#third life season 3
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give-grian-rights · 1 year ago
i just got the vision in my mind of Cleo and Etho having like. like those sliding pronoun pins but instead it has two options and one of them is Divorce and the other is Newly Wed. and they just fucking walk over to eachother and slide it to the other one. sometimes they go on like nothing happened and sometimes they just like. bite each other
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chipperchemical · 4 months ago
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my wild life winner predictions :3
skizz will pull through i believe in him
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 4 months ago
I'm slowly making my way through a new project- editing the entirety of the album PUNCH by Autoheart to the Life Series.
I was originally planning to post all of the edits in order of the songs on the album, but I instead made the Lent one first and am too excited to keep it in my drafts any longer while I work on the first four songs of the album (especially since we're coming up on finals seasons and the amount of time I'll have to work on these is gonna plummet so fast). So instead, I'll be posting them as I make them and make a masterpost of them all in order at the end.
That being said, I hope you enjoy this! I'm really proud of it and a lot of work went into it.
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japapaei · 3 months ago
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hottubsandwiches · 1 year ago
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dont like the lineart so i might redo this later idk but here have a grian !!!
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quijotine · 4 months ago
(spoilers ahead) s3 finale legend of vox machina 10000/10 BUT
feel like they could've milked those last 3 episodes for at least double the run time.
It felt rushed compared to the rest of the season. I mean, each individual quest could've lasted just as much as the arc that led to Percy's death, but alas, Amazon and its season standardization is here to kill creativity and the arts.
The fact they rushed to tie up all the loose ends killed the emotional payoff they had set with earlier stakes. For example, Percy's revival and his reunion with Vex. Even Keyleth's declaration to Vax. Which btw, looking back, it's sad they put Vaxleth on the backburner. I'm a Perc'ahlia stan first and human second, but Vaxleth felt almost as a sidequest compared to how pivotal Perc'ahlia was to the season. I guess Vaxleth will have its moment to shine in the sun once...... the thing happens, but idk, I wish they had let us savor the moment a bit more for both ships.
I just wish, ya know, they'd given us a bit more brainrot.
Anyway both ships got to fuck this season and Vex still graced that pathetic, smitten sod with the best tits in Exandria ia so it's still a 1000/10 😌😌😌
Also! I gotta say I'm intrigued with how Percy will end up with Cabal's Ruin. I don’t watch the live play (shh don’t judge me i have a short attention span) but as far as I understood, the last fight with Ripley is where Percy would have gotten it?? I guess they're saving that for the Vecna arc.
Anyway, I still love it lol and I'm glad they did bring back best boy no mercival percival because his existence holds my sanity with the thinnest mf thread 😌 and when i tell you i was at the edge of my seat when we were halfway through the finale and there was still no sight of my favorite dumbest nerd.
girl i stopped breathing for a sec there
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saltygilmores · 25 days ago
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, Season 3, Episode 14- Swan Song- Part 4
Today is my 41st birthday, and in an act of Reverse Birthday, here's a gift for YOU. More unbridled rage! Luke and Lorelai, I dub thee The Penetration Patrol.
Penetration Patrol Officer Gilmore comes back downstairs in a real serious mood. Luke appears to be scrubbing crayon marks off a table. She's got some breaking news. Her 18 year old daughter and her boyfriend of several months were KISSING. WITH THEIR CLOTHES ON!
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Man, it must suck to have such a fucking Nudity Narc for a mom. Rory would get eaten alive in public school if word got out that her mom sucks so hard and is awful and annoying and doesn't want Rory to have any fun. Rory would be ground into the sawdust like the filler they put in the meatloaf in the SHH cafeteria. Or the fine arsenic powder that Lindsey sprinkles into Dean’s dinner to cause violent convulsions.
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My eye, it's doing that thing again, that thing that happens whenever Lorelai opens her yap.
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NOT THE COUCH! I mean they could just go and do it Luke's bed if you prefer. And I'm sure they have already.
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Yeah, Rory is learning how to breathe through her nose alright.
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FOCUS ON ALEX'S GENITALS! I mean. Your own genitals! Both of your genitals. Take all this pent up rage and do him good later, before you give him the ol heav ho into the wormhole. Do him for Salty. But don't think about Dean while you're doing it.
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You settle down, Decorated Four Star General of the Anti Fingering Brigade. That WE is doing some heavy lifting. That WE means this is a conspiracy. A blowjob blocking conspiracy. I could probably name a dozen facets of Jess' life Luke should be more concerned about than whether he does normal teenage (adult) boy things. Really you guys, does Luke really care that much? Jess and Shane (honk) were repeatedly getting sloppy in front of his customers two inches in front of his face and there were probably other future homicide victims, I mean easy lays, that Jess has been horizontal with since he met Rory over a year ago. Besides a few fumbling attempts at a Man to Man talk and advising Jess about the risks of Inter-Closet-al-Relations, Luke wasn't exactly getting between them with a crowbar. He's not even simping for Lorelai right now, so it's not like he's pretending to care to build more of that sweet sweet pussy credit. And there's NO way in hell Luke thinks Jess is still a virgin or would ever care if he was. So this is really just about Rory’s virginity...again (just like when he caught Jess and Rory ALMOST kissing chastely and read Jess the riot act). This has bubkis to do with Jess. There’s nothing weird about the guy who works at the local diner conspiring with your mom to make sure your hymen stays intact. I realize I pogo between saying Rory's libido is frostier than a penguin's nipple and musing that since Jess has entered the picture she’s just a technical virgin at this point, but look I’m suffering let me flip flop. Besides I think this it’s become clear in this episode she’s crossed that magical threshold into technical virgin territory. It's the horny hair. (Also, do you think these kids are that stupid that they don't know what you're doing? Even Rory isn't that naive). If you're that concerned that Rory is going to get pregnant or something, idk what to say anymore, because for all this absolute madness Lorelai's "sex talk" with Rory at the end of this episode boils down to "Oh well. Just let me know when he finally takes you to pound town."
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There haven't been many instances so far where Luke has pissed me the hell off this much but there's a first for everything and the rest of season 3 looms ahead. Why don't you shove those tools up your butt. Or have Nicole do it for you later. In Milospeak: Oorange county, Califoooornia. I WAS RAISED IN DISNEYLAND!
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Even First Class Five Star Brigadier General Nudity Narc Lorelai Q. Gilmore's flabbers are gasted.
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"It's good that they're "safe" upstairs (whatever the fuck that means) but I'm going to turn the hose on them anyway."
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What kind of establishment are we running here, Lucas? Customer: "Where the hell is my cheeseburger? Where did that diner guy go?" Sorry, you'll have to wait, he's on Third Base Patrol making sure his other (non paying) customer's daughter doesn't get fingerbanged on his couch by his nephew.
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Lorelai calling Christopher a two pump chump is the only saving grace in this scene.
The next scene is going to be equally wretched. Goody.
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hanzajesthanza · 6 months ago
also i realize i'm saying all these noble and beautiful things about the channel from the purest depths of my heart. but actually i'm also just doing this because i fucking love the witcher books and it pisses me off that people don't know about them that much in english and i can only go for so long (seven years) with people not knowing that there are books. or that the witcher is from the 90s. or polish.
#'whatt i didnt know the witcher was polish. wait where is poland' funky music stops.#like statements that just crush your soul?? my god netflix did a number on the witcher's perception#'so is it based on the video game? the book? there is a book?'#'waaait the second season wasn't accurate to the books? wdym...?'#>knowing the witcher >knowing henry cavill >not knowing who andrzej sapkowski is#when the literal writing is like inseparable from polish and that's why the translation is so hard#when the literal story is like chock full of allegories and references to real life polish history#and it only exists because of a very interesting time in contemporary polish history#like i'm not mad at the PEOPLE who don't know about the witcher i'm mad about how it's been TREATED#with witcher 3's fame at least people who knew the game generally knew a little more maybe#with netflix it's like no one knew anything about the actual witcher and it was really really sad#i do blame the artistic direction but i also blame the marketing and the writing and everything to do with everything#because how are they supposed to know if no one told them. if witcher here has been so separated from what it actually is and is about#like why not just leave witcher alone and get into any other fantasy. there is so much other fantasy out there. witcher is just one of them#yes and that is the plan in 10 years time but#it's not just about reading for personal enjoyment but for what witcher deserves in the english language space now#the witcher series is about suffering but idk if its characters or IT ITSELF has suffered more#zoltan chivay voice 'there IS something like reciprocity after all'#witcher helped me so now i want to help it. i will not abandon you in your time of need !#maybe people know more about the witcher than i think and i've just been incredibly unlucky in my experiences but#people thinking there is only netflix and the third game maybe would be hilarious if it wasn't so fucking sad#IV
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wasitapossum · 2 years ago
Etho being horrible with directions is the funniest thing to me.
This man who’s been praised left and right for all his time on YouTube, who has created new mechanics for the game trillions of people play, who has an entire army of people willing to die for him,
can’t remember the path back to checkout in a convenience store.
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to-be-a-dreamer · 1 year ago
Okay was anyone gonna tell me that in 3rd Life Etho tried to launch a whole entire missile at Cleo and Bdubs' Crastle and failed TWICE or was I supposed to find that out myself after finally biting the bullet and watching a bunch of 3rd Life and Last Life POVs for the first time???
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thirdtimed · 7 months ago
how would one hypothetically go about setting up the final life series installment. how would you break the cycle
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piratingconstellations · 2 years ago
joey batey did not lie JASKIER HOT GIRL SUMMERRRRR
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sorrydetka · 1 year ago
no cuz peter was going to go back… he was going to go back to her and their son…. they were going to be happy…,,… OHHHHH WHEN I CATCH YOU TONY MCNAMARA..
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7grandmel · 11 months ago
Todays rip: 29/03/2024
Semi-Charmed All Star
Season 3 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips Volume A
Ripped by eva twin
Requested by Fezaki! (Request Form)
When I read Fezaki's request for this rip, it came with a pretty simple declaration on his part - that Semi-Charmed All Star may well be the best All Star rip on the entire channel. The comment kind of got me thinking for a while, because All Star is the kind of song that's at once incredibly recognizable yet also sort of old hat for use in memes today. The overly loud meme landscape of the mid-2010s was practically lead by Shrek's iconic door-slamming "SOME-BODY!!", and the song was used quite a fair bit in Season 1 of SiIvaGunner in particular, yet it never quite found the same longevity and fondness as other memes on the channel. Why is that - and how does Semi-Charmed All Star break free from that trend?
In terms of All Star's decline in popularity on SiIva, the simplest reason to point to is, bluntly, that it's at once both very easy to use and very overplayed, already beginning to feel a bit overdone back in 2016. With a steady rhythm and an all-too-common 4/4th time signature, the song is comparatively quite easy to make use of for low-effort mashups - it's no coincidence that, in Mr. Rental [B Side] ~ Out of Options, it was one of these All Star mashups that sent the Mr. Rental character on a rampage to destroy the very concept of mashups themselves. A song like Space Jam sort of occupies a similar space, likely being the absolute most mashed-up-with song in history due to its ease of use and popularity; but funny enough, due to the team's sheer dedication to finding new ways to use it to subvert the otherwise low expectations of the source, it's been wearing that position with honor rather than shame. Rips like Hoopache and Mother, Father, TechnoMan hopefully show what I mean - they go so far above what one would consider needed for a Space Jam rip and have kept the source alive along with its number-one infamy. Sitting comfortably in second place, All Star hasn't really had that luxury - it shows up from time to time, but once the bar of quality went up past Season 1, it felt like it got largely left behind.
And that makes Semi-Charmed All Star all the more interesting. In a sea of other All Star edits off of SiIva, the various ones made during Season 1, and the occasional attempts made in the years since to complicate it the same way as those aforementioned Space Jam rips, it stands at a really great balance. It is indeed an All Star mashup, but unlike most that popularized the trend, its not using the song's memed-up vocals - instead using its instrumental backing, in some ways just as iconic and recognizable, yet far less overplayed in comparison. The song its paired with, Semi-Charmed Life, is one I'm far less familiar with, yet it funny enough has notable history with All Star: The song was repeatedly used by the legendary Neil Cicierega in some of his mashup albums, the first of these, Mouth Sounds, consisting almost entirely of All Star mashups. I'm pretty sure this little nod to mashup history is intentional, as the game Semi-Charmed All Star is featuring - Rock Band - was directly cited by Neil as being the resource that made him interested in doing mashups to begin with. To my understanding, the two songs never actually crossed over on these mashup albums - in that sense, the rip is realizing an idea that was set up four years before its release.
More than that, though, the rip is just executed incredibly well, and a banger on the whole! There's little in the way of surprises to find, though I definitely chuckled at 01:14 when the vocals command a "STOP" only to be met by a sudden out-of-place guitar shred that interrupts itself, as if it just got caught being too loud. There's a real appeal to All Star's instrumental, a chill vibe that I described back in RNR (Rip No Riffs) and is sort of lost in its exaggerated vocal performance, yet one that feels almost more realized here in Semi-Charmed All Star. There's editing to the stems done to make the two songs fit better together, which is a layer of deep nitty-gritty analysis that I don't know if I'm able to discern just by ear (please remember while reading this blog - I'm not a musician!). But given just how naturally the two songs end up fitting together in the end, completely lacking that typical Season 1 roughness you'd perhaps expect from a rip using All Star - I'd say eva twin did a really good job here!! In line with a previous rip of hers I've covered on here, Blessing the Dire, Dire Rains, it at times feel as if Season 3 was aiming to better realize the ideas that Season 1 was setting up, even extending into its year-defining April Fools event as described with Fragile Snowman (Remastered). This is not to say that there weren't any *good* All Star rips in Season 1 either - the first rip linked in this paragraph is from Season 1! It's more that I feel like Semi-Charmed All Star better realizes the potential these rips have to be genuinely - and in a very distinct way - good, without going into full-on absurdist territory as Space Jam rips often does. A perfect balance is struck, althewhile paying tribute to mashup history in a pretty neat way.
Ah, gosh...All Star, what a song, what a bizarre legacy for Smash Mouth to leave behind. But I'm always happy to see it again, especially when done as well as it is here - and it's of course always a pleasure to feature eva twin's incredibly underrated ripping work on the blog. I couldn't find a way to integrate it into the post, but please - Go listen to Sable's Stickerbush sometime today, you won't regret it.
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pixelpaladin24 · 1 month ago
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queencvbra · 5 months ago
not me saying I'm going to be here more and then disappearing again lol
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