kimi’s rec library
85 posts
01 : she/her
Last active 3 hours ago
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jaehyunsprincesspeach2 · 3 months ago
sooo i know i said this was gonna be a rec library HOWEVER i am debating on doing anime writings now... IDK THOUGHTS ARE BEING THUNK....
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jaehyunsprincesspeach2 · 5 months ago
tell me why I only seem to have motivation to write while im at work??? (its because i dont wanna be here but im too broke to leave lmaooooo)
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jaehyunsprincesspeach2 · 7 months ago
hey hey party people !!! i’m making this my fic rec and reblog blog lol !! most things on here will now be K-Pop related, though i will keep all of the writings that are here as well !!
xoxo ~ kimi
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jaehyunsprincesspeach2 · 1 year ago
not me laughing out loud in the office reading this🫢
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Even a grump can make a joke <- RAISIN BOY?! -> You got plans tonight?
Status: Ongoing
College!Yeonjun x College!Reader
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Taglist (OPEN): @taeraekisser @taehyuncult @jaehyunsprincesspeach @kirooz @run22jun
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jaehyunsprincesspeach2 · 1 year ago
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TXT <- The Milky Way -> Are you embarrased of us?!
Status: Coming Soon
College!Yeonjun x College!Reader
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A/N: And now that we've met everyone the story will start shortly
Taglist: @taeraekisser @jaehyunsprincesspeach @kirooz
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jaehyunsprincesspeach2 · 2 years ago
Hi! I hope you’re doing well! I want you to know thank you for the stories! They are amazing and make me so happy to read!
I want to ask could I get HC’s on how the Mighty Warriors comfort their lovers after a hard/bad day?
This is so good omg I can feel the fluff in my heart🥺
Apologies for taking so long, I’ve been super busy with work and getting ready to go back to school ://
Regardless, I hope you enjoy☺️
Ice, Jesse, and Pearl for this one !!
Much love ~ ember
Mighty Warriors Comfort their S/O After a Hard Day
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Honestly I see Ice being very gentle with his s/o
I think he would want you to just relax, and he would take care of everything else for you
Whatever you wanted, hes on it
Food, drinks, cuddles, whatever it is, he wants to do it for you
He wouldn’t exactly have the Funk Jungle shut down for the night, just in case you want to go and have some fun there
But if you ask him to stay with you instead, he’s next to you in milliseconds
He would tell the others that he is staying with you for the night, and that they were on their own for the night
He says it with a gentle voice, but his eyes are saying “if you disturb me and my s/o ill rip your head off”
Just wants you to feel better
Theres nothing he hates more than seeing you upset
Wishes he could go beat up whoever gave you such a hard time, but he knows that you need him more
Turns into a professional chef
Like if you let him, he’ll have a three course meal, plus extra snacks and drinks prepared
And its all actually really good too
Honestly Ice is so good at taking care of you, you won’t even remember why you’re upset by the end of the night
As soon as this man hears you’ve had a bad day he’s ready to fight whoever upset you
Like who had the audacity to mess with my s/o and think they’ll get away with it
Honestly his s/o might have to stop him from walking out the door and hunting them down
He just hates seeing you upset, and needs some sort of anger release
However he’s gonna have to find that at a different time, and he knows that, and he knows that all you need in the moment is him
That whole night, he refuses to let anyone near you, like genuinely gatekeeping you from the world
It might seem possessive, but in reality he just wants you to know that he’s there to protect and comfort you
I don’t see him as being the best with words, so he shows you this through actions like this
He might try to cook for you, but it might be a better idea to order food instead…
He just needs to know that you’re okay but he’s not the best with his words so he’s running around getting you anything and everything you could possibly want
I’m Reality all you want is him, but it’s cute the way he takes care of you hehehe :)
Pearl typically is joking around with you
Everyone knows he’s the guy to keep spirits up in Mighty Warriors
So when he sees you upset, he doesn’t know what to do at first
He’ll hesitantly walk to you and wrap his arms around you
Naturally he’s gonna wanna say something funny, but he wants to be there for you, so he just lets you cry on his shoulder staying silent
I don’t see him as the kind to really rush around to take care of you
I see him as the kind to stay with you, by your side the entire time until he knows you’re better
Of course, if you ask for something, he’s immediately up and getting you whatever you need
But he’s glued to your side, arms around you, simply holding you close, letting you do whatever you need to keep from bottling up emotions
After a while of just embracing you he’s gonna start to make jokes
He just wants to see you smile, it’s his most favorite thing in the world
His way of taking care of you is taking you away from masses of people, and enjoying time together
It’s not often that the two of you get time away from Mighty Warriors, but in moments like this, he won’t let anyone disturb your peace
Honestly, seeing you upset might be one of the only things that frightens him, but he’s great at bringing a smile back to your beautiful face <3
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jaehyunsprincesspeach2 · 2 years ago
Hi ember for my tiktok account. I will make a video for Authors I recommend and can I add you too❤
Omg omg I would be honored!!! This made me so happy when I woke up lol, i would love that, thank you so so much!!❤️
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jaehyunsprincesspeach2 · 2 years ago
Hey hey!! I know it’s been a while, sorry for my lack of content!! I’ve finally gotten settled into school and my new work schedule so I will be posting more here, as well as on my other blog!! I know there have been some requests that were made a while ago, and I promise I’m almost done with them hehehe!! Sorry for the wait, hope everyone is doing well! Stay healthy, eat lots of good food, and drink plenty of water my loves <33
Much love ~ ember
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jaehyunsprincesspeach2 · 2 years ago
can i plz request a headcanon of sachi taking care of his sick gf (thought it was appropriate bc we’re both deathly ill rn <3)
Stop this is so cute and so fitting omg
My bestie i love you i hope you feel better <3
Sachi is the cutest
Sachio Taking Care of his Sick S/O
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Oh. My. Goodness.
Don’t even bother trying to lift a finger, mans has everything prepared for you
Soup? Done. Tea? Made. if you’re like me and prefer coffee? There is a fresh pot ready to go
He just wants to take care of you
Honestly, even if its just a common cold, he would be so worried about you
There is nothing that he hates more than knowing that you are not okay, and that there really isn’t anything that he can do to help
Definitely the type to make sure you take all of your medicine
Writes down what time it was taken so that he knows when to give it to you again
If he can’t be there, he’ll send Yukon or Shidaken to make sure you take the meds
Honestly if he can’t be there, he’ll send them just to check up on you
But lets be real, mans is not leaving your side until you are better
He doesn’t care if he ends up getting sick too, he wont leave you alone
Cooks for you like he’s a professional chef
If you dont stop him, he’ll have a five course meal ready for you with all of your favorites
If he has even the slightest inclination that you have to go to the hospital, he’s the one to take you there
Intently listens to everything the doctor has to say, so that he can take care of you when the two of you go home
Picks up any prescriptions you might have
Honestly just does everything for you
I could see him walking inn with the brightest smile on his face
Like, “I’m back with your medicine my love!” All excited and smiley
Though nobody else will ever see that side of him, that only for you
Very gentle and cuddly anyways, but even more when you’re sick
Honestly doesn’t let many people come around, cause his heart just wants to cuddle and hold you all day, but hes not big on PDA
Brings you little snacks and gifts if he has to go out for some reason
Anything to make you smile
Honestly hes the best person to have take care of you when you’re sick
Love love love Sachi <3
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jaehyunsprincesspeach2 · 2 years ago
I've seen your fic on SWORD leaders falling for the same girl and thought it was cute and hilarious! Can you make another one where Cobra, Yamato and Noboru are possessive of their childhood friend(crush)?
Ooomg this is so good!!!
Thank you for the request!
Hope you enjoy☺️
Much love ~ ember
Cobra, Yamato, and Noboru Possessive Over their Childhood Crush
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Cobra is such a good guy omg i love him
I think when it comes to his childhood crush, he is comfortable enough to really let his guard down for them
He is very soft with them. He knows that he can come off as intimidating, and he wants nothing more than to just be a source of comfort for them
Whenever they are around, he doesn’t want them to worry about anything
I could see him putting on a perception that everything is okay, so that his crush wont worry about anything
But deep down he is hiding the fact that SWORD may or may not be falling apart, and that he is jealous after seeing some random person flirting with you
Cobra is possessive in a very chill way
He shows it when other people are trying to flirt with you, or other people are threatening you in any way
REFUSES to let people hurt you
And if they do, they wont make it through the night without a broken nose, best case scenario
He tells you everything when its just the two of you
His way of protecting you is letting you into his mind, so that you know what is going through his head in every scenario
This protects you in the sense that you know when to step back cause hes about to kick some ass
(Maybe just me but kinda cute lmao)
Whenever the two of you are out on the town, he is on high alert
Something could happen at any moment, and he wants to be ready for it, so that you dont get hurt
When the two of you are at diner Itokan, he always has you sit next to him
He knows your order too, so really all you have to do is sit there lookin pretty (easy for you, you’ve mastered it :))
Occasionally, if someone he doesn’t like, or if someone makes him feel even slightly threatened with you, his arm is around your shoulders
The two of you may not be together, but he makes it seem like it (can’t complain tho)
Knows that the diner can get busy, especially if all of Sannoh is there, so keeping you in the booth with him is the best way for him to protect you
And if you’re anything like me, dear reader, he knows that you are not the most comfortable in crowds, so he takes that time to reassure you that everything is okay, and that he wont let anything happen to you
Honestly whether the two of you are together or not, everyone around thinks that you are, just because of how possessive Cobra is of you
Perks of being the crush of the leader of Sannoh Hoodlum Squad: NOBODY DARES TO MESS WITH YOU
Overall: possessive in a very subtle way, and honestly makes it seem more protective than anything
I see Yamato as a little bit of a wild card
I think it depends on the situation that the two of you are in
If things are good, and there aren’t any threats around, he is super chill, and laid back
Definitely saying something to make you laugh, its his most favorite sound in the world
However, if there is someone who is even just looking at you slightly too long, or looking at you with the wrong intentions….
Yamato is glued to you
Most likely has his arm around your shoulders, looking at the other person like hes about to rip their head off
Still fairly subtle, however I do think that if someone is making you uncomfortable, he would be the one to go up to them and say something
Now, this could either be him whispering in their ear, or he could simply stand from where the two of you are and yell across the room
Really depends on his mood for the day
Another one to be very soft with his crush
Remembers everything that his crush has ever told him, even from when they were little
Like the time you told him you like blue popsicles over purple popsicles
Still sometimes shows up to you with a blue popsicle cause he thinks its cute the way you light up when you realize that he remembered
When hes in a really possessive mood, he wont let anyone near you
I think on those days, he would take you somewhere where you two can completely be alone
Maybe to the top of one of the city buildings, so that ya’ll can see the view, and spend time together just the two of you
Is not afraid to let you see his intimidating side, however he will never use it on you
He’s a tall guy, and he knows his size is intimidating, but when he talks to you, he does whatever he can to take away that factor
Like when hes talking to someone else hell puff his chest out, but when hes talking to his crush, he tries to make himself smaller somehow??
I’m not really sure how, I’m a rather small person but you get the idea lol
Like Cobra, if anyone hurts you, they wont make it very far till Yamato is beating them up
Honestly, Yamato is a lover. He just wants everyone to feel included and happy
But he wont stand for someone hurting the one that he loves
When the two of you are at diner Itokan, he doesnt really keep you away from anyone, or in one certain spot, he lets you move around as you please, while he watches you intently
But if someone makes you uncomfortable he is by your side in milliseconds
The kind to take away all of your worries or anxiety and tell you everything will be okay, as long as he is with you nothing will happen
Looks deep into your eyes often, especially if it makes you flustered
Overall: hes such a softie with his childhood crush, but his possessiveness depends on the situation, and he is not afraid for you to see that side of him, he just wants to keep you safe and comfortable
Noboru is different than the others
He is possessive in a way that is hard to hide
Though I dont see him at the type to directly fight, unless that situation happens, and he has no other choice
If he has the choice to decide how things go down, he thinks through it very thoroughly, and goes about it in a way that is more detrimental than a broken nose
I feel like hes got enough connections, especially with Cobra and Yamato, that he would send someone to beat them up, then would do something technical
Like the other person would just wake up one day and everything they own would just be gone
Like finances and things like that…. Just gone
HOWEVER, with you, he is so soft and gentle
When the two of you are out, he refuses to let you out of his sight
Not that he is constantly on edge, but he is very aware of your surroundings
Keeps you close at all times
Always smiling when you are around
And when you aren’t around, hes always talking about you, though he gets a little bashful when he does this
Would do anything to keep you safe
He knows what its like to lose someone romantically close to him, and every time you aren’t with him, hes on edge
He trusts you completely
Even when he was working with Kuryu, he kept you out of harms way, and told you all about it after he was out
Noboru is a quiet lover, he shares his admiration through the way that he looks at you, and gentle forms of PDA, if that is something that you are comfortable with
If you ever tell him that something he did made you uncomfortable, he would immediately stop, and apologize profusely
Takes very good care of you
Even helps you study for school
Overall: all he wants to do is take care of you. Very gentle and trusting with you, and though he knows you can take care of yourself, hes always there to support you
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jaehyunsprincesspeach2 · 2 years ago
Hello! I just wanted to say thank you for writing so much!!! I've been hurt these past few weeks and they have put a smile on my face reading your writing (from both of your pages)!!! Plus helping forget the pain for a bit. ( P.S. I wanted to let you know you have down amazing with how you written the Mighty Warriors. I know you said you weren't sure but I wanted to let you know you done great writing them. Also, if you ever want to watch the series of High and Low I can direct you to a YouTube channel that has it with English sub.)
Omg you’re so sweet, thank you so much!! I’m so happy you have enjoyed!! I hope things are getting better for you and continue to❤️ (I would love to know what the youtube channel is lol!)
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jaehyunsprincesspeach2 · 2 years ago
PSA: my series Anti-Romantic will be moving to my other blog, @jaehyunsprincesspeach !!! I will be reposting it there :))))
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jaehyunsprincesspeach2 · 2 years ago
Debating on changing my aesthetic here (yet again lmao) LMK WHAT MY AESTHETIC SHOULD BE PLZ IM RUNNING OUT OF IDEAS
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jaehyunsprincesspeach2 · 2 years ago
All of the K-Pop writings that I have on here will stay, and I will be restarting and adding more writings there :) i am very excited for this, and I hope everyone enjoys !!
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jaehyunsprincesspeach2 · 2 years ago
UPDATE: I AM REBRANDING!!!!! This blog will now be named suzakisbbygirl, and will be fully high and low centered!!! I will be moving all of my K-Pop writings to my other blog, jaehyunsprincesspeach (lol i thought the name was funny)… please go follow if you enjoy K-Pop, and the K-Pop writings that I have already done, if not, I can’t tell you what to do, live your best life. On my other blog, i will be going by a different name, however, this one will stay as ember. Follow me on both lol, ember on this one, lunar on my other one!!!
Much love ~ ember <3
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jaehyunsprincesspeach2 · 2 years ago
Hi! I was wondering if you’re okay with Tsuji betraying/hurting his first love the Reader and Shibaman helps them get better and they fall in love while Tsuji regrets what he did.
Omg broke my own heart writing this
Low key, I based this off of a dream I had the other night lmaooooo
I hope you enjoy!!
Much love ~ ember
As Long as You're Happy
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Pairing: Tsuji x fem!reader x Shibaman
Wc: 2.1k
Warnings: angst, heartbreak, cheating, mentions of crying
“Leave me alone Tsuji. You can’t take that back and you can’t hide it anymore. We’re done. Take your girl and leave me alone.” 
You had gone to a local coffee shop after school before heading to the library to wait for your boyfriend Tsuji. When you walked into the shop, you were greeted with the most unpleasant surprise. Tsuji, your now ex boyfriend, with his arm around another girl, whispering in her ear something to make her obviously blush. As soon as the door opened, and the bells hanging from the frame jingled, there was no turning back. When he heard the bells, he turned around to see a mix of emotions on your face. Shock, hurt, anger, all of it unable to be hidden. Shock took over his expressions as well, though you were so overtaken with emotions, you can’t recall what he had said to you. All you knew was that you had to get out of there as fast as you could. If there was one thing you would never let him see, it was that he made you cry. 
Walking back out of the shop, you round the corner and immediately take off running, tears now falling from your eyes. When you have to stop to catch your breath, you find that you have gone all the way to Oya High, undoubtedly the last place you want to be. Not that you know many people there, but one of the other two people that you happen to know is standing out front. When he sees you, he hesitates to approach you, seeing the tears running down your cheeks, despite your attempts to hide your current emotional state.
When you finally make eye contact with him, you take off running again before he can make his way to you. Running and running, you kept going till you couldn't go anymore. Sitting on a park bench in front of an empty kiddy swing, you finally give yourself time to breathe, and think about all of the events that have happened within the last half hour. Confusion, anger, sadness, even self doubt, are all of the emotions running through your mind. Consumed with emotions, you didn't hear the person walking up behind you. Lightly, the mystery person places their hand on your shoulder, startling you out of your hunched position on the park bench.
“Y/n, i'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you, but why are you crying?” the deep voice making you freeze, you never thought that Shibaman would have followed you, especially after running away like you did earlier.
“Shibaman? I'm fine, I just needed to think for a minute.” You reply, wiping away the tears and mascara running down your cheeks.
“You're clearly not okay, y/n, please, tell me what happened.”
Hesitating to answer, you know that Shibaman is one of the few people that you can trust, but this is his best friend, and just because your relationship is ruined, you don't want to ruin their friendship too. Despite that, the tears returned, and you told him everything that you saw, everything that you said, and everything that led up to your current situation.
Without another word, Shibaman walks to you and pulls you into a hug. Holding you tightly, you feel an odd sense of comfort from him. Crying into his shirt, he never moved away from you, simply holding you close to him, and letting you release the emotions building up from within. After, he offered, more so insisted, on walking you home, comfortable in the silence, only talking when you wanted to. He knows you and he knows that when you are upset, you need your time to think, but still that is not something he is willing to risk your safety for. Arriving home, he walks you to the door, and pulls you in for one last hug.
“Don't worry y/n, everything will be alright. I won't let him or anyone else hurt you again.” With that, you expressed your approval by hugging him tighter, as if that was even possible. Returning inside, you spend the rest of the night ignoring calls and texts from Tsuji, ultimately leading you to turn your phone off completely. 
The next day, you woke up, and turned your phone back on. Tons of voicemails and text messages from Tsuji flooded your notifications. You were about to turn your phone off again when you saw one from Shibaman.
Hey y/n. I’m sure you turned your phone off so that Tsuji would stop blowing you up (i don't blame you), maybe tomorrow we can go somewhere fun? Get your mind off of things? Let me know what you think!
For some reason, that message itself made you forget about everything else. Almost bringing a smile to your face, almost. Replying that you were down to go somewhere fun, you were surprised when he answered immediately, saying that he was on the way to pick you up. Quickly getting ready, you put on an oversized tee shirt and jeans, with a pair of white converse, and make your way to the living room with anticipation to see where the day leads you. 
That was the first of many “hang outs” with Shibaman. He took you to your favorite coffee shop, obviously not the one where misfortune struck, but the one you treat yourself to on the weekends. After that the day was spent at a local arcade, and then a park to end the day. It became a weekly thing for the two of you to hang out, and it always felt like more of a date than the ones that Tsuji took you on. Yes, he would take you on dates, but sometimes it just felt off. Slowly, you begin to realize that your feelings for Shibaman are becoming romantic. 
How could I have been so stupid? I mean, she was amazing. She was everything I've ever wanted, and I hurt her. How could I hurt her? God I want her back.
Tsuji’s thoughts spiral through his head, unable to allow him to focus on anything. He's in the middle of a fight, and all he can think about is you. Three months after he got caught, and he desires you more and more each day. He wants to  make things right, but how can you fix a situation like this? He wants to talk to you, and show you how much he loves you. How much he will always love you. He knows that Shibaman hangs out with you often, however, he is not aware of the feelings that are developing. He appreciates Shibaman for looking after you, especially knowing that he is the one that hurt you, he trusts that Shibaman will take care of you. However, he is too focused on thoughts of you to think about the possibilities that could come of that. 
“Shibaman, I think I'm going to talk to y/n tonight. I don't know how, or if she will even let me, but I have to talk to her. I have to tell her that I still love her.”
“Don't you think you've done enough? She cried herself to sleep countless times. You're the one who cheated on her, you have to deal with the consequences. But stop hurting her. Let her heal.” Shibaman retorts, having had enough of Tsuji’s antics.
“I just want her to know that I care about her. I need her to know that I will never forgive myself for what I did.” 
“Enough is enough Tsuji. She needs to heal, and the only way she can do that is if you leave her alone.” Standing, Shibaman scoffs at his friend, disappointment evident on his face. “Let her be Tsuji. She doesn't want to hurt anymore. Seeing you wont allow her to heal. Don't go see her tonight, for her sake.” With that, the boy walks away, over with the conversation. 
It's been five months since you and Tsuji broke up. Finally, you feel that your heart is healing. Finally, you feel happiness again. But still, there is something about seeing Shibaman that just makes your heart flutter. Has this always happened? How have I not noticed this before? Your thoughts rolling through your head, as you see Shibaman waiting outside of your school building for you. As you walk closer to him, panic starts to set into your stomach.
“Hey Shiba.” You say with a gentle smile.
“Hey y/n! How was your day?”
“It was okay, but I dont think I'll be able to hang out tonight, I have a ton of work that I have to get done for tomorrow.” you bluntly reply, to which Shibaman is taken back by. Never have you canceled on hanging out. 
“What happened? We always hang out after school? Something must have happened.” He says, concern starting to fill his voice. 
“Nothing happened, I just have a lot of work tonight.”
“Okay, why don't we go to a coffee shop, and we can work on it together?” 
Thinking, you agreed, knowing that no matter what you say he will come to some sort of solution that involves the two of you spending time together. A battle that you would lose. 
Sitting at the coffee shop, Shibaman takes half of the work that you have to do, and gets busy right away. Reluctant to let him help, he proves that he is actually great at the things that you are needing help with, after he shows you one completed assignment that did not have any mistakes on it. 
Something about that makes the butterflies in your stomach come to life. Everything about him makes you feel safe. He makes you feel more appreciated than anyone else. Before you know it… 
“I like you…” you blurted out, breaking the silence between the two of you.
“I'm sorry… forget I said anything. Thank you for helping me…”
Without another word, Shibaman pulls you in for a passionate kiss. In front of the entire coffee shop, he pulls you in and shows everyone that you are his girl. Everyone, including Tsuji. 
“You're mine, pretty girl.” He says, earning a shocked smile from you.
The rest of the night is spent completing your work, walking around town, and finally watching the sunset atop of a small hill, with the most perfect view. A rather late notice date, but an amazing one, nonetheless. 
“How could you? Whatever happened to bro code?”
“Don't even think about bringing up anything like that after you cheated on her! You made sure that if anyone was going to support her after that, that it would be me. I can't help it any more than you can. But I am not going to give her up. You are the one who hurt her, and I was the one who picked her up when she was down. If you wouldn't have cheated on her this would have been different.” 
“My own best friend, stealing my girl from me.” “She's not yours anymore. You lost her when you went messing around with other people. She's my girl now. Either you can get over that or let it get between us. That choice is up to you.” 
The boys are now battling for you, without you even knowing. At the end of the day, they both know that if they're gonna survive Oya High, they  have to do it together. Coming to an agreement, they decide that you will never be a topic of discussion between them. Leaving the school to head to their respective homes, Tsuji is left heartbroken. Not at the fact that his best friend is now dating the love of his life, but that he was foolish enough to hurt you in the first place. He knows that none of this is your fault, and he wants to tell you that, but the last thing that he wants to do is hurt you again, so he keeps his distance. 
Every now and then he sees you out with Shibaman. He sees your smile, hears your laugh, and it brings all of the memories he has of the two of you back to him. His heart breaks over and over, but he knows that you are happy, and that's all that matters to him. All he has ever wanted was for you to be happy. Even if he is left with all of the memories of you two together. Even if he is the one with the broken heart. None of it matters as long as you are happy.
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jaehyunsprincesspeach2 · 2 years ago
Who ever made the cobra having feeling for his childhood best friend ask you're a genius and i love you sm IT IS THE CUTEST THING I HAVE EVER HEARD 🥹🥹🥹🥹 and the way you (ember) wrote the whole cobra and hiroto falling for the same girl was sooo good
Omg you’re so sweet thank you so much!! This means a lot to me I’m glad you enjoyed it!! And that request was so cute omg I loved writing it !!!
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