#tged spoilers
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sunflowercider · 5 months ago
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I adore the fact that Lloyd likes to read for entertainment. I also like thinking about Lloyd's inability to chill the fuck out. I think it's funny.
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ying-doodles · 1 year ago
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hold onto each other like they are the last thing you have left in the world.
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mitsurusweep · 17 days ago
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“You did nothing wrong” // OK REUPLOAD CUS I WANTED TO FIX HIS LEGS😭😭😭
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jsdhwdmax56 · 2 years ago
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Javier. Popular Guy. Loved by ALL the girls. Admired by the guys. Number One candidate for "Must Let My Daughter Marry" list of every noble there is. GOT REJECTED by LLOYD. Fucking lloyd!! 😂😂
Lloyd. who is always mistaken for servant. the bad guys ain't got nothing on his face. definitely number one candidate for "Must Tell My Family I Don't Want To Be Married. To"
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lynn-tged-posting · 3 months ago
tged webtoon ep 174 spoilers and thoughts that i'm actually kinda happy about but there's just a little bit more that i wish we got to see this ep but possibly maybe itll show up later,,, maybe,,, i hope,,, and more below the cut
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ok back to the ep LMFAOO
it seems i kiiinda misunderstood what was happening last ep, everyone relevant to the railroad construction is in the time bubble it's just that javier isn't going up to the mountains with lloyd,,, i see!!!
"i wanna go to him and make sure he's safe" ooogh,,, oh javier,,, u love him sm,,,, ooohhhh
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tbh at first i was like, a lil confused that javier didn't go up to check on lloyd esp since javier is so willing to do anything to protect lloyd. its clear too that he knows abt lloyd's heart freezing,,, though i suppose at the same time, javier trusts lloyd's word so much that when the noble says he'll be fine, javier accepts it as he always has,,, either way his desire to run to protect lloyd and his willingness to trust that lloyd will be okay are both very sweet,,, the mutual trust always makes me so happy,,,,,,, ohhh javier ilysm,,,,,,
i am glad then that alicia went up to go check on him and that javier is reassured by this!!! look at his smile ooohhh hehehee
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i think choosing to have javier trust his queen instead of sowing conflict btwn the two is rlly nice, tho mostly bc i am biased bc i tend to prefer sweet reliability over infighting,,, he trusts her to take care of lloyd the way javier would take care of lloyd,,, (is this alillovier propaganda? perchance,,, /lh)
it makes so much sense that they'd be on the same wavelength n get along,,, two peas in a pod,,, powerful and clever and oh so loyal to the person that they've come to admire, respect, and love,,, the person that's saved them time and time again,,, heehee,,, truly the besties of all time!!! red and blue!!! i love it a lot!!!
and now for lloyd,,, hehe
i need it to be known that the moment i saw this panel, lloyd wearing alicia's sweater, i yelled and kicked and nearly cried. very loudly. what the hell. THATS SO?? THATS SO. IDEK
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still forever thinking abt how javier is always the first one to his mind they truly r the duo ever,,, regardless of whether theyre platonic or romantic they're literally each other's number ones and the first ones they turn to im so. thats so. ghhh my heart,,, (ALSO HI ALICIA)
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his stupid face,,, HIS PANELS THIS EP WERE SO SO FUNNY AND SO SO CUTE,,, i love u,,, HE JUST LOOKS SO SHOCKED AAAAHHH SO CUTE,,, wide-eyed and dumbfounded . lloyd i love u
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the gags this ep were fucking amazing too HAHA i didnt add it above but the bit where alicia was like "lol next ur gonna tell me he's the demon king" and then just turns and oh hi theres demons LMFAOOO THAT WAS GOOD
AND THESE TOO SO SO SILLY i love when they're silly like this,,, goofy ass inchworm,,, its not helping u beat the bug allegations buddy,,, ily
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and then she shared her mana w him,,, the little smile she gives and LLOYD BLUSHING BACK IM SO. THATS SO CUTE. HE LOOKS SO CUTE. THIS IS SO SWEET,,, AHHH,,, AAAHHHH CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE
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though smth to note here, i am quite confused as to why javier's mana is suddenly rejected when he tries to absorb it? but alicia's works just fine? and javier has shared mana with lloyd before, my mutual reminded me of the namaran wall arc where siluria and javier both help lloyd with absorbing the hell knight,,, however the fact that javier's mana components have yet to break the law of causality during this arc, aka he wasnt a grandmaster yet. maybe bc of his status as a grandmaster now, where he has the same otherworldy mana lloyd does, that makes it not possible to properly absorb the mana?
alternatively, javier technically is never fated to die/be transformed in the original story, whereas lloyd should be dead and alicia should be tainted with dark magic, so bc the two of them have warped their fates at the moment, it works? and javier's doesnt bc he's technically not? idk if that makes any sense,,, i was told by my mutual that javier has shared mana with lloyd a lot in the novel before, so i'm not sure why they made this change! i hope they expand on it a lil in the future,,,
also, while i'm yapping here, i like that alicia is straightforward abt what she likes abt lloyd, but i wish they got to have a longer conversation than this,,, like this is a good start but it didn't really go anywhere (besides some really wonderful panels of lloyd but i mean like, narrative-wise lol)
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as i mentioned in my last liveblog, alicia and suho share a lot more common experiences than they probably realize! and i think if they got a chance to talk about that, talking about their past circumstances, how they became who they are now, and just more in general on what led alicia to fall for lloyd besides what he's capable of,,, this ship would actually sail pretty well, yknow?
unfortunately though with the pacing of the manhwa and i guess just their episode length requirements in general, it makes sense that they couldn't get to that,,, i just wish it happened,,, maybe in snippets in future episodes? but seeing as we're getting pretty close to the end afaik, the chances are slim
i mainly love llovier but i also really love alilloyd, and i think alilloyd as a whole would have a much better leg to stand on if they actually talked about their experiences and had more instances of saving each other, of supporting each other, the way javier does with lloyd. it's too few and too far between for alicia and lloyd, so it feels like it's flatter than what it could be, y'know?
a part of me hopes that they did get to do that in the novel, but from what i recall hearing, alilloyd didn't have a strong leg in the novel either,,, i distantly recall someone telling me that the manhwa is actually doing alilloyd stronger justice than the novel did (i may be misremembering tho so don't quote me on that lol), and seeing as the manhwa's interpretation of alilloyd is so few and far between as is,,,, it makes me worried that the novel never actually got to touch upon how their relationship evolves (if im wrong, please correct me!!!)
i just want them to do well,,, they're super cute,,, please,,, ueueueue
anyway,,, this leads us to probably my FAVORITE panel of this week,,, this one of lloyd completely flushed EEE EHEHEHHEHEHEHHEE
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SO SO SO SO CUTE. I YELPED WHEN I SAW THIS,,, I LOVE THAT ALICIA FALLS FIRST AND THEN LLOYD FALLS SO MUCH HARDER THAT'S FUCKING ADORABLE. methinks it's like that with javier too. lloyd falling and tripping up over realizing someone has romantic affection for him is probably one of my favorite things EVER. that's adorable. I LOVE HIM AAAHHH CUTE CUTE CUTE
one last thing to mention is just that,,, it seems like theres a mage messing w the weather conditions up in the mountains and i aaaam a lil worried that itll kickstart fate for alicia,,,, esp considering we,,, havent seen worthroad in a while. whatever that guys name was,,, what if its him and he's gonna fuck everything up!?? im really worried for them,,, please be okay,,,
and that's all for this week! i really REALLY enjoyed this episode,,, the panels and art were so so good, and while there were some things i wished would happen i think it was still really good overall, it gave me a lot to talk about! the gags were balanced and their interactions were so fun,,, yay!
i'll see yall next time,,, im so excited to see whats next,,,!!!!!
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lloydfrontera · 1 year ago
i think my issues with the canon romance at the end can be summarized by that competition alicia holds to win lloyd's hand.
she's like 'oh your new body sucks you need to marry someone who can protect you 24/7' so she holds a tournament to find the strongest woman in the continent and marry him to her so he'll have built-in bodyguard. which is objectively the funniest thing she could've done i love her so much. but. like. it's so unnecessary, redundant and also just,,,, factually incorrect??? ajdhka god lemme explain
here's how alicia puts it
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but,,,, lloyd already has a bodyguard who's at his side 24/7. like. that's very much a plot point of the entire novel. there's literally a character who's arc is about coming to care about lloyd above anything else and deciding to stay at his side for the rest of his life to protect him. like. that's very much a thing that happened. it literally takes us 320 chapters to get to that point why are you acting like you're doing something new here
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a swordsmanship competition. to decide who gets to marry lloyd. remind me what character have we spent the entire novel being told and shown over and over and over again is the most powerful and strongest swordsman in literally the entire world???
right. but he can't participate. because he's not a woman. which i think it's the point to this rant.
i don't think i need to spell it out but i'm gonna anyway.
the only reason javier isn't the one to end up with lloyd is because he's a man. because even by the in-universe made up requirements he's the most qualified one to do so, except that he's not allowed to even participate because he's not a girl.
and y'know what's the extra thing that just. makes me go a little insane because it's the one detail that makes me doubt for one second that all of this wasn't just pure chance or coincidence and instead is bk moon taunting us. y'know what it is.
what character is the only one who canonically can and has passed for a woman with no issue whatsoever in a seemingly out of nowhere gag that never comes up again. do you remember.
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right. yeah.
so we have,,, a character who is devoted to our main character and has sworn to protect him for the rest of his life with everything he has, who is the strongest swordsman in the entire world and who can easily pass for a woman.
and then the main character is supposed to marry whoever wins a competition to decide who gets to protect him for the rest of his life, who is the strongest swordsman in the country and where only women are allowed to participate.
and i'm not supposed to read anything into that.
okay. i feel like i'm going crazy this is me right now
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but seriously. this little tidbit that was probably just meant to be a joke about how alicia came to marry lloyd just,,, really highlights how unnecessary and redundant their romance feels to me
like. why would lloyd need to marry alicia. when he already has javier.
do you get what i mean
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orphiclovers · 2 months ago
chapter 137 of the greatest estate developer
I'm always a sucker for the trope of having to confront a manifestation of your inner darkness. staring in your own eyes and seeing a twisted reflection of your own soul.
For Suho, it's all these things people around him, mainly Alicia and Javier have thought - he's dangerous, he's too powerful, he could seize power and destroy the kingdom easily if he wanted to
And until now we have gotten no hint as to Lloyd being aware of this - but turns out he IS!!!! He knows his power, he knows he could just brute force his way through getting what he needs no matter the casualties.
All of what Dark Lloyd says reveals the anxieties Suho feels from "doing things the right way" - if wasting time helping everyone and doing fair exchanges might cost him his family, if he shouldn't just stop bothering.
And Suho's response is giving his inner darkness a freaking hug and acknowledging that he "must be scared but they'll pull through because they're really capable!!"... what he says later about "accepting that everyone has dark thoughts sometimes" it's just tooth rottingly sweet bleaugh. this guy is the picture of mental health it's nauseating
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lucynda · 2 months ago
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I admit, I simp for this man way too hard. Javier would be so confused if he met me.
Chapter 176 spoilers
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I will not get over the fact that Javier is now so unhinged. If Javier from chapter 1 ever saw himself now he would question every decision he ever made.
Also he was always a petty little shit. Lloyd just saw him and was like
LF: I could fix him but it would be funnier if I made him worse
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Lloyd's philosophy is so in line with John Ruskin and as someone who had to study him during my architecture studies I feel like I should actually make a post just about Lloyd and Ruskin.
In short, Ruskin philosophy was a weird mix. It's a conservatism on capitalist hardware running on socialist software. "Hierarchy is important but the rich have responsibility to protect the poor and raise their quality of life" which is very Lloyd.
Here especially since Ruskin was huge on protecting nature and landscape.
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I love Alicia so much. While Javilloy has a special place in my heart Alilloyd does too. She is absolutely amazing in recognising Lloyd's worth as a person and not judging him on how he looks.
Now we only need to wait till she joins the unhinged brigade
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tgedzine · 4 months ago
The TGED zine needs ARTISTS
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Hello! I'm Lauu and im the organiser of an ongoing tged zine, we're halfway through production however we've run into a small problem as we're missing some artworks and need some spot artists to help, if anyone here would be interested in participating here is a link to a forms. As the zine is pretty deep in development most of the themes for the drawings are set however we will try to cater to the tastes of any artist that wants to participate as much as possible, thank you very much!
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ravenlexis · 6 months ago
this guy really went, "the love of my life... oh, and i guess my fiancé too" like??? 🤨🏳️‍🌈❓❓❓
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they literally miss each other so much 😭😭😭
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silentnewtbark · 7 months ago
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Fixed it.
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sunflowercider · 4 months ago
When you wish for a better young master and you somehow actually get one
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ying-doodles · 6 months ago
// webtoon spoilers (ep 162)
they're such bfs in these panels I swear,,
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just two boyfriends holding each other back ahdjdjsk- married behaviour even..
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procuder · 2 years ago
Lower's ones eyes.
Another Llojavi au...(i finally redraw this prompt!!)
Okay, this used to be an ending 2 of the spoiler ending's song but I think separating it into AU sounds better. (The original prompt in my head was Javier in ending 2 dancing with Lloyd's body before burning. and Lloyd who used to ending spoiler, watch it...)
Everyone please draw Llojavi in this song trust me you'll see the vision😭
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If I never get to see you again.
If I never come and find you, my friend.
Then I'll tie you ever tightly here beside me, never slowing.
If you find you have a chance here with me.
If you never wanna get up and leave,
Then don't give up on that feeling, the future's ours for reaching,
Soon you'll see.
*sob* this song is so good and the lyrics one above is come from will stetson's cover and ALSO! Don't forgot to go listen to the original and the 25ji nightcode de version!!
Trust me this song also fits with Javier and Og Lloyd as well--
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shovel-hooligan-frontera · 2 months ago
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javier getting angry when lloyds sad is everything to me actually. if you cared.
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NOT THE TIME GIRL. THAS GON MAKE HIM MORE SAD. also what happened to ur face? did i miss smthn? or did i just forger.
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LITERALLY ME. my reaction to. no ☝️
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THA FUCK? THERES MORE? eh itll be easy now but like. bro wth.
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aroace king.
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bros on trial
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i know what you mean. politics. ugh.
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lynn-tged-posting · 2 months ago
tged webtoon ep 176 spoilers except its mostly me having a great time bc the panels this week were incredibly fun YAY and thoughts below the cut
oh my god these motherfuckers are up to their scheme again. LMFAOOOOOOOOO LOOK AT THEM HAHAHAHAHAHA
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also obsessed w javier's expression. whenever he has these moments his expressions are always the BEST because theyre SO MINIMAL. the slightest curl of his lip,,, the menace in his eyes,,, compared to lloyd's expressions, javier's are always technically lowkey, but the artist always gives that lowkeyness an extra edge in the art that completes the entire panel. i love javier's expressions so much WAHAHAHA THEY'RE SO GOOD
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LOOK AT THEM BEING MENACES ADLFKJSLDJKF absolute thugs. god it's like when they're together they sync a braincell that tells them to go Scheme mode. they're so ridiculous i love them sm,,, alicia ur gonna have to get used to this LMFAO
ALSO I AM SO SO HAPPY LLOYD IMMEDIATELY WENT TO COMPROMISE W THE SPIRIT KING. I KNEW U WOULD THATS MY BOY ILY BUDDY!! i really like how nice his expressions are here,,, i want to think that there's a part of him in there that's actually genuine abt this. esp w the panels that are upcoming,,,
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like he looks so soft here! it's sweet,,, i'm really glad he's doing this,,,
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REALLY enjoying all these soft lineart from lighting moments that the artist is putting in. god i love this so much,,, there's a metaphor in here somewhere,,, idk,,, i like this a lot!!! alicia seeing pieces of suho's heart poking thru,,, like sunrays,,,, hehehe sweet,,,, so sweet,,,
i love this panel to pieces but i do think its funny af that in this panel lloyd is crouching like that LOL what a creature ily bud
ALSO. ALSOO lets talk about what alicia's thoughts are here as she's looking at him,,, she says smth along the lines of "ur interesting to me bc i cant figure u out,,," and i love that a lot,,, maybe im looking too far into this but i read this as her saying "im seeing pieces of who u really are, i want to figure u out / explore ur true and honest self". she's learning more abt the side of lloyd thats empathetic, thats selfless, that brings out a good outcome for everyone,,,, she wants to see more of that side of him methinks,,,,, regardless of what she actually meant by this, it's a very cute moment and i really like it,,,
it again makes me think that alilloyd as a ship has soooo much potential. it could be so so good,,, this moment especially helps give it a little ground to stand on,,, i just wish there was a stronger foundation,,, it could be even greater,,, ohhh,,,, maybe in future eps who knows? we'll have to wait and see,,,
also hi artanis!! this line from her caught my eye i wanted to bring it up
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im willing to bet that this belief is also one that was sourced from credos/jang-cheol, just like the rock paper scissors game and just the farming/pacifism schtick as a whole. it probably played a part in how he had to convince the demons to follow him in the first place,,,
this could also indicate that living honestly and working to earn is a principle that jang-cheol followed in korea, and he decided that he would stick with it when he became credos. alternatively, he had the complete opposite principle (he was a gamer after all, with a max level character,,, could imply that he spent all his time on the game) but when he got transmigrated, he realized that he had another shot at making a living honestly and decided to commit to that. there isn't really enough to make a solid conclusion on how jang-cheol lived, but this is an interesting indicator and i think it's worth a bookmark! i hope the prequel gets a manhwa so i can read it,,, manifesting,,,
oh also the railroad! yay!! y'know idk if this is quite the preservation of nature i had thought they would do LOL this,,, could be considered manipulating the ecosystem too much,,, but also i am not a biologist! so i wouldn't know! it looks nature-preserved so i'll take it!
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seems like the demons won't be too far from home too, since they'll probably be the ones employed to run the railroad tracks once it's complete. lloyd essentially gave them jobs! yahoo!
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i will be honest the glare is pretty uh. harsh but i dont mind at all bc YAYYY YAYYY NICE MOMENT WITH LLOYD YAHOO YAHOO. he seems and looks super tired here too,,, one of the panels before this was his heart freezing up again and alicia asked if they should stop bc of his heart, but he refuses,,, ghhh,,, stupid fucking martyr i love you stop doing that though please take a break
this panel is again another alicia pov panel and i really really like it,,, he's so Sun character to me idk how to explain that (javier is Moon to me). maybe ill break that down in a different post another time but yeah,,, yeah,,, sun and moon,,, yeah,,,,,,, also alicia is Comet. one day ill elaborate
and then there it is, goofy lloyd panel HAHA there's the greedy front he always puts on, welcome back! alicia's reaction too LMFAOOO she's sick of his antics /lh
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like bud u dont have to say anything else,,, we know u care lloyd u dont have to put up the money part at the end anymore,,,,,,, goofy ass
their lil moment here was also rlly cute,,, alicia laughing at lloyd's antics and just. his big ass smile HAHAHAHAH so so cute i love this a lot,,,
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and then the railroad got completed YAYY YAYYYY YAYYY ONE STEP CLOSER TO A HAPPY ENDING!!!
lloyd got like a jump ability and according to my mutuals thats not in the novel? so im curious as to what thats for,,, lloyd says it already but yeah he's a swordmaster now and has tons of other skills and summons too. what would a super jump be useful for,,,? so far, most if not all of his skills have had some use in the story,,, skills that are deliberately brought up like this are always used eventually. what in the world will a jump skill do??? what kind of situation will lloyd find himself in?? is this not almost over??? i'm so curious,,,
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also this panel lloyd looks really tired, exhausted even,,, his irises look dulled and theres slight bags,,,, the construction plus the effects on his heart is probably doing him in,,,
and then we see him keel over LAKDFJLSDKJF
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I GASPED SO LOUD WHEN I SAW THIS AND IM NOT SURE IF ITS OUT OF WORRY OR IF ITS OUT OF GIDDY. bc listen, on the one hand, oh my god im so worried for lloyd please be okay dont DIE. on the other hand,,, on the other, fic-brained character interaction-pilled hand,,, WHUMP WHUMP WHUMP CHARACTER WHUMP WHUMP MOMENT HURT COMFORT. YAHOO FIREWORKS EVERYONE CHEER!!! WHUMP!!! WHUMP IN MY TGED!!! WAOWIE WAOWIE WAOWIE!!!
sorry. my demons. anyway
alicia catching him is so good,,, sweet,,,, so sweet,,,,, ANOTHER POINT FOR ALILLOYD. again i wish the foundation for alilloyd was stronger, bc if they had established it in a better or more solid/connected way this moment would hit even harder,,, BUT NO,,, its missing impact for me simply bc alicia and lloyd do not talk/share/save each other enough. but it's so cute,,, sweet,,, this moment is nice,,, ghhh,,,, i feel heartbroken over this its bittersweet
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and off they go,,, yes,,, a queen, her boyf, and her boyf's boyf. beautiful. alicia is carrying him again hehe,,,
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off they go to get the eye of summer!! YAYYY!!! lloyd will stay alive!!! YAHOO!!! we are one step closer to beating fate and getting that happy ending,,, hold on lloyd, hold on everyone,,, it'll be over soon! if they don't get a happy ending i am going to cry and sob for forever and ever!!!! i'm serious!!!!!!!!
i genuinely had a lot of fun reading this ep the moments were all so fun and i'm very glad that things are looking up for them,,,!!! this does also worry me that there's going to be one more final obstacle before we actually get their good ending. bc now that i think abt it, getting the eye of summer does save lloyd but it doesn't stop fate,,, so,,, there might be more trouble ahead. but i'm not gonna worry about that right now!!! i'm coping!!! i'm coping.
that's all from me tho,,, i have to get back to the school grind,,, i'll see y'all next time!!!
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