#this doesn’t mean she doesn’t break the law when what she ? deems is good is put at risk 😭
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people who are lawful good believe that an orderly, strong society with a moral government can work to make life better for the great majority of the people. when the laws are fair and the people respect them and try to help one another, humanity as a whole prospers. therefore, people who are lawful good strive for a social order that will bring the greatest benefit to everyone and cause the least harm. lawful good personalities may sometimes find themselves faced with the dilemma of whether to obey the law or do good when the two conflict. for example, when upholding the law of the land would lead to unfairness or harm or when there is a conflict between two orders of what is right, such as between the ways of their community and the law of the government.
tagged by: taken from @lightburnsyou 🫶
tagging: @lcerys , @daekarys , @lenfear , @stormbcrn , @ga1adriel , @greydeath , @maidmyth and @sanctamater
#dash games //#the biggest HUH. I ever uttered when I saw this bc like I never#thought she WOULD be lawful good#in my mind she was always neutral good or lawful neutral but HUH.#like I actually really like this and like I need to make a post about her morality and the oddly strict nature of it and how somewhat ? at#times it IS very black and white while others it’s wholly ? Shades of grey#the CONFLICT BETWEEN LEGALITY AND WHAT IS COMMONLY ACCEPTED BY SOCIETY#like huh.#I am thinking again about her calling orwyle a dishonorable shame upon his order for backing aegon ii and claiming a ‘ true grandmaester#should know the law and serve it’#LIKE#this doesn’t mean she doesn’t break the law when what she ? deems is good is put at risk 😭#like she had three illegitimate children to protect her husband and not to make him uncomfortable#and to ? in her eyes do her duty best by him by not pushing the notion of them siring children together more then he would#willingly submit to for duty’s sake
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They didn't know we were seeds
chapter 23
cw: mentions of infant death by natural causes, disability caused by injury, past sexual assault, abuse of power.
taglist @justrainandcoffee @emotionalcadaver @peakyswritings

Despite the new armor the Peacekeepers sport and the tighter restrictions, things had returned to what could almost pass as normal.
Eva continues her businesses, her cousins go unbothered by Campbell and his men and, despite the alarming rise in public floggings and the blatant abuse of power, there is no proof Eva is involved in any rebel activity.
But the Inspector, now Major, has not given up.
The Shelbys have taken their sweet time taking care of the pig, the victory tour is set to start soon, and the man is still six feet above ground.
“Your son takes after his father; in ten years they will be betting how well his genetics help in the arena.” Campbell is waiting for her in the only café that can cater to him. He wrinkles his nose at the aromas of a typical 10 foods, the rich foods that are the norm here deemed disgusting for those with weaker palates like Chester Campbell.
“That is still a long time from now, a lot could change by then.” Because if it doesn’t, we’ll all be dead anyways.
“Your status as Victor won’t keep him from the reaping bowl. Your kind has grown confident that winning a game will save them from justice.” The man speaks and Eva feels her skin crawl.
Your kind. He was of the same cloth Evertt and all those monsters were.
No wonder Jack feared the man. Who knows what things Campbell did when he was in Two,
“I never said I could save him from the reaping bowl with my status.” Eva drinks her coffee with feigned calmness as she reminds him what sort of dangers a district already has. “Who is to say Laurie won’t die in an accident or illness, or become disabled? Just yesterday a newborn girl died eaten by ants when they crept inside her Panem-issued formula, a week ago a twelve-year-old boy fell into the canals playing with frogs and now he can’t even walk or collect tesserae. The world is filled with perils, sir.”
“Laws state a Peacekeeper can remove children who are in danger from her own parents, I would hate to see them take your little boy from you because you’ve gone insane, Miss. Smith.” The man sits there thinking she’d go as far as hurting and killing her son to keep him from the games.
Good. It means that he and his superiors will think she is desperate enough to agree to anything for Laurie’s sake.
Eva doesn’t care if Campbell acts on his suspicions, she just needs him to file that report and send it straight to Snow.
“Have you seen the white roses in my front lawn, Major?” the woman hides her smile as the man nods knowing they were a gift from Snow. The Victor has made sure everyone and their dog knows it, shown how loyal she is to him and his freak show by proudly displaying them for everyone to see.
“President Snow gave me the first one. A lovely white damask rose with a strong smell that lasts almost three times as long as the average ones, didn’t take long to grow roots under my care and now I have three bushes.” Eva grows bold enough to take one of the colorful little pastries the good major has left untouched and picking a piece off it breaking all those rules she was taught by her aunt and later Clemens. “Anyways, he had cut it from its branch because the acidity in the soil gave it a pink tone and its defect ruined the scene. The rose was a warning of what he does to those who rebel against him, and if you remember my games, you will remember that I won due to my cunning and not strength or skill with a weapon. Those roses I care for so much are my way of assuring President Snow I know my limits and will not cross them.
I am not Katniss nor Peeta, in fact, if those two could be more like me, we wouldn’t be in this mess and the rules wouldn’t have changed after seventy-four years.”
“Then why do you and Mr. Nelson meet in secret at your farm? Did you really believe I don’t know he comes here disguised as a Peacekeeper?” the man shows the card he’d hidden under his sleeve and if falls like ice down her back.
They knew. They knew! THEY KNEW!
It takes Eva’s all to keep the mask from breaking.
Who? Had Laurie told the wrong person? No, she knew his teachers would have warned her. Her farmhands who’d seen a man leave some mornings. No, they assumed he was a married man from town.
“One or two raids and the two of you would be dead, your families reduced to avoxes and your sweet little son in a home waiting for his twelfth birthday so he can join the two of you in death.” The man smiles as if he had delivered her the best of news. “All because his father stole an identity of a dead man.”
They had to kill him. If Shelby didn’t fucking do it, then Eva would.
When Eva calls, it is always when Jack is home from work and at once Atia’s son would then lock himself in his bedroom with the house phone for privacy.
This time Atia is alone, having a relaxing spa day on her day off. She’d done the things she needed at work, sent the latest developments in the new line of bombers Snow’s Minister of Defense had approved and received instructions on how to make the prototype of a disruptor for the fences’ electrical system.
Atia Nelson once trained to become a pilot, only an incident at a training camp put an end to that and sent her down the path of aeronautical engineering. Had she never fucked around with her roommate and a young man from the northern villages, the redhead wouldn’t have found her true calling nor had her three children. And now her expertise served a greater purpose: avenging Laurie and Gina.
“Jack isn’t home.” Atia says thinking it’s one of those days where Eva calls to have a private moment with her husband.
“They know.”
They know.
It made sense now, why Jack was never caught, why it was all too easy these years. Shelby may have thought himself safe, but no one is. They never have been.
“Who?” not who betrayed them, but who holds this information.
“Campbell. He’s threatened to raid the farm and take Laurie from me.”
Jack had warned her, kept her here and going alone to visit his family to keep her from getting caught in Campbell’s crosshairs.
But it had still happened and now they couldn’t wait for Shelby and his people to kill the pig. Things since the last games and the Victory Tour had become worse and would only get worse until it finally ends.
And because of that, the three of them cannot afford to wait any longer.
The memory of his hands on her, in her, as he used her knowing she’d do anything for her children still sickens her these days. She feels as helpless as then and fears what he would do to Eva, to their families, to Laurie whose only crime was to be born to people from different districts.
“Here’s what we’ll do.”
The prototype would be functional in less than an hour, she could try it out before the week is up and if not, she knows enough about these fences to know a pair of jump cables, gloves and the rubber handled wire cutters in the tool box did the job just as good.
Jack would be the bait; Laurie would be safely kept in Eva’s home with her aunt and Atia will show the man Jack’s skills didn’t just come from his sperm donor. She was great with a whip even now.
She’s never killed a soul, but lucky for her, Chester Campbell doesn’t have one.
The first test failed, but with all the adjustments Atia has made to it after has it work like a charm. Jack leaves as Sejanus Smith and not Sulla Felix knowing his old badge would set the dogs after him.
Her son hesitates when she tells him she will be using Beetee’s device to reach the farm alone.
“Don’t worry about your mama, little rabbit.” She assures him as she helps him don the riot gear and kissed the top of his head just as she always did when he was scared. Her grown-up son still as scared as he was that day he was taken to the juvenile correctional facility. “Once its over, it will be over for good.”
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The Boys as bus drivers [Celestial Remix]
Hey Gamers! Today I’m surviving off of 3 hours of sleep, spite, and blasting “It’s My Party” on repeat so I thought I’d give you even more of our boys as bus drivers while I’m still at work! If you haven’t seen the first part [ click here ]
He goes slightly above the speed limit at all times
Does not care for rude people and has kicked several off the bus before
If he’s a school bus driver he brings snacks for major holidays
Has told corporate to “fuck off”
The people like him and he’s been working there too long to get fired easily
He’s a supervisor
Will tell you to stop cursing and stop standing.
Plays the “cool” radio stations to be hip with the kids
8/10 I would want him as my substitute bus driver
He’s a bus monitor
The kids respect him because he doesn’t nag them
He has yelled only once. To stop a brawl.
The kids started crying.
He apologized and told them he didn’t want them to “get written up”
They thought he was chill after that
He sometimes just comes in dressed up fancy as hell
Several people in the yard have a crush on him
He always says he is taken
No one can figure out who he’s “taken” by. It’s the gossip of the bus lot
Somehow is never late?? Even to last minute bus changes
9/10 because there’s no way parents and drivers both don’t fight over him being on their bus
Now on to the Celestials
He says good morning to you every morning.
He warns you when he’s gonna run in to traffic
If you don’t have enough money and you’re his regular, he will cover for you.
He will work as a school bus driver on the side just to ensure the kids are safe.
That being said, there is absolutely NO CURSING on his bus.
There is no tomfoolery either! You either behave or get off.
The only exception is if you’re 5 or have any sort of stims or tics that you quite literally can’t stop
He has yelled at passengers for being mean to other passengers before
If a kid is sad he tells them he thinks that they are a ✨star✨
Is pleasant to almost everyone on the lot
He and Barbatos have a rivalry to be the most liked person in the bus yard
9/10 he’s just a generally nice fellow who doesn’t like bullies on his bus
He has beef with every other driver
He steals routes
His timing is always the same
But he will drive away as you’re running to the stop
Lucifer was trained by him
He then proceeded to get Lucifer’s promotion to supervisor taken away once he deemed Lucifer too good
Wants to be in corporate
Does not drive anything over or below the speed limit.
Does not play the radio
Writes people up
Parents love him, children hate him 😤
5/10 simply because he doesn’t technically break the law
Oh boy here we go
I do not think this man should have a license
Admittedly I know nothing about him
The only thing he drives is a dirt bike
He is banned from driving on all highways
If he has a chaperone he can maybe, maybe, drive on the road
He ran Michael off the road 2 times
This is why he can’t drive
Unrelated but he looks like he’d call Michael “Mikey”
Yea like the ninja turtle
6/10 for the memes
She puts those lil window stickers on her bus windows
Has a matching purple vest with Asmo
I also know nothing about her
But I feel like she’d slay
Drives by the rules sometimes
Gives stickers to the kids that behave
Gives disappointed looks to those that don’t
Tells all the kids that she’s any magical creature they think she is when they see her hair
Most kids think she’s a mermaid
She does what she wants honestly
8/10 simply because she calls out sometimes to go attend concerts
He does not drive
He got demoted from a driver to a monitor
Why you ask? He tried to use the bus in a street race after hours
Asmo had to step in and say that Solomon told him “he had no idea he was driving in a street race. He just wanted to get the bus away from the crazy drivers”
No one believed him
But Asmo has pretty privilege and a generally good record so Michael let it go
:[ he would have won if he didn’t forget that buses do not go well with speed bumps
He tells the kids he’s a magician and does minor illusion tricks to keep them distracted if there is traffic
Likes to mess with the other monitors
Is mainly the reason gossip spreads in the bus yard
10/10 I would genuinely be excited to go to school if he was on my bus when I was little
He’s like 10 years old
He can’t drive.
Simeon makes him the line leader when it’s time for the kids to get off the bus :]
Sometimes talks about the funky cars they see on the road
Once got into a fight with Mammon over the fact that his school id counted as “his license”
It does not
Mammon let him win tho
Dressed up like a bus driver for Halloween
Tells everyone that Solomon is half cat
Solomon does not understand why this small sassy child is convinced he’s a cat
10/10 he would be a great bus driver in like 30 centuries :]
#obey me#obey me headcanons#obey me! shall we date?#obey me crack#obey me shall we date#obey me lucifer#obey me mammon#obey me leviathan#obey me satan#obey me asmodeus#obey me beelzebub#obey me belphegor#obey me simeon#obey me solomon#obey me michael#obey me raphael#obey me thirteen#obey me diavolo#obey me barbatos#obey me luke
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A/N: Requests from three anons. Naughty, naughtier, naughtiest. Enjoy, everyone!
Words: 2426 Warnings: shameless Christmas smut
Additional NSFW warnings: dom!Loki, usage of anal sex toy, orgasm control, forced orgasm(s)
Feeling all warm and fuzzy, you snuggled in closer to your mischievous boyfriend. After three weeks of persistent persuasion, you had finally talked Loki into watching Christmas movies with you and to be quite frank, you were convinced he secretly enjoyed them.
A comedy was on tonight, of a young couple suffering from the usual pre-Christmas stress including eccentric in-laws and turkeys burnt to a cinder. You had been giggling throughout, knowing very well it was a rather accurate representation of how chaotic Christmas could be. In fact, you could hardly wait for this year, given it would be Loki’s and your first time celebrating it together as a couple.
“I recall you telling me that those sex scenes in films are staged unless you watch a… what was it?”
“Porn movie?”
“Yes. I must admit, she is terrible at staging it.” You quirked an eyebrow at him.
“She is doing it on purpose. She is faking her orgasm.” You explained, staring at the screen. The male protagonist was wearing a Santa hat and a fake white beard—nothing else. He had surprised his girlfriend who had just gotten home from a long and exhausting day at work and even though she appreciated it, she was just too tired for sex.
“Why in the nine would she do that? That is rather pathetic for the male part.”
You blushed. You too had faked your orgasms sometimes when you were in bed with Loki.
“Um… well… she doesn’t want to hurt his feelings. You know women take longer to get there and sometimes… they’re just too tired or not in the right mind set.” You yawned. “Much like today.” You added.
Loki paused the movie with but a wave of his hand and turned to face, looking you dead in the eye. “Are you implying something?” Oh, shit… you had a feeling this would bruise his godly ego.
“I… I-I only did it a few times. Once or twice. Okay, maybe a little bit more often than that. B-but that doesn’t mean I don’t ever—“
“You are what?” He bellowed. There we go.
“Loki! Listen to me, you are the most mind-blowing lover I’ve ever had. It’s like I just said, sometimes I’m too tired or have so much going on at work that I can’t let go… it’s got nothing to do with you!” You insisted.
“That is unacceptable.” He said after an uncomfortable break.
“W-what does that mean?”
Loki gave you a meaningful look. His tone was downright spiteful when he spoke again. “Let’s just finish the movie, shall we?”
You were a little surprised he let you cuddle with him again but you couldn’t focus on the film anymore anyway.
“Are you… mad at me?” You chirped after a while, your cheek against his chest, listening to his rapid heartbeat.
“No. I am not.” You were not convinced. He was up to something.
The next morning started all but merry. You woke Loki with a few wet kisses, quietly singing O Christmas Tree to elicit a response.
Loki groaned, a smile playing on his lips. He didn’t need a lot of sleep but he truly didn’t like being woken up by anyone but his own body when it deemed him rested enough.
You giggled, his raven hair tickling your skin. You barely made it out of bed to open the very last door of your advent calendar and then moved to get dressed. As usual, Loki was a lot faster, simply magicking clothes onto his body without so much as blinking.
You were late. The Avengers were probably already waiting for you in the living room where Tony had put up a massive Christmas tree. And massive it was—it stood almost twenty feet high, about six metres, as far as you were concerned, and the billionaire had had to use his suit to hang up all the baubles and ornaments as well as the shining star on top. And before you had gone to sleep last night, you had sneaked your presents for everyone under the tree.
You bit your lower lip, hoping that Loki wasn’t still taken aback by your involuntary confession last night. You had meant what you had said. He was an amazing lover but sometimes… you just weren’t feeling it but still didn’t want to disappoint him or let him down. A sigh escaped your lips.
“Come on, Trickster, let’s see what Santa brought.”
“Hold up.” Loki said. “Turn around for me.”
You raised your eyebrows, not expecting anything out of the ordinary. So you did as you were told and gasped when he forced you to bend over so your upper body came to rest on the bed again, your backside in plain view for him to admire.
“Hey! Loki!” You giggled during your weak protest, then bit your lower lip. Did he want to… now? Hmm… Christmas morning sex. Your heartbeat sped up as you wiggled your behind a bit, arousal already pooling between your legs.
You heard him chuckle behind you but instead of his hard cock at your wet entrance, you suddenly felt something hard and cold press against your back entrance.
“L-Loki…” You had tried toys of the like before, especially right before sex and you had enjoyed it very much but now was definitely not the time. You were about to head downstairs to the Christmas tree, exchanging presents and having a hearty breakfast with the Avengers, there was no way you were going to…
You gasped when he slid the clearly lubed plug into your rear, and it went in with little resistance. Loki knew your body so well it almost scared you. That, and you were already soaking wet and responsive to your butthole being pampered in such a way.
“Hmm… are we enjoying ourselves?” Loki mused, smirking as he led you over to the mirror to let you admire his work. The plug was a little bigger than what you were using for sex but still oddly comfortable to wear. What stood out the most to you, however, was the fact it was golden, with a green jewel attached to it and decorating your buttocks. “You are positively dripping, my dear.”
You bit your lower lip once more, mouth all of a sudden completely dry.
“It looks hot and beautiful at the same time.” You admitted, meeting his blue eyes in the mirror.
“Consider it a Christmas gift.” He said with a wink. Your eyes widened when he slid your comfy trousers back on and turned to leave the room.
“Hang on there. What are you doing?”
Loki tilted his head, playing innocent. “I am meeting my brother and his silly friends for Christmas.”
“W-what… oh my goodness. This is about last night, isn’t it? You want revenge, is that right?”
Loki smirked. “I have no idea what you are talking about, my love. Now… let us head downstairs, shall we?” You only glared at him in response, tensing up when his hand wrapped around your arm and stopped you in the threshold. “You will regret it dearly if you secretly try to take this out before I allow you to do so.” He hissed into your ear. Your walls clenched. This was certainly going to be your most interesting Christmas yet.
You had been right indeed. Crouching down to get the presents out from under the tree proved extremely difficult wearing a butt plug—at least, it proved extremely difficult to not moan in front of everyone.
Loki’s smirk never faltered, not even when he received your present and thanked you with a passionate kiss right in front of the Avengers. If only they knew… you had no idea what else Loki had in store for you once the two of you were alone again.
Christmas dinner posed as equally difficult. Sitting calmly at the table, enjoying the delicious turkey and treats and conversing without wiggling around like a child was nearly impossible. For the first time ever, you were glad when the festivities were over and you could finally retreat to bed, hoping that Loki would fuck your brains out before you fell asleep tonight.
You stood in front of him, arms akimbo when his clothes melted off of his body and he threw back the covers of the bed to get comfortable when you returned from the bathroom.
“Are you serious? Loki!”
“Oh dear… I almost forgot.” He lied, once again smirking like a cat that got the cream. “Lie down, little minx. Tell me, are you aching?” He teased, chuckling darkly.
“No!” You spat sarcastically, unable to hide your amusement. “I have been horny all day, you tease!”
“Have you now?” He was grinning now. Your heart skipped a beat when he snapped his fingers and then pointed at the bed for you to lie down. At this point, you did not even want to pretend to resist and be bratty for a bit.
Eager for your release (and knowing fully well this was his vengeance) you climbed on the mattress and gaped up at him with anticipation. But Loki took his time. Slowly and while eyeing you like a wild predator he joined in bed, tugging at your clothes in the process.
“Take them off.” He growled. You were panting when you did as you were told, all until you were completely naked except for the butt plug still snugly inside of your rear. A squeal escaped your lips when he lunged at you with a start, grabbing your hips and pulling you into a lying position. His scrutinising and downright lustful gaze never left yours as he sneaked his hand between your legs, right where you wanted him the most and dipped a finger in your folds.
“My… you are gushing.” You bucked your hips up against him, too impatient to listen to him talk dirty like that but his hand was already travelling upwards again, fingertips ghosting over your skin and leaving a trail of goose bumps behind. You gasped when he circled your left breast and played with your already hardening nipple until you were whimpering for him.
“Loki, please…” You begged, biting your lower lip to appear innocent. The God of Mischief chuckled.
“So desperate?” He uttered, fingers returning to your cunt. You shivered when his thumb ghosted over your clit, giving it a gentle stroke. You had been on edge all day it would not at all take you long to finally be granted your long-awaited relief, even less so when Loki buried two of his long fingers inside you without any forewarning, curling them to massage your g-spot and circling your impatient clit with his thumb. His fingers were magic. No, he was magic. If only the world knew what a skilled lover Loki was they would change their mind about him being a megalomaniac villain and shower him with affection and fanmerch instead.
Moaning, you threw your head back, meeting the thrusts of his digits by bucking your hips hungrily. Loki could tell you were close already. You were tightening around his fingers, your breathing so fast he feared you might lose consciousness.
A satisfied growl escaped his lips when you came, milking his fingers as endless waves of pleasure rolled over your body, making you moan his name. Only Loki did not stop once all the bliss slowly started to fade away, your clit complaining about the ongoing stimulation.
“Again. Now.” Loki growled.
“I want another. How can I be sure you truly came, after all?” He mused. You groaned. So it was revenge after all. He knew exactly you had come.
“I d-did… w-what… I can’t… Loki… oh, fuck…” He knew you could. He knew your body could. Still fingering you relentlessly, he tossed you straight into another hot orgasm as his thumb returned to your clit. Your back arched, fingers digging into the bed sheets as you clenched rhythmically around his long digits. Heavens, it felt even more intense with the butt plug still snugly inside of you.
“L-Loki… stop… s-stop, please…” You breathed, unable to form a proper sentence.
“Oh no, my dear… you can give me one more. Just so I can be completely sure.” He replied hoarsely, knowing that you could take it and would react differently if you truly had enough. It was the mix of pleasure and your strong feelings for him that made your mind turn like a spinning wheel, unable to stop or escape the tornado of emotions and relentless bliss. So he kept going, tormenting your already overstimulated bundle of nerves until your toes curled.
“Don’t you ever dare fake an orgasm with me again.” He growled into your ear, his hot breath brushing against your skin. Pleasant shivers ran up and down your spine, yet you were unable to answer him. Instead, you wrapped your arms around him and dug your nails into his back, pulling his upper body closer to yours to urge him on, his name leaving your lips like a prayer as he brought you to a third orgasm making you see stars.
Panting, it took you quite a while to come down from your high again as Loki helped you ride out your climax before finally removing his now slick fingers and licking them clean with relish. When he made no move to position himself between your legs and get some relief himself, you let your head fall back into the soft pillows, making Loki chuckle.
“No falling asleep just yet, my love. Let me remove the jewel from that lovely behind of yours first.” Your eyes fell shut nonetheless, an acknowledging sound the only form of communication you could still muster as you let Loki gently take out the plug. You would have drifted off to sleep there and then, without a blanket, if Loki didn’t scoop you up like a cherished bride and wrapped you under the covers before cradling you in his arms.
“I’m so sorry, Loki.” You muttered, eyes still shut tiredly.
“Whatever for?”
“I never meant to offend you when I faked, I just wanted you to have your fun even when I wasn’t in the mood.”
“I know. Don’t lie to me again. Ever. There is no point for me to take pleasure from you if I am unable to return the favour.”
You smiled. You really had the most amazing boyfriend in the world. Well… which was probably because he was in fact, not from this world. No Christmas present could ever compete.
A/N: If you enjoyed this story, I would appreciate it so much if you considered supporting me on Kofi! It’s either for caffeine or red wine, I’ll take both. ko-fi.com/sserpente ♥
#loki#loki imagine#loki x you#loki x reader#loki x female reader#loki laufeyson#loki laufeyson imagine#loki smut#loki laufeyson x you#loki laufeyson x reader#loki odinson#loki laufeyson smut#loki odinson imagine#loki odinson x you#loki odinson x reader#thor#loki odinson smut#thor imagine#the avengers#the avengers imagine#mcu#mcu imagine#marvel#marvel imagine#tom hiddleston
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Just My Type: Dark!Steve x Reader (Mob AU)
Chapter 2 in the Lipstick and Crayons Series.
Chapter 1: Welcome to the Darkside
Main Masterlist
A/N: This chapter is 2K words more than the last chapter and I’ve second guessed every single line in this one. This story is getting a lot of traction guys and I’m equal parts happy and scared. Thank you for the nice comments, they do encourage me. Also I’m just ranting feel free to skip this note haha. Your support in any form: like, comment or reblog is appreciated greatly. Also you can dm if you want to be friends, God knows I need those. Hopefully, this chap was worth the wait. Also, I made a poster for this on the main masterlist so check that out, it might be foreshadowing dome plot.
Warning: Eventual Non-Con, Sickening Threats, Mob Themes, Violence, Death, Manipulation, a mild mental breakdown, Cheap Tricks later.
Genres + Characters: Mob AU, Single Parents AU, Steve Rogers x Reader.
Summary: Steve can't ever repay you for what you did. After meeting you, Steve believes his broken family is the missing piece in the puzzle of your own wrecked one. Indebting the crime lord to you has been the biggest mistake of your life, cause now you can't get rid of him, no matter what. Loyalty and favours go a long way in the mob.
Chapter 2: Just My Type
It had almost been a week since the incident and you had barely gotten a wink of sleep. When you drove back to your house that night, Steve surprisingly didn’t argue as you had expected. After that friend of his whispered something in his ears, you only assumed he was needed elsewhere and you couldn’t be more thankful for that. They escorted you to your car and Steve thanked you with a strained smile, words genuine but eyes calculating. You didn’t even wonder what went inside his head. You were thankful for the peace and quiet of your own car, content to just get out of the area and into your humble abode.
After you put the already asleep Grace to bed, you couldn’t bring yourself to get out of her room. You just sat on the floor beside the bed, hand intertwined with hers as you rested your head beside her tummy on the mattress.
Your adrenaline wore off and your limbs ached as your thoughts finally settled into place, the gravity of the catastrophe a few hours prior hitting you. Tears made their way down your cheeks as you realized that you both could have very well died tonight.
One bullet could have sealed each of your lives and you were basically defenseless had Steve not saved you against the creeping assaulter. You couldn’t commend yourself for even defending yourself against one attacker, the guilt of killing someone harboring in your tired head. Your quiet whimpers eventually wore you out, while Grace’s shallow breaths lulled you to sleep.
You didn’t manage to sleep for long though, every time your eyes closed, horrific images flashed in your mind. A blood curdling scream here, heaps of dead bodies there, with distant exploding sounds all around. You could see men clad in black holding guns to Grace’s head and whensoever you woke up, you just wondered how much more creative your mind could get, making these visuals so realistic.
When 8 AM rolled in, you didn’t wake Grace up even though it was Monday and you had work. You got up, changed into a long tee after a shower and called your office and then her daycare. You knew you would have a hard time going back to your normal life, to become trusting enough to leave her alone.
Your assumption about yourself was right. You took almost the entire week off, which your boss generously allowed you to after hearing your traumatic experience, which soon made the city news headlines. All your colleagues checked on you, almost once in the five day break you took, and sweetly enough offered to bring you anything you needed.
It was kind of them, but none of them could bring you what your heart genuinely craved: peace and assurance that you and Grace would be safe.
Even though Saturdays were off, you did go to work to see what you missed and where to start on again. You went in because you knew that the random spurt of resolution you got in the bathroom to collect your life, wouldn’t last.
To ease back into your normal life, you gathered your guts, called a babysitter and left home. You couldn’t bring yourself to leave Grace at the daycare just yet. One of your good friends offered to come in to the office and help you, even on the weekend and you were quite grateful to him.
When you both decided to take lunch in the nearby dining place, you both got to talking, the conversation obviously originating from ‘How have you been?’ and ‘Is Grace okay?’. You reminisced about how you used a photobooth to hide, grotesquely and uncomfortably chuckling when you remembered Sarah calling you her mom and how her dad saved you all.
You deliberately left the part where you killed someone and Steve shot someone too. You hadn’t come to terms with it yet and you stiffly restricted your mind whenever it tried to go down that lane.
He sensed how the conversation was becoming tense and distressing for you and briskly redirected the topic.
“I hope the dad was hot though?” He wiggled his eyes creepily and you snorted at his vulgarity, light for the first time in days.
“He was easy on the eyes; I will admit that.” You played along, recalling your girlfriends and how you used to ogle people.
“Don’t be a homewrecker though, I don’t support cheating.” He said nonchalantly, checking his phone as a notification bell rang off.
“He’s a widower.”
His eyes snapped up and met yours as his head tilted in confusion. “That’s a strange fact to know about someone you met for a few minutes.”
Steve’s even stranger comment about his dead wife popped in your mind and before you could stop yourself, you blurted that out as well.
“He even said and I quote, ‘She deserved what she got.’” He put his phone down, weirdly amused.
“Ooh Creepy! Do you think he is one of those husbands who kill their wives and bury them in the backyard? The podcasts always say that the psychopaths are visually handsome and charming. And his statement was quite vague and spooky.” He continued munching, and you felt that now Aiden was really paying attention unlike before.
“Steve did have a gun while searching for Sarah, come to think of it.” You drank your tea and awaited his response. What you did not expect was his eyes to widen and worry to cloud his features.
“Um Widower Steve with a toddler Sarah? At the place where The Vices attacked?” He mumbled, grabbing his phone and doing God knows what on it. Your eyebrows furrowed and before you could ask him what was up with his antics, he resumed.
“This is a long shot but I really hope your Steve didn’t look like this.” He positioned the phone in your vision, and you could already tell it was Steve by the sapphire blue of his eyes piercing through the screen into your soul. The picture was a month or two old, his hair was much longer when you met him than in the photo.
“This is him.” Your eyes met Aiden’s and worry visibly took over his features as his forehead creased and jaw tense.
He looked around the restaurant, finding it empty in the afternoon. He leaned and whispered, “This Steve of yours is dangerous.”
You interrupted Aiden, even though you already knew Steve was, the sight of his armed men still fresh in your head, and inquired, “Why do you say so?”
“It’s just like the fictional stories we hear from our parents, except here, in this city of ours, every myth holds true. There are really powerful men, untouchable by law, who reign the city silently and live luxuriously. Every shady, under the table deal you’ve heard of, transpires. Illegal trades, fraud schemes and bounty hunters are not fictional, they exist here. These men kill whatever hinders them and trust me, you don’t want to be the deer caught in their Jaguar’s headlights.”
Ice froze in your veins again, resembling the fear you felt that night but now because of your deemed ‘savior’. You convinced yourself that you had not wronged him in any way, instead had saved his daughter’s life.
“Are you in contact with him? If you are, distance yourself cleverly, don't block him immediately.”
“No, we just parted ways near my car, he thanked me for Sarah and was called away. It’s almost been a week and he hasn’t reached out if that’s what you mean. We didn’t exchange contacts and I don’t think I even told him my full name.” You explained yourself as if you were on the witness stand in court, trying to convince yourself more than Aiden.
“Pray that he doesn’t remember you more than that, if at all. I’m being totally honest here in telling you this, I’m genuinely worried for you and Grace. You are smart but he is powerful. He has unimaginable resources and if you become more than a speck of dust on his windshield, you are screwed. There is no exaggeration here.” You took his words to your heart and swore to be careful, if not for yourself then for Grace.
The rest of the day went by and you found yourself dwelling on and worrying about Aiden’s words. At least he put it out there as it was. Heeding his advice, you did google Steve on your phone, finally finding him in the topmost news headline when you added ‘Buck’ in the search bar as well.
‘With 38 lawsuits pending against businessman Steve Rogers, the filers have lost all hope in prosecuting him. All cases are being drawn out for indefinite periods of time by the Chief Justice Bruce……’
Aiden was right.
Businessmen was code for illegal mob heads. Cases being stretched on meant he was, in fact, invincible, at least to the common man’s fists.
You flickered through several titles, each one more surprising than the last. He was believed to be involved in the carnival attack, alleged for three hit and run cases that he didn’t lose but the witnesses swore they saw him driving and was also rumored to have brought in quintals of drugs just last week, but the packets just evaporated into thin air and there was no proof of their existence in the first place even on incessant searching.
Every crime of his made you shudder and you mentally thanked Aiden for pulling you out of your oblivion. Your mind raced and heart palpated and you cursed yourself for being so drastically unaware even after living here for almost four years. Technically speaking, Steve and you were even, him saving your life and you saving his daughter’s. No logical reason came to your mind for him contacting you ever.
You wished as Aiden said and assured yourself that your paths would never cross again, Steve not having reached out in a week, so hopefully never again.
That thought went out the window when you reached home to find a box awaiting you. Hannah, the babysitter you had called, informed you it came around 5 in the evening and was exclusively to be opened by you today.
Your mind raced as you paid the babysitter, your hands sweaty as you tried not to think about the gift and its sender. There was an apparently clear answer to who mailed it but you refused to accept that, courtesy of Aiden.
The box was of the height of Grace, it was black with red hearts painted across it; some red roses also sparingly adorned it. You opened the lid and found tons of red tissues and a multi-flower bouquet adorned with mostly red roses and a few purple and pink flowers.
Because of your frequent gardening in your backyard, you knew all the flowers’ meanings. To sum it all up, red flowers, especially roses were used for courting someone. Pink meant admiration, purple for beauty and you knew the ‘violet’ flowers were for loyalty.
As your nerves increased tenfold, you willed yourself to get it over with and empty out the box first, ignoring the little card in your bouquet, saving the ‘best’ for last. You find a mini bouquet inside but unlike yours, it had chocolates of every kind. You did read its card and cringed when it was for Grace, bothered not by the deed but by the doer.
Further inside were some animal plushies, face masks, perfumes, scented body lotions and shampoos. Your head hurt thinking about the ‘single mother care package’ delivered to you by someone you refused to acknowledge.
As Grace sat in her playpen occupied, you dared to pick your card and read its message, your heart beating unrealistically fast for someone who refused to accept the cruciality of her situation.
I can’t thank you enough in this lifetime for saving my little princess. The gift of your help is more than anything money could ever buy for me. Please accept this invitation of mine for dinner tomorrow night, 7PM at La Bonne Nuit, as a symbol of my sincere gratitude for everything you’ve done. I’ll gets the kids covered and pick you up, you just be ready and look as amazing you always do. Sincerely, Steve Rogers
You stilled as you read it over and over again.
An invitation, your ass. Even in writing his authority portrayed, there was no question and hope for you coming, he just stated that you’d come. Looking pretty as always? You just met him once, in the middle of a calamity, covered in dirt and blood.
All the red roses and gifts screamed his romantic interest but you illusioned yourself into thinking they meant gratitude. You wouldn’t be able to digest it all otherwise.
Knowing what you knew now about Steve, you understood there was no denying the dinner tomorrow. You had to get out of his clutches and distance yourself, but as Aiden had so rightfully said, cleverly.
That night you laid in bed mulling over your next course of actions. You had called the gift shop to return the unwarranted presents you received but they said it was non refundable and anonymous to trace. You bitterly snorted in their face, they put a card with Steve’s name on it for heaven’s sake!
You didn’t flinch even when you realized you never gave Steve your address, neither for mailing stuff nor for picking you up. There was no number given to call him and thank or to call him and deny. The bastard had planned it all out, and you felt like you were driving in a one way lane, going deeper into the tunnel. Somewhere among your all-relentless fretting, you managed to finally sleep.
When the doorbell rang, your eyebrows furrowed. It was just 6 PM and you weren’t expecting anybody else except for Steve. You had already begun getting ready, having developed a habit of keeping an extra margin of time now having a toddler. You still had to assemble Grace’s essential backpack, fill it with her meds and bottles.
While still putting on your diamond earring, you made your way to the door, unlocking it to find a redhead grinning at you. Before you could interact with her, a small body clung to your legs and you looked down to find the azure eyed kid that put you in this mess, Sarah, smiling up at you.
“Mama! You look pwetty!” She looked up in awe and now aware that she didn’t have a mother, you were even more so coerced into accepting this title rather than telling the kid that 'you are semi orphaned'.
“I’m Wanda, Sarah’s nanny. Mr. Rogers told me to pick her friend, Grace, up for the night?” So, this was what Steve meant. Bringing Sarah was proof enough of her legitimacy, but behind her you saw ‘Buck’ salute you from the driver’s seat of the black car. One of these days, you needed to learn his real name.
You invited Wanda inside and Sarah ran to Grace immediately, grabbing and whining while asking Grace to give her some popcorn she was munching on, her fist generously full.
In your open plan kitchen, you grabbed two plastic bowls, filled them with each with the tub of popcorn that sat in the microwave and handed each toddler one, fortunately quietening Sarah. Sarah obeyed Grace, in first thanking you, their ‘mama’ and then following her to her open playpen.
You faced Wanda again who sat on a barstool and kept on beaming. If your annoyance at her amusement showed, she sure didn’t let it falter the smile.
“Mr. Rogers told me you’d worry about your daughter, but I assure you she’d be in more than capable hands.” All you could focus on was how self-reassured she was. “I’ve served him for almost two years, the last family I served, I was there for 8 years and before them, I was employed for 3. I know the general bedtime and snacks, all I need from you is information about her allergies.”
You nodded and told her about Grace, her meds and what all you packed. When you got to know that her family owned the daycare Grace went to, you were finally somewhat convinced. After seeing them off, it was about fifteen minutes later, that the devil disguised in Prada showed up at your door.
You grabbed your purse and your keys. Wiping your sweaty palms on your dress, you opened the door. Steve stood there, a smirk lodging on his handsome face. His blue, three-piece suit perfectly paired with his cerulean eyes was impressive to say the least.
He was dressed to kill, and it appeared as if you were his first victim.
As your eyes took him in from top to bottom, his did the same lazily, taking their time, resting at certain places for longer period than others.
“You look stunning.”
You knew you did. You wore one of your more expensive dresses when you found out La Bonne Nuit to be one of the few seven-star hotels in the country. In hindsight, if you’d have dressed worse, maybe he’d have left you alone.
“Thank you.”
“Shall we?” He offered you his hand and you obliged with your palm in his. Your other hand pulled the doorknob while you stepped out, all alarms already set-in place. He waited while you locked and put the keys in and when you were done, with a soft kiss along your knuckles, he pulled you along.
The act surprised you, your stomach turning and your gut wrenching and you wondered if you’d be able to process the food after all, with your upset digestive system.
Like a proper gentleman, he opened the door for you and when you settled, he took his position at the driver’s seat. The silence was painful for you, your overthinking finally filling ideas in your head that you avoided contemplating about all day, focusing on Grace.
He was relaxed though; his humming was proof enough.
Mid way through, your thoughts were rudely interrupted when a hand housed itself on your knee. You glanced to find Steve’s palm slightly rubbing your knee. If it was meant to be assuring, you certainly didn’t feel like it.
You frowned and looked up to Steve who still had the arrogant smirk on his face, eyes straight ahead on the road, giving no indication of his inappropriate touching.
You wanted to swat his hand away but a brainwave dashed through your head and a disturbing thought made you halt, that whether he carried guns to restaurants as well, since carnivals were no big deal.
You ignored his hand and continued looking outside, pretending to ignore it as well as he did. Your scowl was a huge giveaway though.
You didn’t know that, but when your eyes found their way out, his finally rested on your face, the smirk growing even more.
Thankfully, apart from the incongruous touching, the dinner went okay-ish. The food and wine were impeccable, perfect even, the restaurant on the hotel’s top floors was so picturesque. You tried to savor your one-time experience there, knowing you’d no way be able to come back there.
Well, you tried to relish as much as you could while your mind still sat there, wary of the human in front of you. If you’d ignore your journey here, Steve was nothing short of a true gentleman, often making you wonder if you had imagined his hand on you.
This ‘friendly’ date you were having was probably one of the best you have had, he had left no expenses. He appeared to be interested in your work, about your childhood and about Grace’s but you swiftly avoided his questions about her father. He was growing a tad bit too comfortable for your liking and you still refused to entertain the idea that this was a ‘date’ date.
When you were finally onto dessert, the last course of your meal, your table was shadowed by the broad frame of a brunette and his date. He clapped Steve’s shoulder and Steve rose to hug him, you awkwardly smiled.
“It’s been far too long since you’ve been here, Cap. Why don’t you and your gorgeous date stop by my penthouse for a bit? We could finally go over the papers you sent me, in person?” He winked, they discussed something more and then went away, his date bowing and trailing after him as well.
Steve claimed his seat again, and finally told you about the interrupter. “That was my good friend, Tony Stark, always in a hurry. I’ll introduce you to him when we meet him later.”
“I think I’ll be heading home; you need not worry about my introduction, I hardly think we’ll ever run into each other again.” His eyes narrowed and you clarified, “Me and Mr. Stark, I meant.”
That’s good, don’t associate yourself with more of his kind.
“He was so kind in inviting you though, it would be rude to refuse.”
“It’s already late, Steve. And I’ve never left Grace alone for a night yet. What if she’s antsy? What if she is bothered? What if she feels unsafe? She's only used to very few people, and after last week, I-” You had started the sentence hoping to use Grace as an excuse but every word of yours succeeded in making you more apprehensive.
The carnival night flashed in your mind, along with the nightmares and you started panicking even more. Your hands clammy, your dessert spoon fell in your lap as sought your phone in your purse, hoping to call Wanda for an update. You felt like a terrible mother, who left her child with a stranger, only a week after she suffered trauma, just to go on a date with a mobster.
Steve reached across the table and grabbed your fidgety hands and as you wriggled to get your hands free, he softly called your name. Voice stern but vocals gentle. Your blurry eyes snapped to meet his while he guided you to breathe deeply, in and out.
His firm hold convinced you to listen to him, you’d never free yourself of them otherwise.
When you had calmed a bit, he withdrew his hands and fetched his phone. Your thoughts slowed down, and you wondered if anyone here was judging you. Your little scene, mercifully, went unnoticed by the other affluent people dining here.
Steve handed you his phone where four colored frames rested, the screen showing you Grace and Sarah cuddled in a frilly, pink four poster where Wanda sat too, her lips moving.
The feed was live and the screen muted, both the toddlers’ eyes fluttering close slowly, on the bridge of sleep.
You handed the phone back to Steve and drank your water while he rubbed circles on the back of one of your hands. You never freaked out like you did right now, always collected and never giving into anxiety. What had happened to you?
Well, In your defense, you had never experienced a disaster either.
“The kids are safe; I’m never putting either of them in harm’s way ever again.”
Your mind did catch the plural in his statement but you promised yourself you would not let it get that far and continued drinking your water, emptying the entire glass.
“The HD image you just saw was by cameras Tony recently developed. His technology is amazing, I’ll take you to his lab sometime.” You appreciated his attempt to redirect the topic but you also focused on how tech-savvy his friends were as well.
You hummed and agreed, trying to be ambiguous with your answer.
When you finished your dessert, you hoped he’d forget about his ‘friend’ Tony but to no avail.
“His penthouse is two floors above. He owns this hotel as well in case you didn’t notice.” He led you to the elevator as you recalled the Starks Group logo you saw earlier sometime.
Some AI named Jarvis opened the elevator doors for you in the living room of Tony’s penthouse. It was even more magnificent than the restaurant earlier, the place illuminated by several hues of different colours. Steve chuckled and strung you along, introducing you to a ginger-head named Pepper, who was Tony’s date earlier and went to search for his acquaintance.
She offered you wine but you politely declined, opting for water instead. She brought your glass to you from the extravagant kitchen and you both sat on the barstool there instead of the living room. Too anxious to say the wrong thing, you stayed quiet until her voice filled the deafening silence.
“So, Steve almost never brings dates around. You two serious?” She questioned, leaning towards you, waiting for some gossip, no doubt.
“Oh no! We aren’t dating. He just invited me for a friendly dinner. We merely met the other week.” You deliberately left out the part where there was bombing by crime families and attack on the common man.
“Honey, in the mob life, you don’t just introduce random people to the fam.”
Oh, she wasn’t being shy about the whole mob ordeal. It seemed weird to hear it from her, since you and Steve hadn’t used the word yet. Maybe he figured you already knew considering the circumstances you met in or how famous he was.
“We really aren’t romantically involved. This dinner was just a gesture of gratitude if I’m being truthful.”
She chuckled, as if you were a kid making stories and quizzed, “Gratitude for what?”
You trapped yourself into that one. You didn’t know how to answer her and your brain downright blanked. Surprisingly,, Steve came to your rescue and two voices interposed your conversation.
Steve called your name and as you turned to the men, he continued, “She’s the one who saved Sarah the other night. You know the story, Wilson probably got it printed.”
“Impressive, really. Hey, I’m Tony and I see you’ve already met Pepper, my fiancée.” He shook your hand and kissed your knuckles, much like Steve did earlier in the day. You bowed, smiled and mumbled a ‘nice to meet you as well’. They escorted you to the elevator and Tony continued.
“Well, it’s not everyday Steve brings brave and extraordinarily attractive women around. Welcome to the family, sweetie. She’s a keeper, Cap.” He winked while saying the last sentence and before you could correct him, Steve ushered you inside the elevator, bro-hugging him. As the doors closed, Pepper winked at you from behind Tony and a shudder ran through you.
Okay you had to make it clear, get on the same page.
As the elevator music filled the silence, you started, “Steve, look we aren’t-”, “I served in the army, that’s why Tony calls me Cap, short for captain.” And crudely got interrupted.
“I never wanted to get into the army, I thought people were fools to sacrifice the one life they got. But I went to make my mother’s dream a reality, I really loved her, you know? Sarah is named after her, my mother.”
His voice broke at the end and as much as you wanted to redirect onto your former topic, you couldn’t. This amiability of yours would be the death of you.
“She died alone in her bed; I was dispatched too far away to even make it back for her funeral.” He mumbled but you heard him clear as a sunny day, and he leaned back onto the wall for support while you awkwardly rubbed his shoulder to return the support he provided earlier during your mental breakdown.
He closed his eyes and gathered himself, taking deep breaths. As the elevator dinged, his eyes opened and he gave you a strained smile.
The car ride to his mansion was painfully silent, his mind too sidetracked to focus on harassing you again. With all that you went through today, you almost forgot about that.
His mansion was enormous, twenty guards stood outside and even more patrolled the lawn. He took you inside his house, the interior even more detailed and scenic than Tony’s temporary residence.
You just concentrated on swiftly getting Grace and Uber-ing back. As Steve showed you earlier, Grace and Sarah hugged and slept and it was a meticulous task to untangle their limbs without waking either of them up andnd get Grace with her back-pack. You thanked Wanda on the way out, hoping to avoid Steve but somehow he stood outside before you, leaning on his sleek black car. He opened the door for you before you could refuse the ride. You settled with Grace in the backseat itself, trying to be smart.
He just summoned one of his guards to drive and sat alongside you in the back. You didn’t let the annoyance at his clinginess show though. You just focused on Grace who drooled over your shoulder.
Hopefully, there won’t be any point of exposure to him ever again, your circles didn’t match, both social and professional. Your Venn diagrams didn’t overlap anywhere. This should be reason enough to avoid meeting ever again.
He didn’t try anything even this ride around. You doubted it was hardly because of the toddler or because of the driver. He did as he pleased, if he wanted to he could very well grope you. Luckily, he wasn't in the mood.
When you reached your dwelling, you stepped out hastily, thanking him in a whisper. You fumbled to get your keys out, but since everything you held slowed you down, he caught up with you without even trying.
He took and held Grace’s bag while you drew the keys out, Grace still on your hip. He handed you the bag back, “So this is it, I guess?”
“Yeah, tonight was a total delight. Thanks for the dinner and everything, really.” You put up your best façade, hoping to convince him.
“It was, thanks to you. The company matters the most.”
You awkwardly chuckled and you sensed him leaning in, his eyes flickering shut. Your eyes closed as you turned your head to avoid him, so that his lips would peck your cheek.
They never came.
Your eyes opened to find his and he chuckled, leaning in once again swiftly, catching you off guard this time. He didn’t meet your lips though, he kissed the corner of your mouth, lips overlapping for a fraction of skin.
“In due time, baby.” He stepped back and strolled to his car leisurely, content in his own world.
You opened your door and slammed it shut, the peck feeling wrong on so many levels. It felt more sensual than a lover’s kiss, leaving room for intimacy and longing.
Your thoughts ran a hundred kilometers an hour, the most absurd but nauseatingly true being, this was a date and it was not your last encounter.
Steve smirked outside in his car, the dinner an absolute success in his opinion. Tonight just made him feel that you both were more than compatible for each other. You needing him during your mental breakdown, him relaxing under your shy touch, Tony’s approval, not that important though, and your anxiety for Grace was the best part, because he, more often than he’d like to admit, fussed about Sarah the same way, agonizing and fretting her well being.
A text lit up his black screen and his grin widened even more if possible.
‘The Stark cameras are up and working, Sir.’
#dark fic#dark mcu#dark!steve rogers x reader#dark!steve rogers#dark!steve x reader#Steve Rogers#steve x reader#steve rogers x reader#mcudarklibrary#Chris Evans#chris evans x reader#marvel fic#mob au#mob!steve#mafia!steve rogers#Mob!steve x reader#dark! mob! steve rogers#mafia au#ray writes#just my type#Lipstick and Crayons#Lipstick and Crayons series
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snippet (res ipsa loquitur)
“Look who’s here. Professor Yang’s favorites!”
Professor Yang raises an eyebrow at that, as if to say that he didn’t have favorites, but Professor Kim Eun Sook pays him no mind. Dear friend though he may be, and though she would trust him with any case, his hard-ass act didn’t fool her. He could say whatever he wanted, but his subtle actions belied his fondness for his once-students turned professionals. Just the fact that he regularly invited them back to Hankuk to discuss cases was just one example.
“I don’t know about Prosecutor Han here, Professor Yang’s protégé that he is, but I’m certainly no favorite when I had to be Erica Shin just to get him to eat with me.” Lawyer Kang has certainly grown up to become a balanced professional, but Professor Kim is happy to see that she’s kept that refreshing bluntness of hers.
“If being Professor Yang’s favorite means additional work like getting called back to school, then I’d rather be your favorite.” Prosecutor Han for his part hasn’t changed much either. Although he’s settled into himself now, becoming as calm in actuality as he sometimes presented himself back in school, that teasing gaze towards Kang Sol A was still present how many years later.
Professor Yang just stares deadpan at what he deems to be nonsense from his former students. “I never taught the both of you to be lax as students, much less as professionals.”
“We’re just joking, Professor,” Kang Sol A – Lawyer Kang now – can easily look her once-savior in the eye and smile, as Professor Yang just raises an eyebrow, “You know we’re always glad to help with whatever we can.”
“We must have inherited your curse as a workaholic, Professor,” Prosecutor Han jokes. Even when he was just Han Joon Hwi, and not yet Prosecutor Han, he never had that fear towards Yangcrates. Frankly, he admired him, though it had always been a complicated emotion with the way all their fates had been tied.
“Ehem. Who would have thought that when I asked you to come hand-in-hand to my office so many years ago as students, you’d be doing it again and again now that you’ve become professionals.” Professor Kim is only half-serious. Even then she’d had an instinct about these two – one with the sharp mind and logic and the other with the fiery heart and passion. They would balance each other out, though she wouldn’t have picked up on it if not for Joon Hwi’s propensity to be a knight-in-shining armor for his then frazzled seatmate.
Kang Sol A mock-scoffs before smiling prettily, while sharing a gaze with an amused Joon Hwi. It was good to see that they still got along marvelously so many years later.
Professor Yang stares long and hard at them as if they were a crime scene he was investigating, before going on ahead and asking Joon Hwi to follow. Eun Sook’ll poke at his thoughts later though she’d be lucky if he felt like sharing them.
“See, you really are his favorite,” Kang Sol A nudges Joon Hwi playfully, while he only chuckles. “No need to worry Lawyer Kang. You’re my favorite at least.” Both Eun Sook’s eyebrows raise at that. With time and his new position, it seemed as if Joon Hwi had gotten more direct, if at all possible. Ah but perhaps, Eun Sook thinks while observing how Kang Sol A just laughs in response, rather than time it was circumstances that forced him to change his approach.
A slight movement behind Professor Kim’s desk catches all of their attention, and a doting smile appears on Eun Sook’s face.
“Aigoo. Is this your daughter Professor Kim?” Kang Sol positively beams at the small curly haired girl hiding shyly behind the Professor’s desk. She was so adorable! It reminded Sol of Byeol when she was at that age. Looking sideways, she sees Joon Hwi sporting an equally wide and fond smile. It was no wonder. With how he was with her younger sister, first when they’d met and until now, Kang Sol surmised that he must be ridiculously fond of children as well. Distantly she thinks that he’d be a wonderful father someday, although uncharacteristically cynical, she also has to admit that she doesn’t exactly have any good bases for comparisons.
“Yes,” Professor Kim says, proud, like all mothers are, “Say hi to oppa and unnie here. They work with the law just like mommy.”
Funnily, it’s a race between them for the privilege of lifting Professor Kim’s daughter up in their arms, but Joon Hwi lets her win (much like he always does). Kang Sol A openly cooes, while Joon Hwi hovers closely to the both of them, also introducing himself to the young girl.
It’s such a heartwarming sight that Professor Kim almost wants to take a picture of it, even if it would be inadmissible as evidence later on.
They’re momentarily interrupted when someone enters the legal clinic.
“Ah Miss, it’s so wonderful to see you again.”
“Ahjumma!” Kang Sol exclaims happily upon seeing the lady who ran the Bad FaMa website enter the legal clinic. Seamlessly, she adjusts Professor Kim’s daughter on her hip, before transferring her to Joon Hwi who carries her on his arm. “How are you? What are you doing here? It’s not another defamation case is it,” Kang Sol asks worriedly. Of course, she’d defend her properly this time since she was now a full-fledged lawyer, not only giving half-baked assistance and having to rely on Joon Hwi because she wasn’t prepared yet.
“Ah no, no need to worry Miss – ah my mistake, it’s Lawyer Kang now isn’t it? You sure showed them didn’t you.” She smiles warmly, proudly, at Kang Sol, and Kang Sol gets happy flutters in her heart and stomach, “I volunteer here at the legal clinic sometimes. Professor Kim has been helping me out with lobbying for stricter child support laws, and the other lawyer who volunteers here - Lawyer Jeon - has been helping me with cases of single mothers. She’s been telling me all about you. I’m really glad to see you doing so well.” Though it’s been a while since Kang Sol has seen her – since when she was still a law student in fact – the older woman and that case will always hold a special place in her heart. She considers it as her first case, and though it did cause a slight rift between her and Joon Hwi, she had been the first person outside of smug Second Judicial Exam Passers and terrifying law professors who had genuinely thanked her for the legal service she provided. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that Kang Sol owes a lot to her for reigniting her reason for studying law in the first place.
“And Prosecutor Han, I’m delighted to see you’re doing great as well.” Joon Hwi inclines his head at her while responding in kind. Even with a child on his arm, he looks every bit the respectable Prosecutor, and Kang Sol could sometimes shake her head in amused resignation at how flawless her – (Friend? Best friend? Family?), - at how flawless Joon Hwi is. She shakes her head for a different reason this time around, to get rid of that brief interruption in her mind.
Ahjumma smiles, full of maternal care. “What a lovely daughter,” Joon Hwi and Kang Sol exchange wordless glances and smiles, fully agreeing with her assessment – Professor Kim’s daughter with her soft curls, and shy and polite demeanor really was just too cute for words, “the both of you two have,” – before freezing in their tracks.
Ajhumma seems not to notice the slight disturbance in the force, nor Professor Kim’s silent but far from inconspicuous chuckles, since she goes on, “Perhaps I’m just biased, but I’d always thought that the both of you suited each other well, even back then. And to see the both of you with a daughter of your own makes me really happy. We have enough parents who abandon their kids, but I know you would be such loving parents who would do everything and anything in your power to protect your daughter.” She grasps Kang Sol’s hands in her own and says sincerely, “Congratulations to the both of you.”
Prosecutor Han for all of his brilliance in court seems for the first time at a loss for words. It was a misunderstanding yes, but a reasonable one in Eun Sook’s mind. She would have probably thought the same, and yet for all that Eun Sook imagines they’ll just brush this off and regain their easy momentum, the pause lasts far too long this time around, and Professor Kim suddenly worries.
Kang Sol is frozen, and looks to be a million miles away. It’s to the point that the woman grasping her hands finds her smile slowly falling. There are no flustered denials, nor a hint of red anywhere. Kang Sol is blank, and this worries Professor Kim since the younger girl has always been full of life, of emotion, and to see this is disconcerting. Joon Hwi sees her from the corner of his eye, and Professor Kim is suddenly transported back to that Civil Code classroom so many years ago, for he once again saves her from having to answer, as always reliably following-up after her.
He slowly lowers her daughter down who immediately rushes to her. Upon seeing that, realization breaks across their guest’s face. “She’s not our daughter, but Professor Kim’s,” he explains smoothly, although it may be a bit redundant now. That seems to snap Kang Sol from the daze she’s in as she energetically reassures their guest that there was no need to worry regarding the misunderstanding.
Eun Sook picks up her daughter and sends a questioning gaze towards Joon Hwi who seems reluctant to meet it. He smiles that characteristic smile of his, the one that seemed to say that he had everything under control, that there was nothing that could trip him, before politely excusing himself from the room to follow after Professor Yang. “He must be tired of waiting.” He doesn’t rush, nor does he run. Both his voice and gait are measured and paced, and though he catches Kang Sol A’s eye in that form of wordless communication that Professor Kim observed was common to him, her, and even Professor Yang, Kang Sol A seems to break it first to rejoin her conversation with their guest and her.
Joon Hwi stares a little longer at her profile before exiting.
The warm atmosphere the legal clinic had when the two had entered earlier seems to have dissipated.
Professor Kim really cannot help but worry.
#solhwi#jtbc law school#netflix law school#joon hwi#kang sol#kang sol a#yangcrates#professor yang#professor kim#fic#fanfic#I will finish this fic#hopefully#eventually#post canon#fic writing#my writing
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So, I know you answered this in a different post that some Volturi members (Eleazar, Heidi) would be able to leave the coven/guard, but other members simply could not (Demetri). Now, say for whatever reason, Demetri (or any important guard member) decides to leave. He somehow breaks free of Chelsea and wants out. Would Aro threaten his very existence? Possibly kill him for treason instead of allowing him to leave?
I don't think I said it in quite so many words, anon. I can't remember the post but what I believe I said was that Aro would put up much less of a fuss for some than others. Eleazar, he seems to actively have gotten rid of.
I also think in general you have mistaken me for another blog. I don't think Chelsea's omnipotent, and think Demetri specifically came to the Volturi of his own free will (who wants to slum with Amun?) I also, think in general, that the Volturi are ruthless and pragmatic but far from evil.
You probably want to ask a different blog, anon.
But anyway.
Heidi and Corin are not strictly necessary though certainly nice to have.
Demetri... he would be a blow, but the Volturi would survive.
What do I mean? Tracking is a very common talent as far as gifts are concerned. Throughout the series we meet a number of trackers and know that the Volturi had one at their disposal before kicking him out for Demetri.
Now, there's only one Demetri. He can not only find anyone in the world but find anyone they've ever met. Given how small the vampire world is, he's pretty much got it covered.
However, if he left, they could likely find another tracker with relative ease. It wouldn't be devestating.
(Versus Jane or Alec leaving, holy fuck, that's bad news.)
Regardless, there's a few things in here.
Demetri Has to Want to Leave
I don't think he does, or at least, certainly not this badly. He never seems to have any friction with the Volturi, seems to enjoy his job from the little we see of him, and doesn't clash with coworkers.
While Chelsea's not omnipotent, she does keep all these people together, Demetri would have to really want out to be able to get out. He doesn't seem to want that, so I don't see him leaving any time soon.
Well What if He Leaves Anyway
He certainly won't be killed. Because then he's just dead. Now, if he went to join up with the Romanians, then--no he still wouldn't be killed. The Romanians are such losers at this point that they're not a threat. Aro and the Volturi would judge Demetri forever, but he's not a threat there.
If Demetri were to actively try to launch a coup against the Volturi, started breaking the law, then he dies. But not because he simply left.
Again, then there's no chance he comes back or of ever even working with him again. A dead Demetri is a dead Demetri, he can't do anything for you.
Could He Leave?
If he really really really wanted to go, while I imagine Aro would try to persuade him away, I imagine Aro would let him go. He's not vital and the Volturi is in a very secure position in this modern age (vice when Didyme and Marcus tried to leave, and even then, Aro murdered the one he deemed to be of less use to the Volturi. Had Marcus not been so useful, Didyme and Marcus would have left and lived).
He leaves an open invitation for Demetri to come back, of course, and he very well might.
In the Volturi, Demetri has purpose, out there in the world he... eats people. That's it. That's his life now.
What if Someone Else Tried to Leave?
Aro won't kill them. Again, then they're just dead. True, they can't work for the enemy but leaving does not necessitate working for the enemy. If they're alive and on good terms, they can come back.
Now, Aro may be forced to pull a Didyme again but--it's unlikely. That only worked because it was Marcus he was trying to stop from leaving, not his sister.
If someone else is hell bent on leaving on their own--not much he can do but let them go. Chelsea's what he has and she appears to be not working anymore.
#twilight#twilight meta#twilight headcanon#twilight renaissance#the volturi#aro#demetri#chelsea#meta#headcanon#opinion
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his time is up
I have no idea how many of the prompts I will actually end up filling, but at least there's this one! It's... a little loose to say the least. Remember hotch's speech in ashes and dust? About how he needs to be as good as he can as fast as he can? Yeah. Take this as the actual ending to that episode.
Day One: Alternate Scene/Episode Ending
Trigger Warnings: references to the events of the case, intrusive thoughts (not really but just in case), negative self image, no happy ending
read on ao3!
His key hits the lock and he lets himself breathe. Easily. Properly. He lets himself breathe for what feels like the first time in years, but can be realistically only be days.
Because he’s home now.
There is a pile of paperwork at the office, files he had refused to take home with him, that he needs to complete. That will mean he won’t be unlocking the door till the sun has travelled to the other side of the sky.
But he won’t worry about that tonight. Thinking about the sun, so bright and so powerful, makes him think of the flames that consumed his mirror as though he was nothing.
He’s told countless agents that seeing yourself in an unsub makes you a good profiler. But that was because they knew who they were. Because they were good people.
When he sees himself in an unsub, he panics. The only reason he is deemed a profiler is because the law backs him. But as he has seen so many times, the law is not always right.
In fact, it is often wrong.
His key hits the door and he lets himself enter the home he has done nothing to maintain. It’s exactly five thirty. He can pretend he has a normal job, where he does normal things and sees normal life. He can pretend he’s home at that time everyday, and not because he’s neglecting work.
He just can’t look at the files right now. But being home is no better.
Being home feels like a noose. With every tick of the clock, it tightens. When the phone rings, the drop will occur and his time will be up. He will kill Aaron and become Hotch once more. He doesn’t want to be Hotch anymore.
He wants to be a husband. A father. But he can’t let himself do that. Because he can’t force Derek to be Unit Chief. He can’t let himself love Haley. He can’t let himself be part of Jack’s life. Not in the way he so badly craves.
All he can do is occasionally let himself run from the monsters of his dreams and flee the monsters of his waking life by running into Haley’s arms and reading to Jack so he learns that his father’s voice is not one to associate with fear.
All he can do is fake a smile and pretend he is not running out of time. Haley is going to reach her breaking point one day. She did it once when they were seventeen and everything was always too much.
She will do it again. He is counting on it. He is depending on it.
“We missed you yesterday,” Haley says, when he finally enters the bedroom.
There is no malice in her words, just a slight acknowledgment of his case taking longer than initially predicted, but he still winces.
“I’m sorry.” The words aren’t enough and they sound hollow and fake, but there is nothing else he will do. There is one thing he could do, but it would only speed up the inevitable.
“Don’t be. You’re saving families from being destroyed,” she says. Like their own isn’t a hour of cards that is a single breath away from collapsing.
“I didn’t save anyone this time,” he snaps.
Haley turns to face him, shock written on her face. She looks exhausted. Aaron takes a step back, ready to flee to the guest room so she doesn’t see how pathetic he is, to still be so effected by his job eight years later.
Then Jack speaks. “Dada!” He exclaims, having also seen his father.
Haley smiles at her son, soft and gentle. Again, Aaron wonders how she could ever let him love her.
“Yeah bubba, it’s Dada. Do you want to show him what you’ve been playing with?”
Jack holds out his toy, wanting his father to get involved with his world of make believe. Hotch js powerless to say no to him, so he loosens his tie- not removing it fully, just in case- and kneels beside the bed once more.
“Hey buddy. What is that?”
He doesn’t see, so caught up in admiring the innocence of his son, but Haley winces. Because he hasn’t even realised. His own father called him buddy. But only in the presence of others. Only when he wanted to convince everyone they were the perfect family.
Jack laughs at his father’s antics, and Haley forces herself to return to the moment. They are becoming few and far between. She knows what he’s doing. She’s just not sure she’s got the strength to overcome this time.
For a few hours, Hotch loses himself in his own game of make believe. The one where he isn’t running out of time. The one where the house doesn’t feel too big because he’s being distant. The one where Haley plating dinner for two is normal.
She puts the news on and the illusion shatters. There’s been a crime. He’s sure the local police have got a handle on it- it appears pretty simple to him- but it reminds him of how limited his time is.
He puts Jack to bed that night. He washes up. He kisses Haley the way he did when he was seventeen and unsure whether or not he was ever going to see her again.
When he checks his phone the next morning, Gideon has emailed to say he’s not to come in. For once, Aaron listens.
And for a while it’s like he’s got all the time in the world.
Then his phone- his work phone, not his personal one and to be honest, he’s not really sure why he has the personal one, the only person he actually contacts is Haley- starts to ring.
Both him and Haley look at it. She looks at him, not judgmental, only sad. He looks frozen in fear and upset. She sighs, then walks over and answers it for him. Her back is turned. He can’t make out the words.
She passes it to him, a sympathetic smile on her face as she takes his half-finished plate to the kitchen, bending down to kiss Jack’s head as she passes him.
“Yeah?” Is all Hotch can say. He tries and fails to keep the pain out of his voice.
He knows what’s coming next.
It still feels like a dagger in his heart.
“We’ve got a case,” Gideon says.
Aaron’s heart starts to race as Haley picks Jack up, holding him against her hip as she looks at the reflection of him in the patio door, already so aware of what he’s about to say.
“I’m sorry,” he says.
“Go,” she whispers at the same time.
Fifteen minutes later, the front door shuts behind him once more.
He’s out of time.
#aaronhotchnerappweek#criminal minds#aaron hotchner#haley hotchner#criminal minds fanfic#tw intrusive thoughts#tw negative self image
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🍉🍋🍰🎂 for any of your OCs!
So I’m going to do Hadiya for this one.
🍉: Does your OC have a particular piece of jewellery that they always wear or refuse to part with?

Was giving to her by a close friend when she was still relatively young.
🍋: most painful memory?
When said friend died.
🍰: What's something your OC counts as unforgivable?
Her two names are Hadiya & Eurydice. Hadiya means righteousness, Eurydice means bringer of the law (or something along those lines).
So she deems deliberate breaking of the law of many occasion without a good cause.
That and the murder of any divine by mortals. Or great sim commits by both divine & mortal
🎂: Has your OC have any contradictory interests or traits to the first preception people have of the? How do they surprise people?
She smokes, she should stop but she doesn’t.
She has a playful side that barely any mortal has seen. Even younger gods have yet to see it.
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TW chapters before, have always been social and psychological, but chapter 5 in particular is a huge middle finger to stereotype-and common beliefs/views of stereotypes.
Many assumes Vil’s backstory involved him being poor, but Kalim already proves just because you’re rich doesn’t mean your life have no problem. And before the chapter starts, many people antagonize Vil for he is harsh towards Epel, and he’s the prettily elegant one, “the mean girl”, in haters’ words, when Leona and Idia, who are objectively bigger jerks, who are understandably more disliked in-universe, get passed in the fandom for they are relatable/more masculine/boyish. Yes, ugly people have their own problem. That doesn’t mean pretty people don’t have their problem, ranging from being harassed, prejudiced as superficial or being bitch, etc.
Media and culture, for years, have been painting masculinity as strength and femininity as weakness, lawful is bad and chaotic is good, the beautiful/elegant people is wrong and the cute ones are innocent/on the right side.
Riddle already have it bad for he is lawful, but Vil has it worse for he is not only lawful, but also being feminine and pretty. Not to say we have to be unreasonably lawful like Riddle or super strict like Vil, what’s I’m trying to say is, the mindset of law and femininity is purely bad and chaos and masculinity is purely good is wrong-though, generally “pure” mindset is wrong.
Related to this, TW actually run on gray morality, not black and white. You’re too black and you get hated (like Leona and Idia) , but if you’re too white you get laughed (like Deuce, Jack, Kalim) And it’s fine. Everyone can be both wrong and right in different times , and that’s how it is in real life too. Nobody is pure evil nor they are pure good . Purity (in concept and principle)is never good actually.
Many people are rooting for Epel for the points above, for he is both chaotic and want to be masculine, and antagonize the pretty, lawful and feminine Vil, but overtime fandom are proven to be wrong. Pome chapter is huge callout for the stereotyping mindset, as well, the previous points. What Epel wants isn’t “for people to look past his looks”, it’s “to be as masculine as possible in both looks and personality” . He is not fighting prejudice, he is simply giving in to the idea of toxic masculinity. He doesn’t want people to think he’s a badass despite his look, he want to be beefy so ppl can tell he’s a badass in first glance. His idea of masculinity is to talk shit to people , be beefy as possible, to pick fights and only fight with fists. He is projecting the idea of masculinity to Jack, like how he says he wants to be beefy as Jack. It’s like when girls using a model, or basically someone else, to be her base of ideal beauty, which is equally unhealthy. It’s not fine even if it’s boys who do it, as it’s still not accepting who you actually are.
Speaking about Jack, he too is a victim of prejudice. In his robe story, Ace is surprised he’s from Pyroxene and not the Savannah., implying the prejudice beastmen only come from the savannah (and gladly Riddle immediately calls Ace out for it), in his voice lines, he is offended by Ruggie’s disbelief reaction when he says he never got red mark in exams, and he is also offended when MC is shocked he says he want to go to the library, implying the prejudice “beefy men must be brainless muscle”. Jack, is still proud of his beastmen heritage and is sporty and active, but he is also fighting prejudice of beefy men are dumbasses by studying as hard as he does his physical exercises.
We are also fed by culture and media that the word “ugly” and “beautiful” is limited to just visual things, when Pomefiore, Rook and Vil makes it clear “beauty” is everything that can be your advantage/power or your every good trait (like being unyielding, having bond and understanding others, and having special code of conduct). Which it means, the opposite also applies-that the word “ugly” Vil mentioned to himself before his overblot is more referring to his other traits. That he finally cheats, that he is weak and gives in to his stress-if he thinks strength is beautiful then he must thought weakness is ugly.
Not to say looks doesn’t matter, because it is, as we humans are visual creatures, and if visuals don’t matter, we don’t only wouldn’t have fashion or beauty care products, or visual arts, but even visual informations like newspapers, books, or even socmed pages, and fashion can be a form of self expression. The problem is when people don’t use their brain and see past through someone’s looks. Looks is part of one’s identity, but it’s not all there is to them.
Riddle paints himself as the judge and executioner, not only establishing law of the Queen of Hearts but also punishes people who crossed her rules on the place with his UM and decapitating them from their magic. Vil, meanwhile, paints himself as a tutor. He’s strict, but he’s not lawful for the sake of law. He seeks to help people grow, to taught people things, but being strict teacher he is, he refuses to teach in first go, letting you try your own method first (Deuce’s lab coat story),or that when he agrees to help, he will teach you how to do it instead of doing it and gives you the final result (Jamil’s dorm uniform) . He is explicitly nicer to people who are willing to learn (his own Halloween card) Alternatively, he can be pestered to help (Halloween, Malleus pretty much pestering him with the whole western dragon vs eastern dragon difference for one hour ), or,despite all his complaints, he will help anyway (Ghost Marriage, Vil mentions Idia often asks for his help) . He also congratulates ppl who did grow well, even if they did beat him. (fairy gala ending, Epel when finally admitting cuteness is advantage too, Deuce right after he beats him) , he is fine with people hating him as long they actually develop themselves-that he thinks his responsibility is to help ppl grow, not to make ppl simply adore him (his own dorm uniform)And he also breaks the pattern of great seven incarnate harassing MC and gets gradually more hostile about it. He can also appreciate other’s kindness (his own robe story), as well strong point (PE voice line, he openly admits Epel’s strong point in flying), and can even show some sympathy (not empathy ) (Ortho’s ceremony gear)
Leona insults others to feed his superiority inferiority complex and knows where it hurt (like calling Riddle Red Midget or bastard octopus to Azul-note, that was the insult Azul used on himself on his self deprecating moment after his overblot) , Vil insults other as the ones he deems unworthy yet to call with name, but potatoes, French for potatoes is “earth’s apple”, also back in the day ppl are scared to eat potatoes bc they are still related to nightshade/belladonna and said to be devil’s plant , only after they get past the prejudice they eat potatoes. So yeah if he call you by name , it means he already acknowledge you to certain degree, and if he still uses vegetables he’s still deems you unworthy-no romantic hc blogs it’s not what he will call his s/o
Fandom complained, “save Epel, he doesn’t fit in Pomefiore, and he’s stuck” but is he? He did , in fact, have a choice, mentioned in Jade’s dorm uniform by Vil “You know how to change dorms, right Epel?” It’s by his own admission he stays in Pomefiore bc his pride to prove Vil wrong that “cute isn’t a strength on its own” Besides, Pome isn’t just about being yourself (despite being art neurodivergent and defying gender norms), it’s also not about picking your fight-instead, it’s about picking the method.
Again, we are fed to the idea femininity is weak by other media and culture. In TW,yes, Vil is obectively the most feminine of TW cast, but weak? Definitely not.He can beat the beefy guys physically (PE uniform voice line), easily, and magically, he is strong enough to be able to make barrier than can protect people from MALLEUS (Cater halloween) , and when he’s overblot, he is the only one so far you failed to beat until Deuce used the counterattack using his own magic. Kalim isn’t joking or is in the clouds when he says Vil is one of the strongest mage of the school.
Yes, Yana says fuck patterns and stereotypes, but it’s not like she pulls plot twists randomly out of her ass.She always put foreshadowings first. Vil being bullying victim already mentioned as early as his robe story,, that the overblot cause is always something that is already problem to them even BEFORE NRC-Epel was able to curb people before NRC and get away with being a jerk, it wasn’t until Vil beat him in opening day that he started to be stressed about the whole manner thing. that he doesn’t like things that doesn’t last from his school uniform, and the previous mentions of Vil’s tutor traits above that he’s not as malicious , not just the mean girl fandom make him to be. Chapter titles always refer to the local great seven incarnate, not specifically the prefect. “Desert’s Tactician” is clearly Jamil, not Kalim.Being a strategist is certainly not Kalim’s trait. Chapter title not referring to him, he wasn’t stressed before NRC, and the blot dripping scene happes without him, why the surprise it’s not Epel who overblot ? the build up is all there.
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Companions and their mental health statuses?
(Wrote this while listening to a Spotify playlist named "going absolutely fucking apeshit" anyway- I'm gonna split this up by what I think character wise...and then my experiences with these seggsy bitches in game bc boy, it's been wild)
•Sufferer of severe trauma throughout her life.
•Shit just gets worse
•Fights for her life and has a strong love for psycho before a special someone convinced her she is worthy of being loved
•Trust issues out the wazoo..for sadly, good reasons.
•Maybe not the worst on the list, but definitely up there.
In game experience...
•GOD DAMN FALLOUT VERSION OF LYDIA- like seriously? Gtfo the doorway! I'm getting blown up!
•Hates everyone and everything except sole and breaking the law.
•Actually not all that bad...except for secret abandonment issues.
•Usually masks it by burying herself in research.
•As far as these poor bastards go, she's probably one of the most mentally stable- which is scary.
In game experience.....
•Sweet Frenchie with asshole pets.
(I don't travel with her often 🥲)
Pre-Blind Betrayal-
•Confirmed sufferer of PTSD
•Blames himself for the death of several team members.
•Evidence points towards un-talked about alcoholism.
•Seems to be attracted to power armour..
•Not very good but not the worst on this list..
Post-Blind Betrayal-
•Same as above but add on identity crisis times a thousand and two.
•Will literally kill himself (or let you kill him) if you don’t convince him otherwise.
In game experience....
•Fucking goes apeshit, pre or post BB
•Completely unaware of his surroundings unless it has to do with vertibirds flying over head, then it's time for guerrilla warfare. "Fate has decreed that you must die!"- he speaks, drawing a laser rifle.
•Has been caught on multiple instances doing drugs out of the drug vending machine in Nuka World despite clearly being against them.
•Probably one of the more mentally fucked.
•Lost his wife in front of his own eyes in a notably terrible way.
•Escapes his deep seeded pain through his elaborate schemes, justifying it by telling himself it helps his organization.
•Still feels like shit every waking minute.
•Cant really allow himself to get close to anyone because of his experiences.
In game experiences...
•Jumpscare king, mainly because I didn't know he changed outfits THAT often.
•Doesn't like physical affection??? Shit that actually makes sense..
•He's pretty "meh" on the sanity scale. He's ruthless, but he's entirely stable besides his attachment issues.
•Trusts too easy and hates himself for it...also tries to make himself not be that way and for the most part, it works!
•Problematic raider.
In game experience...
•Makes stupid comments at inappropriate times as though he wishes for the enemies to murder us
•Thinks that walking through walls is entirely possible and gets stuck every time I run with him
•The actual worst on this fine list of mentally messed up individuals.
•Self worth is just nonexistent despite being a pretty all around decent guy
•Uses drugs to cover up terrible trauma to the point of putting himself in the greatest danger just short of dying
•Oh yeah, doesn't mind death actually.
•Doesn't feel worthy of anything deep down.
in game experience...
•Shoots sole for stealing shit in the third rail
•Sits for hours
•Lost his wife in a horrific way
•Only has his son, who he is convinced is going to die sooner than later because of something he can't control
•Willing to do everything if it means caps to send to his sick child
•Doesn't really have a place to call his "home"
•Reckless and unforgiving
In game experience...
•Being nice? How dare you speak such ill language.
•Does as good as a boy his age with all of the responsibility possibly could.
•Just imagine- your dad died when you were super young. Your mother shipped your ass away. The people you loved like family died all around you. Now you're stuck in foreign land and have no fucking idea where to begin, only that you have to mobilize these fuckers you're in charge of and remain a good leader...
•Still not good enough? Okay, pile on insomnia, alcoholism, and the thought that you have no one alive that truly loves you as more than just the "elder". Oh, but you eventually got to spit out some kids somehow because you're the last of the great "Maxson" line...
•Also not exactly on the "stable" side..
In game experience...
•Stares intently down the Prydwen command deck with his hands behind his back..for hours.
•Never wants to chat :(
•Long winded and short sighted, bad combo..
•Has to deal with not only demons that technically aren't even his, but after "reunions"- Kellogg's fucked up self haunts him. He keeps it to himself and suffers silently.
•Deals with the pain of knowing there will never be a place where is truly just himself. He's a man trapped inside of a metal cage..and yet he's not even really "that" man, is he?
•One could easily understand how he has some issues too.
In game experience...
•Cigarettes? Yes.
•Oh, Youre in a fight? Seems like a good time to tighten the bolts in my hand right about now...
•Wields a flamer like a champ.
•Surprisingly..has the most sound mental state out of all.
•Is a little obsessive tho
•Has had to adapt to the role of sibling and parent to her younger sister, which isn't easy for anyone.
•Often delves into her work, sort of like curie, to avoid dealing with the pain of her parents no longer being there for her or nat.
In game experience..
•Hey kid, want some Nuka-Cola?
•Mayor McDonough shall die, even if it means execution by the hands of everyone else in Diamond City.
•Has canonically admitted to considering suicide.
•Is holding onto the last threads of hope he has with a fucking death grip.
•Definitely not of the best mental state
In game experience...
•Doesn't know how to properly use furniture.
•Can hear sole coming from a mile away and is already getting the map out for the next settlement
•Emotions? Is that a snack?
•Seriously though, he has been "reset" so many times that sometimes-he doesn't even realize it- he doesn't even know what "he" is. Every aspect of who he is..it should be gone, he's a machine and he knows it...why does he still feel like a person?
•Short story, he hates life. He hates being held captive and being used like a damn hound to hunt down those who were smart enough to run- those of which he envied and didn't even realize he did. Hey, he's just a machine though- it's his job and he knows better than to revolt.
•Violence is the freedom he feel he has. He can kill and track in any way he wants, so long as it is successful and what the Institute deem appropriate. It's horrible, but he doesn't realize it- and at this point he doesn't care. The death of another and the way they die by his hand is just his way of expressing who he is deep down.
In game experience...
•Oi, you don't like the institue? FUCK YOU
#fallout 4#fallout#paladin danse#fo4 companions#fallout companions#danse#elder maxson#fallout shitpost#porter gage#curie#x6 88#cait#deacon#hancock#fo4#nick valentine#arthur maxson#brotherhood of steel#macready
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Part of The Family: Civil War
Avengers x Kid!Reader
Part 1
Word Count: 5.2k
Requested by me: ...okay but hear me out. Part of the family, during Civil War.
A/N: This is pretty angst, but I promise there’s a happy ending. I hope you all enjoy this, I loved diving back into this universe for a bit! I tried to stay as neutral as possible, but you can probably tell who’s side I was on.
The mission in Logos was not one you wish to remember. It reminds you of the conversation you had with your mom after she got back from Sokovia. Missions like this one are the exact reason she doesn't want you in the field. The fact that you all made it out alive and relatively uninjured is practically a miracle. Sure you’ve got a few broken ribs and your mom for sure has a concussion she keeps denying, but you all walked away. You just want to relax, heal, and forget the whole thing happened.
The news, however, has other ideas. Every channel is playing the explosion on repeat. What is probably the worst moment of your life being played again and again for the world to see. The worst part is the blatant attack they’re throwing towards Wanda. The girl saved your life and the lives of countless others in that crowd. There were casualties and it was tragic, but the things they’re saying are absurd. You’re enhanced too, but you weren’t the one who wasn’t strong enough, so now she’s the monster.
You haven’t seen MJ since you got back, the swarm of paparazzi and news vans outside the tower is far too thick for either of you to break through, but you know she agrees with you, and something tells you you’re going to need that support pretty soon.
“People died and that’s on me,” you hear your father’s voice as you walk up to Wanda’s room.
“That’s on both of us,” she retorts and they both look down solemnly, feeling guilty.
“That’s on hydra. If you don’t want to put the blame where it really belongs, which as I said is on them, then fine. It’s on all of us. We’re a team. This isn’t on just any one of us, we were all there. We all could’ve done something different today and the outcome doesn’t fall on any single person, just like it wouldn’t have if we had done well,” you say firmly as you sit beside your dad on Wanda’s bed.
“This job...we try to save as many people as we can. Sometimes that doesn’t mean everybody. But if we can’t find a way to live with it then next time, maybe nobody gets saved,” your dad says and you nod in agreement. It’s the hardest part, the people you don’t save, but you have to focus on the good parts. If you don’t, the bad will eat you up until there’s no more good at all.
A knock on the door startles all three of you out of your thoughts. You glance up to see Clint standing in the doorway. The look on his face practically screams trouble, and you almost don’t want to know what he’s going to say. “Tony’s back,” he finally says, “and he brought a guest.”
“We know who it is?”
“The secretary of state,” he says stiffly before walking out.
“This…” you look between the two, “can’t be good.”
You glance around the table, your whole family glaring at the accords. At Ross. At each other. You can see the lines being drawn around you and it makes you want to run and hide like the scared kid you feel like at the moment.
Then the bickering starts. Calculations are being run, and people are making arguments. Your dad and Tony being the loudest among the group.
“We may not be perfect but the safest hands are still our own,” your dad argues and Tony’s disagreement is clear.
“If we don’t do this now, it’s gonna be done to us later. That’s the fact and it won’t be pretty,” he says and Wanda tenses.
“You’re saying they’ll come for me,” her voice is barely above a whisper and you speak up for the first time.
“They’ll come for both of us. You’re not the only one with powers that scare them and I don’t know about you but I don’t fancy being locked in a cell until I’m deemed useful,” you grit out and your mom is the next to speak up, but to your surprise it’s not to agree with you.
“Maybe Tony’s right,” she says and all the heads in the room snap towards her. All confused, and none more than you. “If we have one hand on the wheel we can still steer. If we take it off-”
“Aren’t you the same woman who told the government to kiss her ass a few years ago?” Sam asks and she sighs.
“I’m just-I’m reading the terrain. We have made some very public mistakes. We need to win back their trust.”
“I’m sorry did I just mishear you or did you agree with me?” Tony teases and you glare at him.
“Oh I wanna take it back now,” she looks like she’s in pain, and you know the feeling.
“No no you can’t retract it,” as Tony proclaims his victory your dad is the first to leave the room and the team slowly scatters. You stay firmly planted in your seat, your eyes locked on the floor as the words they said sink in. Mainly those of your parents, and they make you sick. Not because of your own view, but of the fact that’s becoming clear. You’re all going to have to pick a side, and they’re not going to be on the same one.
Everyone seemed to be jetting off to different places around the world, having meetings in secret and not telling each other the details of them. You stayed home and tried to ignore it all. You even tried to go to school one day, but the stares and whispers made it impossible to even walk in the front doors. It was like the entire student body froze at the sight of you, so you stayed in the tower with Wanda who couldn’t bring herself to step outside, and occasionally MJ, but only when she could sneak away. Her parents didn’t want her to get mixed up in your mess and you couldn’t really blame them. Peter was always at home. There was no way he could get to the tower without his identity getting revealed and you had a sinking feeling Tony was only telling him one side of the story.
Over the next few weeks things only got messier. Your dad, trying to help, has become a war criminal. Your mom is in Vienna trying to fix everyone’s mess. And with your parents gone you and Wanda are locked in the tower, told by Tony you couldn’t leave for safety reasons. You still couldn’t figure out if he was trying to protect you or protect everyone else from you.
“Mom, how is everyone?” you ask, propping the phone up so both you and Wanda could be seen on the small screen. You had just seen your dad get arrested on the news and to say you were nervous was an understatement.
“Everything’s going to be fine. Tony and your father are talking right now,” she says, walking towards the conference room, close enough for all three of you to hear their voices.
“I’d file the motion to have you, y/n, and Wanda reinstated-” Tony speaks first.
“What about y/n and Wanda?” Your dad’s voice joins in, and you realize he has no idea what’s happening with you.
“They’re fine, they’re confined to the tower. There’s worse ways to protect people,” Tony tries only to be cut off again.
“Protection? Is that how you see this? This is protection? This is internment Tony-” It’s your dad’s turn to get cut off
“She’s not a US citizen and y/n doesn’t even have a birth certificate. They don’t grant visas to weapons of mass destruction!” Tony screams.
“They’re kids! She’s my kid!” There’s a long silence where all you can hear is your heart beating in your ears. You see your mom look at you, heart break visible on her face, and you know it’s because of the tears pooling in your eyes.
“Girls,” your mom says gently, she’s walking away from the argument, but you can’t take any more.
“I’ve gotta go,” you quickly end the call, walking to the window and staring out at the city. That was the moment you lost all your trust in your family. It’s also the moment you pick a side. Sure, Tony and your dad both have valid arguments, and you haven’t quite decided who is right, but you refuse to fight for someone who just called you and your best friend ‘weapons of mass destruction’. Sure MJ once said it as a joke, but that was different. She never meant it. After all these years, you can’t believe that Tony does. You can’t believe that's what he thinks of you. After the way he’s been there for you and helped raise you, he still thinks of you as a weapon waiting to fall into the wrong hands, and you refuse to side with someone who thinks so little of you.
“We need to go,” you say suddenly.
“And where would you suggest we go?” Wanda asks as you tighten your hands into fists, trying to control the anger you feel bubbling up.
“Anywhere but here! You said it yourself. They’re going to come for us, and I don’t see anyone here trying to help. Staying here and doing nothing we’re sitting ducks. We both know this is gonna come to a fight. So we might as well make our way to them,” you tell here and there’s a long silence until you hear Clint's voice behind you.
“I think I can help with that.”
You watch everyone else pile out of the van and greet your dad, Sam, and who you assume to be Bucky. You take a deep breath before following, standing a bit behind Wanda as Clint talks to the group. Your dad’s eyes meeting yours as he steps away from Clint to meet you.
“I didn’t want it to come to this,” he says and you smile weakly.
“None of us did, and yet here we are. Mom’s not with us on this, is she?” He looks to the floor and you don’t need an answer, the sadness in his eyes is enough.
“We're outside the law on this one, if you do this, you’re a wanted woman,” he says and you nod.
“Ever since I found out about the serum, I promised to do what’s right. I’m not gonna let a little thing like the law stop me now,” he chuckles at your words until an alarm starts going off.
“Suit up,” he calls to the group and with that you all get ready, your dad being the first on the tarmac. You stay back in the shadows to listen while your dad and Tony go back and forth for a while, but your breath catches as your mom steps into the group.
“Steve, you know what’s about to happen. Do you really want to punch your way out of this one?” Before he can answer Tony’s yelling and all the sudden Peter is behind Tony with your dad’s shield in his hand. Tony starts yelling at Steve to give up and for a second you think he’s going to, until you hear Sam’s voice saying they found the quinjet. Then Clint shoots his hands free and you step forward.
“Dad!” you yell, and when he glances back you toss your shield to him. Your mom’s eyes widen as she realises you’re here, and you’re starting to realise how little either of your parents have paid attention to your whereabouts throughout this whole thing. Sure, you’re 17, but you’d think they’d pay a little attention to your wellbeing. But you shake it off. Now isn’t the time to mope, you’re gonna need all your energy to do what you have to do.
The fighting starts and you freeze, realizing how not ready you are for this, you see your mom take out Scott as Rhodey goes for your dad. You get your dad’s shield from where Scott dropped it and watch in horror as your dad throws a truck at your mom, literally. And then, as much as you don’t want to, you follow him towards the quinjet. You’ve made your decision and there’s no going back now.
Tony’s team cuts you off and the two sides line up. It’s all very dramatic and you lock your jaw, trying to stay calm.
“What do we do, dad?” you ask.
“We fight,” he says firmly.
“Well, this is gonna end well,” you hear your mom say from the other line and you silently agree.
Everyone starts running towards each other and you tighten your grip on your shield. You find yourself dodging the cars Wanda throws as you punch a literal king in the face. He comes back strong, the claws of his suit tearing into your arm. You use your shield to knock him back into Clint’s range, and he takes over. You spin around to see who’s alone and see your mother with her gaze locked on you. She runs towards you and you use her momentum against her. You flip her over your shoulder but she quickly recovers kicking the shield from your hands and landing a solid punch to your side.
“I don’t want to do this y/n,” she says and you catch her fist, once again flipping her but this time she lands on her feet.
“And you think I do?” you yell over the chaos and suddenly a red mist encases the foot that was aimed at your chest. Your head snaps to Wanda as she sends your mom flying into a nearby vehicle.
“You were pulling your punches,” she says before running off and you glare after her before turning to Peter and slicing his web with your shield.
“Peter, go home. You don’t understand what’s happening here,” you plead.
“Mr. Stark said you’d say that.” he says before sending more webs flying at you. He grabs you by the ankle, sending you into a luggage cart before chuckling, “he also said to go for your legs.”
He shoots your hands and you use the webs to send him against the same luggage cart. He crumples to the ground and you hesitate for a moment before running the other way.
“We gotta go now,” your dad says and you sigh.
“No, you gotta go. If we’re gonna win this, some of us aren’t getting out of here,” you say, running towards the fight in the middle of the tarmac.
“I’m not leaving here without you. Your my family,” his words break your heart, and you know to get him to leave you’ll have to break his.
“No I’m not. I’m just some kid you felt obligated to help. Hydra screwed with me, it’s not your job to clean it up. Bucky’s always been family. Get him out of here. Who knows, maybe they’ll go easy on me. I am a kid after all.”
“Y/n-” you cut your dad off.
“Steve, go. Bucky you and him need to get to the jet. Scott, you remember that thing you were telling me about on the plane ride here?” you ask and you can practically see the wheels turning in his head, “do that. And try not to split yourself in half. On his signal, everybody move.”
Scott soon grows to a ridiculous height and then all hell really breaks loose. Your only goal is making sure they get to the jet, and trying not to think about what’ll happen to you when they do.
After a bit more fighting you see the jet take off and the dust finally starts to settle. You glance around attempting to see who you can help, but instead you see police all with their eyes set on you and Wanda. You take a step back, trying to find somewhere to run, only to realize you’re surrounded. Slowly putting your hands in the air you kneel down, it’s easy to see you’ve lost and you don’t fight it as the shackles lock around your wrists. They’re hightech, clearly meant to withstand any enhanced ability and you see the same kind being put on Wanda. You glance over to your mom standing across the tarmac, you expect her to yell, tell them to let you go, at least have the decency to look upset. But she just watches as you’re shoved into the back of an armored van.
You look around the cell you’ve found yourself in. Your left wrist is shackled to the wall, apparently they don’t deem the two inch thick bulletproof cell wall enough to keep you restrained. After hours off pulling at the chains, your wrist becoming bloody and raw, you’ve given up on trying to get out of them. You’re still better off than Wanda, who is sitting across from you with a shock collar and a straight jacket. If you didn’t want to kill the people who put you here before, that image was enough to make the impulse arise.
You’re arranged in a circle, able to see the people around you, you may not have known all of them for long, but you know none of them deserve this. After the way you’ve been treated you’re starting to think nobody deserves this, you wouldn’t wish this on the worst Hydra had to offer. As you look at the faces around you, you can’t help but think of their families, how much Clint’s kids must miss him. How Scott’s daughter feels losing her father for a second time. It makes you wonder if your mom has even batted an eye. She sure didn’t seem to care that they carted you away in the first place. You start to wonder if she ever even cared at all, or if it was all some elaborate cover, maybe something set up by Fury to make you willing to work for them. They treated you like family to your face, but conspired against you behind closed doors. You’re reanalyzing every interaction you can remember when the door to the cell block opens.
Tony walks in in a sling and Clint starts clapping “the futurist gentlemen! The futurist is here! He sees all. He knows what’s best for you. Whether you like it or not.”
“Give me a break Barton. I had no idea they’d put you here,” he snaps back and you stand, walking towards the glass only to get yanked back by the chain around your wrist pulling against the wall.
“Well, you knew they’d put us somewhere, Tony,” you grit out. For a second his eyes soften before he’s speaking again.
“Yeah but not some supermax floating ocean pokey. This place is for maniacs this is a place for…” he trails off but Clint finishes for him.
“Criminals? Criminals Tony. Think that’s the word you’re looking for, right? That didn’t used to mean me. Or Sam, or Wanda. Or y/n, the girl YOU helped raise!” Clint yells before his voice drops low again, “but here we are.”
“Because you broke the law,” Tony says. As if that’s all this means. As if it’s all that simple. “I didn’t make you.”
“You better watch your back with this guy!” Clint says, slamming his fist into the cell wall as Tony starts walking around the circle, “there’s a chance he’s gonna break it.”
Tony walks, looking at all of you as if you’re animals in a zoo. He bickers with Scott and then Sam before stopping in front of you. You lock your jaw, ignoring the tears gathering in both of your eyes. “What do you need? Did they feed you yet?”
“Oh so now you’re the good cop? The caring uncle?” you snap, shaking the chain on your wrist, “does it look like we’re getting five star treatment here?”
“I just need to know where Steve went,” he says calmly, and you’ve never wanted to punch somebody more.
“You better go get a bad cop then. Cause I’m not giving up my father.”
“You see that? I just knocked the A out of their AV, we have about 30 seconds before they realize it’s not their equipment,” he says, messing with his watch. “Clearly I made a mistake, y/n. I was wrong.”
“Well that’s a first,” you quip.
“Cap is definitely off the reservation but he’s about to need all the help he can get.”
“Then get me out of here so I can help him,” you grit out, but he shakes his head.
“Y/n, you’ve known me for years. You know who I am,” he tries to argue.
“No I don’t. The Tony I knew never would’ve let them lock us up like this,” you say with a glare.
“I’m trying to help,” He says calmly and you contemplate your options for a minute. You clearly can’t help from in here, and Tony’s telling the truth, right? He has to be, he wouldn’t betray you again. Would he?
“I’ll tell you, but you have to promise he won’t end up in here.”
“I promise,” he says, and you take his word.
“Hey Clint,” you call softly, leaning back against the freezing wall of your cell. You ignore the way you’re shaking, and the way your lips feel cold, undoubtedly starting to turn blue. There may be a bed in here, but they made sure the chain would keep you away from it, not that you’d sleep anyway. You don’t trust them enough to let your guard down like that.
“Yeah, kid?” his voice is just as soft, and he sounds as exhausted as you feel.
“Do you think we’re ever getting out of here?” you hear the sharp intake of breath and everyone in the room is looking at you. Before he can answer the doors open once again. You look down, not ready for whatever is walking though, only to see two familiar sets of shoes stop in front of your cell. You stand quickly, trying to make your way to them but the jerking of the chains snap you back into reality as you stumble back towards the wall. You watch as your parents eyes move to the shackle on your red wrist, dried blood covering your forearm from where you tried to pull out of it.
“Get her out of there,” your dad says, his jaw clenched and Ross steps forward, begrudgingly putting a code into the keypad on the wall. Suddenly everyone’s cell doors slide open, a few guards move to take Wanda’s collar and straight jacket off while one unlocks the shackle on your wrist. As soon it’s off your mom steps forward, presumably to hug you but you flinch away, back slamming against the wall.
“Y/n, it’s okay,” she says, raising her hands slowly as if you’re an animal she doesn’t want to startle.
“Okay?” You snap, “what part of this is okay? The part where we were fighting each other in an airport 36 hours ago? Or the last 24 that I’ve spent in this cell? The chains around my wrist? The collar on Wanda’s neck? Maybe the fact that I haven’t been given food since before Germany. Or the fact that I’m sure I would have passed out from exhaustion by now if I weren’t so scared of what happened if I fell asleep. The part where they tried to torture me for your location? Have you ever been waterboarded before? Because I have, and let me tell you, it’s not fun,” you ask your dad before turning to your mom. “Maybe the part where I had to watch my family fall apart in front of my eyes, or the part where you watched them arrest me and did nothing,” angry tears are welling in your eye for what seems like the hundredth time in the last few days. “None of this is okay.”
There’s a silence in the room as everyone takes in what you’ve said. Your parents are looking around, waiting for someone to disagree with you, tell them you’re exaggerating what’s happened to you, but nobody does.
“You’re right. None of this is okay. What happened is not okay, but we’re leaving now. We’re going to get you all out of here, and we’re going to start making it better,” your mom says gently, her voice cracking. You let her take your hand now, wincing as her fingers brush against your wrist, “we’re going to make this okay.”
Apparently “getting out of here” did not mean going home. It meant cleaning up in the bathroom on the jet and going straight to capitol hill for a special hearing congress was holding to decide whether or not you should be pardoned. You were sitting outside with Wanda because apparently you were allowed to be held captive and tortured for war crimes, but you weren’t allowed to listen in on a congressional hearing until you were eighteen.
“Hey, are you okay?” you ask her, trying to break the silence. You almost regret asking as she starts to shake a bit.
“I will be,” is all she says, silently taking your hand and leaning into your side. You understand the feeling, and the need for comfort. So you sit silently, gripping her hand tightly as you try to relax. The two of you sit for a while longer until you see your parents exiting the meeting room, eyes set on you.
“They want to hear from you.”
“What?” your jaw drops at your mom’s words.
“They want the perspective of someone who knows the team, someone who can understand why we did what we did. They decided that was you,” your dad says and you nod, standing on shaky legs and walking into the courtroom. There’s cameras flashing everywhere and reporters yelling questions. You set your eyes to the front, your mom’s hand on your back pushing you forward until you reach the microphone. You carefully sit in front of it, crossing your hands on the desk to hide how hard they are shaking.
“Please state your name for the record,” the congressman says as the room quiets down.
“Y/n Romanoff-Rogers,” you say into the microphone, wincing at the feedback as you get too close.
“You are here today to speak on why you believe the actions taken after the Sokovia Accords were signed were rational, and why your team should be released from federal custody, free of any and all charges. You may proceed,” he says and you take a deep breath, trying not to think about how badly this could end for you if this goes south.
“I’ve seen the Avengers in a light that no one else truly has. You all get to see the badass superheroes-am I allowed to say badass in court?” you glance at your parents, your mom stifling a laugh as your dad rolls his eyes. “Anyway, you see them save lives. I get more than that. I got to see the side that took in a 12 year old girl, because she had nowhere else to go. They could’ve turned me away, sent me packing. Plenty of other foster homes did, six to be exact. But they took a chance on me and I got to see them as a family. My mom, who sat by my bed all night for the first few weeks that I lived with them, because I had nightmares when I was alone. Who tried as hard as she possibly could to keep me out of the field, even though I could pick up my motorcycle with one hand, because all she wanted was for me to be safe. My dad, who told awful jokes and teased me about the crushes I had. Who was gentle and kind despite being twice my size.
“I got to see the side of Wanda who was a scared teenager, just wanting to fit in like everyone else. Who wanted nothing more than to do right by her family and the people she loved. I got to see them all as people, not heroes. Everyone in that tower just wants to do what’s right and what’s best for everyone, and this time we couldn’t agree. A lot was on the line. Not just a failed mission, or a few injuries to deal with. It was the destruction of everything we’d all worked so hard for. It was jail time in a place I know I’ll be having nightmares about for years to come. The people we were dealing with had no problem sending people to a military black site. Had no problem sending two teenagers there, and torturing them to get what they wanted. And that scared us all, to the point where we were willing to lose everything we had to do what we believed was right. Maybe we were wrong, maybe we weren’t, but there’s no saying the people put in charge would have always been right either.
“Too many of the people on my team know what it’s like to have no say. To be used as a weapon in someone else’s agenda. There was no way any of us could let that happen again, even if it meant losing everything. We broke the law, yes, but historically laws haven't always been right. Mankind has done awful things that were perfectly fine in the eyes of the law. Locking my family away was legal. It doesn’t make any of it right.”
“Thank you, Miss Romanoff-Rogers,” the congressman says before the room is emptied for the voting, and you’re sent home to wait. It all seems very anticlimactic, but if you’re going back to prison, you’re not going to say no to one more night in your own bed first. The ride back to the tower is silent, everyone’s nerves are palpable but nobody is ready to talk about it. You step out of the van to a sea of photographers and people yelling your name, but one shout in particular stands out. You see MJ weaving her way through the crowd and grin as she slams into your arms. You hold her tight for a few moments, before pulling her away and ushering her inside.
“How are you?” she asks once you’re in the elevator, not caring that your family is listening in. You shake your head, letting out a long breath before answering.
“Tired. Stressed. Scared. Exhausted. Glad that you’re here,” you list off and she smiles.
“Considering you said two different versions of being tired, it sounds like the first thing on the agenda is a nap,” she says and you chuckle a bit, the rest of your family nodding in agreement.
“I’d say so. We’ve been awake for, what...two days?”
“Three,” Wanda corrects as you all step out into the common room.
“Yeah, a nap is definitely the move right now,” you grab MJ’s hand leading her towards your room.
“Leave the door open!” your dad calls after you as you flop onto the bed. You roll your eyes, but smile nonetheless. Nothing is back to normal yet. Nothing is fixed. It’s quite the opposite actually. You have relationships to mend, trust that needs to be earned back on both sides, a lot to talk about, and a lot of trauma that needs to be worked through, but laying here with MJ in your arms and your family all back on the same side, it seems like a step in the right direction.
Tag list: @rvgrsbrns @rororo06 @prizmix-and-friends @worlds-in-words @im-salt-but-not-salty @5aftermidnight @riotmaximoff @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @stop-drop-and-drumroll
Series tag list: @hannahsairwas @niquey-salvatore @ibe-anne @lostlittlenerd @youarethereasonimsmiling @ohfuckno @marvelousmendess @jelly-fishy-babie @whattheheckisevengoingon
#avengers x reader#avengers x teen!reader#marvel x readear#marvel x teen!reader#avengers imagine#marvel imagine#natasha romanoff x daughter!reader#black widow x teen!reader#natasha romanoff x teen!reader#black widow x daughter!reader#steve rogers x teen!reader#steve rogers x daughter!reader#civil war#captain America civil war#part of the family#kid fic#potf: Civil war#potf civil war#potf
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Hi KC Readers,
After a long break, we are back with our weekly releases! We apologize for the delay but we have reached the end of the week which means we have new weekly releases for you! The stories below were updated during the week of May 22nd - May 28th.
Happy Reading!
Something Like Love (Chapter 8)
Author: Recklessnesspersonified
Rating: M
Length: 20,346
Summary: Klaus Mikaelson was a bad boy, the quintessential jock or so Caroline Forbes had thought until one night their paths cross in the school hallways. He was different, intense and she was falling for him, but soon she finds out it was all a sham. Will she forgive him or would they break up before they confess their true love? AU/AH
Date of update: May 23 2021
Klaus POV - The Trouble with Spells (Chapter 26)
Author: ilovetf
Rating: M
Length: 105,863
Summary: I think the title is self explanatory. The Trouble with Spells as seen through Klaus's eyes and his POV. Over the years, people kept liking this story and some even asked for Klaus POV, so I decided to give it a try. Hope you enjoy it. All feedback is more than welcome. Good or bad.
Date of update: May 23 2021
High Stakes
Author: stardancer10
Rating: M
Length: 4,105
Summary: When Klaus died something in Caroline broke. She could not take anymore of Mystic Falls and she left. In her travels she finds herself doing things that she knew others wouldn't agree with, but she did what she felt was right. It was a gamble she was willing to take, something she felt that she owed him.
Date of update: May 23 2021
Purgatory (Chapter 22)
Author: Scarletborn
Rating: M
Length: 333,312
Summary: Caroline Forbes always thought that evil creatures and demons belonged to Hell. What she did not know was that vampires belonged to Purgatory. A place worse than hell where the only thing that mattered was survival. A place where enemies turned into allies and foes into friends. [Klaus/Caroline AU story set mostly in New Orleans]
Date of update: May 24 2021
The Wolf II (Chapter 11)
Author: yokan87
Rating: T
Length: 4,718
Summary: The Guerreras' threat still looms over the Mikaelson house as Caroline tries to adapt to life as a vampire, away from her daughter. But an unexpected family reunion makes everything worse, taking away the little peace Klaus, Caroline and Elijah managed to find after the war that nearly broke them. [It's TO S2, but Caroline was a witch, had Klaus' baby and now she's a vampire]
Date of update: May 26 2021
Vampires suck (Chapter 4)
Author: Miss.Mystic.Falls
Rating: T
Length: 5,583
Summary: What would happen if Caroline knew about vampires way before the Salvatore brothers come to Mystic Falls.
Date of update: May 28 2021
Archive of Our Own
No Reservations (Chapter 3)
Author: PumpkinDoodles
Rating: M
Length: 6,890
Summary: Caroline Forbes is having a tiny crisis: her restaurant partner and co-chef has disappeared again and isn't returning her calls. Caroline cannot function without Stefan. Her kitchen staff starts making jokes about getting her meds for irritability and she takes out her issues on helpless chicken breasts. It's not fun on a good day. But when tragedy strikes, Caroline's forced to work with a new chef. She doesn't remember meeting him in New Orleans--but Klaus Mikaelson remembers her.
Date of update: May 22 2021
Sibling Rivalry Redux - Adventures in Polyamory (Chapter 3)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: M
Length: 4,105
Summary: In which Klaus and Rebekah are both bi, their taste in men and women overlaps infuriatingly often, and they argue over their newest shared interest. In which Caroline feels like she might be a sugar baby, but no one’s dating her and she hasn’t gotten any in so long. Like, basically since meeting her new best friends, Klaus and Rebekah. Weird, right?
Date of update: May 22 2021
Darkness Becomes Thee (Chapter 6)
Author: BelleMorte180
Rating: E
Length: 32,424
Summary: Austria 1300s When Klaus met a young girl on a riverbank, he knew that he would one day come back for her. When he looked into her bright blue eyes, he could see a reflection of his own soul, a darkness that lingered inside both of them. When the young girl turned into a beautiful woman with a thirst for blood, his fascination with her turns into obsession. He wants not only her loyalty but her eternity, a possessiveness that is equally returned. or my "Caroline is the serial killer Elizabeth Bathory" au.
Date of update: May 23 2021
The Big Bad Wolf (Chapter 9)
Author: MorningStarGirl666
Rating: M
Length: 66,087
Summary: He was the Big, Bad Wolf of this story, there was no doubt about that. But Caroline? She was the light to his darkness, the moon that shone brighter than even the stars in a sky of endless void. Like every wolf, he fell in love with the moon, and every month, he was destined to cry for a love he would never touch.
Date of update: May 23 2021
Klaus vs the Soulmate Goose
Author: kcatdino
Rating: T
Length: 2,129
Summary: Klaus has met his match in the form of a goose as immortal and obstinate as he is: The Soulmate Goose of Enforcement. Will he succeed in killing the magical creature or will it force him to accept what’s in his heart?
Date of update: May 23 2021
Louder Than Thunder (Chapter 28)
Author: khaleesiofthewolves
Rating: M
Length: 179,641
Summary: All Hell was about to break loose. After dying while protecting a grieving Klaus, Caroline finds herself sent back in time, and she's not who she once was. She's more. Back in Mystic Falls, something else is stirring. After the arrival of a mysterious figure from Klaus' past, it all comes to a head. It really is louder than thunder.
Date of update: May 24 2021
We are young (Chapter 17)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: T
Length: 20,572
Summary: Basically, Klaroline flirt in front of their kids who they are barely older than, and Landon is appropriately confused. Edit: Now a series of one-shots! Edit 2: Oh my god, this has plot now!
Date of update: May 24 2021
Our Time Now (Chapter 4)
Author: perfectpro
Rating: M
Length: 52,838
Summary: Caroline is going to spend her senior year getting into the law school of her choice, leading the cheerleading squad to a nationals title, and passing her sorority presidency to someone who will continue a legacy of excellence. She doesn't have time to figure out what's happening with her relationship with Klaus - not that it's much of a relationship to begin with.
Date of update: May 24 2021
I See Dead Cheerleaders (Chapter 4)
Author: PumpkinDoodles
Rating: M
Length: 7,865
Summary: When Caroline saves Jenna from Klaus's sacrifice ritual and is killed instead, she vows to haunt Klaus Mikaelson forever. Never underestimate the determination of Miss Mystic Falls.
Date of update: May 25 2021
Finding Out the Truth in a Year or Even in a Century
Author: klarolineshipperxoxo
Rating: G
Length: 1,348
Summary: Caroline goes with Stefan to New Orleans in search of Klaus 18 years after the events of TVD 5x22 and TO 1x22 but things don't go as planned and buried feelings are unearthed.
Date of update: May 25 2021
Klaroline Returns (Chapter 2)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: T
Length: 8,010
Summary: The savior of Gotham, Catwoman, is Caroline Forbes, flighty heiress by day. But what happens when her worlds collide in the form of reporter Klaus Mikaelson and her worst supervillain, The Hybrid?
Date of update: May 25 2021
witchy business (Chapter 4)
Author: MaddestMaid3n
Rating: M
Length: 13,783
Summary: "A little birdie told me you might have a book or two that might pique my interest,” “Well, that depends on your interests," Caroline's just trying to survive Marcel's New Orleans. Colluding with an Original was so not on her to-do list.
Date of update: May 25 2021
Klaus’ Thousand Year Plan to be Her Last (Chapter 3)
Author: anncatherine
Rating: T
Length: 4,022
Summary: So these are some missing Klaroline scenes from my Elena/Elijah soulmate fic that I couldn’t include because they either didn’t fit or needed to be form Klaus or Caroline’s pov. I think it would be helpful to read at least the first couple chapters of that for background, but basically at twelve people’s soulmate’s birthday shows up on their wrist.
Date of update: May 26 2021
what a wave you have made
Author: sekretny
Rating: T
Length: 3,413
Summary: “Do you really hate me this much?” She shouts in frustration. Klaus looks her in the eye, their gazes locked in a battle of fiery tempers. “Hate you…” He repeats with every ounce of venom he can muster. After ransacking the contents of his backpack, he removes a sketchbook Caroline has never seen before. He starts to flip furiously through the pages, “You have given me more than enough reasons to hate you, sweetheart,” he spits while he looks for a specific page. He finds it and turns the sketchbook around to show her. Klaus makes his feelings for Caroline visibly clear.
Date of update: May 26 2021
The Concept of Time (Chapter 3)
Author: BelleMorte180
Rating: E
Length: 19,640
Summary: Pairs, France 1864 After learning some distressing news, Klaus seeks out the advice of a friend in the middle of the night and meets a mysterious woman who leaves him with more questions than answers. She hands him a journal filled with the mad ramblings about time by a man named Lorenzo St. John and sees a curious date tattooed on her shoulder. Klaus can think of little else after their first meeting and tracks her down at a burlesque club in the wrong part of the city. Klaus begins to wonder if he can solve the mystery of Caroline Forbes or simply be lost in what has deemed to be impossible.
Date of update: May 26 2021
Revenge of the Fifth - TVD Edition (Chapter 3)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: M
Length: 6,168
Summary: A star wars AU for vampire dairies for May the Fourth Be with You! Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena are padawan learners at Luke Skywalker’s new Jedi training academy, desperate to prove themselves by taking down some of the new Sith Lords that have popped up. The problem is, those Sith Lords are the Mikaelsons, and each girl has a Mikaelson brother obsessed with them, unwilling to let them come to harm. Will that make it harder or easier for them to triumph over the Dark Side?
Date of update: May 26 2021
Smoke Signals
Author: misssophiachase
Rating: T
Length: 3,017
Summary: "You, you must have been looking for me...sending smoke signals" Professional photographer Caroline Forbes and firefighter Klaus Mikaelson keep running into each other. It’s either the universe playing a joke on them or Katherine’s ‘accidental’ matchmaking. Or maybe it's a bit of both?
Date of update: May 27 2021
Reasons Not to Date a Mikaelson (Chapter 8)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: T
Length: 15,851
Summary: Bonnie and Caroline gain a new roommate for their freshman dorm when a vision leads them to tracking down a pregnant Hayley in the Rockies. Also, Bonnie may or may not have raised a certain dead Original instead of Jeremy and Klaus takes a job at Whitmore teaching, to be annoying. He’s very good at it. This is a season 5 rewrite where the Originals never leave for New Orleans. But you know, with comedy. And increasing angst with every chapter.
Date of update: May 27 2021
if you want me to fall (Chapter 2)
Author: FeyresUnbecoming
Rating: T
Length: 1,807
Summary: Caroline and Klaus scramble out of bed before Rebekah can find the two of them, lest she find out they've been sleeping together.
Date of update: May 27 2021
Good to you - Side Stories and Prompts
Author: originalhybridlover
Rating: T
Length: 801
Summary: So this is going to be a set a side stories or prompts related to my Klaroline story, Good to You
Date of update: May 28 2021
Genuine Beauty: Klaroline Canon-ish Drabble Collection
Author: Klauscarolove
Rating: M
Length: 30,884
Summary: Klaroline Drabble Collection: Close Canon, Canon Compliant, Canon-ish, Canon Universe....... basically if they are vampires in the drabble, it will go here.
Date of update: May 27 2021
Klaroline Storybook (Chapter 44)
Author: misssophiachase
Rating: T
Length: 63,904
Summary: A new selection of Klaroline drabbles
Date of update: May 28 2021
Lost Through Time (Chapter 7)
Author: Life_is_a_fantasy
Rating: Unavailable
Length: 4,173
Summary: What will happen when Hope, Landon, Lizzie and Josie fall through a time portal? Will they change things, even if they don't mean to? How will Klaus react to knowing his daughter has a boyfriend?
Date of update: May 28 2021
When your family is too nosy.... (Chapter 3)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: Unavailable
Length: 4,349
Summary: Klaus’s plan to get back at Rebekah by staying friends with Stefan backfires spectacularly when Stefan and Stefan’s ex-girlfriend Caroline convince him to fake a relationship at his family’s get-together at the beach. Sure, Rebekah will probably assume Caroline’s a prostitute and the rest of his family are too nosy for his own good, but what could go wrong? (I will add a rating later when I decide how explicit the smut will be)
Date of update: May 28 2021
LITTLE TENSE (Chapter 4)
Author: wincefish16
Rating: T
Length: 4,462
Summary: Klaroline's life together as they work in Mikaelson and co. Different snippets of their life. HUMAN, FULL OF FLUFF AND LITTLE BIT OF ANGST.
Date of update: May 28 2021
Like snow we melt, like rain we fall, like the sun we burn, in love. (Chapter 3)
Author: BlackRaven475932
Rating: M
Length: 4,088
Summary: after episode 5x11, Klaroline sex scene. Klaus and Caroline have a secret relationship. Teasing in public, a lot of smut, no one knows. WARNING, this story contains a blood kink in later chapters. If you don't like this then I advise you not to read it. It will occur in later chapters and I will give a warning before the chapter.
Date of update: May 28 2021
The Allure of Darkness (Chapter 2)
Author: Loveyou3000Klaroline
Rating: M
Length: 5,127
Summary: “Anything that’s worth anything is dangerous.” Or... Klaus Mikaelson is the big bad hybrid, but he is the only one who can make Caroline’s world stable. Especially after the lie of her life gets unraveled.
Date of update: May 28 2021
That Pesky Phone
Author: timetravelercat
Rating: T
Length: 1,029
Summary: "What was that?" he asked her curiously. She looked at him, embarrassed— —Wait, Caroline Forbes? Embarrassed?" Just Klaus," she answered simply, not giving him anymore details and averting her eyes. Huh, suspicious.
Date of update: May 28 2021
Ok, Cupids
Author: timetravelercat
Rating: T
Length: 795
Summary: Klaus and Caroline sign Stefan into an online dating site.
Date of update: May 28 2021
Available On Both Websites
FFN: The Traitor and the Coward (Chapter 6)
AO3: The Traitor and the Coward (Chapter 6)
Author: Uppity Bitch
Rating: M
Length: 10,677
Summary: Klaroline AU supernatural multi-chap - Original!Caroline has spent lifetimes running from her lover and his family. Despite the centuries of loneliness, she regrets nothing. Soon, she'll bring an end to this madness. Or bring the madness full circle.
Date of update: May 23 2021
FFN: What You Always Wanted
AO3: What You Always Wanted
Author: Eliliyah
Rating: M
Length: 2,646
Summary: After waiting a thousand years for her husband to break his hybrid curse, Caroline realizes Klaus neglected to mention that his next step was to build an army. Furious, she leaves him alone in Mystic Falls. Knowing there's only one way to make it up to her, Klaus shows up on her doorstep with the one person who can get him back in her good graces: their old friend, Stefan.
Date of update: May 26 2021
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Infinity Train and Cults
One of the most interesting aspects in Infinity Train's story is how humans passengers start cults and the process of recruitment. This theme is very prevelent during the second half of Book 2 and all Book 3.
This theme is represented with "The Apex": a group commopsed of very young passengers who go from car to car harrassing citizens of the train and stealing their goods. They are first introduced in the series in the episode "The Lucky Cat Car" in Book 2.
In this post i'm going to write a detailed analysis explaining what is a cult, why the Apex could be considered a cult and the reasons why passengers would join the group in first place.
To do this i'm going to cite a few sources about cults and the psychology behind cult recruitment, which you'll find at the end of this post.
Let's start:
1) The definition of the word "Cult".
According to Sociologist Janja Lalich who speciales in cults the definition of a cult is:
¨A cult can be either a sharply-bounded social group or a diffusely-bounded social movement held together through shared commitment to a charismatic leader. It upholds a transcendent belief system (often but not always religious in nature) that includes a call for a personal transformation. It also requires a high level of personal commitment from its members in words and deeds.¨
Another details she talks about in her article are:
¨This definition is not meant to be evaluative in the sense of implying that a group is good, bad, benign, or harmful. Rather it is meant to convey a systemic view of such a group, which is comprised of a charismatic relationship, a promise of fulfillment, and a methodology by which to achieve it.¨
¨Each group must be observed and judged on its own merits and its own practices and behaviors as to whether it falls within this category type, which is not meant to be dismissive or one-sided¨
The Ted-Ed video: ¨Why Do People Join Cults?¨ gives a similar definition:
¨Broadly speaking, a cult is a group or movement with a shared commitment to a usually extreme ideology that's typically embodied in a charismatic leader. A typical cult requires a high level of commitment from its members and maintains a strict hierarchy, separating unsuspecting supporters and recruits from the inner workings. It claims to provide answers to life's biggest questions through its doctrine, along with the required recipe for change that shapes a new member into a true believer.¨
To put it in simpler words: A cult by definition is a social group which has a very strong belief system (this doesn´t mean it is religious), it’s controlled by a charismatic leader whose followers rarely question. The members of the group have to obey an specific set of rules that are usually created by the leaders of the cult. Critical thinking is very often discouraged between the members.
The word cult isn´t meant to be good or bad. It’s just a way to describe a social group with specific characteristics. The definition itself isn´t exact, one has to learn about the group first before labeling it as a cult.
Now, how do the Apex from Infinity Train fall in this category?
2) The Apex as a cult.
For this part of the analysis I’m going to cite common characteristics of cults and how they do apply to the Apex. I’m going to add multiple examples of how the Apex members behave, how they interact with their leaders (Grace and Simon) and their ideology.
¨The group displays an excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader, and (whether he is alive or dead) regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law.¨
In the series, the Apex members consider Grace and Simon as unquestionable leaders. They follow their commands including those that are indicate to hurt train citiziens.
When Grace snaps her fingers in one of the kids immediately listens to her and goes to her side, kneeling when he meets her. (The Lucky Cat Car).
Simon also kneels before Grace in next episode since he is supposed to be second in command.
In ¨The Music Car¨ all the members pledge to the leaders and salute them:
May our spirits be high!
And our numbers higher!
Down with the false Conductor!¨
Both Grace and Simon appear to have a special status within the group as they are given gifts by the kids when the raid a car as seen in the first episode. It’s not stated if this is part of their routine as way for each member to prove they are worthy of being a Apex but considering the rules of the group it is very possible assumption.
¨Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.¨
In ¨The Mall Car¨ after Jesse refuses to follow Grace orders and stands up for Lake and Alan, Grace responds by telling him he made a big mistake and uses her mirror to let the flecks catch Lake.
This is a huge contrast with how she was very friendly with Jesse at the start of the episode. Grace´s sudden change of behavior comes from how Jesse didn´t accept her authority and realized how he was being manipulated.
This is another example of The Apex behaving as a cult: In the moment someone doesn´t want to follow Grace or Simon´s orders, they are seen as an enemy who opposes the Apex and there before must be punished. Disagreement is very discouraged in cults groups. Those who show any sign of disagreement or doubt are mocked, guilt tripped and called out.
A more subtle case of this happening when one of the kids,Lucy, calls a train citizen a ¨person¨. Grace corrects him by telling him that the train citizen is ¨another toy the train made to amuse us.¨ She makes Lucy feel ashamed for doubting the Apex ideology by mocking her in front of Simon: ¨Aw, that's cute. Lucy thinks it's a person¨ (The Music Car).
¨The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s), and its members (e.g., the leader is considered the Messiah, a special being, an avatar—or the group and/or the leader is on a special mission to save humanity.¨
The Apex believe that they are entitled to their car. They are above the train citizens, they are allowed to take and hurt them as much as they want because for the Apex the citizens aren’t real and they don’t experience emotions.
¨She doesn't even have a number. (..) ¨She's not a passenger¨.(..) Exactly, she's a null. Null, it means nothing, not even a zero.¨ Grace talking about Lake in ¨The Mall Car¨
¨I've got a number, and you don't. You two are only as good as you are useful.¨ Simon referring to Alan Dracula and Lake.
The group itself refers to the old conductor as their as divine figure, who inspires them everyday and has been stolen from his true place by the ¨false conductor¨, who is One-One. It’s almost as the old conductor is their god because it has the highest number in the train.
Grace mentions multiple times in Book 3 how she was saved by the conductor. It´s heavily implied she believes she has been chosen and how she´s the only one that who knows how the conductor looks like.
In Apex ideology, the numbers are very important: They determine your status in the community. The higher the number, the more powerful you are. To increase your number you have to do the tasks the leaders give to you. These tasks involve destroying, stealing and hurting citizens. The person with the highest number is the leader of the group.
¨The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary. This may result in members participating in behaviors or activities they would have considered reprehensible or unethical before joining the group¨
While wrecking the car in the episode ¨The Lucky Cat Car¨ Grace mentions how the Apex are just doing what they must to survive. This shows a very explicit example of ¨the the end justify the means¨ that is common to find in cults. Grace and the other Apex kids are clear they don´t care about stealing and hurting citizens as long as they are able to increase their numbers and get resources.
Another example of this is when Grace and Simon plan to getting rid of Tuba to take Hazel with them in Book 3. This implies they don’t care about separating kids from their train companions to make them join the Apex. It wouldn´t be farfetched to think they have done this before with other young passengers to isolate them and persuade them into staying with the group.
In case of Jesse in Book 2, Grace tries to convince him to participate in a raid by breaking a cube from a train car. She tries making Jesse believe that those without numbers aren´t real and lack capacity to experience actual pain. Before that she told him to throw food under the train by saying he is ¨free to do whatever he wants¨. This case is more about how members make non-members commit morally questionable actions before they become full members.
¨Subservience to the leader or group requires members to cut ties with family and friends, and radically alter the personal goals and activities they had before joining the group.¨
Very often when joining a cult members are asked to keep distance from their close relationships (family and friends). Applying different methods, the leaders seek to isolate the new members from their family to control them more easily and thus making doubt less of the orders they are following.
In Infinity Train, the apex often try to separate kids and teenagers from their train companions. To do this, they manipulate the passengers into believing that their companions are just ¨toys to play with¨ and that the Apex are going to give them a home to live.
In ¨The Mall Car¨ Grace asks Lake to stay to look for Alan Dracula while Jesse goes with the Apex kids. Grace did this on purpose to be alone with Jesse and cause problems between him and Lake’s relationship.
After Lake stays behind, Grace starts talking about how Lake is getting Jesse into trouble and how the train is a ¨scary and lonely place¨. By giving Jesse all these negative thoughts she intends to giving him more reasons to not continue his journey and be part of the group.
In Book 3, Grace and Simon try applying something similar with Hazel and Tuba. They try to make Hazel to leave Tuba’s side and getting rid of the citizen. Much like Lake and Jesse, Tuba and Habel have a very strong bond which means they are going to have a hard time encouraging Hazel to ditch her friend.
One detail worth of adding is that they considered Tuba a threat because of her huge muscular form which made her look really intimidating. Someone like her was a obstacle that was impeding them to recruit Hazel.
¨Unreasonable fear about the outside world, such as impending catastrophe, evil conspiracies and persecutions.¨
The Apex believe there was a conspiracy against the old conductor and the new conductor (One-One) is the false conductor. They seem to hold into this idea that old conductor was overthrown and their true place is being in charge the train.
When Amelia is explaining them that she used to be the old conductor and she isn´t prisoner of One-On, Simon keeps accusing her of spreading false propaganda and insist Grace that she is trying to trick them. In this scenario, it makes some sense for someone to be skeptical, especially if they held a very strong belief system like Grace and Simon do.
3) Why would passengers join the Apex?
After watching how badly the apex treat the train citizens and separate kids from their companions, why would someone join them? It may look like only those who want to commit vandalism and have a extreme prejudice against citizens would but if one analyses how the train operates it makes perfect sense.
When a kid gets on the train, they are completely separated from their family. Unless they find a kind companion, they are going to be completely alone stuck in a unknown place without adults to take care of them. They are very likely going to feel lost and scared not knowing what they have to do and what they should go.
Combine all this factors and they make a very easy target for a cult movement like the Apex to recruit: The members can take care of them, give them a place to belong, have friends and a sense of community. The kid passengers don’t have to worry about anything as long as the follow the rules.
Cults seeks to recruit people who are in a state of extreme vulnerability, who have issues fitting in or may feel lost. The members give these people a new purpose. They say ¨we can be your new home, your family¨ which leads to people to be persuaded into joining.
In the two examples in the series, Hazel and Jesse, Grace talks to them about how great the Apex are: They are going to help them, they will take care of them and keep them safe from the dangers of the train.
With Jesse, Grace tells him ¨how she cares about people¨. She fills his mind with how the Apex are good and they can do whatever they one. She’s very friendly with him and even invites him to jump from car to car.
In the case of Hazel, Grace tells her how they are going to help her with fixing her number. She also mentions how Hazel is going to meet tons of other kids once they reach the Apex car.
She knows that kids like Jesse and Hazel feel confused inside the train and takes advantage of their weaknesses to trick them into becoming Apex members.
In Conclusion:
For the reasons I wrote in this post, one could interpret the Apex from Infinity Train as a cult or a social group that shares characteristics found in cults : They have a very specific type of almost religious ideology, they think having more numbers gives them a special status, they rarely have doubts in their leaders and don´t care about hurting people to get what they want.
I think that the Apex is one of the most interesting themes of the series. It explores what happens when many young passengers start working together and create their own society with its own rules while showing how people come together when they find themselves lost in a place they don´t understand. It’s worth of analyzing the psychological and sociological aspects of this community and how they work.
Sources that were used for this post:
The video ¨Why do people join cults?¨:
#infinity train#infinity train season 3#infinity train season 2#infinity train grace#infinity train simon#it analysis#cults#Animation
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Plane Shift: The Boiling Isles, Brief Character Portfolio
Hello all, today I am going to go into some measure of detail for the characters in this crossover between the Owl House and Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Everybody clap your hands!!
Now, to give a little heads up, the way this portfolio is set up is based on the following Format:
Character Name
Defining Quote/Motto
Alignment Inclinations
Favored Classes/Known Classes
Brief Profile
Okay, now that the format is listed, time to get into the nitty gritty!
Luz Noceda
“Limits? What are those!”
Chaotic Good/Neutral Good
Primary Class: Wizard, Subclass: Order of Scribes. Secondary Class: Artificer, Subclass: Battle Smith. Tertiary Classes: Paladin, Rogue, and Bard.
The young daughter of the famed Plane Warden and Cleric, Camila Noceda, Luz has always had her head in the clouds, longing for adventure and friendship. Upon entering the Adventurer’s Academy, she proceeded to rock the very foundation of Plana and adventuring by choosing not one, not two, but FIVE classes to train in! She would’ve tried them all, but was talked out of it when they professors made it clear it would be physically impossible for her to take them all, and that the number she had selected would push her to greatest of limits. Luz lives life without limits or regret, and while her extremely impulsive nature has resulted in a rather poor social life, she is greatly beloved among the street dwellers and lower ranks of local organizations and groups of her home.
Amity Blight
“Perfection is impossible. That’s why we seek it.”
Lawful Good/Neutral Good
Primary Class: Warlock, Subclass: Undetermined. Secondary Class: Artificer.
The youngest child of the affluent Blight Family, recently displaced from her home dimension, Amity holds herself to a strict standard of decorum. Her methodical nature, dedication to study, and respect for authority has made her a divisive figure within the Adventurer’s Academy, as while her new instructors find her dedication admirable, they also worry it will disallow her from living a healthy and happy life. Amity regularly runs afoul of Luz, but the human girl’s friendly nature, genuine endearment, and appreciation for magic and learning has served as a bonding bridge between the two. Hints of something deeper within her heart grow clearer all the while.
Willow Park
“Nature is a blessing to us all. We have a duty to care for it, and each other.”
Neutral Good/Chaotic Good
Primary Class: Druid, Subclass: Undetermined. Secondary Class: Barbarian.
The only child of the Park family, Willow is a quiet, gentle child all around, but within her lurks a frightening power over nature itself that constantly threatens to break free if not for her ironclad self-control, and kind nature. Once friends with Amity Blight, circumstances forced a rift between them, and she holds that pain as a torch within her heart, always wary of letting it burn her down to nothing but unwilling to let go. Willow’s incredible connection with Plants has made her a rare talent among the Druid classes, and she is constantly called to demonstrate her power before her new peers, much to her delight.
Augustus “Gus” Porter
“So much to learn! So much to experience!”
Neutral Good/Chaotic Good
Primary Class: Wizard, Subclass: Undetermined. Secondary Class: Bard.
A young prodigy who skipped several grades in his home dimension, Gus is still an outstanding figure when it comes to both technical skill and application of magic. Excitable, kind if somewhat insensitive on occasion, and with a fierce need to prove himself, Gus often finds himself in difficult situations, both socially and dangerously, but he never allows it to affect his optimism. He’s rapidly built a bond with Luz over their shared passion and energy, not to mention his excitement over befriending “an actual real-life human!”
Boscha Triplet
“I saved the day! Why? Because I’m a Star of Course!”
Lawful Neutral
Primary Class: Monk, Subclass: Undetermined. Secondary Class: Artificer.
An athletic star with an incredible ego, Boscha is by all accounts an unpleasant individual, yet since coming to Plana, she’s gradually shown signs of a more vulnerable personality, one she vehemently denies and buries within herself, much to the chagrin of others. While she initially chose Monk as a joke, thinking it of a blow-off course or something similar, the relentless physical training, and the brutally humiliating smackdown dealt on her first day have served to motivate her to continue and succeed in the Class she chose, if only out of pure spite. The philosophical aspects of Monk training seem to go over her head, yet her friends and foes alike have noted her occasionally seem to verge on saying something mean or crude, only to stop herself and stare off in contemplation.
Skara Levine
“Just go with the rhythm. Everything will work out, right?”
Lawful Neutral
Primary Class: Bard, Subclass: Undetermined. Secondary Class: Sorcerer.
A young girl who lived at the top, Skara had many halmarks of being a potential problem child, often being easily lead and influenced by those deemed her friends, Skara is typically very sweet and outgoing, but for all her social butterfly moments, they are undercut by her poor interpersonal skills, frequently stumbling onto sensitive topics without any inclination she understood why she shouldn’t bring them up. She is a paradox, being both kind and cruel, nice and mean, in equal measures, the parallel nature of her behavior often befuddles those around her. She’s recently begun stating that she hears things suddenly when no one is around.
Emira Blight
“Don’t worry, I can handle this on my own.”
Chaotic Good/Chaotic Neutral
Primary Class: Rogue, Subclass: Undetermined. Secondary Class: Fighter.
The oldest daughter of the Blight family, Emira is a mischievous girl with a fondness for mayhem. Nonetheless, she cares for her family and friends, even if her methods occasionally leave much to be desired. Of the Blight Children, Emira is the most independent, often resentful of any perceived restrictions, but calm enough to find workarounds rather than lash out. She frequently professes that looks forward to the day she can live her own life, and enjoys teasing her sister along with her brother.
Edric Blight
“We got this, we just got to stick together.”
Chaotic Good/Chaotic Neutral
Primary Class: Rogue, Subclass: Undetermined. Secondary Class: Bard.
The lone son of the Blight family, Edric is Emira’s twin, and is in many ways both her equal and her mirror. While sharing her sense of mischief and love of tricks, Edric is far more flighty and whimsical, often hyper-fixating on animals and whatever shiny thing catches his eye, often projecting a childish air about him. He is the most insecure of the Blight siblings, though he hides it well, and dreads the idea of being alone, particularly from his twin.
Viney Arkswood
“Animals are our friends. They have just as much capacity for good as we do.”
Chaotic Good
Primary Class: Ranger, Subclass: Undetermined. Secondary Class: Druid.
One of three students sentenced to the Detention Track for their mixing of magical disciplines, Viney has a caring heart and a love of people and animals that manifested in a rather strange way, in that she attempted, and technically succeeded, in training her pet griffin to be a nursing assistant. Viney is genuinely unsure if she wishes to return, with the lone benefit in her mind being to see her parents again.
Jerbo Underslack
“I might be nervous, but that doesn’t make me incompetent.”
Chaotic Good/Chaotic Neutral
Primary Class: Cleric, Subclass: Nature Domain. Secondary Class: Druid.
One of the three Detention Track students, Jerbo’s love of plants and his fondness for the idea of loyal aides combined in his creation of plant monsters that trashed the gardens of his school. Jerbo is the most suspicious and leery of his friends, often being slow to trust and even slower to act, he nonetheless is a kind soul, and used his admittance into the Adventurer’s Academy to try and kind some new meaning in his life.
Barcus Howsberry
“Your soul glimmers with the joy of a newfound toy in the arms of a lonely child.”
Chaotic Good
Primary Class: Wizard, Subclass: Undetermined. Secondary Class: Artificer.
Last and oddest of the three Detention Track students, Barcus’ unusual body and strange speech make him truly bizarre, and his cryptic demeanor doesn’t help. Barcus enjoys both the art of Potions and Prediction, and frequently seeks to join the two. Upon arrival, and confirmation that yes he is a sapient being, Barcus was checked by Camila, and was determined to have a hereditary curse bound to his being, and when offered to have it removed, his comfort with his form initially made him refuse, only to be told that the speech impediment and oddness of his form would destroy any chance of him being able to integrate into society, causing him to compromise and have the curse suppressed instead.
Camila Noceda
“To bring goodness and love in this world means I can rest easy, knowing I left it in the hands of those I love.”
Lawful Good
Primary Class: Cleric, Subclass: Life Domain. Secondary Class: None.
Mother of Luz Noceda, Camila is the current Plane Warden of Plana, being entrusted with guarding the city from extraplanar threats and to help guide and aid those lost between realms. Camila is a loving soul, but the strain of her job has worn on her over the years, with the sole reprieve being her precious daughter. Camila often adopts a motherly role for the displaced children now in her care, offering both advice when needed, and discipline as necessary. Camila also frequently aids and offers advice to the adults now sharing her living space, hoping to help them adjust to their situation.
Edalyn Clawthorne
“I’m the most powerful witch in the Isles, but it never meant a thing until I found someone to use that power for.”
Chaotic Good
Primary Class: Sorcerer, Subclass: Undetermined. Secondary Class: Wizard.
Fiercest Wild Witch to grace the Boiling Isles since Belos’ ascension, Eda marches to the beat of her own drum, no exceptions, but she still holds a beautiful heart for those she cares for, and people in general, no matter how much she denies it. Eda was genuinely shocked to learn that Camila could, and did, heal her curse, effectively if not easily, and feels a deep sense of obligation towards the woman a a result, not to mention her all around soft spot for Camila’s daughter. Eda genuinely has no desire to return to the Isles at this point, beyond maybe a chance to reconcile with her mother and retrieve Hooty and all her stuff.
Lilith Clawthorne
“I am far from perfect, and have made many mistakes. This is the least I can do.”
Lawful Good/Lawful Neutral
Primary Class: Paladin, Subclass: Undetermined. Secondary Class: Wizard.
Lilith Clawthorne, elder sister to Eda, means well, but is both painfully naive and far too trusting for one her age, as well as disturbingly childish and immature. For all that though, Lilith holds a good heart and thrives in a structured and ordered environment and system. When she received the knowledge that Eda’s curse had been cured, Lilith was nearly left catatonic, as the curing of Eda rendered all her efforts meaningless and her life without true purpose. When Eda bluntly stated that even with her curse cured she will NEVER join a coven, Lilith forced herself to accept it, no matter how much it hurt. Since that day, Lilith has attempted to find a new direction in life, and to help others as best she can.
Odalia Blight
“Like it or not, one’s word is their bond.”
Lawful Neutral/Lawful Evil
Primary Class: Wizard, Subclass: Undetermined. Secondary Class: Bard.
Matriarch of the Blight family, and a near-Karen level individual, Odalia is both incredibly goal-oriented and driven by a desire to succeed. Domineering and controlling, Odalia exerts a highly unhealthy and toxic level of influence over her childrens’ lives, though she does truly love them. Odalia enjoys having the upper hand, and will do anything to allow her children and family to not only survive but thrive, and is very much fond of disproportionate retribution against her enemies.
Alador Blight
“This could prove interesting.”
Lawful Neutral/Lawful Evil
Primary Class: Artificer, Subclass: Undetermined. Secondary Class: Rogue.
Patriarch of the Blight family, and all around bizarre individual, Alador cares for little in his life aside from his inventions, his wife, and his children, in that order. Often dazed and easily distracted, Alador is highly curious and constantly seeks new inspiration for his devices and creations, no matter how dangerous the circumstances. He cares little for his wife’s antics and schemes, but in no way does he find them unacceptable, he often acts as a stabilizing influence upon her, and is perfectly fine with calling her out on her behavior when she genuinely goes too far.
Hieronymus Bump
“Dedication and Focus are important, but true passion and joy for what you do makes all the difference.”
Neutral Good/Lawful Good
Primary Class: Wizard, Subclass: Undetermined. Secondary Class: None.
Principal to the famed, some would say infamous, Hexside School of Magic and Demonics, Principal Bump loves to teach and help others learn, and is perfectly willing to play the system to ensure he can do so. While he genuinely loves all his students and wishes them to succeed, he is willing to admit he is old-fashioned to a certain extent and can have trouble keeping his views on a topic unbiased, and can occasionally act in unethical ways if it means finding a solution to a problem, though he does not enjoy such measures. He aids Camila in searching for a way to return home for him and his fellows, and often acts as a reasonable authority figure for the students who came with them.
#the owl house#owl house au#owl house crossover#dungeons and dragons#dungeons and dragons crossover#dungeons and dragons au#luz noceda#camila noceda#amity blight#alador blight#edric blight#emira blight#odalia blight#eda clawthorne#lilith clawthorne#willow park#gus porter#boscha the owl house#skara the owl house#principal bump#viney the owl house#jerbo the owl house#barcus the owl house
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Another One?!, Part 3
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Marinette took one long, deep breath.
“What the fuck, Adrien?”
Adrien gave an awkward smile that made her want to forgive him… but, no, she must stay strong.
“It’s a cool car!”
She clicked her tongue. “Yes. Yes it is. But none of us can drive.”
“We have to learn at some point, though. Dick is going to uni soon, and it’s not like we can homeschool him for that. And there is no way I’m going to let him take the bus.”
Marinette winced. Okay, fair point.
Adrien must have realized that he was convincing her, because he chose that moment to bring out the pout.
She clicked her tongue once to show she was still irritated but nodded that he could have it.
He grinned and turned to look over his shoulder. “Told you I could convince her.”
Dick popped out of the bushes with a whoop.
Marinette glared at the three new driver’s licenses they had all somehow scammed their way into getting, then turned her gaze on Dick.
“I love you but if you flunk out first semester I will stab you.”
He smiled and wrapped his mom in a hug. “No, you wouldn’t.”
“Bitch, try me.”
Dick wasn’t fazed, squeezing her tighter.
She huffed and reluctantly hugged back. “Okay, fine, maybe not, but I will not be happy.”
“I love youuuuuu.”
“Love you too, sweetie.”
Adrien sighed as he looked at his kid’s grades so far. He’d been scared of this. College was a lot of adjustments already, and to add to that he was going straight from homeschool to normal classes and the school wasn’t giving him nearly as much help as it should.
Dick was stealing anxious looks at him out of the corner of his eyes, his legs drawn to his chest on the couch.
Adrien reached out and ruffled his hair gently. “It’s fine. We’ll get you a tutor, okay?”
He didn’t suggest changing majors. Dick wouldn’t do it if he did, though he wished he would. It’s law school. Everyone knows that you can’t have a life and still go to law school, jobs and stuff are supposed to be put on hold when you go and there was no way Dick was going to stop vigilantism anytime soon. But…
“Also, try playing a game on your computer or doodling while you’re listening to the lecture. That might help you stay focused.”
Dick nodded with a tired smile.
“And you’re going to have to cut down on vigilantism so you can do homework and go to classes. You don’t get to choose your own schedule anymore.”
Marinette yawned, rubbing her eyes. It had been a long day for her. She’d done patrols for a good fourteen hours, and then Nygma had decided to use that exact moment to pull a death trap out of nowhere.
So, when she’d finally finished everything for the day she was tired and soaking wet (because, for some reason, he thought it would be cool to see if she preferred death by electrocution or drowning). She’d called for her husband to come get her because it was winter and she wasn’t all that interested in walking through the snow in damp clothes.
Now she curled up in the car, getting the front seat and both her and Adrien’s jackets wet. She didn’t care as she pressed as close to the heater as she possibly could.
Adrien brought the car to a stop and looked over, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “Do you want to wait in the car while I get him?”
She nodded, closing her eyes.
She felt a set of keys drop in her lap and pressed the lock button, sinking into the chair.
And then, a few minutes later, she heard something outside.
She peeked an eye open blearily and looked around, expecting to see Adrien and Dick drumming their fingers on the windows to be let in. A frown made its way across her face when she realized that they weren’t there.
She sat back up slowly and her eyes landed on a flash of red on the side opposite her.
She unlocked her door and poked her head out, carefully making her way around the car to investigate…
A person was trying to steal their hubcap.
She groaned softly and rubbed her eyes, then got into a fighting position.
The person looked up at the sound and she winced mentally when she saw they had a crowbar.
They shot to their feet and raised the weapon.
“Marinette?” Called Adrien.
She looked up on instinct, a bad idea when you’re fighting someone.
She took a crowbar to the stomach and groaned, doubling over. They leaned down to grab the hubcap and then attempted to make a break for it.
It didn’t work, obviously. Dick caught the person by their hoodie when they tried to rush past him.
They twisted in his grip and hit Dick in the side with their hubcap and, when he stumbled a bit in surprise, swept his legs out from under him.
Adrien scowled as he tackled the person to the ground. Then he stopped suddenly, his eyes going wide. “This is --!”
He never got to say what the person was, though, because they had socked him. The person had been wearing a lot of rings, so that hurt even more than it usually would. It was a wonder that Adrien didn’t black out or, at the very least, fall back to cradle his jaw.
The person must have been counting on this because they cursed and reached out to shove Adrien off of themself, but he caught their arms.
With a bit of awkward shuffling he had managed to pin them to the ground, arms tucked beneath him and legs swinging wildly in an attempt to keep Dick and Marinette back.
He needn’t have worried, both of them were pretty incapacitated. Getting hit with a metal instrument tends to do that to people.
Dick recovered first because his blow had been softer and to a less vulnerable part, and he crawled over to Marinette… who was currently listing off every swear that she could think of from her spot on the ground.
They leaned against each other for support and then lifted their shirts a little bit to check for blood. Thankfully, the things the person had used were blunt, so they would only have to worry about bruising...
Still hurt, though.
“— fucking asshole of a person I will fucking stab their cul stupide —!”
“Mari, stop cursing, it’s a kid,” hissed Adrien, who was now covering the kid in question’s ears.
“Oh really? Let’s see you get hit by a goddamn whatever-the-fuck-that’s-called --!”
The kid, who could apparently still hear despite her husband’s best efforts, supplied the name of the object he’d used: “Crowbar.”
“Oh, you absolute --!”
Dick covered her mouth so she could curse without the kid hearing it too clearly.
Eventually, she ran out of curses. Her shoulders slumped.
Adrien and Dick nodded to each other and removed their hands.
Adrien carefully clambered off the kid, though he made sure to hold onto their hands to make sure they wouldn’t a) attack again or b) just run off.
They looked him over and Marinette cringed. Definitely a street kid, if the ragged clothes and bruised skin was any indication.
“It wasn’t personal,” the kid said, looking between the three of them anxiously. He must have realized he wasn’t getting away, because he had stopped subtly struggling against Adrien’s grip. “I just needed money.”
Marinette nodded. “Sure. What foster or adoption system are you in? We can up donations.”
(She was still annoyed about the whole ‘hitting her with a crowbar’ thing, obviously, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to help out a bunch of kids in need.)
The kid’s eyes widened and then he gave a bitter laugh. “I’m not really in one, it’s safer on the streets.”
Adrien frowned. “Sorry? Why? Don’t you want a roof and food?”
They rolled their eyes. “Sure, I’d love that, but it doesn’t exactly happen.”
The three frowned at each other.
Adrien thought for a minute, then shrugged. “How about you stay with us?”
“Huh?” Said both Marinette and the kid.
“We have room and money, and Dick is probably going to leave soon anyways because of college. Why not stay with us?”
Dick hesitated. “I’m probably not leaving, actually, but you can stay if you want.”
Marinette and the kid looked met each other’s eyes and deemed themselves the only sane ones present, because honestly what the fuck?
But then the kid’s eyes strayed to the pearl necklace Adrien had gotten her the year before, to the car, to the designer bag Dick was carrying…
“I wouldn’t mind. What about you, mom?” He said, giving Marinette a cheeky grin.
She closed her eyes so she wouldn’t get puppy-dog-eyed from all sides.
Could Adrien, just once, ask her before randomly adopting kids?
Well, she guessed she should just be glad he didn’t try and adopt the entire foster system. She should probably say yes before he actually tried...
“Fine. Fine. We’ll adopt another one.” She pursed her lips together and then gave her husband a pointed look. “No more after this, though, got it? We’re too old for this stuff.”
“We’re not that old!” Complained Adrien.
She clicked her tongue.
“Fine. I’m not that old.”
Marinette scoffed and threw the keys at him. He caught them without even blinking.
Dick smiled and opened the car door for the kid, who seemed more than a little hesitant to get in the car with strangers. Apparently curiosity won over self-preservation, though, because the kid did end up getting in the car.
“Right, what’s your name?”
“Cool! I’m Dick, and these are my adoptive parents, Marinette and Adrien.”
“... is no one going to talk about why your mom is soaking wet?”
“Why our mom is soaking wet, you mean.”
Jason frowned. “Sure… why?”
“She fell in a well.”
Adrien nodded as he started to drive. Marinette groaned and sunk into the front seat again.
Jason, poor kid, just looked confused.
“How the fuck…?”
Adrien was well aware that Jason didn’t trust them.
Fair enough. How many other people see a random kid stealing their hubcaps and then say ‘yeah, screw it, I’ll adopt them’? He figured they must be the only ones.
The kid seemed genuinely surprised when they pulled up to their house. Adrien wasn’t sure he wanted to know where Jason thought they were taking him.
Marinette had taken a quick shower, changed into some warm clothes, grabbed a cup of coffee, and then took Jason out shopping. Dick rearranged his room to accommodate another person.
And Adrien…
Adrien glared down the kwamis.
“Alrighty. We made the mistake last time of not telling you not to show yourselves to Dick, because we thought that was implied. We’re not doing that again. You are not allowed to in any way help Jason find out that you exist or that we are Chat Noir, Ladybug, and Robin. Got it?”
He made sure to see every kwami nod that they understood and then gave them some leftover macaroons to eat.
Good. So that disaster would be averted.
He heard a loud “Oh! My word!” from the next room and sighed.
New disaster.
He ushered the kwamis back under the floorboards and then rushed over to Dick’s room.
He walked in to find him frantically scraping a part of the wall that had been previously hidden by his bed.
Adrien crossed his arms. “Hey, buddy, whatcha got there?”
Dick turned around slowly, eyes wide and full of panic. “Uh…” He leaned back as casually as he could (it did not look like a comfortable position at all but that’s not the point here) and flashed a brilliant smile. “Adrien… Dad… Dadrien... have I ever told you how much I love you?”
“Not nearly enough. What did you do?”
“I…” He looked away. “... should probably get ahead of this. Don’t get mad, please?”
“We’ll see.”
Dick slowly scooted away from the spot and Adrien sighed deeply.
Because on the wall, in crayon, was a bunch of doodles.
But, upon closer inspection, he realized they were doodles of Chat Noir and Ladybug and a tiny little person with black hair.
Do not think it’s cute do not think it’s cute do not think it’s cute --.
He took a few deep breaths before turning to Dick. “Go get some cleaning stuff. We have a few hours before Mari gets back.”
He mumbled a thanks and then rushed out to go find cleaning supplies.
Adrien snapped a photo while he was gone.
Marinette and Jason were struggling.
It was hard to get this kid to buy anything at all, she had tried to get him just another hoodie and he had taken one look at the price tag before flinging it as far away from him as he possibly could.
Man, how was she supposed to get him a mattress if this was how he was going to react to a bunch of ten dollar hoodies?
She would have thrown her hands up in frustration if that wouldn’t have disturbed her coffee. “Fine. We won’t buy anything. Do you have anything we can bring?”
Jason hesitated, then shook his head.
Okay, an obvious lie but she wasn’t going to call him out on it. He was probably still wary of them and their kindness and wanted to keep that backup open. She understood.
Well, she didn’t understand because she’d never been in that kind of situation, but she would respect it.
“Fine. You’ll have to live with hand-me-downs. Are you alright with that?”
Jason relaxed a little, nodding.
She gave a tired smile.
She’d have to do something about Dick’s sleeping arrangements, she’d probably create a hammock or just let him sleep in their bed (it hardly ever got any use, anyways) for the time being. Eventually, Jason might warm up to them enough to let her buy him stuff, and she’d wait for that…
Or he’d run away. But, hopefully not that.
Jason ducked his head and pulled his hoodie up to hide his face and Marinette glanced around. People were staring at them. Fair enough, she doubted that the scruffy hoodie and weathered jeans were making people trust the kid. Still, she stepped towards him and gently grabbed the sleeve of his hoodie to say he was hers.
He cringed almost imperceptibly at her touch. She frowned a little bit, she knew all too well what that meant, but didn’t say anything.
She opted to just glare at the people giving them odd looks, daring any of them to say anything.
They didn’t. Good.
She looked down at the kid and tipped her head to the side.
“I’m going to just shop for the family and you can eat that stuff, okay?”
Jason still looked like he wasn’t happy with it but he nodded.
And, so, she took him to the grocery part of the store. She did what she said she would, shopping for things they would need over the week, but she also watched Jason carefully to see if he liked anything.
The kid clearly knew what she was doing, because he spent most of his time watching her with a neutral expression, but occasionally she’d catch his gaze lingering on a specific product for just a second too long and she’d drop it into the cart.
He couldn’t say anything. He had no proof that they never ate… whatever the hell a Chef Boyardee was.
She found he was mostly looking at cheap, instant meals but that was okay. He’d learn.
She was a baker’s daughter, after all. Everyone in her house would learn what good food was eventually or die by her hand.
Adrien fell back on the couch and groaned. “I have to homeschool another kid!”
“Sucks,” said Dick, who was applying a princess bandaid to a shallow cut on his cheek that he’d gotten that night (the goon who had missed had been pissed that their aim was off... but then pissed themself when the two older vigilantes advancing on him made him realize he had bigger problems).
“It does! I get one kid into college and then I suddenly get another kid to teach!”
Marinette sat on his stomach and he wheezed a little. She didn’t pay this any mind, though. “Maybe you should have thought about that before you adopted another one.”
“He said he felt safer on the streets than in a home! I couldn’t just not adopt him!”
She gave a noncommittal hum.
“Dick! Agree with me!”
The person in question just turned on the TV and started flipping through channels.
Adrien sighed. He was now talking to what may as well have been an empty room. He looked around for the kwamis but they were very determinedly avoiding eye contact while chowing down on their foods of choice. Still, he at least had one person-god-whatever that had to listen to him:
The cat kwami gave a long sigh before looking at him. “Adrien, please don’t make me give you my opinion on this. You’re not going to like it.”
He pouted. “Honestly, though, it’s messed up. Is the system really that bad?”
“Yep,” said Marinette.
“Mhmm,” said Dick.
“And aren’t either of you, I don’t know, concerned about it?”
“You guys already donate a bunch of money, what else can you do?”
Adrien frowned, reaching out and pulling his wife down to lay next to him so they both could be comfortable.
Marinette lifted her arms slightly so he could wrap his arms around her and nuzzled into him a little bit (Dick made a gagging noise in the background). “This isn’t really our type of thing, Chaton.”
He nodded reluctantly…
And then gasped.
“But what if it is!”
“What?” She said warily.
“I mean, we’re in Gotham. Everything is connected to crime here! What if the foster and adoption systems are messed up because the mob or something has something to do with it!”
“Did you stretch before that reach?” Asked Dick as he changed the channel.
Adrien huffed. “M’lady, c’mon, I make sense, right?”
She thought for a minute, and then closed her eyes. “Alright, Chaton, if you really want you can go investigate it. If it’s our kind of thing, then we fix it. Okay?”
He beamed.
Marinette was… tired.
So, when she walked into the kitchen and found Jason flinging cabinets open at random and Dick swinging from a ceiling light, she just continued on to the coffee machine.
“Language,” Dick murmured absently. He hooked his legs over the light fixture and lowered himself down to open the cabinet beside Marinette, revealing... the trash can.
Jason stared at the cabinet in shock. “But… I opened that one… I know I did…”
“You have to be upside down to access it,” said Dick seriously.
She started up the machine. “Sweetie, don’t tell him that. He’ll break his neck.”
Jason slowly discarded his plate in the trash can, eyes locked on it as if it would disappear if he didn’t keep it in his sight at all times. “Why don’t you just have the trash can out…?”
Dick grinned. “Rich people thing. Can’t let people know you live here.”
All he got was two shrugs. They didn’t really understand it either, they just didn’t care enough to do anything about it.
“I hate rich people,” Jason decided eventually.
“Including you.”
Adrien had chosen that exact minute to walk in and was now looking on in horror as Marinette brought an entire coffee pot to her lips and Jason dragged the trash can out into a reasonable place and Dick attempted a trapeze act on the ceiling light.
“Morning,” said Marinette, sending a wave.
Adrien looked at the three of them for a few moments before sighing and sitting on the counter.
Listen, if nothing else, Adrien had faith (... in humanity, religious faith is kinda weird when you have a god living in your jewelry).
This faith had never done him any good but it was there.
So, he had to hope that the problems with the system were things that he could fix as Chat Noir. Otherwise, he’d have to just accept the fact that the system didn’t care about its kids. He couldn’t do that.
The world was evil... but surely it couldn’t be that evil.
Unfortunately for his dreams of fixing everything, he found out that he needed to go to university for at least four years in order to get in. He couldn’t wait that long! People were suffering now!
Good thing he was rich.
Listen, Gotham is messed up. He’s been doing his best to fix it but, dang it, if everyone else can exploit it then he can, too!
(But only to help people. His moral compass was a roulette wheel and using his money to benefit solely himself was one of the lines he wouldn’t cross.)
Dick gave him a jealous look as he held up his new, definitely legitimately earned degree.
And then Jason had stepped into the room and frowned confusedly.
“You’re a social worker?”
“Am now!” He chirped.
“Yep! I’m hoping to make it better, if I can.”
Jason gave a tiny laugh. “Oh, so you’re NEW new.”
Well, that wasn’t encouraging.
That night, he managed to catch Marinette before she could head off for patrols. “Do you think what I’m doing is useless?”
“A little bit but…” She leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips. “I knew what I was getting into when I married you. I love you, Chaton.”
He frowned a little bit but returned the kiss and whispered his “I love you, too, M’lady.”
“Would you like me to drive you to work?”
He smiled and let her lead him along. That would be good. If he was driven to work then he could get someone to pick him up ‘late’ and give him time to snoop around.
Well, not today. The staff would know if it was his first day. He’d have to give it a month or so before he snooped. But it was good to start that kind of routine early.
When they pulled up to the orphanage, Marinette locked the doors before he could get out.
He gave his wife a careful smile. “M’lady?”
“Listen to me: you are not allowed to adopt any of the kids.”
“But --.”
“Nope. No kids. We already have two when we said we were going to have zero. It has to stop.”
He sighed, leaning back in his seat. “What if… what if they’re about to age out?”
Marinette paused. He could see the gears turning in her head as she bit her lip, considering it.
Then she shook her head. “If they’re about to age out you can give them money and support to start out. That’s. All.”
He pouted a little but accepted this answer. It would have to do.
He heard the doors unlock and stepped out. He looked up at the building and suppressed a cringe. It looked like the kind of orphanage that you see in movies that always have an evil director. This was a good thing for him as Chat Noir but a bad thing when you consider that there are actual kids living there.
Adrien stepped inside, all too aware of his nerves.
After all, he was technically unprepared. Did he know basic medicine? Was he good with kids? Did he know how to teach even kids with challenges? Yes to all of that. Still, he couldn’t help but worry that maybe the four years of college that were asked of him could have taught him something that he would need.
Relax, he told himself.
This did nothing, and really only served to make him more anxious, but hush.
He was given the day to tour the place, and he was originally disappointed. Surely, this couldn’t be it. All the beds were crammed in one room! Some of the beds didn’t even have fitted sheets!
But then his mind wandered to Jason. They never found him asleep in any of the beds, instead finding him passed out with a thin blanket in the corner or, at best, in an armchair. He hardly ever slept alone, either, usually opting to choose whatever room had two or more people in it to sleep.
He had to remind himself that these kids were likely on the streets for at least a few months of their lives, and likely would have adapted to that.
It didn’t make him feel any better, though.
Adrien didn't let any of this show on his face, instead smiling as he introduced himself to the kids he passed. A few gave wary looks, others gave awkward smiles, and some didn’t even seem to notice him.
He didn’t know what he was expecting. He was their new teacher, people usually aren’t all that eager to meet those.
He hoped he could help, though.
Marinette clicked her tongue when she found Jason reading in his current favorite hiding space: under Dick’s bed.
“Sweetie, you’re going to get squished under there.”
He didn’t answer, probably because there was a flashlight in his mouth.
She leaned down to see if she could figure out a way that he could stay down there without getting hurt and scrunched up her nose at a smell.
“Is there… are you keeping food down there?”
Jason finally looked at her, his eyes wide. He quickly moved in front of the stash so she couldn’t get to it and pulled the flashlight from his mouth to speak: “It’s mine.”
“It’s spoiled,” she said, shaking her head. “You can hoard food if that makes you happy but at least make sure it’s something that won’t go bad, please. How about cereal -- no, actually, the kid would kill me if I gave you that… what about nutrition bars?”
“Those aren’t actually that healthy, you know.”
She gave a tiny shrug. “You’re right, they’re not, but they don’t spoil quickly and they have at least some kind of nutritional value.”
He hesitated, then reluctantly pushed the stash of food in her direction. She sifted through it to pull out any food that was still good, and then handed that over.
He looked at the tinier pile and then gave her a tiny smile.
“Thank you.”
She nodded. “I’ll go out and get some nutrition bars.”
His eyes widened. “You don’t have --.”
“Don’t worry about it. I was already going to start buying them to try and wean your brother off of cereal. This is just an added bonus,” she lied so he wouldn’t feel guilty about using her money.
He looked reluctant but still nodded.
She beamed and stood again, the spoiled food in her arms.
She yelled to Dick that Jason was under his bed again so he needed to be careful, then put a sticky note on his bed and door so he’d remember, then tossed the food.
And then she started towards the store.
Teaching all day and then coming home to teach another kid was… something.
Good thing Adrien had the patience of a saint from years of schooling Dick.
Jason groaned and fell back on the couch, covering his face with the textbook. “This is soooooo boring. I already know this stuff!”
“The test you took says differently,” said Adrien as he closed his copy.
All he got was another groan.
He sighed and closed his eyes. Whatever. He was exhausted. He’d take the night off. “Alright, fine, you’re bored. What do you want to do?”
Jason lifted the book from his face so he could send his dad a confused look.
“You have to enjoy something. Y’know, a hobby or something?”
Jason’s face reddened a little and he nodded, toying with some of the rings on his fingers. “I have one... but you can’t laugh if I tell you.”
“I wouldn’t.”
He mumbled something that she couldn’t make out, and Adrien frowned. “Sorry?”
He took a deep breath and then whispered his answer: “Iliketoread.”
It took a moment for his brain to catch up, and then he felt a wide smile stretch across his face. A kid? That reads?
He pushed himself up to his feet.
“I have a library card that’s been gathering dust for the past few years. C’mon.”
Jason raised his eyebrows. “It’s been gathering dust? Why?”
“Uh… let’s just say I’ve been kind of busy with other things.”
“That sucks.”
He considered this, his head tipping to the side, then he nodded. “It does. I should read more.”
“You should.”
Adrien laughed a little. “Have any suggestions?”
Jason’s eyes lit up.
Marinette hummed absently as she stepped into the kitchen and then frowned as her eyes flicked between Dick and Jason, who were looking very intensely at a plate.
She stepped closer and rolled her eyes. It seemed they were dividing up the last cookie from her baking session last night.
Was she concerned that they had managed to eat all the cookies in the few hours since she had finished them? A little. But not that concerned. At least she knew they were getting calories.
But now she was just amused. Because they were using a ruler and a pencil and paper to figure out what exactly half was.
Dick seemed to finish his math first, because he picked up a knife and positioned it over the cookie.
“Careful!” Said Jason.
Marinette snickered. “Boys, I may have a solution for you.”
They looked up with confused expressions.
“I can… you know I can just make more, right?”
Jason looked like he was going to protest... but then Dick swiped the cookie and stuffed it into his mouth. He watched on in horror for a few moments before his face hardened.
“You live up to your name, Dickwad.”
Dick gasped. “Rude!”
“Oh, so I’m rude? You want to know what’s actually rude? It’s --.”
Marinette grinned as she sipped at her coffee. She’d intervene if things went too far but, for the time being, she was perfectly fine just watching.
Jason’s eyes found her and he brought a cheeky grin to his face. “Hey, mom, if you’re going to make cookies then Dickwad can’t have any, right?”
“What? No! Mari -- Mom -- Mominette!”
She tried not to laugh at the chorus of ‘Mom’s as she started pulling down ingredients.
After a month and a half of gaining the trust of the orphanage staff and kids, he managed to sneak into the director’s room and look through the financial records.
He snapped pictures of every page and then slipped out through the window.
When he got home he pulled the pictures up on a bigger monitor and started looking over them with Dick and Marinette at his side.
The longer he looked the more he frowned.
“It’s not an evil plot. I don’t know what to do when it’s not an evil plot,” he said eventually.
Marinette rested her head on his shoulder. “Of course it’s not. Even if criminals benefit from the system being broken, they don’t need to do anything to keep it that way. Even good cities have terrible adoption and foster systems.”
“There has to be something we can do!”
She and Dick exchanged exhausted looks.
“There has to be something we can do.” He repeated, frowning. “We’re rich!”
“We don’t have enough to beat out a mob boss in political donations, Chaton, much less a bunch of them.”
He sighed.
Marinette slipped her hand into his and was silent for a while, trying to think of a way to cheer him up. She squeezed a little tighter and he looked over with a raised eyebrow.
“Hey, speaking of mob bosses, the kid and I have been closing in on one’s location. You want in? You always like beating them up...”
“I guess it has been a while since we’ve done that…”
They had been about two seconds away from just pushing the emotions down like they usually did, but then Dick had gasped and pushed himself to his feet.
“We can’t fix homes, but we can always make things easier when they leave.”
“We already agreed to give them money when they age out, sweetie.”
“Nonononono not like that!” Dick was pacing, now. “You guys know a lot of people, right?”
“I do…” said Adrien carefully.
“Then use that! Help them get into the fields they want to get into.”
“That’s…” Adrien pulled out his phone to translate the word to English. “... nepotism.”
Marinette shrugged absently. “We kill people, Chaton, this is hardly the place to draw the line. I can probably get them into the designing world if I wanted.”
“I could do circuses or law.”
Adrien sighed and closed his eyes. He figured he should just be glad that they were trying to help.
“... I can get modelling and any other field that I know someone in… I’d need to make some calls...”
The happiness that came along with finding a solution, weak as it was, lasted about a month.
Marinette smiled and wiped some blood from her husband’s cheek so she could give him a kiss.
“Feel better?”
“A little,” he admitted.
She smiled and tipped her head back to look at Dick, who was tying up the last of the henchmen. “You’ve had faster times, sweetie.”
“I would’ve gone faster if you were helping instead of ‘french kissing’ over here.”
“We weren’t --!” She clicked her tongue when both of the guys started laughing. “You’re hilarious. C’mon, we need to get out before the cops get here.”
They slipped out into the streets as sirens blared in the distance and detransformed.
Marinette hummed lightly as they made their way through back alleys. After all, their detransformations only got rid of the suits, not the blood… it would look a little weird if three people covered in blood were just walking through the streets.
Adrien opened the door for them, and she stepped inside…
Only to go pale.
Because Jason was up, watching a show. He had probably woken up and decided to wait until people were back to sleep. The three vigilantes went completely still, save for the quiet squeak of surprise that left Dick’s lips.
Jason looked over and his eyes widened.
“Uh… we can explain?” Said Marinette.
He screamed and scrambled off the couch as quickly as possible and made a mad dash for the kitchen.
The three vigilantes looked at each other, then followed after him.
Her eyes searched the kitchen and found him hidden under a table...
Oh. He had a knife. Fun.
Adrien pushed Dick behind them.
She held up her hands placatingly. “Sweetie…”
Adrien sighed. “I… we aren’t… well… we kind of are… but...”
“Not helping,” Dick muttered.
Marinette bit her lip as she considered what to do to make Jason relax, then groaned. “Tikki. Spots on.”
Somehow, Jason’s eyes went wider when she transformed.
Adrien sighed.
The other two transformed as well.
Jason had gone into shock…
They detransformed now that they had shown him the truth.
“Now that you know that we won’t hurt you, can you… put the knife down? Please? That’s the good knife and --?” She felt the glares of the other two vigilantes on the back of her head and winced. “Okay, maybe not the most important reason why... knives are sharp. We don’t like sharp things. They hurt.”
The kid did, in fact, put down the knife. This was probably just because he was stunned and on autopilot but at least he was no longer armed.
Marinette carefully walked over and picked it up off the ground. A pout made its way onto her face as she looked at the blade. It had scratches on it…
She saw Adrien’s disapproving look and huffed, tossing it into the sink a few feet away and then turning to the kid next to her.
“This wasn’t how we wanted you to find out…”
The boys made their way over as well and they all sat in a wide circle around the kid. They didn’t want him to feel alone but they also didn’t want to crowd him.
“We didn’t really want you to know at all, we just wanted to be a stable family for you,” explained Adrien.
Jason was emerging from his shock slowly, his breathing was picking up.
Marinette peeled her jacket off and draped it over his shoulders gently.
“We promise we won't force you to be a vigilante. In fact, we’d probably feel better if you weren’t one. You’re a kid,” said Adrien.
“But,” added Dick. His parents glared at him but he continued anyways: “If you want, then we won’t stop you. You’re old enough by our family standards, so we can’t really stop you if you want to. Just tell us and we’ll get you a miraculous that suits you and some training.”
She clicked her tongue disapprovingly.
Dick gave her a bit of side-eye. “What? It’s not like we would be able to stop him if he wanted to be a vigilante. I’d prefer that he at least be safe… -ish.”
Jason curled up in the jacket and closed his eyes. “Can I have some time to think about it? About… everything?”
“Of course, sweetie.” Marinette scooted away a little so he could get past her and he rushed out.
The three watched him go in silence. They heard the front door slam behind him.
She closed her eyes. “Sweetie, go after him? Make sure he doesn’t get hurt.”
Dick gave a quiet “Okay” and transformed. With a shrill note, he was gone.
Adrien and Marinette were left alone.
She felt him crawl over to her and pull her into him.
“He’ll be okay,” said Adrien softly.
She bit her lip and then buried her face in his shoulder.
Over the next few weeks they heard people in the house.
He made sure to never acknowledge it. It could be Dick coming back for food or to grab some homework to do while watching over his brother, or it could be Jason.
He always hoped it would be Jason… but now that it actually was he felt a surge of anxiety.
Firstly, Marinette wasn’t home. Nygma had just announced his most recent death trap to the city and she’d had to rush out to deal with it.
Secondly, Dick had a class at the moment.
Thirdly, Adrien was just really tired. He’d spent the entire day teaching, of course he was tired. He wouldn’t be at the top of his game.
This was probably an intentional move on Jason’s part. It was a good idea to take precautions, Adrien would have been proud if he wasn’t so nervous.
He looked up from his spot on the couch and gave a careful smile. “Hey, Jay.”
Jason hesitated and then disappeared to the kitchen. He came back with a knife.
Ah. Great.
Adrien knew he could beat a child with a knife, that didn’t mean he wanted to.
Jason sat on the couch opposite Adrien and pointed his knife at him. “I want to ask some questions.”
“Of course. Anything.”
He nodded and lowered his knife ever so slightly. “Okay… why did you adopt me?”
Adrien frowned a little bit. “You were a kid that was so desperate for money that you were stealing a bunch of rich people’s hubcaps. I couldn’t not adopt you.”
“There’s a lot of people like that. Why me? I attacked you. There had to be better, safer options.”
“I…” His frown deepened. This was true. Why had he felt so drawn to Jason in particular? “I guess it could have been Marinette’s luck? One of her side-effects is that she has really good luck. I wouldn’t be surprised if we adopted the exact kid that was perfect for our family.”
Jason nodded a little bit, though he looked skeptical.
Fair enough. Adrien was also a little skeptical of his answer. He had a theory about what was going on but it wasn’t like he’d ever be able to prove it.
“Next question: what did Dick mean when he said that I was old enough to be a vigilante ‘by your standards’?”
Adrien winced a little bit. “You said you’re about thirteen, right? Well, Dick and I started at twelve and Mari started at thirteen.”
Jason gave him an incredulous look, then apparently got over it. “Oh. Okay. And… why did you start doing this?”
“Uh… odd question…” He pursed his lips. “It’s hard to explain. I… had an image to keep up and Chat Noir was -- still is, actually -- my outlet for me to be myself in public. Mari, I think, was more or less thrown into the life and then, when she finally had an out, couldn’t imagine herself without it. Dick wanted to get revenge on the person who got his parents killed and then decided to keep going.”
He frowned. “You make it sound addictive.”
“Oh, yeah, it definitely is.” Adrien sighed. “There’s a lot of reasons why we didn’t tell you but that was one of them. When you start you don’t stop. We made that mistake with Dick, we’re hoping that you’ll not do it.”
Jason set the knife down, finally. “But you wouldn’t stop me if I still wanted to?”
He winced. “No. If you wanted to then we’d give you a miraculous -- powers -- and you’d get to go out and fight crime.”
“You trust me?” He said with a laugh.
“Should I not?”
He rolled his eyes. “I grew up on the streets. Most people don’t.”
“Jay, no offense but I’m not scared of you. You could have stolen from us or attempted to hurt us at any point over the last few months and you didn’t.”
“You’re vigilantes! It’s not like I could have done any of that!”
He shrugged and stretched out lazily. “You’re right, you wouldn't have succeeded. But you didn’t know that. You thought we were just some really trusting rich people.”
Jason considered this with a frown, and then he looked at Adrien. “I want to be a vigilante.”
He groaned a little bit but nodded. “Fine. Take off your -- Mari’s -- whatever -- THE jacket and the hoodie for a minute so I can see who should train you?”
The kid looked a little uncomfortable but he did comply.
Adrien frowned at all the tiny scars but didn’t say anything as he carefully examined his build. Definitely closer to him than Marinette or Dick.
He would take up the physical aspect of training, then.
“Right, how much do you know about self-defense?”
The four of them sat on the floor, sifting through the different miraculi for ones that could protect Jason in battle.
Marinette hummed to herself as she sifted through her pile.
After a minute, Dick held up the turtle miraculous. “This one can keep him safe -- wait a minute, why didn’t I get this one?”
“Didn’t match your fighting style or personality,” said Adrien absently, his head tipping from side to side as he considered the miraculous.
“If we want to give him that one then he’s going to need a different weapon. What would you like, sweetie?”
Jason thought for a minute, staring at Wayzz.
Then his eyes lit up. “Can I have a gun?”
“I…” Began Marinette, then she shrugged. “Actually, we could probably use another long-distance fighter on the team.”
“And it keeps him a pretty safe distance away from the fighting…” Agreed Adrien.
Dick hesitated. “But guns are pretty lethal. He isn’t an adult.”
“Damn, that really is going to come back to bite me, huh?”
Jason frowned. “What? What’s going on?”
“Basically, we have a rule that says kids aren’t allowed to kill,” said Adrien, sending his wife a tired glare.
She gave him a tense smile in return. “Killing people messes you up, so we’re trying to keep you guys away from it.”
Jason hesitated a little bit. “I’ve kinda… already…”
The three others’ eyes widened and they gave each other nervous glances. Jason couldn’t seem to finish, and they didn’t ask him to. They could guess what he was trying to get at.
And they didn’t know how to respond. Their problem had been with introducing kids to murder, because they knew that it was something you never really came back from… but he’d already done it...
They figured that, from the way he said it, he had probably had no choice in the matter and was regretting doing it…
“I guess… we let him kill if he wants?” Said Adrien slowly.
Dick scratched his head. “I guess?”
The three of them shrugged at each other. It was probably -- no, definitely -- not the right decision but they really didn’t know what to do.
“I think he’d look cute with pistols,” said Marinette after a few minutes of silence.
Adrien, who was the only other person who had seen the turtle miraculous’s suit, nodded his agreement.
Jason transformed for the first time.
Dick nodded as well. “Pistols would be cute.”
Adrien smiled as he watched Jason mess around with his new powers.
There wasn’t much to them. They created a force field around an item or person of your choosing that held for as long as you stayed awake…
Still, he was proud of him. Baby’s first powers and all.
The three older vigilantes were casually throwing things and hitting the forcefield in an attempt to break it, and Jason was holding up surprisingly well.
“So, what’re you going to call yourself?” Adrien asked as he drummed his staff on it.
Jason thought for a minute and then smiled. “How about… Green Helmet?”
Marinette hit the force field too hard and the cane came back to hit her in the head, which could not be helping her growing headache.
She pursed her lips tightly as she lowered herself down into a chair. “You… you have a hood.”
“I disagree.”
“You can’t -- I’m literally a designer! My word is law! That’s a hood!”
“Chaton! Tell him that’s a hood!”
Adrien sighed. “It’s a hood,” he agreed.
Everyone looked at Dick, who was beginning to look like he’d rather be anywhere else. He eyed the door out of the corner of his eyes as if wondering whether he could get away before they caught him.
He must have come to the conclusion that he couldn’t get there in time, because he gave his answer:
“It… could be a helmet if he wants it to be…”
Adrien rolled his eyes as the family erupted into an argument over what constitutes a hood versus what constitutes a helmet.
Marinette hummed lightly as she made brownies (she had faith, okay? No one was helping this time so it should work). Jason was sitting in a chair nearby, head resting on the back of it as he watched her.
“What’s wrong, sweetie?” She asked. It was normal for Jason to watch her cook, he liked to keep his eye on food when he could, but he seemed almost… anxious. She could hear the gentle clinking of his rings as he messed with them.
“I… I want to buy something,” he said.
She dropped her bag of sugar into the bowl and hissed a string of curses as she looked at the now definitely ruined batter. Sure, she could technically go through and try to fix the ratios by adding more of everything else, but that would make enough brownies to feed a whole army --.
Wait a minute, what had he said?
Her eyes flicked to Jason. “Sorry? You want to buy something?”
He nodded with a tiny smile. “It’s a little expensive, I’m sorry, but… could we?”
Marinette was willing to buy a car if this kid asked, because he was ASKING HER TO BUY SOMETHING OH MY GOD, but she played it cool with a tiny nod.
“Sure, sweetie, let me just see how much it costs.”
He pulled up a picture on his phone and showed it to her.
It was a hardcover copy of an illustrated version of a book he liked. For forty dollars.
Okay, so he wasn’t asking for much, but it was still something! An improvement!
She smiled. “Sure, sweetie, I’ll get it next time I head out, okay?”
Jason beamed.
Adrien rolled his eyes when Dick flung himself across the couch dramatically.
“This isn’t faaaaiiiiir,” he whined.
He looked at his wife pleadingly and she clicked her tongue before lifting Dick’s head so she could sit down. She ran her fingers through her kid’s hair in an attempt to soothe him.
“He already knew a bit of self-defense when we met him so that was fine and we even gave extra time on training in his powers and with guns. We literally have no excuses for bringing him on at this point.”
“But I had to train for three years! He only had to do one!”
Jason grinned. “Maybe I’m just better.”
“Jay,” said Adrien exhaustedly.
“Or the favorite,” he added, his grin somehow growing.
It was a good thing that Marinette had had a hold on Dick, because if she hadn’t he probably would have launched himself at his brother.
“You weren’t of age, he is,” she reminded him. “If you’d been old enough a year in then we would have let you do crime fighting, too.”
This was a lie, Dick had not been at all prepared after a year of training, but it made the kid smile so at least that was good.
Adrien stretched out from his spot in the window. “Right, we let Dick choose his first mission, what do you want to do first?”
Jason broke into a wide grin.
“There were some people who gave all the homeless kids trouble…”
They’d tracked the gang’s activities to a warehouse and had filed inside.
Adrien had helped Marinette carry their kids to the trusses above them (neither of their weapons had an easy way up, though they made mental notes to get them some kind of… grappling hook, maybe? It was a work in progress idea).
Dick shrouded them in shadows and muted the squeaking of their boots on the metal as they slowly made their way to the gang.
Adrien stretched his shoulders a little bit and then dangled his legs over to prepare himself for the jump down. Marinette and Dick copied his stance.
They looked at Jason, who gulped a little before copying the stance.
They hopped down as a family…
Because nothing says family bonding like murdering a bunch of gang members.
Adrien looked up and frowned, alarm bells ringing in his ears. Jason was shuffling from foot to foot anxiously from his spot in the doorway. An anxious kid? This couldn’t be good...
“Yes, Jay?”
Jason messed with his rings.
“Since I’m going to be… here for a while, can we take the car to pick up my stuff?”
Adrien would have pinched himself to check if this was a dream if any of his dreams were ever this nice.
He dropped the book he was reading onto the bed and pushed himself up. “I -- wow! Okay! Of course!”
Jason gave an awkward smile.
Adrien tried not to smile too much as he followed the kid’s directions.
Mainly because this might dredge up bad memories for Jason, and he didn’t want to be too caught up in his euphoria of the kid genuinely accepting being part of the family to notice that he was shutting down.
But, to his surprise, Jason actually seemed just as excited.
They pulled up to a mostly abandoned looking greenhouse and Adrien raised his eyebrows slightly.
“What? I could grow myself food! It was good,” Jason defended himself.
He gave a smile, rolling his eyes. “Sorry, I was just trying to imagine you eating vegetables.”
Jason huffed a little bit and then held up a hand for Adrien to wait. He crouched down and then, after a bit of pushing, popped a pane of glass out of place. He set it down and then crawled through.
There was a bit of rustling inside and then the door swung open.
“Behold! My humble abode!”
Adrien raised his eyebrows as he stepped inside. ‘Humble’ was definitely the word for it…
His eyes scanned around and he had to hold back a frown at how little Jason had. There were a few plants. A bunch of vines and leaves had been piled together to make a makeshift ‘bed’ with a few blankets thrown overtop. A few random clothes were strewn about, all in varying states of shabbiness.
(There was also a bucket in the corner. Adrien was deciding to believe that it was for washing clothes.)
The only thing that Jason had really ‘had’ was the entire nook dedicated to books.
Adrien and Jason grabbed everything of importance to him and put it in the back of the car.
And then they started on their way home.
@i-am-ironic @nathleigh @mialuvscats @golden-promises @sassakitty @deathwishy @toodaloo-kangaroo @ladythugs @moonlightstar64
#maribat#adrienette#marinette dupain cheng#ladybug#adrien agreste#chat noir#dick grayson#nightwing#jason todd#red hood#tim drake#red robin#cassandra cain#orphan#damian wayne#robin
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