#they will do some heavy lifting
loveerran · 2 years
Medical Bill Assistance - For Real
I think you will all like this one :)
I think most of you are aware that more than half of all U.S. hospitals are nonprofits. Nonprofit hospitals must have charity care programs to keep their tax-exempt status. These programs, also called financial assistance, decrease medical bills for low and middle-income patients. The org linked above will qualify you and make it happen. A high percentage of you qualify and (shockingly) the medical providers aren’t advertising the program.
Don’t have the spoons to face this on your own? They will do this with and for you: https://dollarfor.org/debt-forgiveness/.
What you will need:
About 3 minutes
The name of the hospital, the amount billed, and the approximate date of your most recent bill
Your household's size and annual income
Don’t want someone from a nonprofit helping with your personal medical stuff? Want to do it on your own? They have a walk-through for that: https://dollarfor.org/resources/how-to-apply-for-charity-care/step-one-check-your-eligibility/
You do deserve this!
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ao3-crack · 1 year
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intermundia · 8 months
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palai pote en kosmō prosōtatō hode mythos palai en kosmō prosōtatō etukhon. hēdē telos ekhei. ouden an tonde metaballein poioito. erōtos kai blabēs mythos estin, hetaireias kai prodosias, tharseos te thusias te kai tou oneiratōn olethrou. tēs amaurās diaforās metaksu tōn hēmeterōn aristōn te kai kakistōn mythos estin. tou teleos aiōnos mythos estin.
here's a version of the prologue of matthew stover's revenge of the sith in ancient greek, because he studied greek theater in college and decided that the fall of anakin skywalker deserved a tragic structure (and he was right).
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suffersinfandom · 28 days
I went down a bit of a rabbit hole earlier today and stumbled across some of the most misguided, mean-spirited, and downright cruel OFMD takes I've ever read. Instead of sharing them and making everyone else miserable, I just want to say:
OFMD and time spent in the fandom have genuinely made my life better.
The characters of Stede and Ed (who are not -- and I can't emphasize this enough -- their real-world counterparts) have helped me come to terms with and accept parts of myself that I previously hated.
OFMD is earnest and sweet and silly. It's full of love and fun, and it's almost impossible to watch it and not feel a little better.
The show's diversity is incredible and unlike anything I've been able to find elsewhere. Even shows that have similar amounts of onscreen diversity fall short behind the scenes and in the writers room.
OFMD's cast and crew are absolutely lovely. Being treated kindly (and even actively embraced!) by the folks who made the show has been a pleasant surprise.
OFMD's fandom has been so, so much kinder than any others I've been in. I'm constantly seeing people uplift and encourage each other, and the fandom has collectively raised at least $50K for charities. How cool is that?
This fandom's art (all forms of art) is incredible. I've never been so spoiled for choice when it comes to well-written fic to read or beautiful artwork to look at.
Ed and Stede are characters of all time. Top tier. Flawed, sympathetic, gentle, bitchy, sweet, unhinged, profoundly in need of therapy and medication. (I'm not saying bupropion would fix Ed or sertraline would help Stede, but I don't think they'd hurt.)
OFMD's supporting cast is unparalleled. Frenchie, Roach, and Fang are my best friends even though I know next to nothing about them. I forget that Mary "the Widow" Bonnet and Spanish Jackie have, like, ten total minutes of screen time each because they're both fully developed people in my head. Zheng Yi Sao and her extended polycule are everything to me and I need their spinoff on my television immediately.
The fandom's not perfect and sometimes I want to pull out my hair when I read meta I disagree with, but the truly bad actors are a minuscule minority. Most fans are kind, supportive, and extremely funny and talented.
I love it here. I don't plan on leaving. Even if OFMD takes a backseat to a new obsession in the future, it will always be a part of me. I'll always come back (I'll never leave).
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kenichijouji · 2 months
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ODAIBA MEMORIAL DAY 08/01 (2024) — iphone wallpapers (1/?)
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airenyah · 5 months
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manifesting: dunk lifts joong in their next bl 🙏
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meet-the-courier · 2 months
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Brodie: Heavy liftin' comes with its aches n pains! Might as well alleviate some of it.
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maypersonne · 10 months
Reading fics from Binghe's pov really hammers home how crazy we'd all gone if the novel started from Binghe's perspective like I'm going feral my boy is going feral what is this man's deal also can Binghe get kisses please
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niymue · 9 days
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Isobel Wellbelove 🥀
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defiledtomb · 1 month
I'm doing it. I'm taking a Break.
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varpusvaras · 11 months
Fox, in some social gathering he, Bail and Breha were invited to: So...I know I'm here because I'm married to these two, and Cody is here because Kenobi is here, but why are you here again?
Rex: Because these two are here *points to Anakin and Padmé*
Fox: Are you guys like. You know.
Rex: ..........honestly I am not sure, but at this point, I'm in way too deep to leave
Fox: What do you mean by that?
Rex: Observe
Luke and Leia, running up to Padmé: Mom! Can we go and-
Padmé: Oh, you need to ask your father
Luke and Leia, running to Anakin: Dad! Can we go and-
Anakin: Oh, um. Did you already ask your mom?
Luke and Leia: Yes, and she said to ask you!
Anakin: Okay, uh. Go ask Rex if you can go?
Luke and Leia, running up to Rex: Rex! Can we go and-
Rex: No, you'll die and break your legs. Now sit down for a moment and have some juice
Fox: ....oh.
Rex: Yeah.
Fox: This might be a problem
Rex: You don't say
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tswwwit · 4 months
was bill mad at the cultists BEFORE he knew about the whole “we cut out your husband’s tongue for being ‘blasphemous’” thing? id imagine he’s the type to be mad at anyone (but him, if current dipper is into that) messing up his stuff. and was there a point where he clocked just how traumatized cult!dipper was?
Bill's initial impression was that they were a bunch of goddamn jackasses, but he wasn't mad at them yet! Sure, they scratched up his husband pretty deeply, and that's more than worthy of some retaliation. But it did summon him right to the guy! Punishment could be put off; he was pretty high on getting to see his human again! And, hey, what's the point in obliterating a perfectly good cult? Someone would pay eventually, but there wasn't a good reason to exterminate 'em. Once he brought Dipper home, and noticed how he behaved, though - That's when he started getting really irritated.
Too scrawny, for one. Too scared, for another. Bill's no stranger to inflicting horrible mental damage and the signs were all there! It'd be one thing to have a worshipful, devout husband bowing and scraping and flattering his ego. It was another entirely to see him shiver in terror while avoiding Bill as much as possible. Displaying no curiosity, no stubborn tendencies. No real kick to the guy, while also failing to eat well or drink well or thrive, even outside of that environment. And always, infuriatingly, remaining completely silent.
Something went down back at that ramshackle patched-together pile of crap they called a cult, and it was not to Bill's liking. And once the tongue thing came to light? That was the last fucking straw.
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non-plutonian-druid · 8 months
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look guys i actually did some spirit designs
[ID: the Hargreeves' spirits in the Paranatural au - or at least, the five of them that are kids in this au.
Luther's is an ape that looks like his body from the comics. Diego's is a creature that looks a bit like a small porcupine. Allison's is a large snake with its mouth duct taped shut. Klaus' is a blue raccoon with three eyes and a pink tail, and Viktor's is based off of the White Violin from the comics, except its head transforms into reaching arms. End ID.]
sorry, the ID got REALLY long this time. that's a summary for anyone scrolling, theres a more detailed one under the cut!
[ID: Luther's spirit is labelled First Simian In Space: THE MARTIAN APE. He looks like the ape that supplied Luther's body in the comics, drawn in the paranatural style; blue, with one eye. He is wearing an astronaut helmet and sitting in a coin operated rocket ship that is much too small for it. He has transformed the world around him into a scifi martian landscape; cardboard standups with doors and lockers scribbled on them are the only indication of the real world. Luther is sprawled on the ground staring in shock, while the Martian Ape says "Y'know, you should totally just kill your dad".
Diego's spirit is a very small creature that looks a bit like a porcupine.
Panel 1: Diego holds his spirit in his hands and says, "So, what's your name?". His spirit responds "I am called..."
Panel 2: A caption appears; Projectile Extraordinaire: KRAKEN. The image is in full color, focusing on Kraken, which glowers cutely and shows off her spines.
Panel 3: The same shot as panel one, except Diego now looks very skeptical. He says "..." and then "Why." Kraken responds "It sounded cool."
Allison's spirit is a giant green snake coiled around a tree branch, with a pattern down his back that looks like open mouths.
The first two images are centered on Allison, who is scowling in both. Someone unseen says "It can force people to do things, honey!" and "It's too dangerous to leave you alone with it." and finally, "So we fixed it."
The final image is of the spirit. He is captioned Muzzled Mind Controller: THE RUMOR. His mouth has been duct taped shut. He does not look pleased.
Klaus' spirit is a blue raccoon with dark purple legs and a fluffy striped pink tail. It also has three eyes.
Panel 1: The large colored closeup of Klaus' spirit. It is captioned Mystical Conartist: THE SEANCE.
Panel 2: Klaus asks it "With a name like that, what's your power?" The Seance, its nose just high enough to fit into frame, replies, "Oh, I can sense ghosts"
Panel 3: Klaus looks supremely unimpressed. In the background, a ghost says "Hi" to Allison and Luther, and they say "Oh, hey" back.
Panel 4: Klaus asks, "Seriously?"
Panel 5: The Seance, viewed from above, says "Hey, I can sense them even when they're not visible! Like behind walls and stuff!"
Panel 6: The Seance adds "Also I can float." It is demonstrating, floating about eye level with Klaus and emitting a cloud of cyan spectral energy as it does so. Klaus looks more pleased with this and says "Okay, that one's pretty good."
Viktor's spirit is a Wight, a spirit so warped by rage and pain that it has permanently been changed, its spectral energy has become white, and has gained massive, devastating power. It looks a lot like the design of the White Violin in the comics, but it manifests too many or too few arms from where its head should be.
There are three images of it. In the first, it is kneeling. It has manifested six arms in varying degrees of completeness, and all of them look sad.
In the second, the matter of its head has split into many small pieces that almost look like parts of mouths, save for two clawing hands. It screams, in the Wight spirit language from Paranatural, WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME.
In the third, the largest, its knees buckle as it stands and manifests one reaching hand. It is captioned Violent White: THE WHITE VIOLIN. End ID]
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acebytaemin · 6 months
remember when shinee’s biggest scandal was supposedly lipsyncing which turned out to literally not be true but people couldn’t believe they were that good 🥲
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ssruis · 1 month
I personally really could not give less of a fuck about genderswapped ruikasa because first and foremost imo I think people just do it to get yuri warrior points instead of actually caring about female characters/wlw relationships. however I also dgaf because I think people do it in the most boring way possible without thinking about how tsukasa and rui’s personalities would impact how they present themselves as girls.
Tsukasa is so incredibly determined to be seen as a reliable mature older brother figure to the point where he dresses in an incredibly stuffy and boring way & has stripped his room of anything childish (& anything with personality). She would not dress super cute & girly. she would want to be taken seriously (& you should be able to be taken seriously wearing fashion like that but I’m not getting into that rn) & be viewed as anything but childish. She would not dress like Saki she would dress like she worked at a library or something. Her fashion would still be boring. Integral to the character.
I have less to say abt rui because I generally think less about what his fashion choices say about him (beyond hater of tight clothes #sensory issues king) but he is almost never in shorts and dresses in comfy loose fitting clothes he would also not be a hashtag girly girl wearing short skirts and bows either.
‘But I want to draw yuri and I want them in cute clothes’ draw emunene instead. Hope that helps.
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theswedishpajas · 7 months
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Lil doodles from last night
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