#this is gospel to me
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kneelbeforezod · 10 months ago
In every mistake, in every err in judgement, in every fuck up and in every relapse, there is a lesson, if you choose to see it.
Such things are universal. They happen to literally all humans, and in doing so, cannot be used to define you as an individual. It is how you respond to such things that truly matters.
The beauty of your being isn't marred by your trauma or things you wish you hadn't done. It shines even more brightly as it is refracted off of them like mirrors, showing the true source of your beauty, your strength, your resilience and your softness.
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tsunadesupremacist · 8 months ago
Sasuke is an overall decent driver but he can't help himself from breaking traffic laws when he gets impatient. When he gets pulled over, he claims to be a sovereign citizen and thus the laws don't apply to him. I can see him arguing that he's "travelling", not "driving", and when asked to show his license, he says he doesn't have one because he doesn't need one anyway since he's not driving a commercial vehicle and conducting trade.
He doesn't believe an ounce of his own words' bullshit and he doesn't even believe his excuses are going to actually going to get him off the hook. He does it to piss off the officer.
naruto driving headcanons
Naruto - definitely not licensed. debatable whether he actually knows which one is the brake pedal. as long as Sakura is alive he will not be allowed behind the wheel of a car. unknowable/10
Sasuke - also not technically licensed, but all things considered a pretty decent driver. probably started driving well before he was legally old enough to. 7.5/10
Sakura - road rage extraordinaire. swears up and down she goes the speed limit but in truth goes at minimum 10 over. “speed limit is a suggestion” more like speed limit is a challenge. at the very least she gets them where they need to go. 5.5/10
Sai - never learned to drive until he met team 7. between Naruto and Sakura’s influences, he won’t be getting licensed for at least the next 6 years. good luck/10
Shikamaru - truly cannot be arsed. if asked to drive he claims to not have a license, but he definitely does. another unknowable/10 but I like to think in a pinch he’d be pretty good at it.
Choji - reliable driver but has a tendency to be late. gets stressed out when he has more than a few passengers. 6/10
Ino - wants to be a passenger princess soo badly. unfortunately for her, she’s the best on her team. being good at driving is her curse. woefully, 10/10
Kiba - team 8’s designated driver, believe it or not. he is…not good at it, per se, but better than the rest of them. having two sets of eyes on the road tends to help. 6.5/10
Hinata - gets so stressed out she forgets how to brake. she’ll be white knuckling the wheel going 50 in a residential while her passengers pray for their lives in the backseat. -2/10 her dad’s insurance is through the roof
Shino - morally opposed to driving. he hasn’t confirmed why but the running theory is that a swarm of his bugs faceplanted into the windshield once and traumatized him. unknowable/10
Neji - doesn’t believe in right-of-way. refuses to use his mirrors. whole heartedly believes he is god’s gift to the interstate. by some miracle has never gotten into a crash, but if any of his passengers are sensible people he is banned from the wheel. 0/10
Tenten - makes Sakura’s road rage look like divinely inspired patience. honestly she’s not even mad she just enjoys it. has to be actively talked down from brake checking people. banned from the wheel 0/10
Lee - while technically a perfect driver (obeys every speed limit, never makes an illegal turn, maneuvers like butter), having him in the front seat is such an intolerable experience he’s also banned from the wheel. those unfortunate enough to have witnessed it don’t speak of their experience, but rumors involve something along the lines of a custom-made Gai inspirational quotes driving playlist. 0/10
Temari - grew up driving her brothers around. Absolutely hates it. when she’s in a car she’s got her feet up on the dashboard and always has the aux. if she were to drive again, 9.5/10
Gaara - an…extremely calm, level headed driver? side effect of RBF is that everyone is always waiting for him to snap and run someone over. he never has. probably listens to calming classical music or something while in traffic jams. 10000/10
Kankuro - I find it funny to believe he’s the actual passenger princess. unknowable/10
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Actually, I think this does link in with a wider conversation that I have been thinking for a while Tumblr maybe needs to hear.
There's a common meme on this site now that no one here has any reading comprehension skills. The best one is, of course, the original "No offense but reading comprehension on this site is piss poor/How dare you say we piss on the poor" post, which gave rise to the nickname "pissing-on-the-poor website". There's also the "I like pancakes/How dare you say waffles are terrible" one. Both of these are great, because they're silly jokey ways to show two closely related phenomena that are probably the commonest ways to fail a reading comprehension check.
The first is someone reading certain catchphrases or buzzwords in the post, and based on their own biases or prior experiences or whatever else, their brain simply fills in what it reckons the poster is saying on the topic. Instead of reading the rest of the sentence and digesting it, the reader then just uses their assumption as the interpretation, and reacts to that.
The second is closely related, because it also uses biases and prior experiences to to interpret the post, but rather than ignoring what the OP is actually saying, it instead performs a series of gymnastic leaps to construct a whole new assertion on the OP's behalf that simply isn't there.
There's also a third, of course; that one is people being so eager to feel smug and superior over someone they perceive as Bad that they wilfully assume the OP is stupid or being serious when they're actually joking. And if the reader hadn't been so blinded by their desire to get to look down on someone, they'd have seen the very obvious tells, sometimes even including sentences like "Obviously this is a joke." (I think we have all seen examples of these. Also, in a bid to avoid as many reading comprehension fails here as possible, this does not include misunderstandings borne entirely of neurodiverse struggles to parse intentions; but, neurodiverse people are just as likely as neurotypicals to have ego play a part in their misinterpretation of others, and that is what this point is about.)
And the thing is... actually, we are all capable of any of these. I imagine a sizable chunk of people reading until this point were probably thinking "Lol, yeah, people are so stupid," but na, nage, I'm not having that. Literally everyone does these sometimes. And it becomes a particular risk when the topic under discussion is something that might brush against an issue that is a pressure point for you, like a social justice talking point that you are forever having to argue with internet strangers about, for example. Your brain holds schemas! And sometimes it likes to pattern match things before it deigns to tell you about its findings! And that can hit you right in the emotions, which if they are strong enough, really can shut down all rational thought.
But. This brings me to the real point of the post.
Because the thing is, we have all saddled up and gone to war under these conditions, or at the very least been strongly tempted to. And a vital skill that literally everyone has to learn, sooner or later, is:
Before you hit 'reply', double check the post to make sure you fucking understood it.
And that does not mean "simply re-read, confirm your bias, carry on." It means, "Is it possible to read this post from the point of view of someone who doesn't intend it the way I've taken it? If I put myself in the shoes of an innocent, could they still have written these words? Is there another interpretation for these phrases?"
And you do have to do this step. You simply do have to. Because if your desire is to 'clap back' and call someone a gargling knobskin made of garbage, fuck me sideways but you must see that it is imperative that you check if they actually deserve that kind of treatment first. You cannot spend your time claiming that we must all choose to be kind and then not bother doing your due diligence before screaming a person's various and assorted bigotries at them. If you misread it, and they were innocent - you are the raging aggressive cunt in this situation.
It does not matter that you reacted from an emotional place of normally having to defend yourself either, by the way. Sure, that makes the quality of your human soul better than that of the average Redditor who just enjoys anonymously hurting people, I guess? But it's also irrelevant. If you messaged someone and called them a misogynist because you performed several mental somersaults and landed on your own sore spot when they meant no such thing, you are the attacker. You owe them an apology. And yeah, sure, you can explain your over-reaction as the product of your normal experiences if you like, but that is only an explanation, not an excuse. You are still the asshole here. You still need to apologise and mean it.
And you could have avoided it if you'd done that due diligence, as you should have. If you're going to take a swing, make sure it's the right target. This was once described to me as donkey people - they don't think, they just kick. This is admittedly a little unkind to donkeys, who always do their due diligence, but I feel it's an apt metaphor.
TL;DR: If you feel moved to angrily reply to something, first make sure you've interpreted it right. Don't be a donkey person. And if you ask for clarification, people are innocent until proven guilty. Ask nicely. If they are a bigot, you can then smelt them for parts.
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why-bless-your-heart · 3 months ago
Imagine you're a young woman and you're betrothed to a righteous man who's unwilling to expose you to shame and before you leave your father's house (or perhaps the temple) an angel comes to you and hails you as the favored one of God and tells you that you will have a son, and you question him because you are a virgin and intend to remain a virgin, and the angel tells you that the Holy Spirit will overshadow you and tells you that your cousin, who has not been able to conceive for years, is already in her sixth month of pregnancy. So you tell the angel that you want to do whatever God asks of you, and you tell the angel that yes, you will bear this child, and you immediately go to your cousin's house to help her prepare for the baby. And your cousin sees you and she greets you with the words of David welcoming the Ark of the covenant, and tells you that the child leapt in her womb at your coming, and you know that everything God has promised your people is coming to fruition, and He has chosen you to be the mother of the messiah, and you sing the Magnificat. You sing of God fulfilling His promises using the language of the psalms, and you sing of your place in His plan. And imagine an angel comes to your betrothed when he is afraid and tells him to take you into his house because your child was the son of God, and imagine that same angel comes to your husband when your son is in danger and tells him to escape to Egypt, and comes again when it is safe to return home, and imagine the thirty years of the Holy Family. Imagine the years contemplating the face of God, the years listening to His voice and eating dinner with Him, and imagine when you return from the temple and He is not with you, and you are frightened. Because you realize what the prophecy means, that your heart will be pierced with a sword. And imagine that, years later, your husband having died, your son a young man, you are at a wedding, and you hear that there is no more wine. Imagine that you go to your son, and you tell him. And He asks you, "Woman, what is that to you or me? My hour has not yet come," and you know what His hour will be. And you know what that will be to you and Him, you know that this road you set Him on will be agony, you know that you will lose Him. But they have no wine. The groom is here, the wedding feast is waiting, and they have no wine, and so you go to the servants and you speak your last recorded words in the bible. "Do whatever He tells you." And imagine you stood at the foot of the cross, and you heard the Son of God call out to His Father in the words of the psalms, and it was in the accent he learned from you.
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just-null · 3 months ago
which of the clones would we soften up to first? because it's gonna happen eventually, right? I imagine it's Urogi > Karaku > Aizetsu > Sekido
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Aizetsu then Karaku, i think.... Urogi and Sekido are spot on yeah!
Who you choose to pursue first is up to you. This is who gets all mushy for you in what order. once you have Urogi pining, youre hard locked into their route, sorries.
[rambling about losers softening up]
Urogi, he's just a needy guy who gets pretty hungry.. It's easy to set him off at first because while he's reckless, he's not about to trust a stranger! His problem is when optimism and overconfidence accidentally mix making him receptive to you. You can't do anything to him, he's upper four! but once he's in the palm of your hand, he'll refuse to leave. He wears his heart on his sleeve, and any kindness and tending make him really happy. Being with you brings a different kind of joy he never expected. It's warmer, kind of nerve wracking but exciting at the same time. Like he found his place with you. His heart flutters in a way that gets him so giddy, he can't help but want to reach out to you forever! The addictive tightness in his chest pushes him to crave you, since you're the only one who makes him feel this way!
Urogi softens up to you first because you're not a real threat to them. You're just a squishy weakling! A cute one! A reaaaally really cute one, like very cute.. too cute to eat...... DEFINITELY too cute to let anyone else eat!
The rest have their guard up to some degree and won't just throw their heart around at anybody. The world is against them after all!
Aizetsu is a tough nut because of his demotivation and overall apathetic sorrow. He makes no moves to progress or distance himself in the beginning, you're just someone, and he's stagnant. he's quicker to warm up to you than Karaku if you pamper and spoil him a little. like cleaning his spear, providing a place for him to rest, to wash up, or rescuing him from the others into a quieter room. Hell, if you get him food somehow, he stares at you with wide eyes and accepts the gift. It's not difficult to notice how Aizetsu melted after a while when he quietly follows you around like an cat that's constantly seeking affection. What shocks his clone counter parts is how he willingly volunteers to actually DO things for you. You make things so bright, he can't help that he's like a moth to a flame.
That's if you're doting to some degree, but Aizetsu comes around eventually either way, just because you provide shelter (that they technically forced their way into, but never mind that.) He does things with impressive efficiency the others were not expecting he was capable of. So what if he wants to show off a little..?
Karaku isn't easy because he really feels nothing for you aside for entertainment at first. the fact you're able to juggle all four of them amused him is all. He'd enjoy picking and teasing you, the others as well. Calling out when their faces would get red around you and cackling at them. It's difficult for him to tell the difference between pleasure and actual affection, but he never thinks on it too hard. Karaku probably even flirted with you or fought for your attention cause the others wanted it. When asked about you, like your name or interests, he deflected the question. What do you mean? how was he supposed to remember that?! He realized he fell when he's on his own and finds his mind wandering to you, thinking about the little things you do. How you eat, look when something mildly upsets you, when you're genuinely happy. then cusses under his breath cause now he fell for the same trick the others did. Oh, well, no use fighting off these feelings.
Karaku is like the play boy who falls for the first time, except he just needs time around you to actually fall. he accepts it cause this just makes things ten times more interesting. Now he's emotionally invested!! The others clown on him when he slips up and calls you by your name instead of a nickname.
Now for the toughest nut to crack since he's actively rejecting these feelings, Sekido! They rejected their humanity even as a human, why the hell is he going to allow himself to get attached to their food? Because he's as foolish as the idiots he's around, including you! He finds himself sputtering for words if you agree with him after venting, actively listening to him and trying to make his life easier. he's so... conflicted. Similar to the others, he doesn't deny his feelings once they've taken root. he might as well fight air if he were to try. And it's internally comforting to have someone capable of rangling his clones to some extent..
You'd need to have the favor of the others before Sekido fully allows himself to warm up to you. Like the ultra secret tough route of a dating sim..... but its so worth it when you get to see how he sends everyone away except for you so he can "think" on his own and insists that your presence is absolutely necessary.
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pillsopa · 9 months ago
anyone remember adam parrish, the bella swan of henrietta. let’s sit and think now…
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faeriefully · 7 months ago
no, girl im fine— I’m just crying over the gospel again
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wolfythewitch · 1 year ago
Constantly thinking about how Joseph probably died long before Jesus did. Did Jesus know? For a time did he stay uncharacteristically close to his father's side? Did he trail at his back? Did he grieve for the living?
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sunshades · 2 months ago
ok i was saying. heathcliff:
3 ids mirroring women but he's always serving it masc as hell
was "a weak child"
past arts always have him layering clothes or slouching
had that one haircut at 18
person he's known since he was a child makes him feel unguarded and weak but is also his closest friend and person that knows him best in the world
grew up competing with and imitating a horrible male role model, then realized that wasn't the type of man he wanted to be and decided to forge his own idea of masculinity
out of linton's many insults he's particularly hurt by the comment on his worth as a man and how he would never be a proper husband
goal is to become a "man of quality"- initially meant as a thing about money and appearances, but after his canto it becomes about being a trustworthy guy who can protect the person he loves and whom people can rely on, a role he's actually proud of
gets flustered and really happy when commented on how he's "grown into a right proper gentleman"
pequod id wears chest bandages (because u know he of all people wouldn't do it safely)
is literally from T Corp.?
trans man
thank you for listening
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rye-kin · 1 month ago
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Stupid ugly fucking jekyll and hyde cast line up
They all men too….
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tiffanyachings · 1 year ago
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it would have been very beautiful. camilla would have had to cook (horrible bone soup)
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lookitseddie · 3 months ago
i'm listening to old darlin' audios, and I really think that the mischaracterization of darlin' comes from the fact that the characters mischaracterize them (for reasons that make sense in lore). like, one of the first things david every says to them is 'i know you think you can survive anything'
no. they don't. and i'm starting to think that some of you believed him
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aniah-who · 6 days ago
Note to self~
Just set your gaze on Jesus and everything else will fall into place and be ordered.
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i-dreamed-i-had-a-son · 2 months ago
I love how Epic is a story about how sometimes, you change in ways you can't undo. Sometimes it's a choice, and sometimes it's something that happens to you; often, it's both. And in some ways, you may be made worse. You may make mistakes. You may become someone you don't recognize, and you may not like who you now see in the mirror. You might lose your old self in the process of surviving.
But when you do, the people who love you will still be there. Not because of who you used to be, or how you might heal or become better, or out of ignorance of who you now are. Just because they love you, and you do not need to be perfect to be loved. You just need to be there.
And they'll be waiting for you.
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frownyalfred · 6 months ago
"you're ruining this fandom by posting [headcanon/fic idea]!"
yeah okay. sure. I'm the big bad wolf leading away innocent fans into my den of fanon and OOCness. by posting my silly little fanfic, I am absolutely doing real, actual harm to people online. and I have a...responsibility to....not do that? like, what? do people actually read what they're typing on here?
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just-null · 3 months ago
what’s your favorite clone and why? 😼
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I gotta be that guy and say I really like them all. i loVE EACH ARCHETYPE THEY KINDA RESEMBLE
Sekido [in my head] has a mean exterior SO loud it makes you forget he's working with the others to actively protect the main body and has faith in their abilities. He gets annoyed at his younger counterparts cause he knows they're not using their full potential... I also really like how he's both very proper and improper, like a thug in a meeting or something... so cool.... Also, him taking the leader role and everyone going with it has big bro vibes.. oldest bro vibes.
cult leader loves tsundere guys.
Karaku [in my head] is the thrill seeker type who's more than willing to be the most annoying man around for the sake of his entertainment and living in the moment. He plays around rather than disposing of someone immediately like a fucking psychopath. Even if late, he knows when to get serious and when to tone down his antics. he still gets fucked over by playing with his opponents too much.. I like that he's not stupid, he's reckless. mega "cool big bro" aura.
cult leader loves shameless guys.
Urogi [in my head] is obnoxious and loud, boastful even especially when he's either screeching or talking, never entirely silent. While he does fight on his own, he'd drop everything if given an order and try his best to comply. also a troublemaker... like a younger bro who never really has responsibilities but does them when told so he can go back to doing wtv he was doing before. Like he's just there to have a good time. He's also not stupid, just excitable, then he gets cocky, then gets his shit rocked.
cult leader loves arrogant himbo guys.
Aizetsu [in my mind] is extremely sassy and gives passive aggressive vibes and prefers to deal with conflict swiftly because it's bothersome and makes him upset. He might look cute and weak, but he's scary. While he's sensitive, he's no pushover and will also cut pretty deep. He's definitely the younger brother who's trying to constantly get out of trouble by seeming like the angel.... It's also interesting because he never sugarcoats his words. He twists them in a way that makes him sound helpful and you, pitiful.
cult leader loves cute manipulative guys.
Zohakuten [in my mind] is a little hater who's most protective of everyone but, more importantly, the main body. He sees himself as a decent guy going against injustice for a man who's just trying to survive. Like a little bro who's stubbornly wrong about something he doesn't fully grasp. Also he's just so hilarious?? it was not necessary at all to insult your opponents looks then tell tanjiro to get over it cause the dead weren't relevant to him. How can someone so disrespectful come in a small package..
cult leader loves the brat trope.
Urami is pretty similar to hantengu, imo, just angrier 😔😔 not many opinions, but I do find it amusing to imagine he's very passionate 24/7
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