#this dude cannot show positive emotions can he
glitterhearth · 3 months
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bakugou: looks at all might for approval
bakugou, when he gets aforementioned approval: yeah, ok bye idc
also bakugou: hides a smile
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shakingparadigm · 4 months
Seeing all those analysis posts about how Till liked Mizi because she was gentle while not giving the same attention to Ivan because he wasn't... how Ivan might have made Till uncomfortable because he expressed his admiration for Till through violence because he liked how Till had the courage to fight back...
I was wandering if Ivan ever realized that the way he went about showing his feelings wasn't positive for Till and he fucking did. "I wish I had been kinder" he fucking regrets dude, fuck me man.
(This veered wildly off-topic I am so sorry.)
Coming back to this ask after the most recent R6 update is interesting.
I've always wondered why they chose the title Cure in particular. I was expecting a song title along the lines of Star or something abyssal. Then I thought about Till's affiliation with experiments and drugs and the various ways he was hurt. Cure... It also brings to mind how the content for Ivan highlights his "oddness", how he's framed as someone different, almost wrong in a sense. There's something that he lacks, something that he feels the need to fix, to cure.
In the recent ROUND 6 production post, the true meaning is revealed. You're right on a certain level, but as always, it's complicated.
Both Ivan and Till seek a certain type of "healing", maybe to compensate for their pain, their oddness and their loneliness. They wish to be cured of their suffering somehow and they seek the solution in other people.
QMENG states that Till desires a type of healing that Ivan cannot provide, and vice versa.
It goes without saying, pretty common knowledge at this point, but Till is a lot softer under his rebellious front. As someone who's been beat and abused his whole life, it makes sense that that type of love he'd want is something gentler, something stable. It's incredibly obvious in the way he acts towards Mizi. She's so genuine, so bright, untainted by the cruel reality of the world. Till softens around her, since she has only showed him kindness he in turn shows her the sweetest side of himself. He's had nothing stable to cling onto before, so he immediately becomes attached to this idealized version of Mizi. He believes she's the only person who can provide him with what he needs, the only one who can "heal" him.
It's outright stated that Ivan cannot provide that type of "healing" that Till is looking for. Ivan does try, of course. Unfortunately, he lacks something fundamental. Because of this he expresses himself in rather childish ways, which may involve a little cruelty and attention-seeking. A lot of Ivan's actions are muddled by his complicated feelings as well, as its stated that his true emotions and intentions are difficult to grasp. With Till, Ivan wants to save and be saved, hurt and heal him, keep him and set him free. Live for him and die for him. He criticizes Sua on the ethics of self-sacrifice and then goes on to do the same himself. With Ivan, everything contradicts.
He tries desperately to be the cure that Till needs, but due to his incredibly complex nature that "healing" will never be just healing. It may come with more pain and confusion despite his best efforts.
I don't think Till refused to give Ivan attention because he wasn't gentle enough, rather I think it's because everything was so complicated whenever Ivan was involved. Ivan is there for him in his times of need and causes a fair bit of trouble during the rest. He's strange and hard to grasp, but he's familiar. Calling each other "friends" seemed like such an inadequate label because they're simultaneously too close and not close enough. Ivan does wish he was kinder, though. Not only to Till, but to Sua and most likely a few other people as well. There's a lot of aspects in which Ivan wishes he were different, and it's tragic to hear how he deprecates himself in his final moments for it.
There's the second half of QMENG's statement as well, "vice versa". Till cannot provide what Ivan needs either, but Ivan desperately desires it anyway.
Ivan views Till as his cure. He wants to not only "heal" Till, but to be healed by him as well. This desire can be seen in the lyrics of Cure:
Notice my pain
And mend me right now
To quiet my fears
I'll drown in you
(The wish for "healing" is stated.)
In your gaze, where I’m seen
Consume me, yes, me, oh, oh
(Ivan urges Till to "consume" him like medicine, he wishes to be what Till needs.)
Ivan lacks something, and he believes that Till can make up for that lack which is why he's so fascinated by him. If Ivan is a black abyss, Till is a supernova, bringing life to an empty void. Unfortunately, Till is explosive and rather inept at handling his own extreme emotions, which causes him to either lash out violently or retreat further inward and push Ivan away. He's also a thoroughly destructive and hurt individual, seeking his own cure in another form. He cannot provide what Ivan needs.
Both Ivan and Till are incredibly volatile. That's not to say they don't have their gentler sides, but overall they've been doomed from the start. Ultimately it's no fault of theirs, they did what they could with their complicated feelings and fought through their own respective hells.
In the end, Ivan had to come to terms with the fact that he couldn't get the "healing" he needed and could never be what Till needed, either. That's why he finally acted on his impulses and let his complicated feelings win over, resulting in his death. Despite all the heartache, his final thoughts are a statement of gratitude. Truly a tragedy.
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kabukiaku · 3 months
Terzo? :3c
Ohhh terzito 💜 Character Ask Game
How I feel about this character
Where do I even start. He's my muse. My little Ken/Barbie doll. He's my favorite Papa besides Secondo. I want to steal his gender I want to BE HIM I love his style, his stage persona his HAIR oh my god his HAIR . I adore this flamboyant, silly, and sexy man. this man sexy!!!!! and he KNOWS IT. It's such a shame I wasn't around to see him in concert. He truly brought on a fresh feeling to ghost shows. He brought entertainment, sinful and humorous all the way. I absolutely love the art deco direction of Meliora, on the critique of mankind, the rich/corrupt, and blindly following an oppressive religion. like my mans was PREACHING LET HIM COOK!!!!
All the people I ship romantically with this character
ah gee. I wonder who....I mean I guess if we gotta choose someone-
It's Omega. It's so very much Omega. Those two are the star crossed lovers that scratches my brain in such ways I haven't experienced since my transformers days with my ol' Jazzmax ship. I've become so positively delusional for them. I wish them happiness and lots of pleasure. God they make me so happy.
Then I guess I also ship Terzo/Omega/Alpha, but so far I've only done....🌶️ art for them so...uh....yeah xD
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Mostly familial, I like to think he has a father-daughter like relationship with Mist. Being his first ghoulette, he feels responsible to make her feel welcomed and supported.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I do not like the short Terzo jokes at all, and I'm far from being a 4'9" Terzo believer.
Ok hot take here too and sorta nsfwish but....
I cannot see this man as a sub. Especially not in the terzomega ship. you SEE THAT MAN? oh he's so goddamn bold. that man can make that big ghoul TREMBLE in his shoes. Sure, Terzo will gladly choose to be bottom/receiving end, and he will surrender to his lover when the feelings are right, Terzo is allowed to be vulnerable around Omega. But that doesn't mean he is this small, weak individual who is wants to be crushed by the bigger dude. that dynamic has been overdone to hell. give me the big guy who's into the more submissive stuff. oh yeah.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
In-Universe documentaries, anything with him on camera !!! I would've wish to see such an emotional exploration of his character but alas, that too will just exist in my head. ; u ;
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hydrxnessa · 2 years
Also, do you have the headcanons about the friendly entities? Like Jeff, El goblino, Bob, and Sally/window
THANK YOUU!! <33 im so surprised a lot of people like my silly little ideaas-- i'm just a silly little guy making silly little designs of silly little creechurs- much appreciated !! ;;
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yes ignore the fact that i didn't want to draw skeletons. sorry bob
and headcanons for the safe entities? hm let's see here ..
(jeff, el goblino n bob go by he/they/it, while sally uses they/it)
both jeff and sally have no tangible bodies, with the exception of jeff's tentacles. shining a light does not work (you will only see darker darkness), nor does trying to get closer to touch. though, it will feel immensely cold if you feel their 'bodies'
sally only appears in places where it can only show its face - meaning, it will never appear out in the open. it's commonly seen in outside windows (hence their nickname 'window'), and in the very very dark corners of the hotel.
like A-120, sally cannot change their face appearance. it will constantly appear smiling, no matter its emotion
no one knows where jeff gets his items. he likes to claim that he finds them scattered around the hotel, but el goblino says jeff has never left door 52 (his tentacles have always been present ever since they were situated there)
jeff is an optimist! positivity radiates off the guy!! rarely are there ever negative vibes in doors 52 :]
when figure had stumbled into door 52 (in a fit of rage, so accidentally did it wander in), jeff used its tentacles to grab a hold and slam it to a door. it broke the tip of one of figure's protruding shoulder bones. and that was the last time jeff used violence. he's a pacifist, after all.
the door 52 entities prefer to stray afar from the other entities (figure's learnt its lesson already - if it needs to go through, it will knock, wait, and silent walk through). jeff having a crucifix is enough of a safeguard for entities to not even think of bothering them.
bob is actually an entity - but no one expects it to be (except jeff and el goblino). he moves when no one watches him.
el goblino, as he said, causes all the 'knockings' and 'scatterings' in the hotel. the entities brush it off as just rats.
when going on 'supply runs', el goblino likes to collect things to stash with jeff's collection. it's quite a large collection actually. (and many entities wonder where some items have gone missing)
no one knows how the door 52 gang got into the hotel. but then again, no one knows how any of them happened to be here.
thank u for the ask <33
!! please do not use or repost without my permission !!
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horizon-verizon · 6 months
Thoughts on Daenerys publicly executing the former slave and how she went about it in S05x02?
In a word? Not great. Boo.
The show rewrite & repurposing of Mossader &seems like it was meant to rewrite progression of the "error" Daenerys makes with her dragons by essentially adding another one that I'm sure they didn't think was an serious error. A way for them to try to make Dany seem a worse leader & thinker than she really is. I don't like how the show basically tried to make her look tyrannical by making her violently suppress the actions of someone who was both devoted to her and really had already been shut down before when he was saying the right thing. Which was to just get rid of this harpy-hire dude at the very least and at most what she said abt sending a message.
I also hated how it made Mossader look irrational & nearly "savage" through a display of fanatics--in how he almost dreamily said he did it "for her", posing Daenyers' goddess-like stature as easily shiftable to threatening. Foreshadowing that horrible erroneous ending of her becoming a Hitler figure. Like the scene was saying to us she inspires generationally brutalized and dehumanized brown people to the point of irrational "frenzy" and she cannot even be nuanced or sympathetic as she had been before in her ruling for Mossader. This pathetic-ized person who had at one point called her Mhysa and believed in her.
But the narrative the show pushes is not even fair itself to this man (hypocritically) & is just using him to denigrate Dany; becasue why are we making the only male brown former slave besides Grey Worm do such a thing AND be as I said "fanatical" towards the white Dany??! This man, who was put on their council as the voice and reason of those freed Meereenese...appears to us as totally unreasonable bc we know and he "should" have known that there were consequences for disrupting the Westerosi-style of "fair trial" and "honor"...The trial would be a false one, bc this guy will not be let off or go free. His crimes are obvious. Even if we did posit him going free, he'd likely just go back to being a hire for the harpy!
Plus we saw how actual ineffectual and emotion-based/false honor-based actual Westerosi trials can be through both of the trials against Tyrion: at the Eyries; esp the one at the Red Keep after Joffrey dies. So much for fairness of the superior Westerosi style of justice! (another hypocrisy of the writing itself)
So the show has Dany simultaneously "fails" Mossader, and utterly. As if the bonds she has with the slaves and her mission really don't mean anything to her.
After all, does she not marry Hizdahr, reopen the fighting pits (later) to stop the killings of the freedmen...Then she kills the freedman who was supposed to rep them all??
And the points Hizdahr & Barristan Selmy tried to make against killing the dude besides the trial..."poor and young"; "Why should he want to bring back slavery? What did it do for him?"; " I don't know it, and I'm the head of a great family."...why are we even indulging in these stupid protests?!!! We know his presence is so the other nobles feel they have say and influence over Dany, but there was no rebuttal (or at least a sign from her dismissing Hizdahr, whether he sees it or not) from show!Dany against his absurd "logic" about "going easy" on this guy. Huh?!
Subsequently, she loses a lot of faith from the freedmen who beg for not only Mossader's life but for her to not bend to the masters' clear attempt to confuse the priority. Which is their total freedom at those masters' expense. Which is exactly what D&D wanted bc they hate her, refuse to understand her, and lost interest in this series.
It was just a huge mess!
CONTEXT for comparison
Mossador died differently in the original book series ("A Dance with Dragons -- Daenerys II"):
In the show, he gets executed because show!Daenerys wanted to re-establish a peace of between the freedmen and the former (not so former) slavers and elites of Meereen. Some, if not all, of these elites formed the group "Sons of the Harpy", and in the show one of these are captured. Show!Mossader didn't believe that any of the Masters would just lie down and allow Daenerys' end to legal slavery in Meereen stick. And that they'd eventually somehow either get this prisoner out OR this Master would be somehow saved in the process of a the trial that was planned for him:
MOSSADOR: Sons of the Harpy, they want to put a collar back on my neck. On all of our necks. Please, Your Grace, you must kill him. DAENERYS: It would send a message. BARRISTAN: I think you should exercise restraint, Your Grace. DAENERYS: Why? BARRISTAN: For one thing, he may have valuable information. DAARIO: The Son of the Harpy has no more valuable information. BARRISTAN: How do you know that? DAARIO: Because I questioned him. HIZDAHR: And the information you did get, he is young and poor. MOSSADOR: He is born free. HIZDAHR: Why should he want to bring back slavery? What did it do for him? DAENERYS: Perhaps the only thing that gave him pride was knowing that there was someone lower than he was. MOSSADOR: They pay him. Great families afraid to do a thing. They pay poor man to do it for them. HIZDAHR: And how do you know this? MOSSADOR: Everyone knows this. HIZDAHR: I don't know it, and I'm the head of a great family. BARRISTAN: We do not know what this man did or didn't do. (to Daenerys) Give him a trial, at least. A fair trial. Show all of the citizens of Meereen that you are better than those who would depose. Teach them a better way. MOSSADOR: I do not know the place from where Old Ser comes. Things maybe are different there, I hope. But here, in Meereen, before Daenerys Stormborn, they own us. So we learn much about them or we do not live long. They teach me what they are. Mercy, fair trial: these mean nothing to them. All they understand is blood!
So he preemptively and vengefully kills the prisoner, and as you see here, he expresses no regrets about disobeying Daenerys and doing it:
DAENERYS: Why? MOSSADOR (Valyrian): For you, Mhysa. You wanted the Harpy dead, but your hands were tied. I set you free, as you did all of us. DAENERYS: He was our prisoner, awaiting trial. You had no right. MOSSADOR: He would rather rip your city apart than see slaves lifted from the dirt. DAENERYS: There are no more slaves. There are no more Masters. MOSSADOR: Then who lives in the Pyramids? Who wears gold masks and murders your children? When Grey Worm came to us, I was the first to take up the knife for you. I remember the look on my father's face as I struck down his Master, who had traded his infant son for a dog. My father died in the fighting. If we allow the Sons of the Harpy to return us to chains, he never lived. DAENERYS: The Harpy's life was not yours to take. Once, the Masters were the law-- MOSSADOR: And now you are the law! DAENERYS: The law is the law. Take him.
Mossador died differently in the original book series ("A Dance with Dragons -- Daenerys II"):
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He's one of the many freedmen murdered by the Sons. And it's not until the 4th episode that her 2nd husband will appear, and he matters bc this is about how she gets on Drogon and re-orient her goals.
b) Attempt at a Summary (How Dany Actually gets to Marry Hizdahr, his role, and Riding Drogon out of the Pit.)
Bk!Dany does have an arc where she at first tries to acclimate or compromise with the former slave masters for the sake of peace in Meereen but comes to realize that her efforts is simply not going to work. She reopens the fighting pits where former slave gladiators would fight after Hizdahr zo Loraq petitions her several times and brings some famous gladiators to beg her to reopen them. She, like in the show, marries Hizdahr and makes him her royal consort when he meets her condition of bringing some 90 days of peace (the high priestess, the Green Grace Galazza Galare suggested a marriage to him). Absolutely no murders or attacks against freedmen nor those few nobles who actually are obeying Dany. In this observation and despite what another noble, Skahaz mo Kandaq, warned about Hizdahr being the the Harpy, leader of the Sons of the Harpy. He was one fo the nobles who decided to abandon the slavery society and "ways" other nobles want to keep going. Again, she wanted that peace and dismissed his warning, and Hizdahr starts to show his true colors in his dismissing Skahaz from his position as the leader of the new Meerenese "city watch", or police, and appointing one of his own cousins. He says that this is to get more of the nobles on her side. (He's not the Harpy, but he's definitely closely tied to them.)
They reopen the fighting pits to celebrate the wedding; Hizdahr insists the fighters volunteered. Hizdahr offers Dany locust treats, it turns out they are poisoned later on when we see Strong Belwas get very sick from them and it's only due to his large and heavyset body that he survives. Dany sees that he's very into the violence, in a way that gets mixed with a sexual excitement at it. During another fight, Drogon appears, Hizdahr calls for people to kill Drogon, and Daenerys jumps into the pit to calm and try to bring Drogon to heel, she's flies off, Drogon basically leading her. Dany, half starved & dehydrated, dreams of her brother and hallucinates Jorah Mormount (those close to her who've betrayed her) but it's also her reflecting on her persistent guilt for the girl Drogon killed that motivated her into the mistake of locking up her dragons. Narrowly escaping a Dothraki scout, she and Drogo fly to another place, eating horse, and that's where the scout's khal, Jhaqo, and his warriors find her. Resumably to try to rape & kill her or to to take her back to Vaes Dothrak to the dosh khaleen and become one of them forever.
In all the time Dany was gone, Hizdahr has been trying to use his marriage to Daenerys to rule Meereen in her absence and a plot (he likely enabled even by just taking instructions) to retake the city gets foiled under Barristan Selmy, Missandei, and Grey Worm's leadership. There are prisoners they take & essentially they are now running the city in Dany's name, waiting for her return. Hizdahr is one of those prisoners. But in the show, Hizdahr died at the pits when a Harpy stabs him.
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fanfoolishness · 1 year
Rewatch of the Mandalorian Chapter 21, the Pirate:
Don’t smack talk Greef’s fashion sense!
“He shot first” heheh
aww Greef is starting to get worried
Dammit Nevarro! Just when you were looking more than ever like Los Angeles with those little purple flower things and all the ficus trees!
Nevarran fashion is a lil… medieval? Fancy hats.
I need to download the song for the New Republic bar because it lowkey slaps
It’s this guy! Captain Teva! His casual outfit is pretty cool.
For everyone who has seen Rebels, I wish you a very happy Zeb
Dammit Coruscant. Why do you have a brutalist sector?
Oh THIS BITCH awwww NO Elia Kane you just need to not be here, dude
But Tim Meadows my beloved!!! I had no idea he was in this season! I enjoy his vexation
Elia Kane quit stalking people you freaking creep! I hate her, she’s so good at this.
Love her evil-ass music too. Stop being eeeevil
And then Solas the protocol droid led Greef Karga the Herald to a hidden castle in the wilderness after the fall of Haven/Nevarro — oh wait, no, my Dragon Age feels go over there
Seriously, the Nevarrans look like Catherine, Called B-Wing
… I don’t remember how Carson Teva knew that Din knew Greef, really, but he’s so likable I don’t mind
Who you calling “blue boy”, PAZ???
R5 vindication! And also getting back at Din ahahaha
I cannot help but adore the Mandalorian Talking Hammer, that is so perfect for them
“The foundling in your charge” fuck, Din, you should be saying “MY SON” you fucker
“I’m in no position to ask” he asked, Darksaberwieldingly
I really thought Paz was gonna go off and then he did and I was like “ho shit, Paz character development? All righty then!”
What stake did the Armorer have in this? She didn’t try to sway them one way or the other? Does she have an ulterior motive?
Grogu still comes for every mission, yesss
Love Bo’s speech! All right, while I miss Din tremendously this season, I’m loving the season of Bo on its own merits. Also, how weird is it to see the Armorer in a ship? it’s like when your companion NPC moves from their place on the map and you know a great cutscene is going to begin
Poor lil broken droid :( Mean pirates! And they fucked up the school again :(
It’s the Mandalorian - bitch you thought hahaha
I need more smug motherfucker Din back in my life, I beg you
Wish we had more weird accents among the Mandalorians. Bo’s is pretty Standard, Paz and the Armorer are weird and flat and formal, and Din has some of that as well. But like, if they’re a diaspora, I wanna hear some variation!
One of my favorite tropes is “noncombatant citizen nevertheless rises up to defend their homeland”, and Kowakian monkey-lizards pointing out an ambush was a cheesy lil slice of delight
Paz how are you seriously so LARGE
High Magistrate Greef Karga, you are so cute and I love you
I do really love how Nevarro has been a touchstone for the entire series, and love seeing how it’s evolved over the years. Things like that are some of my favorite things about this show.
The Armorer wishes to speak with you. Here, let me accompany you to this extremely tense and dangerous music, I’m sure everything will be fine
The Armorer is… getting emotional? Reminiscent about Mandalore? I’m scared and so intrigued!!!
The sassy and scary way she asked “Do you respect my station?” And her “Remove your helmet,,.” I am… alarmed and aroused
This music is so calculating! So very Luke, join me!
Wait, Paz isn’t in on this plan? Interesting, I had assumed he was in the Armorer’s pocket.
I am hopeful for Bo because I do think she’d be a great leader? But also frightened because who could trust the Armorer in that moment? (I mean, aside from Bo who 1) I’m sure respects Armorers and 2) doesn’t know her well and 3) is seeking a home… and this is how smart people can get sucked into cults!). It could go either way, I suppose. Are she and Din finally gonna have the epic duel? I can’t see Din’s heart being in it, and I also don’t want that to happen until he’s actually competent with the Darksaber and learns why it’s been fighting him. I just need Din, Din, Din!
But this episode has me much more intrigued and curious about where the season is going, so I’m excited for next week!
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soul-wanderer · 1 year
06x15//What Are You Willing To Lose - weekly recap
I don’t think I can cover everything in this recap, because man, there’s so much happening in this episode and I have a whole lot of feelings and thoughts about certain plots, but let’s try to get to it (aka almost one week later because man, that ep was a lot, and then I got sick, hence the slight delay, so consider this a refresher after the break between eps):
- Andy telling Ross “I can’t afford to lose you” - can we talk about this, please? Can we? This still hits me right in the feels a week later, and I don’t think I’m gonna be over that anytime soon, thanks for asking
- Ross being genuinely surprised that Andy and Maya did not tell anyone else about the photos (apart from Carina) and that they’re on her side - that moment just had it all, and I love that they have them sticking together instead of them tearing each other apart. Ross clearly did not expect that, probably didn’t think she’d ever deserve this type of loyalty, but Andy and Maya still show up for her, and my god, am I here for this. And Andy is totally right that they need someone like Ross in a position like that.
- Andy and Travis both trying to be a good friend to the other, and it’s just the silliest and cutest thing, and I’m here for that friendship, too  (especially because “hos over bros”), especially the scene in the end where Travis is there for Andy
- I’m gonna try to keep the Theo as captain recap short, but let’s just say: He was rightfully upset about the house being a trap for both the people living there and his team. It’s his job to keep the team and everyone else safe and out of burning buildings alive, and that job was made impossibly harder when he figured out what was going on. It’s not his job to be empathetic or to counsel anyone at the height of an emergency, BUT we see him backpedal one moment later, when he sees how desperate this woman is and IMMEDIATELY softens and tells her they were gonna do their best, before going back to work and that’s really all that needs to be said about this situation. Same with him having to make the decision to leave Warren behind - Ross was right there and watching him, and he cannot possibly risk more lives to save the life of one team member (+ it’s protocol, too), even if the mere idea of leaving someone behind hurts. He would have made the call, and he would have been right about it, too
- Ross owning her “mistake” in front of a bunch of dudes and giving a goddamn fantastic speech while she is at it. Man, that episode really gave us all of that. I mean: “You know, in the short time that I have been here, I have seen this union look the other way when sloppy firefighters who should have retired years ago made fatal mistakes on the job. I've seen it allow a serial sexual harasser retire with full pension instead of face discipline. And this is where you want to draw the line? [...] No, I am pro-union! I am anti a system that has a million things wrong with it. [...] I fought to drag this department kicking and screaming into the 21st century, to make your jobs safer and better", they really gave us that and I love it
- Maya being cute on her date with Carina, that’s all. That smile is gonna kill us all one day, and it’s gonna be a fucking fantastic death
- I will never, ever forgive the editors/producers for making these goddamn awful cuts between Maya and Carina in the shower and a man fucking dying in a burning house. I mean, what the hell? That was a downright horrible decision.
- Andy. My goodness, Andy. And her trauma. Like, finally? They’re finally acknowledging that trauma doesn’t simply disappear? Thank goodness. Thanks to whoever remembered. And thank you for the portrayal of such raw and heartbreaking emotions when Andy told Warren, “You fell through the roof”, that just about wrecked me in a million different ways, but in a good way, so thank you for that
- Ross telling Theo he did the right thing. Thank you for that, too. And I guess Jack confirming that wasn’t too bad either.
- And they acknowledged Carina’s trauma too, and the contrast was so beautifully portrayed. Carina wants them to be okay. She wants their marriage to be okay. But it isn’t. And she can’t pretend, and she realizes that and realizes they got more work ahead of them. And Maya just...acknowledges Carina’s pain and is there for her. It’s heartbreakingly beautiful, that’s all. Now, let’s hope Carina finally accepts some professional help as well.
- Sullivan being an ass. Honestly, will there ever be a week where I don’t have to type this out? I can only hope so, because that man is getting on my nerves, badly.
- Theo and Vic are not communicating well right now. That doesn’t make them toxic, that doesn’t mean their relationship is about to end, this doesn’t mean that they’re awful human beings. It just means they’re both fighting their own battles and they suck at talking and they’re being human and sometimes relationships just are like that, okay? They’ve been through so much and they’ve come so far, this will not be their breaking point (or at least not forever)
- last but not least: I am not here for them trying to create fake drama between Theo, Vic and Travis via that “old friend” they introduced. They need to stop recycling that storyline in Shondaland, before I flip some tables, seriously.
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canislucrum · 1 year
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hellu hellu gloss here ( s/h, 21+ ) n happy opening day 2 us all!!! can't wait 2 get plottin n interactin w all ur cool muses ♡ im gna be writing for mr venture capitalist, wolf of ansan street, jin hansol!! he's lived in astra nearly all his life and only recently got his ass booted 2 ansan bc his rich n influential daddi-o pulled some strings to get his ass kicked out so ... awkward ... but yes!! you can find more nonsense info on hansol under the cut, but as alw, pls hit that LIKE button n ill come runnin into ur dms!!! also if u have d*scord pls pls lmk bc i cannot for the life of me keep up w tumblr ims orz edit 10/07: so i've decided hansol is gna take on a fake identity as some not-from-ansan dude named kim wonshik bc the anti-astra sentiment in nightrunners ( aka the place he's tryna infiltrate n gentrify ) is p strong and his family is too much of a household name rn!! he's gna be known as jin hansol in business and clinical settings but other times he's gna be known as wonshik but yep!! so muses from ansan prob only ever know of him as wonshik unless we plot otherwise <3
if ur an astrology h0 like me then ♡ he's a leo sun / scorpio moon / aries rising which explains a lot of his fuckassery behaviours 👅
lil backstory: his family owns cynet cybernetics, a v longstanding company and one of the major providers of androids ( aka ai robots / humanoids that run around doin ur house chores 4 u... yep... )!! they were one of the first in astra 50y ago which means hansol was born in astra!! he's Never been to ansan and honestly kinda looks down on it ( pun not intended ) so we know where this is goin 🥶
anw he's born middle child between big bro n lil sis n was unsurprisingly neglected : )) he was alm exclusively raised by cynet androids yikers so altho his physical needs were tended 2 as a kid ( 2 the point of overindulgence honestly ), his emotional needs is that year 1 science textbook sittin in the deep corner beggin 2 b read
a lot of his experience shaped who he was as a teen!! he was a bit of a black sheep n would alw get into tons of trouble like tw underage drinking and drug use n it was all rlly j his own way of trying to get his father's attention!! it seemed like those were the only times his dad ever acknowledged his existence even tho it was usually j 2 express his disappointment
meanwhile his obnoxiously overachieving older bro is taken under daddi-o's wing when he comes of age, even starts 2 intern @ cynet n this pushes hansol to clean up his act!! ofc given his track record his dad is Not goin 2 award him the same internship @ cynet so he ends up trying to prove himself in other ways aka scoring deals, funding startups w his sizeable pocket money, buying out said startups when it shows promise!! he's also a bit of a gambler n even got the rights to revel mayb ab 1y ago in a moderately high-stakes poker games so uh... revel peeps say hi 2 ur absentee owner ♡ also has a ton of body mods to help him cheat in these poker games aka cyberaudio 2 b able to pick up change in tone aka if the person is lying n cyberoptics which helps him read hidden cards!! i'll update his body mods page someday rip
ofc despite all his efforts, none of these r big enough to impress his dad so he goes higher!!! word spreads ab his 'talent' @ the game n this leads to his invitation to play a v v high-stakes poker game w the big boys aka dad's competitors friends!! it's to the point that they don't dabble in cash anymore so this is rlly The Game that would get him his father's attn if he won so he rlly goes all in!! all of the jin family members get a small share of cynet to ensure that the company stays in the family and ultimately overpowers non-relative shareholders in big decisions, n bc hansol is positive he's gna win ( bc he's cheating lol ) he bets his share of cynet eek
ends up LOSING bc it turns out they were cheating too but !! he only knows they're cheating bc he's cheating so can u imagine how that argument is goin 2 go down : )) so yeah cynet is so super impt 2 his family n his dad was absolutely livid to find out that hansol gambled his share away n chalked it up 2 his 'delinquent activities' being so bad 2 the point where it's not only detrimental 2 himself but 2 his family!!! anw 2 regain that cynet share that hansol lost, his dad reports him to the authorities for cheating ( dad obv found out ab his mods bc whose credit card do u think he's usin to install em ) n pulls some strings to get him kicked tf out of astra
so yeah now he's here!! it's been 3 months since n he's still trying to prove himself, this time 2 prove 2 his dad that he's a better businessman than his dad will ever be n the first step is 2 get himself back on astra!! of interest one of his current ventures is to gentrify the betting ring @ the nightrunners races n j make it more organised / official but understandably the nightrunners want their own representative runnin these bets so yeah this means hansol is tryna officially become a nightrunner
personality wise i'd say he's v cunning, likes to think he's more like his dad than his brother is bc he can be p cutthroat and he knows a good deal when he sees one ( n honestly it's true it's prob why his dad loathes him extra ) n he takes a lot of pride in it!! ( yeah he's got a capital D for daddy issues )
also has a bit of a one-track mind so it's like if it's related 2 wtv business venture he's focused on then he'll care 2 the point of obsession n micromanaging but if it's not a priority then he will literally pretend it doesn't exist!! what this means espc socially is if ur someone who's eg a nightrunner he'll be v present 2 u but if ur eg working @ revel he literally could not give less of a shit u prob won't even recognise him that's how absent he is
he can be really charming when he wants to be but honestly it's j part of the game, v wolf of wall street villain coded, has a predatory instinct @ pursuing wealth n will stop at nothing rlly
this is also bad but in line w bein raised by androids n just not respecting ansan at all it can sometimes feel like he's treating ansan as sorta his playground n by extension he doesn't rlly treat a lot of ppl from ansan like real humans n this may sometimes be sorta alluded to in j how he talks or the things he does......... but yeah this sorta goes back 2 his stuff w the nightrunners, like j not respecting their races n stuff n j seeing it as a business opportunity but idk!! mayb w more time in ansan he'll have a good character arc n learn 2 care for things
err as alw i've rambled on waaay too much so if uve made it this far i wanna personally thank u ♡ also below r some plots 2 get us started w the brainstormin!!
since he's p hyperfocused on the nightrunners rn i feel like @ nightrunners there'd b plenty of opportunities 4 positive n negative interactions!! mayb he's tricked u w his charm n u think he genuinely loves racing n shit teehee or ur sus ab his motivations n ur sleepin w one eye open when he's around idk!! i'd also love a nightrunner who's a friend of his ( who he probably approached when he heard ab the existence of these races ) who queued him in that nightrunners only want their own people runnin these bets, which gives him the bright idea 2 become a nightrunner!!
did i mention he loves a good gamble <333 anyone who's a gambling fiend urself pls step right up!!! he also prob places bets on fighters @ the underground so if ur muse is a fighter mayb he places a bet on u!! or against u!! hansol is also not above cheatin so imagine he approaches u n tells u to lose on purpose or smth n he'll give u money in return....
alternatively anyone working @ revel say hello 2 ur boss 😩 i imagine the prev boss was a little more hands on bc they actually cared a lil more for revel and since the ownership's passed to him it's rlly j been goin downhill... also fun thread where he dines @ revel for the first time n mayb he doesn't pay n they confront him n he's like i own this place n they're like o so ur also delusional
he honestly gets a cybermod for literally anyth ( could also b purely for aesthetic purposes honestly ) so anyone workin @ the circle installation centre and apollo medical see u for the monday am appt
he's currently staying at la mariposa ( yeah he was cut off from his fam but this is j proof of privilege 🤡 aka bein his father's son has helped him start off w a large capital to get his hands into a lot of diff businesses which are all now paying off n funding his time @ ansan )
i can also imagine hansol may not be So forthcoming ab him being from astra espc when he finds out ab some of the anti-astra sentiment so idk it would b cool if he kinda lied ab his identity to u n u bought into it n he's literally not at all the person u became friends w ( or even started dating 👀 )
alternatively if ur a diehard fan of astra he will use his birthright as an advantage : )) or if uve been to / are from astra mayb!!! yall could've known each other somehow!!
someone he's pissed off or wronged n mayb now it's comin back 2 bite him in the ass!!!
catch him at orbital sometimes bc old habits die hard
even someone workin at or used to work at cynet?? like the ansan branch or smth!! i feel like ur muse would know him bc he's part of the jin family n ngl once he finds out he's immediately gna start treatin ur muse as like an assistant or smth......... .. .. .... .... orrr mayb he will ask u for info on how daddi-o's doin idk lots of room 4 brainstormin!!
a bunch of his body mods r to make him a good poker player which is rlly handy in business bc he can usually tell when someone's lying!! maybe ur muse is tryna lie to him ab smth n hes like 🧐
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gloriousmonsters · 1 year
so i technically watched all but the last 20 minutes of kp like, four days ago, and then J and I had to stop because it was too insane and we ran out of energy, and then we just finished today. uh. thoughts?
J called it 'the puella madoka magica of BL' at one point and we both also repeatedly compared it to 365 Days, the insane terrible trilogy about a woman who gets kidnapped by a mafia guy and then marries him. EXCEPT actually 365 Days is better because she breaks up with the first mafia guy when he gets even more abusive than before and gets herself a nice boyfriend who treats her right. still in the mafia but we can't have it all. (this is partly a joke. I am not saying the 365 days books are good. this is about the specific plot point) but anyway. the 'oh this is x genre-oh no wait this is horrifying' of it all
i knew kinn and porsche had to end up together because. title :((( but god i was rooting SO hard for it to not happen somehow. PVP is still the realest they all have better chemistry. ending of the heart is that vegas and porsche and pete all like fake their deaths in an explosion or something and move to another country with chay and macau. they can get a house together and vegas can make a proper kink room instead of draping his bedroom with aesthetic chains and porsche can open a bar because by god it might not be the healthiest job for him but it's 100x better than the mafia
the way they spend the whole time showing how horrific the mafia is like not even on a 'killing and shaking down people and various other crimes etc' level but on a 'loyalty in this environment only gets you killed and everyone is super dysfunctional and relationships cannot flourish in this environment' level and then the end is. yaaaay everyone's happy in the mafia! porsche is the head of a mafia family now! yaaaaaay
i do not for a single millisecond believe anything that comes out of korn's mouth. genuinely one of the most rancid skin-crawling assholes i've seen in a while and he lives. the fuck
relatedly i actually wound up feeling really bad for gun in the last ep, like... he's a fucked up dude and abusive but he has SUCH glaring emotional problems (in a way that reminded me in places of vegas) and the way he reacts to korn is soso. 'dealing with bitch who's gaslighted you before', which made him way more sympathetic than korn. (I do not for a minute believe the whole 'oh uh he raped porche's mom and that made her take magic pills that conveniently made her into a docile doll for korn to keep as an atticwife')
*takes porsche by the shoulder and points* honey that's you in five years. get the fuck out of here
but like wow!! the way even her sons just treat her as an object to have feelings at instead of a damaged person and the series literally ends with a focus on her dead-eyed face as she's hugged without her consent! awful! also feels thematic!
love how porsche gives chay a speech about how he totally loves him and is going to be there for him and then proceeds to risk his life recklessly and stay in the mafia, both things chay Specifically Asked Him Not To Do
moment of positivity; despite everything, the after-credits scene of vegas having survived and getting to cuddle with his two favorite people was so healing
but like.... porsche ends the series in a job he once swore he'd rather die than do, with a guy who after one time never apologizes for any of his shitty actions, surrounded by Kinn's friends instead of his own. but uh kinn made him a drink i'm sure that makes up for everything
Really wish we had a bit more closure for kim and chay - it kind of felt like they needed more scenes the whole way along and then it kind of closes out with a big ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ mostly I really wanted them to properly confront each other, but I would have settled for an indication that chay was going to continue to block him (probably healthy) or maybe be open to talking again (unwise for him probably, but i Do want the best for my dead-eyed boy so i'm conflicted)
so overall like. I really enjoyed the bits of porsche and pete and vegas interacting along the way, and how vegas and pete got to close the series (though I still think they should fake their deaths). the swerve from slightly more normal crime/family drama to EXTREME GOTHIC was. A Lot. justice for porsche's sexy lamp mom whose name i cannot remember i'm sorry ma'am. #freeporsche. overall i think i'm going to be digesting this for a bit and then probably move on, but I'm glad I watched it
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viktorxsheep · 3 years
i have not posted plsss i don’t even have an excuse, so have…this. I do not write for this character by the way, i’m doing this for fun and as practice.
• When you see radio demon, you don’t think “ohh loving husband dude” or “aww he’s a softie” nope, that’s the opposite of what you assume.
• and people are right! he’s not a nice man, and he definitely isn’t a guy who will be soft or anything. Unless it’s you, that’s an exception.
• At the start of the relationship he wasn’t very touchy feely, but the more you talked to him and the more he spent with you? now if you don’t hug and kiss him before he goes for work he’s just going to be disappointed and annoyed.
• he was raised in the 1920s, he’s going to buy you so many roses and declare his love in dramatic fashion. There’s no space for some boring and lame “giving them a card” gift like people do nowadays, where is the love?!
• as an extra point, he’s going to rant so much about how radios are a thousand times better than TVS so be prepared for having that chat at ungodly hours of the night.
“y/n…i heard a sinner listen to a podcast, a PODCAST! this is the replacement for radios now? where is the charm? the emotion? this simply cannot do, this is exactly why radios are better in every way!!”
• likes to tease you, but makes sure not to go too far. He’s had too many people run off already on him because they were scared and he just wanted to be friends or something. He wouldn’t want his partner to just leave him
• as if he would let you anyways, a little bit of obsessive tendencies? check. Though he keeps it down, he always makes sure he has a shadow with you so you’re safe.
•if you have a small injury like a scratch, he will happily bandage and kiss it better.
• he cooks a lot, from gumbo to dirty rice to different creole dishes!! he will make things like the holy trinity along with jambalaya as that is a staple. PLEASE let him teach you how to make étouffée, he’ll hold your hands and guide you. Is his tail wagging? yes
• surprisingly clingy, though he dosent show much PDA other than holding hands or linking arms. He loves to be close to you, and hasn’t went more than 24 hours from atleast popping in to say hi and giving you a small kiss kiss (or more if you desire, since he’ll happily oblige)
• sometimes dosent get why you’re sad, so that’s something that you’ll need to work on. He has alot of toxic positivity, but he’ll work on it for you. He’s gotten better at comforting you too, he’s always observing if you’re enjoying yourself or not.
•he will get a phone, but a very crappy flip phone from the 90s. This is the most he will go, he only uses it for communication purposes and if he REALLY needs to find you. (this dosent happen often because he’s always hanging around you somehow)
• not the super jealous type. he’s overprotective, yes but not too jealous. However he occasionally will get jealous of new technology, or just in general. Make sure to cuddle with him afterwards and he’ll be fine in a jiffy.
• unless there was someone who flirted with you, yeah they gotta go. If a person hurts you, they’re going to have their head flung off their body faster than they could blink.
• in conclusion, he loves you!! he makes sure to remind you whenever he can.
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bohemian-suho · 2 years
Saigenos from a brief feminist POV: homoerotism as a result of perceived inferiority of women in male dominated media.
I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade, and this is obviously not objective, as it pertains rather to a whole supposition of mine that has been brewing for quite a while since I started reading japenese sourced material. Much more specifically, shonen manga. I’m not an expert by any means, it’s just something of a thought that spurs time and time again with certain character tropes in shonen and seinen, much more specifcally: the partnership between to males protagonists in a series. 
I first thought about it when I watched Naruto, but it was was much easier to pinpoint the kind of thought process behind the depth of NaruSasu in relation to the title of this little rant exactly because of Kishimoto’s development of his female characters, which is flaky and clunky at best, downright misogynistic at worst-
It’s not so obvious in OPM, after all Tatsumaki is class-S número 2, getting a whole arc to show exactly what she is capable of, with a characterization much different to the WC, which from much more knowledgable people tham me claim is much well rounded and nuanced. There are plenty of female characters that have gotten their fair share of spotlight, good spotlight at that, to show they are a multifaceted, strong characters that stand on their own. They are their own characters with their own pains and troubles, of which most are not even related to romance or to another man. We even have characters that derail from the homogenic hourglass bodies that Murata likes to draw, which I won’t get into as he pretty much does that same with the male characters, so it doesn’t feel as disingenous and malicious. 
I often found that, in shonen/seinen manga, homoerotism doesn’t posit an outright homosexual subtext in the relationship of two males, as we would like to think, it rather stands implicitly but very directly on the idea that depth within a relationship, true depth and love, can only be shared between two equals: men. 
We much like to attribute queer coding in these kind of relationships. And... aside from the fact that that says a lot on how we build fraternal relationships and how we still place them on secondary levels against *romantic love*, the truth is, many times these kind of relationships never surpass and go beyond what the magakas show us not because “they didn’t want to be censored” or “they legit wanted it to be this way but were too afraid to go all out”, but simply because... it’s just not gay my dudes. It’s just japenese men thinking these kind of deep, deep relationships cannot happen with women because.... they are women you know? Inferior. It’s a given, and it’s not an entirely conscious decision. Sysmetic oppression goes beyong even microagressions, it seats very comfortably in the way people, men specifically, build relationships with women and with oher men.
Aside from the fact that ONE has barely even dipped a milimeter of his big toe nail on romance (very very briefly if you squint with your head dipped sideways) and that he does let women stand on their own, deliberate (emphasis on deliberate) actual queer coding in OPM pretty much starts and stops at Puri Puri, and I won’t get too much into that but I think we all know how problematic that is in itself.
Even with that... I would rather go, gadly, on the Gibli path, and two people can have a deep emotional relationship without there being romance, ever. And that’s okay too.
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The shifting narrative of God’s interventism and how it reflects on the narrative on John
This post will ignore the issue authorial intent entirely because I can, but it’s also about authorial intent in a way, but I also don’t like to talk about things as happening “accidentally” because a) a serialized story like Supernatural, especially one that got renewed for much longer than anyone could possibly expect or hope in their wildest ambitions, structurally relies on serendipity, because that’s how stories work when they’re work in progress, b) a television show is an extremely multi-authored text and the chance that something happens out of the intent of any of the multiple layers of creators is kind of... statistically negligible. So, yeah, that’s my stance on the topic. Anyway.
The shifting narrative about God is simultaneously something that hangs on fortunate storytelling clicks on an essentially programmed narrative. At first, we don’t know where the fuck God is. Cas starts looking for him with little success. Raphael says he’s dead, Cas doesn’t believe it. Dean relates to his struggle because he knows the feeling of not knowing where the fuck your father is and going looking for him with little success, not knowing if he’s even alive. Then the theory that gets assumed as the truth is that God has left. He fucked off who knows where, who knows why, leaving his creation to struggle alone. Also essentially how Dean had felt after John had died; in that case there was guilt for his demon deal and everything, but the most cruel weight on Dean’s shoulder was that John left him alone to struggle with his devastatingly horrific instructions he doesn’t understand. The angels are also left with horrific instructions they don’t understand. No wonder Cas does his own ‘demon deal’ in season 6, as he desperately tries to do what he assumes his father wants from him, but he doesn’t actually know what that is.
“God has left” is maddening, and everyone is angry about it, but it has its own dignity. God has left us without clear instructions, we are confused and in pain and evil runs amock but at least, we suppose, the evil of it is our own doing. We are alone and we do our best, our best is simply not enough. We wish he gave us guidance, but he won’t. He wants us to figure it out ourselves, possibly. We don’t actually know what he wants. But maybe that’s the point. It’s possible he doesn’t even know what’s happening, he just has left the building entirely.
But then Chuck reveals himself. We find out that he never actually left. He was there. “I like front row seats. You know, I figured I’d hide out in plain sight”. He simply chooses not to intervene. He chooses not to answer. He chooses to be hands-off. He presents himself as a laissez-faire parent, because, he says, it’s better for his children to have the responsibility they need to grow up. He’s absent, but in a different way than we thought! It’s not that he doesn’t know what’s happening or isn’t interested in knowing what’s happening. He’s here, he knows what’s happening, he just stays there and watches as you stumble and struggle and scream. It’s worse, and it pains Dean so much he isn’t even afraid to yell at God. You know we’re suffering and you just don’t give us any support, any comfort.
You’re frustrated. I get it. Believe me, I was hands-on, real hands-on, for, wow, ages. I was so sure if I kept stepping in, teaching, punishing, that these beautiful creatures that I created... would grow up. But it only stayed the same. And I saw that I needed to step away and let my baby find its way. Being overinvolved is no longer parenting. It’s enabling.
But it didn’t get better.
Well, I’ve been mulling it over. And from where I sit, I think it has.
Well, from where I sit, it feels like you left us and you’re trying to justify it.
I know you had a complicated upbringing, Dean, but don’t confuse me with your dad.
At that point of the show, the writing team almost certainly didn’t have the s14-15 twist in mind. So this was probably intended to be Chuck’s truth. Later it gets twisted (retconned?) into a lie, but about that later.
Here, Chuck is really good at manipulating the conversation. Dean has a perfectly valid point, because there IS a middle ground between being overinvolved and not being involved at all. There is a middle ground between enabling your children and abandoning them completely. But Chuck hits Dean where it hurts, plays the emotional card, basically tells him that he’s too emotional to understand, too emotional to think rationally about it, because he mixes his feelings about his father to the issue and thus cannot see it clearly. He basically tells him he’s too close to it to get it. You don’t understand parenting, Dean, because you’re too blinded by your emotions about your own little life and cannot see the big picture.
It doesn’t really matter here if he’s telling the truth or lying, it already says a lot about Chuck that he’s emotionally manipulating Dean, silencing him by hitting the painful spot.
But the thing is, 11.20 immediately presents Chuck as a liar. He makes Metatron read his autobiography and the very first line is a lie (“In the beginning, there was me. Boom – detail. And what a grabber. I mean, I’m hooked, and I was there.” “I’m hooked too, and yet... details. You weren’t alone in the beginning. Your sister was with you.”) and the stuff he talks about his experience as Chuck is not exactly truthful about anything (“That, you know, makes you seem like a really grounded, likable person.” “Yeah, what’s wrong with that?” “You are neither grounded nor a person!”). Metatron calls him out (“Okay. There are two types of memoir. One is honest... the other, not so much. Truth and fairy tale. Now, do you want to write Life by Keith Richards? Or do you want to write Wouldn’t It Be Nice by Brian Wilson?”). Chuck SAYS he chooses truth and gives Metatron a different manuscript, supposedly containing the truth, to which Metatron reacts positively. Metatron believes it, and we believe it with him.
Oh! Oh, this! This is what I was talking about. Chapter Ten “Why I Never Answer Prayers, and You Should Be Glad I Don’t”, and Chapter Eleven “The Truth About Divine Intervention and Why I Avoid It At All Costs”.
Nature? Divine. Human nature – toxic.
They do like blowing stuff up.
Yeah. And the worst part – they do it in my name. And then they come crying to me, asking me to forgive, to fix things. Never taking any responsibility.
What about your responsibility?
I took responsibility... by leaving. At a certain point, training wheels got to come off. No one likes a helicopter parent.
This is sort of what he later says to Dean, except that to Dean he talks about “beautiful creatures” “my baby”, talks about helping, none of the harsh tone he’s using here. When Metatron accuses him of hiding from Amara, he retorts “I am not hiding. I am just done watching my experiments’ failures”. What a different language, uh? Then Metatron asks him why he abandoned them, and Chuck answers “Because you disappointed me. You all disappointed me”. Then, he admits he lied about “learning” to play the guitar and so on, because he just gave himself the ability, and then appears to Dean and Sam, after Metatron’s passionate speech about humanity.
So, no matter the authorial intent at the time - the truthiness of Chuck’s words was already ambiguous. He kept lying and being called out, or silencing the conversation with some good ol’ gaslighting.
The season 14 finale introduces the big twist: it was, indeed, all a lie. The whole of it. Chuck didn’t abandon shit. It was all him, minutely controlling the narrative of the universe, putting the characters through all the pain and struggles for his own amusement.
The “absent father” narrative was a lie.
What does this tell us about John? Nothing, according to the authorial intent that shines through Dabb’s Lebanon. But we don’t give a crap about Dabb’s authorial intent about John! He’s just one dude and plenty of other authors have painted a different picture. So I’m going to read the narrative the way I want, because I can, and the narrative allows me to. It’s all there.
I’m suggesting that the fact that Chuck lied when he talked about being a hands-off/absentee father parallels how Dean and Sam prefer to think of their father as an “absent father” when that’s not exactly a reflection of the truth.
You left us. Alone. ‘Cause Dad was just a shell. [...] And I-I had to be more than just a brother. I had to be a father and I had to be a mother, to keep him safe.
Setting aside how “I had to be a father and I had to be a mother” sort of retcons and cleans up the Winchester family picture painted by ealier seasons, the fact that John didn’t really count as a functional father figure and Dean and Sam were essentually alone is not incorrect or anything. It is true that John would leave them to their own devices a lot, thus the long stays in motels, the hunger, the food-stealing, and all. But John wasn’t always absent, at all. He trained them as soldiers, he disciplined them, he was around enough for them to be intimately familiar with what happened when he drank. He drove them around.
It’s almost like it’s preferable to Dean and Sam to spin their own “absent father” narrative, putting the accent on the time they spent alone, painting their childhood as a time they had to grow up on their own, rather than acknowledge they grew up under the thumb of a controlling, looming figure they would regularly live in fear of, even when he was not physically present.
The “absent father” narrative is what Dean and Sam need to use to avoid confronting the reality of the father figure whose moods and whims they had to dance around. “I know things got dicey... you know, with Dad... the way he was. And I just... I didn’t always look out for you the way that I should have. I mean, I had my own stuff, you know. In order to keep the peace, probably looked like I took his side quite a bit.”
John shaped their lives. He shaped their identities. Even in the episodes where he abandons Dean or both children somewhere, he’s portrayed as the figure who drives the car. He symbolically drives the car, you know? John shaped Dean and Sam’s relationship with each other, both on a surface level (the conflicts) and on a deeper level (the parental dynamic).
Heck. The entire first season of the show plays on John’s disappearance as the “elephant in the room”. John is there by not being there, you know? And after he dies, his death - his absence - is again the elephant in the room for Dean, the weight on his psyche that he shatters under.
It is not wrong that Dean and Sam had to spend long periods of time without John. But John structured their lives in quite minute detail. Where they needed to be, what they needed to do, what they must not do, everything had to follow John’s instructions. A drill sergeant, the narrative called him, ordering how his sons needed to live their lives. That’s no absence, except on a level where Chuck not showing himself and pretending he’s not there can be considered absent. That’s a presence, not necessarily always physical, but semiotical and psychological.
John is an absent father as much as Chuck is a hands-off god. He even writes himself into the story around the time Cas has the “season 1” phase (let’s go look for dad/let’s go look for god), which is when John actually was alive and appeared. Then he was no longer physically there, but he was still shaping his characters’ lives, just like he’d always done.
The “absent father” narrative on John is that - a narrative. Spun by the characters themselves because it’s easier and actually kinder on John. Or, better, it allows them not to be crushed by the psychological implications of having to accept that their father was such a looming, minutely formative figure in their lives. They know, but they can wave the “absent father” idea around to avoid thinking about it.
“I had to be a father and I had to be a mother” is something easier to tell yourself. I was the one who did it all. But he wasn’t, and that’s the problem. The fact that John was their father - Dean’s and Sam’s - is the problem. But ironically, blaming himself for every failure is a better option for Dean than fully acknowledging John’s abuse. As long as he blames himself, he has control over it. The moment he acknowledges the extent of John’s influence, he loses control over the entire narrative of his own identity and the family identity, the family dynamics. That’s scarier, just like realizing that God manipulated everything is much scarier than the alternative. “God abandoned us” was indeed a better option, and “John left us alone” was a better option. But neither was true, and the characters faced the implications of the cosmic level, but never got to face the implication of the familial level, because the narrative always danced around it and then Dabb’s apologist version “won”.
But what’s been put in the show is still there. The narrative of John’s abuse is still there. Nothing can take it out of the story.
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banzaitaka · 3 years
im new to your blog and new to requesting, so I'm sorry if im doing this wrong. a fluff scenario with xingqiu and male s/o, where male s/o is normally calm but xingqiu decides to cup his face or pull his cheeks and male s/o is super flustered but too embarrassed to admit it?
i haven't been following you for long but i love your writing :) take your time and take care of yourself
Howdy! You did everything right, no worries
And thank you uwu those little words really boost my confidence, especially considering I’m a German dude, writing these without making a draft in German first
Hope this is what you wanted & you enjoy reading!
Xingqiu x male! reader
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Genshin Impact Masterlist
Red cheeks
It was a quite surprising sight to see (Y/N) walking around the funfair inspired festival in Liyue Harbor, as many saw him as someone who would rather spend his time at a more quiet place like Xingqiu did. Especially considering the fact that the funfair was designed for children.
But there they were, walking through the crowd of kids and parents, looking out for interesting looking stalls while holding hands as to not loose the other amongst the people.
Xingqiu surpressed a chuckle as he saw the excitement in his boyfriend's eyes. (Y/N) never really showed strong emotions and mostly kept his voice rather low. He didn't surpress it or anything. That was just who he was, a calm and gentle young man.
The (Y/HC)-haired's eyes widened as he saw a gigantic turtle plushy, hanging on a stall. It was love at first sight. Xingqiu followed his gaze as soon as he noticed it, "Would you like to take a closer look at that stall, love?", he asked with a smile.
(Y/N) only nodded before he made his way over to said stall, careful to not just drag Xingqiu with him in the process. The blue-haired quietly chuckled to himself from the lack of words he recieved as an answer as he followed his boyfriend.
As they got closer they noticed the stacked cups at the back of the stall, an easy game to win, (Y/N) thought. Needless to say that he knocked them all over with one throw.
He may or may not asked Xingqiu to wet the ball to make it heavier. We all know how light those balls are.
"What an amazing throw, young man! What would you like? You can choose whatever."
Without hesitating the male pointed at the ridiculously huge turtle, a bright sparkle glistening in his eyes.
With a gentle smile on his face, (Y/N) carried his award to a free table next to a food stall. Xingqiu couldn't keep his eyes from the satisfied look on his lover's face, trying to hold back any teasing until they sat down.
The blue-haired intertwined his fingers as he rested his elbows on the table, gazing at the (Y/HC)-haired with teasing eyes. "You know, you look really adorable right now.", he said. (Y/N) payed him little mind, he was used to being teased. So those little words weren't enough to break his calm demeanor.
Xingqiu tilted his head slightly in amusement before leaning over the table. He cupped (Y/N)'s cheeks with his hands, soflty pinching and pulling them, "You really are the cutest thing, aren't you?", he cooed in a voice some people use to talk to dogs.
"Hmmm!", the (Y/EC)-eyed hummed in annoyance and embarrassment. He could feel his cheeks heating up as he tried to get his lover's hands off his face. Xingqiu didn't let go though, continuing to squish (Y/N) cheeks, laughing, "So that causes you to react! I shall write that one done for future reference."
"I don't know what you're talking about!", (Y/N) almost yelled when he was finally able to free his face, rubbing his cheeks. The blue-haired covered his mouth as his laugh died down in a soft chuckle, "It's been quite a long time since I last saw that precious little blush adoring your face, love."
"I'm not blushing!", (Y/N) covered his face with the plush turtle's head, "It's because of the pinching.", he tried to convince his boyfriend, slowly building up a facade to cover up how flustered he was.
"I know, love.", Xingqiu chuckled out.
Short bonus scenario:
The moon stood proudly in the middle of the sky when the two of them laid in bed, holding each other close. They weren't tired at all, surprisingly, even though it was the middle of the night. In a soft whisper they talked about the things they were wondering about. Little theories they had in their heads.
"You ever thought about clapping?", (Y/N) asked which caused Xingqiu to stiffle a laugh as he looked up from his position on (Y/N)'s chest, "What do you mean exactly?", he asked in return.
"We basically hit ourselves when we find something good."
The blue-haired smiled at his lover, amused, "I suppose you are right, love. But I cannot help but wonder how that thought entered that cute little mind of yours."
Xingqiu brought his hand to (Y/N)'s cheek, slowly brushing his thumb over it. Even in the darkness, the blue-haired could see the red hue that spread across his boyfriend's cheeks in return. The (Y/EC)-eyed glanced to the side, hoping XIngqiu didn't notice how flustered he got over such a simple thing. "D-did you just call me stupid?", he asked to distract Xingqiu's mind even further from his expression.
The golden-eyed let out a short chuckle, "No, no...I'd never do that, my love.", he moved himself so he could plant a little kiss on (Y/N)'s chin.
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hwascripts · 4 years
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What Izuku would be like in a relationship: The positive traits, the toxic traits, his love language, my own personal headcanons and an overall conclusion
WC: unknown
TW// POTENTIAL SPOILERS, No smut but Izuku is aged up, Toxic traits aren’t necessarily toxic...more so just bad traits, Teeny tiny little bit of angst, I think that’s it!
Disclaimer: I am in no way claiming the following headcanons are true. You are 100% free to disagree with me but please DO NOT send me hateful comments or asks. I am simply writing what I think Deku would be like in a relationship
a/n: Just to let you know, your nickname for him is Zuku just so you don’t think I kept spelling his name wrong.
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-Deku is literally the kindest soul ever and it makes me want to cry. He’d give you his umbrella if you ever forgot yours, he’d literally carry you to first aid if you ever injure yourself- this man will legitimately do everything for you
-He’s incredibly observant. If he catches you looking at a pretty ring then he’ll literally show up at your door days later with that very same ring in his hands
“I saw you looking at it a few days ago and I wanted to surprise you!”
“Zuku baby oh my god how much did you spend?!”
“You don’t need to worry about it sunshine”
I wholeheartedly believe Izuku would call you his sunshine or something along those lines
-I have this one headcanon of him drawing you all the time as an excuse to “observe you and your quirk” but it’s really just because he wants to admire the way you shine underneath the sun- and that’s how he came up with the name Sunshine for you
-Deku has a heart of gold oh my god, this guy cares so much about you it’s unreal. Imagine trying to hide the fact that you’ve been crying while on a phone call- mission failed because he heard your shaky voice and now he’s on your doorstep with your favourite hoodie of his and your favourite snacks
-His memory is insanely good, like it’s freaky how good it is. Like you mentioned to him ONCE that you liked a certain drink and now he pulls up to your dates with that drink all the time (not like I’d complain if Deku brought me my favourite drink)
-Just like Bakugou, Deku is incredibly smart and he literally always comes up with a solution. You could literally vent to him about a problem you’re having at work and he’s come up with at least 73 solutions within 6 hours
-He’s determined and hardworking. Again, he’s just like Bakugou in the sense that he’ll put his blood, sweat and tears into whatever he’s doing- no matter if it’s a serious high stake mission or something like planning your weekly date. The second he puts his mind to something, he makes sure to give it his all.
-Izuku is your own personal cheerleader, this dude will hype you up no matter what. Training after work? he’s cheering for you. You completed a really difficult task? you better believe he’s gonna pat you on the back for it.
-He’s very protective of you. Remember when the LOV attacked the training camp and he rushed to find Kota? yeah he’s 10x more protective of you.
-And it’s not because he thinks you’re weak and can’t defend yourself, it’s because he genuinely worries about you all the time and just wants to make sure your always safe
-He’s an inspirational person, he makes you hella motivated to do even the most boring chores around the house
-Deku isn’t afraid to show his emotions. Unlike Bakugou, he’s often seen showing his emotions. Deku said “toxic masculinity who?”. He definitely gives 0 fucks if someone sees him crying/upset because I feel like Pro-Hero Deku would stop the stupid mindset of “Hero’s can’t show their genuine emotions”
-Izuku is the type of person to analyze all his losses, figure out what he did wrong and then learn from it to make sure he doesn’t make the same mistake again. He’s the complete opposite of Bakugou who gets bitter over his losses due to his superiority complex.
-He’s so good at comforting you that it’s unbelievable. Deku gives the warmest hugs that make you feel so safe- you literally cannot change my mind about this
-You know those hugs where the other person lightly rubs your back and lightly sways side to side with you? Yeah those are the hugs that Deku gives (he’d definitely give you a sweet little kiss on the forehead/cheek)
“Sunshine come here, let me hold you while you let out all your frustrations. I’ve got you, nothing can hurt you while you’re here with me”
-Can you tell I want some comforting Izuku hugs? He wouldn’t let go of you until he put a smile back on your face and GAHH oh my god I need Izuku hugs
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-As much as I hate to do this, it needs to be done 😔✊🏻
-Izuku is such an over thinker, this guy worries about EVERYTHING under the sun. Your eyes didnt crinkle when you smiled? he’ll think you’re upset with him. You gave him a side hug rather than a normal hug? he’ll think he did something wrong.
-He’s self aware that he overthinks things but he just can’t seem to stop his thoughts. No matter how many times you reassure him that you aren’t upset with him, he’s subconsciously thinking about how to make it up to you
-He constantly pushes himself past his limits. You guys saw how many times he’s broken his bones. Deku may be intelligent but when it comes to his own self he can be completely hopeless
-The amount of times you’ve scolded him while you clean up his scrapes and cuts is insane. He just sits on the toilet lid and bites his lip nervously while you wave your finger angrily at him
“Sunshine please, I said I was sorry and that it won’t happen again!”
“Zuku you and I both know that’s a damn lie, I’ve had to patch you up 3 times this week! When are you going to start being more considerate of your limits?”
-I’m sorry but I picture him being so nervous to initiate anything with you. This guy would be so fidgety just by THINKING about holding your hand
-And deep down he knows he’s being ridiculous because come on, you’re his S/O and he’s been dating you for years now- why does he still get shaken up just by holding your hand?
-At first you think it’s cute, he’s just being respectful of your boundaries- but as time goes on you kind of get a little annoyed because he always asks you a bunch of times if you’re okay with him being affectionate.
“Zuku...sweetheart you know you don’t need to ask me a million times if I want to cuddle, right? I love cuddling with you!”
*cue sweating* “I’ll keep that in mind, Sunshine”
-He eventually gets a lot more comfortable with affection...more often than not you wake up with him nuzzled into your side like a cat
(Side note PLEASE wake him up with a bunch of kisses, he’ll literally melt)
-He’s very insecure about his scars because they make him feel like he’s “ugly” and sometimes he doesn’t even want you to look at them
-Do me a favour and please kiss along his scars/ trace them with your fingers while you compliment him- he’ll start crying because the scars he thought made him ugly are now starting to look beautiful to him
-This isn’t necessarily a toxic trait, more like a bad habit. Whenever Izuku gets stressed he’ll train himself to the brink of exhaustion just so he can try to focus on something other than how stressed he is
-Again, not a toxic trait but a bad one...Deku puts everyone else before himself. Which isn’t a bad thing if it’s done in a healthy amount, but Izuku goes to the extreme. I feel like he’d neglect his own needs just to satisfy everyone else and you’d have to intervene before it gets worse
“Sunshine I said I was fine, you don’t need to worry about me! Your Zuku is perfectly energized and ready to go”
“Zuku don’t lie to me, you know I can read you like a book. You’re coming with me and I’m putting you to bed”
-I hate to say it but this guy hates confrontation so much that sometimes he’ll suffer in silence for MONTHS before he even hints at being upset with something
-I honestly think your biggest argument with him would be about his lack of communication in terms of him not being completely honest about how he feels and he just breaks down-
-Like he has a really bad breakdown because he’s been bottling everything up for so long because he hates the idea of fighting with you.
-And now he’s sobbing because he’s so frustrated that he doesn’t know what else to do
-Anyways, the two of you just silently comfort each other until you’ve both calmed down enough to talk properly. This is the night Izuku finally starts opening up to you rather than bottling up every negative emotion he feels
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-I honestly think his love language is a mixture of giving you gifts and words of praise
-He’s a little shy when it comes to showing you how he feels through affection, so giving you gifts and his praise get his point across
-He’s totally the type to send you cute messages throughout the day, send cute selfies when he misses you, or he just sends you a random bouquet of flowers because he saw them and thought of you
-Also the type of guy to have photos of the two of you displayed around his office. His most prized one being the photo of your first mission together
-Just warning you now that if you ever mention that your suit ripped or a certain item isn’t functioning properly then he’ll literally buy 10 replacements- each one better than the last
“Zuku I said that the sole of my BOOT ripped off, not my entire suit!”
“Well now you have 10 new upgraded suits to make sure it won’t happen again! Isn’t it great, Sunshine?”
(Someone take his credit card away from him)
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I definitely think Izuku would be an amazing S/O! He’s caring, kind and comforting- and he does his very best to try and work on the bad habits he has.
Overall, I would say Izuku definitely would win a “S/O of the year award” (sorry Bakugou)
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in-tua-deep · 3 years
Ok I totally want to hear more about this survivors au/Delores is real! How do the siblings handle having this different version of Five? Five may be better adjusted but he still has to heard his family around like a bunch of stray cats. What happens when Hazel and Cha Cha show up? How do they find out that Vanya causes the apocalypse and how does Five handle that revelation?!
here is the thing, i think the survivors au has the potential to be HILARIOUS
no one knows how to handle a well-adjusted five, and this absolutely includes the commission
So you mentioned Hazel and Cha-Cha?? Five in this au was not nearly as absolutely feral as he is in the show bc he knows how to interact with people - he was raised by a competent adult and a weird best friend and they occasionally saw other survivors as well
please picture old Five hanging around the water cooler and chatting with Hazel
the other funny thing is that Five is competent passing - he is well adjusted emotionally but functionally?? Hazel is out there complaining about dental being cut and office parties and budgets and Five is there sipping his drink having never filed taxes in his life. Five doesn't know what the fuck a dental plan is, he was a child soldier and then lived in an apocalypse.
So please picture for me Hazel being like "okay I know corporate wants us to keep what we're being paid to ourselves but fuck that, workers unite, what do you get paid as a legend old timer?"
and five is like "you're getting paid? i get to not get tossed back into the apocalypse, I think"
"but what about expense forms? what about medical care?"
"I'm like 80% sure i'm being experimented on, actually." Five says nonchalantly, "Don't get me wrong, my idea of medical care is fucked by being a child soldier but I'm pretty sure regular people don't have electrodes attached to their heads every time they get a checkup. Could be wrong though! My ex-dad used to monitor my brainwaves while I slept so like, my idea of appropriate shit is fucked, you know?"
This is a Five who was raised by Rick, he is polite to his coworkers. If Dot asked him if he wanted to grab lunch, Five would have gone and grabbed lunch with her or politely said that he couldn't.
Cha Cha only ever talks to Five when she wants to talk shop, so they've had a couple of conversations about weapons but not much else tbh, Hazel just tends to be more personable
So when they're sent after Five, Hazel is much more hesitant to kill who he perceives as a "work friend" and also is definitely thinking about all the times Five casually revealed a way the commission was being highkey shady about him, such as the potential experimentation, no pay, working under duress etc. He's much more easily turned against the commission because he's even more primed to say "fuck the commission" than he is in canon
Hazel out here like "how did Five break his contract when Five wasn't even being paid? I kind of want to read it."
Hazel out here like "I would unionize if I didn't think the commission was anti-union enough to send literal assassins after me if I suggested it :/"
meanwhile with the siblings
Five just. talks over them a lot and makes so much sense that it's actually really hard to argue with him, and he's weirdly considerate of his family's obligations
Like Diego is like "i have to go see Patch" then Five is like "that's great I'm proud of you buddy, it would actually be really handy to have some law enforcement read into the situation if you think she's up to the task. that goes for everyone by the way! If y'all have people you trust, more bodies would be super helpful I think"
the entire family, collectively, who have like zero trusted social links: uhhhhhhhh
Diego, with this weird permission, probably?? Does? Awkwardly attempt to read Patch into the situation? Patch is, obviously, like "what the fuck, Diego" but probably goes with him to the mansion (????????) because she's concerned and then meets his fucking whacko family with their superpowers and suddenly everything is 100% more realistic
Five is just like "yes hello I'm aware I look like a child, i'm actually in my late 50s or early 60s (apocalypse time amiright) because of time travel stuff. Yes I am Five Hargreeves who went missing in like 2002 or whatever. anyway it's lovely to meet you, i'm so glad diego has someone he trusts, and considering my sibling's shifty looks when i told them to invite anyone they trusted this genuinely makes me concerned that Diego is the most socially well-adjusted of them."
"That cannot be possible." Patch says, like someone who has met Diego Hargreeves.
"You haven't met the rest." Five says sympathetically, "In our defense we were raised in isolation as child soldiers."
"That... explains so much." Is all Patch can say to that, "But you seem..."
"I'm adopted." Five waves away.
"We're ALL adopted." Diego grits out, very aggrieved by this and also not sure if he likes the fact that Patch seems friendly with Five, or at least is listening to him?
"I'm double adopted."
However! With the recruitment of Patch, herding Diego becomes like 90% easier.
Honestly the worst to herd are probably Luther and Allison? Luther because he's Number One and resents Five taking charge and also resents Five's casual dismissal of Reginald and also suspects that Five (or at least the commission) has something to do with Reginald's death?
Allison because she is torn between following Luther and helping him and helping Five but also calling Patrick and Claire at every possible moment while ALSO trying to repair her relationship with Vanya. She's flighty - she'd bail on a Five-apocalypse-assignment if Vanya mentioned being hungry or if Luther called or anything like that
Vanya likes to be included and, if asked, would probably drop as many current obligations as she can. Like she would probably cancel her teaching if Five genuinely and sincerely asked her for her help, which he does because he's 100% sure Dolores would manifest in front of him and smack him if he dared even imply someone without powers wouldn't be helpful
Vanya is like "I'm not sure if i'll be helpful - I don't have powers ):" and Patch is like "wtf are you talking about - my superpowers are Gun, Backup, and Reading Comprehension and i am like the most useful member of this team right now"
Vanya gets a confidence boost just from hanging out with Patch honestly, I think they should be friends
Klaus is thrilled to be included are you kidding?? He says he does it for money but he's just happy to be there and also as one of the most emotionally intelligent siblings he is mildly concerned about the fact that Five looks like he's about to cry and also emotes
Five also gives Klaus positive reinforcement, hugs, and Five absolutely weaponizes the I'm not mad, but I believe that you can do better and I'm going to give you more chances because I love you and fully believe that next time you'll be amazing way that Rick used on him.
I feel like Five ends up saying something along the lines of "I understand that x is really important, and we're definitely going to look into it. Is it something that needs to be addressed right now, or is it something that can wait until after April 1st? If it can wait, I can write it down here on this list so we don't forget. If it can't wait then we can figure out a time to address it and help you" a lot
Like Grace malfunctioning and potentially killing Reginald?
"We don't have to make this decision right now." Five says patiently, "Because Grace is a robot, we have some options. Living with a robot who is potentially malfunctioning and homicidal is dangerous, but Luther saying that means admitting that Reginald might have made a mistake or error with Grace's programming or upkeep. I haven't been here for a long time, but I remember Reginald being very precise. Regardless, this isn't a choice between permanently shutting her off or not. We can shut her down temporarily until we can fully address the issue. We can ask and see if there is a 'system reboot' option or some sort of system check that Grace can undergo. We can try find and hire an expert to take a look at her programming to find the issue."
Five gives this speech while like, organizing the weaponry in the house on a table very nonchalantly
Five out here making buzzer noises at his siblings arguments like "yeah no that's a false dichotomy and a strawman's argument, want to try again?"
(Look apocalypse nights were long and they had games that were literally about arguing pointless shit like ranking types of chairs or the best way to break out of a prison without powers and things could get heated)
"Who died and made you boss?" Luther demands.
"Uh, the world? Were you not listening?" Five asks, looking very purposefully confused.
It gets even MORE delightful when Five reads Rick into the situation because a) he promised and b) his siblings really have like, no connections jeeze
Rick fully believes that this is his son from the future, like Five introduced himself, but Five skipped out on a few key details. Such as being adopted.
So Rick spends a solid chunk of time just staring at Five, who looks basically nothing like him, trying to think like, who is his mother ???? if we save the world will Five stop existing? why would I name my child 'Five'? Does everyone have powers in the future? was there like... a radioactive apocalypse? would radiation give future humans superpowers? when did my life turn into a comic book? am i even allowed to ask these questions? will knowledge of the future fuck things up?
and then when Five comes back and is like "what is up everyone this is my dad Rick who will be joining us, he doesn't have any memories of me thanks to time travel but if anyone is mean to him i WILL kneecap them"
"Your DAD?"
Five does kidney punch Klaus for saying that Rick is a DILF but otherwise everyone just is like, warily looking at this Normal Dad Man in confusion because?? This is the dude who raised Five, who they watched take out like an entire commission team by himself yesterday? He looks so. Normal.
Rick is very confused and like, wonders if he's supposed to be the team mascot? But Five keeps involving him and asking his opinion and in return Rick enforces snack breaks and makes everyone sandwiches and has gentle talks with everyone
Every time Five notices someone about to blow he just lovingly makes sure that that person is alone in a room with Rick
Luther ends up crying on the sofa with Rick gently patting his back as Rick calmly states that Luther seems like he's put a lot of time and effort into his family and making his father proud and that since Reginald isn't here to say it, Rick will have to be the one to say that he's proud and that they've been dropped into a difficult and stressful situation - so soon after Reginald's death when they're still grieving! - and he's doing so well
Luther, experiencing unconditional positive paternal regard for the first time in his life: i don't know why i'm crying so much
honestly this is just a comedy of juggling the gang, having impromptu therapy sessions and discussions, investigating the apocalypse and the eye, leonard trying to meet vanya continuously and failing because she's constantly surrounding by family or rick/patch, the commission trying their best to bust up the dream team/isolate Vanya/kill or remove Five, while Hazel lives out his romcom dreams with Agnes and also says "fuck the commission"
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writingssummit · 4 years
𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮 𝐚𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐬 !
haikyuu as dads!
find the mha version here - bnha as dads !
content: fluff, the boys with children. mentions pregnancy. aged up!
characters: bokuto, daichi, sugawara, lev, and kuroo.
a/n: i’ve been feeling very soft and even though i don’t even really like kids lol, this prompt make me so warm and happy :’) keep in mind that I’m not super far into haikyuu, so i don’t know a lot about the timeskip- sorry !! also a bit messy and unorganized.
so without further ado, here are some soft scenarios and headcanons for each :D
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bokuto !
Pleaseeee, we all know he’d be such a good dad!!
You’re tired? Don’t worry, he can watch them while you rest!
Can and WILL play with them for hours.
And of course, he has the energy to keep them preoccupied. This man has more energy than I ever will on 2 cups of coffee with 3 shots of espresso in each.
Mans probably would want a bigger family, but of course as long as you were fine with it.
Thinking maybe 3+. He just wants to have that big family to share with you :’) aww
When you’re pregnant, he’s all over you. Protective to the point of it being a little overwhelming, but he means well.
Pokes your belly a little. Not harshly, but in a loving, gentle way.
“That’s my baby. Right in there.”
Probably cries a little when your baby bump shows.
More so during your first pregnancy, but he still holds that same emotion with the others.
He does NOT know what to do the first time.
When the kid/s start getting older, oh lord. He’s such a sucker for them.
Probably gives them ice cream or sneaks candy when you aren’t in the room, even though IT’S ALMOST TIME FOR BED.
I’m sorry, but he cannot and will not be able to help with homework. I’m sorry but it’s true.
If your kid/s have a passion, he’s 100% for it.
Dance? He’ll go to all of the recitals he can make. Volleyball? Even better. Writing? He’ll sit in front of them and have them read it out to him like it’s a bedtime story.
I don’t think he’d be a good cook, so whenever he takes over for dinner, everyone is like “Oh no. Dad’s cooking again.”
Overall, 100/10 dad. Supportive, and does his best. Good boyo <3
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daichi !
I think he’d be a good dad too :D
He was kind of just a natural father, so it’s expected.
I think that he originally wanted to bring up the topic of kids to you at some point, but he was hesitant since he didn’t know if you were ready.
So of course, you beat him to the conversation.
He’s very happy that you want to start a family too. :)
I think he’d want a smaller family, maybe 1-2 kids.
When you test positive, he’s kind of in shock for a moment.
“We’re going to have a kid-”
Like duh lmao he put it in you
Definitely calls Suga up to tell him the news.
Is actually very interested in shopping for a baby. He needs a few pointers but he’s got the enthusiasm, so A for effort bby
He’s decently used to having a small child running around him screaming, he had little siblings so yeah
Has a bit more structure than bokuto, but he’s still able to break.
He’d do damn near anything for his kid/s.
He has his moments where he wants to spend alone time with just you.
Decent homework helper, but I feel like he’d be that one parent who goes “This wasn’t how I was taught to do this”, or “Why did they change that??”
Again again, supportive dad.
But also supportive of you <3
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sugawara !
Being a teacher, he’s surrounded by kids all the time.
Basically, he is also used to having screaming children within his vicinity
I could never omg how do you do that Suga
At first he didn’t put much thought into a family, he and you were content just the two of you. Also. CHILDREN HE TEACHES.
But something just switches in his brain, probably after he had a really wholesome moment with a student, or maybe even just witnessing a parent + student interaction.
He’s like, “I kind of want that..”
Another small fam kinda guy <3
Suga brings it up, and you’re all for it, you’ve been wanting to start a family with him.
He’s so excited and happy!! oml :’)
Like, he finally gets to start a whole new chapter of your lives together he hadn’t really thought about until now.
When you get a baby bump, he plants soft kisses to your tummy and talks gently to it.
My heart ksjshd
This will be a nightly occurrence now.
He is reading all those articles for raising kids. He’s also at your beck and call, even the baby’s.
He just wants everything for the baby, they end up being a huge daddy’s kid.
Late nights after the kid/s go to bed is prime time for you both.
You enjoy being together after a long day, you snuggle up together in your bed, maybe drink some wine later.
PLEASE. Breakfasts in bed. He and the kid/s will TOTALLY MAKE YOU B in B.
So proud of your kid/s. Has pictures in frames on his desk at school, and when his students ask, he has plenty of stories to tell.
Knows when something is off. Like, he can just tell-
Kid is sad? He’s there. Tissues, ice cream, take them out somewhere.
Probably a teaser.
You already know he gets himself and that kid/those kids into mischief.
“Shhh, don’t tell mom!”
He has deep conversations with them. He cares a lot.
He just loves them <3
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kuroo !
it’ssss kuroo time babyyy
He definitely wanted kids. Strikes me as the guy who just knew, as soon as you got married.
When that test came up positive, he had a dorky smirk on his face.
He’s very proud to know you will have his kid.
This dude is always checking up on you. Morning sickness? He’s there to hold your hair back. 
Feeling clingy or upset? Wraps his arms around you.
Lazy pats on your stomach when it’s late.
Why does he seem like he’d play mozart around you because he read somewhere that fetsuses liked that
Sir please we don’t need to listen to Alla Turca (Allegretto) for 12 hours straight
He’s 100000/10 homework helper. Mans is smart af, it’s not even surprising.
“I forgot how smart you were” 
“Shut up”
You both are probably so mushy with each other that your kid/s are like “Ew gross”
He encourages and pushes them to do their best. 
Helps them find what they’re passionate about. <3
Dad jokes. I’m serious.
“Please stop, dad!”
“One more, one more-”
Enjoys making them suffer with terrible jokes.
In a nice way of course.
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lev !
saved the funny one for last!
Okay maybe not super funny, but I had fun writing this
He and you did NOT plan to get pregnant. At ALL.
“Lev the test is positive”
Promptly falls off of chair.
Like this dude was not ready for that information
Tbh he would make even me anxious about it
“..do I have to give them the talk?”
Lev please it hurts me
As soon as he gets used to it though, he’s excited like he usually is. 
But this is different. This is a whole HUMAN. 
“Do you think I’ll be a good dad, Y/N?”
“Do you want me to be honest?”
Jkjk that was a joke.
I think Lev has the potential to be a good dad. He’s energetic, passionate and dumb, but in a good way <3
Sorry again, no homework help with him LMAO
Your kid will probably be tall. Or at least average height.
After the original surprise pregnancy, he wants to try again but when you both are actually ready.
He would totally take these kids out everywhere. A show off dad for sure
“Hey, did you know my kid did xyz?” 
“Look, here’s a picture!”
Lev we get it you love your kids 
He would love to have a volleyball loving kid I feel like, but he wouldn’t be too disappointed if they didn’t like it. Would probably propose other sports though, he always loved playing himself, even if it was only volleyball so he wants them to have the same good experiences
If he’s watching the kids while you’re shopping, he doesn’t really know how the first few times- even though you left him A LIST.
Probably then calls his friends up for advice
If it comes down to it...consults WikiHow
and that’s it!! hope you enjoyed, some were harder to write but yk what- i had fun :D as much as i am suga brainrot i literally had a hard time writing his section :’( 
but anyways yuh B)
asks/requests are open ! check yay’s and nay’s in basics for this blog !
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