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m3tr0n0m333 · 4 months ago
Affection deprived kid tries to figure out emotions or something
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foxlovsr · 14 days ago
I need to see more fanart of them I'm going insane
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[ Kit: Are you ready to commit?
Nine: "to the relationship", "a crime" or "suicide"??
"now even more concerned for him"
"genuinely asking" ]
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scrunglepaws · 1 month ago
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Just... ideas... for things... "Garrison" is a working title for. Something. It's hard to tell with the floppy ears and no markings, but that lil pup in the last two drawings is a baby Mangey! Like, baby-baby. One year old or something. + Other Boscage kids
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learn2chillax · 2 years ago
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2pm posting let's gooooo
Next up on the "Introducing my PMD-Outlaws Train", it's Team Prepensed Punchers!
My 2nd team in the group, both v1 and v2 (Sonia added) for the main team app! While Sonia didn't change too much (aside from more scars beyond her eye), Ninami changed more with better anatomy, her "hat hair" downwards (like from her PMDUnity sketch design) but still no visible clown nose. Somethings can change but liked keeping that quirky, lmao.
Ninami's teammate, Sonia later joined her team, whether Ninami likes it, or not! (Note, Ninami doesn't like it, she doesn't like it at all but she's gotta deal with it XD)
Ni, needs someone to be the team muscle because clearly this little Mime ain't that, lol
More info on both: https://www.deviantart.com/learn2chillax/art/PMD-Outlaws-Team-Prepensed-Punchers-890604170
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ninamiart · 9 months ago
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Cara seems to be trending now. You can find me on Cara as well! I made an account while ago but I haven't been very active there yet.
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theabsolutesolver · 10 months ago
being friends with a bunch of fictionkins is funny af Cause your telling me Cyn, chaiki ninami and charlie emily are all besties? yes yes we are
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marinetteplztakeabreak · 4 years ago
Nino Lahiffe really likes birdwatching BECAUSE:
I said so; and this is my blog
So anyway he has so much random bird trivia knowledge that he never really shares with anyone, he just does research for himself whenever he sees birds around. His heart goes “!!! Bird 💖” and he has to just look at it and learn about it
Kagami does not have any knowledge of birds, and barely knows or cares about any animals. She’s never had a pet or free time to just hang out outside and if she is outside shes not gonna be chilling calmly, shes on a super strict schedule either by virtue of “her mom gave her one hour to hang out with friends and shes going to use every second of it” or by “she does not know how to sit still anyways”
So my point is …. Ninogami….. watch birds together…. Kagami literally cannot understand why Nino likes it so much but shes humoring him and also it is a competition with herself, because she tries to sit still with him and starts vibrating and needing to move around and Do Something Productive immediately,,, and Nino is usually much more wiggly/always listening to music and tapping his fingers or toes,,, but he is calm and still when he is Watching Birds,,, and Kagami is like “i can be calm too,,, look at me,,,, i am At Peace,,,;, i am So Normal right now” and nino is like “are you ok” and shes like “yep yep i am great, tell me more about birds”
but then she gets him rambling about his favorite bird facts and even though she has zero interest in birds, it is Extremely Fun to listen to Nino being excited about something,, so she just listens to him talking about birdsongs and the ways birds communicate information for like an hour,, thank you
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hunterxassasin · 5 years ago
So my mind has been opened to an adorable rare pair because of @miraculouscontent, it’s Ivanette! I imagine that they’d go on double date with Nino & Kagami, cos rare pairs stick together!! 💖
B r u h I too love invanette, it's not one of my main ships but its cute!! They totally would go on double dates, maybe triple dates with Adrien and Alix, I've always had a soft spot for that ship as well lol
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dameracrystmon · 7 years ago
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Challenge No.7.
This one here is Ankhe, a beautiful draenei priest.  It was a tough to choose between her Ninami character. All of them are pretty and unique.
The coulours used in the program and on the pattern both match with the real yarn's colour. For the owner of the drawing: I send the pattern and the colour code to your email. Character by  @ninamiart  Pattern by me
Ő itt Ankhe, egy csodaszép draenei priest. Nehéz volt választani Ninami karakterei közül, mind olyan szép és egyedi.
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fuckyeahdisneyfanart · 8 years ago
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m3tr0n0m333 · 3 months ago
Nineami where instead of it being “I could fix him” and “I could make him worse” it’s just both “There’s no where to go but up”
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thekitsune · 7 years ago
Lilanette Week Day 2 - Prom
I’m very excited about this one. I’ve had this idea for a few days now! I hope everyone enjoys it!
So it was finally time for one of the most important days of Lila's life...prom. Honestly, she didn't care much about this dance for months now, but now that it was literally in just a couple of days, she was nervous. Sure she had an amazing dress, thank you Mari, but she didn't have the one thing that she was hoping she would have by now...a date. Don't get Lila wrong, she knows she doesn't need a date to have a great time, but...the person she wanted to be her date was going to be there with their own date...so it was going to be hard for Lila.
"Hey Lila! Are you ready from prom?!" Alya questioned Lila as she hooked her arm around Lila's neck to pull her down slightly. Lila groaned at that, cursing the fact that her best friends were shorter than her and extremely affectionate.
"I guess...I mean Mari made us fabulous dresses so I have nothing to complain about...what about you?" Lila answered, but quickly changed the subject as she noticed a familiar look begin to over take her friend. Alya jumped in shock for a moment before chuckling while crossing her arms.
"Of course I'm ready! You going to join Nino and I so we can be the 'No Date Trio?'" Alya asked Lila who scratched the back of her head while facing away. She was happy that she wouldn't seem to out of place there by going with her friends, but still...
"Alya! Lila! I finally found the perfect necklace for my date with Adrien!" Lila sighed as she heard Marinette's voice heading towards them. She was excited to see how happy Marinette was about her date...but still...no, there's no reason to complain. She always loved to see how happy Marinette was.
Marinette rushed over to her best friends and tightly hugged both of them, causing them to groan about their bones being crushed. Mari just giggled as she let go and looked up at them. Being the shortest of the three, Marinette quickly adjusted to the fact that she had to crane her neck up to look at them. She was annoyed at first, but she accepted it. Honestly, she should have expected this considering how short her maman was. Thankfully, she was taller than her maman so...
A few days ago, Adrien had nervously walked over to her and to her shock, asked her to prom. Lila had to slap her in the back of the head to unfreeze her mind. She quickly responded with a loud 'Yes!' which caused everyone to laugh to her embarrassment while Adrien just lightly chuckled. She couldn't believe it to be honest, she believed that Adrien only thought of her as a friend. The fact that he asked her to the prom though meant that she was wrong, and the dreams of being with him that she's had ever since she first gained her crush on him a few years could come true!
After finishing Alya and Lila's dresses, she had quickly perfected her own dress, but realized that she was missing a great necklace to compliment it. Thankfully, Tikki and her searched all over her room for an old necklace that her parents got for her a few years ago.
Alya happily patted Marinette on the back to congratulate her which Marinette smiled at, but her head quickly tilted to the side in confusion when she saw Lila give her a small almost forced smile. Walkin over to her, she gently took Lila's hand and looked her in the eyes.
"Is something wrong Lila?" Marinette asked Lila whose eyes had widened in shock before her face flushed red. Quickly looking to the side, Lila began to think of several excuses before finally settling on one, while also cursing the fact that she lost the ability to lie like a fox.
"I-I'm just a little sad because no one asked me to the Prom. I'm going to hang out with Alya and Nino though since they are also going solo. Thank you for asking though," Lila told Marinette with a small smile before turning her head again. Marinette just narrowed her eyes before sighing and deciding that Lila must have been telling the truth. She couldn't think of any other reason that Lila would be upset. After all, Lila confirmed two years ago, that she didn't have feelings for Adrien like Marinette had feared for the first year of their friendship.
As the trio headed into class, Lila gripped her wrist tightly while looking at the ground hard. It was going to be hard watching Marinette with someone else come Prom. _________ Prom Night
Lila smiled as she entered Prom alongside Alya. While it still hurt knowing that she'd see Marinette alongside Adrien, she was still happy to hang out with her friends. She waved at Nino after spotting him near the punch table. Alya and Lila quickly moved over to his side and gave him hugs to greet him.
"Wow, you girls look great!" Nino complimented them causing them to smirk.
"Well what did you expect?" Alya responded with a wink before looking Nino up and down. "You look great yourself."
Lila smiled at the sight of the two getting along. After their break up a year, things had been slightly awkward between the two, but it seems that things have returned to normal. As the two talked to each other, Lila was looking all over the floor to try and spot Marinette and Adrien. Sadly all she spotted was Chloe...staring at Alya. Raising her eyebrow, she tapped Alya on the shoulder and nodded her head in Chloe's direction. Alya looked over in confusion before spotting Chloe staring at her.
"What the-?" Alya muttered before excusing herself and walking over to Chloe. Lila wanted to see what was going to happen only to hear a squeal followed by a back breaking hug.
"You look beautiful Lila!!!" Marinette happily yelled as she picked Lila off the ground and swung her back and forth causing Lila to groan in pain. She had figured Marinette was Ladybug shortly after they became friends (something she kept to herself), but she still didn't understand how Marinette seemed to still have superhuman strength outside her magic costume.
"Ugh...th-thanks...can you please set me down," Lila forced out as she kept flinching in pain. Marinette gasped and set her down while bowing over and over again while apologizing. Lila just rubbed her back while smiling slightly at the sight of Marinette's embarrassment. The girl was much too strong for her own good.
When Marinette finally stood back up to her full height, Lila felt her ability to breathe leave her mind at the sight of the beautiful girl. Marinette was wearing a strapless, red dress that fit her figure perfectly. The dress had a black strap going around the waist. She was wearing red and black high heels and her Ladybug Miraculous earrings. She had on a slightly faded red necklace with various charms of different animals. Lila was amazed at how something that could be seen as simple to others could make Marinette look so beautiful.
Lila's whole face turned red so she quickly looked down and began rubbing her arm frantically as she felt the nervous and embarrassed feelings return.
"Y-You look really beautiful Marinette," Lila shyly said as she looked away. Marinette felt her cheeks turn red at the compliment. As she was about to compliment her back, she felt a hand gently be placed on her back.
"She really does," she heard Adrien respond to Lila causing Marinette's face to turn even redder at that compliment. Marinette smiled to the side while Adrien smiled down at her before up at Lila and then waved at Nino behind her.
Lila sighed and gave a small smile at Adrien before excusing herself and walking to another part of the dance floor. The sight of the two together was a lot harder to see than she thought. Marinette noticed Lila leaving and looked at her in concern.
Before she could follow her though, Adrien gently took her hand and asked, "Would you like to dance?" Marinette blushed brightly and nodded her head.
Lila sighed to herself as she stood in the corner and watched Marinette dance with Adrien. She wouldn't lie. She's been in love with Marinette since they met. When they first met, she was surprised that someone still desired to be her friend after it was revealed that she was a liar. It was hard to accept at first, but when she did, she quickly found herself being drawn in by the girl's lovely personality. She was nice, she stood up for her friends, she was cute, and she was accident prone.
Lila found it hard to not like the girl. That's why it was hard when she realized that the girl was Ladybug. She didn't notice at first because she wanted to put Ladybug out of her mind as much as possible, but after seeing Marinette run off a few times during akuma attacks, the memory of Ladybug entered her mind and she instantly saw the connection.
She faked being sick for the first week to try and put distance between her and Marinette. She began to realize that maybe Marinette only decided to befriend her to try and ease her guilty mind and make up for being a jerk as Ladybug. This thought had hurt her initially. However, as she kept receiving texts from the girl asking if she was alright and showing how concerned about Lila she was, Lila began to realize that while the friendship might not have started off under the right intentions for Marinette...it was still the greatest thing to ever happen for Lila.
She finally responded and promised that she'd be at school the next day on a Sunday. The next morning, Marinette had basically tackle hugged her to the ground in excitement at seeing her which caused Lila to smile back. This was when she accepted the fact that she was in love with the excited, accident-prone superheroine. The only negative thing that Lila knew came with this was the fact that Marinette loved Adrien.
Lila didn't hate Adrien, she was embarrassed and felt awkward around him for awhile thanks to the whole thing with Ladybug, but she eventually warmed up to him and became friends with him. She still felt bad whenever seeing Marinette daydream about him or make plans just to hang out with him.
She pushed through all of it though; because, she knew that all she wanted was for Marinette to be happy. But finally, after all these years, the sight of them at prom together finally caused the years of heartache to hurt her. Sighing as she felt tears begin to form in her eyes, she looked around to try and find Alya so that she could hopefully take her mind off this only to sigh at the sight of Alya dancing with Chloe.
"...I knew all that feuding was just some mask for unresolved feelings the two had for each other..." Lila muttered before walking out the door before any of her friends could see her.
Sadly, she didn't account for one friend spotting her.
Marinette was happily dancing along with Adrien, the boy she has been pining over for years. She was ecstatic, she was over the moon, she was...not as happy as she thought she would be. She didn't understand why though.
She was looking forward to this day ever since Adrien asked her to the prom. She spent so much time getting her dress ready. But now that they are here, dancing together, something just...doesn't feel right. While they danced, Marinette looked around the dance floor. She was surprised to see Nino speaking with Kagami before walking off to dance. Rose and Juleka were dancing together, Ivan and Mylene were sitting with each other while enjoying some punch, Sabrina was standing there embarrassed as Max tried asking her out, Alix was trying to convince Kim to go and dance, and - ALYA AND CHLOE DANCING! WHAT THE HECK?!?!
"Are Alya and Chloe dancing?!" Marinette quietly yelled/whispered up to Adrien who looked over and also stared in shock.
"I did not think it was Alya that Chloe was talking about when she told me she was going to ask someone to dance with her tonight," Adrien told Marinette while looking on with some surprise. Marinette just nodded back before looking back around. As she spotted more students dancing or standing around, she finally located her other best friend, Lila, standing in a corner. Looking at her in confusion, she began to wonder why Lila was out and dancing on the floor like the other students.
Maybe it really was eating away that no one asked her out to the prom more than she was letting on? Lila always was more fragile than she let on thanks to her parents barely being home and constantly moving from country to country.
As she kept looking over at Lila, she felt this urge to go and comfort the girl begin to grow in her chest. She didn't get why this feeling was blossoming in her chest as much as it was. She sighed sadly at the sight of her friend. Adrien heard her however and looked down at her with a concerned face.
"Are you okay Marinette?" Adrien asked her while gently placing his hand on her shoulder. Usually this would make Marinette stutter in embarrassment, but this time...she didn't feel nervous or embarrassed or extremely happy or anything.
"I-I...honestly, I'm concerned about Lila. She seems so upset about being here alone, and I don't know why it's hurting me this much, but I...I'm sorry Adrien I know you asked me here as your date, but I -" Marinette was cut off as Adrien brought his finger up to her lips and gave her a very cat-like smile.
"It's alright Mari, I understand. Go to her," Adrien told Marinette as he motioned for Marinette to head over to Lila. Marinette smiled at Adrien and thanked him before looking over to Lila only to gasp as she quickly headed for the exit.
Marinette turned to run after her, but quickly found her face hitting the ground. Groaning in pain, she brought up her foot and kicked off a shoe. "I hate high heels," Marinette muttered under her breath as Adrien helped her back to her feet before kicking off the other shoe and then rushing after Lila.
As she ran out the doors, she looked around and spotted a figure sitting next to the staircase while huddled up into a ball. Frowning, she walked over to the clearly sobbing Lila as she cried into her knees. Lila clearly didn't notice her since the second Marinette touched her back, Lila sprung up in shock before looking at Marinette in confusion.
"Wh-Wh-What are you doing here Mari?" Lila asked through her sobs. Marinette frowned sadly as she settled next to Lila and pulled her over so she could rest her head on her shoulder.
"I saw you run out of prom. You looked upset. What's wrong Lila? Please, you know you can tell me anything," Marinette told Lila while running her hand through Lila's long hair.
Lila looked down into her lap as Mari kept running her hand through her hair to try and calm her down. Knowing that Marinette wouldn't leave this alone, she decided that it was best to get it out now so they could move pass it. Hopefully, Marinette would still want to be friends after this.
"I...I love you Marinette Dupain-Cheng," Lila told Marinette as she sat up and looked her in the eyes. Marinette felt her heart stop in shock while her cheeks began to turn red. Lila...loved her? "I've loved you ever since we became friends. Honestly, heh, it was hard not to fall in love with you. I knew you loved Adrien though so I decided that I would support you no matter what. After all, I just want you to be happy, but here I am...ruining your special night," Lila told Marinette while looking down sadly as guilt began to creep into her heart.
Marinette kept staring at her in shock. She...honestly never expected this. This would explain why Lila's always seemed so protective over her since they became friends. And why she seemed so happy to see her whenever they met up at school or outside of school. And now she was feeling guilty for something that is not her fault. Besides, Marinette was not having as great a night as she thought she'd have.
Looking at Lila's sad face, Marinette felt her heart begin to beat faster though as she began to realize just how beautiful Lila actually was. Wait...beautiful? Could it be...does she have feelings for Lila to? But, why wouldn't she have noticed til...wait...
That time when Lila was injured by an akuma, and Marinette went berserk afterwards...okay, that should have been a big sign that she had feelings for Lila. Why didn't she notice it then. Or that time when Lila gave her a locket with a picture of the two of them to her as a Christmas present and she felt her heart speed up insanely quick...okay wow...she is incredibly oblivious. Makes her wonder what else she hasn't noticed thanks to her obliviousness.
Gently placing her hand on Lila's shoulder, she looked Lila in the eyes. "Lila...I can't say I'm in love with you," Marinette slowly said, but quickly sped up when she saw Lila's crestfallen face, "But, I do have feelings for you. It took me awhile to actually realize it, but while I was in the prom, I was not having as much fun as I thought I would be having especially since I was with Adrien. When I noticed how upset you were though, you became the main focus of my thoughts though. All I could think about was why you were sad. And when I saw you run out of Prom, I had to come after you. I would have never forgiven myself if I didn't. And now, looking over these past few years, I have realized some moments where I...was very oblivious to my feelings...But I do like you. In the romantic sense. Can I say it's love, not yet, but I do really like you Lila."
Marinette slowly stood back up and stretched her hand out to Lila who was looking up at her in shock. "Would you like to go to Prom with me Lila?" Marinette smiled down at Lila who's whole face began to turn red. Nodding as fast as possible, Lila took Marinette's hand and was pulled up to her feet.
Smiling down at her, she hugged Marinette as tightly as she could with Marinette gently returning the hug. As they hugged, Marinette heard the music from Prom drifting out to their location. Smiling she gently began swaying them back and forth. Lila realized what she was doing so she quickly reciprocated and the two found themselves dancing to the music. Lila pulled back and the two girls smiled back at each other. The rest of the night drifted away as the two happily danced with each other.
And Lila quickly realized, Prom really was a great night.
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scrunglepaws · 4 months ago
Artist, inventor, vandal Nine paints a particularly heartfelt piece depicting his overwhelming loneliness. It's not in a very public spot- he didn't want many people to see it... but he had to get his feelings out. It's just vent art. A sad, emo looking fox like him, but not like him. Shorter, more vulnerable looking. He's even literally blue, the emotion behind it clear as day. But it's whatever- no one will see it, including him. He doesn't come to this part of town; he can just forget about it.
Imagine his surprise when a blue fennec shows up at the entrance of his workshop the next morning.
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skiploomz · 4 years ago
this is a cry for help. do any of your recognise this little guy. hes from an animated japanese childrens tv show that i used to watch. ive been trying to find the name of the show for years but to no avail.
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nekrokatart · 9 months ago
Oh gosh I wasn't expecting this!! The colors are wonderful, she looks so cute, and the stars in this pattern are so interesting, I love this ❤️ thank you for participating Ninami 😊
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Pond Mermaid I got inspired from @nekrokatart's Mermay promt "pond fairy" so I made this somewhat experimental drawing.
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sasabrinaart · 3 years ago
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Introducing my Destiny characters! First up is my Awoken Titan, Ninami Dov and her ghost Avigg. 🔥
She's very loyal to the Vanguard but is sometimes seen playing Gambit for some reason... 🤔
(I always start with Titan bc I’m uhh not used to playing FPS games so the smash n grab crayon eater style appeals to me lol)
#destiny2 #destiny2 #destiny2fashion #destiny2art #guardian #titans #fanart #sketchbook #drawing #comics
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