Your number one source for daily, high quality, SiIvaGunner history! Home to "Todays SiIvaGunner", a series of daily blogposts covering SiIvaGunner rips, the people behind them, and their place in the channel's 7-year long history. Also home to the best of the fandom's artwork, shitposts, and much more!
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I really like TF2 and I really like the new album
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Rip of the week: 10/03/2025
Eterna's Forest of Dead Memes
Season 3 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume L [Side A]
Ripped by MtH
I've expressed before on here that, in my efforts to keep this blog's output as balanced for all years of SiIvaGunner as possible, Season 3 continues to be one of the hardest to find material to cover. That isn't due to a lack of quality of the year's output – it remains a favorite of mine – but because the year moreso than any other of the channel's run feels comparatively low-key, reflective, and a bit more understated in its efforts than the loudness that came before and after. If Season 1 is the unruly, messy, experimental debut, and Season 2 is the proud, focused work of a team finally on track, then Season 3 is the result of said team settling into a bit of a groove; knowing now what works best for the channel's output, for better or for worse. As covered on my last post on Thanos Boogaloo, it was with Season 4 that a deliberate call was made to steer the channel back to its early-day chaos; that return that was one only deemed necessary due to the routine that Season 3 had settled the channel into. Ironically, though, after so many following Seasons of endless surprise, the quiet comfort found within Season 3 has made it incredibly distinct in hindsight, with rips like Eterna's Forest of Dead Memes continuing to stick with me as a reminder of just how pleasant of a time it all was.
Much of my focus on Season 3 before on this blog has been concerning what's arguably its most notable event, one that only reinforces my perception of the year as a whole; the Nostalgia Critic takeover. Alongside being a fun throwback to game reviewers of yore and Season 2's legendary Inspector Gadget takeover discussed back on Tribute to a MAD Agent, it served as a great excuse for the team to reminisce on what the channel was like back on Season 1 in a more quiet, nostalgic way; reuploading a solid amount of early-life rips previously lost to copyright or channel deletions, or making rips in direct tribute and reference to old classics such as CG Man HD Remastered Edition. Indeed, lots of the year's most clearly-spelled-out reflectiveness happened here at this event, yet it was nevertheless something that could be felt more subtly throughout; be it with rips like the holiday seasons' Trail on Powdery Snow Halation reflecting on the channel's own history more holistically, or through the King for a Day Tournament's winner – Unregistered Hypercam 2 – being the embodiment of nostalgia for a long-gone age of the internet with rips like How 2 Do Anything. You could pretty easily argue that the King for a Day Tournament in of itself works as well as it does due to its air of reflective-ness, compelling viewers to weaponize their attachment and memories to each of its contestants through the act of voting. It is perhaps no surprise that the black sheep of the tournament – its designated "joke character" – is the man who'd been mocked in such recent memory to where his inclusion felt more like relevant satire than as a contestant in the game.
While the King for a Day Tournament was a battle for affection betwixt icons of internet love, and while the Nostalgia Critic takeover was musing on the legacy of the SiIvaGunner channel itself and its continued relevance into the future, Eterna's Forest of Dead Memes reflects the other side of the coin; the side otherwise left forgotten by time. It's debatable whether or not an internet meme can ever truly die; as covered back on Waluigi Pinball (Beta Mix), and as you've likely seen all around you, memes are never truly exempt from undergoing their own cycles of rebirth and reinvention, able to embody a nostalgic, simpler time or able to be twisted into something downright postmodern through contorting and twisting what we'd once thought to be known. Today, we're well aware of the idea of ironic shitposting, of enjoying memes through so many layers of irony that we can't even tell if it's ironic or has looped back around to being genuine; with Eterna's Forest of Dead Memes, however, not a shred of irony or shame feels present. Having now served as lead manager of the channel for more years than not at this point, I've often felt a certain amount of weight to many of MtH's rips – it may well just be a personal bias coming from my immense enjoyment of 【=3】e-MUNO Disco (vs. 音MAD AGENT), but lots of her rips feel as if they could be considered genuine trailblazers for what other rippers would later continue with; along that train of thought, Eterna's Forest of Dead Memes was the first time I can personally remember seeing a collection of such definitively "uncool" and "cringe" memes being remembered with such unironic fondness.
A big part of that feeling is, of course, through the rip's use of Eterna Forest from the Sinnoh Pokémon Games. I've written about the games' usage on rips before on Ripping Video Game Music......At Night (2020 Edition) and Rearranging Furniture in the Underground Secret Base, wherein I mostly describe the evident appeal of its distinct instrumentation and composition – yet there's a very different aspect to Sinnoh's music that Eterna's Forest of Dead Memes leverages. Of all Pokémon games, Diamond and Pearl place a lot of weight upon spirituality and religion, upon reflection and acknowledgement of concepts such as life and death – a wee bit much for the game to perhaps properly discuss, yet an overarching feeling and atmosphere that permeates all throughout the game. The Eterna Forest theme is one that plays both in the haunted, uneasy forest its named therafter and in the Lost Tower resting grounds, yet despite the prominence of death and melancholy to both locations their music is able to feel bittersweet, and at times even cheerful. There isn't a clash between the context and the music; rather, Eterna Forest sounds reflective of the region it's part of, one that has long since understood and come to terms with the sadness pertinent to life, and chooses to smile and laugh over the time's had rather than wallow over it all being gone.
It is, perhaps, a bit too grim of a topic to be brought up when discussing a video about Despacito, My Name Jeff and the Crash Bandicoot WOAH, but I hope that all the context I've laid out here has made the appeal of Eterna's Forest of Dead Memes apparent. Rather than view memes of years past as cringeworthy and worth burying, the rip refocuses our attention toward them without a shred of irony; more than that, presents them in a genuinely well-made rip that plays to the tune of a lovely ballad held in their memory. To be clear, the concept of playing sad music over dead memes would not work nearly as well as it does if MtH didn't apply her typical ripping expertise to the project, the kind that she's continued to provide for almost 9 years to date as one of the team's most focused rippers; someone always with her finger on the pulse of what SiIvaGunner means to its viewers. For instance, the rip opens using the aforementioned Crash Bandicoot woah meme, which was so often remembered merely for the loud zaniness that concludes the clip; on Eterna's Forest of Dead Memes, meanwhile, the clip's more subdued opening, the woahs that bubble in lowercase, are used in an echoing way to mirror the enchanting beginning of the original song. If there's one thing dead memes are often called, it's "obnoxious"; this opening, then, puts what's perhaps the face of a dead meme's best foot forward and lets it all simmer for 40 whole seconds before the source track's chorus. It works with the structure of Eterna Forest with fantastic synergy – letting it all brew and sit with the listener until a burst of glee lets all those feelings spill out, and on here, giving the listener plenty of time to adjust to hearing such ancient tongues before accepting it and welcoming the burst of old by the chorus.
It's certainly true that the Crash Bandicoot joke takes up a majority of the rip's focus, and it is in that sense pretty analogous to the Season 6 rip Corridors of Vine that I covered over a year ago. Back then, I wrote much a similar thesis as to here, discussing the value and ways in which we view dead memes; in many ways, you could say that Corridors of Vine acts as this rip's spiritual successor. Yet for as inconsequential of a development as it is in the grand scheme of things, I think it is interesting to trace the history that connect these two rips; that by the time Corridors of Vine released, there had been a pretty noticeable uptick in rippers leveraging the dead and buried jokes of yore to produce genuinely enjoyable listens. Think of something like Logan Paul's Shop from the same season, a rip that is well aware of the notoriety behind its main source, yet is one of the most dynamic and fun listens on the channel of the whole year without so much as a shred of irony – then compare that to the utmost chaos that surrounded Season 4 Episode 1's "Cool Meme Team" per the King for Another Day Tournament, a gag specifically poking fun at the very idea of continuing to use memes past their expiration date, made even well after Eterna's Forest of Dead Memes' release in Season 3. I mentioned it near the start of the post, but its worth repeating; Waluigi Pinball (Beta Mix) was, in a sense, a rip playing with the idea that SiIvaGunner's very own headlining joke of four years was growing tired, uninteresting and obnoxiously overdone. Fast-forward to the current year, to the beginning of Season 9, and our supreme overlord Stingy's reign came fit with a plethora of "outdated" memes leveraged to shockingly subdued fanfare. Through years of utilization, they no longer feel like the walking dead; they are but part of the internet's history, memories worth cherishing despite their unfortunate ends.
I'm not necessarily arguing that Eterna's Forest of Dead Memes was the release that changed everything, or that SiIvaGunner itself is even really unique in having grown to gradually hold more fondness of the dead memes of the past. Yet it feels, in a sense, like a trailblazer; like one of the first instances I can think of wherein the "cringe" of the past isn't presented as something to mock, but as something to cherish and remember well. SiIvaGunner itself came into being at one of the internet's most toxic states by the beginning of 2016, and today it exists through a team of unbelievable diversity, fueled by sincere joy and passion for everything they do, irony leveraged almost exclusively in good faith or toward causes that would warrant it far more. It would be hard to argue that the internet in totality has improved over the years, and both SiIvaGunner and this specific niche of meme culture is such a minute part of the bigger conversation; yet with Corridors of Vine, with SING A SONG ABOUT HOPES AND DREAMS, with Super Ludacris JB World, and indeed with Eterna's Forest of Dead Memes, it feels as if we've all gotten just a slight bit better at appreciating the lives we all lead online.
#todays siivagunner#season 3#siivagunner#siiva#MtH#pokemon#pokemon music#pokemon sinnoh#sinnoh#pokemon gen 4#pokemon diamond and pearl#pokemon dppt#Youtube
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I'm in a bit of a rush atm, so I'm going to write an incredibly quick update for those wondering where I've been and where the posts are:
The post for 10/03/2025 is currently halfway finished and will be up before the end of the week. The post for 17/03/2025 is in the planning stages and next week's post (24/03/2025) will inevitably run late as a result.
This is because I've been undergoing a wee bit of exhaustion as of late. Nothing pertaining to the blog; moreso that I've just recently gotten employed and am trying to re-focus my day-to-day life to give myself more room to recover after work
I'm still as passionate about SiIvaGunner as ever – it's just been about letting my brain get back into gear of writing things without it feeling like an exhaustive effort
I love this blog as much as I always have and I believe my output through 2025 has been some of the best I've ever written; and I want to continue writing it for as long as I can!
Thank you so much for being patient and for reading and submitting to the blog.
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stingy, stingy, stingy, go, go!
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Joke-Explainer™ 7000 (16 - 06 - 24)
Welcome to SiIvaGunner, I´m the Joke-Explainer™ 7000 and I'm here to be your guide!!
Fan Art I did for the 2024 SiIvaGunner Art Gallery
@GiIvaSunner Thanks for the opportunity!!!! :>
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Rips of the week: 03/03/2025
Thanos Boogaloo and Thanos Boogaloo Baby
Season 4 Episode 1 No Album Release (Read More) Bamboo Boogaloo II (Bamboo Creek) - The Messenger
Ripped by Chango
Season Mine No Album Release (Read More) Bamboo Boogaloo (Bamboo Creek) - The Messenger
Ripped by Myeauxyoozi
As was the case with the end of Season 7, SiIvaGunner kicked 2025 off through an explosive appearance at MAGFest; the music-and-game convention which annually marks some of the most prominent public appearances of the real-world SiIvaGunner team. I've written about this back on MAGFest 2019: SiIvaGunner Presents - High Quality Ripping, but getting to see behind the curtains for just a moment on these panels, vlogs, photoshoots and more is indescribably exciting every year. But panels aside, what I've now been looking forward to seeing most is Chipspace – where individual rippers hold their own sets to showcase their ripping prowess. As someone who's always followed SiIvaGunner as an outsider-looking-in, not knowing any of the rippers in person and only knowing a handful online, it's an unbelievably fun experience to see which kinds of personalities are attached to their rips, to see the passion that a rip often conveys be expressed firsthand through a standout performance. There were tons of fantastic sets this year, and I highly recommend watching the official compilation of them all over on SiIvaGunner2; but today, before I lose my mind thinking about it in isolation any further, I need to talk about legendary ripper Myeauxyoozi's set and the live premiere of Thanos Boogaloo Baby.
And yeah, you read that right; amidst incredible performances of classic rips, along the lines of vvsvlogs' performance of Mother, Father, TechnoMan last year, multiple of these sets also premiere all-new rips to their audience to really keep them on their toes. While lots of these new drops are just genuinely excellent rips, the ones that I always remember well after the fact are the ones that take advantage of their surprise factor to catch the audience off guard. One of my favorite examples is Heboyi's performance of Industry Baby Slander, which is a "slander" rip along the lines of Blookerstein's INDUSTRY KNIGHT (Beta Mix), but which had its visuals unexpectedly substituted for a version specifically poking fun at various MAGFest topics. This surprise factor has continued into this year (seriously, PLEASE check out JoeBro's set, it felt like a fever dream the entire way through) and just reinforced the age-old SiIvaGunner philosophy; even when you think you've seen through all of its tricks, you can NEVER truly predict what it's going to do next. And to truly get to the bottom of the incident this post is about, we'll need to take a few steps back and get to the core of that adage, to the day wherein it perhaps applied most; Season 4 Episode 1's Not Funny Didn't Laugh Day.
For what would become his last year of running the SiIvaGunner channel, Chaze the Chat sought to make Season 4 Episode 1 the most unpredictable season in the channel's run. The goal was to replicate the sense of reckless abandon that had helped define the channel back in Season 1, the chaos that had brought us rips like Battle Theme - Zeno Blade Chronicle X, Live and Ooooooooooooooh, Can't Say Goodbye to Yesterday and many more. It's arguable how well the year ultimately succeeded at its goal – it was always going to be fighting an uphill battle given that the novelty present at the channel's debut was entirely gone, and it would ultimately see a shift in priorities with the exponential growth in scope of the King for Another Day Tournament. Yet for but a day, it felt as if the team had hit the nail right on the head; on the 10th of September, 2019, the focus was almost squarely on making rips as incomprehensible - and, by proxy - fucking stupid as possible. I think Sex - Steve Harvey should give off exactly the kind of vibe I'm describing, yet buried amidst the loud, absurd, barely-coherent postings, sat one video that stuck with me for far longer than I believe should be reasonable: Thanos Boogaloo.
Not because it stands out as meaningful or profound in contrast, to be clear; Thanos Boogaloo is just as brain-rottingly stupid as the rest of what the day had to offer, but was so in a way completely unique to it. The rip's audio is completely unedited – it is literally just playing The Messenger's Bamboo Boogaloo II (Bamboo Creek) as advertised – yet, only a few seconds in, the music is paired with an...interesting gif of hit Marvel villain Thanos busting it down. I recognize that there may well be a newer generation of terminally-online people unaware of just why Thanos in particular was used for this rip, so let me clarify; Thanos, years before Hatsune Miku, Peter Griffin, or Son Goku, was THE first proper collaboration to be put in Fortnite, with an item allowing players to outright transform into him for a limited time all the way back in 2018. Even as someone who had never played Fortnite and has no investment in the MCU, the energy around his addition was absolutely mind-melting; people were left and right laughing their asses of at the imagery of the cold, ruthless titan of a man that Thanos is busting it down through the exact same model-rigging as the cartoonishly exaggerated main player models; the very phrase "THANOS FORTNITE" became a shorthand for absolute absurdity, a catchphrase for brainrot, and mere days after his addition the online posting world would be forever changed by the legendary video Thanos dance. It felt, for a moment, to someone more terminally online than terminally in-theatres, as if Thanos himself eclipsed the MCU in popularity; a new shitpost based either on his appearance in the films or him busting-it-down in Fortnite appearing every hour of the day.
Somewhere along the line, as the guy was continuing to melt the collective minds of the terminally online, we'd see the creation of an absolutely stellar, top-tier image, of the man standing proud with his massive meat hanging out. By the time this image released, Thanos' surge of popularity had already resulted in him appearing in the original SiIvaGunner King for a Day Tournament – the Season 3 one, covered back on How 2 Do Anything – yet as soon as word got out on how well-endowed he allegedly was, his return to the second contest came with an immediate redesign themed around his supposed salaciousness. It was the kind of joke that just kept building, one SiIvaGunner itself didn't even had to escalate themselves for the rest of the internet to instead keep building on top off; and, though his reign had very much subsided by the time Thanos Boogaloo came around, his popularity was still nevertheless fresh in everyone's mind. When the visuals kicked in, and I was made to see an absolutely iconic, low-resolution, low-runtime gif of the guy grooving to the tunes and throwing his ass back in excitement; it was a kind of joy that I don't know how to justify to you whatsoever. Keep in mind, the King for Another Day Tournament still had not happened yet at this point, this event was not themed around it or around Thanos whatsoever; and yet here he was, in a rip otherwise completely unedited, edited and played around with in a fucking hilarious fashion basically just to make a point about Bamboo Boogaloo II from The Messenger slapping so hard that even Thanos couldn't resist throwing it back to it. Certainly, it was far from the first rip with completely unexpected, attention-grabbing visuals – THIS RIP WAS MADE BY TEETH GANG haunts me to this day – yet the combination of the character utilized and the rip's unedited audio managed to make it stick out in my mind even all these years later, a testament to how much of a non-sequitur that the SiIva team are still able to make so bizarrely funny.
What I'm getting at with all this, with Not Funny Didn't Laugh Day, with Season 4 Episode 1, with Thanos, with Fortnite – is that that fucking gif of Thanos busting it down sexual style has been stuck in my brain far past the point where Thanos shitposting stopped being a hip and cool thing. Not Funny Didn't Laugh Day came and went, the King for Another Day Tournament would overshadow most of the rest of the year's events through insanely high-quality arrangements like Sunday Morning, and though rips like Sex - Steve Harvey and other absurdist Season 4 Episode 1 masterpieces like Snowball Park - Super Mario 3D World would continue to be referenced later into the channel's life, I rightfully presumed that my obsession with Thanos Boogaloo – a rip lacking entirely in audio material to even reference in so much as a leitmotif – would remain unfruitful, remain as naught but a quirky rip only I quite remembered so strongly. It isn't that I wasn't at peace with that, there's barely any rip to even reference with Thanos Boogaloo and it was moreso a rip that had wormed its way into my brain than one I had immense emotional attachment to...but, yes, by now, you've likely already pieced together the punchline. Six years after the fact, in front of a live audience in person and later on YouTube, Myeauxyoozi – a ripper who wasn't even active when Thanos was all the rage – put an absolutely gigantic smile on my face through his performance of a rip I never expected to see; Thanos Boogaloo Baby.
If you haven't seen this portion of the set yet by this point in reading, I emplore you, sincerely, PLEASE stop reading this post and go watch Myeauxyoozi's Chipspace set; I've timestamped the relevant portion here, but I encourage watching it in its entirety for the full experience. Having covered Myeauxyoozi on here multiple times beforehand for his comedic excellence on rips like Among Drip Drop Galaxy and Shaky Mountain, I can't exactly say that I WASN'T expecting the guy himself to be as charismatic and lively on stage as he wound up being. Nevertheless (and as you'll find me say in the YouTube Premiere chat), it needs to be said; Myeauxyoozi's white boy swag, even before the moment where my life was irreparably changed forever, is simply off the fucking charts. But then, of course, the moment starts its approach. A familiar chiptune-y soundscape fades into view, as our ripper grabs the microphone to make an important notice; that, due to the after-show nature of his set, the visuals he would've otherwise planned for the segment wouldn't be available – the visuals, of course, being "Thanos Dancing on screen". Did my ears deceive me? I thought for but a moment, before being met with another unbelievable follow-up to the disclaimer; to compensate for the lack of Dancing Thanos visuals, Myeauxyoozi boldly proclaimed that he would "do his best to do the same thing". I could never have been prepared for what would come next.
Look, alright, look. I know this is fucking stupid, I KNOW that I'm losing you at this point. I'm usually on here hyping up the excellence in ripper intent, in the emotional core, passion, the beating hearts found on rips like i love(d) you, Poké Village, Jesus of the Underground, Outertale; but I need you to understand just how fucking ingrained into my mind this period of Thanosposting, this first taste of widespread Fortnite-induced brainrot, and, most of all, that FUCKING gif of Thanos throwing it back all was. It felt like all the puzzle pieces were coming into place, years and minutes of foreshadowing at once paying off; Myeauxyoozi's indescribable white boy swag put to use to make the most pitch-perfect, point-for-point recreation of the Thanos dancing gif I could have ever imagined. It was immediately distracting me from the actual quality of Thanos Boogaloo Baby – which, to be clear, is a fucking excellent rip, an incredibly inspired mashup to finally give Bamboo Boogaloo II the rip treatment it deserved – to see this virus of my mind played out on screen in vivid, shot-for-shot detail. I PROMISE I was not alone in this shock; in the moment it all occurred, the entire chat lit up in flames in sheer amazement, the Discord pinging the man multiple times to ask just how the fuck he did that so perfectly. His response, word for word: "You study the gif you become the gif"
And again, I really want to reiterate that this should all not be explained whilst ignoring just how fucking good and funny of a rip Thanos Boogaloo Baby itself already is. Paying tribute to something otherwise so forgotten by the tides of the wider internet collective and seemingly SiIvaGunner itself felt like a complete left turn, and yet its return is, as was taught well beforehand with rips like Shiny Smily TALE and Violet Snow Memories, merely another part of the SiIvaGunner ethos – that NOTHING on SiIvaGunner is truly forgotten. The rip itself is just one of many many examples of Myeuxyoozi proving his ability to find the perfect balance between laughter and listenability, a jam similarly absurd in concept but fantastic in execution to Moriah Carey...but god, man, the live premiere, the PERFORMANCE, sold it all so many levels above what I could've possibly imagined. Myeauxyoozi's jamming continued all throughout the rip's length on the set, which was only highlighted by perhaps the funniest part of it all; the MAGFest staff which was helping maintain the after-show sets and its looping stock visuals found the affair so funny as to take it on themselves (unprompted) to bring up the original Thanos dancing gif live as the performance was happening. To the complete shock of all in the crowd, the student got to be reunited with his master – and for a moment, the entire world appeared so perfect, so beautiful. hindsight, this may well be the most overly long, stupid post I've yet written about a channel that I've already spilled far too much ink over. Yet to me, this moment – a punchline and payoff built across two entirely separate people, two entirely separate events, with five years of distance between them and only vaguely attached to a Fortnite-induced mind virus of 2018 – felt special in such an absurd way that only SiIvaGunner's manic team members ever could have done. Thanos could've reared his head back in focus in any sort of way (and I'm sure he already has, somewhere in the channel), and yet his return was done through using specifically Thanos Boogaloo as a base, through being live-premiered to an audience of unsuspecting victims, and by a man who might actually be the funniest person on the entire SiIvaGunner team putting on an absolutely award-winning performance. The stars, for just a fleeting moment, were all aligned; and it coalesced through one Myeauxyoozi shaking his ass to a demented audience overjoyed to see it all unfold before them.
#todays siivagunner#season 4 episode 1#season mine#siivagunner#siiva#rip bundle#rip visuals#chango#myeauxyoozi#the messenger#thanos#magfest#fortnite#Youtube
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Rip of the week: 24/02/2025
Lucid Dreams ~ The Bitter Shadows In My Room
Season 4 Episode 2 No Album Release (Read More) Recollection ~ The Bitter Taste of Truth - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Trials and Tribulations
Ripped by adumb
Requested by crickqt! (Tumblr Form)
Quite a while ago, I was requested to cover a rip of any kind using Juice WRLD's Lucid Dreams; a source that has been stealthily used decently often despite me not finding out about said prominence until years after its introduction. I've made it no secret on here beforehand, be it on Riki Ricch or Sweatpants Select, that I have a general unfamiliarity with the rap scene and its music – unsurprisingly, then, it was through discovering its usage in rips that I was first made aware of both Juice WRLD and Lucid Dreams. And despite being quite late to the party to celebrate its uptick in use, the song's utilization has now become an understated favorite of mine on the channel and one that I believe Lucid Dreams ~ The Bitter Shadows In My Room uses to excellent effect.
First, though, I feel it needs to be established just why Lucid Dreams' use on SiIva consistently has a sense of...respect, carried with it. The song is already a notably vulnerable, open song wherein Juice dissects his conflicted feelings after having undergone a breakup, and the sentimental feel the song conveys has only been emphasized through the rapper's unfortunate passing in late 2019. Like with Lil Peep covered back on Shopping on Star Road, the usage of his music in rips is one that feels done in large part to pay tribute to how much Lucid Dreams (and the rest of his music, of course) affected them, to properly convey just how much he ultimately meant for the independent rap scene. A scene that, I remind, I have far too little knowledge to really be making such claims about; writing about rips of this nature immediately becomes a lot more difficult knowing that I'm effectively enjoying these rips as, well, a tourist, to the genre they're from. Not only have I arrived far too late to properly appreciate Juice WRLD's contributions in his time, but I remain an outsider to the scene that his music has most closely touched. Nevertheless, though, I view that unfamiliarity as much as a weakness as I do a strength; due to said unfamiliarity with the genre, I've been able to be surprised many times over through its utilization on SiIvaGunner, and am in turn given the chance for an emotional connection to the music that I otherwise wouldn't have. Chance's Return to Dreamland, Door into a Hundred Summers and many more now inspire emotion and nostalgia in me, nostalgia both for SiIvaGunner itself, but just as much for songs I would've otherwise never stumbled onto.
It is with similar feelings, then, that I continue to approach Lucid Dreams all these years later. The source rings, quite obviously, as more recent in my mind than the aforementioned Season 1 favorites, yet I've nevertheless grown very attached to it in large part through the journey I had uncovering its usage on the channel for myself. I didn't touch upon it back when writing about Beautiful Dreamer, but the Touhou song Lucid Dreamer's frequent appearances on SiIva was hugely sparked by ChickenSuitGuy making the obvious connection in title between it and Lucid Dreams, combining the two in the excellent rip simply titled Lucid Dreamer. From there, rips using Lucid Dreams and rips using Lucid Dreamer would begin referencing one another as an ongoing running gag, featuring snippets of one another as either a main focus or secret little easter egg, being done consistently yet without ever feeling overdone or played out. This gradual, understated iteration on the song's usage is just one of those many fun little wrinkles that make the SiIvaGunner channel so fun to follow thoroughly, one along the lines of what I described back on go home youre drunk man, a background gag that continues to grow only in service to those who have followed its progression. Moreover, though, it was hearing Lucid Dreams continue to show up in rips I'd otherwise just clicked on for their usage of the Touhou song (its quality being something I DID cover on Beautiful Dreamer) that gradually endeared me to the source despite my complete lack of familiarity with Juice WRLD's legacy. Even without basic knowledge of the scene he'd most closely affected, the joke of Lucid Dreamer = Lucid Dreams was easy enough to understand to where I was able to still follow along; and soon enough, taking part in that joke made the latter song just as meaningful to me as the former had already been.
That establishing connection, that emotional tie to music you'd never otherwise have a reason to be attached to, is a huge part of the magic of SiIvaGunner for me; the stuff I've already made a huge point on before on posts like Bowser's Finale and everything surrounding The Reboot. I had no prior knowledge of Lucid Dreams before the channel introduced me to it, the same way I had no prior knowledge of Snow Halation, Goodbye to a World, The Nutshack, YANKIN', and so many others; yet through their utilization on SiIvaGunner, and through the narratives big or small that said usage held, I and those who follow the channel have formed an understanding of the meaning and emotions that these song convey; tricked into having attachment to melodies through their Trojan Horse-application onto lovable video game music.
That, then, finally brings us to Lucid Dreams ~ The Bitter Shadows In My Room, which puts all of these pieces together into a wonderful, cohesive whole. Because really; few franchises have music that's so consistently endearing, pleasant and emotional as the Ace Attorney franchise; its previously been covered on here through Neo Castelia, Brothers ~ The finale is afoot! and Week 4 ~ Wanting to Funk the Truth, and with the latter two examples I made a pretty clear point of highlighting just how prominent the rippers' love for the game franchise and its music could be felt through the rip. Ace Attorney is able to effortlessly tie its music not just to its individual characters, but also to individual games, to where a rip like the latter-most mentioned one felt like a big effort of love from its ripper made specifically toward Ace Attorney Investigations 2: Prosecutor's Gambit and the impact that game had on them. The cat may well be out of the bag already at this point; Week 4 ~ Wanting to Funk the Truth and Lucid Dreams ~ The Bitter Shadows In My Room indeed both share a ripper, adumb, whose love of Ace Attorney can be felt throughout both rips; and on today's feature, you see that love extend toward Juice WRLD's music to boot.
Indeed, as was pointed out in the rip's own comment sections, Lucid Dreams ~ The Bitter Shadows In My Room feels very deliberate and thought through when considering the character its theme is attached to. The third entry in the Ace Attorney series, Trials and Tribulations, endeared many a fan to the all-new character Godot, a mysterious, romantic yet conflicted soul living with the burden of a lost love hanging over him throughout the game; similarly, Lucid Dreams itself is, as previously described, a vulnerable piece about Juice reminiscing about his conflicted feelings over an unfortunate breakup. The rip, then, arranges the instrumentation of its source game, utilizes the thematic ties of the source track's character, and evokes the melancholic, bittersweet sound of Lucid Dreams, to form a remarkably cohesive whole; pulling from multiple sources of emotional investment at once althewhile making for a wonderful listen. There's a certain sound that's quite unique to Trials and Tribulations in particular for the franchise, one led by a more typical "chiptune" lead than the rest of the series' soundscape, which contrasts beautifully with the acoustic guitar and shamisen plucks in the background, the sound of a past in conflict with the present.
I realize myself that this is, perhaps, a whole lot of hot air to pump into an arrangement that mainly just succeeds in its simplicity. Without Juice's vocals, without the intensely bass-y beat of the original song, and without the two songs featured even being in the same BPM, Lucid Dreams ~ The Bitter Shadows In My Room boils the appeal of both its sources to the barest essentials; an air of melancholy and quiet reflection. The rip wasn't part of any sort of greater event paying tribute to Juice or the Ace Attorney franchise, yet nevertheless evokes emotion just from one's attachment to both; the slower rearranging to fit Recollection ~ The Bitter Taste of Truth's tempo giving Lucid Dreams an entirely different texture whilst still being immediately recognizable as soon as the melody kicks in. Like with a prior piece of adumb's arranging work, Margaret Faces Herself, it's a remarkable rip that's hugely elevated through my emotional attachment to the works featured.
Ultimately, I suppose this post has been far more nebulously about Lucid Dreams and my relation to it than about Lucid Dreams ~ The Bitter Shadows In My Room in particular; but I only focus so much on that context because it helps elevate the rip so many degrees further. Juice's legacy is one that I'll never be able to wholly comprehend the weight of – yet through my investment in SiIvaGunner, through the attachment one can feel through the work made by its rippers, and through my own attachment to Ace Attorney and so many more of the games ripped, I'm able to have a strong emotional response to hearing that same melody despite having such a hugely different context. It's thanks to SiIvaGunner's box-of-chocolates design, paired with the passion that goes into every one of those metaphorical chocolates, that so many of us have gained newfound love to music we'd never otherwise have heard of; reinvigorating interest for the old whilst creating a wholly new kind of emotional bond in the present. The mixing of new into the old, like the soundscape of synths and plucks that define the sound of Recollection ~ The Bitter Taste of Truth itself, like the blending of pure espresso with milk and sugar to introduce the beauty of coffee to a less-savvy, latte-favoring audience.
Coincidence or not, Lucid Dreams ~ The Bitter Shadows In My Room all just comes together nicely; the perfect reminder of the power the SiIvaGunner still holds.
#todays siivagunner#season 4 episode 2#siivagunner#siiva#adumb#Youtube#ace attorney#juice wrld#lucid dreams#phoenix wright ace attorney#rap music#hip hop#soundcloud
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ok man just put the fries in the bag
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Twelve by Twelve Fusion Collab
Here's the art I made for SiIvaGunner's Twelve byt Twelve Fusion Collab.
Laivan Ferroo in Pokémon RSE
Albion Shukra in Pizza Tower
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just wanted to doodle my grand dad who does the silly songs
mario madness grand dad left and down pose my beloved
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Rip of the week: 17/02/2025
Rosalina in the Hummer
Season 6 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume L Again [Side B]
Ripped by Pan
...okay, is - is Stingy gone? I know it's HIS blog now, but-- I think he's distracted-- okay okay, I'll make this quick and post it while he's not looking--
Do you know how fucking hard it's been, keeping myself from writing this post every single week since finding this rip? How difficult it is to look through suggestions, ideas and topics more worth exploring on the blog, only to have the fucking Family Guy Hummers Guy YTPMV rip keep popping up in your head like a virus, like a piece of gum stuck under your shoe? I HAD to cave in eventually - not since Going Somewhere Jerma? has a YTPMV wormed its way into my mind so thoroughly as to occupy real valuable brain space throughout my day-to-day life. Rosalina in the Hummer is the rip I never knew I wanted, and today I'm sharing that plague with you all as well.
Funny enough, despite my adoration for both Super Mario Galaxy and Season 6 of SiIvaGunner itself, I'd missed out on both this rip and most of the event it was part of. Family Guy day is the kind of event that felt inevitable for the channel to eventually do - for as much of a mixed bag as the show is on the whole, its spontaneous randomness and commitment to its bits has made it an enduring darling of online shitposting, random clips of the show blowing up online for weeks at a time at completely random intervals. And as with most YTPMV sources – hhgregg on Everything Circus, Epic Rap Battles of History on Mr. PACs ~ Obamjo-Roomnie, etc. – all it takes for YTPMVers to go wild is for one of these viral clips to have audio distinct and funny enough to be worth tinkering with for a source to become everlasting. Indeed, lots of Family Guy Funny Moments have come and gone in online posting, yet it's never quite been to to the long-lasting extent of SpongeBob-posting discussed back on Watching SpongeBob and Kirby Super Star - that is, of course, with the key exception of the Hummers Guy.
Look, like - I won't try to overexplain the joke, or detail its history, or any sort of pretentious jargon on that level. It's a really stupid cutaway gag but with a pace and performance that carries it from mundane to fucking hysterical, with probably the most perfectly delivered expletive you'll ever hear in your life. It was RIPE for shitposts and edits, and from when the joke first blew up to today, it's been one of my favorite things to see what people do with. Suffice to say that even two years after its first upload, my first time listening to Rosalina in the Hummer gave me a genuine burst-out-loud-laughing reaction, having completely forgotten that the source was one that the SiIvaGunner team had full ability to leverage and had here done so to absolutely perfect effect. It helps, of course, that any Super Mario Galaxy song such as Rosalina in the Observatory is automatically one I'm drawn toward, the game's soundtrack being nostalgic beyond words to me and having already drawn me in to all-time favorite rips like Loopdeloop Griddy and Among Drip Drop Galaxy.
In one sense, Rosalina in the Hummer sort of completes the trinity along with those two aforementioned rips, being rips that contrast Mario Galaxy's sentimental, whimsical soundscape with sources that you could best describe as "stupid". And yet Rosalina in the Hummer feels like so much more than just a really silly idea executed well, because it IS a lot more than just the initial gutpunch bit, in truth being fairly comparable to the aforementioned Watching SpongeBob and Kirby Super Star in pulling audio from multiple different parts of the show. Regardless, it does need to be mentioned that that initial bit IS executed fucking magically; I adore how it uses the hummer guy's "HAH-HAH"s as a backing instrumental, how it pitch shifts and spaces out every individual word of the cutaway to form the melody, and how the amount of syllables spoken by the guy somehow match perfectly with the length of the main melodic phrase featured in Rosalina in the Observatory. It's the kind of thing I could rewind and relisten to endlessly, just admiring how satisfyingly it all fits together – which, honestly, is similar to the feelings I first had when listening to Rainbow Baroad, the only prior rip by ripper Pan I've covered on here.
While Rainbow Baroad knew exactly what its joke was and stuck to it, though, Rosalina in the Hummer is elevated for the reason I alluded to earlier - its ability to go above and beyond. It's not a double-bait-and-switch twist the same way something like Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be My Girl is, but rather employs further sources to match the source track's different segments; for the calmer interlude after the initial melody, you get the classic It's A Wonderful Day For Pie from the ever-memorable Disney spoof episode Road to the Multiverse, which you really don't see employed that much in edits yet fits this more lowkey segment like a glove - later on, it bounces back to the more comedic bend with samples of Peter's iconic giggle taken from the Four Peters cutaway from early on in the show. I mentioned earlier that a huge part of my love for the rip conceptually is just the contrast in tone between Rosalina in the Observatory and the crass Family Guy cutaway used as its main joke, a contrast akin to that heard on rips like My Dr. Eggman Can't Be This Evil! - but what elevates Rosalina in the Hummer into all-time classic territory is that its able to jump between being hilariously contrasting and beautifully harmonious from section to section. The hilarious Hummer Guy section is always what I'll REMEMBER from the rip, the strikingly perfect execution of one of my all-time favorite jokes, and yet the rip rounds itself out wonderfully through employing sections that harmonize the joke with the source track before jumping right back to the absurdity.
Its hard for me NOT to get attached to Mario Galaxy rips per my aforementioned nostalgia for the game – I was a Wii kid, it's the very same reason why Super Paper Mario keeps showing up here with rips like The Ultimate Whip and Nae Nae – but I hope I've been able to convey just why Rosalina in the Hummer is something special even setting aside my rose-tinted glasses. Pan's made genuine gold here, and its these kinds of rips that make me keenly aware of rippers' individual prowess, that make me curious to dig further into their backlog to discover even more gems I might've missed - to find even more rips that are so fucking funny that they make me want to merge without looking.
#todays siivagunner#season 6#siivagunner#siiva#Pan#super mario galaxy#mario galaxy#super mario#family guy#rosalina#ytpmv
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Im pregnant and its mine #illhavewhatimhaving
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birthday doodls foar circunflexo
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woodman makes an ep.png
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