#this is mainly for damian or jason fics
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rosefulmadness · 2 months ago
ok so small list of LoA/assassin names for the batfam cause it's kinda hard to find them and they're lowkey wrong:
- damian: "ibn al xu'ffasch" [earth 22(ew)] or more accurately, abn alkhufash (ابن الخفاش) son of the bat
- bruce: alkhufaash (الخفاش) bat
- jason: "airtafae", risen one or more accurately, ana 'artafie (انا أرتفع) I rise
now to the al ghuls;
ras رأس head
al ال the
ghul غول ghoul
literally means chief/head of the ghoul, but it's made to be head of the demon (ras al shayatin راس الشيطان) but I guess al ghul is cooler and closer to english ghoul
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mikakuna · 11 months ago
Hey! This is the music anon again! I was wondering if you had any jayroy fic recs? Or, given your latest post lol, only child Jay fic recs (or even JUST Jay and dick as Bruce’s kids fic recs) and if not that, then, an au where Jason didn’t pick up the mantle/was convinced not too, and is living his civilian life. I’ve read rara Avis by zoeleo already lol, Idk if you read that one?
omg hey!! i have a few fic recs for what you'd like to see but honestly i'm lacking a bit in jayroy! i'll link the ones that i rlly enjoyed tho <3 and alsooo the only-child jason fics are all set during his childhood sadly, so i don't have any where he's an adult and still bruce's only child :(
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
When Batman rescues a twelve-year-old boy from a sex-trafficking ring, he ultimately makes the decision to look after him for a few days, feeling responsible for his current condition. Revealing his identity to the boy is the logical next step. Building trust was important, and Bruce needed Jason to trust him. There’s one slight problem with Bruce’s plan. Due to the effects of the Joker Venom, Jason doesn’t remember anything about meeting Batman, let alone Bruce Wayne. In Jason’s eyes, he’s been trafficked. And the man who brought him is none other than Bruce himself.
Jason’s background as a victim of abuse and childhood homelessness means it’s hard for him to trust, and to ask for things. After only a couple months in the manor, he still isn’t sure about Bruce Wayne.
When Bruce brings a new child home to the manor, Dick has a few choice words for Bruce about making him Robin. Convinced that Jason needs a stable loving family more than he needs a crime-fighting outlet, Bruce, Dick, and Alfred take on the challenge of bringing Jason up as civilian while still keeping their caped careers a secret.
Or: Bruce Wayne is a Good Dad, Dick Grayson is a Great Brother, Alfred is the Best Grandpa, and Jason is smol. Tooth-rotting fluff ahoy. (i'm linking this even though you read it for people who haven't yet! also i never read the ones with tim in it but those are a lot later in the series so don't worry, it's still jason and bruce centric)
Jason Todd was kidnapped at nine-years-old and given two options. Work for his keep, or be forced to to work for his keep.
His life was not pleasant, but Jason was nothing if not a fighter, and dammit if was he going to let the hell around him kill who he was as a person. Or his dreams of growing up and going to college.
Those dreams suddenly came a little more into focus, when his idiot of a pimp accidentally tried to rent him to Bruce Wayne. Poor bastard could have never guessed he was the Batman himself. Heck, not even Jason figured that out, at first. And Batman had practically adopted him. (i loved this so much)
Jason doesn't die at the hands of the Joker. There are a couple of things he and Bruce might need to work through.
“You will fix this,” Alfred corrects him. “You will fix this, and let Master Jason know that you don’t care about his sexual orientation, that it changes nothing. That you were mistaken in what you said to him. That you certainly didn’t mean to imply that you thought any less of him for his choice in reading.”
Batman makes it in time to save Robin from the bomb. He doesn't make it in time to save Jason from the Joker.
Or Batman is too late in every universe, but Bruce Wayne doesn't have to be.
+ jayroy:
i've linked this one in a previous rec list but basically, this is an au series where jason escapes an abusive relationship and meets roy!
It was just dinner with family. A family large enough to be an independent militia, but that was all. Nothing serious.
Lian disagreed. (one of my fav crack fics!!)
a fic where the bats find out, one by one, that jason and roy are dating!
i really don't have much for jayroy since i'm pretty picky when it comes to jason fics and ship fics in general, but i'll reblog this if i find any others that i enjoy! in the meantime, hopefully these are some new fics for you to read!!
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giveemhales · 2 years ago
My opinion on who in the Batfam prefers Barbie and who prefers Oppenheimer
This is a stupid post and weeks late but I do what I want.
Jason: Barbie. Ken is the level of dramatic he aspires to be
Dick: Barbie. He immediately orders an “I Am Kenough” shirt after the movie
Tim: Oppenheimer (but whenever anyone in Young Justice upsets him he sings 🎶 I’m just Tim 🎶)
Damian: claims Oppenheimer, but actually Barbie
Bruce: hasn’t gone to a movie theater in 15 years, claims he doesn’t have time
Barbara: actually doesn’t have time
Alfred: Oppenheimer but won’t give anyone his opinion, to the increasing annoyance of the bats
Cassandra: Barbie 💖
Stephanie: Barbie, and she went full out for her movie outfit and cried at the end. Keeps saying Barbie is more of a hero than Batman will ever be
Duke: doesn’t understand why he has to pick a favorite. Is not sure if he’s amused or afraid of Tim and Jason’s increasingly violent fights about which is better
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bonerot19 · 8 months ago
Chapters: 5/18
Fandom: Batman - All Media Types, DCU
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Relationships: Stephanie Brown & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd & Original Character(s), Batfamily Members & Damian Wayne, Batfamily Members & Jason Todd, Crime Alley | Park Row Residents & Jason Todd, Selina Kyle & Bruce Wayne
Characters: Jason Todd, Stephanie Brown, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, Original Characters, Tim Drake, Selina Kyle
Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Jason Todd is Good With Kids, Hurt/Comfort, bad things keep happening, Angst, warning tags will be in individual chapters, but there isn't anything particularly graphic or terrible just angst and drama and some trauma, rated t for jason, Chapter count will change, believe you me, i have a lot to say, Tim is there but not a whole lot, there are other characters that play a role but they appear later or tagging them would be a spoiler, SO, im not tagging them sorry, Hurt Jason Todd, Hurt Stephanie Brown, Stephanie Brown & Jason Todd Friendship
Series: Part 4 of something in the static
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aingeal98 · 2 years ago
You know when a show has a mainly female cast and the fandom is compromised of 90% gay women and any male character is either tolerated as a lesbian ally or dead/used as a jerk for hurt comfort fics/both? That's me with most of the DC men. They can stay as side characters supporting nonbinary folks and women's stories but any attempt to centre them and my eyes droop shut.
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kens-ramblings · 4 months ago
so ik it’s not cannon accurate but,,,
i need a fic of tim just crashing out.
like he gets so sick of like damian and jason talking about how weak he is and shit like that that he’s like “yall realize lady shiva was my one of my FIRST teachers, and i was the first robin she trained. i had to train under b AFTER he already lost a robin. you DONT think he was 10x harder on me than any of you guys???? there’s a reason my training videos are mainly redacted without bruce’s or my permission. i got ra’s al ghul BEGGING ME to join his league or have my children. i get gifts from him WEEKLY. do you KNOW how many of his little ninja i fight per DAY??? nahh im sick of this shit let’s take it to the mats” and just demolishing both of them at the same time.
i just think it’d be very funny. i just like fics of people who pretend to be weaker than they are(or they just never really have a reason to go full tilt so they just don’t) get sick of holding back and just losing it :D
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jaythes1mp · 8 months ago
Cat reader idea: which one is your favorite. Like Damian would be nice but he’s always on you for improper diet (you ate fruit and not the horrid wet food he leaves out for you)
Dick has no sense of personal space and he wants to squeeze your adorable little toe beans despite your protests.
Jason would be okay but he practically steals you at night for cuddles and for your own safety. Nothing safer than sleeping with a knife under your pillow.
Tim is iffy, he just likes your company, but the moment you sneeze he’s sending you to the vet- even worse when you get out, using your chip to locate you.
Bruce and alfred just adore you, but only get to see you now and then due to their busy schedules, mainly petting you when they walk by or doing your training.
:3 hope this is accurate lmao
Okay, this is beautiful and a perfect way to incorporate some things into the fic.
More on cat shifter reader.
Damian is 100% on your ass, meticulously keeping track of your dietary habits, setting up charts to keep track of your meal times, ensuring that the family knows exactly what you've consumed and what not to give you. This way, he can ensure that you're sticking to the food plan he's designed, with zero room for deviation. He even resorts to constantly reminding Alfred and Dick not to give you anything, no matter how hard your adorable little eyes plead up at them. Determined to make sure you stick to his meal plan. It’s even worse when you’re in your human form, despite his repeated warnings. — and don’t get him started on Jason. The man is the most difficult of them all to control when it comes to your diet. He completely ignores Damian's instructions and will immediately scoop you up and secure you in the cat carrier attached to his motorcycle if you even hint at being hungry. Then, he'll spirit you away to his apartment without a second thought, offering you an array of forbidden human foods in exchange for your sweet meows.
Don’t think about attempting to escape through him however, that would only lead to being futile. He's engineered his bike with a series of safety precautions, meaning that if you even displayed the slightest indication of trying to jump out or escape, the restraints would immediately tighten, making it virtually impossible for you to break out. Let alone breathe comfortably.
Moving back to your diet; Damian has completely altered the Wayne Manor’s kitchen to cater exclusively to your feline dietary needs. He’s even managed to ensure that the rest of the family has adapted their own diets to match yours, to prevent any accidents regarding food you’re not supposed to eat. Despite your attempts to reason with him, Damian refuses to acknowledge that as a human, you can safely consume foods like chocolate without getting sick. You’re a kitten after all.
Though, if by some chance you do manage to infiltrate the kitchen, an assortment of only the finest fruits are packed at the ready for you. Small bits of cut up mango, fresh unpackaged pineapple, blueberries, melon, bananas, apricots, apples and watermelon at the ready. The fridge always stocked full of cooked meats, fluffy cooked rice, boiled eggs, and vegetables.
Damian might not be overjoyed when you venture from the specific meats and hundreds of lavish wet food brands that he's tasked Pennyworth to prepare, he still begrudgingly accepts it as a form of compromise. As long as you’re eating things that fall within his carefully controlled parameters, he can justify allowing it. He’s aware that you need some form of autonomy and independence to survive in the manor, unlike many of his brothers.
He treats you the most reasonably.
Dick is definitely one of the people who gets loads of little cat clothes to dress you up in and needs to have you in his little cat bag so he can take you around everywhere.
Who cares about the numerous concerned remarks regarding your drowsy appearance? Dick simply laughs off their concerns. His kitten is just tired, he promises! After all, it’d be quite a hassle to have to explain to every person who stops for a photo that it's nothing more than the effects of the medication he's given you to ensure you remain placidly content and docile during cuddle sessions and neighbourhood walks.
Once Dick starts on your adorable little toe beans, there's no stopping him. He gushes incessantly about the cute contrast of pink and black on your little paws and how they're just perfect for the miniature cat-themed socks that Alfred has patiently taught him to make. He gleefully coos over your small digits, marveling at how perfectly they fit into the little socks. Aren’t you happy your big brother made them for you? Can’t you just purr this once, please? He won’t even get mad if you kick them off or tear them to shreds again!
He’s definitely the type to have an entire wardrobe filled with little outfits for you. A nice red bow tie to get you to look nice and handsome or a warm purple sweater for you to look pretty.
Dick's affection for you remains steadfast, even when you shift to your human form. However, in his mind, you'll always be his precious little kitten, and no amount of whining, hitting, or swearing can convince him otherwise. He's stubbornly determined to shower you with love and care, undeterred by any resistance you may offer. The world’s just too big for you, and he needs to protect you from it. So come sit on his lap and stop whining, the movie’s starting.
In stark contrast to Dick, Jason has a clear preference for your feline form, showing little interest in you when you appear as a human. He often ignores you entirely, showering you with love and attention only in your feline body.
It's a double-edged sword, this dynamic with Jason. On the one hand, you've discovered a way to make him leave you alone – simply appear in your human form, and he'll instantly lose interest. He'll glare, shake his head in distaste, and then storm out of the room, grumbling incoherently under his breath as he goes. Unfortunately, when Jason realises your tactic to avoid him, he'll barge into Tim's room unannounced, no matter the time of day or night. Tim, due to his habit of staying up late, will inevitably be awake, and Jason will insist that he make you transform back. Following his forceful tactic of making you transform back, Jason will quickly switch gears and act as though nothing untoward has happened. He'll enfold you in a tight hug and bury his face in your soft fur, nuzzling against you affectionately, completely unbothered by his previous behavior.
Given your penchant for exploring the outdoors, Jason often takes advantage of the darkness of the night to whisk you away. He's aware that you need to experience life beyond the confines of the Wayne estate's gardens, and he prefers to do it when the rest of the family is less likely to notice your absence. Or rather, more occupied with their nightly duties so they’re unable to stop him from taking you.
You’re still under complete lock and key, but at least you get to experience the night air every once in a while.
If I had to pick my favourite out of the ones you’ve written I’d go with Tim’s. It’s the one I agree with the most.
Tim likes to keep you sedated. Having you laid out nice and docile on his lap, desk, or of the many cat trees that litter the place, while he works away on the batcomputer.
He’s the most precocious, being particularly meticulous when it comes to your well-being, even the slightest sneeze prompting him to arrange a visit to the vet. Monthly veterinary checkups are non-negotiable, and he ensures that your health is consistently monitored. Saying that, he’ll never take you to a hospital with doctors that specialise in anything other than animals.
A sleek, high-tech collar encircles your neck, constantly transmitting your vital signs in real-time to Tim's phone. Additionally, a microchip planted in your body and trackers strategically installed on various parts of your anatomy ensure that they can monitor your location at all times ensuring that under no circumstances are able to escape.
Tim is the one who suggested and ultimately confirmed your declawing, dismissing your protests and tears as mere tantrums. Despite your pleas and emotional outburst, stating that it would render you disabled — equivalent to cutting off your fingers down to the knuckle — he remains cold and uncompromising. Your objections are disregarded, treating your fears as if you were a pet throwing a tantrum, denying you any agency in the matter. If you didn’t want this to happen, you wouldn’t have scratched them in the first place. It’s easier this way, really. They get to look after you in human form and there’ll be no more scratching up their arms or the furniture.
Initially, Dick supported your side, recognising your profound distress and desperation. However, after a conversation about how you would be completely reliant on him while in your human form, he changed his stance. He stopped giving the issue a moment's consideration, fully accepting Tim’s conclusion.
When it came to the decision, Jason and Bruce were in favor from the beginning. For Jason, it meant his new couch would remain unscathed, and prevented you from clawing at Bruce during business meetings while he held you snugly in his lap.
The sole member of the family fiercely opposed to the idea of declawing you was Damian.
Nevertheless, to Damian's dismay and your own, you'll be made to undergo the declawing against your will anyway. Despite his disagreement, he'll still be there to gently bandage up the raw nubs where your former fingers once were, and he'll lovingly pet away your tears and sobs. You were still his kitten, he’d coo. Just a slightly less fierce one.
I’d have to disagree with you here.
Bruce will undoubtedly make time for you, despite any disagreements you may have. You're a top priority in his life, and he'll ensure that you receive the attention and care you deserve.
The eldest Wayne will go to great lengths to accommodate you in his busy schedule. He'll happily reschedule meetings and carve out special time just for you. If there's a vital meeting he can't avoid, he'll bring you along, insisting on having you by his side.
You’re theirs, through and through.
Thanks for the ideas! Any and all asks are encouraged and appreciated.
Previous cat asks: 1 2
Link to Masterlist.
Link to offical chapter
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heybatterbats · 9 months ago
I’ve been seeing entirely too many posts about how ace-spec people aren’t really LGBTQ+ and don’t belong at Pride. And I got mad about it. So…*aces your Batfamily*
Yes, all of them. Every last one is now ace-spec in some way. They even named their dog Ace.
Bruce is sex-neutral biromantic demisexual, and came out by accident at age 24 to a random reporter who was not expecting it. This sparked a social media storm that was only halted by the much bigger social media storm of Bruce adopting Dick.
The Batman has been asked his sexuality before. Bruce replied- perfectly straight faced- that the Batman is an asexually reproductive entity and creates its Robins via mitosis. A third of Gotham, most of Metropolis, and several members of the Justice League still believe this.
Dick is sex-repulsed biromantic asexual, and is of the type to make the dirtiest jokes you’ve ever heard because sex is a joke to him. Came out in the form of an acrobatics performance he did at a pride parade, wearing a terrible Batman costume with a bi heart as the Batsymbol, an ace flag cape, and no pants. The audience was ecstatic. Bruce was mortified.
Nightwing has never said his sexuality, but anyone who claims he’s straight is quickly met with pictures of the Discowing suit and up to a dozen laughing emojis.
Jason is sex-repulsed aromantic asexual. He’s not as vocal about it as Dick is, but he does like it to be known. He’s the type to make garlic bread/cake/world domination jokes. And ESPECIALLY dragon jokes. He kinda tends to just insert it casually into conversation, he didn’t do anything crazy to come out. It’s just a fact about him.
Red Hood claims to be sexually attracted exclusively to guns. Bruce hates this joke.
Tim is the opposite of Bruce- he’s sex-positive bisexual demiromantic. One of the few Batkids to come out while in costume- he got a concussion on a case and blearily mumbled into Bruce’s hair that he’s “you but backwards” and completely confused Bruce. Tim is a little shy about his identity, but since dating Bernard he’s been more open about it.
Red Robin is out as bisexual, but hasn’t added demiromantic to that. Tim is worried people will piece his secret identity together, since Tim doesn’t realize that most normal people are not highly skilled detectives who can tell a person’s identity from a single acrobatics move.
At the moment, Damian just thinks he’s feeling the normal “ew cooties” that most children do. In the future he’ll realize that he’s sex-repulsed ace/aro, although he’ll refuse to use those terms in favor of broodily muttering “this bloodline dies with me.” Ra’s has an actual heart attack the first time Damian says this to his face and has to go into the Lazarus Pit to recover. Talia has never been more proud.
Barbara is sex-neutral, demiromantic and asexual. She’s more outspoken about it than most of the family, and runs social media pages about disability and the asexuality spectrum alike. Aphobes and ableists that make the mistake of leaving comments often mysteriously find that their most embarrassing search histories have been sent to their grandmother.
Cass is sex-repulsed ace/aro. Steph was the one to explain sexuality to her, and also made her an ace ring. Cass told Bruce first, then the rest of the family. She’s never come out publicly- Cass doesn’t like media attention being on her- but some sharp-eyed Gothamites who are looking can spot the black ring on Cassandra Cain-Wayne’s middle finger in a few paparazzi shots the papers got their hands on. (I have a fic about this!)
Black Bat has never been asked her sexuality, mainly because she’s absolutely terrifying and nobody can stammer out the words when faced with her.
Stephanie is sex-positive graysexual grayromantic, and absolutely not shy about it. She’s almost as good as Dick at making horrible, filthy jokes. Has punched a guy in the face for aphobia, does not regret it. Stephanie is out and proud and loud about it.
Spoiler/Batgirl III have both been seen wearing a rainbow flag as a cape too many times for anyone to assume they’re straight.
Duke is sex-neutral demisexual/demiromantic, and is probably the most open about it of the whole Batfamily. He’s fully out and so is Signal, and will inevitably show up at any daytime Pride event just to say hi. Gotham adores him, and he’s practically the ace-spec community’s mascot. Can and will use the entire rainbow spectrum of light to create various pride flags over Gotham whenever he feels like it, and has started taking flag/location requests. Once turned the Batsignal gay.
Harper is sex-positive bisexual aromantic, and where Stephanie is loud about it, Harper gets violent. She carries a souped-up taser and doesn’t hesitate to use it. Has knocked at least four homophobes/aphobes out cold not counting the ones she beat up in the Narrows. Bluebird is not only publicly out as bisexual but wears two out of three bisexual colors, and while it’s not come up publicly yet, she won’t hide that she’s aromantic either. Along with Signal and Spoiler, Bluebird is one of the vigilantes that’s known for being specifically good at handling LGBTQ+ issues. She wouldn’t have it any other way.
After being forcibly outed as gay and then bullied for it, Cullen is still in the closet about the fact that he’s asexual and sex-repulsed, too. The first person he told after Harper was Alfred. By now the whole family knows, but they’ve been careful to keep it away from the media until Cullen’s ready to come out himself.
Alfred is sex-neutral, aromantic, and pansexual, though he’s older than some of those terms and doesn’t often use them to describe himself. Bruce didn’t know Alfred was anything but straight until he was almost seventeen, to which Alfred replied- signature eyebrow raise at full height capacity- that he had a career in the theater, Master Bruce, and no one who does that can possibly be typical in matters of orientation or any other aspect of life.
The outfit might seem antithetical to this, but Selina is ace too! Specifically, she’s sex-positive, heteroromantic and demisexual. The leather outfit is primarily for distraction purposes rather than true sex appeal. When it comes to Bruce, however, Selina’s more than once described herself as “morosexual.” Bruce, bless him, still has no idea what that means.
There ya go. Ace-spec Batfam. Happy Pride to everyone but especially all you fellow ace-spec folks who absolutely, 100% belong there.
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sanni276 · 20 days ago
fic idea (batfam + timkon):
Bruce Wayne is not Batman. In fact, "Batman" doesn't even exist. There are plenty universes that have a Batman, but not this one (or does it?). Of course Bruce considered becoming a vigilante but in the end he scratched that idea and instead decided to help Gotham through other means like for example lots of charity.
Since Bruce never became Batman, the Batfam never formed. Bruce didn't took litte Dick Grayson that just saw his parents fall in as a ward. Bruce didn't adopt Jason Todd because he never tried to steal the tires of the Batmobile. How would he after all, if the the Batmobile never existed in the first place? Similarly to that he never had a reason to meet what in another life perhaps could have been his children. There is a very important thing this brings with it: if Batman isn't a vigilante, so neither are his (should have been) children.
Except one of them.
When Tim Drake was about 9 years old he found an old camera in his attic. After a while he gets bored of photographing his backyard and decides he wants to see something more exciting, which is why he sneaks out at night. In another life he accidentily saw a certain duo of superheroes and became obsessed with them but this is not this life and there are no superheroes in Gotham. Tim witnesses the horrors and cruelty Gotham offers that night and since he is one of the rare people in Gotham that actually have enough money and available ressources, he decides that he has the responsibility to do something against them.
At first he only plans to support Gotham with charity like his neighbour and maybe occasionally send the police tips for cases through his photos but he keeps having this weird dreams that feel weirdly like memories that push him into wanting to do more.
When Tim is almost 11 years old he decides that he needs to become a vigilante.
The first thing he does is look for a martial arts teacher. This somehow leads to him meeting Lady Shiva which later takes him with her to the League of assassins where he trains for a few years.
During his training period he meets Cass and Damian (do not ask me how he exists, he just does). All three of them sometimes have this odd feeling of deja vu when their together but none of them mentions it out loud and so it remains a mystery.
Eventually Tim has to leave the Loa and return to Gotham but not without taking Damian and Cass with him. Cassandra decides that she wants to explore the world to find out who she wants to be and leaves with a promise of returning in a few years. Tim finds out that Bruce is Damian's biological father and drops him of at his doorstep (he obviously gives Damian the means to contact him in emergencies).
Tim, now 13 or 14, finally has everything he needs and starts building his on mainly information (that he gets through a truly impressive spy-system and hacking) based empire and tries to use it to help as many people as possible.
Somewhere during that building process he meets Jason (a small time criminal that is mainly concentrated on theft, which Tim eventually hires as his personal chef and becomes a good friend of Tim (Tim will never admit to himself that the first time he looked at Jason's profile for a case his first thought was "brother?")). Tim also gets to know Dick (maybe he's an Olympi athlete or a police officer or maybe just a very broke gymnastics instructor), Barbara (a local librarian that actually taught him a lot of his hacking skills) and Duke (their friends? maybe there was a competition between their schools where they met?).
Now that we understand this world they all live in abit better let's get to the actual main plot of the fic:
One day, 17-year-old Tim is walking down the street during his lunch break (Tim's parents died when he was 15 so he had to become the CEO of Drake Industries), when he sees a guy about his age do something extremely stupid and Tim thinks "What an idiot". Suddenly the guy looks up and their eyes meet and Tim realises "Wait! That's my idiot!". All off these memories suddenly appear in his head of another life where he was a huge Batman fan and he was Robin and his best friend was the guy he was still staring at. Conner Kent, Superboy, Kon.
Kon also regains all of his memories in that moment which causes them to reconnect / reunite.
Tim, with the sudden knowledge of his past life, obviously wants his family back and the first step to accomplish that is finding out if they can remember their past life too.
All in all imagine this:
A fic where Tim is doing his best to have all the people he loves close to him again while simultaneously keeping a company alive and handling all the struggles being a teenage vigilante brings. There is of course also the little problem that is seeing what used to be his adoptive father at galas and wanting to do nothing more than throwing himself into his arms and getting his Dad back but Bruce doesn't even know who he is at this point. All of this interrupted by sweet Timkon fluff since at first they are the only ones that remember that their reality used to be very different and at some point of all of this they fall in love (or maybe they where from the start?).
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ablobwhowrites · 2 months ago
I’m going to make angst for vampire y/n and parent y/n, so beware. But right now here's some silly stuff about the DC y/n's and maybe some sneak peak at some other stuff I'm writing about.
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Vampire y/n likes to sneak out of the manor sometimes but just sticks around the manor mainly because this is their new home and they don't want to stray to far from it. They do get concerned on how Bruce gets the blood y/n needs to feed but doesn't question it cause they are scared of the answer. Also they have the classic vampire get up with a cape but doesn't wear it a lot because bro does not want to walk around in that stuffy suit. But mostly wears regular clothes and is wondering if they could cute their hair and also has bunny slippers they wear that Jason got y/n. Also totally imagining when its Halloween, y/n loves to go try and find a haunted house and go into it or participate in it cause they can scare people but it’s alright cause it’s Halloween and they feel in place cause everyone sees them as a great costume also they maybe take a candy or two to snack on. Alfred would scold them after cause I imagine Alfred is one of those people who say that sweets before dinner ruins their appetite.
Jason: “I was meaning to ask you, what’s that pocket on your shirt?”
Tim: “Oh, y/n’s in here, sup y/n”
*vampire y/n in bat form in Tim’s shirt pocket*
Ex villain y/n likes making Damian made because when he gets mad he basically looks like batman scowling and how they do that is when it's Christmas and y/n puts a elf on the shelf in Damian's room as they found out from Jason, he hates that doll. They live at Wayne manor for the most part but if things ever go south for any reason, they have a secret place to stay at if things ever go that way but mostly things seem to be alright the hallucinations seems to be getting batter as the slade hallucinations and nightmares have been going away. But I do imagine they are still a bit afraid, just afraid that their place they can finally call home will be destroyed. They hope it doesn’t come to that. The Waynes accepted y/n as one of them and now they have brothers and a alright dad with Alfred that y/n considers a grandpa or something like that. It’s something that y/n doesn’t want to give up but sometimes, they are afraid, afraid of slade ever finding them. Or even go back to being a villain to being what slade made them to be.
I imagine that parent y/n finds the letter from penguin asking for them go on a date and y/n gets a baby sitter for his daughter as he wants to try and at least go dating again. Everything goes smoothly and I do imagine y/n pulling out the suit that he got when he was able to scrape some money together to go to a fancy place for him and his late wife and imagining the sit still fits after so long and when on the date with penguin, I imagine for the first time he felt young again. Felt like the night that he proposed to this wife, he felt happy again, even if she’s gone at least she’s forever with him even in moments like this.
I trying to perfect a fic I’m doing for detective y/n but I’m still rusty with fic writing after so long so hopefully I get it out soon😭
(But that’s all for my yap session, a little happy stuff before the angst arc but if you guys wanna know more about these y/n are have any story ideas or requests, please feel free to send a ask but that’s all for now, stay safe and drink water!)
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months ago
Slight observation I've made about my fics (and I'm not passing judgment. This is just an observation):
Any fics not tagged with Tim or Dick do not get as many hits.
Now... Bruce always has a "Bruce is a bad parent/person" tag in these fics, so that may affect the results of him being tagged.
I'm also mainly talking about Jason, Damian, and Alfred (though I'd hazard a guess that similar situations occur with the other Bats. Don't have that data, though).
Again, not a judgment. I prefer fics with Tim in them, and it's chill if others do or don't. Just wanted to share an observation I've made (that has no statistical data to back it up).
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closeyoureyesdaisuke · 6 months ago
Baaaack again forrrr- Red Hood and the Justice League fics!
This is general Red Hood meets (or occasionally works with) (or is getting imprisoned by) The JLA. I actually have quite a few good ones for this, some that people who've indulged in the genre have probably seen and a couple you might've not :)
Jason Todd's terrible, horrible, no-good very bad Week by slenderboo (18.3k, 7 chapters)
Jason somehow manages to get arrested by the Justice League while Batman is off-world, leaving his siblings to piece together what happened and him to try his best to not get sent to Arkham, or reveal his identity as Batman's son.
Featuring Jason annoying the League for 168 hours straight, Dick's descent into chaos, Tim's caffeine addiction, and Damian being Damian.
Pretty sure this is the OG. One of the classics, gotta read this if you're looking into this theme! Batfam meets the league, but mainly Jason for 90% of it. Funny, protectiveness all around (even from Jason- don't diss his fellow heroes!)
Undercover by InvalidStuff (33.6k, 7 chapters)
Jason is working undercover when he gets kidnapped by the Justice League. Batman is off-world which leaves his siblings scrambling to find him. While he has to figure out how to not get sent to Arkham and keep the existence of the batfamily a secret from the league.
Or, Jason annoys the league and learns he's important, Dick being the aggressively protective older brother that he is, Tim being a casual badass, and Damian living for violence.
THEE fic for Jason Todd and JLA. So well written, i've re-read this one multiple times. Hurt, angst, insecurity, comfort, etc. all the good stuff. So fun do read!!
Jason's Shitty Day by schrijverr (7.4k)
Jason gets arrested by Superman and Wonder Woman, while undercover as Red Hood in a criminal organization. Problem is that they don’t know he knows Batman and trying to get free only poses more problems. Especially when it’s Dick, not Bruce that comes to break him free.
One of my favs!! Genuinely made me smile, very funny moments in here. Not angsty at all, but good if you're looking for a completely humorous take :)
Face Me Entirely, Tell Me What's Wrong Here by sleepypapaya (2.5k)
Batman is off-world, so Nightwing gets called in to take care of one of the Gotham villains the JLA apprehended: Red Hood.
A mini hurt/comfort, but mostly comfort. Very pleasant short read, Dick and Jason bond + a lil bit of extra protective batfam
Firewall by ashenice (8.1k)
I had thoughts about Jason being super cagey about his identity as the Red Hood to the point that he has explosives in his helmet to prevent people from taking it off, and the vulnerability of the Batfam members knowing the ins and outs of his helmet and how to take it off despite it all.
If you haven't read this one already, trust me, its great. Love love love the tim and dick and jason relationship in this, especially the kind of identity reveal scene. Really fun read !! Not the same type of story as the others listed, so its something new and neat
Forgivness isn't a destination by yoursleepdeprivedauthor (9.8k)
“I said put the gun down Red Hood,” Superman said firmly.
“Make me,” Jason growled.
It was an instinctive response, and a stupid one, because Superman did in fact make him and Jason couldn’t do anything about it.
So much angst, like terrible amounts of angst, in the best way. This one is post Under the Red Hood, he isn't reconciled with the family yet, and he's so sad aghh.. so much hurt but a lil bit of comfort at the end to give you the happy ending. highly reccommend
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rubydubydoo122 · 11 months ago
What are your thoughts on some of the more popular ships? Fanon and canon. For example superbat, bruce x harvey dent, tim x kon, dick x babs, dick x kory, jay x roy, steph x cass, damian x jon, pennywaynes,...
I’ll list them out
Superbat (Clark/Bruce): I find this ok, but personally, I like it when the trinity acts more like siblings, so it’s not my favorite. 5/10
BruHarvey: lovers to enemies? The angst? Amazing. 8/10
Dickbabs: idk. It feels kinda boring to me. Mainly because DC ruined both of their characters in order for them to be together. 4/10
DicKori: they’re soulmates. Idk what to tell you. And maybe you can tell how biased I am. Right now, they are the opitome of right person wrong time. 10/10
Jayroy: I don’t like this ship. It reduces Roy’s character down to a prop, the age gap feels kinda icky and I personally believe in Aro/Ace Jason Todd. 1/10
Superbat (Kon/Tim): the only version of superbat I truly ship. Reluctant friends, to besties, to flirty friendship, to a game of cat and mouse on if that taunt was real or if they were just fooling around? 10/10
DamiJon: I think their age gap never works in their favor. Either Damian’s too old or Jon’s too old, and it makes me feel wrong. And in more recent comics, they’ve been acting much more like siblings than friends who maybe possibly have chemistry with each other. But I do think if you wanted to go the romance route, it could be double unrequited love that was never expressed. Like a 10yr old Jon had a crush on a 13 yr old Damian. Jon left for almost a decade and comes back, looses feelings for Damian, but a 14yr old Damian has feelings for an 18 yr old Jon, but it never works out. 5/10. Just like their Dads
PENNYWAYNESSSS: 100000000/10. Like are you kidding me, this is the best ship ever and I love it so much.
Honorable mentions:
BruTalia: 10/10. My favorite Bruce ship.
Brulina: 8/10. I like it… but I feel like it wouldn’t work out because Selina would get overwhelmed by the amount of wealth Bruce has. Like she thinks it’s what she wants, but it’s too much for her
Birdflash (Dick/Wally): 8/10. I see the appeal, they’re best friends with so much chemistry, but I feel like they would never date bc they value their friendship more and they’re both super busy
JayKyle: it’s the only Jason ship I like, but only because I want it to be one sided, with Kyle failing to flirt with Jason and Jason is completely oblivious and actually just hates Kyle but Kyle thinks Jason’s playing hard to get. (Kyles flirting is just arguing with Jason, so that’s why Jason never gets the hint) 7/10 +300 bc of hillarity
StephTim: I don’t like this ship because Stephanie deserves so much better, and Tim seems like the type to mansplain every little thing, and it would drive Steph up a wall. I also don’t like the notion that they would be friends after they break up. 3/10 bc they had that piano scene
DamiRae: 2/10. Garchel is a better ship, and I feel like their personalities are too similar.
Flatline/Damian: I love them. I think they’re cute, but I don’t see it lasting long. 4/10
StephCass: 9/10. No more needs to be said. But I won’t ever officially write them as being together within a fic bc Steph’s character deserves to be her own, rather than a lover of a Batfam member, and Cass has her own things to deal with
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riotlain · 2 years ago
Dates with Batboys
evil emoji
duke's is short as hell im sorry 😭😭
Bruce Wayne
Expensive as sam hell
Like the first few dates will be really expensive restaurants and shit and then it'll die down into smaller stuff
Wanna go to the aquarium? Done.
He would mainly want to go in dates at night because paparazzi
His fav is when the manor is empty for once and you 2 can have a nice candle lit dinner together
Dick Grayson
Doesn't overthink it, as in literally has no plans and will just go out and see what happens with you
Its always a nice mixed bag
Either you all could end up talking to each other while swinging in the park or having a nerf gun war in his apartment
Its like this whenever he is the one to initiate a date
Also speaking of the park, he enjoys showing you his acrobat skills on the poles in the park
Ignore how he hits his feet on the ground bc he's tall as hell. Watch his cool flip !!
Jason Todd
He would love a nice picnic at night, yknow the wine and all
but also the night is dangerous for a man like him
So he settles for a good picnic in the daytime
If he's in a good mood, he'll sit on a roof with you at night and stargaze
He likes just walking with you and talking
Also car rides
Tim Drake
Doesn't know what the hell he's doing tbh since he doesn't date that much
He's too busy being Robin to date people (until you)
So he settles for a nice movie with you
Drive in dates !! Drive in dates !!
Sucker for diners
Library dates and study dates
I feel like he can't cook but is lowkey trynna learn
So cooking dates too
Damian Wayne
Not a fan of people. So yall will go into the forest
Forest picnic. Kinda sorta
Botanical gardens typa guy too
Doesn't like zoos. Don't take him there. He will steal an animal
Does training together count as a date?
History museum chump. He will call out if the museum got something wrong. He liked the fossils idc.
Enjoys a nice dinner. As in he will rent a restaurant out to have dinner with you.
Duke Thomas
Probably the most normal guy ever on this list.
Anyway, he enjoys talking with you so he doesn't mind where yall really go
A nice cozy restaurant is favorable for him
Also nice walks in parks
He's a simple guy. Being with you and having a good time will make him a happy man
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anonao3author · 3 months ago
untitled fic, ch 1 - i've done a lotta things
"We know what you did." Superman loomed over Red Hood, every word a booming threat that if he didn't cooperate, it'd be more than his helmet smashed to pieces.
"I've done a lotta things," Red Hood said. "Ya gotta be more specific."
"I'm almost there, Roy, there's no need to get pissy." Jason flipped off the old woman he just passed, the one who'd been doing twenty under the speed limit since Pike Ave.
On the other end of the phone, Roy sighed. "I know, Jay-" Jason adjusted the phone, speeding up on his bike- "-worry about you. Bikers get in three times more accidents than cars. Three times!"
"Maybe 'cause their boyfriends won't stop nagging them while they're tryna-" he swerved around a pedestrian who should not have been crossing there, holy f- "-drive!"
His reintegration into the Batfamily had been... a little rocky, mainly on account of the whole "trying to kill Tim thing", which he would admit was definitely his fault.
Getting to hang out with Damian again was a plus, too. He'd met the little shit in the LOA, and they actually hit it off pretty well, in his opinion. Given, he had no idea what an actual sibling relationship was supposed to be like, but stabbing was probably normal.
All in all, the Wayne's, being one of them? It wasn't that bad.
It had seemed impossible, for a while.
He was finally getting his life back together.
He stepped out onto the road.
Someone stopped him.
He looked up, and was greeted with an (unfortunately) familiar face. Oliver Queen, Green Arrow, Roy's father. He was in his full Emerald Archer get-up, little green booties and all.
Hal slammed his hands down on the table, leaning towards Red Hood. "What do you need the money for, Hood?" He growled.
"Raising children isn't cheap, dickshit, have you seen the price of fucking sheet metal these days?"
"What does... what does sheet metal have to do with raising kids?" Clark asked, puzzled.
"My son is a picky eater."
Decided to try my hand at the "Batfamily meets the Justice League" trope, filled to the brim with my own headcanons and favourite dynamics. This fic is entirely self indulgent, but I'm gonna post it anyways because I'm so bored.
If you liked these snippets, you will probably like the fic (or at least the first chapter). I tried to pick out the funniest bits of the 4k ish words I wrote.
First chapter will hopefully be posted before January next year
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starofthesea37 · 8 months ago
Marauders x Batfamily Crossover
So I really want to write a marauders x bats crossover, but I am uncharacteristically lost on the mechanics of it. You see, I love coming up with random au’s for my fandoms, and I have SO MANY IDEAS about interactions between marauders era characters and the bats (specifically around sibling dynamics), and many many ideas for random plot points and scenes, but what I can’t figure out is why they end up in this situation in the first place.
The general idea is that the bats go undercover at Hogwarts during the marauders era to gather information and help with the war against Voldemort. I’m not sure WHICH of the bats it would be, and what their roles in this endeavour would be (is it Tim, Steph & Damian who go, as they’re the only ones in the age range? Or is there some sort of age reversal spell involved that allows them all to attend? Or maybe the older bats are involved, but from the outside, as members of the Order of the Phoenix or Deatheaters or Ministry workers etc., or is it Young Justice who go?), but that is something I can figure out later depending on the mechanics of how it comes about.
What I need to know first is why it’s happening. Whereas in Golden Trio era crossovers the timeline can easily be adjusted to match up, for this crossover it’s very important that the Marauders era is in the 70s, and the bats would have to be from the 2010s+ in order to realistically have the technology they do. Therefore there has to be some sort of time or dimension travel involved. Meaning that this mission has to be entirely purposeful and planned. They have to have a reason to go back in time or travel to another dimension to help with the wizard of war (which also happens to be in England, very far from Gotham and the bats territory).
I have plans for how they get magic, how they get into the school etc., but this part is what’s really bugging me. I need my AU’s to make logical sense, otherwise I drop them.
I’d also like to mention that there are literally no fics with this crossover on ao3, and therefore I, as someone who has been deeply immersed in both these fandoms for a while, feel a moral obligation to fill this tragic gap. There’s just far too much potential for character interactions and awesome plot points to pass up the opportunity.
Also I’d like to put what ships/headcanons I may be including/referencing in this, just as a disclaimer in case anyone feels strongly against them. Just because they’re on this list doesn't necessarily mean they will definitely be included, but this is just what I fuck with and will include if it works for the plot.
•Romantic Ships (Marauders): Jegulus, Wolfstar, Pandalily, Dorlene, Rosekiller.
•Romantic Ships (Bats): TimKon (possibly Timberkon), Birdflash.
•I can maybe be convinced to include others so long as they’re not incest, age gap or anything else horrifying and illegal.
•Platonic Ships/Dynamics (Marauders): Marauders (James, Peter, Sirius, Remus)(obviously), Valkyries (Lily, Mary, Marlene), Skittles (Regulus, Barty, Evan, Dorcas, Pandora), Black Brothers (Regulus & Sirius), Prongsfoot (James & Sirius), Moonwater (Regulus & Remus), Moonflower (Remus & Lily), Marlene, James & Peter as childhood besties.
•Platonic Ships/Dynamics (Bats): all the bats to varying degrees obviously, but specifically, Jason & Tim, Tim & Steph, Tim & Damian, Dick & Damian, Damian & Jason.
I’ve almost definitely forgotten some but you get the general picture. Hopefully.
I have an entire google doc dedicated to what houses I think each of the bats would be in, but my opinion on that changes literally daily. They’re confusing your honour. But mainly I think it would just be hilarious to put Jason Todd in a dorm with the marauders and watch them flounder. Oh and stick Tim in Regulus’ dorm. He’d be such a menace. And Steph in the Valkyries dorm. Someone stop me before I cause too much chaos 😭
Anyway! This crossover has been living rent free in my mind for so long and I would appreciate any and all feedback/thoughts/opinions/ideas!!!!
I’ll probably add more onto this at some point, but this is the general gist. Pleaseeeeee gimme ideas!!!
Oh also fuck jkr :)
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