#this is going to be a miracle if these actually turn out decent
chickenlady119 · 3 days
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finished it finally (also bonus sketch of pap interacting with his brother)
day 1: NYEH HEH HEH!
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masked-men-fantasy · 5 months
Ask about their manhood size Headcanon (Overwatch)
Headcanon for my beloved masked men from Overwatch. What lies between them?
NSFW Content. MDNI.
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Gabriel just sighs when he hears the question. He pretends to have heard nothing from you. That is when you thought there would be no hope to learn more about his sexual information.
But once both of you are in a private area, Gabriel will look around to make sure there are no guards and no surveillance cameras around.
He then takes off his pants and undresses the remaining part that hides his shaft.
Reaper does have a decent one down there. 7.5 inches long, curvy up, and veiny.
There is not much pubic hair since his body has gone through many experiments.
His cock is twitching and leaking a clear, sticky liquid when you move your hand softly over his shaft. This is evidence that it must have been a very long time since he last did, and you were right.
"When I tried to do it myself, the pain always killed me, but not when I was with you." Gabriel said it with his shadowy voice, though his mask
"Can you help me with that?" This is probably the first time he asks for your help. And you are here to assist him through it.
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Genji does not hesitate to answer that question instantly. He used to be a playboy in Hanamura. Having someone ask about what to expect down there means he will soon get a pleasant night for free.
"I used to have 5 inches." He answered, "But Doctor Ziegler gave me something new after I was resurrected by her."
That is when you realized Genji lost most of his body parts after that tragic incident.
But Doctor Ziegler does some miracle work here.
A prostatic cock is made from carbon fiber and metal, similar to most of his body. The shape is almost like a real one. That should be somewhere around 7 inches long.
"You know... It has been awhile since the last time I had intimate time with someone," he murmured.
His metal sheet moved closer to your face. Your hands were guided by his, touching his shaft. Both of your bodies are getting so close that you can feel each other's warmth.
You can feel your heart race, and the heartbeats of yours and his match perfectly.
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Ramattra was annoyed when you asked him about that. He always declines to say that he has such a thing since it has nothing to do with his main intention.
It turns out your gut is right. Ramattra does actually have that thing down there.
"I cannot fathom what makes humans like you curious about Ominic's private part. This is your new low for you, pet." He said that while crossing his arm. His shaft points directly to your face, only half a foot away.
10 inches long, 7 inches girth, made with carbon fiber, flexible plastic, some wires, and special gelatin. It glows purple, too.
"I implemented this part myself after I left the monastery. I enjoy having some self-relief after a long-fought battle to reduce my stress," he explained.
It is not that big. You just said that to taunt him for fun, but Ramattra definitely did not take that as a joke.
"Did I just hear a challenge? from a weak human like you?" He snorted. His eyes contact your small body.
That is when you see him turn himself into a Nemesis form.
And yes, his manhood also turns into a Nemesis form as well.
"You better be ready for what I have in store for you, pet," he growled. His strong robotic hand grips your hip tightly, with no hope of escape.
Let us pray that you can survive the night despite what is going on inside you.
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inbabylontheywept · 2 months
your life stories are always so interesting so i shall poke a stick into the cage and ask for more. do you have any fun stories of near death experiences? personally i choked on a lifesaver as a child and could not breathe
personally? not really. ive got a pretty decent hospital story though.
see, my grandpa was in charge of the easter pageant in my state. its a big mormon thing, a lot of other churches come because its just good easter worship. anyway, in part of the pageant, theres a pony for jesus and mary to ride around on. technically supposed to be a donkey, but ponys are just so much more photogenic. anyway this happened when my little sister was going through her little-girl-pony phase, so this was so major-league shit to her. so much so that my grandpa, who i still miss so much, brought this pony to our house so she could ride it.
my little brother? he also wanted to ride it. and i didnt really want to ride it, but they were both so small someone kind of needed to hold those two onboard, and i was the lighest person capable of doing so, (didnt want to overload the pony) so i went on the back too.
and it was a stellar time until the donkey went under a tree, then my little sister hit her head on a branch and fell left, and her fall took my little brother out because he was holding onto her, and both of them took me out, so we all fell off the pony, but me with 2 kids on my left arm.
god blessed me with a third elbow that day.
here are the things that followed after the Miracle of the Third Elbow
my autistic dad came outside to check on me. id broken my arm the year before, so i knew what it was, and i knew what it felt like, so i was able to pretty clearly go "yeah, dad, i broke my arm." and he was able to go "whew. yeah. thats like, harry potter broken." and i was able to say "yeah. yeah it hurts pretty bad." and he said "oh, yeah, definitely. that looks horrible." and then i basically said something like "hopital" and he was like "right" and then we left. my memory after that gets weird.
i can remember driving up main street, and seeing this guy dancing. like, full on dancing down the street. and i asked my dad about why that guy was dancing, and he said that man was a schizophrenic, and he was medicated, but the medication had just made it so that his voices told him to dance instead of hurt himself. now he danced all the time. i should clarify that my dad worked in the ER so he knew a lot of the local homeless on a life-story kind of level. my dads a good guy.
i can remember sitting in the waiting room with a magician that had sliced his right hand open pretty bad while cooking. he was trying his best to keep us entertained with his cards, but because he was doing all his tricks left handed, he'd mess them up sometimes and it was actually kind of more fun to watch than just him in expert mode. another good guy. very friendly, but visibly repulsed by my arm.
i can remember being in a bed, and a nurse coming up to me and saying that they could give me some painkillers, which i was super stoked about, but the IV from the painkillers basically required being stabbed with a needle as thick around as a pencil. she recomended saying the alphabet backwards when she put the needle in, and i said i didn't know how, and then she stuck in the needle in. over 4 seconds i was able to go from z to c, a feat i have never since been able to replicate.
after the painkillers, i watched a tv show called Jackie Chan Adventures, which was an animated cartoon with an animated Jackie Chan, voiced by the real Jackie Chan, solving mysteries. i actually assumed that whole thing was a hallucination until i was an adult, and i was describing it to my wife, and she was like "no, that actually happened." which was funny to happen to me, because when me and her started dating, she just kind of dropped how awesome it was that obama was the first muslim president, and i was like what, no hes an episcopalian, and it turns out that her dad, who sucks for many reasons, had told her that obama was a muslim, and she was sweet enough to believe that, and also to just be like oh, neat, our president is black and a muslim, we are truly moving forward as a counry." i love her so much.
no memories of it after that. not even sure when i got home. just a straight up weird time.
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sunderwight · 3 months
Time travel fic where Vader gets the chance to go back in time, any time, and change his history.
So he goes back to when he was still a slave boy living on Tatooine with his mother.
He avoids the Jedi. Qui-Gon doesn't get the money for the parts they need, so the Queen doesn't reach Coruscant in a timely fashion, and the ousting of the Trade Federation is delayed. Which sucks ass for Naboo. But, on the other hand, the confrontation with Maul happens smack dab in the middle of the desert, so Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan actually overpower him together and neither of them dies.
After the Jedi leave, Anakin uses his future knowledge and expertise in cybernetic implants to remove his and his mother's slave chips. A tragic accident befalls Watto, and a fire in the junk shop destroys most of his records, so no one who inherits the remainder has any knowledge of slaves (or anything else) missing from the inventory.
Shmi knows that something has changed. But Ani's always been a miracle, strange and unknowable in many ways, and yet still her son regardless. She goes along with it, even though she's apprehensive about affording water, shelter, and food as they are.
She needn't have worried.
At every turn, Anakin miraculously seems to uncover things they need, or opportunities for them to explore. Shmi finds decent work in various establishments -- cleaning garages and hangers, and cantinas after closing, mostly. There always seems to be someone willing to hire her on for a while, even if they already seem to have staff. Ani works his magic with scrap parts and whatever better pieces they can afford, when they have enough to spare (which is surprisingly often), and sells contraptions to the Jawas, junk dealers, or other interested parties. If he makes and sells some weapons to some enterprising bounty hunters or mercenaries, Shmi doesn't discern it, and Anakin doesn't volunteer the information.
But mostly, he works in prosthetics.
There's a pretty big demand for such in the Outer Rim, especially Tatooine, where the idea of anyone hopping into a Bacta tank is even less realistic than the idea of public swimming pools. People are losing limbs all the time, and good prosthetics are hard to come by.
Anakin makes good prosthetics. Even with limited parts and visible frustration, by the time he's thirteen, most of the planet knows where you go if you need an "extra hand", so to speak.
It's not long before the Hutts take an interest in monopolizing the resource, and seeing what else this talented young mechanic can build. Even if most Hutts rarely need prosthetics themselves, they like to be in charge of a hot commodity, after all. And it's hardly unheard of for them to lose an arm or two either.
Shmi worries. Anakin doesn't. Somehow, all of the local crime lords start to be met with unfortunate accidents. Their relatives and allies investigate, of course, and no one really believes in coincidences in the Outer Rim. But nothing turns up either. Falling cargo, suicides, misfiring weapons, heart attacks, choking on food, slipping and falling into sarlacc pits, it's all stuff that does happen. It just usually doesn't happen so often, to such a specific group of people, within such a short amount of time.
When Anakin is fifteen, Sidious sends people to fetch him. They approach him with sweet offers and seemingly-generous gifts, at first, as if it's not the most suspicious way they could go about it. His mother too, but it's such a stupid effort that Shmi finds them suspect even without prompting, and senses something off about them. Anakin's mother might not be nearly as Force sensitive as he is, but she is, and she doesn't like Palpatine's people even if she doesn't know who they are.
The next ones just try and abduct him. It's at least less insulting in its directness. They find themselves falling afoul of the many dangers of Tatooine instead. Such a risky place, people disappear out here all the time. Mind the womp rats and the krayt dragons.
Finally, Sidious goes himself.
His ship suffers a terrible malfunction upon its descent towards a planetside dock. A true tragedy. The Chancellor will be missed.
History remembers Anakin Skywalker as a footnote in the development of several innovative prosthetic enhancements, and a semi-obscure abolitionist who also advocated for the rights of clones.
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driftward · 3 months
Let's talk about Zoraal Ja.
So early on in Dawntrail, shortly after Krile's first Echo off of Zoraal Ja, I was like, we are going to find out there is something fucked up happening to this guy. Maybe there's actually an Ascian in there purposefully fucking things up, or whoever the big bad of the expansion turns out to be rewired his head somehow, or, you know, some flavour of brain fuckery.
But as we go through the story and ultimately see him at his defeat, no, nothing so extreme as all that. He seems to be just Like That, and I thought it odd. By all accounts, it seemed he must have been raised okay. Gulool Ja Ja seems to have been an alright father figure, good enough to have raised two other kids into decent adults. They have their own sets of issues, but nobody's perfect, and they both do a good job course correcting for their shortcomings.
What the hell happened with Zoraal Ja? Why did he turn out the way he did?
Gulool Ja Ja is a blessed sibling, which we are not just told are exceedingly rare - we are shown so, explicitly, and we learn what the cost of a blessed sibling is to the Mamool Ja. A cost that their people bore in order to try to better their lot and win a war against the Xbr'aal. Gulool Ja Ja did not so much win their war as much as he simply ended it, bringing peace to both peoples.
That peace is simply, however, not that old. When we visit Iq Br'aax, we slowly learn the story of how that peace came to be, but throughout it, I could not help but notice that we were only getting one side of the story. The celebrated meal of Xibruq Pibil was meant to be a symbol of bringing peoples who were historically enemies together, but where were the Mamool Ja to share it with? And why did none of the Mamool Ja present seem to know how to create the recipe?
There is a peace, but here we see that it is a flawed peace. In the side quests, you learn that trade happens between the Mamool Ja and the Xbr'aal, but only in secret. The younger generation knows peace, but the older generation is still cagey about the not all that distant history with their neighbors in the forest.
And so the Mamool Ja still continue their practice of enduring the terrible loss of so many stillbirths in an attempt to create more blessed siblings. Their culture, especially the remnant that chooses to remain in the forest, is still trying to make its place in the larger world and improve their lot. They are still living in a land that makes for harsh conditions for living.
And in this we see a few things. One, Gulool Ja Ja is not perfect. He did a good job, but not a great one. The work of peace is going to need to be an ongoing project. And two, I believe it sets the foundation for why Zoraal Ja is the way he is.
He was not raised in Mamook, but he is still Mamool Ja. And like Gulool Ja Ja, he is a miracle. The trueblood son of a blessed sibling, who were long believed to be sterile. We don't know anything about his mother, and I suspect she had little influence on his life. But judging from the way the fight against him goes, and the visions we see of the people in his life, he may not have had a mother, singular, but I think he definitely had nursemaids.
And they certainly remembered what life was like in Mamook. And that history is not so old. And so early on, he is told he is special. He is told he is destined for great things. And probably, at least a little bit, there are whispers of how he might surpass his father one day.
The seed of a terrible imposter syndrome is planted.
And none of what happens requires Gulool Ja Ja to be a bad parent. In fact, I think what we get is the result of him trying to be a good parent. It seems likely he probably met his kids where they were at, encouraged their interests, and let them be who they wanted to be. Wuk Lamat probably sparred with him, and certainly got his sociable, outgoing tendencies. Koana, quiet Koana, I like to imagine he expressed an interest in sciences, and knowledge, and Gulool Ja Ja probably made sure he had the best tutors, and when the time came, made sure he had a good send off to Old Sharlayan.
And quiet, taciturn Zoraal Ja who rarely speaks. I can imagine Gulool Ja Ja let his son keep his peace. He probably assumed his son wanted his space, and left him to it. And Zoraal Ja, the miracle, watched his father. His father's living accomplishment was peace in Tural. Zoraal Ja will bring peace to the entire star. Gulool Ja Ja loves a good fight, enough that he challenges people to come to the palace and face him. Zoraal Ja will be a better fighter than his father. Gulool Ja Ja was a leader. Zoraal Ja is the leader of the Landsguard, and will succeed his father as Dawnservant.
It's interesting, I think, to compare and contrast Zoraal Ja with Bakool Ja Ja, who are more alike than they are different. Both are miracle children, both are impossible children. The Mamool Ja thought that a child born of Hoobigo and Boonewa was impossible - until the birth of the first blessed sibling. And they also believed a blessed sibling, in turn, was sterile - until the birth of Zoraal Ja, the miracle.
And both of them, I think, are carrying the weight of their people with them. Bakool Ja Ja explicitly, but I don't think Zoraal Ja got to escape it just because he was raised in Tuliyollal instead of Mamook. Even if the aforementioned nursemaids did not explicitly put the idea in his head that he might be the future of the Mamool Ja, he is not an idiot. They definitely told him he was a miracle, destined for great things.
And absent guidance from his father, who probably just wanted him to be his own person, he decided for himself what those great things would be.
Zoraal Ja is intent on completing them alone - to his ultimate detriment, in the trial in Mamook.
And while they are so very similar, the difference between Bakool Ja Ja and Zoraal Ja is that Bakool Ja Ja not only never wanted this, but he was eventually offered a path out. A way to be free of the yoke of the responsibilities his culture put upon him before he was ever even born. But Zoraal Ja never got that chance, because his burdens were not being forced upon him. He took them upon himself.
And he carried them until his death.
In the end, Gulool Ja Ja was probably a decent father, but not the right kind of father for Zoraal Ja. Zoraal Ja's ambition was born of a terrible inferiority complex that he nursed until it festered and swallowed him whole. He could have found his own freedom, but he could not see it past the shadow of his own father, who he was obsessed with eclipsing.
And so we're left with this. Zoraal Ja died in a completely avoidable tragedy of his own making.
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triannel · 2 months
Of course, here you go. Continuation of last post. This might be jumbled thoughts though, but I hope you'll find it as lovely as the last one.
-I think a really slow burn will be the only way to actually get him to change.
-His mindset has been carved, chiseled and set throughout a trillion years, it would take an astronomical miracle for him to change in only a matter of months.
-With his ego and possibly very heavy baggage to unpack, it will take him quite some time to get into being a semi-redeemed person.
-You've really got your work cut out for you on this one...Perhaps after you talk to a certain amphibian, you might want to study psychology too.
-As we all know the universe is full of vast possibilities that stretches beyond the comprehension of even the most powerful beings, it is arbitrary, but also not, it is and isn't, and for you, a simple human living your life, to catch the attention and even affection of a destructively, maniacal triangle proves that point.
-Even Bill himself may not know the exact reason why he'd fall for someone like you. But to give you credit though, you may have gone through his heart with a dull, and mushy arrow. Your gentleness and kindness should be enough to get through him, if you are determined enough to show it ever so often for a long time.
-As I've established last time, he will absolutely deny his feelings for you. Feeling torn in half, his heart and mind will be in battle. This causes him to behave poorly at times, but not so much that you would ever notice. For all you know the way he's acting could just be the way he is, but on the long term, it would become a little bit easier to tell if he truly is in a jumble of his own thoughts.
-Perhaps he sometimes catches himself to relax around you and forces himself to stiffen up because of his dislikeness that someone as simple as you, are actually making him act and even feel this way, or because it just doesn't feel right for him to actually be comfortable enough to slightly open up.
Sitting in the white void of space. You intently listen to Bill Cipher ramble on about his powers and such.
"THE VAST MAJORITY OF SPACE CAN'T EVEN COMPARE TO MY POWER!" Bill spat in a booming voice, his tone happy and quite cheerful.
After speaking, he just gazed at you for a moment, and in that single second he realized that he was being comfortable, too comfortable for his own liking.
Just like that, he went, snapping his fingers he quickly disappeared.
-He is scared and disgusted of his budding feelings for you, he's had his fair share of exes before but none of them had the same impact as you did. You're a human, a person that can be torn apart if the fabric's of reality only very slightly turned. Just absolutely normal, you were just living your life as always, and then he happened to catch feelings for you.
-You will be the one to confess first though. Bill would never admit his feelings for you. Even after you're long gone, he will never admit it.
-After he knows that he can have you all to himself, he now has valid reason to dump any gift he thinks is fit for you, or just anything he wants to show you.
-He will be extremely clingy and obnoxious towards you. But not too much though, he can't have you figuring him out... Though he'd still sort of slip up at times, as his number of visits quickly escalates to a higher number, you might get the gist that he might like you after a short period of observation.
-Most of the times you go to asleep, instead of a usual dream, you'll be greeted by yours truly. He's frequently ready for a chat, and maybe even once in a blue moon you'll get a decent gift.
-Get ready for teasing, very frequent teasing.
•"EY TOOTS, FIND THIS APPEALING?" He spoke, taking his bowtie off.
•Taking your chin between his thumb and index finger, he guides your gaze to land on him. As your face flushed a gentle shade of red, he smiled. Floating closer, he slightly puckered his weird lips and started to go in for a kiss. But as you expected, he left you midway through. Letting you kiss the air, he started laughing hysterically, wiping tears of his eye. (Alternate ending: But unexpectedly! Your lips gently touched. The kiss is surprisingly gentle and innocent. Only kissing you for a moment, he lets go after a few seconds.
Looking back up, for a split second you saw him gaze at you with a tender look on his face. Then he just disappeared.)
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joshfutturman · 8 months
"you have me, you always have"
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oneshot (request) - you and clapton have been in a 'will they won't they' type relationship for years, you're best friends - but is that all you want? (2.3k words) pairing - clapton davis (detention) + reader (gender neutral) tags: making out / kissing, moans (oops :3), feelings realisation, will they won't they, suggestive scenes, no use of y/n, vague alcohol mention, cursing
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clapton. davis. what could you say about clapton davis? you had been best friends for as long as you could remember. it was always just easy with him. you never had to try too hard or try to be funny - he just got you, and you got him.
.・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・.
notes: this was SO much fun!!! thank you so so much for the request @rhilove1234 ₍՞◌′ᵕ‵◌₎♡ - you're officially the first request of this account! i hope this was alright for you ٩( ´◡` )
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clapton. davis. what could you say about clapton davis? you had been best friends for as long as you could remember. it was always just easy with him. you never had to try too hard or try to be funny - he just got you, and you got him.
it was actually kind of poetically perfect that you two had applied to the same college together and had been accepted, a miracle too. clapton had the lowest gpa you'd ever heard of, but with his interest in music and the passion he clearly had for the history behind it - the college took kindly to that. you wondered if he offered to create a mix-tape for the assessors. there must have been some sort of bribe involved.
there was a time when he'd told you of his fear of the future, how he'd rather stay in the present. you remember this moment vividly, the two of you sat on your front lawn, stars sprawling above you as the world grew quiet. clapton nervously fidgeted with a blade of grass and you watched on. "the present is good, what's so wrong with wanting to stay here?" he spoke quietly, as though he knew that he didn't really believe what he was saying.
"well, yeah, the present is pretty cool," you smiled, nudging his shoulder with yours - this earned a smile from him, "but. . . don't you wanna see what's out there? who's out there?"
his eyes perked up from the blade of grass and settled on you for a few moments before darting across the street. his smile turned softer, shyer. clapton had all he wanted, right here.
the journey towards the college would take a couple of hours and clapton offered to give you a ride. your hands shook as you packed your belongings into his trunk. he watched from the side, eyebrows furrowing as he bit the inside of his cheek. once you were both settled into the small red car, clapton set off. but not before he reached his hand over, giving yours a reassuring squeeze.
he didn't let go for the entire journey.
the dorm room was pretty much what you were expecting, cramped, but decent. your roommate, damon, offered a smile to both of you as clapton helped you inside with your luggage. with a warm, tight hug and a small cheeky kiss on the cheek that you laughed off and so did he, clapton left. not before he sheepishly eyed your roommate, though. they exchanged a look, and it made your eyebrow raise as you gingerly rubbed the skin where his lips had been.
as soon as that door closed, damon piped up. "your boyfriend?"
a laugh erupted from you. clapton? your boyfriend? you hadn't even kissed, how could you possibly be dating? was it the kiss on the cheek? that doesn't count. you were best friends. there were no feelings there. clapton davis? dating? never. that damn skateboard had his heart. yeah. it wasn't like you had feelings for him that were bubbling below the surface, threatening to escape after every interaction. it's not like you wanted to ask him if this was something more. and it definitely wasn't like you had thought about pushing him against the lockers every day and kissing him like time was running out, or that you imagined him taking his hand in yours, for real - nah.
best friends. that's all it was.
but that comment remained firmly in your mind. it had been a few weeks and you couldn't shake it. was this really something more? could it be, even?
clapton was the kind of guy who could win anyone around, practically everyone he had ever met had fallen in love with him in some capacity. sure, he could be an ass when it came to his music opinions and that adorable sting fixation could be grating - but not to you. it was exactly that, adorable. he was like this with everyone, right?
even in class, you found it hard to focus. he'd insist on sitting behind you or beside you so he could pester you. in this particular lecture, he was behind. clapton leans back, swinging in his chair as he eyes the back of your head, caught in a daydream.
he sighs, deeply. clapton often looked at you like this when you weren't looking. he would desperately try to think of something to say to make you laugh, to catch your attention, to have your eyes fall on him even just for a little while. he flips open his little black notebook and peers at the bullet-pointed contents. 'say something funny, say something witty, wear their favourite colour, tell them you like them.' he hastily shut the book.
leaning over, his fingers brush your hair behind your ear. you immediately felt goosebumps spread across your neck and a tingle ran down your spine like lightning. a blush burned deep in your cheeks. "do. . . you got a pen i could borrow?" clapton whispered, his breath hot on your skin.
with a hard swallow, you passed a pen backwards and offered him a quick smile before looking straight ahead again, gritting your teeth to firmly push those thoughts from your head.
best. friends. that's all it was.
these thoughts led to you avoiding him, avoiding one on one time. it was better to stay in a group when you were with him, or was it? damon wasn't the last person to ask if you guys were dating. and you saw clapton's face when he was asked, the laugh he gave people - clearly he thought it was a joke too.
it was fine, it was going to be fine. one of your classmates had invited you to a house party that night, this would surely take your mind off things. you'd get some space, more space from clapton and maybe you'd find someone new. maybe he'd find someone new.
your stomach churned at the thought.
walking inside, you relished the sound of conversation from all sides. there wasn't any space to listen to your thoughts in here and that's exactly the kind of escape you wanted. shoulders rising and falling with a sigh of relief, you find the kitchen. a drink in hand and you definitely feel more relaxed. yeah, things were going to work out. things were-
your eyes fixate on him from across the room. he's on the sofa, surrounded by people. they're chatting to him like he's the most interesting guy in the world. you notice when he laughs, they do too. they're hanging on his every word and they love it. they're too far away for you to make out their conversation, but you can tell that clapton is enjoying telling the story. he always did like attention - and not in a conceited way, he just naturally attracted people.
and then, his eyes met yours.
eyes widening, you look away and down the rest of your drink. a few seconds later, you started to leave the kitchen area to retreat towards the cramped hallway. clapton called out to you, telling you to wait, to 'come join him'. you didn't listen, but if you'd stayed a few seconds longer, you might have heard that the story he had enjoyed telling so much was about you and him.
in the hallway, you gathered yourself and ran your fingers through your hair. it wasn't long before you heard clapton approaching too, though, and you let out a soft grunt of frustration. "trouble in paradise?" someone muttered and you shot them an icy glare. the door to the backyard ahead, you left and slammed it behind you.
the cold atmosphere hit you and your cheeks were hotter than you realised. it felt as though you could actually breathe in the night air. but when you heard the door handle turn and clapton exit, you felt just as tense again.
"what the hell is going on with you?" he speaks in a firm but confused tone, there was a hint of hurt in there. the brunette approached you from behind and stopped just shy of you. "you've been acting weird for weeks, ignoring me, rejecting every single offer to hang out - did i do something wrong?"
that last sentence hurts you, it hurt to think of him wondering if he'd upset you. "no." is all you manage to say.
night envelops you both, the quiet thumping of the music from inside fills the silence in between your words.
"then, what?" he asks and you can hear him almost stomp his feet.
"people keep asking me if we're. . . a thing and i thought. . . well i thought it would be better if we kept some distance, that's all." you said with a shrug, folding your arms firmly.
silence falls around you both for a few moments. you wondered if he could hear how loudly your heart was beating in your chest, as though it were threatening to escape.
and then you could feel his presence behind you, his head near your shoulder, lips close to your ear. ". . . is that what you want?" clapton asked, his breath shaking slightly.
the closeness was almost too much to handle. your stomach in knots, it trips over itself, desperately trying to untangle the anxious mess inside. of course distance wasn't what you wanted.
he mutters your name softly into your ear, placing a hand on your hip and you snap, turning quickly with clenched fists. you want to yell, you want to ask him what you both are, you want to tell him to piss off - you want him.
fuck, you want him.
clapton raises his hands slightly to give you space and looks rather defeated, those hazel puppy dog eyes veering to the left to avert your heated gaze. but he then stands still, slowly his eyes return to yours and he can see conflict behind your eyes. gaining a little more of his confidence back, he puffs out his chest and takes a step closer. you noticed how his hands still shook though, despite that secure stance.
you held his gaze as he approached, your own hands shaking in turn. he almost commanded your attention with those eyes. and you realise in that moment that clapton sees you. he really sees you. he always has. you crave him, like it's been years since you both touched, his soft skin against yours.
"is that. . . what you want?" he repeats, bringing you out of your thoughts and he's firmer this time. you are inches from one another.
his hand snakes towards your neck along your supple skin, cupping against your jaw, thumb resting on your cheek. you can't help but let out a small gasp in response as your hand comes up to rest on his wrist. your cheek nuzzles into his touch, warm, safe.
"i want you." you finally admit, words trembling from your mouth, a short laugh following suit as if it was so silly to hear it out loud.
clapton's eyes sparkle and stare back into yours. you notice how his whole face lights up, unable to hide the smile pulling on his lips. "you have me, you always have." he admits with a soft chuckle like it was so obvious.
and then he kisses you, he kisses you like he's hungry, like he's starving. your lips collide, your eyes close and your knees threaten to buckle beneath you. you come undone. clapton wraps an arm around you to pull your body closer to his and you trail a hand up the back of his neck to grip that messy, adorable hair. his tongue slips into your mouth and you welcome it, feeling warmth rise in your belly.
you never wanted to let go, you never wanted to stop. his hand firmly on your neck and a strong hand on your back, he held you tightly. though you tried to suppress it, a little sigh of pleasure escapes and you can feel him smirk proudly through the kiss. it causes him to hold you tighter in response and your other hand grips his shirt for stability.
the cold air nips at your skin but it's a welcome sensation against the fervency of the kiss. his hand slides around your neck to the back of your head, his fingers lacing into the back of your hair causing ripples of tingles across your shoulders. you whisper his name into his mouth and it comes out in a pleading tone - but you're not sure what you're pleading for.
he gives you what you want, despite you yourself not knowing what that was. a gentle tug on your hair and his firm hand trailing down your side to tug at the bottom of your shirt cheekily. a giggle erupts from your lips as you pull away just enough to let it out, eyeing him with a smirk.
before you know it, your hand is in his and your eyes are drawn to watch your hands tangle together. it amazes you how perfectly they fit, his digits sneaking into yours with a thumb caressing your skin. it felt right. this was exactly what you wanted. it felt different from the other times, more tender, more meaningful. he gives your hand a gentle squeeze and you meet his gaze once more.
"so," he speaks up, breathless, "is our anniversary now or is it when i thought we were actually dating all those years ago?"
you can't help but laugh, breathless too. "oh my god," you roll your eyes, "shut up."
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gainahan · 5 months
naruto driving headcanons
Naruto - definitely not licensed. debatable whether he actually knows which one is the brake pedal. as long as Sakura is alive he will not be allowed behind the wheel of a car. unknowable/10
Sasuke - also not technically licensed, but all things considered a pretty decent driver. probably started driving well before he was legally old enough to. 7.5/10
Sakura - road rage extraordinaire. swears up and down she goes the speed limit but in truth goes at minimum 10 over. “speed limit is a suggestion” more like speed limit is a challenge. at the very least she gets them where they need to go. 5.5/10
Sai - never learned to drive until he met team 7. between Naruto and Sakura’s influences, he won’t be getting licensed for at least the next 6 years. good luck/10
Shikamaru - truly cannot be arsed. if asked to drive he claims to not have a license, but he definitely does. another unknowable/10 but I like to think in a pinch he’d be pretty good at it.
Choji - reliable driver but has a tendency to be late. gets stressed out when he has more than a few passengers. 6/10
Ino - wants to be a passenger princess soo badly. unfortunately for her, she’s the best on her team. being good at driving is her curse. woefully, 10/10
Kiba - team 8’s designated driver, believe it or not. he is…not good at it, per se, but better than the rest of them. having two sets of eyes on the road tends to help. 6.5/10
Hinata - gets so stressed out she forgets how to brake. she’ll be white knuckling the wheel going 50 in a residential while her passengers pray for their lives in the backseat. -2/10 her dad’s insurance is through the roof
Shino - morally opposed to driving. he hasn’t confirmed why but the running theory is that a swarm of his bugs faceplanted into the windshield once and traumatized him. unknowable/10
Neji - doesn’t believe in right-of-way. refuses to use his mirrors. whole heartedly believes he is god’s gift to the interstate. by some miracle has never gotten into a crash, but if any of his passengers are sensible people he is banned from the wheel. 0/10
Tenten - makes Sakura’s road rage look like divinely inspired patience. honestly she’s not even mad she just enjoys it. has to be actively talked down from brake checking people. banned from the wheel 0/10
Lee - while technically a perfect driver (obeys every speed limit, never makes an illegal turn, maneuvers like butter), having him in the front seat is such an intolerable experience he’s also banned from the wheel. those unfortunate enough to have witnessed it don’t speak of their experience, but rumors involve something along the lines of a custom-made Gai inspirational quotes driving playlist. 0/10
Temari - grew up driving her brothers around. Absolutely hates it. when she’s in a car she’s got her feet up on the dashboard and always has the aux. if she were to drive again, 9.5/10
Gaara - an…extremely calm, level headed driver? side effect of RBF is that everyone is always waiting for him to snap and run someone over. he never has. probably listens to calming classical music or something while in traffic jams. 10000/10
Kankuro - I find it funny to believe he’s the actual passenger princess. unknowable/10
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imagine teasing Sanji and Zoro
throuple fluff
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Sunny’s kitchen was filled with the smell of rosemary and thyme; dinner was being cooked and when you walked in the cutest cook in all the seas greeted you with a warm, tender smile. Sanji beckoned you over to him, right arm held out ready to receive a hug while the other hand kept busy searing the steaks that were cooking. “How was shopping with Nami and Robin, love?”
Slipping into his embrace, your nose nuzzled into his chest, and he kissed the top of your head. The two of you stood there as you told him about all the shops you had gone to – the bookstore, where you picked up a cookbook for him. He was elated that you even thought of him, and your head leaned back to give him a glare. “I always think about you all the time, silly.”
Sanji’s eyes glistened with warmth just as the kitchen door swung open and Zoro appeared, wearing one of the new black tees you had picked out for him. He glanced at the way Sanji was holding you, making his way to the fridge. “I need a cold drink, it’s hot out there.”
“I put a few drinks in the freezer for you.”
“How thoughtful, Sanji.” He blushed when you kissed him on the cheek and when you went to kiss him again, he turned his head to capture the kiss on his lips. You laughed, nipping at his bottom lip before feeling a different arm come around your waist. Sanji released you, focusing on the steaks while Zoro came from behind you; slipping a bottle of ale in your hand as he buried his nose into the nape of your neck. He grumbled about the weather again as you popped open the bottle for him. “Drink up, sweetie.”
Without looking, you knew Zoro’s cheeks were bruised maroon when he kissed your neck before moving to your side. He took the drink and thanked you, promptly asking when the food would be ready.
“Patience is a virtue, Mosshead.”
“Stop being so slow, cook.”
Ignoring them, you pushed past them as they started to argue; retrieving the dinner plates, hardly registering what the two men were bickering about. This happened at least twice a day both most times, they were decent to each other – they actually adored each other in ways they would never openly admit but you were the only one privileged to witness such miracles. Setting the plates down on the counter, you turned to Zoro and Sanji and swiftly smacked their bottoms with such gravity, they both jumped.  They both turned to you with blushed expressions, and you laughed. “Ah, so that’s how I can get you two to shut up? Duly noted. I need to go unpack my purchases; I’ll be back for dinner. “
You moved in between the two; hand resting on Zoro’s chest as you leaned in to kiss Sanji, who placed a hand on your waist. His kisses were always gentle and delicate. Reaching down for the cook’s hand, you moved your attention to Zoro. He always was so serious looking but when your lips pressed against his, you could feel him relax. The swordsman’s kisses were always so eager and a little rough – both men equally satisfying in their own ways. Releasing your hold on both men, you left the room and they stood silent for a moment before Sanji resumed cooking. Zoro took a long sip of his ale before eyeing Sanji with a smirk.
“We’re going to get her back for that, right?”
Sanji looked up from the pan, thanking Zoro when he handed him one of the bottles from the freezer. He cracked the top off and snorted. “Oh, she’s definitely not going to be able to walk tomorrow morning.”
Zoro laughed then, a wicked little laugh, and held out his bottle. Sanji clicked his bottle against Zoro’s and the two men laughed, neither willing to confess out loud how badly their asses felt but both eager to return the favor.
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marlsswrites · 3 months
Summer camp AU, part 4!!
July 4th <3
Wings - @jegulus-microfic - words: 901
TW: Referenced drug use
First part Previous part
“Are you lot supposed to be doing that?” Regulus snorted as he took a seat next to Barty under a tree near his cabin, Pandora sat with her legs in the water, splashing someone every now and again.
Regulus had a long day, he and James woke up early and took the kids for a tour around the camp. They visited some of the animals, planned some activities, and he nearly got pushed over by a thirteen year old when James convinced him to play tag with everyone. It’s a miracle no one got hurt, it was pure chaos.
Barty had a blunt between his fingers, holding it to his mouth and moving it to Evans.
“Me and Ev have never been caught before.” Pandora spoke slightly dreamily, smiling to the sky. “Plus it’s night, all the kids are asleep
Dorcas shortly followed from the direction Regulus had came from, throwing herself half into Regulus’ lap and half onto Barty.
“Want a hit Dory?” Barty asked, giggling, yes giggling, slightly as Evan stroked his hair.
“I will hit you if you call me that again.” She hissed, swiping the blunt from her friends hand and holding it up to her mouth, releasing a sigh.
Regulus made grabby hands to Dorcas, she passed him the blunt with a smirk as he blew smoke into the air.
“How was your day?” Pandora asked as she skimmed a stone on the river, it going shockingly far with a cheer from Evan.
“Potter was a piss take, as per usual.” Regulus spoke with a shrug. “The kids are decent enough.”
Pandora hummed, waiting a few moments before speaking. “My day was amazing, thanks for asking!” She smiled. “Lily Evans was so-“
“Hot?” Barty and Dorcas asked at the same time.
“Beautiful?” Regulus queried.
“Sweet?” Evan added.
“All three!” She squealed with heart eyes. “Let me finish though.” Her face dropped into a face of curiosity and soft thoughts as she spoke.
The group groaned in unison, there goes the rest of the night.
Regulus wasn’t entirely sure what time it was now, but it had to be late… or early morning. God knows.
The group seemed to get louder and louder as the night went along, Regulus just prayed they didn’t wake any of the kids up or this would be his first and last summer working at the camp.
“Where would you fly if you had wings?” Pandora spoke drearily, now on her back on the grass, her blonde hair splayed everywhere.
“Mars.” Dorcas replied.
“I’d scoop my dad up and drop him into the ocean.” Barty snorted.
Regulus pointed at Barty and nodded vigorously. “Yes, that one, but with both of them.” He spat.
The group talked and laughed, joked and splashed, complained and smoked, until the sound of rustling leaves broke Regulus out of his current trance.
“What the fuck are you lot doing?” The groggy voice of James Potter spoke as Regulus turned around, smiling innocently.
“Oh- hi Reg.” James’ face lit up, something unreadable taking place in his eyes before disappearing quickly.
“What does it look like, Potter?” Barty snapped.
James gave Barty a wary look, his eyes still slightly sleepy and his morning voice cracking as he spoke. Regulus will not be addressing how endearing he finds him right now. “How do you even know my last name?“ He snorted. “You don’t even know me.”
“Oh I know plenty about you, James Potter.” With a threatening tone to his voice, Barty scowled. Taking a step forward into the light, James’ brown skin reflected the slowly dispersing moonlight, that was the main thing that Regulus took high notice to due to his total lack of shirt.
Regulus sat in silence and tore his eyes away from the addictive sight, sipping at one of the cans of beer that Evan brought, despite the fact that his can had been empty of liquid for the past half hour.
“Barty stop being a prick.” Regulus mumbled into the can.
“I actually don’t think it’s physically possible for him to stop, it’s who he is.” Dorcas spoke with a dramatic sigh and a hand to her chest.
Pandora pouted and reached over to give Barty a forehead kiss. “Poor baby.” She tutted.
“Do you know what time it is?” James asked with a twitch of his lips, looking Regulus directly in his slightly bloodshot eyes.
“No.” The five of them spoke.
“Well.” James started. “It’s four in the morning and you lot are obnoxiously loud.”
Regulus scoffed, attempting to stand up but failing and resorted to sitting back down on a tree stump. “Says you.”
“And we,” James pointed to Regulus. “Need to be up early for first aid training tomorrow- well, today.”
Groaning into his hands, Regulus attempted to stand up again, James now rushing towards him and offering him a hand. Normally, Regulus would scowl and hit it away, but his slightly drunken brain just took it and registered how soft it felt.
He really likes holding James Potter’s hand, he thought to himself.
Stumbling forward into James, the brunette caught him and laughed, pushing him back towards the nearby cabin.
He swore he heard his friends laughs and whispers as he held onto James on the way back, but he really didn’t have the energy to question anything right now.
The questioning would come tomorrow, his brain is already fried enough.
Next part
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noparadiseinthis · 2 months
English is not my first language. Bear with me, Grammarly helps, but it doesn't work miracles.
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About ties and shoes (or "when did it stop being 'us'?")
James Wilson/fem!wife!Reader
Warnings: James Wilson at a wedding is his own warning. Mentions of Wilson's infidelity and failed marriages. Angst without comfort. House surprisingly being an almost decent person.
Summary: You were never one to pay much attention to what other people wore, not even your husband. Until House commented on your new tie and shoes, which you'd never seen before.
Words: 1k
Things hadn't been on the best terms between you and Wilson lately, he always seemed stressed and tired, coming home late and going straight to bed. Ignoring your good night, your hugs, and your lovingly prepared dinner in the hope that this time he would bother to eat with you. Even the lunches you used to share during your breaks no longer exist; your messages are answered only with "Sorry, I've already had lunch." I. When did it stop being "us"?
Today would be different. You'd surprise him at the hospital and have lunch with your husband and House - your husband's husband - the grumpy man couldn't monopolize him forever. Over time, you ended up developing a reluctant companionship with House.
Taking the lunch you had prepared earlier out of your bag, you left work and started walking to the hospital, which was on the same street.
Recognizing you, the reception staff let you pass without much fuss, and no one gave you a second glance in the corridors. You didn't find your husband in the room itself, which must have meant you were with House, it was always House.
"Knock knock." You said with a smile, her knuckles tapping against the open door.
James turned around, a shy smile appearing on his face as you entered the room. House just looked up.
"Let's see if that isn't the lovely fourth Mrs. Wilson," he said in a monotone.
James glared at his friend, hating that nickname every time it was uttered, but you just rolled your eyes, having gotten used to it a long time ago.
"I brought your lunch, I thought we could have lunch together today," you muttered, approaching your husband with a smile and bending down to kiss his cheek.
"Own, he's still blushing" House mocked.
"Shut up," Wilson muttered, masking his red cheeks as he sank into his lab coat. "My lunch break is ending, actually," he said, a sad look appearing as he saw your disappointment and your dying smile, "but House's is just starting; he can keep you company."
"Ah," you gasped, your mouth hanging open in surprise as you tried to force yourself to smile.
"Oh oh, someone's going to sleep in the doghouse."
Wilson shot an angry glance, before looking back at you with a sad, reluctant smile.
"I'm sorry, darling." He bent down to kiss your forehead "I promise I'll make it up to you," he whispered into your ear.
So shaken, you didn't even bother to leave House's office, throwing yourself into the armchair from which your husband had left.
"Oh, we're staying then?" He said with irritation as Wilson walked out the door.
You knew that most of this picking on you was purely out of a habit of despising any human being, so you didn't let one more thing bother you while you opened your lunch.
"Oh, she's going to eat too"
Silently you placed Wilson's food on the table, pushing it towards him.
"Thank you," you heard him whisper.
"You've got to stop giving Wilson ties, I can't keep up anymore. What about the shoes? It's like he's a fucking dancer" House grumbled as he ate his food as if it had offended him personally, but as he hadn't complained yet, you could only assume that he liked it.
The clattering of your fork stopped immediately as you swallowed and processed what he'd said, raising your head with a deep crease between your eyebrows.
"I never gave James ties or shoes."
Gregory sighed.
"Never mind then," he muttered back, shrugging.
His words from years ago on meeting her made you wince. "When Wilson started wearing ties and new shoes I knew there was a future fourth Mrs. Wilson out there."
"What are you talking about, House?" you asked suspiciously.
"Oh, it's no big deal, I must have been mistaken. I know you two are fine, after all, Wilson has been leaving early every day to have dinner with you."
That was the last straw. House observed the myriad of emotions in you. The shock, the attempted denial, the sadness and hurt, and finally, the anger as you stood up abruptly and left the room without saying a word, but it wasn't necessary; he already knew why.
Staring at his wall, Gregory remembered a conversation from years ago. Wilson's words were still etched in his mind: "Oh no, she doesn't give me those kinds of gifts. She's the type who cooks for me and stuff, if I want something material, I'll probably have to ask."
He didn't feel a shred of remorse. Never meddled in any of your friends' marriages; didn't like their wives enough for that. You were... bearable. The kind that deserved to know.
A locked door. The door to their bedroom had never been locked before. The kitchen was untouched, where dinner would normally be ready and a plate prepared for him. James frowned, pulling out his cell phone to look at the date, wondering if he had forgotten any important dates.
"Darling? Are you all right in there?" shouted through the door, his confusion audible in his voice.
"Go away, James!" you exclaimed, your voice tearful.
"Are you crying? What's the matter? Talk to me, love." he replied, beginning to worry more and more.
"Get out of my life!"
Inside, you remembered all the good memories with your husband. All the times he reassured you and dispelled all your insecurities with his kisses and affection, how he made sure you knew you were the most important person in his life. How you were the idiot who believed that a man had betrayed so many times would change for you. How you deliberately chose to ignore your past, thinking you were marrying a different man. James Wilson never changed and never would.
House heard the noise on his cell phone and approached the coffee table to read the new message.
What did you say to her, you bastard?
With a sigh, he off the screen. This was no longer your problem.
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thewulf · 1 year
Absolutely Gorgeous || Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Summary: Anyways what if they meet a teacher from base like she teaches at the school on base at the bar but she’s not drinking just hanging out! Like how do you think that would go? Read Rest Here
A/N: Back at it with my favorite man!! Hope you guys enjoy! As always, thank you for the request!!
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Y/N
Word Count: 3.1k +
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“Finally!” Your co-worker, Molly, squealed as she put the overflowing binder down on her desk, “Three months of freedom!”
Grinning you nodded your head along with her, “They’re not that bad, Molls.”
She had to suppress the eye roll she wanted to give you, “You had a class of little fourth grade angels. I had those sixth-grade demons all year long.”
Your laughter filled up Molly’s empty classroom, “Fair. They were probably my best class yet.”
She nodded her head, “Sometimes you get lucky like that. Was not my year.”
“Maybe next? What grade are you teaching anyway?” The two of you began to walk out of the building for the last time this summer. That was until you needed to get the decorations hung for the next school year.
She shrugged, “Haven’t been assigned yet.”
You nodded along thinking to yourself. The school on base was… tiny. Itty bitty. It was a miracle it even functioned. It was another miracle there were enough students to keep the place running. But they did. And it kept you employed. You’d only been teaching for the last three years, still trying to find your groove. You’d stumbled upon this job in your search and couldn’t believe it actually paid a decent wage. So, you took it and ran.
“Hey, are you coming to the Hard Deck tonight?” She asked once the two of you got to the almost desolate parking lot. Just your two cars and the principals left.
You shrugged, “Wasn’t planning to.” It’s not that you hated going it was just horribly overwhelming for you almost every time you went. It always ended the same damn way every single time. You’d get all dressed up, put too much makeup on and then get ignored. The friends you’d come with would always, always, find a man to talk to leaving you in limbo. It wasn’t for a lack of trying either. You tried so hard to just strike up a conversation with anybody only to be left or once again, ignored.
It hurt at first. Then you got used to it. You’d, unfortunately, had gotten used to being alone in a really crowded place. So, you just started going out with them less and less. You loved them. The group of friends you’d found in San Diego was like nothing you’d had before. You didn’t even think yourself as unattractive. It’s just when you stood next to them you’d looked incredibly average. Average and boring. Which was fine, it just got a little old when the hot pilot would be chatting up everybody but you.
“You should come!” Molly squeezed your bicep trying to convince you with a cheerful gaze crossing her eyes, “It’ll be so fun. All of the teachers are planning on coming!”
You had to bite your lip from the instant scowl that wanted to cross your face, “I’ll have to think about it.”
She shook her head, “That means no. Come on Y/N! Please?” Hey big blue eyes turned down as she gave you a silent pout.
It was really hard to say no to Molly. She was so kind, sweet and so damn infectious you just wanted to say, “Yeah, sure. I can come for a little. You know I don’t drink though, right?”
She nodded, “I know, it’s still nice to have you there. You keep our heads level and in check.”
You only laughed a little. You decided to call off drinking back in college. You’d had too many hospital visits for alcohol poisoning that even you got embarrassed. You just never seemed to be able to control yourself. You’d tried. For years you’d tried. But you’d always, always, without fail would take it one step too far. That’s when you decided to quit. You became an entirely different person that you hated when you drank.
“Somebody has to.”
She squeezed your arm. That’s who she was. She loved giving physical affection. At any chance she could she’d give a hug or squeeze an extremity. Only if you were comfortable with it though. She made sure of it though.
“I’m so glad you’re coming! We’re meeting at six. A bunch of pilots just got back from a mission too. Shelly told us last night.” She clapped all too excitedly.
Great. Just great. Hopefully Penny was working. That’d give you somebody to talk to. Giving her a slight head bob, you hoped it would come off as excited, “That’ll make for an interesting night.”
She shot you a wink, “You don’t know the half of it. Alright, see you tonight?” She headed for her car after stopping at yours to finish up the conversation.
“Yeah, see you tonight.” You hopped in your car already feeling the dread of tonight. You’d just leave before the sun set. That’s all you needed to do. It’d be alright.
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You were already regretting committing once you parked your car. Maybe you could just bail now? Fake an illness? But then the literal two hours you spent getting ready would be for null.
Sighing you decided to just walk in. It’d be fine. You looked nice. Opted for a pretty floral sundress. It was far too hot to even contemplate putting shorts on. So, a dress it was. This time a sigh of relief escaped your mouth seeing Penny behind the bar with a few other bartenders.
“Y/N!” You spotted Molly waving at you frantically. The three girls already sitting at the bar with a drink in hand. They all looked beyond beautiful. It came naturally for Molly. You knew you were slightly jealous of the girl, who wouldn’t be though? Shelly brought her friend Erin. Who both looked stunning. It wouldn’t be long now before each girl would get plucked. Might as well enjoy the time you had with them all.
“Hey pretty ladies.” You hugged each one before sitting next to Molly. You jumped right into the conversation with the girls finding yourself quickly engaged with the drama Erin was telling the group about.
Not long after you finished your first soda Shelly was getting chatted up. That was quicker than normal. The sun wouldn’t even be setting for another few hours yet. Maybe you’d have to make your great escape far sooner than you planned too.
Being so wrapped up in your own thoughts you hadn’t even heard the pilot slowly approach the bar next to you. He’d even ordered and all before he attempted to grab your attention. You caught Jakes attention almost immediately when he heard your friend call for you. He’d never been so entranced by somebody so damn quickly. He knew immediately he’d have to approach you.
He'd watched you for longer than even he’d care to admit. But how could you blame him? Your smile nearly took his breath away. His attention was so drawn away from the conversation that he didn’t even hear rooster make a snide remark. His eyes remained on you from across the bar. He was being beyond creepy, and he knew it. But for the first time in his life, he almost felt nervous at the thought of approaching you. Nervous of the thought of you rejecting him. He honestly didn’t know if he could take it. He’d never felt anything so strongly before without even talking to you.
“Whatcha drinking darlin’? I can get you another one.” Jake smiled softly. He’d decided to play down his usual overt flirtyness not wanting to scare you off. As often as it worked sometimes he did get turned down
You looked down at your glass realizing you were out. Then you decided to look at the face that the voice came from. He was handsome. So very handsome. That was without question. But he surely wasn’t talking to you. Nobody ever talked to you. So you turned away waiting to hear the conversation go on.
You waited a second not hearing a response but turning back to the pilot who was looking at you like he was waiting for an answer, “Me?” You’d asked with the utmost confusion.
He chuckled softly, “Yeah you. Who else?”
You peaked around and shrugged, “Not sure.” You’d admitted.
He brushed it off, “So? A drink?”
You nodded, he’s harmless you were sure of it, “Sure. Soda.”
A smile broke out onto his face as he tried to flag down a bartender, “Mind if I have a seat?” He asked you, not wanting to assume like he had so many times before. He had a feeling you were different. Whatever the hell that meant. But he knew one thing. He felt different. Nervous. Anxious.
You shook you head quickly. Almost on instinct, “No, not at all.” He didn’t seem to judge you in the least for your drink of choice. That often alienated people even further. What weirdo orders a soda at the bar? You. You did. You just pretended it was a jack and coke or something. It was easier that way.
You felt an elbow to your side. It had to have been Molly pushing you along. When you turned to snap at her she was walking away, waving, “We’re going to sit outside!” She winked knowing you were trapped. You were far too cowardly to run away so quickly so you decided to stay. But you felt far too cowardly to stay too. It had to be a sick joke or something now. Why would this gorgeous man want anything to do with you? Especially when Molly and Erin were right there.
“Thanks sweetheart.” He only smiled seeing you look straight ahead. Either you were shy or incredibly standoffish. He had to assume the earlier. Especially with how seemingly friendly you’d already been to him. It wasn’t all that often that beautiful women were shy Jake had noticed over time.
You nodded your head thankful your head decided to fall over your ear shielding the rising blush for him, “Sure.”
He sat down quickly turning himself towards you. This was going to be difficult he decided. He wanted to be forward, so you knew his intentions, but he didn’t want to be too much. Or worse, make you uncomfortable. He knew that there was no coming back from that. You just seemed shy though. Like you didn’t know how to proceed. So, he’d take the reins and steer the conversation.
“Haven’t seen you before. You from around here?” He tried to break the ice. He didn’t know if it’d creep you out. He’d never been this fucking unsure of himself and it was beginning to drive him mad already.
He seemed genuine you thought. Like he was actually trying to strike up a conversation. You’d still refuse to believe it was anything legit though. Likely a bet with the other khaki uniformed people in the corner of the bar.
Fuck it. May as well entertain it. Even if it was a joke at least it was a conversation. Not like you’d had your friends to fall back on, “Yeah, teach at the school on base. Live close by. Just don’t get out that much.”
He hummed contemplating what to say, “That’s too bad.”
“What’s that?” You asked him all too curious at what he meant.
He shrugged trying to play it off nonchalantly. It felt like he was in seventh grade all over again trying to learn how to flirt all over again, “Could’ve met you weeks ago darlin’” He grinned scooting ever so slightly closer to you.
Was he being serious? Even if he wasn’t you couldn’t stop the reaction that came with the conversation with him, “Well,” You decided it was time to be confident. What’d you have to lose? “I’m here now.” You finished wanted to suck in a breath. These flashes of confidence came around occasionally.
His smile turned down into a low smirk. His eyes darked just a tad as he leaned in. He took that as an invitation. You’d more than invited him in now, “That you are beautiful. And I am so thankful for that.” He almost whispered in your ear.
You still shivered. He was laying it on thick now. So would you. Or throw it back in his face, “Are you?”
He nodded, “Very. Means I can ask you out on a date.”
The laugh that left your mouth was inescapable. It had to be a joke. In your twenty-five years on this planet this had not once happened to you. It happened to all of your friends, sure, but not you, “Yeah, sure.” You voice was oozing sarcasm that wasn’t lost on Jake.
He tilted his head as he observed you, “What?”
“Is this some sort of joke or?” You looked around waiting for somebody to point at you, laughing. That’d be horrifying.
He shook his head, “Not at all sweetheart. Why would you think that?” He asked with all the sincerity lacing both his face and his expression.
You took a breath. Because nobody had ever done this before? Because why would he, the most handsome guy you’d laid your eyes upon, have any interest in you? Because this was the last thing you expected tonight. Not that you were against the thought. You just couldn’t believe it.
“No reason.” You tried to play it off as coolly as possible, but you knew you failed. You were fidgety and anxious. Not attractive at all.
“So, what do you say?”
You looked around. Why did he pick you? It just didn’t make sense. There were so many beautiful women. When you were constantly picked last it just didn’t compute when you were one of the first to be picked, “Are you sure?”
He studied your face before his smirk dropped into a frown, “Yes darlin’. I’m positive. Why do you keep trying to check?” He turned the question around on you.
“I mean, there’s women in here like Molly.” You pointed to your blonde friend who was sitting at a bench outside near the beach.
Ahh, that made sense to him. But it didn’t at the same time. You were beautiful too. Just as beautiful as the other women in the bar. If not even more beautiful. Something about you just got his mind going crazy and he wasn’t quite sure what the hell it was. But damn was he determined to figure it out.
He looked over to the girl you pointed to and shrugged, “She’s pretty but not really my type.”
You took your time looking over his features making sure he wasn’t lying to you, “Erin?”
His eyes flicked to the other blonde-haired girl you were pointing too. He shook his head, “I think you’re beautiful. She’s pretty but you’re… you’re absolutely gorgeous. What’s that mean?” He needed to get you to stop thinking about everybody else. He needed you to think about you. To stop comparing yourself. It had to have come from somewhere. Self-doubt always came from a place of neglect. Whatever it was he wanted to help you. Hell, he wanted to go on a date and then ten more with you already. He could just tell you were so layered, had so much to you. He was more than fascinated and needed to find out more. For the first time ever, Jake wanted to get to know the person he was talking to instead of getting into their bed.
It was slowly starting to click into place for you. Maybe he did actually find you attractive. He was certainly being adamant about it, “Really?” You were aware how cringy it actually was to look so daft and clueless. But on the other hand, you were genuinely mystified by the entirety of the situation. It’s not like you never ever got male attention. It just never came in this form. It always seemed to come with a catch.
His softer smile retuned as he reassured you, “Really. I’d love to take you out on a date…” His eyes went wide as he trailed off, “I don’t even know your name.” Looking away in slight embarrassment it was your turn to gain a little confidence now. You were pretty sure that he was actually into you. He was as handsome as ever. And he seemed a touch nervous to talk to you. This was your chance.
Returning his soft smile, you sat up a little taller in your barstool as you turned to him just a little, “Y/N.”
“Y/N.” He repeated committing it to his memory. He got that exiting feeling that you’d be in his life to come for a long while. Taking a second to really remember this moment in time. Your soft smile, the light blush that danced across your cheeks, the way the sunset seemed to gleam off your glistening eyes. He was a sucker already. He’d hardly known you, but he was ready to dive right on in.
You hummed taking a sip of the Diet Coke you’d ordered waiting on his name. You weren’t the most talkative in general, so this was a task for you, to say the least. Words never seemed to come all that naturally to you.
“Jake.” He leaned in closer feeling the pull.
“Jake.” You repeated just as he did, “You look like a Jake.”
His smile grew a touch, “Is that a good thing?”
You nodded your head, “I think it is.”
He was full on grinning now, “They say third times the charm. How about a date? Me, you, tomorrow, 5 PM?”
You had to admit you were more than a little excited to be asked. Let alone by him, “Sure, I’d be down.” You cringed internally at that. Why’d you accept like that? You were trying to come off cool not like a sixteen-year-old girl getting asked on her first date ever.
He pulled his phone out in lightning speed, “Well then darlin’, that calls for me getting your number.”
You’d have to put a pound of makeup on tomorrow from how much he was already making you blush. Taking his phone from his grasp you could’ve sworn you felt the butterflies explode when you touched his fingers with your own. With you unusually shaky hands you put your number in before handing the phone back to Jake.
Your phone chimed after he rattled off a text, “And now you have mine sweetheart.”
You didn’t want to admit how smooth that was but your cheeks flaming up gave that bit away. When you didn’t respond he knew he needed to, “As much as I want to stay and talk with you all night sweetheart. Your friends are staring, and I know mind are to. I’ll pick you up at 5?” he stood from the barstool next to you.
“Yeah, that sounds great.”
He sent you another wink before grabbing his beer, “I’ll see you tomorrow gorgeous. Can’t wait.”
“See you tomorrow Jake.” You waved. With that you spun making a beeline for your friends who were nearly squealing by the time you made it to their table.
“Tell us everything!” Molly was smiling from ear to ear truly thankful you’d given somebody a chance.
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Taglist: @loving-and-dreaming
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roadkillremi · 1 year
Kinktober '23
4 out of 11
Randy Meeks X F!Reader
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MasterList. Kinktober '23
Summary : After a long shift at Bradley's Video, Randy gets needy for you. Characters are 18+, all the following are consented.
Warnings : MINORS DNI, Sex Somnia (Having sex/sexual desires while your partner is asleep/sleepy), Mentions CNC, cock warming, p in V, unprotected, slightly depressed Randy.
Randy closed the door behind him as quietly as possible. He winced as the knob clicked in place scared it'd wake you. He shuffled into the apartment placing the keys on the table. He didn't bother to look at the table, it was cluttered with bills, college letters, and God knows what. He flipped the light switch on groaning at the light.
He wiped his eyes and reached for the fridge. He looked inside, there were some soda cans and yogurt. In the middle of the shelf there was a container. He grabbed it, a post it note laid on top, "Made spaghetti, I love you". He smiled to himself slightly, he didn't know how he became your boyfriend. He thought of it as some miracle, he placed the spaghetti in the microwave. As it heated he turned the TV on, he switched channels until he found something decent.
He sat on the dingy couch once his food was finished. His brain was dead, he just wanted you to hold and kiss him. He hated this, waking up, going to work, coming home, and repeating. He couldn't wait to actually do something, to leave this apartment.
He placed the container in the sink and rinsed it out. He wiped his face with a paper towel and shuffled to the room. He took his shirt and jeans off letting them lay on the floor. He sighed crawling into bed, he glanced over at your sleeping body. He reached out touching your shoulder.
He told you not to stay awake for him. But he wanted you awake. He watched your body take in the air so easily. You looked so peaceful, he curled up against you.
"Randy?..." You muttered.
"Yeah it's me." He whispered. You turned towards him giving him a sleepy smile. The comforter slid down your legs revealing your bare thighs. Randy scanned your body, his shirt and underwear. You laid down pulling the blanket over yourself.
"How was work?" You croaked. Randy stared at you, "It was great..". He couldn't bear to break your little heart. Work was shit. It was always shit, teenagers smoking and trashing the VHS tapes. He started to hate his job more and more.
"That's good.. I .. I made spaghetti." You tried to focus on him. He grinned kissing your forehead, "It was great thanks.". You smiled sloppy, "I love you..".
"I love you too" he rubbed your forearm watching you doze off. He sighed, he really needed your touch, to be close to you. His stomach filled with guilt at the thought of waking you up. His hand slid down your arm, he scooted closer to you. His legs bumped into yours, the heat radiated off of you. He leaned closer to you, he took in a shakey breath. He really just needed you right now, he gripped your waist.
In the past you mentioned to him to use you for his needs. He stared at your parted lips wanting to kiss them. He slid the blanket off your body slowly. He debated on taking the offer, his fingers gripping your underwear. He gently slipped them down, you huffed moving to lay on your back . He crawled on top of you hovering over your sleeping body.
"Y/N..." He whispered. No answer, he leaned down kissing your lips. He pulled his boxers down to his knees. He sat on his knees observing your peaceful state. He parted your legs slowly lifting them slightly. He leaned forward leading himself into you. Your eyes flickered open, "Randy?.." you whispered.
"Yeah it's me." He leaned down kissing your forehead. You whimpered slightly, "you could've woke me up". He smiled, "You were so pretty while you were sleeping... Is.. it's alright.. right?" he panicked. You nodded, "Yeah.. just tired.".
"Shh, go to sleep then." He cooed. Your eyes closed as he thrust into you. Randy's head rested against your shoulder. He whimpered against your skin as he continued. You gently touched his arm, he looked up at you with hungry eyes. Your lips trembled with moans falling out.
"You're so.. so fucking hot" he moaned. He started to leave lazy kisses on your neck. Your eyes barely could stay open as you fell into a state of bliss. He stayed at a steady pace taking you in. He whined, "Imma come..".
"It's alright.." you whispered. He buried his face into your chest letting himself go. His warmth spread through you. He let out a sigh of relief, he rested his body on top of yours. You wrapped your arms around him.
"I just wanna lay here.." he whispered. He grabbed the blanket pulling it up to your waist. His head rested against your shoulder. You squeezed around him causing him to whine.
"Sorry.." you whispered. He softly groaned not pulling himself out. He held on your sides tightly.
"I just wanna be with you.".
Tag list - @hurlonsororitygirls @sanzumylovee @katie-tibo @horneybeach1 @ithinkitszeph
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yumantimatter · 4 months
Death-Neutral Antideathism
[epistemic status: a statement of personal philosophy. questions and responses welcome, but please argue the tractability of ending death with people who are more invested in it as a goal than I am]
I'm pretty normie for an anti-death transhumanist. I haven't signed up for cryonics and don't plan to unless it gets way cheaper and better, I donate neartermist, I have pierced ears and zero other body mods, etc etc.
I still consider myself a part of the movement, because it's straightforward and obvious to me that if people don't want to die they shouldn't have to, and if they want to change their bodies and minds they should get to.
Personally I'm fine with dying someday. I think I am going to grow up into an old person who has had plenty of experiences and is comfortable with not having many more of them. If I found out today that I had a terminal illness, I would rather spend my time and money on fulfilling my bucket list and leaving my loved ones good memories (and donate the rest) than in the hospital desperately trying out low-probability treatments. (See my opinion on cryo)
(Then again, I certainly wouldn't turn down a miracle cure! Or a known, tested treatment with a decent chance of getting me through! Or something that was unlikely to work but low financial and opportunity cost to try! This is also the same as my opinion on cryo)
I don't view death as bad inherently. It's just a change of state, if one that's uniquely impactful in its irreversibility and all-encompassing scope. I don't agree that people dying is always a great screaming moral emergency, that death is a yawning horror for anyone who looks at it clearly, or that we are all fooling ourselves. For me, the way modern culture treats death is actually a pretty good match to how I feel about dying.
But, um, *gestures at anti-deathists more broadly* *gestures at all the people who do try any possible treatment for their terminal illness* *gestures at the instinctive struggle for self preservation when it would be so much less effort to stop* It sure seems like there's a lot of not wanting to die going around! And it sure seems like a horrible idea to just ignore that!
People who make peace with their eventual death even though they'd prefer to live longer are fine, and not making a mistake. People who make a thought-out choice to die or to risk their lives for other goals are fine, and not making a mistake. And people who desperately want to live, who cling on to cryo and fund anti-aging and search for any possible means of continuing on, are also fine and not making a mistake.
I think death is bad for the many many many people who want to continue living, or decide to live, or endorse being alive, and who die anyway. A natural death after a long fulfilling life isn't an exception to that. This is the part where I do wholeheartedly agree with the standard anti-death talking points, and want them to become more mainstream. That competing perspective which validates the desire to not die, and which spurs people into looking for ways to do something about it, is vitally important for the sake of people who don't work like me.
Maybe this is just a long winded way of saying I'm a preference utilitarian (ish) who takes weird and hard-to-fulfill preferences seriously? If so, I'm happy to take up that flag. Weird-preference-fulfillmentism all the way!
(I haven't even brought up the transhumanism, which I support on the same lines - I don't think my position there is particularly unusual in these parts though, seeing as this is the transgender website.)
For now, I am in coalition with the anti-deathists. And I will keep being in coalition with them, until and unless the world shifts far enough to count my viewpoint as neutral.
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wisteriaiswriting · 8 months
*barges into room unannounced* HELLO HELLO! Can I have cypher, Sova, Yoru, and Jett with a male reader who is short and looks scrawny but is actually really strong (stronger than them) thank you very much🥰
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Words: 751
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He has more lean muscle, meaning he’s often underestimated in strength.
But this won’t surprise him, as he’s been keeping tabs on you.
He’ll use this to his advantage. He just brought new technology, but if only someone could move it?
You’ll have to carry him around, he won’t let you go without doing it.
He isn’t the shortest agent so he can make jokes about your height.
While the monitors were great investments, Cypher didn’t think about the fact they had to be moved. Firstly to his room then up onto their stands, a task he couldn’t do alone. But there was someone who could help.
“Oh ثعلب الفنك!” He leaned through the doorway, looking into the agent's living area. Mask landing on you, “I need your help over here.”
Quickly you were over, no need to explain as he’s done this plenty of times. Leaning over to the boxes, lifting one into each arm. Walking all the way to his room, likely helping him with installing them as well.
ثعلب الفنك - Fennec fox
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Has learnt to never underestimate anyone, you’re not an exception to that.
Please pick him up, the last time it happened was when he was a child.
It’ll scare him at the start but once he notices you’re fine he’ll melt. Continue holding him, feels great  but looks funny for anyone else watching.
Soon enough he’ll start calling it your strength training, well aware you don't really need it.
Speaking of training, suddenly all your sessions are now joint ones with him.
For someone who was 6’2 he was surprisingly light, but that might just be you. And it probably was seeing as you have been carrying him around base for the past thirty minutes.
“Голубь, tomorrow we check your aim with my bow.”
“Doubting me Sasha?”
“Making sure you meet standards.” While you two spoke you missed the look on the others faces. You, who was decently shorter than this man, was so casually carrying him.
Голубь - Dove
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It is a miracle if you’re shorter than this man, (I believe in 5’4 Yoru) so he takes it in stride.
From his height and lack of visible muscle people underestimate him, doesn’t mean he’ll do that same to you.
Your strength doesn’t stop him from teasing you, instead it causes him to do it more.
You could be an inch shorter and he’ll still pull the ‘holding something above you.’
Don’t pick him up though, unless you want to get hit.
Yoru was doing his thing until Phoenix came by and dragged him off. But he didn’t leave, not sure why. The walk around the base was filled with Phoenix’s talking while Yoru listened, after a while he stopped listening.
Following but zoned out, in turn he couldn’t hear you rushing up behind him. Until he was sweeped off his feet.
“Yoru!” You. You had come up and pulled him into a bridal carry. And with such a smug face, he wasn’t accepting it. Holding onto his comb before slamming it onto your head, causing you to drop him to hold your head.
“C’mon!” Your whining had him feeling bad, not that he would allow Phoenix to see that side of him.
“You picked him up? Why didn’t you show me earlier.” And back to normal, Phoenix guiding you away while talking your ear off. He’ll care for the injury later.
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Again, it’s not often someone is shorter than her so she is taking full advantage of it.
Will use her updrafts to stay taller than you, often landing on something out of your range.
Randomly drops into your arms or onto your back. Forcing you to carry her around.
If you use weights, don’t let her find them please. She’ll try them but will drop them immediately, likely needing Sage after.
Will flirt a lot more than she used to, most revolving around your height, or lack of.
“Jett, get down.” She had managed to get onto the hanging kitchen cabinets. And you knew why, she would neither admit it or get down.
“You gotta catch me first, but can you reach?”
“I could if you came down here.”
“But that would ruin the game~” Her teasing only increased as you played her game, with only one way to end it. Kneeling on the counter to be able to reach her before grasping her ankle.
One quick tug had her tumbling down into your arms, her grin hidden behind her hands as it clicked how strong you were.
“For now.”
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total-drama-brainrot · 6 months
Island Assistant Noah AU, where Noah got himself eliminated on purpose, but Chris + Chef somehow figure it out... The day after Noah's elimination, everyone is surprised to see that Noah's back... Chris reveals that inside the contestants' contracts: "Anyone who gets eliminated on purpose, will become Chris Mcclean's Assistant."... And Noah has to be decent at his job, or he won't get paid... Noah stays Chris' Assistant all throughout Island, Action and World Tour! 🌎 (I'm sorry if I'm asking this twice; I don't remember asking this!)
You did already ask me this and I did have an answer in the works to the original ask, but because Tumblr's mobile app is my number one enemy, I accidentally posted it. So, really, it's super fortunate that you asked this twice!
But! Because I'm a smart cookie, I took some screenshots of what I had typed out in the original post, so I can just re-type it out here and carry on! (I'd post just the screenshots, but they're full of typos because I'm just awful at typing on a phone.)
So, here's my answer:
Yes!! Give me a Noah who thought he was being so sneaky and cunning by intentionally getting himself eliminated, only for it to backfire horrendously!
The producers would've known that the contestants were being sent to Camp Wawanakwa instead of the resort their contract heavily implied they'd be going to, so they would absolutely anticipate at least one of them trying to pull a stunt like Getting Themselves Eliminated Intentionally- either as an act of defiance against the trickery (of Camp Wawanakwa not being what was advertised) or just to be spiteful.
Noah being the one to do so is just happenstance.
(It was more so expected from the likes of Duncan or Izzy, who are outwardly anti-authoritarian and not afraid to confront perceived injustices.)
If I may, I'd suggest having the contract outline that whoever intentionally gets themself eliminated has to work as a base-level intern, and that their "pay" is them working off whatever expenses the show invested into them as a competitor (travel costs, lodging, food, ect.). So Noah ends up stuck in the role of an unpaid intern for however long it takes him to "earn his keep" so to speak. But it's a Sisyphean task, since his debt is ever growing- he's forced to stay at Playa des Losers as an intern, and his daily cost of living is just added to the expenses he needs to work off.
At first, he'd be outright resistant to doing any of his tasks as an intern, because why should he? He didn't ask for the job, he didn't (knowingly) sign up for it either, and it's not like he's gonna be paid for his work. That is, until the producers threaten to pass his debt off to the rest of his family to "pick up his slack"; Noah's not heartless, and he cares a lot about his family, so he concedes to actually doing the work expected of him to save the rest of his brood from having to compensate for his short-sightedness.
(Let's say this turn of event takes about a week, meaning that from the time of his own elimination to the threat to his family's financial wellbeing, only Justin and Katie have been eliminated. Since, at least during Island, it's established that a challenge and subsequent elimination ceremony happens every three days.)
Now, the thing about lazy people- of which Noah undoubtedly is- is that they're downright innovative when it comes to figuring out shortcuts for any type of labour. Now that he's invested in doing his job, Noah uses that big brain of his to quickly figure out how to get all of his allotted tasks for the day completed to near-perfection, in a manner that's both efficient and easy. It gets to the point where he's completing a full day's work in an hour, spending the rest of the day doing what he loves; nothing. The other interns are just as annoyed as they are impressed.
Word quickly gets back to Chris about his miracle intern. But he's either too preoccupied to actually listen to who it is, or no one thinks to explain that his most productive labourer is the ex-competitor he'd contractually conned into the position.
Needless to say, Chris' interest is piqued.
The host issues a request to have the mystery intern shipped out to the island so they can work on the "important stuff" instead of doing menial tasks on the Playa, and is met with staunch refusal on their part. Which is odd, at least to Chris, since the interns send to be far too scared shitless of him (or, more notably, Chef) to ever outright deny a request like that.
It makes more sense when Noah's literally dragged kicking and screaming back to the island. Of course the only person ballsy enough to defy Chris' whims is the same contestant who got himself intentionally eliminated via deliberately pissing off his teammates. But he's back, now, so he might as well be put straight to work! No use in wasting labour, after all.
(Again, this probably happens over the course of a few days at most, since showbusiness is such a hectic and fast-paced line of work, so let's say that Tyler's the only new elimination in this timeframe.)
Again, Noah utilizes his higher-than-average smarts to figure out how to streamline his expected tasks because he's lazy, inadvertently proving himself as a Valuable Asset to both Chris and Chef since he's surprisingly good at what he does (even if what he does is very little by design). Chris is quick to offer Noah an ultimatum; he can either be promoted to being Chris' Personal Assistant, thus meeting the demands of his previous contract (and, of course, entering a new one under different pretences) and finally being paid for his work, or remain as an unpaid intern indefinitely and receive penalisation for his slacking off- since, despite the fact that he's gotten all of his work finished, he's still technically on the clock for the allotted work hours and should be acting as such instead of lazing about.
It's not really much of a choice. Noah reluctantly takes the promotion.
That's how he finds himself in the position we all know and love; Chris' Personal Assistant.
Because of his new promotion, he's expected to be at least within the vicinity of Chris at all (reasonable) times. The problem with that? Chris is hosting the show he got himself eliminated from in the most socially destructive way possible. Noah's now contractually forced to, at the very least, tiptoe around the prior teammates he knowingly and intentionally made hate him and dearly hope they don't notice him.
...Thus begins an AU's worth of shenanigans wherein Noah is desperately trying to fly under everyone's radar as an intern.
(I'd carry on into what he does during Action and World Tour, but this post is already fairly long, so maybe another time?)
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