#this is a nice little doodle. whole thing only took an hour
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cozylittleartblog · 1 year ago
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🎵 please be kind
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meowordeath · 4 months ago
Identity v characters with s/o who can’t cook!
w/ Eli Clark, Ganji Gupta & Victor Grantz
A/N: I don’t think could ever not include Eli in one of my little scenarios. I am so pissed i wrote a Norton part and it got deleted so I just decided to remove him.
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Eli Clark
Eli supported you in everything you wanted to do, you want to try knitting? He’ll wear whatever you make, your feeling like you want to pick up art? He’s free to model, Brooke as well!
He’s always there to encourage these little fixations you pick up… but this cooking fixation you have, it just might kill him.
Whatever you were cooking currently smelt terrible, he wouldn’t be surprised if the whole manor could smell it, and you’ve forbade him to watch saying ‘he makes too many suggestions.’
He waited anxiously at the table, Brooke rose sat on his shoulder comfortably. When you exit the kitchen and he didn’t even want to see what was under the lid to the dish.
You smiled setting the it down in front him, and though he was smiling back he was feeling lots of dread entering his body.
“I think this one might be my best dish yet!” You say excitedly lifting the lid to… he honestly didn’t even know.
He said the same sentences of ‘wow, smells delicious’ and ‘looks too good to eat..!’ Words he used to prolong the inevitable.
Prolong he did for a total 2 minutes, before you decided to bring the fork with whatever it was on it to his mouth.
Not reacting to this dish was a testament of strength, one of which he lost, as well as whatever he had for breakfast.
Yeah you definitely felt very guilty that you had been making him stuff this whole time, when he hated it.
Ganji Gupta
He’s a picky eater and you know this because every time you offer him something you made he turned it down because he doesn’t like certain things in it.
You don’t feel discouraged, not like cooking is your passion it’s just something you do to pass the time occasionally.
Whatever Ganji doesn’t take ends up being fed to Murro’s boar. It’s not like boar complained even seemed to enjoy it.
The one time he didn’t turn you down he hadn’t known it was you who had cooked it.
He had, had a late match. Unfortunately the match was against Mad-eyes and had taken forever.
He had hoped you’d save him something to eat from dinner, but considering his fellow survivors he knew the task was damn near impossible.
When entering the kitchen he greeted you and asked if there was anything left from dinner, to which you responded handing him a plate of, well he didn’t look, he didn’t even hear you saying ‘no, but-‘
Too hungry from the long drawn out match he just took a bite, only for his face to twist into disgust. He spat the sour and somehow salty dish back onto the plate.
“Gods, whoever cooked tonight needs to be banned from the kitchen.” He said bluntly.
You blink with a blank stare before telling him you’re the one who made it. He apologized for hours following you around, as you scold him for never telling you your cooking was bad.
Victor Grantz
It was gonna be Victors birthday soon, and you wanted to do something nice since he had done cute stuff for your birthday.
You made him a birthday card, drawing cute doodles on it including a small Wick doodle. During your birthday Victor had made you a small cake, and you wanted to return the favor.
You’ve never made a cake before though so you had asked Naib if he knew how. You were thinking since he likes food he must know how to cook as well.
Naib listed off thing in a cake. ‘Eggs, flour, butter, salt and sugar lots and lots of sugar, because you know cakes are sweet.’ Those had been his exact instructions.
He didn’t exactly give you measurements, so you put these items in, to your hearts content.
You probably used half a bag of sugar for this supposed to be small cake. All said and done you put it in the oven, instruction unspecified by Naib so you just guessed.
Victor had been oblivious to your scheme. He had read the sweet, heartfelt letter you left for him that morning, his heart just about melted, he’d definitely make sure to respond to it.
He was soon invited to the kitchen by you and upon arrival you wish him a happy birthday while holding a plate with a small burnt? but also raw? Cake.
He knew this was probably going to give him food poisoning but he’d eat it for you because he loves you oh so dearly, and eat he did.
The next day Victor had serve food poisoning. But not once did he regret eating the cake. He had also wrote you multiple letters reassuring you it wasn’t your fault and you two should cook together next time.
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Still so mad nortons got deleted. I hope anyone who reads this enjoys it! I did not proof read!
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miammey · 3 months ago
I've been having Calydorks brainrot so you're getting headcanons plus doodles of them in PJs because it helps with type body headcanons
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Learned the hard way not to sleep with her prosthetic on (too many times has her hair got stuck in it. Also she once accidentally slammed it against the metal railing of her bunk, which made the expected Pipe Falling sound, sending the whole gang into a panic
She can carry everyone in the gang one-handed, and has done it many times (including Big Daddy, he wasn't very happy with it but Caesar was having the time of her life)
She may not be the best at spelling, but her handwriting is actually pretty nice looking
She will always step in front of other members of the gang to shield them from danger. No matter how strong she knows they are, she takes her role as meaning she should protect her people
Occasionally has nightmares about the day she lost her arm, but isn't upset at the fact that it's gone anymore
Has a nut allergy, learned it the hard way. She then wanted to try and "build up tolerance," which went as poorly as you'd expect (Big Daddy was not happy with all those medical bills, but Caesar was young so he couldn't blame her much)
Often wonders if she would've been close with her dad, or if he would be proud of her for how she's leading the gang, but has made peace with the fact that she'll never learn the truth
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She's middle aged, around the same age as Big Daddy actually (I tried to make that clear in the art, but unfortunately I can only draw people either young or elderly, trying to find an in between)
Never wanted kids of her own, but she is an auntie. Her nibblings love riding around in Steeltusk
She likes keeping up with youth fashion, it's a way for her to take care of herself and her appearance, something she's not really great at
Can't cook for shit, tried once for the gang but it ended in a fire even Burnice would be impressed by, but to be fair that's mainly because she took a "5 minute nap" that turned into a 5 hour nap. Either way she's banned from the kitchen
REALLY good at card games, but not great at gambling
Sings to herself while on long drives, she's not some superstar, but the gang said it was relaxing to hear
Lucy (Plus the Boar Trio)
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She is the ONLY person allowed to knock the three piggies around, only exceptions being the other Sons, but they're not really the type to do that. She can and will shatter your ribs with her bat if you mistreat them
Had a high school diploma, graduated with honors, and even had some scholarships offered to her, but basically right after graduation she went to the Outer Ring
Not really close with her parents, but she had a couple sisters she stays in contact with. They're not close, but she occasionally texts them to let them know she's alive, and they update her on how things back at home are going
Failed the exam 3 times until she was given her bikers license. She wasn't bad, just way too reckless at times
Not one to outwardly show appreciation because she's embarrassed, but if you see a little trinket or treat on your bed you know it's from her
The Boar Trio are triplets and Big Daddy's bio kids. They see Lucy as their big sister, and she sees them as her brothers in return, although she'd never say it
They do have a mom, matching Big Daddy's nickname, she's Big Mama. They get their toughness from her, she's a scary lady but also very protective
Somehow her skin stays almost flawless despite being in the Outer Ring all the time. Other than the scars, she somehow keeps it beautiful, like it's witchcraft, beauty products shouldn't work THAT well
She wasn't really allowed to be overly emotional growing up, so now she can release everything she's bottled up and more in the form of angry yelling. It's genuinely freeing and cathartic to her
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Took a lot of practice to get the hang of her flamethrowers, she still has burn scars from the early days, but she never gave up
Always brings in stray animals. She can't keep them, unfortunately, but she does make sure they get a good home
Drinks so much Nitro Fuel that she's basically immune to it, but she loves the taste
Her first job ever was a barista, then bartender. She's just loved mixing drinks her whole life, really. Unfortunately, she was also bad at keeping jobs for other reasons
Is always one of the first to greet new members of the gang. They're in the gang so they're family now, and she's honestly the best at making people feel more relaxed and at home
Contrary to that tho, she's terrifying to enemies of the gang because this girl is not afraid to set you and everyone around you ablaze. I genuinely think that she joined the gang go get away from some arson-related legal trouble
Has only cried a few times since joining the gang, usually at deaths, but otherwise she's great at finding the positives in situations and keeping the gang's hopes up. She's the heart of the group
Cannot sit still for the life of her. At all. She's practically vibrating in her seat, she always has to keep moving in some way
Bites popsicles (the correct way to eat them)
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Genuinely just bad at names, of anything really. It took like a month for him to learn the names of everyone in the Sons
Took a while for him to be comfortable showing his skin to the gang, and even now he doesn't really like doing it, mainly because he doesn't like looking at, or others looking at, his scars
The gang learned the hard way that he faints if he sees too much blood. Dragging him back was not fun for anyone involved
Has a lot of old injuries from the Arena, they tend to act up with bad weather, so he uses that to predict if they should go riding that day or not
His hair gets super messy really easily, but it's also really easy to move it back to place
Still keeps in contact with his friend's daughter, just to make sure she's doing alright
Dogs love him, he doesn't even know why, they just do. He's not complaining tho, who wouldn't want to be followed by a puppy
Ok that's all I have, if someone of these go directly against canon feel free to let me know, or if you have your own headcanons or additions, I wanna hear them
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diy-fire-water-pups · 9 months ago
(( I feel the need to come here now and ask some people to be more considerate. ))
(( I created this blog for fun on my SPARE time, which is little to none because I need to worry about getting money constantly so I can eat. Not to make it everyone's problem but I literally haven't eaten anything today yet and it's currently 6:30 PM as I'm publishing this post right now. There is food at home but it's just one option, which I'm so tired of eating it constantly for being one of the cheapest things to buy, it doesn't satisfy me anymore and we're just halfway through the month. I don't have any source of secure income and I got four other mouths to feed ASIDE OF MY OWN. I am constantly overworked with my underpaid part time job as English teacher because neither my father or younger brother can help me checking these homeworks or exams, they don't know English language like I do, and I still need to balance that with drawing for commissions, which are the only way I got to get money during the month. My father is too old to get hired for anything. My brother is still finishing college, if only that shit would end their strike to continue classes so he can graduate still this year and look for a proper job, which will also probably take some time, it's not easy to get a job here.
And it takes a lot of time for me to draw and answer the asks in this blog, usually over 1 hour and half, up to two hours or even longer when there's all three pups + something else they're doing or for the background - that is, if I work on it non-stop, because I usually draw a sketch, it sits there for a few days, until I stop again to clean it up and draw the lineart, then wait a few more days until I go and color it to finish and publish the answered ask. I have some drafts with a doodled answer waiting for a week or even two, still waiting for me to finish the art and post them. I'm having fun with these on my own time.
WITH ALL THAT SAID, I cannot afford Magic!Anons that demand for specific amounts of asks to be worked on, no matter how many. You gotta understand it: If I would start the M!A effect tomorrow, the first ask with that effect would show up like, one whole week AFTER or so. It just does NOT work here. Besides, I have some stories going on in the blog, like this entire thing about Marshall's incoming deafness, which took me what, let me see... Two weeks and half since I replied the first Anon who started it and it's still not done completely yet. I still got another interesting story to start and entertain you all with it, this other one has been waiting sitting in this blog's drafts for literally ONE MONTH now. I'm not gonna interrupt them with side effects.
If you want to dare my pups to do something funny or silly, that's cool! But it'll go for only your dare ask and that's it. I'm not gonna disturb other asks or RPs. Magic!Anons are to be fun and short and sadly I do not have the time to have anything going on for too long like that, not when it's something that changes appearances, or whatever like that.
I am not mad, or angry. I'm just asking for consideration. I am an exhausted and probably currently underweight old artist who just wants to have fun and have some food to go by every day. I'm not a tireless art machine. I'm doing this for fun, every day I wake up I'm glad to have started this askblog and see how much you guys enjoy it and enjoy my portrayal of these pups we love so much, it always makes me smile and feel like I can do some more and keep going, despite all things being against me. But sometimes I need to be firm and say no as well. I have my limits.
Thank you if you read this far. And please, don't ask who was it or what happened, I don't want anyone going after who tried to push this specific M!A here. They're a very nice person who just happened to insist on something I said no before, and I do not condone people attacking others on someone else's behalf, as much as your intention is to defend someone, that's just shitty attitude!
Let's go back to this blog's usual business, shall we? Though now I gotta get back to checking those exams answers, Idk if I'll get time to draw any other reply for tonight, maybe past midnight. I still need to stop and get up to go eat, ugh. ))
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tinywitchgoblin · 11 months ago
could i pretty please get a ship?
i’m a fairly curvy female, 5’5 or so, i have blue-green eyes, a more rounded face shape, long legs, wide hips and ribcage, and light brown/dirty blonde hair that goes a little further than my shoulders. i can be pretty clingy, but i’m usually a bit shy and closed off until i get to know someone better. i’m a pretty nice and open minded person, but i don’t take bs from anyone. i have diagnosed ADHD and can sometimes be hyper, and i tend to be very chatty if someone gives me the chance. while i can be hyper sometimes, there are times where i enjoy some nice calming moments, quiet times alone or with a friend. i have many hobbies, most are art related, and i love making things. i get blunt when i’m annoyed, i can sometimes be whiny, but i’m always a big cuddle bug. that being said, i can get pretty freaky at times. when i fall for someone, i can fall hard. i can get obsessed to the point of having dreams about them every night and having them constantly on my mind. i like to collect little trinkets, some just things i find pretty or interesting, some with a meaning behind them. i’m definitely not a morning person, and it can take me hours to get going especially if i wake up earlier than usual, and my memory isn’t great. it can be hard for me to focus on one thing and i can get very unorganized and scatter-brained. (sorry that this whole thing is like all over the place lol my brain isn’t working rn)
Thanks for participating!
I ship you with...
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When Echo first met you, it took you a little while to open up to him. However, he always made the effort to talk to you, ask you how your day was going, etc. Eventually, you warmed up to him, and things only went uphill from there.
One of Echo's love languages is quality time, and he loves spending time with you. Whether you're doing an activity together or just vibing in the same space, his favorite place is by your side. He loves the positive energy you bring, and he could listen to you talk for hours on end (which does occasically happen).
Echo loves your art, and he especially loves making art with you. He's not a particularly good artist, but that doesn't matter. He'll sit there and doodle while you work on your current piece, watching your beautiful mind work its magic- and watching your creation unfold.
During the war, Echo was very much a morning person- up at (or before) the asscrack of dawn to make sure he had everything he needed to start the day off right and complete whatever mission he and his brothers were on (whether it be with the 501st or CF99). However, once he started dating you, he learned to appreciate the beauty of lazy mornings in bed. Sometimes he'll just lay there, looking at you as you sleep peacefully, knowing that even though the galaxy may have gone to shit, at least he gets to be with you.
Thanks for reading! If you want a ship request like this one, drop it in my ask box, and don't forget to reblog 💚
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oliviahallwriting · 6 months ago
Chapter 13
It was now a week after the party, and Tom still heard from Kiyana. It unnerved him, even as Laura told him, in her brusque way, that she was doing well enough. He’d expected Kiyana to follow up with him about their conversation somehow, if only a few words. Even her social media accounts hadn’t yielded anything other than a few of her previous posts. For whatever reason, she’d taken down some of her more recent videos.
He skipped his morning lecture to return to the party house and ask if anyone knew Kiyana’s address. One of them, who Tom vaguely recognized as one of Kiyana’s friends, gave him Jennifer’s address with few further questions. 
Tom decided to buy a pint of ice cream on the way to the apartment. When he found it, he rung the doorbell, feeling somewhat pleased when Kiyana opened the door for him. She looked surprised to see him at her girlfriend’s door, but still beckoned him inside.
When a recession hit Tom’s family years back, his dad hadn’t taken it well, often staying in his room for hours at a time. At the time, he’d been angry at the overreaction, stemming, undoubtedly, from oversensitivity, from a flaw in his father’s character.
Now, as Tom shared a coffee with Kiyana, he was reminded of those times. Not that Kiyana was overreacting, though he still wasn’t really sure what had set her off in the first place. Sure, the whole RAIN thing was terrible, but plenty of things were terrible and hard to combat that didn’t lead people to make weepy videos and to sequester themselves for weeks at a time. Global warming, for instance. Though, admittedly, he’d had a few somber thoughts of the desolation of nature. Increasingly he’d reached for his colored pencils in his landscape architecture class, doodling in the margins instead of forming straight, cold lines.
“Nice place,” he said, noticing, after his musings had faded a little, that the apartment’s interior was artfully furnished, for a student-living complex. 
“Jen has good taste,” Kiyana replied. Her voice sounded hoarse and her intonation was flat, more so than Laura’s. 
Tom held out the pint of ice cream.
“You shouldn’t have,” Kiyana said. “BUt since you did, feel free to put it in the freezer.”
So he did. The freezer was otherwise empty. On a whim, he opened the refrigerator door, which also didn’t have much in it. A few carrots, some juice.
“Does she get enough to eat?” Tom asked, and then realized that, for once, he was overstepping. Usually he’d been accused of the reverse. “Sorry, I only asked because her fridge is kind of empty.”
“She’s fine. Actually, I think she’s getting groceries as we speak.”
“Oh, okay,” Tom said, and paused. “You, uh, want to play games or something? If you have any?”
“We can take a walk,” Kiyana said. “Not everyone has time for games. Jennifer’s back in an hour, so I’ll have to be back by then.”
It was an early-December sort of cold and misty outside, but she looked like she wouldn’t take a negative answer, so they strolled a block or so back to campus. 
Loftman State was spacious. Tom had scouted the perimeter of the main section of campus a few times in the first couple weeks he’d arrived, and the journeys had always taken at least an hour. The long diagonal took twenty minutes on its downhill path and double on the uphill. He hadn’t ventured beyond the main section of campus; the agricultural department was both renowned and sprawling.
They strolled through the outlying forest paths. Kiyana pointed to a few buildings in which she’d had classes; apparently the graduate buildings were a good distance from the freshmen lecture halls.
“But it’s fine,” she said. “I have a golf cart, so it’s not a problem.”
“Oh, right. I’ve seen it around.”
“Perk of the job. They don’t pay their T.A.s much around here, but it’s more than nothing, and maybe it looks good on a resume, I don’t know. They figured I was responsible enough.”
Tom glanced at her and was surprised to find a smile, though he couldn’t tell if it was genuine.
“And are you responsible enough?” he asked.
Kiyana laughed, low and creaky, like she didn’t use it much.
“What are you laughing about? I’m sure you’re okay,” Tom replied, clasping her shoulder in an attempt at a reassuring gesture. She jumped a little, so he immediately removed his hand and apologized.
“I appreciate the vote of confidence,” she said, “but you don’t know me at all.”
“I didn’t mean that in a bad way or anything, only that I’m surprised they’ve kept me this long.”
Tom found a bench in the forest path. The divots in the painted metal planks meant that it wasn’t too damp, but he still brushed aside a few drops of condensation before taking a seat. Kiyana gave the bench a skeptical look but sat next to Tom regardless.
“What did you, um, do?”
“I drive a little fast, but so far, no one’s complained. I think they actually kind of like it. I’ve taken a few drive-to-class requests from students who, looking back, I don’t think actually needed it. I know, I know, not all disabilities are visible, but, you know.”
“You drive the golf cart a little fast? That’s not so bad.”
“I might’ve rattled some people; Jen messed with the engine a bit, and it took a few days to account for it. But, um, they wanted to make their lecture on time, and I’m pretty sure they would’ve said something…” Kiyana trailed off, looking briefly uncertain before shrugging her shoulders.
Tom imagined a college student barely hanging on to the handle on the side of the golf cart, and then comically careening through the window when the cart abruptly halted.
“Oh, my God. That’s what you meant about the engine.”
“Yep. Jen wanted to do some ‘practical application’, as she called it, on the cart, claiming that she wanted to give me more time to sleep in. I’m pretty sure it’s now highway-legal. And, just for fun, she tricked out the speaker system, but I only use that on weekends.” Kiyana put her hand to her mouth in a faux-whisper. “Or per request, if the passenger’s pretty enough. You get it, I’m sure.”
“I, uh,” Tom replied. “You’re sure that’s safe?”
“Chill, man, I don’t, like, gun it gun it, unless it’s just me. And Jen’s kind of a genius at what she does. You know, automotive. Not just cars, either; I always catch her tinkering with something. Stereotypical lesbian, I know, but at least that’s cool. All I do are fuckin’ titrations.”
It was cold enough that Tom could see his laughter misting in front of him.
“But nah, I thought they’d fire me ‘cuz the RAIN thing.”
Tom stopped laughing. “You really think they’d fire you because of that? You were literally told by professors to make it.”
“Nah, it’s true, since I was the only one who succeeded—” she started, before standing up abruptly. “Hold on, I’m getting cold.”
They entered a nearby building, some obscure geology graduate hall with a few posters about tectonic plates. There were a few soft leather chairs next to the front door. Kiyana didn’t seem keen on continuing whatever she’d been talking about, so Tom looked out the window with her for a while. The mist outside was turning into a shower. 
“Kiyana?” he asked softly.
“Do you know what happened to the others in your class? The ones who didn’t take the alternate assignment?”
She sighed. “A few of them were at the party. I don’t know much else. I assumed they stuck to their NDAs.”
That didn’t sit well with him. 
“But if this were all under the table, then you’d think they wouldn’t bother with legal protections. Whoever’s manufacturing a hypnosis drug thing wouldn’t want to go to court, right? Even if you violated their terms, the publicity wouldn’t be great, I’d imagine.”
Kiyana looked towards the ground. After a moment she mumbled something, so quiet Tom had to ask her to repeat it. She looked at him, eyes glinting a little madly.
“I said, you’re clever. I lied. There wasn’t an NDA.”
Tom realized that there was nobody else in the building, and that the rain was loud against the windows outside. He eased a few inches away from her, but Kiyana took no notice.
“You knew how I was quiet for, oh, a month or two now?” she asked.
Tom nodded.
“Did you think I was just paranoid?”
“Did I think you were quiet for months for no reason? No; honestly, I didn’t think much about it, sorry. I don’t know you now, and definitely didn’t then.”
She scrunched her nose a little and sighed. “Well, I had a reason,” she said. “They threatened me, with my degree. I called their bluff on that, and so they threatened Jen.”
Tom sat up in his chair.
“Fifteen,” Kiyana continued. “Fifteen emails and another dozen phone calls. Dozens of messages on my socials, too.
“Oh, shit—”
“And before you ask, yes, I did try to take this to the top. The feds actually did get back to me and told me they’d send someone to monitor the situation, and that I should focus on classes.”
Tom remembered that, a few weeks ago, there’d been a federal agent near the science wing. He supposed nothing had really come of it; it wasn’t like there’d been a sting. The reporter Jun loved would’ve had a story about it. What was her name again? Something Ramirez?
“Wait a minute,” he said, after a few seconds had passed. “So why would you tell us anything, if you thought, uh, if your girlfriend was on the line?”
Kiyana didn’t respond for a while. Tom watched her for a bit, noticing the deep creases under her eyes, and her slightly-trembling hands.
“I shouldn’t have,” she said. “But it doesn’t matter now, does it?”
“I mean, I don’t know. Maybe they’ll never find out that you told anyone. I mean, I’m no rat.”
Kiyana looked at the ground and then back at Tom.
“If you never see me again, I guess now you’ll know why,” she said.
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keefwho · 2 years ago
July 20 - 2023 Thursday
11:00 PM
I haven’t written anything today because today went well, I was fine the whole time. Feels like a natural up after being so invested in all my problems, I can only do it for so long. 
This morning I woke up and just felt like me, which is rare. I didn’t have to work for that long sought perspective, I just had it for most of today. Breakfast was a hot dog, macaroni, and some fiber one on the side. I was hoping that fiber one + macaroni would make a surprisingly okay combo but it was repulsive so I refrained from mixing them. Drawing warmups and the commission today went well. I did the whole 2 hours even though I didn’t plan to and stayed fairly focused. I cleaned up the left wing of my desk and re-organized the little shelf I use to hold some power outage stuff like candles and lights. It’s nice having this little case of about 20 AA batteries I accidentally yoinked from my parents awhile back. My batteries now. I did the new mini workout I had scheduled and took a nice little shower while watching a youtube video about Oppenheimer. It wasn’t quite lunch yet when I got out so I made a Neopets account so I could check it out for my friend. I tried each game at least once before lunch was ready. Lunch was leftover rice a roni from yesterday. I think it’s because I was still playing Neopets but I started work up again just a little bit late. I worked on an emote set and almost got the whole thing done. Then I worked for a tiny bit on my world and got the toilet paper/dispensers working. Since I’m cutting out all the fancy audio stuff I was gonna do, the world could be finished this weekend for real if I put my mind to it. I might just do that. After everything was done I took a little break before doodling a sexy thing for my friend’s sona. After that I more or less sat around waiting for her to be available to watch some Ever After High and this ass show Mia and Me. I really like Ever After High, I might become one of the people lobbying to have it brought back. I love it’s animation style and plot. I like the characters and outfit designs. Its such a nice little piece of media. We played Zelda for a good little bit after that and it was a very cozy time. Now I’m ready for bed. 
I can’t think of anything I would have done better today, I think I did well. I’m glad I naturally felt that sense of self today. I hope I’m past the worst of it and am starting to regain my bearing like I think I am. It feels like I might have actually identified the major problem: getting stuck in my own head and losing a grip on who I am. I feel much more wholesome having gotten a better grip on reality the past couple days, even if that reality isn’t so good. I think it’s been important to realize and accept my troubled past and current troubled circumstances. Its the kind of awareness and acceptance that makes me want to do something about it rather than wallow and sulk. It’s also been nice to get a better grip on the relationship I have with my friend. I got in my own head for a bit there and a little too invested. I was acting in a way that wasn’t true to myself or the dynamic we have because I slipped up and was trying to use the situation as a coverup for my shortcomings. That’s something I’ve been guilty of my whole life. It’s good to be able to step back and let it be authentic like it always has been. It really is something beautiful that way. 
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hyunvom · 3 years ago
the project (+18)
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synopsis: you are paired with the quiet kid of the class for a biology project, having no idea how much of a perv he really is. well, you're about to find out.
warnings: perv hyunjin, schoolgirl reader x schoolboy hyunjin, both are 19, masturbation (m+f), clothed handjob, fingering
words: 2.2k
All of this started after a group project.
Hyunjin is your classmate. He is one of those popular boys that has no idea he's popular. He has two friends and rarely speaks in class, but everyone at school is in love with him. You though, you never really payed that much of attention. Sure, he was really pretty, that's the reason why everyone was obsessed with him in the first place, but appearance was never something that would draw you to someone.
Today is Wednesday. The most boring day of the week. Your classes are all incredibly boring and on top of that today every teacher is talking about your upcoming group projects and exams. This is your last class of the day and the teacher is talking about project partners. Everyone turns to look at Hyunjin. Everyone wanting to be partnered with him for the project. But he is drawing in his notebook and paying absolutely no attention to what is happening. The girls too intimidated by him to go up to him and ask, so he just stays there doodling. You, just like him, was also paying no attention. Suddenly you hear the teacher mention your name.
"So I'm guessing y/n and Hyunjin will do it together since you're the only ones left without partners"
You looked over at him, he was already looking at you with the same expression as yours.
"Sure" he said quietly and started packing his bag to leave since class was officially over.
You were feeling a little anxious about this, but also kinda excited. I mean, you did not know this man other than his name and the fact he was weirdly quiet. But he was also hot as hell. Probably the hottest guy at school. So, getting to spend time with him would definitely not be that hard.
It's Friday. Yesterday after class you exchanged numbers so you can text each other about when and where you were going to start the project for biology class. You both agreed to go to his house at 6 pm on Friday. You wore a white pleated skirt and a long tshirt. You weren't too sure about the skirt at first, but it was so freakishly hot outside even at this hour that you just said fuck it and wore it anyway.
Right now you were outside his door and you texted him that you arrived. Not sure why you were shy about ringing the bell.
He opened the door and helped you inside. He was dressed super casual and it made you look so overdressed. He was just in grey sweats and a tshirt. His hair kinda messy. He looked.. really good.
"My parents won't be here until like 12 am so we have the whole house to ourselves. I know we don't really know each other but feel free to help yourself to anything. This is the fridge, the bathroom is over here, and this is my room. We can start the project there."
"Great. Thanks. Don't need anything as of right now so i'm good to start"
"Cool, let's go then"
He gave you a smile and you followed him to his room. His room was super nicely decorated that it took you off guard. Paintings and drawings everywhere that you assume he did himself, fairy lights above his head, even a guitar somewhere in the room.
"Nice room" you said. "Υοu playing that?" and pointed to the guitar.
"I mean, kind of, sure". You sat on the floor with your laptops and started the project.
The entire time you were sitting there on the floor you could feel him staring at your legs. He would suggest something and then look down to write the idea, and you'd catch him staring and the thing is.. you liked it. You didn’t know why or where this came from but you really wanted him to look at you, again and again, and you were moving your legs around, trying to show him more. After around an hour and a half you got thirsty and stood up.
"I'll go get some water. You want a glass too?"
"Yeah sure"
And you stood up in the most provocative way you could have possibly done it. All on purpose. All because you wanted him to look. And he did. And what's so funny about it is that he was so focused on you, that he forgot the giant mirror in the room that you could literally see him through looking at your legs and ass like it's the first time he's ever seen a woman.
You came back and found him in a different position, visibly uncomfortable.
"You good?. Here's your water"
"No yeah no no, all good"
You noticed him being uncomfortable in his clothes. He was trying to adjust them, moving them around and trying to sit differently from before. You didn't pay too much attention until the sound of him moving around started to annoy you and you slowly looked over at what on earth he was doing.
That man was sitting next to you rock hard trying to hide his boner. You looked away immediately and tried to hide your smirk. Mission accomplished. That was so much easier than you expected it to be and you fought yourself thinking how is the most popular boy in class acting like this ? Doesn’t he get with girls all the time or is he truly that fucking shy
Two hours later you had finished most of the project and you decided that that was too much already for a single day and you agreed to continue tomorrow, at his house again.
The second you left, Hyunjin run back to his room. He stumbled upon the glasses of water and his eyes lightened. He picked up the glass you used, found the place you put your lips on and licked. He licked, and kissed and sniffed the spot. And then he moved to his bed, layed down and took his clothes off. He started teasing himself over his underwear. Going painfully slowly on himself. Moans all over his room, all over his house. And when he finally had enough he took it off and grabbed his cock. Started pumping himself fast, already dripping precum. And as he was pleasuring himself he was moaning your name in between. When he was about to cum, he stopped. Stood up on his knees on his bed, licked your glass one more time, and then took one of his pillows and started humping it. Hard. Closed eyes, head back, hips going hard, in and out, with nothing but you on his mind. Your perfect ass and your perfect legs and your perfect lips. Those lips. He'd kill to kiss them right now, he'd kill to have those lips all over him, kissing him on all the right places. After a few minutes he came harder than he thinks he ever has in his life.
The next day you got ready about the same hour and took the bus to go back to his place to finish the project. You arrived and rang the bell this time, feeling way less awkward than yesterday. He opened the door and you don't know how it even happened so fast, but the moment you saw him you started feeling yourself getting incredibly hot. He was in the school uniform. You don't know why. It was Saturday today. You didn't want to ask him so you just tried to ignore how good he looked in it with his messy hair. You had never noticed how good he looked in it at school.
You on the other hand were in short booty shorts and again, a huge band tshirt. You felt his eyes on you the second you walked in. Couldn't blame him. You did it on purpose. You wanted him to get hard again. You don't know what on earth got into you but you loved the idea of him getting hard because of you. Him. The most beautiful man of the entire school.
Yesterday when you went back home and got in the shower, everything was playing in your head. Him being uncomfortable in his clothes and trying his best to hide his boner, the way he was looking at you ass and you caught him through the mirror.. you took the head of the shower and located it down to you heat. You felt yourself getting so wet thinking about him turned on. The pressure of the water was just right, hitting your clit. You started moving. Up and down while the water has violating your clit. Imagining the water was his cock instead. Your free hand playing with your nipples. And you were so sure his cock was big. He is lean, tall, huge hands, long fingers. And you remember clear as day how his boner looked. Already so big inside his pants. You closed your mouth as you moaned his name and clenched around nothing in the shower. A few minutes later you came so hard, and when you went to bed later you were looking up the ceiling and were just wondering what the heck is this thing that you're feeling.
Now, on his floor yet again, he's once again staring.
The whole situation is starting to get you so damn hot. You can literally feel yourself getting wet and those tight short shorts aren't helping with your situation. Your own shorts giving you pleasure every time you'd move just a tiny bit. You excused yourself. This was getting too much.
"I'm going to the bathroom, i'll be back in five"
You got in the bathroom and started throwing water on your face. You needed to stop whatever the hell you were thinking. You were here to finish this goddamn project, not to fuck the weird hot as shit quiet kid of the class that the entire school wants to blow but he somehow is interested in YOU. You pulled down your shorts and cleaned your wetness.
Suddenly the door opened. You screamed and pulled your pants up.
"Hyunjin what the fuck"
He didn't say anything. He was just standing there, in the bathroom, with you. You looked down and he was hard. Insanely hard.
"Look what you did to me" he finally let out. "I know what you were doing back there. I saw you. I saw how you'd move in those tight shorts just to get pleasure off of them. Why are you doing this to me"
You were shocked at how easily he just said all that. You got closer to him. Wiping you wetness off a minute ago was useless. You were wet again. How could you not be, with that tend on his school pants. You got incredibly close to him and said absolutely nothing. The only thing you did was look at his lips. And he closed the distance, he crushed his huge plump lips onto yours. His back on the door, you pushed on him. You lowered your hand and grabbed his cock over his pants.
"Ι'm about to give you the best clothed handjob of your life" you said.
And all he did was moan in your ear.
You started moving your hand up and down on his cock. Feeling it, grabbing hard, going slow and at times super fast. Him moaning in your ear and you looking up at him getting destroyed in your hands, melting.
"Did you fuck your fist yesterday thinking about me when I left? You little perv. I saw how you were looking at me" he was looking into your eyes as you were saying this, mouth open from the pleasure your hand was giving him.
"I saw how hard you got, you really thought you could hide it huh?"
A few seconds later he opened his mouth to finally respond
"Fuck yeah i did. I fucked my fist so hard" he stopped mid response and moaned. Your hand down there doing wonders. "And then i fucked my pillow too, imagining it's your tight little cunt"
And you moaned so loud in his mouth after he said that.
"Well guess what, I fucked my cunt in the shower thinking about this cock of yours. Imagine if we came together yesterday. At the same time"
And after you said that he moved his hand from your ass and unzipped your shorts. Your cunt dripping wet.
"My god you're so wet. Did my cock do this to your cunt?"
"Your cock, your voice, the way you look at me"
And as you were moving your hand still up and down over his pants, he slipped his hand inside your folds and started inserting fingers. You moaned and for a second stopped moving your hand on him. He was fucking in and out with his longer ass finger so fast and you were trying not to fall on your knees. He added another finger, going in and out so fast. You looked down, seeing both your hand moving on his cock, wetness all over the area, his school pants ruined, and his hand moving fast as fuck, his fingers disappearing inside of you. You started both going at the same pace, and that pushed both of you over the edge.
"Hyunjin I.. oh my god"
"Me too. I can't fucking hold it anymore"
And you both came so hard. You on his fingers and him in his pants. The bathroom filled with moans and then panting, both of you sweaty as hell.
"What did we just do" he said.
"I think i just jerked you off through your pants and you just fingered me in your bathroom"
And you both laughed.
After you went back to his room to take your things, he came close to you and whispered "I want to do this again, if you do too" and you smiled.
"I'll see you on Monday in class, come sit next to me, don't get all shy"
"Ι wont"
part 2
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sariahsue · 4 years ago
Part two of this (but can be read on its own)
It was barely 9:00 a.m. and Adrien Agreste was already sweating. After an hour of pep talking and encouragement during patrol last night, Ladybug had declared that she wasn’t ready to ask Adrien out yet, but she never would be, so why keep waiting?
And Ladybug was Marinette.
And Marinette wouldn’t stop looking at him.
He hadn’t even gotten through his first class and it was already the longest school day of his life.
(Adrien peeked over his shoulder for the eighth time, just as Marinette turned her face away again and blushed. He whipped around to the front. She was going to get suspicious if he kept doing that, but he couldn’t seem to stop.)
It had been a whole week since Chat Noir had found out Ladybug’s identity, and four days since she’d told him the name of the lucky boy who’d caught her heart. And Adrien still couldn’t believe it was him.
And now she was going to ask him out. When? That was the question floating through his mind as his teachers droned on about algebra. When? Maybe something about the Revolution in history class, but he wasn’t entirely sure. When? Science possibly?
When was she going to talk to him? Today? Tomorrow? Did he smell nice? Had he misunderstood and she meant a different Adrien Agreste? Should he wait for her to approach him or start a conversation to give her an opening? He should have asked her last night! Why didn’t he ask her that?!
One advantage to peeking at her so often was that he could tell he felt more nervous than she looked, which was probably a good thing. Maybe something he said to her last night had helped. He felt scattered and on edge. Marinette’s nervousness was subtle. A tap tap tap of her pencil. The squeak of her shoe as she bounced her knee. Meanwhile, his mind was going in a hundred directions at once, wondering how she would confess.
And that thought sent anticipation swooping through his stomach.
Maybe it would have been better if he’d just told her his identity last night, make sure she knew how crazy he was about her so she could stop worrying.
But Ladybug had made it clear how much she wanted to ask Adrien, and how much effort she had already put in for him, and he didn’t want to minimize her struggle. Plus - and he felt a little guilty for it - he really wanted to hear what she would say. Wanted her to ask him. Wanted to be wanted by her.
Behind him, Marinette let out a breathy sigh. This was going to be a very, very long day.
A few hours later, Adrien stood at the top of school stairs, looking down at the waiting limo with its door already open for him, waiting to take him home for the weekend.
His pep talks hadn’t been enough. Even though she’d had plenty of opportunities, Marinette hadn’t asked him. His footsteps were heavy as he walked away from the school doors and waved a limp hello to his driver.
“Adrien, wait!”
He turned back so fast that the world blurred. Marinette ran toward him and then stopped a few inches in front of him, stone still, hands clenched to her sides.
His heart pounded in his mouth. “Yeah?”
“I-” That was as far as she got before her eyes fell to her feet.
“Yes?” Adrien prompted, hoping he was keeping the desperation out of his voice. He was not going to let her get out of talking now. Not if she was finally going to tell him how she really felt about him. “Was there something you wanted?”
“N-no, I don’t want anything,” she said, eyes flicking back up to his. “Just, um.” Paper rustled as she reached in her pocket and held out a small piece of notebook scrap to him. This wasn’t in any of the plans that they’d made together.
“What’s this?” He took it quickly, careful not to let their fingers brush (even though he wanted them to) because it might make her more nervous. On it was a little doodle of a cat face.
“What’s this about?” he whispered, even though he knew exactly what was going to happen next.
“So I have a purr-fect idea.”
This was it. This was it! She was making puns! She was going to ask him out! This excitement and joy were expected. Every single wish he’d ever made was about to come true.
And all of it was almost overshadowed by the single revelation that his Lady trusted him this much, to take his advice on something so important to her, something that was literally keeping her up at night with worry. It wasn’t trust out of necessity. It was trusting him with her vulnerabilities. He hadn’t realized that was going to hit as hard as it did.
“Cat got your tongue?” Marinette asked.
A second cat pun? Adrien leaned against the open car door for support. It swung farther open under his weight and nearly took him off his feet.
Marinette’s face went white.
“Sorry,” he said, standing back up. (He leaned against the frame of the car this time.)  He had to pull himself together and not make this harder for her than it already was. “Sun was in my--” The sun beat down on the back of his neck. “Never mind. What’s your idea?”
“Uh.” She pointed to the paper. “Flip it over?”
On the back was a hastily-drawn ice cream cone. One of the many date ideas they had discussed. That had been his favorite one. Low pressure, but still enough to get the point across that it was a date and not just hanging out. She trusted his opinion and went with his idea.
“If you’re free sometime, would you want to get ice cream with me?” Its job complete, Marinette’s mouth clicked shut. Her lips screwed up tight as she politely waited for his answer.
Adrien was having none of it.
“Why what?”
“Why are you asking me for ice cream?”
“Oh.” Marinette folded her hands in front of her chest, eyes looking everywhere but at him. “I just, you know, thought that you might like some ice cream. Some time. And I like it too, and we know each other, so we could get some at the same time.”
“Is that the only reason? Because you thought we both liked it? Or is there something else?”
She sighed, shoulders dropping suddenly. “Listen, I really like you. A lot.”
“Yeah?” he prompted.
She finally looked at him, searching his face for any sign of impending rejection. Adrien smiled softly to let her know she wasn’t ever going to find any there.
“I think you’re great,” she said. “You’re very kind and you’re fun to be around, and I was hoping you’d want to go on a date with me sometime?”
“Yes. I’d love to.”
“Wait.” Marinette took a step back. “Yes? Did you just say yes?!”
“I’m really glad you asked me,” he said. “I’ve had a huge crush on you forever.”
It was Marinette’s turn to be speechless, but she recovered enough to squeak, “How about Monday after school? Do you have time then?”
“Sundaes on Monday? That sounds great!”
Marinette beamed, beautiful and wide and just for him. She liked him! She’d asked him! She trusted him!
She trusted him.
And he couldn’t start a relationship with her when he was keeping a huge secret from her.
“I have something to tell you first though, before our first date, and then you can decide if you still want to go out with me.”
Marinette cocked her head. “Of course I will. What is it?”
Adrien took a deep breath. Would she? He’d effectively tricked her into asking him out.
The Gorilla cleared his throat. A line of cars was forming behind them.
Feeling a little like a coward, Adrien started climbing into the limo. “I’ll tell you tomorrow.”
“But it’s Saturday. We don’t have school tomorrow. And don’t you usually have shoots and fencing?”
He leaned out of the door and grabbed her hand. It would be too much of a hint for him to kiss it, so he squeezed it instead. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll find you.”
Author’s note: There will be one more part! Update: Here it is!
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sondepoch · 5 years ago
HC: They see MC’s sketchbook!
Art. It’s a private thing. Showing someone your work is akin to showing them a piece of your soul, an insight into who you are and everything that lies within. So when the Obey Me! boys get a glimpse of your sketchbook, they find themselves wanting for more—and all in different ways.
Word Count: 6.0k
*Mild NSFW themes for Asmo & Diavolo
Characters: All Brothers + All Undateables + Luke
At the beginning of the year, there is 0 trust between the two of you
Not only has he actively tried to kill you, but he’s already so suspicious of the pacts you’re making with his brothers that he can’t help but be wary every time you cross paths
So when he realizes that you’re always absentmindedly scribbling in a notepad every time you interact, he’s more than a little perturbed by it
100% thinks you’re secretly taking notes on his and his brothers’ behavior to use it against them
So, obviously, when he next sees you using it in his presence, he wastes no time in snatching the notebook from your hands
“Oh hey, Lucif—what are you doing?!”
“Nothing you should be concerned with, human.”
“That’s my sketchbook you’re holding!”
Instantly flips it open and sure enough, inside there’s nothing but doodles and sketches
He’s still convinced that there must be something incriminating in the book, so he continues flipping through it. But the more he sees, the more he realizes how wrong he is
It’s only when he flips to the section with his family that he begins to feel guilty
In the beginning, you just draw basic poses. Mammon, glancing at you over his shoulder. Asmo, posing for a camera. Beel, about to bite down on a hamburger. 
But the further he goes, the more elaborate the sketches get, and as he flips through the pages, he can feel the amount of work that has gone into each piece
And then he gets to the page where you drew him
Keep it lowkey, but he thinks his heart stopped for a second
He stares at the picture and wonders if that’s what you see every time he shifts into his demon form, because for the first time since his fall, he can’t help but think about how beautiful he looks. Everything looks so right in your art style, from the diamond on his forehead to the way his wings flutter out of his back.
It’s perfection
“I’m confiscating this,” He says quickly, not looking you in the eye.
He then escapes the room faster than you’ve ever seen, and never speaks of the incident again to you
But roughly a week later, you find a small red book on your pillow, and you know that it's a sketchbook from him, to replace the one he took
And even later—after the two of you grow close—you find your old sketchbook stored in his most secure drawer, locked away with a key he keeps hidden. And you know that he’s spent hours looking through the book on rough nights, through the doodles of him and his brothers and everything else you’ve ever drawn
And though he’s too proud to admit it, you know he loves your art 
He found it when he was going through your stuff, absentmindedly checking to see if you had any valuables on you
And the moment he flipped open to see your little notebook of doodles, his mind went B I N G O 
He loves your art the second he sees it, spending a whole hour just sitting on your bedroom floor, flipping through the pages
Adores everything about your art style
And when he starts to see the little doodles you do of his brothers, he’s even more enraptured
You draw all the things he’s imagined but never seen: a sketch of Lucifer dressed in a onesie, snuggling a giant teddy bear. Beel, using a sleeping Belphie as a food tray for a pile of snacks as large as the sixth-born himself. Asmo with cat ears, being chased by Solomon, who appears to be a wolf.
And yet, there are no pictures of Mammon
Man is hurt by the fact that you’ve drawn all his brothers but not him. He’s your first man, after all. You should have been the first person he drew!
Gets a bit upset about it and throws your sketchbook back into the drawer he found it in, stomping back to his room with childlike indignation
Is just a bit petty about it afterward
“Hey, Mammon, can you walk me to school? Class starts in half an hour.”
“Huh? Oh, so now ya want me to do it, huh? Well, why don’t you ask Asmo instead?”
“Okay? I will???”
Soon everyone in the house has realized that Mammon’s being a bit off, and while it was nice at first to have peace and quiet from the resident troublemaker, you guys grow concerned pretty quick
And eventually, you go to his room to talk things out
Let’s just say that when you found out he’d been going through your stuff, you were not pleased. But seeing that he wasn’t going to be the mature one, you sucked it up and whacked the demon on the back of his head, telling him to “wait a second” while you went to “get something”
Cue the retrieval of your second sketchbook 
And when Mammon sees it, he’s not sure what he feels more of: guilt or happiness
Every single page in this second notebook is of him. Only a few are colored, but Mammon finds himself enraptured by even the casual doodles in the corners, where he’s doing little things like eating a banana or flashing the viewer a few Grimm
Man is touched. He’s never had anyone do this for him, and certainly not out of their own volition. So suffice it to say that when he tackled you for a hug that night, he didn’t let you go for a long time
And maybe some other stuff happened too. Who knows? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The second Levi sees you sketching in your artbook (after an incoherent stumble of words which you assume are synonymous with praise), the only phrase coming out of this man’s mouth is TSL
Begins begging you to draw fanart of the Shadow Lord, asking you to sketch him in different outfits, draw him in different poses, put him in various backgrounds, etc.
Basically wants you to bring his imagination to life
“Oh! Oh! Can you draw him baking a cake now? Wouldn’t that be so cool?!”
Absolutely does the wwooooooOOOOOAAAHAHHHHHHH sound effect every single time you show him your work, even if you’ve only made minor changes from the last time you showed him
He takes you on a spending spree, pulling up Akuzon and offering to pay for whatever supplies you want if you’ll just make him a super fancy poster
And so you start
It actually gets to be a pretty good way to grow closer: every day, after school, you head up to Levi’s room to work on the poster he asked you to make him. In exchange, he lets you borrow his manga and you guys watch anime together
Eventually, boi gets the idea of throwing Ruri-chan into the poster, and the second he thinks it he won’t shut up about it
“Oh, come on! You can do it—look, just put her in this little corner right here!”
“How many times do I have to tell you, Levi?! Ruri-chan and the Shadow Lord are two completely different characters who are meant to be drawn in completely different art styles! If I mush Ruri-chan into the corner, it’ll ruin the poster’s dynamic!”
“But pleeeeeaaaassseeeee?”
Cue extra pouty Levi
Eventually, you agree to make a separate drawing of Ruri-chan for Levi to hang up next to the poster, because you think that otherwise, he’ll go crazy
When the date rolls around where you’re almost done with everything, Levi formally sends out an invitation to everyone of importance
Man invites everyone from Luke to Diavolo over for the “revealing ceremony” where he plans to hang the poster on his wall
Actually tried to get the demon king to come as well, but Lucifer stopped him before he could get an invitation out
When everyone sees what you’ve been working on for so many weeks, they’re all MEGA impressed because hello??? they did not know you were this skilled???
It quickly turns into a competition, with each one of them trying to outdo each other with how vigorously they can compliment you
And soon enough you find yourself swamped with requests from every other demon in the room, begging you to make them something as elaborate as you did Levi
It’s a system you guys have set up, where every Tuesday and Thursday night, you’ll sit in the common room on the couch facing each other and will simply open your books to do what you will
You always draw, and Satan always reads
And neither will bother the other until the grandfather clock chimes twelve times, whereupon you both bid each other goodnight and wait for the next session where you do it all over
Except for today, that is
“What are you drawing?” 
Ah, there it is
The one question you were hoping Satan would never ask
You subtly (incredibly awkwardly) change the subject, commenting on the color of Satan’s jacket to distract him from his inquiry, and he picks up on the hint, quietly huffing as he turns back to his book 
But the mild irritation he feels doesn’t let him fully delve back into the realm of the nonfiction novel he was reading, so he’s more than a little distracted as he goes back to reading about human anthropology
And it’s in this state of distraction that he notices the little glances you’re stealing every so often, before returning to your sketchpad
Yeah, it doesn’t take long for Satan to put two and two together
“Are you drawing me?”
An incredulous question, asked in such an offending tone
He sounds so irate by the fact that you can’t help but helplessly deny it, muttering something about drawing plants and flowers instead
But Satan doesn’t believe it, and in an instant he’s standing behind you, staring at the sketch in your hands which has oh-so-beautifully captured the essence of him on the couch, engrossed in a book with the light from the flames in the fireplace flickering gently against his skin
The anger at being drawn without having agreed to it quickly melts into a quiet awe for your skill
“Can I see your other drawings?” He asks gently, no longer irritated but actually impressed
“I-I’m not sure if you’ll want to—”
“Nonsense. Show me.”
And so you do
You hand him the sketchbook, avoiding his eyes as he flips to the very first page—and imagine his surprise when he sees that even that is a sketch of his face, though the artwork is significantly less advanced than the piece he just saw. Satan flips to the next page, and then the next, and the next, and sure enough: they’re all of him
“I-I just needed a model to practice my artwork on,” You mumble, gaze fixated on the couch. “And you were right there, so I couldn’t resist...and then I needed a model again. And again. And you were always there, and I know I never asked, but I’m sorry, and if you don’t want me to, I won’t—“
“Nonsense,” Satan murmurs, pressing a finger to your lips. His smile has never looked as sincere as it looks now, his gaze flickering back and forth between your face and the sketchbook in his hands
“I’ll be your model, if you so desire it. Just tell me how you want me to sit.”
Your model for everything
You’re trying to draw the Hulk and you a good frame of reference? And you need a really muscular model? And Beel ABSOLUTELY fits the bill? 
Yeah no, Asmo’s your model
You want to draw a child? Someone small and short, roughly the exact same height as Luke (who is an ANGEL and would absolutely help you)? Yeah no, Asmo’s still going to be your model.
Want a cute guy? Asmo. Cute girl? Asmo. Cute animal? Still Asmo.
Man refuses to leave you alone - the second he learns that you’re an artist he insists on gracing your work with the holy sight of his body
Highkey wants to model nude
And you’d be lying if you said that he was a bad model—man can hold a pose for hours without moving even a little, his only fault is that he talks incessantly—but you can easily quiet him by saying that you’re drawing his lips - and the moment you do so, he’s suddenly he’s stiller than a statue,  doing his absolute best to remain frozen so that you can capture his perfection
Boi posts 100% of your content on his Devilgram, and while you were hesitant about it at first, now you’re just used to it
Thanks to him, you’re a lowkey celebrity
Like demons love your art style 
It’s apparently very refreshing and human-like as compared to the dark and dreary art found in the Devildom, so people go wild over Asmo’s Devilgram page for it
Man thinks that they’d go even more wild if you drew something where he modeled nude
In fact, it’s lowkey a business deal that the two of you have - you allow Asmo to post your work on his Devilgram (giving credit to you, of course), and in exchange he pays for all your art supplies, acts as your model (though that’s really more of him wanting to than it being your choice), and even goes as far as to keep Mammon apart from you while you work, insisting that you need “privacy” and “quiet” while you draw
100% acts like he isn’t even more chatty than Mammon when given the chance
On the bright side, it’s thanks to these weekly art sessions where you draw and Asmo models and talks that you’re always up to date on the latest gossip. You’re 100% caught up with the fact that Zahhak just found out he has another illegitimate son and that Baphomet just liked Rusalka’s post from fourteen centuries ago
So yeah, the two of you have a mutually beneficial relationship
Asmodeus still insists that one thing would make it better though: him modeling nude
But Asmo is a sweetheart about everything, and he goes out of his way to pamper you 
Specifically, your hands—after all, those are what work your artistic magic!
Expect him to always be peppering your dominant hand with kisses, massaging it whenever you look tired, giving you weekly manicures completely free of charge, all out of the goodness of Asmo’s heart
*ahem* and weekly requests to model nude
a m a z e m e n t 
Boi is entranced
Like, he’s so mesmerized by your art that he’s not even paying attention to the food sitting right in front of him, simply opting to stare more intently at the drawing you’re holding up so eagerly
It’s quite beautiful, really: The seven demon brothers surrounding you, a reworking of a photograph Lucifer took a few months ago but in your art style. And for that last fact, Beel thinks he likes this version better
“Wow,” He finally manages to say, still too impressed to really think of anything else
He lets his brothers shower you in praise and compliments, silently nodding along and agreeing with every plaudit they thrust your way
But the moment you’re alone, expect to be scooped into his arms and carried to his room
Boi instantly wants to know the process
When do you draw? How long does it take? Where do you do it? How are you getting your supplies? Who pays?
It’s not so much the physical process he’s interested in, but rather the nuances of art that make your work look so you. He’s not interested in learning for the sake of doing, but simply for the sake of understanding because he already appreciates your art so much
Absolutely invites you to his room to have you show him the art process the next time you start working on a piece
And after the first time, then, he invites you back a second - then a third - and then the two of you have settled into a routine where after school, you come to his room and pencil away in your sketchpad, with Beel watching in the background, munching on snacks
It’s quite relaxing for him, actually
He likes watching as you bring a piece together, going over previously flat areas with a second layer of shading to make certain elements pop—and even if he doesn’t completely understand what you’re doing, he’s entirely willing to learn, listening peacefully as you explain what the various tools do
By the end of the month, man has actually memorized all the names of your supplies, handing them to you every time you ask for it - be it something as simple as a request for an eraser or just the blending stump
Lowkey, your work has actually improved since you began working up in Beel’s room
Not only does he have the most comfortable setup, but the man pampers you like royalty, always making sure that there’s water or food for you in case you need something
(And if you do happen to require something that isn’t already in Beel’s room, man will 100% get it for you so that you don’t have to stop what you’re doing)
Honestly, it’s the perfect arrangement: he gives you the ideal working space and you give him hours upon hours of intrigue
And if you happen to begin sitting in his lap one day while you work, something which quickly turns into a pattern, who’s there to stop anything? ;)
Man naps
A lot
And you just happen to be his favorite pillow, so it’s hardly a surprise when all your free time is spent in the presence of a dozing Belphie, always passed out over your legs
So once, just once, you pull your sketchpad out from under your pillow and work on it, a cautious eye trained on the seventh-born’s every move in case he stirs
And when that first time goes smoothly, you pull your sketchpad out a second time
Then a third
Then a fourth - and suddenly, you’re caught in a pattern
It was really just a matter of time until Belphie woke up one day and you didn’t notice
And it’s already too late when the drowsy demon lifts his head, peering curiously onto your lap to see what you’re working on—much to your horror
“Y-you’re awake,” You mutter halfheartedly, a sick feeling settling in your stomach as you watch the demon’s expression shift as he studies your artwork
You hate it
A bubble of anxiety begins to rise, fear over whether he will like your work or call it bad, whether he’ll make fun of your work or tell the brothers, whether he’ll be kind about it or mean
But then, much to your surprise, he flops back onto your lap, utterly unphased
“Nice,” The demon comments casually, stretching as he rests his head along your thigh. “It’s pretty.”
You can only blink as he falls back asleep, utterly confused as to what just happened
He woke up, right? And he saw your art? And he complimented it, telling you that he thought it was nice and pretty?
A sound of disbelief escapes your mouth as you try to process the utter nonchalance with which the whole exchange had concluded with, your shock only interrupted by the light sound of Belphie, who’s already snoring
You groan
But now that Belphie has seen your work, it’s not like there’s much point in hiding it any longer, right?
You pull your sketchbook out, silently continuing to work on the design that the man napping on your lap had said to be “nice,” adding some finishing touches to it 
And when Belphie wakes up, he speaks nothing of the entire exchange
From that point and onward, you become a little more comfortable around him, relieved that you don’t need to talk about it with him
And he gets it
For all your free time, while he naps, you draw, and the two of you find a comfortable form of peace together, an odd tranquility lurking in the fact that there are no questions, no answers, just you and him, the sound of scribbling and snoring, your sketchpad and his pillow
And really, who needs anything else?
He’s probably the first one to realize, on his own, that you’re an artist
The two of you have nearly all your classes together, thanks to Lord Diavolo, so it’s hardly surprising when the ever-astute sorcerer picks up on the fact that every time he casts you a second glance, you’re working on some mysterious sketch underneath your desk
Doesn’t really care at first
Until he sees your work
Man actually stops when he picks your sketchbook up off the ground, inspecting the page it had flipped open to after you dropped it
“Holy shit”
Doesn’t even ask for permission, he just begins browsing through the sketchbook, growing more and more impressed with each new page he sees
You only snatch the book back from his hands when you realize that the sketch he’s staring at so intently is one you drew of him, thanking him for picking it up with a huff and awkwardly trying to remove yourself from the situation as fast as humanly (heh, yes that is a pun) possible
Wizard boy stops you, ofc
“Come with me”
“But I have class soon—"
Again, doesn’t even wait for your agreement, man just drags you by the forearm to the library and flips open a book, throws down his own notebook, and demands that you use your “art skills or whatever” to help him
Precious wizard boy isn’t very good with words when he’s all worked up
It takes you a good 5 minutes to understand that he wants you to compare the summoning circle outlined on the book with the one he sketched to identify where he went wrong, because apparently you have an “artist’s eye” and therefore you should be able to assist him - and he refuses to believe you when you try to convince him that no, this is not your strong suit and you will likely be unable to help him
He gets whinier than Asmo (probably where he gets it from) and will not stop nagging you even as you try to leave, so eventually you just give in and agree to try to help him - and it wounds up being surprisingly easy for you to realize that he missed the secondary outline of the inner circle, among another few minor mistakes
Huh, maybe you are naturally inclined toward this
From that moment and onward, Solomon decides that you are officially valuable (not only do you have magical potential, but you have an eye for summoning circles too? how UNFAIR) and begins spending all his time with you
Doesn’t really care about the fact that you’re an artist at first—is really more interested in how your skills can be applied
But then one day, after a particularly rough night of going through twelve whole summoning circles for twelve powerful demons, he takes a nap and wakes up to find you passed out on the floor, sleeping on top of your sketchbook where you fell asleep doodling him
Highkey touched
And slowly, he begins casually “falling asleep” around you more often, to see and flip through more of your artwork when he wakes up 
Bby is fucking shady even when he does wholesome shit
Okay let’s be real
There’s no peace with the seven demon brothers. Solomon is chaotic. Luke, as much as we love him, is just a lot to be around. And even with Barbatos next to him, Diavolo is a walking tornado that tends to wreak havoc whenever he wills it (and he usually wills it).
So honestly, being with Simeon is the only place of tranquility you can find in the entire Devildom
Specifically, his room
*Which is off-limits to all the aforementioned individuals
He extended the invitation for you to spend some “relaxation time” in his quarters whenever you pleased at the beginning of the year, his angelic heart already sensing the absolute whirlwind of disaster you were walking into when you joined RAD
And while you declined his offer immediately out of politeness, you found yourself sheepishly knocking on his door not one week into the program
And now it’s become an every-day sort of thing
So yeah
Simeon knows about your art
In fact, you can’t seem to draw unless you’re in his presence, because at this point, he naturally soothes you so much that your hand is only steady when you hear the sound of his calm breathing in the background
In fact, you work best when the two of you are spread out on his couch, your back resting comfortably on Simeon’s shoulder while he writes (yes, he manually writes all his books on pen and paper) and you put your legs up on the couch, sketching away in your notebook
It’s the very image of peace, something you can’t seem to find anywhere else in this realm
And Simeon, bless his heart, may be a master of calligraphy, but the precious angel cannot draw to save his life - a fact which you have taken it upon yourself to handle
See, the angel gets tired every now and then—understandable, given that he produces literal masterpieces at his hands
And so when he gets tired, what does he do? 
Make incomprehensible doodles in the upper left corners of his papers
So, of course, you’ve taken it upon yourself to bring those doodles to life (even if it requires a half-hour of inspection before you can make out what the sketch was supposed to be) and Simeon loves it
The expression of eagerness that surfaces every time you inform him that you’ve finished a piece is so rewarding, because the childlike glee with which he takes the paper from your hands to inspect it always sends a rush of warmth to your heart as he gushes in appreciation
But uh 
Simeon is a special kind of chaotic, something that manifests every time he doodles something on paper
You stare at the angel in disbelief as he informs you that his latest doodle (what appears to be a banana-looking creature in sunglasses?) was actually a monkey ironing clothes—unsure what to say in light of this information
But it’s okay :) There only needs to be one artist in this relationship, and it clearly isn’t him
It started with cake
He needed “inspiration” to make something for Barbatos, as a thank-you gift for the pastry lessons the elder gave him, but Luke claimed that everything he made, while it tasted fine, lacked in the aesthetic department
And while normally you would play it Simeon-style, leaving it to the younger angel to handle things on his own so that he can grow individually, you felt too bad watching him discard another batch of cupcakes into Beel’s mouth, rubbing his head in aggravation over how annoying it was that nothing was looking right
So you helped him out
It was nothing major, really
Just eight doodles—subtle yet elegant designs for a triple-tiered cake, childish and bouncy arrangements to store flan, little details in frosting to give cupcakes the added element of specialty that makes them infinitely better
But the second Luke saw your paper, he went wild
Boi was running to the kitchen so fast he barely even had the time to shout “thank you” 
Apparently, your little sketches sparked inspiration in him so strongly that the flames burned til midnight (much to Simeon’s disapproval), but when Luke was finally done with everything, he walked out of the kitchen with a tray of desserts that looked so perfect it was hard to imagine that he brought them to life from your sketches
Luke spent ages thanking you, shoving desserts down your throat even when you insisted that you were full, so unimaginably grateful that you helped him out of what he called “chef’s block”
Each “thank you” was accompanied either a brownie or a slice of mango mousse or whatever new pastry Luke was creating that day, and before long you were getting to enjoy luxury foods on the daily (much to Beel’s jealousy)
Boy only believed that the debt was paid when you told him that there was no debt to pay, that you sketched those quick little doodles for him out of kindness and not obligation
Believe it or not, Luke’s eyes actually welled with tears for a second at that, before he wrapped you up in a giant (is it really giant if the hugger is so little?) hug, wailing something about you being too “pure” and “perfect” for the Devildom, and that one day you would be very happy in the Celestial Realm
You pat his head, telling him that if it truly made him this happy, you would be glad to help him out again and sketch some food doodles whenever he wanted some new ideas
Cue another round of hugs, muffled crying, and sobs about how amazing you are
Barbatos knew, of course
Not because he used his powers or anything, he would hardly use them for something so trivial, but he was aware from the start that you were an artist because it was he who prepared for your arrival in the Devildom, ensuring that you had all the same amenities and comforts you were used to in the human realm
And, as such, that included art supplies
So the very moment he set his eyes on you, he was aware that you were an artist
What he didn’t expect was for you to actually be good at it
He sees your sketchbook when he’s casually strolling through the RAD library, finding you completely knocked out on one of the tables, the spiral binding of the sketchpad still digging indents into your cheek where you lie on top of it
At first, the butler rearranges your position as a courtesy
He lifts your head and rests it on your hand - which makes a much softer pillow -  coincidentally placing your books back inside your bag and taking a moment to organize the papers strewn across the desk
But then he just happens to glance inside
And the second he does, he’s mesmerized
There’s not much in the world that can surprise Barbatos - not after he’s looked after Diavolo, of all people, for so many millennia - but the butler still finds himself holding his breath as he flips through your sketchpad, each piece telling a story so evocative that it leaves him wanting more even when he arrives at a blank page, abruptly realizing that he’s just gone through your entire sketchbook without your permission
Of course, you just have to wake up at that precise moment - sleepy eyes glancing up at the butler and wondering if you’re hallucinating, but the book in his hands is far too real and the shocked expression on his face is impossibly jarring and you flinch, suddenly feeling self-conscious as you realize what must have happened
Barbatos is a perfect gentleman about it, kindly telling you to get more rest so that you don’t pass out in a public library surrounded by demons who want to eat your soul, but he ends the sharp warning with a rather kind remark about your artwork
“I liked the second-last piece best,” He murmurs, casting you a cryptic smile before bidding you farewell
And obviously, the moment he’s out of sight, your nose is buried in your sketchbook, fingers flipping furiously to find the second-last piece you drew which you cannot seem to remember at all, and—
A flush immediately erupts on your cheeks as you see the colored sketch, something inspired by nothing more than a whim
It’s simply two people on a walk—both of them vague imitations of what your mind had wistfully conjured up—one of them bearing the telltale mismatched hair and olive green eyes, the other sharing a quiet resemblance to yourself - a conscious decision, of course
But just as you’re about to flip off the page, another detail you’d forgotten about draws your attention—and your cheeks suddenly burn in embarrassment as you realize why Barbatos singled this piece out
The figures are smiling, gazing at each other from the corners of their eyes. And there, in the very center of the piece, it is obvious: 
They are holding hands
RIP to Diavolo’s royal painter
They have been replaced
By you
As much as you fought it, as much as you argued that you were not fitting of this position, as much as you pleaded with the demon lord to not force this title upon your shoulders, Diavolo’s decision to appoint you as the honorary Devildom painter was final—and nothing can change his mind once it’s made up
The title is really just that: a title. Diavolo knows that you’re a busy student, and while he honored your artistic talents with this position, he’s not about to actually force you through the expected proceedings of a true royal painter, not while you’re trying to survive being an exchange student in hell with an entirely unfamiliar curriculum in front of you
But on occasion, he’ll send you a text, asking if you’re free
And you’ll head on over to his palace, ready to paint him
And unlike every other demon, angel, and human in the Devildom, when Diavolo models for you, he actually models nude
Asmo is jealous
Sexual tension is high when you paint him, let’s just leave things at that
And honestly, it really doesn’t matter what you paint - Diavolo seems to be more interested in the fact that it’s a human who did the art in the first place
He once saw your RAD binder, noticing the little doodles you’d drawn on the corner of all your papers, and he immediately took them—declaring that they were art to be preserved for all eternity for historical documentation purposes
So yeah
There’s a hall in Diavolo’s palace filled with your RAD math homework, an eternal reminder of the assignments you copied off of Solomon
(You’re not sure what’s more embarrassing: the fact that you’ve drawn some rather inappropriate doodles on those pages or the fact that, despite having copied all the answers, you still managed to get nearly one-third of the problems wrong, and now your mistakes are to be showcased in the Devildom for centuries to come)
It gets to the point where you and Solomon start making bets over how basic you can get with your art for Diavolo to still consider it “amazing” and “utterly awe-inspiring,” as he likes to put it
In honor of that bet, there is currently a banana peel with a few marker doodles on it hanging in a preserved case in an iced room in the lowest levels of the palace, as none of the “art” can be wasted
But in truth, the demon lord’s fixation with human culture is endearing, especially when Diavolo tries so hard to be accepting of it
So eventually you stop giving Diavolo wacky art and actually start putting your full effort into your creations—your reward being the fact that the final piece you complete gets hung in Diavolo’s private bedroom, where he promises to gaze at it every night for the rest of eternity, vowing to remember his time with you every time he sees it
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cacoetheswriting · 4 years ago
library hours [reimagined] - spencer reid
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warnings: age gap, professor / student, maybe a swear word or two, a lil tension, but mainly a fluffy first interaction word count: 1.7k summary: a late night at the university library leads to reader meeting a certain handsome professor.
a/n: this is a reimagined / rewritten version of this fic. for those interested, the original centres around baby!spencer. both fics start off pretty much the same, what differs is the interaction between spencer and reader.
There was something you always enjoyed about the going to the library.
Perhaps it was the way every single person that walked through the threshold had a purpose. A mission to complete. Perhaps it was the quiet. The solace you felt sitting alone in a corner researching various topics, for class and for recreational purposes.
The university library had quickly become your second home. A location you frequented more than your own dorm room. It wasn’t always to study, no. You people watched. Doodled. Even napped there from time to time. The place brought you peace, and by the time you senior year rolled around, you saw the librarians more than your college friends.
The university library was also the place where you first met a certain handsome professor, doctor - which in time became the main reason why you liked it so much.
Lights were slowly being turned off section by section. A vacuum came to life in one of the aisles. People started to scramble from their seats - shoving their things into their backpacks, throwing out empty coffee cups into the overflowing bins, checking out books they might still use that evening.
All signs indicating it was time to go.
Dolly, one of the librarians, ushered towards you. Her jacket draped over her shoulders, her bag in hand. She gave you the usual spiel of how you can stay until the janitor is finished cleaning, to which you politely nodded along. She wished you a pleasant night, and with a “see you tomorrow” she hurried out the door.
Once she was out of sight, you groaned under your breath and ran your fingers through your hair. You had an assignment due tomorrow, one you started hours ago and only managed to formulate three total sentences. Your gut was telling you there was no way you were going to finish now, especially since you had about thirty minutes until you would have to leave.
Leaning back in your chair, you fluttered your eyes closed in an attempt to collect your thoughts. The tranquil feeling didn’t last long however, as you were abruptly brought back to reality by someone loudly clearing their throat. You immediately sat back up and quickly scanned the space for the source of the interruption.
A tall brunette man stood a few tables away, his hands slowly sliding into the pockets of his pants. He was definitely older, by how much you couldn't quite tell. But, you definitely took notice of how handsome he was.
“The library is closed for the night.” He stated, the tone of his voice calm yet stern.
“I have permission to be here.” You retorted with as much confidence as you could muster, but the mysterious man didn't seem impressed with your answer. With an arched brow, he took a firm step in your direction.
“From who?” He challenged, as if he was waiting to catch you in a lie.
You folded your arms across your chest, unwilling to give in to whatever game he was playing. “Dolly, the librarian. I could call her if you don't believe me?”
The brunette didn’t respond. Instead, his lips twirled slightly upwards into a sly smirk and with the way he was now looking at you, you could feel the blood rush to your cheeks. You only hoped he didn't see the faint pink blush now present on your facial features.
“May I?” The man asked after a brief moment of silence, pointing to to the chair beside yours. You found yourself nodding, before quickly turning your attention away from him, and back to the book in front of you.
While he made himself comfortable, his leg brushed against yours. The sudden close contact sent a jolt down your spine and you shivered. A small act he definitely noticed.
“You’re not some sort of killer, are you? You’re not here to murder me?” You asked, tilting your head to once again look at the man. Shaking his head, he let out a wholehearted chuckle.
“No, I’m definitely not a murder.” He reassured.
“Definitely? That's over selling it, don't you think? It’s exactly the kind of thing a murder would say.” You teased in response, gaining a little bit of your courage back. He didn't reply. The smirk on his face widened just a little and he eyed you silently, as if you were a treasure map he was desperate to solve.
The two of you stared at one another for what felt like eternity. There was something amicable about the seconds that passed as you looked into his hazel eyes. Something harmonious. Friendly. Strong.
When you finally broke contact and proceeded to return to working on your assignment, you could still feel his gaze burning into the side of your head. In any other situation, with any other stranger, the feeling would have made you uncomfortable. Scared even. But there was something quite thrilling about the mysterious brunette sitting beside you.
“I’m a profiler.” He said after another moment of comfortable silence. “I work for the FBI as part of their Behavioral Analysis Unit.” He added as you glanced up at him from your notes, intrigue gracing your facial features. The statement was to make you feel safer in his presence - not that it was needed since you already felt strangely guarded around him.
You smiled, dropping your pen and shifting in your chair to face him completely. “So, agent, what are you doing at a university library on a Thursday night? Did the bad guys take a break?”
“Doctor.” He calmly corrected.
“It’s doctor, not agent.” He said, the corners of his lips twitching upwards. “I have PhDs in Mathematics, Chemistry, and Engineering.”
The smug look on his face earned him a playful eye roll. “You don’t happen to have a PhD in History under your belt, do you, doctor? Because that would be very helpful right about now.”
“No, but I do have an eidetic memory and can read twenty-thousand words per minute.” He declared and you gaped at him in disbelief, mouth parting ever so slightly in shock.
Great, you thought, as if he wasn't intimidating enough.
“You could have just said you were a superhero.” You joked before leaning in towards him ever so slightly. The faint whiff of his cologne caught you off a little off guard, and you took a mental note to never again settle for someone that only used body spray. “Don’t worry, I’m really good with secrets. I won’t tell anyone.” You whispered and gently pressed your index finger to your lips.
The comment caused the handsome doctor to throw his head back in a whole-hearted laugh. He placed a hand on his stomach as you slowly shifted back to your previous position, chewing down on the inside of your cheek down to stop yourself from commenting on how good he looked.
“Am I going to get an answer to my previous question?” You asked once the laughter died down, your assignment long forgotten.
“I teach here.”
The statement earned him another eye roll. “Seriously? Is there anything you don't or can't do?”
It was his turn to lean in. He rested his elbows on his knees and intertwined his fingers together, his hazel eyes never leaving yours. The air hitched in your lungs at his proximity. You felt as if every single cell in your body was shaking.
“Well, us superheroes, we like to stay busy.” He whispered, his cool minty breath hitting you in the process, sending a shiver down your spine.
You cleared your throat, a timid smile appearing on your face. “There uhm, there’s this diner not far from here. It’s twenty-four hours meaning they won’t kick us out. Would you like to come with me? We can have coffee?”
He didn’t say anything. Instead, he moved back in his seat and ran a hand through his already ruffled hair. You bit down on your bottom lip, wondering what was going through his mind. Wondering if perhaps you had overstepped some sort of boundary since he was a professor and you were a student.
But, it was just coffee. Nothing more. That wasn't so bad... Right?
“Coffee sounds nice.” He responded with a smile, after what felt like forever.
Outside, there wasn’t a cloud in the night sky making the million stars shine all that brighter. They looked like perfect sugar granules spilled on a dark surface, accompanied by the glowing moonlight.
The breathtaking sight was accompanied by street lamps. They illuminated the path while you walked side by side, almost in sync. Shoulders faintly brushing against one another.
“How long have you been a profiler?” You asked, looking ahead. The wind blew lightly through your hair causing your brunette companion to turn his head and observe you quietly. A smile crept up on his lips.
“I joined when I was twenty-two.” He answered. You glanced up at him for a brief moment - that wasn't much younger than you now. The look in his eyes suggested he knew that’s what you were thinking.
“Do you like it? Or do you prefer teaching?”
He licked his lips, thinking. As he furrowed his brows together, you noticed the unobtrusive age lines defining his handsome features. Each individual crease telling a different story, and you found yourself hoping you would one day be lucky enough to hear them.
“Every job has its pros and cons.” The brunette man stated eventually, lightly shrugging his shoulders.
You couldn't help but let out a soft giggle at his answer. “Okay professor, now you just sound conventional.”
He chuckled, his hands sliding into the front pockets of his pants. “I’ve been called many things in my life, miss. Conventional was never one of them.”
“It’s Y/N. My name, uhm, my name is Y/N.”
You both stopped once you introduced yourself, simultaneously turning in your spots, so that you were facing each other completely.
“Y/N...” He tested your name on his tongue, and a smile embellished your features because for some reason it sounded incredibly striking coming out of his lips.
“It suits you.” He retorted and the blood rushed to your face. Now, he definitely noticed the blush, you thought. He didn’t comment on it however. Instead, he proceeded to introduce himself, “My name is Spencer. Dr. Spencer Reid.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Dr. Spencer Reid.”
“It’s nice to meet you too, Y/N.”
spencer reid taglist: @no-honey-no​, @calm-and-doctor​, @idroppedmygourd​​, @averyhotchner, @wowitsel, @elldell1204, @hey-there-angels, @reidabookforonce, @willowrose99
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under-the-cherrytree · 3 years ago
Hanako and Kou during s/o's birthday❣︎
Warnings: I mention Shijima Mei once in this story but if you don't know her, it wont change the story at all-
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Nene would probably tell him your birthday is coming up rather than you
She also told him that you didn't want to celebrate it
It confused him
You didn't want to celebrate your own birthday? But it's the day you were born!
He would then wish you happy early birthday and cling onto you for a while
When you start to act like your birthday is no big deal he gets confused
It's your day! what's so wrong with it???
He will try and make this clear to you and say that he has something planned for you, but you shoot his idea down
You mention how you didn't want him to get into too much trouble to get you a gift
You also mentioned how you wished it wasn't your birthday and how you didn't want to grow up
Ohhh now he sees
Well time to ignore your request and celebrate your birthday anyways
He will spend hours thinking about the perfect gift for you, I mean he has the time too
He will then force Tsuchigomori to buy gifts he thinks you will like
Tsuchigomori will only do this because Hanako's his boss
And he thinks you two are a cute couple, but he will never say that
When your birthday finally comes everything is all set up
As soon as he sees you he jump hugs you and wishes you a happy birthday
He will place a birthday hat on your head and tell you he has the whole day planned out
Hanako will also give you a bouquet of flowers from the school garden
After every class, he will give you a small gift like a delivery boy
These include jewelry, your favorite candy, and some other cute small things for you
At lunch he will have a whole meal of your favorite foods prepared for you
Kou definitely helped with this
You two will have an enjoyable lunch and he will tell you to meet him at the garden rather than the bathroom after school
That's where you see a little bench with a big present sitting on it
Ballons were attached from the bag with little doodles on them with black marker
You approached the bag and looked at the tag, it had your name on it.
"Happy birthday" Hanako said from behind you, and you turned to him. His hat was off, and he had a soft smile on his lips "It's for you"
"Hanako.. You didn't have too-" He interrupted you before you could finish.
"No, I wanted too" He states as he sits on one side of the bench. "Open it!!" You couldn't help but smile as you sat on the other side of the bench, opening the bag. You first took out a card with some poorly drawn people on it which you assumed was you and him.
"I tried to get Shijima to help me draw something nice on the card, but I guess that didn't really work out hehe..." Hanako giggled as he insisted you to continue. You opened the card, and it had another portly drawn picture of you holding a birthday cake with the words 'Happy birthday' spelt out above your head.
"Thank you, Hanako" You smiled as you put the card next to you, you continued to open the bag. You pulled out a snow globe with a small you and Hanako in it. It also had more of your friends in it. You felt your heart warm up by this gift.
"Hanako, how did you do this?" You asked, in shock to see a gift like this.
"I got a lot of the wonders to help me with this! I can't take all the credit!"
You continued to examine the snow globe. Hanako was sitting on a little rocket ship with the words 'happy birthday' spelt out on the ship.
"Do... Do you like it?" Hanako asked but you quickly hugged him.
"I love it, thank you..." You muttered to him "This has been the best birthday ever"
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Baby boy got your birthday on his calendar
He was already getting ready
He was going to surprise you
He knew a lot about you and what you liked so he knew exactly what to do
Every day he was just getting more excited
But then Teru told him that apparently you didn't want to celebrate your birthday
But it's your birthday
But he's going to celebrate it anyways!
He will take Teru and Tiara shopping with him too because they both want to buy you something as well
They are adorable-
Teru would probably be bad at choosing a gift despite knowing you well so he will have Kou help him
And Tiara will get you an adorable stuffed animal
On your birthday, he will invite you over to his house for dinner
You tell him you don't really want a birthday dinner or anything and he says it isn't
After he feels bad because he just lied to you, it is a birthday dinner-
He had to get you to come somehow-
Once you arrive, he tries to make it as normal as possible
You will notice that he made your favorite meal and dessert
Kou, Teru, Tiara, and you will eat dinner normally like if you were to come over to his house any other day
but what you didn't know is that to them this isn't a normal day
After the meal they will bring out a cake with a happy birthday sign written on it
And this is where you realized Kou lied to you
Don't worry, he will apologize about it later-
Kou made the cake himself, of course, and it's your favorite cake
That's when Teru and Tiara give you their gift, making you wonder what Kou got you
Teru will later tell you about how much effort he's been putting into your birthday and how he's been planning this for basically a month
He did this so you would say something like "Kou's such a sweet boyfriend, I love him so much, I wanna marry him!"
He didn't think about how bad you might have felt because of it
After you finish eating, Kou will take you upstairs to his room
"Kou..." You stopped walking and held onto his hand "I told you, you didn't need to celebrate my birthday"
"But it's your day... why wouldn't you want to celebrate your birthday?" Kou turns to you, now a bit worried that he messed up.
"Honestly, I don't want to get older. The thought is scary, and my birthday just reminds me of that.." You confess "And you put so much work into my and I feel bad"
Kou finally understood why you didn't want to celebrate your birthday. It made sense now.
"Y/n, I'm happy to put all this effort into a amazing person like you, you deserve all this and so much more!" He smiled "and we are always going to get older and grow up, we can't stop that.. but when we grow up, I will be able to marry you!" You blushed at his words as he opened his room door to reveal his room with balloons filling it. There was a banner that said 'Happy birthday' and your name under it which he wrote himself with marker. Each balloon has writing on it, some saying 'I love you' and other saying 'happy birthday' and other sweet things. He led you to his bed and sat on it.
"Happy birthday!!" He handed you a present. You unwrapped the present to reveal a box. You opened the box to reveal a blanket. This wasn't an ordinary blanket; it has pictures of a bunch of memories you two made together.
"Kou, this is so sweet!" You smiled as you snuggled into the blanket, it was really soft.
"Oh, I have one more thing!" Kou passed you a box of little cakes from this expensive bakery.
"Kou! You don't need to spend much money on me!" You scolded.
"But I just knew you would like them!" He took one in his hand and raised it up to your mouth so you would take a bite. You reluctantly did, melting to how good the dessert tasted.
"That's the best thing I ever tasted..." You say in awe.
"I'm glad you like it!!" Kou smiled. You pulled him into the blanket with you, hugging him tightly
"Thank you for doing this Kou, I am really grateful.." You cuddled into him which he quickly returned.
"Of course, anything for you"
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hyuckssunchip · 4 years ago
Here’s The Deal
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Pairings: Mark x Reader, ft. 00′ line (Renjun, Jeno, Haechan, Jaemin)
Words: 5.9K
Warnings: Language (there is almost always language in my writings), slight smut, angst
Y/N gets caught in a tight situation as she discovers that her relationship was a lie. Mark knows just how much she really means to him, but how can he prove it after what he’s done? How much was real?
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“Hi Y/N!”
“Oh hey Mark,” you say as you slide into your seat and rest your forehead on your desk. You let out a deep sigh. 
“What’s up?” He asked laying his own head down to face yours.
You let out another exaggerated sigh, “Nothing. I just didn’t get much sleep last night. I was up all night working on my writing assignment for philosophy.”
“Oh… Well maybe you and I can go to that one cafe to get coffee together. Maybe lunch?” Mark offered quietly.
“You know, after class so you can wake up.” He said, quieter and less sure of himself.
“Oh… Well, I actually don’t like coffee. But thanks for the offer anyways.” You said, lifting your head up slightly, just enough to give him a weak smile.
Mark looked at you, furrowing his eyebrows and biting his lip. He gives you a slight nod before leaning back in his chair. He then turned his head to the right shaking his head at his friends that sat adjacent to him.
“Just ask her!”
“Shhh! Don’t talk so loud!”
“Grow some balls man!”
“Guys can you just shut up?! This is not helping. Telling me to man up is not going to get her to say yes.”
“Well maybe, stop beating around the bush and straight up ask her!”
“Would you two shut up? You are not the one who has to---”
“Oh hey guys. What are you still doing here? Class ended like half an hour ago?” You say, accidentally interrupting their conversation.
“Uh.. We’re uh… just discussing our project for uh… drama? Yeah. Drama.” Mark’s friend Jaemin answered. 
“Drama? Why the hell would we be in drama?” Renjun hissed at Jaemin. After a couple seconds of painful silence Jeno nudged Mark forward. 
“Uhh.. yeah. What are you doing here?” He asked stumbling towards you a bit.
“Oh… I just left my notebook here.” You said pointing towards the blue spiral notebook on one of the desks. “I’ll just grab it real quick and let you guys get back to your… discussing.” You said, giggling a little at the thought of them doing drama. 
“Mark! Do it now!” Haechan whispered to Mark pushing him into you. As you struggled to keep your balance from the new weight of Mark, he wrapped his arms around yours to stabilize the both of you. 
“Oh, sorry.” he said, quickly shoving himself away from you as if you burned him.
“Actually we’re done discussing our project, right Jaemin?” Jeno said, looking sharply at his younger friend, who nodding vigorously at you. Before you knew it they were gone and you were left alone with Mark.
“Hey, maybe… do you want to… watch that new movie that came out? Crazy Rich Asians?” Mark suddenly asked out of the blue.
“Oh! Yeah I heard that was going to be really good. I’d love to go! My roommate really wants to see that, I’ll ask when she’s free.” You reply excitedly.
Mark let out a sigh of exasperation before grabbing your shoulders and forcing you to face him. “Are you totally oblivious or just trying to let me down easy?” He asked staring into your eyes. For some odd reason you couldn’t seem to look away and suddenly your heart skipped a beat. 
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You and Mark had been dating for a month, ever since he confronted you and made you realize your feelings for him. 
For the short amount of time that the two of you had actually been dating, you two were really close. You had gotten physical pretty quickly, although you didn’t mind it too much. Mark was something else, he made you feel things you had never felt before and it had become almost addicting.
However, despite this the two of you haven’t slept together yet, after all it was only a few weeks of dating, way too soon for you. On multiple occasions you had gotten close but were interrupted, you were secretly thankful that the two of you couldn’t go further.
Your relationship wasn’t about the physical, Mark made you happier than you thought was possible. His constant laughing and goofy smile always had you thankful to have him around. He really did brighten your day.
Mark was sweet and thoughtful, always coming up with spontaneous dates for the two of you and kind gestures that made your heart skip.
You’ve never been in love before, but maybe, just maybe you were on the right track this time.
It was Saturday, and for once you had panned a surprise for your boyfriend. A picnic date. You climbed the few flights of stairs that led to his dorm, which he shared with Haechan and Renjun, two of his friends that you were acquainted with. Nothing more than a couple of interactions, but you’ve never run into them at their dorm, save for the time they caught you and Mark in a compromising position.
Just as you were about to knock on his door, you heard voices behind the door. You knew that you shouldn’t eavesdrop, but you couldn’t help but lean in. 
With your ear pressed against the door, you could clearly distinct between each of their voices.
“I don’t know. I’m so close it's just frustrating!” Clearly Mark.
“Why don't you just go for it? Why are you dancing around?” Jeno?
“I don't want to make her do anything that she doesn't want to. Especially if she’s not ready.” Your heart swelled at Mark’s response.
“What do you mean? Why do you care?” You frowned at Haechan’s response, why wouldn’t he care?
“Ha! Don't tell me you’re actually starting to like her?” You froze.
Her? Is there someone else? Is he talking about me?
There was a pregnant pause.
“... guys… stop.”
“She’s a fucking bet! Just finish it quickly, you’re so close. If you don’t we’re all fucked! You know that!” You felt like throwing up. A bet?
“Mark! Tae Oh will kill us if you don’t finish this! Please!” Finish this? Am I a game?
“I know! You don’t think I know that?! You think I want this?!”
With your ear still pressed firmly against the door, you let out a muffled cry.
As he yelled, you flinched and backed yourself away from the door.
You let out a silent sob and rushed back to your dorm room, leaving spilled contents of your picnic along the way. As you pushed your way into your dorm, thankful that both of your roommates happened to be gone, you threw yourself on your bed. 
Your emotions were all over the place, you were sobbing, upset that you weren’t enough for him, upset that you were a bet, upset that he had made a fool of you. But like a flip of the switch you became pissed. He played with you, with your feelings as if you were nothing. Nothing he said or did was real, your whole relationship was a lie.
You wiped your eyes dry and wrung your hands, pausing when you felt the promise ring Mark had given you just recently for your one month anniversary. More angry than you had ever been you ripped your ring off your finger and chucked it across the room hitting the door. It bounced off and landed under your desk, but you didn’t care enough to pay attention.
Just as you were cooling off you got a goodnight text from Mark. On any other day you would be swooning at the cute text, but today you were not having it. You ignored his texts and ended up falling asleep before your roommates ever made it back.
The next morning you woke up to your alarm blaring, looking at the clock you realized you hit snooze one too many times and rushed to the door. You made to class with little time to spare and even before the professor made it. You scanned the room for a seat, and found a few. There was one next to Mark, saved for you as usual but you stopped yourself, opting to sit next to Jisung. You smiled awkwardly at him as you sunk into the seat. You felt your phone buzz again and ignored the text as soon as you saw Mark’s name on your screen. You sigh and ignore the text, pulling out your notebook and start doodling.
Mark frowned to himself a couple of rows behind you. He couldn’t focus the entire class and couldn’t help but stare at you confused. Before he knew it the class was over and you were rushing past him, not even sparing a glance. Before he could gather his things you were gone.
To be honest, it was a lot of work avoiding Mark. It’s like he had it on his agenda to track you, normally you would absolutely love it, but as of right now that was the last thing you wanted.
At some point you were out of energy and could no longer continue the chase.
“Can we talk?” Mark asked, nervously wringing his hands together. 
You sighed, thinking that there wasn’t really much else you could do. Stopping in your tracks you plopped down on the empty bench you were close to passing. You tried to hold back a scoff, sure that he was worried about losing his bet. It took everything in you not to throw that in his face and stalk off.
You heard Mark let out a relieved sigh, collapsing into the spot next to you, but consciously leaving a respectable gap between the two of you.
For a moment the two of you sat in silence, neither wanted to get to the discussion at hand.
“What happened?” There was a quiver in his voice and you cursed your heart for wavering at the sound. No matter how upset you were, you still liked him and could’t help but feel guilty at suddenly ghosting the desperate boy.
You glanced at his side profile and admired him. He was leaning over his knees, staring intensely at his shoes. 
For the first time since you overheard his conversation you thought about his position. 
Why did he even do the bet in the first place? Mark was a nice guy, at least that’s what you had always thought. And why was Tae Oh threatening them? 
You recalled what you had heard. Jeno had said that Tae Oh would kill them if Mark couldn’t finish the bet. Did that mean he was in trouble?
With one last glance at the forlorn boy next to you, you had decided. It was a stupid idea, and it would only hurt you, but for some reason you couldn’t stand the thought of Mark suffering. To the point where you would put him before you.
“Nothing happened.” You mumbled out, your internal conflict starting to give you a headache.
His eyes searched for yours, “Why are you avoiding me?”
“I’m not.” You gulped, refusing to meet his eyes.
“I swear you just ran the other direction, and it took me so long to get you to talk to me. If I did something wrong we can talk about it, otherwise we can’t fix it.” He pulled your hand into his hesitantly, rubbing softly over the skin, sending warmth through your body. You didn’t miss the frown on his face when he noticed your ring wasn’t on the usual finger.
You pulled your hand out of his, wiping your palms on your jeans and fumbling with your fingers. 
“I promise you nothing is wrong, I’m just stressed about school. You know cause finals are coming up.” You hoped he would fall for it, after all he knew how you were during testing periods.
“Right.” His eyes shook, “How about we have a small date night, that’ll make you feel better, right?” 
You nodded at nothing in particular, eyes now trained on the bird that was digging for dinner in front of you.
“I’ll pick you up at seven then? We can get take out a watch a movie.” He asked, nodding to himself.
“Uh, I’ll just go to your dorm, I have stuff to do anyways, it’s on the way.” You rejected his offer, not thinking you would be able to pretend for a whole car ride.
You stood up abruptly, not able to take the tension any longer. “I’ll see you tonight then.” 
Then as fast as you could you escaped.
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You had spent the last few hours thinking about what the bet could possibly be. Tae Oh was one of Mark’s seniors, you often saw them in the same group, but he was notorious for be an ass. There was nothing more to say about that. Tae Oh was an ass and you didn’t doubt for a moment that he was capable of making Mark’s life hell.
Groaning, you ran your hands over your face. Why did you have to care? 
You racked your brain for any clues. The other day you had heard Mark saying that he didn’t want to push you. Push you into what? 
Tae Oh would’ve only had two things in mind when making the bet, break your heart or sleep with you. You frowned, Tae Oh didn’t know you that well, why would he want to break your heart, and as a horny college student it made more sense for him to want Mark to sleep with you.
Your eyes widened in realization. That’s why they said he was so close. Mark and you had gotten intimate, but never actually did anything. He must have told them that and that’s what they meant by getting close.
You chewed on your bottom lip. Could you do that for him? Honestly, before this whole situation you would’ve been more than willing to sleep with him on your own accord, god knows you were close. But you were starting to feel uncomfortable with the thought after knowing his intentions.
“Y/N?” You jolted up straight, “What are you doing? How long have you been there?”
Mark rubbed the back of his neck, tilting his head in confusion.
“Oh, not long, I was just about to knock.” Your face heated up in embarrassment.
“Oh hey Y/N.” You made eye contact with Renjun who was sitting on the couch with a book, feet in the position of kicking a very focused Haechan. 
“Stop it. You’re going to make me die.” Haechan retaliated with a quick shove, “Hey Y/N.”
Though he didn’t look at you, you still smiled at the interaction.
“Let me kick them out, I told them you’d be over around seven.” He laughed quietly at the scene.
“Renjun, you asshole! I died!” The bright flash on the TV screen was proof and Haechan didn’t look like he was going to let it go.
“Guys! Y/N’s here, I told you she was coming.” The other two froze, staring at Mark like they were having a silent conversation before Renjun slammed his book shut.
“Right. Haechan, there’s that new place down the street that has great tacos, let’s go.” He nudged the pouting counterpart aggressively.
“But my game-” 
“Haechan.” Renjun raised his eye brows while staring down Haechan, no doubt a sign that it was a chance for Mark to complete the bet.
“Oh. Yeah... I like tacos.” He stood up giving you a short salute. “Bye Y/N.” 
He couldn’t help but send a wink in your direction, making you wince in reminder of your situation.
Before you knew it, it was once again just you and Mark.
“So I already ordered, do you want to choose a movie?” Mark made his way to the now unoccupied couch.
“Sure.” You shuffled behind him, mind not really thinking about the movie.
As you fell into the cushion of the couch, Mark slid close to you, eliminating any space that might’ve been between you two.
He pulled you into his arms, gripping you tightly as if he was worried that you would slip away.
“Let’s just stay here for a moment, we can choose a movie when the food gets here.” He mumbled into your neck, eliciting an automatic sigh in response.
“You know I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you on purpose right?” You tensed at his confession, obviously referring to the bet.
“Hmmm.” There was nothing that you could do but hum in response.
Mark began to pepper soft kisses along your neck, leaving a little trail of love bites. You unconsciously opened your neck, giving him more access.
His kisses got deeper, leaving what you know would be dark spots, proof of possession. Soon he reached your mouth, pulling you in. He nipped at your bottom lip, asking for access, to which you gave him without hesitation.
Your hands moved to tangle in his hair, gripping softly and tugging him closer. He groaned into your mouth in response, and you could feel the tips of his mouth curve into a smile.
His hands which were once rubbing your waist, gripped you tightly, pulling you onto his lap where you were forced to straddle him. 
For just a moment he was forced to pull away, looking up at you with smiling eyes, searching for the same in your own.
You couldn’t do anything but crash against his lips, leaning your body into his. There was nothing but the thin layers of your shirts, the rapid beating of his heart easily felt, and you knew that he could feel yours as well.
One hand reached up for your neck, a way for him to lock your head in place, digging deeper. The other hand meandered its way to your thigh, massaging your inner thigh, causing you to grind yourself on his lap, getting growl from him underneath you. 
You felt a change in him, his grip became more needy, you were sure there would be marks in the morning. 
You pulled back for air, startled at the sound of someone at the door.
“Delivery!” Mark sighed, shaking his head for you to ignore it, as he leaned back in to resume.
“Mark, the food’s here.” You mumbled, keeping the distance between you.
“Forget the food, we’ll just order again.” You kept a hand on his chest, preventing him from starting again.
“Ugh, fine.” You wiggled off his lap and collapsed in the seat you were originally in. Your eyes followed his back as he opened the door, paying for the food and holding the bag in his tight grip. He was especially tart with the man, in an obvious hurry.
Once the door was shut again he slid the food on the coffee table, and crawled on the couch towards you, having every intention of picking up where you left off.
“Mark, the food’s going to get cold.” You giggled at the sounds he made in protest.
He leaned against the back of the couch, throwing his head back in frustration.
“Fine, we’ll eat first.” He cocked his head at you slightly, choosing to ignore the feeling arising in the pit of his stomach.
You stuck your fork in the first container, popping it into your mouth before chewing thoughtfully.
“Mark...” you sighed, “I actually have something to talk to you about.”
You felt the knot in your stomach dissipate, knowing that confronting him would ease your mind. The plan of going through with it tonight didn’t sit right with you, and you knew it would bother you if you didn’t say something.
“Shoot.” He nodded, chowing down himself.
You let out a deep sigh, instantly catching his attention, and put down your fork.
His brows furrowed as he too set his down, a feeling that things were about to become serious.
“I uh...” you cleared your throat. “I actually know about the bet.”
He clearly stiffened and eyes widened at your admission.
“I can explain!” He rushed out, interrupting you in hopes of stopping whatever you were planning on saying.
“Okay.” You said, shocking him with how calm you were.
“Go ahead, explain it to me.” Although you knew the gist of what was going on, you were actually curious to know how he got roped into something like this.
“Uh... how much do you know?” He cut himself off. “Actually I’ll just tell you everything.”
He reached for the cup of water in front of him, quickly downing it in hopes of drowning his nerves as well.
“Do you know who Tae Oh is? I swear it wasn’t a bet between my friends, they would never do that.” He gulped, watching your blank expression. “I think you’ve met him before, he’s not a great guy.”
There was an obvious shudder from him. “About a month ago he made a bet that I couldn’t get with a girl, and I honestly didn’t care what he thought. But... he has some stuff over Jeno’s head, and he promised that if I succeeded he would let it go.”
You pursed your lips at the mention of Jeno. 
“I... I know I told you I’d tell you everything, but I’m not sure it’s right to tell you about Jeno. I can ask him to talk to you, but I can’t tell you.” He bit his lip anxiously, praying that you would understand.
You nodded, admiring his loyalty, despite his current situation. You gestured for him to continue.
“It’s not like I chose you, I would never purposely hurt you or do that to you. I... I honestly liked you a lot before he even suggested the bet.” He gave you a bashful look, a sudden switch from his nerve wracking expression.
“Tae Oh chose you, I think he did it because he knew that I liked you. I mean back then I wasn’t exactly subtle about it.” A nervous chuckle escaped his lips. “I totally understand if you absolutely hate me now, I mean I would too.”
You looked at his dejected form, “I don’t hate you. If I did I would’ve broke up with you the moment that I found out.”
He looked at you with a confused expression, “Why didn’t you break up with me?” There was a hint of hope in his voice. He wondered if it was possible for you still to like him after what he had done, or was supposed to do.
It would’ve hurt your pride to admit you still liked him despite his actions, so you chose to go with the pity card. “I overheard you talking in your dorm, and someone mentioned that Tae Oh would kill you if you couldn’t finish. I know Tae Oh could really make your life miserable, and I didn’t want to be responsible for that.”
Mark visibly saddened at the idea that you didn’t like him, that you didn’t want to feel guilty about the aftermath.
“Here’s the deal,” you let out, finally coming to a conclusion, “I can’t sleep with you. I don’t feel comfortable with that anymore.”
Mark winced, feeling a tight lump grow in his throat at the thought of you not able to stand him, and the thought that he makes you uncomfortable.
“I don’t want Tae Oh to win though, for both your sake and Jeno’s.” He made eye contact, clear that he was shocked.
“I don’t know what the rules are, or what proof you have to have, but I’ll help you with that. But that’s all I can do.”
Mark didn’t look thrilled at the idea, if anything he looked dejected. However grateful he was that you were willing to do this to help him, he couldn’t help but wish you didn’t pity him. If it weren’t for Jeno he would’ve rather taken punishment from Tae Oh, after all that’s what he deserved.
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“Mark, you have no idea what this means to me. Thank you so much.” Jeno grinned at him, wrapping him in a suffocating hug, making Mark feel worse.
“Right, it’s not like I couldn’t do it for you.” It was monotone, he was unable to show his real feelings about the situation.
“So how’s Y/N?” Jaemin asked, watching the interaction.
“What do you mean?” Mark furrowed his brows and directed his attention at the other boy.
“Well, you guys can still date, she doesn’t have to know it was a bet.” He shrugged as if this was the most obvious thing in the world. Oh how badly Mark wanted that statement to be true.
“No? What do you mean?” It was Jaemin’s turn to be confused.
“We broke up.” Mark avoided eye contact with anyone else, staring up at the sky and squinting in the bright light.
“Why? Did you tell her?” Haechan asked, “I didn’t think you had it in you to do that right after the bet was over.” He frowned to himself. “Don’t you think that was too harsh?”
Renjun elbowed Haechan in the side, shutting him up. As one of the more attentive of the group, he could see the way that Mark was acting in response.
“What could I do?” Mark shrugged, trying so hard not to let his voice crack and play it off like he didn’t care. If only they knew that it was the other way around. But he took Haechan’s blows, after all he deserved it, he was the cause of it anyways.
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“Y/N! Hey!” You heard Jeno’s footsteps sidle up beside you, the faint breathing evidence that he had jogged to you.
He shoved his hands in his pockets, suddenly embarrassed to thank you.
“Um, thanks. I just want to let you know that it wasn’t like it seemed, Mark was just trying to help me. He’s not a bad guy, I know he probably seemed harsh, but he really didn’t want to do it.” 
He gulped, and peered over at your face, more than shocked at the fact that it was expressionless. Too similar to the one they had gotten used to seeing on Mark.
“I know.” You hiked your bag up higher on you bag, gripping tightly on the straps for support.
“Mark really likes you. For real. He’s been really upset, beating himself up for it you know. He won’t admit to it, but we all can see it.”
You squinted your eyes closed, trying to ignore the underlying meaning of Jeno’s words.
“He wouldn’t ever just use you like that. You know him.”
You had enough.
“Do I? Because this was a far cry from the Mark that I knew, or at least I thought I knew.” You sent one last look before escaping out the doorway, leaving Jeno behind with a hurt look.
Jeno never wanted to hurt either of you, but it was a consequence of his stupid decisions. And now other people had to pay for his mistakes.
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“Y/N.” You stopped in your tracks, it seemed that no matter where you went you couldn’t get away from them.
“Renjun.” You replied curtly, having nothing else to say to him. Beside him was the familiar pair of shoes, one’s you would always recognize.
Mark shyly lifted his hand to greet you, but dropped it as if he realized that he no longer had the right to.
Renjun, ever the observer watched the interaction, taking in the tense air between the two of you.
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“Guys I’m telling you something’s not right. I know it was stupid, but Mark is really suffering.” Renjun spilled to the rest of the boys, “We ran into Y/N and he looked so depressed. It was really bad.”
“Well, of course it’s gonna be bad, Mark basically used her.” Haechan let out, never thinking about his words.
“What am I wrong?” He raised his eyebrow in question.
“You don’t have to say it like that.” Jaemin scolded, glancing at Jeno who seemed more stoney than usual.
“He’s right though.” Jeno let out. “It’s my fault, I never should’ve let Mark do it.”
“Jeno, you didn’t know what Tae Oh was going to do.” Jaemin comforted him, to which he was met with empty eyes.
“I ran into Y/N, but she wasn’t having it. I don’t think she’ll ever forgive him.” Jeno dropped his head in his hands.
There was a silence as none of the boys knew how to comfort him.
“What’s going on?” Mark stood in the doorway, watching the scene before him unfold.
“Nothing.” Renjun quickly covered up. 
“Jeno? What’s going on?” Mark ignored Renjun’s excuse and focused on the downtrodden boy.
“I’m sorry.” Jeno’s voice sounded broken, leaving Mark on edge.
“It’s my fault, I shouldn’t have let you do it. I swear I didn’t mean for anyone to get hurt. I tried to explain everything to Y/N, I’ll try again, I promise.” He pleaded with Mark, hoping that he would forgive him.
“Oh.” Mark stepped back from Jeno, the emotionless tone coming through again.
“Please, I promise I’ll try to fix things.”
“Don’t, it’s fine. There’s nothing to fix anymore.” Jeno hated the look Mark had on his face. “Don’t bother explaining, she already knows everything.”
“What?” Renjun butted in, unable to hold his curiosity.
“She overheard everything. We didn’t actually sleep together, she just let me pretend so we would win the bet.” Mark picked up his bag that he had dropped on the floor earlier. 
“Jeno, it’s fine. Explaining won’t change anything. There’s nothing you can do to change it. Don’t stress yourself out, or blame yourself. I’m just as much at fault, I chose to do it.”
With that Mark, left the same way he came in, no longer feeling like he could stand to be under the scrutiny of the other boys.
“Wait, she knew? And she faked the whole thing for him?” Haechan scratched his head, still processing the bomb Mark dropped on them. “But doesn’t that mean that she still cares about him? Why would she do that for him?”
“Haechan for once you didn’t say something stupid. I agree. I think we should talk to Y/N, chances are if she did that for him, she still cares about him.” Renjun nodded enthusiastically, eager to fix the situation.
“I’ll do it.” Jeno said, gritting his teeth. 
“No, I fucked everything up, I need to fix it.” He turned to Jaemin, placing a hand on his shoulder, reassuring him.
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“I know what you did.” Jeno blurted out, startling you. 
“What do you mean?”
“I know you and Mark didn’t actually sleep together.” The look on his face slightly scared you, and you weren’t sure whether him knowing was a good thing or not.
“Did he tell you that?” You cocked your head to the side, trying to feel out the situation.
“Yeah, and I know why you did it too.” Jeno leaned down, getting eye level with you. “You still like him don’t you?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I did it cause I felt bad. I didn’t want to feel like it was my fault you guys would suffer.” You looked away from him, watching the stream of students exit the library. “And no, how could I like him after that? He used me.”
“You know exactly why though, if you’re going to hate anyone, hate me.” His words more aggressive, a tactic he was using to redirect your anger.
“I don’t hate him,” you mumbled out, “and I don’t hate you.”
“See, you did that because you still care about him.” He prodded, “If you didn’t you would’ve never let him pretend to go through with it.” 
He paused letting that sink in, “For what it’s worth, he still cares very much about you. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so depressed.”
You sighed, “I don’t want him to be depressed.”
“Then you should talk to him. I know you guys still have feelings for each other, and honestly it’s hurting you guys more to ignore it.” He raised his eyebrows earnestly, giving you a tempting offer. 
“I know for a fact that if you were willing to take him back, he would beg for forgiveness. Mark loves you Y/N.” The last bit came out soft, but it had the biggest impact.
Your heart ached, yearning for him despite the situation.
“Just talk to him. I know I don’t deserve to ask that of you, but I’m begging you, for Mark’s sake.” You had never seen Jeno this distraught before.
All you could do is nod.
“Y/N?” Mark froze at the sight of you standing on the other side of the door.
“Can we talk?”
“Yeah, com- come on in.” He stuttered, embarrassed at how nervous he was. “Do you want something to drink... or?” 
“No, I’m fine.” You mumbled, staring at your sleeves. “I just wanted to talk about, you know.”
The two of you took the chance to settle into the familiar couch, memories of your relationship coming back to you.
“I don-”
“I know-”
You blushed at the awkward atmosphere.
“You first.” Mark let you continue.
You cleared your throat. “I talked to Jeno.”
He nodded silently, “I told him to stop bothering you, I’ll talk to him again.”
“No, there’s no need.” You let out, “We talked about some things, more specifically things between us.”
Mark gulped, unable to see where you were going with this. 
“I’m probably really stupid for doing this, but I’m obviously attracted to stupid.” You tried to joke, referencing Mark. No matter how much you tried to relieve the tension, it still hovered over you like a think cloud.
He let out a nervous laugh, dying out to let you continue.
“You have no how much I wanted to hate you when I found out. And you have no idea how much I hated myself for not hating you.”
Mark sat up at the insinuation that you didn’t hate him.
“Mark, I still like you a lot. There’s a part of me that hates myself for liking you even after everything, but there’s a larger part of me that tells me that this is more important.” You took a deep breath, struggling to finish your thought.
“I love you.”
You choked back your breath in shock, you weren’t expecting him to confess so bluntly.
“I was stupid and I hate that I did that to you, but I want you do know that I don’t regret helping Jeno, I just should’ve gone about it a different way, one that wouldn’t have any casualties. I would’ve begged on my knees if I had to, but I didn’t feel like I had the right to. Honestly, I figured I would be doing you a favor by leaving you alone.” His nervous tick of picking at his nails made it clear that he was just as nervous as you were.
“I don’t want to praise you for doing something like this, because it was stupid and hurtful, but I’m glad you were able to help Jeno.” You smiled at him, “He’s really thankful, you have know idea how many times he let me know that. He also kept me updated on you, and that definitely didn’t help my feelings go away.”
Mark felt a surge of happiness rise in him, the realization that you still like him, the hope that this wasn’t the end of your relationship, and the gratitude that his prayers were answered.
“Mark, I love you too.”
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© Copyright 2021. hyuckssunchip. All rights reserved.
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that-was-anticlimactic · 4 years ago
Yes hi, I'd love to know more about your tourettes sokka hc if you're up for it 👀 I'm starving for tourettes hcs so 👀
Oh boy oh boy oh boy!! I can talk about this SO MUCH (I will warn now, there will be some Zukka in this) okay so I guess I’ll start at the beginning...
Sokka was six when he started showing symptoms
It started with just some motor tics but everyone kind of just attributed it to this kid has a lot of energy ahhh
It became more noticeable when he kept almost killing himself with weapons because of his tics and slight carelessness
That’s one reason why he loves boomerang so much, none of the other weapons felt right to him and they would always get in the way of his tics, but he could throw boomerang and it would come back to him so he could keep throwing it and it made him feel calm
Then, Sokka started saying stuff that he didn’t mean to say, but again, everyone was just like hyper kid because it’s not like he was doing anything wrong
But they realized something was up when Sokka started yelling “FIRE NATION” without intending to and sending the whole tribe in a panic
So, Hakoda took Sokka to a nearby trustworthy Earth Kingdom village and that’s where Sokka got diagnosed with Tourette’s (and ADHD)
One of the things with Sokka is touch, like, he feels like touch is constricting and restraining sometimes. The problem is, he LOVES touch, he is a touchy person, but when someone touches him without telling him first or asking him, he doesn’t like it.
Sometimes he mentally shuts down when it happens, sometimes he tics more, the reaction depends on his anxiety levels and who touched him and when and where
The only people he gave a pass to was Kya and Katara. He didn’t even like it when Hakoda put a hand on his shoulder.
It was weird, he could feel the difference when Katara and Kya touched him compared to anyone else and he felt bad because he wanted his dad to hug him, but it felt so wrong
So, Sokka loves touch, but he likes to initiate it
So, moving forward, Sokka and Katara meet Aang, he’s the Avatar, they join and you know, there’s Aang the Avatar, Katara the Waterbender, and Sokka the guy with Tourette’s on the team
At least, that’s how they are known amongst the Fire Nation
Going undercover is so fun for Sokka, but he also has to be really conscious of what he’s doing and what he says and trying to suppress
It takes a lot out of him, but he knows he literally has to do it or he could get caught or expose them and Aang or Katara could get caught
On occasion, he has tic attacks (and for those who don’t know, they’re essentially a really bad TS day or moment where your tics are more consistent and seem to hurt more or you just have like an unending moment of tics where you just can’t stop for a little while. They are usually caused by anxiety or overstimulation or something like that, but they differ for everyone with TS)
The first time it happened in front of Aang, the sweet child panicked because he didn’t really understand what was happening and why Sokka was doing that and really what TS was
Katara is an angel, seriously. She is so sweet to Sokka when this happens and she knows exactly how to ground him and help him get through it
(Seriously, Sokka appreciates her so much. She is genuinely the one exception and anytime she wants a hug or any kind of touch she is allowed to do it)
the first time it happens in front of Toph when she joins is in Bitter Work when Sokka was in the hole
Just looking at Sokka in the whole sends my anxiety up because he literally can’t move! So like, imagine being in a hole for like five hours+ and needing to move like physically and you can feel the sensation in your body and it hurts and burns and tingles but you can’t. Sokka is not having a good time
So, Toph drags him out of the hole and is freaked out because she can’t see what’s happening and it’s scary because Sokka is making noises and hyperventilating and his heart rate is through the roof and Aang ran to get Katara and she can’t touch him because when she pulled him out of the hole he shrieked
She’s cool with it after that, she doesn’t think of him any less or anything, but it terrified her the first time because no one told her he had TS because they forgot to mention it and she couldn’t see what was happening
We all know that Sokka loves Suki and the Kyoshi Warriors with his whole entire heart and once they kicked his butt and helped him learn that sexism is bad, they were so fun to work with?? They taught him their style, obviously, but they also helped him incorporate his TS into it and how to use it to his advantage, something he had been struggling with his whole life
One of the things Sokka loved most about Yue is that she never even mentioned his sounds or movements she just let him do it without questioning him and that doesn’t happen a lot
I feel like Sokka having TS would make his time with Piandao even kore meaningful because he really struggles to keep his hands still so sword fighting does not come naturally to him
Piandao loves it though because it just makes Sokka even more clever and resourceful and he takes his time with Sokka, helping him as much as he can and never getting angry or anything when he can’t stand still
He also added more to what Sokka learned from the Kyoshi Warriors about incorporating his TS into his fighting and using it to his advantage
Not only was his sword an extension of his arm, but his TS was an extension as well
Did Toph and Aang help Sokka incorporate his tics into their scams? Yes, yes they did
Zuko joining the team was weird for Sokka because they kind of just clicked and he realized that they both have a weird thing with touch
On the balloon to Boiling Rock, Sokka is just comfortable around Zuko and his tics are like “cool yeah, have a break” and so he doesn’t tic and Zuko just “why aren’t you ticcing?”
and Sokka is ??? “Huh?”
and Zuko “You usually tic but you aren’t now. Why?”
and Sokka essentially explains that TS is weird and random and sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn’t, but he’s really comfortable and calm so his body is like “ye, let’s chill for now”
and Zuko is like “oh. that’s good. I kinda miss it though”
and Sokka d i e s because what?? Someone likes his tics enough to miss them? Like, they don’t annoy Zuko and he doesn’t tune them out?
and the bender goes on to explain that he likes the noises, they remind him that he is doing the right thing and that he’s here and he didn’t hurt team Avatar and they’re just comfortable / pleasing to the ear
and Sokka DIES
but then Zuko is like mmm maybe you should stay in the balloon and I’ll go to Boiling Rock and Sokka got pissed because he thinks Zuko said it because he’s a nonbender and he starts panicking and ticcing and Zuko panics and kind of just grabs his hand and Sokka... Sokka doesn’t hate it? Like, it feels nice and doesn’t agitate him?
but Zuko was like no I mean because everyone in the Fire Nation guard knows about the guy on team Avatar with TS and I don’t want you to get hurt
At one point in the prison courtyard, Sokka verbally tics really loudly about the moon and some guards hear and head to where they are so Zuko covers for him by screaming about how much he loves the moon
One of the worst moments in Sokka’s life was when Toph was falling and he grabbed her, but he wanted to tic and he knew that if he did, Toph would fall and die and he couldn’t do that, he couldn’t
(he still has nightmares about it happening)
when Sokka becomes an ambassador, some people are pissed because well 1) Watertribe 2) he’s a child 3) they suck 4) they think he’s distracting with his tics and Zuko is not here for it so he will destroy them
Like one time (after they started dating) Zuko overheard some councilors mocking Sokka’s tics and he got PISSED like so pissed and he went off and the found Sokka and hugged him because he is allowed to
oh! Sokka and Zuko’s thing is like hand-holding okay? They both kind of hate it because weird touch stuff, but it’s okay when they do it to each other?? Like, it feels right and like they’re completed and whole and it’s nice
before they start dating, they kind of do it a lot. Like, night before Zuko’s coronation, Sokka finds Zuko and he’s freaking out because what if he ends up like his dad and Sokka kind of just... grabs his hand and they sit there
Sokka is panicking because chronic pain and the cold of home makes it worse and Zuko finds him crying in the library and just... holds his hand
Zuko keeps little things on him all the time like paperclips and paper and writing utensils and things that click and buttons and stuff so if Sokka looks stressed during a meeting he can slip something under the table to him so he can play with it
Sokka also draws a lot during meetings, like, he doesn’t look at anyone throughout the whole meeting, even when he talks. He is able to focus more and pay more attention when he is doing something with his hands so he draws and doodles and sometimes takes notes
Sometimes he just writes the same word or sentence over and over again throughout the whole meeting
Sokka has sensory issues and a lot of noise stresses him out
It’s kind of the opposite of Zuko’s sensory issues? Like, Zuko doesn’t like loud noises and Sokka doesn’t like kind of static-y noises, like... when things sound muffled or muted or people are talking kind of quietly over each other
(Zuko definitely gives Sokka massages when his tics hurt a lot)
Random, but after awhile “yip yip” became a verbal tic of Sokka’s. Sometimes, he would say “you need to yip yip” and then he’d apologize to Appa and tell him that he’s yipping just fine
Toph is kind of like Zuko in how she likes Sokka’s verbal tics
She can’t see-see, but hearing his tics is nice sometimes, especially when she worries
She likes falling asleep to some of his tics
Even though Katara and Zuko are allowed to touch him whenever they want, more often than not they ask first because friendship is magic
Suki is lovely, okay? Like, just her presence is enough to make him feel better and she approaches helping him in a different way, she just talks to him and asks him questions to help him take his mind off of it
Sokka really doesn’t hate his TS, like, yeah, sometimes it pisses him off more than he can even explain, but it’s a part of him and as much as he cherishes when he can sit still, it’s wrong, it’s not him? He sits weirdly in chairs and changes his position every two minutes, he rocks his legs in his sleep, he sometimes even finds his own tics grounding...
Over time and with help from his friends, he learned to not be ashamed and that having TS didn’t make him ant less of a warrior
also, he, Toph, and Zuko are the disabled club✌🏻(and it makes them feel better sometimes in their own little way)
I have a lot more I could say but this is already pretty long, so I’ll end this sweet with Katara is amazing and Sokka’s relationship with her is wonderful and she knows how to help him with his tics in the way that Zuko does and can help center him like no one else and Sokka just loves her so much
Okay! Ah! That was kind of a lot but I hope you like them! Anyone can feel free to add more to this or lemme know if you have any ideas!
Thank you for the ask! I enjoyed writing these:)
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hmshermitcraft · 3 years ago
Duality Pt. 8! (Gem is Great!)
[Crystal eyes - Gem] Gem overheard the whole plan, but noticed there was a flaw in it: No stakes to be had!
One thing that nobody knows about gem is that she is a bit of a Drama Queen. She didn't get the title of Resident Matchmaker for nothing! So when she overheard the plan, she knew that she had to do something to add a little... *pizazz*. Another thing people don't know...
Gem Is Magical, and Great At Magic.
She quietly exits the bunker, noticed only by Xisuma, who winks and continues his speech (made specifically to stall for time).
(time skip :3)
Once she's out of the bunker, and back at her house, she pauses time and immediately gets to work. She finds some dye that looks roughly like the color she wanted, a baby soft pink. Her eyes glow as she searches for the other 2 dyes she needs. She finds them: a buttercup yellow and a pastel blue. Perfect! Now all she needs is white... Got it!
She weaves the fabrics together intricately, careful not to mix one with the others. Once she is done, she slipped the three unidentified objects of fabric into a small parcel and searches the house for snacks.
She unpauses time, and soon arrives back to the bunker, steals the 3 people in beanbag chairs, and takes them backstage. She then pulls out 3 things that look like fabric, and Zloy, Pixl, and Mumbo's eyes widen.
~Pause the story! Magic Crystal Gem times. Scar's magic crystal plonked on her head when it was thrown in the void, and she figured out how to make more. After it went through the void, it also had void magic and was therefore customizable. Back to the story now,~
She gives all 3 of them a fabric thingy, heads back (after pausing time again), gives everyone who was not currently competing in the event snacks, and sets the drinks over to the right side of the stage. the completes a few matenence things ("Setting the scene") and unpauses time again. (The whole ordeal took five minutes, but if she hadn't paused time both times, it would have taken like 3 hours, and Xisuma doesn't have enough speech for that)
Xisuma finishes up his speech, and then 3 gorgeous people walk out... in maid-like costumes. Mumbo wearing yellow, Pix wearing pink, and Zloy in blue. <- (someone please draw that for the love of butterscotch)
They now sit in the aforementioned beanbag chairs, all three of them feeling not flustered but confident. (It helps that Gem splashed an Awkward potion on them, which despite the name, is a confidence potion)
Gem now sits down with her own bag of chips, waiting for the show to begin.
-Doodle (Cliffhanger, because I'm mean. Short tags, because I'm nice. Using Grammarly, because I'm smart. Summoning @gimblegamble with a secret message in the chapter, IDK why)
Gem thinks that they look absolutely stunning in their maid outfits
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marinetteplztakeabreak · 4 years ago
I need to share soft sign language buddies ninogami headcanon because they’re taking over my brain always:
(This got so long, so youre welcome if youre also starved for ninogami content)
Nino’s mom is Deaf , so he grew up signing as much as speaking. When he was younger he always signed as he talked.
It turned out he’s also Hard of Hearing, so sign language is way easier for him to understand most of the time.
However, though he’s great at making friends, he’s very awkward when it comes to talking about himself. So never comes up in conversation.
It’s not a self-deprication issue. It’s just a “thinking of things to say is hard and I’d rather have someone else do the talking” thing. He’d rather talk about anyone except himself.
Additionally! He’s great at helping other people, but he’s terrible at asking for help. He does not EVER want to be like “hey i cant understand what you’re saying, my ears dont work great,” its his worst nightmare
And it doesnt help that there have been a few cases of people being rude about it when he doesnt hear them after they repeat themselves. And possibly worse, there have been even more cases of people giving over-the-top apologies instead of just,, telling him what they said. So it’s not worth the trouble in his mind
with his few close friends who still dont know, it feels like its too late and it’d be awkward to bring it up, so he just… doesnt. He’s procrastinating on telling them he cant hear them
He stopped signing as much as he talked in middle school because strangers would always be like “woah thats so cool, how do you know sign language” and he’d just panic because he was an awkward tween, and he didnt know if he was comfortable telling them he was HoH, but ALSO just saying his mom was Deaf and not mentioning himself felt like directly lying by hiding information, so he just took the “lazy” way out and signed less in public.
Sometimes fighting the anxiety was not worth it so he just let it win in that case.
Nino is so nice and energetic and loves people, but he is way more introverted and anxious than his friends think.
But when they start to get closer, Kagami who is ever-observant, notices him signing a little bit, (not ever to her, not ever on purpose, but he’d sometimes sign a word he needed to remember while speaking or sign along to emphasize something)
and she luckily for his anxiety, she doesnt know how to have a normal conversation either.
Her (platonic as well as romantic) love language is studying and research, and Nino seems very cool and she likes him, even if she is awful at holding a conversation with him or doing anything to show it.
She thinks he’s so cool and such an amazing talented kind friend. She has so much love for him that she doesnt know what to do with it. So she channels that energy into learning to sign through the internet and whatever tools she can find
And then after a while of this, she’s like “oh no, he’s gonna think that’s so creepy, I cant tell him I know sign language or he’ll be so uncomfortable”
So, like a whole idiot, she hides that she’s learning sign language from anyone. Because OBVIOUSLY if word got back to Nino, he’d assume it was because of him and that she was a weirdo he shouldn’t be friends with
But also Kagami accidentally falls in love with sign language because she has undiagnosed autism. She always assumed that communicating was just going to be impossible no matter what, but as she gets proficient in sign language she’s like,,, oh,,, OH,, this is very nice
Even just signing while she talks makes it so much easier to keep words and sentances straight, but she only does it when she’s alone with her mother, who is literally blind and would never know.
They become closer friends in late high school, and by that time a lot of Nino’s anxiety has worn off and he’s become completely comfortable letting teachers know when he needs to hear somthing, and middle school feels like a distant dream
At some point, Nino invites Kagami to his house a few times, and he signs with his mom. Nino is like “I can interpret for you,” and Kagami is like “wow thanks, I’m so lucky, because I obviously do not know any sign language, why would I have learned it, and also for the record it is brand new information to me that you can sign,” and Nino is like “cool? Its not a secret but im glad i told you if you somehow didnt already know,” and Kagami is like, “yep :)”
But then eventually as they become really close, they are texting one night, (Kagami can still barely get out of her house, so they need to communicate remotely. And both of then HATE phone calls bc its so hard to understand whats happening, but neither of them have admitted this to anyone)
Nino admits that he likes using sign language better than talking, and he wishes he could use it with his friends, but he’d feel so guilty asking them to learn an entire language just to make him slightly more comfortable. He can talk and hear OKAY so he shouldnt put the pressure on them.
and Kagami is like “you could always ask, worst case scenerio they say no, and i dont think thats an unreasonable demand” and nino is like “it is though,” and kagami’s like “ok so haha funny story, please dont hate me” and nino is like, “…what.” And kagami confesses everything and nino is like “why… why would i hate you for that?” And Kagami is like “oh wait youre right im stupid,”
And then Nino’s also like “hey if YOURE more comfortable signing too, then why dont YOU ask your friends to sign for you. Do you see what i mean? It’s hard to ask-” and kagami is like, “as your friend i will prove it is not.”
So then Kagami ends up confronting Adrien and Marinette the next day and is like “Hi. This is a sign language dictionary. Learn from it.” And they’re both like “what?” And she’s like “oh wait sorry. Backing up. I’m autistic. I decided like three years ago. Forgot to tell you. And I need you to learn to sign a little bit so you can understand if i sign something at you. If you want, of course. Please :D.” And theyre like “ok sure yeah i can do that.”
(Theyve already learned and accepted that shes extremely direct in asking for things)
So then she texts nino and is like “i did it. Youre welcome.”
But anyway both of them are uncomfortable in crowds and parties: Nino cant hear anyone and Kagami tends to get sensory overload, so they start signing mostly in those situations, and then it starts to sink in that they’re allowed to sign whenever and that the other really IS also comfortable with it.
(Both of them are much more willing to make sacrifices for others than to try something new and intimidating for themself, so this is the perfect situation to trick them into getting out of their comfort zone, ironically by trying to be more comfortable in the long run)
so they will just sit together and hang out and have long conversations while just chilling somewhere in a park or at cafes or whatever. Both of them become chattier than they’ve ever been because talking and understanding is so much easier, and its addicting
And their close friends all become proficient enough in sign language to have simple conversations.
But also Nino and Kagami start sitting together automatically even in group hangouts, and they start hanging out more with just the two of them, and soon neither of them feel bad about asking to hang out in quieter places, because they can justify it knowing that it will also help the other one, and together that makes both of them also more comfortable asking for little accomodations from other friends, if only to prove to the other that they can do it too.
And Kagami has the lesser-known autism side effect where she makes WAY TOO MUCH eye contact. She’s aware of it but that doesnt make it go away. Normally she feels so awkward about it, and overthinks her gaze because she doesnt want to scare people away. But when signing, you literally HAVE to be watching the other person constantly, so she has an excuse to just be herself, and its so relieving
(and also its kind of fun to look at Nino anyway because he can get so animated and his smile is really nice and oh no she is in love a little bit)
And Nino always struggles because he emotionally ALWAYS needs to be the nice polite one. His anxiety sometimes gets the better of him and he’s constantly worried about sending the wrong signals to his friends and coming off as rude somehow. But with Kagami, he can literally just ask?? And she will tell him her honest opinion without making it weird. And its so comfy and so good and he really loves hearing her unfiltered opinions on so many things because she sees the world in such a unique way and she gets so passionate about such little things and then oh no, he is fallen for her before he can realize it
And they also learn that they’re both artists, they both love to just observe the world because even if they;re awkward, people are actually pretty great most of the time, and its fun to observe them and try to capture the world, and they just sit together and sketch, or they watch each other sketch, and the thing is, both of them draw ONLY FOR THEMSELVES, its not a ‘skill,’ and they don;t want it to be, its just private art for relaxation. Somehow, though, its okay if they share their art with each other. They can just sit in comfortable silence for hours while one of them sketches something and the other watches patiently
And they start to get more comfortable with one of their heads resting on the other’s shoulder as they watch them doodle, and sitting so close their legs press together, and soon enough their hands start brushing against each other’s as they walk next to each other and then all of a sudden they’re casually holding hands whenever they’re not signing because it’s nice
They try to share headphones so Nino can share some of his favorite songs and his compositions with Kagami. But try as she might, Kagami can not handle the sensory of only having one earbud in. Nino knows her tells by that point, and he’s not about to let her suffer for a stupid reason, but she REALLY does want to hear his music. They somehow end up with Kagami putting a pair of headphones around her neck and turning up the volume a little bit so she can hear, while Nino rests his head on her shoulder so he can hear just enough to know where she is in the song
And then he has to sit up and scootch away just enough to see her hands so they can talk about it, and they both pretend not to notice how nice it was to snuggle as they sign. Its fine, though, because now they get the excuse to just look at each other again and sign overdramatically with exaggerated facial expressions, and no one else around can overhear their conversation, and Nino likes to go a little over the top when signing onomatopoeia and acting out particular parts of the song rhythm that he likes, and Kagami laughs, and they both mentally save the image of each other in this moment the same way that they look at reference images for artwork, memorizing the lines of each movement and the things that make each smile unique,
and Nino also shows up at every single one of her fencing tournaments, and he sits as close as he can and signs encouraging messages to her from the crowd whenever she’s not actively competing, (that her blind mom can never catch, which is somewhat of a bonus to Kagami, because every element of their friendship that her mother cant interact with makes this more personal and special and HERS). Every little sign she sends back at him, even a simple thank you, always feels so good and rebellious and free because shes supposed to be focusing on fencing but shes deciding to care more about friendship. And even if she’s expected to leave immediately afterword, she’ll find every excuse possible to find him and give him a hug, which he’ll always accept even though she jokingly warns him shes sweaty and gross
And eventually they are special best friends and it brings them instant joy to see each other and theyre able to interact for no reason other than that they want to and like each other
(And then they kiss)
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