#they’re doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to promote the show
steddiebang2024 · 2 days
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STEVE AND EDDIE MAKE A PORNO  |  Explicit  |  55k
Author: @hitlikehammers
Artist: @hagnoart
Beta Reader: @dontwasteyourchances
[Link to fic]  |  [Link to art]
Pairings: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, (background Robin Buckley/Chrissy Cunningham, Nancy Wheeler/Barbara Holland, Jonathan Byers/Argyle; porn film scene pairings indicated in the relevant chapters)
Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Chrissy Cunningham, Jonathan Byers, Barbara Holland, Argyle
Tags: Friends to Lovers, Nay: oblivious!BEST friends to lovers, Romcom, Porn, Y’know because shooting a porno is the orienting plot device, Humor, General Shenanigans, Coffee-related Innuendos Abound, Platonic Stobin, Happy Ending (not THAT kind), (…okay also a lot of that kind because again: THEY ARE SHOOTING A PORNO)
Trigger Warnings: This fic is inspired by a film where the filming of a porno is a central plot device; sex positivity, orientation positivity, sex-and-pairings-for-aesthetic-appeal-NOT-for-endgame-purposes are the name of the game.
↳ Keep reading below for a summary!
Unlikely but inseparable best-friends-since-middle-school Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson move in together after graduation and, honestly? Lead a semi-stable if generally-uneventful life (or not-entirely uneventful, fine, because Eddie takes personal offense to that characterization of anything involving himself): but they make a decent living as minimum wage grunts and they never starve, which of course counts as a win in late-stage capitalism. So what if it’s always been paycheck to paycheck and they’ve only just made it outside their hometown: they still do earn their paychecks, Eddie’s booking more weekend shows to pad his kinda-pitiful record store wages, the cafe Steve works at is expanding and a promotion to senior manager isn’t wholly out of the question, and they did make it out of their back-assward hometown, no matter how far they got. Most of all, through better or worse, bound thicker than blood: they’ve got each other. It’s not the life Steve was raised to expect, but it’s not one he’s trade for anything in the world. 
Which is still true when, due to a very unfortunate lack of communication—with good intentions! It honestly was all above-board and stupidly well-intentioned—they may have entirely unwittingly paved their way into bills-so-overdue-the-utilities-are-canceled. Like: bye-bye-water-mid-shower-canceled. 
Which: fucking late-stage capitalism. Ruining everything. 
And it is ruined: it’s the holidays, which means there are extra hours but they’re being vied for Hunger Games style, and the lack-of-heating thing’s going to be a real problem with the Midwest winter that’s creeping up quick. Basically: ‘up shit creek without a paddle’ is an understatement. 
But then, opportunity presents itself in the most time-honored of professions when they run into the shocker (or: not-really-a-shocker, dude was hella repressed) partner of a straight-laced douchebag classmate at their ten-year-reunion: an adult film star who reveals $100k could be within their grasps—bills paid, debt cleared, money to spare for the first time in forever—if the form of...well.
Shooting their own porno. 
So umm...fucking late stage capitalism? 
And honestly it’s a solid plan, despite being absolute insanity (though that’s honestly unsurprising because, again: nothing’s uneventful when Eddie Munson’s your best friend), but the question that rears its head ultimately isn’t one of revenue, but one they probably should have thought through a little harder from the get-go: when budget’s tight, cast is limited, and promotional value is crucial—alongside everyone banging everyone? 
You’re also probably gonna have to fuck your best friend on camera for cash in the process.
(Goddamn previously unrealized and unacknowledged feelings late stage capitalism, man. Fucks up everything.)
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tomwambscunts · 1 year
barry pr team fucked up so bad this time like they don’t even make a damn trailer anymore LMAOOOO
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lolbital · 6 months
My hazbin hotel ship opinions!
• staticradio: my favorite, my obsession, my life. It is very obvious in the show that Vox is obsessed with Alastor. The most common opinion in the community is that it’s one-sided, but I like to think Alastor pulled away because he was afraid of his reciprocated feelings towards Vox.
•radiorose: This is my second favorite Alastor ship. They are super cute and they’re quite perfect for eachother. I just enjoy their friendship too much to actively ship them.
•radioapple: I only understand this ship because it seems like they have existing tension, but otherwise I don’t enjoy it. Alastor and Lucifer’s relationship was never expanded on beyond their immediate rivalry. Maybe if season 2 gives them more interactions or a backstory I will be able to get behind this ship a little more, but I really can’t see this as anything more than a boring rivals to lovers trope.
•staticmoth: It’s okay, but I don’t see them as much more than a sexual relationship. I don’t think Valentino is capable of genuine love.
•polyvees: I see Velvette as more of a younger sister to the other vees. To me the idea of her having two boomer older brothers is just funny. I don’t think this ship is necessarily bad it’s just not my thing.
•bombsnake: I think they’re cute. Unfortunately I don’t think Cherri really has returned feelings for Pentious. Based on their interactions she just seems interested in experimenting sexually with him because of his anatomy. I could be wrong though, so I’m very open to this ship!
•Charlastor: I see Alastor as a father figure or older brother to Charlie. Especially after the Hell’s greatest dad song, I just can’t ever see them in a romantic situation. I am not against the ship, but I personally don’t like it.
•Chaggie: I have nothing bad to say about them! Their relationship is healthy and I think they’re perfect for eachother. I particularly enjoy the fact that Vaggie was an ex-exterminator because it truly promotes Charlie’s idea of redemption. I am going to be extremely upset if Vaggie gets redeemed and gets seperated from her gf.
•radiodust: most people who ship this probably still have the pilot in mind. They don’t interact a whole lot in the show, and I see this as more of a crackship than anything.
•huskerdust: It looks like they’re going to be getting a slow burn relationship and I’m so happy about that. I like to think that Husk is refusing Angel’s advances because he knows he’s only doing it because of hypersexuality at first. I’m 99% sure that is what is canon too. I want to see their relationship grow.
•radiohusk: I am sorry but I can’t get behind this whatsoever. Husk absolutely hates Al, and Al owns him. There is no equality in this relationship, and it would get toxic very quickly.
•radiomaid: I love their dynamic but only as friends. I know Nifty is an adult, but she acts so childish and Alastor still owns her. I don’t like the power imbalance and maturity gap.
•alastor/lilith: if the theory that Lilith owns Alastor is true, then I am interested to see if we get a backstory about them, or what they might’ve been doing for 7 years. As of now I am neutral.
•guitarspear: these two menaces belong together. It seems like Lute really cares about Adam too which is an added bonus.
•Adamsapple: definitely a crackship. I don’t know what to say other than I find it amusing.
•valdust: I despise this ship. There is a very abusive power imbalance and it is proven that Anthony is nothing more than an object in Val’s eyes. There is no love here, just manipulation.
•royalhalo: cute, but even better if It’s poly with Vaggie. If emily becomes a fallen angel, Charlie could have two gfs and I stand behind that.
•lucilith: I hope they get back together. Lilith better have a good reason for leaving.
•Vaggie/Angeldust: most probably ship this because they were likely a longtime viv follower. I’m not against this ship necessarily, but I could never get behind it. Maybe I just adore chaggie and huskerdust too much.
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mysticpenguincreation · 3 months
okay. im going to post again and break my own promise because i also want to address another side of the argument.
people saying how they can’t watch part 2 now because luke manipulated the fans and they feel that the magic is ruined.
remember. we are talking about real people here. they are not the fictional characters they play on screen. let’s go over this one by one, i LOVE making numbered lists for arguments:
1. Luke and Nicola provided us with a fabulous tour. They owe us NOTHING.
It’s US who should be greatfull to them for doing hard work. A long press tour with that amount of promotion must have been absolutely exhausting no matter how much you love your job.
2. Luke isn’t obliged to fall in love with Nic and date Nic.
3. Nic isn’t obliged to fall in love with Luke and date Luke.
4. MULTIPLE times they addressed the fact that they are good friends. People were giddy making gifs saying “no, ur lying”.
Now imagine someone coming up to you and saying “You’re in love with me”. You answer “No i’m not”. They tell you “Nah, you’re lying”. It’s all in good fun until it grows into a straight up disrespectful delusion.
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5. The personal life of actors shouldn’t affect how you feel about fictional characters. ESPECIALLY if they did not a fucking thing wrong. I wish really creepy and predotary people in the industry got at least half of the shit Luke is going through right now because Luke dared to have a fucking relationship. Or a relationship not with Nic.
6. We should be thankful to Nic and Luke for being kind, professional and respectful. We should be in love with their beautiful friendship, and not push either of them to cater to desires of fans who cannot, will not, do not want to distinguish between show and real fucking life. They have no obligation to you to start dating because their onscreen counterparts did and you liked it.
7. Again, I do not want to speculate. I have no idea if it was their decision or if it was PR. If they were encouraged to hide their relationship during promotion (imagine waiting this fucking long), or if they were encouraged to show that they’re together right after the show dropped. I do not know AND IT DOES NOT MATTER. Even the idea of restraining your personal life due to PR is sad and makes me sick. I hope they’re just going with the flow, staying true to themselves and are being HAPPY.
“Was it a wrong PR decision?” does not fucking matter because it should be their fucking decision to begin with. The fact that PR is created for this exact reason - to do damage control when people lose their shit over something normal is bind-boggling. It is insane that we came to this fucking point in human history.
8. The phrase “Luke’s hard launch” disgusts me. Fans are talking about Antonia like she’s an object and not a real person. JUST STOP!
9. Try to be fucking kind and touch the fucking grass once in a while. Grass is lovely - take Penelope’s advice.
Seeing this makes me think that the comments are coming from two groups of people:
1. Toxic stan’s who want Nic with Luke and can’t grasp the idea that they are not their characters. “Luke is a lot like Colin” from interviews does not fucking equal “Luke is in love with Nic”. Following this delulu logic he should have fallen for Claudia then because they said multiple times that Claudia is a lot like Pen and Nic is a lot like Eloise. There is no fucking connection in these statements. Fucking none.
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2. People who loved the idea of Luke being single because it allows them to fantasize about Luke falling in love with them. It’s okay, we’ve all had celebrity crushes, but when it gets to the point of you throwing hate at the person, it becomes creepy and unhealthy.
To all the haters and “sympathizers” - get some help and get your shit together.
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atlafan · 6 months
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“You’re acting like that meme of Jamie Lee Curtis where she’s aggressively drinking that water and telling someone off at the same time.” Layna groaned at her boyfriend who finally stopped glaring at his phone to look up at her.
“I have absolutely no idea what that is.”
“Yes you do, I’ve sent it to you before!” Layna takes her own phone out and shows him after searching it quickly on Google.
“Ohhhhh.” He smirks. “Right, now I remember. It’s usually you who looks like that when you’re about to brawl with someone.”
“Now that you’ve calmed down, can we think about what just happened rationally?”
“No, and I will try to call customer service again.” He holds his phone up to his ear.
“Your ass is not on the phone!”
“I’m listening to a voicemail!”
“Okay, Mr. Corporate.” She rolls her eyes.
“Just because I was promoted at the gym, does not make me a corporate meow meow asshole. I think it’s perfectly reasonable for to be upset about this.”
“I’m just going to go in and see if we can book a new reservation with my credit card. The room is technically available..”
“Not until I get to the bottom of this.”
“There’s nothing to get to the bottom of.” She groaned.
“The bottom is gaping. This is a job for the FBI.”
“Who are you, Kris Jenner?”
“Ew, no.” He grimaces. “She’s insane, why would you say that?”
“Because you just said…ugh! Why can’t you know the same references that I do?”
“I’m so sorry that I haven’t spent hours upon hours watching E! I’ll try to rectify that at some point. Now, let me do what I need to do.” He taps a few things on his phone and then presses it to his ear. “This is why I hate credit cards, cash is so much easier.”
Layna pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. She reached into his pocket for the paper confirmation Harry had brought with them so they could check into their hotel with ease. He has wanted to plan a long weekend for them, so he booked everything with his name and his credit cards. When you check into a hotel, you need to show the card you used to reserve the room. The woman said the cards didn’t match. When Harry tried again, the app for his card put a lock on his account. So now they’re out on the curb trying to figure it out.
As Layna scans the paper she furrows her brows, then reaches into Harry’s pocket again for his wallet. He pays her no mind while he speaks with another representative from the card’s customer service line. She takes out the credit card he used to reserve the booking and realizes that Harry inverted the expiration date, and wrote Harry Edwerd Styles, instead of Harry Edward Styles. Two simple mistakes that the woman behind the counter could have been nicer about helping with instead of just turning them away.
“Harry…hang up the phone, baby. I figured out what happened.”
“Yeah?” He hangs up the phone. He was on hold so who cares?
“Um…I don’t want you to feel embarrassed because I’ve made mistakes like this before too, but it appears that you inverted the expiration date on your card…and spelled your middle name wrong…”
“I did?!” He snatches the card and the paper and scans them both. “I’m not seeing it.”
“Can I point to them?” She asks gently and he nods. She shows him the expiration on the card and then points to what’s on the paper. “See, the expiration is 06/29, you put 09/26…and you spelled Edward with two E’s…”
“Oh.” His cheeks redden, obviously very embarrassed by his blunder. “I should have had you look at it before I submitted…”
“It happens! I’ve done with my security code and my exportation date before. I think if we go back in, we could explain it better. And then see if that snotty lady will be cooler about the mistake.”
“This is so embarrassing.” He groans.
“I know it feels that way right now, but I promise, I’m not judging. I know your dyslexia flares up more when you’re stressed and reading all the fine print for a hotel reservation can be really daunting.” She wraps her arms around his neck and pecks his nose. “The sooner we go inside and fix the reservation, the sooner we can go to our room and I can help you forget alllll about this.”
“Might have times where I think of it randomly and I feel embarrassed all over again.” He grips her hips, squeezing them.
“Then I guess wherever we are you’ll just need to pull me aside and use me until you forget again.”
No Complaints Blurb
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beefrobeefcal · 1 year
Um okay so Javier Peña? Stubborn as fuck. Put on a little weight and he refuses to get new fucking clothes. Thinking season 3 Javier where he has a private office.
Well it’s after a wicked long day, stressful day. His work pants are already tight enough to be bugging him, and he’s sitting at his desk and only him and the receptionist or whatever are still there doing work.
Javier thinks he’s safe - sure he can unbutton his work pants just to catch his breath. He takes a sip of his whiskey and begins to unbutton and unzip his pants - tummy jumping forward - finally able to take a deep breath. He slumps back in his chair and palms his tummy gently, thinking to himself he absolutely either needs to start eating better & drinking less, or give up and buy a new suit.
Only for the receptionist to knock on his door and come in, which Pedro fidgeting to cover his open pants. The receptionist thinks he’s being dirty behind his desk - until they’re getting ready to fuck on their first date and she asks him what all that was about. He has a wicked blush all over his face and neck when he has to admit his pants were squeezing the absolute life out of him.
UNF. Nonnie. We thank thee for this bountiful feast we're about to receive.
Beefro 👌🥩💜
Beefro proudly presents:
a Chubby!Peña one shot
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Javier Peña & his Sweetheart: An HR Nightmare
Pairing: Javier Peña x Fem!Reader (Sweetheart!)
Summary: Javier quit booze, informants, and cigarettes. All he's left with is a pissy mood, food and you.
Rating: Explicit 18+ (MDNI)
Word Count: 5,748
Content Warning: Smutty smutty smut smut, fingering (f receiving), p in the v - unwrapped (don't be silly, cover you willy, kids!), belly appreciation, ill-fitting clothes, semen on clothing, hard candty throwing
Author's Notes: This is a long time coming. Blessed be the Nonnie who submitted this, and a major special thanks to @rebel-held & @theywhowriteandknowthings who read draft after draft and @neverwheremoonchild & @toxicanonymity for their smutty support. Shout out to the TDS for their unhinge thirst on twitter.
Final draft not beta'd, so enjoy my typos. TA DA!
Javier Peña was an all or nothing kind of guy. Work? Women? Cigarettes? Booze? He threw himself into them all headfirst, consequences be damned. But as he got older, a new item was added to that list – food.
You were hired as his secretary once he was promoted to the head of the department. You were leery, knowing his reputation for being a womanizer, but he turned out to be moodier than anything else, especially since he quit smoking your first week. While he admired your sharp wit and appreciated your honesty, he rarely showed it. The only time he seemed to be anything other than pissy was when you offered him some of the candy you hid in your desk for him.
Quitting smoking was harder than all Javier’s other habits to break, given it wasn’t just the nicotine that he craved, it was an oral fixation, too. He felt he constantly needed something in his mouth, and you were more than happy to provide him with anything sweet to keep his mood in check.
The long hours he worked in his new position meant that there was little time to sate his other vices; while he did still enjoy whiskey from time to time, the hangover he was graced with when he hit the bottle hard as he got older wasn't worth it. And now that he wasn’t the one with informants, women were not as easily obtainable as they once were.
He went from satiating his boredom and hunger with cigarettes and whiskey to actually eating something in the evenings. Then the snacking throughout the day started.
In short, Javier Peña was coping with food.
The one night that changed everything happened after a particularly grueling day. Meeting after boring meeting, back-to-back all day, he stopped by his favourite take out place, placed a ridiculously large order out of sheer hunger and frustration, and went home with enough food for a family of four. He laid out all the food in front of him and just started to eat. Halfway through, he had to open his pants and unbutton his shirt in order to finish. Once done, he hauled his stuffed belly to bed and slipped into a food coma.
You watched him come in the morning after, looking a little sluggish and slightly bloated. You figured he had tied one off late into the night to blow off steam, but as it happened more often, you knew it wasn’t alcohol or women. He’d slipped up and told someone about this take-out pace that he’d been ordering from, and you put two and two together pretty quicky.
His affinity for take-out and the candy you hid in your desk resulted in his middle filling out. It wasn’t too noticeable at first, but after nearly a year of his new habits, Javier Peña was growing quite the belly. Despite this, he’d refused to change his wardrobe, fairly certain that his new bulk wasn’t that noticeable.
Because of this, Javier sometimes looked like an unmade bed version of himself. Regardless, you desperately wanted to keep feeding him and feel his belly get bigger, among other things.
Javier woke up on the wrong side of the bed. He was craving a cigarette in the worst way, and he was out of gum. All that he had to take his mind off smoking was a pile of leftovers in the fridge. He ate the whole lot, then fought to get his pants done up. Still refusing to acknowledge that he needed to upgrade his wardrobe, he ignored the feeling under his belly as he tightened his belt; he had to suck in his stomach as hard as he could to get the buttons done up on his shirt, and once he relaxed, the buttons were pulling, although not enough to gape or pop. This was becoming an issue more and more often, but Javier was stubborn. He was in a bad enough mood already, and he didn’t want to give a single thought to his clothing.
He stormed into the office and stood in front of your desk, huffing as he reviewed the contents of a file folder. It was your first day back after a three-week holiday and he was impatiently waiting for you to get off the phone. You turned in your chair and smiled coldly at him, and when his eyes went back down to the file, yours wandered down to his middle.
You almost choked and had to hide it in a cough so the person on the other line and Javier wouldn’t ask what was wrong. His already tight pants had become tighter, especially now that the front of his pants had to bow under his belly, and his shirt, while it was buttoned, wasn’t long enough. You could see a sliver of skin peeking out between his belt and the front corners of his shirt. And it took every ounce of strength to not reach out and touch it.
You’d noticed he was filling out a bit more before you left, but his was an entirely new development. Javier eyed you when you coughed, but you continued to pretend to be listening to what the other person was saying while you imagined what you needed to do to get those buttons to pop.
“How was your vacation?”, Javier scowled after you hung up.
“Great. I’m so glad to be back.”, you responded politely.
“Don’t need to lie to me.”, he huffed and rolled his eyes.
“Well, gee, Peña. It’s nice to see you and your mood, too.”, you snarked back. “Looks like you've kept yourself preoccupied.”
You nodded towards his fuller midsection with a smirk, and his face flushed. He stood up straighter and tried to suck in his belly.
You snickered at his attempt to hide the evidence of his decadence. “It’s good to be back and to get your office back on track. I’ve been sifting through all the files that you didn’t bother to deal with the last three weeks.”
He rolled his eyes again as he snarled sarcastically, “I’m so sorry you have to do your job.”
“Jesus, you are in a snit today.”, you sighed, holding up your candy dish. “Here, take the edge off pretend you are actually happy to see me. Maybe then I’ll give you the gift I picked up for you.”
He rolled his eyes and tossed the file folder on your desk and held his hand out for his gift.
“Not if you’re not happy to see me, Peña.”, you warned.
“Fucking tease.”, he muttered, popping a Werther’s caramel into his mouth.
“Oh, did I put you in a worse mood?”, you mockingly pouted, opening a drawer and pulling out a few boxes of chocolate coated macadamia nuts, then stated in a firmer tone, “You be nice today and you might get one of these boxes. Got it?”
He sighed and shook his head, and warned you in a low growl, “Watch it, sweetheart.”
And there it was, that nickname. Sweetheart. One of his subordinates called you that as a joke when you started giving Javier candy to temper his mood, but Javier took it and ran. Anyone else calling you that name caused your temper to flare, but when he did it? Your heart felt like it was trying to jump out of your mouth and flee from the room. You knew he used to be a flirt, and you shouldn’t let it get to you, but being your first day back and the sight you were greeted with, your guard was down. You swallowed hard and nodded back at him, opening one of the boxes and offering him a nut.
The day went quickly for you due to the catch up you were playing all day with the files that needed sorting. Javier spent most of the day in his office, being that his mood was still, well, terrible and his clothes were feeling far too tight; he felt uncomfortable and bitchy.  You were in and out, taking and leaving documents from his desk and trying so hard to remain focused on your tasks that you didn’t notice Javier eyeing you up and down at every opportunity. While he was discreet, he allowed himself the chance to check you out, noting the tan that warmed your skin tone, the way your skirt clung to your tight, little frame, and the way your blouse flowed and bounced with your tits. Javier figured that you were not interested in a workplace affair, something he knew all too well the dangers of. That, or you weren't interested in him. He remembered the way your body tensed when he would touch you and brush past you, and the last thing he wanted was to make you uncomfortable and lose you because he was a horny, lonely man. You were too valuable and important to him to take a chance; you were one of the few who was able to put up with him and his attitude. All that and he thought you were fucking hot.
By the end of the night, you’d decided that you were going to leave, get some dinner, then return to finish what you needed to be fully caught up. Assuming that Javier would be gone by the time you returned, you didn’t let him know you would be back.
“Have a good night, Agent Peña.”, you said, popping your head in his office.
He waved you off in a flat tone, not looking up from his file, “Night, sweetheart. Thanks for coming back.”
You rolled your eyes with a sigh and headed out. Javier lifted his head as you turned and watched you leave, his mind wandering to things he knew better than to allow.
With him having more things to get done, he’d organized earlier in the day to have his favourite take-out place deliver his usual order to the office around dinnertime. It arrived soon after you left, and he enjoyed most of the meal in silence, having to undo his belt and pants to accommodate all the food in him. He sat back in his office chair, picking his teeth, hand on his swollen middle.
You’d returned over an hour later, surprised to see a light on in his office.
“Agent Peña?”, you called out, walking towards his office, smelling take-out wafting in the air, figuring he ordered in because he was staying late.
Javier scrambled to sit up and tried not to look guilty while trying to suck in his belly. He tossed some paperwork over what was left of his dinner as you walked into his office, leaning forward in his chair to hide his open pants and looking at his flushed face, knowing you interrupted something.
“Oh... I thought you’d be gone by now.”, you said, leaning against the door frame with a smirk.
“Oh, no... I have some things... I need to get done and...”, he cleared his throat, his middle aching to be let back out. “I decided to stay late. What are you doing back?”
“I have some things I need to do to be caught up for tomorrow, so I came back after dinner.”, you said, trying not to smile even more. His guilty expression and flushed face had you thinking you’d just interrupted him jacking off, but knowing he was more than likely eating at his desk.
He finally had to give in and sit back but he pulled an open file over his lap to hide his open waistband. His belly was pulling his shirt taut across his middle, buttons threatening to give way, and his breathing was heavy.
“Have you eaten yet, Agent Peña?”, you asked coolly with a grin, your eyes scanning down and noting his middle looked fuller. Javier noticed your stare and cleared his throat. He looked at the blush creeping up your body and the look in your eyes, and he felt a rush of uncertainty.
“I got some food already.” he said, trying to keep his tone even.
“Right...”, you nodded with a smile. “You sure you don’t want another chocolate covered macadamia nut? You were being pretty nice to me today…”
“Maybe in a bit. Finish what you need and then maybe...”, he waved you off in a cold tone, desperately wanting to end this awkwardness for himself.
You nodded and turned, sauntering back to your desk. Javier watched you then sighed, letting his belly relax further and push out, his shirt buttons coming dangerously close to popping.
You sat at your desk, trying to concentrate on the files in front of you, but your mind kept slipping back to what he was doing when you walked in. He was filling out that stomach of his even further and you’d caught him. You’d also noticed the way his eyes roamed over you and the matching flush that crept up his face as you stood in his doorway. You smiled to yourself.
Javier sat at his desk and wondered how long you would be. It was a struggle that morning to do his pants up, and now that he was even more bloated and full, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to get them done up again. He sat back in his chair and sucked in his belly and tried to get them done up, not realizing how loud his grunting had gotten as he struggled.
You heard him, and you grabbed the open box of chocolates, got up, and went to the doorway. At first, you weren’t sure what you were watching, all you knew was you wanted to be a part of it. It dawned on you that Javier was struggling to get his pants done up, belly heaving and pulling on those poor buttons on his shirt. Catching him in such a vulnerable position had you feeling confident with the upper hand in this situation.
“Need some help, Agent Peña?” You barely recognized the honey-toned voice that came from your mouth.
He sat back up and looked at you while he panted, and his face went red.
“I... uh... I just... fuck.”, he sputtered.
His eyes were wide looking at you, almost pleading, and you swore you were no longer in control of your own body as you walked into his office and around his desk, leaning on it while you faced him.
“You need to get some better fitting clothes, Agent Peña.”, you cooed.
He scowled back at you and huffed, “Sweetheart...”, he said in a warning tone.
“Agent Peña.”, you cooed again. “… your shirt’s getting snug and those pants aren’t happening.”
He eyed you, and from the angle he was sitting at, he could see the swell of your breast between the buttons of your blouse, and he licked his lips. He sat back and looked at you. You raised your brow at him as you saw how distended his belly really was.
“Oh my… you weren’t whistling dixie when you said you already ate.”, you pointed out in a teasing tone, poking him with the box of chocolaty nuts. “You too full or you want some chocolate?”
He looked at you and scowled again, his tone sounding irritated, “Hey! You don’t get to come in here and - “
You cut him off by pushing one of the chocolates in his mouth. He grunted in response but made no move to stop you.
“Don’t get cranky, Peña. I’ll leave you be.”, you cooed and gave him a wink as you got up, tossed the box of chocolate on his desk and walked out of his office. You went back to your desk and collected your jacket and purse.
“See you in the morning, Agent Peña.”, you called out as you walked out the door.
Javier sat at his desk stunned for a few moments. He thought whatever holiday you had brought you back a new woman. He shoved a few chocolates in his mouth and groaned at his full belly and hard, aching cock.
The next few weeks went on as normal; neither of you being brave enough to talk about the events of that evening and acted as though nothing had happened. He continued to delve into his habit with food and you continued to feed him candy and other sweets. It wasn’t until the day before a black-tie event was taking place that Javier brought in his tuxedo for you to take to the dry cleaners.
“Peña are you sure you want to wear this tux?”, you asked in an unsure tone, folding the garment bag over your arm.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?”, he asked, not looking up from his desk.
“Well... are you sure it still fits?”, you raised an eyebrow as you asked.
His eyes shot up at you, and he barked, “Yes… Why the fuck wouldn’t it?”
You stared back at him, shaking your head and closing his office door before walking towards his desk.
“Peña. None of your clothes fit anymore.” Your tone was firm and direct.
“What does that mean?! My clothes fit just fine!”, he snapped, a flush creeping over his face.
“Stand up.”, you commanded as you put the garment bag over the back of the chair.
He gave a frustrated groan and huffed, then stood up. You looked him over, seeing the evidence of his food habits clearly around his middle even more than before. His waistband was strained under his protruding middle, and shirt was pulled tight over his belly, gaping between the buttons showing peeks of the undershirt below it.
You walked around the desk and stood in front of him, crossing your arms and giving him an irritated look.
“My clothes fit fine.”, Javier snapped.
“You’re really going to make me do this?”, you asked with a huff.
“Do what?”, he huffed back.
“Agent Peña, the shirt that is currently being pushed to its limit on you right now is a relaxed fit. The tux you want to wear is fitted. There is no way you’re going to get into it.”, you said, stepping forward as if to challenge him.
“It will fit me fine!”, he warned, taking a step towards you. “I’m not in the mood for your bullshit!”
“Really? You’re gonna fit this”, you motion towards his belly, “into that tux?”, you spat back, taking another step towards him.
“Oh, sweetheart, you’re really treading on thin fucking ice.”, he growled in a low voice, taking one final step towards you.
You were standing close enough that you could feel the heat emanating off of him. You refused to back down, keeping your arms crossed.
“Fine, Peña. Show me. Prove me wrong.”, you challenged him.
“Jesus... sweetheart, you’re a real pain in my fucking ass!”, he growled.
“This pain in your ass is making sure you look presentable tomorrow night, asshole!”, you spat back, dropping your hands to your side and clenching your fists. “Go on. Put it on.”
“Knock it off, sweetheart.”, he warned, glaring at you.
“Or what?”, you challenged, your lips curling in a sneer.
Javier’s eyes narrowed at you. Despite how enraged he was at your insubordination he couldn’t help but look you over: your heaving chest, your pouted lips in a frown, your adorable scowl. Fuck.
You saw his eyes shift over you and you shook your head and laughed, enraging him. You saw the vein in his neck twitch as he clenched his fists.
“Peña, you’re one meal away from popping out of that shirt.”, you sneered with a grin, poking his belly.
“Sweetheart…”, he growled, grabbing your wrist and pulling you towards him, your faces inches apart.
Before you can respond, there’s a knock at his door.
“This isn’t over, Sweetheart.”, he hissed as you scowl at him before leaving his office.
The rest of the day goes on with you both casting glances at one another’s direction. Javier occasionally looks at the garment bag you left on the back of the chair, debating whether it would be worth it to prove you wrong.
Finally, after going back and forth in his mind, he sighs and shuts his office door. He grabbed the garment bag and pulled out the jacket, putting it on. Sure, the arms feel a bit tight, as do the shoulders, but it’s nothing too bad. He smiles to himself as he pulls the rest of the tux out.
You sat at your desk, working quietly when you heard his office door close. You didn’t think much of it being more than a private phone call until you looked at your switchboard. His line was open; he wasn’t on a call. Javier was not one to close his door unless he had a reason to; you’d told him his mood was enough of a closed door to keep people out and he laughed, agreeing with your observation.
You thought better than to interrupt him and went back to work. Twenty minutes later, you got a page on your intercom.
“Yes, Agent Peña?”
“Get in my office. Now.”, he barked over the intercom.
You felt your mouth go dry, and the other people in the vicinity looked nervously away from you. You hesitated and cleared the documents from your desk.
You heard him bark “FUCK!” through the walls of the office, then his voice roared over the speaker again. “Get in my fucking office!”
You turned off the intercom and grabbed a bag of candy from your desk drawer – just in case – and headed to his office.
You knocked quietly at the door before you let yourself in. You saw the tux on the floor in front of his desk and Javier sitting with a face like a thunderclap behind his desk in his chair. His clothes looked like he’d thrown them on quickly, with his dress shirt being unbuttoned to show his white undershirt and tie open around his shoulders. 
“So… should I ask what happened?”, you questioned with a slight nervous tone at his dangerous-looking mood.
“Just… goddammit… fuck!”, he barked as he stood up. “Where the fuck is the candy?!”
“Oh my god, Peña!”, you yelled exasperated, whipping a hard candy from the bag in your hand at him. It hit him in the chest and bounced down to his desk.
“Did you just throw that at me?!”, he roared, suddenly seeming a lot more aggressive and intimidating than he’d ever been.
Your eyes went wide, realizing that you literally hucked a piece of candy at your boss.
“Shit…”, you murmured to yourself.
“Agent Peña, I…”, you started to apologize but his attitude made you rethink it, snapping at him, “Yes! Yes, I did throw candy at you!”
You both stare at each other again, and he looks like he’s going to fly into a rage at any moment.
“Jesus, you’re a fucking brat.”, he growled.
Looking at him indignantly, figuring you were already going to receive a demerit or worse, be fired. “No more than you are, you fucking asshole!”, you laughed nastily, sitting in one of the armchairs across from him.
His eyes raged like wildfire as he stared down at you sitting casually on the other side of the desk.
“Watch. Your. Mouth.”, he growled, pointing at you.
“No, you watch it, Peña.”, you smirked, enjoying this more than you should.
He stomped around the desk and stood in front of you. His stomach pulling his undershirt taut enough to see the indentation of his belly button in the stretched fabric. God, what you wouldn’t give to run your hands over it...
“You’re really trying my last fucking nerve, sweetheart.”, he said in a low, menacing growl.
“I think you’re just hungry, Peña…”, you cooed mockingly with a curled lip, deciding to go for broke. “You should eat something. Really make sure you don’t fit into that tux.”
“You’re so fucking mouthy…”, he growled again.
As much as he wanted to deny it, when you looked at him like that, it set his chest on fire and made his dick hard. It reminded him of the stress relieving properties of casual sex and made him imagine what he would do to get you whimper and cry out his name. All this because his tux didn’t fit, and he really wanted a fucking cigarette… and he really wanted you.
“So what? You know I’m right. You been eating real well, haven’t you, Peña. Too well even…”, you purred in response, looking at his belly with a raised brow. His glare grew darker.
You unwrapped one of the candies from the bag. “Here, have your candy.”, you cooed, holding it out to him.
He paused as he scowled at you, refusing to allow you the upper hand. He leaned forward, putting his hands to the arms of the chair, his face was dangerously close to yours. You could smell the fruit punch Lifesavers on his breath and your heartbeat in your throat, your cunt clenched.
“I’m not going to tell you again, sweetheart.”, he said in a low, dangerous voice. “Watch your mouth.”
You looked up at him through your lashes. “Or what?”, you breathed out, voice shaky.
He tightened his mouth and narrowed his eyes at you. “I’m gonna have to do something about that attitude of yours.”
You sucked in a breath, trying to retain your composure. You didn’t want him knowing he could have this kind of control over you, and you growled back, “Fuck you, Peña … you fat, fucking – “
He yanked you out of your chair and pushed you face down on his desk. You let out a yelp as one of his hands held you down at the base of your neck and the other hiked up your skirt around your waist.
You let out a moan, “Peña… Peña!”
“So fucking tired of you… parading this tight little body around the office… you’re a fucking tease… a mouthy, fucking tease… just begging to be fucked…”, he snarled as his fingers deftly pushing your soaked panties to the side and ran a finger through your folds.
“Oh… oh fuck you, Peña!”
He leaned forward and huskily snarled in your ear as he ripped his tie off his shoulders and shoved it in your mouth, then Javier grabbed your knee and lifted it onto his desk, opening you up further to him.
“You call me Javi when I’m gonna fuck you, sweetheart.”
He plunged a finger into you then quickly added another, thumb pressing your clit. The expertise of his fingers, the only sounds in the room were your cries muffled by the silk tie and the vulgar, wet sounds he was pulling out of your sopping cunt.
“That’s right, sweetheart… that shut your smart mouth up… you’re so fucking wet… Jesus, baby… that’s it… pussy’s been begging for me… so fucking tight… so fucking needy… listen to yourself… fucking pathetic that all I had to do was bend you over my desk and finger fuck you… and you finally shut up… finally do what I say… and not give me so much fucking grief… maybe I shouldn’t let you come…”.
You were close, but the spell was broken when he removed his fingers and hissed a cruel laugh, and you were furious. Catching him off guard, you pushed your body up and turned quickly, shoving him back. He fell into the armchair with a grunt.
“What the fuck?!”, he roared, moving to try and get up.
You brought your heeled foot to his chest and shoved him back down, ripping the tie from your mouth and throwing it on the desk.
“Sit, Peña.”, your voice low and commanding.
He let out a shaky breath and a low groan. The look he gave you was feral and challenging, and as he raised his hand to hold your ankle as if to test how much in control you really were.
“Sweetheart,”, he crooned dangerously, sitting forward and pushing against your foot. “You call me Javi when I – “
“Fuck you, Peña…”, you snapped, pushing him back once more with your foot.
He let out a dark laugh, and you dragged your heeled foot down his front, over his belly, to sit on the chair right in front of his sizable bulge in his dress pants. You nudged your foot forward gently, and Javier let out a breathy grunt and eye briefly fluttered. You raised an eyebrow and put your foot against his belly and pushed in slightly.
“Fucking cuck…”, you sneered. “Getting soft and round, Peña. Gonna keep you fat and docile… gonna - ”
He glared darkly at you and huffed out a grunt, grabbing your ankle harshly and shoving it away, causing you to fall backward against his desk, and he stood up.
Towering over you, he grabbed your thigh and hoisted you to sit on his desk, then moved a hand to the back of your neck, gripping your hair. His eyes looked black as his face came close to yours.
“I’m your fucking boss… I tell you what to do… don’t ever forget that, sweetheart.”, he growled through gritted teeth before he pushed his mouth on yours in a punishing kiss.
You grabbed his shoulders and matched his ferocity. Teeth, tongues, messy, feral, wet.
Both of you began to melt into each other’s mouths, your rage slipping into passion, into need. You grabbed at one another, not getting enough out of it, needing more connection. Bringing your hand down between your bodies, palming his belly. Feeling the softness covering the firm weight he was carrying around made you moan into his mouth as he sucked in a breath. Your hand moved further down and gripped his crotch.
Your closed eyes felt like they were going to roll back in your head with what you felt in your hand: heavy, thick, and hard, his cock felt divine. He grunted and pulled back and both of you were breathing heavily. You opened your eyes, and his face was still feral, but his eyes were softer.
“Peña…”, you moaned. “Fuck me…”
He let out a shaky chuckle and moved a to open your blouse buttons with one hand, then palmed your lace-clad tit.
“You know your manners… ask me again nicely… come on, sweetheart… not Peña, baby… you beg Javi to fuck you… beg me…”, he grunted as he rutted against your hand and slipped his hand under your lacy bra, teasing your nipple.
“Oh, fuck… Peña… Javi… please… please…fuck me, Javi… please… need – fuck! – need you… please fuck me…”
Pulling his hand out, he stood back and hoisted you back onto the desk.
“So needy… so fucking good when you remember your place, sweetheart…”, he purred.
You reached out and slid your hands down, lifting his belly slightly to unbuckle his belt and then his pants, his eyes never leaving yours. When his cock sprung free, hitting the underside of his stomach, you let out a small whimper.
“You gonna be quiet, sweetheart?... or you gonna run your mouth while I fuck you?... huh?... or will I be too much for your pretty pussy to handle?”, he grunted as you spat in your hand and began to stroke him. “Do I have to stuff your fucking mouth again?”
You were about to talk back, but his raised eyebrow with his hand fisting his cock was enough to leave you just shaking your head.
“Good girl.”
He kissed you roughly, pulling your hand off him. He pushed your panties to the side and rubbed the head of his cock through your folds. You panted a whimper, and he began to push into you. You cried out and his hand went over your mouth.
“I know, I know… you can take it, sweetheart… come on, baby… take it all… fuck… relax, sweetheart… so fucking tight… oh jesus… take it… take it… oh baby girl… yeah, honey… that’s it…”
When he was fully seated in you, he panted and grunted, trying to compose himself. You held onto his shoulders while he gripped your hips. Javier began to rock into you, slowly at first, then picked up speed. You cried out and his eyes watched out from under heavy lids as his mouth curled into a lupine sneer.
“Tell me, sweetheart… tell me… how bad you needed this… tell me… fuck… I needed you so fucking bad… always looking so good… so pretty… god… wanted you so bad… needed you, sweetheart…”
“Javi… the first time you – oh fuck! –  first time you called me sweetheart… I was fucked… I was yours… oh god, Javi!... keep going – fuck oh fuck! – right there…yes… yes…oh god… yes…… oh god… pl-please… J-Javi… need… fuck… so full…”
“Sweetheart… baby… wh-where do you want me?”
“On the pill… come in me… Javi… fucking come in me.”
He kissed you hard and your orgasm came crashing down hard. The grip your cunt had on him made him feel like you were choking his cock, and he threw his head back and let out a strangled grunt, chasing his own release.
He groaned and his thrusts became more sporadic. He came with a few husky grunts, and you fell back on the desk, Javier on top, both of you panting. His weight was pressing you down hard, your combined release was slipping out onto his desk and to the tuxedo on the floor.
“Peña…”, you panted after a few moments. “Peña… need you to get up.”
He huffed a laugh and moved off you with a groan.
He helped you up, and you both began to fix your clothing. Javier flopped into his desk chair and popped a candy into his mouth. You put his errant tuxedo back into the garment bag.
“Peña,”, you smiled. He looked up at you, his eyes warm in his post-coital haze.
You dropped the garment bag over the armchair and walked around his desk. He turned his chair to look at you and you sat sidesaddle on his lap. His hand came up to your waist.
“About the tux…”
He shook his head and pressed a kiss to your decolletage. “I know… I know, sweetheart.”
You nodded and leaned into him, running your hands over his belly with your head on his shoulder.
“I mean, I can’t wear a cum-stained tuxedo to this gala…”
“Jesus, Peña! No you can’t wear a tux that doesn’t fit you!”
You pushed on his belly, and he laughed out loud.
Read the Mini-Scene requested by @toxicanonymity here
@theywhowriteandknowthings @harryleatherfit @harriedandharassed @neverwheremoonchild @rebel-held @beee-haw @nevergoingbacknowshine @idolatrybarbie @v4vayha @lalocitos @xdaddysprincessxx @deathsholywaterr @heareball @lyssramscal @wintrwinchestr
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fyshb0t · 16 days
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These refs are kinda old art style-wise but their traits still hold up lol anyways howzit going p101 community I have ocs 🥳 here’s some lore:
Passero was rebuilt by Bishop into the armada spy he is now. He was formerly a battle angel (he’s trans!) but now works as a sort of underling for Deacon. Personality-wise, he takes his job extremely seriously and is usually always looking to perform his very best for the armada. He is great at putting up an act since his job includes having to record information from people to deliver to deacon. Sometimes, that info goes to queen, who he absolutely loves gossiping to ;)
Passero is also very dramatic. In his free time, he actually enjoys reciting poetry, and longs to have a muse. Badly. He’s a hopeless romantic somebody just kiss this guy idk LOL
Anyway. Passero’s recruitment quest is that he’s tasked to spy on the infamous pirate, and so he pretends to be friendly with them and help them on their quest when really, he’s just gathering info on their plans so that the armada can anticipate them. Passero mentions a location of interest to the pirate, prompting them to go there (a dungeon). But by the time the crew realizes it’s a trap, there are already several armada surrounding them, ready for their arrest. Passero dramatically reveals that he has outsmarted the pirate, and that he was relaying information to Deacon the entire time. Passero joins the fight against the pirate and their crew, boasting about how he’s absolutely going to be promoted once he drags the pirate and the crew right back to Kane >:)
(… and.. if you’re interested, I wrote a battle theme for him.. I’m a music composition major ;) )
After Passero loses miserably, he can’t even show his face around the armada out of absolute shame. He makes an entire dramatic deal out of it, but the pirate is like. “Yo you could just join us idk..” and he’s like “it’s over for me… there is nothing left..! I absolutely cannot return to the armada… if my punishment for this failure is to join your obnoxious crew, then I suppose I have no choice but to join…. However, do NOT think I will enjoy this!”
Then there’s my pirate, Morgan, who is a public menace and a smartass most of the time LOL
They’re my very first pirate I made when I was like 7 ^_^ but now I’ve turned them into my oc for p101 and non-binary-ified them just like me fr
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hai7ani · 1 year
CHERRY BLOSSOMS haitani rindou
sfw, nothing happens
home collection | playlist
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part ii / i just want you to take me where your heart is.
Rindou is having trouble falling asleep.
He's got a 10 o'clock with the higher ups first thing in the morning. Rindou vividly remembers asking his direct supervisor, Kimura-san on what the meeting is about as soon as he was notified about it.
He’s thought it through -- there is no reason for them to want to see him personally (he’s sure he’s never given them one), nor does he remember doing anything that might have seem out of line, or perhaps appeared a little too out of place in the company. A meeting of only him with the higher ups? It's scary even for someone like Haitani Rindou to face.
"That's exactly it, Haitani. You've been a bit too out of place lately."
"And by that, I mean, you've been showing off brilliant work."
" . . . Excuse me?"
Kimura-san chuckles and brings a wrinkled hand up to pat his junior's back as they walk side by side together through the long corridor that leads to the break room. Rindou fixes his tie out of habit and holds a sealed envelope tight in his hand -- the paper almost crumpled -- as he brings himself together to listen to his senior's words.
"You've been doing great, Haitani. Awesome performance, extremely satisfying work and you're very punctual. Believe me, I'm glad I chose the right person to nominate for this promotion. I've been watching you ever since you started working here as a clerk, and I have to say, I'm proud of you, boy. You've been working hard every day for . . . How long has it been? Five months? Your dedication is worth congratulating. Keep it up, young man. And don't worry about the meeting, it's all part of the promotion process. You'll be fine."
Though Kimura-san's attempt at comforting him worked that day, it certainly failed miserably today. It's less than 7 hours to when he'll soon be standing in front of a conference room facing the Chief Executive and his subordinates, and he doesn’t know why.
What if it goes bad and it's not the kind of meeting that Kimura-san said it would be? What if they're there to tell me I'm rejected for the promotion? Or even worse, fired and-
Rindou suddenly hears a certain conversation of Ran and himself echoing in his head. The loud yet timid 16 year old Rindou and the childish and arrogant 17 year old Ran, that is.
"Keep up that long face and I'll smack you right square, bro. I've taught you better than this. Stop doubting everything and believe it'll go well instead. Determination pays off, you know."
"Idiot. You think everyone in the world is capable of chasing a girl their first time? Especially someone like me?"
"Why wouldn't they? Why wouldn’t you? Look, I've made sure that she likes you back. Shion even told her about how you'd waited 2 hours for her to get off work jus’ to walk her home the other day. Trust me, shitty brother, she's definitely into you too."
"Shion did what?" "You heard me."
"And about that, of course everyone is capable, because I did it." Ran proudly flashes a hardcopy of him and a girl hugging with a cheeky grin. The older boy never misses a chance at showing off, especially to his younger brother who is absolutely sick of him. Rindou moves closer to get a proper look and immediately recognises her as the girl in Ran’s class he’s been courting for months. They’re high school sweethearts now? Unbelievable.
He scoffs at the older boy, "you really did it, huh?"
There’s a certain warm and proud feeling swarming in Rindou’s chest as he gapes at the lovesick grin stuck on Ran’s stupid face. It’s what he deserves, Rindou thought. Ran’s been through hell and back trying to court this girl.
Neither young Ran nor young Rindou knows that in 15 years time, Rindou would be calling Ran's high school sweetheart his sister-in-law and stealing recipes and life hacks from.
"Fuck yeah, dude. So like I said, just do it now or you'll miss your chance and regret it for-fuckin'-ever. Also, just for your information, 'cause I'm Haitani Ran and I'm also your big bro and feel the extreme need to tell you," Ran nods his head to the direction behind Rindou. "There's a guy hitting up your missus at the counter."
Rindou has never snapped his head back so fast.
He sees a man who's about a year or two older than him holding a piece of paper and pen to you by the counter, his mouth moving a lot and you’re listening intently.
Rindou immediately regrets not learning how to lip read.
Though he is certain the man must have said something out of line because he sees you adjusting the collar of your uniform and you’re biting your lip nervously. He knows you by your habits and by looking at that, he's sure you’re feeling uncomfortable by the man’s presence. Rindou wants nothing more than to smack the sly smirk off the man’s face right away, so he stands up.
He'll win this fight.
The loud creak of the wooden chair sliding against the marble floor catches your attention and you shake your head at him with a frown.
I’m fine.
Rindou understands that much from your eyes and sits back down again, with Ran who has an arm hooked behind the chair observing he situation with an amused smirk.
The idiot lives for chaos. "Maybe this'll teach him a lesson." Ran murmurs beneath his breath as he observes how Rindou's leg is bouncing anxiously against the marble beneath his shoe, watching you and the man like a hawk.
You have a soft smile plastered on your lips as you bow at him politely, rejecting his advances.
"I'm sorry, sir . . .
But I already have someone."
Lovestruck Rindou witnesses your pretty little face look away from the man to him. You with the pretty glint in your eyes, staring deep into his surprised purple ones and him who is now a blushing mess as he fakes a cough and push his round metal glasses higher onto his nose. You see his reaction and it almost makes you giggle but you remain collected as you try to get the man in front of you to leave the store, telling him you're not interested and you have to get back to work.
And it's when he finally does, all beat and ruined, when Rindou's legs moves over to the counter -- to you -- almost automatically. He stands in front of you and suddenly it’s blank in his mind. His mouth is ajar as he tries to remember what he's came here to say.
(Rindou to this day still argues and swears it was your overwhelming presence and especially your pretty smile that's made him forget his words while he fiddled with the hem of his black turtleneck like a damn loser.)
Come up with something, you idiot. Quick.
"Rindou-kun?" Oh, good fucking gracious. That voice. The sweet voice that will be the absolute end of him.
He musters up everything in him to speak.
" . . . D'ya wanna go out with me? For lunch tomorrow. I’ll pick you up and we’ll go together. Anywhere you want . . . As boyfriend and girlfriend, that is."
You're silent for a minute, and Rindou feels his heart race. It’s hot and humid all of a sudden and he feels like digging a hole and jumping right into it and he doesn't dare look at you and he’s afraid of what's to come. But you call for him again.
"Rindou-kun, please look at me."
The boy wipes his sweaty palms on the dark denim of his Levi’s 501 and chews on his lip. He's so nervous he's certain his mother would be making fun of him when she finds out. Unlike his brother, he’s never been good with girls and has never gone to this extent at courting one. Hell, he’s not even sure if he’s been this nervous before. He’s done loads of illegal things, almost landed his ass in juvie multiple times, fought countless of gangs (both big and small), and none of them could compare to what you’re making him feel right now.
You've got a very, very wide smile ready for him when he finally looks up.
“Ask me again, Rindou."
Get yourself together, prick. Be fair to her.
“Do you wanna be my girlfriend?”
Rindou thought he’d ascended into heaven.
Today, the same young boy who is now 31 in age and an expecting father, grins at the memory. He's glad he took Ran's advice the other day. As stupid as his older brother can be sometimes, Rindou cannot deny that Ran is always helpful when he needs to be. Always there for him. Otherwise, he wouldn't be having your worn out figure sleeping beside him in your shared bed, the beautiful band on your ring finger shining brightly at him as the moonlight shines in through the curtains he’s forgotten to shut before bed.
He stares at you as you sleep peacefully; the steady rise and fall of your chest indicating that you're feeling comfortable again. It's been difficult for you to fall asleep these days, the kicking getting harder and more frequent.
"She's so impatient to come out." You pout sleepily at the father of your child as you place a hand on your bump and rubbing slow circles, trying to get her to calm down in your belly. "Just another month left, my baby."
He eyes your stomach and leans down to press a soft kiss to the skin, suddenly feeling a kick to his lips and he airily chuckles. It’s almost like the baby in your stomach recognises him . . .
Her father.
"Don't kick your mom so much, girl. Be nice to her." Rindou tells his kid in his heart.
Another kick.
You start stirring in your sleep. Shit. You're waking up after finally falling asleep and it's all because of the father and daughter that's ganging up on you. Talking together behind your back. Destroying your sleep.
Absolutely foul.
There's a frown on your face as you move around beneath the blanket, trying to get comfortable again when your husband runs his calloused thumb over the crease between your eyebrows, gently coaxing you back to dreamland.
It's then Rindou hears it another time.
"Stop doubting everything and believe it'll go well instead. Determination pays off, you know."
He reminds himself to give Ran a call when he wakes up.
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Rindou has survived the 10 o'clock. It is now 12pm in the afternoon and he's standing in the middle of a fairly new and empty office room with a woman in her early fifties who he recognises as the Operations Manager, Hasegawa Keiko. Everyone calls her Hasegawa-san despite her constant reassurance that simply calling her Keiko is fine.
Rindou directly reports to her now instead of old Kimura. Although being congratulated and trusted deeply by the company, he still feels a bit strange, standing in an office room two floors above his previous one that now has a floor to ceiling view of Tokyo city. He's also been introduced to many new faces that he'll be working with from now on. No more shitty Ito flirting with Ishikawa-san in public and harassing him on going out for drinks or the really irritating habit of the woman clacking her nails on the desk opposite of him, but he supposes he'll adapt sooner or later. He will; Ran told him that he'll be just fine earlier on the phone. He believes in his brother (and you) more than anyone in the world.
"This will be your new office from now on. Feel free to take some time and explore around, make yourself feel comfortable with the environment and so on. And as always, you can ask me if you're unsure about anything. I'll be in my office most of the time down the hall if you have any further questions." The corners of Hasegawa-san's eyes crinkles and Rindou instantly feels more at ease at her warm welcoming. She reminds him a bit of his late mother.
"I'll leave you to it now. Looking forward to working with you, Haitani-san." And with that, she shuts the door behind her, leaving him alone inside.
The silence is overwhelming.
Rindou immediately fishes out his phone in the pocket, dials in the familiar digits he's long memorised and presses the gadget to his ear.
You pick up after the third ring.
"Baby? How'd it go? Are you okay?" He smiles giddily as he pictures the worried expression on your face and you’re probably sitting on the couch watching TV.
(Everything he’d pictured is exactly what you’re doing, by the way. You've also just finished two bowls of plain white rice fresh from the pot without yourself knowing due to how anxious you felt on behalf of him.)
Your husband simply brushes you off. "Whatcha doin'? Are you eating?”
"Answer my question, Haitani!" He laughs at your tone, "take a guess, babe."
"Well, I’on fuckin' know! That's why I'm asking you.”
He thinks of how to put his words into a statement without sounding too overly happy.
"I've got it, you know.”
You have big, red question marks hanging on top of your head as you wait for him to continue on the other line.
"The promotion . . . I've got it."
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Rindou spends his lunch break on the terrace talking to you on the phone. He’s eating the bento you prepared this morning before he left for work. "Finish it, 'kay? The broccoli is expensive." You nagged, knowing how much he despises the said vegetable, but it's included in the new diet he's been keen on trying so he's fine with it. He has you to keep him on track, after all.
He picks up the miserable vegetable with his chopsticks and pushes it into his mouth. Jesus- He closes his eyes as he forces it down the throat.
"Fuck, this is so painful." He coughs when he finally swallows it. You hum from the other line, "what is?"
"The broccoli. Fuckin' hell."
"Sucks to be you. Broccoli's so delicious I don't understand why anyone even hates it. You're weird. Rin."
"Says the person who doesn't eat egg whites."
"Egg whites' got no taste. It should be inedible. It's disgusting."
"And I'm the weird one."
Rindou's been so immersed in talking to you that he doesn't hear the door to the terrace opening and closing. He thought it was just him there, considering everyone else has already went out for lunch and some still remained in their respective offices finishing up paperwork.
He doesn't hear the click of a lighter and cigarette paper burning behind him as he continues to bicker with you on the speaker about why egg whites are delicious and broccolis are not.
"Anyway, I've had 'nuff. I'll be confiscating your watch-Gilmore Girls-with-me rights tonight if you don't finish your broccoli. Your daughter agrees wit' me."
"You know damn well I never miss an episode.”
"Sure, we'll see. I've got clothes to fold now, mostly yours. Bye, weirdo."
"Have I told'cha how noisy you are, mama?" He complains and you laugh and hang up after Rindou reminding you for the third time to take your daily vitamins and wear your grippy socks. That's when the eavesdropper decides to make their presence known.
Rindou nearly chokes on his food when he hears a deep voice speaking behind him. "Your wife?"
He turns around with a mouthful of rice as he takes in the situation. Oh, it's him.
The man who he recognises as Sakoda-san is sitting on a chair with his hands tucked into his pockets, a burning cigarette hanging from his lips.
The same guy who frequents a whorehouse all the way in Kabukichō. Yeah, that one. The one who keeps a polaroid of his children in his wallet on the bedside table while he fucks other women in their rooms, telling them he loves them when he doesn't even mean it.
Saying things for the sake of saying it; Rindou doesn't like that.
He decides to keep his distance as he swiftly finishes the food in his mouth. Of course, he didn't forget his manners.
"Yeah, my wife."
Sakoda-san observes Rindou from the corner of his eyes. How the young man is feeding himself spoon after spoon of the bento, especially the broccoli while he scrolls through his phone, catching up on the latest news and watching random videos that appear on his feed.
"How far along is she?"
Rindou doesn't feel like replying. He's always been a private man who keeps matters to himself, but he thinks it's not fair to the baby in your stomach, his daughter, who he feels her existence should be made known. She's not a secret and shouldn't be kept as one.
"Roughly 8 months. She's due in September."
"A girl?" "Yeah." "What's her name?" "Sakiya." "Sakiya for cherry blossom?" "Yeah." "Your wife picked it?" "We picked it."
Okay, he decides this is as far as he'll go. He starts clipping on the lid of the bento and wiping his mouth with a napkin, ready to leave the terrace (of course he doesn't make it obvious) but Sakoda-san speaks again.
"That's nice. I have a girl too. She's 11 this year. And also a boy who's turning 6." Rindou simply nods and wraps up the bento in the fancy cloth you bought at a bazaar in Harajuku. "Would you like to see a photo of them?"
He stops moving. Rindou thinks of all the options, and the one he feels like picking the most is saying no and leaving.
But he shouldn't be cruel. As much as the man he's talking to is a bad person, a bad father, a bad husband, the children have done nothing wrong. He shouldn't be cruel. It's just an innocent picture of two young children.
"Sure." He agrees out of courtesy and Sakoda-san instantly slips out the polaroid from his wallet and hands it to him. Rindou takes and looks at it carefully. They don't look too happy in it.
"I always keep this with me. Gives me a little push in life, you know?"
A little push? To do all those things to his family?
Rindou is instantly reminded of the many ultrasounds of his daughter attached on the fridge with cute bunny magnets that he glances at every day when grabbing milk from the fridge before leaving for work. He figures that a little push in life contains different meanings to both him and Sakoda-san. It makes him feel sick to the core.
"Nice photo." He hands it back to the man after he finishes looking and stands. Rindou grabs the bento by the handle and is ready to leave, when Sakoda-san stops him once again.
"How good of a drinker are you?"
"I don't drink." Liar. He was fucking Haitani Rindou of Roppongi, for fuck's sake.
"I quit."
"Wife's pregnant."
The older man laughs at his blunt responses.
"Your life must be pretty boring, huh?"
Rindou doesn't look back at him when he mutters these words.
"At least I am not you."
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It is now past lunch break and back to working hours that Rindou finds himself standing outside of Hasegawa-san's office. He has been for the past few minutes now, actually. Thinking about what to say and what to do; if she’ll approve of him or get pissed off.
He doesn't have the courage to go in.
Rindou had contemplated on keeping the topic away from his boss for now and simply bring it up another time, but he knows that it's not possible; it's only a short time away to when you're due and it’s also not fair to you either.
Finally, after making up his mind, he musters up all the courage in him to knock on the door. He waits for the faint come in and twists the knob.
"I was wondering when you'd come in."
Shit, it was that obvious?
Hasegawa-san closes the file she was working on and leans back in her chair while gesturing to the one in front of her desk. "Have a seat, Haitani-san." He immediately follows with a creak echoing in the room, not wanting to waste more time than he already has.
"You're nervous." It's not a question, it's a statement. And Rindou knows it as he feels himself growing hot and he coughs and sits up straight. "Sorry."
"What is it you're here for?" Hasegawa-san breaks the silence first. Rindou looks down at the half crumpled envelope in his hand, thinking a little before laying it flat on her table and pushing it forward with the letters on it facing her.
She stares at the envelope before swiftly opening it up to read. Rindou watches intently as her eyes go over the letter word by word, before finally folding the paper back to it's original form and laying it down on her desk.
You don't know about this, Rindou reminds himself as he waits patiently for Hasegawa-san to process his letter. You don't know about this, so he has to be serious. He has to be straightforward and sure. He can't be leaving you alone at this time because he doesn't have the balls to request for something that will mean the world to you.
The woman leans on her elbows and looks at him with an unreadable expression. He can't tell what’s going through her mind right now. Is it good or bad? Oh, she's squinting her eyes now. Do I need to say something? Fuck, this is so confusing.
"So, according to your letter, you will be away for . . . 2 months? That's a pretty long time. And it's your first day in this department."
The atmosphere is intense.
Thinking that he needs to speak up, Rindou pulls himself together and starts explaining to his boss.
"I know it may seem unacceptable, considering that I am just only in charge of this position. I am also aware that there will be no one to take over my duties when I'm away due to a short of hands, but my family is important and-"
"-tell me, Rindou." She cuts him off with a stern look. "How much does your wife matter to you?"
He doesn't hesitate in answering. It's immediate. Quick. Determined. Sure.
The tension in Hasegawa-san’s face loosens and she smiles. "Then there's no reason to further explain yourself. It’s all written clearly in your letter and letting you go to be with her is what a decent human being should do.” She pauses, “I wish my husband did that for me as well. I'm a woman too, so I know how it must feel to want her husband with her at this period of time.”
To say Rindou is shocked is an understatement. A higher up that doesn't ask questions? Doesn't make you wonder if your decision was right or wrong? Doesn't shame you for having different priorities?
No. It's not because she's being soft. It’s not because she’s biased. It's not because she doesn't care.
It's because she understands.
"I wish for her a safe delivery. Is it a boy or a girl?"
"A girl."
"How nice. I have three sons myself, I wish I had a girl too, to accompany me and so on. Boys grow up a lot faster than girls do." She laughs.
Rindou places both his hands on his knees as he lets out a breath of relief. Other than the meeting earlier today, letting his boss know that he will need to take some time off is also what's been clouding his mind for the entire week.
Your due date has clashed with the moment his work became much more serious and now he has to pick between the two: to stay with work and continue to fulfil his new duties and responsibilities while pouring his heart and soul into his shitty company or to stay at home and take care of you when everyone else is busy taking care of the baby.
And the answer is clear, actually. He'll never let anything, especially work, get between him and his family, and he's never let himself be placed in a position where he feels obliged to choose between the two. If he is, then you and the baby will always come first, no matter what, and he'll quit his job if he has to.
Letting Hasegawa-san know about this is just for him to find out if he has to quit his job to stay with you or not.
And luckily, he doesn't have to. Because Hasegawa-san is an angel in disguise and he feels so terribly relieved. God, he misses you so much. He really wants to go home and kiss you right now.
"You can go now. I'll sort things out with HR. You should take the rest of the day off, too. Go celebrate with your wife and spend some time with her. And please don't worry about work, I'll have a substitute soon for your position."
"Thank you, Hasegawa-san."
"You're welcome, and Keiko is fine. You remind me a lot of my second boy, by the way."
And you remind me of my mother.
"I'll see you soon, son. Take good care of your wife, yeah?"
"I will, Keiko-san."
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You are in the midst of hanging up his clothes in the closet when Rindou arrives home.
"Huh? Why are you home at this hour?"
He kisses your forehead and takes the hanger from your hand. He tells you to sit down and you listen and . . . Great. He's taken charge of hanging his own clothes now.
Rindou is always doing the chores whenever he can now that you're too pregnant to move around even when you insist to him that you can do it. "I like to move around, Rin. 'Don't like to sit around 'n daydream all day, it's boring."
"Boss' let me off early." He states nonchalantly and you raise a brow. You see your husband organising his clothes by colour and you suddenly feel some kind of warmth blossoming in your chest. Much to you and his brother's demise, Rindou used to be the kind of person who doesn't hang his clothes and just throws it in his closet when he's done with the laundry but that changed drastically when he met you. You always nagged at him to hang them up and sort it out by colour, by shirt category, so it'll look more organised and neat when he opens the closet.
"Why?" "I'll tell you later." "Why can't you tell me now?" "It's a surprise." "Huh?"
You're so confused.
Rindou is facing you now. "Have you showered?" You shake your head and remove the claw clip from your hair, scratching at your scalp. "Not yet. I needa' wash my hair, though. It's kinda itchy."
"I'll wash for you." He leads you to the bathroom slowly and helps you into the shower when you both are stripped off your clothes.
You're standing on the non-slip mat and adjusting the water temperature when Rindou joins you in the shower. "I'll take you out tonight. What'chu feel like eating?" He rinses through your body and you hum softly as he starts lathering shampoo on your hair. "Dunno, but I don't feel like eating something spicy, though."
"You want western?" You let out a sigh when he scratches at the itchy spot just above your ear, "sure."
The both of you don't speak after that, choosing to relish in the comfort of the warm water running down your bodies but you're suddenly reminded of it. Cheers to him for managing to butter you up successfully.
"Are you gonna tell me why you're home early?"
"'Told'cha, boss' let me off early." "Yeah, but why?" "I'll tell you over dinner." "You're pissing me off, Rin. Tell me now."
Okay, you're getting mad.
He's grown used to your mood swings over the course of this pregnancy and after so long, he's figured that the best way to deal with it is just by simply accepting it. It'll go away eventually and he should be patient with you and your emotions. After all, it's harder on you.
But he can't deny that it's a bit funny, though. You're getting mad at him because he won't tell you the actual reason he's home early while he's busy washing your hair yet you're purring whenever he scratches at a certain spot on your scalp.
"I got some time off. You know, when you give birth then I'll get to be home 'n take care of you 'n 'Kiya."
"Oh, so you're a romantic."
"Of course."
You feel so happy after listening to him that you turn around (slowly) and pull him down for a quick smooch. "Here's one from 'Kiya." And you kiss him harder this time, "'n one from me."
Rindou is dumbfounded when he looks at you who has literal hearts in your eyes as you hold his face in your hands like he's fragile porcelain, like he's some fine china. You run your thumbs over his cheekbones and pinch his cheeks.
(Doing that made you remember the times you liked to pinch his chubbier ones when you were still teenagers.)
"'Love you."
You with soapsuds in your hair proclaiming your love to your husband for the nth time over the course of 15 years (before and after marriage) and him with his fingers tangled in your hair as he continues scrubbing.
He smirks handsomely, "you tryna skimp out on the kisses, mama? I know my daughter ain't so stingy with 'em," he removes his hands to touch on your bump, "gimme one more, baby."
A kick.
"She jus' said no."
"She said yes, you brat."
You hold him by the neck and softly inhale the scent of his musky body wash that you've grown to find comfort in. He's so endearing that you don't want to let go.
You never want to let go of him.
Rindou lands two strong and assuring hands on your waist and keeps you close to his body.
"Quit sniffin' me, I still need to wash your hair."
You suck on his neck and he squeezes your ass in return. It's nothing sexual or anything, you just like sucking on his neck randomly and Rindou never passes up the chance to grip on your fat.
Some of the foam from your hair has gotten to his face and he simply washes it off with water, though you still don't let go of him.
"Never change your body wash, babe."
"I know . . . You tell me that every day."
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Rindou is helping you pick out your outfit as you sit by the dresser doing your makeup. He's holding two dresses in his hands,
"Do you wanna wear this?”
Option A: a long red floral one that he bought for you while away at a business trip in Kyoto. He saw it while passing by and immediately stopped the car to cop it from the old lady. It wasn't for a special occasion or anything, he'd just seen it and felt like buying it for you and you haven’t got the chance to wear it until today.
"Or this?"
Option B: a shorter navy blue sundress that is obviously a little too tight and small for you right now.
“Baby, please. You know I can’t fit in that.” “I know. ‘Was just foolin’ wit’ ya.” “I’ll bite you.” “Go 'head.”
He lays the red dress down flat on your bed and plops down beside it, waiting for you to get ready. “I’m still halfway done wit’ the nursery. I’ll have more time to work on it now that I’m home.” Rindou says and you finish clipping on your right earring. “It’s just the crib and rocking chair left now, right?” You’re referring to the unfinished pieces of furniture that’s sitting in the nursery room next door and he hums as a response.
"Are we finished buying Sakiya's stuff? We can get the remaining later when we’re out. Settle it sooner, you know?"
“No, we’re finished. Ran ‘n Miwa have already bought tons for us.” You think of your sister-in-law who seems more excited for Sakiya's arrival than you, constantly buying you gifts like clothes and toys for the baby whenever she and Ran comes over for dinner together. “Auntie Miwa and Uncle Ran are so excited to see you, girl.” Miwa squeals as she touches your baby bump, feeling a soft kick to her palm.
“Ran is helping us save money now?” You laugh at his joke, “he seems enthusiastic to do so.”
In another city all the way in Ikebukuro is Ran in his home office sneezing with Miwa standing behind him massaging his back. “You’ve got a cold too? Everyone around me is getting a cold and it isn’t even flu season. I’ll have to stay away from you now, Ran. I don’t like getting sick.” She blabbers along and Ran simply hushes her down with a hand to her mouth. Miwa licks it and he retracts his hand away with a scowl, “you’re nasty, love. And you talk too much.” Miwa places a hand on her hip as she looks down at her husband like a mother scolding her son, “I’m not the one sneezing and at a risk of falling sick.” “It’s just Rindou talkin’ ‘bout me, wifey. I know it, I can feel it.”
Back home in Ueno is Rindou sneezing again. “Stupid Ran, he talkin’ ‘bout me too? Asshole.” “Huh?”
Neither Ran nor Rindou stops sneezing for the next five minutes and you and Miwa are left confused, wondering about just how strong these two brothers’ telepathy senses are.
You are actively ignoring your husband’s mumbling and cursing about stupid Ran this, stupid Ran that while combing your hair and Miwa isn’t even in the room with Ran anymore.
“Stop sneezing, Rin.” “Then tell Ran to stop talkin’ ‘bout me.” “Shaddap, you’re just makin’ things up.” “‘M not.”
While blowing his nose on a tissue you handed him, Rindou hears you humming along to a song playing on the radio and he instantly feels at peace.
He's home, you're sitting pretty on the stool, you'll be enjoying Western food together at a fancy restaurant downtown later tonight, and Sakiya will be here anytime soon.
Everything is calm and fine,
and Rindou thinks he will never be giving up this serenity for the world. He'll burn it up if he has to; if it guarantees his family forever peace and happiness.
There can only be his family.
His love. His heart.
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reblogs are appreciated & i hope you guys enjoyed this! ૮ ˶´ ᵕˋ ˶ა
ending is a bit rushed cus idk anymore he's successfully rotted my brain and i have fallen onto my knees for this man
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dreamingofep · 1 year
Sinned Awakening pt. 6🩸
An AU Elvis fic
(Vampire!Elvis/Vampire Austin!Elvis × reader)
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Request: No
Prompt: Getting promoted to be Elvis full time housekeeper, you realize the man holds secrets beyond belief and your undeniable attraction makes you fear the unknown. Fem!Reader]
TW: Cussing, tension, angst, SMUT, cheating, fingering, mentions of blood,the usual dirty stuff
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 7.2K
A/N: Hello everyone!
Welcome to part 6! Thank you for patiently waiting! I couldn’t stop writing so it’s a bit long. I loved writing this part and cannot wait to hear what you think is going to happen next! Please let me know what you think in the comments or send me a message!
Thank you again!
Sorry for any spelling mistakes and overall goofs.🖤
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You couldn’t believe you agreed, you actually said yes to Elvis. You’ll be working for him full-time and getting paid by him. It all feels so surreal and something that should not be happening considering that you’re getting into bed with him. At least you had a bit of morals and felt guilty about that part…
Putting on your uniform again, Elvis watches you with a curious smile, licking his bottom lip before speaking.
“Where you off to mama? What’s the rush?” He asks slyly.
You zip up the back of the skirt and blush at the pet name he gives you.
“Well, I do have some errands to attend to and you have to get ready for your show in a bit so I thought I’d leave,” you say politely.
“You can stay as long as you like. You don’t need an excuse to come or go. Just do as you please,” he says affectionately holding your face in his hand. You nod and smile as he leans in to kiss you.
It’s like a habit now, the way your body melts into his and sighs when he puts his hands on you. Feels better than anything on this earth.
Breaking the kiss, you place your finger on his wet lips.
“Thank you. You’re too nice to me,” you say defeated.
“Not everyone deserves it, but you do,” he proclaims, leaning in to kiss your forehead.
“Why don’t you come to the after-party tonight? They’re a lot of fun. I wanna keep enjoying ya. Get here at two,” he says.
You grow full of self-doubt knowing the questions you would get bombarded with if you told Daniel you’re going out to one of Elvis Presley’s parties.
“I-I can’t. I wish I could l, it’s just that, Daniel is off today and would ask too many questions of why I was getting ready to go out so late,” you say.
His mouth forms into a devious smirk before speaking. “Bring him. I don’t mind, the more the merrier.”
“Elvis, no absolutely not. That is way too dangerous,” you say panicked.
“What baby? You afraid you can’t be on your best behavior around me and him?” You feel your cheeks blush and have to look down.
You could control yourself. At least you think you can. Him on the other hand, you weren’t so sure.
“I’ll be perfectly fine,” you say defiantly. “But you, you like to make a spectacle and I’m not sure if you can behave. Plus it would be too weird to just invite me. Seems awfully telling,” you glare at him.
“Not at all, how about I invite all of housekeeping? They probably can’t all make it but at least it won’t seem so obvious that I have you up here during the day begging for me,” he coos.
You suck in a sharp breath and grip tightly onto his arm. This is just a disaster waiting to happen. But he is so tempting, so alluring, it’s almost impossible to say no to him.
“Fine, I’ll get him to come too,” you say quietly.
“Perfect,” he smiles at you, “wear something pretty,” he teases, grabbing a handful of your ass making you squeal.
“Nothing is happening tonight. I have to go home with Daniel, you know this right,” you say sternly.
“Oh absolutely honey, I’ll let you go home being dissatisfied and everything,” he mocks.
You push at his chest and make him retreat back onto the bed. He sits firmly on the bed looking at you with want. He spreads his legs open so you can stand in between them, grabbing your waist and squeezing the soft flesh that resides there.
“I mean it, Elvis. No touching me or trying to tease me or anything like that. Promise me,” you say firmly, grabbing a fist full of his hair and making him grunt.
“I promise, as long as you are being good too,” he hums. He pulls you in closer, his lips almost touching yours. “And if you’re not good, you know what’s going to happen,” he teases.
“Mhmm, sure, whatever you say,” you roll your eyes at him. Before you walk away, you trail your hands down his bare chest, leaving little red marks, and grab his soft cock in your hand.
“You’re too tired to do anything anyway so I’m not afraid,” you boast. His classic crooked smile forms and nods his head.
You turn on your heels walk to the door and watch over your shoulder as he watches you walk away, plotting your demise.
Pulling up to your parking spot, you see Daniel’s car next to yours and groan. You really wish he wasn’t home or was out with some buddies.
You check your makeup in the visor mirror and make sure you look presentable.
Turning the key to the front door, you step inside where you find Daniel on the couch in front of the TV with a beer in his hand.
He glances at you then back to the TV, “Hey,” he says slurred.
“Hi honey, how are you,” you ask, trying to make this sound as normal as possible.
“Fine,” he grumbles. “Why are you late?”
“I’ve told you, I’m putting in extra hours since Elvis is playing here this month,” you explain.
“Can’t wait for that asshole to go back to Memphis already,” he scoffs, taking a drink of his beer and laughing to himself.
You have to pinch your hand to keep yourself from retorting back a snarky comment. You don’t know what he did all day, but the stench of alcohol filled the air.
“Yeah well, he invited all of housekeeping up to his party tonight in the penthouse. That means you too, so take a shower and get dressed,” you say matter-of-factly.
That snaps him out of his drunken state and stares you down.
“I’m not going to any party of his, and neither are you,” he hisses.
“I’m going. My friends from work will be there and I want to go. We never go anywhere together anymore. Just do this one thing for me,” you say through your teeth.
His eyes grow dark and he stands up, putting his bottle down on the coffee table.
“Fine, we’ll go. But we’re not staying long,” he grumbles.
He walks around you and heads for the bathroom. The slam of the bathroom door makes you jump but the excited butterflies fill your stomach.
You were going to an Elvis party. Based on the mess you had to constantly pick up, they were really wild and full of life. Sifting through your closet, you had no idea what to wear. He had only ever seen you wear your uniform and that wasn’t eye-catching at all. You wanted to look extra nice, but not too nice where he couldn’t keep his hands off of you. Elvis or Daniel.
This was such a bad idea. You knew this could blow up in your face tonight. Having your fiancé and the man you are sleeping with in the same room is bound for disaster.
You saw how dark Elvis’ eyes got when he suggested to bring Daniel. Like he wanted an altercation to happen. Like he’s been waiting for this. Nerves rattled you as you finally chose a dress to wear. It was an old black ruffled dress you had found at a little boutique down the road. But you liked the way you looked in it and it was just sexy enough. The length of it went above your knees and had short sleeves that went off your shoulders. You also pick out your bra and underwear. Your eyes instantly gravitated towards the black lace set with the flower detail on them. You never wore these and felt extra sexy in them.
Maybe Elvis would like them…
No, he’s not seeing them tonight. Control yourself.
You curl your hair in perfect ringlets, framing your face and falling across your shoulders gracefully. You haven’t gotten ready like this in forever and it made you feel so beautiful and full of confidence. Giving yourself and once over in the mirror, you blot some more makeup on your neck. The bruise was almost gone, but with how much this dress showed off your neck and the top of your chest, you didn’t want to draw any more attention to that area and get questioned, especially by Daniel.
Heading out to the living room, you see Daniel waiting for you at the door with an untucked red button-up that was wrinkled around the collar and black pants. He could have tried to be a bit more formal, but you weren’t about to start a fight on your way out the door. He looks you up and down and scoffs slightly to himself but you hear it still.
“Are you serious, you’re going to wear that?” He questions.
“What’s wrong with this dress? I’ve worn it before,” you retort.
“It's just revealing. You tryin’ to get Elvis’ attention or something?” He scoffs.
Your cheeks burn with anger, the pure hatred you feel for him is so palpable it makes you sick to even be in the same room as him.
You have no idea what attention I get from him…
“Let’s go,” you snap and grab the keys off the table.
“Wait,” he snaps back, “Where’s your engagement ring?”
Your heart begins to pound and you feel your tongue go dry.
“In my jewelry box, why?”
“Why aren’t you wearing it?”
“I don’t normally at work so I don’t lose it…” you try to deflect.
“You’re not going to work tonight, so wear it,” he scowls at you.
You stare at him coldly, unable to recognize the man you thought you loved many years ago. You turn to go to the bedroom and sift through your rings and finally find the small diamond band and shove it on your finger.
You drive in silence on the way to the hotel and the ride up the elevator feels awkward with Daniel breathing down your neck. You had no idea what kind of mood Elvis was going to be in but you hope everyone stayed civil.
The doors open and you walk down the crowded hallway. People are laughing and spilling drinks in their hands. You’ve never heard the penthouse so loud and it honestly was a nice change to how stone cold and quiet it is any time you’re up here.
You go through the double doors and are greeted by a man who offers you champagne. You graciously accept it and make your way through the crowd. There’s music playing throughout the living room area and smells of cigarettes fill the air. Maybe because you’ve been up here every day, but you can still pinpoint Elvis’ alluring scent, and makes you want to roll your eyes back.
Your eyes scan the crowd, hoping to see someone you know from work. You see the bright smile of Anna across the way and quickly make your way to her. She hugs you and pulls you to the side.
“Hey! Oh my gosh, you look great. Someone is gonna get lucky tonight. Where is Daniel anyway?” She asks.
You shrug at her, “he was right behind me. He probably wandered off already,” you say nonchalantly. “You look great too.”
“Y/n what’s wrong? Aren’t you happy to be here? When’s the next time we get invited to an Elvis party,” she says excitedly.
“It's just Daniel. He was being an ass before we left and you know how he gets when he drinks and this thing is just a disaster waiting to happen. God Elvis was insistent-“ you cut yourself off, realizing you shouldn’t say too much more.
She gives you a curious look and pulls at your arm, “What about Elvis?”
You shake your head at her, looking around for him in the sea of people.
“Anna, I can’t. I can tell you. I can’t pull you into any of this. I-I don’t know about anything anymore,” you whisper.
“You can tell me anything, you know that. I’m always here for you,” she assures you.
You smile at her and feel someone pull at your arm, making you jump.
You look up and see its one of Elvis’ men, dressed all in black as usual and sunglasses on covering their eyes.
“Mr. Presley would like to see you,” he says coldly.
You look back at Anna and she nods her head at you. You smile at her and look back at the man waiting to lead you through the crowd.
Squeezing through everyone, you make your way to the back corner of the suite.
There you see him, sitting down in a red velvet chair, legs spread open with a cane resting between them, and a young blonde sitting on his lap. Your ears burned seeing that girl sitting on him like that.
White hot jealousy.
Why, you did not know why you felt so territorial over him. He didn’t belong to you. If anything, he belonged to everyone.
You can’t help but continue to stare at him. God, he looked good. He was wearing all white, his pants were perfectly tailored to fit those long legs of his and a silk button-up shirt buttoned down to the middle of his chest to show that tan chest. A small, bright, ruby gem sat on top of his cane and you watched as he swiveled his finger around the smooth top. You loved how those fingers worked so well, moving just like that inside you.
You suck in a sharp breath through your nose and try to collect yourself as you stand inches away from him. The girl continues to nestle up in the crook of his neck and whisper in his ear. You wanted to yank her out of his lap and sit there instead. His eyes narrow as he analyzes every move of yours.
The man that escorted you leaves and you realize most of his men are standing by and monitoring the crowd as Elvis is tucked in the corner, sitting away from most of them. You look back at him, and even though you can’t see his eyes well, they’re burning holes into your skin.
“Hello, Mr. Presley,” you say low, annoyance filling your voice.
He smirks at you, drinking in every inch of your body, licking his lips before he speaks.
“Why don’t you get something to drink baby I’ll be with you later,” he says to the girl, giving her ass a spank as she gets up. She quickly nods and gives him a forceful kiss on the mouth, her hand wandering down to his large bulge and squeezing there. It took everything in you to not scream your head off at her. You hated seeing him with another regardless of what he thought of you. She gives you a snarky look and bumps your shoulder as she makes her way out of the corner. You feel the rage boiling deep within you as you wait for him to say something.
“Well hello baby, looking so damn beautiful,” he says. You roll your eyes at him, “Oh please, you looked awfully busy with that chick. Why did you even bother to invite me?” You seethed.
His expression turns cold and he takes a deep breath before speaking.
“I’m just being Elvis Presley, honey. The most famous womanizer as you said yourself. Just playing the part,” he says through his teeth.
You look away, not wanting him to see the tears that are starting to form in your eyes.
He reaches for your hand and places a kiss on the back of it.
“You know I only want you.” He says sensually, his lips covering your hand with his love.
This captures your attention and you feel a zing go straight to your core as his soft lips touch your skin. He keeps ahold of your hand and rubs his thumb across your knuckles. He suddenly pauses and the smile disappears into a scowl.
“What the fuck is this?” He growls.
You glance down at the added pressure he’s putting on your ring finger and places his other hand on your waist, pulling you in between his legs.
“I’m just being like you, playing my part,” you scowl at him.
“You don’t love him, why would you even think about wearing this,” he hissed.
“Don’t you dare tell me how I should feel! You know nothing about me,” you say raising your voice, trying to squirm out of his tight grasp.
He quickly pulls you down onto his lap and you squeal at the sudden forcefulness. He takes your face and turns it toward him, making you look at his hurt eyes behind those glasses.
“You do not belong to him. He can’t take care of you the way I can. He doesn’t want you anymore,” he says.
You feel the tears begin to fall from your eyes and you want to run away from it all. Elvis brought up a new complicated aspect to your life and it makes your stomach turn. You don’t know if there was any redemption for your relationship and it seems like now there isn’t a glint of hope. You willingly slept with Elvis and proceeded to come up here every day and let him take care of every last desire.
You weren’t good.
He wasn’t good.
Both of you together were flames that would end in disaster.
“Stop. Stop saying that.” You whimper.
“I only speak the truth baby. Where is he anyway? I’d love to meet him,” he grumbles. He lifts you off his lap and stands up, searching the crowd. He gets in between his men who are blocking him off from everyone and towers over a good chunk of the crowd. His body language suddenly freezes and he slowly turns around, using a come hither motion with his finger to make you come to him.
You don’t want to do anything he wants, but the look on his face makes it seem like it’s something urgent.
“What,” you hiss, crossing your arms against your chest.
“That’s what,” he growls and points to the other side of the room. In the alcove in the hallway, you see Daniel pushing up a woman against the wall, his hands tangled in her hair, and him placing little kisses on her cheek and neck.
You look up at Elvis mortified.
“You can’t tell me that you think he loves you still,” he says low.
You feel the room spin, overwhelmed by all of this. You always knew deep down he was messing around, but to see it firsthand, hit you like a ton of bricks.
You brace yourself on the chair arm and try to slow your breathing.
Elvis sits back down in his seat calmly, resting his cane back in between his legs.
“I’m sorry you saw that. But you should know firsthand,” he says calmly.
The roll of tears falls across your cheek, burning like wildfire as you wipe it off your chin.
You nod at Elvis, acknowledging that you’re sorry too. He puts his hand on the small of your back and rubs circles there. You instantly feel comfort in his touch. You’re angry at yourself for feeling this way but it’s all so much. Having both of them in one room is suffocating and you want to run away right now.
“Stay with me tonight. You don’t need to go home,” he mutters, leaning back and looking at the back of your dress. His calloused fingers trace your bare skin that is showing in the back of the dress, making small circles there and giving you goosebumps.
“Elvis, please. Don’t make this difficult. I need to figure out what to do,” you whimper.
“I’m trying to make it easier honey. Having you be with someone who will actually protect you and care for you,” he explains.
Your heart wants to give in to him fully but your brain refuses to let you do so. All of this feels too easy. Too put into place.
“No, I’ll go home by myself,” you say. He tugs at the back of your dress, keeping you from running away.
“Stay baby, please. You don’t need to fight me,” he mutters. His hand drifts lower and lower until he is running his hand up the backs of your thighs. You sigh at his touch, in such desperate need of him already. His fingertips then dance on the inside of your thighs, making you gasp for air.
His hand moved up and finds the swell of your ass, lightly squeezing there before gliding back down to your legs. You glance over at him, licking his lip, looking at you with a desperate need for attention.
“Let me give you somethin’. Something I’ve been dying to give you since you left,” he teases.
You groan quietly, his enticing words hitting your core and making you feel the wetness start to cover your panties.
“Elvis, not here. Not now,” you attest.
“Let me help you forget about what you just saw. Take all your worries away,” he stipulated. You feel his finger graze your covered folds, making you gasp.
“What is my pretty girl wearing under there hmm? Did you wear these just for me?” He teases, rubbing his finger more, feeling the wetness that is soaking through, and moaning softly. You’re certain he can hear how loudly your heart is thumping. The way he’s grinning as he watches your chest rise and fall rapidly. Your eyes scan the room and hope to God that no one can see what he’s doing to you.
“I-I, black lace. Black lacey panties,” you huff, “and yes I wore them hoping you’d see them tonight,” you admit weakly.
He audibly groans and you almost see his dark eyes behind the sunglasses he’s wearing.
“Oh fuck, I already know you look so sexy in them. Come sit down mama,” he says gesturing to his lap.
You knew nothing could make this night worse than Daniel seeing you sitting on Elvis’ lap, but there were other wondering eyes here that worked for the hotel.
“I shouldn’t. I’m trying to be good, remember?” You look at him longingly.
“Well now I want you to be bad and sit down,” he grumbles. You shake your head no at him and watch the annoyance shroud his face.
He moves the cane around to the side you are standing on and adjusts in his seat. You suddenly feel the cold gem press against your covered wet folds. You jump at the sudden sensation and he starts to put more pressure on you, moving the cane back and forth causing a delicious friction on your pussy.
“Elvis,” you grunt, trying to move away from the end of his cane.
He uses his other hand to stop you, keeping you still and pulling you closer to him.
“You really want to run away from me now? Before I give you what you want. Why did you wear these panties tonight? They weren’t to go home with Daniel,” he says coldly.
He was right, you wanted to steal his attention yet again and get covered with his praise. The way you wanted him to fuck you to no end and have you begging for more.
“I wore them for you. To turn you on and tempt you,” you whimper.
He groans heavily, “fuck, such a bad girl. Trying to get another man’s attention,” he reprimands.
“I know, it’s bad. It’s so wrong. But I can’t help it, I’m sorry,” you pant.
“Oh, it’s one of the worst sins to commit honey. There’s no redemption from this. Just have to keep enjoying it then,” he tantalizes.
You stay still letting him tease to no end. He doesn’t need to touch with his hands to know where you need the most attention. He rubs the gem on your clit, almost making you see stars. Your hand grapples onto the chair’s arm, trying not to make a noticeable sound. Elvis makes content murmurs, watching you try not to writhe in front of dozens of people.
You suddenly feel his finger hook into your panties and pull them to the side. The cold air hits you and you snap your head over to him, eyes wide with caution.
“Doing so good,” he encourages. You feel his finger glide through and spread you open. You bite your lip and try to stay quiet.
He puts the top of the cane back on your folds, your slick gathers on the top of it and you know you can’t hold it together much longer. That’s when you feel him tease your hole with it, slowly pushing it inside your entrance. You gasp, shooting him a look of fear and shock.
He bites his lip, keeping your eyes locked to his and moving the cane ever so slowly. Your breathing quickens and you shut your eyes, trying to not get out of hand.
“Elvis please, I can’t do this,” you whine.
He doesn’t listen, he just keeps looking back at the cane nestled underneath your dress and the squelching sounds your pussy is making because of it. You let out a moan, needing some kind of relief.
Looking down at him with that mischievous smirk on his face, you notice his cock getting harder the longer you stare at it. Those perfect pants looked skin-tight already and were begging to be ripped off. You watch his length twitch, waiting to be touched by you.
He pulls the cane from underneath you and gasp, not expecting him to stop so suddenly. Moving it to the front of his legs, you see his fingers and the top of it glistening with your slick.
“Oh baby, so needy aren’t ya?” He teases. You cross your legs, trying to stop the wetness from spilling out of you and down your thighs. You grab onto his bicep, squeezing the toned muscle there as you try to subside the throbbing in between your legs.
Elvis pulls at your wrist, having you move to the front of him, and sits you down on his strong thigh. His hand quickly finds the inside of your thigh and teases lightly, so close to your core where you need him the most. His middle finger finds your swollen bud and rubs there, making your eyes roll back as you bury your face into his neck. He pulls your hair away from your face and tucks the loose strands behind your ear.
“I want you to meet me in my bedroom. Wait a few minutes after I leave, then go in. This pussy is just crying for me to stuff it,” he groans, entering a digit inside you, curling it ever so slowly, then quickly taking it out.
You whimper frustratedly, but nod in agreement. You get off of him, looking at his straining erection, and feel your arousal spill out of you.
Hiding in the corner, you wait patiently as he said and make sure it’s not too obvious that you’re going into the same room as him. You keep scanning the crowd for any wondering eyes but you don’t see any. Daniel isn’t in sight thank God, but the anger you felt toward him was still raging inside you.
None of that mattered right this second, you were going to deal with it later and figure out what to do. Right now, you knew Elvis wanted you. He’s shown that time and time again that he wants you on a different level than any man has ever shown you. As intense as it was, you loved the attention he gave you and would let him give it to you. Especially now. Tonight you needed him to show you extra attention.
Taking one last glance around, you duck down and make it through the crowd and make it to the door connecting to Elvis’ room. You quickly open the door, just a small enough crack to let yourself in then quickly shut the door and lock it. You make your way through the small living room area and back to his bedroom, seeing him nowhere in sight.
“Elvis?” You whisper.
It’s so quiet here compared to the lively living room.
The bathroom door opens and his shirt is fully unbuttoned and he took off his glasses, showing his more lively blues. They haven’t been this bright in a few days and you don’t understand how they shift so drastically. Nonetheless, they’re incredibly beautiful and just as mesmerizing.
“Hi, darlin’. I just needed a second sorry. God, you look so beautiful tonight. How did you think I was gonna stay away from you wearing that?” He teases.
You look down and blush, playing with the ruffles at the bottom of your dress. A burst of confidence rushes through your body and slowly creeps to him. Your fingertips find the zipper at the back of your dress and pull it down, letting it drop to your feet as you continue to get closer to him.
“I was hoping… it would look just as good on your floor as it did on me,” you quip. His eyes look drunk on you as he drools over your matching underwear and bra. The black lace set was one of your favorites. You hardly ever wore it because, who was actually going to see it? But this made you even more confident in getting your way with him.
He nods his head at you, biting his lip softly and pulling the rest of his shirt off.
You stand before him, not touching him yet but can feel the coldness of his body come off of him. You place your hand on his cool chest, looking up at him as your hand practically feels like a branding iron compared to him.
“Honey, are you feeling okay?” You ask concerned. You feel him tremble beneath you,
“I just need you. That’ll make me feel better,” he says almost drunkenly.
You stretch up on your tippy toes and pull at the base of his neck.
“I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere,” you coo.
His lips meet yours and it feels like fireworks have gone off in your head. Everything about him is electric and captivating. His hands pull your waist into his, sliding his hands down to your ass and squeezing. You moan into his mouth, loving the way he knows just where to touch you.
He walks you backward, leading you to the bed. Lifting you up on the bed, you sit there waiting for him to tell you what to do. You’re too eager to let him take your bra and panties off and just do it yourself. He gives an amused chuckle as he watches you strip naked in front of him. He quickly sheds his pants off of himself and climbs onto the bed too. He sits up with the pillows behind his back and spreads his legs open.
Your eyes get drawn to his large cock and feel the throbbing get worse inside you. His hand pulls back his foreskin, showing you his leaking head. You can’t help but moan and crawl in between those long legs.
“Take what you want Mama,” he says, his voice pulling you in like a siren.
There is only one thing you want, no, need right now and that’s for him to fuck you enough to make you forget about this awful night.
You straddle his hips and take his cock in your hand, pushing it up to your folds.
“I wanna fuck you all night. I want to forget about what I saw out there. I only want you tonight,” you whimper.
He has a big smile on his face when he hears that and pulls your head in for a kiss. You moan into him, liking how he feels underneath you, knowing he’s going to do everything in his power to make you feel good with him.
He lifts your body up by your hips so you’re hovering over his cock. You look down at his impressive length and grab onto his shoulders. You carefully sink down onto him and you both groan heavily, your walls hugging his cock tightly. He cusses under his breath and watches you fuck him ever so slowly.
He feels so good inside you, filling you up slowly as you bob up and down taking more as the minutes pass. He has a firm grip on your hips, helping you move more. You watch as his jaw drops and breathes heavier as you move faster on him. You groan and try your best to adjust around his cock. This new angle hit all the spots you wanted to be touched. His large hands cup your breasts and roll your nipples in between his fingers. He knows to put the perfect amount of pressure on them to make you moan for more. The sensation of him filling you and him playing with your nipples has you on the edge of ecstasy.
You begin to bounce on him faster, pressing that spot deep inside you that you love so much.
“Oh Elvis, fuck that feels so good,” you groan.
He groans too, moving his hips with you to get deeper inside you. You want to cry out his name and ride him all night like this.
He puts his hand around your neck and lightly squeezes, giving you the most delicious sensation.
“I know baby. You feel perfect. Squeezin’ my cock so damn tight,” he growls.
You struggle to get air, too many emotions flooding your senses at once making it hard to breathe. You ride him faster, chasing the orgasm you feel is coming any moment now. By the look on his face, you can tell he can feel your walls starting to flutter and ready to come apart any second now. He pounds his hips up harder into you, making you cuss his name and pull at his hair.
You squeeze your eyes shut feeling that familiar feeling bubble up to the surface when you hear a loud commotion outside. You try to block it out but it gets increasingly loud, moving closer to the bedroom.
That’s when you hear a familiar voice that makes you stand still.
Daniel’s voice.
Yelling and screaming at people.
You look at Elvis petrified. He looks more annoyed than anything else.
“It’s okay baby my guys will handle it,” he grumbles. “I want you to come for me,” he demands, pushing his hips up and sinking deep inside you.
You moan, wanting to listen to his orders but too frazzled Daniel could try and burst through that door any second. You grind on the base of his cock and you hold onto him tight, your breathing picking up. You moan loudly, feeling that coil in your belly about to snap.
Where is he! Why did he take her!?
You look at Elvis again and want to run and hide.
“Elvis, fuck,” you groan, trying to get off of him. He sinks you back down on his length tho, a possessive fire in his eyes and he fucks you harder.
“You’re coming for me. Not leaving this bed,” he says darkly. You can’t help the moans coming out of your mouth. You should be more mortified you two could be caught but instead, it excites you more than ever. You cry out his name louder, so close to orgasm.
He gives you a sly little smirk, “that’s right baby, moan my name louder. Tell him how much you love this cock,” he groans, snapping his hips harder. You scratch at his forearms, trying to keep quiet but it’s no use.
“Elvisss! Ahh,” you cry, pressing your lips together.
This must feed his ego in some way, having his way with you and knowing your fiancé is going berserk trying to find you.
One last snap of his hips and it’s all over, you see stars behind your closed eyes and cry out his name again. Your walls squeeze him hard, milking him over and over and he can’t help but groan with you. Your hips grind faster on the base of his cock, his soft pubes rubbing on your clit as you continue to chase the high he’s giving you.
His eyes look like they’re on fire, so focused on you and blocking out anything else that might be happening out there. He’s never fucked you like this. It was possessive. Like he was trying to prove something.
You feel his rhythm underneath you become uneven and his breathing labored like never before. You swivel your hips in an O shape and he looks at you starved.
“Goddamn honey that pussy. It’s all mine. Tell me it’s all mine,” he grunts, grabbing your throat once again.
Your brain freezes and all you can focus on is his cock stuffing you so completely and the way his possessive words have you in a tight chokehold. It’s impossible to say no.
“Y-yes, it’s yours,” you whimper, gasping for air.
You try to figure out where he’s gonna cum in this position but as your hips continue to swivel, that’s when you feel it.
His cock twitches over and over again inside you, filling you with his warm seed. It’s like nothing you’ve ever felt before. It’s all so much, the way you feel him coat your walls with his thick cum. You grab onto his shoulders and ride him faster, your skin slapping against his and the squelching coming from where you two are intertwined.
“Fuck yes, baby. All mine. All mine,” he snarls. His whole demeanor is animalistic, the way his pupils are so dilated, they almost look black as lust rushes through his veins. They way he bites his lower lip, concentrating on his prey (you).
He slows down and lets you collapse on his chest. He holds you close, both of your breathing ragged. You just about jump out of your skin when you hear loud knocking on the door.
“Where is she?!?” Daniel bellows. You hear Elvis’ men trying to pull him back into the main part of the suite but they aren’t succeeding. You are paralyzed with fear. This is it. He’s gonna find out. The night you both find out how unfaithful you both are.
Elvis is seething now, he makes an audible growl and lifts you off of him, and lays you down on your back. You make a little squeak with his forcefulness and stare at him scared. You start to feel his arousal seep out of you and Elvis’ keen eyes see it. Before stepping off the bed, he plunges his two fingers deep inside you making you cry out.
“Mmm, keep me inside you. This is all mine,” he grunts, twisting his fingers for emphasis. You have to cover your mouth from the scream you want to let out. He quickly pulls his fingers out and gets off the bed as the banging on the door gets louder. The rattling of the doorknob also gets louder, you’re almost sure he’s going to break it off. Elvis grabs his robe off the back of the door and ties it around his waist.
You watch mortified as he casually unlocks the door and opens it slightly.
“Where the FUCK is she-,” Daniel screams at Elvis before cutting him off.
“You need to go home. She’s not here. She’s out with Anna. Do not go looking for her and go straight home,” he says in a perfectly calm, monotone voice.
“Okay, as you wish,” Daniel says back, his voice calm and lucid, almost like he’s in a trance. You had never heard Daniel agree to much but the way he didn’t even put up a fight with Elvis completely shocked you.
Elvis calmly shuts the door and starts to walk back to the bedroom. Making his way through the living room, he swipes at the lamp on the side table and it smashes in a thousand pieces. He yells in frustration, throwing anything that is in his sight. The sound of glass shattering fills the suite and your heart pounds because of it.
“Sack of shit!” He yells.
You get out of bed and your brain scrambles what to do next. You want to try to calm him down but you know your words aren’t going to help.
“Elvis? What did you do to him…” You whimper.
“He doesn’t fucking deserve you y/n!” He rasped.
You don’t know what to say. You have to agree with him based on the events that you saw tonight, you were furious at him. But right now Elvis was also making you scared. He possessed a power you couldn’t fully explain. You could feel his power and energy whenever you were near him but this was so much more intense.
He stops and runs his hand through his hair angrily, his breathing heavy and labored.
You need air, you need a second to process everything that just happened and calm yourself down.
You quickly get off the bed and run to the bathroom. Quickly locking the door, you push your back to it, sinking down as you feel the world around you crumbling. You try to focus on your breathing, slowly inhaling through your nose, and slowly exhaling out your mouth.
You stand back up and hunch over the sink, turn on the faucet, and splash some water water on your face. The cold helps you relax and regroup your thoughts. This was all such a mess. You didn’t want to go home but knew you eventually would have to and face the truth.
You didn’t love Daniel anymore.
He proved it to you time and time again and it was time to break things off. Where you were going to go? You had no idea but one thing at a time.
You turn to grab a face towel off the shelf behind you. The pile falls onto the floor and you groan. You were the one that put those up there so it wasn’t anyone’s fault but your own. You bend down to pick them up and refold them when you notice a crimson color in the corner of your eye.
There was toilet paper that had smeared blood on it and concern filled your mind. You didn’t notice any cuts on Elvis and were confused when this happened. You lift the toilet paper and your stomach hurls. There you see a small vile with a cork top, red liquid coating the clear vile. Blood? No that doesn’t make any sense. What the hell was this…
You hear a soft knock at the door and freeze.
“Honey, are you okay in there?” Elvis’ soft sensual tone bleeding through the otherwise tense atmosphere.
You slowly make your way to the door and unlock it. His bright smile greets you when you open the door and stare at him in confusion. You have the vile in your hand and look up into his stormy eyes.
“What is this? What the hell are you doing to yourself?” You spat in a panicked rage.
He carefully picks up the vile and lid from your hand and looks down at you in disappointment.
��Nothing that should concern you,” he growls.
“Don’t do this! Don’t deflect like you always do!” You raise your voice, pulling at his robe.
He takes a deep breath and looks into your eyes.
“I’m sick, and this is what helps me. Can I leave it at that?” He huffs.
“No, tell me the truth,” you scowl.
Tagging🖤: @powerofelvis @burninlovebutler @neptuneismysister @velvetelvis @ccab @presleyenterprise @elvispresleyxoxo @loving-elvis
@prompted-wordsmith @sillybookmarks @dkayfixates @rosepresley @ellie-24 @rktismylife-blog @myradiaz @lookingforrainbows @elvispresleygf @tacozebra051 @thatbanditqueen
@18lkpeters @flwrs4aust @emma181873 @austinswhitewolf @eliseinmemphis @everythingelvispresley @chasingwildflowers @idontwanttoputanything @ohjustpeachy @elvisalltheway101 @austinsmutler @kingdomforapony @generoustreemystic @kendralavon7 @lettersfromvenus @claire-elvisgirl
@ashtag6887 @burnthheparaphilia @richardslady121 @jaqueline19997 @returntopresley @iloveelvis @rjmartin11 @that-hotdog @louisejoy86 @misspresley @cattcb
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jacquesthepigeon · 8 days
Watching a video talking about the portrayal (or lack of) of economic class in Emily in Paris and she makes a good point about escapism and why it’s understandable for the creators to gloss over certain aspects of parisian life in order to achieve this, much like how Bridgerton took a colorblind approach, and since I’m in a posting mood I’m going to make it about ML again
Looking at a series from the context of what it’s trying to provide for the audience is important and, while it should always be open to criticism, I do think we should adjust our standards accordingly when critiquing
However, in ML’s case, you can’t really make the argument that the series is meant to be unserious mindless entertainment with no interest in making any political statements or including serious messages
To begin with, the entire concept of the show revolves around mental health and how difficult situations can sometimes turn you into something you’re not, with some of the promotional interviews explicitly stating their intent to help kids cope
Okay the “mindless fun” defense failed before it even got to the door
From the very first season, class, race, political corruption, and abuse of power is used to push the plot of the day forward
At the same time, the creator of the series is showing off his whole bare ass on the internet (figuratively, not literally) patting himself on the back for being such a great ally to every minority group under the sun for making such a diverse cast of characters
S1 ends and the company decides to ride the hype train by promising greater stakes and social commentary
The crew’s blatant sexism and refusal to acknowledge abuse becomes undeniable, racist stereotypes galore, blind weapon master trope with weird vibes bc lbr at this point most of what they’re doing is starting to feel off, etc etc
By this point that guy is all in on the “most groundbreaking piece of media in decades” claims and responding to any critiques from the demographics he claims to be lifting up in the absolute worst way possible, obviously prioritizing his own ego over any goodwill he had towards these groups
Over time, every already existing problematic aspect is turned up to 100, now POC are responsible for the police brutality they face, dark skinned characters are getting white washed as soon as they become superheroes, n*z* imagery is presented as neutral and defended, almost every single “message” the show is sending feels very strongly based on spite rather than good intentions so on and so forth
The crew and marketing continues pushing this narrative that the series is so diverse and inclusive and #girlpower
Then S5 comes out and is almost entirely composed of a crappy white man’s wet dream of absolution from responsibility and accountability and finally getting all the praise and recognition they “deserve” bc nothing is ever their fault and every horror they commit is actually a service to humanity
So yeah. You could argue that the crew has no obligation to promote certain kinds of messages or to go out of their way to make a meaningful impact on young children’s lives bc it’s just a dumb kid’s show, but when so much of both the official marketing and the crew’s independent promotion on social media relies heavily on supporting progressive political and social goals, it’s completely normal to expect them to keep their word.
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i don’t wanna hear anyone say that tim/911 is incapable of making absolutely bullshit decisions involving poc characters/actors after today bc if they fired anirudh, a long time fan favorite, while keeping a known problematic white man/character in his place then that speaks VOLUMES about where tim’s loyalties lie and what he’s capable of and i don’t wanna hear another word of “tim/abc wouldn’t do that!” bc this shows that he absolutely would
firing a poc cast member and writing out their character just to continue using them for promotional material while still possibly keeping on a character/actor who has done nothing but cause drama and derision, and stir up controversy and violence within the fandom is an absolutely vile and disgusting move on abc/tim/the show’s part and i hope people will wake up and start to understand that these creators don’t actually give a single fuck about the story/representation bc this is what they’re capable of doing without any pushback whatsoever
all they care about is money at the end of the day and if that means sacrificing poc characters in favor of shitty racism plot devices that they wanna unsuccessfully retcon into something else then i have truly lost any sliver of respect i had left for the creative team on this show
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chevelleneech · 4 months
The fact that I’m seeing y’all say Marisol was dropped off camera was well… Tim had no clue what he was doing this season and it shows. I’m sorry y’all, but I’ve been saying it since 7x04.
He clearly had a plan for the cruise arc, but every thing else seems rushed and like a fresh start more so than a well-rounded plot. Tommy and Marisol especially.
Tommy existed to get Buck out the closet, but he did not need to stick around. My guess is Tim didn’t want Buck to be single, but also as I’ve said, he likes the hype Buddie brings but has zero plans to actually commit. Good story or not.
As for Marisol, he admitted to having no idea what to do with her. So of course she was gonna be an issue, but he could have had her break up with Eddie when he asked her to move back out. It was such a waste of writing and screen time to have him cheat for no reason. Because yes, the Kim plot was stupid as hell, and only served to break up Marisol and Eddie and get Chris to Texas.
I love this show so so much, but s7 was the worst thus far. None of the calls were memorable, the characters didn’t really do much in terms of growth or dealing with consequences of their actions or emotional turmoil, and it was overall sloppy. Yes, Bobby went through a lot and Eddie lost Chris, but these storylines would’ve been better fleshed out across five/six episodes. Not the last two or three, inter-spliced with useless relationship drama.
Useless, because Buck and Eddie should have been single to begin with this season. The only stories worth a damn were *Henren and Madney, and ABC ain’t lift a single damn finger to promote them for real. A shame. They relied on bi!Buck and Buddie chit chat, and from what it sounds like and what the finale offered, that was a waste.
(*) Also gonna add, while I’m glad Henren and Madney got storylines this season despite the obvious skew toward the Big Thing being Buck coming out, it’s played out how many times Hen and Karen are given a “We want a daughter.” story to arch the whole season and then have it fail. It’s played out how many times Chimney and Maddie are written as having a big happy moment crushed by a traumatic episode, then they’re just happy again.
I genuinely feel like Tim did absolutely nothing with this season.
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blueikeproductions · 9 days
An update on the Transformers CyberWorld situation.
Without a shadow of a doubt, it’s the next cartoon as a new copyright notice on Hasbro’s part includes animated series.
So we’re moving on from EarthSpark. A well intentioned successor to Rescue Bots aimed older that … just didn’t stick the landing for many reasons (no Nightshade being Enby isn’t one of them, but among certain groups it didn’t exactly help either…).
So what can we expect going forward.
Honestly I think we’re in the middle of a shift, creatively.
Cyberverse & EarthSpark clung to a lot of IDW centric ideas about how the Autobots are shady & the Decepticons are the actual heroes.
Skybound and TFONE are to be returning to traditional Heroic Autobots and Evil Decepticons. Starscream & Shockwave are absolutely psychotic, Soundwave is more professional in an ends justify the means capacity, and Skybound Optimus being praised for a much needed return to the strong enough to be gentle vs the introverted millenial/Gen Z kid most stuff lately has cast him in. And just by official trailers and snippets alone, ONE’s fixed a huge problem with the cast system thing started by Aligned, by making future Autobots into the oppressed miners and from what we can tell, the future Decepticons being among those who either benefited from the system or joined Starscream’s splinter faction, a faction that likely has no benefits to Cybertron as a whole.
It does feel like there’s a bit of course correcting to go with a more traditional route most casuals expect. Even a recent toyetic promo for ONE where the actors play with the toys with some football players, among them is the one who calls himself Megatron, & the players express mild skepticism on an origin story, when they all know Optimus & Megatron are mortal enemies so why bother having them be friends previously or some such. I can always appreciate when a studio expresses self awareness and happily pokes fun at itself.
It also feels like they’ve realized they’ve both overexposed certain characters and also realized certain characters don’t work.
I think RotB and Skybound’s willingness to kill off Bumblebee shows even Hasbro might be sick of him now. His absence so far in early CyberWorld leaks seem to point in this direction too. A recent promotion and opening animation with Squad Busters doesn’t have Bee, but instead uses Elita. It also keeps Megatron and the Decepticons as the villains.
I don’t think Bee is going away, since he’s a major component of TFONE, Reactivate (whenever that sucker comes out), and that separate racing (?) game thing, but outside of EarthSpark, it does feels like they’re trying to move away from him a little. Cyberverse also sticks out as it’s pretty clear the writers wanted nothing to do with Bee after S1, but Hasbro marketing and rebranding made Bumblebee a huge focus, confusing matters, as despite the rebranding, Bee’s role had greatly diminished. (Like realistically, it should’ve been Bumblebee leading the Autobots during the Quint occupation, not Hot Rod if Hasbro was that insistent about it.)
Elita is also an interesting change. For years, Hasbro seemed content to ignore her (and her squad) in favor of Arcee, with Hasbro & IDW trying to beef up female presence with “OCs” Windblade & Pyra Magna among others to little fanfare. Indeed, Windy appears to be benched in favor of Elita-One who has gotten more attention post Netflix WFC (that god awful show did one thing right and it was bring back a Female Autobot people actually like to complement Arcee).
I stand by the series still has a villain problem, and EarthSpark didn’t help by trying to make the Decepticons sympathetic moody Autobots, but also not properly taking advantage of Mandroid, Croft and (so far) the Quintessons. This has been an issue for the bulk of IDW, Cyberverse, & RotB as well, by either omitting Megatron, trying to redeem Megatron into a good guy and/or his replacements not being up to snuff/killed off too quickly. Scourge & Mandroid were steps in the right direction but alas. The Quintessons are also a step in the right direction but Hasbro seems semi hesitant to do much with them, despite their increased presence. (I’m leaning towards it being most toys related to them don’t sell, which is what will make a future Void Rivals toy line interesting…)
So now we’re at CyberWorld.
The lack of Bee in favor of Mirage due to his popularity from RotB seems telling among the Autobots, though we don’t have Elita so far in this series curiously.
All we have to go on Decepticon wise is Galvatron, Scorponok, and Sky-Byte, but that’s still a pretty big change up.
While they still have relevance in TFONE, Screamer & The Waves’ roles in EarthSpark are mostly minor, with Starscream as the standout (in a bad fan fic kind of way). Skybound mostly has ignored Megatron, slowly building up to him in stuff like Cobra Commander, with Starscream getting the crap beaten out of him, and as of the recent issue, Shockwave’s fate isn’t looking too good, leaving Soundwave. It does feel like Hasbro is willing to experiment more outside of Screamer & The Waves, given their absence this far in CyberWorld. Galvatron is also a surprise, given the “Let’s make Megatron an Antihero!” phase started in IDW, that carried over to stuff like Prime Wars, WFC, CV & ES.
I feel like using Galvatron is an attempt to both move away from Megatron for a bit, but to also still technically use him (as a villain) as usually Galvatron IS Megatron. Scorponok, at least in comics and the Headmasters anime, is typically a main villain, but how that works here we don’t know yet. He’s either G1 Marvel Scorponok or BW Scorponok, there’s very little inbetween.
So I think what we have is a big change that is going back to basics like Skybound did, but is willing to still experiment with other characters to add variety. Plus let’s be honest, having multiple Megatron toys from three different things with little visual difference is a sign of stagnation. Shaking it up with Galvatron is an improvement post TFONE.
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July 5, 2024 (Friday)
JUL 06, 2024
For all that certain members of the media continue their freakout over Biden’s electability after his appearance in last Thursday’s event on CNN, it is Trump and his Republicans who appear to be nervous about the upcoming election. 
Journalist Jennifer Schulze of Heartland Signal noted today that as of 8:00 this morning, the New York Times had published 192 pieces on Biden’s debate performance: 142 news articles and 50 opinion pieces. Trump was covered in 92 stories, about half of which were about the Supreme Court’s immunity ruling. Although Trump has frequently slurred his words or trailed off while speaking and repeatedly fell asleep at his own criminal trial, none of the pieces mentioned Trump’s mental fitness. 
But for all of what independent journalists are calling a “feeding frenzy,” egged on by right-wing media figures, it seems as if the true implications of Project 2025 are starting to gain traction and the Trump campaign recognizes that the policies that document advocates are hugely unpopular. 
On July 2, Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts assured Trump ally Steve Bannon’s followers that they are winning in what he called “the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.” In March, Roberts told former Trump administration official and now right-wing media figure Sebastian Gorka about Project 2025: “There are parts of the plan that we will not share with the Left: the executive orders, the rules and regulations. Just like a good football team we don’t want to tip off our playbook to the Left.” 
This morning, although Roberts has described Project 2025 as “institutionalizing Trumpism,” Trump’s social media feed tried to distance the former president from Project 2025. “I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it,” the post read. Despite this disavowal of any knowledge of the project, it continued: “I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.” 
In what appeared to be a coordinated statement, the directors of Project 2025 wrote on social media less than two hours later that they “do not speak for any candidate.”  
Aside from the fact that “[a]nything they do, I wish them luck,” sounds much like the signaling Trump did to the Proud Boys when he told them to “stand back and stand by,” Trump’s assertion and Project 2025’s response can’t possibly erase the many and deep ties of the Trump camp to Project 2025. Juliet Jeske of Decoding Fox News noted that Trump’s name shows up on more than 190 pages of the Project 2025 playbook. 
Rebekah Mercer, who sits on the board of the Heritage Foundation, was one of Trump’s top donors in 2016; her family founded and operated Cambridge Analytica, the company that misused the data of millions of Facebook users to push pro-Trump and anti-Clinton material in 2016. Trump’s national press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, has appeared in a Project 2025 video. Trump’s own super PAC has been running ads promoting Project 2025, calling it “Trump’s Project 2025,” and many of its policies—killing the Department of Education, erasing the separation of church and state, ending renewable energy programs and ramping up use of fossil fuels, deporting immigrants—are also Trump’s.
Project 2025’s director, Paul Dans, as well as both of its associate directors, Spencer Chretien and Troup Hemenway, were in charge of personnel in Trump’s White House, and the theme of Project 2025 is that “people are policy,” by which they mean that hand-picked loyalists must replace civil servants. Trump’s former body man John McEntee, who reentered the White House as a senior advisor after having to leave because he failed a background check, was in charge of hiring in the last months of the Trump White House; he helped to draft Project 2025. Key Trump ally Russell Vought wrote the section of Project 2025 that called for an authoritarian leader; he is also on the platform committee of the Republican National Convention. 
If indeed Trump knows nothing about Project 2025 and has no idea who is behind it, his cognitive ability is rotten. As former chair of the Republican National Committee Michael Steele wrote, “Since [Project 2025] is designed to institutionalize Trumpism and you know nothing about it, then why do you echo some of its policy priorities during your rallies? Coincidence? And how exactly don’t you know that Project 2025 Director Paul Dans served as your chief of staff at the Office of Personnel Management, and Associate Director Spencer Chretien served as your special assistant and associate director of presidential personnel? And folks say we should be worried about Biden.”
Trump’s attempt to distance himself from Project 2025 indicates just how toxic that plan is with voters. As political scientist Ian Bremmer dryly noted, it seems that “the second [A]merican revolution apparently [is] not polling as well as the first in internal focus groups.” Former Republican strategist Rick Wilson was even more direct, saying that Trump was trying to distance himself from Project 2025 because “most of it polls about like Ebola,” the deadly virus that causes severe bleeding and organ failure, and has a mortality rate of 80 to 90%.
The extremism of the MAGA Republicans was on display in another way today as well after The New Republic published a June 30 video of North Carolina lieutenant governor Mark Robinson, currently the Republican nominee for governor of North Carolina, saying to a church audience about their opponents—whom he identified in a scattershot speech as anything from communists to “wicked people” to those standing against “conservatives”—"Kill them! Some liberal somewhere is gonna say that sounds awful. Too bad!... Some folks need killing! It's time for somebody to say it.” 
Today the Vatican turned against one of those extremists when it excommunicated pro-Trump archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, who was the Vatican’s diplomat to the U.S. from 2011 to 2016, for “schism” after he refused to recognize the authority of Pope Francis. Viganò has repeatedly attacked Francis’s Catholic Church for being “inclusive, immigrationist, eco-sustainable, and gay-friendly.”
Also today, Trump’s lawyers asked Judge Aileen Cannon, who is overseeing Trump’s criminal trial for retaining hundreds of classified documents, to dismiss charges that can no longer be prosecuted in light of the Supreme Court’s decision that a president cannot be charged for crimes committed while engaging in “official acts.” They also called the case “politically motivated” and asked Cannon to stop the case entirely in light of Justice Clarence Thomas’s suggestion that Special Counsel Jack Smith was not properly appointed.
The other big news today was that the U.S. added 206,000 jobs in June, bringing the total number of jobs created under this administration to 15.7 million. Last month’s numbers were, once again, higher than economists expected and, according to economic analyst Steven Rattner, above job growth levels before the pandemic. He added that these jobs are not simply a bounceback from the depths of the pandemic: 6.2 million more Americans are employed now than before Covid hit. 
Poking fun at the calls for Biden to step down, conservative lawyer George Conway posted: “Biden needs to RESIGN NOW before any more of these terrible job things are created.”
In a speech today in Madison, Wisconsin, Biden vowed to stay in the race, and the speech appeared strong enough that right-wing extremists, including Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) and activist Laura Loomer, posted on social media—falsely—that he was having a medical emergency aboard Air Force One. Tonight, George Stephanopoulos of ABC interviewed Biden without a teleprompter or notes, focusing only on Biden’s age without any questions about policy. ABC News posted the interview transcript with the president’s conversation portrayed the “g”s dropped off the words and with other colloquial pronunciations spelled out, as if it were dialect. Trump, whose words the press tends to turn into clean prose, has refused to do an interview under the same conditions.
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unsaidace · 5 months
911twt is still banging on about a “Buck kisses Eddie at the wedding/bachelor party, Eddie breaks up with Marisol and Buck breaks up with Tommy” cheating arc as a lead-up to Buddie canon. Apparently, we now have to explain biphobia and stereotyping to that absolute fucking hellsite, so here we go, I guess.
First of all, Buck is freshly confirmed to be bisexual. He’s still discovering what that means for him, and how to navigate this new journey. Not only would a cheating arc completely ruin his character for a lot of people, it would absolutely destroy the joy so many of us felt at finally seeing ourselves accurately, positively represented. I’ll be a Buddie shipper until the day I die, but if we need a fucking cheating arc to make it canon, they can keep it. Hate me all you want for that, but I will straight up refuse to acknowledge Buddie as canon if it takes Eddie cheating on Marisol and Buck “cheating” on Tommy to make it happen.
Second, if you call yourself an LGBTQIA+ ally, yet somehow truly think this is a good idea, I have some news for you; you’re not an ally, and you never were. You’re promoting stereotypes that are harmful to an entire community, and serve no purpose other than demeaning and degrading an entire group of people based on nothing more than their sexual/romantic preferences. Bisexual/Bi-romantic people cannot escape biphobia, even within our own community, and shit like this does absolutely fucking nothing to help us.
Advocating for a cheating plot involving anyone is shitty, but especially with a bisexual character. It’s biphobic and regressive. Bisexuals hear this shit every fucking day of their lives. I’ve heard it since I first came out, 11 goddamn years ago. People constantly talk about how bisexual people are “more likely to cheat”, or “being greedy/indecisive”. I am sick to fucking death of it. I’ve also seen it in several TV shows/fandoms I’ve been in. If we could use some of those rare critical thinking skills here, that’d be great. People cheat because they’re shitty people, regardless of sexuality. Being bisexual does not make someone more likely to cheat, is not an excuse to cheat, and shouldn’t be used as a fucking plot device to enable a TV character to cheat. Do us all a favour, and keep your biphobic plot ideas to your fucking selves.
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f1-giuki · 6 months
one of your girls by troye sivan for landoscar?? you decide if its fluff or angst or smut!!! xx ellie <3
ELLIE OH MY GOD THIS CONSUMED ME!!!!! and made me want to write a 50k fic about drag queen Oscar....................
I made it fluffy!!! Hope you like it!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
one of your girls - prompt post
When Lando saw his face smashed against a bright orange jumping ball in Silverstone, a few years back, he knew that marketing-and-PR-approved activities were a scam, but now, sitting in a random living room with pink walls next to a guy named Brian, while Oscar is getting initiated to the art of drag, he thinks they’re downright torture.
He should explain himself better. He’s in Los Angeles, with Oscar, waiting for the Las Vegas GP, and doing fun promotional activities, one of them consisting of going to a drag queen’s house and filming some kind of YouTube video where one of them gets into drag and the other plays the teasing idiot part, which isn’t very far from their usual dynamic. But there’s something absolutely toying with Lando’s brain, a stupid childlike desire to touch and look in awe. It’s not something he can show on camera.
The problem is not the Brian on the couch, or the other Brian currently securing a wig on Oscar’s head, the problem is Oscar’s cute face with make-up on, with pink cheeks and lips. That he gets to observe that is wild to him. He should pay for a ticket to see it, like for a museum. Maybe Mclaren is already paying for the two Brians. Oscar looks at him amused in the mirror and Lando realises whatever money the team is paying isn’t enough.
“Oscar you’re a diva, you could give Courtney Act a run for her money!” Make-up Brian is saying to the camera.
Oscar tilts his head and looks at the wig, copper and full of soft curls. It’s different, but not in a bad way. The make-up is fairly natural, nothing too crazy, but he knows that if Lando were at the club and saw him like this he’d buy her a drink and suggest somewhere to go later. Lando’s discombobulated face in the mirror as Oscar winks confirms it.
“It looks exactly like in that music video! Lando, you should get shirtless,” couch Brian suggests and Lando remembers the camera filming him.
He rolls his eyes, ready to burst out with his best actually! and put his cap backwards on his head. He has a reputation to keep up. He thinks he can be a simp with some dignity left.
They wrap up the shooting after Lando is well-roasted with insults and his cheeks are on the verge of turning permanently red after looking at Gracinda Outback, Oscar Piastri for her friends.
Some behind-the-scenes content is filmed again and then the Mclaren people leave the room. The two Brians look at Oscar and Lando and laugh, leaving them some space. Lando is grateful for the privacy during his mental breakdown.
Oscar gets down from the make-up chair, a bit wobbly on his feet. He’s still wearing his skinny jeans and sneakers, but make-up Brian gave him a soft pink blouse, flowy and plum-coloured. He’s a sight. Lando looks at him and groans, making Oscar roll his eyes fondly.
“You like this, I’d reckon…” Oscar mumbles and Lando scoffs.
Oscar smiles and Lando takes his hands.
“You should trademark your face,” Lando mumbles, taking Oscar’s hand in his.
“Should I?” He asks, as Lando softly embraces him.
Lando hums and looks at Oscar in the mirror again. He’s lucky Oscar is already his.
“Pop culture iconography is fucking standing in front of me!” Lando states and he hides his face in the crook of his neck.
“You’re weird,” Oscar mumbles as Lando leaves soft kisses along his jaw.
“You like it,” Lando says, looking at Oscar and nearly fainting when he sees how the flowy blouse accentuates the soft curves of Oscar’s body.
“I do…” Oscar grins, before leaving a soft kiss on Lando’s lips, making him taste the strawberry-scented lip gloss.
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