#“oh idia you would not BELIEVE what happened during class earlie—”
vaunteir · 3 days
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bgc is so gay/aroace hostility
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yan-twst · 4 years
Headcanons for the Yandere! Dorm leaders throwing a birthday party for f!MC since is her first birthday in Twisted Wonderland and at the end of the party she kiss them on their cheek and telling them that their the best friend she could ever ask for (she doesn't know that their yandere for them). You are the best writer ❤️
warnings: general yandere themes
riddle rosehearts
riddle is... so conflicted
he’s been tossing and turning every night, trying to push down the dark and honestly just wrong, evil emotions he feels when he sees his crush- even during the party, it’s difficult to not snap at others when they get too close...
in one hand, getting a kiss from them makes him melt. riddle has received so little physical affection in his life, that having someone he loves so so so much kiss his cheek is absolute paradise
and then... he’s suddenly sent back to earth. ah. a friend- of course. he clenches his fists and just goes silent. logically, he understands: he hasn’t confessed, but...
it’s clear to everyone riddle just leaves in a foul mood after that, but everyone chalks it up to him being flustered from the kiss. little do they all know, he’s trying his best to not blow up; DOESN’T SHE GET IT?! he set up this whole party for them, the best party she’d ever have- he got them a beautiful gift, so why...! DOESN’T SHE  REALIZE?! he isn’t trying to befriend them; he wants their heart...!
from then on, riddle will begin to be much more clear with his intentions. he’ll act almost as if he was already dating his crush, intimidating heartslabyul students (and other dorms’ students if he has to) from getting too close, monopolizing their time with tea parties and such; and when he confesses, he better hear a yes, or he might have a “little outburst”
leona kingscholar
leona can’t even believe he put the effort into this- personally, he’d be pissed if for his birthday, someone tried to pull all the celebrations his dorm had set up (with his help), but... well, seeing his crush having fun and enjoying the traditional afterglow savannah-style celebration makes it almost worth it
of course, everyone is on their best behaviour. even dancing or goofing off, it’s clear the usually rowdy and enthusiastic savanaclaw students are keeping their distance from the special guest
... because they’d been thoroughly warned by leona to not try any shit. his crush is his, his prey, his target; leona isn’t very subtle about it at all, not with his flirting and teasing
which makes it all the more infuriating when his little herbivore presses a kiss to his cheek and then calls him a friend
leona has no hesitation in growling and pressing them against his chest, face inches away from them, even as he watches them panic and ask what’s going on
does she think he’d go through all of this for just anyone, huh? he could be resting now, but instead he chose to go through all the trouble to set up a birthday party of all things- are herbivores really that dense?
he has no shame on just kissing them right then and there, whether they want to or not. it’s not like anyone from his dorm is going to intervene: they’ve been all thoroughly warned to not get between a lion and his prey- and leona’s got his prey right in his hands
azul ashengrotto
azul has been doing all he can to not fuck this up. he knows that every time he hangs out with his new best friend he acts a bit odd- bits and pieces of his smooth attitude broken by the swirling emotions in his chest, the desire to just take them and hide them away that he can’t seem to push away...
he’s more than happy to celebrate their birthday in the monstro lounge. really, he’ll make it their best birthday! azul has no shame in hooking some poor souls into contracts so they have to work to decorate the lounge from top to bottom just for his crush’s birthday
... so why.... why... after all his effort- not just now, but all the effort he’s put into making himself look like the best possible option... is he being pushed back to being a friend...?
even though azul has become quite good at masking sadness over the years, it’s clear that after his crush says that, he’s... not right. he’ll end up leaving early to just bawl, reduced to a crybaby octopus again
oh, but once he’s gotten all those tears out, azul will steel himself. he has to take a different approach, it seems- his passive and friendly role isn’t working, is it?
so maybe it’s time he takes a more forceful approach to this budding relationship. the people up here in the land do say ‘love blooms in adversity’, don’t they? he’s sure his darling will come around; he just has to be... a bit more persuasive, hook them in and keep them to himself
kalim al-asim
is it truly kalim if he’s not throwing a party? kalim spares no expenses for his crush’s birthday party- parades of elephants and dancers, live entertainment, cooks from all over the world, the finest ingredients money can buy; not to mention the gifts, things so expensive they’re worth more than the entire contents of the scarabia’s treasury
although others see kalim as a kind but ultimately airheaded boy, they’d be impressed at how good he’s at just... hiding his feelings. he’s been through a lot in his life- poisoning attempts, kidnappings, threats of assassination... so something as silly as hiding his crush on his close friend?
he can do that with his hands tied! besides, he’s a naturally affectionate guy, so nobody really suspects anything when he acts a bit romantically to his crush- not even his crush realizes
kalim’s joy over being kissed on the cheek is crushed slightly when the words “you’re the best friend i could ask for” sink in- although that’s not enough to crush his spirit
friends... well, that’s something! all relationships have to start somewhere, right...? he just needs to make his intentions clearer! kalim is sure he’s in love; that’s what that swirling, dark emotion in his chest is, right? those impulses telling him to keep his darling, to lock them away like the finest treasure- to take, take what he wants with no regards for anyone else...
his crush better be ready, because after this, kalim will become quite... forceful. he isn’t used to having something he wants that he cannot just immediately have- and he wants his crush to be his, entirely his
vil schoenheit
a party planned by vil is, in essence, the fanciest and prettiest party one will ever see. pomefiore is already like an old french castle, perfectly maintained and filled to the brim with beautiful people, all doing exactly as vil says
he’s known for a while that he’s in love with the odd magicless student- at first, he was aghast. how could he fall for such a lost and weak little potato?! but every second he spent with his crush, he could feel it; potential, beauty... already so precious, it almost sparked jealousy in him- he needs to make that beauty and potential bloom, and he’ll make it happen- he’ll turn that little potato into his own beautiful porcelain doll
when vil is kissed on the cheek, he doesn’t even have time to bitch about his concealer- the words are ringing in his ears. so... he’s the best friend one could ask for...?
vil feels like screaming in rage, but he allows the party to end peacefully and bids his crush goodbye- although it’s clear rook can tell that the queen of pomefiore is about to have a drama fit once the doors are closed
vil is outraged. how dare- how dare the one he loves not see his beauty?! friendship isn’t what he is aiming for: he needs more than friendship, he needs love, he needs for his beloved to be desperately in love with him too...! he feels like an idiot, pining for someone who claims to see him as a friend- and he hates it
he knows that everything requires effort. there’s no cheat to be instantly beautiful or smart; everything he has, he’s worked painstakingly hard for. but.... but- he’s worked so hard- so, so hard...! so he sees no problem in taking what some would see as the easy route
the next time he offers his crush a smoothie, he’s barely able to hold back his smirk; let’s see if he’s still “the best friend ever” once there’s potent and fast acting love potion brewed by himself coursing through his beloved’s body
idia shroud
admittedly, he thinks the party is a little shitty. it’s just him and ortho and his crush, playing board games and videogames. he’s... more than ashamed he couldn’t set up a real party, but... the thought of filling the ignihyde common room with all of the socially awkward ignihyde students and some loud people from outside, the crowds, the- agh!
having his crush so close is... almost difficult to handle for him
his heart keeps screaming out at him, the impulse to hold his beloved in his arms, to hug, to kiss, close the locks in his room- it’s not like a magicless student really needs to be attending classes...! he can- he can keep his crush in his room, all to himself-
it’s just... so hard to hold back all those emotions. they’re wrong, he’s a freak for thinking that, and he knows it, and yet... he can’t stop thinking about how much he wants to just keep his crush in, to shower his beloved with all the heartachingly sweet love he can barely hold back
a kiss on the cheek sends him into a frenzy. that’s- he’s...! idia barely has contact with other people; one little kiss is enough to send him into overdrive
........ but then....... he’s pushed back....
friendship... he thinks he should be happy- his crush thinks he’s an amazing friend! not a freak or a weirdo! but that’s... no, it’s not enough. the greedy little voice in his heart keeps whispering darkly; friendship isn’t nearly enough, is it? he wants more; he wants to claim his crush as his, to own, to keep...
even after this, though, idia will take awhile to truly make a move. he’s terribly scared he’ll fuck up and scare his crush away; his heart couldn’t possibly take that. instead, he’ll keep organizing videogame nights, bringing his crush to his room, doing his best to grow closer to her
... and one day, he simply won’t let her go
malleus draconia
even though malleus might try to keep acting somber and dark, it’s clear to everyone the dark fae is over the moon planning a birthday party for his friend. it’s understandable; malleus has four friends, three of which are technically his guards. 
lilia and silver can probably tell malleus has a crush on the human he hosts the party for quite easily; with how he trails after her like a lost puppy, trying to get her attention and such. they make sure sebek doesn’t get in the way
when the party’s ending and he receives a kiss on the cheek, malleus feels like he might accidentally set something on fire. he’s never- he’s never been kissed before (not counting goodnight forehead kisses from lilia back when he was a baby); he feels like in his absolute joy he might let magic lose
however... malleus heart shrivels at being called a friend. even when the party ends and his crush goes back to her dorm, he can’t find peace- he tells himself he should be happy, and yet...!
malleus doesn’t want to consult lilia on this matter. he feels... childish and immature- but the emotions lurking in him are nothing of the sort. his draconic instincts tell him to keep, to take his beloved and keep them in his hoard; mixing the desire to possess with the desire to love
he’ll begin to drop hints at something darker going on from there on every time he meets with his friend. they’re vague enough that she won’t realize what he’s talking about- but he means every word he says
to his crush, it might feel like his confession comes out of nowhere- it’s just another of their nightly walks, nothing out of the usual, other than the fact the tall fae has just confessed his undying love to them. it’s... sudden, it’s too intense, but... in the end, they better say yes; after all, malleus is set on his decision- they’re his, and he’ll make them see he won’t stand to being seen as just a friend.
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