#this has been an indonesian post
Anyway Happy Independence Day for my fellow Indonesians have a lovely day with your fam and have an amazing time if you compete either with your neighbourhood or school or any community.
MERDEKA 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩
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I'm gonna go play badminton representing my neighbourhood wish me luck! 🤞
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miamicommune · 2 months
i know unamerican is the most disputed term of all time but calling supporting genocide an unamerican practice rly does feel uncomfortably like denial when you look at american history
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intersectionalpraxis · 7 months
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I just posted a thread on the history of colonialism and ongoing oppressive Indonesian occupation of West Papua. If you have time, please read the educational slides. This is absolutely horrendous, and has been going on for decades. The Indonesian government and military must be held accountable. Free West Papua.
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*Insert 'gonna post fandom stuff again' text for the 3rd time*
In all seriousness tho, current events are starting to take a toll on me. I've burned myself out from seeing and reblogging nothing but the attrocities that is happening in Palestine as well as wallowing in my inability to help in any meaningful way. It got to the point it worries my parents (who are pro-Palestine, thankfully) and tanking my performance at work.
So from this post onward, I'll be posting fandom stuff again, for real this time. I have so many stuff I want to share both from myself and other people's posts in any fandom I'm in or silly posts that I came across online that I haven't got any chance yet to share.
Rest assured that, while not as frequent as before, I'm still keeping up with what happens around the world and will post-reblog any important updates should I find it necessary. I will tag it with "DN gets serious" along with any relevant tags, so if you currently don't want to see anything related to current event or just want to take a break, you can block that tag.
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yyuuraii · 1 month
twitter knew about it first but im making a life series 4koma fancomic from season 1-5, my outline has 80 pages in total and I want to make a physical book out of it!!! just silly gags/references like other comics I’ve made at @poorlydrawnmcyt before :DDD
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doing my part by drawing jizzie shoujo manga panel 🫡🫡
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also for indonesians who see this: gw bakal balik ngebooth di CF19 both days, isinya mainly MCYT, YTTD, Limbus Company, ama DCMK!! datengin yaw :3
I’ll be posting more wips on my twt yyuuraii o/
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brooklynisher · 2 months
Hey all, you ever hear of Jaunty?
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Do you WANT to learn more about Jaunty?
Well I dug deep, and found some things I never thought I could find. I'm really excited to share what I've found with y'all. This post is sort of a little journey of how I found Jaunty.
There's a few sections to this.
Skip to But where does Jaunty come from? If you just want answers
Is Jaunty even a real character?
Jaunty, from what I originally found, is SUPPOSEDLY a Steam Powered Giraffe character. But where have we seen this character before? Was it the comic? Was it the timeline? Maybe in a song cover? Does the band ever talk about Jaunty?
And to answer all of your questions, no! At least not that I knew of. The only source of Jaunty’s existence is here.
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The Steam Powered Giraffe Wiki
So that makes this whole thing pretty complicated right? The wiki has info, and it’s not too inaccurate most of the time, but some of the lesser known/more nuanced information tends to get scuffed.
It really doesn’t help knowing that David has mentioned before that the information on the wiki wasn't that accurate.
What I’m saying is, the only proof we have for the existence of this character is on what might be one of the more unreliable sources of SPG information.
But despite that, this page is special in the fact that SUPPOSEDLY it was uploaded by Steam Powered Giraffe themselves!
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However, there isn’t really much of any information on this user at all. All we know is that they founded this wiki, added a few characters and a bit of information, and then became inactive. Really our biggest reasoning for believing that this was an actual SPG member is the fact that they are the founder and have been around for a very long time.
Okay, suspicions aside, let’s see what I found about this thing.
What the wiki tells us
One, this image was touched by the founder of this wiki twice, it was uploaded in 2011, and in 2014 they protected the page, which means only the administrators can edit the page.
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Both are pretty major years for SPG being the year Upgrade left the band and the year Rabbit transitioned, but there’s not many connections you can make with that.
This user was first active in 2010 and last seen in 2015 [x]
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Cool dates to have, but not a lot to work with. It mainly gives us a clear vision of what SPG was looking like at the time of the creation of this page. I can see this thing being used for a special, slightly themed show.
Of course, the information the wiki alone offers is very limited, but we know two things for sure. One, this character is a robot being under the category of robots, and two, these photos were taken by Cineria.
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So, here's the problem, you'd think that by having the name of the photographer, we could get far with that, but unfortunately, it is such a vague name, that there is just no way we could figure out who Cineria actually is. It really doesn't help that they don't seem to be a professional photographer. The only page I could find that connects both the name Cineria and Steam Powered Giraffe is this one.
Useless information
I started searching for stuff by reverse searching it. It wasn't really successful, as I was expecting, but I did find one thing.
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A different source.
This source doesn't go anywhere must you know. The ORIGINAL site, florist.buketbunga.com is still up an active serving as an Indonesian site for selling flowers, but this very specific link is broken, and the Wayback Machine doesn't know a thing about it.
The good news is, the link title alone gives us a ton of stuff to work with! Appropriately, the last part of this link translates to "Flower Bouquet Florist Shop Address Nearest 24 Hours Online", which makes sense.
What DOESN'T make sense is everything else coming before it. Specifically the Team Fortress 2 Wiki. This made me believe that someone used these sites to create a scam link, but it's weird because somehow, it's relevant?
Yandex was able to match these images of Jaunty to this site, and what's crazier, Jaunty is in the title of the link! But it's not just Jaunty, it's the Jaunty Explorer.
I did some searching, and discovered that the Jaunty Explorer originates from a TF2 livestream charity event called Tip of the Hats! Donations can earn you medals known as the Jaunty Explorer ($10 Donations), the Jaunty Ranger ($30 Donations), and the Jaunty Mountaineer ($100 Donations). They can come in many different color variations, but here are the main ones.
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[x] [x] [x]
There are TWO connections between this and SPG. One, the shared name of Jaunty, and two, hats. Steam Powered Giraffe is pretty big on hats. But, bad news, these are completely unrelated. Main reasoning? The image of Jaunty was posted to the wiki back in 2011, while Tip of the Hats as an event started back in 2013. Can't even take the "SPG was inspired by TF2" route with that.
Okay, but what even IS it?
Now we get into the visual aspect of this!
I tried to see if there was at least any way to identify what this is, but that solely relies on observational skills. There are two images of this thing, but the image with the blue background is much easier to make out.
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There's a lot that's going on with the design of Jaunty. Unfortunately, I'm not smart enough to identify what half of the doodads are. This machine, whether it's an actual machine or just a prop, is definitely a one of a kind as I couldn't find anything like this.
I talked with @boneinator about this, and he was able to read the text: "STAND CLEAR!" on the top of the doors of this machine which lead him to believe that it might be a time machine of sorts.
What we both managed to agree on when it came to the design of this thing however, was that it looks like a cabinet.
Now, like I said, this thing has a one of a kind design, so it's not going to look exactly like one thing or another, but it has similar features to other things such as to this cabinet
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Two longer doors on the upper half, and two smaller doors/drawers on the bottom. Is that actually what it is? I didn't know, but there is a resemblance.
One thing that's REALLY interesting about this machine is the intense amount of steam it lets out.
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So it's definitely a very active machine.
But where does Jaunty come from?
Something I've been wondering is how much of this is actually connected to SPG.
Is it theirs? Is this a part of a bigger thing? Is it just associated with them?
A bigger thing. There is one example of a big SPG show that comes to mind, and it was not just them.
During their 15 Year Anniversary Livestream, the band was asked about their favorite memories. Bunny mentions that one of her favorite memories was at a show called Clockwork Vaudeville. This was one of the band's first time having a massive audience. According to her, this was a time traveling show, and they performed alongside others.
I looked into it and found that the full name of this performance is called Clockwork Vaudeville Circus Cabaret. And there, I found a little advertisement for it as well!
The Kickstarter for this show started in late 2010
I did some more searching and realized there is a bunch of video from this show out there though all these clips are recorded at random intervals. Assuming that the uploader posted these clips close to the date of the actual show, we can see that this show took place in February of 2011!
About one month after this show, this page was added to the wiki.
I checked the clips, and guess what.
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Right there in the corner, there was Jaunty.
But that's not all
Not only have a found a video that contained Jaunty, I found a video that contained Jaunty in action!
Unbelievably enough, it was a video of the band performing Honeybee alongside a pole dancer. And thanks to the title, we now know that this show took place February 19, 2011
Which all this confirms 100% that Jaunty IS a time machine.
Now with all things considered, Jaunty is not necessarily an "SPG character" as in they didn't create it. It's hard to say if Jaunty is even a character at all at this point! But it does exist in their world and they actively interact with it!
Who cheered? I cracked the code!
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toa-arania · 2 months
I found Touhou on IMDB and then it got worse.
So there's a bit of a story behind this, as there should be with any post. I have spent the past *checks clock* fifteen minutes and counting losing my goddamn mind over this.
Touhou 1-11, including 7.5 but not 9.5 or 10.5 for some reason, are all on IMDB. This is not that strange, as many video games are listed there for their writing or voice credits. What's weird is how I discovered this. I heard a voice in, of all things, a four and a half hour video about the Lego Ninjago show and how badly it fumbles its women. One of the characters sounded a bit like Azula ATLA so I checked. It was not the same VA. Then I saw this.
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And then I saw this.
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Now the sharp-witted amongst you may have noticed the tiny little inconsistency that
Touhou has never had voice acting, especially not back in 2003 when PCB came out. There's also the detail that Layla Prismriver does not appear in PCB, nor does she appear in any Touhou game outside of her mention in the character profile of the Prismrivers, which firmly establishes her as very dead and thusly incapable of speech. You'll be pleased to know that it continues to get worse.
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This is not the plot of PCB. What the fuck do you mean only one of these heroines intends to stop it. The cast list is also fucking bizarre.
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Merlin and Lunasa are here but fuck Lyrica I guess. Alice and Youmu are not credited and REIMU ISN'T HERE EITHER. Youki Konpaku is credited. Youki Konpaku is not in this game. The goddamn Saigyou Ayakashi (which is spelt disastrously wrong here of course) is given a voice credit. THAT IS A TREE. THAT IS A TREE THAT DOES NOT TALK IN A GAME THAT DOES NOT HAVE VOICE ACTING. I AM GOING INSANE. WHERE IS REIMU.
Now obviously what I did at this point is start checking the other ones, and th8, 9, and 10 don't really have much interesting going on other than a continued and bizarre lack of Reimu in all of them. 6, 7.5, and 11 however are all bizarre for fun new reasons. Let's start with Subterranean Animism and work backwards.
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I was suspicious of the lack of images so I went to check all of their pages and they're mostly men as far as I can tell. Most of them are credited in a film called Sule, Ay Need You, which a brief google has only barely convinced me is a real film that exists in the first place. It has a wikipedia article in indonesian. One of them, however (the only one with a picture) has been in eleven million different things with reasonably big parts. I have no idea what's going on here. With the player character situation there are eight characters uncredited not including Koishi, who is also nowhere to be seen (which feels strangely appropriate) and Sanae who I remembered literally as I was typing this is in th11.
Moving on to Immaterial and Missing Power:
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Also I'm pretty sure Meiling wasn't in IaMP? (According to a quick google she was added in a patch but not given a story mode). Anyway the sudden appearance of Reimu is the only real interesting thing here because random cast absences are just so commonplace now. Now lastly for the weird fucking pages we have the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil and oh wow this one is something else.
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Where do I even begin. Reimu is gone again. Three separate people are credited as Remilia. Actually most characters are credited twice except for Marisa and Sakuya for some reason. Sometimes they specify (voice) and sometimes they just don't. Most characters have [Character Name] and [Character Name (Voice)] which implies that one person is doing mocap or operating a puppet or something while another voices them but then there's just Rumia and Rumia. Who voices Rumia. Remilia has three fucking credits. Marisa and Sakuya get to be normal people. Reimu and Patchouli are just fucking gone. What the hell is happening.
And now it gets stranger once again because I said th1-11 earlier, not th6-11. The PC-98 games are all here too. However. Those pages are all just. Normal. ZUN is credited as the writer. There are correct plot summaries. No voices are credited. The name format is even different (Touhou [Number] [Japanese name]: [English name] instead of just Touhou [Japanese name]: [English name]). They're far too good quality. It honestly feels like whoever uploaded the PC-98 games is a different person to whoever's been doing their bizarre uploads of the windows games.
Now at this point I was looking for other interesting stuff to add - IMDB has Did You Know segments that had fun little details about the games, which seemed to be accurate. It also has a More Like This section linking to the other pages and-
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Luna Nights is here too.
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week - May 15, 2023
🐕 - Now It's a Paw-ty
1. World's oldest ever dog celebrates 31st birthday
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Bobi was born on 11 May 1992, making him 31 years old, in human years. A big birthday party is planned for Bobi today, according to Guinness World Records.
It will take place at his home in the rural Portuguese village of Conqueiros in Leiria, western Portugal, where he has lived his entire life.
2. The FDA has officially changed its policy to allow more gay and bisexual men to donate blood
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The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced that they’ve eased restrictions on blood donations by men who have sex with men in an effort to address blood shortages. The new policy recommends a series of individual risk-based questions that will apply to all donors, regardless of their sexual orientation, sex, or gender. Gay or bisexual men in monogamous relationships will now be permitted to donate blood.
3. Illinois passes bill to ensure community college credits transfer to public universities
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The Illinois General Assembly has passed a bill that would help community college students transfer to public universities.
It would ensure that certain classes taken at community colleges could be transferred to any higher education institution in the state. Some schools currently only count community college coursework as elective credits.
4. Brazilian President Lula recognizes 6 new indigenous territories stretching 620,000 hectares, banning mining and restricting farming within them
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Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has decreed six new indigenous reserves, banning mining and restricting commercial farming there. The lands - including a vast area of Amazon rainforest - cover about 620,000 hectares (1.5m acres).
Indigenous leaders welcomed the move, but said more areas needed protection.
5. More than 1,000 trafficking victims rescued in separate operations in Southeast Asia
More than 1,000 trafficking victims were rescued in separate operations in Southeast Asia over the last week, officials in Indonesia and the Philippines said. 
Indonesian officials said Sunday they freed 20 of their nationals who were trafficked to Myanmar as part of a cyber scam, amid an increase in human trafficking cases in Southeast Asia. Fake recruiters had offered the Indonesians high-paying jobs in Thailand but instead trafficked them to Myawaddy, about 567 kilometers (352 miles) south of Naypyidaw, the capital, to perform cyber scams for crypto websites or apps, said Judha Nugraha, an official in Indonesia's Foreign Affairs Ministry.
6. A peanut allergy patch is making headway in trials
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An experimental “peanut patch” is showing some promise for toddlers who are highly allergic to peanuts. The patch, called Viaskin, was tested on children ages one to three for a late-stage trial, and the results show that the patch helped children whose bodies could not tolerate even a small piece of peanuts safely eat a few.
After one year, two-thirds of the children who used the patch and one-third of the placebo group met the trial’s primary endpoint. The participants with a less sensitive peanut allergy could safely tolerate the peanut protein equivalent of eating three or four peanuts.
7. Critically endangered lemur born at Calgary Zoo
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The Calgary Zoo has released pictures of its newest addition, a baby lemur. The zoo says its four-year-old female black-and-white ruffed lemur, Eny, gave birth on April 7. The pup’s father is eight-year-old Menabe. The gender of the pup has not been confirmed but the Calgary Zoo says the pup appears bright-eyed and active and is on the move.
The black-and-white ruffed lemur is registered among the 25 most endangered primates in the world, due mostly to habitat loss and hunting.
That's it for this week :)
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irishskeptic · 4 months
Riordanverse race/nationality headcanons (Main characters and background characters alike)
This may be a very long post, and I’m throwing in little tidbits about appearances, so with no regard to any particular order, strap in:
(Seriously, this is a huge post)
Edit: Changed Luke from just Korean American to mixed Argentinian/Korean American, inspired by @tagthescullion
The Seven (Including Nico and Reyna):
Percy Jackson: Biracial White/Latino, Cuban American (Sally was born in Havana, she had Percy shortly after moving to the US)
Annabeth Chase: Biracial Black/White, Irish/African American (with Swedish, Ghanaian and Polish descent)
Jason (And Thalia, by extension) Grace: White German American (Beryl moved from Germany to the US)
Piper McLean: Native American, Cherokee
Leo Valdez: Latino, Mexican, Born in Texas
Hazel Levesque: Black, African American, New Orleans (1940's French Creole)
Frank Zhang: Chinese Canadian, Vancouver
Nico Di Angelo: White, Italian with Russian descent, 1920’s Venice
Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano: Latina, Puerto Rican
Camp Half Blood:
Will Solace: Biracial White/Bangladeshi American, Texas
Luke Castellan: Mixed Argentinian/Korean American (Born in the US, May (or Mi-Hee) grew up in a Argentine Korean community in Buenos Aires before she moved to the US and met Hermes)
Malcolm Pace: White with albinism, Scottish, Glasgow
Travis and Connor Stoll: Mixed Scottish and Laotian, Edinburgh (Source: @freddie-77-ao3)(I think in the TV show, they cast two Asian boys as the Stolls, so I've made them Asian)
Alice Miyazawa: Japanese American, Los Angeles
Julia Feingold: White Luxembourger, Luxembourg City
Cecil Markowitz: White Austrian/Northern Irish (Born in Graz, grew up in Belfast since he was two, has dual citizenship)
Katie Gardener: White Scottish, Aberfoyle
Castor and Pollux Vintner: Black, Irish (Pollux is Albino, Castor wasn’t), Donegal
Michael Yew: Mixed Irish and Chinese, Limerick (Granny moved from China)
Lee Fletcher: White Irish, Donegal
Clarisse La Rue: Mixed French/Pakistani American, Arizona (Mother moved from France)
Chris Rodriguez: Afro-Latino, Nicaraguan (Moved to the states when he was seven, lived in the same neighbourhood as Clarisse)
Silena Beauregard: Blasian, African American and Filipino, Mississippi (French descent)
Charles Beckendorf: Black, African American
Jake Mason: White American, Wyoming
Harley Smythe-Davidson: Biracial White/Aboriginal Australian (Source: @freddie-77-ao3)
Nyssa Barrera: Latina, Panamanian, Panama City
Shane O’Doherty: White Irish, Laois
Christopher Chalkevas: White Greek/English (Born in Larissa, moved with his mother to Hackney, London at age five, has dual citizenship)
Clovis Karlsen: Wasian, Welsh (Welsh/Norwegian grandad, Indonesian granny, Source: @ashthenerdtheythem)
Chiara Benvenuti: White Italian, Florence
Alabaster C. Torrington: British Indian, English, Westminster
Lou Ellen Blackstone: Black with vitiligo, British Ghanaian, Birmingham
Drew Tanaka: Japanese American, New York City
Valentina Diaz: Latina, Colombia
Mitchell Singh-Donovan: Mixed Indian and Irish, Cork
Lacy Alfsen: White Danish, Copenhagen
Ethan Nakamura: Japanese, Tokyo
Damien White: White Irish, Northside Dublin
Miranda Gardiner: Vietnamese American, Massachusetts (Distant Irish ancestry)
Billie Ng: Wasian, Irish/Thai Canadian, Toronto (She grew up in Longford till she was seven, then she and her mortal dad moved to Canada)
Sherman Yang: Chinese American, Alaska
Marcus (Mark) Dooley-Wallace: White Irish American, Georgia
Ellis Wakefield: Black, Algerian
Holly and Laurel Victor: Sri Lankan American, Seattle
Meg McCaffery: Wasian, Irish/Vietnamese American
Camp Jupiter:
Dakota Cheshire: Black, Bermudian
Gwendolyn Nunez: Hispanic, Spanish American
Bobby Herrera: Latin American, New Mexico
Lavinia Asimov: White Russian, born in San Francisco
Larry Schumacher: White American, North Carolina
Leila Grunfeld: White American, Colorado
This has been a very exhausting post to make lmao. I gave some of the characters who don’t have canonical surnames my own Hcs for their surnames. Also, I am yet to read through trials of Apollo, so maybe I’ll come later back to add more Roman names to the list.
Tagging my moots that I like to see their opinions for this (as well as the ones I tagged within the list as well):
@aki-bara @ravingcoffeeaddict @ebony-reine-vibes @squiggle3worm @sleep-needer
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acidichcl · 7 months
I have turtle ocs who grew up with indonesian culture and so i made a rottmnt au where the guys met them and they basically just learn to work with eachother handling conflicts here and there. Here’s leo and donnie appreciating their friends’ cultures. There’s mikey and raph too but the twins are easier to draw😔
(Edit: the drawing of raph and mikey is here)
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As an Indonesian, i like seeing my fave characters be involved in some way with our culture. i love seeing when ppl draw their fave characters in indo memes, or indo clothing, or an AU where they just grew up in indo. It feels nice. I havent rlly been able to explain everything abt this au but it has parts where it’s based on stories i hear from my family as someone who has been in indo all my life. We love storytelling lol. We have alot of mysticism. And i also took inspiration from our experiences living here. I love our stories, and i also love the turtles. So i combined both :)
I did post a lil bit abt the au but its rlly not much. Its under my turtle island au tag. I would post more abt it if i wasnt so tired😭 but i’ll post more as time goes on
Anyway, Sketcheeesss
The two other characters are some of the ocs i was talking about
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matan4il · 1 year
Cute little Mileapo things from their flight back from Paris. First of all, this is their luggage, Apo's is marked with hands emoji, Mile's with the heart one:
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Apo loaded most of the suitcases on, including Mile's (maybe because Mile has been feeling under the weather during this trip), but when he wanted to load his black one, the biggest of the bunch, Mile still wouldn't let him:
This is what I mean when I say that I love how they both take care of each other.
As far as I can tell, it was only Mileapo and Gift flying back together (and an Indonesian fan who was there has now confirmed this). Keep that in mind when I share this pic:
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It looks like that's Mile's suitcase with a pride sticker on it. IF it's not, the only other options for who it may belong to are Apo and Gift. It's unlikely to be Apo's since he brought with him two big suitcases for this trip, he wouldn't need an extra small one. I... do not think Gift walks around with a pride sticker on any of her belongings, she just doesn't seem the type. So yeah, I tend to think this is Mile's. Our man walking around with a pride sticker on his luggage just makes me so happy and proud of him!
Update after Mileapo had landed in Bangkok, as they and Gift are seen carrying their own luggage, it confirms that the suitcase with the pride sticker on it is Mile's. Here they are, Apo carrying his big red and black suitcases, and Mile carrying the big black one in his left hand (right side of pic) and the one with the rainbow pride sticker (in his right hand, with the smaller bag on top):
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And from the side:
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Lastly, Mile shared pics today from lunch at a restaurant on Sep 27. I wrote here that Apo's pic (posted Sep 29) showed he was at the same place as Mile and the gang (despite people initially thinking Apo spent that whole day separate from Mile). Here's that pic:
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Today, Mile shared a matching pic of him sitting in the same spot:
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Notice that other than one glass with a drink, everything else is just a part of the set up and decoration of this restaurant's table (yes, including the lemon). I mentioned in the above linked post already that the table where the whole group actually ate lunch is different to the one where Apo's pic was taken:
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So either the whole group moved (which I believe to be less likely) or at some point, Mile and Apo went over to the other table at the end of the restaurant's tables area to take pics with a nicer background, and then they took each other's pic in the same spot. Maybe they even sat there a bit on their own before returning to the group.
During lunch itself, it seems like they shared their food, Mile's fork has a piece of the dish that's in the plate in front of Apo (you can recognize him by the jeans shirt he was wearing in the above pic under his blazer):
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And since from this pic it's clear that Apo was sitting right across from Mile, I think it's also likely that it was Apo who took this beautiful photo, proving once more he's the best Mile photographer:
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(for more of my Mileapo/Kinnporsche nonsense, click here)
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Hi sleepy hope you're doing good
Anyway have you heard the MWIII : rebooth release at 17th August, our national independence day 😂🤣
But at the same time its like YEEAAAHH MWIII RELEASE 👊🏼💥
(Indonesia's independence day is August 17th)
We'll go "YEEEAHHHH" 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩 by morning and then go "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck Makarov's coming Makarov's coming Makarov's coming Makarov's coming" by night.
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YES but have fun! I myself am gonna participate in the badminton competition representing my neighborhood ✨
+ awaiting the hilarious clips of the funniest people on earth which are Indonesians.
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httpknjoon · 2 years
what a week! | the a-listers finale
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plot | Get ready. This is the busiest, craziest, and most intriguing week ever in your fandom with you coming back to the Hollywood scene with a bang, causing more tweets, more memes, and maybe drama about you and Jin.
words | 4.8k (oh my god)
genres | humor/crack, fluff, angst, actors!au
pairing | actor!jin x famous!reader
note | usernames used in the fic are all fictional. (more note at the end) have fun reading!
main masterlist | drabble series
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Hollywood Superstar YN to Make Comeback on Her Saturday Night Live Hosting Debut This December 2
‘From The Other Side’ actress and producer, YN will host NBC’s Emmy-winning live comedy show, Saturday Night Live for the first time this Saturday after her hiatus last year.
It was announced through social media today that the Oscar-nominated actress will make her hosting debut on the show this coming Saturday.
Along with YN, Indonesian singer-songwriter NIKI will also be having her SNL debut as the musical guest of the night.
It is worth mentioning that this will be YN's comeback in front of the cameras after taking an unexpected break in April 2022. She pulled out from projects with other big personalities from Hollywood such as Chris Evans and director, Wes Anderson. 
Fans were instantly delighted by the news and expressed their joy over Twitter, with YN’s name being listed on worldwide trends almost immediately after the announcement. 
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@/YNUpdates: YN is set to make an appearance on The Tonight Show this coming Wednesday.
Not even an hour after the announcement of your appearance on the live television show, your appearance on Jimmy Fallon’s show was also reported. You also acknowledge your SNL gig by sharing the post on your Instagram Stories. To say your fans were excited was an understatement.
@/l0verynjin: and this is a live show!! We’ll be seeing her on skits again!
@/ynflowerkid: with NIKI as the musical guest???? my two worlds are coming together
Everyone– the fans and the press– truly hyped up the upcoming show, prompting even the general audience to be aware. Some critics shared that you might be able to bring high ratings for the show because of your large and active fanbase. Success was already expected for you and the show.
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“Everyone, please welcome, YN!”
You enter through the big blue curtains, wearing a classy Gianni Versace Couture black long bell-sleeve dress from the 90s. You were looking like complete royalty with the matching diamond necklace and earrings you wore as you had your hair in a sleek low bun. The audience welcomed you with cheers and you cannot help but be surprised by everyone’s reaction.
“Oh, wow…” you mumbled, Turning your eyes from the audience to the host.
“Wow, right? That’s a lot of love.” Jimmy said, which you nodded at.
“Yeah, this is a little overwhelming… in a good way,” you said which made everyone laugh. Before you turned and waved to the viewers again, “Hi, everyone!”
They began cheering in response. You giggled with their enthusiasm. 
“This is what you get for suddenly taking a break last year!” Jimmy said, using a stern, sarcastic tone.
You chuckled with that, “This is actually great! Maybe I should take unexpected hiatus every once in a while–”
“No, no, no.” Jimmy cut you off, more worried, holding your hand that rests on his table. You two instantly laughed. “We missed you a lot!”
“So… you’ll be hosting Saturday Night Live for this week…” he began.
“Yes. Yes, I am.” you nod as you shifted in your seat.
“How was it? How does it feel?”
“Oh, it feels really awesome! I’ve been wanting to host for a long time now since I loved the show ever since I was little. And I was really nervous at first when I showed up there. But everyone has been pretty nice and so talented. Everyone works so fast.” you shared, making the viewers laugh. “I’m not kidding! I was with the cast and Lorne Michaels in his office. Then, they asked me if I have any sketch ideas. After I shared mine, everyone just started to pitch like a hundred sketches and I was just sitting there, watching everyone collaborate. It’s amazing to see.”
“Yeah, that’s how it goes in the show.” Jimmy agreed. “It’s the best crew up there. The writers, the cast, the makeup and hair crew.”
“They are all wonderful,” you added.
“Yes. And you are going to be fantastic this weekend. Knock ‘em dead in Studio 8H. We’ll be watching.” he clapped and the audience cheered. Your lips form into a smile as you felt relief growing in your chest. 
Jimmy continued as the applause lies low, “The last time you were here, we were talking about your then-upcoming film, From The Other Side. And now, you got nominations for it and even won a BAFTA’s Best Actress last February! Congratulation on that. You deserve it.”
Everyone clapped while you smiled, “Thank you.”
“And your director, Emerald Fennell, read your speech for you. In which you state that she made you make that speech hours before the ceremony?!”
“Ah, yes.” you chortled. “I wasn’t expecting to win that night. I mean, the lineup of other nominees for that category that night was really incredible. So I didn’t bother to write anything. But Em really pushed me to send something. She always believed in me and knew that I have a chance in winning that award. So I just texted her anything I could think of and said I love Brandon Fraser.”
The conclusion at the end made Jimmy and the audience laugh.
“I mean, who doesn’t?” the host backed you up. “Then, Academy Awards came by March and everyone was expecting you’ll show up. But during the red carpet event, you posted this…”
Jimmy showed a snapshot of you playing the piano. You grinned, “I did. I’ve been learning to play the piano since last year and I know my supporters are waiting for me. So I just showed them I’m at home so they won’t wait up.”
“That’s nice and you were really good with the piano.” Jimmy compliments. “But can we talk about your hiatus?”
You pause and nod. Now, this is the part Hailey gave you a heads-up on. You were aware that your unanticipated break will be talked about tonight. Your manager gave you a guide on how the show and host will discuss everything in order. 
Jimmy, on the flip side, was told earlier by his producers that he can ask about it. Admittedly, he was confused and worried if you knew that you were going to be interviewed about your break since everyone knows you have been private for the past couple of years. He doesn’t want to cause any discomfort to his guests. When he confirmed that you agreed with the topic of tonight’s interview, he agreed to discuss it with guide questions from his writers.
“Yeah, sure.”
The tension was rising in the room at the moment you replied. It was dead silent. But what made it lighter was when the production crew chose to play things off by setting the spotlight just on you two, making it seem like an interrogation scene. It made everyone laugh, even you and Jimmy.
“So… people were saying you took a break last year because of a lot of things.” the host spoke, emphasizing the word.
“Oh, yeah. I heard about it.” you raised an eyebrow. “How about let’s play a game of true or false with those headline rumors?”
The audience cheered with excitement. This is a rare time a big celebrity would debunk or confirm news about them personally.
“Okay, okay. Let's start with this one…” Jimmy reads, “True or false. YN, are you planning to retire from acting really soon?”
“False, Jimmy! I’m hosting SNL this week for goodness’ sake,” you answered dramatically. The host laughed.
“She’s hosting SNL this week, people!” he repeated, looking at the camera. “How about this one? YN, true or false, did you move away from the country and lived in South Korea for a year?”
You grinned, “Partially true.”
“Explain yourself, YN.”
“Okay, the only thing that was right in that rumor is that I did move.” you teased everyone. “And no, I am not telling where.”
“Understood. Okay, let’s move to another one… oooh, this is the most controversial yet.” Jimmy laughed as he looked at you. “True or false, you took an unexpected hiatus because you got into a bad heartbreak.”
The audience’s reaction was all ‘ooh’ in a curious and a little worried way. Like they just saw someone sprinkling salt on someone’s wound. You took your time before answering,
“False,” you replied, shaking your head. “Definitely untrue. I think everyone just knows it when I’m in a relationship.”
“No, I don’t think we do, YN.” Jimmy rebutted, making the viewers laugh as they relate too. With years of everyone romantically connecting you and Jin, they just cannot tell if you two are romantically together or not. The host continued, “But are you not really dating anyone right now?”
“Oh, I’m not. I’m not dating anyone right now…” your voice trailed off as you make a side eye at the audience. They showed their disapproval with that by playfully booing, and you giggled.
He copied your tone and action as he asked, “But is there anyone you’ve been seeing currently or…”
“I don’t know, Jimmy…” you sighed, shaking your head. You acted disappointed in a very obvious way.  “It’s really hard to find someone to date when you’re married. I mean, I think it’s a crime to go out with someone while–”
Big gasps. Everyone in the room– excluding you– gasped at the same time that it was audible. Their eyes were wide, a few have their hands on their chests, and someone screeched in surprise at what you said.
“Wait, what?” Jimmy asked as soon as he picked up what you just said.
“What?” you looked around the room, acting like you didn’t just say something of a big deal. “Oh, yeah. I’m married, you guys!”
Breaking the silence, the band played the drums as you showed off the wedding ring on your finger, hiding below the bell sleeve of your dress. Not just a wedding band, but a blinding engagement ring also sat on top of it. 
“Oh my god! Congratulations!” Jimmy stood up from his swivel chair and walked up to you. You stood up and you shared a hug. He whispered, “Congratulations!”
“This is wonderful!” he added, as he holds both of your arms.
You laughed as you nodded, “I know!”
Everyone laughed while applauding at the fact you are now married. Jimmy hugged you again before walking back to his spot. You can feel your cheeks hurt from how long you have been smiling throughout the interview. But you love it. You love that you finally shared the news with the public.
“When did you get married?” the host asked.
“Two years ago! It was in 2021, Jimmy!” you replied happily and you heard another series of reactions in surprise.
“What?!” Jimmy’s lips gaped. “You were already married when you went here last time?”
You nodded with chuckles, “Yes. My husband and I chose to be pretty private about the whole process. We value enjoying the first couple of years of our marriage without the whole attention of everyone. But now, we decided to share it with you, guys finally!”
“This is really great, YN. Thank you so much for coming to the show.” Jimmy smiled and you can feel that he was genuine. Jimmy turned to the camera again, “YN. Ladies and gentlemen! We’ll be right back.”
The camera still caught you waving to everyone before it cuts to the commercial. With this kind of news, it was expected how everyone will react. Showbiz websites and accounts began writing their articles. Your fans were expressing their emotions and surprise.
@/ynisthatgirl: the fuck you’re telling me yn been married since 2021
@/YNUpdates: Congratulations to our main girl and the lucky guy! 🥰🥰🥰
@/YNJINUpdates: 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️
Replying to @/YNJINUpdates
- @/versaceisyn: what’s with the candles
– @/walkingonsunshine: i think we all know what’re the candles for
@/frannycatfood: but who is the husband though 👀
@/ynilysm: i just woke up…
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Linked with you revealing your marital status is the identity of your husband. Everyone began taking their bets on who is your mystery spouse. Of course, topping the list is your three-time co-star and always rumored lover, JIN. One of the most memorable stories in the YNJIN fandom is when you two flew to South Korea with friends back in 2021.
@/outtahere: ur telling me ynjin prolly got married in seoul two years ago?
Then, the theory about you having a secret partner was brought up. Ever since the lockdowns, some people have believed that you are possibly dating someone who is not in Hollywood. They claimed that someone is a successful, private, and young entrepreneur.
It’s no secret that there are people and solo fans who think that you and Jin are only doing the whole ‘dating or not dating’ bit for attention and to keep your names floating on social media and articles. It helped you two become household names in Hollywood, other than your works. You two were everywhere online with your fans making edits, sharing their thoughts, and posting every picture of you. Although accidentally, the general public was always aware of what was going on with you.
And what’s going on with your always rumored lover, you might be wondering. 
Jin is still inactive on social media. His last online update was promoting the final episode of his limited series on HBO, which was a couple of months ago. But he had public appearances since the premiere. Two appearances to be specific.
Friday, almost two days after you announced your marriage and fans made their theories about your husband’s identity. Of course, the number of people who believed that Jin is your spouse was high. They were hoping to see Jin around New York since you will be doing SNL there for the weekend and they will take it as confirmation. But in lieu, he was seen walking out of a coffee shop in LA, where he was kinda hoarded by the press during the morning. He was alone as he tried to make his way to his car.
One of the camera guys cannot help but ask, “Did you know YN is married?”
“I did. She is one of my friends in the industry. Of course, I knew.” he answered simply, not bothering to look at the cameras. He just focused his eyes on the pathway to make sure he won’t stumble because of the press crowding around him.
“Any thoughts about it?” another one asked.
“I’m happy for her. She deserves happiness above all.”
His lips can be seen forming into a small smile as he replied. He finally got to the driver’s seat of his car. Before he hopped in, he answered one last question.
“Any hints about her husband?”
“Nice guy. A little childish sometimes but he makes good jokes.” he chuckled before driving away.
The video was uploaded by the paparazzi on the same day. Jin trended worldwide as fans expressed their thoughts about it.
@/1800JIN: i cannot believe how fast things are going rn this is crazy
@/YNJINUpdates: the first stage of grief is denial. so no, i don’t believe anything that is happening.
@/puhleaseynjin: idk what to feel rn but great to know that jin knows about her marriage after all
Replying to @/puhleaseynjin
- @/livelaughyn: yeah it means they really do trust each other 🙁
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And Saturday came. Since you were all over the news the whole week, your name was mentioned during the cold open. Hearing the people’s excitement as you prepare backstage made you breathe a little better. The intro began and the band began playing.
“Thirty seconds left, hon.” one of the staff members, who waits with you behind the door, whispered. “Good luck.”
You smiled at her, “Thank you. Donna.”
And as soon as you send that, you heard the announcer saying:
“Ladies and gentlemen, tonight’s host, YN!”
That’s your cue. Someone opened the door for you, you walked out and everyone sees you in a black blazer mini dress and strappy pumps. Standing in the middle of the stage, you cannot really see the audience properly because of the light pointed at you. Still, you put on a smile and tried to shake off the twisting feeling in your stomach. You jived to the melody and paused when it stopped. The audience was clapping the whole time.
“Thank you! Thank you very much. I am so happy to be finally here on the SNL stage for the very first time!” you began and they cheered once again. “And it’s great to be here, in front of everyone again, after ghosting y’all for almost two years!” waves of laughter erupt. “ Now, some of you may be heard of me from my first movie when I was 9, Little Miss Sunshine–” people cheered.  “Or my most recent film, From The Other Side. Or maybe you just heard a piece of certain news about me…” you winked.
“So in case you’re living under a rock, three days ago, I surprised everyone by announcing that I got married–” the audience erupted with claps and cheers. “–last 2021 to an actual person that nobody knows about.” you rolled your eyes, making everyone laugh.
“And every cast member here has been asking me this past few days: how did you got married? Where did you get married? Who’s the lucky guy? And you know what, let me just go give him a call–”
The audience screamed in excitement. You tapped on your dress’s pockets, searching for your phone. SNL cast member Kenan Thompson got on stage, handing you your phone.
“Hey, YN. You left your phone in the makeup chair.”
“Oh, thanks, Kenan.”
“And since I was the one who found it… can you please tell me who is your husband?” he said it in an excited kid way that made everyone cackle.
You tsked before shaking your head, “Oh, Keenan–”
A series of knocks were heard. A familiar tune from your past suspense movie played in the background. The audience laughed as you and Keenan looked at each other with wide eyes. You slipped your phone into your pocket and began acting alert like a spy.
“Does someone really knocks on that door?” you asked in the serious tone of your old character.
He shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t know. You were the last one who went from there.” 
The audience laughed and another knock was heard.
“Lemme go check on that.” Kenan was about to walk to the door but you stopped him.
“What if it’s The Creator?” you asked, referencing the antagonist.
“Who the hell is that? The only creator here is Lorne Michaels.” Kenan quipped, receiving laughs from everyone, before walking to the door.
You waited on the stage and the camera focused on Kenan, who peeked through the door instead of opening it directly. He was teasing. Then, he looked back to you, to the camera, and back to whoever was on the other side of the door. He was grinning. Everyone was wondering what was going on. It was just pure silence. And as he walked down the small set of steps, he spoke:
“Oh, YN! Someone is looking for you!”
You raised an eyebrow, “Who is it–”
Then suddenly the door just opens, showing a man in a dark casual suit and a bouquet of white tulips in his hands. He uttered,
“Hi, I’m actually looking for my wife–” 
Jin was cut off by screams from the audience. He bit his inner cheek to stop himself from smiling. But everyone can notice the corner of his lips forming into a smile. In live shows like this, the actor would usually wait for the intense audience response to die down for a few seconds. But the reactions are not getting smaller, so Jin resumed.
“She told me she’s going here tonight.”
“Oh, I’m here! I’m here! I’m the wife!”
You raised your hand with a proud grin on your face and Jin had to walk down with a bouquet in his hand. The audience laughed as the band plays a wedding march. Your husband laughs too. When you two stood next to each other in the middle of the stage, Keenan introduced you two:
“Everyone, please welcome, for the first time ever as a married couple, YN and Jin!”
The audience clapped, cheered, and somebody even whistled. He softly placed his hand on the small of your back before you turned to him. Your hand caresses his cheek as you two lean closer to each other. For the first time ever, you and Jin shared a kiss in front of the public. Everyone cheered louder. Pulling away, you two smiled slowly as you gazed into each other’s eyes. You noticed the slight tint of red growing on his cheeks and ears. It reminded you of so many moments in your relationship. It was like you got lost in the moment for a second before you turn to the camera.
“We got a great show tonight! Stick around. NIKI is here! We’ll be right back!”
The camera pans away as you wrapped your arms around Jin’s neck, pulling him in for a kiss again, while he holds your waist. 
You did a total of eight skits, two of which were pretaped. Your husband made another appearance during the show. He played a character with Michael Che, Colin Jost, and Mikey Day during the Weekend Update segment, playing as paparazzi who never did their job right. Jin had a line that was so ironic, it made the audience laugh and react from their seats.
“Yeah, last week, I heard that very beautiful actress got married…”
Michael asked, in character, amidst the giggles, “Who? What’s her name?”
“I think he’s talking about Scarlett Johansson.” Mikey chimed in, making Colin Jost smile, who replies, “No, I don’t think he’s not.”
“Oh, yeah. I forgot she already married that comedy guy three years ago.” Mikey replied, making Jost shake his head as he blush.
Jin finally answered, “It’s YN! You know, the one who posts cat pics all over the internet, won the BAFTA Best Actress this year, has been doing movies since she was nine, wrote songs with–”
“Okay, okay, Frank. I think everyone already knows who YN is.” Mikey cuts him off, making everyone laugh. “Why are you bringing her up by the way? Do you got any snaps from her wedding?”
“Ah, yes. I do!” Jin replied almost immediately as he acts clicking on his camera. The audience squealed, elated to catch a glimpse of whatever he was going to share. The TV screens in the studio glitched, causing confusion to the viewers. “Oh, I think my camera’s broken.”
“Let me see.” Mikey, in character, acted desperate as he reached for the camera. He checked and clicked on it before turning to Jin, “The memory card is not here, man!”
The bit ended with them arguing. NIKI performed two songs for the night. For the closing of the show, you had a graphic shirt on with pants. 
“Thank you so much to NIKI!” you began, turning to the singer beside you. You clapped along with the audience.  “To Lorne, to the amazing cast and studio crew…. And to my lovely husband,” everyone, including the cast members, cooed. You looked back at him who was standing in line with the cast members. He smiled as he saw your eyes sparkling with joy. You looked back to the front.
“Thank you so much, everyone!”
After the show, you and Jin were photographed together, walking hand in hand, as you enter the afterparty venue. As usual, you were wearing something Versace. You stun everyone with a light-reflecting metallic sparkly mini dress. It literally reflects with the flashes of the cameras pointed at you and your husband. You matched it with silver strappy heels and a small metallic Prada tote bag.
“Congrats, YN!”
You stopped in your tracks and turned your head when you heard that voice. Turning around, you spotted Greg in line with other paparazzi.
“Thanks, Greg!” you winked and Jin also waves at him.
You also posted a photo a day after.
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YN and JIN are married *Apparently For Almost Two Years Now*
It’s been a busy week for the whole YNJIN fandom this week! 
Just last week’s Saturday, it was announced that YN will be hosting the second show for SNL’s season 49. More than a year after her last public appearance and hiatus.  It was later followed by the actress-songwriter appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, in which she talked about her BAFTA win and cleverly announced her marriage. Although she didn’t disclose who’s the lucky guy, happiness was evident on her face as she replied to Jimmy’s questions. The fans were taken in surprise by the news, showering her with lovely congratulatory messages.
And just tonight, during her monologue as the show’s host, YN finally revealed who it was. Surprise, surprise! Joining her on the SNL stage is her longtime rumored lover, JIN. The ‘Still Alive’ actor showed up on stage unexpectedly, causing a loud reaction from the live viewers. SNL cast member Kenan Thompson, who was also in the bit for YN’s monologue, officially introduced the two as husband and wife. The couple shared a liplock to seal the news.
According to the shared statement of the A-lister couple’s publicists, YN and JIN were wed in an intimate ceremony two years ago, last November 2021, in their shared residence in Massachusetts. 
It was unclear where or when YN and JIN got engaged or began dating. But all we know was the two initially met for the production of their first movie, Cornelia Street, back in 2016. It was a hit, mainly due to the lead actors’ powerful chemistry, and birthed many supporters for the duo. But the rumors about their relationship began in 2018 when the two were seen hanging out often. 
The two never confirmed anything and trolled everyone about it. Even reaching the point where they became Instagram official. YNJIN even made a joke about buzzes about them breaking up when they posted a clip about it before. The two got crazier rumors over the years: living together, cheating (and breaking up again), and the actress writing love songs based on her relationship with JIN.
YN, 28, has previously dated other known names in the industry such as Jordan Fisher, Kim Taehyung, and Niall Horan. Meanwhile, JIN, 31,  was more private with his past relationships. But he was formerly linked to model Lee Sung Kyung and briefly to Selena Gomez. The wedded A-listers have worked together in a total of three films: Cornelia Street, Maybe Yes Maybe No, and Lonely People.
We are probably late but… Best wishes to Hollywood’s favorite couple!
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It was a big event in both social media and celebrity newsrooms. People shared their reactions online and even talked about you two in their real-life conversations. A lot of people made memes about the whole thing. The reveal of your husband was called iconic in one of the articles written. The number of edits, pictures, and just any type of content flooding all commonly used social media sites is crazy.
@/YNJINUpdates: YNJIN officially confirms marriage during SNL appearance 💚
@/IMMANEEDSP4CE: ynjin hard launching their relationship on snl is not in my 2023 bingo card
@/KellyDelaCruz: I just lost fifty dollars to my sister because of this whole thing!
@/bellisimayn: the whole fandom right now:
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@/tanginuhynjin4ever: we never got any dating confirmation but it’s all worth it!! 💗💗
Replying to @/tanginuhynjin4ever
- @/0283ynjinfan: TOTALLY WORTH IT
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Two days, after you publicized your marriage, it was Jin’s birthday. As to keep up with the tradition, you posted a simple greeting on Instagram. You literally just greeted them but you added some photos.
The first pic was taken during your trip together months before the reveal.
The second image is your hand, showing off the engagement ring, while Jin can be seen in the background grinning.
Then, on the third slide, a polaroid picture of you and Jin. It was taken through a selfie. You were grinning as Jin plants a smooch on your cheek. Unbeknownst to everyone, it was taken during your first wedding back in November 2021, in your then-newly bought home in Massachusetts.
And for the fourth one, Jin was seen carrying two babies, both heads turned away from the camera, on each arm. He was sat on a familiar couch with Francheskat resting beside him.
In the last slide, a screenshot of your conversation from a year ago. You did not put any context so the fans are left to think about it.
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author's note | that's it, folks! that's the end. oh my god, I didn't expect the love this series got. writing this series always brought me joy and it honestly brought me back here in tumblr. thank you so much for all the love you sent out for the a-listers. i truly appreciate everything. as always, my asks are open for questions about the whole series. also, if you have questions for the a-listers, feel free to send 'em. I'll be responding in a few days. also, just want to let y'all know, i'm planning for a spinoff. thank you so much, loves. 💕✨
taglist rules
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421 notes · View notes
intersectionalpraxis · 6 months
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Don't stop talking about what is happening to West Papuans. Here is a thread for folks who are unaware of what has been happening as a start:
The Indonesian occupation of West Papua must end.
Free West Papua.
941 notes · View notes
zatdummesmadchen · 6 months
I completely support Israel being held accountable for its crimes against humanity, but we also can’t ignore that Indonesia has been violently occupying West Papua - a region more than twice the size of occupied Palestine - for the past 55 years, and has murdered 500,000 indigenous West Papuans in the process. Indonesian soldiers routinely burn indigenous villages to the ground, pose with the bodies of murdered Papuan civilians, and actively prevent journalists from reporting on the genocide. West Papuans often refer to their homeland as “Indonesia’s Palestine.”
There's nothing to add. I agree. I am not trying to imply that all of the countries supporting Palestine don't have their own interests or agendas or that they are perfect in any way. Such as China or, say, Iran. Not everything is black and white, and there are definitely multiple geopolitical reasons for their actions or stand.
There are definitely many biases when it comes to geopolitical situations and blatant hypocrisy.
I completely understand and do sympathise with the West Papuans.
Undoubtedly, the situation is awful and has been going on for years. Basic research shows plenty of results of the brutal Indonesian occupation and brutality against the people.
《 Here is this website I found which might be helpful to gain some insight, feel free to drop more and I will add it to the post. 》
The West Papua Genocide Monitor
Welcome to the Awareness Campaign page for West Papua genocide. You have come to the right place if you are looking for information about West Papua genocide. - the introduction. Very good information.
The situation is indeed very similar to Palestine, with some mentions of settler colonialism in some of the articles. Hence the name is fitting I suppose. Hypocrisy runs high in politics and history, no doubt.
Countries such as Turkey and Egypt come to mind, its very telling. They probably put out statements to pacify the outrage and the anger of their own citizens since it would and should threaten their power otherwise.
This includes several Arab governments such as Jordan (there are huge protests daily)
The information about it is easy to find although I think a much more educated blog would do well in explaining the situation.
79 notes · View notes
opashoo · 20 days
staring so kindly at your sluglang post,, as someone working on a language as well this looks fantastic (and is also. super organized compared to mine BHAHAH) Any tips for putting together a language? Like resources on how to go about it, or notes? /genq
You are staring kindly... (thank you)
As for tips... Wikipedia is actually one of my biggest, most useful tools, because I love to read articles about grammatical concepts, and they will usually have a varaiety of examples of use if you can figure out how to parse the academic language. There are some core ideas that pop up all over the place crosslinguistically, like case marking or converbs, and you can get a lot from learning how other languages might parse the same idea, both how they handle the idea grammatically and what kind of metaphorical language might be involved; like how in Scottish Gaelic, to say you have something, you say it's 'at' you, or how it doesn't have an exact equivalent of English's infinitive, or how Mongolian has so many word endings that convey meaning, and a bunch of them are literally endings stacked on top of other endings.
There's also really good conlang youtubers, like David Peterson, the one who made Dothraki and other pop media conlangs, Artifexian, Biblaridion. They have videos on both interesting grammatical concepts that don't exist in english AND how to integrate them into conlangs. Davide Peterson especially has interesting videos on things like sound changes, vowel harmony, phonological concepts that can really help shape your language and bring a degree of naturalism if that's what you're looking for.
Etymology can be extremely informative though, and really help you to understand exactly how creative people have gotten with language over the past thousands of years. Etymonline is a great website for that. Did you know that the word "next" was originally literally "nearest"? Or that that the suffix "be-" was originally "by", so words like "before" actually meant "by the fore", and very often these meanings are metaphorically extended to the way we use them today. It's great for helping to develop very important words that can be structural to your language, so that you're not just trying to raw make up a new word with no basis every time.
Aside from that, there's no single source I go to for making conlangs. Everything is on a case by case basis. Something that has been really helpful for me is constantly writing example sentences and finding things to write about, because similar to translating existing texts, it forces me to reckon with the way my conlang works, figure out how to convey certain ideas (or whether or not the language can convey the idea at all).
Usually I'll have a few languages that I keep in mind for inspiration for any given project and if I'm stumped or need an idea, I'll actually look up learning resources for those languages. My slugcat language has had me looking up a lot of "How to say..." in Korean, Arabic, Japanese Filipino, a little bit of Indonesian? Some Russian for verb stuff. Once I find resources, I spend a bit of time dissecting how it works in those languages and figure out how that can fit in the existing framework of my own project, or if it's something I'd even want in the project at all.
Once I have an idea, I'll just start iterating on it, usually on paper, basically brainstorming how the sentence structure and sounds might work until I find something that is both sonically satisfying and logically sound within the existing framework. If I'm feeling extra spicy, I might try to consider how the culture and priorities of the speakers might shape the development of the language. The important thing while doing this is, just like brainstorming, to be unafraid to keep throwing ideas onto the page no matter how unviable or nonsensical it may seem in your head. You NEED to experiment and find what doesn't work or else your brain will be too clogged to find out what does. Exercising your pen will help you get into the mindset of someone using the language (because you are), it'll help you form connections to other parts of the language you've already developed, and once you've developed enough, the language will almost start writing itself.
I've actually had some really interesting interactions happen my scuglang between the archaic system of suffixes, the position word system, and the triconsonantal root system, which actually gave rise to an entire system of metaphorical extension, letting speakers use phrases like "at a crossing of" or "at a leaving of" to mean across or away and also talk about concurrent events like "He talked while eating noodles" (He, at an eating of noodles, talked).
Anyway, I know I got kind of scattered but these are some of the big parts of how I approach conlanging! If I have questions or needs, I look to other languages, find learning resources, apply it, and then ask more questions. Spend time with your language and get familiar with it. There's the time I read "Ergativity" by Robert Dixon, but reading literal textbooks is not a requirement for conlanging. You just need to chip away at it and keep asking question.
Here's some photos of my own conlanging notes so you can see how serious I am when I say iterating and brainstorming are extremely helpful. You need to be throwing shit on the paper. I will handwrite three pages just to contradict myself on the next because those three pages were important for forming the final idea.
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