#theyre both just cops man
mrtequilasunset · 1 year
I think people will use Harry's death count when comparing him to Jean as a way to like. Make him seem like a worse person than Jean? I guess? But they're forgetting that a kill count of three is considered super low for precinct 41 meaning it's unlikely that Jean's is any lower. So. Yknow?
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bacchuschucklefuck · 4 months
riz gukgak is SO distressing to have as a favourite character I can never funckign rest out here
#not art#smthing abt his character being motivated so equally by truth and fear#and he keeps looking for an institution that'd both help him seek the truth and assuage his fears#with him first being a PI bc his mom was a cop and then a junior agent with blessings from his dad#and hes like on that precipice of realising that its not just the people in the seats its the concept of it from the ground up thats fucked#so hes inclined towards conspiracy thoughts and an end-justifies-the-means pattern of action#like. man. hes just so fucking filled with anxiety. he guards the things that make him happy with ferocity#and the thing is! the world encourages this! every time hes paranoid he turns out to be right#that paranoia that already came from having very little control over a world thats unkind to you#honestly all the bad kids were prime radicalization/cult materials in freshman year but I feel like riz is even More so#theyre so fucking lucky they ended up together like that. there are so many things you can promise a kid#who already had plenty of things taken from and kept from him. a kid with an overworked mom and a missing babysitter#if riz didnt run into the bad kids it would be childs play to isolate him. gods. head in hands I cannot fuckign be here dude#this is why the ''small'' comic I tried to sketch ballooned up to almost 30 panels lmao needed to stuff someof this somewhere#but also skip is my favourite from ASO so maybe I just like experiencing hardship and challenges in daily mental exercises
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jorrated · 7 months
i have everything in me to be a sonic movie hater, but i think my expectations were simply too low to even evoke emotions in me like anger
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Which Toxic Yaoi is the best
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Sequel to the toxic yuri poll. I deeply apologise if some of these are not toxic, i went off of the propaganda
Propaganda under the cut!
BbKaz (Big Boss/Kazuhira Miller)
they have multitudes.. you can ship it as something goofy and fluffy or as the most toxic yaoi of all time and theyre both pretty reasonable interpretations. they go on a date together and have sex in a cardboard box on a beach in canon and a bunch of other crazy shit. their relationship spans 20 years so they span from honeymooning to divorced to one trying to kill the other etc. "love loses" the ship they make me insane
Flash/Reverse Flash
"It was ME Barry, I jerked you off at supersonic speeds so it would seem like you nutted at just a woman's touch!"
Possibly the most toxic yaoi of all time
SuzaLuLu (Kururugi Suzaku/Lelouch Lamperougue)
SaruMi (Saruhiko Fushimi/Misaki Yata)
Toxic yaoi, obsessive boy joins a gang with his best friend but then his best friend makes other friends in the gang so he joins up with an enemy gang instead. Normal behavior.
Valvert (Jean Valjean/Javert)
They’re so obsessed with each other (especially javert to valjean) it’s like half of the plot. Pinnacle of toxic old man yaoi. Produces the funniest plot point in the show: Valjean (escaped convict in disguise as a mayor and businessman) saves someone by lifting a cart he was trapped under and Javert (cop trying to catch Valjean) goes “Damn girl… you remind me of this guy…. He’s the only guy I’ve ever seen who’s as swole and jacked as you”
Lawlight (Light/L)
"L and Light are the founding fathers of toxic yaoi" is what people WANT you to believe but these poor men are being slandered... You see it's ackshually totally heterosexual to give your bestie (who's also your mortal enemy) a foot massage while he he makes soft little grunting noises and wipes the water droplets from your rain-soaked hair all while a soft melancholic piano track is accompanying this surprisingly tender moment between the two of you- IF it's a religious callback to Jesus and Judas. It's just a Bible reference bro. No homo. 🤓☝
Anyhow don't google the Japanese version of "Playing his Game" (which is called "Inside of him" in Japanese) from the Death Note Musical. I assure you there is absolutely nothing gay about those lyrics.
Wdym people love shipping two mortal enemies with an unhealthy obsessive murderous rivaly??? What is the world coming to... Besides Light is clearly heterosexual. His lack of interest in women is because he's a based sigma male obviously...
and additional reason here but this one is a spoiler
Foot washing scene. The musical. God, they're so obsessed with each other. When L dies Light loses his main drive, his passion- being Kira isn't fun anymore without L, he isn't having a good time even though he won their battle of wits. Light being L's first friend. L being... really, the first person to understand Light. Theyre insane I love them
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gayelderstourney · 1 year
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Jean Valjean/Javert:
One of the OG enemies to lovers. In the novel and musical, Valjean and Javert have complex, intertwined, and mirrored narratives which make them a fascinating ship to analyze. Also, there is a lot of hot fanfiction about them.
javert chases valjean around for at least 20 years because he broke parole and that's a big plot point. (jvj went to jail for bread theft if it matters.) considering how long that is and how much javert feels the need to do said chasing around that's kinda gay. also at one point javert is employed by valjean (except he doesn't know it's him and knows him as m. madeleine) and then asks madeleine to fire him. because he thought he was valjean and wanted to send him to jail even though he IS valjean. but some other guy got framed instead so it checks out and then WAY later on the barricades javert gets captured by a bunch of college students and valjean sets him free. this causes javert to have an existential crisis because 'OH NO HE'S A CRIMINAL BUT HE'S NICE TO ME' and then he kills himself. (also they have a very awkward carriage ride together. along with the unconscious body of valjean's future son-in-law. after valjean was in the parisian sewers and therefore covered in sewer water.)
what if i was an escaped convict and also the extremely benevolent mayor of a small jet producing town who broke into people's houses to give them money. and you were a furry cop trying to arrest me anyway. and then i save you from execution in the June rebellion and you realise that the police are not a symbol of justice but authority and being a criminal in the eyes of the law is completely separate from being a bad person. and this fucked you up so bad you killed yourself.
fuck those twinks in les mis these are the real finest gay love story victor hugo ever invented. javert literally followed valjean across france for decades because of his psychosexual obsession with recapturing him. valjean had the chance to kill him and spared his life, thus jump-starting javert's entire emotional arc. they're deranged and obsessive and they should kiss on the mouth
javert threw himself off a bridge bcs he was so mad the guy he was obsessively chasing was actually a good person depsite being a criminal theres gay ass old man yuri here
When you build your entire life around the existence of a man you despise is that still gay or do we need to invent something that transcends homosexuality. Asking for a friend.
fellas is it gay to spend your entire life chasing another man to arrest him even though all he did was steal a loaf of bread
kitties who were outcast from previous groups they were a part of and find and live with each other. they are canonical mates even though theyre both dudes. they grow old together, but ravenpaw gets cancer and dies before barley (he lives to be considered old in warrior cats years). however ravenpaw wanted to be in the same kitty afterlife that barley will go to, so they can be together in kitty afterlife. barley is still alive though as far as we know and might be the oldest living cat in the series now. also i just think its funny to call little kitty cats "old man yaoi"
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roseworth · 6 months
i think ppl who compare alex dewitt to uncle ben are correct, and i will stand by the fact that even though alex coined the term fridging, it wasnt really her being fridged since its more complicated than that. but i feel like with that its still important to talk about how there WAS misogyny in alex's death because of the way its different than uncle ben's
their deaths were definitely the same idea-- alex & ben both died so kyle & peter respectively would understand the gravity of being a hero and would take it more seriously, and their deaths had more narrative significance than an average fridgegirl
however. i think its worth mentioning that kyle didn't need it the way peter did. when alex died, kyle WAS being a hero. the reason he wasnt with alex when she died is that he was saving people. alex's death was used to teach him that being a hero wasnt fun, which was not a lesson that she needed to die for him to learn. when ben died, it was to teach peter that people were going to get hurt if he didnt stop the bad guys. ben's death was used to teach him about great power, great responsibility, etc, and the lesson wouldnt have had the same weight if he didnt die. the reason alex had to die was so kyle could have Man Angst about it, not because her death was vital to the narrative in the way ben's was
building off that, alex was killed by someone that kyle had never met and had no way of knowing about. ben died because peter saw the man that killed him earlier that day and didnt stop him, but alex died just because kyle was busy at that moment. again, he was saving people. alex didnt need to die to teach him a lesson about being a hero since he WAS already being a hero (not to mention he gets the same lesson like 5 other times when he meets alan & hal & the other lanterns. but we can ignore that for now). as a character, peter needed uncle ben's death to define his morals & his view of himself as a hero. alex didnt die because of a mistake or a choice kyle made, her death was just to give the story flavor and to give kyle something to be upset about
also, the way they died was very different. the point gail simone was making with the term "fridging" was that alex's death was needlessly brutal. uncle ben was shot off-panel, and all the reader sees is cops at peter's house. alex was attacked and strangled on-panel, and her body was mutilated and shoved in a refrigerator for no reason. while this is partially just because one is from 1962 and the other is from 1994, the point is that the man gets the grace of a simple death while the woman gets the unnecessarily gruesome death
anyways. im not saying that alex and ben had to die in the exact same way for comparisons to matter. obviously theyre different stories and different lessons so theyre going to be different deaths. marz intended alex to be kyle's uncle ben, and she was! but the misogyny comes in when you think about how different their deaths are
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edledamianfan · 4 months
What if jon and damian got lost in space just like jon did
But they weren't captured or anythign they're literally just lost at space with no way back. They were just thrown into some dimension
At first Jon was alright but then he started to panic after a few days. Damian too, is anxiety by the situation
No one knows they were missing
Well maybe they knew but they just couldn't find them. Even the space cops couldn't. They were just yeha gone for a period of time. Maybe somrthing like the age up jon idk but i prefer it was technically like 1 year to 4 years ratio rather than 1 month to 6 years ratio 💀
So fast foward into the future its just them in a ship in a guardian of the galaxy kinda adventure trying to find themselves back to their planet.
Damian is just peter-quilling, playing musics to calm himself down, got some weird ass pets and cool alien gadgets he tinkers around and use on his fights. He's on edge 100% of the time because of what could happen to them, follows a schedule so that he doesn't slacks of but he's getting tired.
Then Jon is just there, agitated and overstimulated by the entire thing but he tries to cheer himself up. Always smiles and everything but internally its not okay. His eyes are just as wide as a traumatized soldier. He's a lot more controlling in a way becuase he doesn't wanna lose anyone but he never lost his kindness and hope for others.
Damian probably uses a laser gun but he found a lightsaber on the way so now he's just using that one lol. He hoards a lot of weapon, big and small, that could probably blow up a planet. Jon just bashes things up, i mean he's a kryptonian he can fly unlike Dame who needs a lot of equipment sadly. Their suits are also cyberpunk-ish, different parts and upgrades here and there. Damian still wears a robin symbol on the front and there is this bat symbol on his back across his shoulders. Jon also wears the house of El symbol on the front like his dad did. The suits lean on the more pratical ssid so its a bit dull.
Him and Damian ironically ends up saving planets and stuff. Both are definitely homesick but they always find stuff to cheers each other up. Going into places malls and everything. Fight space crimes errg. Just chilling together in the spaceship, comforting themselves. Entertaining themselves by dancing to music, solving crimes, or figure out different games and study on cultures of a planet together.
And then they get back to their world as a grown ass man (no theyre probably like 18 21) and they definitely look like different person, even their combat styles are different but they still do have their main qualities.
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 months
Ok this might seem stupid but hear me out, perhaps we could get some headcanons of papercut in the events of the book but instead of Johnny it was Curly who stabbed the soc and him and Pony had to run away together? It would also be cool to see what the Curtis AND Shepard gangs reactions are
this aint stupid,,,,ur onto something here,,,,
•ok look, not REALLY related but curly woulda loved that white trash w mustangs and madras line, this white on white violence gotta STOP💔💯
•ANYWAYS, i think he’d put up more of a fight, he’d try to get to pony but they were outnumbered so he gets cornered, HOWEVER, he always carries some weapon on him, or maybe he picked up a coke bottle, POINT IS, bob still died lmao
•i dont think curly and pony would stay around that area as long as johnny and pony did, curly would want to leave as soon as he could so nobody could see them, so ponys forced to just get it together in under like 2mins so they could leave, so ponys disassociating badly
•theyd go to tim, curly doesnt like dally and tim IS his older brother, then tim would tell dally, and they still end up at the dirty ass church</3
•now curlys shaken up too, like hes not trying to show it to look tough, but hes never done THAT before, never flat out hurt someone that badly before, but he still doesnt regret it bc it was to defend pony, however considering hes black in the 60s in TULSA, hes so certain a judge will not gaf that it was outta self defense, so actually hes disassociatin too, they both a lil fucked up rn
•back at home, dally didnt tell darry or soda where they were but tim sure as hell did, he gets what darrys goin through cause theyre both older bros worryin over their younger bros, darry doesnt know HOW to react at all to it, he doesnt tell soda nor johnny, or anyone really, when two bit says he’ll go to texas (i think it was,,,) to look for him, darry says not to bother, so they all feel like darry knows where pony is and they dint know wether to be happy or terrified bc why isnt he tellin em or getting him??
•when it comes to the shepard gang, tim did tell some of em whats going on, only his trusted guys tho, theres basically nothing they CAN do to stop word from spreading about it bc the socs who were there already went to the cops, so they all have to lay low for a while, stay in line cause tim quite honestly cant handle anything more rn
•angela’s pretty much losing it too, shes drinking more, way more irritable, if one of the shepards is gone, ALL of em r losing it dawg
•in the church, curlys trying to act like his normal self but u can tell that he’s damn near close to losing it cause this could mean prison or the death penalty, hes so sure hes done for and pony wants to reassure him but holy fuck it aint lookin too good, they do their normal banger but u can feel this somber tension between the two as if this is gonna b their last moments together
•curly is NOT talking about turning himself in at all, he’d rather kill someone else to NOT go actually, on top of that tims telling him to stay hidden, dallys tellin him to stay hidden, so thats how he knows hes GOTTA stay there
•NOW THE FIRE, just like dally, curly dont care that much bout those kids im ngl, but bc ponys running in there, now HE has to help, boooooo👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽
•curly aint like johnny, hes grabbing those kids and pushing them out, whatever injuries they get outta that they gonna have to deal w later, its better than them being dead id think, when the church falls, honestly??? i think my main man curly gettin outta there in time, he lowkey DID push pony out the window cause he was taking too long and then jumped out bit aye, hes livin
•its either that or he risks it and takes the longer way out if like, the wood fell where the window was
•he aint livin without some injuries and scars tho, he did definitely break SOMETHING and got some burns on his hands and wherever else, but hes relatively fine, a part of the reason y is bc he wears a leather jacket, unlike johnny who wears a jean jacket, and jean jackets r more flammable, and as seen w pony, the leather jacket did help him a bit in that fire, he still is banged up tho
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meatstroker3000 · 3 months
What do you think gay men are attracted to in men that they can’t be attracted to in women?
It can’t be anything about femininity or masculinity obviously. That’s both sexist, and cultural so can’t be what drives men-only attraction.
It can’t be anything about stated identity because someone could lie just as easily as they could tell the truth in such a statement, and it makes no sense because homosexuality and heterosexuality exists in other species with no stated identities. It’s not like other animals without gender are all pan.
Saying idk it’s the vibes or some indescribable trait men have that women can’t but “I can’t explain” is a nonanswer.
Soooooooo what is it? Or do you think any sexuality but bi/pan is just cultural performance or an identity rather than an inborn orientation?
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oh boy do i have a lot of words for this ask!!! thank u for sending this to me cus i fucking love rambling on about shit concerning language and man-made concepts and constructs.
at first i didnt know what this was referring to but then realized it was cus i reblogged that post that went "can straight men be attracted to other men? sure im not a cop"
(this one^^^^)
i mean i initially reblogged it as mostly a joke but i mean sure ill bite u seem well intentioned and im in a rare discourse mood today
sexuality (and more specifically labels such as gay, lesbian, bi, pan etc) isnt rly...a defined immutable trait for me, at least the way i view it, the concept itself and the identities that come with that concept are more so just labels people use to describe themselves with, to simplify their lived experiences. (example, many gay men use the label gay because their experience has been only attracted to men, or they consider themselves attracted to only men currently, andthey use this term because "gay" is colloquially understood to describe someone with that lived experience! its really just a way of simplifying and streamlining communication... sort of like pr...pronou- no. i shant say it.)
ANYWAY LOL i feel like u were asking more of a "WHY do gay men like other men , like why are they predisposed to be attracted to men" in like.. a biological sense? rather than an "identity" and "labels" way, and what they mean, ur question is more so asking in general why people are sometimes only attracted to one sex/gender despite gender norms and performance being largely cultural and not biological. and yeah, honestly fantastic point to discuss!. obviously its not really about femininity masculinity theyre not biological traits theyre cultural norms, the concept of being a woman and a man are, well, man-made and not genetic or "natural". obviously even scientists n shit dont know fully why some people are predisposed to be attracted to certain genders so im not knowledgable abt the physical aspect of same-sex or opposite-sex attraction nd predispositions for one or the other or both. i mean, to go more freudian here (sorry) it could be argued that it's nurture over nature for that sort of thing, and could be weighed in the same vein as preferring blondes over brunettes, or short ppl vs taller people (this is debatable obviously but u get my point.)
but like.........what the post itself was trying to say wasnt . rly. about why some people are attracted to certain sexes/genders physically, but more so about how labels such as gay are arbitrary and kind of pointless to gatekeep/argue over, and i feel (especially posted during pride month where queer and label discourse is RAMPANT) it was a commentary on how many people in queer spaces view labels as IMMUTABLE UNCHANGABLE CHARACTERISTICS and less so of.....labels to make describing urself easier? lol?
u say that it cant be anything about stated identity because "homosexuality and heterosexuality exists in species with no stated identities" and like. yeah obviously. but again, homosexuality and heterosexuality are just being used to describe (for example) lab rats as being attracted to male versus female rats, in order to streamline communication often in scientific studies. its just a way to describe "they are attracted to males/females" or whatever lol.
u also say people could easily lie about stated identity so it doesn't mean anything, and like. yeah lol! see, you're again viewing labels like "gay" as immutable characteristics rather than plain ol descriptors! obviously someone COULD lie about being gay lmfao! but someone could also lie about liking pasta. just because sexuality labels aren't able to have PHYSICAL PROOF backing their validity doesn't make them obsolete or suddenly all worthless. i mean, the same could be said for any concept/word. the color red isnt PHYSICALLY able to be PROVEN to be called RED, so if everyone called that color blue, they wouldnt really be any more wrong or right, just using a different descriptor to refer to the same thing.
"its not like all other animals without gender are pan" yeah lol i agree with u because again......pan is just a word some people use to simplify and better explain their lived experience and they use it cus they feel it describes them best.
the entire concept of these labels (and. language as a whole lol) relies on a colloquial / unanimous agreement that THIS WORD MEANS THAT. its the only reason why languages exist and function, people agree on what words mean so they can better communicate. and its honestly pretty interesting and cool but more of a philosophical question rather than a scientific one, in the way that there can't really be any actual answers to these questions .
SO,. if someone wants to call themselves a straight guy but is attracted to dudes, that.....is okay with me lol? it is physically possible for someone to call themselves (dare i say "identify as") a straight dude and also be attracted to dudes, like it doesnt contradict nature or the laws of physics cus the only thing that makes it "contradictory" is just a widespread agreement on what it means. if most people would view that guy as actually Not straight, that isnt really any more right or wrong than the guy viewing himself as straight imo. language and identities/labels are also everchanging and it's not uncommon to see words repurposed (i mean, the word gay itself is a great example ironically haha!)
contradictory labels themselves are honestly a non issue (and i believe that is what the og poster was commenting on which is why i reblogged!) cus ......not to go the corny ass tiktok annoying route but...........ALL WORDS ARE MADE UP LAWLLLL!!!!! my rb was more so agreeing with stupid label discourse that is so prevalent(for yeeeears and years) cus its just a non issue and hell im not a cop u kno! if someone is using language in a "wrong way". i dont...rly care lol? (LIKE THE BOOK FRINDLE. LOOK IT UP)
anywaysyss yeahh this is prob a real long and repetitive post but im glad i got something that wasnt just telling me to kms in my inbox and im in a silly mood today fuck it we doing label discourse on meatstroker3000! sorry this was probably totally fukcing rambly and inefficient, but i love discussing shit like this and it made me happy that i got to ramble on about my own little perspective whether or not u consider it correct or not :3 like, its fine if u disagree with me lmfaoaooaoao id be hypocritical if i said ONLY I AM RIGHT ABOUT THIS obviously. just tryna give context to my reblog of the post which inspired dis ask :3 but moral of the story. dont take a guy called meatstroker3000's opinions too seriously ok. i hopefully will never engage in queer discourse again, you just fucking hooked me in with my fucking uneducated passion for pseudophilosophical discussion and instead of english essays i suppose annoying self-important tumblr posts will scratch that itch for me. :3 happy pride!
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rose022 · 1 year
hi~ im rose! (among other names lol, ask for them or find them) welcome to my intro!
- dont feel bad about blocking or unfollowing me, just wanna say this. i may make posts abt being confused when i see people leave but curate ur own experience idc be happy
- you can call me whatever you want idc, just lemme know. like genuinely any nickname. i do have two others tbh but ehh
- yeah yeah im an adult so dont block me if i like ur post and u say mdni ight? also for any minors if that makes u uncomfortable u can leave. i dont tend to post anything nsfw here, just sometimes suggestive stuff and both nsfw and suggestive are tagged just like that
- pronouns are whatever is funniest in the moment. or just use your own. neos are ok
- asks and dms always open for anything. i won't really reach out first but i promise you can always talk to me about anything. if you don't have anyone else or just want to talk about a particular thing or want to vent, etc. like genuinely pretty please talk to me about your interests i will gladly listen!!! <3
- also you can always tag me in anything!! i love tag games (i may take a bit) and if theres anything you think id like or reminds you of me id love to see it!!
- don't really have a dni but like i will block you if you're a bigot. im a fag and autistic if you don't like that go away idc. also if you are pro cop or military stuff fuck off
- if we're mutuals please tag stuff with cw rose for anything with touya or akito being shipped with anyone else or TBHK nene and tsukasa as a ship, self harm images, stuff about spiders (or any bugs kinda) mostly pictures of them or them on someone (bees moths and butterflies exempt), needles if theyre detailed not cartoony, real life gore of animals or humans (not sfx or art just real stuff), sa, stiff about veins, and please use tone tags but mostly just for joking or sarcasm as i tend to assume everything is serious.
- MUTUALS PLEASE TELL ME STUFF TO TAG FOR YOU!!! i do my best to read carrds and intros and stuff but i might forget please remind me please. gore and sexual stuff will get tagged as gore and nsfw but it's mostly explicit stuff. things are tagged as what it is, not with cw or tw.
- !!current things i tag are agere, homestuck, eye strain, saiouma, bsd, religion, body dysmorphia, religion, marlo dont look (for nsfw stuff, tbh im not sure what counts but anything with mentions of sexual stuff that isn't just like a joke), elie shoo (csm saiouma gore), suggestive (anything relating to anything nsfw like jokes or anything else), adrien no look (alcohol, crickets, girl interrupted, hospital innuendos), clowns
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#rose writing - idk man take a guess
(i wanna like fix all my posts to have tags but i reblog so much and itll take me a million years to get back to the start of my account atp. maybe one day.)
- commission info
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writing: $2 per 100 words (?)
i also take requests for these!! or other stuff but like it will almost definitely take me a bajillion years to finish so if you wanna make sure i do something, gimme money. but u dont gotta its ok ily anyways
i have a k-fi rose226 and dm for p-ypal
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@moonlit-thoughts22 vent
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@softrosebud agere
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and ask for the nsfw one... cus im too scared to just add it
(guys i think I have too many sideblogs help)
im not active on many other social media but if we're mutuals you can ask for like anything and ill probably have an account. somehow im most active here tho (and in one discord server but u guys cant join)
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leftclown · 1 year
So now I'm gonna move on and actually describe an experience I have had as a trans man who is currently detransitioned due to financial status. This experience involves both misogyny and transphobia, and I'm not really here to debate weather or not I Can experience these things, instead I'm just going to share it.
So I guess somewhat important context to this is that I am rather feminine by appearence. If you encountered me in the wild you'd think I was the hoodie and cookie monster pajama girl from high school. My partner, also not currently receiving gender affirming care passes a bit better than me. He at the very least gives people pause or incites confusion. Usually, though, people just assume he's a young man.
I was going to get a state ID because I had moved recently to another state. My ID from my previous state had my gender marked as M because I went through the due process to get that done. New home state has a policy that if youre from out of state you have to get your ID processed at the police station. My partner is also trans and had gone a week prior to get his done, and they had respected his ID's gender marker, moving all of his information from the out of state record.
I go in and of course I am marked F, so upon reviewing it I said thats incorrect, because my ID says M. We go back and forth and I eventually produce my partner's ID and say "you did it for him just last week". Big mistake on my part because I'm honestly still learning how not to give people like this the benefit of the doubt. Regardless, they go to their manager to figure out what to do.
A few minutes later I am called alone into the managers office. Here's a shortlist of this meeting;
-Thet confiscated my partners ID without him present
-Told me my due process didn't matter, that I can only change it if I had a letter saying I had already had SRS.
-Took my previous ID and voided it so I couldn't change my birth certificate
-Made me submit my ID as F
-Tell me my partner has to come in to correct his to F as well
This all happens very quickly, and I try to advocate for myself and lose. By the end of it, I am crying a bit and I mutter to myself "This is fucking insane".
This is the part that really fucked me up.
The manager stepped forward toward me, holding her hands in that defensive position, the one cops to do say 'I'm calm but prepared to use force', you know where they tilt their hips forward and rest their hands on the front of their belt. She tells me "I understand you're upset, but there is no swearing in here."
I am a nearly 30 year old MAN. And she is trying to tell me not to swear like I'm some teenager giving her lip.
"I'm not from here, this is just how I talk" I say, not yet realizing that she is trying to instigate. She prods this issue again, trying to detract me, trying to get me to cuss more. Trying to rile me up. I become quiet and still, thank them for their time and leave. She called me Sweetheart as I left.
And there is nothing I can do in this situation. Im dealing with cops in a red state. There's nothing I can do but cave to the authority because my plans are bigger than this. Because to further advocate is to put myself in danger and she made that very clear by drawing a line at me swearing. So I submit.
Submitting in a situation like this feels like your power is being taken from you. Like they are physically removing something from your arms and trying to get it back would be a major risk. It's not just that someone is stepping on me, it's that theyre telling me politely to get on the ground so I can be stepped on. It felt especially oppressive in this scenario, but it always feels like this. In the workplace, in social group, in family, a trans man is the least respectable thing you can be because not only are you a woman, but you're a crazy, damaged woman and if you're me you get ire for being a waste of a pretty face.
There's always a timeline too, it can be long or short but it always goes like this; People receive me initially with feigned tolerance and some mild comparisons to my partner's masculinity. Then they start poking and pushing and trying to see if I'm really a trans man in ways they think is subtle but to me is very unsubtle. Eventually, when they've disrespected me to the point of reacting emotionally, they act like they've gotten their gotcha moment because I've displayed the Ultimate Thing that makes you Not A Man: Tears. Most of them don't even need to get to there to conclude I'm a trender because well if I'm already almost 30 and haven't transitioned, I must not want it bad enough.
I'm sharing this story not just because it displays the intersections of being a trans man, how hard it is to obtain respect and how fragile that respect is, but also because I know there are guys out there who are like me. I see you, you with the puffy lips and round hips, you who can't transition right now, you who feels like he's waiting for a some day, for a time when it's just okay to exist out there and be treated with the basic fucking dignity of telling someone "Hi, I'm Dave" and having them reply without looking at your tits first. Who has beat himself up in the quiet hours for years for being too emotional, too feminine, feeling assaulted by the way the world wants to commodify your body and demonize your mind. You deserve to be seen and respected.
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royal-they · 1 year
when discussing gwens transcoding i feel like people dont talk about how her being spider women is literally viewed as politics from the start.
people talk about her and the validity of her actions and choices in front of her even before peters death. her dad specifically questions how she dresses. why she need to hide behind a mask. the spider suit was made to hide the identity of the wearer yes but for gwen stacys spider woman thats always been different, even in the comics.
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presenting the way she does keeps her safe when she’s gwen stacy but it also represents the choices she makes. her work as spider woman. its her badge. this line is something that always stuck with me in the comics and i love that they didn’t change it in the movie. her suit and mask are not hiding who she is, theyre an extension of it.
being trans makes how you present yourself very complicated at least in my experience. youre constantly worried around new people and strangers, do they think i look like a boy or a girl? am i passing? if im not passing am i safe? its really complicated, passing doesnt make you more or less valid but a lot of society views it that way and how people see you can change how safe you are. these things are nuanced is what im saying and i like how gwen is allowed to do what feels right for her regardless of what others think.
another point is how shes met with violence when she first essentially “comes out” as spider woman. even though its a loved one, her dad doesnt take it well. because of his duty to society he feels he cant accept her as spider woman.
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so she has to run away from home. live with the people who do make her feel at home, her own band as she puts it. and only then, when she’s is able to stand on her own does she face her dad.
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they both needed time. to work on themselves. and something important is that he stops being a cop. stops this duty he feels he owes to society to get rid of spider woman to protect their children.
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only when he takes time to truly understand her perspective and actions is he able to accept her.
as trans people our identities are constantly considered something cis people and the government get to determine. but with spiderverse we see gwens story as being portrayed as a villian by society. we see it from her perspective. not her dads perspective. not miles, an outsiders perspective who has to come and fix everything. her own perspective. and in the end she doesnt want society to accept her. she just needs her dad. her loved ones. because shes never given a damn about outsiders, there’s never a focus on how some random j jonah jameson feels about her. they instead focus on her dad. because he is who hurts her. and for me at least that’s very relatable.
spider man in general is a very trans subject because society hates him and he has to disguise himself to stay safe. but gwen stacy as ghost spider or spider woman really stands out to me. because it feels so much more personal to get to spectate her life. she’s so real, so human. and that is essence of what makes a spidey.
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lynn-tged-posting · 1 month
tged webtoon ep 155 spoilers n thoughts below cut etc u know the drill
bug when u lift a rock
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i love when he has lil soft smileys like this theyre his best look heehee
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THIS HAD ME SHIVERING . TREMBLING LIKE A WET CAT. "when someone really misses another person... they might meet again here." GHH . HGGGGG AAAAAHHH
ok sorry uh. i dont have much insight this time around im just going insane over it,,, a place that represents happy memories and promises to stay together and yet suho has returned here, unable to hold onto both without the ache of loss bc his parents r gone AAAGGHHHG AA
how cruel how cruel how cruel,,, cruel reminders of what he can never return to,,, WHICH MAKES HIM SAYING "i already met my family." SOOO HEARTACHE TO ME
ok sorry im jumping ahead a bit but yeah suho feeling at home as a frontera and moving forward, beyond the memories and the past,,, im gonna THROW UP what the FUCK
ok bouncing back to some sillies this ep LOL
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A MAN ON A FUCKING MISSION 😭 LLOYD U MONSTER HAHAA javier being happy that lloyds back to his motivated self tho makes me so happy WEEHEEHEE
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ALSO JAVIER IMMEDIATELY BECOMING SOCMED FAMOUS IS SO FUNNY HAHAHAHA honestly the ppl who r taking pics. so real. me too. i can only imagine how insanely pretty javier would b if he was in our world,,, his protagonist-level good looks are dimensional constants .
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i am a little bit confused as to why javier said this considering he was so ready to bring lloyd back at all costs when they first got here? mmm maybe his worries were quelled when they were taking the mountain trail to the tower? im not quite sure,,, maybe i missed smth
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IM SO GLAD WE GOT TO SEE HIM AGAIN hes working construction now too!!! wahoo!!! hes still got that face tho lol
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javier folding the clothes is so silly hes such a good lil guy 😭 vs lloyd just leaving them scattered LMAOOO it was nice of them to leave a note n the gold for the cop guys tho!!
i also liked that the cops kept fucking posing thru out the whole ep HAHAHA ive never seen jjba but its like jjba level posing theyre so silly
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i rlly liked javiers lil "!!" at the bottom here HEHEHE
so so happy they got the stuff!!!! restoration of fate can SUCK AN EGG THEYRE GONNA BEAT IT!!!! hopefully
afaik theres no telling what the jewel of truth is gonna actually say abt fighting fate,,, or whether or not the jewel will give the answer that easily,,, hopefully it goes smoothly lloyd deserves a break atp 😭😭😭
also how r they gonna put the thing together havent they been flying over the ocean w draggy recently . werent the mermaids tryna figure out who was commanding draggy so that they could sic em for opening that portal to hell 😭 WILL THAT B A PROBLEM? (dont actually answer that)
man oh man milestone achieved but still so much to do for these guys,,,, i wanna put them in a box and contain them and let them have a break they deserve it
ok thats it for now,,, if i start brainrotting again ill prolly post abt it here or on twitter,,, see yall next week!!!!
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speakofthedebbie · 2 months
this one goes out to my platonic soulmate @starryeyeddreamer21 :3 (IDK HOW MY HCS ENDED UP SO SIMILAR TO YOURS I SWEAR IT JS HAPPENED-)
only the hazbin gang + luci and cherri cuz im biased
hazbin charas rated least to most likely to crash the car during the charlie-mandated bonding road trip
dont wanna js repeat what i said here but i strongly believe he would be the least likely to crash. forget what people say about old people driving, id trust his old man back over literally anyone else any day of the week.
2. alastor
(whaat i was checking when cars were invented to see if he would even know how to drive one no siree-) on a serious note, while i just cant picture him driving, i feel like he would still know how out of principle. he'll def put on some jazz and throw you out the window if you try to change it.
3. luci
while starr (can i call you that?) brings up the good point of him not needing to cuz flying/teleportation/having drivers, you cant really live as long as he has without knowing a thing or two. his ass would def need pedal extenders tho LMAO-
4. vaggie
she also tech need to cuz wings/princess of hell girlfriend priviliges, i wouldnt put it past her. but once again, gonna need some pedal extenders-
5. sir pentious
while he doesnt have feet, im sure hed be more than able to make a lil something. i mean he piloted a zeppelin, im sure he can manage a car-
6. charlie
inspired partially by Igual (long winding chaggie fic that you should totally check out!), i feel charlie would be the type to just.. not know how to do basic things cuz of her sheltered upbringing (no hate to her parents, lord knows theres a lot of shit to shelter her from in hell lol) she would be waaay too overly cautious, to the point where it earns her more problems. i wouldnt exactly trust her behind the wheel, but if worst came to worst it probs wouldnt be that bad.
7. niffty
first of all, short. second of all, given her already erratic behaviour in the show, im not sure it would be wise to trust her in a vehicle. that is if they dont forget her loud house style LMAO-
8. angel/cherri
theyre both so bad they had to share a tier. likewise to starr, theyre def the daredevil types. to quote starr: "[Angel]'s always driving like he's running from the cops" and honestly, given his life history, he probs was LMAO- i love them, but i would not trust their asses behind the wheel if it killed me. just like them driving probably would-
seriously, go check out starr's version! i was focusing purely on the driving aspect, so theirs is more in dept
next up, picking random ass words and making hazbin headcanons out of them- (jkjk... unless?)
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tubbytarchia · 3 months
jim strim. theyre doing a trial chamber today
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jimmy has inherited olis property. honestly there isnt a lot of it but he inherited it. its like a little platform on the side of the disc. notably its right near sausages house
the gang today is jimmy cpk sneeg and martyn. surely this wont go wrong
jimmy has like 9 stacks of eggs in his inventory for some reason so he throws all of them at scotts house. "take that scott smajor. thats what you get. for not being a dischead. for being a donut. take that."
jimmy runs back over to martyn. he asks if theyre a team and martyn says every man for himself. martyn if u dont team with him.. but then sneeg interrupts them by throwing eggs at them. cpk comes over too and they start joking about making a podcast. they switch from bit to bit so fast idk how to summarise it.
the trial chamber isnt that far away so they find it and start digging down. sneeg IMMEDIATELY gets lost so cpk goes back up to get him while jimmy and martyn start raiding the chamber.
jimmy starts talking about the new blocks and martyn asks him to repeat himself so hes like "i always think theyre like-" then martyns like "IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT YOU THINK!" and they both laugh (he immediately apologises) then jimmys like haha that actually made me really upset :(
jimmy uses a vault and gets a bad omen bottle and he drinks it almost immediately. keep in mind hes not even in full diamond yet btw. not enchanted.
jimmy gets down to 3 hearts. then 2 hearts. sneeg gives him a golden apple. he manages to heal up so its all fine. they get their ominous keys. sneeg gives him more gapples. while the others are opening their ominous vaults jim crafts a diamond helmet and boots so now hes in full diamond :)
both cpk and jimmy get the "take aim" achievement while in the chamber. ??
jimmy tabbed out for literally a few seconds to ask people to like the stream and cpk started mining the floor under him. for funsies.
sneeg hits jimmy with his bow and apologises. which IS important. to me. sneeg and jimmy can be something so wonderful.
cpk got the mace. jimmy doesnt care in favour of sneeg getting the ominous trial exclusive music disc
they get one of the banner patterns and they. try to test it. on a white banner with white dye. then get confused as to why it doesnt work.
they head back home to drop off some stuff then go to the next chamber. turns out they arent that far apart
fwhip joins the server. they invite him but he is in iron armour. so he doesnt come along.
new info on the deaths, oli died to a creeper on stream and aimsey died in a bastion off stream (but there is video of it? apparently martyn showed his chat earlier)
they play for a bit then jimmys audio fucks up so he has to relog. turns out flick jumped onto his pc and just disconnected a bunch of cables
honestly the rest of the chamber is the standard everyone having fun sometimes making fun of jimmy in a nice way. martyn and sneeg start making fun of cops out of nowhere which is based. jimmy can do a really good mickey mouse impression?
jim tries to leave the trial chamber to log off but he gets lost for ages so just logs off in it. new video tomorrow. yayyyy
Sneeg... I have faith in you Sneeg.... giving Jimmy golden apples and apologizing for accidentally hurting him... Sneeeeg you can make a difference Sneeg.......... Jimmy also ignoring cpk to help Sneeg is awesome. Wow this is so symbolism to me (everything is symbolism to me)
side eyes cpk though. AND MARTYNNN aoughhhhh that "It doesnt matter what you think" bit is SOOOOO property police. This is just Evo property police. The fact that they both laugh about it too. BUT THEN JIMMY?????? UGHHHH please be gentler with him... I know how you are Martyn but you can do better I have faith...
Also them not understanding that white dye does not show up on white banners is really funny. Good job guys
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ilovetheriddler · 4 months
hello! sorry for submitting another request right after my first one but i really enjoyed the first one you wrote for me! would it be alright if you wrote another joseph oda x fem reader where the reader is a rookie cop and sebastian and joseph are assigned to train her? then when she arrives for training after shaking sebastian's hand, she looks up and is sort of stunned by how pretty she thinks joseph is? and they both just sort of stare at each other for a moment, taking in each other's appearance? sort of like a love at first sight type of deal and while theyre training her he treats her more softly than he would a regular trainee? id like to imagine that this is almost like a part 1 to oblivious affections lol thank you again! i love love love your writing and i cant wait to see more from you :^)
Thank you for the request! I'm so glad that you liked the previous one, also don't worry! I don't mind that you requested another one, I love writing for Joseph! He just doesn't get enough love, in my opinion! I hope you enjoy this! 💚
A Simple Glance
(The Evil Within.) Joseph Oda x F!Reader.
(This is kind of a prequel to Oblivious Affections more or less.)
Word Count: 816.
Contents: first meeting, Love at first sight, They're both oblivious to each others feelings once again!
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You had just graduated from the academy and were being sent over to work at the Krimson City Police Department. Apparently, your first few months here are supposed to be supervised and guided by Detective Castellanos and his partner on the force, Detective Oda. You walked through the precinct a bit nervous. You had to reassure yourself that it would be fine, You had already gotten through the academy. So it should be fine.
"Miss! I'm guessing you're the rookie they sent over?"
You turned around quickly, slightly startled by the sudden voice. It was an older man, probably in his late 30s, most likely. He extended his hand towards you. You immediately shook it, maybe a bit too aggressively as a result of your slight nerves.
"Y-yes! That's me... I'm who they sent... it's nice to meet you... um...?"
"Detective Castellanos, Sebastian Castellanos. And over there is.... wait. Damn it... where did he run off to now..? Joseph!"
Another man quickly rushed through the door, Several case files pilled up in his arms.
"Sorry, Seb! The Captain asked me to look some stuff over and well... now we've got about a dozen or so case files to go through now...:
You felt your heart nearly stop as you stared at him. Fully taking in his appearance. He was about average height, had short and neatly kept jet black hair, and his eyes were a rich brown. He also had a pair of thick black rimmed glasses. He was extremely handsome in your eyes. He puts the files down and extends his hand towards you.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Detective Oda, Joseph Oda..."
You shake his hand as you continue to stare at him. His eyes seemed to widen slightly as he finally looked directly at you. Taking in how you looked. The way that your hair framed your face, the gorgeous shine of your eyes, and that genuine and kind smile. He seemed to freeze somewhat, just staring at you as well, You both continued to shake each others hands, clearly not sure when to stop.
Sebastian took in the overall sight with an amused and slightly frustrated sigh. He'd never seen two people be so clearly heads over heels with each other with just a simple glance. He immediately knew that Joseph was going to be absolutely oblivious to your clear attraction to him. He sometimes genuinely questioned how someone who was as smart and organized as Joseph could be so oblivious when it came to this sort of thing.
A few weeks had gone by before you even knew it. It's been an interesting and somewhat draining experience being trained by Sebastian and Joseph. One thing that was currently unbeknownst to you, since you hadn't really realized it yet was that Joseph was actually being a lot more gentle and soft when handling your training and whenever he reprimanded you for any mistakes, compared to how he acted towards other new rookies he's been in charge of in the past.
He watched silently as you sorted and organized some old case files. He honestly couldn't believe that he'd fall for someone so fast. However, he knew that having a strong friendship was the base of any good relationship, so he'd have to start there before he dreamed of even thinking of confessing to you. He had to be one hundred percent sure that you felt the same before he'd risk it, and if he could only ever have you as a friend, then he'd be fine with it, so long as you were by his side. He was slightly startled out of his train of thoughts as his glasses were suddenly removed.
"H-huh? What are you doing with my glasses?"
"Oh, um.. I hope you don't mind, Detective Oda. They looked really smudged and... well, I thought I could clean them off for you?"
He's slightly taken aback by your kind gesture. He watched you as you cleaned them off, well, as good as he could without his glasses, that is. He felt his face heat up slightly as you put his glasses back on him. They were a lot cleaner now. He cleared his throat some.
"Um... Thank you, and please... You don't have to call me Detective Oda, you can just call me Joseph... I insist."
"Hehe... it was no problem! I'm always glad to help you out whenever you need, Joseph!"
He nearly felt his heart stop at the sight of your sweet and kind smile. God, he had fallen hard for you, and he could only hope that it wasn't obvious. He sat down next to you and helped you finish organizing the old case files. The two of you talked and laughed over the next few hours, as you both worked on this. This was truly the beginning of a beautiful friendship, and maybe someday hopefully more.
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