magic, and then enslaves her son to do his work for him, constantly insulting his appearance and intelligence? HMMMM seems pretty sus (racist and colonial) to me.
Cesaire, writing during a time of decolonial movements throughout the world, was rightfully really mad at colonizers for forcing their way upon natives with violence, and especially with the use of language to control said populations. Caliban has also been repeatedly dehumanised through previous adaptations of Shakespeares work slowly turning him from a man into a monster, not even human. This is similar to how non-european people have constantly been treated in the past.
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Now like wait... Forcing communication through a set language? Dehumanisation? Colonisation of oppressed peoples? Where have we seen that before...? HMMMM
(its almost like... permet scores and gundam technology... Calibarn being free of permet links is like Caliban refusing language...)
And here's where I see the great potential of a Gundam Caliban. Gundam is certainly no stranger to decolonial movements (shoutout to my fave Gundam ZZ and the bois in Blue team and the African liberation front) and I think having Caliban as the Gundam to finally end Spacian oppression (perhaps in a sequel idk if Suletta is getting that far after bonking her mom by the end of the season) would be a great take.
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As a side note, Aerial is kinda portrayed negatively in Cesaire's work for choosing to work for Prospero in exchange for their own freedom, as kind of a sellout who makes things worse and is ultimately tricked and trapped anyways and... hey! She's in a giant coffin now and Suletta is unhappier than ever! Oops.
Also like I qrted this on my twt but like its important to remember that Caliban is human too, and will respond to accordingly. They (and this might be where i disagree with @adracat a lil on their otherwise excellent posts) arent just a violent unthinking monster, thats just unfortunately how racism often portrays people of colour. If Suletta shows compassion and humanity towards Calibarn, like how she did to Aerial, and how Eri was able to connect with Lfrith in the prologue when Vanadis had failed, I'm sure she'll be able to bring Calibarn over to her side. And because they can connect so fully via human emotions and love (this is where I do agree with adra that love is the answer and key to open the door) (wooo yeah another love powered robot!! G Gundamming time) I dont think Quiet Zero will be able to stop them, as Suletta will have made the ultimate, unmediated connection between woman and machine, becoming one with it in the way Cardo Nabo had always truly hoped for. To don Gundam and live in space.
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Okay sorry for the disorganised post but like one last thing I know I said it'd be nice for Calibarn to show up again in S2 but the other theory I have (which might or might not be true cos lets be real gwitch only rhymes, never copies, and i dont even know where schwarzette fits into all this [goatmom gundam my beloved i miss schwarzletta theory still]) is that the ending of A Tempest has Prospero send the girlies off as usual, but then still choose to stay on the island to fight with Caliban forever, till he can finally fully dominate him, cos racists are shit like that. This continues for a rlly long time cos his magics kinda prevent him from just dying of old age and he lives on, like a vampire sucking life from the island (wow capitalism huh) and its implied he and Caliban are just locked in this long struggle to the death until the day he finally croaks and the colonized can finally be free. Now what other gundam has an eternal struggle with fascism hmm?
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idk just thought it might be cool for the gundam sisters to push suletta out of the way (maybe out of quiet zero?) whilst trapping prosperas grudge within it for all time, that would also be dramatic and neat lol. Come to think of it if Prospera does it itd be like ZZ again too lol with Haman pushing Judau away.
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scaly-freaks · 1 month
hello, queen!!! may i ask what are your top 5 books?! or if you dont do top 5s, would you rec a few books for us to read?!
Hello!! Hmmm I don't think I can pick a solid top 5 as sometimes a book at a certain time will feel like it's changed my life, but in retrospect, I'll think it was a good book, but on a re-read it doesn't trigger the same emotion. Soooo, for now I'll just rec 5 out of the bunch I'm currently reading hehe
Flowers In The Attic by VC Andrews (admittedly this one is a re-read, and I've always loved it purely because of the author's characterisation and well, it's a classic for a reason
Eileen by Ottessa Moshfegh - I could read anything by this author, she has the kind of writing that I wish I could turn into a culinary dish and sample it like I'm at one of those pretentious restaurants where they make edible smoke or whatever.
Lola In The Mirror by Trent Dalton - This one so far is heartrending and exquisite and so full of light despite the heavy subject matter. I think this one is gonna be a re-read that will hit every time.
Identical by Ellen Hopkins - Extremely heavy subject matter (CSA), formatted in a weird way so it might not be to everyone's tastes. But stunning writing.
Phantastes by George MacDonald - Okay, also one of my all time favourites, it's just one of those books that carries me away with the first sentence.
Hope you like one or more of these (and happy reading <3)
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idyllic-ghost · 2 years
waiting it out; dk x reader
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request: hi~~ can you write about reader struggling with mental health and dokyeom finding reader in the midst of a breakdown? with promt #6 from dokyeom but in a i-dont-want-to-freak-you-out way, prompt #44 and #26!! i've been struggling myself lately and watching dokyeom in their videos have really made me feel safe and at home somehow, i feel like he'd be the perfect person to be with at a time like that
prompts: 6. "can i hold your hand?" 26. "if you cry, i'll cry... and that's just going to make it worse" 44. "you need someone. let me be that person. let me be what you need."
a/n: it's not the longest, but i think it might be one of the favorite drabbles i've made so far. it's just a lot of softness...
cw: mentions of stress and anxiety, crying
genre: hurt/comfort, mutual crush
word count: 1.1k
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The moment Seokmin first saw you, he started falling for you. He had met you because you were a new staff member at HYBE. You were always happy and kind and always seemed to see the best in people. He adored your smile, the way you spoke, and how you would close your eyes when you were trying to focus on what someone was saying. He loved everything about you, which was why he had such a massive crush on you. It was something he wasn't planning on acting on since he hadn't a clue if you felt the same way about him. Even if he wasn't going to tell you his feelings, it wasn't wrong of him to try to get to know you. At this point, after hanging out so many times - in groups and one-on-one - he felt like he really knew you. However, his entire perspective on you changed after walking around the corner of the company building and seeing you crouched on the floor.
Seokmin wasn't about to leave you alone when you seemed so devastated, so of course, he approached you. His footsteps made you look up, you looked like a deer caught in headlights. You weren't crying, yet, but your eyes were filled with tears that were threatening to spill out.
"Hey, what's going on? Did something happen?", Seokmin asked as he crouched down next to you.
Those tears that were threatening to spill out came flying out like waterfalls as soon as he spoke. Seokmin panicked, trying to look around for someplace with napkins but of course, there wasn't one.
"Hey, don't cry... if you cry, I'll cry... and that's just going to make it worse.", he let out a panicked and short laugh.
"I'm sorry, it's just-", you mumbled between sobs.
"No, no, no- don't apologize.", he was exasperated, "You didn't do anything wrong, I'm sorry for saying that."
Your sobbing didn't stop. You didn't know what was wrong with you. Usually, you were pretty good at keeping your emotions at bay, but now, with Seokmin in front of you, they came pouring out. The reason you were crouched down in a corner was to avoid people in the first place. However, you didn't mind that he was with you right now. Of course, it was embarrassing to cry hysterically in front of your crush, but he made you feel safe.
"Do you mind if I sit with you?", he asked carefully, and you shook your head in response.
So, he sat down. No words were spoken, he only gently rubbed your back while your sobs slowly turned into whimpers. It felt nice to have him there, like wrapping yourself in a warm blanket after walking around in the snow.
"I'm sorry, you're probably busy...", you mumbled after a while.
"I'm not, I swear.", Seokmin spoke quietly, fearing that if he spoke any louder you might just break, "I'm here for you and I'm not leaving unless you want me to."
His words reassured you that things would be okay, that your feet were still on the ground, and that the world wasn't ending any time soon. He didn't belittle your emotions, you still felt like you were allowed to be upset, he simply showed you that you were safe.
"Do you want a hug? Or... maybe not... can I do something for you? Uh... can I hold your hand?", he stumbled out.
A laugh escaped your lips between all the sniffling, his clumsiness was adorably hilarious to you. You looked up at him, and Seokmin didn't know if it was very appropriate to still find you pretty like this, all teary-eyed with blotchy redness over your face. A sudden movement took hold of his attention, you were reaching out your hand for his. Quickly, he grabbed it and let your intertwined hands rest in his lap.
"Do you want to talk about what's made you upset?", he asked softly, almost inaudible.
"I'm just going through a rough patch... stress, pressure, anxiety... just the usual, you don't want to hear about it.", you brushed him off.
"I do.", he spoke stronger this time, "I can tell that you need someone. Let me be that person. Let me be what you need. Just vent all of your emotions to me, I don't mind."
And vent you did. The two of you sat there for about twenty minutes, you talking about things that had been bothering you, and him just listening to you. Of course, had it been any other person Seokmin knew, he would've done the same, and you knew that. However, him listening to you made you feel special, and it was nice to have someone who cared. Seokmin didn't let go of your hand either. He was rhythmically rubbing his thumb over the back of your palm while he nodded to whatever you were saying... until you had nothing left to say.
"... you know, I can't promise that everything will just magically get better.", he muttered, "We can't solve all of our problems, and that's fine. Life goes up and down, like some sort of sick and twisted roller coaster..."
"That's not what I would expect to hear from you.", you admitted.
"Well, it's the truth, isn't it?", he gave you a small smile, "Moments of happiness or sadness, they come and go as they please. They come fast, and they come slow. They're completely unpredictable, but that's just what life is."
"I guess so.", you nodded, "So then I just fight through it? Is that what you're saying?"
"Not necessarily.", he pondered for a bit, "... sometimes it's nice to lean on someone while waiting for a moment to pass. Wait it out, in the company of someone you like."
The words just came pouring out of him, and he didn't give it much thought. But when he looked at you and saw your big, bright, eyes, he realized that it might've just been what you needed to hear.
"Can I wait with you then?", you asked.
"Lean on me for as long as you want to." he nodded and shuffled a bit closer to you.
Your head fell to his shoulder. It felt so natural to let it stay there, so you did. Seokmin didn't say much after that, from time to time he would make small talk. You would hum, or make a small comment, but not much more. The two of you were left in comfortable silence there in the corner of the company corridor. You were definitely lucky that no one walked past because you really didn't want to move. Of course, the thought of confessing your feelings to him came up, but you decided not to. As did Seokmin. You bottled the feelings you had for each other and put them on the shelf for another time. To be in each other's presence right now was all that mattered.
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adoriels-tears-if · 1 month
i dont know if this is anoying (im sorry if it is), but if you strugle with writing sad scens ect i found this
Tips for Writing Sad Scenes
Remember not all characters express emotions the same way. For example, some characters are more closed off than others and will act accordingly. What makes one character collapse into a sobbing, wailing mess, might make another grieve quietly in a way people who don’t know them well might not even notice. That doesn’t make either reaction less impactful, it simply highlights the differences between the characters’ personalities.
Avoid melodrama. Going overboard with intense expressions of sadness can make them unintentionally humorous. Basically, make the intensity of characters’ emotions suit the situation and don’t let characters endlessly wallow in sorrow throughout the story. While it’s perfectly understandable for emotions to linger, dwelling on the same one with minimal variation risks losing the reader’s interest. 
Use buildup judiciously. Sometimes, you might decide to reveal that a bad situation is even more dire than the characters’ first thought, leading them to feel hopeless. Other times, the sad event might strike the characters as suddenly as a lightning strike.Giving characters and readers nuggets of hope can be especially effective. That’s because those lead people to believe that a positive outcome is possible, thereby making it hurt all the more when things take a turn for the worse.
Show characters seeking and giving comfort. Whether they try to drown their sorrows in alcohol or hug their friends close, moments where characters seek or give comfort show how much a sad event is impacting them. This provides good opportunities for bonding and possibly more conflict. Plus, coping mechanisms speak volumes about characters. Do they try to comfort others when they’re practically falling apart themselves? Do they seek some kinds of comfort but avoid others?
Emphasize lost opportunities. What will characters’ find much harder or even impossible now? If a character dies, who or what are they leaving behind? Who misses them now that they are gone? What dreams did they leave unfulfilled?
Thanks dear!
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
This may be specific but I also think it would be kind of cute
Okay so Eyeless Jack x reader who is like pretty intimidating looking and always keeps a stoic expression on and also really tall
Then he gets to know them and it's like "Oh you're not scary, just ✨️traumatised✨️" because they only show emotions to those they trust
Like they will glare at someone who said something mean then be all lovey dovey to Jack but still a little reserved cause they're still new to the whole "wow someone actually loves me"
Could you make 2 versions? One being platonic and the other being romantic (also reader just straight up denying that Jack is insecure cause how could he? He's the definition of perfection in their eyes)
Eyeless Jack x stoic!reader whos sweet to him (?)
i must admit it took me a little while to think of some ideas for this prompt, my apologies for the delay </3 i also wasnt too sure what to title this TToTT but regardless i hope you enjoy this! even through the struggle for ideas, i gotta admit, this idea is adorable esp since i personally write jack to be more self loathing mainly written as platonic but there is a segment at the end for romantic hcs ! easier than to write two separate full fledged sections!
uhuh light CW for implied SH on ejs part since the admin thinks that while jack is slowly descending into his whole.. demon thing hes physically and mentally fighting with himself to remain lucid; nothing explicitly written but id rather be safe than sorry
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honestly i think it might take him a good hot minute to really let you treat him like hes deserving of anything more than a scowl, especially if he sees how you act around other people... because why him, of all people? there are people better for you
yet he doesnt stop you from coming to his cabin in the woods, he doesnt stop you from doing some work around the place so its safer and more habitable for him, he doesnt stop you from patching up his clothing and washing them. why doesnt he stop you? he knows he doesnt deserve it...
he almost hates the way you look at him sometimes, if you look at him with pity. like hes some lost dog needing someone to take care of him
he doesnt need help, hes been doing this whole thing by himself for a long time now and he hasnt needed anyone
and yet
he doesnt push you away when you go in to clean his face after a particularly nasty fight with himself
you even run a warm bath for him
its been so long since hes been warm
i like to think that he tries to seek you out when you dont come to visit him for a few days.. did something happen to you? were you hurt? sick? did someone do something to you? did you move away? where did you go...?
wont ever admit it but i think hes at least a little starved for a connection, sure hes a hermit and he was already closed off before he started turning into this man eating monster, but deep down he still has his human roots in there kicking, and humans thrive on connections... in the truest sense, he needs you. not sexually or carnally or romantically, he just needs someone to talk to him to keep him from going truly mad
finds himself thinking about you more than hed like to admit, even if he doesnt have any romantic feelings for you hes going to beat himself up. he came here to his silly little cabin in the woods to get away from people for everyones sake; only coming out when he needs to 'hunt'
its like befriending a stray cat, i think. they hiss and swipe at first but overtime they try to cuddle up to you if you give them enough time to build up that trust
admin likes to think he has pointed ears, and i think that they would twitch a little if he sees a smile forming on your face...
as for romantics....
i think he would look at where you walked off to, to go home... longing, almost daring himself to go after you or say something because he cant stand spending another night alone in the woods
leaves you gifts, anonymously, but leaving them none the less. if you ask if he was the one who left them hes not going to admit it, you can imply that you know it was him, but he will hold firm in his denial
building off of the ear idea, he totally gives himself away when he starts blushing... he looks like the type to have his blush reach his ears... not too mention the flicks dont make it any less discrete,,,
even he doesnt notice it, but he tries to make excuses for you to stay around longer during hang out sessions, stopping just short of offering to watch the grass grow
i think this would feed into his self loathing, though. in my eyes, jack was dragged into a human sacrifice unwillingly and unknowingly. his life was robbed away from him, he was robbed of ever having a normal life with you... you deserve better, he thinks. very heavy shit, you know? i think it leads to his mental state being even worse than before
god i had intentions of going into this with fluff but this just came out angstier than my middle school ocs TToTT
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