#this episode.....dont get me started on the cheek kiss
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vivitalks · 3 months ago
once again i am so in love with the way that leverage treats parker. because oh boy, the grave danger job. hardison is buried alive, he's freaking out on the phone, and parker feels like she can't help him, she's not good with emotions in this way, not like sophie, so she says that hardison needs sophie. but sophie knows that what hardison needs is to hear parker's voice, that whatever is going on with those two, parker is the person who will be most reassuring for hardison right now, but she also knows parker won't be convinced by that, and she needs parker to feel confident. so she speaks parker's language. she gives parker a reason for why parker is the best person for this job - not he loves you, not you love him, not even he just needs to hear your voice it doesn't matter what you say, none of that will land with her. sophie says, parker, you've spent more time in air ducts than anyone. if anyone knows how to hold their breath it's you. that's what hardison needs right now. she gives parker a job: help hardison breathe. she doesn't try to push parker, she doesn't make it into some more profound thing that parker might not be ready to hear or able to understand at that moment; she takes stock of the situation and knows (1) hardison needs to hear parker's voice right now and (2) parker needs to feel confident and useful right now and she feeds them the answer, because she loves them exactly how they are. i can't put it into words any better than this but i just love that over and over leverage says "you can be loved and love in return without trying to be different than you are" and never more than with parker.
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exhelluvafan-archived · 3 months ago
Well it’s official helluva boss has finally lost the plot
I’m am surprised… no of course the episode Viv is proud of writing turns out to be some shitty fanfic the fat jokes are disgusting striker is now a dickrider for the rich
and DONT get me started on the weak ass ending like stolas is now powerless oh boo fucking WHO I DO NOT FEEL SORRY FOR THIS ASSHOLE also Vivzepop you are one of the worst writers I ever laid my eyes on you are 31 and you still write like a 12 year old who discovered yaoi porn for the first time your characters designs are shit you can’t even write your characters to act like adults for fuck sake you are wasting talented people on your softcore porn I’m so done with this show I hope season three never sees the light of day
Yep, it's official, Helluva lost the plot and turns out that the leaks about Octavia turned out to be true in the end, evidenced by the hair stripe that Stolas ended up getting in the end of Mastermind.
And her being usually mean-spirited and fatphobic? Ain't surprising in the slightest, to think that the sin of Gluttony would be disgusted instead of being delighted, because, y'know... indulging is part of her sin???
Also, agreed about the design bit, though I'll steal Striker and Chaz for redesign or canon divergence material, but outside of that... while Satan is hot, this literally proves my point that this whole show became only a show made to make Viv and her porn addicted fans get off to softcore porn that she could've easily satiated if she went to the funny green page or the orange YouTube, but no, Viv had to force it onto her shows because she's that self-absorbed, and the character designs are conveniently attractive for NSFW artists to sexualize them to no end, which isn't an issue on itself, but c'mon, guys, we cannot deny that Vortex, Asmodeus, or Satan are cheap furry gay bait.
And yes, Stolas' punishment wasn't enough, and even then, he hasn't apologized to Blitz about sexually abusing, belittling and downright gaslighting him, and we're still supposed to ROOT for these two to be together? (Also, fuck you, Viv, Blitz WOULDN'T kiss Stolas in the cheek, Stolas didn't deserve it, if anything, Blitz would've ended Stolas misery with a gunshot on his ugly mug.)
So yeah, boo fucking hoo, Stolas, cry me a fucking ocean, idgaf.
And lastly... Hard agree, I heavily do not wish to see Helluva S3 ever come out, because it'll be a no ending pity party for the oh so sad ex prince Stolas that lost everything, and I would rather waste my time with more productive stuff before seeing a neverending melodrama of an abuser and his victim that developed Stockholm Syndrome because the plot demanded it.
Fuck this show, fuck this writing and fuck you, Viv.
(As a palette cleanser, check out this little fanfiction I found that serves as a more satisfying ending for Mastermind.)
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rosinaparker · 9 months ago
Skz 9th member
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Genre: fluff, crack
pairing: platonic!skz x f!reader
warnings: cursing, flirty comments/touches
A/N: Heyy guys...let's ignore the fact that we have been gone for a whole month😃 inspiration hasn’t been flowing at all for us☹️ -Rose✩
When you first joined the group, it was quite hard to fit in. Jyp wanted to make a mixed group. A group that would blow the internet up. Since Chan was choosing the members, he made sure the girl would fit in with the others. It turned out that you were the perfect fit for the group. Singing, rapping, visuals, you had it all. Chan took you under his wing as the oldest, making sure you felt as comfortable as you could get.
The boys were quite nervous around you. I mean lets be honest, its quite nerve wracking to know that a girl is gonna be apart of your group, meaning you have to be respectful, tidy up your space, make sure that the friendship stays platonic. It was hard for some of them of course, having a cute girl in the dorms was definitely exciting but it never bubbled up into something serious.
After a few years of getting to know the boys, writing songs together, practicing, talking.. you got used to them, and so did they. Any suspicion of romantic attraction was thrown out the window in their mind. They saw you as their little sister, besides Jeongin since you’re a few months older then him!
Now you’re probably asking yourself; how do they act around me? Well…
Very sweet
Most likely a father figure at this point
Has this soft spot for you when you ask for certain stuff
Everytime the others flirt with you, he kinda just sighs, knowing damn well theres gonna be rumors about that again
He honestly gave up on trying to stop it and just started getting all lovey dovey with you too
Lays on top of you to make you groan in annoyance
You know how he’s called the butt hunter? Yeah none of that for you
My dude has never touched you inappropriately
Very VERY respectful, even after all these years
Though his mouth still runs when he gets the chance to say something flirty
Ruffles your hair alot
The way he smiles at Han? You get the same treatment
Such a silly guy
Honestly just throws you around alot
Head pats
Everytime you’re doing your hair, he kinda sits in the corner just watching you
Not in a creepy way or anything, he just admires the way it falls
Dances the sassiest choreographies with you
Most of the tiktoks you guys have posted are all girl group dances
Genuinely just melts looking at you /p
Finds you so precious
You know how he has that cute aggression towards jeongin? Yeah expect it to happen to you too
Gets you jewelry alot, just because you mentioned you like wearing it on occasions
Leaves soft lingering touches alot (by accident, like around the waist or neck)
Paints you 24/7
If you’re into art too, you guys would always go out somewhere quiet and just paint the scenery
And if not then you are drawing ugly portraits of each other
Everytime you decide to go out at night without bodyguards for whatever reason, he is always the first to say he’s going with you
No you can’t decline, even Chan says he has to go with you because you could get in trouble
Biggest fanboy
Forces you to call him oppa
But you dont, and he whines about it
Most touchy out of all the members
Always has an arm around your shoulder or waist
He just likes to know that you’re close
He might’ve had a crush on you at the beginning of the trainee years
He was gonna take that one to the grave but hyunjin exposed him in a skz code episode once
Now all the stays mess around with him
You guys as a duo get in trouble the most
Absolutely pulls that 'going in for a kiss' move on you
Screams if you lean in
Falls asleep in your bed
He has this weird obsession with poking your cheeks
Since the beginning of trainee years, he spent most of his time around you
Mostly because you understood him the best (besides Chan)
Gets so upset if you’re upset
Real bestie behavior
You get in trouble together 2.0
Always takes you out to shopping because you’re most honest when it comes to the clothes he picks out
You guys have this special bond together
Singing karaoke in your bedroom>>
You usually like to pretend to kiss him, he never backs up though which ruins your joke most of the time and he loves it
Cuddles with you the most
His part time job is literally to tease the living shit out of you
Feels the need to be gentle with you
Probably because you’re a girl
You’re not a fan of it
He always gets you your favorite boba flavor
Has seen you cry the most
Has even spend over 2 hours just listening to you vent out your frustrations
You always make flirty jokes but he just pushes you away till you stop saying that shit to him
And if he isn’t pushing you away, then he gets real close to catch you off guard
Even though he always denies it on camera when the others mention it, he gets quite happy when you guys end up having to share a bed in skz codes episodes or other shows
His reasoning for it, is because you tend to wrap yourself around him which comforts him
Makes fun of the fact that you’re shorter then him
Pokes your sides all the time
Annoying Little brother and frustrated big sister behavior
Even though he doesn’t admit it, he wishes you were younger then him so he could take care of you just like the others do
He isn’t a fan of physical touch, so whenever you get too close he playfully looks disgusted
But if you’re in need of touch, he is very willing to give it
If he’s feeling like it, he likes to slow dance on stage at concerts
But he immediately gets embarrassed
It feels good to write something again😋 -Rose✩
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biibini · 1 year ago
Its okay if you dont wanna do this but i really wanna know what you think mizu would do when reader gets her period
modern!mizu x reader gets her period (request)
tags: period, cuddling, fluff, kissing, modern au, modern mizu, mizu being best girl
a/n: ok midterms r coming up so soon HAHAHAHAH (im so nervous)
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modern!mizu would def have the supplies
but i’d feel like she’d carry the lighter, smaller pads
but on most days, mizu would be a tampon user
to ur surprise, she typically uses panty liners for the majority of her period
and even if she does get a heavy period, she can handle it on most days
(yeah im fucking jealous i wish that was me)
like perfect silky hair and thin pads???
mizu my girl
hand those genes over
she would have aspirin and a hot pack on hand if u need it
when she was growing up, they used to be super heavy but now they've become lighter
if ur a heavy flow typa gal,
oh lord its extra packs for mizu to buy
at first, she would be rlly confused at the sizing and the number of flaps/extensions the pads would have
and what specific color to buy
(iykyk my heavy flow girls will know)
but she doesnt mind, u need them
as long as her girl is covered and safe and sound
if ur a tampon girl, mizu would double check to make sure she got ur brand when she goes shopping
modern!mizu would notice ur cycles, especially the week beforehand when ur rlly moody
whether its u being acting more impatient or upset than usual
she checks and makes sure that she has the necessities at hand
if she doesnt, she’ll say she’s just gonna run some errands
technically its not a lie
she does go to the closest convenience store
but the errands in question: pads/tampons and something sweet
(personally im a chocolate sweets girlie)
she’ll get u a lil sweet treat that’ll last u for a week or two
modern!mizu would also pour an extra cup of tea for u before bed
she just wants u to be as comfortable as u can be during ur period
and if u guys are cuddling and watching something before bed
she’ll make sure to keep u comfortable
“Mizu, pleaseeee. Just one more episode?”, you plead. You guys had just finished the second to last episode of the show. Sure, you felt a little tired. But the thought of moving and crawling off of Mizu’s chest didn’t outweigh the comfort of the couch.
Mizu sighs.
“You always do this and then you end up falling asleep.”, Mizu states as she grabs the remote control.
“Not necessarily-“, you rebute. Technically, she wasn’t wrong with your history of falling asleep. But not this time.
“Mmhmm. Right…”, she responds, a little sass in her tone.
You pout. “Please. I promise, I’ll stay up.”
You place your warm cup of tea aside, allowing you to wrap your arms around Mizu’s neck. You feel the heat of her neck against your forearms.
“Besides, it’s the final episode.”, you smile. You look at Mizu for sign of defeat.
“Ok fineeee,” she clicks on the next episode button, “Stay awake now. I’m not summarizing it this time.”
You plant a kiss on her cheek, pulling her closer to your body. She places her mug next to yours and letting her arms wrap around your body. You feel the warmth of her hands press against your body, almost burning from the hot tea.
“I promise I won’t.”, you assure as you sit back against Mizu’s chest again. You feel Mizu’s arms relax and allow you to prep yourself before watching the finale.
Mizu smiles as she felt your body lay back on hers. Your weight alongside the blanket you’re sharing relaxes her. You feel her arms gently wrap around you again as you hear the intro to the episode play.
Her hands start to drag along your sides to your stomach. You feel her burning palm place itself on the top of your lower stomach. Its presence shared a similarity to a heat pad.
You hum in response. While her right hand is busy drawing attention to your lower stomach, you feel her other hand wrap around you and pull you closer. You feel her lips lightly graze your shoulder.
“Mizu, it feels good but-”, you say as her right hand starts to gently massage your stomach.
Fuck. That feels so nice.
You hold back a groan. “Not here, hon.”, you say as you nod your head towards Ringo’s bedroom door.
“I know, don’t worry.”, Mizu responds as she places a soft kiss near your neck. “I just want you to feel comfortable now. You’re on your period, right?”
You nod in response.
“So c’mere. I’ll keep you nice and warm.”
modern!mizu would put ur towel in the dryer while u shower
ik its oddly specific
but i feel like she would make sure to make u feel warm in any way possible
with or without heat pad
same concept applies for the blanket
shes always so thankful her and ringo got an apartment with an in-unit washer dryer
when ur washing up, she’ll typically be doing some light studying with some tea before bed
a break inbetween would be the pop the towel in the dryer
next break is swapping out the towel for the blanket
final break is bringing back the blanket right before u get into bed
its a strange strategy but it helps her stay focused and paces herself while synonymously taking care of u
modern!mizu would make sure she’s wrapping her arms around ur lower stomach when ur cuddling at night
the heating pad gets annoying to sleep with
especially if u tend to toss and turn at night
but having her hands warm u helps u relax at night
when ur trying to sleep, she’ll gently caress and massage ur stomach to help release any tension
at first, u thought it wouldnt have an effect on u
but the more she did it, the more relieved u felt at night
mizu would also feel relaxed knowing that u r relaxed as well
when she heard ur snores, she knows shes done a job well done
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muli-wam · 15 days ago
So Pretty
Summary: Takes place in Dr. Stone Season 2 episode 11 where Tsukasa is about to get put in the freezer by senku, but he wants to talk to you one last time.
Cw: use of y/n one time, angst, SPOILERS!! I think that's all
Pairings: Shishio Tsukasa x Fem!reader
A/n: um.... happy valentine's day 🤩🤩
"...It's because Mario only thinks he's huge because he ate the mushroom," Senku laughs as he fiddles with tubes and cords connecting to the large freezer.
"He's tripping balls. Ten billion percent tripping," he says as his body tenses.
"Am I right?"
"Am I right, Tsukasa?" Senku huffs with a tinge of hurt laced through his tone.
"Senku..." Tsukasa whispers from his resting place on the makeshift stretcher.
"Hm?" Senku hums with his back still facing Tsukasa.
"Can you... Can I talk to y/n? One last time?" Tsukasa mumbles hoarsly.
"Oh, yeah. Sure. Let me go get her," Senku walks out the cave but doesnt make it far because you were lurking around the corner anyway.
You couldn't walk away. You couldn't just leave him there. You had hoped that things could turn out differently. That maybe Senku was able to find a solution to quickly re-petrify Tsukasa so then you guys can easily revive him again.
You knew it wouldn't be that easy. Not in this world, no.
Senku was smart, but there was a ten billion percent chance that he couldn't find a way to turn Tsukasa back to stone in under 4 days. Additionally, no one in your relatively small congregation of people was a surgeon or had remotely any medical experience.
So here you were, sitting on your knees beside Tsukasa as his body slowly but surely gives out.
"So..." you mutter, failing to keep eye contact with him.
"So," he croaks, giving you a weak smile.
"We've officially been dating for 1 week, 14 hours, 17 minutes and... 35 seconds," you say, sounding defeated.
"Heh, you've been counting, pretty girl?" He let's out a faint laugh, not too hard as it physically pains him to let out anymore than that.
A tear falls down you cheek and lands onto the hard stone floor of the cold cave.
"C'mere," Tsukasa says, signaling you with his finger to lay next to him. You slot yourself in an open space next to him, laying on your side.
Tsukasa turns his head so it faces you. "You're so pretty," he smiles softly.
You eyes water even more at the sight of his drooping eyes and dark circles. You bring a hand up to gently cup his face and rest your forehead on his.
"Wish I told you sooner," you cry softly.
His features soften as he watches tears stream down your face.
"It was unavoidable," he whispers.
"But if I told you earlier then maybe we wouldn't be here. You would have never left and we could have all stayed together," you huff.
"You, me, Senku, Taiju and Yuzuriha. Us against the world," you search Tsukasa's eyes for something, half expecting him to jump up and say it was all some prank and he's actually okay. He doesn't.
You told Tsukasa you had feelings for him after the cease fire of the Stone Wars. You had known him before the entire world got turned to stone. He was your best friend and you stuck by him the entire time since his sister was in a coma.
You think you fell for him freshman year of high school but it could have been sooner. All you know is that you fell in love with Shishio Tsukasa and you dont think you could ever stop loving him.
"I know... but the time we did have together was great, no? And I trust..." Tsukasa starts, but pauses to take a breath.
"I trust that Senku will figure out what caused all this, and then I can be with you again." He says.
"I love you," you cry harder.
"I love you too, angel," he kisses your forehead.
"Dont loose yourself because of me, okay? Keep being the smart, amazing girl I've always known." He says.
"Promise?" Tsukasa asks.
"I promise."
You stroke his cheek softly as you bring your head closer to ever so gently kiss him. It was so passionate yet so soft and your head felt like it was floating as your conscience fades away from the world around you, only seeming to focus on him.
When you kissed him for the first time, it felt like romantic picnics in an open meadow. Like eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on a warm spring afternoon as you sit in the grass and watch the clouds pass by.
It felt like coffee shop dates and evening strolls in the park as you held hands and talked about anything and everything. It felt like life was finally just beginning.
It didn't feel like that now.
It feel like your suffocating but taking a breath of fresh air all at once. It felt like the walls were closing in and you were sinking deeper and deeper into the dark abyss of your brain.
You hated goodbyes.
You both finally parted, staring deeply into each others eyes.
"M'so tired," Tsukasa whispered.
"Just let it happen," you smile brokenly.
"M'gonna be right here when you wake up, okay?" You say as your body wracks in shivers.
"Y'so pretty," he whispers once again while smiling. Your heart seems to shatter all over again.
You watch his eyes slowly close, his puples slowly being shadowed by his eyelids.
"So, so pretty," He mumbles one last time before his eyes finally shut, and you feel his once slow but steady pulse come to a stop.
You lay there for a moment, staring at his lifeless face and internally beating yourself up for his death even though you know it wasn't your fault. He and Senku had a mutual agreement on this. And those two, as stubborn as they are, always keep their promises.
And now its your turn to keep yours.
You hear footsteps approach behind you before a voice says, "y'ready?"
You lay there for a few more beats before slowly sitting up, and bringing Tsukasa's arms to cross over his chest.
"I'm ready."
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bbyquokka · 2 years ago
watch me
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pairing: bang chan x fem reader
genre: idol au, smut – 18+ is strongly advised!
synopsis: just as you and chan were about to have an intimate moment, you both get caught. however, you don't mind if more than one person watches
warnings: she/her pronouns, established relationship, voyeurism, exhibitionism (the rest of the members watch), finger sucking, oral (m+f), vaginal fingering, unprotected sex (p in v), creampie, cum on body, pet names, masturbation, clit play, breast/nipple play, minuscule amount of spit play, multiple orgasms, breeding kink, rutting and grinding, overstimulation, sub-space, aftercare
words: 5.7k ~ (5,747)
♡ m.list — ♡ you can also read it on my ao3
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dont repost. dont translate. minors, ageless & default blogs; dni! feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!
soft groans and moans fill the bedroom. your knees sore and tender as your fingernails dig into the soft yet sturdy flesh of chan's thighs.
his head kicked back, plump lip caught between his teeth as he groans. his hips moving at a slow and sloppy pace. the pleasure your mouth is currently providing him is too much for him to bear.
your tongue strokes the underside of his fat cock. his tip hitting the back of your throat with each thrusts. chin coated with drool, cheeks stained with tears and lips swollen.
it's been too long since you both were able to pleasure one another. chan's cock is sensitive from the stimulation that he has dreamed of for months. his body shakes as he holds back his fast approaching orgasm, wanting to save it all to dump inside you and watch it slowly trickle out.
the boys are staying at jeju island for an episode or two of skz talker. you got invited by chan (with permission from the manager and filming crew) which you happily said yes to. it's been months since you last saw your partner, as well as everyone else, so you were ecstatic to be invited. 
upon arrival, everyone rushed around the house they were going to stay at in an attempt to claim bedrooms and roommates. as per, chan chose the biggest bedroom in the entire place which also came with a huge glass window that allowed people downstairs and in the hallways to look in.
whilst you and chan spent a few seconds cuddling and embracing one another on the bed, the members made it be known that they were going to go out and explore the area before filming was to start again. when you looked up at chan, he had that mischievous smirk on his face, a smirk that makes you melt and know exactly what he wants–leading you to your current situation.
“fuck, i've missed this mouth so much.” chan groans as he strokes your hair slowly. he looks down at you, cock twitching as the sight of your closed eyes and stained face. you give him a hum as a response, the vibrations traveling up his shaft and to his balls.
he grips onto your hair gently, fingers buried in your locks as his hips move a little faster. his cock stretching the corners of your mouth and saliva continues to pool and spill down your chin. your oxygen intake is little to nothing considering chan's size and thickness, meaning you have to pull away for a few seconds to catch your breath.
chan strokes your swollen lips as you pant, his eyes clouded over with lust. he cups your cheek gently, stroking it with his thumb as you nuzzle into his soft and warm palm. 
“i've missed this. i've missed you yn.”
“mhm, me too chan.” you whisper as you look up at him. you wrap your hand around the base of his cock, pumping him slowly and rotating your wrist at his tip. chan grunts softly, watching you lean in and kitten lick his tip. the salt from his pre cum coats your tongue.
he gently pulls you onto your feet, arms around you. you grin as you kiss each other messily. tongue and teeth clash and collide together. saliva pooling and mixing together. chan's hands roam your body, his fingers dancing along your naked skin before pinning you up against the glass. he fumbles around at your clothing, desperation kicking in before muttering a “fuck it” and hosting you up, legs around his waist and cock poking at your clothed core.
your hands roam to the back of his head, fingers buried in his locks as you occasionally tug at the roots causing chan to moan. your lower halves pressed flush against each others.  
he bucks his hips into you, thrusting and rubbing himself on you. the warmth from his length plus your own saliva coats your panties and seeps through the material, making you feel sticky and uncomfortable. he lowers his head onto your shoulder, forehead landing on your shoulder blade as he pants. he clings onto you as he ruts against you desperately, your fingers tugging at his hair as you occasionally kiss and suck on his earlobe.
a knock on the glass makes you both jump and look at who may have caused the noise. both of you freeze for a split second before chan smirks. a flustered looking stray kids staring at you both, mouths agape and cheeks pink with obvious boners.
cupping your ass cheeks in his warm hands, chan looks at you with a smirk. he tucks your hair behind your ear slowly before trailing his fingertips along your jawline to your bottom lip.
“we have company.” he hums.
“seems like it.” you whisper. chan strokes your bottom lip slowly with him thumb, teasingly letting it slip between your lips.
“shall we invite them in?”
“you mean like, let them join in or?”
“not so much as join in darlin'. i'm a jealous man, you should know that but i don't have a problem with letting them watch us.” he purrs, thumb in your mouth.
you whimper softly as you grip onto his wrist gently. you wrap your lips around his thumb, suckling and swirling your tongue around it. you put on a little show, putting in that extra effort as you know that the members are watching you–and it gets you just as excited.
the burn and ache you feel between your legs increases the longer you feel the pairs of eyes on you. you grip onto chan's wrist, your eyes meeting his lustful eyes as his bottom lip is caught between his teeth.
“you want to fuck me, channie?” you ask sweetly. he nods. “you want to fuck me in front of the members? have them watch us and put on a little show?”
“do you mind? it has been a while for all of us after all and i know how much the members love your gorgeous, beautiful naked body.” 
“t-they do?” you flush pink as chan nods and leans in. 
“they do.” 
“o-ok. then i don't mind having them watch.” you giggle. chan hums and kisses your forehead gently.
“then strip, get on the bed and wait for me whilst i set some rules for them all.” you nod eagerly as you strip yourself of your clothing. heart pounding, adrenaline and lust rising as you skip to the bed and kneel in the middle, sitting back on your heels as chan speaks to the members.
you watch through the big glass window as chan explains the rules. the members listening and nodding whilst asking questions to which chan either nods or shakes his head at. the members agree to the rules before slowly walking inside, chan being the last to enter the room.
you look at all eight members, feeling vulnerable but also excited at the same time. your naked body on display for hungry eyes to see. you watch their eyes flicker over your body, checking out your curves and every detail and texture your skin holds. seeing you in a new light sets sparks and energy to set their nerve endings on fire before pooling down south.
“now–” chan starts as he takes the remainder of his clothing off. his defined body making your breath hitch in your throat and become nothing but a puddle on the sheets. no matter how many times you see chan naked, you're always in awe of how handsome and defined he is. “do we all remember the rules?”
“no touching unless yn says it's ok or gives us the go ahead to do so.” minho speaks.
“we are only allowed to watch and not engage with you both unless either of you give the go ahead.” seungmin mumbles, the palm of his hand already massaging and squeezing his own length through his clothing.
“and–” chan asks with a raised eyebrow
“and make sure yn consents and is ok with anything we wish to do.” they all chime in to which you giggle at.
“good.” chan grins, clearly pleased with how well he has trained them. he places one hand on your cheek gently, tilting your head so you're looking at him. 
“are you sure about this?” he whispers as he strokes your cheek gently with his thumb. you lean into his soft palm, nuzzling your cheek into it.
“100%? you're not just saying that to impress everyone, correct?”
“i trust you and everyone in this room chan. i trust you all with my whole life so this isn't uncomfortable for me. i want to do this.”
“ok pup. but you remember your safe word right?”
“island. my safe word is island.” chan gives you a gentle smile and a hum.
“please us it yn.” you look to the side at a concerned yet flustered minho. “if any of us do or say something that makes you feel uncomfortable, please us it.”
“for sure! we want you to feel good just as much as we do. we might not be doing anything to you per say but we are watching you both have an intimate moment.” felix chimes in.
“don't worry fellas. i'll be vocal–in more ways than one.” you give them a wink which causes them all to flush.
“gosh, you're so cheeky and adorable.” chan groans before kissing you hungrily and with such force, you fall onto your back. the soft sheets caressing your back as chan hovers over you. he situates himself between your legs as he drags them loosely around his waist.
his tip rubbing and teasing your folds, coating his skin in your slick. he cups both your breasts, massaging them as he forces his tongue past your lips and into your mouth. you grip onto his shoulders, hips bucking to feel his length rub against you, desperate for some friction.
the lack of oxygen becomes apparent to you both but the want and need to feel and hear one another much greater. chan's groans mixing with yours. sloppy, wet sounds of his length rubbing between your folds. the sheets rustling with each movement. 
tongues colliding, teeth bashing. it's messy and needy. you grip onto his shoulders, nails digging into his shoulder blades as you pant against his lips. he lets out a low groan at the sight of your flush cheeks, swollen lips and glass eyes before dipping his head low to capture your sensitive nipple between his lips.
“fuck.. chan.” you moan breathily , head tilting to the side. you make eye contact with minho as chan flicks your nipple with his tongue. minho swallows thickly, unable to avert his gaze from you as you stare at him.
as you stare at minho, you let out soft and gentle moans as chan nibbles and plays with your nipples. minho swallowing thickly, his palm increasing on his length as he rubs and squeezes himself. your eyes flicker to all seven members noticing how they're all fixated on you and what chan is doing and making you feel.
this is the first time you’ve done something like this. exposed yourself in front of many as well as let them all watch chan do explicit and lewd things to you; but you enjoy it. the ache between your legs and your slick that's coating your folds tells you that you love this more than you thought.
have all eyes on you and be reduced to practically nothing as they watch. the power and hold you have over them makes you power hungry, makes you want to ‘put on a show.’
you buck your hips upwards, rutting against chan's length. he squeezes and massages your breasts whilst his teeth tug and nibble your nipples. he leaves soft purple bruises on your skin before kissing up your neck to your lips where his swollen lips meet yours in another sloppy and uncoordinated kiss.
you grip onto his shoulders, nails digging into his blades. chan holds your waist in both hands as he rubs against you, matching your tempo. his length slips up and down between your folds effortlessly, his red cock head bumping against your clit which causes you to moan in his mouth.
you hear the rustling of clothing and zippers being pulled down from the side. mumbled grunts and sighs as the members pull down their pants and underwear, letting it pool by their feet. hands gliding up and down their angry cocks, thumbs teasing their pre-cum coated tips. eyes rolling to the back of their heads as they provide themselves with pleasure whilst watching wishing they were in chan's position.
“chan, please.” you whimper softly.
“please what?” he coos.
“i need you inside. i need to feel you.” 
“you've always been a needy pup haven't you?” chan hums teasingly, his fingertips slowly gliding down the valley between your breasts to your navel before stopping just above your clit. you swallow as you watch, breath hitching in your throat.
“why don't we show them, mhm? show them how needy you are.” chan moves from between your legs to kneel behind you. he gently lifts you up so the upper part of your body is resting against his thighs, positioning you so your intimate area is easy to see.
you let out soft whimpers of embarrassment. your heart beating against your chest rapidly. you're embarrassed but also enjoying the attention.
all eyes are on you. everyone is thinking of you. everyone is doing or wants to do something to you. 
you watch the members' eyes flicker down your body as they take in the curviness of your breasts, your soft skin and your soaked folds and swollen clit. you automatically shut your legs, much to their (and chan's) dismissal.
“ah ah ah baby. show them.” chan's hot breath tickles your ear lobe as he leans down and pries your legs wide open again. your core clenches, eyes gazing at the many hard cocks in front of you.
thick, thin, big and small. some with neatly trimmed pubic areas, some naked and some barely trimmed at all. each of the members having their own style of stroking their cocks.
felix, jeongin and changbin, for example, like to stroke themselves slowly. they like to take on the pleasure, soak up the scent, the feeling and the sounds. changbin's eyes would roll to the back of his head, lip caught between his teeth.
jisung and minho like to be fast, eagerly chasing their high. one hand around their cocks, the other massaging and playing with their balls. they're vocal, very vocal willingly letting out each whimper and groan that builds in the back of their throat or chest. beads of sweat dripping down their temples and their thumbs rubbing their cock heads with the occasionally running the fingernail along their slits.
hyunjin and seungmin, however, like to tease themselves. they purposefully stroke themselves at a fast pace, wrist rotating at their tips. once they feel the pressure build and build, threatening to snap, do they slow down and squeeze the base of their cock to calm themselves down. the pressure building and becoming painful for them both but they enjoy it a little too much. 
“you're all so pretty.” you mumble “so many pretty cocks.” 
“do you like it darling?”
“does it make you wet seeing this many dicks hard for you?”
“fuck yes!”
“then show them, pup. play with your pretty pussy and show them how horny and wet you feel.”
you swallow as you look up at chan. a smirk on his lips, his eyes filled with nothing but lust and playfulness. 
“go on.” he encourages “show them. imagine it's me if you have to.” 
you close your eyes slowly as you trail one hand down your body. your body jerks a little as your fingertips come into contact with your sensitive and neglected clit. you breathe a shallow breath of relief as you rub two fingers between your folds, coating your fingers nicely in your juices.
using the same two fingers, you rub slow circles on your clit. bolts of pleasure shoot up your spine. heat piling in the pit of your stomach as you rub. you groan softly, chans' name rolling off your tongue effortlessly. you feel his fingers combing through your hair, his voice soft and assertive as he praises you.
you hear multiple “fucks” and “wows” from the members. their gaze burning holes into your body and setting your skin on fire. your toes curl against the sheets and thighs shake as you rub fast circles on your clit. 
“open.” you hear from above. your eyes flutter open to see chan's face above yours. you open your mouth slowly only for him to spit on your tongue. his saliva slowly trails out of his mouth, rolling off his tongue for it to land on yours. you instantly close your mouth and swallow, grinning as chan smiles at you and strokes your bottom lip gently 
“such a good pup.” 
you mewl as your fingers dip inside your core. the warmth and wetness of your walls coats your fingers nicely. you thrust your fingers slowly at first before picking up the pace as you clench around your own fingers and the pleasure becomes too much.
chan reaches down and rubs your clit unexpectedly which makes you moan loudly and back to arch up off the bed. the sloppy sounds of your wet cunt mixes in with your moans and pants. the members struggling to hold back their orgasms, waiting for when the real show starts.
“chan. chan–fuck! chan please!” you beg, not knowing what or why you're begging. everything is just babble, mind mushy.
“so beautiful when you're like this, pup. makes me want to breed you all day and night.”
“yes! fuck please chan, please breed me.” you whimper, fingers moving quicker.
“have you been a good pup?”
“yes. so good. been very very good for you.”
“are you going to cum for me?” you nod your head yes frantically, the knot in your stomach tightening and tightening with each thrust and rub.
“cum. gonna cum–hng!” your eyes squeeze shut as you pull your fingers out of your pulsating pussy. chan continues to rub your clit through your orgasm, your hands bundling up the bed sheets into tight balls. your thighs shake, clit becomes sensitive to the point where you're sweating and you have to push chan's hand away gently.
“holy shit yn.. that was hot.” you look at jisung and give him a soft and lazy smile.
“want to taste?” the words rolling off your tongue so quickly, it takes a while for your brain (as well as everyone else's) to catch up. chan looks at you with a slight shocked expression, jisung's eyes widening a little at the offer.
“i–i. uh…” he swallows, eyes flickering from your juicy cunt to chan.
“it's ok, jisung. you can taste.” chan says. jisung nods timidly, slowly walking to you the best he can. his eyes fixated on your cunt the whole time as the members watch jisung with some jealousy hitting the surface.
“taste you how?” jisung asks with a raised eyebrow. “like, lick your fingers or–”
“you can taste me directly, sungie.” you purr.
“o-ok.. oh fuck, shit. ok.” jisung clears his throat and kneels on the bed. he pushes his long hair back before dipping his head low between your legs. your scent hitting his nostrils which causes him to shiver and cock to throb.
he gently holds onto the back of your thighs and gently pulls you closer to his face. his tongue glides from your core to your clit, which causes you to jerk at the contact. jisung pants heavily as your juices coat his taste buds, his eyes widening before lapping at your core.
you groan softly as you watch him hungrily taste you. your fingers buried in his hair before reaching to the back of his head and pressing his face flush against your cunt gently. low groans emit from his lips as you slowly grind on his face. jisung's tongue slipping inside your cunt and nose bumping against your clit.
chan swallows as he watches the scene unfold in front of him. his mind hazy and slightly confused due to the fact that he is enjoying someone else get his partner off. he absentmindedly strokes his own hard cock as he watches you grind on his best friend's face, tugging jisung's hair and moaning his name like a mantra. 
he watches you beckon felix over for a kiss. he watches his two best friends pleasure his partner, felix kissing you sweetly yet needily. his hands playing and massaging with your breasts.
“keep going, ji.” you hum. “if you keep going like that, i might cum again.” 
“fuck me yn. you taste so good.”
“shh and keep going.” you whine. jisung hums softly before continuing with the ordeal. you go back to kissing felix and letting him play with your breasts.
seconds later, the overstimulation gets too much and jisung drives you to your second orgasm (with felix's help, of course) your slick coats jisung's lips, cheeks and chin. you giggle as you watch him pull away and lick his lips, his mind in a haze before him and felix return back to watching you both.
as you open your mouth to speak, chan pulls you onto his lap suddenly. his back resting against the headboard of the bed, his gaze dark and lustful. it's suffocating.
“did you have your fun, pup?” 
“mhmmm” you hum, holding onto chan's shoulders. “did you enjoy watching me, channie?”
“very. jisung and felix did such a good job and you did too, pup. i think you deserve a reward.” chan reaches behind and grabs the base of his penis. he gently taps your sensitive pussy to which you kneel up enough for his tip to breach your tight cunt.
with a shaky breath, you slowly lower yourself down on him. his thick cock stretching your cunt, stinging a little in the process and knocking the air out off your lungs. your eyes squeeze shut as do chan's, his grip on your hips tightening.
“you're so tight, yn.”
“and you're so big, chan.” 
you lower yourself down until he is balls deep inside you. your ass cheeks flush against his thighs, cock touching untouched territory making you feel full to capacity.
“chan. chan, fuck..” you groan. chan grips onto your ass cheeks as he guides you up and down. he doesn't give you time to adjust, loving how tight and warm you feel around his cock.
“so tight. so warm. i love this pussy so much.” chan moans as you slowly start to ride him. you tense your thighs to help with the motion, chans fat cock stroking your walls deliciously.
both of you soon get caught up in the moment. the sounds of skin slapping on skin mixes together with your soaked cunt and desperate and whorish moans. moans from the members heard behind you as they watch chans cock disappearing inside of you, your ass cheeks rippling and red hand marks on the skin.
“chan, i cant. deep.. so deep.” you moan. chan hushes you by pressing his lips against your own with such force, it knocks the air out off your lungs. holding onto your lower back, he lowers you down on the sheets, cock still driving deep inside you.
the new position allows chan to freely take your legs and press them against your chest, lower half high up which allows him to piledrive. you gasps, tears trickling from the corners of your eyes. your breath hitches multiple times, bed squeaking and skin on skin slapping due to the sheer force.
the members watch in awe, shock and admiration as they watch their leader reduce you to nothing but a blubbering, sobbing mess. the incoherent mumbles and words you babble ring in each of their ears, fists stroking their hardened cocks faster and faster.
chan's cock strokes your insides so deliciously. your juices coat his dick nicely, core sloppy and loose which allows him to freely slide in and out as well as angeling each thrust to hit your g-spot; which he does in record time.
stars in your peripheral vision. sweat coating your body. your senses in overdrive as pleasure takes over every fibre of your being. the grip chan has on the back of your thighs is so strong, he leaves faint red marks behind. 
his own mind and body slowly being reduced to nothing as he watches you whither from underneath. your eyes clouding over with lust and adrenaline, a dumb smile slowly forming on your lips. his name rolling off your tongue with little to no effort.
he briefly wipes away beads of sweat that roll down his temples, his hair curly due to it soaking the salty moisture.
“kiss. want kiss. chan, please.” you babble. chan lets go of your legs and lets them freely fall by his sides. he leans over you, resting on his forearms by your head.
“my sweet sweet pup.” he whispers before kissing you. it's sloppy but slow with more passion and feeling into it. he caresses your tongue, swallows each moan and drop of saliva. the new position allows him to still be able to fuck you deep but slow and sensual. you loosely draped your legs around his waist, locking him in and keeping him close with your feet.
“god you feel so good around me yn. so tight and warm.” chan groans against your lips.
“more.” you mumble “i want more.”
“so greedy. i'm giving you all i have yet you want more.” chan coos.
“i'm so close to cumming.” hyunjin mumbles as changbin nods, agreeing with his statement.
“on me.” you babble. “cum on me.” 
hyunjin and changbin look at each other, swallowing thickly before looking at chan. he simply shrugs.
“give her what she wants.” he states. hyunjin and changbin walk to you as chan kneels up, keeping his tempo of his thrusts.
you watch the two men with half lidded eyes as they pump themselves fast, chasing their own highs. with spluttered words and tense muscles, hot cum shoots out onto your body from the two men causing you to giggle and moan softly.
“fuck..” they both fuck themselves in the palm of their hands, riding out their highs to calm down. strangled moans and ‘shit!’ heard in the background as jisung, jeongin and seungmin also reach their highs, desperately catching their cum in the palm of their free hand.
minho and felix struggle, wanting to mark you with their own bodily fluids but also not wanting to disrespect you. after battling back and forth, minho mumbles a “fuck it” before walking to you and instantly coating your skin. all the while, your clit is being played with by your own fingertips, core clenching around chan as heat pools and tightens in the pit of your stomach.
“it's ok, lix.” you coo. felix joins in, also releasing onto your body with a heavy sigh and deep moan before backing away. 
“happy now, pup?”
“no? why?”
“because you haven't given me what i want.” you purr.
“and what's that?” chan raises his brow.
“fill me up. i want to milk your fat cock dry.”
“jesus fucking christ.” chan groans as he grabs your hips tightly. he picks up the pace of his thrusting, skin slapping on skin once again as he fucks you into the mattress. your walls tighten and tighten around him with each thrust, body shaking and quivering as chan drives you to your third orgasm of the night.
“you're going to milk me dry, mhm? let me spill my seed deep inside you.”
“yes! yes please chan, please!”
“fuck, you're the death of me yn!” with a grunt and a few more thrusts, chan stills himself as his cock and balls twitch with each hot release of his cum that coats your walls nice and thick. your body shivers and goose bumps rises as you feel him, his hands gripping your hips tighter than ever, his mouth agape and eyes squeezed shut.
he slowly and shallowly starts to thrust again, fucking his cum deep inside you but also driving your orgasm closer and closer to the edge. you reach up, gripping and digging your nails into chan's arms as your core clenches around chan's length. 
legs trying to close as they shake. your orgasm knocking the air out off your lungs and make you feel light headed. your juices coat chan's cock, mixing and spilling onto the bed sheets as he slowly pulls out off you. you pant heavily, body shaking and feeling weak.
mouth and throat dry. body tender and sore as well as being bruised up. you hear each of the members rushing around, in and out of the room. clothing and bottles being gathered up as well as a flannel. it's all distance noise, a faint buzz in your ears as you feel high and dizzy.
“hey.” that soft voice you recognise so well comes through to you. your chest heaving as you struggle to maintain your breathing. “it's me, you're ok. i've got you.”
chan tucks your sweaty hair behind your ear gently, stroking your cheek. he pecks your lips tenderly and sweetly as you mewl and grip onto him.
“come back to me baby.”
“more…” your voice rough and hoarse. chan simply shakes his head no.
“no more. you're exhausted darling. we can't put your body under any more strain or pressure. you have to come back to me.” 
“want.. m–more.” you whisper. chan hums a soft and gentle tune from a song you love. your eyes slowly close as you listen, mind clearing up as you loosely hold onto him.
“good pup. i'm going to wipe you down now, ok? jisung and felix prepared a warm bath for you. changbin has even said we can use his lotion that's for sore muscles and bruises.”
“mhm.” is all you can manage to say. you feel a soft, lukewarm flannel being pressed against your intimate area as chan gently cleans you up. from the side, you feel baby wipes cleaning up the cum that's on your naked body. 
your eyes flutter open to see who it is to be met with a shy hyunjin and minho who delicately wipe away the fluids.
“thank you, yn.” hyunjin says.
“for what?”
“for letting us do this and watch.”
“it's ok. you don't need to thank me.” you laugh sleepily.
“we didn't make you uncomfortable, did we?” seungmin asks from the side who is currently cleaning up the bedroom.
“if we did, please tell us yn!” jeongin pips up, fresh bedsheets in his arms.
“you didn't! it was fun. should do it again.” you giggle to which chan clears his throat before scooping you up in his arms gently.
“wont be any time soon though! you're all mine pup so don't be getting any ideas!” he looks at all the members individual. “that also includes the rest of you!”
they all mumble a “yes chan.” to which you giggle at before resting your head on his shoulder. chan carries you to the bathroom as jisung turns the bath taps off.
“are you ok, yn?” jisung asks, worry lacing his features. felix walks in and places two big fluffy towels on the side.
“yeah. you're not hurt or anything?” felix asks as he stands next to a concerned jisung.
you laugh softly, hissing a little in pain as chan lowers you into the warm bubbly water.
“i'm fine. tired and hungry, but i'm fine.” you reassure the two men to which they let out a breath and nod. “you both did good too. you're really good at eating pussy, ji.”
jisung sputters and shifts his weight from one foot to the other. he rubs the back of his neck shyly before muttering a thank you. felix laughs softly as chan gets into the bath behind you, giving the two men a look that politely says “leave”
“hey ji. yn said she's hungry so why don't we gather everyone and make chan and yn some food!” felix suggests. jisung agrees, leaving you and chan alone together.
you let out a soft sigh of content as you lean against chan's chest. your eyes close slowly as the warm water relaxes your body, making you more sleepy.
“you did good pup. i'm proud of you.”
“thank you darling.” you mumble as your eyes slowly close. chan squirts some shampoo onto the palm of his hand before massaging it into your hair and scalp.
“do you really want to do it again?” he asks suddenly.
“what? have sex with you? always.” you smirk. chan rolls his eyes and laughs
“no silly. i mean do you want them members to watch us fuck again?”
“mhm, maybe. do you.”
“did you enjoy it?”
“honestly.” he pauses for a few seconds. “yes.”
“oh!!” you sit up suddenly and spin around in the tub to face a flustered looking chan. “so you like it when other people watch us! what about when jisung and felix were doing stuff to me?”
“i-i liked that too.” chan mumbles. “a lot more than i thought i would.”
“and here's me thinking you'd be jealous.” you say with a smirk.
“oi! i still get jealous. you do remember who you belong to, right?” you lick your lips before straddling chan's lap to sit flush on his dick and wrapping your arms around his neck.
“i belong to someone?” you smirk. chan growls as he holds your waist. “i think i need reminding.”
“better yet, i think my pup needs to be taught a lesson or two.” he slowly pushes and pulls your hips so you grind on his cock slowly. the water splashing around in the tube from the motion.
“ya think?” you say playfully.
“oh i know. i need to teach you and everyone else who you truly belong to.”
“and who do i belong to, channie?” chan leans in and ghosts his lips along the shell of your ear. one hand coming up to cup your tender breast, fingers rolling and pinching your sensitive nipple which causes you to shudder and your moans to echo in the bathroom.
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note: this was requested by anon! requests are closed in order for me to catch up.  don’t forget to leave feedback, reblog and tell me what you think here. curious as to what is next? here is my wips list! i hope you all enjoy! ‹3
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tags(open): @sstarryoong ; @septicrebel ; @alyszaen ; @writerracha ; @hyunluvxo ; @aestheticsluut ; @xcookiemonsteer ; @telesvng ; @oshimee ; @fairylouist
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irlnorthshaw · 2 months ago
is your blog shador free? if so, whats your fav ship??
well anon i come bearing great news... my blog IS shador free !! there is a long story behind it which does include a 16 year old me on instagram getting harassed by the shador crowd BUT let's put that behind
moving on to ships i DO absolutely enjoy (not in order)
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starting off w my absolute fav, they could never fail me. a dream come true would be to have an episode centred around them... 😁👍 i love their dynamic sm.
it makes so much sense why they're paired up together on the field, they have the perfect balance and dont take shit from everyone else
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can't go wrong w a classic. have been a fan since day 0, they're so wholesome and i enjoy their back and forth more than shakes and el matador (yes... i did just say that)
i love shakes being the one to always have kalus' back, ESPECIALLY when everyone else doubted him. oh when he reassured klaus to not doubt himself bc he IS a great player is so... chefs kiss i love them
UPDATE: guys. the worst did, in fact, come. after this post i sat down and finally watched rookie season (which i havent done when i made this) and so now im aware of shakes and klaus'.... ambiguous age gap. this is truly my nightmare come true
SHAWDOR !!! (thats what ive named them at least)
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this trope never fails me. adrenaline junkie dudebro with the self centered diva??? COUNT ME IN. TAKE ALL OF MY MONEY PLEASE.
klaus w literally anyone
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i really cant blame them, i too love klaus 😋 i like these two ships especially, i don't dive into them as often BUT I WILL BE SEATED !!
onto the other teams AND cross-team ships
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these two are for sure crack ships BUT yk me... i will literally consume anything given to me, without a doubt. there's definitely more than i can think of. im starting to really like dingaan and klaus BUT i havent ventured into them as much.
but these two? wow... 10/10 i love it and i need more of it. Im STAAAARVING
psstt uber and skarra got me feeling some type of way... emotionally unstable height difference? a tear fell down my cheek
uber/ja nein
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can you blame me? they're literally perfect. jock/nerd w a bit of spice... i am always sat whenever an episode has these two. god bless "man in the iron tank mask" 🙏🙏
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ANOTHER CLASSIC !! they're literally shakes and klaus but like... the evil counterparts 😭😭
UPDATE: dingarra is lame.
that i can remember....
there's definitely more that i haven't thought abt. Including coach ships (i definitely have one or two, i AM a big fan of old man yaoi) AND my beautiful yuri ships... i will continue in another post then 😋👍
thank you anon for this opportunity to gush abt shipping... its what i live to do 🫡
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quodekash · 10 months ago
yeah so im gonna make my silly little commentary posts for we are sometimes but not all the time
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he stared at his friend's water and started smiling like a fucking idiot 💀
h2o just makes him giddy like that 🥰
also I genuinely fucking adore Pham and Fang's dynamic, they care about each other so much (I might cry)
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here to pick up his twink
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i think i just really love satang cos during msp every time sound was on screen i lost my shit and now every time toey is on screen i lose my shit
btw i fully had to rewatch that entire scene, i was entirely focusing on satang’s little adorable fuckin face that i forgot to read and process the dialogue lmao
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his expression is like “did you bring me here to do your chores, or are you gonna be honest and just say you want to makeout"
the real answer is just that he wants to spend time with him btu doesnt know how to do that normally 💀
(and also that he wants to make out with him)
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I genuinely adore accidental kiss tropes in bls, its just so unrealistic its fucking amazing
[insert image of phum's friends walking in here (I had to delete some of my screenshots because I can only do 30 and I dont want to do more than one post for this)]
it's so awkward and I am LIVING for it
people in bls always walk in at the WORST possible moments and its AMAZING
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phuwin’s character trying to cook is so me
and also my sister, one time she was making spaghetti bolognese for us for dinner and she put way too much salt, and then to attempt to solve the problem, she put water into the pan to "evaporate the salt" 💀
the best part is I didnt even realise why that wouldnt work until my brother started laughing
anyway, back to the ep
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Youre fucking KIDDING
literally last week I was like "yeah okay I like it" and then suddenly im on the verge of tears when they make physical contact???
[insert image of pun eating]
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oh fuck yes I love this friendship already and it just started
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they look like tired dads fr
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is phuwin just fuckin short or is pond like 3 metres tall cos holy shit
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woah he really just went for it there
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great frame
[insert that entire scene with the jump onto him and the holding hands and the FUCKING CHEEK KISS]
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he's jealoussssssss
I love pun so much, I truly would die for him
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Welcome back to another episode of Toey Thinks Peem And Phum Are Dating (And He’s Right)
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Im gonna be completely honest, if pond looked at me like that, id probably do whatever he tells me to without a second thought
thats all im saying
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this song is so out of winny’s range tho 💀
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so fucking SMOL
also chains hand just always naturally rests on pun’s shoulder
literally all the time
what im saying here is I think they should kiss
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Cool! 👍
im glad they finally got there
okay now I just have one final question before I take my leave: what the FUCK was the song playing in the background of the qtoey scene near the end of the episode
it was just electric guitar and I KNOW recognise it but I cant figure out what fucking song it was (literally I finished the episode at like 1:30 but didnt go to sleep til 3 because I was trying to find the song)
so please, if ANYONE recognises it and knows what it is, tell me as soon as you can cos Im fucking dying
update: a moot is pretty sure the song played over other qtoey scenes earlier in the show (the same way msp did with noelm) so now im fuckin PSYCHED for the new song that’s gonna come out eventually
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georgies-ftts · 11 months ago
my thoughts and opinions on this weeks episode as someone who didn’t have time to watch last weeks episode, has never watched live american telly before and has discovered a new found hatred for your adverts. Also i swear a lot.
let’s begin
(spoilers obviously don’t be a knob)
1. he cannae be captain he’s only got two stripes on his epilette why are we focusing so much on this man
2. Bobby eyeing up that gun I like that (the acting)
3. this guy is giving me uncanny valley and i don’t like it
4. hehe dongle
5. i mean fair enough… in and out just like he said
6. Hen love of my life where the hell have you been loca
7. “and you won’t be anymore either” that’s actually dead funny to me
8. husbands that saw together survive trauma together <3
9. “everyone survived” i know foreshadowing when i see it
10. there’s a lot of drunk driver hatred (as deserved) somethings gonna occurr
11. oh he’s dead… lol karma fuckhead
12. Hen, i love you but why can noone on telly give me actual realistic CPR… break them ribs girl
13. christ these american adverts are weird
14. let me tell you advertising prescription medicine isn’t actually a normal thing to do
15. I don’t know boss man am no a dr but that’s an awful lot of blood are you sure you should still be breathing????
16. “Are you happy” “Yeah, Yeah I am” i have a feeling that’s all about to change buddy
17. just me or can anyone else not see a fucking thing that’s going on this episode why’s everyone in the dark for?
18. moving on from that i love the lighting in the office scene… chefs kiss
20. Why do American comm’s systems always fail whenever you actually need them
21. They were axed to pieces. I will let you off -_- this time…
22. “I didn’t shoot him” honestly… same i hope you get yer pay out boss
23. Athena please for the love of god pop a paracetamol or a codeine and chill the fuck out
24. cause it has never been hard enough for them you just had to add a bastard bomb
27. The Rookie ad i love it carry on
28. If he wasn’t under the influence then he was just being a cunt and hen had every right to react as such thankyou very much
29. Oh my fuck what is happening - don’t tear them apart i’ll start crying
30. Bitch you’re taking on water stop being a pussy and help
31. “Don’t test me.” Queen, you rag his arse
32. “port stabilisers are gone” surely you should be tilting like a bitch right now or did i miss a frame
34. why’s that lizard from london?
36. “i didn’t save him either” he quite literally refused your help despite being detained
37. didn’t get that SS Menow reference… try the Mayflower next time
38. “Saving the ship” “course she is” GIVE THEM ONE MOMENT OF PEACE PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU
39. okay good they are tilting like a bitch i will shut my mouth
42. i don’t know but all your meds just seem to be doing the opposite of.. you know… keeping you alive.
43. woah therapy flash back get me one of those
44. you forgot to mention imminent death in your therapy session Mr Sir
45. “We did what we had to do” YOU’RE ALLOWED TO LIVE TOO.
46. “I couldn’t save my first family and I can’t save you either” and what if that was my last straw Robert Nash
47. ABC you can tone down the writing now i’m fucking sobbing
49. glad the us also have those Haribo ads
50. first time in my almost 20 years of life where i’ve seen an ADVERT for ANTIDEPRESSANTS that also actively make you MORE DEPRESSED
51. Hen i knew you were slaying you’ve never not slayed <3
52. no need for it was there mr boss man? no didn’t think so
53. You have no jurisdiction past the Gulf of Mexico??? ummmm??? distressed cruise ship full of your citizens???? idk??? do something????
54. oh. welp. no surviving that one, have fun with poseidon my loves
55. i don’t know about you but once i’ve been capsized like that in anything bigger than a kayak im giving up…
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chaifootsteps · 1 year ago
havent seen the show. is it true that vaggie and charlie dont get a single duet in the show until the last episode???
i wont claim to be an expert on writing musicals, but a song that establishes the relationship between the main character and their love interest should come early right? to me the expectation would be that chaggie should have their own recurring leitmotif that gets flipped on its head during their conflict (charlie finding out vaggie is an angel) and then brought back around by the end to show the growth in their relationship once they make up
for fucks sake do they even kiss? or flirt? or do anything? i know we all say that viv didnt come up with chaggie originally but are we even sure she knew they were together at ANY point during the production?
They kiss after their duet in the last episode and that's about it. I think there might be a blink-and-you-miss-it cheek kiss in there something, but I think I blinked and miss it.
Other than that, no. They don't flirt, kiss, hell, they don't even start referring to each other as girlfriends until a few episodes in.
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my thoughts on the finale
I got my soda and Doritos lesgo 
*sees the episode title* oh no
Praying for Lokius canon
Oh Jesus Christ this is about to fuck me up for the rest of the month
Oh Victor-
That music???
Why are we doing Beethoven 
Mobius is so confused bless this baby
Tom is just vibing
Oh that’s creepy
Loki knows too much
Mobius control your little pet
Loki really took centuries to learn this
He just winked at timely, how is timely still living 
Smort Loki
AWww Loki is so cute
Awww Mobius 
“What the shit are you doing” god things baby you wouldn’t understand
where was Loki when I was actively suicidal
Timely please you can do it
You’re doing so good honey
Hurry before you fuckin die
*audible insanity noises*
Uh oh
This is bad
Oh Loki is about to go mad
Oh Sylvie hello wife
Say something to your bitch ass husband Loki
Oh Victor no-
He’s just ready for death
wait why are we here
Don’t do that
Sylvie can stab me any day
don’t do any of this
Stop trying
oh plot twist
Lover boy???
Shut the fuck up HWR. I’ll fucking kill you myself.
He’s such a bitch I partly love him and partly hate him.
sir why are you a poet
I feel like they didn’t even try with Sylvie’s outfit. Her hair isn’t supposed to be a middle part in this era
We’re getting a lot of info 
But those people aren’t easy to rebuild
Haha pun
I’m gonna kms if Sylki does anything major again 
What if you just… got rid of all corrupted Kang variants? That’s what the TVA should be for. Preventing war, by surveying the timeline for variants who wish to start a war.
Offer him his husband and he’ll accept.
Part of me goes “kill her to protect Lokius” and the other says “no my baby-”
someone’s got a hold of the set list
Story time!!!
This feels personal
Mobius was that you
Oh dear
if y’all have a romance moment I will murder everyone
Don’t get closer
Stop this
This isn’t fun
Oh my god Sylvie I love you but shut up
Oh great
Chanting for the cheek kiss please and thanks
Why the smile?
Where are you going?
Oh no
looking at the two people he loved stop hurting me
(Will be reblogging with part two)
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future-dregs · 6 months ago
Ep. 1 & 2 Bullet Points
I was gonna post my thoughts about the episodes in real time, but then I got caught up in it and didn't do that. So now, I'm summarizing.
Sam had houseplants in his windowsill.
Can't decide if Dean was pacing around and making noise to test Sam/give him a heads up and see how he'd react, or if that was just him being a kinda inexperienced kid.
I like that Sam was fighting with his whole body. Like, he brought his feet and legs into it. Comes across more genuine that just punching. (Also his little end of spar pat on Dean's arm? Mwah. Falling back into the rhythms already.)
Sam kept his hand scythe. In the house. Didnt leave it as far behind you claimed baby. Because as Dean said, you know what's out there.
That's two "Sammy"s, an arm across the back of the diner booth and an in unison talking moment in close succession. Dean's playing for keeps.
John fucking Winchester. Freaked out by a vengeful womans spirit for real, or ninth level cat and mousing your kids?
Dean getting thrown and pressed over the hood of the car and his "squeal like a pig" comment are stacking up in my brain. Debating about if I wanna make a sexual abuse post or not.
Also, people have been saying from the day the show aired, but that is the second time Dean carried him out.
I dont want to talk much about Mary right now, theres some episodes in later seasons with her that I havent seen, so I dont feel I have enough contact to say something accurate. But I will say this- she knew better, and she should've done better, cause it ALL comes back to her and what she did and didnt do. She doomed her family, and everyone who touched them.
I think Dean was circling around to try again. In hindsight we know he was hanging out for hours before coming in (and oh how bitter bitter it is to see him young and "careless" like that, and have to amend it knowing how very very frightened he actually was) so I think it stands to reason that Dean would skulk around a little longer afterward as well.
Episode 2!
First off, really like that Sam's dream, though still with that beautiful early season low saturation, has more color, and brighter colors (pink in the bouquet, red candles, ect) than the real world does.
Also very funny to see Dean being the one who wants to open up and talk about feelings, and dealing with loss in a healthy way.
Also Dean offering the car to Sam for comfort because that's how Dean feels in control and comforted is killing me.
"Lookit this friggin bear!" My love my love I'm kissing you on the face.
Y'know you never see those shell necklaces anymore? But they kinda rocked.
Also I'm not gonna get pedantic about them getting the mythos wrong (don't get used to it, I LOVE being pedantic, esp with things I actually know about), so I'm not gonna mention it again, but oh! they got the mythos wrong.
Now. I've mentioned this briefly before, but its intriguing to me that in an episode about a corrupting hunger, we see Sam start down the path of vengeance AND get horny over his brother. He's growing enamored with Dean again, and he's watching him when he interacts with other people, looking for threats. Both physical, and not.
(I have a whole separate post in the works about Sam standing bodily between the victims and the threat, but suffice to say, babydoll I love you and you chosen efforts towards goodness from the bottom of my heart.)
Back to above point. Girl of the week kisses Dean's cheek, Sam comes over, sits on that side of him, and stares at that spot on Dean's cheek until he gives him the keys.
Fly by night away from here/change my life again/fly by night goodbye my dear - they knew how to use their music for effect. Also my introduction to Rush, years ago. Thanks guys.
So I think that about covers the thoughts I thunk while watching. Next time I'll try to at least make active notes if I'm not live blogging through it.
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cutecherrygirl · 1 year ago
Enhypen reaction
When you fangirl over Stray kids 😘
Im sorry if the picture is scary, I thought it was cute
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-he heard you scream from the other room and rushed to you.
- "WHAT HAPPENED!? ARE YOU OKAY!?" He screams and you jump out of bed scared "WHY!? IS SOMEONE HERE?" you looked around in panic "BABE, YOU SCREAMED" he said relaxed now that he sees it was fake alert
-"oh.." you giggle "I mean..i did get attacked" you said and he raised an eyebrow "what?" You start acting silly and turn around to face the wall "Hyunjin attacked me, he's just so handsome I almost got a heart attack".
-jake just stood there watching you and not knowing how he should react or what he should do. He let you let it all out before hugging you and petting your head "same babe... same."
- He heard you shout and immediately went to you and asked you what happened.
- "what's wrong? Are you okay? Why did you shout?"
-he looked so worried 😭
- then you answered "Seungmin's voice is so fucking angelic I literally cannot" you said in the most dramatic way possible .
-he scoffed but agreed with what you said.
-then he mumbled sadly "i have a nice voice too"
-he heard you scream from your room and immediately run to you in panic only to find you in the corner watching a video while giggling.
- "babe?" He called you and you turned Around "Changbin looks so cool while rapping!" You said and showed him the video.
- he sighed annoyed "yeah, he does. But I'm cool too." He said not noticing that he is pouting.
- you noticed his pout and decided to tease him.
- "if Changbin comes up to me and asked me to marry him, I gladly will."
-he glared at you, still pouting. You wanted to laugh your ass off.
- "his big muscles and rap skills are just to die for"
-you said while looking at Changbins picture and Jay is now getting angry
- "stop it, im getting jealous"
- you laugh and hug him "baby, you know no one can replace you" you smiled and kissed his cheek.
-he smiled too and hug you back "i know 😜"
- he saw you looking at something on your phone.
- he peeked and saw you looking at Lee know's photo while mumbling things like:
- "his eyes are so pretty" and "he has the cutest nose oh my god" "His sharp jawline" "oh look at that lips" "so handsome".
- "I have cute nose too! And sharp jawline! And my eyes are pretty!!! And im handsome as well!"
-he walked out and you can see him pouting, that made you feel bad.
- but when you saw him in the mirror, admiring his handsome face, you changed your mind.
- "no one can beat Lee Minho in Beauty competition babe, not even you."
- you said smirking when you heard him gasp.
- "Awww! Look at Felix! He is such a cutie" you said as you show Sunoo a video of Felix doing Aegyo.
-he side eyed you and said "im cuter"
- "tsk, he does Aegyo better."
- you said that to tease him
- "i can practice Aegyo to be better!" He said defending himself.
- "his freckles are so cute too"
- you said loving his reaction
- "I-I-"
- "and his deep voice is so sexy"
- you added which Made sunoo pout.
- "I can do Aegyo and Im sexy too!"
- he looked down and you bursed out laughing.
- "awww, you're being cute right now"
- I was born cute, bitch"
- He fell down from the chair he was sitting on when heard you shout, Poor baby was so shocked 😭
- heading to you to see you watching Skz code episode.
- "Jungwon, dont you love when Chan speaks in English?"
-you squealed
-"Yes, Chan Hyung has very good English skills but you dont have to shout so Loud!"
- he said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.
- "well, im sorry..i cant help myself from fangirling over him, he is just so cool."
- you defend yourself
- some fangirls dont shout their heart out while watching skz code episodes.
- he said annoyed.
- "you're such a joy killer tsk, if I could marry him, that would be great."
- "as if he would ask you to be his wife."
-he saud rolling his eyes and walking out of the room
- he's just acting jealous cuz he never saw you fangirl over him like that 😭
- you were watching Han's rap videos while whispering things like "he is such a good rapper, look at them hands tho, I wanna know what hand care routine he has"
- he came from the kitchen after hearing you whisper like an idiot.
- " why are you whispering?" He asked "because my throat is sore from screaming yesterday"
- "why were you screaming?" He asked confused
-"because Han is literally the best rapper in the world, and he is so cute and sweet"
-Ni-ki smiled "yeah, I definitely Agree" he sat next to you and layed his head on your shoulder
-you both ended up watching Han rap.
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milks-thoughts · 2 years ago
It’s mee teehee 🤭
anyways, I was wondering *flutters eyelashes*
remember the episode bad hair day? Season 2 episode 17? Where Leo gets that (HOT AS HELL 😳) hair from that weirdo kid and spends his day being pampered at the spa & resort? What if he dragged his GN! S/O with him 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 but but but but, some girl tries to get his number because of how HOT HE IS and when he rejects her, she keeps following him and he eventually has to shove her off his back and show that he already has an s/o?!?! Would totally make my day ❤️
Ty baby boo bear 🥹 /p
THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITE <3 (also I kinda forgot you requested this??) ALSO I WATCHED VICTORIOUS WHILE WRITING THIS-
Leo was about to beat a bitch istg callin you ugly like that
S/O is described with long hair in a few scenes, this can be easily ignored ^^
TW: I dont know honestly- do tell me if I miss anything
Take A Hint
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⚔︎ Leo thought today was gonna be so fun, getting pampered at the spa with his beloved S/O
⚔︎ it WAS fun, until Leo got denied at the door.
⚔︎ you told him you’d wait for him in the spa
⚔︎ He told you the whole thing, you were MAD suspicious
⚔︎ can he really blame you? you WERE right in the end
⚔︎ okay completely off topic he did look good with hair
⚔︎ Leo grinned down at you, casting a shadow over your relaxing body. Your hair was draped over the floaty and into the water “ you should join me! the water’s nice “ your boyfriend simply shook his head “ I think I’ll stay out of the water “ you only hummed “ your loss “. Leo had turned on his heels, sitting on a chair he watched as horned yokai approach him, they had hair similarly textured to April and the tips of their horns were colored a dusty pink compared to their body being a dark red color. He looked up and smiled at them, upholding a polite conversation. They sat down on the chair (one of those long poolside ones) and put a hand on Leo’s shoulder, he simply removed their hand and continued conversation. They asked one question that had you concerned “ are you perhaps..taken? I now a good place in the west side of the Hidden City “ Leo blinked and waved them off, ignoring the question. Standing up he sat by the pool and casted a shadow over you again. You hummed at him and rolled onto your stomach “ Leo, I though you were relaxing? “ you asked curiously. like you didn’t just hear that whole conversation, he shrugged and didn’t move splashing some water at him Leo squeaked and jumped back “ BETRAYAL! “ he shouted, you only laughed and shook your head “ okay you big baby “ the joking tone never leaving your voice once that whole time. He huffed and looked at the mud baths “ wanna join me? “ you looked at them and shook your head “ looks like sensory hell “ Leo only shrugged and plopped down in one, the yokai from earlier sat next to him “ you never answered my question “ they purred at him Leo looked your way as you got out of the water and sat on a chair. He could feel your insecurities from here. “ I am taken, and I have a- “ he raised his voice to a yell “-AMAZING PARTNER “ you jumped at the yell and spun your head around a furious blush on your face. The yokai looked at you “ really? them? “ they sneered out and Leo huffed “ you just have horrendous taste, your hair looks like a skunks ass by the way “ the yokai looked mortified as others around the two started whispering, they stood up and walked off in a huffy fit of noises. You tentatively sat down next to Leo, you didn’t say anything before he kissed your cheek and sat you in his lap “ their hair really did look like a skunks ass “ Leo belted out a laugh, his chuckles reverberated in his chest “ they really just could NOT take a hint! “ people around you got up because of your twos loud laughter. so what Leo gets hit on? he wouldn’t trade you for the world
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cowboytarlos · 9 months ago
cowboy rewatches 911 lone star: season one episode three: texas proud
- ooooo tk and judd are starting to buttheads. he's being naughty and not listening to orders. naughty naughty. arguing with judd, being all angsty.
- oooofff marjan's hijab came off, i kind of forgot about that scene. the team coming and protecting her was nice to see.
- tk getting called out by the taxi driver..... hm. looking for trouble "mineral water, when you get the chance :D" dude was asking for a fight. "it's not that she didn't see you, it's that sge didn't like what she saw" he says when it says hit me across his forehead.
- "austin's a small town" "tyler kennedy?" "bad news you did with a clear head" "stop just let me" just kiss and make up please for me :(
- "ever since i got here it's grey" oh honey
- carlos busting his balls.... ;)
- carlos and michelle's couch conversation
- "hey carlos! what's the latest in your life? seeing anybody? how interesting, isn't friendship fun?" you go girl
- "he's a ten and i can't get him out of my head" just KISS already, i dont like it when it's tense
- i want to pinch carlos' cheeks and keep him in my pocket, keep him safe.
- oh the scene with marjan and the other lady (zara). just makes me mad. just oh my god, what a dick. they don't deserve her anyway.
- that lady gave me a fucking fright. carlos strikes me as a guy who doesn't have social media. if he did, he wouldn't be so surprised.
- mateo dancing with some girl is so cute. also tk giving judd stink eye. 'arrogant little turd'. him moaning with carlos playing darts and being so cool about it. "you know i'm holding a dart" "and im packing a piece" CARLOS REYES. "that's hot"
- michelle is right, texas is big enough for owen's ego
- owen rocking up to dustin is one of the first classic owen move
- the conversation michelle had with dustin was a very much needed one.
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sturmovik · 2 years ago
Rambling about Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury’s ending
I've been absolutely loving every episode of the season up until Episode 23. After watching that episode, I felt a bit... disappointed? frustrated? It was like ep.23 was trying to cram Gundam Unicorn's 1-hour final battle into a 20-minute episode and it didn't feel as satisfying as the previous episodes. 
I didn’t have any problems with the plot beats, just the pacing really, it felt pretty rushed - that’s where my worries started. The pacing was like they're trying to wrap up as many plot threads in case they don't get another season, while still wasting time introducing new elements to the story (like SAL apparently being massive despite being a non-entity for 90% of the story, oh and they have a giant laser! surprise!), as a result we lost some precious time that would’ve been better spent on the main conflict between. I was bummed Quiet Zero was disabled so quickly, and was totally unconvinced Prospera would suddenly back down after never being able to confront Delling AND possibly losing Eri. Not to mention the time wasted on Lauda’s pointless tantrum.
Then we go to my post-episode 24 thoughts: 
Man did the last 4 episodes felt incredibly rushed. I didn’t notice it much in 21-22 cuz I was still giving the series the benefit of the doubt but after watching 23-24 it becomes apparent these last episodes were really sprinting to the finish.
It feels like they wanted to have an ending that could be considered conclusive - wrapping up as many ends they could - in case they dont get to do more G-Witch, but also they made it so that everyone who's still alive gets to survive to the end so that they can expand into more stories later.
The combination of those two factors are what ultimately leave me a bit disappointed, but I'm still surprised at how well they managed to stick the landing despite all that; it wasn't ideal or amazing but i'm thankful it didnt end terribly. I actually love the forgiveness ending for Prospera and Eri, it's consistent with Shakespeare's "The Tempest" BUT because the end was rushed it doesn't feel completely earned, like there shouldve been a longer period of rage/vengeance and at least an intense emotional confrontation with both Kenanji and Delling. G-Witch needed at least 12 more episodes, preferably more.
Given how great the first 20 episodes were, you can bet they would've had more character developments, conflicts, twists, and major deaths IF ONLY Sunrise gave them 48-50 episodes instead of 24. But I guess they didnt want to take that risk. I kinda hope the success of Vinland Saga S2 gives them some more confidence if they ever decide to do a sequel series.
I mean, they have to do a sequel series and/or spin-offs, right? I'd be seriously disappointed if they don't; the Ad Stella timeline is one of the most interesting and well-written Gundam AUs they've ever created, and my personal favorite AU. So much potential for many different stories in this timeline.
Also, the ending scene w/ SuleMio was cute af, but no kiss? not even on the cheek? booo
Final verdict:
Prologue + Episode 1-21: 9/10, my favorite Gundam AU series
Episode 22-24: 6.5/10, barely sticks the landing to get a good enough ending. Needs a sequel series to become truly satisfying and get some new writers to help Okouchi because he seriously fumbled these last episodes.
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