#noboru x reader
enhashoutout · 9 months
Seiji, Arata, and Noboru
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Sooo I'm rewatching High&Low the Worst as one does, and my brain started running again; so here is a comparison post of Seiji, Arata, and Noboru.
Seiji and Arata are to Fujio what Noboru is to Cobra and Yamato.
(Also I'm really sorry the Arata photo isn't centered. I tried fixing it but due to the picture dimensions I couldn't get his picture to center)
The One Who Can't Mess Up
When we meet Noboru for the first time, he is introduced as the friend who has a bright future. Even from their childhood, it is highlighted that Noboru is different from Cobra and Yamato. Noboru has dreams of becoming a lawyer, he does better in school, he doesn't get into fights.
Cobra and Yamato even say it themselves multiple times that Noboru isn't like them; that even though he came from a run-down area he had dreams and a better future than anyone else from there. In the Story of S.W.O.R.D series, Cobra even states that Noboru went to college, which was a completely different world that Cobra and Yamato could not understand. We also get a scene where Yamato tells Noboru that he is their star, encouraging him to keep going toward his dream of being a lawyer.
This early version of Noboru we see is exactly who Seiji is.
When we are first introduced to Fujio's childhood friends in the H&L The Worst movie (I haven't watched the Worst spin-off shows so I'm speaking solely based on the movie) Madoka informs the group that Seiji is the top of his class, making him the smartest person their age. To this, the friends celebrate and call him "The hope of the Hopeless Housing Estates".
Later when the group meets up again after the Oya High and Housen fight, Madoka points out that Seiji has a bruise on his lip which is unusual for him. Right away, Fujio tells Seiji that he can't be getting into fights. I'm sure Fujio knows what the costs are for Seiji, that's why he never encourages fighting with him like he does when he talks to Shinya and Masaya. We also see this when they meet up in the morning before school. Seiji asks Fujio if he is going to Hope Hill, and Fujio tells him that he'll be the one to bring Arata back and that Seiji doesn't need to worry about a thing and to stick to his books.
When Seiji gets into an altercation with his classmate who is speaking badly about the Oya students, he is confronted by one of the authoritative figures at school. This man points out to Seiji that all the teachers at school have high expectations of him. The teacher also tells him that with his grades he could get into any college of his choice in the country and that it would be best not to act in ways that would jeopardize his future.
We see that both Noboru and Seiji are constantly held up to higher expectations by the people around them simply because they were different than their peers growing up.
How Seiji and Noboru must've felt
I have not finished Story of S.W.O.R.D yet so Noboru's feelings are purely my own theory/speculation.
We get Seiji's feelings/perspective on the matter in the movie. When the man who I assume is one of the teachers or even is the principal is confronting Seiji about his actions, he also says that he heard that Seiji hangs out with boys who attend Oya High. He goes on to tell Seiji how he shouldn't be seen around them to which Seiji confronts him with the question about cucumbers.
Seiji points out that cucumbers do not naturally grow straight, we as humans put them into a mold that makes them grow straight and only allow those ones to be sold at markets. He relates this back to himself vs his brothers.
"My friends, my brothers, they aren't hoodlums or twisted. Among my friends, there's not a single loser, scumbag, or lowlife! They just grew up naturally bent! Sometimes, I envy them. I wish I were... I'm fine sir. I will become straighter than anyone else. I will be placed in the best position in the best market. For their sake."
Seiji knows that his capabilities are higher than the other boys and takes advantage of that and seizes every opportunity he can academically. He understands that he is being molded into an image of someone who is "successful" or "acceptable" in the eyes of society. However, sometimes he is envious of the fact his brothers do not have to do the same. But Seiji understands that for the sake of everyone, he has to be the one who strives to do better and take a different path in life than one where physical fighting is prominent. The lying undertone of this being that Seiji is working towards a better life so he can take care of everyone makes my twisted, bitter, little heart happy.
So how exactly does this relate back to Noboru? It's because I think that Noboru must've felt the same way.
From my understanding of the movies, we don't see much of how growing up with different behavior affected Noboru other than the fact he focused on his academics and had big future plans. He falls off course after his time in prison though. When Noboru and Cobra are talking outside of the gas station, Noboru tells Cobra how he had lost his way in life and could no longer see the future plans he had for himself. This plays a large part in how Noboru is similar to Arata, but let's back up a bit.
I assume that there were multiple times when Noboru had felt the same way Seiji did. In the show, we see that Cobra got his name because he had been Cobra twisting everyone since they were kids. This alludes to the fact that even at a young age, Cobra and Yamato fought with the other kids while Noboru didn't. We see that Noboru went to high school and took his college entrance exam which Yamato dropped him off for. We also see the scene where Noboru tells the two that his college acceptance is just the beginning, he has to also pass the bar exam. All while this is happening, Noboru is still friends with Cobra and Yamato. He hangs out with them, Naomi, and the other Mugen members at Itokan when he isn't studying. This leads me to believe that Noboru had to have felt the same way as Seiji multiple times throughout his life. He must have been struggling by himself with his academics and was envious of his brothers who didn't have to do the same, but understood that for the sake of everyone he had to be the one that "does better".
Little Parallel I noticed: Being friends with the people they are, these characters know how to fight even if they don't actively use these skills.
During the Mugen era, Sannoh's Pre-debut era if you will, Noboru doesn't get into fights with anyone. However, we do see him beat the shit out of the guys who harmed Miho. He doesn't actively fight until Sannoh era but I assume that being friends with Cobra, Yamato, Kohaku, and Tatsuya they taught him some stuff.
This also rings true for Seiji. Let's bring it back to the morning of the Kidra fight. After Seiji and Fujio meet up and Fujio tells Seiji not to worry, he walks in while his classmates are talking smack about Oya and Housen. When he's had enough of their yapping he swings at one of his classmates. Based off of everyone else's body language, it doesn't seem that the guy he punched would be able to fight back or that any of their other classmates would be able to step in and stop the fight. None of them seem like they know how to fight or even knew Seiji could throw a punch like that. I assume being friends with guys as strong as Fujio, Masaya, and Shinya teaches you a thing or two though.
The One Who Tried to Purge His Past
When H&L the Worst opens, we are introduced to Arata when Madoka tells Fujio that Arata has been hanging around some bad people and there are bad rumors revolving around him. We meet his character when he is caught on the construction site selling RedRum to some guys who work with Masaya and Shinya. Throughout the film we see that Arata is simply working with Kidra for money, he's not friends with any of these people or shares the same morals as them. This is the first point of comparison for Arata and Noboru.
Arata is working with Kidra because he needs money to take care of the house bills and his mother's hospital bills. Noboru only took up Nikaido's offer to join Iemura because he felt that it was the best way to continue from there when he felt like he had lost everything. Both took a path they thought would be best for them even if it was morally wrong or they were engaging with the wrong people because they needed something from these people.
When Arata is confronted by Fujio, he tells Fujio that he has his own way of doing things and that he wishes everyone would just leave him alone; to which Fujio tells him that he knows what he's doing is wrong, and that's why he showed up to Grandma Sada's resting place in the night by himself. Fujio tells Arata to throw the dirty money away. The night before when Madoka tells the group that Arata's mom has cancer and is worried for Arata because he has been working so hard to pay for everything, Fujio comes to understand why Arata is working for Kidra but also points out that what he is doing is wrong. Fujio tells the group that he doesn't know how to explain it, but he knows the way that Arata is going about the problem is wrong. Fujio tells Arata that his problems are also Fujio's problems because they grew up together and got in trouble together, so why shouldn't Arata's problems also be his? This is the equivalent of Cobra and Noboru's scene when Noboru is aiming the gun at Sannoh. Cobra tells Noboru he understands why he did what he did. Noboru's actions are to keep Sannoh safe from Kuryu, but that he went about it the wrong way just like how Arata is making money for his family but he went about it the wrong way.
Both are much smarter than the people around them, not in an academic sense
Noboru and Arata are both smart, much smarter than the people surrounding them even if it's not in an academic sense.
Noboru is seen as the brain in Sannoh. This is prevalent when we see the Amamiya brothers come back to him for help in breaking through the USB firewalls to reveal the Casino Project. This is also seen when Noboru was still working with Iemura. The other Iemura members are hot-headed and act recklessly whereas Noboru always treaded with caution and logic. It definitely wasn't one of his best moments but I have to give it to him because using Chiharu and Shion to push RedRum and cause chaos within S.W.O.R.D was pretty smart of him. I'll give credit where it is due lol.
After the Oya and Housen fight, we are brought back to Hope Hill where all the Kidra members and RedRum pushers are partying because they think that Housen and Oya can no longer get in their way. Not only are they talking about Oya and House, they are talking down on the S.W.O.R.D gangs as well. To which Arata speaks up, saying that the S.W.O.R.D gangs are not dumb, and that if Kidra wants to continue their business they need to move faster. Growing up in this area, Arata knows vaguely how the S.W.O.R.D gangs run and how everything works in the S.W.O.R.D area, whereas the Kidra guys do not considering they got beat by Murayama twice and think they can do whatever they want with no consequences. The other pushers clearly don't use their brains as much as Arata either. All the scenes we see of these characters together, it seems like those guys are just there to be there while Arata does the actual work of selling RedRum.
Grace Periods and Protecting Your Friends
Every time we see Arata, he's avoiding his friends. He avoids talking to Masaya and Shinya on the construction site, he avoids Seiji's messages and calls, he avoids Seiji when they both show up to Grandma Sada's resting place, and he tries to avoid Fujio in Hope Hill. Arata avoiding his friends and not talking to them is the equivalent of Noboru giving Sannoh so many grace periods to disband for their own safety.
After his run-in with the Oochi brothers on the construction site, Arata keeps quiet and doesn't tell the other pushers who Masaya and Shinya are. He avoids Seiji and Fujio until he can't. I feel that in a way this was to protect everyone. He knows what he is doing and the people he is involved with are dangerous. Ignoring them was partially so they wouldn't stop him but, part of it must have been to keep everyone else out of it because as he states while he fights with Fujio, this is his problem.
Both characters are trying to protect their friends while engaging with people who could harm the people they care about.
Purging one's past
Arata in order to work for Kidra is doing what Noboru tried to do and tries to purge his past (he is unsuccessful obviously).
Noboru multiple times throughout the series and Road to High&Low movie is telling his friends that he is different now. He tells them that people change and that he is no longer the same person he used to be. Nikaido gives him a gun, essentially telling him to either kill himself or kill his past (Sannoh). When he pulls the trigger, we find out that the gun is actually not loaded and the guy is just shooting blanks. The symbolism to this is that he can not purge his past even if he wanted to because your past is a part of you. Without your past, there is no present or future. You can't make the present or future better if you don't have your past to look back on.
Arata is doing the same when he tells Seiji he isn't the same as he used to be and when he tells Fujio that he's changed now. Fujio tells him that he can continue to punch Fujio, but his fists don't hurt one bit, not as much as his disappearance hurts their hearts. Arata and Fujio are both crying by the time Fujio is about to send another punch Arata's way, only for Masaya and Shinya to stop them. When they bring Arata back, Seiji and Madoka are there to greet him and welcome him home. Arata looks at the market and you can see the look in his eyes change. He never changed, he missed this place just as much as he missed his friends. He wasn't able to purge his past. His past is actually what helps him in the present and future, considering the group works together to give him money to help with his mother's treatments.
A Home to Come Back to
In High&Low the Movie, we see Kohaku's monologue about being a home to return to. Cobra and Yamato decide they want to go after the guys that got Noboru in jail and they tell Kohaku that it should've been them that got arrested because Noboru had a bright future and they didn't. To this, Kohaku asks them how either of those actions would help Noboru; Cobra and Yamato don't have an answer. Kohaku tells them that they can't change what happened, but that they can wait for Noboru because if Noboru has no home to return to, he'll never come back. At the end of Road to High&Low, this is exactly what we see. Sannoh was built so that Noboru would have a home to return to. Yamato even says that they can disband Sannoh Hoodlum Squad if Noboru doesn't need it anymore, that is fine, but he just wants his friend back. Once Noboru realizes that he doesn't want to purge his past, he asks Cobra and Yamato if he can come back, to which they gladly accept and welcome him back with open arms.
Fujio, Seiji, Madoka, Masaya, Shinya, and the market are Arata's home and place to come back to just like Sannoh was for Noboru. Had the group left Arata alone or chosen to exclude him because of the rumors that started to surround him, Arata probably would've never come back. But it's the fact that everyone was constantly trying to reach out throughout the course of the movie and Fujio, Masaya, and Shinya literally jumped into Hope Hill to fight and physically drag him back out that Arata comes home. He had a family to return to who would accept him even after his mistakes.
How Arata and Noboru must've felt
Again, this is pure theory and speculation because it isn't directly stated in any of the films I have watched.
Noboru must've felt alone not being able to tell anyone what he was really going through, it might even tie back to how he's the friend who couldn't mess up. Having such high expectations for himself, Noboru probably felt like a failure landing himself in jail even when he felt he wasn't in the wrong because those guys hurt Miho. On top of that, he never really tells Cobra and Yamato how he's feeling whenever they visit him in jail. When he worked for Iemura, he also had no one to confide in either. The only person who was really within his vicinity while he worked for Iemura was Nikaido, but Nikaido was the hardest on him and was violent with him because, to Nikaido, Noboru was like looking in a mirror. Nikaido aka Cain used to come from Nameless City and he truly wants to purge his past and forget ever being a part of Rude Boys and wants Noboru to do the same with Sannoh. Being so alone was probably affecting him in a lot of ways.
Arata was the same. None of the group knows that Arata is actually working with Kidra for his mother's hospital bills until Madoka tells them after she visits Arata's mom. He didn't confide in his friends for this matter, and never really talked about his feelings in general. Fujio reminds him that Grandma Sada was always worried about Arata because he never spoke up about his feelings, always bottling them up. Arata must've felt that he should take care of his own problems instead of troubling others which led him to be lonely.
Something random I noticed: The scene at Grandma Sada's grave when Seiji confronts Arata and Arata punches him, can be seen as symbolism of how Noboru felt inside during the show and Road to High&Low. Visualize Seiji and Arata as two parts of Noboru who are battling and struggling to co-exist. Seiji is his past, telling him that it's alright to come back to his home and his family while Arata, his present, is trying to tell his past that he isn't the same anymore.
It's definitely not that deep, it's just how I interpreted it.
You made it to the end! These are probably nothing new and very obvious points that everyone saw in the movies I just wanted to write about it so here we are lol. This post is not proof-read and is a little messy and all over the place but thank you for reading it anyways.
Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated. Feel free to add your thoughts in the comments and reblogs. Please don't take my work and repost it anywhere or take credit for it, if you would like to build off of my work please tag me for credit and tag me because I would love to see your thoughts :)
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I've seen your fic on SWORD leaders falling for the same girl and thought it was cute and hilarious! Can you make another one where Cobra, Yamato and Noboru are possessive of their childhood friend(crush)?
Ooomg this is so good!!!
Thank you for the request!
Hope you enjoy☺️
Much love ~ ember
Cobra, Yamato, and Noboru Possessive Over their Childhood Crush
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Cobra is such a good guy omg i love him
I think when it comes to his childhood crush, he is comfortable enough to really let his guard down for them
He is very soft with them. He knows that he can come off as intimidating, and he wants nothing more than to just be a source of comfort for them
Whenever they are around, he doesn’t want them to worry about anything
I could see him putting on a perception that everything is okay, so that his crush wont worry about anything
But deep down he is hiding the fact that SWORD may or may not be falling apart, and that he is jealous after seeing some random person flirting with you
Cobra is possessive in a very chill way
He shows it when other people are trying to flirt with you, or other people are threatening you in any way
REFUSES to let people hurt you
And if they do, they wont make it through the night without a broken nose, best case scenario
He tells you everything when its just the two of you
His way of protecting you is letting you into his mind, so that you know what is going through his head in every scenario
This protects you in the sense that you know when to step back cause hes about to kick some ass
(Maybe just me but kinda cute lmao)
Whenever the two of you are out on the town, he is on high alert
Something could happen at any moment, and he wants to be ready for it, so that you dont get hurt
When the two of you are at diner Itokan, he always has you sit next to him
He knows your order too, so really all you have to do is sit there lookin pretty (easy for you, you’ve mastered it :))
Occasionally, if someone he doesn’t like, or if someone makes him feel even slightly threatened with you, his arm is around your shoulders
The two of you may not be together, but he makes it seem like it (can’t complain tho)
Knows that the diner can get busy, especially if all of Sannoh is there, so keeping you in the booth with him is the best way for him to protect you
And if you’re anything like me, dear reader, he knows that you are not the most comfortable in crowds, so he takes that time to reassure you that everything is okay, and that he wont let anything happen to you
Honestly whether the two of you are together or not, everyone around thinks that you are, just because of how possessive Cobra is of you
Perks of being the crush of the leader of Sannoh Hoodlum Squad: NOBODY DARES TO MESS WITH YOU
Overall: possessive in a very subtle way, and honestly makes it seem more protective than anything
I see Yamato as a little bit of a wild card
I think it depends on the situation that the two of you are in
If things are good, and there aren’t any threats around, he is super chill, and laid back
Definitely saying something to make you laugh, its his most favorite sound in the world
However, if there is someone who is even just looking at you slightly too long, or looking at you with the wrong intentions….
Yamato is glued to you
Most likely has his arm around your shoulders, looking at the other person like hes about to rip their head off
Still fairly subtle, however I do think that if someone is making you uncomfortable, he would be the one to go up to them and say something
Now, this could either be him whispering in their ear, or he could simply stand from where the two of you are and yell across the room
Really depends on his mood for the day
Another one to be very soft with his crush
Remembers everything that his crush has ever told him, even from when they were little
Like the time you told him you like blue popsicles over purple popsicles
Still sometimes shows up to you with a blue popsicle cause he thinks its cute the way you light up when you realize that he remembered
When hes in a really possessive mood, he wont let anyone near you
I think on those days, he would take you somewhere where you two can completely be alone
Maybe to the top of one of the city buildings, so that ya’ll can see the view, and spend time together just the two of you
Is not afraid to let you see his intimidating side, however he will never use it on you
He’s a tall guy, and he knows his size is intimidating, but when he talks to you, he does whatever he can to take away that factor
Like when hes talking to someone else hell puff his chest out, but when hes talking to his crush, he tries to make himself smaller somehow??
I’m not really sure how, I’m a rather small person but you get the idea lol
Like Cobra, if anyone hurts you, they wont make it very far till Yamato is beating them up
Honestly, Yamato is a lover. He just wants everyone to feel included and happy
But he wont stand for someone hurting the one that he loves
When the two of you are at diner Itokan, he doesnt really keep you away from anyone, or in one certain spot, he lets you move around as you please, while he watches you intently
But if someone makes you uncomfortable he is by your side in milliseconds
The kind to take away all of your worries or anxiety and tell you everything will be okay, as long as he is with you nothing will happen
Looks deep into your eyes often, especially if it makes you flustered
Overall: hes such a softie with his childhood crush, but his possessiveness depends on the situation, and he is not afraid for you to see that side of him, he just wants to keep you safe and comfortable
Noboru is different than the others
He is possessive in a way that is hard to hide
Though I dont see him at the type to directly fight, unless that situation happens, and he has no other choice
If he has the choice to decide how things go down, he thinks through it very thoroughly, and goes about it in a way that is more detrimental than a broken nose
I feel like hes got enough connections, especially with Cobra and Yamato, that he would send someone to beat them up, then would do something technical
Like the other person would just wake up one day and everything they own would just be gone
Like finances and things like that…. Just gone
HOWEVER, with you, he is so soft and gentle
When the two of you are out, he refuses to let you out of his sight
Not that he is constantly on edge, but he is very aware of your surroundings
Keeps you close at all times
Always smiling when you are around
And when you aren’t around, hes always talking about you, though he gets a little bashful when he does this
Would do anything to keep you safe
He knows what its like to lose someone romantically close to him, and every time you aren’t with him, hes on edge
He trusts you completely
Even when he was working with Kuryu, he kept you out of harms way, and told you all about it after he was out
Noboru is a quiet lover, he shares his admiration through the way that he looks at you, and gentle forms of PDA, if that is something that you are comfortable with
If you ever tell him that something he did made you uncomfortable, he would immediately stop, and apologize profusely
Takes very good care of you
Even helps you study for school
Overall: all he wants to do is take care of you. Very gentle and trusting with you, and though he knows you can take care of yourself, hes always there to support you
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Secret Santa is here! @xsweetelegantdisasterx I hope you were good this year🤔
Anyways, here's a present for you🎁
Parring: gn!reader x Amamiya Masaki
Summary: Being Cobra's sibling might be hard but dealing with outsiders? Different story
Warnings: harsh language
A/N: Hi, Aimee! Merry Christmas, I hope you have a great time with your family. I hope you enjoy my little present 🖤
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"Long time no see!" The door to Naomi's diner opened widely as you walked in with a smile on your lips and a few wounds on your face.
"Finally." Noboru in two steps walked up to you and hugged you tightly, almost killing you with his love. "We were worried."
"As always." You laughed but coughed due to lack of air. "Let. Me. Breath."
Noboru immediately stepped back and smiled shyly. He might not look like that but he was strong, especially his hugs.
"So where were you?" Yamato, when Noboru moved, hugged you, more gently than his friend.
"Ah, everywhere." Your answer was very general. "Done some fighting. Met new people. Basic stuff."
"You always do your 'basic stuff' and come back in blood." Summarized Noboru.
"I hope it's not your blood." Finally, Cobra, who has been silent from the moment you had walked in, spoke up, making you all three look at him.
"Well...most of it ain't mine." You said with a proud smile. "Just random men in the Nameless City. No biggie."
Cobra said nothing, only rolled his eyes, but you knew he was smiling inside. He could look cold but come on, he wasn't a monster. 
"Sit." Noboru, who disappeared for a second, came back with a first aid kit and pointed at the chair. "You need to look like a person."
"Nah, I'm fine." You walked up to the bar to talk to Naomi, who greeted you with a smile and a glass of water.
"Sit." Before you took a sip, someone grabbed you by the waist and dragged to the chair where you realized it was Yamato.
"I haven't been here for two weeks and you all act as if I just came back from a war." Your eyes moved to Cobra who was looking through the window. "Calm down, guys. I can handle myself."
"You sure?" The door opened again and two men came in.
When you realized who they were, you literally jumped up from your chair and hid behind Yamato's body, only peaking over his elbow.
"That's you?" A brown haired man pointed at you with a confused expression on his face. "Why are you here?"
"You know them?" Asked Noboru quietly, not moving his eyes from the guests.
"Amamiya brothers." Interrupted Cobra, slowly got up from his seat and walked in front of his friends. "What do you want?"
"Why are they here?" Masaki was still pointing at you, his eyes jumping from one person to another, including his brother. "Why?!"
"Not your business, giraffe." You hissed with a teasing smile.
"That's not what you called me a week ago." Masaki raised his eyebrow and smiled.
"No, I called you a bastard." Finally you came out from behind Yamato and faced brothers. "By the way, Cobra is my brother."
With that being said, you grabbed the first aid and went to the bathroom that Naomi let you all use.
A hot shower, that was something you needed. And fuck the stinging of the wounds, you enjoyed every second of the warmth on your skin, every hot drop tracing your body curves and the feeling of relief and relax. During those two weeks you were away, you forgot how the hot shower felt, you only had cold water and only from time to time, so now it was a blessing from the universe you could spend your sweet time in the warmth.
After you were done, clean and dry, you put on a hoodie that was hanging in the bathroom, probably one of the boys' and sweatpants you had with you, the one that wasn't covered in blood.
"Okay." Quick look in the mirror and you left the bathroom.
"Took you long enough." Joked Masaki when you again appeared in the diner.
"Mind your business, would you?" You sat next to Cobra, letting everyone in the room see the similarities between you two.
"I don't know what's going on between you two but cut it." Hiroto interrupted your childish argument and looked at Cobra who hasn't lifted his eyes even for a second. "You know what's going on. Won't you do something?"
"I don't know what's going on." Yamato looked and sounded confused. "Can someone enlighten me?"
"People are getting killed, buildings are burning, you know, basic stuff." Explained Masaki with a shrug. "No biggie."
"Well, your BETTER brother acts like the world is ending." You interrupted. "I guess it is a biggie."
"Better?" Masaki looked offended. "Excuse you? You didn't sl-"
"You are a bit late." Again, Cobra, after some time of silence, spoke up and looked at the Amamiya brothers. "It is being taken care of while we are talking."
"What?" Masaki got up from his seat and slammed his hands on the table. "We came here for nothing?"
"Anyone invited you?" You raised your eyebrow and smiled. "Don't remember saying anything."
"You were drunk!" Yelled Masaki.
"So were you!" You answered in the same manner.
The silence after your short argument was very quiet... more quiet than normally the silence is.
"Whatever." You got up and left, leaving all those men in the diner.
So you thought.
"Wait!" It was Masaki, running after you.
"Fuck off!" You yelled, not even thinking of stopping. "I've done talking."
"Why are you even mad?" Okay, this question made you stop and turn aggressively.
"Hmmm, let me think." You acted like you were thinking and finally got an idea. "Oh, right. You left me alone after that night."
"Really? That what's going on?" Masaki brushed his hair and sighed.
"Yeah." You felt like you two finished talking, so you continued on walking.
"And that's all?" He didn't give up.
"Ain't that enough?" You felt tears in your eyes, you were sure a few more words and you would explode.
Good for him, that he didn't disagree with you because that would break your heart even more. And you didn't want that...he didn't want that.
With that being said, or not, Masaki stopped and watched you, as you were walking away, disappearing from his view.
Night walkes. You missed it as much as you missed hot showers. Sleeping city, not lights disturbing the beauty of the sky, moon and the stars. It always would bring a smile to your face no matter what.
And it did now. Even though your eyes were red from crying, your lips were smiling while you were watching the night scenery. The comfort it was giving was indescribable.
"Ufff. I'm glad I caught you." The voice you didn't expect to hear now surprised you and the owner in a few steps stood in front of you and grabbed your arm. "And now I won't let you go until we talk."
"There is nothing to talk to." You answered yet you didn't move away, you kind of craved his touch.
"There is a lot to talk about." Whispered Masaki. "First of all, why are you mad."
"I've already told you."
"No. I know it's not the only reason." You again felt the tears in your beautiful eyes and a second later they were on your cheeks, making their way to your chin and then on your clothes. "Tell me, angel. Why are you mad at me?"
That's what he called you a week ago. He still remembered?
"You...you made me fall in love with you." You whispered, eyes full of tears, lips trembling and lungs having problems with catching the air. "Yes, I'm madly in love with you. And after you left after that night, it broke my heart. I-I thought we had something....I was w-wrong."
As at the first you tried to control your tears, now you couldn't. You let them run down your face while your eyes were sadly looking at Masaki with the moon reflecting in them. And you waited, for the answer.
He only smiled and shook his head.
"Oh, angel." His fingers tuck a hair lock behind your ear and caressed your warm cheeks. "You really thought it was just a one-night stand? I might be crazy looking but I would never."
His thumb ran over your bottom lip, what caused those butterflies to fly in your stomach, just like a week ago when you two had been in that room, just the two of you, dim light, bottle of wine on the table that you had been pouring into your already drunk bodies.
And now, when his lips touched yours, the memories came back as if it all had happened yesterday. The tears dried, body stopped shaking from nervousness, eyes closed. Your fingers griped Masaki's jacket and pulled him closer even though there was no distance between you two. But everyone knew why...you didn't want to lose him again.
"I'm not going anywhere, angel." Whispered Amamiya with a smile. "You're mine."
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How to tell Cobra
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Character(s): Smokey (x reader), "Cobra" Junpei Hino
Plot Line: Even though you were twins, Cobra was born before you. This meant he would be your big brother; no matter what you or he could do about it. He took this to heart and protected you fiercely from everything. However, what happens what you end up in a situation and you have to tell your protective older brother something he rather not hear?
Warnings: Anxiety, Angst, Inappropriate comedy (18+), talks of terminal Illness, High & Low violence
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How does one tell Cobra something. 
Even as his younger sister (though only by an hour, which you remind him of constantly) you ask yourself that often. For it is often that Cobra messes up and has to tell you something. Like the time Yamato and him broke your doll house or the time he accidentally lost all your history notes that he stole before a big exam. 
So whenever you messed up, it was hard to tell him. 
Usually there would be a right time or a moment you could bring it up. But, you didn’t think such a thing existed in this situation.
Put simply, you were pregnant. 
More precisely three months along now but you’ve known since you were two weeks in. The main problem was. You haven’t told anyone…
Not Naomi. Not Yamato. Not Noboru. And definitely–Definitely–not Cobra. 
The reason was simple. You were scared. Not just by their reaction when they find out you are pregnant. But by whom. 
Life worked in strange ways. Everyone would be shocked when they found out. How the hell did you two meet? They likely wouldn’t think you two had anything in common. Turns out it was the simple things. You both cared deeply about family and you both hated to be a burden to the ones you loved and adored. The two of you grew close over those two simple things. Extremely close on nights when one of you needed comfort. 
Was it love? Was it a close friendship? It was hard to determine.
It’ll be alright. We’ll figure it out.
You still remembered Smokey’s words when you told him. Always so calm and always so sweet; thinking of others before himself. Even as he tried to keep calm and collected, you could see by how his hands ever so slightly shook as he took yours that he was scared. Afraid. 
Smokey has never been in good health since you’ve known him. While you’ve helped him go to a doctor, they didn’t have much help to give. A lung transplant; that's the only thing that could stop his deteriorating health. All he could do was wait and maybe–if he was lucky–get a donation to pay for the surgery. But the chances were few and far between. So, he could only take some pills to keep himself stable and put his health on the back burner for now. 
Would he live long enough for the child to grow up? What would happen if you were left all alone? Even though he didn’t say it, you knew those were the questions that were clouding Smokey’s mind. 
It’ll be alright. We’ll figure it out.
You allowed him to hold you that night. Ignoring the worried calls from Cobra and the others when you didn’t return home. Only in the morning messaging a simple ‘I’m okay’ to them even though you weren’t. You and Smokey going your separate ways as the sun rose early in the morning. Him needing to return back to the Rude Boys and you needing to return back to Sannoh.
Life worked in strange ways. It really did.
It really fucking did.
“I can’t believe this,” You mumble, likely looking a little pale as you stare down at the stack of ultrasound photos. Each one of the Rude Boys wanting a photo of their precious niece/nephew so you had to ask for quite a few. Usually one would have their first ultrasound at 6 to 9 weeks but due to you working full time and bills needing to be paid, you had to wait until now; at 12 weeks. 
Technically you could have waited longer, Smokey and you were in no rush to get the ultrasound. An idea more on the backburner as the boys and him were more focused on trying to figure out if they could make furniture for the baby out of scrap wood from around nameless city. An idea you were highly against unless they sanded it and made sure none of the wood was compromised in any way. 
Surprisingly, they found such wood. And on the same day, when you woke up to a very big shock. 
“Lala,” Smokey’s sister whips her head around at her name being called. Looking quite confused as she sees you in the middle of Spring wearing a big puffy coat. It seemed your weird appearance didn’t just catch her attention either as P and Yu jumped down from their places in an area up above. Likely on patrol. 
“Is everything ok–” Not allowing her to answer, you dragged her to a tent nearby. Usually used for shops to set up, but it was far too early for them. Quickly, P follows after you two, signaling to Yu to go find Smokey. Knowing this is something he should know. “What’s wrong–”
Lala falls short of finishing her sentence as you take off your coat and show her what had you acting so strange. She couldn’t believe her eyes as she just saw you a day ago and it didn’t look like anything like this. 
“Woah…” P lets out, taking the words right out Lala’s mouth for her. The girl still very much in shock as she tried to wrap her head around it. “That’s… That’s normal right?”
“I– Sort of? I– I don’t know. They said it's common for it to just appear suddenly one morning when you wake up. But– I don’t think it's supposed to be–”
“Is everything–” 
You nearby jump in shock as Smokey and the rest of the Rude Boys barge into the tent. Expecting something horrible only to stare in shock just like P and Lala were seconds ago once they see you. The only one being somewhat calm about the situation being, of course, Smokey. Who after reading some books with you, knew this would be happening any day now. 
His eyes soften as he gazes upon it. Looking at you with love and wonder as he slowly makes his way to you. A soft grin spreading to his lips as he touches your stomach, lightly tracing the bump there with his calloused fingers. 
“Don’t– Don’t you think it's a bit big?” You finally ask after a few moments, telling Smokey the worry clouding your mind as you gazed upon your stomach, “I look eighteen weeks pregnant, not twelve.”
You were correct. While many in the tent knew nothing about pregnancies and had hardly ever seen a pregnant woman in her first trimester, they couldn’t help but agree that your bump was rather big. Which is likely what added to the huge shock as they saw you just over 24 hours before, no bump in sight. 
“Maybe you should go to that ultrasound?” Takeshi suggests, always the voice of reason amongst the boys especially whenever Smokey was absent. “If it has to do with your belly… the doctors should be able to notice it with that, right?”
Smokey and you looked at each other and you couldn’t help but agree that Takeshi made a fair point. 
“I can see if Dr.Sato has a free spot today? Will you be…” Your voice trails off when you notice a sad look grow on Smokey’s face. 
“Sorry…” He starts, letting out a heavy sigh, “Things between Daruma and us have been… tense. We are expecting Daruma to try to cause some chaos in the market later today. I really want to but–”
You grab Smokey’s hand, stopping the man from going into a rant, “It's okay. I understand.”
And you did. If being Cobra’s sister taught you anything, it is that sometimes the people you loved had to drop everything at a moment’s notice to protect what they believed in.
“Just keep me updated. I’ll let you know if I got the appointment and if nothing is going on, we can see if it's safe for me to come here after.”
Smokey nods his head. While disappointed he won’t be there, he is at least pleased he will be updated on what is going on.
As you finally turn your phone back on after shutting it down during your appointment, you couldn’t help but grow anxious at the slew of texts that came in; some dating back hours ago. While many were from Sannoh and your brother asking if you wanted to join them at the bar, some were from the Rude Boys. It seemed the situation with Daruma was solved and Smokey was wondering if–
“There you are,” You nearly jump in fright as a voice calls out in front of you. Instantly recognizing the blonde male in front of you.
“Takeshi? What the hell–” You start, thankful it wasn’t a different blonde. Especially as it would be hard to explain the building you were standing out in front of. Quickly you whip your head around before dragging the male into an alleyway nearby, “What are you doing here? This is Sannoh territory.”
It would be extremely hard to come up with an excuse as to why a Rude Boy was this far from their territory. Especially as the boys rarely left and you were in the north end of Sannoh, closer to Oya territory than theirs. 
“Smokey got worried. You didn’t answer his texts and it was getting dark,” Takeshi says, gesturing to the golden and red sky above you guys, “He sent me to pick you up.”
Moving his hand, he points to an old army jeep. One the Rude Boys often used along with their dirt bikes when they needed to get somewhere not in their territory fast. However, due to it being so old and so unique, it wouldn’t be hard for any of the Sannoh boys to instantly recognize the vehicle. Knowing an opposing gang was in their territory.
Oh god.
“Give me a second.” Takeshi says, suddenly seeming to remember something as he pulls out his phone. It rings for a moment before someone picks up on the other end.
“Hello?” Instantly recognizing the voice on the other end, you visibly relax. 
“Hey, Smokey. I’ve got her right here. She just came out of her appointment.” 
“Did everything go well?” Smokey asks as you take the phone from Takeshi. Already feeling much better as you could hear his voice on the other end. He has always had that calming effect on you, “Nothing wrong?”
Letting out another sigh, you hear shuffling on the other end of the phone. Likely the others joining Smokey to hear the results of your appointment.
“Everything went well. Nothing wrong at all. Just…” You let out a particularly heavy sigh, knowing you had no choice but to explain it to them as just ignoring the obvious would make them more concerned, “...I’m feeding for four.”
Takeshi–the only one you can visibly see–jaw drops in shock as he processes what you just said. Even though you shouldn’t, you can’t help but laugh a little. Finally giving the male the stack of photos after a few moments so he can finally come to terms on what you said. 
Staring down at the photo, even though it wasn’t his, Takeshi can’t help but feel tears pluck in the corner of his eyes as he sees his nieces/nephews. Each labeled with a number 1 through 3 so it was each to identify each one.
“Tr–Triplets…” Takeshi starts, his voice slightly shaking as he speaks, “She’s having triplets, Smokey.”
A little concerned by the sudden silence at the other end, you call out as well, “Smokey?”
Your eyes can’t help but widen in shock as you hear an ever so slight sniffle on the other end. 
Takeshi seems quite taken aback as well as he hears the others telling Smokey it was okay as they laughed and patted their leader on the back. Though the two of you quickly can’t help but allow a wide grin to take on your faces as you hear Smokey’s chuckle as well; Sounding slightly watered down from his tears and stuffy nose as he was still a bit emotional. Realizing it was a good cry, not a bad one.
“We’ll be there soon, Smokey.” Looking up at Takeshi, who grabs the keys from his pockets, you quickly follow him out of the alleyway as you continue to talk on the phone, “Don’t go crying anymore. I still have yet to show you the photos. I practically started sobb–”
Quickly, as you glance to your right, you can’t help but freeze in your steps. The smile wiping clean off your face when your eyes lock with another. 
Oh, no. 
No. no. no. no. no.
“Shit,” Takeshi curses once he sees them as well, “Smokey, fuck. We’ve been seen.”
However, even though you know Smokey and the others are saying something on the other end, you can only continue to stare at your brother; the rest of the world blocked out just from the pure shock running through your body. Cobra eyes are wide and confused as he sees you. The rest of the gang confused as well as they pause in getting off their bikes. Clearly having showed up after hearing the Rude Boys jeep was spotted in Sannoh.
It is only as Takeshi shakes your shoulder that you finally snap your gaze away from Cobra, “We have to go. Now.”
Not allowing you a second to respond, likely thinking you were still in shock, Takeshi grabs you by the wrist and starts dragging you to the car. Hoping that since the boys are far enough down the street, that he could beat them to his car.
“Hey. Hey!” The roaring sound of blood pumping through your veins echoes in your head as your brother finally snaps out of his trance. His voice muffled in your ears even though he is probably yelling. As you shakily take a seat in the passenger seat, you can’t help but jump in surprise as you feel a hand suddenly grab onto the jacket on your shoulder.
“What are you doing? Why the hell are you with—?” Yamato asks as you stare up at him with wide eyes. However, it is as he pulls at your jacket, that he sees your stomach. Stopping him dead in his tracks as he takes in the sight, “Why are you pregnant? What the fuck did those bastar–”
You gasp in shock as Takeshi suddenly kicks Yamato, getting the man to fall onto the sidewalk, as the vehicle finally starts. You can’t help but snap your head around as your brother begins to call your name, still racing after the vehicle. Only stopping once the vehicle finally picks up speed, causing him to stop and stare. 
To stare back at you with so many questions and concerns in his eyes.
“I—“ You start, turning back around to face the front. Just in pure shock at what just happened, “I— I should have told him. Oh my god… I’m such an idiot.”
“Stop it.” Takeshi yells over the wind as he drives, reaching a hand over to grab onto one of your shaking ones. “You did what you thought best. You weren’t sure how Cobra would react to finding out about Smokey. It could have caused a bigger mess than this for all you know.”
“But— My brother will be chasing after us, you know?” You start, looking in the rear view mirror as if waiting for the motorcycles of the Sannoh Hoodlum Squad to whip around the corner, “He’ll— He’ll come to nameless city and—“
“It’s okay. It’s okay.” Takeshi says, grabbing hold of your shoulders and hugging you as the vehicle reaches a stop light. “Everything will be okay. This can’t blow up anymore than it is.”
“Breathe. Please just breathe.” Takeshi says, running a hand down your back to soothe your shaking figure, “We’ll be home soon. Everything will be okay.”
As the stop light changes and he is forced to pull away, you are finally quiet. While still shaking, you lean into Takeshi’s side for comfort. Clutching his hand tightly as he continues to drive back to the Rude Boys territory. Unable to stop yourself from jumping whenever you heard to loud sound of a motorcycle engine off in the distance
“Smoke—“ As soon as Takeshi slams on the brakes, putting the car in park. The rest of the Rude Boys descend. Instantly Smokey clutches onto you and helps you out of the car, not wanting to let you go.
His eyes trail your body, looking for any signs that you were hurt in any way. 
“What in the hell happened out there?” 
“Sannoh recognized–” As Takeshi leaps out and begins to explain, you allow Smokey to pick you up–something you usually wouldn’t allow–as he and the group begin to walk. Knowing better than to argue with the leader when he was like this, though you also didn’t have the strength to. Secretly you are glad Smokey’s large puffy jacket muffled your ears from the talking of the boys around you. Allowing you to focus on his steady heartbeat; giving you a chance to tune out of the world. 
Though only for a couple of moments, only a couple moments of peace, before Smokey calls your name. Lifting your head, you glance up at Smokey, who looks down at you. Concern and apologies swirling in his dark eyes.
“We need to hide you.” Smokey whispers, seeming to not like the conclusion he has determined but knowing it was the best and safest option for you. 
“What…?” You start, caught off guard as the boys begin to jog, knowing where to head as they likely have limited time. You, still in his grasp, whip your head around to determine where you guys are going. However, night had fallen and it was too dark to know your surroundings. The only light being the moon that shined through the clouds, “Smokey, wait. You– You can’t do that. The boys– My brother is going to misunderstand.” 
“Yes, I know. I’m sorry.” Smokey says, lifting you up and handing you to P on a platform attached to a crane. Reminding you of the ones that are used in the mines. As the boys all jump on, Yu hitting the lever before jumping on as well, the platform begins to move upwards. Finally allowing you down to your feet, Smokey brings you into his arms. Hiding his face in your hair as he attempts to control his shaky breathing, “I’m sorry. I just… can’t risk how they will react. Yamato has already seen your stomach and they likely have already begun to draw their own conclusions.”
“But…” However, your voice quickly trails off as you think. Smokey had a point. While you know your brother and his friends would never hurt you. Never. You could very easily get caught in the crossfire if things heated up too quickly between the groups. The gangs in SWORD were always on the brink of war with one another. Even the slightest of comments or looks could break the peace in seconds.
“I’m sorry.” Smokey repeats, lifting his head to press a kiss to your forehead. One that causes your eyes to flutter shut as you lean into his gentle and caring gesture. As he pulls away, you can see a slight glint in his eyes. One you can’t determine as the lift final comes to a stop. As you look around, you gain an understanding of where you are. All of you are in some sort of watch tower office. One that clearly belongs to the Rude Boys as you look around: maps, notes and their items strewn about the place. 
As you watch P pull out a batch of wires inside the panel of the lift, clearly cutting the power so it can’t be accessed from below, Smokey takes you in another room. While you guessed it was originally meant to be a small office meant for a manager, the Rude Boys had clearly turned it into a resting room of some sort. Torn pillows, blankets, and even an old twin mattress on the floor in the corner. Likely this room was used by the boys when they took turns watching from the tower on patrols. 
As Smokey shuts the door and calls your name, you turn your attention away from your surroundings and back to him. 
“Promise me.” He starts, bringing up a hand to cup your face. Swiping a thumb across your cheek as he looks you in the eyes, “Promise me that no matter what happens that you won’t run out into the mess of this.”
While you didn’t want to agree. Especially as you considered what could possibly happen and how many could get hurt. A thing that made you nauseous as you realized it was all caused by you. You knew you had to agree. If you left Smokey and the others worried, who knew what could happen to them. 
You knew the best option would be to allow Smokey to have a clear mind. One that could keep him calm and hopefully talk to your brother instead of having an all out brawl commence, “I promise…” 
Your words are quickly cut off as Smokey captures his lips in yours. It is passionate and heated compared to the usual pecks he gives you. One that takes your breath away and leaves you dizzy. 
And as Smokey pulls away, you see the glint return back in his eyes. You once again didn’t understand it, that is until Smokey pulls you once again into another hug. Kissing your hair as he sighs, once more trying to calm himself. 
It is as he does so, his body pressed up against yours more so than usual as he rests his chin on your head, that you feel it. 
“I…” You start, unable to help yourself from letting out a laugh. Instantly trying to muffle it in the fur of his jacket as you feel it pressed up against your hip, “Do you have…?”
“Why do you…” You can’t help but let out another laugh at how Smokey shifts slightly away so you can no longer feel it. Always a gentleman. “Why do you have a boner, Smokey?”
“I–” As he pulled away to look at you, you could tell he felt embarrassed and quickly stopped laughing. His eyes looking more so to the wall than you, “It’s because… some guy is trying to take you away.”
“But… it's my brother.”
“I know.” His eyes snapping back to yours so you don’t misunderstand what he is trying to say, “It's because he has the power to stop me from seeing you. Permanently. That’s what it is, not who he is.”
“So… you are basically saying that you…,” You start, heat slightly spreading up your face at what you are about to say, “You are possessive over me and are trying to… stake your claim.”
Instantly, Smokey’s ears turn red and you can tell he just wants to bury his head back in your shoulder in embarrassment.
“It’s okay, Smokey,” You say, reassuring the man as you come up and press a kiss to his lips. One he instantly melts into, “It’s pretty… attractive. Just not the right place or time.”
“Don’t apologize. We can… explore this later.” You say, cutting off another apology from him. While he wasn’t as prideful like your brother or the other sword leaders, he was apologizing a lot today. Even for him, “I just don’t want the boys or… my brother to walk in on us.”
Just as an uncomfortable shiver trails up your spine at the thought, you see Smokey freeze. Definitely horrified at the thought as well. 
“Another day it is,” He agrees, making you laugh a little. The sound bringing a small grin to his lips. Though not for long as a knock on the door breaks the happy atmosphere. 
“Smokey,” Takeshi says, pausing for a moment as he seems to determine his next words, “Cobra and the rest of Sannoh is here.” 
“Okay. I’ll be out in a moment,” The leader replies, before looking back at you. A concerned look once again returning to his face, “Please. Stay here.”
“...I will…” 
Giving you one last look as he opens the door, Smokey seems to take you in–almost as if he was thinking this might be the last time he would see you–before shutting it close. A soft click followed by what sounds like shuffling. It takes you a moment to realize the boys were pushing heavy boxes in front of the door in order to hide the room. 
As silence overtakes the room, you find yourself all alone. With the only light in the room being from a window covered in newspaper clipping, you can’t do much other than sit so as not to trip or fall. You can’t even pace to ease your worries. 
With a heavy sigh, you grab an old tattered quilt on the floor and sit in the corner on the old mattress. Wrapping yourself in the blanket as the cold spring night wind whips around outside. It was a long time spent in silence and your own thoughts. You couldn’t even look at your phone or the ultrasound photo of the triplets; both still in Takeshi’s possession. Sitting, waiting and thinking; that's all you could do. 
You even thought about sleeping, but you knew you couldn–
You let out a loud yelp as a crash resounds throughout the room. The glass of the window shattering and it takes you a moment to realize it was P. Covered in bruises and cuts as he attempts to get to his feet in the middle of the room, you realize someone had thrown him through it.
“Are you ok–” 
“Stay back!” P yells, stopping you from coming to him as you get to your feet. You are confused until you hear someone else jumping through the window as well. However, it's not who you expect. 
“So this is where you have been keeping her,” Koo says as he adjusts his white suit, slightly brushing something off his shoulder. Rocky’s assistant glances your way as you stare at him in shock; seeming to check over your figure. His eyes stopping on your stomach before his jaw clenches, “A bunch of heathens that's what you guys are. How many times did you take turns abusing and manipulating this woman?”
“Wait–” However you can’t even get a word in before you are suddenly lifted up, letting out a scream as someone begins to take you through the window.
“Let her–” P dodges as Koo attempts to hit him with his staff. The older man fully intending on blocking the Rude Boy from grabbing you as you are continued to be taken through. 
As you glance back, you see Shimura. The blonde male, with both of his eyes covered in those strange leather goggles of his, grins at you, “Got you!”
Of course, the White Rascals are here.  
Protector of Women. They would instantly jump in if one was in danger. You were just surprised your brother asked the group for help. At least you think he did. 
Did that mean the Rude Boys were outnumbered? Were any of the other SWORD groups here as well? You had too many questions and worries bouncing through your mind. Way too overwhelmed for what was good for you.
“Okay, now we are– Hey! Wait!” As soon as Shimura puts you down on the platform so you can stand, you instantly end up bolting. As to where you would go, you didn’t know. You knew you couldn’t go back in the office as that would be a dead end and Koo was still in there. Stuck on the highest point of the tower, you technically could only go one way. Down.
“Oi! That's dangerous!”
The white rascal chases after you, only to freeze in his steps as he watches you go over the railing and walk across a supported metal beam. Thank goodness the boys got bored one day and taught you some of their tricks. While you couldn’t do any of their crazy flips or spins, you could at least keep your balance and slide down on some things.
Grabbing hold of the fabric at the end of the beam that fell all the way to a platform a few floors below, you take a deep breath and step off the edge. An action that makes Shimura gasp and begin to yell at you to knock it off as you dangle on the material; drawing the attention of some of the others nearby. 
“Oi– Hey!” You nearly jump in fright as something grabs onto the fabric as well, however you breathe a sigh of relief when you just realize it is just P. The young man a bit more bruised than a couple moments ago when you saw him but he seemed to escape Koo’s grasp without an issue. 
“Be careful,” P says as places one of his arms around your waist, just in case you slipped so he could grab you, “Let's try to get you away from this mess.”
With a deep breath, you and P begin to slide down the fabric. A bit slower than what the Rude Boys would normally do, but thankfully you got to the bottom without any issues. 
“The bikes–Shit.” Just as P goes to look at something, he instantly stops in his tracks. As you look to your right, you see both Rocky and your brother making their way to you. Simply stated, Cobra looked pissed. 
“Hino, wait–” You start only to stop once something jumps down in front of you. Taking you by surprise, it takes a moment to realize it was Smokey. While you normally would be more than glad to see the young man, it wasn’t right now. Your heart stopping when you see the crimson liquid dripping from his lips, knowing it was from his lungs, “Stop. Stop! Everyone just stop!”
As you clutch onto Smokey, screaming at everyone, Cobra and Rocky pause in their steps. Well maybe not Cobra if it weren’t for Rocky sticking out a hand to stop him. 
“Are you okay?” You ask as Smokey gets to his feet, a little shaky as he wipes his lips. The man nods his head but makes no effort to move, instead bringing you close so you are behind him. P behind both of you so as to watch your backs.
“Stay… Stay behind,” Smokey chokes out, grabbing your hand and running his thumb over it. As he looks back at you, unable to help yourself–mostly out of worry–you take the sleeve of your jacket and rub away the crimson liquid falling from the man’s lips. An action that has you wincing as Smokey ends up accidentally having a coughing fit into the fabric; Spiting up more blood in the process but you don’t bring your hand away. Too worried about him than anything else. 
“Smokey, you bastard!” Cobra suddenly yells, catching you off guard as you look to see your brother practically fuming as he glares down the male. If looks could kill, right? “I thought of you better than this. You have a sister but you– you still allow your group to manipulate and rape–”
“Hold up! Wait!” You shout, cutting off the extreme conclusion your brother came to. Not even wanting him to finish that sentence. Taking a deep breath you finally decide it was time to address the obvious. No more running away in fear or allowing Smokey to protect you.
“Hino, they never did any of that. I– Smokey and I…” You take your gaze away from your brother to look at Smokey. The haggard man slightly panting in order to breathe but smiles gently as you Interlock your fingers with his. Giving you a reassuring squeeze, “Smokey and I are together.”
“Well sort of together,” You say, mumbling slightly; not noticing the tone your brother used, “We became close friends and… things sort of happened… and then I got pregnant. I–”
“You–” Something suddenly smashes nearby, making you jump slightly and cut off your words. Instantly Smokey pushes you further behind him and it takes you a moment to realize it was caused by Cobra. Your brother having kicked something nearby to him in a heat of rage, “You can’t be serious. This– This has to be some sort of lie. He must be manipulating–”
“It’s not!” You yell back, your emotions finally coming crashing down on you, “I just– I just…”
You let out a heavy sigh as you cross your arms, slightly gnawing at your lip as you begin to feel anxious. Especially knowing you had to explain your decision, “I was just scared to tell you, Hino.”
Your brother seems to pause for a moment. His gaze slightly growing less sharp and cold upon hearing your words, “Scared to tell me…?”
“I…” You gulp, feeling tears begin to prick the corner of your eyes. Damn it, “I–I knew I messed up. I don’t regret anything with Smokey but I knew that because he was from another group that it could cause problems. I wanted to tell you but– but– I was scared if it would cause a fight or– or– if it would disappoint you– or–”
You sniff a little, wiping your eyes as tears rolled down your cheek. It's silent from Cobra’s end and you can’t bring yourself to look up at your older brother. Though through blurry vision trained to the ground you see Smokey turn around. Guessing he was looking at you as he began to rub comforting circles in your hand. Unable to help yourself–the simple act reducing you to sobs–you can’t help but throw yourself in the male’s arms; hiding your head in the man’s jacket as you cry.
However as you cry in Smokey’s jacket, trying to calm the aching and horrible feeling in your heart, it isn’t long before a hand grasps your arm and you are pulled into another’s hold. The other person’s arms instantly wrapping around your body tightly as they place their chin on your shoulder. Smelling the cologne and laundry detergent you knew your brother used made you sob even harder when you realized it was him who was holding you.
“I–I’m–m so sorry– Sorry, Hino–” You sob out, your voice breaking and cracking as you attempt to pull yourself together. Especially as your brother hushes you and draws shapes on your shoulder with his hand to get you to calm down. Something he has done ever since you two were kids.
“Idiot… What are you apologizing for?” Cobra says, pulling his head back up so you can see each other. With a small frown on his face, he brings up a thumb and wipes the tear stains from your cheeks, “I’m not angry or disappointed in you. Sure, you and Smokey…”
He takes the chance to send the male a glare from over your shoulder. One you probably would guess, Smokey gave right back; knowing him.
“...I’m not too happy about it but it's at least better than Murayama or… Hyuga. I would definitely kill them if that ever happened.” You can’t help but let out a small choked laugh at your brother’s comment. Especially as he grumbles about the last part, “But, if anything, I’m just upset and worried you felt like you couldn’t tell anyone this.”
“Technically, all of nameless city knew–”
“Doesn’t count.” Your brother sternly says, cutting P off, “You couldn’t have even told Naomi?”
“You know she would instantly tell Yamato or you.”
Your brother huffs but understands that you were very much correct in your assumption. While she kept some secrets from the boys, you knew she would definitely tell the boys about it the moment she found out about anything between you and Smokey. Entirely for your safety of course.
“So…” Your brother starts after a sigh, seeming awkward but you could tell he wanted to ask something, “How long have you and Smokey been a… thing?”
“Well…” You turn to Smokey who seems to freeze at the subject. Knowing this could quickly set Cobra off as well, “We aren’t really together. We sort of…”
“…are messing around?”
“No, no,” You say, quickly reassuring your brother as he attempts to go around you. Likely to give Smokey a piece of his mind if he thought of you as a ‘fun time’, “It wasn’t physical. Definitely not at first. We would just… rely on the other to share our deepest secrets and to seek reassurance when we weren’t okay. It isn't until later that the other stuff just… happened.” 
Grumbling under his breath, your brother seems still quite unhappy about the whole situation but honestly–-truly honest–his reaction could have been a lot worse. Especially knowing him and all the scenarios you conjured up in your head. 
It is only as heavy boots approach you, that you forgot about one crucial thing. A thing that makes your blood run cold once more.
“Sor–Sorry, Rocky,” You murmur sheepishly, glancing at the Rascals leader as he approaches. While he outwardly didn’t look pissed, some of the White Rascals men were definitely beaten up. A clear indicator in the bruises and cuts on Kaito, Kizzy and Koo’s faces as they walk up behind their leader, “Sorry you got dragged into this mess–”
However, the White Rascals leader raises his hand, signaling you to stop in your rant. A small smile gracing his lips, that quickly disappears as you blink. Reaching into his pocket, the man pulls out a business card and gives it to you.
“If shit hits the fan again and you need help,” He starts, pulling down his sunglasses he gives you a knowing wink, “Don’t hesitate to call.”
“Hey.” Your brother warns as the White Rascal leader walks away. But, the Rascals don’t listen and just ignore your brother; instead cheering and exhaustingly leaving as they eaves you goodbye. The only one seeming to still pay attention to your group was Kizzy. The young woman holding up a small picture–almost making you choke on your spit as you instantly identify it–and sending you a knowing smile.
“You better stop by at the club,” Kizzy yells as Kaito wraps an arm around her shoulder, beginning to lead her away, “I want to see more of these cuties.”
“Hey!” Yu yells as he leaps down next to you guys. However the Rascals are already walking down the metal steps; no longer in hearing distance, “That’s ours!”
“It’s fine. It’s fine.” You reassure, stopping the younger male from chasing after them. Clearly pouting at the fact they stole something they were waiting for, “I got plenty of extra copies.”
“Extra copies…?” Cobra asks as Yu yells upwards at Takeshi. Asking him to come down so as to get his copy. Once more you freeze as you realize your brother has no idea about the appointment today… nor the results.
“Well…” You start as Takeshi joins you guys. A nervous sweat breaking out as you see the rest of Sannoh and Rude Boys coming out from the structure as well, coming to likely see what the ruckus is about, “...twin genes, am I right?”
As Takeshi holds out a picture to Cobra, you back up and return to Smokey’s side. Allowing Sannoh and your brother to process what exactly they were seeing. Hoping their reaction wouldn’t be too bad as you left them alone with the other Rude Boys.
“You okay?” You ask Smokey, cupping the male’s face. His stern eyes easing as you approach; seeming to melt into your touch as he wraps a hand around your waist. Always liking you close by within arms length.
Instead of responding, Smokey leans in and takes your lips with his. While you flinch a little at the sticky feeling, reminding you he was just coughing up blood a few moments ago, you eventually relax and return the loving kiss. Humming as Smokey takes his other calloused hand and gently cups the back of your neck. Playing with the baby hairs located there that causes shivers to shoot up your spine.
As Smokey pulls away, a loving gaze on his face. You can’t help but grin uncontrollably back at him. An action he seems to like as he wraps you in his arms and presses kisses to your face. A smile beginning to grow on his—
“Smokey… I think we should have a talk.”
Uh oh.
You forgot about Cobra standing right there. 
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I'll Crawl Home to You (Cobra)
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Cobra (Hino Junpei) x Reader
Song: Cool People - Chloe x Halle
Summary: Cobra is haunted by the past and swarmed by the worries of the future. He remembers what has happened and the lives before his own. One thing is certain in every lifetime, he doesn't want to lose you.
WC: 2k
Notes: my works can be gorey, violent, and other mature themes! im fully recovered from my ear infection yaya - sorry this took so long 💔 inception reference if you find it. yes this is hozier coded. NOT EDITED IM SORRY.
When it gets too quiet, Cobra starts to remember. It can come in waves, but each and every feeling is just as strong as the next. It reaches to every nerve of his body, completely enveloping from his soul to his fingertips.
Then, things start to change. He can feel his hands get cold, then almost frozen. Snowflakes slowly descend on the tips of his ears and hair.
When Cobra opens his eyes he's surrounded by abandoned buildings, there are echoes of things he can't understand. Voices of children laughing, men in pain, or animals crying out in the night. Wood snapping, glass shattering, or metal creaking. Whatever it was, it was all forgotten to the world.
Cobra began to walk, his feet carrying him somewhere based on instinct. He stopped at an open space, when he did he realized he couldn't remember how he came to be here. Cobra saw in the distance a figure on the ground and he walked over to it.
The snow disguised his grey hair, blanketed in white for eternity. Even with discolored eyes and lips, Smokey was distinguishable. Cobra hated the fact his eyes were wide open.
Smokey fought bravely, and Smokey died.
Still, no matter how much chaos and blood that entered their lives he couldn't stand to look at the corpse.The familiar feeling bubbling in himself, the only other time it appeared was when he saw Tatsuya on that cold metal table. The day he realized what made any of this worth it, and that no one was safe.
Cobra crouched, reached over to Smokey and shut his eyes. It was a horrible reminder of that this was inevitable. While Cobra thought he had learned that from Tatsuya, Smokey made him see that he still didn't completely get it. Cobra let his ally rest, he deserved it. But Cobra couldn't, not when he had people waiting for him.
Cobra saw you, a strained smile with beautiful eyes. The images of you in his mind made him jerk up from the ground.
Pain, Cobra was in pain.
Even without any promises made to you, he felt his heart sink. He remembered the only voicemail you left that day. Your voice wavering and strained, Cobra could hear the silent tears. His own eyes stinging while he stood at Smokey's grave.
That was the most fear Cobra had ever felt in his entire life. Not when Noboru had a gun pointed at him or when he was ready to suffocate in cement.
The quiet grief around the grave, while he stood back with his phone pressed against his ear. As he listened to your words, completely alone.
Without Smokey, without Tatsuya, without Sannoh, without you.
As Cobra was shaking, he screwed his eyes shut and he let the cold air in.
But his hands no longer had his frozen phone and felt something soft under his fingers.
The warmth in his body rose, much more comfortable in his skin. He felt something tickle his face.
Cobra sneezed, and after he opened his eyes to a warm blue sky. Tall grass gently moved in the wind with tree branches that loomed above him. Cobra pushed himself up, palms pressed against the cold soil and grass.
When he sat up he heard a small fit of laughter, hidden well enough that he thought he imagined it. But you peeked your eyes out, the bottom half of your face hidden behind his shoulder. You seemed to laugh again at the look on his face and shuffled over him.
Straddled over his lap, you smiled. Now Cobra could completely process it was you. He cupped your face, hypnotized in your eyes.
"Hi," He breathed, feeling the fresh air give him an odd sense of security.
"Caught you," You kissed him briefly. The feeling bringing a warmth in chest back he didn't know he lost. A fever that he was so eager to feel again. "I think you wanted me to find you."
"I always want you with me," Cobra quietly told you. He felt his anxieties melt away.
As you lifted yourself up, he noticed you were in an unfamiliar white dress. You were also barefoot, not something he'd imagined you'd be in the dirt. The bright sun completely shined over you as you left the shade the trees gave. You basked in light, head tilted up with your eyes closed.
Cobra scrambled up, trying to pace himself over to you. But you both knew the eagerness in his touch, he glowed at the feeling of running his hands against your hair.
"Do me a favor?" You asked and tucked your head in the crook of his neck.
"What is it?"
You hummed, taking your time, "Hold me."
Cobra immediately did, all sense of confusion was gone. You were here, humming in a state of tranquility. It felt as normal as the sound of the leaves and the birds chirping. Even standing, he could have fallen asleep like this.
But the hums stopped, and your voice cracked. "Just hold me."
The rustling of a thousand leaves sounded louder, deeper, until he started to hear water. Cobra heard the chittering of birds turn to cries. He couldn't feel the long grass swaying against his lower legs anymore.
Cobra looked up, seagulls flying high above. The strong smell of salt and humidity filled his senses. The ground rocking under his feet, and your shivering body with him. The ragged and loose clothes on you made Cobra look at his own, which were the same.
Your nails were on the verge of cutting his skin. Cobra moved his hands over yours and grimaced. It wasn't because of the pain.
"I'm sorry," He told you, "I got you dragged into this."
"Do you love me?" You asked.
His mouth hung open at that, "Yes. Yes."
You looked down at the ground, smiling. The deep crescents on his skin were gently touched by your calmer hands.
Cobra peered over the edge of the boat, watching the water break against the hull. The sun was beating down on him, reminding him of what he had to do. Even in the burning heat, he didn't want to think about himself.
You were lingering back, looking at the horizon.
"Downwards is…" You whispered.
Cobra turned around, "What?"
Again, your hand gripped into his arm. A look of complete panic took over your features. Cobra shook his head in confusion, his stomach dropping for reasons he couldn't understand.
He couldn't feel the floor under his feet. Only when he sank under the ocean did he realize he was falling. Deep, into the bottomless ocean, where his ears pounded loudly and saltwater began to fill his lungs. But only when Cobra couldn't feel you with him was when he began to struggle against the water.
Where were you? Where were you? Cobra wanted to scream. He couldn't lose another person. He couldn't lose you. There was no point of any of it if he couldn't come back to you.
Through blurred eyes, Cobra saw your figure drifting way below. With no hesitation, he pushed his body down. He swam as fast as he could, the pounding in his ears getting louder. Cobra would never let you reach the bottom of the abyss.
When the shadows started to darken over you, it was Cobra who brought you to the light. He had an arm around your torso and with all of his will he pushed to the surface.
He gasped for air and with his arm around you, he couldn't tell if you were awake. Cobra moved his arm against you, trying to see if you would respond. The waves crashing against the both of you made the struggle worse. He had to get you to shore before the sea would overcome you two.
Cobra couldn't even notice the way he could see his breath, puffs visible in the air. The water dripping from his hair was freezing. It didn't even matter, he needed to get you to safety.
With every ounce of his power and will, he swam to a shore he saw from the distance. Every second was torture, not knowing whether he was dragging your corpse or your unconscious self.
Cobra gritted his teeth at the aching thoughts swarming his mind. When he pushed your body up the rocky shore, he lurched up after you.
His heart shattered at the sight of your closed eyes.
Cobra called your name, again and again. He grabbed your shoulder, shaking you roughly in panic. Slowly, he felt himself struggling to breathe. Much more painful than being in the water.
Then, you arched up. You coughed up seawater on his shirt. Cobra choked on a sob, you were here. You were here with him, you hadn't left him. He held you close while you slowly opened your eyes.
The sky was a dark red, as trees and mountains burned. Still, the air was cold and your drench clothes were freezing.
"Downwards," You mumbled, "is the only way forwards."
Cobra cupped your face with his hands. He shook his head, "Just look at me. Keep your eyes on me."
The world burned and burned. But he held you in his arms.
Cobra gasped for air when he opened his eyes. His heaving chest controlled immediately when felt you on the bed, beside him as always. In the dark, he could see your locs of hair splayed around the pillowcases. The loosely fitted t-shirt and shorts on you, he recognized.
Carefully, he sat up and moved to the edge of the bed. The sound of the electric fan moving from left to right reminded him of where he was.
You were a light sleeper though, it was almost impossible for you not to feel the dip in the bed. The sight of Cobra's back made you pout, only visible because of the streetlight that poured from the window.
You reached for his arm and tugged a few times. The sound of him sighing made you smile, especially when he shuffled back into the thin covers.
Cobra faced you, close enough to feel you breathing. Close enough to press his lips onto yours. You hummed happily against the kiss. When you broke the kiss you could see his eyes in the darkness. Even in the middle of the night, you could tell the tension in his shoulders and the stiffness in his body.
"Did you have that dream again?" You whispered, running your fingers over his lips.
"Dreams," Cobra corrected, but he more muttered it to himself.
"They're just dreams."
"Something always happens." You both knew he wasn't talking about the dreams.
"So?" You ask.
"So? I'm tired of people getting hurt." Cobra turned his body and faced the ceiling.
"Junpei. Look at me. No, Look at me," Your hands on his jaw making him face you.
"Life is gonna hurt," Your voice raspy and groggy with sleep, "You know that and I'm not gonna pretend to know the pain in your life. But no matter what, you're not alone Junpei."
"When you come home, I'll be here." Your face dropped for a moment, "But. Just come home, okay?"
Cobra nodded, of course he could do that. He could do that for the rest of his life.
"I love you. I love you so much," He kissed your forehead. "In this life and the next."
You looked at him and squinted, "Don't even think about proposing at 4am on the sweatiest day of my life. I'll break up with you."
Cobra, full of laughter, pulled you over his body. While you drowsily swatted his chest, he tightened his arms around you.
He hated how long it took him to realize how much wounds you have healed and how much life you could give him.
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ka-za-ri · 7 years
Could I get #13 with Noboru if you have the time?
EEEE!!! I get to write for precious Noboru?? HELL YEAH! Let’s do this!!! >:3c 
This wasn’t meant to be a date, but we’ve had such a good time and now it’s 2 a.m. and I should really go home…
You met Noboru under unfavorable circumstances. Autumn had brought upon unseasonable rain and you were ill prepared for the poor weather. At least from the off season rain, you had the pleasure of meeting the warmest soul under a navy blue umbrella. As the sound of rain thrummed over the two of you, he asked quietly if you would like to go somewhere to dry off. 
“It wouldn’t be good if you caught a cold.” 
Though your whole body was chilled to the bone from the wind and rain, the smile he gave you warmed your whole soul through. “Anywhere not outside would be lovely.” You admitted, glad to have a chance to get away from the cold. You had expected him to simply take you somewhere warm, offer you a drink and be go on with the rest of his day. 
What you hadn’t expected was to be infatuated with the idea of ‘us’ when your fingers barely brushed against his as he handed you your drink. The idea that the two of you could have more than just a quickly passing day as you talked about everything and nothing at all. To the tune of some indie love song at a cafe, you fell in love with the sweeping tenor of his voice as he told you what he studied, where he came from, and why his eyes reminded you of the color of  violin lacquer. 
Throughout the day, the thought of ‘us’ became an odd, incessant need to hold onto his hand until the moon reached well beyond it’s midnight peak. As enthralled as you were by his stories, there was always a hint of something sad to each one of them that you yearned to caress and embrace wholeheartedly until he could feel at ease with his life. Somehow, through the span of a few short hours, you became obsessed with owning that loneliness he held on his shoulders so that he could walk talk and smile with ease. 
Though your clothes had long dried and your toes had regained feeling, you didn’t want him to stop talking. The fear that what magic you had together would dissipate, just like the sudden storm you met under loomed over you as shops closed and the two of you were asked to find your ways back home.  
His company on that dreary day became the number of raindrops that had fallen onto the umbrella you shared with him for a scant three minutes. The hours you spent afterwards in that warm coffee shop could have stretched for years and you still wouldn’t have noticed time passing. You were content with your present so long as he was with you. Even if the storm itself had passed, you could still hear the echoes of the drops somewhere in the distance, reminding you of how little time you had as the day came to and end and your inevitable parting came. 
“It’s late...” He said after walking you three blocks in the direction of home. “I really should get going.” 
“I had fun though, I’m sorry you didn’t get any studying done.” 
“It was well worth the time spent with you.” Noboru replied with a soft smile. 
“Maybe we should do it again sometime?” You suggested, hoping he would let you hold some of that loneliness he carried in your hands. 
“Sounds like a date to me.” 
Maybe the idea of ‘us’ wasn’t too far fetched after all. 
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damistrolls · 2 years
Well in the meantime..... Hi Lashy! Write anything new lately?
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"Kid. I'm constantly writing. Of COURSE I've written something new.
You feel like reading my explicit Noboru Izuumi x reader drabble, or my angsty Gracious x Faithful slowburn with an unhappy—yet narratively satisfying—ending? The second one's an AU based on a dumb rumor I heard, where the Faithful Provider is like all scary and ruthless and stuff."
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nessinborderland · 3 years
Sleepless Nights
Pairing: Cobra x Reader
Genre: Romance/Fluff
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: Cobra never thought he deserved much in life. All he ever wanted was for his friends to be close and his home to be safe. He fought for it with all he had, but that was it. It almost felt like he was pushing his luck if he asked for much more than that. So he never did. Until you showed up.
Warnings: Smut, Light Angst, Miscommunication, Cobra thinks he's unworthy of love
Notes: This is officially my first High&Low fanfic! Not sure how to feel about it, but I kinda like it. More to come for sure. Tysm to everyone that has been enthusiastic about my passion for H&L lol, love y’all!
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Cobra never thought he deserved much in life. All he ever wanted was for his friends to be close and his home to be safe. He fought for it with all he had, but that was it. It almost felt like he was pushing his luck if he asked for much more than that.
So he never did.
Until you showed up. 
It was like the sun itself had entered the diner the first time he met you. You had introduced yourself as Naomi's friend from abroad, and the ease and happiness you radiated almost made him want to greet you with a smile. And then your eyes locked and you grinned at him, and his heart skipped a beat. That's when he started falling for you.
Not that he realized it at that moment.
It took him months of watching you smile and laugh with everyone around him to realize that the butterflies in his stomach meant he was attracted to you, and that the spark of annoyance he felt when he watched a guy speak to you was jealousy. He thought it was only sexual at first, but he soon realized that it was much more than that.
He was taken aback at the realization; it made no sense to him.
You barely spoke to one another. He was sure that you didn't even particularly like him if the way you acted around him was any indicator. You caught him staring once, and the only thing you did was turn your back to him and continue laughing at something Dan said. 
That hurt him more than he cared to admit.
So he tried to bury his feelings for you. Not that anyone would notice any changes in him. He mostly kept to his corner, reading a book or talking with the guys, as quiet and stoic as ever. You being there didn't change that.
Except that he couldn't stop his eyes from wandering to you, or his attention from focusing on you every time he heard you laugh. 
"When are you gonna tell her?" Noboru interrupted his thoughts with a nudge to his shoulder. 
That's when Cobra noticed that the book he was reading had been forgotten in his lap, his eyes now on you as you played darts with Tetsu and Dan. You were smiling at them like he wished you would smile at him. He felt his ears get warm at being caught, shrugging before going back to his book.
"I don't know what you're talking about," was all he said as he pretended to keep reading.
"You can fool everyone else, but I see the way you look at her," Noboru proceeded, almost making him curse his best friend's perceptiveness, "You're not as discreet as you think you are, you know?"
Cobra took a deep breath before closing the book and making a move to stand up. He wasn't in the mood to discuss his crush or to lie to his friend.
"I'm gonna go–"
"She likes you too," those words made him stop in his tracks, before looking back at Noboru. The man was looking at you with a teasing smile pulling at the corner of his lips, "Aren't you curious to know how I know that?"
Cobra glanced at you once more before going back to his seat, arms crossed as he waited for his friend to talk.
"So, I heard Naomi and her talking about you in the kitchen the other day," Noboru started, "She thinks you don't like her because you keep avoiding her, but she definitely has a crush on you."
"Are you sure?" was all Cobra was capable of asking.
"Absolutely," his friend nodded with a chuckle, "She likes your moody ass, for whatever reason."
Cobra gulped as he thought of what you having a crush on him implied. Did that mean that he now had to talk to you about it? Did that mean that you would say yes if he asked you out? What would that even entail? His encounters with women were merely ways for him to relieve stress, nothing romantic about it.
He had no idea of what to do.
So he did the opposite of what he normally did; he ran away.
"Hmm," he grunted in final acknowledgment of his friend's words before standing up, determined to leave the diner as fast as he could, "I'm leaving. There's something I need to do."
He cringed at his own lie, ignoring Noboru's calling and everyone's stare – your stare – on him as he left into the rainy night outside. 
He liked the night. He liked the rain. It allowed him to think in peace as he made his way home, mad at himself. He was a coward, nothing but a sad man undeserving of love. He didn't even know you. He knew nothing about you, and you knew nothing about him.
So why did he care so much? Why did it hearing that you liked him filled his heart with hope?
His phone ringing made him stop under the rain, checking who it was before pressing the red button. He would find a more convincing excuse for Noboru tomorrow. His phone rang again, and again, making him sigh before finally picking up the call.
"Noboru I–"
"C-Cobra?" that was not his friend. He held his breath as he recognized your voice on the other side, "Cobra, are you okay?"
"Why are you calling me?" he didn't mean for his words to sound so harsh, but hearing the worry in your voice made him act defensive – like you had no business having any feelings towards him. He regretted it almost instantly.
"I- I'm sorry," you said before he had the chance to say anything else, "I just noticed you left in a hurry, and Noboru said that I should try and talk to you so… are you okay?"
"I'm fine," he said, "I just had to leave."
"Okay," there was an awkward pause where neither of you said anything. He opened his mouth to finally say something when you said, "Can I- Can I have your number?"
"My number?" he asked, confused.
"Only if you want to!" you rushed to say. That's when he noticed the anxiety in your voice. Was he making you nervous? "You don't have to. But, you know, if you want to talk… I can talk."
He was in bed hours later after speaking with you on the phone. He hadn't been willing to say much else besides letting you have his number, and he regretted it now. He couldn't sleep, too restless to even lay still. It just wouldn't happen for him; not tonight. His head was full of thoughts of you and what-ifs.
What if this was all a misunderstanding?
What if you actually liked him?
What if he couldn't protect you?
What if he hurt you?
What if, what if, what if.
His phone buzzing broke him out of overthinking. He reached for his phone, his heart skipping a beat as he saw a message from an unknown number.
Is this Cobra?
Yes! How're you feeling?
fine. it's 3 AM
Omg, I'm so sorry! Were you asleep?
nah. can't sleep. u? 
Can't either.
He didn't know how to keep the conversation going. Did he even want to? His phone buzzed with a new message before he could think too much about it.
Can I ask you something?
Are you mad at me?
no. why do u ask?
I'm not sure, it just seems that I made you uncomfortable and I would like to apologize if I ever did something to you.
u didn't do anything. i'm just not really the approachable type 
Ahh that makes me more relaxed xD can we start over then? Friends?
Friends. Friends. You wanted to be friends. That was fine by him. He wouldn't mind being friends with you.
do u like me?
are u passing by the diner tomorrow?
I am! Wanna have lunch together? :)
sounds good
See ya tomorrow then! Goodnight <3
A heart emoji. Didn't those mean something? What did it mean? What did any of this mean? He reread your convo one, two, three times, now with one hundred percent certainty that you had asked him out for lunch.
He definitely couldn't fall asleep after that.
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He rarely ever felt as nervous as he was then, entering Itokan to be greeted by your smile. He joined you at the table, happy that it was only you two and a few other patrons that barely paid him any mind.
Except for Naomi, that sent him a knowing smile as she got your lunch orders.
"Got some sleep last night?" it was the first thing you asked him as you sat across from each other. He nodded, even though it was a complete lie, and asked you the same, "Not really," you laughed, "Had a lot on my mind."
He hummed, wondering if you were as nervous as he was to meet. If what Noboru said was true, that was definitely a possibility, wasn't it? 
You didn't look nervous at all, though. Not to him, at least. You laughed and smiled and talked like he was the most interesting company on earth, even though he barely said a thing. 
It felt comfortable, though. It felt right.
"You have a really pretty smile, you know?" your statement caught him off guard, and that's when he realized that he was full-on smiling at something you were saying. He felt his ears get red immediately, unsure if he should just accept the compliment or try to figure out what you meant by it.
"Thanks?" he said, unsure, "You're pretty too," he decided to add in a hurry, blushing all over his face at realizing what he had said. Was he ever this awkward? His gang would laugh in his face if they saw him right now.
"Thanks," you said with a laugh. Your reaction made him relax almost instantly, and you were soon back to talking and enjoying your food together.
He had to admit, he could get used to this.
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You kissed him first.
You had invited him to your home one night when neither of you could sleep. He didn't think much of it; it wasn't the first time you spent time together, just talking.
But that night was different.
It was just a push of your lips against his, but he wanted more. So he did what he had wanted to do for months and pulled your face closer, consuming your mouth with his. You moaned as he kissed you, pressing your body closer to his, making him feel like he was on fire.
It was intoxicating.
"Bedroom?" you asked once your lips parted for breath. He quickly nodded as he went back to kissing you, now with a newfound passion. 
He couldn't stop himself from kissing down your body as soon as he got you naked, wanting to taste you, to be consumed by your essence. And you let him do it like he hoped you would, moaning his name exactly like you did in his dreams when he was lonely and all he had was his hand and fantasies of you.
But you felt nothing like you did in his dreams. His hand could never compare to the warm tightness of your cunt around him, or how your body shivered and trembled at every thrust of his hips against yours.
"Please don't stop," your begging was music to his ears, "Please, I'm so close."
He did just what you desired.
He didn't stop until you came one, two, three times, cunt clenching around his cock and his name on your lips. He was almost blind from pleasure, wanting to finish but too afraid to do so. Your relationship wouldn't be the same after this, and it scared him.
He thought he passed out when he finally came, moaning and shaking as you held him in your arms. 
"Can I tell you something?" you whispered after you were both exhausted and sore, more than ready for sleep to take you. 
He grunted a yes, burying his face in your hair; he didn't want to face you when you told him you regretted this. You took a deep breath and hugged him closer, pressing your face against his chest.
"I think I'm in love with you."
He froze. He knew that was a possibility. He knew you liked him. He just never expected you to tell him that you loved him. That was… a lot. A lot of things he wasn't sure how to process.
"Are you sure?..." he settled for asking. He needed for you to be sure.
"Y-Yes I'm sure," you rushed to say, looking up at him, "I really like you."
All he could think of doing was kissing you. That was the only thing on his mind at that moment; showing you how he felt without using words he had no idea how to use. You kissed him back just as hard until you were both out of breath.
"Does this mean you like me too?" you whispered against his lips, foreheads pressed together. You giggled when he pecked your lips, hugging you closer.
"Yeah," he said, cheeks hurting from how hard he was smiling, "I like you a lot."
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drkreviews · 5 years
Strength of a Woman
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Here I am with a new song analysis in “Lyrical Love”! Today’s subject is a song by the Japanese act Superfly, precisely Ai o karada ni fukikonde (Breathe love into your body), released as lead-track of the 17th single, with the same name, on 19th November 2014 and famous for being the opening theme of the drama Doctor X: Surgeon Michiko Daimon. This song is one of the most famous works by the project, in a fusion between warmth, energy and feeling, all summarized in a single track.
The song starts with a fast and animated rhythm, wrapping up a cheerful rock melody, where Shiho’s voice is flowing and pleasant to hear, with more energetic shades as the song goes on; a catchy and paced rock track, well emphasized by the guitar.
Lyrics (Romaji)
Hari tsumeteta mune no dokoka ni Kizu ga tsuite ana ga aita mitai Ai de michita anata rashisa ga Shibonde yuku no wa naze na no? Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Sukoshi kokoro suri muita no ne Takai kabe wo noboru tochuu de Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Dakishimete kuchizukete Fuki konde ageru ai wo Take you higher anata wo sora no kanata he Takaku uki agarasete Flying Torawareteta chiisana sekai mi oroshite susume Sure chigau hito to hito konna hiroi hoshi de Chikazuite butsukaru no? Kyou mo? Onaji negai onaji mirai mezasu anata to nara Butsukaranai dokomademo yukeru wa Tsurai yoru wa watashi mo zutto Anata ni sasae rareteta no Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Dakishimete kuchizukete Fuki konde ageru ai wo Take you higher anata wo sora no kanata he Takaku uki agarasete Flying Kinou made no chiisana jibun Tooku kasunde ten ni natteku Torawareteta chiisana sekai mi oroshite susume
Lyrics (Translation)
Passing from somewhere into the heart There’s a wound, like an hole
Your uniqueness filled with love Why is it disappearing? (I)
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
A little scratched heart In the middle of a climb in an high wall
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
Tight me and kiss me I will inspire you love I will bring you high in the sky I will let you rise to the top, flying Looking down, in the little world which entrapped you (II)
People and people pass on in a so wide world Getting closer and clashing? Even today? Aiming to the same desires, to the same future, like you We can go everywhere without clashing.
In the hard nights, I always had your support (III)
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
Tight me and kiss me I will inspire you love I will bring you high in the sky I will let you rise to the top, flying Your little self you were until yesterday It fades far, becoming a spot Looking down, in the little world which entrapped you (IV)
Written by the singer Shiho Ochi, the song features a simple and contained layout, which helps to comprehend more its meaning, linked even to the release’s background. The single where it has been released features other two tracks, respectively You You, dealing with the analogy between people and music, and Closet, about leaving everything behind for going on, showing that the main concept of the release is the feeling. In fact the main track is written with the image of a woman, who is stronger and kinder than anybody else, representing a guide for the reader, a person who is struggling by hate, contrast and monotony, where only the love can help him in being completely free. And now... let’s analyze the song!
I) The text starts with the image of a deep wound near the heart, like an hole, caused by a strong pain (Hari tsumeteta mune no dokoka ni/Kizu ga tsuite ana ga aita mitai), so the protagonist asks to the reader why his uniqueness, filled with love, is disappearing (Ai de michita anata rashisa ga/Shibonde yuku no wa naze na no?).
II) The reader’s heart has been wounded while he was climbing an high wall, synonym of obstacles found in everyday’s life (Sukoshi kokoro suri muita no ne/Takai kabe wo noboru tochuu de), so she invites him, as his lover, to tight and kiss her, so that she will inspire him love, bringing him up to the sky, like if they were flying, in order to watch from the top the world which is entrapping him (Dakishimete kuchizukete/Fuki konde ageru ai wo/Take you higher anata wo sora no kanata he/Takaku uki agarasete Flying/Torawareteta chiisana sekai mi oroshite susume).
III) This little world, which is anyway pretty wide, is populated by people who walk on it everyday, meeting and clashing each second (Sure chigau hito to hito konna hiroi hoshi de/Chikazuite butsukaru no? Kyou mo?); if the protagonist and the reader will aim to the same desires and the same future, they will walk together without ever clashing themselves (Onaji negai onaji mirai mezasu anata to nara/Butsukaranai dokomademo yukeru wa); their bind, strong and everlasting will help her overcoming harder nights (Tsurai yoru wa watashi mo zutto/Anata ni sasae rareteta no).
IV) The final sequence, after having repeated most of the second part, focuses on the little self of the reader, which he had up to the previous day and will go far and far, becoming like a point, a sign that he is ready to overcome his limits and difficulties of the little world where he is trapped (Kinou made no chiisana jibun/Tooku kasunde ten ni natteku).
Life is made of feelings, good and bad, where the latter are always the hardest ones to fight with, but with a bit of love and hope and helped by a gentle soul, the things can be only better. Superfly, through a simple and energetic theme, invites to not giving up, to be ourselves and to fight for the important things, which make life worth of being experienced.
That’s all folks! See you with a new review in “Let’s Listen to”!
Thanks for the reading!
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goldenkamuyhunting · 6 years
Do you have estimates of the character ages? Noda-sensei tends to draw his men looking mostly like 25-30. Thank you.
In regard to the ages
I’ve the following info taken from a Golden Kamuy central twitter
Extra question 10 (Nov. 29, 2017)
Many readers asked this, so Noda-sensei gave us the relative ages of the characters using
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Q09: In the age comparison of characters that you gave before, where do newcomers head jailer Kadokura and Usami fit in?
A: Usami is a bit older than Ogata. Kadokura is maybe a bit older than Ushiyama
Then in New Year interview with Golden Kamuy staff! (Director) Nanba Hitoshi x (series composition) Takagi Noboru we learnt this bit.
Namba: Because Sugimoto is the protagonist that moves this work along, we auditioned a lot of people regardless they’re famous or not. As for the reason why we chose Kobayashi-san, in short he came closest to the image of Sugimoto. Although at first I thought it’s better to choose someone with more career experience as the protagonist, Noda-sensei told me Sugimoto’s age, and it was younger than I had expected. So if (Sugimoto) is in his early twenties, wouldn’t it better to find someone with a young kind of voice?
History tells us that Hijikata Toshizō had birth on May 31, 1835 while Nagakura Shinpachi had birth on May 23, 1839.Therefore if Golden Kamuy started around 1907 they should be respectively around 72 and 68.
Ienaga Kano shares the same age with Nagakura so she should be around 68.
Ushiyama comments Yōichirō is older than both Hijikata and Nagakura so he could be above 72... though this is just Ushiyama's perception of his age (Hijikata is perceived as young despite his age to the point people comment he ate mermaid flesh and even Nagakura isn't that bad, Yōichirō instead had grown senile and seems just a decrepit old man... unless you are to attack him). Okada Izō, on which Yōichirō was based was born in 1838, which would make him older than Nagakura but younger than Hijikata... though we can't be sure Yōichirō and Okada Izō share the same age.
Golden Kamuy also tells us Kiroranke was 15 in 1881, when he murdered the emperor with Wilk so he should have had birth in 1866 (same as Tsurumi as they share the same age). Therefore if Golden Kamuy started around 1907 they should be around 41.
At all this we can add some extra historical info.
Hanazawa Yūsaku is a Second Lieutenant during the Russo-Japanese war, apparently fresh of academy. At that time one would become a Second Lieutenant when he graduated from the Imperial Japanese Army Academy which would happen when one is around 21. Being promoted to First Lieutenant would normally take 3 years.
So Yūsaku is in between 21 and 23 in 1904 (the year in which the Russo-Japanese war started) and therefore was born in between 1881 and 1883.
When Yūsaku had birth Ogata Hyakunosuke was still a baby…
…so his age difference from Yūsaku isn’t that big, let’s say a year or two.
This would make Ogata’s age in between 22 and 25 when Yuusaku was alive so he would have had birth in between 1879 and 1882.
It’s speculated Golden Kamuy starts in 1907 or short after it, meaning we have to add at least 3 more years to get Ogata’s age at the start of Golden Kamuy. As a result we can speculate that, at the beginning of Golden Kamuy he’s in between 25 and 28.
Why this is relevant?
Ogata is a superior private, while Sugimoto and Tanigaki are first class privates.
A recruit entering the Army is given the rank of 2nd-dass private and, as a rule, is automatically promoted to 1st-class private after 6 months. According to regulations, the minimum time in which promotion may be made from 1st-class private to superior private is one year. Qualified 1st-class privates however have been promoted to the superior grade within 6 months.
This means that Sugimoto Saichi, Tanigaki Genjirō and Nikaidō Yōhei and Nikaidō Kōhei are around a year younger than Ogata. This would make them of an age that goes from 24 to 27.
Now, since Noda sensei said Sugimoto is supposed to be in his early 20 let’s go with a 24, which would make Ogata 25 at the start of Golden Kamuy (time has gone by so they probably had had all the time to get at least a year older).
Koito Otokonoshin, who didn’t take part to the Russo-Japanese war is likely fresh of academy and therefore when Golden Kamuy starts he’s probably around 21 or, at most 22.
Why not 23? Because if at least a year has gone by Koito would be ready to be promoted.
Differently from Tsurumi who, despite being an amazing intelligence officer, is still stuck at First Lieutenant, Koito comes from the right background that normally made easy for him to automatically get promoted because he would be expected to later continue his military education at the War College, the pinnacle of the Army educational system, and Koito couldn’t enter in it if he isn’t a Captain with at least two years (but not more than six years) of field experience as a first lieutenant.
Remember how Koito senior wanted his son to have field experience? it’s also due to this.
Edogai Yasaku is Koito's age so he's also around 21/22.
Asirpa at the start of Golden Kamuy should be over 11.
We’re told her father is ‘dead’ by 5 years but before dying he had managed to give her her adult name and considering he seemed to be used to call her as such it’s not something he did just before disappearing.
Asirpa told us that children in her Ainu village get their real names once they turn 6, so she was 6 or, likely, older when he father disappeared which makes her over 11. The pimp speculates she's around 12/13 at the start of the story.
We know Asirpa is nearly of the age to get a tattoo but I wish Golden Kamuy had said when in Asirpa’s village women needed to be tattooed because it sadly vary from village to village (in some villages they start at 6!) so this doesn’t help us much.
Age of marriage was 15 to 16 years but I think although Asirpa’s grandma told Sugimoto to marry Asirpa, she’s not meaning RIGHT NOW but in the future (Ainu could promise a not yeat of age girl to a man and then he would wait for her to be of age before marrying her) as I doubt Asirpa is already 15 when the story starts (she looks so terribly young).
That’s all I could find.
It’s worth to say there’s either an error somewhere or a retcon because Kadokura has officially watched over Nopperabo for 7 YEARS... but at most less than a year has gone by from when Sugimoto and Asirpa met. Even assuming it wasn’t exactly 5 years but 5 years and some months from when her father disappeared, this would mean Kadokura should have watched over Nopperabo for 6 years, not 7.
Tsukishima Hajime took part to the First Sino-Japanese War (25 July 1894 – 17 April 1895). Assuming he was around Sugimoto's age when this happened, this would make him 10 years older than Sugimoto so so he is probably around 34.
Nihei Tetsuzō is a bit harder to pin but we can use some historical information to get a vague idea of his age.
Nihei had many kids but his first child seems to be a daughter (when he brought her on the veranda to sleep we see no other smaller children sleeping with her there), so his only male son should have been at least a second born son or younger.
His son took part to the First Sino-Japanese War (25 July 1894 – 17 April 1895) and died there, so he was probably around 20 when he died.
Assuming Nihei married after 20 and his firstborn daughter was born after a year (he seems older than 21 when she's taking a nap to be honest so he was likely older) and his son the year after this would make Nihei born at his latest in 1852. Therefore if Golden Kamuy started around 1907 the youngest he can be is 55 while, being younger than Nagakura and Ienaga, the oldest he can be is 67.
Osoma is below 6 as Asirpa told us that children in her Ainu village get their real names once they turn 6, while Cikapasi is clearly above it as Cikapasi is his adult name.
My bet would be he's 9. Why? Because we know his parents died of smallpox and there was an epidemic of smallpox in 1904/05. Assuming they died in 1904 by 1904 he needed to be at least 6 so they could give him an adult name, hence he would need to be born in 1898. This would make him around 9 when Golden Kamuy started.
So... no idea. We’ll see if we’ll get better info in the future.
I hope it helps and thank you for the ask!
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I live through your music. Hanzo Shimada x reader
Fandom: Overwatch, Hanzo, Hanzo Shimada, the handsoap man Warnings: Mentions of death, the reader is not in a good place, attempted suicide. Words: 1297
                                                 WARNING! If you do not enjoy these kinds of fanfics, please, be very sure of your decision when reading this as it might make you feel uncomfortable.                                                  WARNING!
( I do not know if what I wrote was correct as I only used google translate and the lyrics written in the video. Please do not hate me if I have have written something wrong and have a good day! <3 )
The wind blew quietly through the cherry trees, the pink pedals falling down all around you. You sat by yourself, having walked far away from the nearest village or city. Your footsteps through the beautiful pink pedals would soon be erased with more and no one would ever know the path you had travelled. It did not matter anymore to you. You wanted a peaceful end, without anyone having to find your horrible fate after. A Shamisen laid upon your lap, the beautiful instrument having long passed the day which your grandmother had played it. You still remembered her beautiful voice when she sang and how you had been mesmerised by how easy it was for her to play. It was a thing that brought you two closer, the love of the beauty of the instrument. The day of her death, you had been brought to her deathbed. She had given you the beautiful instrument with her cold trembling hands and spoken to you in Japanese, a language your parents had never taught you.
Watashi wa anata no ongaku o tōshite ikiru.
It was strange how you still remembered the words. She had passed when you were barely twelve years old. But still it stuck with you. And so had the instrument. You had never played it as you were scared you were not talented enough. You had instead bought another one with money you had earned yourself and learned how to play the instrument. You had played every day, late into the night if the homework had taken too long to finish. Your parents had given you your grandmother’s old journal many years later and from it you had been able to learn her song. At the age of fifteen had you been away on a school trip when you learned the beautiful melody and had planned to play it for your relatives and parents. But as you had arrived at the familiar doorstep everything you once had known was changed. The house you and your kin had lived in was gone. Alone you had dug out their burnt bodies from underneath the black rubble. Alone you buried them, filling a hill with their graves. You had called out to your friends for help but no one replied to your cries. The letters had been burnt or thrown away. You did not know why, and why should you? Your family kept secrets from you that would make anyone cry in horror. So you continued living on, oblivious to what your relatives had truly done to many others. Ten years you had managed to take it, but you could no longer bear the pain. To be alone. Therefor you were here. You had sold all your belongings, everything except your kimono, the things belonging with it, a silk cloth and the shamisen. You gazed down upon the ground below you, you being seated right before a cliff. The forest below was pink with the cherry blossoms and you knew soon they would be stained red. With trembling hands you brought the shamisen into the right position and then started playing. Soon you sang as well, even if you did not know the words meaning. Your grandmother had only written down how they sounded, but not what they meant.
”Kawazu naku natsu no hi aoku moyu yamazato.” you began hesitantly, but grew more confident as the words sounded much like when your grandmother had spoken them.
“Noboru tsuki aogu sora tomo ni iku kono michi. Sono michi wa izuku ya, sono hate wo yume mite.” you could remember how you had gazed at your grandmother with such adoration as her voice had made the song angelic. Her hands had moved with grace as she had played. And as she had mastered the skill of playing the instrument she could do it with closed eyes. You followed in her footsteps, knowing the movements now by hand and you closed your eyes. The shamisen’s music filled your mind and your own voice was replaced by your grandmothers in your head.
”Momoji chiru aki no hi inaho ni mo uzuku. Osomeru ringo no mi wataru kaze kogoeru. Nobe wataru mushi no koe kodama suru kokoro e. ” the beautiful song echoed over the forest you sat before, your mind being at peace for the first and last time ten years. Damp tears drenched your cheeks but a bright smile was evident on your lips. You could hear the birds sing and the sun was shining bright high up above in the blue sky. No clouds were to be seen and even the most miserable person would say it was a beautiful day. A soft hum escaped you as you stood, your hands clutching the shamisen close to your slowly heaving chest. Your feet lead you to the closest tree where you put the instrument down, leaning it against the trunk carefully before putting a silk cloth over the shamisen, a crane being it’s theme. The birds wings were spread out and all feathers shown in mesmerising beauty. You stepped back from the covered shamisen and the song still lived on as you hummed it’s tune. You walked up to the edge of the cliff. You took a deep breath. It was time to say farewell. You turned around, a bright smile on your face as you were to bid the world goodbye and was surprised to find a broad shouldered man only a few meters away from you, a blue dragon tattoo crawling along his left arm. His beautiful amber brown eyes were wide open and his mouth slightly agape as he stared deeply into yours. You could recognise him, his eyes belonging to one of your old friends, one of those that never answered. But it could not be him, it couldn’t be possible. He had been gone for a long time. The smile that had fallen from your lips returned again. You bowed at him, standing in the position for mere seconds before you straightening your back again and stood faced to the man. You had not planned for anyone to know about what you would do, but you could wait no longer. You took a step back, the edge of the cliff being under the middle of your geta. The man did not react and you breathed out a sigh of relief. It was not your friend. Your body leaned back and your feet lost their grip on the ground beneath you. Soon it would all be over. Your body was filled with peace and harmony as you were to meet your maker. But the feelings were disturbed when the man suddenly cried out. Your body jolted as a hand grabbed hold of yours. Your eyes snapped open and you stared up at the man from before, his eyes wild and filled with fear as his strong hand gripped yours. You had no chance to protest before the man shouted endeavour as he pulled up over the cliff’s edge. His strong body soon held yours close as he laid on your ground. He held your head still against his chest, your ear against his skin. You could hear the sound of his heart racing in his chest. You laid upon his heavily built torso, unable to move away from him as his arms held you locked still.
” I should never have left you alone.” the man’s deep and husky voice sent shivers down yours spine, the familiarity in it making your eyes water. You could no longer see the shapes of the landscapes around you, but only the colour of the pink cherry pedals falling from the trees. The warm breeze blew quietly over you and the birds sang their love for each other.
”I’m sorry, Y/N.”
( The song I have used is this one -> Link !!!!! . It s very beautiful and I recommend listening to it while reading the fanfic. )
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enhashoutout · 9 months
Enhashoutout’s Masterlist ♡
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Latest Update: Hate You (High&Low ver)
# of works: 15
I've lived a thousand
and loved a thousand
˚ ༘♡ ·˚꒰ᥕᥱᥣᥴ᥆꧑ᥱ t᥆ ꧑ᥡ bᥣ᥆g꒱ ₊˚ˑ༄
Hi! This is my writing blog enhashoutout! I follow, read, and reblog on a separate personal account, if you are in any of the fandoms I have listed below I probably follow you or are mutuals with you through my personal account lol.
I currently write for High&Low, The Rampage from Exile Tribe, Enhypen, TXT, Ateez, Stray Kids, The Boyz, NCT, RIIZE, and SF9
You might see ff or rants on here from time to time that aren't related to K-pop, J-pop, or High&Low such as Hunger Games, Narnia, and any K, C, or J dramas I watch.
I do read books outside of fanfiction so I will be putting book reviews on here as well :)
Please feel free to send in writing requests if you would like :)
Likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated <3
Down below you will find all the works I have published so far...
Dating Hanaoka Fujio
Dating Childhood Friend Fujio
When Universes Collide (Smoky x alien!reader)
Tears and Matching Tattoos (Ice x reader)
Home to You (Cobra x reader)
Home to Me (Cobra x reader) (part 2 of Home to You)
Introducing Junie
Junie's Masterlist
Please Only Look at Me (Fujio x reader)
Hate You (High&Low ver)
High&Low Deep Dives
Cobra and Fujio are basically the same person
Seiji, Arata, and Noboru
Favorite Character and Least Favorite Character challenge
Things I noticed while watching H&L the Worst X again
Plot Holes in High and Low We Need to Discuss
Coming soon…
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
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damistrolls · 2 years
Hey Lashy, have you ever written a Noboru x Zerkev fic? If not, do you know any good ones?
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"Um, OBVIOUSLY. I've got a few of my own, but I can also rec you a handful of really good ones I've found!! I've also got a LOT of Noboru x Reader fics, if you're interested!"
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ka-za-ri · 7 years
Taciturn’s Content Masterlist
I Sing the Wind Chime’s Song (sequel to CLEAN)    
The Inverse Square Law 
s i n k 
PN 6259-6268 (Table Talks and Anectdotes)
Folklore (Mermaid AU)
Cordyceps (Nsfw warning)
Possibility Part 1|| Part 2 (Coming soon!) **
It Brings Out Your Eyes 
Blind!Ignis learning how to cook again 
Romantic Balcony Scene in Altissia 
Ignis and his S/O doing a duet 
Cloudy with a chance of Daemons 
Aftermath of being kidnapped by Ardyn 
A quiet sigh as they turn away (Male Reader) 
Oh, my God, I thought you were going to die. Please don’t ever scare me like that again. 
I just told you I liked you but now I’m shy and say “never mind, forget it” and why are you looking at me like that? 
We slept in the same bed for space reasons but now we’re just waking up and there’s something about your bleary eyes and mussed hair
Iggy’s Good at Video Games???
Comfort after a bad day at work
Losing his Glasses
Untitled Work 
Songs with No Words 
Missing You
Feel’s Right 
Color Me Blue 
Watching a Meteor Shower
This is My Way of Telling You I Need You in My Life 
Being so close that you can feel your lips brush when you whisper
The Chocobro Bibble 
Scent (Chocobros)
Kitchen/Cooking (Chocobros)
Reactions to Muscles (Chocobros) 
Jealousy (Chocobros) 
A person’s weight as they lay on top of you (Rocky x Kizzy) 
The feel of fingertips trailing over a bare shoulder blade (Rocky x Smokey)
This wasn’t meant to be a date, but we’ve had such a good time and now it’s 2 a.m. and I should really go home… (Noboru x Reader)
I have you shoved against the wall but now I can’t stop looking at your mouth  (Rocky x Smokey)
I told her before that I had no talent; she told me surviving was a talent headcanon (Rocky x Smokey)
Oh, my God, I thought you were going to die. Please don’t ever scare me like that again. (Rocky x Reader)
Oh, my God, I thought you were going to die. Please don’t ever scare me like that again. (Hyuga x Reader)
I just told you I liked you but now I’m shy and say “never mind, forget it” and why are you looking at me like that? (Cobra x Reader) 
Party Time *NSFW* (Rocky x Koo x Smokey x Reader) 
Neon lights at 1.30am (Rocky x Smokey)
I have you shoved against the wall but now I can’t stop looking at your mouth (Rocky x Reader) 
Drunk Rocky x Smokey Headcanons
I think you’re beautiful (Rocky x Kizzy) 
Blowing a raspberry against someone’s skin (Kizzy x Kaito)
“Go back to sleep” “You’re warm” “Stay there. I’m coming to get you” (Rocky x Smokey)
Thigh-high stockings and garter belts (Rocky x Koo) (nsfw)
The creak of leather (Masaki x His bike) (nsfw)
Singing badly as loud as you can (Tetsu x Reader)
Hypaalicious punching Ice
Hayato - Exhausted numbness after crying 
Hayato -  Someone accepting the bad parts of you without judging
Gun - We were pretending to be lovers but I’m not pretending anymore and I have to know if you feel the same way
Tetsuya - The Smell of Cologne on warm skin
Gun - A perfectly brewed cup of tea
Gun - Thigh-high stockings and garter belts (nsfw)
Takahiro - Someone accepting the bad parts of you without judging
Akira - Exhausted numbness after crying
Naoto - Holding Hands
Omi - Slow Dancing
Naoto - Cuddling in a blanket fort 
Naoto - Sinful (nsfw)
Tetsuya - Comfort
Friend-Ship Shenanigans: 
Types of Kisses
Unconsciously loving
Hy/Koo- First Kiss
First Kisses
Limato - “No matter what universe we may be reborn in, my soul will always find you”
First Meetings 
Gunly - Marry Me 
Animal headcanons
Limato - Eyes 
Hylly - The taste of Vodka at the back of your throat
Jingji - Trying to pull clothes off damp skin (nsfw)
Hylly - Long Distance 
Limato - Separated
Ryuuto - How’s the most beautiful person in the world doing today?
Hylly - Date
Hylly - Reprehensible
Jingji - The smell of Cologne on warm skin
Limato- pet names (modern AU)
Limato - Modern AU
Limato - Slow dancing
Limato - Goodbyes
Hylly - Falling asleep together
Jingji - Taking a bath together
Gunly - Accidentally falling asleep together and Forehead or cheek kisses
Gunly - One Falling asleep with their head in the other’s lap
H&L AU vs Actual guys
PAD Lore/shenanigans:
Chocobros as Players and their teams
Gladio’s PAD Card an Stats
Last updated 12/30/2018
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