#this is mostly layout
phoenix--flying · 5 months
Okay now I’m curious 👀 what’s that royal au u keep mentioning 👀
This started as a Percy, Annabeth, Al and Ethan AU so I'll get into that
Annabeth is the Crown Princess (Heir) of Athens, she has one brother and that's Malcom! Athens is a large kingdom, the queen, Athena, is the daughter of the Olympian king Zeus. He gave his daughter a portion of his own kingdom to call her own.
Alabaster is the Crown Prince of Epirus, he had two siblings, his late older brother Edward and his younger sister Lou. Eprius is a rather small kingdom, most of it's resources come from it's neighboring kingdom, Elysium, as the queen, Hecate, is friends with the king, Hades.
Annabeth and Alabaster met during a council meeting their parents attended, being around the same age and both rather antsy they were brought to a separate room when it proved they weren't going to provide much to the meeting.
Being the heirs to their respective kingdoms, they're of course expected to marry, and they opted to choose each other rather then someone they don't know.
Being royals, they're typically at risk for some sort of attack, Alabaster is the oldest now for a reason of course. Because of this, both of them have personal guards, Annabeths is Ethan, the son of the captain of the royal guard, Nemesis. Alabasters is Percy, the son of two castle workers in Eprius, Sally, a baker and Paul, a tutor. (both of which previously lived in atlantis but left because they were lovers of the king)
Before they were able to actually get married, a war broke out. Hecate and Athena took opposing sides and so the engagement was broken.
Now for the sake of me not mentally hurting myself I've changed a lot of relationships 💀 So, Zeus, Hades and Poseidon are brothers and its just the three of them. Hera, Hestia and Demeter are sisters and again, just the three of them.
Zeus and Hera are married the only child they have together is Ares. Zeus also has Apollo and Artemis, Athena, Thalia and Jason as results of affairs. They rule Olympus, with Thalia as their heir.
As I mentioned before, Athena was given a portion of Olympus to rule while Hecate rules Epirus, a kingdom hidden in the mountains.
Hades is married to Persephone, they have Zagreus and Melionë together, while also having Bianca and Nico with Maria, a partner of theirs, and Hazel with Marie, another partner of theirs. The rule Elysium with Bianca as their heir.
Poseidon is married to Amphitrite, they have Triton, Rhode and Kymopoleia together. They rule Atlantis with Triton as their heir.
Ares is married to Aphrodite, they both have children prior to their marriage; Ares has Clarisse, Sherman, Frank and Ellis while Aphrodite has Silena, Drew, Mitchell, Piper and Valentina. The two of them rule Cyprus with Clarisse and Silena as their heirs.
Apollo was married to Saige, they had Lee together, but she passed when he was a few months old. Apollo had Michael, Will, Kayla and Austin after her passing. Though, he never took another queen. He rules Delphi with Lee as his heir. Artemis resides in his kingdom as a princess, preferring that to ruling her own. She leaves the kingdom often, going on hunts and aiding girls who had been abandoned or ran away from their homes. She has her own with in the Delphic castle that houses herself and her hunters.
Hermes, much like Aphrodite, is not related to any of them, he and his wife, Peitho. He has Luke, Chris, Travis, Connor and Cecil. With Peitho, he rules Maia, a kingdom he created himself and named after his mother, with Luke as their heir.
There are a few marriage arrangements among kingdoms, being Luke and Thalia, Lee and Silena and Clarisse and Chris.
me when i have lee get stabbed in his bedroom at nine, get kidnapped from his bedroom at thirteen and poisoned during his wedding at eighteen
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kkoct-ik · 24 days
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its out! my completed piece for the summer portion of the @boatemvillagezine !!!
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24bughours · 3 months
Mini comic i drew the first panel of literal months ago and decided to finish in one sitting
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After this incident early in their friendship, Undyne would find out that
1. BOTH of the skeleton brothers can break the laws of physics, and 90% of the time its in really mundane ways
2. She IS still buffer than Papyrus, she was just shocked he had any "muscle mass" at all
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protosymphonette · 6 months
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a comic about black mesa's breakroom microwave or: why every scientist at black mesa has a strong dislike for dr. gordon freeman, phd
now with extra gordon! (under the cut)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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Broken Roofs and Fixed Perspectives
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#xue yang#xiao xingchen#Lots of cut content notes on this one. Lets all have a moment of silence for all the cut A-Qing's in each perspective.#particularly ripped and buff 'Daozhang Defender 'A-Qing (her perspective)#funny but poor layout#XY also had a red arrow pointed at him in his own POV that said 'just troubled' but it made the panel too cluttered.#He does see himself as troubled and uses that to justify his actions#but I also think there is room for him to not really know exactly how to feel about himself in this situation#Yi-city is such a fantastic tragedy for so many reasons and you will bear witness to me rambling about it in the tags as this arc continues#Helping a blind man fix a roof? A manipulative act of building trust or genuine display of wanting to collaberate?#XY and A-qing have experience of the cruelty of the world where as xxc has blind (haha) faith that kindness prevails#These three simultaneous know each other more than the other's think and *yet* completely miss the mark.#the stories they tell in the blizzard (and the reactions they have) so perfectly display who these characters are#Both xxc and xy tell stories about unfair cruelty. To xxc it is others who's suffering is highlighted. XY highlight's his own.#A-qing understands xue yang more that she wants to admit. She predicts the twists in xy's story and empathizes with the hurt and anger#A-qing is also taking advantage of xxc! She is also lying to survive!#Though shes mostly benign in her intentions. She really did vibe check the rank stank on XY's soul on the spot#Alas...no one listens to teen girls....
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mokakeeki · 2 months
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An Older Sister's Concerns
For @honzuki-exchange Spring Prayer; read right to left
Hi @orii-blogs-stuff here's a Detlinde & Alstede comic for you (〃・ω・)ノ🎉・:*:・。
Drawing christmas tree Detlinde was surprisingly fun!!! Can you tell I spent lots of time perfecting her impeccable hairdo? I thank you ever so much for giving me the opportunity to draw her (⋆ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)”
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wonibbies · 1 month
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⠀ ⠀⠀ ꒱ㅤ ˚ ݂ ઇ you’re an icon cause you’re me 🚭
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mitamicah · 3 months
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Why do I feel like these idiots think meeting up in each other's merch is a confession of love x'D? So yeah for day 3 here's Bojere being very obvious and oblivious at the same time :'D xD
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strawberrysnipes · 29 days
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requested by @repcnt
please like/rb if you use/save!
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luckyxmisfortune · 5 months
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heard of the new farmer?
◇ • ☆ • ◇
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nb-n0v4 · 1 year
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yknow, for being probably my biggest OTP, I don't draw these nerds nearly enough </3
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eru-iru · 7 months
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hypoglycemic reaction
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timey-fandom-stuff · 5 months
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"Not every window is a door, but most doors have windows." "Don't tap on the glass. You might not like what happens next."
this is Kris the Kriptid, an AU Kris Dreemurr that may or may not be trying to inspire their own creepypasta. they think they're the scariest glitch entity to ever appear on a player's screen-- but they also think that accidentally setting off the smoke detector by burning toast when they were 10 qualifies them as an arsonist, so take that with a grain of salt. don't be fooled; they are still Kris under all that edge.
here they're singing the refrain from Cabinet Man by Lemon Demon for some funky composition practice; it just felt right for this menace and may or may not hint a LITTLE at what sort of wacky game-breaking nonsense I've got up my sleeve with Jailbroken, shhh
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heilos · 10 months
Having loud thoughts again, but you know what would be an absolutely baller idea for tumblr's layout? Everything being a full widget system, especially on the dashboard. I'm just using this as an example, but the old UI for deviantart, dated as it is now by website standards visually, worked off a widget like system where you had so much control over how your profile page was displayed. Certain elements/boxes could be dragged and placed on your page and then adjusted via preset options or through a bit of light coding shenanigans. Imagine that, but with the tumblr dashboard. Instead of being stuck in just one format, you could drag your navigation bar to the left or right or if you don't like that you could pull it up top instead. Or you could have a widget on the side bar like xkit does for tag tracking, or trending tags or just not have any of that on the dashboard. Or how about a widget purely to keep track of recent mutuals that will take you directly to a full list in one click or a widget listing your current que ect ect. All of these being movable pieces yeah? The main point being the ability for a user to rearrange their dashboard to their liking for the best personal navigation with the least amount of clicks. I think the idea of drag and dropping UI elements is taken for granted on most current social media sites even though it's extremely intuitive once you understand it's a feature that exists and how clunky things feel when you don't have it or it's taken away. There's personal website builders that already use widgets pretty frequently, so why not extend that to bigger websites that rely on plenty of consistent user navigation daily? Like imagine updates that could be about adding in highly requested new widgets or adjusting functionality of current widgets to perform better based on user feedback. I am not a coder so I don't know how difficult it would be to implement a robust widget system for a large scale social media website, but it's been on my mind for years now with trying out all kinds of beta art sites before. I really think something like that would be worth the investment for a place like tumblr and potentially cut down on a lot of discontent over layout changes.
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pineappical · 10 months
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actually yknow what heres what ive been working on in roblox for the past 2 days
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minhio22 · 3 months
Happy birthday Hajun
It's something i wrote like mid may at night on my bunk bed at dorms a year ago in my book. Its more self indulgent than anything. But damn do i love reading this thing for myself over and over again.
Currently you were running around BAE’s shared apartment trying to get the place ready for a certain someone’s birthday. For the most part you were trying to keep Anne away from burning the kitchen down or making something unedible. Wouldn't want anyone dying on Hajun’s birthday now do we?
You managed to pull Anne away from the kitchen and kept them busy by blowing balloons. You were helping Allen with the streamers now. Despite your nervously shaking hands you managed to keep a steady conversation going with him, that is until he mentioned your shaking hands.
“Say Y/n, why are your hands shaking?” He asked innocently.
You smiled at him nervously. “Well I'm afraid that I might mess this whole thing up. Also I feel like I'm forgetting something but I can't put my finger on it.” You said while thinking about what you might have forgotten.
“Don't worry about it. I'm sure Hajun appreciates that his girlfriend is throwing a party for him. Besides, he's infatuated with you. I've never seen him like that before he got with you.” Allen smiled sweetly at you.
The moment the word ‘girlfriend’ was uttered from him your face had turned red. Despite being together for a while now you couldn't help that help but still become a blushing mess around Hajun. It doesn't help that he finds your blushing face cute and keeps teasing you just to see it. Sometimes you wondered how you managed to land one of the most popular guys at campus and lived to tell the tale. You didn't say anything else and opted to stay quiet as you continue to decorate the apartment.
You were staring at a freshly frosted cake thinking hard about something. You had baked the cake according to Hajun’s preferences that you had apparently stored in your mind and managed to not forget when you asked him what kind of cake he likes a while ago.
“I'm seriously forgetting something.” You mumbled while mindlessly placing strawberries on the cake.
Anne and Allen were deciding on how to surprise Hajun when he came in. He's still not back from his modeling job. You wondered what kind of clothes he was modeling for this time. As if somehow Hajun knew you were thinking about it, your phone buzzed. You unlocked it and read the message Hajun sent. You blushed and stared at your phone when you saw that he had sent you a selfie of himself in the clothes he was modeling for. Insert description for whatever hecking clothes u want.
There was also a message attached to it. ‘Be back soon.’
Ever since that one time where you accidentally confessed that you liked seeing him in the clothes for his countless modeling jobs, he wouldn't stop teasing you that time but ever since that day he would send you a selfie of himself during his photoshoot. Hajun would also give you a copy of the magazines he's starring in everytime they came out to which you said that you would give it to someone else which you never did. In fact all of them were in your room in a slightly hidden corner of your bookshelf. You would never tell him that you still kept it because Hajun would tease you relentlessly. He still kept giving you the magazines though but you didn't mind it since it meant that you didn't have to spend money on them. He probably secretly knew you never got rid of them. Perks of having a rich boyfriend I guess.
While lost in your thoughts, you suddenly heard the jingle of keys and the three of you stopped in your tracks. In a flash you, Anne and Allen were hiding near the door with party poppers in your hands.
“I'm home.” Rung throughout the apartment as none of you said anything. Hajun stepped in and the three of you bursted out of your hiding place shouting ‘happy birthday’.
There was a slight look of surprise on his face but was then replaced with his usual smiling expression. Hajun was staring particularly at you who was standing at the back of the group as he made his way to you with a mischievous and teasing smile.
You were staring at gum, blushing madly with your mouth slightly agape. You didn't even pull your party popper too stunned when you saw him, your brain couldn't process the beauty that was Yeon Hajun standing in front of you, ready to tease you while brushing a stray hair away from your face.
“Like what you see?” Hajun teased.
“I-i. W-waht? Huh?” You were at a loss for words that you just blushed harder and gently pulled the part popper off in his face.
Hajun just laughed at your reaction as bits of streamers hit his face. “I bought it just for today.” Hajun gestured to his outfit. “Enjoying the view?”
You didn't answer as you were taking in all of the details of him. Insert description of hajun's outfit from his birthday illust last year cause i cannot for the live of myself describe it rn and im too lazy. Hajun smirked when you didn't answer and just continued staring. You blushed as humanly possible when you realize you're staring and nodded slowly at him.
“Awww you're so cute.” He pecked your cheek and took your hand leading you to the dining room as you got flustered over the kiss. “Come on. Anne and Allen are waiting for us.”
Indeed they were. The two left you two alone in your little world not wanting to disturb the moment. They had already started eating but left the cake untouched.
“Hurry up, you two lovebirds. I want to eat Y/n’s cake.” Anne exclaimed.
You got embarrassed at the statement as Hajun chuckled. You sat beside Hajun and he stood in front of the cake holding a knife. Allen had taken the liberty of taking videos and pictures as you all sang the happy birthday song as he blew out the candles and cut the cake.
The cake had been cut and the first slice had gone to Hajun. You handed him a fork to which he gave his thanks with that charming smile of his that makes your knees weak. You smiled at him sweetly. He took a bit of his cake and his face instantly lit up. He gestured for you to come closer and you did. Anne and Allen had already started eating again and left you two to your shenanigans. You tilted your head wondering what he wanted.
“Did you like the picture I sent you?” He whispered in your ear. The closeness made you flustered and you nodded. Hajun seemed satisfied with your lack of words for an answer and backed up and took another bite of the cake. “You really outdid yourself this time. I love it.” Hajun praised you.
“Glad to hear.”
“Do you want the strawberry?” Hajun knew about your fondness for fruits and that small gesture made your heart melt.
“I shouldn't. It's your cake.”
The whole time you were saying this he took the strawberry from his slice of cake using the fork and held it in front of your lips. “And that means I can do what I want with it.”
You couldn't argue with that so you ate the strawberry he fed you with a shy but satisfied smile. Allen and Anne were long gone from the dinner table, opting to sit at the living room in front of the TV to give you privacy to flirt but it's mainly just Hajun teasing you.
You savored the strawberry as its sweetness danced on your tongue. Hajun seemed to be enjoying himself, making you blush and teasing you was one of his favourite past times.
“Do you want a taste of the cake now?” Hajun asked.
You nodded nervously as if he would do something unexpected next. And unexpected things he did.
You didn't even have time to comprehend what happened when you felt something soft on your lips. Your eyes were wide open in surprise while Hajun’s were closed, leaning in to kiss you gently.
That sudden action made your heart melt and blush harder than ever. The kiss wasn't short nor was it too long. It lasted long enough that you could taste the cake he had taken a bite of before kissing you. Hajun pulled away and you were to say at the very least dazed and breathless.
Hajun on the other hand had a faint blush on his face but he seemed happy and proud of himself. He was caressing your cheek now. “So? How was it?”
“It tasted sweet.” You mumbled embarrassedly which elicited a chuckle from him.
“I see… Now I wonder what you got me for my present.”
It hit you then. The thing you had forgotten but desperately tried to recall and failed to do so. Hajun seemed to notice the slight shift in your expression.
“What's wrong?”
You felt extremely guilty having forgotten this one important thing. Tears threaten to spill but you didn't want to embarrass yourself over this small thing. “I-i forgot. I'm sorry.”
He rubbed your cheek with his thumb as his gaze softened. “It's alright. Besides you, being my girlfriend is the best gift I could have.” That just you blush seeing him soft like this.
“But you could make it up to me.” You questioned him about what it was. He then moved his thumb on your lip, a slight mischievous and hungry glint in his eyes. “Let's just say….. I won't be letting you sleep tonight.” He grinned.
Nevermind butterflies in your stomach, you felt like you had jumping beans in them. If it was possible to invent a new shade of red, your face definitely did it. Hajun’s expression went back to its usual smile that he put up around other people but that look in his eyes was still there. You couldn't lie and say that it didn't excite you but you felt nervous knowing how he could be. Let's just say you really didn't sleep much that night.
Im leaving the ending up to yalls imagination. What did they do? Idk ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ maybe they stayed up late playing video games.
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