#this is just antisemetic
Wow... But it's not antisemtism! It's antizionism!
A Jewish bagel shop in Detroit closes after staff walk out on new ‘Zionist’ owner https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-813814
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political-confetti · 1 year
if yall go into the inboxes of random jewish folks and ask for their opinions on the palestine/israel conflict just because they’re jewish, fuck you. genuinely, fuck you. stop doing that. you aren’t supporting palestinians by harassing random jewish folks on the internet, you’re just being an antisemitic asshole. y’all are doing the exact same thing as assholes who would go up to random muslim folks after 9/11 and ask them their thoughts on the taliban. it’s fucking gross. if you actually care about victims of the war, donate to charities or funds. share posts and information about the situation. don’t fucking harass jewish people.
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shalom-iamcominghome · 11 months
If you look at jewish people voicing their concerns about antisemitism as anything close to a "victim complex," you're just an antisemite, like... How do two THOUSAND PLUS years of antisemitism around the globe sail over your head so easily.
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garyfillingbucketsoak · 7 months
I’m very tired of having to fear for my safety for even remotely expressing my Jewishness. Just lost a couple of long-time friends because they said some antisemetic rhetoric to me and refused to listen to me when I tried pointing it out. Things escalated on their end. Anyway please I just want to live safely as a Jewish person.
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redtail-lol · 6 months
If you're Jewish, this post is about you
I know it's gotta be shit right now. Antisemitism is on the rise. People are using Israel's genocide as an excuse to perpetuate antisemitic ideas. If you acknowledge that you're Jewish, someone will take that as an excuse to accuse you of Zionism and supporting the genocide. Celebrating your holidays? Same result.
And then on the other side, if you try to speak out against the genocide, to stick up for and show your support of the Palestinian people, your own people label you as an Enemy, and an antisemite. Your own Jewish identity is ignored or denied.
If you say nothing because you've realized nothing you say seems to be the right thing, you're accused by everyone of not caring, or secretly supporting one side - any maybe you do, but you can't say anything because you can't win no matter what side you're on.
The entire world has been equating Judaism with Israel on both sides and it isn't fair. It isn't fair when Jewish people are being arrested for antisemitic crimes in Germany - making up 37% of arrests despite making up a significantly smaller part of the population - because they weren't going to be quiet about genocide after their own people were met with silence during the Holocaust. It isn't fair when Jewish people are vocally denouncing the actions of Israel and calling for an end to the ruthless bombing. It isn't fair when even some Israelis risk everything to speak out against the state and their horrible crimes. It isn't fair when Jewish people are simply existing as Jewish people, either. Even when they aren't "proving" their support, it's still unfair to make such assumptions about someone because they're Jewish
And if you're one of these people who's shown hostility towards Jewish people over Palestine when they hadn't indicated they supported Israel at all, fuck you.
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gay-otlc · 1 year
Some of yall will (correctly) say that Israel shouldn't punish Palestine as a whole for the actions of Hamas, and then you'll immediately go congratulate Palestine as a whole for the actions of Hamas. "Don't conflate Hamas with Palestinian citizens" means "Don't conflate Hamas with Palestinian citizens," not "Don't conflate Hamas with Palestinian citizens, except when I do it to celebrate the kikes colonizers dying."
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gryficowa · 3 months
Israel is so protective of Jews that it kills them for their ethnicity
He also stole Yemeni children, so additional proof that Israel is not a country for Jews, but is simply the creation of genocidal maniacs
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jamethinks · 24 days
I’m about to set my clothes on fire so midnight headcanon:
When Yor and Yuri were young sometimes Yor would have to head out for a midnight job and Yuri would try to follow her so in order to get him to stop she have a big poster of Donovan Desmond and would put it up by the front door so anytime he went into the living room it would stare at him and he would run back into his room.
For some ungodly reason their father told them that the Desmonds eat people and they’re skin walkers so Yor embellished that already insane story and told Yuri that now that a Desmond is prime minister they have hunters all around looking for young kids to serve up to him and his skin walker family.
This coincides with the rumor that Donovan plotted to cause the train crash that killed the prime minister but also their parents (not on purpose) so Yor told him that after their parents died Donovan and his family ate them and they’re looking for them next.
So of course now Yuri is irrationally afraid of Donovan and actually is afraid to meet. His team found out he was afraid of him and decided to replace all the photos of Yor with photos of Donovan and when he saw them he literally had a panic attack and started hyperventilating and that’s how everyone found out Yuri has a genuine phobia of Donovan
(In case you don’t get it uh it’s directly related to unsolved trauma about his parents death. Obviously telling a 7 year old their parents got eaten is not a good idea but you know. Check tags for more info)
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dir7eater · 5 months
my conversion feels out of place.
i wanted to post about my shabbat and how wonderful i felt during it. i felt amazing and i had a wonderful restful day and i felt closer to g-d than i ever have.
but i just turned on the news and i felt a wave of sickening feelings wash over me. my happiness and joy of conversion feel out of place when those in israel are under fire. i felt so happy and joyful and now i feel so frightened and upset and worried and angry and hurt. my happiness feels out of place among these feelings. my conversion feels out of place among current events. how can such a happy process take place at such a terrible time.
i don’t know whether i should push through with my joy and contentment, or if i shouldn’t. who am i to be joyful with israel under attack.
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2nd-mushroom-circle · 9 months
as an antizionist jew, it really fucking sucks that every time i see a post about antisemitism i have to scour it to see if it implies or could be interpreted to imply that antizionism is antisemitism. what’s even worse is that it does and it can, every time! it’s gotten to the point where i avoid any discussion of antisemitism at all, because im worried to add any fuel onto that fire.
and it really sucks because it does seem like antisemitism is on the rise! but i can’t fucking tell because all you’ll talk about is a fucking human rights movement that is frequently spearheaded by jewish organizations! get it together!
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knifegrrrl1312 · 7 months
some people must realize the existence of the country of israel will not protect jewish people, it will not help with antisemitism, its not ""black and white thinking"" to think the country of israel is unnecessary, and nothing more than a fascist dream unfortunately. I think that making all the jewish people go live in israel to escape antisemitism is kinda antisemetic because i know for a FACT all these politicians are drooling at the mouth sending jewish people to israel so they aren't in their country- its fucking antisemitism im sorry, other people support israel for their OWN personal prejudices and thats not protecting jewish people, it never will.
The kingdom of Israel was something that existed in ancient history, as far as i'm aware it exists now to colonize Palestine, to excuse genocide, and the country of israel has done nothing but push actual antisemitism often for their own needs. People will say they support Palestine and Landback and the liberation of Palestine but you also say that Israel as a country is a necessity for jewish people??? and you think you "support" jewish people?? like ur just a fucking liar then :/ jewish people can live in palestine, alongside palestinians, without colonizing or genociding them. (no im not talking ab a two state solution 🙄)
like are you people even interested in fighting antisemitism? are you really interested in figting systemic antisemitism? Do you Really care about jewish people or do you just not want to look like a antisemite. Like fuck don't say from the river to the sea if you think that israel is a 'necessity' for jewish people when its not.
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One post has absolutely wild comments. These are just some of them...
We have someone with common sense here:
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Then we have these uneducated fools... Like WHAT???
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Have time to protest? 🤦🏽‍♂️They are killed for protesting... How is there a "genocide"? They are Islamic Arabs, which are about 24% of the worlds population... Jewish people make up 0.2% of the worlds population, half of which lives in Israel.
And those Arabs in Israel have all the same rights as every other Israeli citizen...
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A country run by terrorists, haulocaust deniers, and people who want to exterminate all Jewish people,and have made public statements stating so, are constantly killing innocent civilians is just Zionist propaganda. Israel has over 1/3 Arab population, but none of that matters...
Then we have this person, comparing the suffering of the LGBTQA people in Palestine to "hate crimes" in the USA... Yeah there is a big difference there pal. People praise the killing of gay people in Islamic countries... Wow...
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kosheraspirations · 11 months
I feel like a number of gentile leftists right now are using "it's not inherently antisemitic to critique Israel" similarly to how people who do $500 Shein hauls will go on tiktok and say "theres no ethical consumption under capitalism"
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Hi Shalom, I am the anon who sent an ask about calling a shul last week. Before giving updates I would like to apologise for vomiting my anxiety all over the ask. We're strangers and you didn't ask for the job of calming my anxieties. I apologise for that.
Also, thank you for your faith in me, it gave me strength, because I did go to the shul. I was incredulous at myself, but I did do it. I had to go back to my home during the day as I had forgotten my ID but I still went back instead of giving up (the journey was one hour and a half total, next time I will remember).
The security literally used interrogator techniques on me, which I realised only later. I totally understand, I didn't know anyone there, I was not Jewish by my own confession, I could have been anyone. Anyway, I said if I shouldn't be here that evening it was fine (I didn't want to pose a security risk) he said "No! You can go tonight we talked about you."
What can I say about the experience but that it was- so much better than I expected. First, everyone was so opened and relaxed. I talked with two women behind me. I said it was my first time and asked some questions, and one of them was so nice. Said she couldn't read either the first time, that she had learned. Turns out she was a convert. I hesitated to tell her I wasn't Jewish, but I did. One thing I want to be is honest. Those people are literally putting themselves in danger, opening their space to a stranger, I owe them at least three time my honesty.
At one point during the office, I got teary eyes. The emotion of being there, honestly it surprised me, I don't really now what got me so emotional. Another moment, I felt like I was flying, wrapped in the singing of everyone around me.
Another thing is I was finally hearing people say Hashem, and Shma Israel and Shabbat Shalom and talking about the destruction of the Temple. It was as if I had finally found the correct dimension, you know?
It was so good. At the end the lady gave me her number told me I could text and we could drink coffee this week so that she could answer my questions.
The guy at the entrance told me to call the secretary to begin the procedure of conversion. I never said I wanted to, but apparently me wanting to assist to an office count as wanting to convert.
So, this has been a wonderful experience. I still I'm not sure if I want to convert or not. I will contact the lady. What I know is I want to learn everything, I want to go back to shul. What I don't know is, what level of observance can I sustain realistically over the term of my life? am I ready to confront my relatives reaction to this? And am I ready to put my children in danger over my calling to Judaism?
I will reflect and ask questions and think.
Thank you for reading, have a great day!
I want to start with: I am, genuinely, very proud of you. It might sound odd, but it is such an intimidating first step to take, and I can empathize with how scary it is. Additionally, I understand where you were coming from, and understood that these anxieties are hard to talk about with, really, anyone, but they need to go somewhere. Every step of the conversion process is a community project, even questioning if judaism is right will take a community to address. We can't survive alone in this, and I think part of exploring conversion is learning how to be in community. I think many of us grew up in hyper-individualistic communities to the point where we internalize shame by "stooping down" to seeking help. I don't want to assume what your situation is, but it's definitely been something I personally have had to contend with (and frankly, I still am contending with). So I truly understand why you went about your feelings the way you did - you didn't cause harm to me, I didn't feel like a therapist, and you it seemed like you needed community. That's nothing to be ashamed or guilty for. So long as we all remember that I am not an expert, I think we can at least have a heart-to-heart. My overall point is: I don't want for you to feel ashamed of needing community and asking for support, and I hope you don't feel that way. I'm glad you contacted me, and feel honored that you chose me to speak about it with. That's crazy to think about (in a good way, of course)!
I truly have so much faith in your path, and I found myself relating heavily in what you've expressed. I absolutely don't want to tell you what you ought to do, but I really hope you continue this journey no matter where it leads you. Keep asking those big questions - learning about what your needs are is so important. I can't answer them for you, and I don't want to assume that you want me to answer those for me, but if you ever want to talk, know that this blog is an option if you want it to be. All of this is a community effort. Chase the happiness. You deserve that, literally, at the very least
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i-miss-breathing · 5 months
Hey I’ve seen some things heating up and, this might be controversial, but I don’t think we (palestine supporters) should be hypocritical assholes when talking about isreal! We should not wish death on innocent, or if not innocent, civilian isrealis! We should not laugh at the idea of their children dying! If you wish death on anyone it should be the leaders and the soldiers directly doing the unforgivable acts and war crimes! Or those funding them! We should not engage in any sort of pro genocide behavior, such as wishing death on isreal, even towards an apartheid state committing genocide! That is still immoral! Please tell me y’all knew this!
It is awful what the supporters have been doing, especially with blocking the aid trucks, but that is not an excuse to say you hope them and their entire “country” dies. They are awful people doing a horrible thing but they are not every isreali.
They are also likely uneducated on the history, or at least fed propaganda about it while learning or willfully ignorant, and just listening to what they hear on the news. That does not make it ok but their actions are a direct result of the actions and propaganda their leaders and military have been putting everywhere. And again. They are not every isreali
I feel like I’m going off topic so I’ll leave it there
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venusmages · 7 months
truly insane to lose a friend to zionist propaganda and then have them turn around and imply all of the friends they've pushed away have been brainwashed - not the other way around.
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