#spn 11x20
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drulalovescas · 1 year ago
things that were allowed on the cw show supernatural: god being the big bad, god having girlfriends and boyfriends, angel being gay.
things that weren't allowed on the cw show supernatural: dean telling his best friend that he loves him.
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boykingscourt · 15 days ago
it's da fog
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otissbluebearshirt · 1 year ago
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“Hey, sweetheart. Okay, we're gonna get you out of here. We're gonna get you safe, okay?”
SUPERNATURAL | 11x20 - Don’t Call Me Shurley
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samsrowena · 2 years ago
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Tell me why you abandoned us.
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shallowseeker · 5 months ago
I love how in s12 Rock Never Dies, Lucifer IS using Cas as a stand-in for Chuck.
Here, Lucifer wants Cas's reaction, his attention. He's throwing his feelings of abandonment onto Cas.
He beats up Crowley, then he kills Tommy, THE ONE WHO HAD RUN TO CAS:
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Then he looks to Cas... to SEE if Cas reacted.
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And like, he throws Cas onto a couch. Clearly, Lucifer doesn't want Cas out of commission here.
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He wants Cas to watch him kill the people to get a reaction out of Cas. THAT'S what the "weak/pleasureless/dutybound dullard" line is all about. It's the goading, maestro.
Lucifer finds it difficult to ruffle Cas.
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In the shared mindscape in s11, Lucifer isn't torturing Cas per se, something that shocks even Crowley.
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(((Aside// One of the things I noticed upon rewatch is that, a few flares of unruliness aside, Cas's predominant feeling for Crowley in season 10 turns out to be... pity.
Surprisingly, Crowley responds to that, as shown here in his complicated mess of behavior as he jumps in to help out… And Crowley is hilariously frustrated with Cas. "Snap out of it!"))))
But back to the Lucifer of it all. Even though Lucifer’s letting Cas be, he immediately moves to brutalize Crowley. "You want to put me back in the cage!" Lucifer screams. He also echoes Chuck: "You plotted to replace me!"
(Chuck will, in fact, say this TO Lucifer later in s11: "I know you plotted to replace me with the angels!")
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Later, Lucifer faces off against Amara, the person with the twin fear that he has: being ignored, put into a CAGE.
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But interestingly, she has no sympathy for him. (Hey, hey did betray her. But so did Chuck...)
She spends most of her time torturing Lucifer and brutalizing him beyond comprehension:
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In the heat of battle, she rips Lucifer away from Cas and throws him away without a thought.
And even though she spent most of her time in season 11 creating discord and evil on the earth in similar measure to how Lucifer does (toxic fog that turns people berserk, storms, burning religious wellwishers to a crisp), there is peace and forgiveness waiting for her.
No one looks for Lucifer or even considers offering him a path to redemption/forgiveness.
It's no wonder Lucifer focuses his anger on Cas. Cas was the most stable presence he had in eons.
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shirtlesssammy · 5 months ago
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Dean Winchester every day -- 238/326
Supernatural 11x20//Don't Call Me Shurley
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mlobsters · 3 months ago
supernatural s8e23 sacrifice (c. lennertz) / s11e20 don't call me shurley (c. gruska) / twilight (2008) (c. carter burwell)
while i'm scrubbing through s8e23 again looking for a moment to paint, laughing over how glowy trials hands are shades of the twinkle sound used for the samulet in s11e20 which is shades of the twilight THIS IS THE SKIN OF A KILLER, BELLA
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vammppyre · 5 months ago
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dowagerqueenofhell · 15 days ago
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The way Dean just casually slides that guy to scooch over is so funny to me.
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lazarrusrising · 1 month ago
Diversity win! The biggest baddest of the big bads is bisexual! And god!
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gunsnpie · 2 years ago
just remembered god is canonly an evil bisexual.
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fandom-hoarder · 8 months ago
11x20: Croatoan Part 2
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aldobrandos · 2 years ago
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jinkieswouldyoulookatthis · 2 years ago
Okay but, Chuck is Sam, Amara is Dean, yeah I know but just hear me out.
Chuck: I thought if I could show my sister that there was something more than just us, something better than us, then maybe she'd change. Maybe she'd stop... being... her. But... every time I'd build a new world... she'd destroy it.
Sam was the one who wanted out of hunting, didn't see a life in the Family Business, he imagined something more to life. Dean saw only family and hunting. Every time that Sam left and tried to build a different life, Dean was the one who showed up and brought him back.
Now, I don't personally like the negative connotation to this, that somehow Dean destroyed Sam's life, but the analogy still actually fits at this point in the story anyway. And we all know how much Supernatural loves its mirrors and parallels and whatnot.
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hoboal87 · 2 years ago
I truly had never interpreted this reveal this way. I always understood it to mean that Chuck was the one to put it there.
But now... Cool cool, I'm gonna be completely normal with this information
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All these years. This whole damn time.
Supernatural S11E20 Don't Call Me Shurley Supernatural S5E16 Dark Side of the Moon
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shallowseeker · 5 months ago
The fight against dark places:
Against running away, against checking out of life forever, against nihilism, against depression, against hopelessness, against suicide.
Against accepting what someone else tells you that you are.
Cosmic entities telling you what you want, how to feel. "Go to sleep." "Become boundless."
"Give up your identity." "I won't be resisted." And if you do resist... I'll find a way to kill what you love, so you won't have a reason to resist anymore.
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"Where if there were no rules? No pain, no prayer... just bliss. For everyone. Forever."
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Give up your humanity, your smallness
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"I am the end of your struggle," Amara says. "Angels, demons...you all end up here," the Shadow says.
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"Infinite peace, yes? Think about it. No pain. No regrets.
And later.
THIS is the Empty... pretending to be Dumah. It's attacking Heaven to get to Jack, sure.
...its troublesome reaction to seeing Cas again. First, the disbelief: "I thought you were supposed to be on Earth." (The Empty can't get to Earth.)
Perhaps, when it HEARS how much Cas cares about Jack; it realizes that Jack is a thing tying Cas to Earth. Or maybe... that it can use this opportunity to get what it really wants: the immediacy of having Cas quiet and willing, "in a place that is worse that Hell."
(I think of: "Hell is Hell for demons, too." If the Empty can't get back to sleep, then... perhaps where it lives is a terrible place to be.)
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"Don't leave me."
*heavy breathing*
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The Empty (in Dumah): "What does it want?"
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Does it? Is that what The Shadow really wants? As the audience, we're heavily colored by Naomi's assumption here.
Perhaps after letting Cas go... it realized it wanted Cas back?
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Castiel, run.
Like Amara, who wanted nothingness, for "everything to go away, everyone except you, Dean," ...perhaps the Empty wanted to soak in nothingness... alongside a companion.
Ever since it woke up, maybe it's learned the difference between being alone and being lonely?
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