#they way they exchange looks in the last set ahhh
sainz100 · 3 months
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one more bunch of Max and Daniel moments that I adored from Goodwood 2024 ☀️❤️✨
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ayyy-pee · 1 year
for the kiss ask game!!
Can I request 22 and 31 with Toji??
ahhh sorry for the late reply but omgggg this will be my first time writing Toji ever ngl lol and it's...a little dirty!
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22. Kisses that leave them all hot and bothered
31. Kisses that shouldn’t mean anything (but end up meaning more than they’d care to admit)
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"Fuckkkkk," Toji groans as he rolls his large body off of yours. Sweat coats his skin, his breaths rush past his lips rapidly, evidence of your previous activities still course through his blood.
Next to him, you sigh contentedly, immediately pulling your phone out. The sudden harsh light makes Toji squint in the darkness of your hotel room.
It's not often you two get a chance to meet up. Both your occupations keep you plenty busy. You're only able to get together when you happen to be in the same city for...work.
Toji can't lie, when he gets a text from you with your code word, he gets a little excited. Mostly because he never knows how the fuck you figure out where he is. It doesn't matter that his information is confidential, hidden under lock and key, protected, you always know where he is. You're the only person who knows and honestly? He doesn't mind it.
The arrangement you have is sweet, casual, easy. You get the hotel room, order in, fuck until morning and then Toji wakes up and you're gone. He likes it that way, even if he's started noticing some shit that's making him feel just a little bit uneasy.
See, lately Toji has noticed that every time his phone buzzes in his pocket, he hopes it's you.
When he gets assigned to a new...mission, he hopes you're nearby.
When he receives one of your code texts, he finds himself hurrying to finish the job so he can get to your location.
And when he wakes up and you're gone in the morning, there's this annoying fucking pang of disappointment that hits him for a few seconds before he brushes it off and enjoys the free ameneties you'd gifted him as thanks for the night before.
He doesn't know what it means, doesn't care to look too deeply into it. All he knows is he likes being balls deep inside of your sweet pussy and he'll be damned if he fucks it up trying to make this more than what it is.
"Ah, damnit," you sigh next to him, fingers flying across your phone screen.
"Hmm," Toji grunts next to you.
"Got a new assignment in Nagasaki. Gotta leave in a bit."
"Damn, you just got here." The words slip out from Toji's lips before he can stop them and the look you give him makes him try to recover quickly. "Just sayin', this work shit never stops."
You give him a strange look, Toji doesn't know what it means but it doesn't matter anyway. You go back to your phone.
"Yeah, it doesn't. But whatever." You toss your phone on the bedside table, throwing your leg over Toji so you can sit on top of him, straddling his hips. "I don't have much time, so fuck the shit out of me again before I gotta go."
Toji sits up on his elbows, a slow grin spreading over his face. "Gladly."
He cups the back of your head, pulling you down to crash your lips into his, the intensity of both your desires instantly setting the mood. His cock sits right beneath your warm core, the place he wants to bury himself inside of most in the world right now. You sit your slick covered cunt right onto his length and rock your hips forward, groaning at the sensation of Toji's thick, veiny cock rubbing along your clit.
This is heaven, Toji thinks as he slides his tongue into the warm cavern of your mouth. Your moans pass into his mouth and he passes his into yours in exchange, his hips coming up to grind into yours until you're both panting. And Toji can't take it anymore.
He rolls you over, climbing on top of you and he takes his time to look at you. This will likely be the last time he sees you for awhile. Or ever. It could always be the last time you two ever see each other in your line of work.
As you gaze up at him with your lust filled, blown out eyes, Toji feels his confusion settle in deeper...and it unsettles him, but he chalks it up to the moment.
The rapid beating in his heart? Well, he's about to fuck you so...of course that's why, right?
The way he can't seem to take his eyes off of you right now? Well, he's memorizing your face, every line and every wrinkle because that's what he's used to in his field of work.
The impending disappointment he's anticipating feeling when he's had his way with you and you with him and you're climbing into the shower, slipping your clothes on and leaving? Well, he has no answer for that one.
"Toji," your voice calls to him and it fucks him up just a little bit more. He watches your chest rise and fall beneath him as you bring your arms up to loop around his neck. "Fuck me."
You pull his lips down to yours as Toji rolls his hips forward, slipping inside of you for the last time tonight.
When Toji wakes up the next morning, you're long gone. You'd said your goodbyes earlier in the night and it's the first time Toji has actually been awake to see you go. His mind dwells on the way you wrapped around him last night, your small body pressed against his and the way your lips fit against his and fuck, he's going insane.
He grabs his phone from the nightstand next to him, quickly sending off a text to his "manager", Shiu Kong.
Toji: Need a new assignment ASAP
He sighs, sending a follow up text.
Toji: Needs to be in Nagasaki
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List of “102 different types of kisses” Ask Game!
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The Apothecary Diaries
S1Ep2 First watch
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Review with spoilers for episode 2 under the cut.
(Which is mostly me ripping into Jinshi.)
Jinshi. My man. I'm both exasperated and excited to see you try your plan to seduce Maomao.
I saw it in episode 1 when you easily maneuvered Maomao into exposing herself and confessing, so I knew you were somewhat crafty. Also, this being a palace intrigue story, I do expect some shady stuff. Even so, I was hoping you would be upfront and honest with Maomao. She was forthcoming with her background, skills, and why she stepped forward to help the sick infants (I'm of the opinion she may have additional secrets that she has not yet revealed, but even so), and yet Jinshi is planning on using dishonest methods to try and control her.
He's a handsome man in power, he's probably used to being able to influence women with seduction. However, I think this plan is likely to fail. Maomao nearly spontaneously combusted when someone joked about her becoming a courtesan, so I'm guessing his flirting will either fluster her in a way that doesn't seduce her or she will find it bafflingly or dishonest and do her best to ignore it. I'm here for anything, whatever goes down I know it's going to be entertaining.
I just met Maomao last episode and I already know seduction is the wrong method to use with her. He would find more success by appealing to her sense of responsibility, justice, or even just her curiosity. He's too smart. I predict that he'll figure this out sooner rather than later.
In the meantime, I hope this seduction plan backfires terribly for him. I want him to end up seducing himself and for Maomao to gain that power over him, where Jinshi hoped to take it from her. I want him to suffer in his desire for her, and eventually I want Maomao to return his affection, but not until he gets what he deserves for trying to manipulate her.
Oh! Okay, I didn't guess that. She's grossed out by him. Maybe I've read this all wrong. *Me rethinking everything. Trying to see earlier scenes in new shades* I'm not convinced she won't like him eventually, but if she is repulsed by men it would explain a few things....
Oh no! Or if she has sexual trauma! That would explain things as well. Ahhh! I hope not! This show won't go that dark will it? *Remembers human trafficking and infant death in the first episode*
At first glance the other ladies in waiting seem nice enough. They are fast to fill in gaps with their own assumptions and immediately gossip about it, so Maomao will want to watch that, but they at least seem compassionate.
Once again we are reminded of Maomaos self harm tendencies with her experiments on herself. In a flashback her father simply laughed and said "that's my little mad scientist." I wonder if she's ever had someone looking out for her that truly cared about her well being? She seems very self sufficient but Maomao deserves to have someone who makes her feel safe and cared for, especially since she's not protecting herself.
For fucks sake Jinshi! Once again he is setting up tests for Maomao without her even knowing she's being tested. In this case he had the food presented in ceramic bowls rather than the more useful silver to see if she would mention it. She did, once again proving her reliability and knowledge.
Princess Peach (I haven't learned this lady-in-waitings name yet but her hair piece looks like PPs crown so I'm going with that for now): If you had spoken up earlier and told someone you were literate, you would have received higher wages.
Maomao: I was kidnapped and brought here against my will. And taking into account that part of my earnings get sent back to the people who stole me, I wasn't exactly eager to.
PP: Basically, you would rather take less pay if it means not supplying the scoundrels who took you with extra drinking money?
This exchange is interesting to me and I think could be seen a couple of ways. On the one hand it could be seen that Maomao would rather suffer herself to ensure that her enemies also suffer than to allow herself to prosper if it means her enemies could also prosper. It could be seen as an act of malice at her own expense. Which... it is. But, that view doesn't account for Maomao's feelings about it which I'm guessing are more self-sacrificing. She would gladly forsake better pay because it's the right thing to do. Evil should not be allowed to prosper and it certainly won't do so with Maomao's help. She'd pick her own suffering every time to prevent injustice.
Goddammit Jinshi! Did he knowingly give Maomao food with an aphrodisiac in it?! What an asshole. He plays so dirty. Thank goodness Maomao is too skilled to fall for that, and now she's on to him.
And Maomao casually solves another mystery, with minimal evidence. She's way too good at this. It could become a problem if she solves an actual crime instead of the two accidental poisonings that she's done up to now. We know someone has tried to poison the concubine twice already so there is someone nafarious in the palace to watch out for. Depending on who it is, if Maomao exposes their crimes, they will probably come for her too.
Jinshi, you bastard! He knows his flirting isn't working, and she easily avoided being secretly dosed with an aphrodisiac, but ask her to make one herself? Well shit, he can get her to dose herself.
Okay so the emperor deliberately placed Jinshi in the back palace to test his concubine's loyalty, but I've got no time to dwell on that because HOLY SHIT! Does Jinshi have a degradation kink! I love that for him!
Meanwhile, Maomao's kink is apothecary ingredients. Lol! She's too funny!
Maomao. Just what am I supposed to believe here. You act disgusted by Jinshi's attempts at seduction but then you think stuff like this:
If he were to come on to someone, blushing and with those looks, it's over.
I'm sure it would be enough to captivate anyone. Male or female.
Moving forward we get this ominous exchange from the concubine and princess Peach:
PP: so the new girl is capable of making drugs.
Concubine: what a beneficial skill.
Does Maomao even realize what it means that she can identify poisons and make them? In a harem setting?! She'll be suspect #1 if anyone gets poisoned, especially considering she's a commoner of low position, meaning she's expendable. Plus, people will be trying to manipulate her into using her skills for their machinations (*cough* Jinshi *cough*). I feel like this story is in the calm before the storm.
There are so many dangers around Maomao and she's so completely alone. She's got her knowledge, skills, and wit but she is so outnumbered and outmatched. I hope she will find a powerful or useful ally.
Fucking Jinshi! This dude's out here stroking her hair, kissing her neck, and whispering in her ear?! Maomao has given no indication that she would welcome his advances, but of course he doesn't care about that. He's out to seduce her. Dick. Joke's on him though, he's going to pay for stealing that chocolate from her. If for no other reason than he'll be left wanting more. Hmmm. That's probably a metaphor.
Actually, now that I've said that, I think that might be right. Jinshi is trying to his best to distract Maomao while stealing the fruits of her labor. Both literally in this scene as well as more generally in all of their interactions. Jinshi has been delighted as Maomao has risen to every challenge and passed every test. Unlike other women in the palace, Maomao doesn't swoon with a sultry look, she resists that, even if she isn't completely immune. He's intrigued already. And he'll be wanting more. I can only hope Maomao keeps him at a distance for awhile. At least long enough for him to really get to know her, understand and learn to respect her.
Her response to Jinshi this time was notably different from before when he flirted with her. This time he didn't use his looks (she couldn't even see him), or any flirty comments. Instead he gently brushed her braid aside and kissed the back of her neck then whispered his appreciation to her. I am once again curious about her past. Did she have anyone in her life to offer her physical affection? Also, thanking her and acknowledging her hard won skills? Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's going to work on Maomao. So if Jinshi has a degradation kink then maybe Maomao has a praise kink. That should be fun for them.
But also, why did Jinshi want Maomao to make an aphrodisiac? Was it just for the concubines to use with the emperor?
Now that I've gotten to the end of the episode I've got to go back and ponder about the emperor sending Jinshi specifically to the back palace. Jinshi and his servant are chatting about an incident when a concubine invited Jinshi to her room and Jinshi describes the incident as
an indiscretion we cannot abide.
And I wonder who he means by "we." We as in the back palace? The empire? The harem hierarchy? The imperial family?
Then the servant states a little indignantly:
But to place you in the rear palace, and using your beauty as a means to test their true character...
Why so indignant on the behalf of the rear palace manger? He's got a high position. Power. Respect. By most metrics he's doing great and his placement in the rear palace should be seen as an honor. It would only be seen as an indignation if one were coming from an even higher position. And what's higher than the emperor's harem?
To which Jinshi laughs and responds:
Our emperor can be quite cunning. We all use whatever we're given.
What would be cunning about sending a handsome palace official to the harem to test their loyalty? Seems like a reasonable request. It's the emperor's perogative to appoint his officials as he sees fit. To use what he's been given. Is there some reason it is remarkable to send Jinshi specifically to the rear palace?
Then to what seems like a non sequitur (but isn't!) Jinshi starts talking, fondly, about how Maomao gave him a death glare.
I've never had anyone look at me so harshly in my life!
Really? Never? No one has ever glared at you? How novel... for a prince. I guessed that last episode with zero evidence just based on a twist I'd like to see, but I'm a lot more confident about it after this exchange.
It is also the link that explains how the conversation jumped from how unusual it is that the emperor sent Jinshi to the rear palace to his delightful experience of being glared at.
Jinshi being a prince also adds color to some of his behavior. His expectation that women will fall for his flirtations, his entitlement, sense of privilege, not to mention the deference he receives.
I'm so intrigued by this story. These characters are 💋🤌
If you liked this, you might like my review for episode 1.
Episode 1 review
Episode 3
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softquietsteadylove · 4 months
ahhh can we see protective gil in circus au? there’s no way he’s letting her stay locked up forever!
Eyes followed as Thena finally emerged from the sleeper car. She wasn't dressed for rehearsal, she was wearing a regular old dress. Everyone stared but no one dared say a word.
She walked confidently enough, even though she had a beast of a man trailing behind her. He met every pair of eyes with a glare, practically growling at them all like a dog. Although no one would have described him as the guard dog type. He was the one who had locked her up, after all.
Gil almost cried when he saw her.
Thena looked well, but also terrible. She was dressed in her soft, cream coloured dress, and her hair was free and flying around her shoulders. But she looked exhausted, like she hadn't seen the sun in a week and barely eaten.
Gil had been waiting for her to rejoin them for what certainly felt like a week but he knew was less. He had tried to exchange words with her, whisper through the slats of the car window, anything. But since the kiss they had shared, Kro had hardly left her side.
But Kro didn't cut a protective picture. He looked like the spectre of death, hunched over and looming behind her. Like a gargoyle on an old building watching over something possessively.
"Miss," some of the guys from the crew dared to nod their heads to her as she passed them to reach the stew pots with today's lunch.
Kro stared them down for it.
She nodded back to them, a faint smile on her lips. Gil didn't have to hear her say a word to know she was tired. The way she moved said everything. He set down the supplies he had been helping move and walked over.
"Boss," he greeted with a harsh tone but the right word. He didn't let his eyes drift to Thena at all, but he wasn't about to stand by and let Kro bully her with silence either. "Think we'll be ready for the next show?"
If Kro knew his real intentions, he said nothing. He kept his eyes on him as well. "Replacement wire won't be easy to get. But I don't want to miss any more shows than we already have."
The greatest shock to all of them had been when Kro had not let Thena out of her cage and instead actually cancelled their last show. It was possible to perform without the high wire, technically. And of course any normal show would cancel due to the safety concern.
But Kro wasn't normal, and everyone had speculated even more at the missed opportunity to naturally see if Thena was alive and well with their own eyes.
"You could always let us go into town to find some."
The train always stopped outside of town, for obvious reasons. But if they needed supplies, Kro would go himself, in the past. He didn't let them go into town to meander and mingle. He said it was to prevent them from getting drunk or hungover or god forbid arrested. In reality, it was for the sake of control over them.
"I'll go tomorrow."
Thena set down her bowl. Was just that too tiring for her? "We can do the show without it."
Gil was shocked that the suggestion had come from her. Shouldn't she have been the one most eager to do away with the damned routine risking her life? But he still didn't give Kro the window of opportunity. "Should probably get a net too, right?"
Breaths were held. He was poking the bear, and he knew it. Kro always said he felt strongly about not using a net. A net would imply he didn't have faith in his wife, in his own words. It had nothing to do with the extra expense and set up time.
Kro stepped closer to him. Thena hovered between them distance wise, her back still turned. "I still have faith in my wife, despite the unfortunate incident."
Gil bit his tongue on the subject of faith in his wife. But he couldn't help letting his eyes say a little more as he spoke, "I have faith in Thena. But maybe your faith isn't enough."
Kro leaned right into his vision, baring his teeth at him like a dog. "Are you questioning my wife?"
"Thena is safe," Gil met his eye without fear. He could press their heads together so hard they bled, he didn't care. "That's all that matters."
Thena turned, putting her hand on Kro's arm. "Let's go."
But Kro didn't budge. He kept his eyes on Gil but he moved his hand to grasp the arm she was using. "Don't interrupt, dearest."
Gil gripped Kro's shirt in his fists. "Why did she wince?"
But Gil didn't let up. He dragged Kro forward and up and away from Thena. His vision blurred of everything except the monster in his grasp. "You grabbed her arm, she winced. Is she hurt?"
"I would never lay a hand on her!" Kro roared at him. He wasn't exactly lifted off the ground, being taller than Gil even. He grabbed Gil's shirt as well, the two of them pulling nowhere.
"I've seen you do it before," Gil growled. He could remember clear as day when Kro grabbed Thena by the arm - the first night she had kissed him - and dragged her away under the moonlight.
He tossed Kro back, immediately turning to Thena. His hands hovered around the sleeves of her dress, coming just low enough. His fingertips brushed her soft skin. She felt cold. "Are you okay?"
She didn't deny anything, just looked at him. "He didn't hurt me Gil, just grabs sometimes."
His face darkened.
"Don't, Gil," she whispered, trying to talk him down from the precipice. "I know he's a bastard but don't--you don't want this fight."
He just barely pushed her sleeve up, seeing the faint bruising appear from where Kro had taken her entire, delicate arm in his beastly paw of a hand. He snarled.
"Gil," she repeated louder, but it felt like he was hearing her through water. His vision blurred even more. He'd never understood 'seeing red' before. "He will kill you."
As if he could abide something like this.
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jampc · 1 year
sweetener ; chapter 1
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a/n: chapter one!!! ahhh thank u guys for all the love i received on the prologue more to come i promise :3
jotaro x fem!reader
warnings: power imbalance
abuse of power?, smut
tags: sugar daddy, sugar baby, student, professor, giving / receiving (dont know what else to tag im so bad at it ;-;)
later that week, you signed a legally binding contract stating all the conditions and limits jotaro had set.
agreeing to meet him that weekend at his private apartment downtown.
as the clock ticked closer to 8 pm, your stomach was twisted in knots, anxiety and nerves overwhelming you as you showered and dressed for jotaro.
taking one last glance in the mirror, you checked your appearance to ensure you looked presentable.
satisfied, you gathered your things and hailed a cab downtown.
exchanging a quick text message letting jotaro know you had arrived, you smoothed the front of your dress, butterflies fluttering in your stomach as the elevator whisked you to the top floor.
ringing the doorbell, you were greeted by jotaro wearing a pressed button-down shirt and slacks, his broad frame filling the doorway.
inviting you inside, he led you to the kitchen where a bottle of champagne awaited in a bucket of ice.
lifting two crystal flutes from the counter, jotaro filled them and handed you a glass.
raising his drink in a toast, his cool blue eyes locking with yours as he spoke.
"to new experiences and a mutually beneficial arrangement," jotaro purred, clinking your glass before bringing the rim to his lips.
watching closely as he sipped the bubbly liquid, you took a nervous gulp, the tart sweetness dancing on your tongue as you swallowed.
jotaro placed his flute on the counter and closed the space between you, his hand reaching out to caress your cheek.
"relax," he whispered. "no expectations tonight. i simply wish to enjoy your company."
taking a shaky breath, you forced a smile, his gentle touch calming your frazzled nerves.
jotaro's presence was commanding, but he was surprisingly sweet and caring, going out of his way to make you feel at ease.
"why don't we sit and get to know each other," he suggested, guiding you to the living room.
settling onto the plush leather sofa, jotaro poured more champagne and encouraged you to ask whatever questions you had.
taking another sip for courage, you decided to be direct and cut right to the chase.
"why choose me?" jotaro chuckled, amused by your boldness.
"because i admire your tenacity," he explained.
"i saw potential in you, despite financial struggles, and i'm drawn to strong, ambitious people."
he answered easily.
taking a slow drag of his cigarette, jotaro exhaled, the fragrant smoke swirling around his handsome face.
"now, tell me. what made you accept my proposal?" you hesitated, ashamed by your financial desperation.
staring into the bottom of your glass, you found the strength to voice your true feelings.
"honestly? i wanted what you offered," you confessed.
"life hasn't exactly been kind to me. i struggle every month making ends meet, and it breaks me financially and mentally."
jotaro hummed thoughtfully, stubbing his spent cigarette into an elegant ashtray.
leaning closer, his deep voice sent shivers down your spine.
"would you like more champagne?" shaking your head, you returned your empty glass to the coffee table.
"something stronger," you requested, bravely locking eyes with jotaro.
smirking, he rose from the couch and poured two tumblers of scotch, handing one to you before reclaiming his seat.
swirling the amber liquor, jotaro raised his glass to your lips, encouraging you to take a sip.
gulping the fiery alcohol, you coughed, the taste and burn surprising you.
jotaro coaxed you to try more until your head swam and inhibitions vanished.
you relaxed into the couch, giggling at jotaro's playful banter, enjoying his easygoing manner as he refilled your glass repeatedly.
"stay the night," he offered.
"i'd feel terrible sending you home intoxicated."
part of you questioned his motives, wondering if jotaro expected more than innocent companionship, but the scotch coursing through your veins washed away your doubts.
nodding eagerly, you agreed, unable to resist spending more time with him.
rising unsteadily, you followed jotaro upstairs, admiring his muscular back and narrow hips as he led you to the master bedroom.
collecting a pair of silk pajamas from his armoire, jotaro instructed you to shower while he retrieved fresh towels.
stepping under the hot spray of water, you savored the luxurious soap and shampoo jotaro stocked his shower with, reveling in the high-end products you could only dream of buying.
once clean, you exited the bathroom wrapped in a plush towel, finding jotaro perched on the edge of the bed waiting patiently.
glancing at the silky pajamas neatly folded on the duvet, you shyly approached, clutching your towel nervously.
"i um, forgot clean underwear," you murmured sheepishly.
smirking, jotaro crossed the room and retrieved a lace thong and matching bralette, holding them out for inspection.
taking the delicate lingerie, you eyed him suspiciously, wondering how jotaro procured intimate clothing so quickly.
"try them," he urged. turning your back, you dropped the towel and slipped the garments on, feeling jotaro's gaze rake over your exposed skin.
jotaro closed the distance, his mouth capturing yours hungrily.
his tongue swiped your lower lip, deepening the kiss as you sighed, melting against him.
jotaro tasted faintly of champagne and spearmint, his powerful arms wrapping around you as the kiss intensified.
tearing away, you panted heavily, heat pooling in your core as jotaro smirked, his lust-filled gaze roaming your flushed body.
sitting back, jotaro patted his thigh, beckoning you to straddle him. climbing onto his lap, his firm muscles rippled beneath you, his impressive arousal pressing against your slick core.
rolling your hips, you gasped at the friction, jotaro gripping your ass roughly as you rutted against him.
slipping a hand between your bodies, jotaro stroked your dripping folds through the thin material of your panties, humming with satisfaction as you bucked against his palm.
pulling aside the damp fabric, jotaro teased your sensitive bundle of nerves, his thick digit dipping inside, stretching you open.
burying your face against his neck, you whimpered his name, grinding desperately as jotaro added another finger, pumping steadily as his thumb circled your clit.
a tight coil wound low in your abdomen, your walls fluttering as jotaro curled his digits, beckoning you toward release.
chasing your orgasm, you rocked your hips frantically, crying out as jotaro sucked a bruise above your collarbone.
the sudden sensation pushing you over the edge as euphoria washed over you. riding jotaro's skilled fingers until your thighs trembled.
removing his digits, jotaro's icy gaze held yours as he lifted them to his mouth, tasting your slick with a satisfied hum.
your pulse raced as jotaro unhurriedly stood, depositing you on the mattress. leaning against the armoire, he lit a fresh cigarette, his unspoken words filling the air.
"finish what you started." he exhaled lazily, blowing smoke rings toward the ceiling.
you slipped from the bed and dropped to your knees, pulling jotaro's swollen cock free from his slacks.
swirling your tongue around the flushed head, jotaro sucked in a sharp breath, tangling his fingers in your hair as you swiped the length.
taking him deep into your mouth, you bobbed eagerly, drool dripping down your chin as you slurped obscenely. jotaro bucked into your mouth, the smoke swirling above you as his breath grew ragged.
his thighs tensed, hips jerking erratically before he thrust into your mouth roughly, emptying down your throat with a deep groan.
swallowing every last drop, you peered up through your lashes, licking jotaro clean before returning his length to its confines, zipping his slacks while he watched.
jotaro stubbed his spent smoke and tucked a sweaty strand behind your ear.
"you're so eager to please," he praised, lifting you to your feet. standing unsteadily, jotaro slipped the soiled lace from your body and removed the pajamas, ushering you into the rumpled sheets.
climbing beneath the cool fabric, your mind swam from the scotch, lids heavy as exhaustion engulfed you.
jotaro kissed your cheek, extinguishing the light and curling against your back. the feel of his warm body enveloping yours, the scent of his sandalwood cologne and lingering tobacco sending you drifting into a deep slumber.
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moonmoon-ren · 9 months
Part 5: an End and a Beginning
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*yawwwnnnn* uhhww good morning Sequoia.
Good morning Ren. How do you feel ?
I feel alright, apart from a slight headache. Damn those two .... eheheh. Where are they anyway ?
Oh they were up early already and wanted to go outside for some running and training. A good thing they do that, otherwise they get too excited during the day later.
You seem still to be absolutely not a morning viera, gahahaha!
Uhhh, not at all. But I guess we have something to discuss ?
So what's the plan?
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Sequoia sipped from his tea and placed the cup back on the plate.
I want to send Koori and Kaen on a mission. The last one.
Oh? What mission would that be ?
Well, Dorian and Faunus went to Thavnair. Ash and Akane went to Hingashi. Dawn, your mom and sisters are somewhere near the Range still. We all had to leave home bc of the war with the Empire. I want to bring them all back and live here with you in Eorzea. I know i said i want to disband the Treehouse Club. Now, our friendships are forever, but we also should have a proper life for ourselves. Our tribe doesnt exist anymore. The only tribe we have is our friends. I want to see us all together just one more time.
That would be nice, to see my friends again, and my family. But i have one question. How will the twins travel and find them?
They know the way back.
You know Sequoia... those lands are not really near...
I know.
Maybe i can help in some way. There is someone I know who can take the twins with him and make the trip much more efficient.
Oh? How do you mean? Sequoia asked this with great interest and looked at Ren.
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During my time here in Eorzea I took part in many travels, and many adventures. Some of those took me to places that are not reachable by foot, nor by any transport overland. In every major Eorzean city there is a special bay for airships.
Airships. Vessels that float in the sky, and can travel at greater speed and reach destinations much more faster then any horse or carriage. I know this guy, Cid who has one of those airships and might help me with taking the twins on their journey. If he agrees then their journey will be much more easier and very short.
That actually sounds like a goo-!
Sequoia and Ren's conversation suddenly got interrupted by the door swinging open and loud laughter.
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Kooriiii, you are the loser! nah nah naaaaahh!
Oh you two are also awake yet ?
As the twins catched their breath and saw Ren and Sequoia standing there they walked slowly towards them.
What are you two talking aboouutttt ?
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Ren was explaining to me a possible route for your mission.
Sequoia stepped closer to Ren and placed his hand on Ren's left side. This made Ren startle a little bit. While it was the touch of Sequoia he wasn't used to this kind of touches. It gave him a very nice feeling however. Like he was warming up. He felt also that his cheeks started to warm up... blushing! The twins noticed this and looked at each other with a surprised and excited expression.
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Sequoia motivated Ren to explain the rest of the journey to the twins, and their mission.
Yes Sequoiaaaaaa, all good and well but is this safe and can we trust this Cid ?
If Ren trusts him, the I do.
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We also will need to travel a little bit to New Gridania from here. Cid will await us there. Or rather you two, Koori and Kaen.
Wait!? You're not going with us ?
We stay in Eorzea. I want to stay with Ren in this new land for a while.
What's that supposed to mean?
Nothing Sequoia, nothing. The twins answered in unison. When do we leave? It's a beautiful morning.
Hm, maybe we should enjoy the advantage of that and travel to the Castrum right away ?
I suggest that you, Ren, and the twins prepare to leave. I clean up the cabin here and make sure there are no visible traces of our presence here.
Mere moments later the group was ready to leave and set out to Castrum Oriens. The walk there was nice. They exchanged some stories about their adventures. But one thing that was very noticeable was the fact that Sequoia could not keep his eyes off Ren and he seemed to walk very close to Ren. This detail did not go unnoticed for the twins.
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Noooo ???? Haahahagha!
Yes Sequoia, this is something that really happened.
I want to see these fluffy Moogles for sure. They seem very funny.
We will see it all Sequoia. Followed by a giggle from both Vieras
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Pssst, Koori! whispered Kaen.
Kaen ?
Do you see what I see ?
If those two are not madly in love with each other then no one is.
Heh, i wonder how long they will keep dancing around each other before they dare to admit that to one another.
Me too. They have been like that back in the Range too.
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The group entered Castrum Oriens, and with that they were about to leave The Fringed behind them.
We need a map first.
There is a big table with maps! That's for meeeee Koorriiii! Kaen bolted away from the group towards the map table.
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Koorrrrriiiiiiiii, everyone knows i'm the better navigator here.
EEEHHHH??? EVERYONE knows that you even can't read a map! Come give me that map!
Koori, Kaen... calm down please. We don't need a map here. I know the way to Gridania.
Ren tried to explain to the twins that they would make use of Chocobo's to travel through the Black Shroud and reach the city of New Gridania. Soon the four Vieras left this area for good and traveled to New Gridania. Overal their journey was uneventfull as they used the main roads. Kaen and Koori had a few bickerish fights during their trip, as was to be expected from the twins. They also complained a lot about things they were not used to. Sequoia and Ren mostly ignored them and talked about home, adventure, Eorzea, every now and then a little innocent flirt. Occasionally the group stopped to rest or eat or take in the sights. One thing was sure: Ren was so happy and excited with the future prospect of travelling with Sequoia alone.
The four Vieras arrived at the city of New Gridania. After getting a little bit aquainted with the city and the area they made for The Roost where they enjoyed some refreshments and a hearthy dinner. Cid would soon arrive at the airshipbay.
Greetings Ren! shouted someone with a familiar voice,
Hah Cid! How are you doing these days ?
I'm well enough, can't complain. Ironworks keeps me busy, or improving the Enterprise. You know. So what is this cargo you mentioned?
The twins there.
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Hello! said Koori and Kaen in unison again.
You never mentioned I had to transport twins, Vieras ... when you said "precious cargo" i expected something more ... material?
Hahaha, well these two are VERY precious to me.
Alright... you seem serious about it. What's the destination?
Sequoia you want to do the honor ?
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So ehhh, mister Cid. These are Koori and Kaen. They are very close friends of me and Ren. I tasked them with visiting old friends of us and bringing them here to Eorzea.
Sounds easy enough.
Two destinations are sure: Thavnair and Hingashi. They will provide you with more details soon as you depart. There will be a third destination but I don't know where that is. It depends. I suspect Akane will know more.
I hope the laddies are not afraid of some manual labour ?
Eeeehhh ???
I will need help on the way there, those are not very close-by destinations. And we will need to make some stops for resources and food. But yes, i can take them there and i assume bring them back too ?
Yes please, in ONE piece hahaahah.
Koori an Kaen, for the first time in their life were silent and seemed to have a rather difficult moment.
S... Sequoia ?
R ... Ren ?
Can we get a hug ?
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Right, I linkpearl Biggs and Wedge to prepare the Enterprise for departure.
Ofcourse you can get hugs!
Ren ... i'm afraid.
Don't be Kaen. Don't be. I would trust no one else other the Cid with this task. He will get you there safe and you will be back in no time again. And when you do, we have a grand party to celebrate.
Hehehe, I trust you Ren.
Take care of Koori please, be kind to Cid and help when he asks it.
I hope you take care of Sequoia too ... When Kaen said this he couldn't help but give Ren a meaningful smirk and a wink.
What do you mean Kaen ? I always take care of my friends.
Friends ... yeah yeah ... Ren Ren Ren ... are you sure you are just friends ? Koori! come on we need to go!
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Sequoiaaa, i will ... *sobs* ... will ... miss you.
Oh Koori come on, its only a few weeks. You'll be back in no time.
Koorriiii!!! come onnnn!
Sequoia, can i just whisper something to you?
Hm ?
The Sun needs the Moon as much as the Moon needs the Sun. Both need each other to shine and have a purpose. I hope that in our absence you do the right thing.
Koori ? what do ...
Byeeeee, take care you two and we meet again soon!
As the twins shared a very meaningful hug with their dear friends Sequoia and Ren, they also tried to push in a sublte way, Ren and Sequoia a bit in a certain direction. The dance was about to end ? Ren and Sequoia waved the twins goodbye, bid them safe travels and returned to the waiting hall.
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What now Sequoia ?
Hm ?
Yes, what now, what will we do ? where will we go ?
Oh! Sequoia let out a giggle.
Ren, you saw Eorzea already. You also told me about your adventures, and how you became the Warrior of Light. It's so cool and fascinating! But -
Sequoiiaaaaaaa, pleaseee. Warrior of Light or not ... please ... i'm just Ren.
Sorry. I know you asked to not-
Its okay. Ren only could smile and think that Sequoia looked so damn attractive when he went all cute on him.
Say, Ren, in your travels, did you found this place where you had the feeling of being somewhere in absolute peace and tranquility, where it feels like you are in a paradise, where you feel like all your sorrows go away, where you feel its just you and nature ?
Ren felt like being engulfed by Ifrits infernal flames.
I ... I ...
You, you ?
Eheheeh! Yes, as a matter in fact i know such a place.
Where is it ?
We need to go to another city for that first.
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What's the matter?
The next and last airship to Limsa Lominsa is about to leave in a minute!
Limsomonsa ???
What is there ?
Tell you on the way! Come on!
Last one on board is a rotten egg!
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And with that Sequoia and Ren set off to Limsa Lominsa where one story found its end and another was about to start.
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kittytl · 3 months
[HRH] Flower Fine Festival - Chapter 7
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Keith: Ahh, ahhh... There's so much to carry...
Faith: Why are you resting? We need to keep unloading the flowers from the truck.
Keith: Wait, wait a minute... I'm tired from using my ability.
Faith: It's an useful ability. You can carry a lot of heavy things at once without damaging them.
Keith: That's why I'm tired! Why do we have to do this?
Faith: It can't be helped. We don't have enough manpower right now. I was worried about how I would carry everything but you being here really saved me ♪
Keith: I feel like I got set up... Let me have one cigarette please ~~ I won't last without smoking.
Faith: Can't you do that after? We can't leave the truck parked in the street for too long.
Keith: Shit... I want to get hay fever too...
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Faith: Hey, did you prepare the documents for the announcement the PR department asked you for?
Keith: I did, I did. The PR department will take care of the rest.
Faith: What about the gerbera flower arch?
Keith: ... Ah~~
Faith: P.S. It's the centerpiece of the show.
Keith: It'd be faster if you were the one taking care of it.
Faith: Okay, if we exchange our job.
Keith: What job?
Faith: To advertise the flower show on social media. You need to compile the pictures taken at the venue during the preparations and post them with a short description to promote the show.
Here, we'll have more impressions by posting ourselves than using the official account.
Keith: So, about the arch...
Faith: I'm counting on you.
Dino: ...
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Faith: Alright, with this we're almost finished arranging the flowers.
Keith: Yeah. We still have to set up the lighting and things like that though. So, what about the arch?
Faith: I got in touch with the manufacturer. He said he will be a little late because we have to wait for the flowers to bloom but it'll arrive by tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
Keith: Looks like we still have a long way to go...
Faith: Yeah.
Keith: *sigh*... Why do I have to do this...
Dino: Isn't it obvious? For Love and Peace...☆
Keith: Dino?
Dino: I'm sorry you had to do everything on your own. It's a little late but I'm here to help now.
Faith: I don't mind that but what about your hay fever?
Dino: I'm healed...! It's thanks to the over the counter drug I tried.
Faith: Over the counter drug?
Dino: It's amazing.
Faith: Hey Keith, didn't the research division say they'll make a medicine?
Keith: Yeah. If there was an effective over the counter drug, Victor wouldn't be holed up in his labo.
Dino: Now now, I can move just fine...! Anyway, let me help you...!
Keith: Wait a minute.
Dino: ... Mmh? What?
Keith: You're really gonna help us?
Dino: Yes of course... I think...
Keith: ...
Dino: I can do it, I have to. I want to make this event a success...
Keith: Look at me in the eyes and repeat what you just said.
Dino: I, I want to do my best... I don't know if I can be helpful... I might become a burden... And I don't want to cause trouble...
Keith: You're not cured.
Faith: He's not cured.
Keith: Jeez, even though you're bad at lying...
Dino: Ugh... But...
Keith: Faith, I'm taking him back to the tower...
Faith: Okay.
Dino: Wait... I can be useful, even a little...
Keith: No, right now you're as useful as a chocolate teapot.*
Come on, we're going home.
Dino: Ugh... In the end, I just caused you trouble...
And I can't walk anymore...
Keith: Jeez, it can't be helped...
* Dino says he can help as much as a cat paw and Keith answers that even a cat paw would be more helpful but the expression didn't translate well so I used another common English expression instead
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naffeclipse · 2 years
Me reading the start of the chapter, heart aching: remember it will be alright, they will share cheesy candy in valentines, it will be fine-
Ahhhh, Naff, this story just brings me life!
I knew the start was gonna pull no punches! I was very sure the night terrors would come with a vengeance but wow, the fact that they’re bad enough for y/n to wake up, (and remember them! Because I recall they said they usually didn’t remember what happened in those nightmares!)
And ouch, ouch, ouch, Moon was immediately there, and I wonder if they feel guilty for the terrors because it’s likely the demon encounter that caused them, and they just want to help and comfort them, especially now that it’s gotten so bad, but ahhh, they’re not welcome to do so! Because for y/n it’s exchanging one type of hurt for the other. The fear for their life vs the pain of feeling alone in the presence of someone you care about.
And perhaps they are being a little petty, but as they reflect, the care feels empty without the trust, and letting the boys care for them now feels like a reminder of the wall they can’t seem to get around and for which they don’t have a better explanation than “they don’t think I’m worthy of their trust”. This all just attacks directly the biggest insecurities of the hunter, and the toll it’s taking is clear as day. (Also I noticed there’s not a single ‘sweetie’ in this chapter ;o; ) But aaaaagh, the chosen fabric being set aside killed me! I’d forgotten that little project and now the fact that they don’t even want to look at it? Ahhhh my heart! I rambled so much about the symbolism of it last time and now it hurts all the more!
But oof, even through this fight that seems to have no end in sight, they still care so much for the boys! They take into account how much they care about children and are quick to not let them see the dead little ones. Y/n still wants to protect them as much as they can! And even though asking them to stay behind comes with the brutal honesty of ‘I need space’, they’re still sincere in not wanting to leave them, answering Sun’s question that was probably asking much more than y/n realized. Also, also, I loved the detail of them chastising themselves for thinking Sun’s eyes look red! Even when mad, they’re defensive of the boys and almost seemed like they were insulted on their behalf for daring to let the nightmares insinuate they would be something so vile (oh, honey, if you only knew)
Ha, of course, I didn’t expect the boys to ever stay behind XD They pretended to, as much as they could, and something tells me that that first instance of y/n feeling watched was not the cryptid, but the boys following from afar, since they looked back from where they were walking. Also would make sense, since the boys are familiar with the range of the detector! And they only entered the visible range when the other cryptid got too close. Clever guys! Y/n really should have considered they would be afraid of them not returning and after leaving on such bad terms (Though it seems this demon is pretty familiar with hunters and their tactics too huh?)
Speaking of which! Man, this cryptid! Oh, as soon as I read that it was hunting for tongues specifically and being so brutal about it, I immediately knew this was not gonna help the boys’ case later. What a similarity to have! (And also omg, I am going to make the prediction that this cryptid is so gonna lose its tongue, because there has been some poetic irony with a lot of the previous cryptids hehe).
And ahhhh, Naff, I just gotta say, the way you have established y/n as a capable hunter makes me realize how much I now trust them at it too! As soon as they felt something was off, I paused and thought back of the missing kid and why would the cryptid ever just take one when all others and previous cases have not been like that. And it occured to me that it could be using him as bait! And then I continued reading and y/n was on the same page and I felt so accomplished XD
(Also I gotta comment on how well this cryptid is suited to the desert environment! As soon as I knew there was an ambush, it reminded me of animals like the snake that buries itself in the sand to suddenly attack prey, or the antlion that waits for its prey to fall in its trap! So cool how it follows those types of dynamics!)
But ahhh, following along with the encounter, the dark liquid! I can’t tell you how much it took me by surprise to know that this was a demonic cryptid! The possession! (Can’t help but wonder if the demon made the poor kid kill his friends or if the possession was a last minute decision. But they disappeared a couple days ago, so it would seem he was kept alive. Maybe it always used one of the victims to attract more? )
The liquid! God, the evidence being thrown in y/n’s face, and yet, the unshakeable belief that a demon isn’t capable of anything but cruelty keeps them from (or makes them ignore) all signs that something like that could even remotely be the true nature of their friend! But so many cracks are showing, and soon that belief might not be as unshakable. Lambert agreeing with them for now might reassure them but oh boy, things are about to snap.
And speaking about snapping, hmmmm, next chapter is not gonna start too happy, I can tell. Sun and Moon deliberately went against the wishes of the hunter, which sure they didn’t agree to, but it was clearly something they were meant to listen to. Not only that, in the hunters eyes, they are the cause that the demon ran away. Usually when they intervene, y/n is in a tough spot, and though I agree that Lambert was being reckless, y/n and him did seem to have a chance, as the fight hadn’t quite started yet. The distraction, the idea that Sun and Moon had been in danger all this time, putting them in a bad light from Lambert’s position, AND especially, the fact that the boys seem to not respect their authority as an experienced hunter even when declaring that no cryptid can beat them, all that I can see making y/n really mad.
Oh and lastly, I wanted to comment on Lambert! I really like his character as I imagine he’s more along what the average hunter would be like! He seems more like what the hunter has described of Vanessa, so it makes me think that just like Sun and Moon are unique even among demons, y/n is unique even among hunters! Lambert’s way of doing stuff might not be compatible with theirs, his personality as well, but he obviously does his job well, and seems trustworthy when it comes to covering their back! Also, at the part where we find out his reaction to the night terrors, I imagine perhaps there’s a bit of y/n’s insecurities influencing how they perceived his reaction? He has seen The Horrors too. I doubt he was pitying or ashamed of them. He seemed to understand but this is a stranger and we know he is detached on the emotional side. But that’s just what it seemed like to me! In any case, uuuh, he really is in a tough spot now huh? He’s going against a very brutal demon, and he just accused Sun of being a cryptid, the very thing they’ve been terrified of y/n finding out and the cause of the current fight. Also, demons don’t have hearts so even killing the lizard demon won’t give them a meal so uuuuuh, yeah! Poor Lambert’s chances are… yeah XD
Omg this is so long already hgkfhdkd So as you can see, loved the chapter, so looking forward to the next, I am so excited for what’s coming! Amazing work, Naff!
Chaotik, I just have to say that your comments bring me to life! *smooch ya on the head*
Ahahha, good eye! Not one 'sweetie'. Funny how Y/N isn't in such a petname-giving mood ;-;
That little parting of ways was one of my favorite angsty scenes to write! There's so much hurt and honesty (and lack thereof) but then Y/N walks away from them and it actually doesn't help Y/N to focus or feel better like they desperately wanted it to.
Ah, yes! That was the boys that Y/N felt watching them! They never listen when Y/N tells them to stay behind smh
Hehehe, drinking up your little prediction ♥
YES! The tongue-eater is a cunning, terrible creature! I'm so happy that you trust Y/N as a hunter holding their own!!!
EEE! I'm also really happy you pointed out the animal-like behavior of the tongue-eater setting up a trap! I took a lot of inspiration from desert reptiles for this brute hehe
Lambert is tolerating Sun for the moment, but he's not entirely persuaded; we'll see that later.
You're correct that Y/N is mad and overall still upset with them! The boys, however, have their own bones to pick with Y/N and this particular hunt they went on.
Ah, I'm glad you like Lambert! I'm honestly a little surprised by the reactions to Lambert so far but it's really nice to see everyone discuss what amounts to an OC of mine that's here to help establish worldbuilding and propel the plot along. He is more along the lines of an average hunter! You're also right to point out that the hunter is projecting their insecurities onto Lambert's reaction to being told they have night terrors. Y/N is already so hurt and dishearted (heh) by Sun/Moon not trusting them that they're seeing things that aren't there. Lambert understands. He has nightmares, not night terrors, but nightmares, too, but he's got an iron wall built around his emotional compartment and nothing is getting in or out of that bad boy, so he came off a bit judgemental for not saying much about it. So, a little blame can go around to both of them for that little misunderstanding.
Demonic cryptids don't have hearts, but that doesn't mean there aren't hearts out in the desert. Ya know, waste not, want not.
Ahhh, thank you Chaotik! It's always a treat to read your thoughts and know that you're enjoying my writing! It means the world to me, babe ♥
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avatar-saiki · 2 years
Ride the Cow Boy
Belphegor/reader, 6k words
Rating: NSFW
Reader is not MC, but rather an ambitious sorcerer with dreams of furthering humanity's skills in sorcery and witchcraft.
By negotiating a contract to have a baby with the devil.
A curve here.
Strikethrough there.
Two lines that must be parallel with those within the rune exactly 153 degrees away within the circle.
You sat back on your heels, subconsciously wiping sweat from your brow while checking your work.
Moonlight streamed in through the warehouse window up above, illuminating the dusty outlines and giving what was simple chalk an air of…
The chill that ran down your spine stopped the thought before it could finish.
You slipped the chalk into your pocket, taking comfort in the sight of the mist of your breath. No matter how unnatural this moment might become, this was still your reality.
One had to remember that, especially when attempting to summon a higher tier demon.
The Demon Lord might be asleep, but over the most recent generations of humanity, demonic activity had begun to change.
“So then I just need…”
It was still bizarre to imagine let alone witness the exchange of students across Three Realms of existence. 
You lit a match and set the incense down between yourself and the sigil of the chosen demon’s house.
After one last flick through your notes, you breathed out one last hesitation and began the spell.
So bizarre, in fact.
Light began to crackle across the chalk and your voice faltered for half a syllable. 
Keep the cadence.
You’d already triple-checked your work.
You closed your eyes and focused on finishing the last verse, uttering the last word with the utmost reverence and respect for its original caster.
So far humanity had come…
Even the great Solomon had conquered death.
If theory held… 
You lifted your head to find a young man laying on the floor within the circle.
“Where am I?” 
His long tail swept across the floor as he moved to sit up and roll his neck.
Holy shit it worked.
You dropped to your knees and leafed through your notes again to make sure. Higher tiered demons could take on many forms, often humanoid or-
His flat tone drew your attention, and you found him tapping on the barrier, each tap reverberating throughout its membrane like a bubble that might burst.
“Hey yourself,” you said, standing up and dusting yourself off. “Quit doing that. It won’t pop.”
He smirked and looked up, clearly able to see more of it than you could from the way his expressions shifted with it. 
“It might.”
Doubt was one way to weaken a sorcerer’s spells.
“Nice try,” you said and crossed your arms, looking him square in the eyes. “I know the spell’s sound. Even if we make no agreement, you’re not getting out.”
“Ahhh…” He sighed heavily and sat on the floor, showing you precisely why you’d chosen the Avatar of Sloth.
“You sound like you know what you’re doing.”
“If I didn’t, would I have tried summoning you?”
He crossed his legs and leaned forward, looking up at you with a patronizing tone.
“Do you think everyone thinks that way?”
“I… well they should!”
He shrugged and swept his tail around again, the barrier crackling as he tested its lower edge.
“If I assume that, I miss the opportunities where they don’t~”
Fair enough.
You sat down across from him, willing to entertain him.
“And Diavolo’s treaty?”
He shrugged. “If you’re aware of it, then you’re also aware I’m only expected to follow it however much you believe I will.”
Another fair point.
“Well, who’s to say I don’t believe you’ll obey your master to the letter?”
His expression soured considerably. “That might be true, but Diavolo is not my master.”
“Isn’t he the one leading while the Demon King sleeps?”
He snorted and held his chin in his hand, waving you off. “If that’s your reasoning, you’re nowhere near the experience needed to be summoning me.”
Indignation heated in your face and you leaned forward.
“I’ll have you know I’m—“
The sudden raise in his brow was enough to shut you right up.
Don’t divulge more than you have to.
“Anyway, you’re Belphegor, right? Avatar of Sloth?”
He nodded with a sigh, closing his eyes again.
“Okay, you and I both know you’d rather be anywhere but here, right?” Another nod. “Good, then I’ll make this quick. I summoned you because I’m interested in furthering humanity’s magical abilities in sorcery.”
“Ugh, that sounds like so much work…” he groaned and let himself fall back. “Just send me back, there’s nothing I want.”
The heat within your cheeks returned, but for a new reason entirely.
“It’s nothing that should take more than a week.”
“Ah~ at least now I know it’s stupidity, not ambition.”
You bit your tongue, ignoring the bait.
“It should be easy, especially for someone like you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
You bowed your head to hide the smile, delighted he’d taken yours.
“You don’t even have to do that much really, and if you say no I’ll just summon someone else and ask them.”
He sat up on his elbow, staring hard at you for a moment. Then he sighed and tilted his head.
“Fine, I’ll hear it.”
You straightened up, locking your gaze with his violet eyes.
Just like you’d rehearsed, short and simple.
“I want to try to further humanity, by having a baby with a devil.”
His eyes flashed, betraying the interest that lay unspoken in his voice.
“Oh… that sounds almost… blasphemous~”
Hold your ground.
“Not at all. It’s happened before, hasn’t it?”
He tilted his head to the side, intrigued. 
“Is that what you think?”
You nodded. “Absolutely. It only makes sense. How else could we have any use of magic at all?”
“Well maybe your species just worked super duper hard~” he drawled sarcastically, “You know, hard work pays off and all that nonsense.”
“Even if that may be true, the probability alone suggests—“
“Look,” he interrupted, leering at you with a smirk. “I don’t really care what reasons you have, it won’t sway me in the slightest.”
You drew yourself up, standing firm. Fine. May as well just cut to the chase then.
“That’s what I want. One week of your time to further this goal. What would I have to give you in return?”
He sighed and shook his head, “I already told you, I don’t want anything.”
“Really?” You drew yourself up on your knees, “I’m pretty confident I could get you just about anything as trade.”
He closed his eyes, saying nothing.
Doing nothing.
Honestly, you thought he might’ve fallen asleep if his tail didn’t occasionally thump on the floor.
“As long as it’s within the treaty.”
He tsked and thumped his tail again. 
Frustrated, maybe?
You sat back on your heels, feeling a little uncertain.
“If it’s really not something you’ll consider, I can ask—“
“Why’d you summon me?” he asked, opening his eyes to watch you carefully. “If you want powerful offspring, wouldn’t Lucifer make more sense?”
The Avatar of Pride? No way.
“I mean… I thought about it…” you admitted, slouching a little. He definitely wouldn’t be as easy to appeal to. 
“He’d refuse,” he said, something… off about how flat his voice fell on your ears.
“… and I take it you are too?”
It was a small disappointment, but not a total loss. The Avatar of Sloth might’ve been the most approachable, but you still had many others you could ask.
You turned to extinguish the incense and recover your notebook to refresh your memory of the dismissal spell. 
“Well, thanks for hearing me out,” you said, finding the proper page and reading the verses. “I’ll send you back in just a minute.”
He said nothing, just stared at the smoke slowly rising and disappearing in the dusty moonlight overhead.
It was a strange request, you knew that. Far unlikely you’d find any to agree to it, and even then the risk was still high. Belphegor’s words had reminded you just how chaotic each and every demon had the potential to be.
A treaty was only worth what one believed.
Even so, the treaty worked two ways.
You inhaled a breath, ready to begin the dismissal when he spoke again.
“You’ll give me anything?”
You faltered, holding the book tight.
“Anything in my power to give, yes.”
He smiled subtly. 
“Good answer… mm…”
He went quiet again, letting the silence stretch long enough for you to wonder if he’d even considered it at all.
Again, you looked down at the page and mouthed out the first few syllables when he spoke.
“I want a month.”
Startled, you looked at him again.
“You what?”
He lifted his head, humor dry.
“I gave you my price, don’t be rude and ignore it.”
You bit your tongue and lowered the book.
“A month of what? My life?”
He rolled his eyes and stood up slowly.
“No, that’s way too short. I want a month. Here. To stay.”
“Here? In the human realm?” 
He nodded again and clasped his hands together, pointing at you with his first two fingers. 
“I want to be able to do whatever I want and move freely too.”
A demon, not just any demon but an Avatar roaming freely under your name?
You shook your head, “That’s way too much!”
He sighed and shrugged, “Well, then you’ll have to find someone else willing to hear your request. I won’t make this offer again.”
You cursed inwardly. There was a chance you might find another demon who was willing to barter… but a chance you wouldn’t either. The further down the line you traveled could affect just how powerful your child could become too…
If it wasn’t with him, the odds you’d be able to negotiate with any over Avatar were even more abysmal.
“You can’t hurt me or anyone else,” you said, “and no other contracts while you fulfill mine.”
He nodded, sounding bored. “Yes, yes. I’ll abide by the treaty as far as you understand it.”
“It has to be at least once per day for the week.”
He tilted his head in thought. “If you give me two months, I’ll do it for two of your cycles.”
You felt your face heat despite the want to remain firm.
“A month and a half.”
He smirked. “I’ll need money.”
“I’ll give you what I can afford each day you go out.”
“I’ll need food.”
“You’ll be fed.”
His eyes glimmered.
“Somewhere to sleep.”
“I’ll take care of that too.”
He slipped his hands in his pockets and looked up at the moon, his silhouette playing an unnerving sense of innocence upon the mind despite the power that was restricted within the summoning circle.
He gazed down at you again, eyes alight and unreadable.
“I accept your terms then, human.”
“Is this really where you live?” The demon asked, wandering into the small kitchenette and riffling through the random assortment of papers on the counter.
“Yes, I- Hey, don’t touch that!”
He held up his hands and stepped back. “I was only curious.”
You gave him a withering look and shut the door, locking it out of habit.
“Oo~ smart move. Lock the door to keep all the bad things outside.” He hugged himself, adopting a falsetto tone. “I feel so safe now.”
You ignored him and set about putting your things away while your thoughts muddled about. This… you’d thought about this so thoroughly, but now you felt like you might be underprepared. Was it the part where he altered his appearance to pass off as a human in his early twenties or the fact he fell asleep on the bus ride and you basically had to drag him out at your stop?
The mere fact you had such a powerful demon in your apartment perusing through your junk mail and bills was…
It’s not like you had any right to feel weird about this, considering what you’d summoned him for.
You sighed and passed the bathroom with a quick glance in the mirror, not that it mattered how you looked. This wasn’t one of those kind of hookups.
“Okay, you- hey!”
“You should really pay your phone bill,” he said, leaning over the counter without shame, said bill in his hand. “All this red text makes it seem like they’re mad about it.”
You let out a frustrated sigh and strode over to snatch it from him. “I said don’t touch.”
He smirked and shrugged, “I wouldn’t be too embarrassed about it. My brother gets those all the time. You could try burning it? That’s what he does.”
“Yeah well, if that actually did anything I might,” you said, shoving it and many others like it in a drawer and slamming it shut. “You’re not allowed to open that.”
“Aw~ but how else am I supposed to know how behind you are paying the water and internet? Not to mention your grandpa Teri seems pretty concerned about you. Will you—“
“I was only gone for like two minutes, how much did you read?!”
He blinked and then shrugged. “Enough.”
For someone who didn’t want to know your reasons, he was nosy as fuck.
You sighed, feeling so, so tired. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. A child with a lower ranked demon could still be powerful, right? Still more so than a human child born of two magically gifted parents. 
It was… strange watching him. He seemed to be taking in every part of your living space, the dishes in the sink, the small living room with a single couch and rug that didn’t match the carpet at all, and all the miscellaneous things you had no idea where to put away left on every inch of available counter space.
Maybe you should’ve cleaned up a bit more.
Ah fuck it. It’s not like he cares and even if he did, you didn’t need his approval.
“Before you start,” he interrupted, holding up a hand, “I have something important I need cleared up first.”
“Uh…” That threw you off a bit. “Okay, sure? What’s up?”
He nodded to the short hallway leading to your room, “This is a one bedroom, right?”
He leaned back with his elbows on the counter. “Okay, so where do I sleep?”
“The…” You blinked, mind blanking. “What?”
His eyes dulled and he sighed. 
“I said: where do I sleep?”
“Yeah, I heard you,” you said, recollecting yourself and gesturing for him to follow. “The couch pulls out into a bed. You can sleep here.”
“What?” He groaned and leaned on the back. “Seriously? Don’t you have anywhere else?”
Per the treaty, a demon can only accept what is given of the contractor.
“Nope,” you said, feeling smug. “You asked for somewhere to sleep and this is what I have to offer.”
He bowed his head, relenting easily with a resigned sigh. “Fine…”
And this was why you chose a demon of Sloth. Still deceptive and deadly, but motivations were lower than a demon of Pride or Greed. Envy was too risky, and Gluttony too… well you didn’t really have to imagine how easily things could end poorly for you there.
“I’ll go get you a pillow and some blankets,” you said, moving to walk around him.
He reached out and grabbed your arm, making your heart stop. Nothing but a simple hold to him, but your body instinctively knew there was no way to break from his grasp.
He stepped closer, eyes gazing into yours. “About our contract…”
“Sorry, you gotta sleep here. My bed is not available.”
“Yeah, whatever,” he murmured, leaning in to lower his voice. “But you said once per day during your cycle, right?”
“Y-Yeah…?” Your heart stuttered in your chest and you leaned back. “What of it?”
“Well…” He glanced at the clock on the wall, “There’s only about two hours left of today, and…”
It stopped when he looked at you again, a smirk playing on his lips.
“Your cycle’s active now, isn’t it?”
You glanced away. “I had no idea you could sense something like that.”
He laughed, letting you go. “You should assume we can sense everything, it’s better for you that way.”
Your face heated and you turned your back to him. “Noted.”
“So how did you want me to do it? Do you have some kind of system or something planned? You do know fertility is low cross dimensionally, right?”
“Yes, I know!” You turned back to face him and nearly jumped seeing him so close.
His expression turned smug and he tilted his head. “I do think all the science you humans have accomplished so far is impressive~ Fertilizing offspring outside the body and defying the nature that would keep one barren? No other creature in this realm can do that.”
Somehow the embarrassment wasn’t easing, but you remained calm.
“Yeah, and?”
“Nothing to add,” he said, stepping back with a shrug. “You’re welcome to try that too, but I don’t think it’ll have the same effect.”
Yeah, and you didn’t have the equipment or finances to even try that option. Even if there had been someone in the sorcerer’s guild that could help you, doing so would only guarantee others following your lead to do the same.
And… selfishly…
You clenched your fists.
“So what do you suggest then?”
His eyes lidded, looking down at you with a sense of superiority.
“Don’t act like you didn’t think this far ahead now. Surely you knew what you were asking for when you summoned me.”
You chewed the inside of your cheek, staring up at him. If he wanted shame, he wasn’t getting it.
“Follow me,” you said, turning to walk down the hall.
“Ooo~ sounds like someone’s bed just opened up.”
“Just for the contract. You’re still sleeping on the couch.”
“Sure, sure. Whatever you say~”
You rubbed your temples, wondering if the next month and a half with your new roommate would be enough penance for what you were about to do. As Belphegor had somewhat confirmed, this wouldn’t be the first time two dimensional beings bore a child, but it was still a temptation of Fate’s balance.
And if you were successful…
“Oh, now see this is more my style,” he said, walking straight into your room without an invitation and turning to fall back into your bed. “Mm~ needs more pillows though.”
“Don’t get too comfortable,” you muttered, shutting the door on reflex.
“Mm…” He hummed, all but sinking in further intentionally, “that’s not something I can do.”
You rolled your eyes and walked across the room to draw the curtains, blocking out the streetlight and darkening the room even further. After your eyes adjusted, you glanced at the demon that looked like nothing more than a young man laying in your bed, a contented smile on his face.
Seeming him like that… almost made you feel…
“… are you sure you’re okay with this?”
He shrugged, not bothering to open his eyes. “I wouldn’t have left the circle if I wasn’t.”
That was true enough.
You sighed and walked over to the side of the bed, unsure where to look. “So how do you want to do it then?”
“You’re the one that wants it,” he said, stretching his arms up overhead. “You figure it out.”
“Wh- you’re not going to help me at all?”
“No?” He peered at you with one eye open. “Why would I?”
You held your tongue, but he still smirked and closed his eyes again, shimming himself more comfortably into your bed. 
“You should hurry up though, the day’s almost over.”
“If you’re aspiring to be my worst encounter, you’ll have to try a lot harder,” you said, taking the hint and beginning to undress.
“Ah~ but I don’t want to try at all.”
You’d figured he was making some joke being the embodiment of Sloth, but no, he was serious. While you stripped down, he basically fell asleep.
Not the worst encounter so far, but definitely one of the most… interesting? Was interesting the right word to use here?
“Belphegor,” you whispered, shaking him awake. “Hey, wake up. You can’t sleep here, remember?”
“M’awake…” he slurred, “just tired…”
“You can go to bed after we’re done, but not yet.”
He stretched and opened his eyes slowly, looking you over with a smirk.
“Too shy to take off your shirt?”
“No, just no reason to take it off.”
He laughed, “Fair enough, I get that.”
It was somewhat comforting he could laugh so easily. Maybe you really were the only one feeling awkward in your head.
Hell, this might not even be his first time doing something like this.
“So are you gonna…?”
“Oh, yeah. I forgot.” He reached down and lifted his hips, only to withdraw a device from his pocket and lay down again. “I should text Beel and tell him it’ll be a while till I’m home.”
“Yeah, and maybe… you know.” You gestured at him with a raised brow.
He met your gaze briefly, then went back to tapping on the screen. “I’m here and willing, that’s about all I can do for you.”
“Oh come on!”
He rolled his eyes and gestured to himself. “You have opportunity once per day, whether you take it or not is up to you.”
A glare could only do so much when the target couldn’t be bothered to look up again.
You sighed and kneeled between his legs, rubbing up and down his thighs while you let the thoughts fade. Not the best, but still not the worst. Mostly just bizarre. 
Your palm ghosted over him, testing for any reaction and receiving none.
This time you felt along the shape of him, rubbing your palm down in gentle strokes once you’d found it.
He sighed quietly, stretched his arms up to rest above his head, and closed his eyes.
“Don’t fall asleep,” you said, feeling him begin to harden.
“I won’t…” 
You bit your lip, watching his face become so peaceful, his lips parted in soft breath.
He was almost-
Now wasn’t the time to fall for a demon’s charms.
You unbuttoned his pants, checking again for any signs of discomfort before unzipping and pulling them down. A bit challenging with the deadweight he gave, but he did seem intent to stay true to his word and not try at all.
You stopped, lingering at the hem of his underwear and staring at the bulge forming. He looked human now, but… would his…?
“Getting shy now?”
You looked up, expecting to see those violet eyes upon you full of nothing but glee in your hesitation but no, they were still closed. The steady flow of his breathing made it seem as if he might still be asleep.
“No. Why? Are you?”
His nose wrinkled briefly.
“You’re just a human.”
You smirked, feeling emboldened. 
“You could still feel shy.”
“And you could continue wasting time all you like. Take too long and this’ll count as your one time for tomorrow.”
“Don’t get so grumpy.” You chided, tugging his underwear down and lifting out his cock. Huh. Looked like just about any other penis you’d seen.
Should’ve figured as much.
You didn’t have a lot of time, so you squirted on a healthy dose of lube and began to stroke him, again watching his expression. No response was… good, right? It wasn’t like it mattered, but you still didn’t want to hurt him…
Or yourself for that matter.
You reached down to touch yourself, rubbing slow circles and slathering lube all over your entrance. It’d been a while since you’d had sex and by the looks of him it’d be a tight fit.
“Okay, I’m going to start now.”
“Mhm,” he hummed, yawning a little. “Go ahead.”
Well that was a vote of confidence you’d never seen.
You sighed, mentally cursing yourself for your ambition for the third or fifth time this evening as you straddled over him and lined him up.
This was no different than theories of animals in nature seeking a strong mate for healthy offspring.
You braced your hand on his chest and bowed your head, lowering yourself down slowly and steeling your breath.
Healthy wasn’t enough, humanity needed power to change.
You grit your teeth, stopping and letting yourself adjust to the pain of the stretch. It really had been a while…
“You’re not a virgin, are you?”
“Shut up.” You hissed through your teeth and he snickered.
“You’ll fuck me but I can’t talk? That’s hardly fair~”
You closed your eyes and willed yourself to push through it and sink down, nearly taking him in fully. It hurt, oh it hurt, but the grunt you heard almost made it worth it.
Seems no matter how smug this demon tried to be, you could still crack through the facade.
His cock throbbed, stealing the brief sense of pride as even the smallest twitch brought all your attention to muscles that had not yet fully stretched. A breath left through your teeth, shakier than before.
He chuckled, but said nothing.
Just ignore him. 
… as much as you can.
You reached down and spread your fingers around him, massaging your outer lips to soothe the ache until each throb soon became a steady, bearable pulse.
You breathed out slowly, lifting your hips up and taking your time to feel the pull before sinking down once more.
This was better.
Touching yourself brought comfort, and you closed your eyes to find your rhythm and lose yourself in it.
No thoughts.
No stress.
You breathed out a quiet sigh, moving your hands to rest on the bed and deepening the rolls of your hips, riding the push and pull along his length. Using it to loosen yourself up.
It’d been so long…
You leaned forward to rest on your elbows, moaning under your breath when his cock rubbed just right inside.
This was the good kind of hurt. The stretch that felt so full and tight around what it held. It was almost enough to…
You moaned and rolled your hips into him, letting yourself sink further until it was just beginning to feel too much and rolling back again. Once more. And again.
You bowed your head over his chest, heat rising in your core and surrounding his cock in selfish, wet desire.
You laid your head down on him and reached down to tease just beside your clit, moaning with your cheek on his chest as you fucked yourself with him.
Fuck, it felt s-
Your breathing hitched and you sank down lower, rutting against him with a whine and cumming far sooner than you’d meant to.
But it had been… so long… since you’d had a good encounter.
The fact he’d stayed hard this whole time was a miracle in its own right.
You laid there, content to let yourself feel somewhat dazed and happy, nearly forgetting just who was laying beneath you.
Until he spoke.
“Was that it?”
You tensed, heat rushing to your face as you reluctantly lifted your head. 
“Excuse me?”
His eyes were open now, watching you with an eerie glow.
“I’m just asking if that was it. Is that all you can do?”
The little-
Is that all you can do.
You sat up and placed your hands on his stomach.
“You know this would be easier if you did something,” you said, starting to rock your hips again.
He laughed lightly and shook his head.
“That wasn’t part of the deal.”
You scowled at his stupid sleepy face, his eyes already drifting closed again.
“You’re really going to do the absolute bare minimum aren’t you?”
He nodded shamelessly, only adding fuel to your fire.
Maybe arguing with Pride would’ve been a better idea after all.
You set your gaze on his chest, ignoring him and harnessing the frustration he was trying to build to use it against him.
This stupid smug ass demon was going to cum.
Now that you’d become more adjusted, the awareness of your body made it easier to ride him and feel how his cock moved within you with every roll. 
You heard his breath hitch and bit back a grin, sitting up to change the angle and rise up higher until just the head remained inside.
Then you sank down nice and slow~
His brow twitched and you couldn’t hide the grin that time.
Again you lifted yourself up, waited, then sank down once more.
The condescending little prick could act nonchalant all he wanted, but you saw those lips part to let out a heady breath.
You reached down to touch your clit, unable to look away from his faux sleeping expression as you rose up only to slide down again, feeling every. Little. Twitch.
Words bubbled up in your throat, wanting to be spoken but dissolving into hushed mewls as your cunt began to feel warm around him once more.
You dropped your hands back onto the bed, moving in a faster rut as you’d done so many times before. Always so effective. It was so easy to make them cum with—
“Are your hips getting tired?”
“I- wha?” You blinked, losing your rhythm with the sudden question.
His eyes were alight again, that smirk slowly imprinting itself to your memory.
“You’re moving a lot… do you feel tired yet?”
Why did it seem like he was mocking you again?
“Well usually it’s not just me moving.”
He laughed, “Right, right. I figured that.”
You squinted at him. “You’re not holding it in on purpose or something, are you?”
He shook his head with a tired sigh. 
“No…I just wanna go to sleep and you’re taking a really, really long time.”
“Well like I said, it’d go a lot quicker if you’d help me.”
He sighed and looked across the room. “If I do, you’ll expect me to help again next time and I don’t want to do that.”
“Then you have no right to complain!”
He glanced back at you again, his expression a mixture of innocence and mystery.
“You really want my help?”
“Yes,” you said without thinking, already exasperated at this point.
He chuckled and shimmed himself even further into your bed.
“Okay. Give me your bed and I’ll help.”
“No,” you said flatly. If you let a demon take an inch, they’d take your soul. “You get the couch.”
“I don’t wanna sleep on the couch… the bed’s so comfy…” he said with a small pout, his eyes drifting shut.
“Oh no, don’t you dare fall asleep!”
“But you’re taking so long…”
You scowled, fighting every urge inside to not just grab this little fucker and-
Stay calm.
You breathed out slowly and considered your options. Whether he was being difficult on purpose or not was irrelevant, either way it seemed he wasn’t going to be as easy of a lay as you’d expected. And your hips were starting to feel a little sore.
If he wouldn’t move without incentive…
“What if…” 
His head tilted slightly, listening.
“What if I let you have the bed for each night you help me?”
That seemed fair, right?
“So… if I fuck you, I get to sleep in your bed?” 
“Only for that night.”
He thought it over and looked up at you through his lashes.
“Alright, that sounds fair.”
“Cool, you wanna shake on it o-or—“
He grabbed your arms and sat up on his elbows, gazing at you with the haughtiest expression you’d ever seen as sparks of violet and deep purples began to crackle in his hair.
“W-Wait a second—“ You leaned back instinctively, watching as horns began to spiral outward from his temples, his aura filling the air with an oppressive energy so thick it was hard to breathe.
“You think you’re so clever, don’t you?” 
His tail whipped up and wrapped around your body, pinning your arms to your sides.
“I-I said you can’t hurt me.”
He grinned and laid back again, resting his arms behind his head.
“I’m aware~” he said, tail winding tighter. “You said you wanted help.”
You tested for any sort of give and found none.
“I don’t see how this helps.”
“No?” His eyes flashed with amusement and he lifted you slowly, then thrust you back down against his pelvis with a wet slap that sent a shudder rippling from your core up your spine. “Really?”
Something felt… different.
His cock pulsed, drawing your attention inward. Into this… feeling.
It… it was… wasn’t moving exactly, but the shape of it-
“You humans can be so stupid, it’s almost sad.” 
His tail squeezed tighter, lifting you with ease and slapping you down again.
Was it…
Whatever it was, it hit just-
“Did you really think your plan was something original?”
“N-No, I-“
Your back arched and you breathed out through your teeth, determined to not cum again until he finished.
“Hnn~” He hummed, the end of his tail curving around and feathering across your stomach. “I’m surprised you could be so brazen…”
You chanced a glance down at him, questioning without speaking a word.
His grin widened and his tail held fast, lifting and lowering you down on him as if you were nothing more than a toy.
“I don’t care what your reason is,” he said, a sadistic lust spreading across his face as he watched you pant and whine. “You can pretend to be some hero all you like~ but you and I both know…” It was…
Too much…
The way it moved with every pulse.
“Beh… Bel…”
His grin widened and he pulled you down, pushing himself even further inside. Your walls quivered and your eyes rolled, unable to process just whatthis feeling was.
“You’re just looking for a stud~”
“Shut up,” he purred, his pace relentless as he used you to chase his pleasure.
You’d never-
He moaned, his tail constricting around your hips and rocking you against him, using your orgasm to milk himself as warmth blossomed deep within your core. So, so deeply you were already on the edge of another when he pulled you in close, wrapping his tail around so tight as his body locked.
One last throb up his length, making it flex inside you as he buried his seed deep inside.
Then, just as quickly as he’d bound you, his tail relaxed and began to unwind. You fell forward without the added support, just catching yourself on his chest in a breathless gasp.
“Mm…” He turned his head to the side, eyes already drifting shut. “You can stay there for a minute or two… but then get off of me. I want to sleep.”
“What… What the fuck was that?” you murmured, watching as his demonic features began to fade.
He said nothing, as expected.
“Hey.” You bounced your palms on his chest, shaking him. “Hey, Belphegor. Did you really fall asleep?”
Nothing but an idle snore answered you, and you sighed.
You looked down at yourself, feeling sore, sticky, and tired.
Dammit, he gets the bed tonight.
You sighed and lifted your hips up, wincing a little and clapping your hand over yourself to soothe the ache. He made no effort, no sign he was even conscious as you carefully climbed over him and caught yourself on wobbly legs. 
Once again, he appeared like nothing more than a young man….
You shook the thought away and gingerly tiptoed your way out of your room to find some spare blankets and pillows, holding your hand over yourself to keep it but his cum began to dribble out, spilling between your fingers.
You sighed and went to the bathroom instead to clean up, knowing that just one night wasn’t likely for it to take anyway, and if sacrificing a few nights in your bed would get you what you needed, so be it.
‘You’re just looking for a stud~’
You banished the thought as heat kissed your face yet again.
“You don’t know anything about me,” you muttered, flicking off the light and opting to just lay on the couch tonight. The morning could be for setting things up properly. Or the next day.
For now, you just wanted to sleep.
And not think about the violet eyes peering into your dreams.
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Spending the day off together
Felix x writer!female reader
Warnings: Sickening Fluff
A/N: My first writing ahhh! Let me know what I can work on! Feedback is always appreciated. Hope you enjoy :)
After a long day of writing, you have finally finished the draft of the book that you were writing. Checking the time, you see that it is just before midnight, and you have been writing since eight in the morning. Unable to stay awake any longer, you manage to get yourself to the bathroom and complete your nightly endeavors before you crawl into bed. After the amount of brain power you have used throughout the day, you fall asleep before your boyfriend can call and ask about your day. Unsuccessfully fighting to stay awake for his call, you drift off into a slumber so deep, even an earthquake couldn't wake you up.
The next morning, you are woken up by not only the sun shining through the windows onto your eyes, but also your walking ray of sunshine of a boyfriend, Felix. Looking at him with sleepy eyes, it takes you a minute to process the man sitting on the side of your bed, practically making you fall back to sleep, as he strokes your hair fondly.
“Good morning, my girl, it looks like you slept well.” His deep voice sends chills throughout your body, helping you to wake up slightly.
Wrapping your arms around his shoulders, and pulling him closer to you, you couldn't help but let out the cutest giggle, that always managed to bring the biggest smile to his face.
“Good morning my sunshine” you replied back to him, still holding him close to you.
After a few minutes of silence, you began to comprehend the situation, and realized that it was way too late in the day for Felix to be over.
“Lixie, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at the studio? Are you late? Did something happen?” The questions rushing out of you, accompanied by the confusion written all over your face.
“We got the day off. I was going to tell you that last night but you fell asleep before I could call, and I didnt want to wake you up. I figured I would just surprise you instead.” He said with the cutest, most heartwarming smile.
The hold that this man had on you was undeniable, and he knew it. At that moment, you thought to yourself, “How did I manage to get so lucky, to find a man like him?”
Seeing the smile on your face, he placed the most gentle kiss on your forehead, “Get ready darling, I have a whole day planned for us.” He said as he got up and made his way to the kitchen.
As you were getting ready for the day, you could hardly contain your excitement. A whole day with Felix was few and far between, so when the opportunity presented itself, you couldn't help but let excitement take over. Even if the day was just spent cuddling on the couch, having a movie marathon, you couldn't hide your excitement.
Walking into the kitchen, Felix greets you with a cup of coffee, and that smile that makes your heart melt. He had stopped at the store, to get the things that he deeded to make your favorite breakfast.
After breakfast, the day was spent shopping, and of course, Felix spoiling you endlessly. Anything that you saw, he either bought for you on the spot, or took a mental note of it so he could buy it and gift it to you later.
After strolling around, the two of you made your way to a park, where there was a picnic set up waiting for you two. (Luckily he has some of the greatest friends, who were willing to help him set up his special romantic picnic for you, while the two of you were out shopping).
The evening was spent exchanging soft kisses, sharing many laughs, and cuddling like there was no tomorrow. As the sunset began, he started singing one of your favorite songs to you. His voice soothing you, and making you forget anything that could have possibly been on your mind. The only thing left was him, and the love that filled your heart.
Returning home, the night was full of cuddles, whispering sweet nothings to each other, and endless giggles from the random conversations that you two had. Drifting to sleep, thoughts of the day filled your head, as you made mental notes on the memories that you would cherish forever.
“I love you, (y/n), more than you will ever know.” He said, as he played with your hair, encouraging the sleep that was about to take over.
“I love you too Lixie, more than you will ever know.” You replied as you felt your eyes slowly start to close. Felix placing a gentle kiss on your head, not wanting to disturb the sleep that was consuming you.
You fell asleep in the arms of your lover. The most perfect day, with the most perfect man.
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A/N ~ This is sometime in the 2020s. Cars. Coffee makers. Temper-pedic beds. Etc. etc.. I'm still navigating my way through the world of writing and trying to branch out to present/modern day stuff. It's just kinda romantic not to have everything so easily at your disposal, like back in the day. That being said, I'd be a mess without my coffee and my coconut creamer. So, no. I'll stay here. Thanks.
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"Beach House Vacay"
CW ~ slight [auditory] voyeurism, implied cheating (but no one actually cheats), oral, p➡️v, general smart assery
It was time for the annual gtfo of town summer trip for the Demon Slayer Corp. For obvious reasons, they couldn't all go. Except, last year got kind of screwed up. Everyone but you, Sanemi, and a few others got to go. Even the baby slayers (Zenitzu, Tanjiro, Nezuko, and Inosuke) left. How it's supposed to work is that every other year, names are drawn. Whoever had to stay behind on the previous trip was automatically a shoo-in this summer. So on and so forth.
This year, it was just you and Sanemi heading out. Oh, you almost forgot, and f/n, the woman he met in a nearby village a couple of months ago. She wasn't driving out with you because she had some things to take care of. But she'd ride out later with the others.
You had no reason to dislike the woman Sanemi was seeing. Everyone was so excited for him to finally be dating. But it pissed you off. Like, in a weird way. Sure, yeah. Whatever, ok. Sanemi is hot. His wild eyes and tousled hair and his ... hands ... his body when he trains. Rain or shine. But you didn't feel that way about him. You've been with the Corp for 2 years. It was your job. There was no time to develop a stupid crush on another slayer. Not that you'd paid him any serious attention.
"Y/N! Put your shit in the trunk, and let's go. If we hit traffic, I'm going to be pissed," Sanemi yelled from the garage. He was still bringing his bags out, too. You weren't sure why he was getting on your case. You dragged your suitcases out to the car. Using your hips and legs to maneuver the awkward boxes around, you hoist them into the trunk. "Ok. Let's hit the road!" You're excited about this, as in like feeling a resounding pit in your stomach excited. It was your first time going. It was your first time going, and it was with Sanemi. Maybe that was why?
You sat down in the driver's seat and made some minor adjustments. Sanemi slammed the trunk down and climbed into the back seat. "Ahhh. Ok, go." He looked on at you, deadass. "Dri-vuh!" You could handle this one of two ways: You could drive off and indulge him in the obvious fantasy of him wanting you to be his chauffeur. Or you could yell at him to get his ass in the front because you're no one's driver.
Wanting to set a good tone for the vacation, you decided to play along. "Ho-k, boss. Did you put the directions in the navigation?" He huffed, completely unamused at your stupid little joke in response to his stupid little joke. "You didn't do that shit already? God. Jus– just move. I'm driving." Sanemi muttered something under his breath as he tapped his foot in the gravel, waiting for you to get out.
"I heard you, y'know. I'm sorry I'm not all 'perfect Sanemi's girlfriend'. Has she seen you throw one of your hissy fits? Or do you just reserve those special for the people that have to constantly be around you?" He looked even less interested in what you had to say now than 15 seconds ago. "Whatever," you got into the passenger seat and buckled up. "I can't stand you most of the time anyway."
The music was on but not so loud you couldn't talk over it. Neither one of you had spoken a word since the exchange at the mansion, though. It was driving you crazy keeping so quiet. But it seemed like things were going as planned; light traffic, only 30 minutes until you got to the beach house. Only 32 minutes until you wouldn't be stuck in a small space with each other. You rolled your eyes to your reflection in the window. Yep. Right. On. Schedule.
"I don't care if I am the only one that's going to be in here. I want it. Besides, you and your girlfriend would have quicker access to the beach from the other room. You're welcome!" You slammed the door in his face and began muttering to yourself like a crazy person. "Oh, ohhh I'M SANEMI SHINAZUGAWA, and I can do whatever I want because I yell the loudest. Mehh mehhh mehhhh." Turning to put your stuff in the master bath, you stopped short of running right into the very man you had been mocking. "You didn't see this was an adjoining room. Did you, y/n?" Your face turned a deep shade of red that brought out every single freckle. "Well, I ... ffffucking see it now ... don't I? Could you please get out of my room? I'm going to change and then go down to the beach." Sanemi stepped back into his room, and you closed and locked the door after him.
You put your black swimsuit and cut-off shorts on, fill up your water bottle, and head down to the water. Opening the back door, you pushed through onto the wrap-around porch. "This house is incredible," you sigh heavily and step toes first into the soft, warm sand.
The sky was dark, and the air was heavy with humidity. No matter. You were on vacation, and nothing, not even your grumpy housemate, was going to take this from you. The water was 100' or so from the house, and you'd made it about halfway down. "Fffuck I love the be– was, was that lightning?" You took a tiny step backward.
More thunder.
More lightning.
Laughter. "That bastard."
Sanemi sat on the porch swing, swaying casually. He raised his glass to you as the torrential rain started to come down. It was so noisy that you could barely hear him, "How's the weather," Sanemi yelled to you. Having a pretty good idea of what he said to you, you raised your arms and shook your head.
"I. Am. Here. For. My. Vacation. He. Will. Not. Ruin. This. For. Me." That would likely become your mantra for the foreseeable future. You took off your shorts, stuck your finger through the belt loop, flung them over your shoulder, and continued walking on the sand.
A few miles out, you decided to turn back. There was a slight drop in the temperature, and you just wanted to get inside. It wasn't cold, per se, but a hot bath sounded nice. You walked at a calm pace most of the way back. It was your time away from the routine of training and slaying. You wanted to sit on your ass for a few days. Life and work would be there when you got home.
The rain had stopped some time ago, and your shorts dried, but you still weren't wearing them. As you approached the house, you could see the huge kitchen window. There were people inside. Food spread out on the table; fruits, an assortment of sushi, and salads. Your stomach rumbled before you had a chance to register how hungry you'd gotten since leaving the mansion. Sanemi didn't stop to eat once on the drive out. Food is for "the weak."
You walked around to find the outdoor washing station, cleaning your hands and dusting your feet on the mat just before stepping into the back hall to the kitchen. The smell of the small banquet hit you like a ton of bricks. You reached for a plate, but a rough hand rested on yours, keeping you from serving the food onto your plate. You knew the hand before you saw the rest of the body it belonged to. "I know you weren't going to grab a plate and stick your nasty ass jellyfish poking, pebble picking up, sandcastle building fingers into all of this food before you washed, right?"
You couldn't help but giggle and tuck your chin down. "Sahh-nehh-mee," you whispered, overstating his name. Closing the space "If you want to hold my hand, all you have to do is ask me, big boy."
You understood why he should be blushing, and he was. But WHY was YOUR face so hot? He didn't shrink away from you like you thought he would. He did, however, press you for an answer. "Well? Did you wash your filthy dirty hands, y/n? I'm not here to become patient zero." Amusing, you thought. "I washed my hands at the sink next to the outdoor shower. Just off the side near the porch swing. Where you sat and made fun of me for getting stuck in the rain. Did you not look around after that? 'Scuse me."
You pushed past him and got a few things to eat, and headed to the master bedroom. "Filthy dirty hands. I'll fucking show you filthy dirty hands. You'll be begging for some antibacterial soap ... Oh ... oh, shit." You flinched as you remembered talking to yourself earlier and how he snuck up on you. Though you locked the door right after telling him to leave.
Just to be sure, you checked it again. It wasn't locked. It was probably someone looking around for an empty room. You told yourself it was that and not the remote possibility it was Sanemi. Because, well, why would he do that?
It was 1:34 am. when you looked over at the numbers dimly lit up on the nightstand clock. "I'm not even working and I can't sleep through the night." You had the bad luck of being a light sleeper. It wasn't always like this. Since joining the corp, you're lucky to get 4 or 5 hours on nights when youre home.
Tossing back the light blanket, you lowered your feet to the cool wood floor and followed the muffled noises. They led you to the door separating your room from Sanemi's. And the damn thing was cracked open. "Mm - a-ah, fuck, y/n, yes ... s'tight." Your hand flew up to lay over your mouth. Those noises were not unfamiliar to you. But hearing them fall so sinfully from Sanemi's lips was new to you. "Fff-ungh, oh – oh shi–" his voice became muffled for a moment. His movements were more erratic.
The longer you stood there eavesdropping on his pleasure, the more you were starting to doubt your resolve to hate this man. Surely, you were just feeling lonely and wanting to be touched as well. *Anyone* getting off in the next room, making these lewd noises would elicit these same feelings in you as well. Not necessarily just Sanemi. Right?
You sunk the length of the wall to the floor beside the door and listened to this brazen man sounding just a little vulnerable. "Hah - fuck, yeah ... hard ... ple - y/n, harder ... I ... m'gonna ... ugnnhh ... Oh, fuh— oh fffuck yes."
Your head shot up from his sexy lullaby. "Did ... me? He just said *my* name!" You wanted so badly to sneak over to his room. But the village slut he brought was probably there. "Why did he say my name if she was there, though," you whispered to yourself.
The sun woke you up after a few more hours of sleep. You got up and went to the bathroom to erase any sign of dishevelment from your body. A smile slowly crept across your lips as you recalled Sanemi saying your name. "Why not." Putting on some mascara, you skipped downstairs to see what there was for breakfast.
The spread was beautiful. It was a lot like dinner but with breakfast foods. You walked by Sanemi and gave his muscular arm a squeeze on your way to the sink. "I'm washing my hands. Especially for you." He let a small laugh fall from his mouth. "It's appreciated, y/n. No one likes filthy people handling the food."
"Yes, well anyway ... speaking of filthy people handling things, did you hear something around 1:30 this morning? Like, gosh, it sounded like someone was crying or something. Mmm, maybe not crying so much. Well, it sounded like they were jer-" Sanemi put his hands out in front of him to stop you from saying anything else. His face a brilliant red, again.
"NO! NOTHING LIKE THAT, HEH." He practically yelled that at you. If the rest of the people in the house weren't awake yet, they're sure to be now. Your eyes got large, and you leaned over the counter in as playful a way as you could fold yourself into. Your eyes narrowed as you bit your bottom lip. You plan to goad him on until he snaps and confesses his undying love for you – but why do you care? This is Sanemi.
There was a knock at the door, and Sanemi went to get it. A sexy and sweet voice purred out an excited greeting to Sanemi. "Hiii youuu. I have arrived." You rolled your eyes and mouthed the words back to no one. "Youuu, ha! You arrre here, all right. Look at that! Heyyyy ... y-you! I, I thought you weren't coming out until the end of the week?" That was the question of the hour. Sanemi looked back at you, and you could see he was feigning excitement. Why was he talking like that? Long drawn-out words were your thing.
"Hi, y/n. Enjoying your vacation so far?" F/n (village girl) asked you. Why did you disapprove of her so much? You smiled, looking at Sanemi and back to her, nodding a lazy yes. "It's beautiful here, I love the beach. Always have." You had to get out of there. You felt guilty that you were upset about her showing up 2 days too early. You felt like after hearing Sanemi say your name in such a way he did, you two were making progress.
"I'm gonna head to my room." A bath would make you feel better, you decided. You poured some salts into the bottom of the tub and ran the water a little hotter than you typically do. And then, you felt a gutsiness bubbling up from your gut. Like a fire that was on the verge of burning out of control.
You walked back to the kitchen where Sanemi and village girl sat, talking and feeding one another. Barf. "'San? I'm getting into the bath now." Village girl whipped her head around and looked at you as if you'd just materialized from a different plane of existence. Her eye twitched. Jesus, why we're you being like this?
Sanemi raised his eyebrows [shut up - he has eyebrows to me] and inhaled sharply, but quietly, so as not to alert his guest that he was sending up a million prayers for a huge gust of ocean air to come in and rip the pink towel away from you. Yes, he believed, they'll never know.
"Uh, heh, yeah. Ok, y/n. Thanks? ... thanks for telling me. We're um, gonna ... be ..." He was trying to form words, but it was an undertaking with you standing there wearing only a towel. Village girl was becoming exasperated, and Sanemi tried to figure out why you thought he needed to know you were taking a bath.
"O-ok, then. That's where I'll be. If, I mean, if you need me for anything. That's, that's where I'll be." You tilted your head to the right a little and smiled the sweetest smile at the both of them and swung around on your heels. Ew. Ok, who the fuck was THAT just now. And why, why, whyyy am I behaving like this? To Sanemi, of all people. I don't even like him. Reign it in, y/n, you thought to yourself as you headed to the hot bathtub. You're being icky. And over him. You let out a sigh of pleasure and slight pain as the hot water enveloped your body. You sat in there for an hour. Refilled the tub 3 times. But no one came knocking on your master bathroom door.
You awoke to the sound of laughter. "You, sir, are a fucking cheater!" Village girl accused Sanemi. "HOW! How could anyone cheat at this!?" He sounded like he was having fun. But for some reason, that just made you feel more isolated. If that miserable ass can have fun, why can't you?
You made your way down the dark staircase. Not acknowledging anyone, you went outside and sat down on the banister. It had started to rain again. The sun set not long ago. But any sign of light was strangled out by the heavy clouds.
You heard the door open, and you pinched your eyes closed, praying it was Sanemi coming out. "Hey hey, are you ok? Um, I have something kind of awkward I think I should say to you. I'm sorry, but ... uh, well, you–" You jumped down from the railing and got closer to her, trying to come off as chill as possible. Even though you're well known for not having any chill at all. "I'm jus' here for vacation. Nothin' else. I'm not a fan of drama or lovers' quarrels. I don't care what you and San–" You stopped yourself as you noticed a little bit of blood where you were sitting. "Awww, mother of shit." Village girl nodded and handed you a small plastic-wrapped square. "The last thing I wanted to do was make a scene in there. Or make you uncomfortable. Because we don't know each other very well. And," she looked around, trying to find something new to focus on. So you spoke for her instead. "Because it's generally just an awkward thing to say to a stranger. No, I get it. I appreciate you telling me. Thank you ... erm ..." God. You ran off upstairs and shouted Thank you over your shoulder.
You took your shorts and panties off and began to rinse them out in the tub. The stain wasn't nearly as bad as you thought it would be. "It had to be this pair. Goddamn it. Why does it always have to be the cute pair." You hung things up to dry and dressed again and went back down for dinner.
Village girl was the first to see you standing at the door, but you didn't notice her smiling at you. "What's on the menu," you asked Sanemi, mostly. He pointed and described the different dishes and handed you a plate only to pull it back just as fast. "Ah! Your hands clean?" Smirking, you flipped him off with both of them. "Clean enough for ya?"
You all ate dinner together and talked about missions you'd been on. Missions you wish you hadn't gone on. Who your favorite hashira were. There wasn't, however, talking about your least favorite. It just wasn't that kind of night. It was a night and a space full of warmth. Of happiness. And hell, even love. Any kind. It just resonated throughout the house.
"Help me with the dishes, shit hands." You continued to talk with one of the kakushi. Genuinely enjoying yourself for the first time in ages. "Hey! Shit hands." Turning your head to see who Sanemi was addressing as such. You felt bad for them being given one of his terrible nicknames. "Yeah you, y/n. Help me with clearing the table and doing the dishes." You glared and walked across the room to him. Jabbing two fingers into his ribs, you said, "You're going to have to do better than shit hands," You lowered your voice and narrowed your eyes until they were tiny slits on your face. "Big boy."
It took about 30 minutes to get everything straightened up, washed and dried, and put away. The two of you splashing at one another didn't do much to speed up the process because you had to mop up the floor. But you were happy with how nice the place looked again. You sat down at the kitchen island and began mindlessly playing with your hair and mindlessly rubbing the side of your neck.
"I'm so fucking bored!" Sanemi whined as he paced behind you. The manic energy radiating from his body was tangible. You'd give almost anything to be the one to entertain him. For him to touch your skin. You shook your head, not this again, you thought, trying to warn your future self out of the thoughts to come.
Yep, y/n, this again, you succumbed to the fantasy. Your eyes involuntarily rolled back some as you imagined him pressing his hard cock into your back, pressing his lips to the outer lining of your ear and telling you all of the disgusting shit he'd do to do you.
His lips are on your ear.
His hot breath is on your ear.
His words.
You couldn't even begin to imagine what he'd whisper to you. This was one hell of a little fantasy. You could almost feel him.
Sanemi's lips grazed the side of your ear. "Huh? Wh– shit! Sanemi! What are you doing?" You got up from the barstool you sat on and backed away like you were the guilty party. "I said, hello? Earth to y/n? You looked like you needed CPR. Your eyes rolled back for a second," he laughed. "Heh ... yeah. No! I mean no! CPR is not what I need right now. I was," You took an unusually large deep breath, "momentarily and ridiculously turned – N-nothing." You choke out. "Turned ... stupid. I just went dumb for a minute."
Sanemi didn't buy your lies for a second. The way your body reacted to him. To the most subtle touch of his lips to your warm skin. He had this leverage over people. He had leverage over you. "Oh, ok. Well, whatever. I'm turning – We're turning ... in. So, goodnight. Shit hands." He said to you, looking almost saddened by his departure. Even though it was just upstairs. He didn't look like he wanted to leave you behind.
You wanted to scream at him not to go to bed with her, to stay with you. Because how could she ever keep up with him? She didn't understand the life you two led. The sacrifices that you've all had to make.
But you didn't tell him these things. You couldn't. It was unfair to village girl. It was unfair to Sanemi, and it was baffling to you where this sudden rush of feelings came from. Somewhere between the car ride from the mansion and here, you had started falling for the jerk. Unless what if it was sooner and you just needed time away to confirm it? You knew you had to either start dismissing these feelings altogether or give in.
Neither was an appealing option to you. So you did all you knew to do that would keep things status quo. "Goodnight, big boy," You mouthed and smiled sweetly at Sanemi. Watching him be dragged up the stairs into the darkness by another woman.
"All I'm– all I'm saying is you two seem to have an ... unusual dynamic. That's all. I wasn't suggesting anything." Village girl was talking to Sanemi, and you could hear every stinking word of it. It made you wonder why he chose the room next to yours. You did force him out of the master bedroom. But there were 6 other rooms he could have just as easily taken. It didn't have to be *right* next to you.
On tiptoes, you made your way to the door, separating the rooms to make sure it was locked– again. The last thing you needed was village girl sneaking over and killing you in your sleep. You snorted out a laugh. "As if she could," you assured yourself. You attempted to talk yourself out of staying there at the door, hearing their intimate conversation. This was *none* of your business. But there was a gross part of you that needed to know what was being said. They were talking about you. If you were told about this later, it wouldnt be the same. Things get lost in translation.
Hearing it firsthand was the only way you could be satisfied. With that, you decided that was justification enough. "Just tell me what you're getting at here," Sanemi said rather loudly. He always either got too loud or very, very quiet when he was arguing. You learned from countless run-ins with him that when he got quiet is when it was time to reassess your reasons for arguing with him in the first place.
"You wanna know what I'm thinking? You really wanna know? Because what I'm thinking is going to change things between us, Sanemi." You heard footsteps, fabric rustling, and the bed creaking slightly under someone's weight. "What I think is ... well, I think that y/n ..." Village girl was losing her nerve. You knew that strained sound in her voice. It was hard to be the one to point out the obvious. Especially if that was going to drive the object of your affection into someone else's arms.
"Look, I'm tired. Can we go to sleep and talk about this tomorrow? After a good night's rest, hm?" Sanemi was asking in his nice voice. Village girl said something too faint for you to catch, and then there was silence.
You brushed your teeth, climbed into your large and empty but comfortable bed, and tossed and turned for the rest of the night.
Morning came without the filter you prayed for the night before. "Ugh. This fucking sun." You rolled out of bed and fumbled blindly down the stairs. Sanemi was sitting alone in the kitchen, staring at a kraft paper colored envelope in his hands at the breakfast bar. "Hey. Mornin'. Did you save me any coffee?" He only looked at you after you said something to him.
"Whoa, man. You look a little rough around the edges." He glanced up at you as you made your toward him. His white hair and scarred face look somehow softer to you in this morning's light. "Are you ok? Where's village gi-" You stopped yourself from finishing that question. He hated when you called her that and never understood why you were so uncompromising about your determination to not know her name. "Sorry. Where's f/n?"
He handed you the envelope. You opened it and pulled out the folded piece of paper. It was a handwritten letter. Addressed to him.
● "Sanemi, The short time we were together was some of the best times I have ever shared with another human being. Unfortunately, that's where you and I will always differ. I am a run-of-the-mill woman, and you are a well above-average man. DO NOT get me wrong, I'm not saying you're better than me. Not by a long shot, ha! You have such a gentle soul, and there will always be a space reserved for you in my heart. But I was kidding myself when I thought that's where YOUR heart wanted to be. I see how you look at y/n. You light up when her name is mentioned. You practically float when she is in the same room as you. I am not willing to sit by and listen to you two lovingly insult one another. Though I'd give up so much to have you call me something as affectionate as Shit Hands and mean it. I know deep down you two should explore this and see where it takes you both. At least *try*, Sanemi. Of all the people I've met in my life, I believe you are one of them who truly deserve happiness. You have some parts, as most of us do, that are irrevocably damaged. Maybe y/n can help heal where I wasn't even able to stop the bleeding.
Please, please take care of yourself.
A.K.A.★Village Girl★
P.S. I know that's what y/n calls me. It's ok.
"Oh shit, Sanemi ... I, I'm so sorry. Can, can I do anything—" He was walking towards you before you could even finish your pitiful and forced condolence rambles. You were sad for him. It's not like you were a completely heartless monster.
"What did you say to her the night you two were on the porch?" He was close to you. So close you wish you'd brushed your teeth or, at the very least, rinsed with mouthwash. He'd backed you against the fridge, his left hand pressed into the cool metal. "Tell me. What you. Said. Y/n."
Did you say anything to her? You couldn't remember anything when Sanemi was this close to you. If he hadn't just said your name a second ago, you'd probably forget that, too. "I, I don't think that I said anything out of the ordinary confines of casual conversation. No!" He glared at you. "I didn't. I didn't say anything that would be construed as impolite. Why are you trying to pin this on me!"
Sanemi slammed both of his hands on the fridge, making you flinch and causing it to rock back and hit the wall. "I'm NOT *trying* to pin anything on you. I just, how the fuck ... how the fuck did she know?" You opened your eyes and peeked at him, mindful not to stare for too long. Sometimes, he was like an animal you should avoid prolonged eye contact with. "How'd she know? How'd she know what?" You knew what he was talking about. But you needed too hear him acknowledge this elephant in the beach house.
Sanemi sighed and lowered his face to your shoulder, letting it rest there. His arms are still caging you in against the fridge. "Um, hey," you peeped, "Are you going to be ok?" He let out some sort of strained noise. Your body got so heavy and hot when you realized it was nearly identical to the noises you heard him making a few nights back.
Your chest rose and fell at unnatural intervals as your breath quickened. He was so close, but you still felt like there was infinite space between you. Lifting your hands slowly, so you didn't startle Sanemi out of whatever trance he was in, you put your palms flat against his chest.
You could feel his whole body beating. He began to nuzzle his face into your neck. Inhaling deeply, he dragged his bottom lip up to your earlobe. "Sanemi ..." You managed, a bit starved for oxygen from holding your breath if you're being honest. "Mmhmm?" He responded, leaning down more to kiss your reddened cheek.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer to you. You were still in the clothes you slept in; a camisole and some thin shorts. What there was to see and touch on your body was not much of a secret. Sanemi had planned to use your lack of coverage to his advantage.
He ran his hands up under your cami and dug his fingertips into the heated skin of your back. He wasn't leaving a spot of your neck untouched with his lips. He brought you up around his waist and headed for the stairs. Within seconds, the two of you were at the entrance to your room.
He got you to the cal king bed and set you down on top of the messy blankets. Resting on his knees, he took his shirt off, exposing his scarred and beautiful chest before pushing your tiny top up.
He fell onto your chest. Licking and biting at your still-sensitive nipples. Grabbing and kneading at the pliant skin of your tits. Your breathing was becoming uncontrolled. It feels good to let yourself fall to utter abandon. It feels good to have Sanemi on top of you. Touching you in the ways you most wanted to be touched.
You could feel every inch of his dick pressing against your hot cunt through the skimpy fabric. The outline of his tip brushing your entrance was driving you mad. You locked eyes as he rolled his hips into you, making space between your plush thighs like you were now a piece of property he owned.
"You wa-, you want me to fuck you, y/n?" Your back arched at his words. "Mmhmm, yes, yes! 'Ver since I heard you cum and say my name the other night."
He slowed for a moment, a sheepish look spread over his face. "Oh, huh. I got carried away that night. You were so difficult on the ride here I had to ..." His attention waned, and his eyes glossed over a little. "I did unspeakable things to you in my head." You raised your hips to angle him at you better.
"Oh? Like what?" You propped yourself up on your elbows. He smiled a rather sinister flash of his white teeth and grabbed you by the waist, pulling you down closer to him. Sanemi put most of his weight behind the kiss he just gave you. Pressing you into the bed.
Your pussy clenched at the wild feeling of his tongue darting in and out of your mouth. "God. I want you inside of me, Sanemi. Take your fucking pants off." You both moved at a frenzied pace. Unable to remove the clothing fast enough that kept your pleasure just out of reach.
Sanemi got his pants off and threw them aside. Then he was before you, his cock stood against his abdomen, the head already leaking precum. You fell at him with an open mouth. "Tchh-ahh. You wanna suck my cock like the little bitch I know you are." You moaned at his words and hollowed out your cheeks with just his tip in your mouth. His head rolled back, and he exhaled an animalistic growl and put his hands on the back of your head to set his pace.
"Hah – m'gonna, unghh ... ffff–" You licked Sanemi's length, swirling your tongue over his swollen tip once more before he laid you down on your back. You smiled at him. "You gonna teach me a lesson now, big boy?"
"You are really fucking asking for it, y/n. Sanemi plied apart your knees to lay them flat on the bed and buried his face in your pussy. Licking over your clit until you were about to cum but pulling his mouth off of you when you bucked up against his face too much. "Fuck, Sanemi." Your hands found their way to the back of his head and you tried shoving it back down. But he replaced his mouth with 2 rough fingers. Knowingly massaging your walls in every direction. "You're gettin' ahead of yourself, shit hands." You threw your head back laughing, "Don't call me that right now! Gross!"
You were so wet around his fingers. He stopped touching your pussy and wrapped his large hand around his cock, pumping himself furiously while he licked the inside of your thigh with the tip of his tongue. "Fuck me, Sanemi. Please, I want to feel you inside of me. I'm so close, please."
He spit on your soaked cunt and pressed the bulky head of his cock just inside of you. "Ah ... Oh Jesus, S'nemi. More... All of it. Go all the way in." Your head fell back and you started to rub and pinch at your nipples. "You're not going to cum until I fucking say you're gonna cum. Do you understand, y/n? You won't walk for a week if you cum before I say you can. Fuckin' got it, my pretty little slut?"
You looked at him with wide honey-brown eyes. Like a deer about to be hit by a train. "Y-yes. I won't cum until you say that I can."
Satisfied with your answer he rocked his hips into your burning center. You were on the edge of insanity trying to hold back the tsunami of pleasure that was threatening to fall over you. "Oh, oh fff-fuck, Sanemi! I, I'm ..." You were a gentle brush of your swollen clit away from cumming all over him. "S'nemi, fucking se–seriously. Oh god!"
He pulled out of you and began spreading you open, fingering your hole. You began to grind into his hand to keep riding out the high you were about to fall from. "Ahh ahh ahhh, sweetheart. You heard what I said. Not until I tell you."
You reached out to him and brought his face close to yours. He kissed you on your lips and then down your jawline to your neck. Grabbing your wrists, he held them down above your head and ran his tongue over your nipples. Biting and sucking on them until they were an even deeper shade of pink. Slightly bruising them to fuel his satisfaction and desire.
You scooted down farther so you could rub on his thigh. You'd been holding on to this for far too long. He pressed his leg into your wet warmth, making sure to miss the neediest spot on you. "You wanna cum sugar tits? I think ... that I ... might eat you out for a while. But don't cum ...."
"M-mm-hmm, oh, ok. Ok." Your brain was turning to mush. Sanemi trailed his tongue between your breasts and around your belly button down to your achingly empty pussy. "Sanemi, pl-please ..."
He stuck his fingers in your mouth, "Suck." You did as you were told, hoping to get into his good graces. Hoping he'd give you the go-ahead to release this fucking pent-up energy. Pulling his slobbered fingers from your mouth, he slipped them between your slick folds. With his tongue, he dragged fat lines up and down your lower belly.
"Do you, y/n, think I should be nice now and give you what you want? You have been fairly well-behaved today. You might have earned it."
Sanemi propped up all of the pillows on the bed and laid back on them. "C'mere." You crawled over to him and sat, straddling his upper leg. He reached out and started grazing your chest with his fingertips.
You started to rub your cunt greedily on his leg and played with his balls, letting your head lay back. Sanemi's hands wrapped around your waist and slid down to cup your ass. He pulled you over on top of him so you hovered just above his lap. "Sit on it. Slowly."
You lowered yourself down carefully, noticing the way he stretched you and filled you up. But you couldn't go slow for long. He'd teased you and fucked with you for so long that you just couldn't behave anymore.
"Y/n, fuck, my god, mmuhh ..." You bounced up and down on his hard cock, your clit rubbing at his public bone. Your body clenched around him and sucked him in in a way he thought he'd died and gone to the afterlife. He took your right tit in his left hand and rolled it around. His right hand wrapped around your waist and pulled you into him as you went up and down faster and faster.
The relief was so much closer than you anticipated. He felt so good sliding in and out of you. "Hoh- fuck, Sanemi, you're so big." You leaned forward and began kissing him while your cunt pulled him into you even more. Kissing him was taking this to a whole new level of arousal.
"O-ok, okokok. You can cum - you can cum now, y/n. Fuck- fucking I'm g'na, Hah...." His hips rose to meet with each drop of your body. He pulled you close, his hands on your ass. He wasn't guiding you but going along with you. Anticipating your movements.
He lay back onto the stacked pillows and you fell forward onto his chest. Grinding onto him faster and faster until your orgasm washes over you wave after wave after wave.
Sanemi flips you over so he's on top of you now. He pounds into you with an intensity you never imagined feasible. "That's right, sweetheart." He brings your knees up to your chest and prods into you. His balls slap into your ass, sending vibrations throughout your body and clapping noises into the room.
He watched closely where your bodies met and where he continually disappeared into you. The familiar white ring at the base of his cock from your cum mixture sends him over the edge. "Oh shh- shit y/n. Fucking shhitt. That's a good girl. Fuck. You're s'fuckin' tight and wet for me."
He collapsed a wet shaking heap on top of you. You could feel the last few jerks of his cock as he stopped cumming inside of you and he came back down. His full body weight on you.
He started snoring.
"Sane– Sanemi? Un-fucking-belie-" You couldn't believe that after that, he passed out on top of you! Laughing to yourself, you began to struggle under his relentless frame. Grunting and shoving, trying to get out of his trap.
He chuckled, "Do you really think I'd just drop out like that?" Rolling over to one side of the bed, he gave you leeway to get comfortable next to him. "These sheets ... should we wash them before we go home tomorrow?" You blushed. You, mostly, were the reason they'd become so soiled.
"They said to leave everything and they'd take care of it after we leave." You reached out and brushed away the hair stuck to his forehead and smiled at him. "So, uh, when do you want to leave?" You were sad the days had gone by so quickly. But still, really happy to be here.
Sanemi lay back on the messy pile of pillows and pulled you over to him. "What's the hurry, sweetheart? By my count, we don't have to be out of here until 12:01 am. tomorrow night. "I'm just getting started with you, and I'm nowhere near done.
He pulled you over atop his lap and kissed you softly. You let out the slightest little sound, goddamn it, if that sweet kiss didn't turn you on all over again. You wrapped your arms loosely over his shoulders and gave him a moment to figure out what you wanted.
Sanemi tucked his hands up under your legs and pulled you up higher on his chest, nibbling on the inside of your thighs. "Sit on my face and let me eat. Then I'll feed you, we'll shower, and eventually figure out how to explain this to everyone when we get home. Or, now hear me out, we could just send them a video."
You both laughed at how you thought each of them would react. And you made the video, anyway. But that was just for the two of you.
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Okay uh...good stuff first? Bad stuff first??
How about sort of backwards order of events because the bad and good stuff kind of go hand in hand sometimes, but it started good and I wanna end this post mostly happy.
That said, can we appreciate EVERYTHING about Lydia leading up to that moment?
"*looks at Allisaac* Ugh, finally. *looks at Stiles* Awkwardly. *looks at Aiden* Predictably."
I love this girl so much and she is VERY quickly making her way up on the favorite characters list. She's just so observant and so clever and smart and knows all of her friends so well and I just...I love her.
Also can we talk about the fact that when she heard/saw the whatever-the-f*cks they are, she immediately called out for Scott? Like, I just...why does that make my heart clench so much? Ahhh this little pack family I love them and I need them all to be okay.
Speaking of Scott...
WE WERE SO CLOSE!! He and Kira were HOLDING HANDS! They were SO CLOSE! Their faces practically touched TWICE! It was SO CUTE!!
I have never been SO MAD to see Allison I swear to god.
And why did she look at him like that?? Like she was somehow offended by the fact that he was with another girl. YOU'RE BASICALLY WITH ANOTHER GUY ("ANOTHER WEREWOLF?!" XD) ALLISON! STOP IT!
And I feel so bad for Kira, because Scott couldn't help the way his eyes caught Allison and he stared, but then can we just talk about the fact that he then immediately tried to find her again using his Alpha eyes, and then when he spotted her, and she was surrounded in her little firey halo thing (and...some sort of animal figure? Yeah she's a LOT like Scott--THIS IS WHY THEY'RE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER GOSH DARNAT!) he looked at her like she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen?
Speaking of slow burns...
"Finally" is right, Lydia. As annoyed as I was at the gazes that Scott and Allison exchanged, that scene between Allison and Isaac was pure gold.
Like, okay, first of all, my heart clenched at Isaac's "I don't like keeping things from Scott". WE LOVE HIS LOYALTY TO HIS ALPHA LET'S GO!
But then Allison calling him with the whole "except for that one unspoken thing between us that we don't talk about, 'cause you definitely haven't told him about that" attitude.
And then like, okay, usually, super sexual couples are not my thing. The asexual in me gets a little uncomfy and would much prefer soft, cute love to hot, sexy love.
But something about Allisaac dude...I am HERE for.
I mean...
"Do you want to talk about Scott, or do you want to paint my body?" "I wanna paint your body."
This is one of the few hot and sexy couples I will allow, because it works SO WELL for both of them. I love it. <3 <3
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(A set of Lydia gifs this time because she has been particularly wonderful these last couple of episodes and I am very quickly turning into a hardcore Lydia stan. <3 <3 <3)
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kuwdora · 2 years
Witcher Commenting Event & Community Engagement PART 2
I recently wrote a long post about an idea I had for drumming up engagement on Witcher fanworks.
In that post I described a commenting event where we collectively go and comment on fanworks that could use some love. We would comment during a dedicated window of time so creators get a fresh wave of comments! We could squee together and build discussion on the fanworks and engage with each other about the work in the comments where creators can see us appreciating their work.
I made a survey to see if this was something people might be interested in participating… It turns out there is a LOT OF INTEREST for something like this.
My survey is still open! - Please fill this out and reblog to continue to spread awareness of the project. If you left your contact information to help organize/brainstorm and I haven’t gotten back to you, I will be reaching out in the following weeks to follow up when I can.
😍😍😍 My original tumblr post reached 155 notes in a week and a half and I have received about 53 responses. Incredible response! Most of the reblogs with comments in the tags have shown great enthusiasm which has made me very happy.
So thanks to your interest I have spent the last week and a half with excited fans, brainstorming what this commenting event will look like. We’re setting up a tumblr and organizing the rest of the details and logistics of everything. You might see me or others commenting in various ways on tumblr as we try different things on this platform just to see what it's like and how it might be received.
I hope to have a more formal announcement and link to the community soon with actual dates and everything.
We’ve selected a theme for our first Comment Crawl and we will be curating some fanworks for the first round. But in the future we may move towards voting on themes via poll and allowing people to submit nominations that fit some engagement criteria.
I’m so excited about this project. Ahhh! Makes my heart so happy.
Keep reading if you’d like to learn more about some of the survey results and see what people are interested in reading, seeing and commenting on here in Witcher fandom and where everyone discovers fic to read!
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When I asked what kind of fanworks you’d like to see in a Comment Crawl:
100% of you would like to leave comments on fanfic
88% of you are interested in commenting on fanart
39.6% of you are interested in commenting on fanvids (!! oh my heart!! YAY)
28.3% of you are interested in listening to and commenting on podfic!!
6% of you told me not to forget fan crafts and music playlists!!
Lucky for everyone there is a lot of incredible podfic, crafts, vids, and fanart in Witcher fandom! Plenty of things to show you that need more love. I’m excited to create an event to showcase these works!
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I asked what kind of subjects you’d like to see and comment on for a Comment Crawl:
81.1% are interested in fanworks featuring character studies and gen (no pairing) (YAY!)
71.7% are interested in rare pairings (!!! YAY!)
60.4% are interested in femslash (YES!!!)
58.5% are interested in our juggernaut pairings
49.1% would love to read and see more fanworks from fandom exchanges
32.1% are interested in canon-specific fanworks (book, games, show)
And a whopping 73.6% of you are also interested in nominating your own fanworks for a theme! I hear ya! Comments are great!
20% of you also submitted ‘other’ - expressing your interest in reading more non-Wolf witchers, fear of not being interested in things outside your current fixations. And others are really excited to discover new-to-you fanworks and genres. We are a diverse bunch here in Witcher fandom. Which makes sense considering Witcher canon is 50 canons in a trenchcoat!
So my takeaway is that y’all are interested in a variety of things and I am hoping to curate our first event that will give everyone a little taste of the undiscovered and unsung fanworks on AO3, tumblr, and other social media platforms. There’s so much incredible stuff out here. 
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In the second half of my survey I asked people how they discovered new fic to read:
90.6% of respondents are subscribed to AO3 authors/stories/tags
79.2% of respondents find fic on tumblr via reblogs
58.5% of respondents utilize AO3 bookmarks to find new fic
39.6% of respondents discover fic via Discord
37.7% of respondents discover fic via friend recs
26% of respondents discover fic via Tumblr tags
20% of respondents are clicking around via AO3 tags, filters and searches
This is suggesting that it takes a lot to find new-to-you stories outside your fannish circles of interest and that trudging through AO3 tags isn’t as productive as it could be for you to find new things to read.  
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Would you be interested in an event about reccing Witcher fanworks?
56.5% said yes and would love to write and share recs
69.9% said yes and would love to promote and squee over recs
17.4% of respondents aren’t sure what this would look like
Many of you are also interested in learning more about recs lists and would be interested in an event that could help expose you to new parts of fandom and different characters and other fans. I have several ideas about this which I am excited to mull over and brainstorm later… but first we’re gonna do a commenting event!!  More details to come in the following weeks!
REMINDER: if you haven’t filled out the survey about interest in Witcher engagement events, the survey is still open! Feel free to leave me your thoughts about what you’d like to see in this event and future ones.
Feel free to leave any suggestions in the survey. Or send me a DM on tumblr if you have thoughts or questions!!
Thank you!
Tagging for reach...
@fangirleaconmigo @jackironsides @limerental @sargassostories @wannastayugly @mersephesie @bomberqueen17 @aramblingjay
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This has nothing to do with the plot really and is really just pure fan/self service, but I was looking at the Anders inspo board that you made and I was like, give this boy some bright colors PLS! Like when I’m sad, I throw on a bright colored tshirt or some shit.
Then i starting thinking of how Harry and Anders to me are those friends who have some matching stuff. Like they both have matching jackets or beanies, maybe THE pink beanie, probably gifted to Ders by H as a joke. but now they both just put it on as an instinct and there are tons of photos of the two of them matching even when they’re not together.
YES I LOVE THIS BC HARRY WOULD DEFINITELY DO THIS!! enjoy this little mini-chapter/blurb (it’s like 2k), with some added Instagram content ahhh!!!
The one about Post-Rehab Anders
(Alternatively titled: A Bit More Colorful)
First Week of March, 2020
“I feel like a child of divorce.” Anders said as soon as he opened the door, rolling his eyes playfully. “As soon as one of you leaves the other one shows up. I feel like I’m being fuckin’… tossed around. You should basically just form some sort of custody agreement already and make it easier on yourselves.”
Harry ignored him and walked in without saying much of anything, arms slung with an assortment of bags and as he pushed into the living room. “Okay then…” Anders spoke under his breath, shutting the door behind Harry.
“So Y/N was here, then?” Harry tried to ask casually, setting the bags down on the kitchen table. (Or what little space there was on the kitchen table. Most of the surface was covered in various tiny pots of paint and half-baked paintings of trees and sunsets and frogs. Anders was going through a bit of a painting phase as of late.) “How is she?”
Harry kicked himself for taking the time to make breakfast that morning, because if he had been an hour earlier then maybe he could’ve run into her. Even if she told him to fuck off it would’ve been the highlight of his day, he knew it would’ve been.
“I don’t know, man. She’s fine I guess.” Anders answered with a shrug. “Do you wanna smoothie or something?”
“I’m a’right, thanks.” Harry answered, shrugging off his jacket. He threw on the back of one of Anders kitchen chairs, shoving his sunglasses into the pocket. “And what do you mean you don’t know? Did she seem okay? Is she eating enough?”
“I mean I don’t know. She seems good, or whatever.” He looked up at Harry, biting away his smile. “She ate almost half a pizza last night, if that makes you feel better…. If you really wanted to know how she was doing you’d just call her.”
“Can’t do that.”
“You fucking could, actually, but sure.” Anders retorted. He looked at his friend, who avoided his eyes, deciding to at least give him what crumb he could. “She said she’s been really busy and that her mom started doing yoga.”
Harry’s face lit up immediately as he crossed his arms. “Anna‘a doing yoga now? That’s great!” He beamed. “I kept telling her before that she should just do it. That’s.. that’s great.”
Harry would take what he could get these days, surviving solely on the scraps Anders would throw to him whenever he felt bad enough for him. His stomach was still empty and the ache just grew more intense every day, but the scraps were enough to sustain Harry for now.
Harry missed Y/N’s mom. She had called him once, just after Fine Line came out, but they hadn’t spoken since aside from a text here or there. He hadn’t intended on speaking to her for very long that day she did call, assuming it would be a brief exchange, when he suddenly found himself laying with his feet kicked up on the couch an hour after he’d answered the phone still going on and on about everything he had on his mind. Anna just had a way of doing that to people, she pulled everything out of them and made them feel new again.
Anyway, Anna told him all about her work and how her coworkers Cindy had “one hundred percent” been stealing her pens. Harry was happy to listen as he drove home, Anna going on to tell him about how she saw him on a magazine cover at the store when she was buying new dress pants and how she had heard his song at Denny’s. He got home, kicking back on the sofa, feeling strangely at ease at the smooth tone of her voice as she talked about nothing.
“So how are you holding up, sweetheart?” She’d asked after a while. Harry wanted to turn himself away from the question, but he had nowhere to run over the phone. “Have you been keeping yourself busy?”
Harry didn’t know what to say. Surely Anna knew at this point what had happened. He wanted to lie and say he was fine, but he couldn’t lie to Anna even if he wanted to. “I’m not doing great, actually.”
“Oh, pumpkin…” She soothed. For some reason the pet name made him feel choked up, but he ignored it. “I’m sorry. I wish I could give you a hug.”
“Me too.”
It was quiet, but Harry had faith in the silence that Anna was about to say something to make him feel all better and patch him all up. She usually did.
“You know, I was thinking before about everything and I wanted to tell you I’m really proud of you for taking care of yourself. You don’t owe anything to anyone except for yourself.” She paused, a smile in her voice. “I know that this probably hurts, but I’m happy for you. Sometimes the hurt is a good thing. You’re doing something that not very many people can do, and that’s admitting that you have work to do. How cool is that? You’re already one step ahead of everyone else.”
Harry giggles nervously. He felt warm in a strange way. “You think so?”
“I know so!” She praised him. “Just focus on you and forget the rest. And you know…” She paused, choosing her words carefully. “My daughter will be just fine. She might not see it now but we’d all rather see you in one piece then see you ignore whatever it is you’re going through. Y/N is a tough girl, you know… she’ll be fine. You just need to worry about you for now, okay?”
“Don’t make me cry, Anna.” Harry joked, blinking away the tears that were already bubbling up.
“Cry if you need to. Scream if you need to. Laugh if you need to, who cares!” She took a deep breath, “You’ve got the whole world waiting for you. And you’re doing just fine, my little sunshine. You’re doing just fine.”
Harry shook his head, snapping back into reality. Anders looked at him quizzically, head cocking to the side.
“So what’s with all the bags?” He asked, gesturing with his head. “Buying some more flared pants for the collection?”
Harry had almost forgotten why he was here. “Oh, uh, no.” He stammered, forcing his brain back into the present. “I got you some stuff, actually.”
Anders scrunched his nose. “What the fuck?”
“You said you needed some more clothes and I know you aren’t too… keen on going out lately, so I decided to do it for you.” Harry gushed, picking the bags back up. “I had to guess on some of the sizes but we can just send back whatever we don’t like…”
“I literally never said anything about buying clothes.”
Harry furrowed his brow before shrugging. “Maybe I was just thinking it, then.”
Harry headed to Anders' room as his friend let out an offended “hey..”. He dumped the bags on the mattress, sitting at the end of the bed as Anders came in behind him.
Harry excitedly went through each item, describing in detail what he thought about each piece. Where Anders should wear it, what he should wear it with, whether or not it could go with something he already had. He’d bought things that were bright yellow and green and baby blue. He bought things that flared and things with polka dots and things that Anders couldn’t even tell were supposed to be fashionable. Anders ignored how his cheeks reddened, at the thought of Harry taking the time to pick this stuff out for him and the thought of actually being seen in public with them on.
“And I got you this, too.” Harry laughed, reaching the bottom of the bag. He pulled out a bright pink beanie, exactly like the one Harry had on today. “Since you like mine so much.”
Anders had teased Harry relentlessly over the hat. It’s not that he hated it or anything, he just liked poking fun. Harry tossed the matching hat across the room to Anders sitting on the floor, a satisfied grin on his face.
Anders knew it was only a joke, but he still felt his chest get a bit tight. He held it in his hands, rolling it over. He hadn’t ever owned anything pink before, he didn’t think. It made his heart pound thinking about wearing something like this, but he wasn’t sure why. He was excited in a weird, nice way.
Harry Styles seen sporting matching beanies with new bestie, Anders.
Double Trouble: Anders and Harry paint the town pink in matching beanies.
Making a Statement: Y/N’s close friend Anders seen out with her ex Harry Styles in matching outfits.
Canyon_Moon333: they literally love each other so much I’m gonna cry
Andersfan2: @Canyon_Moon333 besties vibes fr
Y/NFan5: why would they feel the need to bring yn into this??? Seems unnecessary imo
1Dforever-Emma: I agree but the thought of them hanging out without her is low key kind of funny to me…
AndersFan17: Harry bought Anders THE hat 🥺
TPWK_Lissa: GUYS I SAW THEM SHOPPING TODAY SJDJWJWN they were buying paints and canvases together and they were so nice!! They didn’t want any pictures because they were just trying to shop but they were so cute together like I could hear them talking and laughing they really are like best friends!! And Anders confirmed that Harry bought him the hat!!
It started getting easier for Anders to go out more, after a while. With the album done and promo put on the back burner for now, Anders was able to talk his label into giving him some time for “his health”. They were still pissed about the whole rehab thing, but Anders figured getting chewed out for asking for some time off was better than being dead. Maybe.
He didn’t have shit to do. He couldn’t go out to any bars or any events or parties. So, either he was home or at Y/N’s house or he was at the craft store buying paint or beads or plants. And if he wasn’t doing any of that, he was always with Harry.
They would hike, a lot, or meditate or just sit on opposite ends of a couch and read. Sometimes they would paint or they would show one another a song they’d written or they’d talk about being kids. They would go out to restaurants (Harry always said that they were “the best he’d ever had”, without fail) or go on car rides. Anders tried to teach Harry how to play his videos games and had even convinced him to watch a few episodes of the most recent anime he was watching.
Anders was doing well. Really well, most of the time. And he had Harry to thank for that. Harry just made his life a bit more…. Colorful.
Anders had never really had a friend like Harry before, aside from Y/N obviously. A friend who wanted to spend time with him when he was sober. A friend who listened to him talk. A friend who wasn’t afraid to cry and watch sappy movies and didn’t give a fuck what anyone thought.
(If you would’ve asked Anders before, he would’ve said that Matt was the kind of dude who didn’t give a fuck what people thought, or maybe even Christian. But those kinds of dudes do care, it turns out. Under all the machismo and drugs and laid back attitudes, they were just as desperate to seem cool as Anders was. He thought that was what not caring looked like, like being high and being rude and saying whatever you wanted without caring, but it turned out that not caring looked more like painted nails and crying at sad songs and dancing the way you did when you were a kid.)
Anders still had tough days, obviously, which brought him to today. (He had tough days quite a bit, actually, but so did Harry, so he didn’t feel too shitty about it). On this particular afternoon, Anders was outside Harry’s house, palms sweating a bit though he wasn’t sure why, knocking anxiously on the door. When he never came, he pulled out his phone.
“Hello darling!” Harry chirped, answering straight away like he always did. “What’s going on?”
“I think I want to shave my head.” Anders spit out. He hadn’t even planned on saying that, but he went with it. “Do you have, like, those hair things? Like the clippers or whatever?”
“Don’t think so…” Harry spoke, voice edged with curiosity. “You can come over later and we can buy some, though.”
“I’m here now.”
“I’m at your house.”
There was a long pause. “Im not at my house.”
“Yeah, no shit…” Anders huffed, rubbing his eye. “Do you think we can hang out when you get home? Im just fuckin’… I don’t know. I’m just feeling kind of…”
“I’ll come home now.” Harry cut him off. “Can you wait a minute?”
Anders wanted to tell him he didn’t need to drop whatever he was doing, but he didn’t. He just nodded, feeling that familiar sinking in his stomach. His fingers felt funny so he tried to stretch them out. “Yeah, man. I can wait.”
“We should dye it, I think.” Anders said, turning in the mirror to take in his buzz cut. He hadn’t considered how the new hairstyle would remind him or Christian, and it was getting under his skin the longer he looked at it. It always made Jena feel better when she dyed her hair, so Anders didn’t mind giving it a try. “I think we should. Like fuckin’ blue or pink or some shit, right?”
Harry let out an excited gasp, his face breaking out into that same wide smile it always did when he thought of something that amused him. “We should do orange!”
Anders couldn’t really give a shit about the color, but if Harry said orange then he liked orange, too. “Do you know how to bleach hair?”
“Me neither.”
Their plans were foiled for a second, the gears in Harry’s head turning as he tried to think things through. Anders didn’t really care enough to think about it. “We’ll figure it out.” He shrugged.
HERES WHAT I IMAGINE ANDERS INSTA STORIES LOOK LIKE!! post rehab he’s def more active online mostly bc he’s bored but also he just kind of likes it? But his stories would be random af and weird and just kind of fucky but it just ✨makes sense✨. It would be so chaotic, you feel me? anyway here!
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kpop-dungeon-dark · 3 years
REQUEST (Nerd!Felix/Yongbok x You)
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Warning(s): Non-Con, humiliation, degradation, brat taming, watersports, breath play, rough filthy shit. Read at own risk.
"If that isn't our little Yongbokkieeee~" Felix sighed and shut his eyes tightly when he heard the familiar dreadful voice from behind, holding the straps of his school bag even tighter. "Aigoooi~ aren't you in a hurry, foreign booooy?" Her perfectly manicured hand placed on the boy's shoulder, pulling him back.
"Let go, Y/n-ah…" The boy spoke, trying his best not to snap at the little slut. She was so foolish. A fucking clown. A narrow minded little racist bitch. That's what.
"Ahhhh… your Korean is soooo adorable…" Before she moved to stand in front of him, heavy tits tightly packed in her school shirt, the first few buttons up. "What's the rush, Aussie boy? Too proud to make friends? Tsk, tsk!" Felix felt like smacking her infuriatingly cute little face.
"You know it's not like tha-"
"LISTEN UP, EVERYONE!" Y/n clapped and got everyone's attention, the whole hallway of students going home stopping to look at her. "OUR FOREIGN BOY DOESN'T WANNA BE FRIENDS~" she pouted as if it really hurt her. "HE AVOIDED ME ALL DAY IN SCHOOL TOO! HOW PROUD, TSK!" Everyone booed him, calling him names and whatnot. It was terrible.
Had he known moving to Korea was going to be like this he'd have never agreed. They made fun of his looks, his accent, the grammatical errors he made and his English name that he preferred. Even though Felix was using his English name in his documents now that he was all grown up, Y/n had somehow learnt his Korean one and she wasn't going to let him live it down.
"Aigo what a loser" splashing the juice in her hand at his shirt, the girl clicked her tongue and walked away while laughing, leaving the boy in absolute despair due to how badly it stained his shirt.
He didn't want to hurt her because she was clearly fucking naive and dumb but fuck. Y/n was making it fucking hard.
Felix checked his room one last time to make sure it was clean and smelt nice with just the right amount of ventilation. Setting his books up on the foldable desks he'd set up on the bed, the boy opened up the other desk too. His mom had asked him if he could teach her bestfriend's child some English as they were apparently in the same year as him. The boy was happy to help and agreed so now his mom's friend was going to drop the kid off at their house that he didn't know anything about.
And who else could it be other than the one and only. How fucking cliche.
The male was unsure of how to act when he heard his mom's voice and another women's before his door was knocked, opening as Mrs. Lee along a stern looking tall and built women in a police uniform appeared.
Felix got up and respectfully bowed to the women as she greeted him back, her friendly smile really unusual for her stern features. "Hello, dear. Thank you so much for your kind gesture. I've been looking for a good teacher for quite some time now but my child is… slow." She chuckled. "Maybe it'd be easier for her if someone her age teaches her…"
"Oh, of course. No problem at all. I'd be actually very happy to help. That way I get to revise too and study from a different perspective, ma'am." He didn't know why, but he couldn't stop the smirk from appearing on his face. Oh. She was trying her best to hide behind her mother but Felix had seen the pathetic little girl.
Oh how fucking perfect.
"Ah I hope my kid can learn well from you in not just academics but manners too… Now! Y/n-ah- where…" Her mother looked for her before turning around to find her hiding, gripping her wrist and pulling her in front of the taller boy. "There you are. Now… learn well okay? Felix will take well care of you" her mother glanced at the boy and he nodded, bowing a little bit as he said of course.
Y/n was trying not to die as she was made to stand right in front of fucking Yongbok out of all! How was she so stupid?! She should have put two and two together! Oh fuck! This was bad! This was terrible for her image! Now he knew that she was looking for tuition and not all that careless about studies as she seemed to act like back in school. And she also wasn't a badass in her private life.
"Be good. I'll pick you up on my way back, alright?" The girl had non-existent balls to brat with her mother as she was a firm police woman and knew how to get brats going. She had gotten enough harsh punishments from her mom to even dare to try. Y/n did her best to pretend to be a good kid. Or her mom had threatened to send her off to juvi or a boarding school! "Hm?"
The girl whimpered, feeling the boy's gaze burn into her very soul. "Y- Yes, mommy." She could only whisper back, head lowered all the way.
"Good baby. Now give mommy a kiss." Y/n could die of embarrassment right now, her cheeks burning as she felt humiliated. Oh she had no idea what was coming her way. This was nothing. Her mother still treated her like a 4 year old baby and not like she was 18. It was so fucking stupid!
"Y- Yes, mommy…" There was no use hiding. Yongbok could see it all and he was quietly observing it. Standing on her tippy toes because of being much smaller than her mom, Y/n kissed her cheek. "Bye, mommy." The copper ruffled her daughter's head before leaving with Felix's mother who was also dressed for work.
Lowering her head even more when it was just the both of them, Y/n held her bag right as she didn't turn around, not wanting to face the smug boy, whimpering when he stepped forward to close his door.
"She… doesn't know, does she?" Felix's deep voice pierced through her soul as he turned around to look down at her now, grinning wide. "Tsk… look at this cute little turtleneck and long skirt… those baby shoes and these pigtails…" Y/n felt her heart starting to pound when he suddenly tugged at her twin ponytails, her cheeks feeling even hotter in pure humiliation. "If only you were actually a good babygirl like your 'mommy' thinks and not a skimpy little slutty whore ridiculing people for no fucking reason at school" clicking his tongue, the boy walked to his bed and plopped on it in a relaxed manner, well aware that he had her exactly where a bitch like her should be. "I wonder how she will react if she finds out that you are actually-"
"N- NO PLEASE!" Y/n finally found her voice and rushed to him, helplessly pleading. "PLEASE DON'T TELL M- MOMMY! I- I AM SORRY!" She struggled, not knowing what to say. This was so awkward and strange. Something she'd never thought of. Fuck.
"Ahhh so you really are an all talk whore, tsk. Acting all cool and fearless in school but actually a pathetic little mommy's baby." Felix chuckled tauntingly and shook his head, eyes cold. Months. She'd been troubling him for months simply because he was a foreigner and made mistakes in Korean. "Come here, let me see. I wouldn't be surprised if you're also wearing a nappy under that cute skirt. Do you need a change?" He teasingly went to grab her arm which caused the girl to stagger backwards.
"N- No! No, Y- Yon- Felix! I- I swear I am not! I am not wearing a-- p- please! Don't do this! I- I won't bother you again! You don't even have to tutor me! Just please don't tell mom!" Y/n hated how pathetically she had to beg him.
"Ah… so it's suddenly Felix now, huh?" The male chuckled before speaking again. "Since I am not a pathetic slut like you, I won't tell your mom but in exchange, you'll have to be good for me. If you oblige, good. If you don't, I'll have to tell her, little one. Because what you're doing will end up harming someone really bad."
The girl desperately dropped her bag, sitting in his feet and holding his knees. "Y- Yes! Yes! Alright! I'll be good! I'll do whatever you want! Just don't tell mom! I don't wanna go to juvi or boarding-" her eyes widened before she slapped her mouth shut. Oh no! She didn't just tell him that!
Felix threw his head back and laughed. "Ahhh so it's like that, I see…" He was enjoying this. Looking down at her, Felix felt something stir inside him as his eyes got darker. She looked so fucking perfect kneeling under him like this. It was getting so hard to hold back now that he had her. "Fine. If you don't want to go to boarding or juvi, you'll have to be my little fuck piggy. And when I say that, I mean it. You'll be my literal plaything and there will be no denying my orders. You'll have to obey and be good like a brainless little slave doll… You will only know what I allow. You will only do as I say. No using your own brain, not that it is very smart anyway… That is the price." He had always had… dark desires. Which was one of the reasons he'd never dated much. But when Felix had seen Y/n all those months ago in school for the first time, he had unintentionally imagined how it would feel to ruin her to the point of despair before building her back up.
And now that he was so close to having it. Fuck. The boy was going insane.
Y/n nodded slowly, tears forming in her eyes as she bit her lip. "Y- Yes, I… I agree. I- I'll be your d- doll, Felix… J- Just please d- don't tell anyone… I- I beg you… I- I don't wanna g- go to boarding or…" A sob left her, his finger catching her tear amidst of falling down.
This was so wrong. But she deserved it. Felix was absolutely disgusted by bullies.
"Don't worry. Like your mother said, I'll take goood care of you." The naive girl had no idea what she had signed herself up for or just what his words meant. "Then… why don't you prove your worth by getting up and stripping to let me see my belongings... And, get those dirty little hands off. Fuck toys don't deserve to touch Master unless allowed." Felix swatted them off.
"W- What? M- Master…? S- Strip?" Y/n was lost.
"What else did you think? Some Wattpad romance where I make you my little sidekick or something before I confess that I've liked you all along?" Raising an eyebrow he pushed her back. "Get to it."
"B- But F- Felix-!"
"It's Master!" The male firmly spoke as he glared down at her, yanking one of her pigtails. "Come on now… time's running and we don't have all day my little toy. You better start behaving before it's too late…" Her sobs and tears satisfied him so much.
Y/n slowly got up with her head lowered, trembling as she stepped out of her shoes, slowly pulling her socks off. "I- I can't believe I am doing this in front o- of you.." She whispered while struggling to not collapse on her knees, literally shivering under his firm gaze.
"I also couldn't believe a person as rotten as you existed." Before he grabbed the hem of her dress, pulling her closer and snorting when she gasped, flinching when he leaned back again. Felix's foot trailed up her shaking leg, the top of his foot rubbing against her covered core before he grabbed the waistband of her panties with his toes, pulling them down from under the skirt. "Ahh… so little girl's mommy really doesn't put her in nappies, I see…" Before he looked back up at her face, his foot resting on the underwear between her ankles now. "Skirt off now."
The girl was wiping at her tears as she shakily undid the skirt before letting it fall, her heart pounding even harder when the cold air attacked her core before he made her pull her shirt up and off, suddenly ripping her bra off which caused her to scream.
"Tsk… you sure are jumpy and scaredy for how tough you act." The boy shook his head, feeding off her misery. "Pick that underwear up." Y/n reached for it when he finally removed his foot from the top of it, stepping out of it and picking it up, even her ears red now out of humiliation. "Put it on your head." Another sob left her as he pinched and played with her breast, loving the authority he had over her.
"Fe- M- Master…" Shaking her head, she tried to back away but Felix wasn't having it.
"What did I just fucking say?!" He snapped, towering over her when the boy stood up, making her cower down before she put the smelly article over her head, biting her lips to stop her sobs from escaping. "Such a good toy…" Felix cooed this time, rubbing her head as he pulled it down and covered her eyes with the waistband, pulling her pigtails out of the sides.
"Fuck… you look good. Just how a dumb brainless slut should look." Fishing his phone out, he smirked. "This proves how you've no problem with being brainless. You look fucking retarded but you're doing it because Master said it. That's exactly what this is about. Obedience" before he suddenly kissed her briefly, making her gasp.
"Now~ smile wide for a picture…" Before he turned the camera on and stepped back, making sure her whole body was in frame. Fuck. Felix was so fucking painfully hard. "Come on… don't be shy" he taunted when she sobbed in protest, making him switch to video instead. "Fine, then." His taunting smile dropped to a firm expression as he approached her, placing his feet on hers before he smacked her face, catching it all on camera.
"Aigooo~" he mimicked her, smacking her other cheek, uncovering her eyes but still keeping the underwear on her head. He decided that it will be a new style for her. "Look at this whore~" Y/n's flushed cheeks now received some more slaps before he placed his hand on her nose and pushed it back, chuckling loudly. "Awww such a cute little fuck piggy we have here… she loves this doesn't she?" When she continued to cry, Felix smacked her head and pulled at the girl's ponytail. "DOESN'T SHE?"
"Y- Yes, Master! Yes!"
"Good girl" pushing her nose back to look like a pig's again, the male spat at it. "Now tell Master you're thankful. Get on your knees and be good."
"T- Thank you, M- Master…" The girl cried out, slowly getting on her knees now. "Thank you s- so much…" Felix parted her legs by his foot, cutting the footage and tossing his phone on the bed before kicking her pussy, causing Y/n to jerk forward, face banging straight into his cock.
A moan left him before he grabbed both her ponytails, wrapping them around his hands. "Now I have a present for you. I bought it all a while back and have been keeping it hidden and safe for when I get a fuck piggy. And now that you're here, I'll give you it."
Yes, Felix was pissed at her and yes, he loved destroying her but he was no asshole. She still had that cute little whore face he adored.
Crouching down in front of her, he gripped her chin and kissed her lips again, ignoring her gasp and kissing her again before spitting right on her tongue. "Swallow it and wait for Master to be back. Face down and ass up. I shouldn't have to fuckin repeat myself."
Y/n trembled as she struggled to swallow his spit, bowing down on the ground, slowly raising her nude ass back up. A few moments passed with Felix bringing stuff over and near her, fumbling with things in his closet before he finally closed it and walked to her. "Aren't you lucky? Finding an owner without even looking. There's so many pets like you who have no Master… or not a good one at least, you know…" Standing behind her, Felix rubbed the lube all over the tiny and thick piggy tail assplug. "Aren't you lucky?"
The girl knew what he wanted to hear so she nervously started, having no idea what the boy was about to do. "Y- Yes, Master… v- very luc- AHHHH!" She could only lay there and weakly cry as Felix laughed loudly at her scream because he'd pushed the plug in, tapping her ass.
"Good piggy~" the male cooed and hooked a thin chain to a small loop on top of the plug, slowly making her sit up in silence, the only sounds being her weak sobs. "Just… give in… it'll hurt less that way and you'll be happier." His eyes were trained on what he was doing, the long chain extending from down her plug having nose hooks at the other end that he plugged in her nose, chuckling when her eyes widened as she located the small cage in front of her.
"Oh, yeah. That is your new crib" Felix was clearly loving this. Kissing her stretched little piggy nose, he placed the pink piggy ears on her underwear covered head, followed by a pink collar that had a small bell attached to it. "You look so beautiful…" Kissing her lips again, Felix attached weights to her nipples, making her whine out in pain as she tried to stop his hands. "Oho~" he swatted her hands away, grabbing the piggy hands and feet before putting them on her, finally folding her limbs and binding them.
"Hmmm… that's like a good filthy little fuck pig." Before he attached a leash to her collar and gulped, feeling his balls ache now due to the masterpiece he'd made, pulling at the leash to have her crawl in the cage before he closed it, chuckling at how she kept tripping. "Clumsy pig." Before he started to take pictures, taunting and humiliating her all the while.
When Felix was satisfied with the photoshoot, he opened the cage and walked to the bed, holding her leash and pulling her with him. "Now… the fun part." Before he tucked his aching cock out much to her horror, sitting down on the bed and pulling her in between her legs. Pumping his cock a little, the male moaned loudly as he started to piss on her face, chuckling loudly when she yelled and protested, trying to move away but only falling on her face, choking when he harshly pulled at her leash, forcefully pushing his cock in her mouth. "You better swallow that!"
Y/n started crying loudly again, wails leaving her throat as his hot piss started travelling down her throat, making her choke and gag as he loudly laughed. "What a useless piggy! Can't even be a good urinal." Before he smacked her face again, now starting to fuck her mouth fast and rough, hitting his hard tip against the back of her throat before forcefully pushing in, a trail of piss and spit hanging down her lips.
"Fuck… fuck…" Felix moaned loudly, his cock twitching inside of her and pulsating from how fucking good it felt. From her soft mouth to her tight throat, to how he could see his cock against her skin, her eyes widened when her breath supply would totally cut off from his balls getting stuffed between her lips.
"Fuck… you're no good… I'll have to train you plenty" her cries were causing shivers and vibrations up his cock as he fucked her face up and down his cock by her ponytails, kicking her pussy as he went faster and faster, his hips starting to ache from how much strength it was causing.
"What a dumb slut!" Pulling his cock out of her throat, he kicked her on her back, making her arch her back when the tail plug brushed against the floor. "I need that useless fucking pussy now. It better be worth it." Y/n felt scared and nervous for her vagina now as he warned and crawled over her now, pushing his way forcefully inside, biting down at her lip when he felt her hymen tear and lube his cock up.
"I am going to make an absolute mess out of you." He promised, his deep voice sending shivers down her sweaty body. "My mess."
I am sorry if it was too rough sjskso you said like bullying gone wrong-
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yuta-senpai · 3 years
A Little Show | Taeyong
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- Genre: Smut
- Warnings: Camboy, sex worker, toys, and solo mastrubation.  
- Word Count: 1.3k
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You sat in front of your computer and waited for the screen to change.
On Twitter, he had said he was going to be live soon and you always liked being there early to get all the attention.
The notification popped up and you clicked on it, smiling as you saw the boy in front of you.
He was leaned back on his bed, watching as viewers joined.  He was wearing black shorts and a black long sleeve, a simple outfit.  He never dressed up unless for a special occasion and you liked that.
He saw your name flash up and smiled, “Early as always I see.” You quickly typed back, “Just for you baby boy.” He fidgeted with the hem of his shirt, and you quickly typed.
“Something wrong baby boy.” He read it and smiled softly, “No, I just got a present you sent me and I can’t wait for you to see it.”
You smirked knowing exactly what he was talking about, and typed "Do I get a private video as well?"
He read it and nodded, "Of course, like always.  I have an extra surprise for you actually."
You raised an eyebrow up and typed, “And what is that surprise?” “You will have to wait and see.”
You could tell he was already hard based on the tent in his pants.  You love this, you could pamper a beautiful man with money and gifts, he put on a show for you, but you never had to see each other.  Because you were such a loyal customer to him, Taeyong had repeatedly offered to do a video call with you or even exchange photos for free.  I think he wanted to know who you really were, but you didn't want that. 
Taeyong ran his hand up his thigh and gripped himself.  You bit your lip as you watched him.
He moved his hand away and licked his lips. 
"Like what you see?"
You typed, "Of course baby boy."
Other messages popping up similar to yours.
He learned forward getting really close to the camera letting his fingers rest against his lips. 
"Don't you wish you could kiss me?  Feel these plump lips against yours."
He sucked his fingers into his mouth and pulled them out with a pop. 
You let your fingers slip down your body, and you pinched your nipple through your shirt making you moan softly. 
He held his fingers up close to the camera and curled them, "I wish I could feel you, clenching around my fingers."
You let your hand dip down below the waistband of your shorts, your fingers brushing delicately against your clit making you shudder slightly.
You read a comment, "Please strip for us."
He read it and smirked, "You want me to strip for you?"
He leaned back and bit his lip as he slightly pulled his shirt up just barely exposing his abs, but he put his shirt down and smirked "Be patient.  Not yet."
You and others continued to tip, knowing the show didn’t start until he reached a certain amount of tips and only those that tipped got to enjoy the show.
He saw the bar fill to his goal amount, “Be sure to tip now if you want to enjoy the show.  I’ll be switching to the private room soon.” He gripped the hem of his shirt and moved it up to hold it in between his teeth.  
“I might give y'all a little show before I go.” He pulled his shirt over his head and eyed the camera, his hands grazing over his abs then up to pinch his nipples.
He moaned softly and watched as comments came rushing in, “That’s all you get.  I am switching rooms now.  Bye angels.” He pressed the buttons maneuvering into a private room with only those that tipped.  There were about 10 other people in the chat with you, which was a pretty common number for his private rooms, and most of the usernames were ones you recognized.
He leaned up onto his knees and groaned, fully gripping himself through his pants.  “God I am so fucking hard.  You can see how hard I am right?” You quickly typed, “Yes, but let us fully see it, baby boy.” He licked his lips then bit them as he read the comments, “You want to see it?  Don’t you want a little bit of a longer tease?” You groaned and tipped him more leaving a note saying “please”.
He chuckled, “Jeez yall are so impatient.” He pushed his pants and underwear down just enough to see the very top of his dick but pulled them back up and you groaned.
Your fingers continued to tease your clit, you wanted to slide your fingers inside but you were waiting for him.
“Be patient.  I have a little surprise to talk about.  One of my loyal angels sent me a few presents to use, and I figured using it on the live tonight would make her happy.  So thank you, I can’t wait to try them.” You smiled and quickly typed, “Of course baby boy.” He leaned back up on his knees and pulled his pants fully down this time, releasing his dick.  The black cock ring you had ordered him wrapped tightly around the base of his dick around underneath his balls.
He moaned as he stroked himself a few times, then stood up putting his dick close to the camera, “This black cock ring was one of the presents.  I’ll bring out the other later.” He showed multiple angles then sat back down and pushed his pants off leaving him fully exposed.
You finally dipped your fingers inside you and moaned lowly as you imagined they were Taeyong’s.
You matched the movement of your fingers with the movement of his hand around his dick.  He whimpered lowly, the ring making him extra hard.  His dick was very red, the veins more prominent and the head looked extra swollen.
His pace was fast and you could tell he wanted to cum already but was having to hold off.
He slowed the movement of his hand and leaned up next to the camera grabbing something.  He grabbed a black bullet vibrator, “This was the other half of the gift.  I hope you like the show, you know I get whiny when I put a vibrator on my dick, but that’s probably what you wanted.” He winked and turned the vibrator onto a low setting, he held his dick firmly with his other hand and pushed the vibrator against the head of his dick making him whimper and fidget.  You noticed the way his thigh muscles tightened and then loosened.
“Ahhh fuck.  I’m not gonna last long with this vibrator.” You curled your fingers inside yourself faster, trying to push yourself over the edge.
“If you are touching yourself right now, cum for me.  You know you want to cum.” You bit your lip and came, moaning loudly as you shook in your chair.
Taeyong started stroking himself as he held the vibrator against the most sensitive part of his dick.
A high-pitched whimper left his lips and he came, his cum shooting up in spurts against his chest and abs.
You quickly typed, “So beautiful baby boy.” He came down from his high and winced when the vibrator was still going against his sensitive dick.  He turned it off and set it down beside him.  He gathered up the cum on his fingers and licked them clean.
He read through the comments, “I hope you liked that.  I’m sorry it was shorter, I was really worked up.” Everybody commented sweet things, and you typed, “Don’t worry baby boy.  You did amazing.” He blushed and smiled, “I will put this up where you all can watch it later.  Y/N I’ll send you a message later about the special gift.  Bye.” You sighed knowing he probably would try to video call again.
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