#they really killed them during pride month huh
mourningstormss · 3 months
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you throw your arms around my heart
as if to say you're all i need
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Things my friend said during our House of Ashes playthrough part 2
Babe stop coughing we were about to kiss (about Clarice and Rachel)
Did I just abandon Clarice oh no I'm sorry I'm sorry oh no no no no! Go back go back can we please replay that?!?! I can't leave my vampire girlfriend! (We did replay the blood pit chapter lol)
What you doing offering him a bottle when his hands are tied what the fuck he gonna do?!? (Eric offering Salim a drink)
(I knew you were trouble softly playing in the next room as Nick follows Jason) ah shit they about to fuck right?
(Chooses the 'they attacked our country option by accident') wait no! No! I became racist!? Wait no! First I lost my girlfriend (Clarice) and then I lost my boyfriend (Joey) and now I'm racist? Please please can we replay this again (we replayed the Blood pit chapter 3 times lol)
(About Eric dissecting the vampire) ur a nuclear engineer what the fuck do u know about biology?
(Playing as Jason again) ok let's try to not be racist this time
(Nick says "this is the closest I've been to hell") That's OK baby I'll take you to heaven right here
I want Rachel to live so she can be with Clarice
(After being told Clarice dies no matter what but that they could both become vampires) oooo then that's the ending I'm going for
(When we finally get back to the blood pit) God I hate this part I just want to get back to my girlfriend. Also ma'am ur hoo-ha is gonna be infected after this
I don't care what u say those vampires are sneaking out of that fucking cave. They are coming out. It's pride month and the demons are coming out
(Proceeds to replace every unintelligible part for randolphs journal with the word masturbating and cries laughing)
(Having completely forgotten what the vampire looks like) Oh God it's like the xenomorph but uglier!
(Sees Joey as a vampire) Damn he kind of Sexier like this
(About to go over the chasm with Clarice) I swing that way do you swing that way?
(Manages to replay the Blood pit only to choose the options where Clarice ends up deciding to stay behind) I did all that and my girlfriend left me? Fuck it I'm not playing that again let's finally continue (we did finally continue lol)
Men be talking about fighting demons when really it's just bisexual thoughts
Are we ever gonna talk about Nick killing Merwin or are we gonna gloss over that like it was just a war thing?
I'm getting to Eric levels of hatred with Dar
Dar is a burden on humanity but Eric is a cum stain on life (what did Eric do to my friend lol she hated him so much hahaha)
(Jason says "this is our house our rules!") It really isn't though?
(Reading the relationship updates) what do u mean Rachel broke the news of her relationship with Nick harshly? How else do u break that to someone? Oh I'm sorry. I accidently penetrated another man?
I don't care about turning Rachel into a vampire anymore. My vampire girlfriend left me so I'm leaving her like I left my husband-wait is this karma?
(Me surviving as Eric even though my friend abandoned me as Rachel) I'm comin for ya treacherous wife
(Eric to Nick "you stay out of my way") ill just stay in your wife then
Jason just looking for excuses to touch Salim huh?
So this is hr Geiger's wet dream
Can we have a part 2 where the US government tries to use it as a weapon and fucks up?
Please blink (immediately screams when the fluid covered surviving prologue character blinks)
(When the crucifix didn't help as Nick) God said this was not one of mine abort
(When Salim crawled into the star chamber first) bye yall I got a son
Who am I talking to? Salim? (Tells her its Eric) God damn it
(When Rachel and Eric talk in the star chamber) I'm just gonna leave now cause we can't both be on our period
(When the cocoons is blowing up) its 5 o clock in the morning? I'd crawl into a cocoon and have a catnap
(About Jason and Salim) I want to see them on 90 day fiance
Maybe the solution to racism is aliens
(When vampire Clarice popped out in the waterfall) my girlfriend!
(When the eclipse happens) ah hell no
(When poppin flares) Marvel has 24hrs to respond avengers endgame who?
(When the Curator started talking at the end after we saved everyone) mother fucker just congratulate me
(During the interviews specifically with Rachel) can I take a shower? Please??? I was a blonde before this I am now a red head
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g-hua · 3 months
I haven't been around for a while... I feel a little bad about that, even if I only write here for myself and the only person who knows my blog is my boyfriend...
A lot happened last week... I finally got the call from the mental hospital to start CBT. My foster mom finally decided to move the behemoth of a closet that took up most of my room and made it really hard to move stuff around and clean properly... I started CBT today because I got on the wrong bus last week and was an hour late...
(It's almost like... I have some sort of... Attention deficit of some kind... Huh, I wonder what that's about.)
(Yes, I'm still very salty over only being diagnosed as AuDHD as an adult. You have no idea...)
I meant I sort of started CBT? Today was mostly to like... Get to know the staff and who else is here for group stuff and for them to start taking notes on why my life is so effed and how it got this way? There isn't a lot going on on Mondays, I think?
I went over the schedule they gave me... Being here feels a lot like when I was here for a week after asking to be put on a psychiatric hold voluntarily. But, they let us keep our electronics, and we can go outside, and we don't have to sleep here. So uh... Better!
There is therapeutic stuff we do on other days of the week, but on Mondays and during hours without the therapeutic activities, we can use the mental hospital's facilities , which is really kind of them. I don't think I'll use their pool due to dysphoria, but I might use the gym? I'm really out of shape due to being at home and isolated for so long... I don't like that. It makes me feel bad when I get tired after doing just a bit of cleaning or when I can't move or pick up heavier things... So I might as well ask for help with that too, so that then I can keep up at home after they say I can leave from here.
Which uh... Won't be for a while, probably... minimum 3 months, but with how badly I am mentally at the moment, it will be at least 6 months...
At least I'm able to get here... If I wasn't medicated properly, finally, it would have been so much harder... I would be so tired from all the SSRIs they used to put me on and anxiety medication... It was so hard to stay awake... I felt nausea all the time... It was so exhausting to exist...
The doctors who refused me when I asked for a neurological assessment act like I have no reason to be upset that they put me through this for so long and refused to diagnose me properly... Like I'm irrational for being upset, and they did nothing wrong... I lost years and years of my life because of them... I missed out on opportunities that I will never have again... I have every right to be upset...
I already told the psychiatrist to pound sand. The psychiatrist who diagnosed me as AuDHD sent him a letter, and at first, he even refused to read it. He kept denying that I was AuDHD, kept standing by his diagnosis of anxiety and depression, kept trying to make it about how I was angry at the wrong person and how he was there to help people... He tried to give me a very outdated paper with really outdated questions for an ADHD diagnosis for an AMAB child... The same questions he made years ago when I asked for a neurological assessment...
He was basically trying to overturn the diagnosis... He was trying to take away my medication and my access to CBT out of his own sick and twisted sense of pride... He was trying to punish me for going to a different psychiatrist who proved him wrong...
I don't have the money to sue him... And suing a doctor here is unbelievably hard... You only see it happen when the doctor killed several people due to gross negligence, and there are enough family members to actually move forward with the lawsuit... So amist the doctors that become doctors to help people and save lives, you sadly have far too many of these narcissistic parasites with God complexes... It's an actual health risk to not get a second opinion...
But... Yeah... For now, I'm waiting to be assigned a different psychiatrist at a different health centre because I couldn't stand it anymore... Years and years of being told I had something I don't and being put on more and more extremely heavy medication... The final straw was when I finally found proper help to see him act like me trying to save my own life was somehow an offence to his grandeur...
I better stop here... I'll just get upset... The only thing that matters now is holding on to the help I finally managed to get and focus on getting better.
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maguro13-2 · 7 months
Shattered Hero ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Episode : Maka Pt.19 (for real)
"After the second explosion that I caused in tokyo..."
"I had no choice but to ran away, my mother passed on and I didn't want to become tokyo as my home that I did not expect."
"After flying over from Tokyo on my magical broom, I finally came over to the western contients they call it North America...a continent founded by the norse, not the columbus guy."
"After traveling through Canada, I ended up at a special quaint place called Vermont where I finally first met Jacqueline."
[These Green Mountains play]
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre : Lost in the woods of these green mountains, I wish there is something that I could find a better place for me to eat. Huh? Who's there? (Sees a long hair Kimial standing there, patiently) Huh? A girl? I believe it's a witch I pressumed.
Kimial Diehl : You there. You were looking for me, were you?
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre : Um, that's what I was expecting to find another Shattered Meister that was located somewhere in this land. Do you know if there's a another meister that caused another explosion in Japan?
Kimial Diehl : Well, I am certainly glad. You finally found the right one. So will you carry me to the where the flowers are blooming?
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre : My pleasures. (picks up Kimial to carry her)
"That's right that was the day that we first met and it was love at first sight.
Kimial Diehl : Would you give yourself to me and reclaim me as your bride. That is what I wished for.
"Three years later..."
Penny Crygor : So that chocolaty goodness sure hits the spot! Do ya, Jacqueline?
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre : Finally on what happened on Valentine's day, I'm sure that kiss Kimial gave me was pretty when I realized she put chocolate in my mouth. And it was really tasteful. Well, I finall made all the chocolates in every single heart-shaped box. Hmm? Is that...(sees Harvar from behind) Harvar? But didn't you died while in Kart Racing? How on earth did you get here? Harvar, what are you doing here?
Penny Crygor : Hey, guy who's last is eclair! If anything happens to Kimial unleashing Shattered Resonance. You're gonna be sorry, that you'll make her frustrated.
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre : I know that I got this. (clears throat) Hey, Harvar! Get your butt back to work , man! Kimial does not want to see you in person. Hey, Frenchie! (Harvar turns) You heard me! I said "Get your butt back to work and--!" (Harvar takes off glasses to revealling glowing yellow eyes)
Penny Crygor : His eyes! Jacqueline! Your man! he's another heartless!
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre : What!? (Harvar transcends into it's true form; a Neoshadow heartless)
[Night of Fate - Yoko Shimomura]
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre : What the--The heartless!? I thought Sora got rid of them! How can they still appear!?
Penny Crygor : It must've been that Kart racing accident, Your man Harvar D Eclair wasn't killed by electricity, he was killed in an accident by a blue shell!
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre : A blue shell!? You mean he died in an accident?
Penny Crygor : True, a Kart racing accident. It happened during the Double Dash Race. Both Ox Ford and Harvar were going into a racing tournament of kart racing with two people in it. But during the race when they were about to win, someone picked up a blue shell and resulted them in an accident. I realized that Ox Ford and Harvar D Eclair given a blue shell was no shell it all. It was actually a koopa with wings that was inside of the blue shell. Ox Ford and Harvar D Eclair weren't going to die in an accident, the Koopa Tribe wanted to kill them both! That's the cause of Kimial wondering that she was never really interested in boys in the country.
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre : What? So that's why Kimial never into men, she was only into girls that are her type and it's me that she wants it. Was she bisexual, lesbian or what?
Penny Crygor : You tell me, but this ain't no pride month and that's next week! How to deal a monster like him! Watch and learn. (takes boots to go barefooted)
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre : And how are planning on going to do that?
Penny Crygor : Easy! I won't go back down with out fight! I did martial arts like Young Cricket does! Taking shoes or boots feels good to be in Martial Arts combat! I've bee doing for a long time and I'm ready to do it! Come on, tough guy! Let's dance!
(Neoshadow roars)
*Dbz/One Piece : Fighting impacts*
Penny Crygor : Not so tough to fight a science girl with me! Can't handle a pure genius that has stirrups on my feet? *DBZ SFX : Strong Kick* I've been practicing martials arts with both my hands and feet! This is what I prepared to make a fight! (locks the covers the heartless' face with her toes) Guess who's face that I just cover you with my toes? So just I gonna have to make you lick em or worship them.
Neoshadow : Fat chance! I'm not into your kind's craze! You think that licking or whorshipping those are not those kind of idols. But that is a personal way to forget something. I'm just gonna cut them loose!
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre : [To Penny] You just had bring stuff like to it, didn't you?
Penny Crygor : [To Jacqueline] What? I was only trying to make things fun for him!
Neoshadow : Enough of this! I will destroy you now and make your satisfying for my taste buds! (grabs Penny's legs)
Penny : Huh? Uwaaaah! *DBZ SFX : Wall Hit/Crash*
Neoshadow : Prepare for your heart get eaten!
Penny Crygor : No! Without my heart, I'm gonna be boned for sure. (Suddenly, the light shines from Penny's soles)
Neoshadow : Grrrrgh! The Light! It's coming from this girl's feet! That's impossible! There' gotta be an explanation for this kind of logic!
Penny Crygor : Where did that come from?
Ansem (?) : Hey, f**kface! You want eat something? Eat this! *DBZ Sfx : Energy shot*
Neoshadow : (yells in pain) Impossible! I have been blinded by light from the girl's soles! How can I loose to a puny earthling like this! NOOOOOOOOO!!! *DBZ : Explosion*
Penny Crygor : Huh? What the heck was that!? That beam of light, Hearless being destroyed, and the light that is coming out of my feet! What weird power that I have in store for.
Ansem (?) : Just what I am looking for. Female denizen that unleashes the Soles of Light and Darkness.
Penny : Did you say that I have the powers of light or darkness from my what?
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre : Ansem the Seeker of Darkness?
Ansem (?) : Wrong. (changes into his real form; Riku) It's Riku.
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre : Ah! Mr. Riku! You were Ansem the whole time!? How on earth did you pull disguise.
Riku : I found out that the Heartless have the ability to disguise their selves as any beings such as humans and witches for an example. These kind of heartless that shape into any form of any beings are called, Heartless Decoys. A rare of type of heartless that were created from a person's heart and uses the ability as one's appearance.
Penny : A rare type of heartless from either those who died or alive have been using these guys too fool with humans and witches. It's so damn sick, that they just wanted toy with other appearances.
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre : After all this Soul Eater crap we've been through, these guys had never been friends to Maka Albarn for three years! How did she not see that? You can say that there's no such thing as madness! That's like someone got that the from movie 300. Or probably the greek goddesses that cursed them with the maniae spirits.
Riku : If it was it. Then look into this newspaper from Mamimi Daily News Letter in Atlanta. Tonight's the front page.
[Psycho Mantis's theme plays]
Penny Crygor : What's this?
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre : Oh no. I don't believe this!
Penny Crygor : It's the Naruto wannabe Black Star! One of the main trio that Maka albarn never forged with! How...How on earth did he died?
Riku : I believe the "other" Ansem took the heart of him and became a heartless puppet. The "Other" ansem that is me was created by an old man named Xehanort.
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre : Master Xehanort. So he's the big daddy-o that is behind the Heartless intrusion. He wanted to take Black Star's heart away so that a hero could the reach the end of his or her tale. Can't believe he's been pulling the strings off the Kingdom Hearts universe. After Maka Albarn was mistaken for attacking America and Tokyo, things took a downhill and then darkness happened. What was the other person that is involved of Black Star's death.
Riku : This photo of him showing that this is also one of Black Star's killers. (they show a photo of Mephiles) This Iblis's brother and second son of the first pillar, Amaterasu.
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre : Second son of Amaterasu...Mephiles the Dark. It's a recolored Shadow? What the hell is going on?
~ Act 19 : The Second Son of Amaterasu ~
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Too much information (Frankie Morales x GN reader)
Summary: you’re dating Frankie in secret, and Pope is on to you. Brunch probably isn’t the best place to put his interrogation skills to use, but do you really think that’s going to stop him?! No, me neither.
Author’s note: this is just a quick, silly, shortish blurb. Nothing special but the scene popped into my head and then my finger slipped, so here you go. It’s mainly between reader and Pope, but you are dating Frankie and he does appear.
Warnings: not really. Food mention.
GIF by @themarcusmoreno
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“Is that ‘Fish’s t-shirt?” Pope asks bluntly, as he settles into the booth opposite you, the group gradually gathering for lunch. You had arrived first, and begun perusing the menu.
“Normal people might shoot for a hello,” you josh, standing and leaning over the table to greet him with a kiss on the cheek.
“Yeah, that too,” he grins. “Well, is it?”
Before you retake your seat, you take a quick look down at the garment in question. A marled-grey band shirt.
“No,” you answer adamantly, crinkling your face in confusion. “It’s not.”
“You sure?” Pope presses, and he leans in, resting on his folded arms. His stare is intense, and you suddenly feel like you’re in an interrogation. You suddenly feel very sorry indeed for his prior subjects, considering this is a mere taster of the intensity they were subjected to.
“Yes,” you say in a level voice, looking him dead in the eye.
“Hmm,” he nods, considering it, his hand rasping over his stubble. He takes a menu too, from the stash at the far-end of the booth. You hope he’s dropping the topic, but no such luck. “See. You already made one mistake,” he breezes, and you squirm in your seat. “You checked. You looked down, as if it could be Frankie’s t-shirt.”
You saw your jaw from side-to-side.
“Which I’m pretty sure it is,” he adds with a flourish of his hand, his eyes flashing with a smug pride.
“It’s not,” you snap, staring him down until he raises his hands in surrender.
Finally. You look down at the menu, selecting your burger and milkshake combo. But he’s not done yet. Of course. Air seethes out out your nose. “Looks like his though. Doesn’t really fit you either. Not really your usual style,” he muses, as if ticking off a checklist in his head.
You huff, and look back up at him. “You have too much time on your hands, Pope. How’s that job-hunt coming? Or, actually, when did you last get laid? Think you need to find somewhere to direct all this excess energy.”
You should have said yes. Should have made-up an excuse about how you needed to borrow some clothes. Because it definitely is Frankie’s t-shirt.
He knows it. But if you admit it is Frankie’s t-shirt, at this point, you are admitting a whole lot more besides.
“Now now. No need to get personal.” You wish you could knock the shit-eating grin off his face. “Just answer the question.”
“This is how I wear my clothes now,” you say, gesturing down at yourself. It’s flimsy and you know it.
You’re really starting to hate the way he says that.
He’s quiet for a beat, and you think he may have given up, but, to your ire, apparently not. Instead, Pope leans over the table and presses his nose right into your shoulder, taking a whiff. “Kinda smells like his detergent too.”
You pull back from him in disbelief. He recognises his detergent? “That’s fucked up, Pope. Why are you so obsessed with Frankie?”
Your comments don’t seem to rile him. Instead, Pope’s eyes flash with a sudden knowledge.
Balls. That was your second mistake. You called him “Frankie”. Not “‘Fish”. Fuck. You flare your nostrils in annoyance and only hope that Pope missed it.
“Well? Explain that. Why does it smell like... Frankie?” No chance that he missed it, then?
“Guess we use the same brand,” you dismiss, propping your chin on one of your hands as you continue to review the specials, in an attempt to obscure your face.
“Uh-huh. Okay.” You bristle. There it is again. Maybe he simply irritates all of his subjects into confessing. He’s certainly irritating enough for that to be plausible. “So, let’s recap, shall we? You dress like him now, and use his detergent? Why are you so obsessed with him?”
“He’s a role model for us all, pendejo.”
He ticks up an eyebrow, looking distinctly unimpressed by your insult.
“And I really mean that,” you say, with a saccharine smile, even as you reach across and bat his cap from his head with a quick boop under the brim.
He half rolls his eyes at you, and yet you can tell he’s biting back a smile as he scoops it up from where it landed and places it by his side on the seat.
“So you weren’t at his place last night?”
“Nope,” you say, popping the “p” and refusing to look-up.
“Didn’t arrive together and stagger your entry to avoid being caught? Because I’m pretty sure his truck’s parked out front and yours... isn’t. And yet here you are, and here he’s not.”
Well. You don’t have an answer for that one. Not right away.
Pope grins smugly, enjoying that he’s getting under your skin.
Shit, where is Frankie? Where are the Millers? Literally anyone. Pope evidently thinks you’re the weak link while you’re alone, and you’re not doing a whole lot to prove him wrong.
“I walked here,” you say weakly.
Pope even goes so far as to dip his head under the table.
“In those boots? Don’t they kill your feet?”
Well at least he was paying attention when the boys made you walk all the way across town that time, to get to this one “must-visit” dive bar. Kinda sweet he remembered actually. Unless, of course, he simply gathers information to use it against you, during times like this, for example.
Eyes drawn away from the booth, you finally see Frankie walk through the door, and you let out a breath of relief. Still, as Pope raises a thick eyebrow at you, examining every expression on your face, you try to avoid looking at Frankie altogether, just so you don’t give anything away.
Pleasantly oblivious, Frankie comes in and settles right next to you in the booth.
“Hey,” he says brightly to the both of you, before smiling at you a little too long, and so -subtly but pointedly- you bump his knee with yours to alert him to play it a little cool. He doesn’t get the memo. Instead, he points down at your torso, without thinking. “Is that my t-shirt?”
Your eyes flutter closed to the sound of a smug, victorious laugh from Pope. Groaning, you put your head in your hands, peeking at your interrogator through your fingers. You watch him lean back in the booth, raising his arms to rest his head on his interlaced fingers, and a smug grin extending over his face.
“Fucking knew it.”
Quickly putting it together, with a gasp of breath, Frankie realises what he’s said. He quickly tries to smooth it over with some elaborate excuse, but you place your hand on his denim-clad thigh and gently shake your head. “He knows, Frankie,” you sigh. “He’s on to us. Basically interrogated me.”
There is a heated and mile-a-minute exchange between the two men in Spanish, and it sounds animated but is clearly somewhat good-natured, typical of their dynamic. Then, Frankie turns back to you. “You know how to shut him up, though?” he smiles. “Give him too much information.”
And he’s not wrong. As soon as Frankie begins to start describing a list of hypothetical activities from last night in vivid detail, Santi quickly holds his hands up in defeat. “Woah, Buddy. Alright. I get it. Fuck.”
Honestly - these two. You roll your eyes, even as you shake out a laugh.
“Hell. I need a drink,” you express, and you step away to the bar, leaving your interrogation behind for a moment.
As you look on though, it seems like poor Frankie’s interrogation is only just beginning.
“So, how long has this been happening?” Santi asks warmly.
“How long do you think?” Frankie asks out of curiosity- wanting to assess Pope’s abilities.
The man weighs it up, his hand smoothing over his stubble. “One month, give or take.”
“Three,” Frankie confirms, a hint of pride flashing in his soft, brown eyes as he realises you’ve outdone Pope, even for a little while.
In contrast though, victory is suddenly the last thing on Pope’s mind, and he’s more concerned with how damn happy his friend looks as he reveals this information. Pope mirrors Frankie’s wide, beaming smile, and he reaches across the table to deliver a few solid, congratulatory pats to his shoulder. “I’m happy for you, man.”
Frankie’s smile lingers, and he steals a sweeping glance over at you as you lean-up against the bar, his eyes shining as he takes you in.
“How’s it going between you? This a serious thing or just fucking?” Pope asks, although he could hazard a pretty safe guess.
Frankie’s hands disappear into the sleeves of his cord jacket, and his eyelashes flutter bashfully. “I’m in love, man. I’m in some deep shit.”
Santi smiles, tapping Frankie on the arm and giving him a heads-up that you’re on your way back over with the drinks.
You smile brightly at him from across the way, and Pope looks between the two of you. Frankie certainly does look like a goner, he considers.
“Plus - shit,” Frankie adds quickly, in the moment before you come back into earshot. “Seeing them in my t-shirt is Doing Things for me, man.”
“Hermano,” he chuckles. “That’s too much information.”
You arrive back to the table to the sound of Frankie’s delightfully throaty chuckle - your second favourite sound in the world (since hooking-up, you have found one noise he makes which is even better). As you slide in beside the boys, you see the doors swing as the Millers enter the establishment in tandem.
You gaze at Frankie for a few moments, and you steal a final glance back at Pope. He’s still looking at you, but now he looks satisfied, as if he’s put a final piece of the puzzle together.
You don’t know it, but Pope’s suddenly deeply happy for his friends. He has the final piece of information, and to him, it’s quite plain to see. You’re clearly in love; and you’re evidently a complete goner for Frankie too.
“Hey, Millers- did you know these two are hooking-up in secret?” Pope asks loudly as the brothers join you around the table.
Well - he’s got it partly right. You are hooking-up, but it obviously isn’t a secret anymore.
You could care less.
When Frankie takes your hand under the table, giving it a little squeeze, you can’t help the smile which lights your face. Suddenly, you can’t help wanting to tell the whole world that Frankie is your man. And, what better people to begin with than your squad?
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blossom-hwa · 3 years
pirate!ateez |1|
So uh. this is what we get from the kingdom wonderland performance, watching too many wonderland stages as a result, and yelling to mai + javi?????? here we go I guess??? This is only half the members - the other half will be in a separate post later this week!
(credits to mai @wingkkun​ for the ideas that sparked san, mingi, and yeosang’s stories!)
Pairing: Ateez x gender neutral!reader
Word count: 8.7k (total)
Genre: some fluff, mostly angst, pirate!au
Triggers: cursing, blood, death (sometimes semi-graphic), like one implication of sex, implied physical abuse in one part - specific triggers for each section are listed below the headers!
Part 1 (Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang) | Part 2 (San, Mingi, Wooyoung, Jongho)
Ateez Masterlist
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hongjoong (captain)
warnings: cursing, death, some suggestive themes but absolutely nothing explicit (just implied sex)
oh good lord here we go
hongjoong is the captain of this ship. perfect captain, really - he’s got a knack for discipline while also taking care of his crew
he really does care for them, like after all he’s been through they’re basically his family at this point. he’s got nothing but them, this ship, and whatever they’ve managed to pillage from other crews - if he lost a single member, hongjoong isn’t sure if he could handle it
actually that’s a lie. he knows he could handle it. but it’s already happened several times, and the pain he feels but has to hide sometimes makes him want to just throw himself into the waves
(especially with a certain person, but i won’t elaborate on that just yet)
anyway his crew respects him even if they don’t always act it (looking at you wooyoung), they like to fool around and hongjoong will lovingly deal with it 
however when they’ve really messed up....
let’s just say no one ever likes being called to hongjoong’s quarters
most often it’s one of woosan or both for fooling around a little too often but everyone’s been there at least once
even seonghwa like???? what did seonghwa ever do
(he’s never elaborated. neither has hongjoong. that somehow just makes everyone even more afraid ksjdngsdh)
but sometimes! the turn tables!! and people will call hongjoong to their rooms
i say people like it’s more than one person 
i mean it technically is?? seonghwa and you??? but people feels like it implies many persons when in reality it’s just you and seonghwa and seonghwa comes in much later than you do
the first time it happens is when hongjoong almost fucking passes out on deck because 1. the sun is out and it’s hot as balls and 2. he’s been up for over twenty four hours straight after a battle trying to make sure everything is in order
which no one realizes - i mean even if your captain is motherfucking kim hongjoong you’d assume this dude at least took like an hour nap during that 24 hr+ period of time but NO this motherfucker is stupid when it comes to himself - until you’re heading belowdecks with him and hongjoong takes ONE FUCKING STEP down the stairs and almost keels over right then and there
you drag him to his room and even half collapsed he’s trying to say he needs to do something or the other but you just stand over him with your arms crossed n shit and hongjoong’s like okay never mind yes i will sleep
(he sleeps for fifteen hours straight)
anyway after that you went up on deck and called that motherfucker to your room in the same tone of voice he uses to call the others to his room and gave him the beatdown of his fucking life
maybe hongjoong’s a masochist because that’s when he realized he was head over heels in love with you
like?? in the middle of you yelling at him to take care of himself because kim fucking hongjoong what do you think is gonna happen if you die??? huh???? you think woosan can handle themselves????? you think I can deal with them?????? and good fucking lord if you’re going to die at least let it be of something badass you dumb piece of shit not like FALLING DOWN THE STAIRS BECAUSE YOU WERE TOO TIRED TO SEE WHERE YOUR FOOT WAS GOING -
and halfway through hongjoong isn’t even listening to you he’s just trying to figure out how it took so long for him to realize this
you’ve been together like... forever. literally almost as long as hongjoong can remember
you two got your first ship together, recruited the others together, decided to find the treasure you’ve now been seeking for YEARS together, literally everything started with you so why is it only now that hongjoong is realizing just how much he’s in love with you
he kinda blurts it out a couple of months later when you’re aggressively forcing him down to the medbay because he wanted everyone else to get treated first before the ship’s doctor looked at his wounds and you just say ‘confessing your love isn’t going to get you out of a doctor’s visit now i don’t care if you hurt your leg i’ll carry you if i have to so mOVE YOUR ASS’
he falls even more in love with you after that
and you don’t leave him hanging - you’ve been in love with hongjoong for as long as he’s been in love with you, it just... didn’t really manifest in a visible way?? like you’ve always been aggressively caring with him. it got a lot more aggressive when you realized your feelings but hongjoong just thought that was like. a normal thing
lmao you thought
but yeah so everyone’s like WE BEEN KNEW when you start spending more and more time in hongjoong’s room instead of the quarters you share with the other crew members
they don’t even care they’re just like HELL YEAH MORE SPACE
also they (read: woosan) love teasing the two of you but then you just hit them over their heads and ask if they’d like to be called to your room
they shut up immediately and you just go back to hongjoong’s room
(he kisses softly, by the way, but with so much passion it feels like one of the storms that mother nature uses to buffet your ship around. when hongjoong kisses you like this it feels like everything in you is breaking apart and reforming all at once, like he’s taking your life and breathing it back into you at the same time, and if your hands begin to move and someone gets pushed onto the bed who’s gonna say shit?)
but a pirate’s life is a pirate’s life and everyone is literally risking their neck to sail the seas the way they do - no one is safe, ever. not during battles, not even when you’re standing around on the ship’s deck
and certainly not when mother nature decides to wreak havoc on the water that you and hongjoong have begun to think of as home.
they’ve seen the storm coming all day, literally everyone is prepped and serious and no one’s fooling around because yeosang has been watching the clouds for hours and there’s no sign of the storm passing them by
so when the wind and water begin to toss the ship around, they’re ready. everyone’s ready. everything seems to be going smoothly until a couple of hours pass and the storm is only growing worse
hongjoong can’t see in the darkness, not with clouds covering the stars and the moon, not with water pounding over the deck in waves higher than yunho and mingi combined, he’s soaked and shivering but still yelling orders to anyone who can hear them and he’s just praying they’ll make it through the night, make it through the few hours left until morning
the few people on deck are mostly tied to stable things with rope so that no one goes overboard
but what no one expects is for a section of rope to snap, taking san with it
people start screaming and grabbing for him and yunho literally lunges for san but the wind doesn’t care, it slams him against the railing so hard hongjoong feels his own teeth chatter in his jaw with the power behind that hit
a wave crashes over deck at the same moment and everyone thinks he’s lost.
until a literal banshee screech tears through the wind and waves and you grab san, dragging him away from the railing and back toward jongho, who seizes onto a limp san with strong arms
and you turn around but you turn around too easily, like there isn’t a rope tying you to the mast -
because there isn’t. it snapped when you ran forward to get san
you come to this realization at the same time hongjoong does and he sees the panic in your eyes just as he reaches out to you - now there’s nothing tying you down, nothing to keep you from being swept away by the next wave, nothing but his fingertips just touching yours -
but it’s too late. water crashes over hongjoong and salt stings his eyes and when he opens them, there’s one less shadow on the deck than there should be
and there is no sound of screaming from the water below.
for days afterwards the only thing hongjoong can see is the look of terror in your eyes just before the wave stole his sight and your outstretched hand away
and all he can think is how he should’ve been stronger. faster. braver. literally anything
you two always joked that he’d be the first to go because he never took care of himself but death caught you first
and it isn’t fair
it isn’t like hongjoong hasn’t lost crew members before - he has. but the loss of someone so close, someone who’s been with him for over a decade, someone who knows him better than he knows himself almost breaks him. there isn’t even a body left to burn or bury. you’ve been lost to the water that hongjoong thought of as home
it still is his home. the movement of water comforts him far more than solid land ever did, but there’s a new fear, a new respect for mother nature whenever he stares at the shining blue waves that killed you
eventually he recovers with the help of his crew, and they go on to look for the treasure. there are adventures along the way and throughout each of them, hongjoong thinks of what it would be like if you were there, fighting by his side
and then they find the treasure, after years of pillaging and exploring. they find the treasure and when hongjoong approaches the center of the island, the only thoughts running through his mind are of you, what you would do if you were here, what you would say, how you’d look at him with pride and that little smirk he loved to kiss off your face
he attempts to open the treasure trove and an apparition appears, the apparition that guards it. hongjoong’s ready for the wisp of smoke
until it turns into you.
but it isn’t you. bitterness twists your familiar eyes and a deep, betrayed frown downturns your lips and hongjoong is paralyzed - it’s you but at the same time it isn’t -
then you open your mouth
and with the same voice that used to remind him to take care of himself, the same voice that used to remind him you loved him
you ask why he wasn’t faster. why he wasn’t stronger. why he didn’t manage to pull you out of the wave and save you, why he failed when it came to you
it hits him like arrows to the chest because these are all thoughts hongjoong himself has had. they plagued him for days, months, years even after your death, and even now, they still do - but his crew has managed to help him keep those thoughts at bay recently, because deep down, they know and he knows that you would never think that way
yet here you are, expression bitter and angry, speaking those same thoughts seonghwa reassured him you would never say
he can’t open the trove that day. he comes back again. and again. and again and again and again but every time he breaks down at the sight of the loathing in your face and it isn’t until seonghwa and jongho literally drag him back to the ship and set sail again that he stops
but the apparition haunts him now, mixed with visions of you disappearing from his fingertips as the wave tosses you overboard
and this time, hongjoong doesn’t know if he’ll ever recover.
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seonghwa (boatswain, later quartermaster)
warnings: cursing, death, blood, implied physical abuse (nothing explicitly described)
so seonghwa didn’t live on the streets from the start like hongjoong or san, he actually came from nobility
look at his face and tell me it isn’t noble. yeah you can’t that’s what i fucking thought
anyway yeah, he was born into a noble family and pretty much lived that way until like his late teens or something when pirates ransacked his town, killed his family, and took him hostage
but we’re not going to unpack all of that yet so let’s go back in time to when seonghwa was still a member of nobility
his family was famous for being kind. like a lot of other nobles in other towns were snobby assholes who didn’t give two shits about the common people
and maybe it’s just because seonghwa’s family was nobility in a smaller town and as such knew a lot of commoners/peasants more closely plus the fact that they were never really rich rich, their title just comes from some wealthy ancestor and they’ve managed to keep it throughout the years
but yeah, seonghwa’s family isn’t universally hated among the peasantry because they’re actually decent fucking people and they protect those under them
so seonghwa learns from a young age to be kind and pleasant and as he grows older, he learns how to run the estate, how to play politics with the kingdom and the town, all that good stuff
and with all of that comes marriage, too
it might’ve been a problem if there was no one around that he liked but luckily you’ve been a fixture in seonghwa’s life since he was very young
your family is also nobility in a nearby small town and it’s actually perfect - you’re the younger sibling, so you don’t inherit the estate, but you do have a sharp mind and qualities that a family would be looking for when they try to find someone to marry their son off to
what makes everything even better is that since you’ve been around for a long time, seonghwa is head over heels in love with you and you’re head over heels in love with him
classic childhood friends to lovers
when you visited seonghwa’s town, he’d take you to the marketplace to meet people and you’d do the same for him
at balls, you would dance with each other as much was deemed appropriate by high society
someone’s kid got lost one time and seonghwa had carried her around with you, singing softly as you asked around for the kid’s parents until they were found
needless to say at this point your villages know the two of you very well and it isn’t just your parents rooting for this marriage lmao
so you get engaged and all and you aren’t going to marry until a few years later, you’re too young at the moment and both of you would prefer a little more freedom before you have to settle down
but at the engagement ceremony you exchanged rings and you two haven’t taken them off since, so it serves as a reminder of your bond
not like you need a reminder anyway - seonghwa is a dream come true, and there’s no way you would ever voluntarily leave him. ever. 
except nothing ever goes to plan especially in my universes so pirates attack just a year before you two are supposed to be married
you’re in seonghwa’s town visiting his family when the attack happens and both of you have just witnessed both of his parents being cut down before your eyes and you’re pulling seonghwa out of the estate, hoping to escape in the flood of screaming and fleeing people
but someone knocks you down as seonghwa yells your name
his hand loosens from yours and you try to grab at him but he just gets further and further away
you scream for him but someone else is already dragging him in the opposite direction and that’s the last you see of him
somehow you escape and manage to get back to your own village but seonghwa’s entire family is dead
there’s no reason to believe he survived either
and from that day on you grow a hatred of pirates so strong that you leave your family to join the navy just so you can take your revenge on those who took seonghwa and his family away from you
most of the navy recruits are children of former or current members, you’re the odd one out with your noble manners and method of speech
but you adapt quickly and desire for revenge fuels your motivation to keep moving, to keep getting better no matter how many times people knock you down
it’s for seonghwa and his family. always for them. 
you finish training with high honors and when you’re assigned to a fleet, you actually make a bit of a name for yourself - pirates don’t know who you are, exactly, but they’ve given you a nickname based on your appearance and it gets passed around in hushed whispers whenever it’s rumored that a navy fleet is coming to port
anyway that’s you. let’s move on to seonghwa
seonghwa isn’t dead (obviously), he was taken hostage because he’s young and strong and the pirates who took him thought he’d be a decent cabin boy or something, or maybe even a sailor
so seonghwa ends up working on that ship
the pirates really do not treat him well, the only moments of respite he gets are in sleep or when they dock sometimes
there are nights where seonghwa just wishes a huge storm would crack the ship in half and leave them all to drown, he has nothing to live for anymore - his parents are dead and he doesn’t even want to think about what might’ve happened to you
but spite fuels him and keeps him alive
seonghwa isn’t all that much of a goody two shoes after all - he knows how to use a sword and learns quickly. he also acts well and adapts
which is why eventually, he gains enough tentative trust from the crew that he won’t run away, so he’s allowed to explore the towns a little before the ship makes their attack wherever they are
but little do they know seonghwa is patient, observant, and has always been looking for the right time to slip away
so when the pirates do attack, seonghwa runs off and hides in the next town, where he meets hongjoong + his partner who have just gotten themselves a ship
so seonghwa joins the tiny crew of hongjoong’s pirate ship
he has reservations at first about the whole pirate thing, given who offed his entire family (and you - he thinks you’re dead and who can blame him?), but seonghwa quickly learns  hongjoong isn’t a mindless pillager or killer. he protects his crew and he has a purpose that he’s driven to fulfill - find the treasure and have a few adventures on the way. that’s all
he’s the first of the crew to join hongjoong besides his partner, and the three of them grow very close as the years pass
seonghwa starts out as the ship’s boatswain, keeping track of supplies and the ship’s general maintenance - he’s good at that, seeing as he has a sharp eye for detail and things that seem off, so he knows when people have been sneaking food (read: wooyoung)
hongjoong may be the captain, but the crew likes to joke that seonghwa is the one who actually keeps the ship running
he’s always there to listen to the newer members’ fears, their stories, or just to sit with them in comforting silence so they know they’re not alone
because if there’s anything seonghwa knows, it’s the horrible feeling of being completely alone, cut off from all those who once loved him
when hongjoong’s partner dies, seonghwa takes on the role of caring aggressively for hongjoong (aka asking the captain to come to his room)
albeit it’s in different ways because no one could ever replace the captain’s quartermaster. even if seonghwa technically holds the title now, it’s really in name only. yeah seonghwa fulfills the same duties, but everyone agrees - even him - that a void was left when hongjoong’s partner died, a void that’s closed up a little but will never fully leave
so time passes like this, seonghwa as a pirate, you in the navy, both completely unaware that the other is fully alive
until your crew receives word that a small pirate ship is going to be docking in a nearby port and you rush to meet it there
the fight is bloody and dirty, neither side playing fair
but you keep fighting, not stopping until you corner a pirate in an empty alley of the town
both of you have your swords out and there’s so much blood and grime on your faces that you can barely see
but there’s something familiar in the pirate’s expression. something in his eyes
something that makes you pause.
and then the bloody afternoon sunlight catches on something metal on his finger
a ring. a very familiar ring
identical, actually, to the one still on your hand. 
seonghwa reaches the conclusion at the same time you do and for a moment it’s kind of funny like that spiderman meme 
you two are just staring wide-eyed at each other while individual battles rage around you
seonghwa’s reeling - yes, the nickname that his crew had tossed around did get at some of your features, but never once in his entire life did he think that the navy fighter everyone feared so much would be you
somehow, even with all the dirt and blood caking your skin, you look as beautiful as ever
but the shattered look in your eyes is nothing he’s ever seen before.
meanwhile you’ve just gone slack with betrayal, betrayal at the knowledge that pirates killed seonghwa’s entire family yet he ended up on a pirate ship anyway, fighting battles for the fucking ship
he looks the same - a little older, a little more mature, his lips are still full and his eyes still beautiful with that same nose you loved to kiss so many years ago
but god, every cell in your body aches to scream, to rip him apart for this betrayal he made to everything you two stood for
(deep down you know there must be a reason for this - seonghwa doesn’t make decisions lightly, if he joined a pirate ship and is fighting for them, there has to be some reason why)
(but in the moment you can only feel the fury and betrayal that your former fiancé and the love of your life, the same person who was kidnapped by pirates and whose family was killed by pirates, has joined a crew)
except you can’t kill him. you know you can’t
and neither can he. you’re standing in front of him, his literal enemy - he’s trained over the years to become ruthless to those who aren’t members of his crew, to show no mercy
but at the sight of your eyes and the ring still on your finger, all of that training just shatters
you barely even exchange words. all you do is look at each other and then at the rings still on your hands, a promise unwillingly broken
it crosses your mind to take it off and throw it in the dust, show just how much that ring means to you when seonghwa’s betrayed you so badly
but just like you can’t kill him, you can’t take off the ring, even if it feels like it’s choking the circulation out of your finger
because even after all this time, you still love him. you still love seonghwa as much as he loves you
seonghwa just watches you level your sword at him, the blade positioning itself over his throat
he can’t kill you. he won’t. he knows that and he’s willing to accept his death at your hands
but you don’t do it. you just say, in a voice that’s broken beyond repair
if i see your face ever again, i swear on every god that exists that i will kill you
and you storm out of the alley, leaving a shaking seonghwa behind
(he doesn’t see it, but you can barely hold your sword steady either)
the fight ends a few hours later, seonghwa helps carry the injured back to the ship and set sail
it isn’t until hongjoong pulls him aside and tells him to wash up that he realizes just how tired he is
but even then, he can’t sleep. he ends up on deck, sitting against the rails, looking up at the night sky full of cold, twinkling stars as the ship bobs in the waves
hongjoong’s steering and asks him what’s wrong
seonghwa doesn’t say anything. it isn’t because hongjoong would throw him overboard for knowing a member of the navy, seonghwa’s proven himself loyal many times over and hongjoong knows that
but because even though hongjoong knows about his past and even about you, seonghwa doesn’t know what to say
he doesn’t know how to verbalize the vision of you, bloody and dirty, carrying a sword and wearing the ring he put on your hand so many years ago
he doesn’t know how to explain the achingly vivid picture of you painted in his mind, clearly older and more mature, having grown into your features over the years and still as gorgeous as ever
but worst of all, he doesn’t know how to describe the absolutely shattered look in your eyes, broken shards of glass fragmenting your expression as you took in his face, his body, the clothes and look of a pirate
seonghwa knows he couldn’t give up this life now, not after all that hongjoong has done and sacrificed for him, maybe he’d have tried to explain that to you if time had allowed it. he might even have asked you to come with him
but something tells him you wouldn’t have cared because in your eyes, he betrayed you, betrayed his family and yours
and it hurts. it hurts knowing he pained you this badly because after all this time, seonghwa still loves you
it’s why he never took off the ring, after all.
right now he honestly doesn’t know which is worse - thinking you’re dead and that he’ll never see you again, or knowing you’re alive but that you hate him and will kill him on sight the next time you meet
moonlight glitters mockingly on the ring on his finger, once a reminder of you and a promise of love
now a reminder of that same promise broken, and a new promise made - one that secures his death, should he ever come face to face with his love again.
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yunho (able-bodied sailor (ABS), later boatswain)
warnings: cursing
ah yes yunho. resident teddy bear who the new recruits think is just very soft - like why is he even on a pirate ship?
then the first battle comes around and they see yunho tearing around like a demon
and suddenly it all makes sense
anyway yunho really is a teddy bear most of the time - along with seonghwa, he’s the one that new recruits go to the most when they don’t know what’s happening because he’s kind and willing to explain if he’s got a bit of time
however if you come for anyone this man cares about, you’re fucked with around ten capital Fs 
yunho knows how to handle the sword at his belt, plus several other types of weapons as well
honestly probably only san and hongjoong are more skilled at fighting than yunho is
but moving on! yunho started out as one of the able-bodied sailors (that’s what they’re called on the site i’m using), essentially semi-skilled but not really specialized in specific roles of the ship
however when hongjoong’s partner was swept away in the storm, seonghwa became quartermaster and chose yunho to take over his previous boatswain duties
because yunho’s responsible and he knows what he’s doing, he also followed seonghwa around a lot when he was a bit younger so he’s learned more or less what a boatswain does - plus, he’s a quick learner, so anything he doesn’t know already seonghwa can teach him quickly
and because yunho’s now boatswain and is in charge of supplies on the ship, he spends a lot of time in the towns at every port where they legally dock because supplies!
which is how he meets you
you’re a commoner just trying to run your little grocery store, and times have been tough until yunho passes by your place and buys some fruit
throughout his brief stay in the town he comes by again and again and gives you enough business on his own to kickstart your life again
(but like let’s also not forget that a bunch of kids - boys and girls alike - start crowding in to see what this hot older dude is doing at this little grocery store)
so you’re eternally grateful to one jung yunho for helping you get back on your feet even if it was unintentional
and the next time the ship has docked in this port, you make sure to thank him effusively for it
because it isn’t just you that you’re trying to support - you have family too and you were never exactly the wealthiest, so the added business really means a lot to you regardless of whether yunho intended to have such an effect or not
yunho just blushes and says he’s happy to have helped, then tries to wave away the small bundle of groceries you give him for free
you think you’ve succeeded but yunho is Smooth and drops a small sack of coins into your front pocket just before he disappears into the market crowd
which is the start of your crush on the handsome guy named jung yunho who smiles like a teddy bear and has the sparkling eyes to match
meanwhile yunho has had a fucking crush on you since he passed by the grocery that first time
which is why he came back a second and a third time during that first visit
and why he keeps coming back, visit after visit until he’s staying in the store way past the time he should be returning to the ship and eventually kissing you in the moonlight just outside the store before he walks you home
you feel like you’re on cloud nine after that first kiss - yunho is everything you’ve ever wanted in a partner
your family loves him too, based on the encounters they’ve had the few times he was around when they were there
the only thing that worries you is the fact that he spends so much time... elsewhere
you’re well aware of the fact that he doesn’t live here, not even close by - you’ve seen the ships docked in port and yunho’s told you enough for you to understand that he travels for his living
but ateez is skilled at camouflaging themselves as not pirates, but something more benign - traveling merchants, things like that
and with yunho coming to town every so often with the purpose of restocking the ship, it isn’t so hard to believe
but as time goes on you start to grow a little suspicious
you’ll never take traveling away from yunho, as much as you’d like to settle down with him you know that the sea is his first love just as he’s yours, and you would never force him to choose
you can satisfy yourself just knowing he’ll come back to visit, no matter what
but sometimes you prod a little more and it’s uneasy the way yunho just clams up
because normally he’s happy to talk about anything and everything
but out of wishful thinking + the desire to pretend nothing is wrong, you just ignore it
until one night you’re out on a walk and you hear a familiar voice discussing routes and paths with a different, unfamiliar voice
but the first one you know
because it’s yunho
they’re talking about treasure and ships and how much gold they have and what they need
you try to reason it all away, try to spin their words in a way that makes them out to merely be the traveling merchants you always assumed they were
but then you realize - yunho never said that to you. it was always just your assumption
he never lied, but he never told you the truth
and now you have to face it on your own - yunho is part of a crew of pirates and there’s no reasoning it away
especially when you see the blades strapped to their sides glinting in the moonlight
the night is long and yunho doesn’t come by the next day, so you have time to think
and by the time he does come around, you’ve made a decision
that day, stone cold and unwavering, you tell him you want nothing more to do with him. even as your heart cracks at the dawning horror and shame and pain on yunho’s face, you tell him that on no account can you be found dealing with pirates
if it were just you, you might risk a little more, consider keeping this relationship with yunho a little longer
but you don’t live in a place that’s known for its sympathy to pirates - it isn’t a royal navy haven, exactly, but it isn’t lawless either
and you have a family to protect, too. the grocery store is all you have and if someone found out you were having a dalliance with a pirate, that might be taken away from you
yunho is crushed, absolutely crushed when he hears you and sees you speaking this way
part of him wants to get angry because you’ve been together for this long - what changes just because you found out he’s a pirate?
but he understands, even though he doesn’t want to. he understands that you have a family you need to protect and that a relationship with a pirate will only jeopardize that
it’s what he would do, right, if his own family, his crew mates, were also in danger? if he had a relationship with someone who would put them in harm’s way, he’d cut it off just as you did
so that day, you both part ways. neither of you expects to see the other ever again
and for several years, it seems that way
your family stops asking about that nice traveling merchant who looked at you with the sweetest smile
and seonghwa helps yunho out of his stupor. he understands, after all - his own love swore to kill him if they ever met again
broken hearts eventually heal, cracks still visible but no longer gaping wide, and life goes on
until yunho bursts into your little store one day, eyes wide and face white
you almost don’t recognize him at first - besides the fact that it’s been several years, you’ve never seen him look this frazzled
but once you do recognize him it’s like all those years fall away and you’re in love with him again, reaching out to touch him and ask him what’s wrong, despite the words you spoke that last day
yunho grabs your hands in a vice grip when you reach out and in the most serious voice you’ve ever heard him use, he tells you to get out of here with everyone you love
because other pirates are coming to attack. 
it takes you a second to register his words when he first says them because what - pirates? what would they ever want to do with your little village?
but the fear in yunho’s eyes makes it clear he’s telling the truth
so all you do is nod and squeeze his hands unconsciously, maybe, before picking up your things and running down the path back home
yunho doesn’t follow, not at first. he stays back a little to warn the other families he grew closer with during his visits to you, the kind people who welcomed him when he was here
some believe him, some don’t, and they all have the same look of fear in their eyes once they realize what yunho truly is
he doesn’t care, though - it doesn’t matter how much that fear hurts him, as long as they get out safe, that’s all that matters
yunho catches up to you just as you’re leaving the house. your family starts raising questions but you cut them off with a glare, and one of the older members of the family just herds everyone away to give you and yunho a last moment of space
except you don’t say anything. neither of you do
it’s half not knowing what to say after so many years apart
but it’s also half knowing exactly what the other is thinking, even after so many years apart
at some point yunho took your hands and now your touch just makes it painfully clear that even though he loved you, still loves you, none of this was ever meant to be
maybe in another lifetime, in a more perfect universe, but not this one
and the same thoughts are running through your head as you squeeze his fingers, rough and scarred from all his time on the sea
he pulls you close, presses a kiss on your forehead
you rest your head against his shoulder and whisper thank you as you squeeze him one last time
when you pull away, there’s apology in both your gazes - you for breaking things apart so painfully, yunho for having the profession he does
but there’s also acceptance and gratitude for years well spent in your love
(and of that love, much of it still remains)
you return to your family, who’s still waiting, leaving yunho behind
and one more time before you leave forever, you look back
he’s still there, watching you go
you let yourself smile again, once more
yunho lets himself smile too as he waves goodbye
it’s the goodbye you should have had the last time you parted, instead of the forced coldness and biting words you used to cut your relationship apart, and regret pinches deep in your chest
but you can only be grateful for the second chance to say farewell, so you wave too, exchanging one last smile before you disappear
neither of you sees the other ever again.
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yeosang (sailing master)
warnings: cursing, death, semi-graphic depiction of blood, implied drowning
guys i love this dude he’s so fucking cute i want to pat his head all the time
not in a bias way he’s just v cute and i adore him
ok this is supposed to be a pirate au not me yelling about how beautiful one kang yeosang can be so let’s start
yeosang is sailing master of hongjoong’s ship, which means he’s in charge of navigation and following the maps and all
and he’s very good at his job! yeosang’s very smart and knows what he’s doing, also is very observant so if he sees something’s wrong in a map or something he will actually make notes and fix things so next time the crew is prepared
spends most of his time up in the crow’s nest because that’s the best vantage point from where he can see other ships and/or land
except sometimes he speaks a little too softly so he has to yell like five times for whoever’s steering to hear him
(wooyoung likes to joke that he should be the one up in the nest because he’s loud as fuck but then yeosang reminds him of that one time he tried to read a map but it was upside down and yeosang was the one who managed to put them back on course)
(wooyoung then shuts up)
yeosang was born in a relatively well-off family, not nobility or anything but they had some money which meant he was educated
and he ended up being pretty good at math n stuff and really like screwing around with the maps he’d find in his parents’ small library
except his parents died of a plague when he was little, and he got sent to live in an orphanage
he took the maps and books with him and that’s where he grew up until wooyoung came around
you know that video where yeosang says he was v innocent and didn’t know how the world worked and his parents were worried about him until he became friends with wooyoung? yeah that’s essentially what’s at play here
before they met yeosang was pretty much just in his own little world. didn’t interact much with the other orphans and the orphanage owners really did not give a shit so he just sat in his corner reading and rereading books n shit that he’d taken from his home
but when yeosang turned idk let’s say sixteen he met wooyoung on the streets
and for some reason??? wooyoung took a liking to yeosang despite the fact that yeosang would barely give him the time of the day
in fact yeosang liked wooyoung’s partner much more
(which made wooyoung a little jealous but we’ll talk more about that later)
(i’ll just say it wasn’t romantic but wooyoung can be a blind little shit sometimes so you see where this is going)
but eventually woosang + woo’s partner become good friends
woo + partner have avoided the orphanage their whole life, just making their own living on the streets
until one day they come to yeosang with news that there’s a pirate ship willing to take them on
and they want yeosang to come with them. 
to yeosang it sounds like half a dream and half some ludicrous fantasy - first of all it’s a pirate ship, what can he even do there?
but because wooyoung is wooyoung and his partner is his partner they manage to convince yeosang to give up his half-life at the orphanage - he’s not doing anything there anyway, and at least now he might be able to travel and see the places he’s only marked on maps
and hongjoong is actually ecstatic to have yeosang on board because even though seonghwa can do some navigation, he was never the best at geography n stuff even when he was taking lessons as a noble so having someone who knows maps and details of different lands, even if he’s never seen them before, is a blessing
they all settle in on the ship together and for a while, life goes somewhat well for yeosang. the ship is small and they haven’t really built up a major reputation yet so a lot of the other pirate ships either ignore them or just literally don’t see them
which gives yeosang time to learn swordplay and other skills he needs as a pirate
and as time goes on, the crew grows larger, they gain recognition on the seas, and one night as he sits drinking on the deck with woosan + woo’s partner under the stars, he admits to himself that he feels happy
but then you come along
ateez has just won a battle against a smaller ship that you happen to be the sailing master of
except unlike sailing master yeosang, you fucking hate it there because everyone’s a bitch and willing to stab someone in the back in order to get in the captain’s good graces
and get this: the captain is still fucking alive after the battle and you just want to be anywhere but there
which... impresses hongjoong
and it’s like?? it leaves the other ship without a sailing master so mayhaps they’re even more fucked than hongjoong intended
so you get welcomed onto the crew!
and of course it takes a few weeks/months to actually feel your welcome, ateez will give chances to newcomers but they have to prove themselves too
but you end up doing that when you almost beat mf jung yunho in a mock sword fight on your fifth try - which is basically unheard of in the crew since literally only san and hongjoong are better fighters than him
so everyone pretty much accepts you after that
except yeosang
it’s kind of stupid - he’s really just jealous that you’re also a sailing master, he’s afraid that he won’t be seen as useful anymore now that you’ve come along (and with better sword skills too)
and it doesn’t help that you get along so easily with woosan + the others, who are supposed to be yeosang’s friends
so this dumb fucking rivalry now exists between the two sailing masters of hongjoong’s ship, one jealous and the other just confused but going along with it
it gives seonghwa many headaches and hongjoong even more
but despite everything, no matter how much the other crew members try to talk you too out of it you both just point at each other and are like he/they are a bitch. you expect me to get along with a bitch ???
(jongho: i mean yeah you both get along with woosan so)
(woosan: ready to fight but not really because jongho has Strength)
so yeah you two are enemies in the loosest sense, like you try not to let the rivalry get in the way of actual pirate business but otherwise you’re either arguing or giving each other the cold shoulder
hongjoong wants to fucking cry because you two actually work very well together when the time calls for it, but you just refuse to deal with each other otherwise
until his partner dies in the storm.
the entire crew is in shock, the mood dampened for the next few months as hongjoong grieves
san is also blaming himself even though it isn’t his fault that his rope snapped, even less his fault that their rope snapped
and everyone is miserable
after a few days, you walk up to yeosang and are like. hey. we need to put whatever this is behind us, at least for now - hongjoong doesn’t need to deal with our bullshit on top of what he already has, and san needs as much support as he can get
yeosang agrees and a truce is formed
it’s awkward at first - you’re used to tossing around jabs like nobody’s business and you’ve kind of forgotten how to interact with each other without hurling insults
but after a few weeks you and yeosang are at least on normal speaking terms
no one says anything but you can see seonghwa’s eyes sparkling in relief whenever you two are seamlessly navigating the ship together, or when one hops into the crow’s nest to take over from the other without a word
and during that time, you and yeosang grow a little closer, whether you realize it or not
telling the other to go take a break, i’ll watch for a little while or this map looks a little off, wasn’t the mountain a little closer to the next kingdom?
one night, yeosang almost collapses of exhaustion, and you make him drink water before carrying him to bed
another night he finds you poring over maps at ass o’clock in the morning and forces you to sleep
small things like that help you grow closer over time, and eventually, you start going back to insulting each other - except it’s not really insulting, just teasing
you two will banter when working together or yell at each other to go the fuck to sleep you dimwit
and you’d like to think that it makes hongjoong feel a little better, too, when he eventually pulls himself out of his stupor and begins acting a little more like his old self again
san too - the cracked glass look in his eyes eventually fades, and he starts to smile again
life goes on - the search for the treasure never stops
and as the years go by you maybe start to see yeosang as more than a crew mate, then more than a friend
yeosang feels the same
but beyond small touches and banter and reminders to take care of yourselves, you never say anything because you two are COWARDS
which is something you will regret for the rest of your life. 
one day you end up in a battle with a ship bigger than you’ve fought before
hongjoong had tried to steer you out of the way, but the ship just followed and eventually a fight was inevitable
it’s bloody and horrible, you and san are fighting back to back while wooyoung and yeosang are occupied somewhere closer to the crow’s nest
and you don’t even have time to think, it’s all just slash and stab and kill if you can
so at first, you don’t realize it when wooyoung goes down with a pained yell and yeosang is left alone
you cut down one pirate who’s been giving you trouble and spin to help wooyoung but then you catch sight of yeosang scrambling up the crow’s nest, out of reach of the pirate trying to cut his ankles
and your blood freezes. because though yeosang is a good fighter, if he’s trying to escape rather than fight...
something has gone very wrong.
you see it in his dangling leg and yeosang’s face contorted with pain as he hauls himself into the nest - his ankle is hurt, broken or twisted or something 
but the other pirate doesn’t have such an injury. and just as yeosang falls into the nest, he begins to climb up
you ry to go over to help but another pirate blocks your way and you’re forced to forego helping yeosang because the stupid enemies just won't stop coming
you try to believe that he’ll be fine even as blood coats your vision, as you try to fight your own battle against a seemingly endless enemy
until there’s an earsplitting yell from above and you look up to see yeosang double over in pain
both you and san exchange a single glance before trying to push through the throng to climb up, even though the sinking feeling in your chest tells you it’ll be too late
the pirate fighting yeosang stabs him, eliciting another yell - you swear you feel yeosang’s blood spatter all the way down onto your head as you rush over
but you stop, eyes wide with horror when the pirate lifts up yeosang’s limp body, streaming blood
and throws him out of the nest. 
later, wooyoung will tell you that your scream was what stopped the battle. he isn’t even joking, he’s deadly serious - people stopped fighting because you screamed so loud
you don’t even remember screaming. you only remember watching yeosang’s body sail through the air and racing to the ship’s edge, hand reaching out in a futile effort to catch him before he falls
for less than half a second, you meet yeosang’s eyes, blown wide with terror and pain
and then his body crashes beneath the ocean waves
someone holds you back from jumping over the railing. you kick and thrash but they don’t let go
your throat is raw from screaming yeosang’s name over and over and over because he can’t be dead, he can’t be - yeosang can swim, you know he can
but he had horrible injuries, and the pain mixed with seawater very well could have killed him before he even had the chance to drown
you keep screaming until your voice dies and your yells turns to sobs and you start begging, begging for him to come back
but his familiar blond head never resurfaces.
yeosang dies that day, dragged beneath the waves
taking a piece of your heart with him, too. 
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If you enjoyed, please don’t forget to reblog and leave a comment to tell me what you thought! Thank you for reading and have a lovely day <3
(1 reblog = 1 prayer for me I'm going to need like 10 years of rest after this much angst)
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whipped up this little gallavich father’s day one-shot bc i woke up and had feelings!
(to everyone who has a complicated relationship to father’s day—know that i love u 💗)
tw for mention of dead parents / abuse (terry 🙄🙄)
It was quiet when they woke— it had been months, and Mickey could finally admit that he had gotten a little bit used to waking up to the silence and blinding sunshine, the light reflecting off of the shiny glass exterior of their neighbors’ apartment complex windows and the soft chatter of people sitting down below at the pool as the slow summer mornings turned into lazy afternoons.
He turned to face Ian, shifting under the plush duvet they were wrapped in tightly; usually summer heat meant sleeping in underwear and a pool of your own fucking sweat in the South Side, but this boujee-ass place had fucking air conditioning that blasted all night long— Mickey nearly wore a fucking sweats and a hoodie to bed the first hot summer day when they’d started blasting it in the place. Ian had just grinned, making fun of him for being dressed like he was about to climb Mount Everest, and had pulled him closer under the sheets to wrap him in warmth.
Mickey rubbed at his eyes, reaching for his phone and clicking it to see the time. 7:52, the asscrack of dawn on a Sunday morning as far as he was concerned. No wonder Ian was still sleeping.
He had a couple of notifications— a few texts from Sandy, livetweeting when she was out last night and probably drunk out of her mind at some gay bar she’d started going to on the West Side at Ian’s recommendation; while Mickey had resisted those expensive-ass hipster beers at every fucking turn, Sandy had been coming by his and Ian’s place a lot more these days, and Ian had kept convincing them to all go out at the boujee queer spots along the block. Whatever— so what if he blew $9 on a fucking IPA that tasted like fucking battery acid? Ian loved it, Sandy loved it more, and he could afford to spend a few nights at some hipster-ass bar with his cousin and his husband hanging off his hip. He could do that shit now.
He scrolled through some emails, trying desperately to tune out the work bullshit and ignore the unread emails in his inbox— he and Ian had been making bank lately, the business growing more than ever especially now that COVID restrictions were all but nonexistent and people were ready to fucking party. He and Ian definitely spent more hours than not attached to their fucking Gmail app, scrolling through new requests and niche demands from growers; but they’d agreed that weekends were off-time, and talking about work was strictly forbidden. “Weekends are husband time, not co-worker time, Mick.”
Even so, Ian was still sleeping, and Mickey didn’t know what else the fuck to do until he woke up— he filtered idly through the inbox, then opened Instagram and started scrolling mindlessly, through pictures of his few dipshit cousins and their new gun purchases and questionable tattoo choices.
It was then when he saw the picture that V had just posted: a black-and-white photo of Kev and the girls, sitting at some sidewalk restaurant in Louisville.
To the papa bear of my amazing girls. Happy Father’s Day.
Fucking Father’s Day.
It’s not like Mickey didn’t know when Father’s Day was— it was more that its occurrence was knowledge that he passively avoided. The only time he remembered knowing when the fuck it was was in elementary school, when they’d been forced to draw colorful cards for their dads on thick sheets of construction paper. He’d drawn a fucking cool one for Terry, with scribbles of skulls and snakes and a picture of him and Mandy. He remembered clutching it tight between his fingers the walk home from school that Friday, and immediately shoving it deep into his backpack when he returned home and it was one of the bad days, the days filled with screaming and sobbing and him and Mandy huddled together in his bed.
“Hey, you okay?” Ian’s arm was snaking around Mickey’s waist under the blankets—a heavy weight, welcoming the air back into Mickey’s lungs.
Mickey reached over to ruffle Ian’s hair. “G’morning, sleepyface.”
Ian’s eyes searched Mickey’s face, then squeezed tightly shut as he yawned. He leaned to rest his head on Mickey’s shoulder, a dull weight on his chest.
“You know it’s Father’s Day?”
Ian craned his neck back again to meet Mickey’s eyes. “Huh.”
From his pensive gaze, Mickey could tell that the realization stunned Ian in the same way it had hit him. “Yup.”
They were silent. Ian reached his arm aimlessly under the covers, searching for Mickey’s hand— intertwining their fingers.
“It’s fucking weird, man.”
Ian breathed out a silent laugh of relief, a gust of air through his nose. “Was just thinking the same fucking thing. I could hate Frank on Father’s Day when he was alive, talk all the shit I wanted— seems kind of hard to do now that’s he’s gone.”
Mickey pressed his lips together. “Yeah.” The heavy feeling—the loss, the dread, was still heavy in his chest, beating next to where Ian’s head was resting. “Homophobic that this shit is during pride month, anyways. Don’t they know all the gays have fucking daddy issues?”
Ian snorted—and they laid there, breathing. Ian’s thumb started to trace a pattern on Mickey’s inner palm— soft, slow. “What d’you wanna do today?”
“I don’t know, man. A distraction would be nice. Can’t fucking scroll through Instagram without thinking about my dead dad, kind of a fucking mood kill.”
Ian laughed. “Yeah.” He took in a breath. And then:
“I know I keep talking about the kid shit. But I can’t stop thinking about when today will be, like. Exciting for us. Someday. Y’know?”
Mickey felt something lurch in his chest—he didn’t really know what it was. He and Ian had been talking about the kid thing— Ian dropping hints here and there, Mickey giving his wary consent that he’d tell Ian when he was ready. And now—this.
There was gonna be a day, some day—when Father’s Day didn’t feel like the hardest goddamn thing in the world anymore. Even after a lifetime of bad ones.  
Mickey felt the beginning of tears pricking in his eyes—stupid, stupid.
“Yeah, man. Guess so.”
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resident-leevil-old · 3 years
RCW: Biohazard
in the re7 continuity of Raccoon City Winters i feel like Mia was more sympathetic towards Eveline considering her and Ethan had strikingly similar upbringings; minimal socializing, constant tests ran on them, the needles.
I feel she was torn between taking Eveline away and staying with the Connections in order to help Ethan and it made her feel like shit the entire time. Especially when she had been lying to Ethan about working with the Connections.
She justifies it in her head, saying it would hurt Ethan more if she told him she had been working in a similar place his father had been working in, for a reason almost the same. She knows it's a shit thing, to lie to him like this, but she really wouldn't be able to stomach the look he would give her, and maybe that's selfish but she hates to see him hurt.
And then Eveline, who was young and only wanted a family ("like Ethan did," her brain yelled at her) to grow up with. Eveline, who smiled up at her even after going through the worst tests imaginable and finds comfort in her presence, like Ethan did, every time. Eveline who cries because she knows she's too dangerous to have a real family, but wants to try- hopes she could anyway, like Ethan did.
Mia considers it, running away with Eveline, back home to Ethan and Kyde and stay as far away from California as they could. She planned it out, the whole situation, down from the moment she got Eveline out of that basically a cell for a room to buying a house under a different name in god-damned Romania if she had to.
She accepts her plan as half-baked but the overwhelming guilt and sympathy in her heart allows her to forget about that.
Then the ship, sprung on her that they would be moving Eveline somewhere. The hurricane, Eveline's freakout, Mia's promises of taking Eveline with her and being her mother, the mold.
That night, before the two of them were knocked out of that ship, Eveline cried in Mia's arms for the destruction she caused, and Mia held her and cried for the feeling of failure weighing on her soul.
And when Mia hits the water, when she starts to fall unconscious, she only thinks of how Eveline said she hated storms before, just like Ethan does.
And Mia wakes up at the Baker's, and they tell her they rescued her, she deliriously asked if they also found a young girl, if they found Eveline. They tell her not yet, tell her to rest and they promise they'll help find her little girl. She rests, but wakes up again later, unable to keep her eyes closed. She writes on a paper she found just about everything she knew about Eveline and herself, trying to recollect her thoughts when she noticed them fading.
She falls unconscious again before finishing the paper, and she's unable to defuse Eveline's fear and anger before the Baker's are under her control.
The years that pass, Mia spends trying to convince Eveline that they can leave the Baker's and start anew. Eveline refuses, too scared that the Connections will come for them if they leave this house. She compromised with the shots that slowed her aging, why couldn't Mommy compromise with her? Did she hate her? Did she secretly want to abandon her? Whenever Eveline asked the answers were always, "No, no Evie I don't want to abandon you but we can't stay here forever, eventually we'll run out of resources for your shots, I don't want you to die, and you'll die after too long without them."
Eveline is content with it, with dying, if she gets to stay with Mommy the whole time. When she told her that, Mommy cried and apologized to her. Eveline never knew why she kept saying sorry, but she stopped saying she would be okay with dying because Mommy crying made her cry.
As the Baker's become cannibalistic and murderous under Eveline's control, she becomes more prideful of herself. Mia doesn't know what to do, how to stop these people from dying, falls under a state of depression. She tries to talk to Eveline, tries to tell her to stop, though Eveline only tells her that she wants to find her Mom someone to be with since she was so sad all the time. Mia knows its a part of Eveline's powers, but the look of innocence in her eyes breaks her down and she stops opposing.
Eventually, Mia tells Eveline about Ethan. Talks about how Ethan loved her more than anything in the world, laments that she shouldn't have lied to him when she only wanted to help him, tells Eveline she only wanted to leave this house so they could be with him. Eveline listens, asks her if she misses Ethan a lot, latches on to the reason she gave for wanting to leave.
Mia tells Eveline she did, that she missed Ethan more than anything in the world, and before she knew it she was unconscious again.
Ethan's arrival sparked something in Eveline's soul. She felt angry, at first that this man was the reason Mom would be willing to risk herself and her freedom to be with. She makes Mom fight him a few times, so angry at him for being the reason her family almost broke apart.
Then she watches him cry. She watches this man sit next to his wife each time they fought and cry, even holding her at the risk of her waking up again and hurting him. Eveline sees a man who loved her Mommy so much he would risk dying to mourn her hurt.
And, the final time Mom falls because of Ethan, he didn't move at all, crying on his knees as he held her in his arms. He hardly looks away from Mom when Jack attacks him and even when he kills him.
Eveline realized, when he woke again, his thoughts now shared with hers due to their new connection through the mold, that he loved Mom just as much as she did. She tests him, makes him fight with Grandmother and Grandfather, watching over him as he stumbled through Lucas' puzzles.
Eveline starts to like this man, who loves her Mom so much he'd died and came back to life with her as the only thing on his mind.
They nearly escaped, in that stupid little boat. Eveline cried when they both fell in the water. She hadn't mean to do that, hadn't meant to hit the boat directly. She panicked, pulled them both out of the water. She may be angry at Mom and Dad for nearly leaving her but she didn't want them to die.
She helps Mom remember things she forgot, everything that lead up to this. Mom cried again, and Eveline cries for her too.
She talks to Dad, in his head, and she scared him but he doesn't let that get in the way of talking to her. He shows her kindness, sympathy, tells her he doesn't want her to hurt.
Eveline cries to herself, as Mia frees Ethan and pushes him away, afraid she would hurt him. Eveline doesn't make Mom do anything except sleep, lets her rest for all that these years and this day has troubled her.
She talks to Ethan in person again, cried because he was so much more than nicer than he had to be. Cried because she understood now, why Mom wanted to be with him again, cried because she kept them away from each other for so long. Ethan convinces her to let her control of the house go, and she collapsed into the hug he gave her, so so tired.
Ethan held Eveline protectively in his arms when he met Redfield, not letting this child who has been through so, so much out of his sight. He doesn't trust these people, but they're helping Mia despite what she'd done so he held back his hostility.
He refused to let them take Eveline from his arms, she was tired and none of them looked like they knew how to carry a tired child.
They have to do check-ups every month during the first year, but they're allowed to stay together. They have to move to Europe, "Romania, huh?" Mia thinks to herself when she heard it, realizing that she'd gotten her wish- just differently than she expected, and no one could know where they lived but otherwise they would be fine. They keep in contact with Zoe, and Kyde (who doesn't wait to say "I told you so," to Ethan but still shows he's happy Mia was found and well,) throughout the years.
Eveline gets a final shot that was able to stabilize her aging process, and she's able to go with no more needles unless absolutely necessary. Mia tells Ethan everything she had been there for, promising to never keep another secret from him again, and he forgives her (he would do it either way). The three of them live happily in Romania, for all of three years.
And Eveline doesn't tell anyone that Ethan isn't Ethan like he used to be, waits for everyone to notice by themselves. They never do. And Re8 begins.
And that, my friends, is the RE7 Continuity of Raccoon City Winters; Raccoon City Winters: Biohazard!
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monotonous-minutia · 3 years
Brief history of Les contes d’Hoffmann edits (the short short version) + Summaries!
Kudos to anyone who gets through all of this, but I recommend at least reading the first part if you plan on watching this opera next week for Operablr Pride Month. It will help you find/choose a version to watch!
For the differences in the summaries to make sense, we need a little background info.
The very very very short version of why there are so many edits:
Offenbach died before he could finish the score. Most of the prologue, Olympia, and Antonia acts were done; the Giulietta act and the Epilogue were not, which is why those are the parts that vary the most across the different edits. Additionally, much of the material that varies belongs to Nicklausse/the Muse. The reason for this is that the mezzo in this role cancelled last minute, and the replacement didn’t have time to learn the entire role before the performance, so the Muse monologues, Violin Aria, and much of Nicklausse’s dialogue were cut; the ending monologue was replaced with spoken speech. Since the premiere—which is another story for another time—several conductors, directors, and music scholars have attempted to reconstruct the opera based on Offenbach’s drafts and notes, and in some cases their personal preferences. Additional shoutout to good old Guiraud, who finished a lot of the orchestration that Offenbach didn’t get to, which is some of the only stuff to survive most edits.
Also, I should say: apparently in addition to there being no definitive edition of this opera, there’s no definitive history either. I swear every book/article I read about it says something different so this is the best I could do. So if there are any inaccuracies, apologies in advance.
Now there are a lot of people that have tinkered with this opera, but there are a few main ones that compiled what are dubbed “critical editions,” because they did a bunch of research and a lot of people end up using edits based on what they did.
In chronological order, those critical edits are:
Choudens: The shortest version, and one most people are familiar with.
Oeser (1): Longer with a lot of missing material added, also fairly well-known.
Oeser (2): Even longer with a ton of new stuff added! (My personal fave but pretty rare)
Kaye/Keck: Uses some of the material rediscovered by Oeser, but also adds a ton of other stuff, particularly in the Giulietta act, as well as re-orchestrating significant portions. Not many of these either.
and apparently there’s another one called “OG Offenbach” or something like that but as far as I can tell there haven’t been any recordings of it or much about what it looks like, but from what I gather it’s fairly similar to that last one, with some adjustments based on yet more new-old material discovered.
And, of course, every single production I’ve ever seen/heard puts its own spin on things! So while most have the general formats as seen below, literally no two are exactly alike.
A bit more detail on the versions:
This is one of the first people to edit the material after it was butchered for the world premiere. It’s the short version of the opera with the most material missing, though to be fair he did improve upon what it had been before. His is (unfortunately) the edit most people are familiar with:
Prologue: Chorus of Spirits of wine and beer. Lindorf monologues about stealing Stella from Hoffmann. Students party in the tavern and ask Hoffmann to tell a stoy; he sings the famous "Ballad of Klein-Zach." When taunted by Lindorf about his love life, Hoffmann decides to tell everyone the tales of his Three Great Loves. Act I: Olympia. Hoffmann is in love with the “daughter” of Spalanzani, his science professor, unaware that she is a robot. Coppélius sells Hoffmann magic glasses that make him believe Olympia is a real human, despite Nicklausse's insistence that she is a mechanical doll. Olympia is presented to the guests at her coming-out party; they marvel over her. Hoffmann serenades her and dances with her, but Coppélius arrives to take her apart, and Hoffmann realizes he’s been in love with a robot the whole time. Act II: Giulietta. Choudens put the Giluietta act second instead of Antonia. At a party, Nicklausse and Giulietta sing the famous Barcarolle; Hoffmann counters with an aria about how love is futile. Nicklausse tries to warn Hoffmann to be careful of Giulietta's lover, Schlémil, but Hoffmann of course does not listen. Dapertutto arrives and makes a deal with Giulietta to trick Hoffmann. Giulietta seduces Hoffmann and steals his reflection. When Hoffmann realizes his reflection is gone, we get the famous Septet (the only thing I’m grateful to Choudens for). Afterwards, Hoffmann kills Schlémil  to get the key to Giulietta’s room, but Giulietta leaves with Pitichinaccio instead. Act III: Antonia. The singer Antonia is sick and it’s her singing that is killing her. Hoffmann, who’s been looking for her for months after Antonia and her father moved specifically so he couldn’t find them, has finally found her. They promise to run away and get married, but before they can, Dr. Miracle forces Antonia to sing until she literally dies. Epilogue: Hoffmann has finished his stories. Nicklausse makes the connection that all three ladies are actually metaphors for the real-life Stella. Hoffmann yells at him. Stella walks in on a drunk Hoffmann who mistakes her for his lovers; she leaves in a huff with Lindorf. Nicklausse reveals his identity as the Muse (in spoken dialogue) and asks for Hoffmann’s devotion. Hoffmann gets a reprise of his Giulietta act aria, but this time committing himself to the Muse and his art.
Oeser (1)
This one, which is also very common, isn’t Oeser’s *actual* edit but combines his with the Choudens one, so it has a lot more material than the previous one, but not as much as the longer Oeser version.
Prologue: Very similar to Choudens except we get the Muse’s opening monologue explaining their motivations (winning Hoffmann and saving him from Stella) before the rest of the action. Act I: Olympia. Pretty much the same but sometimes Nicklausse gets a different aria. Act II: Antonia (which here comes before Giulietta). Almost exactly the same as Choudens’, but Nicklausse gets to sing a lovely aria about love and art which is really a love song for Hoffmann. Act III: Giulietta. Pretty much the same, except it’s the third act instead of the second act. Epilogue: Starts pretty much the same, until the Hoffmann/Stella confrontation which is now put to music. Then we get a reprise of Klein-Zach followed by the drinking chorus, after which the Muse reappears. The opera ends with the Muse’s closing monologue and chorus about how Hoffmann’s suffering will make him a greater artist.
Oeser (2)
Pretty similar to the short Oeser version described above. The most dramatic changes are really just in the Giulietta act, though there’s some extra material in Olympia too (that one waltzy duet I’m always gushing about) and sometimes more sung material for the Muse in the epilogue as well. Oeser’s longer Giluietta act: Has the same basic plot points, except instead of going right from Dapertutto making the deal with Giulietta to Giulietta seducing Hoffmann, we get a gambling scene where Giulietta serenades the guests as they play cards, during which each of the characters gets a little moment. Then Giulietta leaves and Hoffmann follows her, and she sings sadly about her dismal situation which leads into her seduction of Hoffmann, and the rest of the act ends pretty much the same, except sometimes there’s no Septet.
Now, on to possibly the wildest of them all:
This one is rare; there’s only a few recordings that even attempt it, and very few get it to the letter of what these two scholars compiled. Once again, most of the changes are in the Giulietta act and Epilogue; the only real changes in the previous acts are in the orchestration of some parts. Kaye Giulietta Act: Starts pretty much the same, with the Barcarolle and Hoffmann’s derisive aria, and Dapertutto making the deal with Giulietta. We get a gambling scene here too, but it’s not as long or dramatic and Giulietta gets a different aria. Hoffmann kills Schlémil for the same reasons, but it happens before Giulietta steals his reflection; essentially she’s bribing him before she pretends to fall in love with him. Hoffmann gets in trouble for killing Schlémil, and in a fit of rage tries to kill Giulietta, but kills Pitichinaccio instead. Kaye Epilogue: It starts with a chorus for the students kinda trying to talk Hoffmann down from his crazy stories. We get the same Nicklausse-Hoffmann confrontation, and the one with Stella, and a reprise of Klein-Zach, but in addition to the drinking chorus repeating we get a kind of ominous reprise of the “Glou! Glou!” chorus from the prologue, after which the Muse enters and we get the same ending monologue but it’s got some extra pieces.
So the short short version ended up pretty long huh? Anyway, I hope it's helpful!
If you want more detailed summaries to follow along with when you watch the opera, see below!
More detailed summaries!
Choudens is one of the the first critical edits of the opera and, despite the fact that it’s been discredited multiple times, is still inexplicably used a lot and is what a lot of people think of when they think of this opera.
Prologue We open in Luther's Tavern. A chorus of the Spirits of Wine and Beer sing out. The Councilor Lindorf comes in and bribes Andrès, a tavern employee, into giving him a letter from Stella, an actress, that’s addressed to Hoffmann. Lindorf reads the letter, in which Stella has included the key to her room and invites Hoffmann to join her after her performance that evening. Lindorf keeps the letter and key for himself. A group of students arrive in the tavern and sing a rousing drinking chorus. After a bit they notice Hoffmann isn’t there yet and demand to know where he is. Luther, the tavern's owner, tells them Hoffmann is on his way, along with his friend Nicklausse. The pair enter and take a seat. Hoffmann is melancholy and brooding, which prompts the students to ask him for a jovial song to lighten the mood. Hoffmann then sings the famous “Ballad of Klein-Zach.” But in the middle of the song, he gets distracted by memories of Stella. The students bring him back to reality and he finishes the song, but the talk of love brings it up as a topic of conversation. Hoffmann declares “The devil take me if I were ever to fall in love!” At this point Lindorf makes his presence known, sneering at Hoffmann. The two of them then get into a battle of words, during which Hoffmann inadvertently admits that he is, in fact, in love with someone. Curious, the students ask him for the story of his love. Hoffmann declares that he has had not one but three mistresses: an artist, a young girl, and a courtesan. He then begins to tell his tales. Act I: Olympia. Hoffmann goes to visit his science professor, Spalanzani, to declare his devotion to science. Spalanzani commends him, then leaves to prepare for his “daughter” Olympia’s coming-out party. Hoffmann admits his love for Olympia and gazes at her through a window. Nicklausse arrives and gently teases him about his love, singing a song about a mechanical doll and bird. Hoffmann brushes him off. Coppélius, an eccentric saleman, enters and displays his various wares, including a variety of contraptions but primarily eyes. He manages to get Hoffmann interested in a pair of magical glasses, which Hoffmann then purchases and wears for the remainder of the act. Spalanzani returns and gets into an argument with Coppélius about Olympia; Coppélius wants a share since she has his eyes. Spalanzani decides to pay Coppélius with a check that he mentions in an aside he knows will bounce. Coppélius tells Spalanzani that he should get Hoffmann to marry Olympia as a joke. Spalanzani agrees, and Coppélius leaves. Cochenille, Spalazani's assistant, announces the arrival of the guests. A chorus of people arrive, admiring Spalanzani’s skills as a host. Spalanzani introduces Olympia to the guests, who marvel over her perfection. Olympia sings a charming songs about birds and love. Hoffmann's new glasses make him see Olympia as a real person rather than the robot she actually is, and he is captivated. After Olympia’s song, the guests leave to go to dinner, but Spalanzani asks Hoffmann to stay behind with Olympia. Hoffmann professes his love for Olympia, who responds only with “Yes” when Hoffmann touches her shoulder (he doesn’t know he’s actually triggering a button that makes her say that word). When he goes to embrace her, Olympia runs off. Nicklausse returns, telling Hoffmann to be wary, because everything is not as it seems; Hoffmann brushes him off yet again. They leave to join the other guests. Coppélius enters, furious with Spalanzani for giving him a faulty check. He swears revenge and runs off. The guests return for dancing. Spalanzani asks Hoffmann to dance with Olympia. During the dance, Olympia goes haywire and rushes offstage, pursued by Cochenille. In the process, Hoffmann’s glasses are broken. Cochenille rushes back onstage, crying out that Coppélius has Olympia; Spalanzani rushes to her aid, only to find Coppélius with the robot in pieces. They return holding parts of the broken doll, and Hoffmann, his magical glasses now broken, finally sees Olympia for what she truly is and is
humiliated. Act II: Giulietta (Choudens is the only edit that has Giulietta second instead of third) Venice. The courtesan Giulietta is having a party of sorts. She and Nicklausse sing the famous Barcarolle. Afterwards Hoffmann mocks them with a song of his own condemning love and romance. Schlémil, who is in love with Giulietta, enters and makes it clear he is suspicious of Hoffmann when Giulietta introduces him. Giulietta then leads her guests out to play cards. Hoffmann is about to follow when Nicklausse takes him aside, warning him against Giulietta and asking him to leave. Hoffmann says there’s no way he could fall for someone like Giulietta, and if he does, may the devil take him! (He really needs to stop saying that.) After Hoffmann and Nicklausse leave to play cards with the others, the Captain Dapertutto comes in, announcing he plans to thwart Hoffmann with the help of Giulietta. He attracts the courtesan with a diamond (and a deceptively pretty aria) and tells her she needs to steal Hoffmann’s reflection for him. Giulietta agrees to do so in exchange for the diamond. Hoffmann returns and Dapertutto leaves. Giulietta seduces Hoffmann, who serenades her with a fairly famous aria that gets reprised later for a different reason (keep an eye out for that). Knowing she has him on the hook, Giulietta demands his fidelity—and his reflection. Helpless against her charms, Hoffmann agrees to both. Schlémil, Dapertutto, and Nicklausse return. Giulietta tells Hoffmann that Schlémil has the key to her room, and if Hoffmann can retrieve it, she’ll meet him there later. Dapertutto taunts Hoffmann, who looks in a mirror to find that his reflection is gone. Nicklausse begs him to leave but Hoffmann refuses, still clinging to the hope that Giulietta actually loves him. However she only mocks him, and he despairs, starting everyone off in the famous Septet (or "Sextet and Chorus"). Giulietta leads everyone back to the party, except Schlémil, who challenges Hoffmann to a duel. Hoffmann kills Schlémil and takes the key. He rushes to find Giulietta, only to see her riding off in a gondola with her real lover Piticchinaccio, both of whom are laughing at his expense. Nicklausse tells Hoffmann the police are coming to look for Schlémil’s murderer, and finally drags him away. Act III: Antonia Crespel’s house. Antonia laments the death of her mother and her separation from her lover, Hoffmann. Her father, Crespel, enters and reminds her not to sing, lest she die from it like her mother did. Antonia promises him she won’t sing anymore and leaves sadly. Crespel asks his servant Frantz to watch the door and make sure no one comes in. Frantz, who is partially deaf, only half-understands him. Crespel expresses frustration at this and leaves. Frantz remarks in a fun little number that if only he had some talents—like singing or dancing—maybe his boss would appreciate him more. Hoffmann enters with Nicklausse; they have been travelling for weeks looking for Antonia after she moved away without a word. Hoffmann asks Frantz to find Antonia for him. When the servant leaves to do so, Hoffmann begins to sing a song that he and Antonia wrote. Antonia hears him and rushes to meet him; Nicklausse exits quietly. Hoffmann and Antonia rejoice over their reunion and pledge to get married. Hoffmann expresses concern over Antonia’s insistence to sing despite her ill health. Antonia convinces him to sing their song together, which they do. Afterwards Antonia becomes tired. Before Hoffmann can react, they hear Crespel coming. Antonia flees, but Hoffmann remains, hiding so he can eavesdrop on Crespel. Frantz returns and tells Crespel that Dr. Miracle is here, having misunderstood Crespel’s command to not let anyone in. Dr. Miracle enters, asking to see Antonia. Crespel refuses and tells him to leave, saying that his faulty medicine is what killed Antonia's mother. Dr. Miracle, however, remains, and pantomimes an interaction with Antonia where he checks her pulse and orders her to sing. Offstage, Antonia responds with a scale. Dr. Miracle tells Crespel that
Antonia is dangerously ill, and gives him
two vials of medicine that he says will cure her. Crespel refuses them, calling the doctor a murderer and chasing him out. Hoffmann comes out of hiding, stunned by this encounter. Antonia returns and asks Hoffmann what her father said, thinking that he and Hoffmann had been talking this entire time. Hoffmann, disturbed by what he’s seen and heard, makes Antonia promise not to sing. She agrees, but when Hoffmann leaves (promising to return for her later) she laments that Hoffmann is now on her father’s side about her singing. Dr. Miracle returns as a disembodied voice, taunting Antonia. Why should she give up singing just because her father and Hoffmann tell her to? Doesn’t she want to be a great singer like her mother? When Antonia rebuffs him, Dr. Miracle calls on the spirit of Antonia’s dead mother, who leads Antonia in a frantic refrain. Antonia, exhausted by the singing, collapses. Crespel rushes in to see his daughter dying on the floor. She tells him she sees her mother, then sings a part of her and Hoffmann’s song, before dying in her father’s arms. Hoffmann rushes in just in time to see Dr. Miracle pronounce Antonia dead. Epilogue Back at the tavern, Hoffmann finishes his tales. Offstage, cheers and applause are heard for Stella as her performance comes to an end. Nicklausse announces a revelation—all of Hoffmann’s lovers in his stories are just manifestations of his real love for a single woman, Stella. Furious, Hoffmann shouts Nicklausse down, then deliriously leads a reprise of the drinking chorus. Stella enters looking for Hoffmann, only to find him dead drunk. He mistakes her for his three fictional loves, then rejects her. Offended, Stella leaves with Lindorf. The students all leave and Hoffmann is alone with Nicklausse, who reveals himself to be the Muse of Poetry. The Muse declares her devotion to Hoffmann and asks for his in return. Hoffmann, hearing this, repeats his song from the Giulietta act, this time declaring his love for the Muse and promising to return to his art.
Oeser (1)
The short Oeser version is the other Most Commonly Seen edit (I think it’s about a tie). It's similar to the Choudens edit in many ways, with some significant additions, which are in blue below: Prologue We open in Luther's Tavern. A chorus of the Spirits of Wine and Beer sing out. The Muse emerges from a barrel, declaring her love for Hoffmann and determination to rid him of Stella, the “siren” who has stolen his attention (and affection). She tells the audience that she will disguise herself as Nicklausse, Hoffmann’s friend, in order to try one last time to win him tonight. The Councilor Lindorf comes in and bribes Andrès, a tavern employee, into giving him a letter from Stella, an actress, that’s addressed to Hoffmann. Lindorf reads the letter, in which Stella has included the key to her room and invites Hoffmann to join her after her performance that evening. Lindorf keeps the letter and key for himself. A group of students arrive in the tavern and sing a rousing drinking chorus. After a bit they notice Hoffmann isn’t there yet and demand to know where he is. Luther, the tavern's owner, tells them Hoffmann is on his way, along with Nicklausse. The pair enter and take a seat. Hoffmann is melancholy and brooding, which prompts the students to ask him for a jovial song to lighten the mood. Hoffmann then sings the famous “Ballad of Klein-Zach.” But in the middle of the song, he gets distracted by memories of Stella. The students bring him back to reality and he finishes the sing, but the talk of love brings it up as a topic of conversation. Hoffmann declares “The devil take me if I were ever to fall in love!” At this point Lindorf makes his presence known, sneering at Hoffmann. The two of them then get into a battle of words, during which Hoffmann inadvertently admits that he is, in fact, in love with someone. Curious, the students ask him for the story of his love. Hoffmann declares that he has had not one but three mistresses: an artist, a young girl, and a courtesan. He then begins to tell his tales. Act I: Olympia Hoffmann goes to visit his science professor, Spalanzani, to declare his devotion to science. Spalanzani commends him, then leaves to prepare for his “daughter” Olympia’s coming-out party. Hoffmann admits his love for Olympia and gazes at her through a window. Nicklausse arrives and gently teases him about his love, singing a song about a mechanical doll and bird (sometimes it’s changed to a more mocking song specifically referencing Olympia). Hoffmann brushes him off. Coppélius, an eccentric salesman, enters and attempts to sell Hoffmann and Nicklausse a variety or contraptions; Hoffmann and Nicklausse bicker over whether or not to engage with the salesman. Coppélius manages to get Hoffmann interested in a pair of magical glasses, which Hoffmann then purchases and wears for the remainder of the act. Spalanzani returns and gets into an argument with Coppélius about Olympia; Coppélius wants a share since she has his eyes. Spalanzani decides to pay Coppélius with a check that he mentions in an aside he knows will bounce. Coppélius tells Spalanzani that he should get Hoffmann to marry Olympia as a joke. Spalanzani agrees, and Coppélius leaves. Cochenille, Spalanzani's assistant, announces the arrival of the guests. A chorus of people arrive, admiring Spalanzani’s skills as a host. Spalanzani introduces Olympia to the guests, who marvel over her perfection. Olympia sings a charming songs about birds and love. Hoffmann's new glasses make him see Olympia as a real person rather than the robot she actually is, and he is captivated. After Olympia’s song, the guests leave to go to dinner, but Spalanzani asks Hoffmann to stay behind with Olympia. Hoffmann professes his love for Olympia, who responds only with “Yes” when Hoffmann touches her shoulder (he doesn’t know he’s actually triggering a button that makes her say that word). When he goes to embrace her, Olympia runs off. Nicklausse returns, telling Hoffmann to be wary, because everything is not as it seems; Hoffmann brushes him off yet again. They leave to
join the other guests. Coppélius enters, furious with Spalanzani for giving him a faulty check. He swears revenge and runs off. The guests return for dancing. Spalanzani asks Hoffmann to dance with Olympia. During the dance, Olympia goes haywire and rushes offstage, pursued by Cochenille. In the process, Hoffmann’s glasses are broken. Cochenille rushes back onstage, crying out that Coppélius has Olympia; Spalanzani rushes to her aid, only to find Coppélius with the robot in pieces. They return holding parts of the broken doll, and Hoffmann, his magical glasses now broken, finally sees Olympia for who she truly is and is humiliated. Act II: Antonia (When Oeser made his edit, he rearranged the acts to their original order, placing Antonia before Giulietta.) Crespel’s house. Antonia laments the death of her mother and her separation from her lover, Hoffmann. Her father, Crespel, enters and reminds her not to sing, lest she die from it like her mother did. Antonia promises him she won’t sing anymore and leaves sadly. Crespel asks his servant Frantz to watch the door and make sure no one comes in. Frantz, who is partially deaf, only half-understands him. Crespel expresses frustration at this and leaves. Frantz remarks in a fun little number that if only he had some talents—like singing or dancing—maybe his boss would appreciate him more. Hoffmann enters with Nicklausse; they have been travelling for weeks looking for Antonia after she moved away without a word. Hoffmann asks Frantz to go find Antonia for him. While Hoffmann expresses his joy over being reunited with Antonia, Nicklausse tries to temper his excitement with a reality check, which Hoffmann brushes off (he does this a lot). Nicklausse then sings a lovely song about the power of art and love (which is really a love song for Hoffmann), but once again Hoffmann ignores him. Hoffmann begins to sing a song that he and Antonia wrote. Antonia hears him and rushes to meet him; Nicklausse exits quietly. Hoffmann and Antonia rejoice over their reunion and pledge to get married. Hoffmann expresses concern over Antonia’s insistence to sing despite her ill health. Antonia convinces him to sing their song together, which they do. Afterwards Antonia becomes tired. Before Hoffmann can react, they hear Crespel coming. Antonia flees, but Hoffmann remains, hiding so he can eavesdrop on Crespel. Frantz returns and tells Crespel that Dr. Miracle is here, having misunderstood Crespel’s command to not let anyone in. Dr. Miracle enters, asking to see Antonia. Crespel refuses and tells him to leave, saying that his faulty medicine is what killed Antonia's mother. Dr. Miracle, however, remains, and pantomimes an interaction with Antonia where he checks her pulse and orders her to sing. Offstage, Antonia responds with a scale. Dr. Miracle tells Crespel that Antonia is dangerously ill, and gives him two vials of medicine that he says will cure her. Crespel refuses them, calling the doctor a murderer and chasing him out. Hoffmann comes out of hiding, stunned by this encounter. Antonia returns and asks Hoffmann what her father said, thinking that he and Hoffmann had been talking this entire time. Hoffmann, disturbed by what he’s seen and heard, makes Antonia promise not to sing. She agrees, but when Hoffmann leaves (promising to return for her later) she laments that Hoffmann is now on her father’s side about her singing. Dr. Miracle returns as a disembodied voice, taunting Antonia. Why should she give up singing just because her father and Hoffmann tell her to? Doesn’t she want to be a great singer like her mother? When Antonia rebuffs him, Dr. Miracle calls on the spirit of Antonia’s dead mother, who leads Antonia in a frantic refrain. Antonia, exhausted by the singing, collapses. Crespel rushes in to see his daughter dying on the floor. She tells him she sees her mother, then sings a part of her and Hoffmann’s song, before dying in her father’s arms. Hoffmann rushes in just in time to see Dr. Miracle pronounce Antonia dead. Act III: Giulietta Venice. The courtesan Giulietta is having a
party of sorts. She and Nicklausse sing the famous Barcarolle. Afterwards Hoffmann mocks them with a song of his own condemning love and romance. Schlémil, who is in love with Giulietta, enters and makes it clear he is suspicious of Hoffmann when Giulietta introduces him. Giulietta then leads her guests out to play cards. Hoffmann is about to follow when Nicklausse takes him aside, warning him against Giulietta and asking him to leave. Hoffmann says there’s no way he could fall for someone like Giulietta, and if he does, may the devil take him! (He really needs to stop saying that.) After Hoffmann and Nicklausse leave to play cards with the others, the Captain Dapertutto comes in, announcing he plans to thwart Hoffmann with the help of Giulietta. He attracts the courtesan with a diamond (and a deceptively pretty aria) and tells her she needs to steal Hoffmann’s reflection for him. Giulietta agrees to do so in exchange for the diamond. Hoffmann returns and Dapertutto leaves. Giulietta seduces Hoffmann, who serenades her with a fairly famous aria. Knowing she has him on the hook, Giulietta demands his fidelity—and his reflection. Helpless against her charms, Hoffmann agrees to both. Schlémil, Dapertutto, and Nicklausse return. Giulietta tells Hoffmann that Schlémil has the key to her room, and if Hoffmann can retrieve it, she’ll meet him there later. Dapertutto taunts Hoffmann, who looks in a mirror to find that his reflection is gone. Nicklausse begs him to leave but Hoffmann refuses, still clinging to the hope that Giulietta actually loves him. However she only mocks him, and he despairs, starting everyone off in the famous Septet (or Sextet and Chorus). Giulietta leads everyone back to the party, except Schlémil, who challenges Hoffmann to a duel. Hoffmann kills Schlémil and takes the key. He rushes to find Giulietta, only to see her riding off in a gondola with her real lover Piticchinaccio, both of whom are laughing at his expense. Nicklausse tells Hoffmann the police are coming to look for Schlémil’s murderer, and finally drags him away. Epilogue Back at the tavern, Hoffmann finishes his tales. Offstage, cheers and applause are heard for Stella as her performance comes to an end. Nicklausse announces a revelation—all of Hoffmann’s lovers in his stories are just manifestations of his real love for a single woman, Stella. Furious, Hoffmann shouts Nicklausse down, then deliriously leads a reprise of the drinking chorus. Stella enters looking for Hoffmann. Nicklausse exits, telling Hoffmann it’s time for him to choose. Hoffmann drunkenly mistakes Stella for his three fictional loves, then rejects her. Offended, Stella leaves with Lindorf. Hoffmann begins to sing his Klein-Zach song before falling in despair. The students exit the tavern, singing their song once again and leaving Hoffmann alone. Nicklausse returns and reveals his identity as the Muse, serenading Hoffmann with a comforting refrain: love makes a man great, but tears make him greater still—his suffering is not in vain, but will make him an even greater artist.
Oeser (2)
The long Oeser version (my personal favorite) follows the short one fairly closely; most of the major revisions are in the Giulietta act. This one is pretty rare—I’ve only found one video (which is a terrible production unfortunately) and one audio recording (which is the greatest audio recording of this opera that currently exists). New material in green text:
Prologue We open in Luther's Tavern. A chorus of the Spirits of Wine and Beer sing out. The Muse emerges from a barrel, declaring her love for Hoffmann and determination to rid him of Stella, the “siren” who has stolen his attention (and affection). She tells the audience that she will disguise herself as Nicklausse, Hoffmann’s friend, in order to try one last time to win him tonight. The Councilor Lindorf comes in and bribes Andrès, a tavern employee, into giving him a letter from Stella, an actress, that’s addressed to Hoffmann. Lindorf reads the letter, in which Stella has included the key to her room and invites Hoffmann to join her after her performance that evening. Lindorf keeps the letter and key for himself. A group of students arrive in the tavern and sing a rousing drinking chorus. After a bit they notice Hoffmann isn’t there yet and demand to know where he is. Luther, the tavern's owner, tells them Hoffmann is on his way, along with Nicklausse. The pair enter and take a seat. Hoffmann is melancholy and brooding, which prompts the students to ask him for a jovial song to lighten the mood. Hoffmann then sings the famous “Ballad of Klein-Zach.” But in the middle of the song, he gets distracted by memories of Stella. The students bring him back to reality and he finishes the sing, but the talk of love brings it up as a topic of conversation. Hoffmann declares “The devil take me if I were ever to fall in love!” At this point Lindorf makes his presence known, sneering at Hoffmann. The two of them then get into a battle of words, during which Hoffmann inadvertently admits that he is, in fact, in love with someone. Curious, the students ask him for the story of his love. Hoffmann declares that he has had not one but three mistresses: an artist, a young girl, and a courtesan. He then begins to tell his tales. Act I: Olympia Hoffmann goes to visit his science professor, Spalanzani, to declare his devotion to science. Spalanzani commends him, then leaves to prepare for his “daughter” Olympia’s coming-out party. Hoffmann admits his love for Olympia and gazes at her through a window. Nicklausse arrives and gently teases him about his love, singing a song about a mechanical doll and bird (sometimes it’s changed to a more mocking song specifically referencing Olympia). Hoffmann brushes him off. Coppélius, an eccentric salesman, enters and attempts to sell Hoffmann and Nicklausse a variety or contraptions; Hoffmann and Nicklausse bicker over whether or not to engage with the salesman. Coppélius manages to get Hoffmann interested in a pair of magical glasses, which Hoffmann then purchases and wears for the remainder of the act. Spalanzani returns and gets into an argument with Coppélius about Olympia; Coppélius wants a share since she has his eyes. Spalanzani decides to pay Coppélius with a check that he mentions in an aside he knows will bounce. Coppélius tells Spalanzani that he should get Hoffmann to marry Olympia as a joke. Spalanzani agrees, and Coppélius leaves. Cochenille, Spalanzani's assistant, announces the arrival of the guests. A chorus of people arrive, admiring Spalanzani’s skills as a host. Spalanzani introduces Olympia to the guests, who marvel over her perfection. Olympia sings a charming songs about birds and love. Hoffmann's new glasses make him see Olympia as a real person rather than the robot she actually is, and he is captivated. After Olympia’s song, the guests leave to go to dinner, but Spalanzani asks Hoffmann to stay behind with Olympia. Hoffmann professes his love for Olympia, who responds only with “Yes” when Hoffmann touches her shoulder (he doesn’t know he’s actually triggering a button that makes her say that word). When he goes to embrace her, Olympia runs off. Nicklausse returns, telling Hoffmann to be wary, because everything is not as it seems; Hoffmann brushes him off yet again. Then we get my beloved little waltzy duet where Nicklausse invites Hoffmann back to the party and Hoffmann denounces cynics who disbelieve the power of love. They leave to join the other guests. Coppélius
enters, furious with Spalanzani for giving him a faulty check. He swears revenge and runs off. The guests return for dancing. Spalanzani asks Hoffmann to dance with Olympia. During the dance, Olympia goes haywire and rushes offstage, pursued by Cochenille. In the process, Hoffmann’s glasses are broken. Cochenille rushes back onstage, crying out that Coppélius has Olympia; Spalanzani rushes to her aid, only to find Coppélius with the robot in pieces. They return holding parts of the broken doll, and Hoffmann, his magical glasses now broken, finally sees Olympia for who she truly is and is humiliated. Act II: Antonia Crespel’s house. Antonia laments the death of her mother and her separation from her lover, Hoffmann. Her father, Crespel, enters and reminds her not to sing, lest she die from it like her mother did. Antonia promises him she won’t sing anymore and leaves sadly. Crespel asks his servant Frantz to watch the door and make sure no one comes in. Frantz, who is partially deaf, only half-understands him. Crespel expresses frustration at this and leaves. Frantz remarks in a fun little number that if only he had some talents—like singing or dancing—maybe his boss would appreciate him more. Hoffmann enters with Nicklausse; they have been travelling for weeks looking for Antonia after she moved away without a word. Hoffmann asks Frantz to go find Antonia for him. While Hoffmann expresses his joy over being reunited with Antonia, Nicklausse tries to temper his excitement with a reality check, which Hoffmann brushes off (he does this a lot). Nicklausse then sings a lovely song about the power of art and love (which is really a love song for Hoffmann), but once again Hoffmann ignores him. Hoffmann begins to sing a song that he and Antonia wrote. Antonia hears him and rushes to meet him; Nicklausse exits quietly. Hoffmann and Antonia rejoice over their reunion and pledge to get married. Hoffmann expresses concern over Antonia’s insistence to sing despite her ill health. Antonia convinces him to sing their song together, which they do. Afterwards Antonia becomes tired. Before Hoffmann can react, they hear Crespel coming. Antonia flees, but Hoffmann remains, hiding so he can eavesdrop on Crespel. Frantz returns and tells Crespel that Dr. Miracle is here, having misunderstood Crespel’s command to not let anyone in. Dr. Miracle enters, asking to see Antonia. Crespel refuses and tells him to leave, saying that his faulty medicine is what killed Antonia's mother. Dr. Miracle, however, remains, and pantomimes an interaction with Antonia where he checks her pulse and orders her to sing. Offstage, Antonia responds with a scale. Dr. Miracle tells Crespel that Antonia is dangerously ill, and gives him two vials of medicine that he says will cure her. Crespel refuses them, calling the doctor a murderer and chasing him out. Hoffmann comes out of hiding, stunned by this encounter. Antonia returns and asks Hoffmann what her father said, thinking that he and Hoffmann had been talking this entire time. Hoffmann, disturbed by what he’s seen and heard, makes Antonia promise not to sing. She agrees, but when Hoffmann leaves (promising to return for her later) she laments that Hoffmann is now on her father’s side about her singing. Dr. Miracle returns as a disembodied voice, taunting Antonia. Why should she give up singing just because her father and Hoffmann tell her to? Doesn’t she want to be a great singer like her mother? When Antonia rebuffs him, Dr. Miracle calls on the spirit of Antonia’s dead mother, who leads Antonia in a frantic refrain. Antonia, exhausted by the singing, collapses. Crespel rushes in to see his daughter dying on the floor. She tells him she sees her mother, then sings a part of her and Hoffmann’s song, before dying in her father’s arms. Hoffmann rushes in just in time to see Dr. Miracle pronounce Antonia dead. Act III: Giulietta Venice. The courtesan Giulietta is having a party of sorts. She and Nicklausse sing the famous Barcarolle. Afterwards Hoffmann mocks them with a song of his own condemning love and romance.
Schlémil, who is in love with Giulietta, enters and makes it clear he is suspicious of Hoffmann when Giulietta introduces him. Giulietta then leads her guests out to play cards. Hoffmann is about to follow when Nicklausse takes him aside, warning him against Giulietta and asking him to leave. Hoffmann says there’s no way he could fall for someone like Giulietta, and if he does, may the devil take him! (He really needs to stop saying that.) As if summoned, the Captain Dapertutto arrives and introduces himself, ominously revealing that he knows who Hoffmann is as well, and in general just acts creepy. Hoffmann and Nicklausse warily leave him behind and go to join the others playing cards. Once they’re gone, Dapertutto announces his plans to thwart Hoffmann with the help of Giulietta. He sings a diablical aria and attracts the courtesan with a diamond, and tells her she needs to steal Hoffmann’s reflection for him. Giulietta agrees to do so in exchange for the diamond. She and Dapertutto join the card players. Hoffmann is losing miserably, much to Nicklausse’s chagrin. Giulietta serenades the guests with a song about love, not-so-subtly aimed at Hoffmann. We get a pretty epic chorus as the game goes on. [Sometimes we also get and aria from Schlémil about having lost his shadow.] Giulietta leaves and Hoffmann follows her, giving Nicklausse his cards and asking him to finish the game for him. Nicklausse protests and tries to follow Hoffmann, but Dapertutto holds him back. Hoffmann joins Giulietta in her room. Giulietta despairs over her feeling of being trapped and suffering. Nicklausse comes in and tells Hoffmann to get ready to leave and that he’s coming back for him. He leaves, and Giulietta tells Hoffmann he should as well, but he refuses to leave her. Giulietta tells him to steal the key from Schlémil that he uses to lock her up at night, saying if he does so, she will devote herself to him. Hoffmann agrees to do so and sings his aria. Knowing she has him on the hook, Giulietta demands his fidelity—and his reflection. Helpless against her charms, Hoffmann agrees to both. Schlémil, Dapertutto, and Nicklausse return. Dapertutto taunts Hoffmann, who looks in a mirror to find that his reflection is gone. Nicklausse begs him to leave but Hoffmann refuses, still clinging to the hope that Giulietta actually loves him. However she only mocks him, and he despairs, starting everyone off in the famous Septet (or Sextet and Chorus) [sometimes the Septet is left out in longer Oeser edits]. Giulietta leads everyone back to the party, except Schlémil, who challenges Hoffmann to a duel. Hoffmann kills Schlémil and takes the key. He rushes to find Giulietta, only to see her riding off in a gondola with her real lover, Piticchinaccio, both of whom are laughing at his expense. Nicklausse tells Hoffmann the police are coming to look for Schlémil’s murderer, and finally drags him away. Epilogue Back at the tavern, Hoffmann finishes his tales. Offstage, cheers and applause are heard for Stella as her performance comes to an end. Nicklausse announces a revelation—all of Hoffmann’s lovers in his stories are just manifestations of his real love for a single woman, Stella. Furious, Hoffmann shouts Nicklausse down, then deliriously leads a reprise of the drinking chorus. Stella enters looking for Hoffmann. Nicklausse exits, telling Hoffmann it’s time for him to choose. Hoffmann drunkenly mistakes Stella for his three fictional loves, then rejects her. Offended, Stella leaves with Lindorf. Hoffmann begins to sing his Klein-Zach song before falling in despair. The students exit the tavern, singing their song once again and leaving Hoffmann alone. Nicklausse returns and reveals his identity as the Muse. She declares her love and devotion for Hoffmann and asks for his in return. She calls upon the Spirits of Wine and Beer, who she says have aided her in her efforts; they repeat their chorus and disperse. The Muse serenades Hoffmann with a comforting refrain: love makes a man great, but tears make him greater still—his suffering is not in vain, but
will make him an even greater
the Kaye/Kecke version is the most recent critical edition and hailed by many as the most definitive (aside from that “OG Offenbach” one I can’t find anything about). There are actually very few “true” Kaye productions out there, but a few that attempt it. A lot of the changes are just in the orchestration and, in the spoken-dialogue version, a lot of dialogue; the vast majority of the plot and action stay the same. The big differences are in the Giulietta act. Again, I’ll use some new-color text (orange) to indicate differences between this and previous editions.
Prologue We open in Luther's Tavern. A chorus of the Spirits of Wine and Beer sing out. The Muse emerges from a barrel, declaring her love for Hoffmann and determination to rid him of Stella, the “siren” who has stolen his attention (and affection). She tells the audience that she will disguise herself as Nicklausse, Hoffmann’s friend, in order to try one last time to win him tonight. The Councilor Lindorf comes in and bribes Andrès, a tavern employee, into giving him a letter from Stella, an actress, that’s addressed to Hoffmann. Lindorf reads the letter, in which Stella has included the key to her room and invites Hoffmann to join her after her performance that evening. Lindorf keeps the letter and key for himself. A group of students arrive in the tavern and sing a rousing drinking chorus. After a bit they notice Hoffmann isn’t there yet and demand to know where he is. Luther, the tavern's owner tells them Hoffmann is on his way, along with Nicklausse. The pair enter and take a seat. Hoffmann is melancholy and brooding, which prompts the students to ask him for a jovial song to lighten the mood. Hoffmann then sings the famous “Ballad of Klein-Zach.” But in the middle of the song, he gets distracted by memories of Stella. The students bring him back to reality and he finishes the sing, but the talk of love brings it up as a topic of conversation. Hoffmann declares “The devil take me if I were ever to fall in love!” At this point Lindorf makes his presence known, sneering at Hoffmann. The two of them then get into a battle of words, during which Hoffmann inadvertently admits that he is, in fact, in love with someone. Curious, the students ask him for the story of his love. Hoffmann declares that he has had not one but three mistresses: an artist, a young girl, and a courtesan. He then begins to tell his tales. Act I: Olympia Hoffmann goes to visit his science professor, Spalanzani, to declare his devotion to science. Spalanzani commends him, then leaves to prepare for his “daughter” Olympia’s coming-out party. Hoffmann admits his love for Olympia and gazes at her through a window. Nicklausse arrives and gently teases him about his love, singing a song about a mechanical doll and bird (sometimes it’s changed to a more mocking song specifically referencing Olympia). (also he sometimes mockingly serenades Olympia before his other aria.) Hoffmann brushes him off. Coppélius, an eccentric salesman, enters and attempts to sell Hoffmann and Nicklausse a variety or contraptions; Hoffmann and Nicklausse bicker over whether or not to engage with the salesman. Coppélius manages to get Hoffmann interested in a pair of magical glasses, which Hoffmann then purchases and wears for the remainder of the act. Spalanzani returns and gets into an argument with Coppélius about Olympia; Coppélius wants a share since she has his eyes. Spalanzani decides to pay Coppélius with a check that he mentions in an aside he knows will bounce. Coppélius tells Spalanzani that he should get Hoffmann to marry Olympia as a joke. Spalanzani agrees, and Coppélius leaves. Cochenille, Spalanzani's assistant, announces the arrival of the guests. A chorus of people arrive, admiring Spalanzani’s skills as a host. Spalanzani introduces Olympia to the guests, who marvel over her perfection. Olympia sings a charming songs about birds and love. Hoffmann's new glasses make him see Olympia as a real person rather than the robot she actually is, and he is captivated. After Olympia’s song, the guests leave to go to dinner, but Spalanzani asks Hoffmann to stay behind with Olympia. Hoffmann professes his love for Olympia, who responds only with “Yes” when Hoffmann touches her shoulder (he doesn’t know he’s actually triggering a button that makes her say that word). When he goes to embrace her, Olympia runs off. Nicklausse returns, telling Hoffmann to be wary, because everything is not as it seems; Hoffmann brushes him off yet again. Then we get my beloved little waltzy duet where Nicklausse invites Hoffmann back to the party and Hoffmann denounces cynics who disbelieve
the power of love. They leave to join the other guests. Coppélius enters, furious with Spalanzani for giving him a faulty check. He swears revenge and runs off. The guests return for dancing. Spalanzani asks Hoffmann to dance with Olympia. During the dance, Olympia goes haywire and rushes offstage, pursued by Cochenille. In the process, Hoffmann’s glasses are broken. Cochenille rushes back onstage, crying out that Coppélius has Olympia; Spalanzani rushes to her aid, only to find Coppélius with the robot in pieces. They return holding parts of the broken doll, and Hoffmann, his magical glasses now broken, finally sees Olympia for who she truly is and is humiliated. Act II: Antonia Crespel’s house. Antonia laments the death of her mother and her separation from her lover, Hoffmann. Her father, Crespel, enters and reminds her not to sing, lest she die from it like her mother did. Antonia promises him she won’t sing anymore and leaves sadly. Crespel asks his servant Frantz to watch the door and make sure no one comes in. Frantz, who is partially deaf, only half-understands him. Crespel expresses frustration at this and leaves. Frantz remarks in a fun little number that if only he had some talents—like singing or dancing—maybe his boss would appreciate him more. Hoffmann enters with Nicklausse; they have been travelling for weeks looking for Antonia after she moved away without a word. Hoffmann asks Frantz to go find Antonia for him. While Hoffmann expresses his joy over being reunited with Antonia, Nicklausse tries to temper his excitement with a reality check, which Hoffmann brushes off (he does this a lot). Nicklausse then sings a lovely song about the power of art and love (which is really a love song for Hoffmann), but once again Hoffmann ignores him. Hoffmann begins to sing a song that he and Antonia wrote. Antonia hears him and rushes to meet him; Nicklausse exits quietly. Hoffmann and Antonia rejoice over their reunion and pledge to get married. Hoffmann expresses concern over Antonia’s insistence to sing despite her ill health. Antonia convinces him to sing their song together, which they do. Afterwards Antonia becomes tired. Before Hoffmann can react, they hear Crespel coming. Antonia flees, but Hoffmann remains, hiding so he can eavesdrop on Crespel. Frantz returns and tells Crespel that Dr. Miracle is here, having misunderstood Crespel’s command to not let anyone in. Dr. Miracle enters, asking to see Antonia. Crespel refuses and tells him to leave, saying that his faulty medicine is what killed Antonia's mother. Dr. Miracle, however, remains, and pantomimes an interaction with Antonia where he checks her pulse and orders her to sing. Offstage, Antonia responds with a scale. Dr. Miracle tells Crespel that Antonia is dangerously ill, and gives him two vials of medicine that he says will cure her. Crespel refuses them, calling the doctor a murderer and chasing him out. Hoffmann comes out of hiding, stunned by this encounter. Antonia returns and asks Hoffmann what her father said, thinking that he and Hoffmann had been talking this entire time. Hoffmann, disturbed by what he’s seen and heard, makes Antonia promise not to sing. She agrees, but when Hoffmann leaves (promising to return for her later) she laments that Hoffmann is now on her father’s side about her singing. Dr. Miracle returns as a disembodied voice, taunting Antonia. Why should she give up singing just because her father and Hoffmann tell her to? Doesn’t she want to be a great singer like her mother? When Antonia rebuffs him, Dr. Miracle calls on the spirit of Antonia’s dead mother, who leads Antonia in a frantic refrain. Antonia, exhausted by the singing, collapses. Crespel rushes in to see his daughter dying on the floor. She tells him she sees her mother, then sings a part of her and Hoffmann’s song, before dying in her father’s arms. Hoffmann rushes in just in time to see Dr. Miracle pronounce Antonia dead. Act III: Giulietta Venice. The courtesan Giulietta is having a party of sorts. She and Nicklausse sing the famous Barcarolle. Afterwards
Hoffmann mocks them with a song of his own condemning love and romance. Schlémil, who is in love with Giulietta, enters and makes it clear he is suspicious of Hoffmann when Giulietta introduces him. Giulietta then leads her guests out to play cards. Hoffmann is about to follow when Nicklausse takes him aside, warning him against Giulietta and asking him to leave. Hoffmann says there’s no way he could fall for someone like Giulietta, and if he does, may the devil take him! (He really needs to stop saying that.) As if summoned, the Captain Dapertutto arrives and introduces himself, ominously revealing that he knows who Hoffmann is as well, and in general just acts creepy. Hoffmann and Nicklausse warily leave him behind and go to join the others playing cards. Once they’re gone, Dapertutto announces his plans to thwart Hoffmann with the help of Giulietta. He sings a diabolical aria and attracts the courtesan with a diamond, and tells her she needs to steal Hoffmann’s reflection for him. Giulietta agrees to do so in exchange for the diamond. (Here’s where the plot deviates, and the Oeser parts from earlier don’t appear at all.) The guests return looking for Giulietta, who sings a song for them as they play cards. Hoffmann gets distracted by Giulietta and gives Nicklausse his cards. Giulietta seduces Hoffmann and convinces him to duel Schlémil to get the key to her bedroom. Hoffmann does and kills Schlémil. Nicklausse finds Hoffmann and, learning about the duel, begs Hoffmann to leave with him. Hoffmann refuses, wanting to see Giulietta. Nicklausse leaves to find a means of transportation. Giulietta returns and continues to seduce Hoffmann, who falls for her completely. She asks for his reflection as a keepsake; he’s helpless to resist her. Dapertutto returns; Giulietta relinquishes Hoffmann to him. Nicklausse returns as well, in time to find Hoffmann has lost his reflection. Once again he begs Hoffmann to leave, but Hoffmann refuses, still insistent that Giulietta loves him. The chorus returns, mocking Hoffmann for being duped. The police arrive to arrest Schlémil’s killer. Furious, Hoffmann attempts to stab Giulietta, but misses and kills Pitichinaccio, who is revealed to be her real lover. Giulietta despairs over his body, and Nicklausse finally manages to drag Hoffmann away. (There is no Septet in Kaye edits.) Epilogue Back at the tavern, the students sing a disbelieving chorus as Hoffmann finishes his tales, telling him to come back to reality. Offstage, cheers and applause are heard for Stella as her performance comes to an end. Nicklausse announces a revelation—all of Hoffmann’s lovers in his stories are just manifestations of his real love for a single woman, Stella. Furious, Hoffmann shouts Nicklausse down. He then encourages everyone (including himself) to get blackout drunk. The chorus of the Spirits of Wine and Beer from the prologue returns, creepily overlapping with the students’ drinking chorus. Stella enters looking for Hoffmann. Hoffmann drunkenly mistakes Stella for his three fictional loves, then rejects her. Offended, Stella leaves with Lindorf. Hoffmann begins to sing his Klein-Zach song, mockingly dedicating it to Lindorf, before falling in despair. The students exit the tavern, singing their song once again and leaving Hoffmann alone. (Sometimes Stella gets an aria here, basically telling Hoffmann “you don’t know what you’re missing by rejecting me.”) Nicklausse returns and reveals his identity as the Muse. She declares her love and devotion for Hoffmann and asks for his in return. The Muse serenades Hoffmann with a comforting refrain: love makes a man great, but tears make him greater still—his suffering is not in vain, but will make him an even greater artist. (Sometimes the final chorus is extended, with comments from the other characters announcing that the future is his.)
And there you have it!
As mentioned before, there are a ton of variations on all of these. Choudens edits and short Oeser edits are often very similar, but even they will have random chunks cut here and there, sometimes move things around, and of course it’s always a toss-up which aria Niclausse is going to get in Act I and if he’ll get the Violin Aria.
If you got to the end of this, kudos. Seriously. I could barely make it through, and I elected to write the thing.
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lumilasi · 3 years
I’ve been struggling to write this one for a month or something now, so I decided to give y’all a sneak peek on the latest Spinaraki one-shot request I’m writing. IDK when I’ll finish it tho, I’m still struggling to decide how to end it. Also I’ve been wanting to focus on writing all the remaining chapters for Depths as that one is nearly finished. Tomura/Tenko is almost home.
Anyway, here’s the sneak peek:
Going through the third week, the weather was still very warm, so warm that Spinner finds Tomura awake one night, clearly unable to sleep due to the heat - or maybe he was insomniac, at this point he wasn’t sure.
Tomura was only wearing loose-fitting black pants with a thin canvas to them, glancing up at him from the couch he’d sat on, TV running in the background while kept on low volume, probably had been to try and not wake him up. Spinner could tell he was sweaty from the heat with how his hair was sticking to his skull. It was totally just the hair he was looking, not anything else.
”Your AC seems to be malfunctioning.”
Checking on it, Spinner notes he was right.
”Damn. I’m sorry. Guess gotta call someone to repair it tomorrow.”
”M’fine. Used to sleeping very little anyway.”
Huh, so maybe he was insomniac?
Spinner sits down next to him hesitantly, trying his best not to look while also kind of looking - again. What was with him lately anyway? He’d seen people half naked before during his schooldays in boys’ locker room, and on the beach and so on. Why did Tomura being like that bother him so much?
”Heh. Spooky folklore and urban legends reruns during the night? Guess it makes sense, fits with the dark atmosphere.”
Spinner looks up at the TV screen, quickly realizing what Tomura meant. There was a show he’d seen before, talking about urban legends across the country. This episode was one he hadn’t seen before, revolving around ancient ninjas or something.
”Well would ya look at that? What a coincidence.”
Tomura muses out and Spinner looks at him confused, before looking back at the TV. The episode legend was talking about some sort of group of supposed near mythical ninjas of assassins or something. Wait weren’t those kinda the same thing?
”What’s this legend about? Never heard of it.”
”It’s called the Yokai King. A master assassin of legendary skill that people to this day debate whenever he existed. According to the legend all the assassins under his command were some form of yokai, from bakenekos to kitsunes, and even a jorogumo.”
”W-what? Really?”
Tomura shrugs, cracking his neck slightly.
”From what I understand - and what the show is talking about right now - it is suspected the ”yokai’ were just humans who used a name of a creature to describe them. There are some rumors that these people might’ve had special kind of mutations that give no outward changes but ’internal’ abilities that cannot be seen.”
”Huh...that’s...kinda cool? I mean as a legend, the assassin part is a bit...”
”To be fair, the legend states the Yokai king only sends his ilk against those he deems unworthy of life. In most stories the victims of his children - as these underlings are called, though how many of them actually are his kids is a debated matter - have been criminals of worst kind. Child abusers, rapists, serial killers, stuff like that. Rich Tax frauders.”
Tomura turns to look at him with a smirk. That smile was giving him a weird funny feeling, but Spinner was too focused in on the story to care about it.
”There’s more modern versions of the tale about his ’children’ going after rich landlords who abuse their wealth.”
”So they just...”
Spinner makes a slitting motion across his throat, gaining a slight shake of head from Tomura.
”Not always. The ’death’ dished out isn’t always physical. Sometimes it can be mental, social, or financial kind. Tax frauders end up dirt poor, prideful child abuser holding up appearances gets shunned away from their community, etc. To some people there are fates worse than simple death.”
”Yeah. I think in a lot of tales the King typically has four assassins; one for each type of ’death.”
Tomura holds up his finger now, smirking amused at how closely he was listening.
”First, is the ’financial death’ often known with the nickname Tanuki. This one is typically the one in charge of dealing with unruly greedy people and leaders, making sure they lose all they hold dear - their finances and influence typically.”
”Why Tanuki?”
”There’s lotta stories about it. Some say the first holder of this title in the legend was an actual one, or had Tanuki-like tendencies with gambling, playing tricks on people and such.”
Tomura shrugs, glancing at the TV briefly. The program was currently discussing this same topic, but Spinner found himself more interested in hearing Tomura tell it, as he seemed to have knowledge of the legend.
”Second is usually either known as the Jorogumo or Snow woman. As you can guess this ’child’ is typically a woman in these legends, often linked to the more psychological death - though arguably they also often literally kill their prey. She is often depicted as stalking their victim for a while, keeping an eye on them and causing psychological turmoil. Other times she’s said to even lure the victims into a trap, until it is too late.”
”...Kind of clicheed in a way, that the woman does that.”
”That’s how these old folk tales are. Didn’t make ’em. Plus there have been some stories from what I remember that dispute whenever this ’child’ was always a woman.”
Tomura shrugs and cracks his neck, now holding up a third finger. His red eyes looked almost like they were shining in the surrounding darkness, with the TV screen reflected on them. It was kind of eerie but also mesmerizing to look at.
”Third, the kitsune, is said to be the one for social deaths. This one will burn all the bridges around you, making you isolated for everything and everyone you had control over, before devouring you. In the same sense the kitsune also protects the victims from the person they punish.”
”And...the...last one?”
Tomura holds up a fourth finger now, the light from TV dimming down as the screen switched to a darker scene.
”The Shinigami. The ultimate death. This one’s often said to be the yokai king’s strongest child, for they represent an absolute death. No mercy, no second chances. If this child goes after you, you are a goner.”
Tomura drops his hand slowly, and Spinner swallows down hard, frozen in place. He stares at the pale face for a long moment, up until Tomura closes his eyes suddenly, starting to snicker. It eventually grows into a full blown laughter, making Spinner blush and frown, asking what was so funny.
”Your face! You’re real freaked out.”
Shigaraki laughs and tries to get his breath back under control, wheezing almost.
”It’s a folktale Spinner, a legend. Not real. Relax.”
”Can you blame me for getting spooked? It’s dark and you’re really good at storytelling stuff like this apparently!”
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fruitcoops · 4 years
would u write about the night of remus’s first goal and sirius just WORSHIPPING remus
Did someone say 3200 words of Coops being comfortable around each other even while ~spicy times~ are happening and the start of a 3-part smut series? No? Oops :)
Credit for Coops/ Sweater Weather goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for smut, a rampant praise kink, and both people laughing during sex
The Lions were everything to Sirius. They were his brothers, his family, his whole life. With Remus on the team, that feeling had only grown, and celebrating a win with them brought a sense of euphoria that was unmatched by pretty much everything.
And yet he wanted to be anywhere but the locker room right then.
Talker and Remus were laughing on the other side of the room while the cubs chanted “Loops, Loops, Loops!” at the top of their lungs; Remus’ two goals had given them the edge they needed to crush the Badgers 6-2 in the first game of the season; Sirius was bursting with pride, but the wait was killing him.
His leg bounced up and down as he zipped and unzipped his duffel for the millionth time. Remus was flushed with victory and alight with latent adrenaline—Sirius felt a little guilty for wanting to pull him away from the celebration that he rightfully deserved. You’re beautiful, he shouted internally. You’re so beautiful and how am I supposed to wait a decent amount of time before dragging you home?
“The fuck are you scowling at?” James laughed as he leaned over his stall and smacked Sirius on the shoulder with his glove. “Hey, earth to Cap. We won the game, man.”
“I know, I know.”
“We won by a lot.”
“Your fiancé scored two perfect goals, I don’t see the prob—oh. Ohhhh.” His eyes widened and he bit his lip mischievously. “I get it now. Hey, Loops!”
“Shut the fuck up,” Sirius hissed as Remus looked over at them. His smile softened when he saw Sirius. Pretty, was all his brain supplied.
“Sup, Pots?” he asked, wandering over and running a hand through his hair.
“You two should head home early,” James said faux-casually.
Remus frowned. “I thought we were going to get dinner with the team?”
Sirius died a little inside at that, but it was fine. You’re the captain, he reminded himself. You have to be part of team events.
But I don’t want to, the hyped-up, besotted, and incredibly horny part of him whined.
“Nah, I’ve got to plan for…Lils and I’s anniversary. Also, nobody really made final decisions on where we were going anyway.” It was clearly a lie, but Sirius appreciated his effort.
“Okay,” Remus said suspiciously, drawing out the word. “Is this some sort of prank? Are you trying to get me to leave so you can fuck with my stall or something? If I find anymore shaving cream, I swear—”
“Oh, my god,” James groaned, grabbing Remus by the shoulders and giving him a little shake. Thinnest patience in the world, Sirius thought wryly. “Go home. Celebrate. Please get railed by your fiancé before his grumpy vibes seep into the walls.”
Remus’ eyes went wide and he looked down at Sirius, who was desperately trying to suppress a blush. “Wha—you—oh. Okay. Um, yeah, that’s cool.” His eyes narrowed when he turned back at James. “Bold of you to assume he’s doing the railing. Stereotypes, much?”
“That’s your issue?” Sirius asked incredulously.
James rolled his eyes. “I’m sorry. Please go home and get laid or do whatever it is you do to banish the cranky captain aura. Better?”
Remus glanced back to Sirius. “Are you ready to head out?”
“He’s been packed for ten full minutes,” James said, turning him around and pushing him toward his stall. “Go.”
“Was that really necessary?” Sirius sighed as Remus packed his bag in a rush.
“I could have yelled it across the room,” James pointed out. “Also, you should be thanking me.”
“Thank you for not being as much of an asshole as you could have been.” Sirius stood up and knocked their foreheads together. “You played really well tonight, by the way.”
“Thanks, Captain,” James teased, giving him a little push. “Not a bad start to the season, eh?”
“Not bad at all.”
“Baby, you ready?” Remus asked, his voice a little tight as he slung his bag over his shoulder. Heat flashed through Sirius’ body and he gripped the edge of the stall; next to him, James started snickering. “Shut it, Pots.”
“Have fun, you two!” James called as they headed for the door.
“I’m telling Lily you forgot your anniversary!” Remus shouted back over his shoulder while Sirius dragged him along by the hand.
By the time they made it to the parking lot, Sirius could feel his heartbeat in his ears. He crowded Remus against the passenger door and pressed a hard kiss to his lips, gripping his waist and grinding slowly until their breaths came in short gasps.
“Fuck, you’re so hard,” Remus panted as he pulled on Sirius’ lower lip. “Any particular reason?”
“You. Just—you.” Sirius moved to his neck and Remus keened as he nibbled along his jawline and throat. “You have no idea how good you look on the ice. That first goal was perfect, and then you got another one—”
Remus laughed, combing his fingers through the curls that fell into Sirius’ eyes. “Now you know how I felt for months. We should definitely get in the car or else I’m getting on my knees right fucking now and that’s going to be embarrassing for us both.”
Ten incredibly tense minutes later, Sirius was fumbling with the house key as Remus kissed his neck and slid his chilly hands under the back of his shirt. As soon as the door swung open, he spun around and dragged him inside, kicking the door closed behind them and all but slamming Remus against the wall.
“Have I told you recently how much I—hnnn—love that you’re a switch?” Remus’ breath caught as Sirius pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor next to their shoes.
“Ditto.” Sirius felt him wobble a little and grinned. “Sweetheart?”
“We should go upstairs.”
Remus sighed and let his head fall forward onto Sirius’ shoulder. “Since when are you reasonable?”
“Since we need a bed as soon as possible.”
“We do?”
“We really do.” Remus grabbed Sirius’ hand and they practically ran to the stairs, pausing every few moments to kiss or bump against whatever they left laying around earlier that afternoon. Hattie cocked an ear when they passed her, but she settled back down—it was far past her bedtime. They made it halfway up the staircase before Remus pressed Sirius’ back into the wall, kissed the living hell out of him, and pulled his shirt over his head. “Twenty more feet.”
“Right here.”
“Twenty more feet and I’ll get you off twice.”
Remus’ breath audibly rushed out of his lungs and a full-body shiver ran through him; Sirius took advantage of the pause to take his hands and guide him backwards up the remaining stairs and into their bedroom. “Is this how you always felt after games?”
“Winning ones, yeah,” Sirius managed as he pulled Remus’ belt off with a sharp snap. Remus’ pupils dilated at the sound, and he raised his eyebrows. “Are you okay?”
“Totally okay, but I’m going to be laying awake having a very interesting inner monologue later,” he muttered, almost to himself. “Whew.”
“You’re going to be too tired to do anything once I’m through with you.”
Remus bit down gently on the side of his neck. “Promise?”
“You’re so fucking kinky, holy shit.” Sirius’ stomach filled with butterflies and he picked Remus up—the bed bounced as he dropped him on it, hovering over his heaving chest. “I love watching you skate, you know.”
“You were incredible out there.” Their jeans and socks came off quickly until only boxers were in the way. He carefully lowered himself and Remus’ leg jerked up on reflex as he ground down in a hard roll. “So fast, so graceful. They always underestimate you.”
“I am not going to last if you keep that up.”
“Yes, you will. You know why?”
A spark of interest lit in Remus’ eye. “Why?”
Sirius leaned down next to his ear. “Because you’re good.”
“Oh, fuck,” Remus breathed, canting his hips upward until Sirius shifted so the heels of his palms pressed against those sharp bones and held him down. “My heart is beating so hard right now.”
“I know, I can feel it,” Sirius laughed as he moved to kiss Remus’ throat and collarbone, which caught the moonlight through the bedroom window perfectly and cast shadows on the left side of his chest. “Mon coeur. Do you have the lube?”
Both of them winced as Remus’ hand smacked against the nightstand in his rush and Sirius kissed his knuckles, rubbing away the redness with one hand while uncapping the lube with the other. He scooted down the bed until his shoulders fit between Remus’ thighs—his thighs, holy fuck, Sirius had almost forgotten about those—and ran a light finger down the front of his boxers.
Remus twitched as Sirius leaned in to mouth at the hard line of him and ran one of his hands down the soft skin on his inner thigh, but he couldn’t move much and that only turned him on more. He squeezed tightly once with a desperate, half-gasped plea, then relaxed as Sirius kissed the inside of his knee. “Deep breaths, sweetheart. You’re doing so good.”
“I am?”
“You are, I promise.” Sirius slid back up until they were face-to-face and began pulling Remus’ boxers down as he kissed each of his cheeks. “Hey. You scored two goals tonight.”
“I did,” Remus said with a foxlike smile.
“I think that calls for a certain degree of celebration.” Sirius pushed his finger in at last and Remus arched his back, practically begging him to push him down again with a silent challenge. “I promised to get you off twice, right?”
“You did.”
“Except you also won the face-off.” Sirius couldn’t keep a smile down as Remus’ eyes widened. “Think you can do three?”
He swallowed thickly and nodded, his eyes glazing over as Sirius added another finger. “I’m going to win every single game we play if this is what ha-happens do that again baby please.”
“Really? You’ll win every game?” Sirius crooked his fingers again and drew a low groan from him.
“Yes. Yes, every time.”
“I believe you’ll win, but I think you’d miss topping. I’d miss it.” Remus’ hands returned to his hair and tugged lightly until he kissed him. “You always feel so good, sweetheart, and I know you like being in control sometimes.”
“Are you calling me bossy?”
“Yeah. I love it. I love you.” The words were sweet on Sirius’ lips as the sharp edges of Remus’ smile smoothed out and he practically purred beneath him. The third finger slid in without an issue; as Sirius internally lost his mind, Remus rolled his shoulders back happily. “Ready?”
“So ready, c’mon.”
The first glide was immaculate, and it only built from there. Remus wrapped his arms around Sirius’ chest as he moved—the frantic fuck-me-now adrenaline rush they had arrived with had begun melting away sometime during the last ten minutes, but Sirius still buzzed with energy and he felt the slight tremble of Remus’ anticipation everywhere their skin touched.
“Beautiful,” he murmured, running his hands down Remus’ ribs. His eyes were closed and his cheeks were flushed rosy red, mussed curls tumbling over his forehead and splayed in a halo against the pillows. “Look at me, mon coeur. You have the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen, like liquid gold.”
“Hopeless romantic.” Remus shuddered a sigh as their gazes locked and a well-placed thrust rippled through him. “Good?”
“Good.” Sirius ducked his head and laughed quickly. “I’m so fucking glad you have a praise kink, by the way.”
“Oh, really?”
“It’s the best. All I have to say is you’re taking me so well—” he lowered his voice to a satiny rumble and the tendons in Remus’ neck seized. “—and you’re a puddle.”
“I am, I am, just—just a little higher, please.”
“Look at you, using your manners,” Sirius teased. He obliged, though, and he felt Remus’ skin heat up beneath his palms as his knee pressed into Sirius’ waist.
“Oh, fuck off.” Remus shook his head with a smile and drew him back in for a long kiss.
Kissing Remus was something special. His lips were soft and demanding at the same time, growing progressively more urgent as Sirius picked up the pace and small sounds punched from his lungs.
“Wait, wait, wait,” Remus managed, tugging on his shoulder. Sirius stopped immediately, but when he went to pull out Remus placed a hand on his hip. “No. Stay.”
A tingling sensation washed over Sirius when he registered Remus’ change in tone. His voice was lower, smoother, brooking no room for argument. “Are you alright?” he ventured.
The corners of Remus’ lips quirked up and in a smooth motion, he flipped them over so he was straddling Sirius’ hips and kneading his chest with the heels of his hands. “There we go,” he said, tilting his head to the side and jutting his chin at the angle Sirius knew as hold on tight.
And then he just kind of…stayed there.
Sirius relaxed into it, settling his hands on Remus’ hips as he ground down a bit. “You can move if you want,” he said after a moment.
Remus’ jaw ticked. “I’m trying.”
Oh, shit, is it me? Sirius took his hands away, but he hadn’t been gripping hard enough for there to be light marks, let alone stop Remus from moving. “Are you okay?”
“Uh, I can’t actually…” Remus’ nose scrunched up and his thighs clenched, then quaked and gave out. “I’m okay, but I think my legs are tired.”
“From the game? Are you kidding?” Sirius leaned back on the pillows and laughed, long and loud. “Oh, sweetheart.”
“Shut up!” Remus swatted his chest, though he was laughing as well. “I can do it, just give me a sec.”
Sirius wheezed as the pressure on his chest increased and batted at his wrists. “Nope, nope, you’re going to break me. We can go back to what we were doing before.”
“I can do this.”
“No, you can’t,” Sirius snickered.
Remus readjusted himself and tried again—he rose less than an inch before the trembling in his thigh muscles took hold and sank him back down. It felt fine and Sirius was glad for the closeness, but he knew it would feel better if Remus let him turn them over.
After a moment of hesitation, Remus stared up at the ceiling and burst out laughing again. “You’re right, I’m so sore right now, this is ridiculous.”
“Come here.” He slid off him with a slight wince and Sirius sat up against the headboard, holding his arms out. He closed his eyes with a contented hum as Remus kissed his forehead and snuggled into him. “I’m sorry you’re sore.”
“It was worth it.”
“Do you want to take a break?”
“Don’t get me wrong, I love cuddling with you, but I was promised three orgasms tonight and I’m still so horny.”
“Oh, thank god, me too.” Sirius guided him back to the mattress by his shoulders and grabbed the lube from where it had been abandoned at the foot of the bed. He slicked up his dick again and stroked Remus a few times as well before pushing back in with steady pressure. “Still okay?”
“Hell yeah,” Remus sighed, reaching out to trail his thumb under Sirius’ eye. “It’s always good with you.”
Sirius turned to kiss the inside of his wrist. “You’re always good for me.”
“That was smooth.” Slender fingers traveled up and tucked a stray curl back into place. Sirius hadn’t even realized it was in the way until Remus moved it.
“You’re obsessed with my hair, aren’t you,” he said, sliding his hands down to scratch lightly at the sides of his thighs.
Remus shrugged, though his hold tightened minutely. “It’s soft and it’s pretty.”
Sirius dragged his lips down Remus’ forearm, kissed the crook of his elbow, and then continued along his bicep and shoulder. His summer freckles were tragically faded, but the salty tang of sweat and Remus was more than enough incentive for him to leave small love bites in his wake. “You’re soft and pretty.”
“Hmmm, okay.” He didn’t have to look up to know what Remus’ face would look like—eyes closed, sated smile, light lines of tension through his neck and upper chest. “I love the sound of your voice when you’re turned on.”
Sirius paused. “Really?”
“Yeah. It’s kind of like thu—huh.” Remus shifted his position at the same time Sirius leaned up to look at him; whatever he did, it must have been good, because his mouth fell open in surprise. “Thunder. Um. Hmm. Can you…?” Rather than telling Sirius what he wanted, he squirmed for a second, tilting his hips up and making small, frustrated noises.
“Hold on—hold on, Re, what are you trying to do?”
“You did something really good right then and I don’t remember what it was but I’m so fucking close.”
“Yeah.” Sirius blinked away some of his own sex-induced haziness and registered the slight tremor in his hands, as well as the glassy look in his eyes.
“Oh, okay. Hey, lay back and let me take care of it. Tonight is all about you.” He pulled Remus’ hands up to his back and pulled his leg up around his waist, tracing the muscle divots lightly.
What did I do before? Sirius thrusted in with slow, deep rolls while he thought. He had been leaning to the side a bit, and then Remus lifted up slightly…oh. Smug pride filled his veins as he kept one forearm firmly across Remus’ navel and brushed the other hand over the top of his dick.
“Yeah, that,” Remus said weakly as he stretched his arms over his head.
“This is it?” Sirius added a little extra pressure to his arm and his dick throbbed in response. “Good job, using your words.”
“How close are you now?” he asked, running his palm around the head until Remus’ legs jolted around him.
“So close,” he whispered. “C’mon, just a little more, pleasepleaseplease.”
“I love you, sweetheart,” Sirius said, sliding his hands beneath Remus’ lower back and propping him up an extra inch for the best angle. “Come for me.”
His harsh grip on the sheets relaxed as he came, eyelashes fluttering and mumbling under his breath. Remus didn’t fall apart or seize up, just melted into Sirius’ arms with a low moan. Sirius didn’t even realize his own orgasm was approaching until he heard his name on Remus’ kiss-swollen lips and the world vanished for a moment.
When he came back into himself, gentle fingers were running through his hair. “Sweetheart,” he said fondly. He pulled out nice and slow, but remained a boneless weight on top of Remus.
“Hey, handsome.” Remus’ voice was scratchy.
“Congratulations on your first goal.”
“I thought that was just for the face-off?”
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radiantroope · 4 years
Passed Around || JJ Maybank
pairing: jj x reader
mentions: john b, pope, kiara
requested: no
summary: everyone in the outer banks has their opinions of you. a touron with a smart mouth learns just how quick jj will come to your defense.
warnings: underage consumption of drugs/alcohol, swearing, violence, blood
author’s note: i just started writing randomly and this was the product, enjoy.
masterlist | add yourself to my tag list
* i do not own this gif! if it’s yours, please let me know so i can properly credit you! *
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Of course, there was another party at The Boneyard. No surprise there. Summer or Winter, there was always a party. The amount of people that filled the beach always somehow managed to surprise you, especially when it was off season for the tourists. Sometimes you’d still get a couple; people visiting family who lived on the island for Thanksgiving or Christmas.
It was the beginning of December and you’d just arrived at the beach, already hearing thumping music and loud laughter. The brisk ocean air was much colder than you preferred as it came off the ocean. You were yearning for those hot Summer nights again.
You pulled the jacket you were wearing tighter around yourself and continued on your way down to your friends. Just as you hopped over one of the dead and forgotten trees, you heard a shout of your name. You looked to the kegs and smiled when you saw Kiara waving her arm.
As you approached her, you raised an eyebrow at the three kegs set up. Three, how did they manage to score three? You didn’t ask, sometimes you were just better off not knowing. You gratefully took the plastic cup John B passed you and quickly drank some of the bitter liquid.
“Rough day?” the curly haired boy raised an eyebrow at you.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes but ranted anyway, “My grandma is still here. She was supposed to leave after Thanksgiving and now my parents tell me she’s staying all the way through Christmas! If I have to listen to her talk about what college I should go to or about boys any longer, I’m gonna go insane!”
“Does- she doesn’t know about JJ?” Kiara asked with her brows furrowed.
“Oh, she does, but she’s in some alternate reality where she thinks I’ll marry a Kook and be a trophy wife,” you retorted with a sarcastic smile on your face, “My mom’s told her a hundred times that JJ and I are together and nothing will change that.”
You looked over your shoulder at the said blonde who was sitting in a circle with some other teenagers. You saw smoke pillowing through the air and were hit with the faint smell of weed. JJ’s cerulean eyes caught yours and he smiled, waving for you to join him.
“Go, we’ll catch up about your crazy grandma later,” Kiara said, smiling at you.
You smiled back at the girl and turned to walk towards your boyfriend, calling over your shoulder, “Love you, Kie!”
You and JJ had gotten together about nine months ago. Years of longing looks and lingering touches were driving your friends insane. How could two people be so oblivious? Everyone knew your hearts were set on each other, but the two of you were always too stubborn to admit it. Plus, you didn’t want to be the one to break the no macking rule.
One day at the Chateau it boiled over when one of your hookups over stayed his welcome. JJ woke up for the third morning in a row to find the guy helping himself to his stash. He lost it. He wailed on the poor boy and literally kicked him out the door. This resulted in you insisting you liked him and the blonde calling bullshit.
“How do you know how I feel, JJ? You don’t!” you’d screamed, stomping your foot like an angry toddler who’d just been told no as you tried to get your point across.
“Yes I do! Pope told me you’re in love with me!”
Yeah, Pope spilled the beans after you made the drunken confession one night. You swore him to secrecy, but that boy couldn’t keep secrets to save his life most of the time. You still to this day would never let him live that down. But how could you stay mad at him when it resulted in the best possible outcome? JJ was yours, and you were his, finally.
“What’s cookin’ good lookin’?” you flirted as you walked over to the blonde boy.
JJ smiled and laughed, shaking his head at you, “You’re rediculous.”
“But you love me,” you stated as you plopped yourself on his lap, sitting most of your weight on his thigh. His arm wrapped around your waist tightly and he pressed a sweet kiss to your cheek.
“Damn right I do.”
You watched as a blunt was passed around the group and listened in on the conversation, chimming in now and again. You took a few puffs yourself when JJ held it up to your lips. You weren’t a big smoker though. Half of the time it made you more anxious than it calmed your down.
JJ had gone to get you both refills on your beers but got distracted talking to Pope and John B. You took his seat and turned to watch him, smiling when he laughed and his eyes crinkled at the corners. His bright white teeth sparkled in the glow of a fire that was going. You watched as the breeze blew his cut off tank and you caught his muscles tense at the cold hair.
“So you and Maybank, huh?” a voice caught your attention and you whipped around.
A Touron, Dominic, who frequented the island this time of year sat in front of you. He had shaggy dark brown hair that was straight and fell around his face, barely touching his jaw. His eyes were a beautiful mossy shade of green. You probably would have hooked up with him in the past is he wasn’t known to be such an ass. He ran around with Rafe and his goons during the day and spent his nights on The Cut causing trouble. He was nicknamed “girlfriend stealer” after many-a-hookups that resulted in ended relationships.
“Yeah,” you responded blandly. There was no way in hell you were going to entertain this kid. He took pride in stealing people’s girls; you would not be one of them.
“You could do better,” Dominic remarked, an infuriating smirk growing on his face. You resisted the urge to slap it right off.
“Like you?” you scoffed, eyebrow raised. “Yeah, I’ll pass.”
“C’mon, Y/N, don’t act like you don’t want to. I remember the way you used to look at me.”
You clenched your jaw and pressed your lips into a line. You stared at him with a blank expression, the smirk on his face growing. He opened his mouth to say something else but was cut off.
“Everything okay over here?” JJ asked from behind you.
He’d seen the way Dominic was looking at you. He knew the game the little shit was playing, and it was a dangerous one. The group of teenagers in the circle you were sitting in looked between the three of you nervously. They all knew better than to push JJ, especially when it came to you. He was quick to fight - even quicker when it was over you.
“Yeah man! Just telling Y/N here she used to be a lot more fun before she got a boyfriend,” Dominic replied casually, shrugging his shoulders a bit.
You stood up and turned to face JJ, seeing that he’d handed your drink refills off to John B and Pope who stood behind him. He’d been anticipating this the moment he saw you two talking. You put your hands on the blonde’s chest and stared up at him.
“Let’s just go, J. It’s not a big deal.”
“Nah, I want to hear what he has to say,” JJ pushed your hands off his chest, eyes never leaving the brunette who was now standing.
Dominic snickered and pushed his hair back off his forehead, saying, “I heard she got passed around quite a bit. Rafe sure had a lot to say about her. Was hoping I could find out for myself.”
Low blow, asshole, you thought to yourself, feeling your stomach sink at the mention of the oldest Cameron sibling. You’d messed around with him long before you and JJ got together, Topper too. It put a rift between you and the Pogues for a while. They didn’t care who you slept with, as long as they weren’t Kooks, but you did what you wanted. JJ was the most upset. You were sleeping with the enemy.
JJ went to walk around you, ready to pummel Dominic into the sand. You grabbed the front of JJ’s shirt and pushed him back with all of your strength. You hated when he got in fights. You couldn’t watch. Most of the time he won, but when he didn’t, you had to clean him up. You tried to keep him out of them the best you could.
“Don’t, JJ, please,” you begged, pushing against his abs, “It’s not worth it.”
JJ’s eyes flickered down to yours, his cold gaze softening a bit when he looked at your pleading face.
“Wow, they weren’t kidding. You really are her bitch,” Dominic said through a laugh when he realized you were convincing JJ not to fight him.
“Shut the fuck up!” you yelled over your shoulder, pushing your boyfriend back once again.
It was useless, JJ managed to get past you, your hands grabbing onto his arms and shirt - whatever you could get ahold of to keep him back. John B grabbed your arm the second the blonde’s fist hit Dominic’s face. You looked back at your curly haired friend and he simply shook his head. Not even Pope moved, they were going to let the guy get his assbeat for talking about you like that. No one talked about you like that.
“Don’t ever talk about her like that again!” JJ yelled, arms swinging, “I’ll kill you, you hear me?! I’ll fucking kill you!”
You tried to shout your boyfriend’s name over the cheering from people watching the fight. He couldn’t hear you, still standing over Dominic who’d been knocked down. He landed blow after blow against the Touron’s face.
“Alright, JJ!” John B yelled, stepping forward.
“He’s had enough, man!” Pope added.
You breathed in deeply through your nose and closed your eyes for a second. As you opened your eyes, you screamed JJ’s name as loud as you could. It was so loud, everyone went quiet and their eyes turned to you.
The blonde froze, fist still pulled back mid swing. His anger fueled frenzy was over and he was brought back to Earth by your voice. He dropped Dominic, who was groaning in pain, into the sand by his shirt. His arm fell to his side and he turned to face you. He had blood trickling down from his nose but other than that, he seemed to be perfectly unharmed.
“Are you done?” you questioned, arms crossing over your chest with a raised brow.
JJ simply nodded in response and walked away from the boy he’d just seriously beaten. He approached you with slumped shoulders and sheepish expression, knowing you were going to scold him for getting in yet another fight. But how could he just stand there and let someone degrade you like that?
“Sorry,” he muttered softly and reached for you, slipping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you back towards the kegs. Kiara stood there, shaking her head as she had watched the altercation from afar.
“If he presses charges, you’re thouroughly fucked, you know that?” you asked him seriously. Though you brought your hand up and intertwined your fingers with his that was hanging off your shoulder.
The blonde boy nodded and took a cup of beer from Kie with his free hand. He downed it all in one go, grunting as he pulled the cup away from his lips. He gave it back for her to refill.
“I know you’re trying to defend me, J, but sometimes I wish you could just walk away,” you sighed and leaned into him, feeling a kiss against the top of your head.
“I’ll try to be better, promise,” he mumbled into your hair and when he pulled his head back you heard him laugh softly. He wiped his hand against your hair and when you looked up at him, he gave you an innocent smile. You saw the trail of blood leaving his nose was smeared and narrowed your eyes.
“You got blood in my hair, didn’t you?”
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write-for-all · 4 years
I would like to request an Assassination Classroom scenario where Female! Reader is Nagisa’s mother. Unlike Hiromi, she’s kind, sweet, gentle and doting towards her son : Nagisa. During a parent teacher day, she reveals much to Korosensei and Class-E shock (minus her son) that she was a former legendary assassin before retiring to protect her unborn child : Nagisa
A/N: Thank you very much for your request! I love that idea. Especially because I am currently re-watching Assassination Classroom and fell in love with that anime once again :D Btw I never watched that anime in English, so if I don’t get every phrase right, please excuse that. I really hope you enjoy this little work of mine.
Nagisa x mother!reader
 “So, you must be Nagisa-kun’s mother, Hiromi Shiota, am I right?” Koro-Sensei asked as you entered the classroom. “That is right. I wanted to speak with his teacher. You must be Karasuma-san.” You said with a friendly smile to the huge figure in front of you. Koro-sensei dressed up as his colleague because they couldn’t reveal him as the state secret to any of his student’s parents. “You are correct. What did you want to talk about?” He asked while some of the students in the background snickered at their teacher’s attempt to represent their PE teacher. “Mh, maybe we should talk about it somewhere private.” He added as he looked to his class. Everyone except Nagisa was present in the room. However, Koro-Sensei gave Nagisa the task to get something from the main building. He knew that you were coming and didn’t want Nagisa to be there as well.
You nodded and followed Koro-Sensei to the teacher’s room and took a seat. “I am here to talk about my son. You know, in the last few months I discovered some new changes in Nagisa’s behavior. Do you know what this is all about, Koro-Sensei?” You asked with a smile. With a shocked gasp Koro-Sensei stood up from his seat.
“How do you know-“
“I know a lot about you and this classroom.”, you said while he removed his disguise and showed to you his true form. “You see, back in the day I was a killer just like you.” Before you could continue, the door gave in and the whole class tumbled into the room with a shocked expression. “Nagisa’s mother was an assassin!?” They all yelled at the same time. “WERE YOU SPYING ON US THE WHOLE TIME!?” Koro-sensei yelled at them and changed his expression to his angry red face. “Uh…well…” They all tried to avoid the question as they stood up. You sighed and looked at them. “It’s alright, but please don’t tell my son about it.”
They all nodded and looked at you while they waited for you to continue. “I never told Nagisa about this because I didn’t want to be a bad influence on him. But when the government asked me for help to kill my son’s teacher, I knew that this was the reason for his changed behavior. Not only are his movements like those of an assassin but when I look into his eyes, I notice something else as well.” You told the yellow octopus. He gulped, afraid of getting into trouble for teaching them on how to kill someone.
“That’s why I came here today. I wanted to thank you.” “…HUH!?” Again, not only Koro-Sensei but the whole class was shocked. “What? Why are you thanking me?” Koro-Sensei asked confused. “Well, my son was never particularly confident, you see. And when his grades went downhill, and he got transferred to the E-Class it seemed that he gave up his last hope. I didn’t know what to do anymore and even suggested to him to leave this school, but when you became his teacher it really seemed to help him.” You said as you stood up and bowed in front of him. It was your gesture of gratitude. “Here, the real Karasuma-san told me that you like sweets, so I baked you a cake. Of course, the class can have some as well.” You smiled at them as they all stared at the delicacy in front of them. “NO! NEVER! THAT’S MINE!” Koro-Sensei yelled as he took the cake with his inhuman speed and fled the room. But a few seconds later he returned to say, “Thank you!” to you before fleeing the scene once again.
“That stupid octopus! I’m gonna kill him!” Terasaka yelled angrily while you chuckled. You now understood why Nagisa didn’t want to leave this class. “Uhm, Shiota-san, can I ask you something?” Kayano asked shyly. “Of course, you can.” “Well, if the government asked you to kill Koro-Sensei, did you agree to it?” The attention of the whole class was once again on you. “No, I declined. You see, I’m out of that business. Since my son was born, I stopped being a killer for his safety and I don’t want to get back to it. But it fills my heart with joy and pride that you and my son learn to be perfect assassins. I believe in every single one of you.” You answered with a motherly smile on your lips as you walked to the door. “I will go now. Please tell Koro-Sensei that I trust him with Nagisa’s life and education. Have a good day and remember to kill him with a smile on your face.” And with that you left, knowing that your son was in good hands…or tentacles.
[Posted on: 03.10.2020]
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
The Cowboy - Part 6
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Summary: Leaving the city for a rural area called Blayne seemed simple enough. Your task was to convince the people to agree with selling their land for a resort redevelopment. But once there, you soon realise that your city ways are entirely different to theirs. Winning their trust was going to take some effort, and when you start to fall for a local cowboy, you wonder if you really needed Blayne more than the city life after all.
Pairing: Jung Jaehyun x female reader
Genre: cowboy au / drama / romance / if you squint there’s some enemies to lovers up in here.
Warnings: Jung Jaehyun is a cowboy, need I say more? (a bit of angst and drama, and it sometimes might feel like you’re reading a Nicolas Sparks book, so I’m told lol) — suggestive content awaits in this part.
Word count: 2344
This series will be updated every Thursday and Friday.
Preview | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
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“I’m sorry, you want me to do what now?” you asked when you answered the front door the following morning, your gaze travelling to the two horses tied up near the house. You laughed nervously and shook your head. “No, no. Just because we had a friendly excursion together yesterday doesn’t mean I’m quite ready for this.”
“It’s not that scary, I promise.”
“Tell that to someone who wanted to ride a pony as a kid. I didn’t. I was an inside only and play with dolls, type of girl.”
“You don’t need to have a love affair with ponies as a child to learn how to ride now. Stop giving me excuses and get out here, would you?!”
Heaving in a deep breath, you eyed the creatures warily before reaching for the keys to the front door. Jaehyun waved you off. “You don’t need to lock up.”
“Someone could easily walk onto this property.”
“Walk?” Jaehyun mused, and you rolled your eyes.
“Fine. Drive up the road and find it. Call it a habit, if you will,” you told him as you slotted the key into the door and locked it. You smiled over at him. “I’ll feel more at ease knowing it’s locked up. And I have a pocket for them, so don’t worry.”
“Whatever makes you happy, Miss City.”
“Back to that?”
“Well, you’re about to learn how to ride from a cowboy. It seems fitting,” Jaehyun replied, and you grinned. “Come on. Old Roger here is half-blind and safe as houses.”
“I don’t think blind and safe work together like that,” you murmured, following him over to the brown horse. You gave him another look. “And who names a horse Roger?!”
“You’re so talkative when you’re nervous.”
“Just hurry up before I back out entirely,” you confessed, and Jaehyun let the stirrups down from laying over the seat of the western saddle.
He then pointed to something sticking off the front of it. “That’s what we call the horn. Take a hold of that and stick your foot in the stirrup there.”
You reached up for the horn and then attempted to get your foot into the stirrup. Not quite making it, you turned to look at Jaehyun. “Oh dear, I’m not able to do this. Well, if you’ll excuse me-”
“Not so fast,” he said as his arms slipped around your waist and pulled you back to his side. You glanced up at him, and Jaehyun blinked a couple of times before grinning lopsidedly. “So eager to get away from me, huh?”
“So eager to hold me,” you pointed out, and his hands dropped to his sides momentarily before guiding your hand up to the horn again.
“This time, hold the horn, and I’ll give you a leg up,” he offered, moving effectively to cup your foot and pushed up. Without realising it, you threw your leg over the opposite side of the saddle and sat down. Jaehyun laughed at your stupor. “Look at you. We’ll make a rider out of you in no time.”
You smiled proudly down at him, and Jaehyun patted Roger before handing you the reins. He sorted your fingers around them before stepping away. “Wait!”
“You can’t just put me up on a horse and then walk away from me. Shouldn’t you lead me around first or something? Take care of me!”
Jaehyun chuckled. “Thought you weren’t a pony ride type of girl?”
“Not funny! He might walk off with me! What do I do then?!”
Jaehyun evaluated the snoozing animal you sat aboard and then swiftly mounted his own stead. He looked over at you. “Oh no, what are you going to do now, Y/N? He’s going to start walking as soon as Blaze here does.”
“That’s not funny!” you exclaimed, gripping the horn of the saddle when Jaehyun clucked at his horse, and it walked off. Roger stepped off in time as the other horse, and your eyes bulged out of your head.
Jaehyun glanced back at you. “Relax. I wouldn’t put you in harm’s way. Trust in me.”
Jaehyun’s words resonated with you, and you took in a deep breath and tried to relax. Roger fell in step with Blaze, and you glanced over at Jaehyun nervously.
“Do I just hold the horn?”
“If you want to. Roger won’t do anything Blaze doesn’t. But try to relax your grip at least. Those reins lead to a bit in his mouth. You don’t want to tug too hard on that.”
You unclenched your hands immediately, barely holding onto the reins. You decided to keep one hand on the horn though, just in case. Jaehyun nodded. “There you go, now you’re riding.”
“I’m riding,” you repeated, looking forward along the track you were on. For fifteen minutes or so, you just enjoyed the feeling. It was freeing, even if you had been frightened at first, to be up on a horse with all this land around you. The morning sun wasn’t too hot, yet it felt nice upon your back. You could see yourself growing accustomed to this view. From the back of a horse, everything seemed more magical with the way the light hit it.
And then Jaehyun had to go and ruin your peace. “We’ll try a jog now.”
“A what? No, thank you, walking is fine.”
“I want to show you a place, but it’ll take us all day if we amble up there,” Jaehyun persisted. “Just hold onto the horn, okay?”
“Jaehyun, I-!”
He asked Blaze up a gait, and like clockwork, Roger followed along. You squealed with the change, trying to balance yourself with the fast and bumpier speed. Glaring at Jaehyun, you gripped the horn tightly, focusing on keeping in the seat of the saddle. The longer you jogged, the easier it became, but you were still grateful when both horses slowed back to a walk.
“You’re a jerk!” you exclaimed as Jaehyun laughed at you.
“That I am, but you survived, didn’t you?”
“Wherever we’re going better be worth it!” you told him adamantly and recklessly leaned over and shunted him.
Whilst Jaehyun was okay, you forgot for a second that you were on top of a horse. Unlike him, you hadn’t ever ridden before, and your balance wasn’t as secure. You gripped onto his t-shirt in hopes to find leverage.
Jaehyun leaned in towards you. “Trying to touch me, are we?”
“Don’t! I was just--” Jaehyun helped you back upright, and you shakily drew in another breath.
He grinned. “Hold onto that horn unless you plan on riding double with me, won’t you?”
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“So this is it?” you asked when the horses came to a halt, and Jaehyun nodded. “It’s another field, Jaehyun.”
“We can’t use this field for grazing our herd on. It’s too far away from the house to travel to daily and becomes a waste of time when we already have enough to do. It’s hard as rocks during summer and bogs with mud in winter.”
“Sounds cursed.”
Jaehyun glanced at you. “It’s also the closest field we have to the mountain ranges.”
“Huh, so it is.” You surveyed the area, deciphering where you were on the internal map inside your mind. You gasped. “This was the spot I was trying to find access to!”
“Only way in currently is upon horseback,” he mentioned cautiously, readjusting his hat on his head. “My Dad would kill me if he found us out here right now.”
“You’re helping me. Why?”
“You seem genuine,” he answered honestly, gauging your reaction intently. “You’re not here to make big bucks for the company and rob the small people in the process. After yesterday, and with how many came up to us at the market to say hi, I can tell you care about Blayne already.”
“Well, its early days but I do want what’s best for everyone.”
“If we sold this land and then our neighbours gave over the adjacent property, we could build a road and put in more housing, in the very least.”
“You don’t want the resort, do you?”
“Would you? Who needs one when we have enough activities to fill the day?”
You smiled. “My first goal would be housing too. Blayne needs more workers. Workers tend to bring their family along with them. We’d need to change the town model a little to accommodate all of this.”
“The farmers here won’t accept strangers to work their lands. When Avery left, it was really hard for me to manage the herd we have. Caleb is helpful, but he’s slow from a limp to his leg. Dad wants to increase production over the next two years. It’s a joke if he thinks the four of us can manage both our property and my Uncle’s.”
“They’ll need to swallow their pride and let workers in then. I can help with that. I’m sure if we band together, we can help those living here first.”
“Things like these take more than months to execute, Y/N,” Jaehyun mentioned, turning Blaze back towards where you had travelled from. “You talk as if you will be here to change it all. It was just an idea to show you the land.”
“I’m deeply appreciative. Believe me. And whilst things might take time out here, I’m from the city. Rome might not have been built in a day, but we have construction workers by the hundreds. Progress can happen quickly.”
Jaehyun nodded softly right when the morning sun disappeared. He stared up at the skies just as you did, squinting when a raindrop fell upon your cheek. He laughed. “Looks like the weather is showing us how quickly it can change too. Ready to jog again?”
“As long as you don’t bring up this loping you talked of earlier, I’m ready!”
It took thirty minutes of trotting, and by the time you arrived back at your home, you were both soaked through. Jaehyun dismounted first before coming over to your side and gesturing to get down. You landed at his side and laughed, both of you bringing the horses into the barn and out of the weather. Jaehyun took off their gear and popped them in the two end stalls, gesturing for you to go over to the house.
“You’re going to catch a chill if you don’t get out of those clothes,” he mentioned, and you placed your hands on your hips.
“Trying to get me out of my clothes now.”
“Easy on there, Y/N. I’m being a gentleman right now,” he commented with a bite to his lips thereafter, and you shook your head with continued laughter, stepping up onto the veranda and reaching into your pocket for the keys.
Smile fading, you dug your hand in deeper. Your search came up empty. “Jaehyun.”
“I’ve lost the keys,” you announced, and Jaehyun eyes widened.
“You did?”
“Yeah, they must have fallen out as we rode,” you surmised, slapping your forehead in despair. “Oh! Maybe they fell out when I dismounted before.”
You went to dash back out into the rain that was now coming down sideways, but Jaehyun stopped you, grabbing your arm and shaking his head. “Don’t go back out there.”
“We’ll both get sick if we stay out here like this, though!”
“I know a way in.”
Taking your hand properly, Jaehyun led you around the veranda to a window on the side. He let go of you then, his palms pressing against the wooden window frame. It dislodged from its shut position, and Jaehyun pushed it up into the top window, offering enough space for you both to clamber through it. He awkwardly managed to do so first, holding it open for you to follow suit.
You stumbled when you landed, and he caught you, his hands taking purchase on your hips. You grinned up at him. “How did you know to do that?”
“I was once a teenager,” he pointed out, and you laughed. “What? Don’t tell me you were a goodie two shoes.”
“What did you have here to sneak out to?”
His smile faded as he took in your close proximity. “Not you.”
The temperature in the room grew hotter the longer you stared back at one another. You were acutely aware of where your hands rested on his chest, and where his were on your hips. Slowly, you slipped them up and hooked them around his neck, eliciting flames of hunger to rise within his eyes.
“I’m here now, though.”
“You’ve only been here for a few weeks. Are you going to be here today and gone tomorrow?”
You shook your head. “I have no plans on leaving anytime soon.”
That was enough for Jaehyun to capture your lips in a fevered kiss, his body pressing into yours. You gripped onto his shoulders, and he hoisted you up, your legs curling around his waist as you continued to release all the tension that had built between you. You gasped for air, and his tongue dove in to meet yours, both blindly moving around the study towards the door.
Pulling away breathlessly, Jaehyun stared at you again. “I didn’t think we’d be doing this so soon.”
“Feels like we’ve been playing this game of cat and mouse for longer than three weeks.”
“We should stop. If we keep going on like this, something’s bound to happen.”
“Like a shower and then you taking me to bed?” you offered demurely, the man holding you breathing out a curse. You smirked. “You could stop if you want to slow things down, Cowboy.”
“I hold the fastest score at barrel racing in these regions I’ll have you know.”
You giggled with delight as Jaehyun started to ascend upstairs. “I hope that’s not the same speed that you go at during other things, Jaehyun.”
Kissing you passionately again, Jaehyun didn’t answer with words when he placed you down on your feet once you reached your first destination, simply tugging his t-shirt over his head before kicking the bathroom door shut behind you both.
Part 7
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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gavotteandgigue · 3 years
Ooh something for DickJay week??? That sounds intriguing 👀
This ask was from MONTHS ago, and @bearly-writing​ asked the same thing at the time but I never managed to finish anything for DickJay week because I hit a massive brick wall made up of cement brick writer’s blocks. I ended up posting a snippet of a different fic and 5 months later I got a chapter out, so maybe if I post a snippet of what was supposed to be the fluffy DickJay submission, 5 months later a chapter will magically appear too? Excerpt behind the cut:
Artemis is just out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her long hair. She settles herself down onto the couch in the den of their floating base when she hears it. 
It's a drawn out breath that hisses rather loudly with the inhale, before pushing out in an equally noisy huff on the exhale.
It’s Jason. He’s sitting over in the corner in one of the arm chairs with his legs curled up on the seat. He has a book in hand, which he doesn’t seem to be reading if the way his eyes are staring blankly off into space are any indication.
Artemis ignores him. She reaches for the remote and turns on the television. There’s a reality cooking show she’s recently found that features a chef with a fiery temper. He screams and shouts every time one of the contestants makes a mistake. She likes him. She thinks he’s funny.
There it is again. Artemis glances over to see that Jason has at least closed the book. He’s now just frowning at the cover. It's one of those literary classics he really likes. Pride and Perjury or something. The pages are dog-eared and worn.
Eventually he opens the book again and Artemis resumes watching her show. She turns the volume a little higher just in case.
This time Jason slumps backward into his chair and drops the book on the floor. He groans in frustration and picks up the book again.
Artemis shoots him a glare. "If you're going to devolve into histrionics like a puerile teenager, can you do it in another room? I'm trying to watch a show."
Jason perks up at her attention, and as if he didn't even hear her remark, he says earnestly, "Hey Art, do you think I'm good enough for Dick?"
"By the Seven Beards, not this again," Artemis rolls her eyes and lets out a sigh of her own. Hers though, is tinged with irritation. Artemis turns her head away from the TV to look at him. "I thought you had an agreement. No killing in Gotham. If it's good enough for Batman it should be good enough for him."
Jason shakes his head. "No. I mean like am I worthy enough?" He pulls his legs up to his chest and tucks his face behind his knees as he says it, so that the last words are so muffled Artemis can barely hear them. He looks dejected. 
On the TV, the chef on the show is picking up a pan of chicken and throwing it on the floor. "Shit!" the chef says. "Absolute shit!"
Artemis thinks so too. Something's happened that Jason suddenly feels insecure about his relationship with Dick. She supposes this needs some attention, but it wouldn't do to tip her hand to her level of concern.
So she turns the volume down on the TV, then unwinds the towel about her hair. It's still a little damp, but dry enough to detangle. She motions Jason over and hands him a comb.
He gets up and plops himself beside her on the couch, then dutifully begins to comb out her hair starting from the ends. Artemis nods in approval. 
"It's just that, I thought Dick saw past all the stuff people say about me," Jason starts talking without being prompted. "I mean, I think he does. Maybe. But I didn't expect everyone else to weigh in too."
"Everyone else?"
"Well, I expected Bruce to be a jackass about it. And he was. He put me through the wringer like I was just out to ruin his precious golden boy." Jason sighs again, but his hands are steady as he carefully works the tangles up the length of her hair. "But then Dick’s whole crew showed up while I was getting groceries. Wally, Garth, even Donna. It wasn't exactly a shovel talk, but let's just say that between the three of them there wouldn't be anything left to bury. I thought at least Donna would give me the benefit of the doubt, but Dick's her best friend, so of course she'll take his side."
Jason sounds plaintive and cranky, but it's pretty clear that Jason feels hurt. He stops talking for a moment as he finishes running the comb through the entire length of Artemis' hair. Then he parts her hair into sections starting at her crown. The boy knows how to french braid. Artemis is marginally impressed.
When he starts overlapping the sections, gradually gathering more hair as he moves down, he continues with, "And then freaking Superman showed up. Gave me a talk about it being a good time to work on being a better person if I wanted to go out with Dick."
He's grumbling at this point, but he keeps winding the braid evenly. 
"What did Dick say?" Artemis asks.
Jason doesn't answer immediately, which probably isn't a good sign. He gives another one of those long sighs again, and says in a smaller voice than Artemis is used to hearing, "Dick just brushed it off. Said that his friends are just looking out for him. Which I guess makes sense, if they don't think I'm good enough."
"And who's looking out for you?"
Jason just shrugs. "I don't need anyone to look out for me."
As usual, Jason's wrong. He may have his faults, but it's plain as day that he's harbored feelings for Dick for a long time. He'd probably walk bare-footed over hot coals for Dick if he only asked. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. She doesn't blame Dick’s friends for their loyalty, but the judgement is unwarranted. Artemis won't stand by and let Jason be bullied by his boyfriend's overzealous pals. And if Dick doesn't see what harm they've caused, then he has more than just a few choice words from Artemis coming his way.
Nevertheless, there's no reason to overreact. She'll wait and see what happens, and then make her move if necessary.
Jason finishes the braid and then looks around for something to tie it off with. Artemis hands him a hair band from her pocket and he finishes off the braid by adjusting some of the sections around her head.
"Anyway, thanks for listening," Jason gets up from the couch. "Wanted to get that off my chest. I'm sure nothing will come of it."
He looks a little more at ease as he picks up his discarded book and leaves the room. Afterward, she checks her hair in the mirror. The strands are neat and not too tight, and the style is well suited to keeping her hair from becoming a tangled mess during battle. The weave of the braid is thinner than a normal French braid though. It turns out Jason’s done a remarkably good job at plaiting her hair into a fishtail braid. 
Huh, Artemis thinks. Who knew?
............. to be continued
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lavenderboneswrites · 3 years
Can i request some Shizuo and Izaya getting out of the closet during highschool for pride month?
Love your blog btw
Here you go, I hope this okay and you enjoy, thank you for the request! I wanted to get this out before pride ended but you know what? Pride never ends. PRIDE IS ETERNAL. Happy pride everyone!!
Words: 3049
Tags: shizaya, pre-relationship, the boys have a chat about sexuality, asexual izaya, demi-sexual shizuo, pride babey, high school days
Shizuo rolls the tiny badge between his fingers.
He’d taken it from Izaya. Ripped it from his clothes during their most recent fight.
Shizuo had been so close to catching him too. His fingers had brushed at the rough strap of his bag, but before he could get a proper grip the flea was darting away. He had grabbed out desperately and the little pin had come away from Izaya.
It was a small rectangle, probably the size of a fingernail. Made of metal, the front was shiny with horizontal stripes, in colours black, grey, white, and purple. Shizuo didn’t understand the significance of it, Izaya was always wearing ugly ass accessories. Still, as he fiddled with the badge something itched at the back of Shizuo’s mind.
Something important.
He was sitting up on the school roof during a free period. It was empty up here, most aware that the fearsome Heiwajima Shizuo had claimed the rooftop as his territory. The only ones who ever came up the same time as Shizuo were Shinra, Kadota, and that annoying little insect that Shinra always insisted join them.
That’s only when he wasn’t skipping school to do who only knows what.
Shizuo stares down at the little pin in his hand, the wind blowing lightly through his hair as his thoughts pass by lazily.
It’s almost like a flag.
A harsh grating noise pulls Shizuo from his musing. It’s the sound of the rooftop door being dragged open, and as if his very thoughts had summoned the devil himself, out stepped Orihara Izaya.
“Oh,” copper eyes widen slightly, before narrowing in the familiar sneer Shizuo knew all too well. “You’re here.”
Red blinds his vision. Rage erupts in his blood like a volcano. Shizuo’s pupils are expanding, are going predator wide as eyes narrow in on their prey.
Izaya is talking quicker than Shizuo can think, “I think anyone would be here.”
The flea sighs, hands slipping into his pockets as he pouts.
Shizuo’s breathing hard through his nose, mind a haze of kill, kill, kill. He’s about to leap to his feet, about to let out his usual roar and lunge at the flea but his brain suddenly hits a wall.
The rooftop was his safe space. A place where he could come to find peace. It was also a neutral zone, a place where Izaya and Shizuo were forced to tolerate each other for the sake of their mutual friend.
Shinra wasn’t here though.
Shizuo blinked up from where he sat slumped against the fence. This was unknown territory for them. Never had they been up here together … unsupervised.
The strange situation makes his rage flounder slightly, dulls his usual instincts and he just glares up at the flea.
“Fuck off.”
Izaya scoffs at his less than welcoming words.
“Shizu-chan doesn’t own the roof,” he’s arguing back in a derisive tone. It does nothing to quell Shizuo’s rage.
He clenches his fists at his side, metal badge in his hand forgotten as he growls up at Izaya. “Fuck off, I was here first.”
Izaya only raises a brow at that, as if he can’t quite believe Shizuo’s immaturity.
He’s expecting a sarcastic remark, something about his lack of intelligence; Izaya did always love to call him stupid in the most roundabout way. Instead Izaya just lets out a sigh, as if he can’t be bothered arguing today.
Shizuo stiffens as he makes his way over to his own side of the roof. The pest doesn’t sit down next to Shizuo, no, he makes sure to put a distance of at least three meters between them.
Shizuo glares at him the entire time. He’s tensed for an attack, ready to catch one of those annoying as fuck knives flying his way, but none come.
“Relax … there’s enough space for the both of us beast.”
Shizuo feels his eye twitch at that familiar nickname, but Izaya’s tone for once is lacking the usual edge.
He knows if he attacks, the other will defend himself. Yet today Shizuo just can’t bring himself to be bothered. Least when Izaya is acting so docile for once. Well docile for him anyway.
They sit in silence, waiting for the lunch period when Shinra and Kadota will no doubt join them. Izaya’s tapping away on his phone, the noise is only half annoying as Shizuo stares up at the clouds passing by.
It would be nice to take a nap … but he’s not stupid enough to let his guard down completely. Knowing the flea he’d end up getting stabbed.
Shizuo’s doesn’t bother to look at the flea as his voice comes out gruff.
Izaya doesn’t answer, just keeps tap-tap-tapping and Shizuo has to do that stupid counting thing he was taught to keep his temper at bay. It rarely ever works though.
“Oi bastard,” Shizuo growls a bit louder, eventually turning his head to send a glare Izaya’s way.
Izaya doesn’t look at him. Instead he leans his head back against the fence, as if searching the sky for patience.
Izaya really had no right sounding so annoyed. He was the one who was annoying. Always jumping around like a pest, getting Shizuo into fights, plotting and manipulating and just being a general, all-around nuisance.
“You in a bad mood or something?” Shizuo needles and Izaya can’t stop the chuckle that escapes his lips.
“Like you’re one to talk,” Izaya’s eyes are coming down to meet Shizuo’s, red gaze alight with a hint of amusement. “Shizu-chan is in a bad mood 24/7.”
“And who’s fault is that?” Shizuo snaps.
“… I’m guessing mine, right?”
There’s no remorse in his voice, only sarcastic mocking that grates on Shizuo’s ears.
He grinds his teeth together at the annoying noise. Shizuo clenches fists harder, ready to throw a punch when he’s suddenly reminded of the item in his palm as it presses into his skin.
“You piss me off”, Izaya lowers his voice, doing his best Shizuo impression before his voice returns to the usual lilt. “Really Shizu-chan, who did you blame your temper on before you met me?”
Izaya flashes a crooked smile his way, like Shizuo should be grateful he has the flea around to take his anger out on.
Without another word Shizuo slides the badge in his hand less than gently across the concrete to Izaya’s side of the roof.
There. Now that odd knotting feeling in his stomach can go away.
“What’s this?” Izaya asks curiously.
He leans over and reaches out, fingertips only just grazing the badge. He’s forced to shuffle over on his knees, the action bringing him a little closer to Shizuo as he picks up the shiny metal object.
“It’s yours, right?”
Izaya doesn’t respond. He’s looking down at the pin his hand, brow furrowed in a look Shizuo has never seen on him.
Can’t believe I got him to finally shut up.
“Why …,” Izaya finally breaks his silence. Really, thinking he’d shut the flea up forever would be too good to be true.
Izaya doesn’t meet his eyes, still staring at his hand as if the little badge could give him answers.
Why would you give this back? Why would you do this? Those were the questions that seemed to be crossing Izaya’s features.
“Why do you have this?”
Shizuo can’t help but blink at that, it wasn’t a question he had been expecting.
“I got it yesterday. During …,” he trails off lamely, resolutely looking out at the open rooftop and not at Izaya’s inquisitive eyes.
Izaya doesn’t respond, instead he picks up the badge by the back end, rolling the pin between his index finger and thumb to make the little flag swirl around.
“What is it?”
Shizuo can’t help but be curious. He knows he’s seen those flags around before, maybe not the exact same colours but there’s definitely been a lot of flags randomly around lately.
Izaya makes a derisive noise in the back of his throat. Shizuo can’t decide if he’s annoyed at the question or insulting Shizuo.
“It’s a pride flag, duh.”
Shizuo couldn’t help roll his eyes at the immature response.
“Obviously,” he deadpans back.
There’s an awkward silence, which Izaya doesn’t bother to fill for once. Instead he plants his feet on the ground, bringing his knees up to his chest to lean his crossed arms on them.
Shizuo shifts, unknowingly decreasing the distance between them.
“Which flag?”
Izaya’s only a meter from him now, close enough that when he sends a glare Shizuo’s way he can almost see the individual speckles of red in his eyes.
“Why do you care?”
His tone is defensive and Shizuo wants to roll his eyes again.
“I don’t,” Shizuo wants no confusion here on where he and the flea stand. He continues on, his words going rough and mumbled as he almost doesn’t want to say them. “I was just curious is all.”
Izaya’s brow has turned to a frown, and he’s got this look on his face like he’s actually suspicious of Shizuo; like he can’t quite figure out his intentions. Shizuo had stated them clearly enough, it wasn’t his fault Izaya thought all words had to have meaning upon riddles upon bullshit.
What a fucking headache.
“It’s the ace flag.”
Izaya is purposely not meeting Shizuo’s gaze when the words slip out of him. He’s staring off to the side once again, as if he doesn’t want to give Shizuo a chance to see some unknown thing in his face.
“Ace, huh?”
Silence falls again, this time a little less awkward from Shizuo’s side. He can practically feel the invisible walls Izaya’s got up around himself though.
“Which one is that again?”
A little chuckle comes to Izaya’s lips and he shoots a coy look to the blonde.
“The asexual pride flag, if you must know.”
Izaya’s got the smallest of grins on his face. It’s not like the usual smarmy smirks he often throws Shizuo’s way. No, this look is softer somehow, as if he’s almost unsure.
Shizuo just raises an eyebrow at his words, as if saying ‘you expect me to know what that means?’
Izaya sniggers at the look before continuing. “Asexual meaning I don’t feel sexual attraction for anyone.”
Shizuo nods along, as if he knew what it had meant the entire time.
Honestly he’d never really thought about. Thinking about your mortal enemies sexual preferences would be just … weird. No matter what Izaya liked, Shizuo really didn’t give a flying crap, as long as he got to beat the shit out of the louse nothing else mattered.
Shizuo tries to remember all of the different flags he had seen lately, he really could only recognise the gay pride flag … all the others he was a little lost at. And really, there seemed to be so many that he couldn’t be bothered learning what they all meant anyway. He really didn’t care what other people wanted to do as long as it didn’t inconvenience him.
“So you’ve never…,” Shizuo opens his mouth without thinking. “You’ve never felt that way … ever?”
Izaya doesn’t seem offended by the extremely personal question. Rather his eyes crinkle at the corners, almost sparkling with amusement.
“Why, does Shizu-chan feel that way about me?”
“Pfft,” Shizuo can’t help but scoff at the sarcastic jab. “As if flea … you’re trash, who would ever be attracted to trash?”
“Glad to know the thought disgusts us both,” he says it more to himself than anything.
“Does that mean you don’t want to … that you don’t ever…,” Shizuo’s face scrunches up, why the fuck is he asking all this?
“What? Have sex? Jack off?”
Shizuo puts his head into his hand and groans at Izaya’s complete lack of shame.
“What the fuck is wrong with you flea?” Shizuo asks into his palm. His only answer is high pitched laughter.
He rubs at his face, finally removing his hand to throw a glare Izaya’s way. “Don’t you have any shame?”
“Hmm, shame and guilt are such interesting concepts don’t you think though? Humans creating standards for themselves depending on whether something they do makes them feel bad, or whether something they do makes others feel bad, which just in turn makes them feel bad too I guess.”
Shizuo has no idea what the fuck the flea is saying anymore. Twisted little weirdo.
Izaya’s laugh is way too mocking, Shizuo’s going to punch him if he doesn’t stop.
“Well, what happens when that person doesn’t feel bad, no matter what they do?”
Shizuo can’t help but narrow his eyes in a suspicious frown, “…are you fucking with me right now?”
Izaya just giggles again, sounding way too fucking self-satisfied and Shizuo can feel the vein in his temple throbbing in time with that annoying high pitched laugh.
The flea’s chuckling finally settles down a bit, his breath coming out soft before he continues.
“I think Shizu-chan is confusing sexual attraction with libido,” Izaya starts, his parkour between topics making Shizuo’s head hurt slightly.
Can’t you just fucking speak plainly for once?
“There’s a difference?” Shizuo mumbles, hand going to the back of his neck. This should be awkward as hell, embarrassing, mortifying … but Shizuo is surprisingly feeling kind of okay with the conversation … somehow?
“Mm,” Izaya gives a nod and Shizuo notices how he shuffles a little closer. “Think of it like skiing Shizu-chan, you’ve been skiing right?”
“Snowboarding,” Shizuo grumbles. It’s not like his parents had the money to go to a mountain resort every winter, like Izaya’s rich family probably did. However, their last school trip had been a ski trip and despite a snowball fight turning incredibly violent and Shizuo almost causing an avalanche, it had been pretty fun.
“Well, some people like skiing, some like snowboarding, other’s like tobogganing and then there’s those who’d rather stay inside cozied up next to a warm fire. And who’s to say you can’t try more than one thing, or like a variety of either?”
Shizuo frowns, he can kind of follow along with this metaphor.
“So, say you’re a fan of skiing. That can mean you like certain type of skis, or maybe you avoid specific types, or maybe you just prefer to watching skiing from afar or even just on your tv.”
Izaya’s speech flows easy, as if talking was like breathing to him. There’s something almost comforting about it.
“In regards to asexuality, and you can probably apply this to all types of sexuality, but think of it more as a spectrum, an umbrella with varying types all fitting in under it. Some asexuals are don’t have sex, they may even be repulsed by it. Other’s might enjoy it, might experience sexual urges and activity seek it out. Then there might be some that don’t really care either way, they’ll enjoy sexual pleasure but they don't crave it or necessarily seek it out. Some might even just prefer to be by themselves, or focus their energies on other types of releases; like erotic fiction or watching porn.”
Shizuo lets it all sink in. It’s a lot to take, but it makes a surprisingly good amount of sense.
“So you can … it can feel good,” Shizuo purposely ignores the way his ears go red, “you can enjoy stuff like that … but still be asexual?”
There’s a pause, where Izaya tilts his head and observes Shizuo with an uncomfortable amount of scrutiny.
“Hmm, why so curious Shizu-chan?”
Shizuo just shrugs, he’s not entirely sure how to answer that question. Not entirely sure where this desire to discuss this all came from.
Shizuo almost startles as Izaya suddenly closes the distance between them. He crawls to Shizuo’s side, thigh almost touching his own as the flea mirrors his crossed leg position and it’s way too close.
“Here,” Izaya reaches out for Shizuo’s arm and can’t help but flinch slightly, as if expecting an attack.
Izaya just chuckles at the reaction, he holds his hands up for Shizuo to see, the only thing held in them is the little pin between his fingers.
“No tricks, I promise,” the little grin he speaks with and the mischief in his eyes tell a different story.
Frowning, wondering if he’s making a huge mistake, Shizuo’s hands over his arm to Izaya palm up.
“You know, just because someone doesn’t feel sexual attraction doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy sexual or romantic activities. One also doesn’t need to be sexually attracted to someone to find them aesthetically pleasing either.”
Izaya’s fiddling with the cuff of his sleeve, hands blocking Shizuo’s view of exactly what he’s doing.
“Does Shizu-chan like watching horror movies?” Izaya changes subject way too easily and Shizuo is struggling to catch up.
“I don’t know, I guess?” Shizuo wouldn't say he’s the biggest fan of them but he’ll watch them occasionally.
“But you wouldn’t want to be in a horror movie, would you? Or maybe it depends on the kind of horror movie? Maybe if it’s a movie you feel a deep connection with perhaps?”
Shizuo stares at the side of Izaya’s face as he speaks, the flea’s smile going wry as his fingers click something into place.
“There,” Shizuo stares down at the cuff of his shirt, little coloured pin now attached.
Izaya’s voice is firm as he admires his handywork, “until Shizu-chan figures it out, why don’t you hold onto this?”
Shizuo feels his ears burn. His heart skips a beat and he suddenly feels parched. Is he dying? Is he having a heart attack? Why does he feel so warm all of a sudden?
It can’t have anything to do with the heat radiating next to him. The feel of Izaya’s thigh against him and a warm hand cradling his wrist.
As quick as the strange feeling comes it immediately vanishes as Izaya stands up. The door is scraping again, Izaya walking towards the two new arrivals with a casual wave.
Shizuo is left behind in his wake.
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