#this is about board games
cerealforkart · 1 year
Growing up and realizing “oh, I don’t dislike this activity, I dislike this activity with my family”
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I hate Monopoly so fucking much
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pipsavedmylife · 10 months
I’ll never be good enough
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krazieka2 · 1 year
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Fe3h did not have a beauty pageant sequence, but if it did I'm 99% sure this is how it would go
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ewwww-what · 4 months
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The world isn’t over, you just need to have a double birthday party and sleepover with your best friend
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felassan · 6 days
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So about how the Mass Effect board game includes pronouns on the character sheets for the characters that are in the game e.g. Garrus he/him, Wrex he/him, Shepard he/him or she/her. according to this, Liara's pronouns are canonically she/they !
[source: the Mass Effect The Board Game - Priority: Hagalaz Rulebook]
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pixielotl · 2 months
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🏖️🍧beachy chiaki doodle
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quiddie · 8 months
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Someone warn Lily Du - there’s a coupe d’état (pun absolutely intended) coming 😈
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sunderwight · 10 months
disciple luo binghe, running errands for his shizun one day, somehow manages to be in the exact wrong (right) place at the exact wrong (right) time and catches shang qinghua meeting with mobei jun
in order to keep luo binghe from tattling right away, shang qinghua dissembles in a panic and claims that his clandestine meetings with mobei jun are happening because they're lovers and definitely not because shang qinghua is betraying the sect and handing their secrets over to demons in order to save his own hide. when that almost doesn't work, he also tells luo binghe that he knows he's part demon, and that if luo binghe rats him out then shang qinghua will take him down with him. mutually assured destruction
it works, and even though luo binghe threatens him quite a bit (jeez kid calm down, you might be the almighty protagonist but also you're like sixteen) he agrees to keep shang qinghua's fraternizing a secret. but if ANYTHING BAD should happen to the sect or especially to luo binghe's shizun because of this, luo binghe will take shang qinghua down even if it does ruin his life too
shang qinghua, now sweating even more bullets about the impending immortal alliance conference: cool! cool cool cool sounds great cool yeah
so shang qinghua can add "being blackmailed by the punk ass brat I sort of created" to his list of stress-inducing woes. which gets even worse when luo binghe keeps somehow sensing if mobei jun is around for more than a couple hours and showing up, and picking fights with him?? kind of??
wtf has the protagonist been taking tips from liu qingge or something...?
shang qinghua feels like he's gonna have a heart attack when mobei jun just snorts and tosses luo binghe by the scruff like he's an annoying yappy dog
mobei jun actually knows what's up though. teenage half-demon who has never been around his own kind has become spoiled by the lack of competition on this front, and now his hackles are all up because he wants to claim the whole mountain range as his territory, and his instincts are screaming at him to challenge mobei jun about it so that they can decide who is actually top dog. since mobei jun could easily kill him, especially with his blood sealed, and has been clawing rocks and pissing on trees along the borders of an ding peak since before luo binghe was born, he's clearly got seniority here
and since qinghua doesn't want mobei jun to just kill the little shit (fair enough -- that sealed bloodline does look kind of interesting) that means it's up to mobei jun to teach him how to do things like interact with other demons without making a complete fool of himself. lesson one: what to do when you challenge someone out of your league and they win, assuming they don't just kill you
so luo binghe reluctantly gains another demon tutor
meng mo actually approves. he's been out of the loop on demon high society for a long time, and has lacked a body for long enough too that he's forgotten a lot of the particulars of socializing. it'll be good for luo binghe to pick up some manners that aren't just silly human tea ceremonies and things. maybe he'll start addressing meng mo more respectfully for a change!
(lol no)
luo binghe is partly like "I don't need to learn demon social skills since I'm spending the rest of my life as a disciple of qing jing peak" but partly like, well, if shizun knew about this and didn't freak out about it, he'd probably say that knowledge is power and learning how to handle politics and diplomacy of all kinds is important. and despite himself luo binghe is also interested, because this is a whole perspective on his own nature that he's never really gotten advice about
also, mobei jun is the lover of shang qinghua? mobei jun is a demon who successfully seduced a cang qiong peak lord? does he have any advice about that?
(he does -- all of it very bad)
anyway all of this sort of fucks up the immortal alliance conference developments really good, so the system kind of gives up and settles on some other big transformative achievements that luo binghe has to complete in order to be suitably heroic
but shen qingqiu has no idea and so the reprieve just seems to come out of nowhere until several years later, when he walks in on luo binghe with his claws out and huadian gleaming in the company the demon king of the northern desert, the two of them playing weiqi or something while they wait for shang qinghua to get back from some random logistics crisis he had to rush off to
shen qingqiu: ...?!?
luo binghe, panicking: wait shizun I can explain it's not what it looks like SHIZUN I SWEAR I WAS GOING TO TELL YOU PLEASE DON'T BE MAD--!
shen qingqiu: all this time I thought you were sneaking out to meet a girl, and this was what you were doing instead?!
luo binghe: WHAT?? shizun no I'd never do that I swear I don't even like girls!
shen qingqiu: that's not -- wait what do you mean you don't even like girls?!
mobei jun, unperturbed and still focused on the weiqi board: he's gay
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natalievoncatte · 26 days
The heat was getting to be a problem.
The power had been out in National City for three days, and those three days were expected to be among the hottest of the year. Lena was, frankly, desperate.
You might think that she’d have it easy, but anyone who would think that a penthouse in a skyscraper would be easy to cool would quickly be disabused of that notion. The windows mostly didn’t open and having the balcony doors spread wide did next to nothing when the breeze felt like opening an oven, even up here.
It had been Alex’s suggestion, sent by text.
Why don’t you go to Kara’s? The loft is pretty breezy.
She was right, of course. When Lena arrived, Kara had every one of her huge loft windows open, allowing the breeze to flow freely through the open, airy space.
There was another problem, though.
When Kara opened the door, Lena nearly keeled over. Kara was wearing a sports bra and shorts so short they barely deserved the name, exposing a vast amount of golden, sun-kissed skin. Worse, her gloriously muscled stomach and shoulders glistened with sweat.
Lena was surprised to see that the heat bothered her, but it clearly did. Kara had forgone her glasses, too, and after she opened the door, she swept the back of her hand across her forehead and sighed.
“Hi,” Lena squeaked.
“Hi yourself. Hot out there?”
“It’s hot in here.”
“Come in, come in,” said Kara.
Lena stepped inside, forcing herself not to stare at Kara’s thick thighs and the swell of her chest under straining fabric. Was that zipper some advanced Kryptonian technology?
“Want something to drink?”
“Isn’t your fridge dead, too?”
“Yeah, but I cheat. Watch.”
Kara slipped a bottle of water out of a pack on her counter and breathed on it. Ice crystals formed on the surface and the water visibly chilled. It shocked Lena when she accepted it and the cold water on her lips was bliss. Lena let out a soft sigh and closed her eyes, savoring the feeling of cold spreading through her chest, cooling her body.
When she opened her eyes, Kara was the one staring. Lena had thrown on a short, a-frame sun dress that bared her back, for no other reason than making sure that her skin could have as much surface exposed to the air to evaporate and cool her down as possible.
“So what are you up to?” Lena asked.
Kara gestured to the notebook and stacks of papers on the table.
“Old-fashioned journalism, I guess. My laptop battery died yesterday.”
“I thought you’d be out there trying to fix the power.”
Kara shrugged. “With what, my super-electrician powers?”
Lena shot her a look, raising her brow.
Kara turned away, heading for the windows.
Oh, Jesus, Lena thought.
It wasn’t as if Lena hadn’t… noticed Kara’s physique. She wasn’t blind, after all. They’d taken spin class together, and Kara liked to wear leggings on the weekends.
But holy shit, those shorts made her ass look… Super.
Lena was still fumbling over a buns of steel pun in her head when Kara turned back.
“Hey, you okay? Your heart raced for a second there.”
“F-fine,” said Lena.
“Alex and the others are coming over tonight for an emergency game night,” said Kara. “I better get ready.”
For the next couple of hours, Lena helped Kara neaten up her apartment and prepare non-perishable snacks and a cooler full of beer and wine coolers, chilled care of Kara. Alex and Kelly were the first to show up, with Alex giving Lena a cheeky look as she walked into the apartment.
“Hey, you two,” she said. “Been having a hot time?”
There was something brittle in Kara’s laugh that set Lena a little on edge, and the Danvers sisters shared one of those looks they shared that made Lena wonder if they could communicate telepathically. Whatever the message was, it made Kara look away first, distracting with an offered beer that Alex gladly accepted.
Lena took a wine cooler, wishing it were wine.
Nia and Brainy showed up next, followed by J’onn, who was the only one fully dressed in a button-down shirt and khakis, while everyone else was dressed for the beach or a track meet.
Lena sat on the floor, because the hardwood was cool under her butt, and leaned back against Kara’s couch. Kara sat beside her and Lena’s heart definitely sped up.
Looking over, it was hard to tear her eyes away. Kara made a magnificent display- the blocky weight of her shoulders, full biceps and strong arms and bulky, sculpted forearms. Lena’s eyes followed the vein on the back of Kara’s arm down the back of her strong hand and the elegant lengths of her fingers.
Kara kept her nails neatly trimmed like that because of Supergirl duties, right?
“Hey Luthor? You having a heat stroke?” said Alex. “You look spaced out over there.”
Alex had a playful grin plastered on her face, though she too was sweating profusely. A cooler breeze rolled in through the big windows and everyone sighed in delight.
Except J’onn. “What shall we play first?” she said.
“Clue!” Nia chirped.
“Brainy always kicks our ass at Clue,” said Alex, “and I am not playing Monopoly with a literal billionaire again.”
“Perhaps we should play Risk,” said J’onn, rifling through the game shelf.
“We could try Twisted,” Kara suggested in a deadpan voice.
Lena swallowed hard, thinking of herself tangled up on the mat with Kara, clothes glued to their skin by sweat, salty skin sliding against salty skin, the scent of her…
“Earth to Lena,” said Alex. “Got any ideas?”
“Exploding Kittens,” said Lena. “We haven’t done that one in a while.”
“Kara, chill us some cold ones, will you?” said Nia.
Once everyone had a rapidly warming drink, Brainy dealt the cards and the game began. Alex called Kara out for peeking several times, with that loaded Danvers Sisters Look and an almost predatory smirk.
She wasn’t the only one peeking.
Lena participate in the game but her mind was elsewhere, specifically the valley of Kara’s broad back, where sweat gathered between her muscles and rain down in heavy beads, or the sweat gathering along her collarbone or sparking along the lush inner curves of her tightly contained breasts.
“Hey,” said Kara. “It’s your turn, Lena.”
Then she reached over and brushed damp lock of inky hair out of Lena’s eyes.
She could have melted. She swallowed hard, brushed the sweat from her brow, and made a hasty and wasteful play that would probably cost her any chance of winning, but she didn’t care. The game seemed at most a distant concern.
Kara’s tongue glazing along her soft pink lips was much more interesting. They’d pretty much all given up on makeup but Kara was still positively radiant, soft and inviting and homey in a way that made Lena ache in her chest.
And, uh, other places.
It was full dark now, so they finished the game and Kara and Alex got up to light a few candles.
“This is like camping,” said Nia.
“We should have thought to procure ‘marshmallows’, said Brainy. “Kara could toast them with her heat vision.”
“We hardly need more heat. I’m boiling,” said Lena.
J’onn let out a soft grunt. “It’s my turn to go on patrol. I think I’ll be the first to head out.
Everyone gave their goodbyes as he headed out the window. The others huddled closer around the table, lit by the candle sitting in the middle.
“We should tell scary stories,” said Alex. “Like around a campfire.”
“Since it was your idea, you go first,” said Kelly.
Alex leaned into it with abandon, leaning in over the table as she started spinning a campfire yarn that Lena quickly recognized as The Hook.
Kara edged closer, until her bare thigh pressed against Lena. She leaned in close, and it wouldn’t have taken much for Lena to… rest her head on Kara’s shoulder. It just kind of happened, Kara’s scent filling her nostrils as she turned into Kara.
Lena flinched as Kara shot her a concerned look.
She can hear my heartbeat.
Kara must have thought Lena was scared, because she casually slipped an arm around her.
Lena’s breath caught. Kara’s powerful arm rested lazily around her hip and her relaxed hand rested on Lena’s thigh, fingers placed lightly on bare skin.
It was a powerfully possessive gesture, not just protective but… more. Lena shifted a little and let herself completely fall against Kara.
Alex kept on telling the story, her gaze pausing heavily on the two of them as she scanned the room. Brainy looked bored but Nia looked genuinely petrified and Kelly was looking at her wife with the kind of adoring reference that was currently plastered on Lena’s face as she looked up at Kara.
Alex reached the crescendo of the story and Lena let out a little gasp, turning her face into Kara’s neck, more for the sake of it than out of fear. Kara’s hand stroked lazily up and down her back.
“Don’t worry, I won’t let anyone get you,” Kara whispered.
“You two okay over there?” said Alex.
“Fine,” said Kara.
“There are two actual couples here and you two are the ones doing the heavy petting.”
They weren’t heavy petting. Okay sure, Lena had her fingers curled around Kara’s hip and Kara’s hand was staring to pass the platonic zone when stroking her back but…
“It’s getting late,” said Kelly. “Maybe we should head home.”
“Agreed,” said Nia. “Come on, Brainy.”
Lena and Kara didn’t get up.
The others did, piling out of the apartment. Alex went last, shooting Kara another of those damned looks, smiling like a self-satisfied cat after a big stretch.
The door closed and Kara yawned.
“Mind if I stay?” Lena said, quickly. “My place is just too hot to sleep.”
“Of course,” Kara said softly.
Lena didn’t move. They were alone now, the apartment dark except for candles that threw flickering shadows and made Kara even more ethereal. Lena could barely believe someone so gorgeous could be real.
“Lena,” Kara said quietly. “Have you ever thought about…” she trailed off.
“About what?”
“Us. What we are to each other.”
“Yes,” said Lena.
“Me too.”
“What are you thinking?” Lena asked.
“You’re my best friend. You mean more to me than basically anyone else, and the thought of you has kept me going through some really dark times.”
When Kara smiled for her, her eyes lit up, sparkling in the candlelight, like moonlight dancing on nighttime waves. She was entrancing.
“I…” Lena began. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you as just a friend. There’s more on the table if you want it.”
“More like… kissing?”
“Yes, exactly.”
This was actually happening. It was real, not a daydream or a fantasy. Kara moved with agonizing slowness, full of a gentle, kind intensity as she leaned down and lightly brushed her lips across Lena’s.
It was like being tossed in a tub of ice water… in a good way. Lena shivered as Kara cupped her jaw and went for another kiss, more forcefully this time, more insistent. The breathed as one.
“Kara,” Lena whispered.
She couldn’t help it. Lena dragged her tongue over Kara’s skin, tasting the sweat pooled at the base of her neck. Kara let out a low moan followed by a deep basso rumble in her chest, pulsating in time with her breathing.
“Did you just lick my sweat?”
“Are you purring?!”
Kara giggled. “I can do lots of things.”
Lena looked up at her with lidded eyes. “Oh yeah? Show me what you got.”
She squeaked as Kara picked her up in a single smooth motion, and with a self-satisfied smirk, carried her towards the bed.
Later, as they lay in a tangle of perspiring limbs atop sweat-soaked sheets, the power thumped back on and the air conditioning began to blow over them, chilling Lena’s skin.
She barely noticed.
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r3dvlvet · 5 months
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Don’t you see? He says “And your host - me! I’ve been here the whole time!” And then he introduces himself and looks down at his own hands like they aren’t his own and the posters are his body all split apart and he’s walking on M C Escher style stairs ! He’s not himself. Magician Samuel Dalton split him apart - don’t you see???
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lukeskqwalker · 9 months
I love that when you buy the board game in disco elysium Kim tries to be like "oh no... we shouldn't... we should stay focused..." and pretend like he doesn't care about the game but as soon as you start satisfyingly pop out the cardboard pieces he's like "hEY let ME do some jeez..."
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causalityparadoxes · 5 months
Interesting that the Doctor says his adopted family is the reason he uses a title. Except thats not quite true is it?
Sure they are stuffy aristocrats who love ranks and titles but Tecteun, Rassilon, Borusa, Romana, Pandad, Andred, Rodan, Darkel, Flavia, and practically every other non-renegade timelord (and even some renegades like Drax) still use regular (if not human) names.
But you know who does often use titles? THE GODS. Those from before or beyond the universe's constraints. The Toymaker, The Guardians, The Maestro, The Trickster, The The Beast, The One Who Waits, The Gods of Ragnarok, The Entity, etc. Even those with 'names' often have descriptive ones like Time or Swarm.
Is it really the Doctor's adopted family that made them identify with titles? Or is it perhaps traces of their 'birth family' peaking through?
More than anything I just want to know if RTD is going anywhere with this. Did he just need a quick way to get new audiences on board with calling the main character the Doctor? Or does it mean something.
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rawliverandgoronspice · 10 months
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I *knew* there was something fishy with no writers/quest designers being credited. Also: outsourcing is not an excuse not to credit the gamedevs doing hard and deserving work.
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raycatz · 4 months
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Some dungeon predictions (and things I'd just like to see xD ) for the upcoming arc!
(inspired by boards I've seen in the past. like this! Art from @/linkeduniverse!)
I love Zelda dungeons and LU dungeon crawling fics are some of my favorites! I'm so excited to see what puzzles Jojo's come up with! Nine person puzzles? Let's goOOO!!! There's so many possible interesting things to do with the chain's items and abilities.
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cerealmonster15 · 3 months
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i want jamiazu + idikei to go on a double date so badly i think the vibes would be So Very Turbulent
#twisted wonderland#twst#jamiazu#idikei#idicay#cereal tries to draw#i love any fanart of board game club and their bitch ass crushes jdslhffkjg teeheehee#cater and jamil can get along fine but board game club is incapable of behaving#they have to drop everything to bully the shit out of each other given the chance!!!#jamil does this with azul also. tbh i think it would be a war immediately and caters like HaHa Oh My GOd. ??!!?#cater actually it's hard to say bc sometimes hes like HUH!!!! CHILL OUT!! but other times hes a shady little freak of a guy and enables#things so like whose to say. maybe if hes in a silly mood he would join idia and jamil and it would be 3v1 rip azul it was nice knowing u#the rng of if they get peacekeeping caycay or mischievous caycay#it feels like it has been a While since ive really sat and drawn them...#i have had a lot going on <///3 and then all draw time is spent on art fight rn but. small break For Them#do u even understand me. do u see my vision. i want to put all four of them in an escape room#bundle them together and observe them under a microscope#god i just LOVE how any time someone in twst talks about another character it's always either like#yes this is a good respectable classmate of mine who i admire. or I HATE THAT BITCH HE FUCKING SUCKS ASS ACTUALLY!!!!#and then the haters are like best friends who hang out always jfdksljflkshg#but theyd rather DIE than ADMIT IT!!!#bitch boys who only respect each other when they dont know each other too well ig fjldksfh#board game club being god tier haters nonstop of each other is so fucking funny im literally obsessed with whatever they have going on#anyway!!! I WANT THEM TO HANG OUT MORE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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