#this blog is anti terfs
fandom-hoarder · 11 months
Ew. No. Rancid suggestion, tumblr
And of course, when I go to block the blog, their pinned post has my blocked tag "[redacted] safe" on it
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Nah, you're definitely a terf, dude. Feminists don't police people's bodies.
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ladylingua · 1 year
What is your Hogwarts house?
non affiliated
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dykeiism · 4 months
what if i made a blog where i had terfs dni in my bio and started every post with twaw and then spread radfem ideology through it
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which-item-poll · 12 days
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Etsy shop
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mintyscuriocabinet · 5 months
Rb if misandrists are NOT welcome on your blog 💙
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anti-terf-posts · 1 year
Just got an ask from a terf that said "fyi" and then had a diagram of the differences between the male and female pelvis, as if I would give a shit. I genuinely don't care like it does no damage to my psyche it does not bother me at all. Terfs are so pathetic.
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thefirsthogokage · 1 year
Someone just tagged me and was like "what's the TIRF to TERF pipeline?! I want to avoid going down the transphobe path!" ... but then they apparently blocked me.
After all the work I put into that post, I couldn't save the post, because, like I said, they apparently blocked me. So, here's how they do it covertly, including how they start with convincing people that sex work is inherently bad, and not infact work...which is what this person said in another post. So, I guess they don't get to learn about that.
Anywho, it's all covert.
TERFs actually love going into places (without marking themselves as TERFs or even radfems/gender critical), then saying things that slowly edge people into hating trans individuals. Maybe it starts with purity culture and talking down sex work. Maybe it starts with being anti-kink amor anti-ship. Maybe it starts with being anti all men, (saying that only men uphold the patriarchy is definitely one of their big things).
Bottom line: they start getting you to hate people, particularly people who do things of their own consent, or get you to start not liking groups of marginalized people. They start saying "this is wrong," putting some sort of moral emphasis on something consensual being inherently wrong or bad. Or maybe they start complaining about a group of people. Whatever way the do it, it's not always obvious what their true beliefs are
They start chipping away at what groups they think should not have the right to do whatever they want, or present in whatever way they want, because it doesn't fit their view of what's right.
(let me be very clear here: I am in NO WAY talking about p*dos. Fuck them.)
They do this more and more and more, and eventually, down that line, they end up whittling who should have the power down to only cishet white Christians.
Yes, this is the pipeline. It's been proved. There are charts.
They get minority groups to turn on each other, and that let's those hard right Christian White guys to get what they want: no one but them, and white women they can force to have their children. This includes lesbians turning on the trans community. People turning on asexuals, telling them they aren't real. People being bi- and panphobic. Etc.
It's a pipeline. It's talked about. The research is out there, but I am unable to pull up anything at the moment.
Just wanted to get that out.
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spacedreamon · 3 months
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Credit me if you use :)
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princessefemmelesbian · 8 months
Okay I normally don't make posts about TERFs like these because I prefer to reblog them from trans people who know more about this stuff then I do but I just gotta say this, and if I'm being for fucking real I can't believe this even has to be said:
Stop posting screenshots of TERF posts and saying "op was a terf so I'm stealing this post! 🤪"
Seriously, stop it. You're not doing anything good by taking TERF talking points and reposting them to your blog. All you're doing is allowing TERF rhetoric to continue to spread and sanitizing it so that people become desensitized to it and don't recognize actual TERF rhetoric when they see it.
When you screenshot a TERF post and say "op was a TERF" all you are doing is validating TERF points whether you agree with them or not. Because every post a TERF makes, even if it seems benign, is connected to their rotten, transmisogynist ideology. You cannot divorce TERF statements from their true intentions. I think a lot of TMEs on this site really underestimate the fact that TERF is a harmful hate movement. Every statement a TERF makes, even if it seems harmless or actually feminist, is ultimately going to be tarnished by the fact that they are made with the intention of targeting trans women and wanting them dead. If a post is about how men are awful or are "raised" to be a certain way and is made by a TERF, then congratulations, you just found transmisogynistic rhetoric that is actually about trans women and their apparent "male socialization". If a post is about how lesbians should be allowed to not like men and how men are forcing themselves onto lesbians, but a TERF made it, then it's not actually a lesbian-friendly post. It is a transphobic post about how transfem lesbians apparently "prey" on cis lesbians(which they also think straight trans men are, let's make that very clear) by merely existing. Same for any post about the word queer or the beauty industry or periods or anything of the like. Even if they don't explicitly say it, TERFs are inherently lumping trans women in with(cishet) men and trans men in with women/lesbians and THAT is the true meaning of the post. You're not making it any better by reposting it from them.
TERFs know exactly how to make their posts seemingly benign and genuinely positive on the surface so that people get sucked in to thinking that they are truly for the feminist cause and actually have good points to make. But all of it ultimately serves the purpose of continuing transmisogyny, and when you post screenshots of their posts and go "I really wanted to reblog this post but op was a terf so I'm stealing it! 😇" all you are doing is giving terfs a platform and saying that we should listen to them. You're exposing trans women to beliefs and opinions of people who ultimately wish to harm them and do NOT have the same innocent intentions that you believe they have from looking at the post at first glance. You are not helping women. You are not helping feminism. You're internalizing TERF rhetoric, and you're allowing other people to internalize it, too.
It's one thing if you don't realize a post was made by a TERF before you reblog it, and then you delete it afterwards. But if you know someone is a TERF and intentionally repost their vile, sickening rhetoric wrapped up in pink feminist bows and go "I like the message of this post but op is a terf so 🤷🏾‍♀️" then you may as well be reblogging it directly from them, because you're still agreeing with TERFs at the end of the day.
What can you do instead? You can reblog feminist posts from amazing and intellectual trans women who actually are genuine about the cause and actually know what they're saying. They have way better views on feminism and misogyny and lesbophobia and the patriarchy then a radfem who thinks woman=vagina and man=penis ever will, trust me. Uplift their voices instead of stealing from conservative hate groups. It really is that simple.
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saturnniidae · 5 months
I will never understand how people will agknowledge just how jk rowling is as a human being, and still like Harry potter. You can't fucking "separate the art from the artist" when the 'art' is filled with antisemitism, racism transphobia and more! You can't even think about doing that when the 'artist' herself is a fucking HOLOCAUST DENIER.
(Also it's even more pathetic considering jk rowling is actually a shit writer. Like let's be honest, everything people love about Harry potter is from the movies. Every bit of personality Harry had was from his actors portrayal of him)
These people don't care that they're clinging onto the mediocre work of a holocaust denier that wishes death to trans people because they're too wrapped up in nostalgia or whatever. It's pathetic and honestly disgusting.
And it speaks volumes how pretty much all the people I see behaving this was are white
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immabitqueer · 8 months
In light of the Taylor Swift ai shit I just wanted to say very clearly:
It IS, however, about Taylor not consenting to the images being made with her likeness. It's disgusting and horrible because it's explicit content made without consent, not because it is explicit content.
Sex work is WORK a woman (or anyone of any identity, but rn focusing on woman identifying individuals) can CHOOSE to do, with proper payment for her labor and a lot of check points during, before, and after to make sure she fully consents to the content.
Taylor didn't consent, she got her consent trampled on and mocked. That's why this shit is fucking disgusting and it shouldn't be permitted on any level, but don't hurt other woman by trying to put them out of a job because your uncomfortable with real consensual sex work or find it unsavory. What other woman do is none of your business.
P.s if you negatively interact with this post your just adding to my block list
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sleeppaw · 5 months
Authors and how they use their wealth
John Green: Uses his wealth to help fight tuberculosis
Rick Rhodian: Set up a publishing arm for Black, Asian, Hispanic and Indigenous authors
Andrea White: Campaigns for education and reading.
Many other authors have highlighted injustice.
Suzanne Collins: Disappeared into the woods
Then you have JK Rowling who is using her wealth to fund hate.
If I ever become a successful author, I would use my wealth to fight against injustice or pull a Suzanne Collins and disappear, only going out in public to promote a new book.
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spongynova · 6 months
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Reposting this cropped version of a mcspirk month drawing. Because it's the trans day of visibility. Because we're here to play with canon. Well, I am. Because canon is lacking.
Bones can be transmasc, Jim can be as gender fluid as he wants, and Spock can tell gender to go touch grass they're not interested.
With or without meds, with or without surgery, out or not, we are valid. We deserve to be understood, to be supported, to be loved.
Trans lives are beautiful.
I love y'all. Be queer, do crime and take care <3
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tampon-eater · 3 months
AFAB (as in, raised into girlhood, not necessarily sex) person: wears makeup, dresses, has a skincare routine, shaves, etc etc etc
Radfem: no! You can’t do that! It’s hurting the #feminist movement! Be more masculine instead!
AFAB person: uses testosterone to achieve a more ‘masculine’ body type, has top surgery, phalloplasty, uses he/him pronouns, grows a beard, etc etc etc
Radfem: wait no not that masculine that’s also hurting the movement!
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pixelartparker · 7 months
Parker's Intro Post :)
Hi there! My name is Parker and I love to make pixel art ^^
I’m on a break from making art and am not taking requests ^^ But please feel free to send me a message or ask a question!
Divider made by me ^^
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Here are some facts about me!
I'm 26!
Sex-Repulsed Aroace!
I go by any pronouns ^^
My favorite color is blue! (Panther Blue to be exact! HEX code #0085CA Keep Pounding!)
I'm getting ready to apply to my Dental Hygiene program. I got a really good score on my TEAS exam and just have to finish a few pre-reqs before I start. I'm so excited!!!
I love Resident Evil, Marvel, DC, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Wednesday, and anime. I'm obsessed with tons of other stuff too. Ask me about what I'm into! We might have something in common!
I love to make friends so please reach out if you want to chat :)
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Here are the rules and things you need to know about this blog!
No creepy DMs or asks please. You'll just be blocked.
I reserve the right to decline any request.
I support human artists not AI! If I have accidentally reblogged something that is AI generated please let me know so I can delete it!
I use Aseprite and highly recommend it!
Only canon characters. No OCs or fanart sorry!
Reblogs are more helpful than likes! Thank you!
I stand with Palestine. Daily Click Reminder!
Black Lives Matter.
Indigenous Lives Matter.
End racism, ableism, transphobia, aphobia, and homophobia.
No TERFs, bigots, or gender-criticals allowed.
No zoos, MAPs, or child predators allowed. I will report you if I am made aware of your account.
I hate cops.
Safe space for minors. A completely SFW art blog!
Parker :)
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spacedreamon · 3 months
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I’ll probably make more but these are the ones I could think of
Credit me if you use!
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