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mewdoodles · 1 month ago
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28 - Belief
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ssmallbox · 5 months ago
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Day 1 and 2 of paptober!!!
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chwickonnugget · 5 months ago
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uhhh day 2: Sweets
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starlikeswomen · 5 months ago
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day 5: puzzling (mutt/swapfell red)
drew this guy bc a friend likes him n i wanted 2 get more into him. i see this appeal now yeah he was very fun to draw
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jeidin · 5 months ago
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luna-purpleart · 5 months ago
Tired but I can't not draw Papyrus "Flowey fanclub founder" Undertale and Flowey "Papyrus is my favorite" Undertale. it wouldn't be right.
7 - Flowers
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weia-yo · 4 months ago
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i've been enjoying paptober a lot but i think these are my favorites so far :D
17. Fracture/18. Workout+Training: undyne unfortunately doesn't have papyrus' level of self-control and accidents do happen from time to time.
20. Dancefloor: i don't know if she originated the idea but a while back i read dirty laundry by popatochisssp and in that papyrus and sans' time in snowdin prompted them to learn how to ice skate, i think that's an Awesome concept and it served as the inspo here.
21. Dating Start!: papyrus helps undyne prepare for a date night with alphys and it Goes Awry.
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imtrashraccoon · 5 months ago
Runs in but trips over my own paws, scattering some papers everywhere
So... I have a new thing that has been taking over my brain... Not sure if I'll end up doing all of the prompts and I know I won't have time to do them all on time, but I want to try!
I decided to take a similar approach to the fic I wrote from the last prompt list I did, Have Some Empathy, Dear. So, rather than write for Classic Papyrus all month, I'm going to split the prompts up among the four Papyri I have created. Some I haven't expanded on much or barely written anything in general, so this is exciting for me! First up, my Underfell Papyrus - Scar!
Thanks to @starlikeswomen for the awesome prompt list! (Let me know if you don't want to be constantly tagged for these...) (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ
Edit: I changed the title of the fic as I decided to only do the first seven prompts and I'm also finishing this outside of October.
Next Chapter
Chapter 1: I Guess We're Roommates??
Word Count: 1,884
It was a warm day today but rather than finish unpacking your apartment, you decided to go outside and get some sunshine. You were between projects anyways so it's not like your clients would get upset if you took a break. After grabbing your phone and credit card, you locked the front door behind you and set out to explore the city. Maybe you'd even try out a new restaurant for lunch if you encountered anything interesting.
It seemed like everyone was out and about today, either enjoying the warm weather like you or just going about their business. You didn't live anywhere particularly fancy, but there were plenty of new businesses in the area and your street had become a popular hang out spot for young people. It gave you some hope that you could start a new life here and make some new friends.
The sun was so bright that you almost wished you had remembered to grab your sunglasses but there wasn't anything you could do about it now since you didn't want to go all the way back home. For now, you kept your head down so you wouldn't have to squint constantly, at least some of the taller buildings occasionally blocked the sunlight.
A bus pulled up to the sidewalk up ahead and half a dozen people disembarked. On instinct, you moved towards the buildings so they could easily move past you, but in doing so, you noticed a very tall skeleton in the middle of the crowd. He seemed rather out of place but instead of asking for help, anyone who got too close received a harsh glare.
Despite Monsters being on the surface for quite some time now, they were still a rare sight since they tended to keep to themselves. The general public seemed to like them but you knew there were still many Humans who not-so-secretly disliked them. It just made sense for Monsters to stick together in a world that was still brand new to them.
You waited until most of the crowd had dispersed before attempting to approach the skeleton. He was dressed sharply, and thanks to his sharp teeth, that seemed to be a good word to describe him. Maybe his clothes were a bit too warm for the current weather though.
He had on a bright red scarf, a classy tan trenchcoat, dark slacks, and well-polished leather shoes. He was also wearing dark leather gloves, making his skull the only visible part of him. The most distinguishing features about him were the two jagged cracks that passed through his left eye socket and his scarlet eyelights that seemed to boil with barely concealed frustration.
Just as you were debating if you should bother talking to him or not, he seemed to notice your presence and turned sharply towards you. For a moment, you got the distinct impression that he was evaluating your appearance but he broke eye contact as soon as the thought occurred to you.
"Are you alright?" you asked carefully.
He stiffened and shot a glare at you. "Of Course I Am," he growled in response.
You weren't that surprised by his harsh tone but a part of you wondered if you should just excuse yourself and continue on your way. "I just wondered because I'm new to the city and I know the feeling of being lost quite well," you commented. "If I may ask, do you need help getting somewhere?"
His expression softened ever so slightly but his earlier frustration continued to hold on stubbornly. "No, I Am Not Trying To Go Anywhere," he muttered.
You raised an eyebrow but before you could say anything else, he let out a huff and crossed his arms. "But, If You Do Not Mind, What City Is This?"
You hadn't been expecting that question at all but you managed to keep a poker face rather than betray your bewilderment. "We're in Mountsburg."
His bonebrows furrowed and he propped his chin up in one of his hands in a thoughtful manner. After a moment he huffed again and turned back to you. "I... I Have No Idea Where I Am," he confessed.
You blinked in surprise and looked around but no one seemed to be paying attention to the two of you. So, you moved a bit closer to the skeleton before responding, "I can try helping if you want?"
He nodded, albeit hesitantly, and finally allowed himself to relax some.
Even though you had to basically crane your neck to look up at his easily seven foot frame, you smiled and introduced yourself before asking for his name in return.
He opened his mouth to respond before apparently thinking better of whatever he was going to say. "Scar. You May Call Me Scar," he answered.
A part of you wondered why he'd been reluctant to tell you his name but you decided not to pry for now. You were a complete stranger and he was in a bit of a tough situation after all.
"Would you like to go somewhere so we can talk? I was planning on getting some lunch anyways if you want to join me?"
"That Is A Good Idea," Scar started to say slowly. "Are There Any Good Monster Owned Places Around Here?"
You shrugged, "I don't know but we can find one."
After searching through some local review websites for a few minutes, you settled on one that was nearby with reasonable prices. It turned out to be a little hole in the wall place but on first impressions, it seemed clean at least. Other than Scar giving you the occasional odd look while you were looking for the restaurant, he had no complaints so you decided to give it a chance.
He picked a table in the far corner of the dining room and you noticed he chose to sit with his back to the wall, as if he didn't like the idea of not knowing who might walk in the door. After ordering, he leaned a bit closer to you, resting his arms on the table as he did so.
"I Am Not Sure Why I Am Here," he started to say in a low voice. "But A Small Skeleton With A Large Paintbrush Told Me To Find Someone With The Same Name As You. The Next Thing I Knew, I Was Here And Well, You Know The Rest."
"You just appeared here?"
Scar thought for a moment before nodding. "That Is The Best Way I Can Describe It."
"Can I ask where you're from then?" you asked.
"I Live Near A Place Called 'Surface Home'." When you have him a curious look, he added in slightly exasperated tone, "Our King Is Very Bad At Naming Things..."
You couldn't help but chuckle. "Considering everyone calls the East side of the city 'Monster Town', I'm not that surprised."
"Wait, Humans And Monsters Live Close Together?"
"Most live here in the city but I know some don't like living in the shadow of the mountain, which makes sense."
Scar nodded quietly.
"You know, I could try looking up your town or city on my phone. Maybe that could help you figure out where you are?" you suggested.
He only shrugged in response, although you did catch a glimpse of a curious glint in his eyelights but it vanished almost immediately.
Try as you might, you couldn't find anywhere that was called "Surface Home" or even any other instance of the former Monster King naming another Monster settlement. When you tried asking Scar about himself or anything else that might give you an idea of where he was from, he seemed to grow a bit uncomfortable, so you changed the subject and tried to make casual conversation instead.
You learned that he liked animals and owned a small hobby farm with his brother outside of their town. He used to be in the Royal Guard back in the Underground as well, which is how he got the two scars. You got the impression that while he acted tough, he really just wanted to be left alone, which was something you understood quite well.
Interestingly, you caught him closely studying you while you searched for his town on your phone. He attempted to play it off when he realized that you'd noticed his staring by complimenting the burgundy highlights in your hair. Then, the waiter returned with your orders so you brushed it off for now.
While eating, you noticed how he kept looking around at the other patrons. It was casual, as if he was only curious about what they were wearing or the occasional bits of conversation you could overhear. However, you began to notice that he was actually surveying the room for potential threats. When you asked if he was alright, he seemed a bit startled but gave you a gruff nod.
He insisted on paying separately when the bill came around and you noticed that he paid in Gold. It occurred to you that he could have requested a Monster restaurant for this specific reason but you supposed it could've also been for the food and familiarity.
When you stepped outside again, you turned to Scar. "Do you have any social media? Or maybe a phone number I can use to get in touch with you?"
He cocked his skull and gave you a confused look. "No? I Do Not Know What That Is..."
Well that put a spanner in the works. You should've guessed that he wasn't the type to care about what other people were doing online. That left you wondering what he would do next since he was alone in a strange city with no way of finding his way home. This led you to offer something that you normally wouldn't have if he was anyone else.
"You could crash at my apartment for a while until we figure out how to get you home."
He physically balked at the very suggestion. "No. You Do Not Need To Put Yourself Out On My Account."
"You were supposed to find me, right?" you pressed. "Maybe together we can find out why, but for now, I'd sleep a lot easier knowing that you have a roof over your head."
He frowned and looked away. "I Suppose You Are Right..." he muttered. "But I Do Not Want To Be A Burden..."
"Nevermind that," you huffed and planted your hands on your hips. "I've lived with roommates plenty of times and I doubt you'd be half as difficult to live with as some of them were."
Something about what you said got him to laugh. Maybe it was your tone of voice or maybe it was the sight of your much smaller frame glaring up at him like an annoyed chinchilla, either way he couldn't stop the smile that threatened to overtake his usual sneer. His laugh was very distinct, almost comical, like a truely maniacal villian, except he was a well-dressed skeleton who apparently hated the idea of being indebted to anyone.
"Nyah! Fine! If You Are Going To Be So Stubborn, I Accept Your Offer, Human," he huffed, although he still had a mildly amused look in his scarlet eyelights.
And so began the most interesting period of your life to date.
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luna-is-lost · 5 months ago
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Paptober'24 prompt 1: Nyeh-heh-heh!
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boiyobastrr3101 · 4 months ago
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Day 31. Halloween Costume
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mewdoodles · 3 months ago
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22 - Babybones!
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chwickonnugget · 5 months ago
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finished it finally (also bonus sketch of pap interacting with his brother)
day 1: NYEH HEH HEH!
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starlikeswomen · 5 months ago
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paptober #1!!!
simple little warmup prompt… very excited to get into the rest :3
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jeidin · 5 months ago
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luna-purpleart · 5 months ago
18 - Work out
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weia-yo · 4 months ago
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i'm actually making really good progress catching up with these it just took a while to get around to uploading this thing
prompt 7: Flower, flowey and papyrus are up to some mischief 😈😈
prompt 6: Meddling Pet, i legitimately did this next by accident but it worked out bc i wanted to showcase the consequences of whatever papyrus and flowey's plottings were, also fun sequel to prompt 3.
prompt 8: Hero, papyrus getting the praise he deserves.
prompt 9: Surface Life, lookit that cool dude go.
prompt 10: Pranked, extremely classic scenario.
prompt 11: Sleepy, i couldn't decide whether to have papyrus swaying on his feet or in a nightcap and pajamas snork mimimi-style and my friend suggested both, they are Very smart.
prompt 12: Statue, decided to go with papyrus' snow sculpture.
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